i realise facebook.com/arnon.jaya is only visible for facebook.com-member , non-member can not see facebook.com/arnon.jaya . so i scribe this page ...
first-name--family-name : arnon-jaya
actual family-name / dna-name : tanuilim ( my father's father--family-name is 'tan' , my father's mother--family-name is 'lim' ,
   my mother's father--family-name is 'ui' ( traditional-spelling 'oei' ) , my mother's mother--family-name is 'lim' ) , my mother
   say 'lim' is very common family-name and my mother think her mother is not related to my father's mother .
   why 'jaya' ? because having indonesia-language-name / sanskrit-language-name , help in getting indonesia-country-government-paper-work done , help
     in making indonesia-country-school-hazing-team like karangturi.sch.id not doing hazing excessively . [7 source : (1)'Tahun 1967 pemerintahan Orde Baru pada di bawah pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto dalam salah satu tindakan pertamanya mengeluarkan Instruksi Presiden Nomor 14 Tahun 1967 yang melarang segala kegiatan keagamaan, kepercayaan, dan adat-istiadat Tiongkok dilakukan di Indonesia, dan mengeluarkan Surat Edaran Presidium Kabinet Ampera Nomor 06 Tahun 1967 yang mengubah kata "Tionghoa"-"Tiongkok"  menjadi "Cina".[15]' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tionghoa#17_mar_2022_2_53_am_edt   (2)'Expressions of Chinese culture through language, religion, and traditional festivals were banned and the ethnic Chinese were pressured to adopt Indonesian-sounding names.[65][66]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Indonesians  (3)'Alhasil, lahirlah Keputusan Presiden No. 240 Tahun 1967 tentang Kebidjaksaan Pokok Jang Menjangkut Warga Keturunan Asing. Lewat aturan tersebut, warga keturunan asing, termasuk etnis Tionghoa, diharuskan mengganti nama.' in cnbcindonesia.com/entrepreneur/20240209150507-25-512993/ternyata-ini-awal-mula-para-konglomerat-tionghoa-indonesia-ganti-nama from google ( kenapa orang cina ganti nama indo ) result 1 (4) my mother say 'help in getting government-paper-work done , help in making school-hazing-team not doing hazing excessively .' (5) 'The sperm cell and the egg cell that come together to form the zygote each contain half the normal amount of DNA. There are 46 chromosomes in a typical human cell. The sperm and the egg each contain only 23' in genome.gov/dnaday/q.cfm?aid=412&year=2009 from google (dna in sperm) result 3  (6)'Sperm cells and egg cells contain 23 single chromosomes, half the normal number' in www2.le.ac.uk/projects/vgec/highereducation/topics/cellcycle-mitosis-meiosis from google (female egg cell 23 chromosome) result page 4 number 9 (7)karangturi.sch.id from 'elementary.karangturi.sch.id' from google.com/maps/place/Elementary+School+Karangturi/@-6.9886255,110.4321862,19z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e708ca69ec15101:0xdfe63f2f8859e9c6!8m2!3d-6.9884994!4d110.4319558 ]
     jaya is sanskrit-language-word which has meaning 'victory' . [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jaya ]
   why 'tan' ? why not 'kwa' ?
     my father say his father ciongcun-kwa falsify immigration-paper which say 'ciongcun-tan is born in china-country->fujian-province' become
     'ciongcun-kwa is born in british-malaya-country' then show that immigration-paper to dutch-east-indie-company-immigration-police/voc-immigration-police 
     ( predecessor of indonesia-country-immigration-police ) . [3 source : (1)i forgot my father or my mother say ciongtun-tan mortem age 70 year 1986 , so calculation say ciongcun-tan born year 1916 . my father say ciongcun-tan age 11 already in indonesia-country->unknown-city making profit . (2)'voc' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perusahaan_Hindia_Timur_Belanda_di_Nusantara (3)7 apr 2024 ingwa-tan having birth-day-celebration age 79 , so calculation say ingwa-tan born 7 apr 1945 , ingwa-tan is kid 4/10 , my father hoksun-tan is kid 9/10  facebook.com/jonren.hoo/posts/pfbid02nFyNtZaVxPL2ZSqYyTgbm1Kaphh7zdpHjggpCxQDPyZJ6yZYaFC3puS9ZM4aAYDyl ]
fetus-conception-location : 
  (1)uk-sovereign->england-country->greater-london-county->london-city for around 1.5 month ( maybe 12 apr 1980 => 31 may 1980 )
  (2)then according to my mother : inside klm.us-flight from uk->london-city->heathrow-airport/Lhr => indonesia-country->jakarta-city->kemayoran-airport 
       or according to my father : inside cathaypacific.com-flight from uk->london-city->heathrow-airport/Lhr => indonesia-country->jakarta-city->kemayoran-airport 
  (3)then inside bankrupt-starting-10-jun-2022 merpati.co.id-flight from indonesia-country->bandung-city->halim-perdana-kusuma-airport/hLp => indonesia-country->semarang-city->ahmad-yani-airport/srg [source : https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-6120707/merpati-airlines-pailit-tinggalkan-utang-rp-10-9-triliun from 'pailit pada tahun 2022[2]' , 'merpati.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merpati_Nusantara_Airlines#15-oct-2024-7-44-pm-est ] 
  (4)then in indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city . so i am birth-tourism-kid . [source : 'birth tourism' in reddit.com/r/legaladviceofftopic/comments/13xmt42/if_i_give_birth_in_another_country_can_my_baby/ from reddit-search ( giving birth overseas ) ]
birth-date : 12 jan 1981 00:10 wib ( gmt + 7 )
birth-location : rs-elisabeth.com
maternity-medical-doctor : sutoto
gender : male
weight : 155 lbs ( 70 kg )
height : 5 foot 7.75 inch ( 172 cm )
marital-status : single
immigration-status : owner of usa-green-card-via-winning-dvlottery-or-green-card-lottery where i receive 1-st winning-notification-letter 
	7 may 2008 ( usa-permanent-resident ) , indonesia-country-citizen
usa-country address : 6832 earthstar court
                      springfield , va 22152 , usa

indonesia-country address : 
(1)semboja-street building number 16 ( house-1 )
actually 'semboja-street building number 16' is being sell : redlandpro.id/properties/detail/rumah-di-semboja-gajahmungkur-semarang-tt-3320-3320 from google ( redland semarang ) result 1 from my parents saying 'redland'
my father told me to not publish that redlandpro.id/properties/detail/rumah-di-semboja-gajahmungkur-semarang-tt-3320-3320 in facebook.com .
because my father does not want problem in applying for usa-medicaid ( usa-medical-insurance for person who is poor , has no income ) .

(2)empty-land which my parents sell : redlandpro.id/properties/detail/tanah-di-kenanga-semarang-tt-3319-3319  ( empty-land-1 )
   that empty-land is in flood-prone-area .

[addition 26 sep 2024 2:59 pm est]
  starting when i was in junior-high-school grade 2 mid-year  i live in house-1 . during i was toddler i live in house on empty-land-1 .

  indonesian-country-law says indonesia-country-land-owner need to have indonesia-country-citizenship .

  to get indonesia-country-citizenship : 5 year stay in indonesia-country with job-position and never go to foreign-country ,
  or 10 year stay with job-position and with going to foreign-country occasionally , make eligible for indonesia-country-citizenship .
  if having multiple-citizenship and request indonesia-country-passport then need to do perjury announcing-in-writing 
  only have indonesia-country-citizenship , does not have other citizenship , but indonesia-embassy-worker may ask face-to-face do passport-applicant
  have multiple-citizenship or only have indonesia-country-citizenship ?

  [source : 
  (1)only indonesia-country-citizen can own land in indonesia-country : https://siplawfirm.id/mengenal-aturan-kepemilikan-properti-wna/?lang=id from google ( pemilik tanah harus wni ) result 6
     from google ( cara jadi wni ) result 1
     from google ( bayar 50 juta rupiah jadi wni ) result 1
     from google ( bayar 50 juta rupiah jadi wni ) result 2
  (5)https://www.kemlu.go.id/dili/id/pages/memperoleh_kewarganegaraan_ri_/1771/etc-menu ]
[/addition 26 sep 2024 2:59 pm est]

kindergaten : indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city->siwalan ( now already closed )
primary-school : indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city->sdmarsudirini.sch.id formerly st-yusup google.com/maps/place/SD+Marsudirini/@-6.981637,110.4103381,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e708b5d3ea31f1d:0xbfa4c699c9d1aa0e!8m2!3d-6.9815794!4d110.4116227
junior-high-school : indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city->domsav.pangudiluhur.sch.id from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMP_PL_Domenico_Savio from google ( smp domenico savio semarang ) result 2 from google.com/maps/place/Pangudi+Luhur+Domenico+Savio+Junior+High+School/@-6.9861411,110.408901,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x2e708b4f418432e7:0xe0b6e96bee860ab7!8m2!3d-6.9864594!4d110.4097056
senior-high-school : indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city->smasedes-smg.sch.id google.com/maps/place/SMA+Sedes+Sapientiae/@-6.9991883,110.4245549,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x0:0x8cb036501d3b8a89!8m2!3d-6.9991883!4d110.4333097
university : usa->iowa-state->ames-city->cs.iastate.edu->bachelor-of-science-in-computer-science , cumulative-gpa = 2.5 / 4 , toefl-score = 507

skill, with help from internet-search-website like google.com :
 java , html , c++ , powerbuilder , sql , mysql , postgresql , javascript

work experience :
 (1)date : just 2 day , maybe year 2013 , i was dismissed after 2 day because : 
	i can not memorise vegetable-code , i can not do cashier job quickly , 
	i drop customer-item during trying to insert that customer-item to shopping-bag .
    location : lotteplaza.com->chantilly-city
    job-position : inserting item to shopping-plastic-bag in cashier-area

 (2)date : march 2003 -> 20 november 2010.
    location : iowa-state-university-veterinary-diagnostics-laboratory ( vdl.iastate.edu )
    job-position : system support specialist:
    task : (1)write program using java, sql : 
              (1)jsp website
              (2)jsp-struts website
           (2)write gui-program using powerbuilder-version-10 , sql
 (3)date : maybe january 2001 -> march 2003.
    location : iowa-state-university-veterinary-diagnostics-laboratory ( vdl.iastate.edu )
    job-position : part-time-web-developer using asp/active-server-page, sql
 (4)date : maybe august 2000 -> january 2001.
    location : iowa-state-university-business-department ( business.iastate.edu )
    job-position : part-time-school-computer-lab-monitor
    task : refill printer-paper
 (5)date : maybe summer 1999. 
    (1)location : iowa-state-university-memorial-union-cafetaria ( mu.iastate.edu )
       job-position : part-time-dining-table-cleaner, part-time-dishwasher
    (2)location : iowa-state-university-molecular-biology-department ( mcdb.iastate.edu [source : google ( molecular biology iastate ) result 1 ]  )
       job-position : part-time-laboratory-apparatus-cleaner

certification : 
 28 may 2004 scp/sun-certified-programmer java-2 1.4
 29 jul 2004 scwcd/sun-certified-web-component-developer j2ee 1.4
 13 mar 2006 sybase-powerbuilder-professional-9
 26 mar 2007 sybase-adaptive-server-sql-developer-associate
 15 jun 2008 scd/sun-certified-developer java-2
history :
24 sep 2024 4:7 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : finish creating this page
25 sep 2024 4:24 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : 
 actually 'semboja-street building number 16' is being sell : redlandpro.id/properties/detail/rumah-di-semboja-gajahmungkur-semarang-tt-3320-3320 from google ( redland semarang ) result 1 from my parents saying 'redland'
 my father told me to not publish that redlandpro.id/properties/detail/rumah-di-semboja-gajahmungkur-semarang-tt-3320-3320 in facebook.com .
 because my father does not want problem in applying for usa-medicaid ( usa-medical-insurance for person who is poor , has no income ) .

 (2)empty-land which my parents sell : redlandpro.id/properties/detail/tanah-di-kenanga-semarang-tt-3319-3319

 indonesia-country-law says land-owner must be indonesia-country-citizen .
26 sep 2024 2:48 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : 
 (1)#add# fetus-conception-location : uk-sovereign->england-country->greater-london-county->london-city for 3 month then in indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city . 
 (2)#add# birth-location : rs-elisabeth.com
26 sep 2024 2:54 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : 
 (1)#add# that empty-land is in flood-prone-area .
 (2)#reword# indonesia-country-law says land-owner must be indonesia-country-citizen .
        #to# [addition 26 sep 2024 2:59 pm est]
 (3)#add# ( house-1 )
 (4)#add# ( empty-land-1 )
26 sep 2024 7:16 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #reword# immigration-status : usa-green-card-owner ( usa-permanent-resident ) , indonesia-country-citizen
     #to# immigration-status : owner of usa-green-card-via-winning-dvlottery-or-green-card-lottery ( usa-permanent-resident ) , indonesia-country-citizen
26 sep 2024 7:19 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #reword# immigration-status : owner of usa-green-card-via-winning-dvlottery-or-green-card-lottery ( usa-permanent-resident ) , indonesia-country-citizen
     #to# immigration-status : owner of usa-green-card-via-winning-dvlottery-or-green-card-lottery where i receive 1-st winning-notification-letter 
		7 may 2008 ( usa-permanent-resident ) , indonesia-country-citizen
 #reword# usa-counrty address : 6832 earthstar court
     #to# usa-country address : 6832 earthstar court
27 sep 2024 1:23 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #reword# fetus-conception-location : uk-sovereign->england-country->greater-london-county->london-city for 3 month then in indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city .
     #to# fetus-conception-location : 
  	   (1)uk-sovereign->england-country->greater-london-county->london-city for 3 month 
  	   (2)then according to my mother : inside klm.us-flight from uk->london-city->heathrow-airport/Lhr => indonesia-country->jakarta-city->kemayoran-airport 
       	      or according to my father : inside cathaypacific.com-flight from uk->london-city->heathrow-airport/Lhr => indonesia-country->jakarta-city->kemayoran-airport 
  	   (3)then inside forgotten maybe garuda-indonesia.com-flight from indonesia-country->jakarta-city->kemayoran-airport => indonesia-country->semarang-city->ahmad-yani-airport/srg
  	   (4)then in indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city . 
27 sep 2024 1:53 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : 
 #add# weight : 155 lbs
       height : 5 foot 7.75 inch
29 sep 2024 8:41 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
  certification : 
   28 may 2004 scp/sun-certified-programmer java-2 1.4
   29 jul 2004 scwcd/sun-certified-web-component-developer j2ee 1.4
   26 mar 2007 sybase-adaptive-server-sql-developer-associate
   15 jun 2008 scd/sun-certified-developer java-2
1 oct 2024 2:46 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #reword# firstname-lastname : arnon-jaya
     #to# first-name--family-name : arnon-jaya
   actual family-name / dna-name : tanuilim ( my father's father--family-name is 'tan' , my father's mother--family-name is 'lim' ,
   my mother's father--family-name is 'ui' ( traditional-spelling 'oei' ) , my mother's mother--family-name is 'lim' ) , my mother
   say 'lim' is very common family-name and my mother think her mother is not related to my father's mother .
   why 'jaya' ? because having indonesia-language-name / sanskrit-language-name , help in getting indonesia-country-government-paper-work done , help
   in making indonesia-country-school-hazing-team not doing hazing excessively . [6 source : (1)'Tahun 1967 pemerintahan Orde Baru pada di bawah pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto dalam salah satu tindakan pertamanya mengeluarkan Instruksi Presiden Nomor 14 Tahun 1967 yang melarang segala kegiatan keagamaan, kepercayaan, dan adat-istiadat Tiongkok dilakukan di Indonesia, dan mengeluarkan Surat Edaran Presidium Kabinet Ampera Nomor 06 Tahun 1967 yang mengubah kata "Tionghoa"-"Tiongkok"  menjadi "Cina".[15]' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tionghoa#17_mar_2022_2_53_am_edt   (2)'Expressions of Chinese culture through language, religion, and traditional festivals were banned and the ethnic Chinese were pressured to adopt Indonesian-sounding names.[65][66]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Indonesians  (3)'Alhasil, lahirlah Keputusan Presiden No. 240 Tahun 1967 tentang Kebidjaksaan Pokok Jang Menjangkut Warga Keturunan Asing. Lewat aturan tersebut, warga keturunan asing, termasuk etnis Tionghoa, diharuskan mengganti nama.' in cnbcindonesia.com/entrepreneur/20240209150507-25-512993/ternyata-ini-awal-mula-para-konglomerat-tionghoa-indonesia-ganti-nama from google ( kenapa orang cina ganti nama indo ) result 1 (4) my mother say 'help in getting government-paper-work done , help in making school-hazing-team not doing hazing excessively .' (5) 'The sperm cell and the egg cell that come together to form the zygote each contain half the normal amount of DNA. There are 46 chromosomes in a typical human cell. The sperm and the egg each contain only 23' in genome.gov/dnaday/q.cfm?aid=412&year=2009 from google (dna in sperm) result 3  (6)'Sperm cells and egg cells contain 23 single chromosomes, half the normal number' in www2.le.ac.uk/projects/vgec/highereducation/topics/cellcycle-mitosis-meiosis from google (female egg cell 23 chromosome) result page 4 number 9 ]
1 oct 2024 3:50 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #reword# in making indonesia-country-school-hazing-team not doing hazing excessively
     #to# in making indonesia-country-school-hazing-team like karangturi.sch.id not doing hazing excessively
2 oct 2024 3:49 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #add# why 'tan' ? why not 'kwa' ?
         my father say his father ciongcun-kwa falsify immigration-paper which say 'ciongcun-tan is born in china-country->fujian-province' become
         'ciongcun-kwa is born in british-malaya-country' then show that immigration-paper to dutch-east-indie-company-immigration-police/voc-immigration-police 
         ( predecessor of indonesia-country-immigration-police ) . [3 source : (1)i forgot my father or my mother say ciongtun-tan mortem age 70 year 1986 , so calculation say ciongcun-tan born year 1916 . my father say ciongcun-tan age 11 already in indonesia-country->unknown-city making profit . (2)'voc' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perusahaan_Hindia_Timur_Belanda_di_Nusantara (3)7 apr 2024 ingwa-tan having birth-day-celebration age 79 , so calculation say ingwa-tan born 7 apr 1945 , ingwa-tan is kid 4/10 , my father hoksun-tan is kid 9/10  facebook.com/jonren.hoo/posts/pfbid02nFyNtZaVxPL2ZSqYyTgbm1Kaphh7zdpHjggpCxQDPyZJ6yZYaFC3puS9ZM4aAYDyl ]
2 oct 2024 3:51 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : 
 #add# jaya is sanskrit-language-word which has meaning 'victory' . [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jaya ]
4 oct 2024 2 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 karangturi.sch.id from 'elementary.karangturi.sch.id' from google.com/maps/place/Elementary+School+Karangturi/@-6.9886255,110.4321862,19z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e708ca69ec15101:0xdfe63f2f8859e9c6!8m2!3d-6.9884994!4d110.4319558
6 oct 2024 3:19 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 all school is located in indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city :
  kindergaten : siwalan ( now already closed )
  primary-school : sdmarsudirini.sch.id formerly st-yusup google.com/maps/place/SD+Marsudirini/@-6.981637,110.4103381,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e708b5d3ea31f1d:0xbfa4c699c9d1aa0e!8m2!3d-6.9815794!4d110.4116227
  junior-high-school : domsav.pangudiluhur.sch.id/ from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMP_PL_Domenico_Savio from google ( smp domenico savio semarang ) result 2 from google.com/maps/place/Pangudi+Luhur+Domenico+Savio+Junior+High+School/@-6.9861411,110.408901,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x2e708b4f418432e7:0xe0b6e96bee860ab7!8m2!3d-6.9864594!4d110.4097056
  senior-high-school : smasedes-smg.sch.id google.com/maps/place/SMA+Sedes+Sapientiae/@-6.9991883,110.4245549,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x0:0x8cb036501d3b8a89!8m2!3d-6.9991883!4d110.4333097
8 oct 2024 2:38 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
  all school is located in indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city :
  kindergaten : siwalan ( now already closed )
  primary-school : sdmarsudirini.sch.id formerly st-yusup google.com/maps/place/SD+Marsudirini/@-6.981637,110.4103381,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e708b5d3ea31f1d:0xbfa4c699c9d1aa0e!8m2!3d-6.9815794!4d110.4116227
  junior-high-school : domsav.pangudiluhur.sch.id/ from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMP_PL_Domenico_Savio from google ( smp domenico savio semarang ) result 2 from google.com/maps/place/Pangudi+Luhur+Domenico+Savio+Junior+High+School/@-6.9861411,110.408901,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x2e708b4f418432e7:0xe0b6e96bee860ab7!8m2!3d-6.9864594!4d110.4097056
  senior-high-school : smasedes-smg.sch.id google.com/maps/place/SMA+Sedes+Sapientiae/@-6.9991883,110.4245549,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x0:0x8cb036501d3b8a89!8m2!3d-6.9991883!4d110.4333097
  kindergaten : indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city->siwalan ( now already closed )
  primary-school : indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city->sdmarsudirini.sch.id formerly st-yusup google.com/maps/place/SD+Marsudirini/@-6.981637,110.4103381,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x2e708b5d3ea31f1d:0xbfa4c699c9d1aa0e!8m2!3d-6.9815794!4d110.4116227
  junior-high-school : indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city->domsav.pangudiluhur.sch.id from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMP_PL_Domenico_Savio from google ( smp domenico savio semarang ) result 2 from google.com/maps/place/Pangudi+Luhur+Domenico+Savio+Junior+High+School/@-6.9861411,110.408901,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x2e708b4f418432e7:0xe0b6e96bee860ab7!8m2!3d-6.9864594!4d110.4097056
  senior-high-school : indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city->smasedes-smg.sch.id google.com/maps/place/SMA+Sedes+Sapientiae/@-6.9991883,110.4245549,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x0:0x8cb036501d3b8a89!8m2!3d-6.9991883!4d110.4333097
  university : usa->iowa-state->ames-city->cs.iastate.edu->bachelor-of-science-in-computer-science
8 oct 2024 7:55 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : #add# , cumulative-gpa = 2.5 / 4
13 oct 2024 11:45 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : #add# so i am birth-tourism-kid . [source : 'birth tourism' in reddit.com/r/legaladviceofftopic/comments/13xmt42/if_i_give_birth_in_another_country_can_my_baby/ from reddit-search ( giving birth overseas ) ]
15 oct 2024 7:43 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #reword# then inside forgotten maybe garuda-indonesia.com-flight from indonesia-country->jakarta-city->kemayoran-airport => indonesia-country->semarang-city->ahmad-yani-airport/srg
     #to# then inside bankrupt-starting-10-jun-2022 merpati.co.id-flight from indonesia-country->bandung-city->halim-perdana-kusuma-airport/hLp => indonesia-country->semarang-city->ahmad-yani-airport/srg [source : https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-6120707/merpati-airlines-pailit-tinggalkan-utang-rp-10-9-triliun from 'pailit pada tahun 2022[2]' , 'merpati.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merpati_Nusantara_Airlines#15-oct-2024-7-44-pm-est ] 
15 oct 2024 7:53 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : #add# toefl-score = 507
16 oct 2024 8:11 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : #add# only indonesia-country-citizen can own land in indonesia-country : https://siplawfirm.id/mengenal-aturan-kepemilikan-properti-wna/?lang=id from google ( pemilik tanah harus wni ) result 6
16 oct 2024 8:13 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #reword# but then need to abandon other-country-citizenship . indonesia-country-citizenship need to be the only 1 citizenship being owned .
     #to# if having multiple-citizenship and request indonesia-country-passport then need to do perjury announcing-in-writing 
  	  only have indonesia-country-citizenship , does not have other citizenship , but indonesia-embassy-worker may ask face-to-face do passport-applicant
  	  have multiple-citizenship or only have indonesia-country-citizenship ?
21 oct 2024 2 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 (1)#add# ( 70 kg )
 (2)#add# ( 172 cm )
26 oct 2024 6:55 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) :
 #reword# uk-sovereign->england-country->greater-london-county->london-city for 3 month 
     #to# uk-sovereign->england-country->greater-london-county->london-city for around 1.5 month ( maybe 12 apr 1980 => 31 may 1980 )
16 nov 2024 6:49 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : #add# maternity-medical-doctor : sutoto
21 nov 2024 7:30 pm est ( gmt - 5 ) : #add# 13 mar 2006 sybase-powerbuilder-professional-9