if wanting to see my progress in detail then
http://www.mergely.com/editor from google (online diff) 
result 2 click 'save .diff'
is an online
diff-tool which can show the difference for 2 files.
5 sep 2018 7:27 pm edt
 - creation
10 sep 2018 6:55 pm edt
 1. add
 2. change left....artery to ....artery (left)
           right....artery to ....artery (right)
10 sep 2018 7:1 pm edt
  escorted by axillary-vein
12 sep 2018 11:6 am edt
12 sep 2018 12:00 pm edt
    subclavian-artery (right)

 2. reword
     common-carotid-artery (right)

 3.  reword
      common-carotid-artery (left)

 4. reword
      heart-atrium (right)

 5. reword
     atrioventricular-valve (right)

 6.  reword
      ventricle (right)

 7. reword
      atrium (left)
 8. reword
     ventricle (left)
13 sep 2018 4:45 pm edt
  connection from stylomastoid-artery to superficial-petrosal-artery
13 sep 2018 7:21 pm edt
14 sep 2018 8:2 pm edt
14 sep 2018 8:9 pm edt
21 nov 2018 1:40 pm est:reword 'atrium (left)' to 'heart-atrium (left)'
21 nov 2018 1:41 pm est:reword 'ventricle' to 'heart-ventricle'
21 nov 2018 1:42 pm est:reword 'mitral-valve' to 'heart-mitral-valve'
21 nov 2018 1:42 pm est:delete 1 copy of 'ascending-aorta'
21 nov 2018 1:45 pm est:reword 'tricuspid-valve' to 'heart-tricuspid-valve'
21 nov 2018 1:53 pm est:1)reword 'pulmonary-semilunar-valve' to 'lung-pulmonary-semilunar-valve'
                        2)reword 'pulmonary-artery' to 'lung-pulmonary-artery'

27 nov 2019 6:23 pm est:(1)#modify#
          |------------> lateral-circumflex-artery
          |------------> medial-circumflex-artery
 profunda-femoris-artery (deep-femoral-artery)
          |------------> lateral-circumflex-artery
          |------------> medial-circumflex-artery

 (2)#add# |--------> obturator-artery           --->  thigh
          |--------> inferior-gluteal-artery    --->  thigh
          |--------> superior-gluteal-artery    --->  thigh
 (3)#add# superficial-venous-system:
          dorsal-venous-arch-side/lateral -> behind lateral-malleolus -> small-saphenous-vein -> upward from rear-leg-gastrocnemius-mucle-middle-lower to rear-leg-gastrocnemius-mucle-middle-upper-behind-knee-cap -> valve prevent backflowing to superficial-small-saphenous-vein / prevent varicose-vein -> popliteal-vein-behind-knee-cap / deep-venous-system
          great-saphenous-vein -> in-front-of-medial-malleolus -> thigh-inner-side -> between-shin-bone-and-gastrocnemius-muscle -> valve which prevent backflowing to superficial-venous-system -> femoral-vein / deep-venous-system

          perforating-vein go from superficial-venous-system: to deep-venous-system
          deep-venous-system has higher-blood-pressure than superficial-venous-system
          valve in many junction between great-saphenous-vein, small-saphenous-vein and deep-venous-system
          prevent backflow from deep-venous-system to superficial-system / prevent varicose-vein [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AinzrO_qnHw (Lower Limb Veins Overview - 3D Anatomy Tutorial)]
 (4)#continue journey of# medial-plantar-artery
 (5)#continue journey of# lateral-plantar-artery

27 nov 2019 8:25 pm est:
 (1)#reword# inferior-vena-cava -> heart-right-side -> pulmonary-circulation
    #to#     inferior-vena-cava/vein-underneath-heart inside vena-cava-foramen inside diaphragm -> heart-right-atrium -> pulmonary-circulation
 (2)#add# inferior-vena-cava inside diaphragm [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-gDyjxRA5o&t=5m13s (Blood Flow Path Body Systemic Circulation Anatomy Physiology Nursing)]
 (3)#add# brachial-artery-upper-branch
 (4)#add# brachial-artery-lower-branch
 (5)#add# basilic-vein -> axillary-vein -> right/left-subclavian-vein -> internal-jugular-vein -> brachiocephalic-vein
          cephalic-vein ------^


          right-brachiocephalic-vein --> superior-vena-cava -> heart-right-atrium
          left-brachiocephalic-vein --------------^

          pumonary-trunk -> right-pulmonary-artery -> lung for gas-exchange
              |-----------> left-pulmonary-artery  -> 

 (6)#add# inferior-vena-cava inside diaphragm [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-gDyjxRA5o&t=5m13s (Blood Flow Path Body Systemic Circulation Anatomy Physiology Nursing)]
          vein = vena-cava [source:'venae cavae (/ˈviːni ˈkeɪvi/;[1] from the Latin for "hollow veins"' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venae_cavae]
          inferior-vena-cava = vein-underneath-heart [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI6yXy3u2sI&t29s ( Veins of the body - PART 1 - Anatomy Tutorial)]
          superior-vena-cava = vein-above-heart
 (7)#add# vein-underneath-heart
 (8)#add# find '
 (9)#add# circumflex-scapular-artery
 (10)#add# thoracodorsal-artery
 (11)#add# [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRjF5wI_IqU (Upper Limb Arteries - Hand and Wrist - 3D Anatomy Tutorial) from http://anatomyzone.com/tutorials/cardiovascular/upper-limb-arteries/ from video-description]

 artery -> 1st branch
   |----> 2nd branch
   |----> 3rd branch
    X means horizontal-leap
    Y means vertical-leap
right means right being seen from your-own-eyes.
non-o2-blood goes from:
superior-vena-cava, inferior-vena-cava -> heart-atrium (right)
-> heart-tricuspid-valve (atrioventricular-valve (right)) -> heart-ventricle (right)
-> lung-pulmonary-semilunar-valve -> lung-pulmonary-artery -> lung
-> lung-pulmonary-vein -> o2-blood -> heart-atrium (left) -> heart-mitral-valve
-> heart-ventricle (left) -> aortic-semilunar-valve/aorta-semilunar-valve
-> ascending-aorta -> move upward vertically to 4 branches:
 1)right-branch : ascending-aorta -> brachiocephalic-trunk/brachiocephalic-artery
    brachiocephalic-trunk/brachiocephalic-artery -> 2 branches :
     1)brachiocephalic-trunk/brachiocephalic-artery -> common-carotid-artery (right)
     2)brachiocephalic-trunk/brachiocephalic-artery -> subclavian-artery (right)
       -> axillary-artery (surrounded by brachial-plexus, escorted by axillary-vein)
 2)middle-branch : ascending-aorta -> common-carotid-artery (left)
 3)left-branch : ascending-aorta -> subclavian-artery (left) ->
    axillary-artery (surrounded by brachial-plexus)
    ---passing lower margin of teres major
                   |---> brachial-artery-upper-branch  [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ufqUOpm8O0 (Upper Limb Arteries - Arm and Forearm - 3D Anatomy Tutorial)]
                   |                 |-----------> profunda-brachii-artery / deep-arm-artery -> go to rear-upper-arm ---> radial-collateral-artery -> radial-recurrent-artery
                   |                 |                                                                   |--------------> middle-collateral-artery -> interosseus-recurrent-artery
                   |                 |-----------> humeral-nutrient-artery/humerus-nutrient-artery
                   |                 |-----------> superior-ulnar-collateral-artery/upper-arm-ulnar-artery --> find 'anterior-ulnar-recurrent-artery'
                   |                 |-----------> inferior-ulnar-collateral-artery/lower-arm-ulnar-artery --> find 'posterior-ulnar-recurrent-artery'
                   |---> brachial-artery-lower-branch -> ulnar-artery
                                                          |--------------> palmar-carpal-branch-of-ulnar-artery -> palmar-carpal-branch-of-radial-artery
                                                          |--------------> superficial-palmar-arch
                                                          |--------------> anterior-ulnar-recurrent-artery
                                                          |--------------> posterior-ulnar-recurrent-artery
                                                          |--------------> radial-artery -> radial-recurrent-artery -> find 'radial-collateral-artery' -> dorsal-carpal-branch-of-radial-artery
                                                          |--------------> common-interosseus-artery
                                                          |                            |-----> anterior-interosseus-artery
                                                          |                            |-----> posterior-interosseus-artery -> find 'interosseus-recurrent-artery' -> find 'middle-collateral-artery'
                                                          |--------------> dorsal-carpal-branch-of-ulnar-artery -> find 'dorsal-carpal-branch-of-radial-artery'
                                                          |--------------> deep-palmar-branch-of-ulnar-artery 
 [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRjF5wI_IqU (Upper Limb Arteries - Hand and Wrist - 3D Anatomy Tutorial) from http://anatomyzone.com/tutorials/cardiovascular/upper-limb-arteries/ from video-description]
 4)aorta-arch/aorta-downward-curve (chest-top) -> descending-aorta -> thoracic-aorta behind heart -> thoracic-aorta go inside aortic-hiatus inside diaphragm -> abdominal-aorta in abdominal-area -> right-common-iliac-artery and left-common-iliac-artery -> find 'common-iliac-artery'
                                                                                                                                                                             |---------------------> up-branch celiac-trunk
                                                                                                                                                                             |---------------------> middle-branch superior-mesenteric-artery
                                                                                                                                                                             |---------------------> right-branch right-renal-artery/right-kidney-artery
                                                                                                                                                                             |---------------------> left-branch left-renal-artery/left-kidney-artery
                                                                                                                                                                             |---------------------> prior-lowest-branch inferior-mesenteric-artery
                                                                                                                                                                             |---------------------> lowest-branch middle-sacral-artery

|common-carotid-artery (left) |
| or                          |
|common-carotid-artery (right)|-> internal-carotid-artery/middle-cerebral-artery 
------------------------------           |
           |                             |--------------> ophthalmic-artery -> brain
           |                             |                     -->|----------> lacrimal-artery (orbital-group)
           |                             |                     |  |                   |--------> lateral-palpebral-artery -> eyelid
           |                             |                     |  |                   |--------> zygomatic-branch
           |                             |                     |  |                   |--------> recurrent-branch
           |                             |                     |  |
           |                             |                     |  |----------> supraorbital-artery (orbital-group)
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> superficial-branch
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> deep-branch
           |                             |                     |  |
           |                             |                     |  |----------> posterior-ethmoidal-artery (orbital-group)
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> meningeal-branch
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> nasal-branch
           |                             |                     |  |
           |                             |                     |  |----------> anterior-ethmoidal-artery (orbital-group)
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> anterior-meningeal-artery
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> nasal-branches
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> superior-palpebral-arch
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> inferior-palpebral-arch
           |                             |                     |  |
           |                             |                     |  |----------> supratrochlear-artery (orbital-group)
           |                             |                     |  |----------> dorsal-nasal-artery (orbital-group)
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> twig to upper-part of lacrimal-sac
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> to root of nose
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> dorsum of nose
           |                             |                     |  |
           |                             |                     |  |----------> long-posterior-ciliary-artery
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> circulus-arteriosus-major
           |                             |                     |  |                    |--------> circulus-arteriosus-minor
           |                             |                     |  |                    
           |                             |                     |  |----------> short-posterior-ciliary-artery
           |                             |                     |  |----------> anterior-ciliary-artery
           |                             |                     |  |----------> central-retinal-artery
           |                             |                     |  |----------> muscular-artery
           |                             |                     |  |
           |                             |                     |  |----------> medial-palpebral-artery
           |                             |                     |                       |
           |                             |                     ------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------
           |                             |                                             |                                                      |
           |                             |                                             |----------------> superior-medial-palpebral-artery -------> zygomatico-orbital-artery -> orbicularis-oculi
           |                             |                                             |----------------> inferior-medial-palpebral-artery
           |                             |                                                                                                               
           |                             |--------------> anterior-choroidal-artery
           |                             |--------------> anterior-cerebral-artery/anterior-communicating-artery
           |                             |--------------> middle-cerebral-artery
           |                             |                 --------------------------------------
           |                             |                |posterior-communicating-artery (left) |
           |                             |--------------> |or                                    |----> basilar-artery
           |                                              |posterior-communicating-artery (right)|           |
           |                                              ---------------------------------------            |----> posterior-cerebral-artery (left)
           |                                                                                                 |----> posterior-cerebral-artery (right)
           |                                                                                                 |----> superior-cerebral-artery (left)
           |                                                                                                 |----> superior-cerebral-artery (right)
           |                                                                                                 |----> 4 or 5? pontine-artery (left)
           |                                                                                                 |----> 4 or 5? pontine-artery (right)
           |                                                                                                 |----> anterior-inferior-cerebral-artery (left)
           |                                                                                                 |----> anterior-inferior-cerebral-artery (right)
           |                                                                                                 |----> vertebral-artery (left)
           |                                                                                                 |               |      |
           |                                                                                                 |               |      |
           |                                                                                                 |               |      ---> posterior-inferior-cerebral-artery (left)
           |                                                                                                 |               v
           |                                                                                                 |      anterior-spinal-artery
           |                                                                                                 |               ^
           |                                                                                                 |               |      ---> posterior-inferior-cerebral-artery (right)
           |                                                                                                 |               |      |
           |                                                                                                 |               |      |
           |                                                                                                 ----> vertebral-artery (right)
           ------------------> external-carotid-artery -> superficial-temporal-artery face, scalp, skull, meninges
                                         |---------------> superior-thyroid-artery
                                         |                       |----------> hyoid-artery/infrahyoid-artery
                                         |                       |----------> sternocleidomastoid-artery
                                         |                       |----------> superior-laryngeal-artery
                                         |                       |----------> cricothyroid-artery
                                         |---------------> ascending-pharyngeal-artery
                                         |---------------> lingual-artery
                                         |---------------> facial-artery
                                         |                       |----------> ascending-palatine-artery (cervical-branch)
                                         |                       |----------> tonsillar-branch (cervical-branch)
                                         |                       |----------> submental-artery (cervical-branch)
                                         |                       |                    |-----------> superficial-branch
                                         |                       |                    |-----------> deep-branch
                                         |                       |----------> glandular-branches (cervical-branch)
                                         |                       |----------> inferior-labial-artery (facial-branch)
                                         |                       |----------> superior-labial-artery (facial-branch)
                                         |                       |----------> lateral-nasal-branch (facial-branch)
                                         |                       |----------> angular-artery (terminal-branch)
                                         |---------------> occipital-artery                       
                                         |---------------> maxillary-artery (terminal-branch) -> deep-auricular-artery
                                         |                       |
                                         |                       |----------> anterior-tympanic-artery
                                         |                       |----------> middle-meningeal-artery
                                         |                                               |---------> ophthalmic-artery (very rarely)
                                         |                                               |---------> superior-tympanic-artery
                                         |                                               |---------> vessels to semilunar ganglion
                                         |   ------------------------------------------->|----> hiatus-canalis-facialis-----> superficial-petrosal-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> inferior-alveolar-artery -> ?
                                         |   |                   |                       |
                                         |   |                   |                       -------> mylohyoid-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> accessory-meningeal-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> posterior-deep-temporal-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> pterygoid-1-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> masseteric-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> pterygoid-2-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> buccinator-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> anterior-deep-temporal-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> posterior-superior-alveolar-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> infraorbital-artery -> 
                                         |   |                   |                      |
                                         |   |                   |                      -----------> anterior-superior-alveolar-artery -> upper-incisor-teeth
                                         |   |                   |                                                   |
                                         |   |                   |                                                   |------------------> canine-teeth
                                         |   |                   |                                                   |------------------> mucus-membrane for maxillary-sinus
                                         |   |                   |----------> descending-palatine-artery -> greater-palatine-artery
                                         |   |                   |                      |
                                         |   |                   |                      ------------------> lesser-palatine-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> pharyngeal-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> pterygoid-canal-artery
                                         |   |                   |----------> sphenopalatine-artery -> posterior-lateral-nasal-artery
                                         |   |                                            |
                                         |   |                                            -----------> posterior-septal-artery
                                         |   ----------------------------------------------------
                                         |                                                      |
                                         ---------------> posterior-auricular-artery -> stylomastoid-artery

axillary-artery goes to 3 branch-group
  1. 1-1. superior-thoracic-artery/supreme-thoracic-artery (near armpit)
  2. 2-1. thoraco-acromial-artery
     2-2. lateral-thoracic-artery
  3. 3-1. subscapular-artery
     3-2. anterior-humeral-circumflex-artery
     3-3. posterior-humeral-circumflex-artery

      |--> circumflex-scapular-artery
      ---> thoracodorsal-artery

from google (walk again after spinal artery stroke) result 4

     |          -----------------------------
     |         | common-iliac-artery (right) |
     |-------->| and                         | 
               | common-iliac-artery (left)  |
                            |--------> external-iliac-artery (right and left) -> common-femoral-artery -> profunda-femoris-artery (deep-femoral-artery) -> perforate to adductor-magnus-muscle
                            |                                                             |                               |------------> lateral-circumflex-artery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |-------> medial-plantar-artery  -> medial-plantar-vein   -------> posterior-tibial-vein / posterior-tibial-artery -> popiteal-vein  -> adductor-hiatus inside adductor-magnus-muscle from rear-thigh to front-thigh -> femoral-vein -> profunda-femoris-vein/profunda-femoris-artery -> lateral-femoral-circumflex-artery and medial-femoral-circumflex-artery -> underneath inguinal-ligament -> external-iliac-vein -> internal-iliac-vein -> left-common-iliac-vein   -> inferior-vena-cava/vein-underneath-heart inside vena-cava-foramen inside diaphragm -> heart-right-atrium -> pulmonary-circulation
                            |                                                             |                               |------------> medial-circumflex-artery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -----------------------------------------                                       ^                             anterior-tibial-vein------------^                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |------------> right-common-iliac-vein -------------^
                            |                                                             |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |                  |                    |                                       |                             fibular (peroneal) vein --------^
                            |                                                             ---------> superficial-femoral-artery -> adductor-canal (muscular-tunnel in thigh) -> thigh-posterior-compartment -> popliteal-artery -> between gastrocnemius-muscle and popliteus-muscle -> knee-cap-joint                                                                                                                 |                  |-------> lateral-plantar-artery -> lateral-plantar-vein  ----
                            |                                                                                                                                                        |                                                                       |--------> anterior-tibial-artery                                                                                                                         |                  |
                            |                                                                                                                                                        |                                                                       |--------> posterior-tibial-artery -> superficial surface of deep-posterior-muscle of posterior-compartment -------> tarsal-tunnel --------> foot --------|------> behind medial malleolus
                            |                                                                                                                                                        |                                                                                                                                                                                     |                                           |
                            |                                                                                                                                                        |----> anterior-tibial-artery -> leg-anterior-compartment to a gap in interosseus-membrane between tibia and fibula -> dorsalis-pedis-artery                                          -----> fibular-artery (peroneal-artery) ----|------> leg-lateral-compartment
                            |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |                                                                                               |
                            |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |                                                                                               v
                            |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |----------> deep-plantar-artery (this is between 1st and 2nd metatarsal) -----------------------------> deep-plantar-arch
                            |--------> internal-iliac-artery (right and left)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |----------> 1st-dorsal-metatarsal-artery -> 1st interosseous-dorsalis-muscle
                                                       |--------> obturator-artery           --->  thigh
                                                       |--------> inferior-gluteal-artery    --->  thigh
                                                       |--------> superior-gluteal-artery    --->  thigh

inferior-vena-cava inside diaphragm [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-gDyjxRA5o&t=5m13s (Blood Flow Path Body Systemic Circulation Anatomy Physiology Nursing)]
vein = vena-cava [source:'venae cavae (/ˈviːni ˈkeɪvi/;[1] from the Latin for "hollow veins"' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venae_cavae]
inferior-vena-cava = vein-underneath-heart [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI6yXy3u2sI&t29s ( Veins of the body - PART 1 - Anatomy Tutorial)]
superior-vena-cava = vein-above-heart

(1)dorsal-venous-arch-side/lateral -> behind lateral-malleolus -> small-saphenous-vein -> upward from rear-leg-gastrocnemius-mucle-middle-lower to rear-leg-gastrocnemius-mucle-middle-upper-behind-knee-cap -> valve prevent backflowing to superficial-small-saphenous-vein / prevent varicose-vein -> popliteal-vein-behind-knee-cap / deep-venous-system
(2)great-saphenous-vein -> in-front-of-medial-malleolus -> thigh-inner-side -> between-shin-bone-and-gastrocnemius-muscle -> valve which prevent backflowing to superficial-venous-system -> femoral-vein / deep-venous-system

perforating-vein go from superficial-venous-system to deep-venous-system.
deep-venous-system has higher-blood-pressure than superficial-venous-system.
valve in many junction between (great-saphenous-vein, small-saphenous-vein) and deep-venous-system
prevent backflow from deep-venous-system to superficial-system / prevent varicose-vein [source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AinzrO_qnHw (Lower Limb Veins Overview - 3D Anatomy Tutorial)]

basilic-vein -> axillary-vein -> right/left-subclavian-vein -> internal-jugular-vein -> brachiocephalic-vein
cephalic-vein ------^


right-brachiocephalic-vein --> superior-vena-cava -> heart-right-atrium
left-brachiocephalic-vein --------------^

pumonary-trunk -> right-pulmonary-artery -> lung for gas-exchange
    |-----------> left-pulmonary-artery  -> 

source :
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Relations_of_the_aorta,_trachea,_esophagus_and_other_heart_structures.png
   from 'Course of the aorta in the thorax' in
2. 'The subclavian becomes the axillary artery'
   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subclavian_artery
   dari 'right subclavian artery' di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arterial_tree#Axillary_artery
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylomastoid_artery
   from 'stylomastoid artery' in
   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_auricular_artery from wikipedia-search (ear artery) result 3
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superficial_temporal_artery
    from wikipedia-search (ear artery) result 2
5. 'arterial circle' in https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Circle_of_Willis_en.svg
   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_cerebral_artery
   from 'middle cerebral arteries' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle_of_Willis
   from wikipedia-search (Central Subclavian Artery) result 5
   from 'central subclavian artery' in
   from 'vertebral arteries' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_spinal_artery
   from 'anterior spinal artery' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_spinal_artery_syndrome
   from google (walk again after spinal artery stroke) page 3 result number 4
6. 'The axillary artery is accompanied by the axillary vein, which lies medial to the artery, along its length.'
   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axillary_artery
7. 'Once emerging from the greater palatine foramen, it changes names to the greater palatine artery and begins to supply the hard palate.[1]'
   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_palatine_artery from 'greater palatine artery' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphenopalatine_artery
8. 'It anastomoses with the superficial petrosal branch of the middle meningeal artery by a twig which enters the hiatus canalis facialis.'
   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylomastoid_artery#13_sep_2018
   from 'hiatus canalis facialis.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylomastoid_artery#13_sep_2018
9. 'and assist in supplying the frontal, maxillary, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinuses. '
     in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posterior_lateral_nasal_arteries#13_sep_2018
     does not mean Posterior lateral nasal artery -> ethmoidal-artery
10. 'The anterior choroidal artery originates from the internal carotid artery, though it also rarely arises from the middle cerebral artery.[1]' in
11. 'The lateral palpebral arteries are small arteries which supply the eyelid.'
     in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_palpebral_arteries
12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gray514.png from
    'The ophthalmic artery and its branches. (Medial palpebral labeled at center top.)'
    in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_palpebral_arteries
    from 'Medial palpebral arteries' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_palpebral_arteries
    from 'lateral palpebral arteries' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arterial_tree#13_sep_2018
13. 'This branch, which may arise directly from the superficial temporal artery, supplies the Orbicularis oculi, and anastomoses with the lacrimal and palpebral branches of the ophthalmic artery. '
    in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zygomatico-orbital_artery
    from 'The superior palpebral arch anastomoses, at the lateral angle of the orbit, with the zygomaticoörbital branch of the temporal artery and with the upper of the two lateral palpebral branches from the lacrimal artery. '
    in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medial_palpebral_arteries
    from 'Medial palpebral arteries' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lateral_palpebral_arteries
    from 'lateral palpebral arteries' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arterial_tree#13_sep_2018
    shows superior-medial-palpebral-artery :
    1. connect to lacrimal-artery 
    2. does not connect to medial-palpebral-artery
    semi-contradict 'This branch, which may arise directly from the superficial temporal artery, supplies the Orbicularis oculi, and anastomoses with the lacrimal and palpebral branches of the ophthalmic artery.' in above
14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNczJx2ju3I&t=159s
    (Lower Limb Arteries Overview - 3D Anatomy Tutorial)
    from youtube-search (thigh artery) result 2
sumber :
'which it then sends down to the right ventricle (through the tricuspid valve) which in turn sends it to the pulmonary artery for pulmonary circulation. The left atrium receives the oxygenated blood from the left and right pulmonary veins, which it pumps to the left ventricle (through the mitral valve) for pumping out through the aorta for systemic circulation.[2][3]'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrium_(heart)
dari 'left atrium' di
dari 'circulatory system' di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_vessel

spinal-cord is supplied by :
  1. 1 anterior-spinal-artery (from vertebral artery)
  2. 2 posterior-spinal-artery (from vertebral artery)
  3. radicular-artery
di  as
(7. Arterial Supply of the Spinal Cord الدكتور أحمد كمال - Neuroanatomy (7).cxt)
from youtube-search (spinal cord artery) result 6

from youtube-search (vertebral artery) result 6

7. Arterial Supply of the Spinal Cord الدكتور أحمد كمال - Neuroanatomy (7).cxt
from youtube-search (spinal cord artery) result 6

right-heart receive empty-blood from 2 veins (superior-vena-cava, inferior-vena-cava)
outbound blood flow :
heart -> 

google (artery list) hasil 1

'Plan of branches of maxillary artery' in
from 'Accessory meningeal artery' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arterial_tree