(23 nov 2018)
16 may 2018 6:38 pm edt
 7:32 pm edt
 7:34 pm edt
 10:9 am edt
   what causes earth's wobble/precession ?
 10:23 am edt
  reorder column 'planet-axial-tilt'
20 may 2018 7:22 pm edt
 1. add
     earth's moon orbit : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_precession#/media/File:Lunar_standstill.GIF
 2. add 
     length-of-1-season    surface-material                     core-material                   length-of-1-night  surface-temp
 8:59 pm edt
 realign values for column 'moon-mass'
22 may 2018 6:40 pm edt
 break table to many smaller tables
 7:11 pm edt
  from 'in depth' in
 7:21 pm edt
 880 degrees Fahrenheit (471 degrees Celsius)
 reach a scalding 880 degrees Fahrenheit (471 degrees Celsius)
 7:57 pm edt
  with a radius of about 1,220 kilometres (760 miles), which is about 70% of the Moon's radius.[1][2] It is composed of an iron–nickel alloy and some other elements. The temperature at the inner core's surface is approximately 5,700 K (5,430 °C), which is about the temperature at the surface of the Sun.[3]
 1:46 pm edt
 remove gas from 'neptune  gas-ammonia, gas-methane' in
 table 'surface-material, core-material, atmosphere-material ---------------------'
 2:4pm edt
  13. 'About two tons of Saturn’s mass came from Earth'
 2:7 pm edt
 1. reword
     13. 'About two tons of Saturn’s mass came from Earth'
     13. 'About two tons of Saturn’s mass came from Earth—the
 2. add
     (maybe from cassini mission's debris)
 2:26 pm edt
  14. 'similar to Jupiter's core but considerably smaller'
 2:36 pm edt
 1. reword
    14. 'similar to Jupiter's core but considerably smaller'
    14. 'At Saturn's center is a dense core of metals like iron and nickel
 2. in table 'surface-material, core-material, atmosphere-material ---------------------' :
    for saturn's core-material :
    like earth's
 2:46 pm edt
 3:7 pm edt
  15. '2,439.7 kilometers' contradicts '2,440 kilometers'
 3:14 pm edt
 realign '85% mercury's radius' to 'core-material' column
 3:17 pm edt
 3:40 pm edt
  16. difficult to understand that this distance is average :
 3:45 pm edt
  'The temperature on Pluto can be as cold as
 4:30 pm edt
 create table 'core material --------------'
 4:35 pm edt
 1. reword
    temp: 5700k/5430 c
    temp: 5700 k/5430 c
 2. reword
    6230 +- 500k
    6230 +- 500 k
 4:52 pm edt
  17. 9800 degrees fahrenheit = 5426.667 degrees celsius
 5:27 pm edt
 1. reword
    core material --------------
    core material (maybe, just a guess, no evidence)--------------
 2. add
     from google (how to determine earth core material) result 1
 2:23 pm edt
  jupiter contradiction note :
 2:30 pm edt
 1. add
     1.2 'Hydrogen can be stored physically as either a gas or a liquid.
 2. reword
    jupiter contradiction note :
    jupiter's contradiction note :
 2:36 pm edt
  'cryogenic' means cold
 2:42 pm edt
 fix typo
  storm with size of 2 eajurths
  storm with size of 2 earths
 2:46 pm edt
  find 'jupiter's contradiction note :'
25 may 2018 10:1 am edt
  star's duration ---------------------
  18. 'At the equator the solar rotation period is 24.47 days. 
 10:5 pm edt
  'Going back to take another look at the decay data from the Brookhaven lab,
 10:50 pm edt
  'Unlike Earth and the Moon, Io's main source of internal heat comes
26 may 2018 11:9 pm edt
  from 'tidal locking' in
  from 'tidal locking' in
28 may 2018 2:42 pm edt
  how much gravity pull from other planets, being felt on earth--------
 2:45 pm edt
 gravity-force-felt-on earth
 gravity-force-felt-on earth-without-g-constant
 4:4 pm edt
  i suggest physics teacher abandon G constant
 4:7 pm edt
  'Cavendish experiment'
22 june 2018 3:57 pm edt
  if cavendish's G constant is wrong then
    mass for earth is wrong as well
 4 pm edt
   surface-material, atmosphere-material ---------------------
   planet's duration ---------------------
  according to distance to sun.
 4:8 pm edt
  source :
  if cavendish's G constant is wrong then
 4:11 pm edt
  google (how to measure planet mass) result 1
  23 nov 2018 9:26 pm est:add 11.862615 years
21 apr 2019 6:53 pm edt:#add# moon     1079.6/1738.1  .source:(1)'1079.6miles' in https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/earths-moon/by-the-numbers/  (2)'1738.1' in https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/moonfact.html from ref[4] in ' 1737.1 km  (0.2727 of Earth's)[1][4][5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon#21_apr_2019_6_45_pm_edt #little-contradict# '1737.5km' in https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/earths-moon/by-the-numbers/
21 apr 2019 7:19 pm edt:#add# (1)year-3-bible-rule: 'Every year you are to give ten percent of your harvest to the Lord. But every third year, this ten percent must be given to the poor who live in your town, including Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows. That way, they will have enough to eat.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?qs_version=CEV&quicksearch=third+year&begin=5&end=5
                              (2)year-7-bible-rule:(2.1)'2 If you buy a Hebrew slave, he must remain your slave for six years. But in the seventh year you must set him free, without cost to him. ' in http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+21:2&version=CEV    (2.2)'11 but let the land rest during the seventh year. The poor are to eat what they want from your fields, vineyards, and olive trees during that year, and when they have all they want from your fields, leave the rest for wild animals.' in http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+23:11&version=CEV  (2.3)'After you enter the land that I am giving you, it must be allowed to rest one year out of every seven. 3 You may raise grain and grapes for six years, 4 but the seventh year you must let your  fields and vineyards rest in honor of me, your Lord. 5 This is to  be a time of complete rest for your fields and vineyards, so don’t  harvest anything they produce. 6-7 However, you and your slaves and  your hired workers, as well as any domestic or wild animals, may eat  whatever grows on its own.' in http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2025:2-7&version=CEV (2.4)'20 Don’t ever worry about what you will eat during the seventh year when you are forbidden to plant or harvest. 21 I will see to it that  you harvest enough in the sixth year to last for three years.  22 In the eighth year you will live on what you harvested in the  sixth year, but in the ninth year you will eat what you plant and  harvest in the eighth year.' in http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+25%3A18-22&version=CEV  (2.5)'15 1-2 Every seven years you must announce, “The Lord says loans do not need to be paid back.” Then if you have loaned money to another Israelite, you can no longer ask for payment.[a] 3 This law applies only to loans you have made to other Israelites. Foreigners will still have to pay back what you have loaned them.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+15&version=CEV
                              (3)year-50-bible-rule:(3.1)'The Year of Celebration The Lord said to his people:8 Once every 49 years [9] on day 10 of month 7,[a] which is also the Great Day of Forgiveness,[b] trumpets are to be blown everywhere in the land.10 This year 50[c] is sacred—it is a time of freedom and of celebration when everyone will receive back their original property, and slaves will return home to their families. 11 year 50 is a year of complete celebration, so don’t plant any seed or harvest what your fields or vineyards produce. 12 In this time of sacred celebration you may eat only what grows on its own.13 During this year, all property must go back to its original owner. 14-15 So when you buy or sell farmland, the price is to be determined by the number of crops it can produce before the next Year of Celebration. Don’t try to cheat. 16 If it is a long time before the next Year of Celebration, the price will be higher,because what is really being sold are the crops that the land can produce. 17 I am the Lord your God, so obey me and don’t cheat anyone.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+25&version=CEV#21_apr_2019_6_27_pm_edt
21 apr 2019 7:26 pm edt:#add# (4)7 month is duration from march-equinox to september-equinox.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equinox#27_sep_2018_8_5_am_edt
21 apr 2019 7:33 pm edt:#reword# (4)7 month is duration from march-equinox to september-equinox.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equinox#27_sep_2018_8_5_am_edt
                        #to#     (4)7 month is duration from march-equinox to september-equinox/aries-month to libra-month.source:(1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equinox#27_sep_2018_8_5_am_edt (2)'aries:20-mar:sun enter aries(0 degree)    -> rabbit-2 start at 0 degree' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm
13 may 2019 4:58 pm edt:#add# direction seen from above north-pole ---------------------
                              cw=clockwise,ccw=counterclockwise,prograde=p(same direction as sun-rotation),retrograde=r(oppose sun-rotation-direction)
                              planet      rotation-direction  circling-sun-direction  
                              0)sun      ccw 
                              1)mercury  ccw                  ccw/p 
                              2)venus    cw                   cw/r maybe because of meteor-impact
                              3)earth    ccw                  ccw/p 
                              4)mars     ccw                  ccw/p 
                              5)jupiter  ccw                  ccw/p
                              6)saturn   ccw                  ccw/p
                              7)uranus   cw                   cw/r maybe because of meteor-impact
                              8)neptune  ccw                  ccw/p
                              9)pluto    ccw                  ccw/p
                              [source:(1/2)'Every planet in our solar system except for Venus and Uranus rotates counter-clockwise as seen from above the North Pole; that is to say, from west to east. This is the same direction in which all the planets orbit the sun. Uranus was likely hit by a very large planetoid early in its history, causing it to rotate "on its side," 90 degrees away from its orbital motion. Venus rotates backwards compared to the other planets, also likely due to an early asteroid hit which disturbed its original rotation.' in http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/about-us/56-our-solar-system/planets-and-dwarf-planets/general-questions/247-what-direction-do-planets-rotate-beginner#13_may_2019_4_43_pm_edt from google(planet rotation direction)result 1    (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_rotation#/media/File:Earth-5-50.gif#13_may_2019_4_50_pm_edt from 'An animation of Earth's rotation around the planet's axis' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_rotation from google(earth rotation direction)result 1 [3-jan-2018 3:50 pm est]]

13 may 2019 5 pm edt:#reword# cw=clockwise,ccw=counterclockwise #to# c=clockwise,cc=counterclockwise #in# c=clockwise,cc=counterclockwise,prograde=p(same direction as sun-rotation),retrograde=r(oppose sun-rotation-direction)
13 may 2019 5:2 pm edt:#insert# higher-rank means farther from sun #to# direction seen from above north-pole,higher-rank means farther from sun  ---------------------
13 may 2019 5:23 pm edt:#add# moon-direction seen from above north-pole ---------------------
                              tidally-locked=same face see each other all the time
                                                   rotation-direction  circling-planet-direction  
                              1)earth-moon         cc                  cc [source:'When viewed from the north celestial pole (i.e., from the approximate direction of the star Polaris) the Moon orbits Earth anticlockwise and Earth orbits the Sun anticlockwise, and the Moon and Earth rotate on their own axes anticlockwise.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit_of_the_Moon#13_may_2019_5_11_pm_edt from google(moon orbit direction)result 1]
                              2)mars-moon-fobos    cc                  cc [source:'Mars, like all of the planets except Venus, rotates in a counter clockwise direction (astronomers call this prograde). ... Deimos is like our own Moon and takes longer than a Martian day to orbit, so Mars rotates quicker than Deimos orbits, and thus it seems to rise in the East and set in the West.' in https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/psi-vid/curiosity-catches-sight-of-marse28099-moon-passing-the-other/#13_may_2019_5_13_pm_edt from google(mars moon rotation direction)result 1
                              3)mars-moon-deimos   cc                  cc [source:'Mars, like all of the planets except Venus, rotates in a counter clockwise direction (astronomers call this prograde). ... Deimos is like our own Moon and takes longer than a Martian day to orbit, so Mars rotates quicker than Deimos orbits, and thus it seems to rise in the East and set in the West.' in https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/psi-vid/curiosity-catches-sight-of-marse28099-moon-passing-the-other/#13_may_2019_5_13_pm_edt from google(mars moon rotation direction)result 1
                              4)jupiter-moon-big   cc                  cc [source:'These moons all have prograde orbits, meaning they orbit in the same direction as Jupiter's rotation. The Carme group takes its name from the Moon of the same name. ... The satellites in this family all have retrograde orbits, meaning they orbit Jupiter in the opposite direction of its rotation.' in https://m.phys.org/news/2015-06-moons-jupiter.html#13_may_2019_5_15_pm_edt from google(jupiter moon rotation direction)result 1]
                                jupiter-moon-small ??                  c [source:'These are tiny moons, in long, eccentric, generally retrograde orbits, and averaging 3 km (1.9 mi) in diameter, with the largest being just 9 km (5.6 mi) across' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moons_of_Jupiter#13_may_2019_5_17_pm_edt from google(jupiter moon rotation direction)result 5]
                              5)pluto-moon-charon  tidally-locked      cc [source:'pluto-planet and pluto-moon-charon 'gravitationally locked to one another, so each keeps the same face towards the other. This is a case of mutual tidal locking, as compared to that of the Earth and the Moon, where the Moon always shows the same face to Earth, but not vice versa.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon_(moon)#23_nov_2018_5_22_pm_est from 'charon' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon_(moon)#23_nov_2018_5_22_pm_est from 'tidal locking' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_heating#23_nov_2018_5_18_pm_est from 'tidal heating' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_heating_of_Io#23_nov_2018_5_14_pm_est from 'This tidal flexing heats the moons' interiors by friction' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter#23_nov_2018_5_14_pm_est
13 may 2019 5:15 pm edt:#insert# planet #to# planet-direction seen from above north-pole,higher-rank means farther from sun  ---------------------
13 may 2019 6:14 pm edt:#reword# counterclockwise #to# c=clockwise,a=anticlockwise/counterclockwise,prograde=p(same direction as sun-rotation),retrograde=r(oppose sun-rotation-direction)
13 may 2019 6:17 pm edt:#add# same earth-moon-face see earth
13 may 2019 6:20 pm edt:#reword# tidally-locked=same face see each other all the time
                        #to#     tidally-locked=same-charon-face face same-pluto-face all the time
8 sep 2019 10:38 am edt:#add# (Cavendish Gravity Experiment Time Lapse Version 1)
2 oct 2019 4:48 pm edt:#add# (Simulation of the Moon Orbit)
2 oct 2019 6:24 pm edt:#reword# planet's duration ---------------------
 #to# planet's duration sorted by distance to sun ascending-order, mercury is nearest to sun  ------------source:'11.862615' in https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planet-compare/
2 oct 2019 6:41 pm edt:#add# rotation-speed-at-equator sorted by distance to sun, mercury is nearest to sun---------[source:http://www.grandpapencil.net/projects/plansped.htm from google(planet rotation speed)result 1]
18 oct 2019 6:48 pm edt:(1)#reword# venus does not have moon, but has 177.36 degree axial tilt (almost upside down)
                           #to#     venus does not have moon, and something pull venus until having 177.36 degree axial tilt (almost upside down)
                        (2)#add# suggest moon/planet-satellite pull planet slightly
18 oct 2019 6:54 pm edt:(1)#make obsolete# venus does not have moon, and something pull venus until having 177.36 degree axial tilt (almost upside down)
                        (2)#add# moon/planet-satellite does not make planet-axial-tilt, moon/planet-satellite make season. venus, mercury has 0 moon so venus, mercury does not have season
18 oct 2019 6:57 pm edt:#add# having planet-axial-tilt does not mean having season
19 may 2020 4:4 pm edt:#reword# planet axial tilt, moon amount --------------------- #to# planet axial tilt, moon amount, season ------------------------
19 may 2020 4:4 pm edt:#add# length-of-1-season #to# planet axial tilt, moon amount, season ------------------------
19 may 2020 5:2 pm edt:
 #add# earth-wobble/precession vs earth-tilt (earth-wobble/precession different-from earth-tilt):
       (1)http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/dinosaurflr/wobble.html from google (wobble vs tilt) result 1
       (2)https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2948/milankovitch-orbital-cycles-and-their-role-in-earths-climate/ from google (wobble vs tilt) result 2
19 may 2020 4:25 pm edt:#reword# moon causes axial tilt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n04SEzuvXo&t=2m32s
 #to# now i agree, find 'moon/planet-satellite make season',
      find 'planet axial tilt, moon amount, season ------------------------'.
19 may 2020 5:6 pm edt:#add# and now i agree, find 'moon/planet-satellite make season'

27 aug 2020 5:42 pm edt:#add# failed-star [source:'failed star' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_giant from google ( Is Saturn a failed star ) result 1 from google ( jupiter failed star ) result related-search -> is saturn a failed star from 'jupiter failed star' in forgotten-article]

26 sep 2021 3:49 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# 24k c / 43k f
    #to# 24,000 c / 43,000 f
 (2)#reword# 2k mile/3200 km
    #to# 2,000 mile / 3,200 km

 (3)#reword# 9k f(4982 c)
        #to# 9,000 f ( 4,982 c )

 (4)#reword# 886/1.4k/9.5
        #to# 886 / 1,400 / 9.5

 (5)#reword# 1.8k/2.9k/19.8
        #to# 1,800 / 2,900 / 19.8

 (6)#reword# 2.8k/4.5k/30
        #to# 2,800 / 4,500 / 30

 (7)#reword# 3.6k/5.8k/30-49.3
        #to# 3,600 / 5,800 / 30-49.3

 (8)#reword# 330-360 gigapascal/3300k-3600k atm
	#to# 330-360 giga-pascal / 3,300,000 - 3,600,000 atm

 (9)#reword# 1200 mph/2k kph
	#to# 1,200 mph / 2,000 kph
 (10)#increase spacing/add more blank to make text easier to read#

26 sep 2021 4:51 pm edt:
 boeing.com->767 during flying-altitute 39,000 foot ( 11.8 km ) receive outdoor-temperature -70 f ( -57 c ). [source:(1/3)'airplane climbs to a cruise altitude of 39,000 feet with levels vary with season, altitude, latitude, and weather the outside conditions changing dramatically. Upon reaching systems. cruise altitude, the outside air temperature is -70°F' in https://web.archive.org/web/20110524110211/http://www.boeing.com/commercial/cabinair/ecs.pdf from ref for 'when cruising at 37,000 feet (11,000 m)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabin_pressurization#cite_ref-7  (2/3)1 meter = 3.28084 foot [source : https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/length/meter-to-feet.html from google (1 meter to inch) (3/3)T(°F) = T(°C) × 9/5 + 32 . T(°C) = (T(°F) - 32) × 5/9 . T(°C) = T(K) - 273.15 [source : https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/temperature/fahrenheit-to-celsius.html from google (celsius to fahrenheit) result 1 , https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/temperature/how-kelvin-to-celsius.html from google (kelvin to celsius) result 1 ]
'But none of this compares to the biggest change that 
 we would have coming over the next millennia. 
 Right now, Earth tilts on its axis at 
 23.5º mostly due to the moon's gravity. 
 If the moon disappeared, Earth's axis would wobble 
 between anywhere from 10 to 45º.'
in video description for
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MP920xMC0Q (What Would Happen If The Moon Disappeared)

suggest moon/planet-satellite pull planet slightly and now i agree, find 'moon/planet-satellite make season',
find 'planet axial tilt, moon amount, season ------------------------'.

 [reason] moon/planet-satellite does not make planet-axial-tilt, moon/planet-satellite make season. venus, mercury has 0 moon so venus, mercury does not have season. having planet-axial-tilt does not mean having season [/reason]
 venus does not have moon, and something pull venus until having 177.36 degree axial tilt (almost upside down)
 from google (axial tilt) result 1

planet axial tilt, moon amount, season ------------------------
planet   moon-amount  planet-axial-tilt  length-of-1-season
venus     0           177.36             non-existant
pluto     5           122.53             ???
uranus   27            97.77             about 20 year
neptune  14            28.32             more than 40 year
saturn   62            26.73             about 7 year
mars      2            25.19             7 month
earth     1            23.45             90-93 day
jupiter  67             3.13             3 year
mercury   0             0                non-existant

surface-material, atmosphere-material ---------------------
planet   surface-material                            atmosphere-material                                 

mercury  solid, rocky like earths' moon,              thin but dense exosphere made from meteor-impact atom-debris, 
         many large meteor craters,                   solar-wind-impact debris : oxygen, sodium, hydrogen,
         grey, brown.                                 helium, potassium which reduce surface's temperature.
         sun rises 2 times in the morning.            even though mercury is closer to the sun than venus
         sun sets 2 times in the night                venus' surface is hotter than mercury's because mercury
                                                      has dense exosphere

venus    solid, a moving thin rocks because          thick:mainly carbon dioxide with clouds of acidic sulfuric acid droplets,
         mantle shifts and create volcanoes,         moves with hurricane's speed (224 mph/360 kph), it takes 5 days for venus' cloud to circulate venus.
         valley. standing on venus' ground           venus atmosphere's, sky's color looks orange from a person standing on venus' ground 
         feels like staying 1 mile(1.6 km)           because venus' atmosphere filter sunlight. venus air looks hazy.
         deep underwater                             venus atmosphere burnt small meteor, can not burn large meteor.
                                                     only large meteors create impact-craters. 

earth    solid, water, volcanoes                      78 % nitrogen, 21 % oxygen, 1 % other
                                                      can break meteors.
                                                      earth's atmosphere moves with speed maximum 250 mph / 400 kph

mars     solid, rocky, extinct volcanoes,            very thin : 95 % carbon dioxide, 3 % nitrogen, 2 % argon, 
         rusty red iron, desert, canyons.            a bit oxygen, a bit water vapor.
         mars was wetter and warmer billions         thicker atmosphere existed billion years ago.
         years ago

jupiter  find 'jupiter's contradiction note :'       wind speed 335 mph / 539 kph at equator
(gas and , read that 1st.
liquid   swirling gas-hydrogen and gas-helium.       
giant)   on outer atmosphere.
         swirling liquid-pressurised-hydrogen
         in deep inside atmosphere which is
         the largest ocean in this solar system. 
         extreme pressure in deep inside 
         atmosphere melt and vaporise spacecraft
         trying to fly to jupiter.
         storm with size of 2 earths 
         ongoing since 1 century ago.
         failed-star [source:'failed star' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_giant from google ( Is Saturn a failed star ) result 1 from google ( jupiter failed star ) result related-search -> is saturn a failed star from 'jupiter failed star' in forgotten-article]

saturn   gas-hydrogen, gas-helium,                   hot : hydrogen, helium
(gas and 2 ton of those came from earth            
liquid   (maybe from cassini mission's debris)     
giant)   the 1st least dense planet, 
         average density is less dense than
         water, can float on a collosal bathtub.
         failed-star [source:'failed star' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_giant from google ( Is Saturn a failed star ) result 1 from google ( jupiter failed star ) result related-search -> is saturn a failed star from 'jupiter failed star' in forgotten-article]
uranus   swirling ice materials :                    mostly hydrogen sulfide and helium, small amount of methane,
(ice     water, methane, ammonia.                    traces of water and ammonia. uranus' atmosphere's color is blue-green because 
giant)   the 2nd least dense planet.                 methane in uranus' atmosphere absorb red portion 
                                                     of sunlight reflected back by cloud tops, resulting in blue-green appearance from outer space.
                                                     unknown sky's color from a person flying on uranus gas surface.
                                                     uranus' atmosphere has extreme pressure and temperature (minimum 49 k(-224.2 c)
                                                     which destroys a metal spacecraft.
                                                     wind speed 560 mph / 900 kph, 
                                                     flowing against uranus' rotation's direction at equator, 
                                                     flowing with uranus' rotation's direction near the poles

neptune  ice materials :                             mostly hydrogen and helium, frozen cloud made from a little methane.
(ice     water, methane, ammonia.                    neptun's atmosphere's color is bright blue.
giant)   year 1989, a large oval-shaped storm        neptun's atmosphere moves with supersonic speed 1,200 mph / 2,000 kph
         in southern hemisphere dubbed 'great
         dark spot' is large enough to contain
         earth, that storm has disappear but
         new storms appears on different area.
         the windiest planet
pluto    when far from the sun :                     blue sky, thin : mostly nitrogen, a little methane and carbon monoxide,
         solid snow, ice mountains,                  blue tint, haze layers.
         a heart-shaped glacier as big as            pluto's atmosphere expands when pluto approach the sun.
         texas and oklahoma.                         pluto's atmosphere shrinks when pluto leave the sun.
         when near the sun : 
         solid snow changes to gas (sublimate)
         then rise become thin atmosphere

glacier : a river of ice, which moves slowly
source : google (glacier) result 0
'(maybe from cassini mission's debris)' explanation :
 2 us tons = 1814.369 kilograms
 cassini spacecraft weight during launch : 5,712 kg 
 cassini spacecraft weight during collision with saturn : 2,125 kg
 source : 
 from ref [1] in
 'Dry mass  2,523 kg (5,562 lb)[1]'

jupiter's contradiction note :
 1. 'swirling liquid-pressurised-hydrogen'
 2. 'extreme pressure in deep inside atmosphere melt and vaporise spacecraft'
being summarised from
 1. 'Deep in the atmosphere, pressure and temperature increase, 
     compressing the hydrogen gas into a liquid'
 2. 'The extreme pressures and temperatures deep inside the planet crush, 
     melt and vaporize spacecraft trying to fly into the planet. '
 1. 'Deep under Jupiter’s clouds is a huge ocean of liquid metallic hydrogen. 
     On Earth, hydrogen is usually gas. But on Jupiter, the pressure is 
     so great inside its atmosphere that the gas becomes liquid'
 from google (jupiter temperature) result 2

indicate : 
 deep inside jupiter's atmosphere has hot-pressurised-liquid-hydrogen.
but contradicts : 
 1. hydrogen becomes liquid during temperature -423.17 f / -252.87 c which is very cold
    source : 
    1.1 'However, for hydrogen to be in a fully liquid state without 
        boiling at atmospheric pressure, it needs to be cooled to 20.28 K[3] 
        (−423.17 °F/−252.87 °C).[4][5]'
    1.2 'Hydrogen can be stored physically as either a gas or a liquid. 
        Storage of hydrogen as a gas typically requires high-pressure tanks 
        (350–700 bar [5,000–10,000 psi] tank pressure). 
        Storage of hydrogen as a liquid requires cryogenic temperatures 
        because the boiling point of hydrogen at one atmosphere pressure 
        is −252.8°C. Hydrogen can also be stored on the surfaces of 
        solids (by adsorption) or within solids (by absorption).'
        from google (pressurised hydrogen) result 5
        'cryogenic' means cold
        source : 
        1. 'cryogenics is the production and behaviour of materials at 
            very low temperatures.
            It is not well-defined at what point on the temperature scale 
            refrigeration ends and cryogenics begins, but scientists[1] assume 
            a gas to be cryogenic if it can be liquefied at or 
            below −150 °C (123 K; −238 °F)'
            from google (cryogenic) result 1
        2. 'Cryogenics is the branch of physics that deals with 
            the production and effects of very low temperatures.'
            from google (cryogenic) result 9
 2. pressurised-hydrogen / compressed-hydrogen has gas form
    source :
    'Compressed hydrogen (CH2, CGH2 or CGH2) is the gaseous state of 
    the element hydrogen kept under pressure. Compressed hydrogen in 
    hydrogen tanks at 350 bar (5,000 psi) and 700 bar (10,000 psi) is 
    used for mobile hydrogen storage in hydrogen vehicles.[1] It is used as a fuel gas.'
    from google (compressed hydrogen) result 1
planet   surface-temp
venus    880 f - 900 f/ 470 c - 465 c
pluto    -375 f to -400 f (-226 c to -240 c)
uranus   atmosphere's temperature (minimum 49 k(-224.2 c) which destroys a metal spacecraft.
         boeing.com->767 during flying-altitute 39,000 foot ( 11.8 km ) receive outdoor-temperature -70 f ( -57 c ). [source:(1/3)'airplane climbs to a cruise altitude of 39,000 feet with levels vary with season, altitude, latitude, and weather the outside conditions changing dramatically. Upon reaching systems. cruise altitude, the outside air temperature is -70°F' in https://web.archive.org/web/20110524110211/http://www.boeing.com/commercial/cabinair/ecs.pdf from ref for 'when cruising at 37,000 feet (11,000 m)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabin_pressurization#cite_ref-7  (2/3)1 meter = 3.28084 foot [source : https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/length/meter-to-feet.html from google (1 meter to inch) (3/3)T(°F) = T(°C) × 9/5 + 32 . T(°C) = (T(°F) - 32) × 5/9 . T(°C) = T(K) - 273.15 [source : https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/temperature/fahrenheit-to-celsius.html from google (celsius to fahrenheit) result 1 , https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/temperature/how-kelvin-to-celsius.html from google (kelvin to celsius) result 1 ]
neptune  sun appears 900 times dimmer
jupiter  in the cloud : -145 c / -234 f, near the core : maybe 24,000 c / 43,000 f
mercury  day : 430 c / 800 f
         night : -180 c / -290 f
         sun appear 3 times bigger
         sunlight 11 times brighter

core material (maybe, just a guess, no evidence)--------------
planet    core-material
venus     solid-iron, radius : 2,000 mile / 3,200 km
pluto     unknown
uranus    rocky-core, temperature near the core: 9,000 f ( 4,982 c )
neptune   rocky-core same mass as earth
saturn    unknown

mars      dense-core made from iron, nickel, sulfur
          surrounded by rocky mantle thickness 770 mile-1170 mile / 1,240 km-1,880 km
          surrounded by crust made from iron, magnesium, aluminum, 
          calcium, potassium with thickness 6 mile-30 mile (10 km-50 km)
jupiter   unknown

mercury   partly-molten:metallic
          radius : 1,289 mile / 2,074 km / 85 % mercury's radius

earth     maybe solid : iron-nickel alloy, other             
          temp: 5,700 k / 5,430 c
          pressure: 330-360 giga-pascal / 3,300,000 - 3,600,000 atm
          radius: 1,220 km / 760 miles
          that pressurised-iron's melting point: 6,230 +- 500 k

source : 
from google (how to determine earth core material) result 1

planet's duration sorted by distance to sun ascending-order, mercury is nearest to sun  ------------source:'11.862615' in https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planet-compare/
planet   1-day-duration/     1-year-duration   1-season-duration               1-night-duration
mercury  59 day              88 day            non-existant

venus    243 day             225 day           non-existant                     2 month

earth    24 hour             365 day           90-93 day                        12 hour

mars     24 hour             687 day /         7 month
         37 minute           2 year
         22 second

jupiter  10 hour             4,333 day /       3 year
                             11.862615 year/
                             almost 12 year
saturn   10.7 hour          10,756 day         about 7 year
                             29.4571 year

uranus   17 hour            3,0687 day        21 year sunlight (summer),
                             84 year           or 42 year sunlight (summer)
                                               21 year darkness (winter),
                                               or 42 year darkness (winter)
                                               find 'contradicts'

neptune  16 hour            60,190 day        more than 40 year
                             165 year

pluto    153 hours/6 days    248 years         unknown
(1)year-3-bible-rule: 'Every year you are to give ten percent of your harvest to the Lord. But every third year, this ten percent must be given to the poor who live in your town, including Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows. That way, they will have enough to eat.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?qs_version=CEV&quicksearch=third+year&begin=5&end=5
(2)year-7-bible-rule:(2.1)'2 If you buy a Hebrew slave, he must remain your slave for six years. But in the seventh year you must set him free, without cost to him. ' in http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+21:2&version=CEV    (2.2)'11 but let the land rest during the seventh year. The poor are to eat what they want from your fields, vineyards, and olive trees during that year, and when they have all they want from your fields, leave the rest for wild animals.' in http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+23:11&version=CEV  (2.3)'After you enter the land that I am giving you, it must be allowed to rest one year out of every seven. 3 You may raise grain and grapes for six years, 4 but the seventh year you must let your  fields and vineyards rest in honor of me, your Lord. 5 This is to  be a time of complete rest for your fields and vineyards, so don’t  harvest anything they produce. 6-7 However, you and your slaves and  your hired workers, as well as any domestic or wild animals, may eat  whatever grows on its own.' in http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2025:2-7&version=CEV (2.4)'20 Don’t ever worry about what you will eat during the seventh year when you are forbidden to plant or harvest. 21 I will see to it that  you harvest enough in the sixth year to last for three years.  22 In the eighth year you will live on what you harvested in the  sixth year, but in the ninth year you will eat what you plant and  harvest in the eighth year.' in http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+25%3A18-22&version=CEV  (2.5)'15 1-2 Every seven years you must announce, “The Lord says loans do not need to be paid back.” Then if you have loaned money to another Israelite, you can no longer ask for payment.[a] 3 This law applies only to loans you have made to other Israelites. Foreigners will still have to pay back what you have loaned them.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy+15&version=CEV
(3)year-50-bible-rule:(3.1)'The Year of Celebration The Lord said to his people:8 Once every 49 years [9] on day 10 of month 7,[a] which is also the Great Day of Forgiveness,[b] trumpets are to be blown everywhere in the land.10 This year 50[c] is sacred—it is a time of freedom and of celebration when everyone will receive back their original property, and slaves will return home to their families. 11 year 50 is a year of complete celebration, so don’t plant any seed or harvest what your fields or vineyards produce. 12 In this time of sacred celebration you may eat only what grows on its own.13 During this year, all property must go back to its original owner. 14-15 So when you buy or sell farmland, the price is to be determined by the number of crops it can produce before the next Year of Celebration. Don’t try to cheat. 16 If it is a long time before the next Year of Celebration, the price will be higher,because what is really being sold are the crops that the land can produce. 17 I am the Lord your God, so obey me and don’t cheat anyone.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+25&version=CEV#21_apr_2019_6_27_pm_edt
(4)7 month is duration from march-equinox to september-equinox/aries-month to libra-month.source:(1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equinox#27_sep_2018_8_5_am_edt (2)'aries:20-mar:sun enter aries(0 degree)    -> rabbit-2 start at 0 degree' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm

star's duration ---------------------
star   1-day-duration/1-rotation-duration
sun    24.47 days in sun'sequator

distance, duration for sunlight to reach that planet ---------------------
planet      average-distance-to-sun     sunlight-arrival-duration
            (million miles/
             million km/
             astronomical unit)
1. mercury  36 / 58 / 0.39                   3.2 minute
2. venus    67 / 108 /0.7                    6 minute
3. earth    93 / 150 / 1                     8 minute
4. mars     142 / 228 / 1.5                 13 minute
5. jupiter  484 / 778 / 5.2                 43 minute
6. saturn   886 / 1,400 / 9.5               80 minute  
7. uranus   1,800 / 2,900 / 19.8             2 hour 40 minute
8. neptune  2,800 / 4,500 / 30               4 hour
            every 248 years
            for 20 years
            neptune stays farther
            from the sun than pluto
            recently happened in
9. pluto    3,600 / 5,800 / 30-49.3           5.5 hour
1 astronomical unit = distance from earth to sun

radius (1/2 diameter) ---------------
planet   radius(miles/km)
jupiter  43440.7 / 69911
saturn   36183.7 / 58232
uranus   15759.2 / 25362
neptune  15299.4 / 24622
earth    3959 / 6371
venus    3760 / 6052 almost like earth
mars     2106 / 3390 /  1/2 earth
mercury  1516 / 2439.7 /  1/3 earth's width
moon     1079.6 / 1738.1  .source:(1)'1079.6miles' in https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/earths-moon/by-the-numbers/  (2)'1738.1' in https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/moonfact.html from ref[4] in ' 1737.1 km  (0.2727 of Earth's)[1][4][5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon#21_apr_2019_6_45_pm_edt #little-contradict# '1737.5km' in https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/earths-moon/by-the-numbers/
pluto    715 / 1151  1/4 usa's width, 1/3 earth's moon's width
planet   mass                    distance-to-earth                                                            gravity-force-felt-on earth-without-g-constant
moon     73.5 x 10^21 kg         384 402 km                                                                   ( 73.5 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (384 402 km)^2 = ( 73.5 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (147 764 897 604 km) =  (439059.6 x 10^42)/(147 764 897 604 km) = (439059.6 x 10^42)/(147764.897604 x 10^9 m) = 2.971338979 x 10^33 newton
jupiter  1,898,600 x 10^21 kg    365 million mile (588 million km)-----601 million miles (968 million km)    ( 1,898,600 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (588 million km)^2 = ( 1,898,600 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (345744×10^12 km) = ( 1898600 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (345744×10^15 m) = 11341476960 x 10^42 kg /(345744 × 10^15 m) = 32803.105650423 x 10^27 newton
earth    5973.6 x 10^21 kg
source : 
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Solar_System_objects_by_size
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_distance_(astronomy)
   from google (moon distance from earth) result 1
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_law_of_universal_gravitation

moon<->earth gravity :
( 73.5 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (384 402 km)^2 = 
( 73.5 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (147 764 897 604 km) =  
(439059.6 x 10^42)/(147 764 897 604 km) = 
(439059.6 x 10^42)/(147764.897604 x 10^9 m) = 
2.971338979 x 10^33 newton

jupiter<->earth gravity :
( 1,898,600 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (588 million km)^2 = 
( 1,898,600 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (345744×10^12 km) = 
( 1898600 x 10^21 kg ) x ( 5973.6 x 10^21 kg ) / (345744×10^15 m) = 
11341476960 x 10^42 kg /(345744 × 10^15 m) = 
32803.105650423 x 10^27 newton

moon<->earth gravity / jupiter<->earth gravity =
2.971338979 x 10^33 newton        29.71338979 x 10^32 newton
------------------------------ = --------------------------------   = 90.5810264 = 90.6
32803.105650423 x 10^27 newton    3.2803105650423 x 10^31 newton

how much gravity pull from other planets, being felt on earth--------
planet     value-from-article                 my-value-when-that-planet-near-earth
moon       1                                  90.6
jupiter    0.0000068 moon's attraction         1
venus      94.1  % jupiter's attraction
mars       41.2  % jupiter's attraction
mercury     7.4  % jupiter's attraction
saturn      3.5  % jupiter's attraction
uranus      0.05 % jupiter's attraction
neptune    0.014 % jupiter's attraction
pluto      almost-none
source :
google (planet's gravitational pull) result 4
my calculation above in table 'mass------------'

begin 'cavendish G constant maybe wrong'-----
 i suggest physics teacher abandon G constant
 in newton's formula because this 
 was how G constant invented : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11sLusnVZwM&t=3m (Cavendish Gravity Experiment Time Lapse Version 1)
 'Cavendish experiment'
 from 'gravitational constant'

 if cavendish's G constant is wrong then
  mass for earth is wrong as well
  source : 
   F = G x m1 x m2     = ma
   ----  = g
   m = g x r^2
   m = 9.8 x (6.37 x 10^6)^2
           6.673 × 10^-11
   m = 5.96 × 10^24 kg
  from google (how to calculate earth mass) result 5
  google (how to measure planet mass) result 1

end 'cavendish G constant maybe wrong'-----

formation history ------
planet   formation-history
uranus   Uranus took shape when the rest of the solar system formed 
         about 4.5 billion years ago, when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in 
         to become this ice giant. Like its neighbor Neptune, 
         Uranus likely formed closer to the Sun and 
         moved to the outer solar system about 4 billion years ago, 
         where it is the 7th planet from the Sun.
venus    When the solar system settled into its current layout 
         about 4.5 billion years ago, Venus formed when 
         gravity pulled swirling gas and dust together to form 
         the 2nd planet from the Sun.
         complete resurface by volcanic activity 
         300 million-500 million years ago.
neptune  Neptune took shape when the rest of the solar system formed 
         about 4.5 billion years ago, when gravity pulled swirling gas 
         and dust in to become this ice giant. Like its neighbor Uranus, 
         Neptune likely formed closer to the Sun and moved to 
         the outer solar system about 4 billion years ago.
saturn   Saturn took shape when the rest of the solar system formed 
         about 4.5 billion years ago, when gravity pulled swirling gas and 
         dust in to become this gas giant. About 4 billion years ago, 
         Saturn settled into its current position in the outer solar system, 
         where it is the 6th planet from the Sun. 
         Like Jupiter, Saturn is mostly made of hydrogen and helium, 
         the same 2 main components that make up the Sun. 
jupiter  Jupiter took shape when the rest of the solar system formed 
         about 4.5 billion years ago, when gravity pulled swirling gas and 
         dust in to become this gas giant. Jupiter took most of the mass 
         left over after the formation of the Sun, ending up with more 
         than twice the combined material of the other bodies in the solar system. 
         In fact, Jupiter has the same ingredients as a star, 
         but it did not grow massive enough to ignite.
         About 4 billion years ago, Jupiter settled into its current position 
         in the outer solar system, where it is the fifth planet from the Sun.
mercury  Mercury formed about 4.5 billion years ago when gravity pulled 
         swirling gas and dust together to form this small planet nearest the Sun
pluto    Dwarf planet Pluto is a member of a group of objects 
         that orbit in a disc-like zone beyond the orbit of Neptune called 
         the Kuiper Belt. This distant realm is populated with 
         thousands of miniature icy worlds, which formed early in 
         the history of our solar system about 4.5 billion years ago. 
         These icy, rocky bodies are called Kuiper Belt objects, 
         transneptunian objects, or plutoids.
earth    When the solar system settled into its current layout about 
         4.5 billion years ago, Earth formed when gravity pulled 
         swirling gas and dust in to become the third planet from the Sun

magnetic field----------------------
planet  magnetic field
venus   weaker than earth because of venus' slow rotation
jupiter 16-54 times stronger than earth, can damage spacecraft
mercury weak, strength is 1% earth's magnetic field, but mixes with
        magnetic field from the sun's wind, creating strong magnetic tornadoes
pluto   unknown

planet-direction seen from above north-pole,higher-rank means farther from sun  ---------------------
c=clockwise,a=anticlockwise/counterclockwise,prograde=p(same direction as sun-rotation),retrograde=r(oppose sun-rotation-direction)
planet            rotation-direction  circling-sun-direction  
0)sun             a 
1)mercury         a                   a/p 
2)venus           c                   c/r maybe because of meteor-impact
3)earth           a                   a/p 
4)mars            a                   a/p 
5)jupiter         a                   a/p
6)saturn          a                   a/p
7)uranus          c                   c/r maybe because of meteor-impact
8)neptune         a                   a/p
9)pluto           a                   a/p
[source:(1/2)'Every planet in our solar system except for Venus and Uranus rotates counter-clockwise as seen from above the North Pole; that is to say, from west to east. This is the same direction in which all the planets orbit the sun. Uranus was likely hit by a very large planetoid early in its history, causing it to rotate "on its side," 90 degrees away from its orbital motion. Venus rotates backwards compared to the other planets, also likely due to an early asteroid hit which disturbed its original rotation.' in http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/about-us/56-our-solar-system/planets-and-dwarf-planets/general-questions/247-what-direction-do-planets-rotate-beginner#13_may_2019_4_43_pm_edt from google(planet rotation direction)result 1    (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_rotation#/media/File:Earth-5-50.gif#13_may_2019_4_50_pm_edt from 'An animation of Earth's rotation around the planet's axis' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_rotation from google(earth rotation direction)result 1 [3-jan-2018 3:50 pm est]]

moon-direction seen from above north-pole ---------------------
                     rotation-direction  circling-planet-direction  
1)earth-moon         a                    a [source:'When viewed from the north celestial pole (i.e., from the approximate direction of the star Polaris) the Moon orbits Earth anticlockwise and Earth orbits the Sun anticlockwise, and the Moon and Earth rotate on their own axes anticlockwise.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbit_of_the_Moon#13_may_2019_5_11_pm_edt from google(moon orbit direction)result 1]
same earth-moon-face see earth
2)mars-moon-fobos    a                    a [source:'Mars, like all of the planets except Venus, rotates in a counter clockwise direction (astronomers call this prograde). ... Deimos is like our own Moon and takes longer than a Martian day to orbit, so Mars rotates quicker than Deimos orbits, and thus it seems to rise in the East and set in the West.' in https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/psi-vid/curiosity-catches-sight-of-marse28099-moon-passing-the-other/#13_may_2019_5_13_pm_edt from google(mars moon rotation direction)result 1
3)mars-moon-deimos   a                    a [source:'Mars, like all of the planets except Venus, rotates in a counter clockwise direction (astronomers call this prograde). ... Deimos is like our own Moon and takes longer than a Martian day to orbit, so Mars rotates quicker than Deimos orbits, and thus it seems to rise in the East and set in the West.' in https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/psi-vid/curiosity-catches-sight-of-marse28099-moon-passing-the-other/#13_may_2019_5_13_pm_edt from google(mars moon rotation direction)result 1
4)jupiter-moon-big   a                    a [source:'These moons all have prograde orbits, meaning they orbit in the same direction as Jupiter's rotation. The Carme group takes its name from the Moon of the same name. ... The satellites in this family all have retrograde orbits, meaning they orbit Jupiter in the opposite direction of its rotation.' in https://m.phys.org/news/2015-06-moons-jupiter.html#13_may_2019_5_15_pm_edt from google(jupiter moon rotation direction)result 1]
  jupiter-moon-small ??                   c [source:'These are tiny moons, in long, eccentric, generally retrograde orbits, and averaging 3 km (1.9 mi) in diameter, with the largest being just 9 km (5.6 mi) across' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moons_of_Jupiter#13_may_2019_5_17_pm_edt from google(jupiter moon rotation direction)result 5]
5)pluto-moon-charon  tidally-locked       a [source:'pluto-planet and pluto-moon-charon 'gravitationally locked to one another, so each keeps the same face towards the other. This is a case of mutual tidal locking, as compared to that of the Earth and the Moon, where the Moon always shows the same face to Earth, but not vice versa.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon_(moon)#23_nov_2018_5_22_pm_est from 'charon' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon_(moon)#23_nov_2018_5_22_pm_est from 'tidal locking' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_heating#23_nov_2018_5_18_pm_est from 'tidal heating' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_heating_of_Io#23_nov_2018_5_14_pm_est from 'This tidal flexing heats the moons' interiors by friction' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter#23_nov_2018_5_14_pm_est
tidally-locked=same-charon-face face same-pluto-face all the time

rotation-speed-at-equator sorted by distance to sun, mercury is nearest to sun---------[source:http://www.grandpapencil.net/projects/plansped.htm from google(planet rotation speed)result 1]
kph    mph
10.83  6.73  mercury
6.52   4.05  venus
1674   1040  earth
866    538   mars
45583  28325 jupiter
36840  22892 saturn
14794  9193  uranus
9719   6039  neptune
123.21 76.56 pluto

original table -----
planet   moon-amount  planet-axial-tilt length-of-1-season    surface-material                     core-material                   length-of-1-night  surface-temp  moon-mass
venus     0           177.36            non-existant          solid, rocky                         ???                             2 months           800 f         
pluto     5           122.53            ???                   solid
uranus   27            97.77            about 20 years        gas                                  molten-core
neptune  14            28.32            more than 40 years    gas-ammonia, gas-methane, water      solid-iron, other-metal, ice
saturn   62            26.73            about 7 years         gas
mars      2            25.19            7 months              solid                                                                                                 fobos 10.7 x 10^15 kg + deimos 1.48 x 10^15 kg
earth     1            23.45            90-93 days            solid, water                                                                                          73.5 x 10^21 kg
jupiter  67             3.13            3 years               gas
mercury   0             0               non-existant          solid
source :
1. http://www.astronomynotes.com/tables/tablesb.htm
   from google (planet axial tilt list) result 3
2. https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/how-many-moons-does-each-planet-have-289486
   from google (planet moon amount) result 2
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Solar_System_objects_by_size
   from google (moon list with mass) result 1
4. 'Uranus  About 20 years'
   in https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/home/F_Planet_Seasons.html
   from google (season in venus) result 3
   'For nearly a quarter of each Uranian year, 
   the Sun shines directly over each pole, plunging the other half of 
   the planet into a 21-year-long, dark winter.'
   'When one pole is going through “summer” on Uranus, 
   it will experience 42 years of continuous sunlight. 
   When that same pole is pointed away from the Sun (i.e. a Uranian “winter”), 
   it will experience 42 years of continuous darkness.'
   from google (One day-night cycle on Mercury takes 175.97 Earth days) result 1
   from 'One day-night cycle on Mercury takes 175.97 Earth days'
   from google (nasa mercury facts) result 1
   from 'nasa', 'fact' in
   and contradicts
   'During Uranus’ winter-summer season, the winter side of the planet 
   never sees the sun. It doesn’t see the sun for 21 long years. 
   Meanwhile, the summer side of the planet has continuous daylight.'
5. 'Uranus radiates very little heat in comparison with the other gas giants, 
   Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune). Uranus is a frozen, 
   gaseous planet with a molten core.'
   from google (uranus planet composition) result 2
   'above a small rocky core.'
   google (uranus nasa facts) result 1
   'hot, dense fluid of "icy" materials'
   sounds contradictory
6. https://www.space.com/18920-neptune-composition.html
   from google (neptune composition) result 1
7. http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/charts/the-atmospheres-of-the-solar-system.html
   from google-image (planet composition chart) row 1 col 1
8. 'The core may also be completely solid, or may not even exist at all. 
    Taking readings on the interior of another planet is a significant challenge.'
    google (venus composition) result 1
    'Venus is made up of a central iron core and a rocky mantle, 
     similar to the composition of Earth. Its atmosphere is mainly 
     made up of carbon dioxide (96%) and nitrogen (3%), 
     with small amounts of other gases.'
    from google (venus composition) result 3
    and contradicts
    'The composition of Venus is pretty similar to Earth, with a core 
    of metal, a mantle of liquid rock, and an outer crust of solid rock.
    Unfortunately, scientists have no direct knowledge about Venus composition.'
    from google (venus composition) result 4
9. 9.1 'Mars has a thin atmosphere made up mostly of carbon dioxide (CO2), 
       argon (Ar), nitrogen (N2), and a small amount of oxygen and water vapor.' 
       in https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/mars/overview/
   9.2 'The spacecraft found nitrogen, argon and small traces of oxygen and water vapor. 
       To be precise, the atmosphere around Mars is 95 percent carbon dioxide, 
       3 percent nitrogen and 2 percent argon. '
       from google (neptune season) result 5
10. 'especially since Venus rotates so slowly that its night lasts almost two Earth months',
    'at the surface, the planet roasts at more than 800 degrees Fahrenheit'
    from google (season temperature on venus) result 3
    'The planet’s surface temperature is about 900 degrees Fahrenheit (465 degrees Celsius)'
    'The landscape is dusty, and surface temperatures 
    reach a scalding 880 degrees Fahrenheit (471 degrees Celsius)'
    from 'in depth' in
    'the top level of clouds zips around the planet every four Earth days'
    'Super Rotating Atmosphere
     While the surface rotates slowly, the winds blow at hurricane force, 
     sending clouds completely around the planet every five days.'
11. https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/mercury/in-depth/
    'in depth' in https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/mars/overview/
12. 'with a radius of about 1,220 kilometres (760 miles), which is about 70% of the Moon's radius.[1][2] It is composed of an iron–nickel alloy and some other elements. The temperature at the inner core's surface is approximately 5,700 K (5,430 °C), which is about the temperature at the surface of the Sun.[3]',
    'Iron can be solid at such high temperatures only because its melting temperature increases dramatically at pressures of that magnitude (see the Clausius–Clapeyron relation).[15]
    A report published in the journal Science [16] concludes that the melting temperature of iron at the inner core boundary is 6230 ± 500 K.'
    from google (earth core) result 1
13. 'About two tons of Saturn’s mass came from Earth—the
    Cassini spacecraft was intentionally vaporized in Saturn’s atmosphere in 2017'
14. 'At Saturn's center is a dense core of metals like iron and nickel
     surrounded by rocky material and other compounds solidified by 
     the intense pressure and heat. It is enveloped by 
     liquid metallic hydrogen inside a layer of liquid hydrogen—similar 
     to Jupiter's core but considerably smaller.'
     'It is still unclear if, deeper down, 
     Jupiter has a central core of solid material or 
     if it may be a thick, super-hot and dense soup. 
     It could be up to 90,032 degrees Fahrenheit (50,000 degrees Celsius) 
     down there, made mostly of iron and silicate minerals (similar to quartz).'

15. '2,439.7 kilometers' contradicts '2,440 kilometers'

16. difficult to understand that this distance is average :
    1. 'Deep Space
       Pluto orbits the Sun about 3.6 billion miles (5.8 billion km) away on average, 
       about 40 times as far as Earth, in a region called the Kuiper Belt.'
    'about 40 times as far as Earth' means 40 au
    39 au in below sentence
    2. 2.1. 'From an average distance of 3.7 billion miles 
            (5.9 billion kilometers), 
            Pluto is 39 astronomical units away from the sun.
            One astronomical unit (abbreviated as AU), is the distance 
            from the sun to Earth'
       2.3. 'Pluto's 248-year-long, oval-shaped orbit can take it 
            as far as 49.3 astronomical units (AU) from the sun, 
            and as close as 30 AU. (One AU is the mean distance 
            between Earth and the sun: about 93 million miles or 
            150 million kilometers.) But on average, Pluto is 
            3.7 billion miles (5.9 billion kilometers) away from the sun, 
            or 39 AU.'
   'The temperature on Pluto can be as cold as
   -375 to -400 degrees Fahrenheit (-226 to -240 degrees Celsius).'
   'Pluto’s surface is far too cold, -378 to -396 degrees F (-228 to -238 C)'

17. 9800 degrees fahrenheit = 5426.667 degrees celsius
    source : google (9800 fahrenheit to celsius)
    'There the temperature is as high as 9,800 degrees Fahrenheit 
    (5,400 degrees Celsius)'

18. 'At the equator the solar rotation period is 24.47 days. 
     This is called the sidereal rotation period, and should not be confused 
     with the synodic rotation period of 26.24 days, which is the time 
     for a fixed feature on the Sun to rotate to 
     the same apparent position as viewed from Earth. 
     The synodic period is longer because the Sun must rotate 
     for a sidereal period plus an extra amount due to the orbital motion of 
     the Earth around the Sun'
    'Going back to take another look at the decay data from the Brookhaven lab,
    the researchers found a recurring pattern of 33 days. 
    It was a bit of a surprise, given that most solar observations 
    show a pattern of about 28 days – the rotation rate of the surface of the sun.'
    google (sun isotope decay) result 1
    'Unlike Earth and the Moon, Io's main source of internal heat comes
     from tidal dissipation rather than radioactive isotope decay'
    from 'io' in
    from 'Tidal heating produces dramatic volcanic effects on Jupiter's moon Io'
    'tidal forces' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_locking
    from 'tidal locking' in
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axcy1zuDaU8&t=3m23s (Simulation of the Moon Orbit)
  [reason] planet-satellite/moon make season, tilt-angle doesn't make season [/reason]
 so maybe moon does not cause axial tilt in

now i think moon causes axial tilt, so now i think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n04SEzuvXo&t=2m32s
is correct.

earth's moon orbit : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_precession#/media/File:Lunar_standstill.GIF
                     from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_precession
                     from google (moon precession) result 1

earth's moon can pull earth's ocean's water, causes spring tide
during full moon, new moon; neap tide during 1/2 moon.

earth-wobble/precession vs earth-tilt (earth-wobble/precession different-from earth-tilt):
(1)http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/dinosaurflr/wobble.html from google (wobble vs tilt) result 1
(2)https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2948/milankovitch-orbital-cycles-and-their-role-in-earths-climate/ from google (wobble vs tilt) result 2
what causes earth's wobble/precession ?
  1. 'APRIL 8, 2016
      NASA Study Solves Two Mysteries About Wobbling Earth',
  2. 'The researchers found the answer in Eurasia. 
      "The bulk of the answer is a deficit of water in Eurasia: 
      the Indian subcontinent and the Caspian Sea area," Adhikari said.
      The finding was a surprise. This region has lost water mass due 
      to depletion of aquifers and drought, 
      but the loss is nowhere near as great as the change in the ice sheets.

      So why did the smaller loss have such a strong effect? 
      The researchers say it's because the spin axis is very sensitive 
      to changes occurring around 45 degrees latitude, both north and south. 
      "This is well explained in the theory of rotating objects," 
      Adhikari explained. "That's why changes in the Indian subcontinent, 
      for example, are so important."'
  from google (nasa earth axial tilt) result 2

  earth's wobble/precession : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlVgEoZDjok
  wobble means precession
  source :
  1. 'wobble' in
     'The phenomenon we call "precession" was discovered by 
      Greek astronomer Hipparchus when he compared his own circa 200 BC records 
      with older charts. What he saw was that the equinoxes in 
      his day (where the sun's path crosses the celestial equator) were in 
      a different position among the stars than the 150-year-old comparison 
      charts showed. This is due to a gyroscopic wobble of earth's spin axis 
      that takes 26000 years to complete.'
     from google (precession wobble) result 5
  2. 'These external forces on the spinning Earth creates a "wobble" in 
      the Earth's motion -- called precession that is much like 
      the motion seen in a rotating top, wherein the "pole" of 
      the spinning top slowly meanders in the direction that it points.'
     from google (Lunisolar precession is caused by the gravitational forces of the Moon and Sun on Earth's equatorial bulge) result 3
     from 'Lunisolar precession is caused by the gravitational forces of the Moon and Sun on Earth's equatorial bulge, causing Earth's axis to move with respect to inertial space'
     from 'Axial precession'
     google (earth precession) result 1