(20 oct 2018)
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credit :
written in format like
find <2-semicolon> to go to the beginning of the
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update :
2 february 2018 8:24 pm est
- add 'pro', 'cons' for
honda crv year 2003
toyota highlander year 2004, engine : v4 2.4 L
- add
car clock drain battery during car is shutdown.
3 february 2018 6:07 pm est
- add
5. remote car key, car clock, eat battery power,
- make obsolete :
11. no built in clock,
6:30 pm est
- add
my aftermarket audio panel :
7:03 pm est
- add
i chose jvc double din
7:14 pm est
- reword
i chose jvc double din
i chose jvc-kwxg700 from www.beachaudio.com
- add
sony cdx-gt610ui from www.amazon.com WholeSaleAV
7:16 pm est
- add
which was the cheapest mp3 player with usb port
which was the cheapest double din
7:44 pm est
- reword 'secured' to 'attached to'
4 february 2018 12:15 pm est
- reword 'usb port' to 'usb connection'
4:35 pm est
- add
(my sister deborah kim this car from august 2004 - around end of 2017,
4:38 pm est
- reword to
(my sister deborah kim this car from august 2004 - around october of 2017,
5 february 2018
12:00 pm est
- add
14. rear door swing from left to right, just like
15. spare tire hanging on the rear door,
2. rear door swing from bottom to up.
6. wide original tire maybe provide better grip on the road
1:35 pm est
1. reword
14. rear door swing from left to right, just like
driver side door, passenger side door.
14. cargo door swing from left to right so i can just
open cargo door slightly to put small item in cargo area.
2. reword
2. rear door swing from bottom to up.
it is impossible to open rear door slightly to
put small item to cargo area because rear door
swing from bottom to up.
if rear door swing from left to right then
it is possible to open rear door slightly to
put small item to cargo area.
2. cargo door swing from bottom to up.
so cargo door must be opened widely just to
put small item in cargo area.
if cargo door swing from left to right then
it is possible to open cargo door slightly to
put small item to cargo area.
3. reword to
15. spare tire hanging on the rear door (cargo door),
8 february 2018 4:10 pm est
change https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2015_North_American_blizzard
to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2016_United_States_blizzard
10 february 2018 3:16 pm est
iron staff
iron platform
3:21 pm est
that car lifter has black color
20 february 2018 10:42 pm est
6. child seat lock 'latch' is located
10:52 pm est
see that lock on cargo ceiling :
21 february 2018 1:14 pm est
child seat brand cosco bc038-azr (www.djgusa.com)
1:30 pm est
that child seat was bought in local walmart.
3:41 pm est
reword 'lock' to 'anchor point'
8 march 2018 11:10 am est
16. seat belt for front passenger, is optional,
13 march 2018 12:27 pm edt
17. crv's 2.3 L engine, is bigger engine
3:51 pm edt
1. change to 'v4 2.362 L'
2. change to '17. crv's 2.354 L engine, is bigger than rav4 1.998 L engine.'
16 april 2018 8:3 pm edt
some record for repair cost :
10:28 pm edt
add date and time to
some record for repair cost :
17 april 12:22 pm edt
crv year 2003's strut/oespectrum's brandname is monroe
12:28 pm edt
reword 'edt' to 'est'
12:56 pm edt
but i'm not sure.
21 april 2018 9:30 am edt
4. https://www.amazon.com/Genuine-Honda-51605-S9A-A05-Shock-Absorber/dp/B00IMLA89C
4. https://smile.amazon.com/Genuine-Honda-51605-S9A-A05-Shock-Absorber/dp/B00IMLA89C
1:35 pm edt
maybe showa supplied the original struts for crv
1:41 pm edt
from 'showa'
1:48 pm edt
2. 'My car is the 2006 Honda Odyssey (Japanese version), model DBA-RB1.
6:16 pm edt
3. rear windshield washer (sprayer) inoperative cost 120 usd to diagnose
3. rear window washer (sprayer) inoperative cost 120 usd to diagnose
23 april 2018
7:14 pm edt
1. reword
showa was penalised by ohio, usa for price-fixing conspiracy, 16 oct 2014
showa was penalised by usa-fed in ohio, usa
2. fix typo 'souirce :' to 'source :' for 'showa was penalised by'
25 april 2018
1:17 pm edt
some specs for some cars :
1:56 pm edt
moved to http://wortel.ucoz.com/car_review.htm
4:29 pm edt
4:35 pm edt
col 'mpg (city/hw/com)' to the 2nd col
9 may 2018 1:28 pm edt
add 'load limit' to
'some specs for some cars :' section
1:30 pm edt
mercedes benz's oil change cost 200 usd
1:39 pm edt
6:50 pm edt : add to 'some specs for some cars :'
amg gt 2018 16 city/22 hw
g class 2017 12 city/14 hw
bugatti veyron vites 8 city/15 hw
RollsRoyceGhost2_2017 12 city/19 hw
range rover v6 2017 17 city/23 hw/19.7 com
range rover v8 2017 14 city/19 hw/16.25 com
6:52 pm edt : 1. reword
'at mpg (city/highway/combine)' to 'automatic-mpg'
'mt mpg' to 'manual-mpg'
2. remove 'at' word from some cars in 'some specs for some cars :'
3. add to 'some specs for some cars :'
benz s 600 v12 6.0L 13 city/22 hw/17.05 com
benz s 550 v8 4.7L 18 city/26 hw/21.6 com
benz s 550 awd 16 city/25 hw/20.05 com
7:5 pm edt : ordered by city mpg : 'some specs for some cars :'
7:13 pm edt : add more g class model to 'some specs for some cars :'
add double semi-colon to above 'some specs for some cars :'
7:15 pm edt ; ordered by city mpg : 'some specs for some cars :'
7:16 pm edt ; ordered by city mpg and highway mpg : 'some specs for some cars :'
8 pm edt : add to 'some specs for some cars :' :
s-500 guard 2014 15.9 city/?????/21.9 com 8994.9 lbs
s-600 guard 2014 13.1 city/?????/18.2 com 9171.2 lbs
14.8 (liter per kilometer) = 0.158928773 Miles per gallon from google (14.8 liter per km to mpg)
10.7 (liter per kilometer) = 0.219826713 Miles per gallon from google (10.7 liter per km to mpg)
18 (liter per kilometer) = 0.130674769 Miles per gallon from google (18 liter per km to mpg)
12.9 (liter per kilometer) = 0.182336886 Miles per gallon from google (12.9 liter per km to mpg)
14.8 liters per 100 kilometers = 15.893 us miles per gallon from google (14.8 liter per 100 km to mpg)
10.7 liters per 100 kilometers = 21.983 us miles per gallon from google (10.7 liter per 100 km to mpg)
18 liters per 100 kilometers = 13.067 us miles per gallon from google (18 liter per 100 km to mpg)
12.9 liters per 100 kilometers = 18.234 us miles per gallon from google (12.9 liter per 100 km to mpg)
8:14 pm edt : 1. add '14. https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/bymodel/2017_Mercedes-Benz_S-Class.shtml '
2. reword
bugatti veyron vites
10 may 8:51 pm edt :
ferari F12 6.3 2017 pg 11 city/15 hw/12 com
GCerokiT6.2Awd2018 pg 11 city/17 hw/13 com
GCerokiSrt6.4Awd2018 13 city/19 hw/15 com
LamboGalardo5.2 2014 pg 13 city/20 hw/16 com 12 city/20 hw/15 com
GCeroki5.7Awd2018 mg 14 city/22 hw/17 com
lexusGx4602018 pg 15 city/18 hw/16 com
ferari488gtbB3.9 2017 pg 15 city/22 hw/18 com
ferariCali3.9 2017 pg 16 city/23 hw/18 com
GCeroki3.6Awd2018 rg 18 city/25 hw/21 com
acuraMdx awd 2018 pg 18 city/26 hw/21 com
GCeroki3.6Rwd2018 rg 19 city/26 hw/21 com
acuraMdx fwd 2018 pg 19 city/27 hw/22 com
GCeroki3.0Rwd2018 disel 22 city/30 hw/25 com
GCeroki3.0Awd2018 disel 21 city/28 hw/24 com
acuraMdxAwdHYBRD 2018 pg 26 city/27 hw/27 com
HondaPilotAwd 2018 rg 18 city/26 hw/21 com
9:36 pm edt
1. add
dodsClnjrHelCat6.2 2017 pg 13 city/21 hw/16.60 com
dodsViper8.4 2017 pg 12 city/19 hw/14 com
2. reword
3. reword
RollsRoyceGhost2_2017 pg 12 city/19 hw
RollsRoyceGhost 2017 pg 12 city/19 hw/14 com
4. add
ToyotaHighlndr2.7 2018 rg 20 city/24 hw/22 com
ToyotaSeqoiaAwd 2018 rg 13 city/17 hw/14 com
fordExpe3.5Fwd 2017 rg 15 city/20 hw/17 com
fordExpe3.5Awd 2017 rg 15 city/19 hw/16 com
9:47 pm edt
ToyotaHighlndr2.7 2018
ToyotaHailndr2.7 2018
9:49 pm edt
23. https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/bymake/Toyota2018.shtml
11 may 2018 1:37 pm edt
1. put rank to 'some specs for some cars :'
2. add
8. fordMustang2.3 2017 rg 21 city/30 hw/24 com
29. fordMustang5.2 2017 pg 14 city/21 hw/16 com
40. fordGT3.5 2017 pg 11 city/18 hw/14 com
27. ceviSuburban5.3 2017 rg 15 city/22 hw/18 com
32. cevicorvet6.2 2017 pg 13 city/23 hw/16 com
44. ceviExp15paseng6.0 2017 rg 11 city/16 hw/12 com
21. CadyXtsAwd3.6 2017 rg 16 city/23 hw/18 com
31. CadyCtsV6.2 pg 14 city/21 hw/17 com
1:59 pm edt
1. reword
19. s-550 awd 2017 pg 16 city/25 hw/20 com
19. s-550 4.7L awd 2017 pg 16 city/25 hw/20 com
2. add
37. s65Amg2drRwd6.0L 2017 pg 13 city/21 hw/16 com
3:19 pm edt
11. acuraNsxHYBRD3.5 2017 pg 21 city/22 hw/21 com
3:27 pm edt
24. nisan gtr3.8 2017 pg 16 city/22 hw/18 com
42. nisan armada5.6 2017 rg 13 city/18 hw/15 com
3:55 pm edt
1. add
ordered by city mpg, hw mpg, com mpg
1. lexusCtHYBRD1.8 2017 43 city/40 hw/42 com
3 lexusNx3HYBRD awd 2017 rg 33 city/30 hw/31 com
4:3 pm edt
2. add
8. infinitiQx60HYBRDAwd2017 rg 25 city/27 hw/26 com
infinitiQx80Awd 2017
4:4 pm edt
27. https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/bymake/Infiniti2017.shtml
4:5 pm edt
realign 'some specs for some cars :'
4:25 pm edt
1. toyotaPriusEcoHYBRD 2017 rg 58 city/53 hw/56 com
2. hondaAccordHYBRD2.0 2017 rg 49 city/47 hw/48 com
4. toyotaRav4HYBRDAwd 2017 rg 34 city/30 hw/32 com
4:28 pm edt
realign 'some specs for some cars :'
5:1 pm edt
prius hybrid battery cost :
3 june 2018 10:11 am edt
honda hrv 2018 lx chevrolet trax 2018 lt fwd
10:37 am edt
honda hrv 2018 lx chevy trax 2018 lt fwd ford ecosport 2018 fwd chevy tahoe 2018 rwd
10:44 am edt
honda hrv 2018 lx fwd chevy trax 2018 lt fwd ford ecosport 2018 fwd chevy tahoe 2018 rwd
11:28 am edt
honda-hrv-lx-fwd chevy-trax-lt-fwd ford-ecosport-fwd chevy-tahoe-rwd buick-encore-fwd lincoln-mkc-permiere-fwd gmc-terrain-sle-fwd
11:32 am edt
honda-hrv-lx-fwd gm-chevy-trax-lt-fwd ford-ecosport-fwd gm-chevy-tahoe-rwd gm-buick-encore-fwd ford-lincoln-mkc-permiere-fwd gm-gmc-terrain-sle-fwd
1:48 pm edt
1:51 pm edt
8. Range Rover Sport diesel-v6 at 6724 lbs
8. Range Rover Sport diesel-v6 2016 at 6724 lbs
4:26 pm edt
rectify this weights :
7. volvo xc90 petrol-v4 2016 4290 lbs-4350 lbs
8. Range Rover Sport diesel-v6 2016 4883.2 lbs/2215 kg
2. HondaFitLx 2018 2595 lbs
4. HondaCiviSedLx2018 2849 lbs
4:41 pm edt
again rectify to
7. volvo xc90 petrol-v4 2016 4290 lbs-4530 lbs
5 june 2018 3:21 pm edt
1. add
as table-name
2. add parent-company-name to
3:27 pm edt
17. 'including the tonne (metric ton), defined as 1000 kg (2,204.6 lb)'
3:35 pm edt
1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb
3:41 pm edt
1. add
33. dodge symbol in https://www.fcagroup.com/en-US/Pages/home.aspx
2. reword
44. dodge chalenger hellcat 6.2L 2017 13 city/21 hw/16.60 com (pg)
44. fca-dodge chalenger hellcat 6.2L 2017 13 city/21 hw/16.60 com (pg)
3:46 pm edt
1. add
2. add
17. http://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2005/S2000/specs#mid^AP2145ENW
4:1 pm edt
from youtube-search (taipei 101 damper)
'taipei 101' in
5:6 pm edt
34. 'www.daimler.com/en' in
35. 'geely' in
5:17 pm edt
18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Martin_Vantage_GT2
5:24 pm edt
'Ferrari 488 GTE'
8 june 2018 2:40 pm edt
certain acura-shop is willing to service honda-car
3:16 pm edt
1. add
18. vw-bentley continental flying spur y2013 5456 lbs/2475 kg
2. remove combined-mpg. city-mpg, highway-mpg remain
3. rename autoimatic-mpg to at-mpg-fuel-econ-gov
4. add at-mpg-maker-website column
5. remove curb-weight column from mpg
4:2 pm edt
1. add
19. toyota highlander le awd 3.5L 8-speed y2018 4398 lbs
17. honda pilot ex awd 3.5L 6-speed y2017 4239 lbs
2. rectify
14. honda crv 2010 3386 lbs
16. honda crv lx awd y2010 3503 lbs
3. rectify
12. honda crv 2003 3201 lbs
12. honda crv lx/ex awd y2003 3201 lbs
4:14 pm edt
1. reword
17. tata-land-rover range rover sport diesel-v6 2016 4883.2 lbs/2215 kg
21. tata-land-rover range rover sport diesel 3L y2016 4883.2 lbs/2215 kg
2. reword
16. geely-volvo xc90 petrol-v4 2016 4290 lbs-4530 lbs
20. geely-volvo xc90 t5momentum awd 2L y2016 4466 lbs
4:23 pm edt
1. reword
16. honda crv lx awd y2010 3503 lbs
16. honda crv lx awd 2354cc y2010 3503 lbs
2. reword
17. honda pilot ex awd 3.5L 6-speed y2017 4239 lbs
17. honda pilot ex awd 3471cc 6-speed y2017 4239 lbs
6:26 pm edt
1. add
2. add
3. add
honda crv y2003 barely reach fuel-station in rockford-illinois/dekalb-illinois
4. add
17. gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd y2018 21 city/25 hw
6:30 pm edt
2. empty-fuel-light was on around rokford, illinois in
6:32 pm edt
i believe i always filled my fuel-tank each time i see fuel-station in my 2nd trip
6:37 pm edt
15.3 gallon for fuel-tank for 2. honda crv y2003
7:57 pm edt
google-map shows there is fuel-station in rochelle, illinois; frankling grove, illinois,
8:8 pm edt
keyword to search those fuel-station : 'gas station in rochelle, illinois',
8:10 pm edt
put turning in ascending order
11 june 2018 8:32 pm edt
1. daimler 426cc y1886 639 lbs
2. fiat 4 hp 679cc y1899 1499 lbs
to weight
12 june 2018 9:32 am edt
4. toyota rav4 hybrid awd y2017 34 city/30 hw (rg)
4. toyota rav4 hybrid awd y2018 34 city/30 hw (rg) 34 city/30 hw
9:33 am edt
19. toyota rav4 xle hybrid 2018 17inch-wheel 3925 lbs
20. toyota rav4 se & limited hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 3950 lbs
2. toyota rav4 y2018 35.6 cu ft
2. toyota rav4 xle hybrid 2018 17inch-wheel 34.8 7 inch 14.8
3. toyota rav4 se hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 36.7 ft 7.4 inch 14.8
4. toyota rav4 limited hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 36.7 ft 7 inch 14.8
2. add
19. toyota rav4 xle hybrid 2018 17inch-wheel 3925 lbs
20. toyota rav4 se & limited hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 3950 lbs
2. toyota rav4 y2018 35.6 cu ft
2. toyota rav4 xle hybrid 2018 17inch-wheel 34.8 7 inch 14.8
3. toyota rav4 se hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 36.7 ft 7.4 inch 14.8
4. toyota rav4 limited hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 36.7 ft 7 inch 14.8
3. reword
4. reword
4. toyota rav4 hybrid awd y2017 34 city/30 hw (rg)
4. toyota rav4 hybrid awd y2018 34 city/30 hw (rg) 34 city/30 hw
9:41 am edt
sort 'turning '
10:38 am edt
1. reword
2. fiat 4 hp 679cc y1899 1499 lbs
2. fiat 4-hp 679cc y1899 1499 lbs
2. add
1. benz model-1 954cc y1885 584 lbs
3. reword
30. taipei101-earthquake-ball-damper 1102300 lbs
30. taipei101-earthquake-ball-damper y2004 1102300 lbs
10:41 am edt
realign weight
11:36 am edt
4. toyota rav4 xle hybrid 2018 17inch-wheel 34.8 ft 7 inch 14.8
6. toyota rav4 se hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 36.7 ft 7.4 inch 14.8
7. toyota rav4 limited hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 36.7 ft 7 inch 14.8
1. honda crv y2003 34.1 ft 850 lbs 15.3
8. honda crv y2010 37.8 ft 6.7 inch 850 lbs
20. toyota rav4 xle hybrid 2018 17inch-wheel 3925 lbs
21. toyota rav4 se & limited hybrid 2018 18inch-wheel 3950 lbs
4. toyota rav4 xle hybrid awd 17inch-wheel y2018 34.8 ft 7 inch 14.8
6. toyota rav4 se hybrid awd 18inch-wheel y2018 36.7 ft 7.4 inch 14.8
7. toyota rav4 limited hybrid awd 18inch-wheel y2018 36.7 ft 7 inch 14.8
8. honda crv lx awd y2010 37.8 ft 6.7 inch 850 lbs
20. toyota rav4 xle hybrid awd y2018 17inch-wheel 3925 lbs
21. toyota rav4 se & limited hybrid awd y2018 18inch-wheel 3950 lbs
1:38 pm edt
2:23 pm edt
1. remove 'wheel-rim' word from
24.9 lbs 1 bbs-cx-r cx-004 20 inch diameter, 8.5 inch wide, bolt-circle 5-120 575usd
42 lbs 1 honda crv y2002-2004 oem 15 inch diameter, 6 inch wide, 5 holes, 114.3 mm bolt-pitch-circle-diameter
2. add
12.4 lbs 1 kosei k4r 16 inch diameter, 6.5 inch wide, bolt-pattern:5-114 160usd
14.4 lbs 1 enkei performance j10 15 inch diameter, 6.5 inch wide, bolt-pattern:5-114 109usd
2:26 pm edt
Manufactured in Thailand'
19 june 2018 8:53 am edt
1. reword
1. 16 gallon fuel tank for v4 2.362 L, store lots of fuel
1. 19.8 gallon fuel tank for v4 2.362 L, store lots of fuel
2. add
20. toyota highlander awd 2362cc v4 y2014 3750 lbs
3. add
toyota highlander awd 2362cc v4 y2004 18 city/23 hw (rg)
4. add
toyota highlander y2004 37.4 ft 7.3 inch
9:53 am edt
reorder column in 'weight ' table
10:9 am edt
15. 2744.8 lbs aston-martin vantage gte y2018 dry-weight, fia-wec-minimum-weight-allowed-1245-kg
10:13 am edt
weight, curb-weight, dry-weight
10:31 am edt
mpg, mostly usa-epa-mpg, not imperial-mpg
10:37 am edt
63. formula-1 race-car ??? city/4 hw
10:48 am edt
63. formula-1 race-car ??? city/4 hw
63. formula-1 race-car y2006-y2012 ??? city/4 hw
11:36 am edt
31. 4883.2 lbs tata-land-rover range rover sport diesel 3L y2016
32. 5456 lbs vw-bentley continental flying spur 6L y2013
31. 4883.2 lbs tata-land-rover range rover sport diesel 3L curb-weight-2215-kg y2016
32. 5456 lbs vw-bentley continental flying spur 6L curb-weight-2475-kg y2013
12:46 pm edt
weight, curb-weight, dry-weight
weight (mostly curb-weight for commercial-car, dry-weight for race-car)
12:54 pm edt
1. norwegian-air-shuttle-boeing-787-8 per passenger ???/94 hw (d)
2. british-airways-boeing-747-400 per passenger ???/64 hw (d)
1:25 pm edt
airbus-a380 ???/9 hw (k)
boeing-747 ???/5 hw (k)
1:36 pm edt
car at-mpg-fuel-econ-gov at-mpg-maker-website manual-mpg
1:41 pm edt
reword table-heading
1:45 pm edt
car at-mpg at-mpg-maker-website manual-mpg
car-airplane at-mpg at-mpg-maker-website manual-mpg
7:22 pm edt
aspenpower-catamaran c120 volvopenta5.5L at-600rpm /12 hw
honda bf-40 boat-motor 808cc at-5000rpm /10.3 hw (rg)
honda bf-40 boat-motor 808cc at-5800rpm /9.3 hw (rg)
7:24 pm edt
car-airplane at-mpg at-mpg-maker-website manual-mpg
car-airplane-boat-catamaran at-mpg at-mpg-maker-website manual-mpg
25 june 2018 7:21 pm edt
9. 2445 lbs mazda mx-5 miata rwd manual-transmission y2018 f50%/r50%
10. 2485 lbs mazda mx-5 miata rwd automatic-transmission y2018 r51%/r49%
23. 3318 lbs daimler-mercedes-benz gla 250 fwd y2018
25. 3450 lbs daimler-mercedes-benz gla 250 awd y2018
27. 3560 lbs daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt rwd y2017
15. daimler-mercedes-benz gla y2018 17.2 cu ft rear seat up, 43.6 cu ft rear seat folded
21. daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt coupe 10.1 cu ft
22. mazda mx-5 miata y2018 4.48 cu ft
1. mazda mx-5 miata rwd y2018 30.8 ft 5.32 inch 11.89
8. daimler-mercedes-benz gla250 awd 18inch-wheel y2018 36 ft 5.3 inch
12. daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt rwd 19inch-wheel y2017 37.7 ft 3.78 inch
26 june 2018 2:42 pm edt
replace '----' with
3:8 pm edt
1. reword
18. 2744.8 lbs aston-martin vantage gte y2018 dry-weight, fia-wec-minimum-weight-allowed-1245-kg
18. fia-wec-minimum-weight-allowed-1245-kg
2. remove
14. 2590 lbs aston-martin vantage gt2 y2013
24. 3423 lbs vw-lamborghini huracan y2014
5. 1985 lbs onroak-automotive-oreca03 y2011
6. 2000 lbs onroak-automotive-ligier js p2 y2012
because they are dry-weight
3. reword
22. 3241 lbs fca-ferrari 488 y2016
22. 3252 lbs fca-ferrari 488 y2016
4. remove
30. 3750 lbs toyota highlander awd 2362cc v4 y2014
3750 lbs in
3520 lbs in
5. reword 'weight' to 'curb-weight'
6. reword
9. 2445 lbs mazda mx-5 miata rwd manual-transmission y2018 f50%/r50%
10. 2485 lbs mazda mx-5 miata rwd automatic-transmission y2018 f51%/r49%
9. 2445 lbs mazda mx-5 miata rwd manual-transmission y2018 weight-distribution : f50%/r50%
10. 2485 lbs mazda mx-5 miata rwd automatic-transmission y2018 weight-distribution : f51%/r49%
7. add
22. 3354 lbs ford gt y2017
34. 4504 lbs honda ridgeline 3471cc y2010
18. 2982 lbs mclaren 675lt y2016
23. ford gt y2017 0.4 cu ft
15. ford gt y2017 40 ft 4.7 inches normal
4:42 pm edt
1. remove
11. toyota highlander y2004 37.4 ft 7.3 inch
because not sure data is reliable, data is not from toyota.com
2. add
3. toyota hr-v fwd y2018 34.2 ft 5.9 inch
8. mazda cx-3 16inch-wheely 2018 34.8 ft 6.1 inch 11.9 awd, 12.7 fwd
9. hyundai kona y2018 34.8 ft 6.7 inch
14. honda hr-v y2018 37.4 ft
13. hyundai kona y2018 19.2 cu ft rear seat up, 45.8 cu ft rear seat down
14. toyota c-hr y2018 19 cu ft rear seat up, 36.4 cu ft rear seat down
22. mazda cx-3 y2018 12.4 rear seat up, 44.5 rear seat down
18. 2952 lbs mazda cx-3 2L awd y2018
20. 3062 lbs honda hrv-lx 1799cc y2018
21. 3126 lbs hyundai kona 2L se awd y2018
24. 3300 lbs toyota c-hr 2L fwd y2018
27. 3407 lbs mitsubishi eclipse-cross 2L awd y2018
4:47 pm edt
3. toyota hr-v fwd y2018 34.2 ft 5.9 inch
3. toyota c-hr fwd y2018 34.2 ft 5.9 inch 13.2
4:51 pm edt
20. 3062 lbs honda hrv-lx 1799cc y2018
20. 3062 lbs honda hr-v lx 1799cc awd y2018
5:23 pm edt
1. reword
10. honda-hrv-lx-fwd 23.2 cu ft
10. honda-hrv-lx-fwd y2018 23.2 cu ft
2. reword
15. gm-buick-encore-fwd 18.80 ft
15. gm-buick-encore y2018 18.80 ft
3. reword
16. gm-chevy-trax-lt-fwd 18.7 ft
16. gm-chevy trax lt y2018 18.7 ft
4. reword
19. gm-chevy-tahoe-rwd 15.30 ft to seat row 3, 51.70 to seat row 2
19. gm-chevy tahoe y2018 15.30 ft to seat row 3, 51.70 to seat row 2
5. reword
24. daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt coupe 10.1 cu ft
24. daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt y2018 10.1 cu ft
6. add
26. 3327 lbs ford ecosport s awd y2018
5. ford ecosport y2018 34.78 ft 13.6
7. add 'content' in front of 1st
8:10 pm edt
35. 3543 lbs bmw x1 automatic-transmission, fwd/awd? y2018
8. bmw x1 y2018 27.1 cu ft rear seat up 58.7 cu ft rear seat down
18. bmw x1 fwd y2018 37 ft 8 inch (max) 899 lbs 16.6
19. bmw x1 awd y2018 38.7 ft 8 inch (max) 899 lbs 16.6
8:16 pm edt
page 270
8:37 pm edt
make obsolete
'load 904 lbs' in
8:38 pm edt
so load-limit may have changed.
8:44 pm edt
18. bmw x1 fwd y2018 37 ft 8 inch (max) 899 lbs 16.6
19. bmw x1 awd y2018 38.7 ft 8 inch (max) 899 lbs 16.6
because that turning-diameter data comes from
page 270
from google (bmw x1 user manual) result 2
which contains text '2013' written in that pdf
more info : find 'so load-limit may have changed.' in this text
rwd chassis maybe is different from fwd chassis so
turning-diameter maybe different as well.
27 june 2018 8:30 am edt
6. 584 lbs benz model-1 954cc y1885 (maybe dry-weight)
7. 639 lbs daimler 426cc y1886 (maybe dry-weight)
8. 1499 lbs fiat 4-hp 679cc y1899 (maybe dry-weight)
6. 584 lbs benz model-1 954cc y1885
7. 639 lbs daimler 426cc y1886
8. 1499 lbs fiat 4-hp 679cc y1899
27 june 2018 9:31 am edt
1. add
3803 lbs honda-acura nsx sh-awd hybrid 3493cc weight-distribution f42%/r58% y2018
3825 lbs daimler-mercedes-benz sl450 rwd 18inch-wheel y2018
4435 lbs toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd
3940 lbs toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid fwd y2018
4050 lbs toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid awd y2018
4180 lbs toyota-lexus nx hybrid awd y2018
3682 lbs vw-audi q3 awd y2018
toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd 34.8 ft 22.2
daimler-mercedes-benz sl450 rwd 18inch-wheel y2018 36 ft 3.7 inch 19.8
toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid fwd y2018 37.4 ft 15.9
vw-audi q3 awd y2018 38.7 ft 16.9
honda-acura nsx sh-awd hybrid y2018 39.7 ft 3.7 inch 15.6
toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid awd y2018 39.8 ft 15.9
toyota-lexus nx hybrid awd y2018 39.8 ft 14.8
vw-audi q3 awd y2018 16.7 cu ft rear seat up, 50.3 rear seat down
toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd 4.7 cu ft
honda-acura nsx sh-awd hybrid y2018 4.4 cu ft
2. add fuel tank (last-column) :
daimler-mercedes-benz sl450 rwd 18inch-wheel y2018 36 ft 3.7 inch 19.8
3. add turning-diameter
gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd, fwd y2018 38.7 ft 7.2 inch 22 (awd); 19 (fwd)
honda fit lx y2018 35.07 ft 850 lbs
4. reword
2595 lbs honda fit lx y2018
2595 lbs honda fit ex manual-transmission y2018
5. add
2522 lbs honda fit lx manual-transmission y2018
2568 lbs honda fit lx cvt-transmission y2018
2577 lbs honda fit lx cvt-sensing-transmission y2018
6. reword
hyundai kona y2018 34.8 ft 6.7 inch
hyundai kona fwd, awd y2018 34.8 ft 6.7 inch
27 june 2018 1:58 pm edt
what determine mpg is 'engine-control-unit'
4:46 pm edt
minimum horsepower required to make 9172 lbs wheelbarrow,
4:53 pm edt
550? = 9172 x 1
550 x ? = 9172 x 1
5:56 pm edt
minimum horsepower required to make 9172 lbs wheelbarrow,
minimum horsepower needed to make 9172 lbs wheelbarrow,
29 june 2018 9:57 pm edt
1. reword
daimler-mercedes-benz g-550 y2017 13 city/14 hw (pg)
daimler-mercedes-benz g-63 y2017 12 city/14 hw (pg)
daimler-mercedes-benz g-65 y2017 11 city/13 hw (pg)
daimler-mercedes-benz g-550 off-road y2017 11 city/11 hw (pg)
daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-550 y2017 13 city/14 hw (pg)
daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-63 y2017 12 city/14 hw (pg)
daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-65 y2017 11 city/13 hw (pg)
daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-550offroady2017 11 city/11 hw (pg)
2. add
daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 44.6 ft 9.3 inches
5624 lbs daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class amg-63 y2018
5691 lbs daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class amg-65 y2018
5724 lbs daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 y2018
6825 lbs daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 4x4 y2018
10:36 pm edt
1. add
3150 lbs honda crv automatic-transmission non-abs, abs version y1997
2. add
37. g-class
under 'source :'
3. add
honda crv y1997 34.8 ft 8.1 inch
11:1 pm edt
4075 lbs jeep wrangler 2 door 3.6L y2018
30 june 2018 7:13 am edt
find text : <2 semi-colon> to go to sections quickly
2 july 2018 11:59 am edt
find text : <2 semi-colon> to go to sections quickly
find <2-semicolon> to go to the beginning of the
5 july 2018 2:44 pm edt
Japan levies a tax based on engine-displacement-liter/cc
2:46 pm edt
8 july 2018 1:49 pm edt
31. 3252 lbs honda fit fwd ev (electric) 100hp 3hrs-charge-time-240v, 15hrs-charge-time-120v 82-miles-range y2018
1:54 pm edt
1. add
120 V in North America
2. reword Japan to japan
3:14 pm edt
maybe front-grill should not have logo because
3:17 pm edt
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV4iNwjLav4&t=1m36s
3:22 pm edt
but maybe not having logo on front-gril affect crash-rating
3:25 pm edt
because maybe front-gril-logo is a crumple-zone
11 july 2018 3:13 pm edt
crv year 2003's intake to bring oxygen to engine's
5:39 pm edt
crv year 2003's radiator often being blocked by
12 july 2018 3:47 pm edt
but crv year 2003 has a fan behind front-bumper/
15 july 2018 7:15 pm edt
1. add
1764 lbs panhard-levassor b1 12-bhp-power-daimler-engine-license, 2.4L y1898
2. add
617 lbs renault type-a 0.3L/273cc 1.7-bhp-power y1898
8:39 pm edt
18 city/26 hw daimler-mercedes-benz s-550 v8 4.7L y2017 (pg)(f)--------------
31. 16 city/25 hw daimler-mercedes-benz s-550 4.7L awd y2017 (pg)(f)
34. 15.9 city/????? daimler-mercedes-benz s-500 guard y2014 (m)
43. 13.1 city/????? daimler-mercedes-benz s-600 guard y2014 (m)
45. 13 city/22 hw daimler-mercedes-benz s-600 v12 6L y2017 (pg)(f)
13 city/21 hw daimler-mercedes-benz s-65-amg 2dr rwd 6L y2017 (pg)(f)--------------
52. 13 city/14 hw daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-550 y2017 (pg)(f)
55. 12 city/14 hw daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-63 y2017 (pg)(f)
60. 11 city/13 hw daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-65 y2017 (pg)(f)
61. 11 city/11 hw daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-550offroady2017 (pg)(f)
18 city/26 hw daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 550 v8 4.7L y2017 (pg)(f)--------------
31. 16 city/25 hw daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 550 4.7L awd y2017 (pg)(f)
34. 15.9 city/????? daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 500 guard y2014 (m)
43. 13.1 city/????? daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 600 guard y2014 (m)
45. 13 city/22 hw daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 600 v12 6L y2017 (pg)(f)
13 city/21 hw daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 65 amg 2dr rwd 6L y2017 (pg)(f)--------------
52. 13 city/14 hw daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 y2017 (pg)(f)
55. 12 city/14 hw daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 63 y2017 (pg)(f)
60. 11 city/13 hw daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 65 y2017 (pg)(f)
61. 11 city/11 hw daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 offroad y2017 (pg)(f)
8:45 pm edt
rebuild mpg[dashes] table now has column order :
mpg car-airplane-boat-catamaran
10:5 pm edt
rebuild table :
load limit[dashes]
10:10 pm edt
1. reword
2. reword
3. remove #u# from
remove #d# from
10:30 pm edt
put 1 metric in table-column-heading
remove metric for each table-row
10:34 pm edt
remove wheel diameter from fuel-tank-gallon[dashes]
10:49 pm edt
1. add extra table-heading in table with many rows
2. re-rank curb-weight[dashes]
11:10 pm edt
2530 toyota prius c y2018
3010 toyota prius 2 eco hybrid y2018
27.4 toyota prius 2 eco hybrid
17.1 toyota prius c y2018
31.4 toyota prius c hybrid y2018
33.5 toyota prius 2 eco hybrid y2018
5.5 toyota prius c hybrid y2018
5.1 toyota prius 2 eco hybrid y2018
11.3 toyota prius 2 eco hybrid y2018
9.5 toyota prius c hybrid y2018
48 city/43 hw toyota prius c hybrid y2018 #m#
11:38 pm edt
55 city/53 hw toyota prius prime plus hybrid y2018 #m#
3365 toyota prius prime plus hybrid y2018
19.8 toyota prius prime plus hybrid y2018
33.4 toyota prius prime plus hybrid y2018
4.8 toyota prius prime plus hybrid y2018
11.4 toyota prius prime plus hybrid y2018
11:58 pm edt
1. add
toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018
2. add (sedan-estate)/(sedan)/(hatchback)
label to all prius y2018 so they become :
toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018
toyota prius c (hatchback) hybrid y2018
16 july 2018 12:4 am edt
reword (hatchback) to (mini-sedan-estate)
toyota prius c (hatchback) hybrid y2018
toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
12:18 pm edt
32 city/40 hw toyota yaris iA (sedan) y2018 #at#
30 city/36 hw toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018 #mt#
30 city/35 hw toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018 #at#
2315 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018
2416 toyota yaris iA (sedan) y2018
15.30 toyota yaris (mini-sedan-estate) L y2018
13.49 toyota yaris iA (sedan) L y2018
32.2 toyota yaris iA (sedan) and yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018
11.6 toyota yaris iA (sedan) y2018
11.1 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018
12:36 pm edt
1. reword
2315 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018
2315 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018 #mt#
2. add
2335 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018 #at#
2385 toyota yaris iA (sedan) y2018 #mt#
2:7 pm edt
add #m# to
toyota yaris
2:46 pm edt
1. add
3640 ford c-max hybrid se mini-sedan-estate base-curb-weight y2018
ford focus electric mini-sedan-estate base-curb-weight y2018
2. reword
4435 toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd
4435 toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd y2018
3. reword
2744.8 fia-wec-minimum-weight-allowed-1245-kg #m#
2744.8 fia-wec-minimum-weight-allowed-1245-kg from aston-martin-website #m#
4. add #m# #x# to curb-weight[dashes]
4:8 pm edt
2901 hyundai elantra gt mini-sedan-estate fwd y2018 #mt# #m#
2943 hyundai elantra gt mini-sedan-estate fwd y2018 #at# #m#
4:14 pm edt
add fwd to toyota yaris
4:51 pm edt
3105 bmw-mini clubman mini-sedan-estate 1.5L fwd y2018 #mt# #m#
3160 bmw-mini clubman mini-sedan-estate 1.5L fwd y2018 #at# #m#
3300 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5L fwd y2018 #mt# #m#---------------
3360 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5L fwd y2018 #at# #m#
3370 bmw-mini clubman mini-sedan-estate 1.5L awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3405 bmw-mini clubman mini-sedan-estate 1.5L awd y2018 #at# #m#
3510 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5L awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3543 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5L awd y2018 #at# #m#-------------------
3948 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5L hybrid awd y2018 #at# #m#
5:5 pm edt
1. reword
3543 bmw x1 automatic-transmission, fwd/awd? y2018 #m#----------------------
3543 bmw x1 fwd/awd? y2018 #at# #m#----------------------
2. reword
8994.9 daimler-mercedes-benz s-500 guard automatic-transmission y2014 #m#
9171.2 daimler-mercedes-benzs-600 guard automatic-transmission y2014 #m#
8994.9 daimler-mercedes-benz s-500 guard y2014 #at# #m#
9171.2 daimler-mercedes-benzs-600 guard y2014 #at# #m#
3. reword
3950 toyota rav4 se & limited hybrid awd ecvt-transsmission 18inch-wheel y2018 #m#
3925 toyota rav4 xle hybrid awd ecvt-transsmission 17inch-wheel y2018 #m#
3570 toyota rav4 le awd 2.5L v4 ect-i-transmission y2018 #m#
2692 honda civic sedan lx automatic-transmission y2010 #m#
2568 honda fit lx cvt-transmission y2018 #m#
2575 honda fit lx automatic-transmission y2010 #m#
2577 honda fit lx cvt-sensing-transmission y2018 #m#
2595 honda fit ex manual-transmission y2018 #m#
2630 honda civic sedan lx manual-transmission y2010 #m#
2522 honda fit lx manual-transmission y2018 #m#
2489 honda fit lx manual-transmission y2010 #m#
2432 honda fit manual-transmission y2007, y2008 #m#
2445 mazda mx-5 miata rwd manual-transmission weight-distribution : f50%/r50% y2018 #m#
2485 mazda mx-5 miata rwd automatic-transmission weight-distribution : f51%/r49% y2018 #m#
3950 toyota rav4 se & limited hybrid awd 18inch-wheel y2018 #ecvt# #m#
3925 toyota rav4 xle hybrid awd 17inch-wheel y2018 #ecvt #m#
3570 toyota rav4 le awd 2.5L v4 y2018 #ect-i# #m#
2692 honda civic sedan lx y2010 #at# #m#
2568 honda fit lx y2018 #cvt# #m#
2575 honda fit lx y2010 #at# #m#
2577 honda fit lx y2018 #cvt-sensing# #m#
2595 honda fit ex y2018 #mt# #m#
2630 honda civic sedan lx y2010 #mt# #m#
2522 honda fit lx y2018 #mt# #m#
2489 honda fit lx y2010 #mt# #m#
2432 honda fit y2007, y2008 #mt# #m#
2445 mazda mx-5 miata rwd weight-distribution : f50%/r50% y2018 #mt# #m#
2485 mazda mx-5 miata rwd weight-distribution : f51%/r49% y2018 #at# #m#
5:43 pm edt
#ecvt# means ecvt-transsmission
#ect-i# means ect-i-transmission
#cvt-sensing# means cvt-sensing-transmission
6:19 pm edt
500 ford quadricycle 3hp-4hp 71.9cc y1896
6:39 pm edt
3449 gm-gmc terrain 1.5L fwd y2018 #m# #at#
3622 gm-gmc terrain 1.5L awd y2018 #m# #at#
3563 gm-gmc terrain 2L fwd y2018 #m# #at#
3756 gm-gmc terrain 2L awd y2018 #m# #at#
3632 gm-gmc terrain 1.6L diesel fwd y2018 #m# #at#
3815 gm-gmc terrain (1.6L diesel awd y2018 #m# #at#
37.4 gm-gmc terrain 1.5L fwd 17-inches-wheel y2018
38.4 gm-gmc terrain 1.5L awd 18-inches-wheel y2018
41.6 gm-gmc terrain 2L fwd 19-inches-wheel y2018
7:4 pm edt
44.6 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class
44.6 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 19-inch-wheel normal version and 21-inch-wheel amg version y2018
7:14 pm edt, 7:30 pm edt
re-rank ground-clearance----
reword ground-clearance[dashes] section :
9.3 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class
1. 17.2 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 5504x4 y2018
3. 8.07 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 y2018
4. 7.71 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 63 y2018
5. 7.71 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 65 y2018
7:42 pm edt
put all source in the bottom
7:43 pm edt
add brake-type[dashes] table-label
20 july 2018 5:27 pm edt
subaru succeed plowing through snow slowly
5:30 pm edt
our crv year 2003 has all-season-tires :
our crv year 2003 has all-season-tires
11:20 pm edt
4388 vw-bugatti veyron 16.4 grand sport vitesse 1990 kg y2018 #m#
11:23 pm edt
1 lbs = 0.45359237 kg
above curb-weight---
11:37 pm edt
3560 chevrolet corvette zr1 base y2018 #m#
3298 chevrolet corvette stingray base y2018 #m#
21 july 2018 12:43 am edt
1. reword
3560 chevrolet corvette zr1 base y2018 #m#
3298 chevrolet corvette stingray base y2018 #m#
3560 gm-chevrolet corvette zr1 base y2018 #m#
3298 gm-chevrolet corvette stingray base y2018 #m#
2. add under curb-weight---
2944 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #mt# #m#
3010 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #at# #m#
3032 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #mt# #m#
3098 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #at# #m#
3116 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #mt# #m#
3153 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #at# #m#
3153 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #mt# #m#
3153 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018 #at# #m#
3197 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #at# #m#
3241 vw-porsche 911 gt2 rs y2018 #at# #x#
3902 vw-porsche macan y2018 #m#
4001 vw-porsche panamera y2018 #m#
4784 vw-porsche panamera 4 e-hybrid y2018 #m#
1:45 am edt
1. add under turning-diameter-------
36.1 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018
36.1 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018
36.4 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018
36.4 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018
36.4 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018
39 vw-porsche panamera normal-version and 4 e-hybrid-version y2018
2. add under fuel-tank-gallon---------
23.7 vw-porsche panamera y2018
16.9 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018
16.9 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018
16.9 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018
3. add under rear-seat-up-cargo-----
17.7 vw-porsche macan y2018
17.6 vw-porsche panamera non-hybrid y2018
14.3 vw-porsche 4 e-hybrid-version y2018
5.1 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018
5.2 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018
5.2 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018
4.4 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018
4.4 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018
1:21 am edt
from google (porsche 911 gt2 rs curb weight) result 9
1:41 am edt
22 city/30 hw vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #at# #m#----------------------------
22 city/29 hw vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #at# #m#
21 city/28 hw vw-porsche panamera y2018 #m#----------------------------------------
21 city/28 hw vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #mt# #m#
20 city/29 hw vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #mt# #m#
20 city/26 hw vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #at# #m#
20 city/25 hw vw-porsche macan y2018 #m# #at#
19 city/25 hw vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #mt# #m#-----------------
15 city/20 hw vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #at# #m#
13 city/21 hw vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #mt# #m#-------------------------------------
16 city/25 hw gm-chevrolet corvette stingray base y2018 #m#
11:7 am edt
44. 3241 vw-porsche 911 gt2 rs y2018 #at# #m#
44. 3241 vw-porsche 911 gt2 rs y2018 #at# #x#
2:4 pm edt
but with same tires type,
2:11 pm edt
2:48 pm edt
add curb weight
2985 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3034 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
3113 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3157 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
3322 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3395 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
3624 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #m# #cvt-only#
22 july 2018 12:7 am edt
1. add under mpg
38 city/28 hw subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
33 city/27 hw subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
32 city/26 hw subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
32 city/25 hw subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #m# #cvt-only#
32 city/24 hw subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #m#
29 city/23 hw subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #m#
28 city/22 hw subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
2. add under cargo
35.5 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #m# #cvt-only#
34.4 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
20.8 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
20.8 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
3. add under ground clearance
8.7 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
8.7 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
8.7 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #m# #cvt-only#
5.1 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
4. add under fuel tank gallon
18.5 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #m# #cvt-only#
16.6 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
15.9 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
13.2 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
22 july 2018 1:43 pm edt
1. rectify year model for these cars to y2019 :
subaru crosstrek
subaru outback
gm-chevrolet corvette stingray
gm-chevrolet corvette zr1
mazda cx-3 2L awd y2019
bmw-mini clubman
bmw-mini countryman
toyota c-hr
daimler-mercedes-benz gla 250
toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid
toyota-lexus nx hybrid
2. rectify subaru's city mpg and hw mpg which were swapped.
2:4 pm edt
2:6 pm edt
2:27 pm edt
automatic-transmission vs automatic-transmission-dual-clutch:
24 july 2018 5:58 pm edt
1. add weight
3131 daimler-mercedes-benz c230 2295cc w202 y1997 #mt# #m#
2. add turning diameter
35.2 daimler-mercedes-benz c230 2295cc w202 y1997 #mt# #m#
3. add
i bought 3-year-old-c230 sedan automatic-transmission
6:16 pm edt
with my parents' money.
6:25 pm edt
daimler-mercedes-benz c230 2295cc w202 y1997
6:32 pm edt
(my sister deborah kim this car from august 2004 - around october of 2017,
(my sister deborah kim drive this car from august 2004 - around october of 2017,
6:34 pm edt
(my sister deborah kim drive this car from august 2004 - around october of 2017,
(my sister deborah kim drove this car from august 2004 - around october of 2017,
6:38 pm edt
this c230 was not certified-used, so this c230 may
6:51 pm edt
i forgot when those problem happens.
7:13 pm edt
those problems happened prior year 2003.
8:5 pm edt
than me a man.
than me a male.
8:20 pm edt
i put non-oem-immitation-spare-wheel-rim in that
25 july 2018 3:37 pm edt
1. rename
daimler-mercedes-benz c230 2295cc w202 y1997
daimler-mercedes-benz c-class 230 2295cc w202 y1997
2. add under turning-diameter-------
36.4 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class y2014 #at# #m#
37.1 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class y2018 #at# #m#
3:48 pm edt
add under mpg
24 city/33 hw daimler-mercedes-benz c-class y2018 #at# #m#
23 city/32 hw daimler-mercedes-benz c-class awd y2018 #at# #m#
4:6 pm edt
225 duryea-motor-wagon 4-bhp y1893
4:7 pm edt
225 duryea-motor-wagon 4-bhp y1893
225 duryea-motor-wagon 4-bhp y1893 #x#
5:58 pm edt
i realised that sidecurb-impact-event may have changed
6:14 pm edt
tire-alignment service checks toe, caster, camber,
6:30 pm edt
so maybe toe-in setting is ok.
so maybe toe-in setting were checked.
28 july 2018 10:27 pm edt
1. make obsolete
minimum horsepower needed to make 9172 lbs wheelbarrow,
2. add
minimum horsepower needed :
10:35 pm edt
10:37 pm edt
1 august 2018 9:24 am edt
i bought crv year 2003 january 2003 with my parents' money.
4 december 2002, i bought crv year 2003 with my parents' money.
3 august 2018 4:56 pm edt
6.8 hw concorde
under mpg table
29 aug 2018 5:38 pm edt
1. add
transmission 'd' light blinks sometimes.
2. realign that section
3 sep 2018 9:45 pm edt
boat is more fuel-efficient because aircraft must discard fuel
3 sep 2018 9:48 pm edt
to takeoff then return to airport, 53 tons fuel will be discarded
3 sep 2018 9:53 pm edt
116843.8 airbus a340-300 discard 53 tons fuel being discarded
3 sep 2018 10:4 pm edt
116843.8 airbus a340-300 discard 53 tons fuel being discarded
116843.8 airbus a340-300 discard 53 tons fuel prior emergency-landing
3 sep 2018 2018 10:5 pm edt
116843.8 airbus a340-300 discard 53 tons fuel prior emergency-landing
116843.8 airbus a340-300 discard 53 tons fuel prior returning to airport
3 sep 2018 10:24 pm edt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEf35NtlBLg&t=9m55s (Airbus A340 EMERGENCY - Engine Failure)
4 sep 2018 3:16 pm edt
1. reword
23 city/28 hw honda crv y2003 #rg# #f#
23 city/28 hw honda crv 2.4L y2003 #rg# #f#
2. reword
33 city/40 hw honda fit lx cvt-transmission y2018 #rg# #f#
33 city/40 hw honda fit 1.5L lx cvt-transmission y2018 #rg# #f#
3. reword
29 city/36 hw honda fit lx manual-transmission y2018 #f#
29 city/36 hw honda fit 1.5L lx manual-transmission y2018 #f#
4 sep 2018 7:54 pm edt
sea-plane also must discard fuel during returning to the sea
7 sep 2018 1:3 pm edt
53 ton kerosene = 11 342 140 026.5 usa-gallon kerosene
7 sep 2018 1:12 pm edt
1 ton kerosene = 214002642.007926024 usa-gallon kerosene
7 sep 2018 1:17 pm edt
30 ton kerosene = 642 007 926.1 usa-gallon kerosene
30 ton kerosene = 6 420 079 260.3 usa-gallon
7 sep 2018 1:18 pm edt
30 ton kerosene = 6 420 079 260.3 usa-gallon
30 ton kerosene = 6 420 079 260.3 usa-gallon kerosene
7 sep 2018 1:48 pm edt
1 ton = 810 000 000 liter
1 ton kerosene = 810 000 000 liter kerosene
7 sep 2018 2:31 pm edt
1 lbs kerosene = 97069.965574637 usa-gallon kerosene
13 sep 2018 1:59 pm edt
rectify previous kerosene ton -> liter calculation to :
1 ton kerosene = 326.173818028 usa-gallon kerosene
1 ton kerosene = 1234.567901235 liter kerosene
1 kg kerosene = 1.234567901 liter kerosene
1 kg kerosene = 0.326173818 usa-gallon kerosene
53 ton kerosene = 17 287.3 usa-gallon kerosene
53 ton kerosene = 65 432.098765 liter kerosene
1 lbs = 0.55999058 liter kerosene
1 lbs = 0.147949955 usa-gallon kerosene
13 sep 2018 2:29 pm edt
reorder the content of section
ton -> liter
25 sep 2018 4:58 pm edt
chevrolet rear tires does not brake during braking ?
25 sep 2018 5:10 pm edt
unknown-car rear tires do not brake during braking ?
30 sep 2018 12:22 pm edt
car-insurance-cost with allstate-company (liability)
30 sep 2018 12:30 pm edt
in usa, having car-insurance is needed to avoid suspension in virginia-state,
4 oct 2018 2:39 pm edt
ton -> liter
metric-ton -> liter
11 oct 2018 3:41 pm edt
make obsolete
kerosene density = 810 kg/(m^3)
11 oct 2018 4:40 pm edt
jet-fuel-a1 : metric-ton -> liter = metric-ton-value x 10^6 liter
11 oct 2018 4:43 pm edt
liter -> usa-gallon
13 oct 2018 10:28 am edt
density = mas / vol
density = ------
13 oct 2018 11:47 am edt
1. add
179 honda-scooter-metropolitan 49cc y2018 #furu# #at# #m# http://powersports.honda.com/2018/metropolitan/specifications.aspx
205.1 honda-scooter-beat 110cc y2018 #firu# curb-weight-93kg dry-weight-90kg-standard-92kg-cbs-and-iss #at# #m# https://hondaph.com/products/motorcycle/beat/ from google (MATIK BEAT FI SPORTY CBS curb weight) result 1
235 honda-scooter-zoomer-x 108.2cc y2018 #firu# curb-weight-107kg dry-weight-102kg #at# #m# https://hondaph.com/products/motorcycle/zoomer-x/
piaggio-vespa-special-edition-notte-125 curb-weight-114kg y2018 #at# #firu# https://auto.ndtv.com/compare-bikes/piaggio-vespa-1112-vs-piaggio-vespa-150-1240-vs-honda-activa-125-1003 from google (vespa curb weight)
honda-scooter-forza 279cc y2018 #firi# #cvt# #m# http://powersports.honda.com/2016/forza/specifications.aspx
2. add
[pound]firu[pound] means front-disc-brake and rear-drum-brake
13 oct 2018 11:50 am edt
[pound]furu[pound] means front-drum-brake and rear-drum-brake
16 oct 2018 7:38 pm edt
virginia-state-license-place renewal cost for crv year 2003 : 41.75 usd for 1 year
virginia-state-car-decal-tax renewal cost :
17 oct 2018 5:5 pm edt
liter -> usa-gallon = liter-value usa-gallon
1 liter = liter-value usa-gallon
19 oct 2018 2:38 pm edt
22 geisha-kimono for new-year-period 10-kg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oui8lWwKHd4&t=3m51s (Beautiful Kyoto: Being a Maiko (featuring Fukunae-san))
20 oct 2018 12:47 pm edt
66 oiran-kimono-and-wig 30kg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iofmAL2CuzY&t=6m29s (Geisha vs Oiran: What's the Difference? ★ ONLY in JAPAN #30 花魁と芸者の違い) from youtube-recommendation
10 nov 2018 5:32 pm est:swap order for
4083 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd y2018 #m#
4075 jeep wrangler 2 door 3.6L y2018 #m#
10 nov 2018 5:35 pm est:reorder
5.1 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018
5.2 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018
5.2 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018
10 nov 2018 5:40 pm est:reorder
5.1 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
5.1 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
5.3 daimler-mercedes-benz gla250 awd 18inch-wheel y2018
4.8 toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018
10 nov 2018 6:50 pm est add:
4430 toyota sienna year 2019 l-fwd
4655 toyota sienna year 2019 le-awd
4354 honda-odyssey year 2019 lx
10 nov 2018 6:56 pm est:reword 'honda-odyssey year 2019 lx' to 'honda-odyssey year 2019 lx-fwd'
12 nov 2018 2:1 pm est
city 48 | hw 43 toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018 #m#
city 49 | hw 47 honda accord hybrid 2L y2017 #rg# #f#
2)give same rank-number to
city 58 | hw 53 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018 #m#-----------
city 58 | hw 53 toyota prius eco hybrid y2017 #rg# #f#-----------------------
3)values under mpg---- table, use | instead of /,mpg number stay between 2 blank-spaces minimum
4)change '20 nov' to '10 nov' in history above.
5)add 'mpg value -1 means unknown'
12 nov 2018 2:8 pm est
reword 'mpg value -1 means unknown' to #mpg value -1 means i don't know#
19 nov 2018 11:19 am est:add #19841.6 fayat-dynapac-cc2200 asphalt-roller.source:'9 000 kg' in https://dynapac.com/en/products/compaction/dynapac-cc22001 from https://www.constructionequipment.com/dynapac-cc950-roller from google (dynapal sr 114 asphalt roller),(dynapal sr 114 asphalt compactor)#
19 nov 2018 11:26 am est:reword #19841.6 fayat-dynapac-cc2200 asphalt-roller.source:'9 000 kg' in https://dynapac.com/en/products/compaction/dynapac-cc22001 from https://www.constructionequipment.com/dynapac-cc950-roller from google (dynapal sr 114 asphalt roller),(dynapal sr 114 asphalt compactor)#
to #19841.6 fayat-dynapac-cc2200 fresh-asphalt-roller.source:'9 000 kg' in https://dynapac.com/en/products/compaction/dynapac-cc22001 from https://www.constructionequipment.com/dynapac-cc950-roller from google (dynapal sr 114 asphalt roller),(dynapal sr 114 asphalt compactor){}1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb in https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs)#
19 nov 2018 12:26 pm est:add #8157 caterpillar-cb34b fresh-asphalt-compactor.source:https://www.cat.com/en_US/products/new/equipment/compactors/tandem-vibratory-rollers/18547895.html from https://www.cat.com/en_US/products/new/equipment/compactors.html from https://www.caterpillar.com/#19_nov_2018_12_20_pm_est -> bottom-menu-products#
30 nov 2018 5:25 pm est:add 'from www.superiorpaving.net'
30 nov 2018 5:28 pm est:add 'from google(superior paving corp)'
23 dec 2018 10:9 pm est:1)add 'tire-size p205/70r15 95s'
2)add 'tire-size p225/70r16 101s'
25 dec 2018 5:39 pm est:reword 'headlamp is not automatically on like toyota highlander 2004'
to 'headlamp is not automatically on like toyota highlander year 2004'
25 dec 2018 5:43 pm est:1)reword 'partially blown away maybe from being blown by wind in car wash dryer machine'
to 'partially blown away during driving on highway'
2)insert 'wind in car wash dryer machine,maybe weaken bug-deflector'
25 dec 2018 5:44 pm est:reword 'i know avs stands for auto ventshade from google (avs bug deflector)'
to 'avs means auto-ventshade.source:google (avs bug deflector)'
25 dec 2018 6:13 pm est:
1)delete redundant '4. audio-panel can be replaced by aftermarket audio-panel which has usb-plug and can play mp3 files.'
under 'toyota highlander year 2004' -> 'pro :'
2)insert 'repeatedly,like car-race-driver warming-up tire prior race'
3)reword 'i bought crv year 2003, january 2003 using' to
'i bought crv year 2003,4 december 2002 using'
4)reword 'bug deflector' to 'bug-deflector','car lifter' to 'car-lifter','cargo door' to 'cargo-door','mud flap' to 'mud-flap','car wash dryer machine' to 'car-wash-dryer-machine'
5) reword 'the crv used to have original honda bug-deflector'
to 'our crv used to have original honda bug-deflector'
6)delete 'the',reword others...
26 dec 2018 10:47 am est:add 'cargo-room-floor-entrance-height lower than lexus-rx-350 year 2008=>year 2015'
26 dec 2018 11 am est:add 'and from 'kagura' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_King_of_Fighters_characters#Chizuru_Kagura'
26 dec 2018 11:14 am est:'[number]. [sentence]',is '[number])[sentence]' now
26 dec 2018 1:23 pm est:delete under 'how to read tire-code :' -> '65 :' : 'aspect-ratio, sidewall-height is 65% sidewall-width
lower number like 55 means short sidewall
for improved steering response, better handling'
26 dec 2018 1:37 pm est:under 'how to read tire-code :':reword 'inches' to 'inch'
26 dec 2018 1:42 pm est:insert 'aspect-ratio/sidewall-height in %tire-width.65 means sidewall-height=65% tire-width.'
26 dec 2018 2 pm est:insert 'need to change suspension to adapt to low-profile-tire'
26 dec 2018 2:1 pm est:insert 'thin-tire' to 'low-profile-tire/thin-tire'
26 dec 2018 2:3 pm est:reword 'low-profile-tire/thin-tire' to 'low-profile-tire'
26 dec 2018 3:46 pm est:reword 'maximum-load which must read load-carrying-capacity-per-tire-chart/tire-load-index-chart'
to 'tire-load-index according to'
26 dec 2018 4:15 pm est:reword 'h : maximum-speed-allowed' to 'speed-rating-label telling maximum-speed-allowed'
26 dec 2018 4:19 pm est:reword 'lbs' to 'Lbs'
26 dec 2018 4:30 pm est:reword 'tire-load-index 75 show 852Lbs for goodyear,853Lbs for TireRack'
to 'but there is difference:goodyear-tire-load-index-chart show index 75=852Lbs'
26 dec 2018 4:31 pm est:reword 'TireRack' to 'tirerack'
26 dec 2018 6:30 pm est:insert 'our honda crv year 2003'
to 'our honda crv year 2003 car-insurance-cost with allstate-company (liability)'
26 dec 2018 6:31 pm est:insert #our honda crv year 2003's#
to #our honda crv year 2003's major repair (labor cost included) :#
26 dec 2018 6:33 pm est:add #area in front of crv-year-2003's rear-tire-rubber,has mini-shelf which gather dirt#
26 dec 2018 6:44 pm est:add #crv-year-2003's front-bumper,front-grill must be removed to remove condenser#
27 dec 2018 7:15 am est:add to 'low-profile-tire' section:'better mpg(fuel-efficiency)'
27 dec 2018 7:17 am est:add 'sometimes there are 2 smooth-asphalt-road-area having'
27 dec 2018 7:33 am est:add 'if wheel-diameter change more than 5 milimeter then headlight must be readjusted'
27 dec 2018 7:39 am est:reword 'need to change suspension to adapt to low-profile-tire'
to 'need to change suspension to adapt to low-profile-tire?'
27 dec 2018 7:55 am est:add #'if you change the wheel diameter by more than 5 mm, you will also need to readjust the headlights' in https://www.oponeo.co.uk/tyre-article/low-profile-tyres-pros-and-cons#27-dec_2018_7_53_am_est from google(suspension for low profile tire)page 2 result last#
27 dec 2018 7:57 am est:reword 'but there is difference' to 'but there is 1 difference only:'
27 dec 2018 8 am est:add 'hard-ride make suspension deteriorate faster'
27 dec 2018 8:5 am est:add #source:'stiff suspension and low profile tires are bad for the#
28 dec 2018 9:38 am est:add 'honda-service-dealer not willing to remove front-bumper,clean condenser,clean radiator'
28 dec 2018 1:23 pm est:add 'how to wash ac-condenser,radiator and return dead-bug-body to earth-soil?'
10 jan 2019 10:37 am est:add- maybe if there is a button which:(1)shutdown remote-lock capability
10 jan 2019 10:52 am est:add- (3)shutdown master-door-lock-capability
10 jan 2019 10:53 am est:reword- 'remote-lock capability' to- 'remote-door-lock-capability'
23 jan 2019 2:9 pm est:#add# 3065 mazda-rx8 with wankel-engine/rotary-engine y2011 #mt#
#add# 3111 mazda-rx8 with wankel-engine/rotary-engine y2011 #at#
23 jan 2019 6:52 pm est:#add# 0.19 samsung sght-139 cellphone 84 gram 2.98 oz.source:'2.98 oz 84 g' in https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=2476 from google(sgh t139 weight)result 2
5.4 harman-kardon hk-395 2-speaker-1-subwoofer for dell-desktop.consist of 1 subwoofer 2.1 lbs 4.62 kg,2 satellite with each 750 gram 1.65 lbs.source:(?)https://fccid.io/E2XHK395/User-Manual/users-manual-147573.pdf from google(hk395 weight)result 2 (?)1 lbs = 453.59237 gram|(750/453.59237) lbs= 750 gram|1.653466966 lbs= 750 gram|1.65 lbs= 750 gram from https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs)
8.14 logitech z-333 2-speaker-1-subwoofer consist of 1 subwoofer 5.5 lbs 2.5 kg,2 satellite with each 1.32 lbs 600 gram.source:https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/z333-2-1-pc-speaker-system-with-subwoofer#specification-tabular from https://washingtondc[dot]craigslist[dot]org/nva/ele/d/ashburn-logitech-230-pc-multi-media/6794901025.html from https://washingtondc[dot]craigslist[dot]org/search/sss?query=speaker+ashburn&sort=rel
24 jan 2019 1:33 pm est:#reword# jet-fuel-a1 density : 0.804 kg/liter 804 kg/(m^3)
#to# jet-fuel-a1 density : 804 kg/(m^3) = 0.804 kg/liter
24 jan 2019 2:39 pm est:#add# from 'jet fuel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerosene#24_jan_2019_2_38_pm_est
24 jan 2019 2:41 pm est:#add# https://web.archive.org/web/20110608075828/http://www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_internet/aviation/air_bp/STAGING/local_assets/downloads_pdfs/a/air_bp_products_handbook_04004_1.pdf
28 jan 2019 8 pm est:#add# spare-tire-location is located on outdoor so dirty-flat-tire will be carried
30 jan 2019 6:2 pm est:#under# ground-clearance-----
#reword# turning-diameter-in-feet #to# ground-clearance-----
30 jan 2019 6:5 pm est:#under# fuel-tank-gallon---------
#reword# turning-diameter-in-feet #to# fuel-tank-gallon---------
30 jan 2019 7:59 pm est:#add# city 23 | hw 25 fca-jeep-wrangler 2.0 liter engine y2018 #f#
30 jan 2019 8:21 pm est:#reword# city 23 | hw 25 fca-jeep-wrangler 2.0 liter engine y2018
#to# city 23 | hw 25 fca-jeep-wrangler 2.0 liter engine solid-axel-dependent-suspension y2018 #f#
30 jan 2019 9:41 pm est:#add# Independent suspension is any automobile suspension system that allows each wheel on the same axle to move vertically (i.e. reacting to a bump in the road) independently of the others. This is contrasted with a beam axle
30 jan 2019 10:15 pm est:#add# if needing to jump-start crv-year-2003 then there is 1 extra step:
31 jan 2019 4:29 pm est:#insert# rwd,4wd,awd #to# city 23 | hw 25 fca-jeep-wrangler 2.0 liter engine solid-axel-dependent-suspension rwd,4wd,awd y2018 #f#
31 jan 2019 7:5 pm est:#reword# city 23 | hw 25 fca-jeep-wrangler 2.0 liter engine solid-axel-dependent-suspension rwd,4wd,awd y2018 #f#
#to# city 23 | hw 25 fca-jeep-wrangler 2.0 liter engine rear-solid-axel-dependent-suspension,front-independent-suspension-ujoint/double-cardan
31 jan 2019 7:27 pm est:#reword# source:http://media.gmc.com/media/us/en/gmc/vehicles/terrain/2018.tab1.html from google (gmc.com gmc terrain turning diameter) result 1
#to# source:'turning circle' in http://media.gmc.com/media/us/en/gmc/vehicles/terrain/2018.tab1.html from google (gmc.com gmc terrain turning diameter) result 1
2 feb 2019 5:18 pm est:#reword# other possible option: #to# other option:
#in next to# r : radial #and in next to# passenger car
2 feb 2019 5:29 pm est:#add# (1)d=diagonal/bias-ply (2)b=like d and with belt under tread(bias-ply-with-belt) (3)rf=radial-run-flat
3 feb 2019 5:23 pm est:#add#
11.39 computer-monitor,dell-1708fp 5.17 kg.source:https://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/monitors/en/1708FP%201908FP.pdf from google(dell 1708fpt weight)result 4
12.64 computer-monitor,dell-1908fp 5.74 kg.source:https://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/monitors/en/1708FP%201908FP.pdf from google(dell 1708fpt weight)result 4
45 mattress,leesa-brand,twin-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
48 mattress,leesa-brand,twin-xl-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
50 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,twin-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
53 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,twin-xl-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
56 mattress,leesa-brand,full-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
61 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,full-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
71 mattress,leesa-brand,queen-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
71 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,twin-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
75 microwave-oven,general-electric pvm9179skss.source:https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/PVM9179SKSS
76 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,queen-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
77 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,twin-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
80 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,twin-xl-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
86 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,twin-xl-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
90 mattress,leesa-brand,king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
92 mattress,leesa-brand,cal-king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
96 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
96 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,full-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
98 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,cal-king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
101 electric-clothes-dryer general-electric gtd45easjws.source:https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/GTD45EASJWS from http://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/GTW490ACJWW -> search 'gtd45easj0ws' from google (gtw490acj0ww) result 1
102 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,full-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
115 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,queen-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
121 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,queen-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
138 electric-clothes-washing-machine general-electric gtw490acjww.source:http://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/GTW490ACJWW from google (gtw490acj0ww) result 1
142 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
142 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,cal-king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
148 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
148 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,cal-king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
205 stove,general-electric pgb911sej1ss.source:https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/PGB911SEJSS from 'PGB911SEJ1SS Product Specifications' in https://www.geapplianceparts.com/store/parts/assembly/PGB911SEJ1SS from google(pgb911sej1ss)result 1
340 refrigerator,general-electric pzs23kseefss.source:https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/PZS23KSESS from 'PZS23KSEEFSS Product Specifications' in https://www.geapplianceparts.com/store/parts/assembly/PZS23KSEEFSS from google(pzs23kseefss)result 1
3 feb 2019 5:35 pm est:#reword# 205 stove,general-electric pgb911sej1ss
#to# 205 stove-and-oven,general-electric pgb911sej1ss
3 feb 2019 6:50 pm est:#add# 73 1-seat-sofa,bladen-brand 33.11 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/bladen-chair/1200020.html from google(ashley furniture)result 1
123.9 3-seat-sofa,bladen-brand 56.2 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/bladen-sofa/1200038.html?cgid=sofas-and-couches from google(ashley furniture)result 1
141 6-seat-dining-table,alexee-brand 63.96 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/alexee-dining-room-table/D590-35.html?cgid=dining-tables from google(ashley furniture)result 1
149.25 3-seat-sofa,tassler-brand 67.7 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/tassler-sofa/4650138.html?cgid=sofas-and-couches from google(ashley furniture)result 1
285 3-seat-electric-reclining-sofa,gilmanton-brand 129.27 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/gilmanton-power-reclining-sofa/7360615.html?cgid=sofas-and-couches from google(ashley furniture)result 1
3 feb 2019 6:43 pm est:#reword# 138 electric-clothes-washing-machine general-electric gtw490acjww
#to# 138 electric-clothes-washing-machine/washer general-electric gtw490acjww
3 feb 2019 7:40 pm est:#reword# 138 electric-clothes-washing-machine/washer general-electric gtw490acjww
#to# 412.7 electric-clothes-washing-machine/washer general-electric gtw490acjww,full of water.138 lbs(dry-weight) + 274.7(water-weight-full)=412.7 lbs
3 feb 2019 7:53 pm est:#under# -start water-weight for 4.4 foot^3 volume capacity for general-electric clothes-washing-machine/washer gtw490acj0ww
#add# https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/pound-to-kg.html from 'Pounds to Kilograms converter' in
3 feb 2019 7:55 pm est:#under# -start water-weight for 4.4 foot^3 volume capacity for general-electric clothes-washing-machine/washer gtw490acj0ww
#add# '1 lb = 0.45359237 kg' in
7 feb 2019 8:27 am est:#reword# 1 honda crv y2002-2004 oem 15 inch diameter, 6 inch wide, 5 holes, 114.3 mm bolt-pitch-circle-diameter #x#
#to# 1 oem-car-wheel-rim for honda crv y2002-2004 15 inch diameter, 6 inch wide, 5 holes, 114.3 mm bolt-pitch-circle-diameter #x#.source:find '1)'Brand Detroit Wheel and Tire' in this text
7 feb 2019 8:30 am est:#reword# 1 bbs-cx-r cx-004 20 inch diameter, 8.5 inch wide, bolt-circle 5-120 575usd #m#
#to# 1 bbs-cx-r-car-wheel-rim cx-004 20 inch diameter, 8.5 inch wide, bolt-circle 5-120 575usd #m#
7 feb 2019 8:30 pm est:#reword# 1 kosei k4r 16 inch diameter, 6.5 inch wide, bolt-pattern:5-114 160usd #x#
#to# 1 kosei-car-wheel-rim k4r 16 inch diameter, 6.5 inch wide, bolt-pattern:5-114 160usd #x#
7 feb 2019 8:35 am est:#reword# 1 enkei performance j10 15 inch diameter, 6.5 inch wide, bolt-pattern:5-114 109usd #x#
#to# 1 enkei-car-wheel performance j10 15 inch diameter, 6.5 inch wide, bolt-pattern:5-114 109usd #x#
7 feb 2019 8:53 am est:#add# 23 honda-crv-y2003-tire only,brand:coopertires->cs5-grand-touring p205/70r15 96t
7 feb 2019 1:5 pm est:#add#
3520 boeing-777-pw4000-engine-stand.source:http://www.core-aerospace.com/pdf/PW4000.pdf from google(PW4000 weight) result page 3 number 6
9420 boeing-777-engine:pw-4050,pw-4052,pw-4056,pw-4060-a,pw-4060-c,pw-4062,4062-a,pw-4152,pw-4156,pw-4156-a,pw-4158,pw-4160,pw-4460,pw-4462.source:(?)https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf from google(PW4000 weight)result 5 and from www.easa.europa.eu -> search 'type certificate pw4000' from 'type certificate' in https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 (?)'9,420 pounds' in http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/2a822313bea2157886257f060055beb1/$FILE/E24NE_Rev_13.pdf from ref-5 in '-94[5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_PW4000#Specifications from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4000' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_11_30_am_est
13400 boeing-777-engine:rolls-royce-trent-89517,trent-89217,trent-892-b-17,trent-88417,trent-884-b-17,trent-87717,trent-87517.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20E%20047%20TCDS%20issue%2003.pdf from google(trent 800 weight)result 4 from 'Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_1_3_pm_est
17400 boeing-777-engine:ge-9076-b,ge-9077-b,ge-9085-b,ge-9090-b,ge-9094-b.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 from 'PW4000: ~6,750kg Trent 800: ~6,000kg GE90: ~7.5-8,000kg' in https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39237 from google(boeing 777 engine weight)result 2
19316 boeing-777-engine(stronger-thrust-ge):ge-90110-b-1,ge-90113-b,ge-90115-b.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 from 'PW4000: ~6,750kg Trent 800: ~6,000kg GE90: ~7.5-8,000kg' in https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39237 from google(boeing 777 engine weight)result 2
7 feb 2019 1:7 pm est:
#reword# airbus a340-300 discard 53 tons fuel prior returning to airport after takeoff, that's 12 s-class 600 guard y2014 and 2 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
#to# 53 ton fuel being discarded by airbus->a340-300 prior returning to origin-airport after takeoff, that's 12 s-class 600 guard y2014 and 2 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
7 feb 2019 1:13 pm est:
9420 boeing-777-engine:pw-4050,pw-4052,pw-4056,pw-4060-a,pw-4060-c,pw-4062,4062-a,pw-4152,pw-4156,pw-4156-a,pw-4158,pw-4160,pw-4460,pw-4462.source:(?)https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf from google(PW4000 weight)result 5 and from www.easa.europa.eu -> search 'type certificate pw4000' from 'type certificate' in https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 (?)'9,420 pounds' in http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/2a822313bea2157886257f060055beb1/$FILE/E24NE_Rev_13.pdf from ref-5 in '-94[5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_PW4000#Specifications from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4000' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_11_30_am_est but contradict 'Weight 4341 kg'(4341×2.20462262185=9570.266801451 lbs) in http://www.deltatechops.com/mro-capabilities/view/category/pw4000-94 from google(PW4000 weight)result 1
13400 boeing-777-engine:rolls-royce-trent-89517,trent-89217,trent-892-b-17,trent-88417,trent-884-b-17,trent-87717,trent-87517.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20E%20047%20TCDS%20issue%2003.pdf from google(trent 800 weight)result 4 from 'Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_1_3_pm_est
17400 boeing-777-engine:ge-9076-b,ge-9077-b,ge-9085-b,ge-9090-b,ge-9094-b.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 from 'PW4000: ~6,750kg Trent 800: ~6,000kg GE90: ~7.5-8,000kg' in https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39237 from google(boeing 777 engine weight)result 2
19316 boeing-777-engine(stronger-thrust-ge):ge-90110-b-1,ge-90113-b,ge-90115-b.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 from 'PW4000: ~6,750kg Trent 800: ~6,000kg GE90: ~7.5-8,000kg' in https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39237 from google(boeing 777 engine weight)result 2
9420 1 boeing-777-engine:pw-4050,pw-4052,pw-4056,pw-4060-a,pw-4060-c,pw-4062,4062-a,pw-4152,pw-4156,pw-4156-a,pw-4158,pw-4160,pw-4460,pw-4462.source:(?)https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf from google(PW4000 weight)result 5 and from www.easa.europa.eu -> search 'type certificate pw4000' from 'type certificate' in https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 (?)'9,420 pounds' in http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/2a822313bea2157886257f060055beb1/$FILE/E24NE_Rev_13.pdf from ref-5 in '-94[5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_PW4000#Specifications from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4000' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_11_30_am_est but contradict 'Weight 4341 kg'(4341×2.20462262185=9570.266801451 lbs) in http://www.deltatechops.com/mro-capabilities/view/category/pw4000-94 from google(PW4000 weight)result 1
13400 1 boeing-777-engine:rolls-royce-trent-89517,trent-89217,trent-892-b-17,trent-88417,trent-884-b-17,trent-87717,trent-87517.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20E%20047%20TCDS%20issue%2003.pdf from google(trent 800 weight)result 4 from 'Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_1_3_pm_est
17400 1 boeing-777-engine:ge-9076-b,ge-9077-b,ge-9085-b,ge-9090-b,ge-9094-b.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 from 'PW4000: ~6,750kg Trent 800: ~6,000kg GE90: ~7.5-8,000kg' in https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39237 from google(boeing 777 engine weight)result 2
19316 1 boeing-777-engine(stronger-thrust-ge):ge-90110-b-1,ge-90113-b,ge-90115-b.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 from 'PW4000: ~6,750kg Trent 800: ~6,000kg GE90: ~7.5-8,000kg' in https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39237 from google(boeing 777 engine weight)result 2
7 feb 2019 3:54 pm est:#reword# 1 boeing-777-engine #to# 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight
7 feb 2019 4 pm est:#add# maybe because dry-weight means 'Weight of basic engine includes all essential accessories, but excludes starter, exhaust nozzle and power source for the ignition system' in find 'https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf' in this text and weight in find 'deltatechops.com' does not mean dry-weight
8 feb 2019 8:5 am est:#add# 3.785411784 liter x ?usa-gallon=65920.39800995 liter x 1 usa-gallon
8 feb 2019 8:39 am est:(1)#add# --------start:53 ton fuel for airbus,is how many liter?
(2)#reword# 53 ton fuel being discarded by airbus->a340-300 prior returning to origin-airport after takeoff, that's 12 s-class 600 guard y2014 and 2 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#.source : find 'to takeoff then return to airport, 53 tons fuel will be discarded' in this text
#to# 53 ton fuel being discarded by airbus->a340-300 prior returning to origin-airport after takeoff.calculation:find '--------start:53 ton fuel for airbus,is how many liter?' in this text
8 feb 2019 8:54 am est:#reword# 3.28084 foot ? = 1
#to# 3.28084 foot x ?meter = 1 foot x 1 meter
8 feb 2019 8:58 am est:#reword# feet^3 #to# foot^3
8 feb 2019 1:41 pm est:#reword# 215 : 215 milimeter tire-width #to# 215 : tire-contact-with-road-width=215 milimeter
8 feb 2019 1:41 pm est->2 pm est:#reword# 215 : 215 milimeter tire-width #to# 215 : tire-width from 1 sidewall to other sidewall=215 milimeter.source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGkdT2A6DG8&t=13s#8_feb_2019_1_57_pm_est (What Do Tire Numbers Mean - How To Read Tire Numbers) from youtube-search(how to read tire code)result 8
11 feb 2019 8:59 pm est:#insert# #11_feb_2019_9_pm_est
#to# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=350jCX0uffs&t=3m5s#11_feb_2019_9_pm_est (Honda How To | Honda Laura Changes a Flat Tire )
21 feb 2019 9:52 am est:#reword# jet-fuel-a1 #to# jet-fuel-a-1
1 apr 2019 4:20 pm edt:#add# uneven-sewer/manhole-cover maybe damage low-profile-tire-wheel-rim,suspension:(1/2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOMon49YYGU&t=30s#1_apr_2019_4_4_pm_edt (San Francisco Bay Area Riding: Look Out for Gratuetous Amounts of Manhole Covers )from youtube-search(bumpy ride manhole)result 4 (2/2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-9dKcgIank#1_apr_2019_4_1_pm_edt (Compilation - Manhole catapults #1 (Manholes throw cars)) from youtube-search(bumpy manhole)result 2
5 apr 2019 8:29 pm edt:#add# heavy-car,makes inflating tire,difficult.
6 may 2019 6:7 pm edt:#reword# google-map shows there is fuel-station in rochelle, illinois; franklin grove, illinois,
but maybe there was no gas-station-sign on exit-road toward those cities.
keyword to search those fuel-station : 'gas station in rochelle, illinois',
'gas station in franklin grove, illinois'
#to# maybe this is my route which turn-on honda-crv-y2003-gas-depleted-warning-light:
williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il(shell-gas station):https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Shell+Gas+Station,+North+7th+Street,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.7675144,-89.3507337,9z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2a8d1b1ffa91:0x4bde05d7118a9e7e!2m2!1d-88.744527!2d41.930509
8 may 2019 6:12 pm edt:#reword# gas-depleted-warning-light #to# gasoline-depeleted-warning-light
#in# maybe this is my route which turn-on honda-crv-y2003-gasoline-depleted-warning-light:
8 may 2019 6:23 pm edt:#add# other gasoline-station around that area:
(2)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (bp gas station) 184 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/BP+Gas+Station,+West+Lincoln+Highway,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.5687543,-94.8733283,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2abfb2c8b489:0xd674007b7419c736!2m2!1d-88.7704294!2d41.9308463
(3)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il(shell-gas station) 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Shell+Gas+Station,+North+7th+Street,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.7675144,-89.3507337,9z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2a8d1b1ffa91:0x4bde05d7118a9e7e!2m2!1d-88.744527!2d41.930509
(4)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (marathon gas station) 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Marathon+Gas+Station,+North+Annie+Glidden+Road,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.569274,-94.8745481,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2abf4b3ea2bd:0xa814d1fbef181a39!2m2!1d-88.7733856!2d41.9319366
(5)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (mobil gas station) 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Mobil+Gas+Station,+Crego+Road,+De+Kalb,+IL/@41.5559267,-94.8575192,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880ed590880e55b5:0x79971e163a2dde50!2m2!1d-88.7390426!2d41.9004508
6 may 2019 6:25 pm edt:#reword# gas station #to# fuel-station #in# shell-fuel-station bp-fuel-station marathon-fuel-station marathon gas station mobil-fuel-station
6 may 2019 6:30 pm edt:#reword# the empty-fuel-light was on #to# gasoline-depleted-warning-light was on
6 may 2019 6:32 pm edt:#reword# each time i see fuel-station in my 2nd trip #to# each time i see fuel-station-sign on highway in my 2nd trip
6 may 2019 6:36 pm edt:#reword# honda crv y2003 barely reach fuel-station in rockford-illinois/dekalb-illinois
during driving on reagan-memorial-tollway.
i was able find fuel-station maybe on reagan-memorial-tollway's exit to dekalb.
gasoline-depleted-warning-light was on. i think that happened to me more than 1 time.
i believe i always filled my fuel-tank each time i see fuel-station-sign on highway in my 2nd trip
and my gasoline-depleted-warning-light still on around rockford, illinois.
source :1)'one on the Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88) in DeKalb.' in http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-01-02/news/ct-met-winter-survival-guide-20110102_1_tri-state-tollway-emergency-lights-check-vehicles from google (running out of gas reagan memorial tollway) result 7
2)empty-fuel-light was on around rokford, illinois in https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Ames,+IA/Schaumburg,+IL/@41.9874836,-88.796422,9z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m2!1m1!1s0x87ee70624634a06b:0x273156083cc75200!1m2!1m1!1s0x880faf88436224e5:0x43bd31cd678f7351!3e0
maybe this is my route which turn-on honda-crv-y2003-gasoline-depleted-warning-light:
williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il(shell-fuel-station),185 mile:(1)https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Shell+Gas+Station,+North+7th+Street,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.7675144,-89.3507337,9z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2a8d1b1ffa91:0x4bde05d7118a9e7e!2m2!1d-88.744527!2d41.930509
other gasoline-station around dekalb,il:
(2)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (bp-fuel-station) 184 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/BP+Gas+Station,+West+Lincoln+Highway,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.5687543,-94.8733283,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2abfb2c8b489:0xd674007b7419c736!2m2!1d-88.7704294!2d41.9308463
(3)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (marathon-fuel-station) 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Marathon+Gas+Station,+North+Annie+Glidden+Road,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.569274,-94.8745481,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2abf4b3ea2bd:0xa814d1fbef181a39!2m2!1d-88.7733856!2d41.9319366
(4)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (mobil-fuel-station) 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Mobil+Gas+Station,+Crego+Road,+De+Kalb,+IL/@41.5559267,-94.8575192,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880ed590880e55b5:0x79971e163a2dde50!2m2!1d-88.7390426!2d41.9004508
maybe around year 2003 - 2007
while driving from ames, iowa to schaumburg, illinois:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Schaumburg,+IL/@41.9336427,-94.4992829,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880faf88436224e5:0x43bd31cd678f7351!2m2!1d-88.0834059!2d42.0333607
this route turn-on my honda-crv-y2003-gasoline-depleted-warning-light:
williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il(shell-fuel-station),185 mile:(1)https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Shell+Gas+Station,+North+7th+Street,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.7675144,-89.3507337,9z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2a8d1b1ffa91:0x4bde05d7118a9e7e!2m2!1d-88.744527!2d41.930509
other gasoline-station around dekalb,il:
(2)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (bp-fuel-station) 184 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/BP+Gas+Station,+West+Lincoln+Highway,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.5687543,-94.8733283,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2abfb2c8b489:0xd674007b7419c736!2m2!1d-88.7704294!2d41.9308463
(3)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (marathon-fuel-station) 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Marathon+Gas+Station,+North+Annie+Glidden+Road,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.569274,-94.8745481,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2abf4b3ea2bd:0xa814d1fbef181a39!2m2!1d-88.7733856!2d41.9319366
(4)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il (mobil-fuel-station) 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Mobil+Gas+Station,+Crego+Road,+De+Kalb,+IL/@41.5559267,-94.8575192,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880ed590880e55b5:0x79971e163a2dde50!2m2!1d-88.7390426!2d41.9004508
source :1)'one on the Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88) in DeKalb.' in http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-01-02/news/ct-met-winter-survival-guide-20110102_1_tri-state-tollway-emergency-lights-check-vehicles from google (running out of gas reagan memorial tollway) result 7
that route seems lacking fuel-station-sign/rest-area-with-fuel-station on highway.
but maybe i must exit to small-town to find fuel-station.rest-area-with-fuel-station
on highway,maybe is luxury.
6 may 2019 6:41 pm edt:#insert# 242 mile #to# while driving from ames, iowa to schaumburg, illinois,242 mile
6 may 2019 7:16 pm edt:(1)#add# (higher-rank means nearer to williamsburg-outlet):
(2)#add# (5)williamsburg-outlet,ia->rochelle,il(shell-fuel-station)167 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Shell+Gas+Station,+Lake+Lida+Lane,+Rochelle,+IL/@41.8834456,-89.1537628,12z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x8809206fa7c9785d:0xbafc76d23bdc96bf!2m2!1d-89.0673927!2d41.903603
(6)williamsburg-outlet,ia->rochelle,il(bp-fuel-station)168 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/BP+Gas+Station,+South+7th+Street,+Rochelle,+IL/@41.8885967,-89.0789518,12z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880920711ba348bf:0xb58987519149f8a6!2m2!1d-89.068981!2d41.910149
(7)williamsburg-outlet,ia->dixon,il(roadrangerusa.com)146 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Road+Ranger+%23265,+1801+S+Galena+Ave,+Dixon,+IL+61021/@41.5322702,-92.7010673,7z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x8809a94b2dd66aa1:0x1792167edf81842c!2m2!1d-89.4751684!2d41.8222209
and other-fuel-station on dixon-il-exit on i88-highway https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+Dixon,+IL/@41.8222221,-89.5101857,13z
(8)and other-fuel-station on rock-falls-il-exit on i88-highway https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+Rock+Falls,+IL/@41.7566163,-89.695108,15z
(9)and other-fuel-station on le-claire-ia-exit on i-80-highway(mid-point between williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il(shell-fuel-station),185 mile where crv-y2003-gasoline-depleted-warning-light start turned-on):https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+in+Le+Claire,+IA/@41.5790544,-90.3674916,14z
6 may 2019 7:20 pm edt:#add# maybe there is no fuel-station-sign on i-80/i-88-highway which indicate there is fuel-station in those cities.
6 may 2019 7:42 pm edt:(1)#insert# 88.8 mile #to# and other-fuel-station on le-claire-ia-exit on i-80-highway(mid-point between williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il(shell-fuel-station),185 mile where crv-y2003-gasoline-depleted-warning-light start turned-on),88.8 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+in+Le+Claire,+IA/@41.5790544,-90.3674916,14z
(2)#add# other-source:'88.8 mile' in https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/1726+2nd+Ave,+Port+Byron,+IL+61275/@41.6162013,-93.4190145,7z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e23f148498c289:0x3e29d8568e871ac3!2m2!1d-90.3516603!2d41.578941
6 may 2019 8:2 pm edt:#add# at least 3 occupant
6 may 2019 8:3 pm edt:#insert# some luggage #to# 3 occupant,some luggage
7 may 2019 3:17 pm edt:
(1)#add# sign-near-exit,unknown whether showing fuel-station or not:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.900705,-88.7881403,3a,75y,112.52h,76.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ss3dIbKqd5ml4VxYL0x3JQA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(2)#add# sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8980703,-89.0772389,3a,75y,75.23h,106.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sr5FlCkhCbjkM9jS7vPTtrg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(3)#add# sign-near-exit,unknown whether showing fuel-station or not(maybe new,i don't remember seeing this):https://www.google.com/maps/@41.815068,-89.4822815,3a,75y,41.16h,75.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2qtnPGFYo1lc_d7d0VnS2w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(4)#add# sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512333,-89.6978439,3a,75y,112.92h,78.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqmhV9noQPWm1KL6DadulTA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5)#add# sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5748159,-90.3618343,3a,75y,181.78h,96.83t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s5VUkqgRuoGNiP57oeRPOqQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i34
7 may 2019 4:54 pm edt:#add#
some sign-near-exit approaching rochelle,il:(higher rank means farther away from rochelle-il)
(5.1)sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8980703,-89.0772389,3a,75y,75.23h,106.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sr5FlCkhCbjkM9jS7vPTtrg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.2)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.897518,-89.0783022,3a,75y,89.61h,102.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skPLfaoyEIEtLtlue_J0b4w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.3)unclear what this-green-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8971465,-89.0789992,3a,75y,90.34h,98.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOrAxKJdy_UgWUZSEzsYHTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.4)green-sign does not show fuel-station in rochelle-il:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8957203,-89.0817459,3a,75y,138.37h,99.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKcdfBIk29sUo-jMhIeJutQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.5)blue-sign show rochell-il has lodging,attraction,not showing fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.89345,-89.0861019,3a,75y,99.92h,102.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srJuRlubGhs2H-Px8zau3Nw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.6)green-sign does not show fuel-station in rochelle-il:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8915692,-89.0897281,3a,75y,107.09h,99.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svoNwL_ZsJNJ3NHufsP0qIw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.7)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8900988,-89.0945653,3a,75y,152.4h,82.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOVM6ofThdsp3Pbc6FQiSLA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.8)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8879865,-89.1037633,3a,75y,129.04h,81.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2O7kezap7eyjyQr0V0ENUg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
7 may 2019 5:5 pm edt:#reword# sign-near-exit,unknown whether showing fuel-station or not(maybe new,i don't remember seeing this):https://www.google.com/maps/@41.815068,-89.4822815,3a,75y,41.16h,75.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2qtnPGFYo1lc_d7d0VnS2w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
#to# sign-near-exit,show 'tollway oasis food phone gas 39 miles'(maybe new,i don't remember seeing this):https://www.google.com/maps/@41.815068,-89.4822815,3a,75y,41.16h,75.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2qtnPGFYo1lc_d7d0VnS2w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
7 may 2019 5:19 pm edt:
(1)#add# some sign approaching rock-falls-il-exit:
(8.1)sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512343,-89.6977301,3a,75y,112.92h,78.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sR1nDjevPJONzMrkC8JDd2g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.2)sign-near-exit show 'to birthplace of president ronald-reagan exit 41':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512233,-89.700251,3a,75y,138.29h,72.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sH11I2AzjgeOwsrfCCO3ltQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.3)sign-near-exit show 'h'/hospital:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512146,-89.7024234,3a,75y,144.19h,73.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUD2ZEdKCKdrz3OsesdZuiQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.4)sign-near-exit show 'whiteside co airport next right':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512157,-89.7047324,3a,75y,150.6h,77.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNqXvTpFfs_Dbr5XmnumIcQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.5)sign-near-exit show 'exit 41 land-40? rock-falls sterling':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512209,-89.7072522,3a,75y,147.96h,80.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shBGRhu234hjzaj3iFxtoFA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.6)unclear what this sign-near-exit show:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512044,-89.7091868,3a,75y,111.6h,79.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3TxUX11dzw2LF3Ziu8QiFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.7)sign-near-exit show 'exit 41 land-40? rock-falls sterling':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.751198,-89.7170703,3a,75y,171.82h,75.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1se0VAcKteZYtBg_-TdCXzpQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.8)sign-near-exit show 'gas exit 41 mobil casey? shell'(maybe new,i don't remember seeing that)https://www.google.com/maps/@41.751189,-89.7208301,3a,75y,156.2h,82.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sor3bB8HR-jfP8TnXfqHmDw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(2)#add# some sign approaching le-claire-ia-exit:
(9.1)sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5748159,-90.3618343,3a,75y,181.78h,96.83t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s5VUkqgRuoGNiP57oeRPOqQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i34
(9.2)sign-near-exit show 'gas food camping next right','illinois rest area','exit 1 illinois-84 east-moline savanna next-right'(maybe new,i don't remember seeing that):https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5803526,-90.3651635,3a,75y,147.3h,98.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sx32ZOdmCgb_Hm3_xT7Awdg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
7 may 2019 5:23 pm edt:#reword#
(5.1)sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8980703,-89.0772389,3a,75y,75.23h,106.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sr5FlCkhCbjkM9jS7vPTtrg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.2)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.897518,-89.0783022,3a,75y,89.61h,102.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skPLfaoyEIEtLtlue_J0b4w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.3)unclear what this-green-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8971465,-89.0789992,3a,75y,90.34h,98.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOrAxKJdy_UgWUZSEzsYHTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.4)green-sign does not show fuel-station in rochelle-il:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8957203,-89.0817459,3a,75y,138.37h,99.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKcdfBIk29sUo-jMhIeJutQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.5)blue-sign show rochell-il has lodging,attraction,not showing fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.89345,-89.0861019,3a,75y,99.92h,102.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srJuRlubGhs2H-Px8zau3Nw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.6)green-sign does not show fuel-station in rochelle-il:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8915692,-89.0897281,3a,75y,107.09h,99.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svoNwL_ZsJNJ3NHufsP0qIw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.7)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8900988,-89.0945653,3a,75y,152.4h,82.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOVM6ofThdsp3Pbc6FQiSLA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.8)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8879865,-89.1037633,3a,75y,129.04h,81.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2O7kezap7eyjyQr0V0ENUg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.1)sign-near-exit show 'exit-76,illinois-251 rochelle mendota':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8980703,-89.0772389,3a,75y,75.23h,106.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sr5FlCkhCbjkM9jS7vPTtrg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656https://www.google.com/maps/@41.898161,-89.0770647,3a,75y,75.23h,106.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8Dn9r3G2fMAYN25cxG3-8g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.2)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.897518,-89.0783022,3a,75y,89.61h,102.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skPLfaoyEIEtLtlue_J0b4w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.3)unclear what this-green-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8971465,-89.0789992,3a,75y,90.34h,98.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOrAxKJdy_UgWUZSEzsYHTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.4)green-sign show 'exit-76 illinois-251 rochelle mendota next-right':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8956791,-89.0818268,3a,75y,126.86h,85.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5MNVnOj_SQjqpAINYW7X0w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.5)blue-sign 'lodging,attraction',not showing fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.89345,-89.0861019,3a,75y,99.92h,102.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srJuRlubGhs2H-Px8zau3Nw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.6)green-sign show 'exit-76 illinois-251 rochelle mendota 1 mile':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8915692,-89.0897281,3a,75y,107.09h,99.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svoNwL_ZsJNJ3NHufsP0qIw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.7)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8900988,-89.0945653,3a,75y,152.4h,82.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOVM6ofThdsp3Pbc6FQiSLA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.8)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8879865,-89.1037633,3a,75y,129.04h,81.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2O7kezap7eyjyQr0V0ENUg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
7 may 2019 5:30 pm edt:#reword#
that route seems lacking fuel-station-sign/rest-area-with-fuel-station on highway.
but maybe i must exit to small-town to find fuel-station.rest-area-with-fuel-station
on highway,maybe is luxury.maybe there is no fuel-station-sign on i-80/i-88-highway which indicate there is fuel-station in those cities.
back then,that route seems lacking fuel-station-sign on highway.
8 may 2019 4:53 pm edt:#add# but tire-code for big-mining-truck belaz-75710 use inch for tire-width,example:'59/80R63 measures 1.47 meters (57.9 inches) across','nearly 14 feet tall','weighing approximately 12,500 pounds' in https://newatlas.com/the-worlds-biggest-production-tire--the-63-inch-titan/9726/#6_may_2019_8_21_pm_edt from google(belaz 75710 tire height)result 6 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2tFH74HHJ0#2_may_2019_6_19_pm_edt (Belaz 75710 . The biggest dump truck in the World) from google(giant dump truck)result 2
8 may 2019 5:1 pm edt:#add# 12500 1 belaz-75710-tire(big-mining-truck-tire).source:'59/80R63 measures 1.47 meters (57.9 inches) across','nearly 14 feet tall','weighing approximately 12,500 pounds' in https://newatlas.com/the-worlds-biggest-production-tire--the-63-inch-titan/9726/#6_may_2019_8_21_pm_edt from google(belaz 75710 tire height)result 6 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2tFH74HHJ0#2_may_2019_6_19_pm_edt (Belaz 75710 . The biggest dump truck in the World) from google(giant dump truck)result 2
8 may 2019 5:2 pm edt:#reword# 'example:' #to# 'source:' #in# but tire-code for big-mining-truck belaz-75710 use inch for tire-width[source:'59/80R63 measures 1.47 meters (57.9 inches) across','nearly 14 feet tall','weighing approximately 12,500 pounds' in https://newatlas.com/the-worlds-biggest-production-tire--the-63-inch-titan/9726/#6_may_2019_8_21_pm_edt from google(belaz 75710 tire height)result 6 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2tFH74HHJ0#2_may_2019_6_19_pm_edt (Belaz 75710 . The biggest dump truck in the World) from google(giant dump truck)result 2].
8 may 2019 5:13 pm edt:(1)#reword# aspect-ratio/sidewall-height #to# tire-side-wall-height/aspect-ratio
(2)#reword# sidewall #to# side-wall
(3)#reword# aspect-ratio #to# tire-side-wall
(4)#reword# normal-tire's aspect-ratio:>55(60,65).
low-profile-tire's aspect-ratio:<=55(55,50,45,etc).
#to# normal-tire-side-wall-height:>55(60,65).
19 may 2019 4:14 pm edt:#add# honda insight-hybrid year 2019,at-transmission(automatic),loaner-car from honda-dealer-service
19 may 2019 4:35 pm edt:#add# #7# service during mileage 89533
19 may 2019 4:47 pm edt:#add# car-key-slot on door is deep inside a cave.using manual-entry-car-key,scratch cave-entrance/car-door.
19 may 2019 5:23 pm edt:#reword# silent,there is no engine-noise during moving without pressing accelerator-pedal,engine-noise seems lower than gasoline-engine-car.
#to# silent/no-engine-noise during moving without pressing accelerator-pedal,engine-noise seems lower than gasoline-engine-car.
20 may 2019 6:7 am edt:(1)#add# manual-entry-car-key turns anti-clock-wise to close-lock.
(2)#reword# lane-changing-assist #to# lkas(lane-keeping-assist-system),cmbs(collision-mitigation-braking-system) to save battery-power[source:'lkas','cmbs' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATXM1919OM/enu/ATXM1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/manuals?year=2019&model=Insight]
20 may 2019 11:49 am edt:#reword# tensioner-belt=254.84 usd,labor=327.98 usd
#to# tensioner-pulley=254.84 usd,labor=327.98 usd[source:(1/3)'your serpentine belt will either have tension placed on it using a movable bracket or an auto tensioner pulley. This pulley uses an internal spring to apply consistent pressure to the belt at all times.[6]' in https://www.wikihow.com/Replace-a-Serpentine-Belt from google(serpentine belt tensioner belt diagram)result 3 (2/3)https://www.2carpros.com/questions/2001-hyundai-sonata-drive-belt-tensioner from google(serpentine belt tensioner belt diagram)row 1 col 1 (3/3)https://www.yourmechanic.com/article/how-to-replace-an-air-conditioning-belt from google-image(tensioner belt diagram)row 1 col 3]
20 may 2019 11:55 am edt:#add# honda-service-receipt says 'tensioner, belt - replace'[newline]'1 31170-pna-023 tensioner, auto'
20 may 2019 1:41 pm edt:#reword# honda-service-receipt says 'tensioner, belt - replace'[newline]'1 31170-pna-023 tensioner, auto'
#to# honda-service-receipt says 'tensioner, belt - replace[newline]ee213 tensioner, belt - replace[newline]6362 ch[newline]1 31170-pna-023 tensioner, auto'
20 may 2019 4:40 pm edt:#add# body-design-patent http://www.freepatentsonline.com/D458871.pdf from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar) from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar)result 4 from 'Patent D458871 - Motorcar in https://web.archive.org/web/20151117015621/http://www.ptodirect.com/Results/Patents?query=PN%2FD458871 from ref-7 in 'Designer Mitsuhiro Honda (1999)[7]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V
22 may 2019 11:19 am edt:#add# engine-noise sounds like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCn92RRi1JM#22_may_2019_11_11_am_edt (2006 Ford Taurus 3.0l Bad Water Pump Bearing Noise) from youtube-search(water pump pulley noise)result 2 from 'If you’re hearing a squealing or squeaking sound from behind the timing belt cover, chances are good that it’s the water pump pulley. If this pulley fails,your engine will overheat, causing potentially devastating damage (up to and including a cracked block).The best defense here is to ensure that the water pump is changed when the timing belt is changed, and to always follow the automaker’s service recommendations.One of our professional mechanics can listen to and inspect your engine,diagnose the problem and then repair it.' in https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/loud-squealing-or-squeaking-is-coming-from-timing-belt-inspection from google(car engine make scraping noise timing belt)result 5
29 may 2019 1:41 pm edt:#add# can not turn-off wear-seat-belt-reminder-alarm
1 jun 2019 2:14 pm edt:#add# #8# service during mileage 90307
1 jun 2019 2:29 pm edt:#insert# 1-jun-2019 9:30 am edt => 1-jun-2019 11:23 am edt
#to# #8# service during mileage 90307 1-jun-2019 9:30 am edt => 1-jun-2019 11:23 am edt
2 jun 2019 10:42 am edt:#add# non-aerodynamic-front-light make more prodigal fuel-consumption,less down-force
2 jun 2019 10:48 am edt:#add# engine-hood can not wear bug-deflector
2 jun 2019 10:50 am edt:#add# down-force is needed to make car stick on ground,not flying:
(1)benz-clr fly:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkcGPf-fLV0 (Le Mans Flying Cars) from youtube-search(why mercedes fly in lemans)result 1
benz-clr fly because front-bumper does not have front-splitter.source:carlos comment 'That happens when you only have downforce in the rear of the car and not in the front! Front splitters are very important!' in that movie,sorted newest 1st.
(2)how that flying-benz-clr look like in that lemans-1999:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYvdNNjt5vo&t=6m30s#11_feb_2019_5_49_pm_est (Review Of The 1999 Le Mans 24Hrs) from youtube-search(clr 1999 lemans)result 14 from '1999 24 Hours of Le Mans' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_CLR#11_feb_2019_5_43_pm_est
2 jun 2019 2:8 pm edt:#reword#
low-profile-tire pros:1)responsive steering,better mpg(fuel-efficiency)
usually normal-tire-side-wall-height:>55(60,65).
usually low-profile-tire-side-wall-height:<=55(55,50,45,etc).
but that depends on tire-width,because tire-side-wall-height use %tire-width.
so if tire-width is very wide then tire-side-wall-height 55 maybe is normal-tire,not low-profile-tire.
12 jun 2019 8:26 pm edt:#add# #9# service 12 jun 2019 9:30 am edt, mileage ???, price=0 usd.
13 jun 2019 4 pm edt:#add# original-cargo-floor has 4 hole for 4 cloth-belt-anchor-point.
13 jun 2019 4:7 pm edt:(1)#reword# cloth-belt-anchor-point #to# cloth-floor-hook
(2)#add# [pdf-page 196 in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1]
13 jun 2019 4:7 pm edt:#reword# original-cargo-floor #to# original-cargo-floor-mat
14 jun 2019 6:2 pm edt:#add# similar to '#c-5# honda insight-hybrid year 2019,at-transmission(automatic),loaner-car from honda-dealer-service' ,
'manual-entry-car-key turns anti-clock-wise to close-lock.'
driver-door-lock-manual-entry-key turns anti-clock-wise to close-lock.
front-passenger-door-lock-manual-entry-key, cargo-door-lock-manual-entry-key/tailgate-lock-manual-entry-key,
turns clock-wise to close-lock.
30 jun 2019 11:26 am edt:#add# initially i plan to buy toyota-rav4 but my friend-apartment-room-mate sterly-sudargo recommend honda-crv because honda-crv is bigger.
30 jun 2019 4:3 pm edt:#add# i chose toyota-highlander aug-2004 because toyota-highlander is big and engine is small (efficient).
1 jul 2019 6:38 am edt:#add# car-key-part which goes inside steering-wheel,becomes hot after driving with fan only,without air-conditioner,during hot-day.
13 jul 2019 4:15 pm edt:#add# but has possible cons:find 'i realise honda->crv-year-2003 has transmission-shifter-which-hang-on-dashboard, need to be stared at during grabbing.' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
23 jul 2019 3:44 pm edt:#add# service 23 jul 2019 1 pm edt:(1)turn-off dashboard-maintenance-required-light
(2)refuse to turn-off dashboard-seat-belt-light to save battery-power because of safety-purpose
(3)refuse to turn-off anti-theft-immobiliser-system to save battery-power
10 aug 2019 12:38 pm edt:#add# front-center-table removal:http://honda.automotive-manuals.com/cr-v-2002-2005/A00/HTML/00/S9A2E00J46127053471KBAT00-front-seat-center-table-replacement.html from google-image (crv how to remove center table)row last col last
looks complicated. i never fold front-center-table. if front-center-table is simple, non-foldable then maybe
front-center-table-removal-procedure become simpler. i remove front-center-table to wash front-center-table-top to remove
10 aug 2019 12:40 pm edt:#insert# -procedure #to# front-center-table removal-procedure:http://honda.automotive-manuals.com/cr-v-2002-2005/A00/HTML/00/S9A2E00J46127053471KBAT00-front-seat-center-table-replacement.html from google-image (crv how to remove center table)row last col last
10 aug 2019 12:41 pm edt:#reword# i remove front-center-table to wash front-center-table-top to remove
#to# i want to remove front-center-table to wash front-center-table-top to
remove food-grease/food-oil-debris but i am reluctant because i think i can not do that front-center-table-removal-procedure.
10 aug 2019 1:22 pm edt:
(1)#reword# non-foldable #to# non-fold-able
(2)#reword# if front-center-table is simple, non-fold-able #to# if front-center-table is non-fold-able, remove-able
(3)#add# folding front-center-table spill food-debris to floor-mat, so front-center-table should never be folded.
10 aug 2019 6:41 pm edt:(1)#add# maybe nihon-plast made that front-center-table. source:((1))https://www.n-plast.co.jp/english/pl_impane.html#CONBOX from 'console boxes' in https://www.n-plast.co.jp/english/pl_interior.html from google(nihon plast center table) from 'floor console nihon plast' in http://www.autonews.com/assets/PDF/CA758951010.PDF from http://www.autonews.com/article/20110913/CUTAWAY/309139986/suppliers-to-the-2012-honda-cr-v from google (honda crv supplier list) result 1 ((2))'nh167l' in https://www.hondapartsonline.net/oem-parts/honda-table-assembly-center-nh167l-graphite-black-81190s9aj03za?c=Zz1pbnRlcmlvci1idW1wZXImcz1jZW50ZXItdGFibGUmbD0yJm49QXNzZW1ibGllcyBQYWdlJmE9aG9uZGEmbz1jci12LTUtZG9vciZ5PTIwMDImdD1seC00d2QmZT00LXNwZWVkLWF1dG9tYXRpYw%3D%3D from google(crv center table supplier)result 1
(2)#add# instrument-cluster can not turn-off seat-belt-visible-reminder. nippon-seiki/nippon-precision made instrument-cluster for honda[source:((1))https://www.nippon-seiki.co.jp/global/products/meter_products/ from google(honda cluster supplier)result 1 ((2))http://www.romajidesu.com/dictionary/meaning-of-seiki.html ((3))'precision' in https://www.cnczone.com/forums/uncategorised-metalworking-machines/71944-quot-seiki-quot-mean.html from google(japanese company seiki meaning)].
12 aug 2019 3:29 pm edt:#add# midwayproducts.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier for fiat-jeep->wrangler.
source:'spare tire carrier' in http://www.midwayproducts.com/products/ from google(midway products)result 1 from
'tapping plate[door & door hinges]' in https://s3-prod.autonews.com/s3fs-public/CA1175701019.PDF from
https://www.autonews.com/article/20181022/CUTAWAY/181019570/suppliers-to-the-2018-jeep-wranger from google-image(jeep supplier)row 4 col last
wrangler-cargo-door has 2 piece, piece 1 swing side-way, piece 2 swing upward:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBO1TrysyA4#13_feb_2019_7_50_pm_est (How to Replace Spare Tire 06-18 Jeep Wrangler) from youtube-search(wrangler change tire)
12 aug 2019 3:32 pm edt:(1)#reword# piece 1 #to# piece-1
(2)#reword# piece 2 #to# piece-2
12 aug 2019 4:30 pm edt:#add# wrangler-passenger-door seems not making down-force if wind blow wrangler-passenger-door.
27 aug 2019 4:11 pm edt:#add# service 27 aug 2019 12:28 pm edt, mileage:93,718 (1)takata-air-bag-inflator-recall 0 usd
(2)power-steering-fluid-renewal which accidentally makes rather-large-part of steering-wheel oily, makes small-part of car-ignition-key-plastic-part oily 178.38 usd
28 aug 2019 3:59 pm edt:#add# price : 23,711 usd, sales-man : steve-fisher, assembly-place:uk-sovereign->england-country->wiltshire-county->swindon-city->honda-factory, engine-number:k24a1-2504722, engine-origin:japan, control-number:036094, transmission-origin:japan, entry-sea-port:baltimore, delivery-point:schaumburg, ship-number:Leg-798636
28 aug 2019 4:16 pm edt:#reword# steve-fisher #to# stephen-fisher/steve-fisher(sales-consultant, honda-client-relation)
28 aug 2019 4:36 pm edt:#add# transportation-method:n30-kansas-cL
27 sep 2019 11:54 am edt:#add# i can not find jacking-point in user-manual-page 312/'arrow molded into the underside of the body' in
http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
for lifting crv for changing front-tire, for changing rear-tire
30 sep 2019 11:10 am edt:#add# pdf-user-manual-page-295/'Support the front and rear wiper blade arms with a folded towel or rag so they do not touch the windshield.'
in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
'Fig. Fig. 4: Front windshield wiper assembly-Accent, Tiburon and 1996-98 Elantra' in https://www.autozone.com/repairguides/Hyundai-Coupes-Sedans-1994-1998-Repair-Guide/WINDSHIELD-WIPERS/Windshield-Wiper-Arms/_/P-0900c15280073ab4 from google-image(windshield wiper part name)row 1 col 2
'Fig. Fig. 4: Front windshield wiper assembly-Accent, Tiburon and 1996-98 Elantra' in https://www.autozone.com/repairguides/Hyundai-Coupes-Sedans-1994-1998-Repair-Guide/WINDSHIELD-WIPERS/Windshield-Wiper-Arms/_/P-0900c15280073ab4 from google-image(windshield wiper part name)row 1 col 2
says windshield-wiper-blade touch windshield, windshield-wiper-arm press windshield-wiper-blade against windshield.
15 oct 2019 5:25 pm edt:#add# engine-hood is a downward-curve, making front-bumper-visibility good.
29 oct 2019 4:18 pm edt:#add# car-front-face is a downward-curve, making down-force like formula-1-car.
29 oct 2019 4:23 pm edt:#reword# engine-hood is a downward-curve, making front-bumper-visibility good.
#to# engine-hood from wind-shield/front-glass to front-bumper, is a downward-curve, car-front-face is a downward-curve,
making (1)good-front-bumper-visibility (2)down-force like formula-1-car
13 nov 2019 5:14 pm est:#reword# car-front-face is a downward-curve
#to# car-front-face from rear-to-front is a downward-curve
13 nov 2019 5:20 pm est:#add# 70 lbs heavier than mercedes-benz->c230-year-1997 (find 'curb-weight'), i feel c230 has stronger-brake but c230 make
lots of brake-dust making mercedes-benz-wheel looks dirty. crv-brake never make brake-dust which is good for crv-wheel but
brake weaker which is bad for driver and good for other-car-in-behind.
22 nov 2019 6:54 pm est:(1)#add# there is upward-curve going from rear-lowest-front-bumper-part to front-lowest-front-bumper-part which make up-force
#and the rest#
(2)#add# use trans-axel(transmission and open-differential in same-housing):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkK2XFnmfhU&t=2m53s (How an Automatic Transmission Works (FWD) ) from recommendation in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E_KPb-Nv7E (Antikythera-M4-DivxQ85) from recommendation from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMITkTYiZ7k (Animation of Antikythera Mechanism )from google(antikythera mechanism animation)result 2 from 'Antikythera Mechanism' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicyclic_gearing from 'planetary gearsets' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_transmission from 'if you properly understand working of a planetary gearset then you can easily understand automatic-transmission' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugao6jTyM7k&t=29s (Automatic Transmission, How it works ? ) from 'I highly recommend checking out this video that walks you through it' in https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/how-automatic-transmission-works/ from google(how automatic transmission work)
#and the rest#
22 nov 2019 7:42 pm est:#add# vw-porsche->911-gt2-rs-year-2018 use trans-axel as well, with engine-size 2362-cc-smaller-than 6162-cc-engine in
22 nov 2019 7:59 pm est:#add# how bevel-gear look like:https://khkgears.net/new/bevel_gears.html from google(bevel gear vs normal gear performance)result 2
22 nov 2019 8:1 pm est:#add# bevel-gear-running:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOgoejxzF8c&t=1m20s (How a Differential works ?) from youtube-search(differential)result 3
23 nov 2019 6:5 am est:#add# (How an engine works - comprehensive tutorial animation featuring Toyota engine technologies) comment
23 nov 2019 7:1 am est:#add# honda-crv-year-1997=>2000 service-manual page 451, 477 show open-differential/differential:https://en.zofti.com/open?idm=308 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQlkeZpmq_Y (Download Honda CRV service and repair manual free ) from google(Honda CR-V 2002 - 2005 Service Manual download)result 4 from 'Honda CR-V 2002 - 2005 Service Manual' in http://honda.automotive-manuals.com/cr-v-2002-2005/A00/HTML/00/S9A2E00J26273458601KDAT00-interior-trim-removal-installation-tailgate-area.html from google-image(crv tailgate panel)row 3 col 1
23 nov 2019 7:29 am est:#add# (1)11:57 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiZ0LYxpmF0 (How to Rebuild a Porsche 911 Transmission Part 2 - Porsche 930 Project - EP10 )
(2)2:18 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjUuIUrcZBg (How to Rebuild a Porsche 911 Transmission Part 1 - Porsche 930 Project - EP09)
show porsche-911-gear-face-direction which is different from
toyota-corolla-year-1998-to-year-2008-gear-face-direction 3:28, 4:10 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkK2XFnmfhU&t=2m53s (How an Automatic Transmission Works (FWD))
so maybe porsche-911 use bevel-gear.
23 nov 2019 7:36 am est:(1)#add# from google-image (porsche 911 trans axel differential) row 1 col last
(2)#add# from google-image (porsche 911 trans axel differential) row 2 col last
23 nov 2019 8:3 am est:#add# confirming porsche-911-trans-axel use bevel-gear:(1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XocIZI5akXI&t=1m40s (#2 Porsche 996 transmission Core Factory Limited Slip.No! This is an open diff!) from youtube-search(porsche 911 differential)result 6
(2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU0M5mrlTvc&t=6m5s (How to Remove and Replace a Porsche 997.1 GT3 Differential) from youtube-search(porsche 911 differential)result 1
23 nov 2019 12:26 pm est:#add# how open-differential make car turn easily:
(1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOgoejxzF8c#1_feb-2019_12_12_pm_est (How a Differential works ?) from youtube-search(differential)result 3
(2)example:asphalt-friction make left-tire stop-rotating during turning-left then open-differential allow right-tire keep-on-rotating:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYB11AAAGmI&t=6m35s#3_oct_2019_9_3_am_edt (DIY Front suspension with differential and steering gear )from youtube-search(differential steering)result 4
'if right-wheel and left-wheel were connected using a solid-shaft then certain wheel must slip to accomplish turning-process' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOgoejxzF8c&t=40s#3_oct_2019_10_40_am_edt (How a Differential works ?) from youtube-search(differential)result 3
23 nov 2019 2:43 pm est:#add# maybe because highlander use tire-width:find 'p225'/225 milimeter. crv year 2003 use tire-width:find 'p205'/205 milimeter but maybe wide-tire make avoiding sewer-cover/man-hole-cover, road-hole on road more difficult
29 nov 2019 11:37 pm est:#add# toyota highlander year 2004:
front-track-width=62.2 inch (track-width means distance between left-tire-middle-point and right-tire-middle-point)
#and so on until# source:https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2003/CR-V/specs#mid^RD6843PW
29 nov 2019 11:43 pm est:(1)#add# (wheelbase means distance between front-left-tire-middle-point and rear-left-tire-middle-point)
(2)#add# (5)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheelbase
30 nov 2019 11:55 am est:#add# crv-spare-tire-hanging-on-cargo-door-exterior weight 65 lbs, means 65 lbs on rather-high-level. i feel something on crv-rear-area wanting to roll-over crv-body during turning-sharply, i don't feel that during driving highlander
but i willing to sacrifice stability-during-turning-sharply to have spare-tire-hanging-on-cargo-door-exterior
more-weight-info:find '65 1 honda-crv-y2003-wheel-rim-and-tire.source:(1)find '1 oem-car-wheel-rim for honda crv y2002-2004' (2)find 'honda-crv-y2003-tire only,brand:coopertires->cs5-grand-touring''
30 nov 2019 4:13 pm est:#reword# means 65 lbs on rather-high-level
#to# means 65 lbs on rather-high-place
3 dec 2019 4:53 pm est:#add# bug-deflector fully protect painted-front-upper-bumper from tiny-rock-impact during high-speed-driving.
crv-front-lower-bumper-color is always black because crv-front-lower-bumper is plastic.
look bad because front-upper-bumper-color can be different from front-lower-bumper-black-color but
plastic-front-lower-bumper seems endure tiny-rock-impact during high-speed-driving without suffering cosmetic-damage.
6 dec 2019 3:29 pm est:(1)#reword# bug-deflector fully protect painted-front-upper-bumper from tiny-rock-impact during high-speed-driving.
#to# avs-bug-deflector almost-long-enough-to-fully-protect painted-front-upper-bumper from tiny-rock-impact during high-speed-driving.
(2)#add# i forgot whether honda-original-bug-deflector was long enough to fully-protect that same-area or not.
9 dec 2019 3:2 pm est:#add# 4549 fiat-jeep->wrangler-4-door-year-2018 2.0-liter-engine unlimited sahara 4x4 awd #at#-with-manual-gear-change-mode [source:'4549 lb' in https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a23746585/2018-jeep-wrangler-unlimited-suv-turbo-four-cylinder-hybrid/ from google(wrangler 2.0 weight)result 3]
14 dec 2019 11:34 am est:(1)#add# 5.8 minimum-normal-new-born-baby-weight [source:'At birth, the average baby weighs about 7.5 pounds — though the range of normal is between 5.8 and 10 pounds' in https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/health-and-safety/newborn-weight-average-gains-loss/ from google(average baby weight)result 1]
(2)#add# 10 maximum-normal-new-born-baby-weight [source:'At birth, the average baby weighs about 7.5 pounds — though the range of normal is between 5.8 and 10 pounds' in https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/health-and-safety/newborn-weight-average-gains-loss/ from google(average baby weight)result 1]
14 dec 2019 11:43 am est:#add# 22 guiness-world-record-heaviest-new-born-baby-weight male died 11 hour after birth 19-jan-1879 on usa-country->ohio-state->seville-city [source:' gave birth to a boy weighing 9.98 kg (22 lb) and measuring 71.12 cm (28 in) at her home in Seville, Ohio, USA, on 19 January 1879.' in https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/heaviest-birth/ from google(guiness record baby weight)result 2]
16 dec 2019 11:42 am est:#add# lightweight-suv-category according to find '3201 honda crv lx/ex awd 2354cc y2003 #m#'
so: (1)less brake-pad-degradation, tire-rubber-degradation during braking. more info:find 'how to read some honda-car-multi-point-inspection-word:' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
braking means converting energy-kinetic to energy-heat then cooling energy-heat.
energy-kinetic-formula = 1/2 x weight x (speed)^2
(2)easy to inflate tire
16 dec 2019 12:23 pm est:#add# [source:'At its most basic, a brake system converts the kinetic energy of a car into heat energy through friction devices -- namely the pads. How much kinetic energy is at work in a car is determined by its weight' in https://auto.howstuffworks.com/under-the-hood/car-part-longevity/brake-pads-last.htm maybe from google(brake lining mm)]
18 dec 2019 9:59 am est:#reword# crv ground clearance is tall enough allowing crv to run over side curb,
to run over some iron platform sticking out of certain car lifter, without
damaging the bottom of crv.
i don't know what brand that car lifter is, that car lifter consist of 2
iron pillars.each iron pillars has wide iron platform foot.that wide iron
platform foot is rather tall, can almost scratch the underneath of
toyota camry bumper when that toyota camry move backward away from that
car lifter,that car lifter has black color.
#to# ground-clearance is tall enough allowing crv to climb-then-descend some iron-platform sticking-out of certain car-lifter,
without damaging the bottom of crv.
i don't know what brand that car-lifter is, that car-lifter consist of 2 iron-pillars.
each iron-pillar has wide iron-platform. that wide iron-platform is rather tall, can almost scratch the underneath of
toyota->camry-bumper when that toyota->camry move backward away from that car-lifter, that car-lifter has black-color.
virginia-tire-&-auto-of-broadlands/vatire.com in https://www.google.com/maps/@39.0086679,-77.507728,18z
has that car-lifter.
but crv-year-2003 maybe suffer catalytic-converter->heat-shield if climbing-then-descending pedestrian-side-curb
18 dec 2019 10:4 am est:#add# honda->dealer-service is ubiquitous, so if moving to different city then maybe honda->dealer-service
is available and can maintain car.
18 dec 2019 10:27 am est:#add# so honda-car maybe really is a vagabond-car/land-rover-car [source:'vagabond', 'wanderer', 'nomad' in www.tfd.com/rover].
23 dec 2019 12:53 pm est:#reword# less brake-pad-degradation, tire-rubber-degradation during braking
#to# less brake-pad-degradation, less tire-rubber-degradation during braking
23 dec 2019 12:57 pm est:#reword# so honda-car maybe really is a vagabond-car/land-rover-car
#to# so honda-car maybe really is a vagabond-car/wanderer-car/nomad-car/land-rover-car
30 dec 2019 4:18 pm est:#add# but if suffering accident which damage cargo-door, example:moving car backward then cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier
accidentally hit brown-colored-fuel-station-conventient-store-parking-lot-bollard [https://jpsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1_4in-brown-bollard-cover-c.jpg from google-image(brown bollard) row 1 col 2 from 'bollard' in https://www.belson.com/Parking-Lot-Equipment from google(fuel station convenience store barricade pole)result 1]
then fixing damaged-cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier will be more difficult than fixing damaged-cargo-door-without-spare-tire-carrier.
30 dec 2019 4:19 pm est:#reword# brown-colored-fuel-station-conventient-store-parking-lot-bollard
#to# brown-colored-fuel-station-convenient-store-parking-lot-bollard
1 jan 2020 1:48 pm est:#add# and cargo-door has painted-door-handle which can get damaged from finger-nail-scratch.
but other-door-handle has plastic-handle which won't get damaged from finger-nail-scratch.
1 jan 2020 1:50 pm est:#reword# but other-door-handle has plastic-handle which won't get damaged from finger-nail-scratch.
#to# but other-door-handle is plastic-handle which won't get damaged from finger-nail-scratch.
4 jan 2020 11:48 am est:(1)#make obsolete# midwayproducts.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier for fiat-jeep->wrangler.
(2)#add# maybe omix-ada.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier:https://www.omix-ada.com/tailgate-door-07-16-jeep-wrangler-jk.html from 'tailgate' in https://www.mopar.com/en-us/store/parts/mopar-restoration-parts.html#exterior from google (mopar tailgate maker) result 2
7 jan 2020 3:54 pm est:#add# #c-6# honda->crv-year-2019, at-transmission(automatic), loaner-car from honda-dealer-service, vin : 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009, color : gray-metal
7 jan 2020 3:58 pm est:#add# can move-forward with n/neutral then change-gear from n/neutral to d/drive during moving-forward, not like honda->insight-hybrid-year-2019.
does not need to press foot-brake during change-gear from n/neutral to d/drive.
7 jan 2020 4 pm est:#add# vin : 19 xz e4 f5 1k e0 17 88 6, color : white-orchid-pearL
7 jan 2020 4:14 pm est:#add# i guess crv-year-2019-door-opener block right-side-rear-view-mirror because crv-year-2019-door is aerodynamic.
so maybe this has advantage : find 'wrangler-passenger-door seems not making down-force if wind blow wrangler-passenger-door.'
7 jan 2020 4:37 pm est:
romote-door-lock-actuator contain moving-part which degrade like hard-disk-plate.
(hard-disk-plate is more fragile than solid-state-drive-hard-disk, solid-state-drive-hard-disk does not contain moving-part
so(1)#reword# but since remote-door-lock-actuator can break-down let-alone rear-view-camera.
fixing camera maybe more pricey than fixing remote-door-lock-actuator.
#to# but since exterior-light can break-down let-alone rear-view-camera
(2)#reword# fixing camera maybe more pricey than fixing remote-door-lock-actuator
#to# fixing camera maybe more pricey than fixing exterior-light
7 jan 2020 5:36 pm est:#add# cargo-door-glass should extend-a-little-bit to lower-area so driver can see rear-lower-area. because cargo-door does not
carry spare-tire.
7 jan 2020 7:44 pm est:#add# this loaner-crv-year-2019 vin : 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009 , has running-board/foot-step-helper-to-enter-car.
running-board block access to car-jacking-point/car-lifting-point so putting car-jack/car-lifter underneath
car-jacking-point/car-lifting-point, becomes difficult. all car with running-board has this problem. [source:'running board' in https://www.autotrader.com/car-news/i-really-dont-running-boards-and-why-260914 from google-image (car door foot step to enter) row 4 col 2]
7 jan 2020 7:53 pm est:#add# car-lifting-point-location:find 'car-jacking-point/car-lifting-point where jack-lifter lift-up car during changing tire:'pinch-weld'/long-thin-protruding-steel-from-car-front-to-car-rear:'
in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
7 jan 2020 8:3 pm est:#reword# all car with running-board has this problem #to# all car with running-board-accessory has this problem
7 jan 2020 8:45 pm est:#add#
3337 honda->crv-year-2020 Lx fwd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
3398 honda->crv-year-2020 ex fwd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
3413 honda->crv-year-2020 ex-L fwd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
3452 honda->crv-year-2020 touring fwd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
3455 honda->crv-year-2020 Lx awd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
3514 honda->crv-year-2020 ex awd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
3529 honda->crv-year-2020 ex-L awd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
3569 honda->crv-year-2020 touring awd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
4433 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd sport v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
4445 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd rtL v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
4445 toyota->tacoma-year-2020 sr v6 4x4 body-on-frame #at# [source:https://www.toyota.com/tacoma/features/mpg/7594/7544/7598 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw']
4445 toyota->tacoma-year-2020 trd-off-road v6 4x4 body-on-frame #at# [source:https://www.toyota.com/tacoma/features/mpg/7594/7544/7598 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw']
4445 toyota->tacoma-year-2020 trd-pro 4x4 v6 body-on-frame #at# [source:https://www.toyota.com/tacoma/features/mpg/7594/7544/7598 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw']
4453 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd rtL t v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
4505 toyota->tacoma-year-2020 limited 4x4 v6 body-on-frame #at# [source:https://www.toyota.com/tacoma/features/mpg/7594/7544/7598 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw']
4515 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd rtL e v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
4515 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd black v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
8 jan 2020 10:19 am est:#add# user-manual is not easy to understand, cruise-control needs:(1)adaptive-cruise-control to be on, (2)lane-keeping-assist-system/lkas to be on.
if (1)adaptive-cruise-control is off and (2)lane-keeping-assist-system/lkas is off then cruise-control can not be turned-on.
user-manual page 472 says steering-wheel-right-side-corner-left-button has label 'cruise' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
but actual-steering-wheel-right-side-corner-left-button has label 'main'
8 jan 2020 11:20 am est:#add# (2)user-manual page 159 'Opening/Closing the Tailgate'
(1)'When all the doors are unlocked or press the tailgate unlock button on the remote transmitter, the tailgate is unlocked. Press the outer handle and lift open the tailgate.' is difficult to understand.
this is easier to understand : unlock cargo-door, press-upward cargo-door-button semi-strongly until cargo-door swing-upward
(2)'To close the tailgate, grab the inner handle, pull the tailgate down, and push it closed from outside.'
is difficult to understand, handle means something which can be grabbed, but there is nothing can be grabbed.
this is easier to understand : to close cargo-door : push-downward cargo-door-small-rectangular-recess until cargo-door swing-downward
(3)user-manual page 551
'Pull on the fuel fill door release handle Pull under the lower left corner of the dashboard' is difficult to understand.
this is easier to understand : fuel-tank-door-opener-button is located underneath driver-dashboard-left-area. pull fuel-tank-door-opener-button to open fuel-tank-door.
(4)user-manual page 552
'Place the end of the filler nozzle on the lower part of filler opening, then insert it slowly and fully.' is difficult to understand.
this is easier to understand : use fuel-dispenser-nozzle to push and to penetrate or to stab-slowly fuel-tank-inner-door until fuel-dispenser-nozzle enter fuel-tank.
(5)page 622 does not show jacking-point/car-lifting-point clearly.
8 jan 2020 11:23 am est:#reword# user-manual is not easy to understand, cruise-control needs:(1)adaptive-cruise-control to be on, (2)lane-keeping-assist-system/lkas to be on.
if (1)adaptive-cruise-control is off and (2)lane-keeping-assist-system/lkas is off then cruise-control can not be turned-on.
#to# user-manual is not easy to understand, not explaining that cruise-control needs:(1)adaptive-cruise-control to be on, (2)lane-keeping-assist-system/lkas to be on.
if (1)adaptive-cruise-control is off and (2)lane-keeping-assist-system/lkas is off then cruise-control can not be turned-on.
8 jan 2020 11:30 am est:#reword# page 622 does not show jacking-point/car-lifting-point clearly.
#to# user-manual page 622 in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
does not show jacking-point/car-lifting-point clearly.
14 jan 2020 1:15 pm est:(1)#add# side-mirror vertical-thickness is thin, so crv-year-2019-side-mirror has more blind-spot than crv-year-2003-side-mirror.
(2)#add# d/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003. and this maybe make crv-year-2019-foot-brake feels stronger than crv-year-2003-foot-brake.
(3)#add# cargo-door swing-vertically to higher-level than roof-level. so opening cargo-door in garage-with-ceiling-slightly-higher-than-crv-year-2019-roof, maybe make cargo-door hit garage-ceiling.
(4)#add# start-button to start engine is nice
(5)#add# start engine then making engine idle, can not warm-up engine to warmest-level. this is different from crv-year-2003. but maybe our loaner-crv-year-2019 vin : 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009 is non-turbo-version. turbo-version need warm-engine during driving : 'When the engine is cold just after starting, avoid revving the engine or sudden acceleration.' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
14 jan 2020 1:28 pm est:#add# day-time-running-light does not turn-on brake-light faintly. sometimes i see front-light-reflection on garage-wall then i automatically assume brake-light must have been faintly-on as well but that's false. if i drive inside dark-road-tunnel during day-time then i must remember to turn-on front-light even-though i already see front-light-reflection on car-in-front-of-me->rear-part. this is dark-road-tunnel during day-time:https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8887081,-77.1116811,3a,75y,78.15h,74.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHZxWfP6LsIR1X3MlT-8Qzw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
14 jan 2020 1:43 pm est:#add# button with label 'climate' set air-flow-direction-option:air-flow-to-foot-area, air-flow-to-upper-body-area, etc. 'climate' label is not easy to understand.
14 jan 2020 1:46 pm est:#add# rain-water-droplet can partially-block-rear-view-camera-vision.
14 jan 2020 1:51 pm est:#reword# side-mirror vertical-thickness is thin, so crv-year-2019-side-mirror has more blind-spot than crv-year-2003-side-mirror.
#to# side-mirror-vertical-thickness is thin, so crv-year-2019-side-mirror has more blind-spot than crv-year-2003-side-mirror.
14 jan 2020 1:57 pm est:#add# hand-brake-light-indicator is located on bottom-right-corner on instrument-cluster, difficult to see : page 13/'parking brake and brake system indicator (red)' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
sometimes i want to know hand-brake-status during driving whether i already turn-off hand-brake or not-yet during driving.
14 jan 2020 2:5 pm est:#add# this feature makes me think turn-signal suffer lag:page 176/'One-touch turn signal. When you lightly push up or down and release the turn signal lever, the exterior turn signals and turn signal indicator blink three times. Left Turn This feature can be used when signaling for a lane change' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
14 jan 2020 2:6 pm est:#reword# this feature makes me think turn-signal suffer lag:page 176/'One-touch turn signal. When you lightly push up or down and release the turn signal lever, the exterior turn signals and turn signal indicator blink three times. Left Turn This feature can be used when signaling for a lane change' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
#to# this feature makes me think turn-signal-button-lever suffer lag:page 176/'One-touch turn signal. When you lightly push up or down and release the turn signal lever, the exterior turn signals and turn signal indicator blink three times. This feature can be used when signaling for a lane change' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
15 jan 2020 1:31 pm est:#add# turning-off hand-brake automatically turn-on day-time-running-light-front-light. [source:'parking/daytime running lights come on when the following conditions have been met' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
15 jan 2020 1:32 pm est:#reword# this feature makes me think turn-signal-button-lever suffer lag:page 176/'One-touch turn signal. When you lightly push up or down and release the turn signal lever, the exterior turn signals and turn signal indicator blink three times. This feature can be used when signaling for a lane change' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
#to# this feature makes me think turn-signal-button-lever suffer lag during i change my mind deciding to turn-off turn-signal:page 176/'One-touch turn signal. When you lightly push up or down and release the turn signal lever, the exterior turn signals and turn signal indicator blink three times. This feature can be used when signaling for a lane change' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
15 jan 2020 1:36 pm est:#add# button-label which is easy to understand : usual-picture showing '-> person-upper-body-picture' '... '. or usual-picture showing '-> person-upper-body-picture' 'etc... '
15 jan 2020 1:20 pm est:#reword# d/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003. and this maybe make crv-year-2019-foot-brake feels stronger than crv-year-2003-foot-brake.
d/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003. and this maybe:
(1)pros:make crv-year-2019-foot-brake feels stronger than crv-year-2003-foot-brake.
(2)cons:warming-up crv-year-2019-engine to warmest-level needs longer-time than crv-year-2003. starting cold-engine does not raise engine-rpm-speed like crv-year-2003, engine-rpm-speed stays low even-though during engine is cold during starting engine.
15 jan 2020 1:38 pm est:#reword# start engine then making engine idle, can not warm-up engine to warmest-level. this is different from crv-year-2003. but maybe our loaner-crv-year-2019 vin : 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009 is non-turbo-version. turbo-version need warm-engine during driving : 'When the engine is cold just after starting, avoid revving the engine or sudden acceleration.' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
#add# warming-up crv-year-2019-engine to warmest-level needs longer-time than crv-year-2003. starting cold-engine does not raise engine-rpm-speed like crv-year-2003, engine-rpm-speed stays low even-though during engine is cold during starting engine.
15 jan 2020 1:41 pm est:#reword# warming-up crv-year-2019-engine to warmest-level needs longer-time than crv-year-2003. starting cold-engine does not raise engine-rpm-speed like crv-year-2003, engine-rpm-speed stays low even-though during engine is cold during starting engine.
#to# warming-up crv-year-2019-engine to warmest-level needs longer-time than crv-year-2003. starting cold-engine does not raise engine-rpm-speed like crv-year-2003, engine-rpm-speed stays low even-though engine is cold during starting engine.
15 jan 2020 1:45 pm est:#add# engine-temperature-indicator is difficult to read. i prefer seeing temperature-number rather-than red-stick-indicator
but crv-year-2019 engine-temperature-red-stick-indicator somehow not easy to read.
15 jan 2020 1:46 pm est:#reword# but crv-year-2019 engine-temperature-red-stick-indicator somehow not easy to read.
#to# but crv-year-2019-engine-temperature-red-stick-indicator somehow not easy to read.
15 jan 2020 1:49 pm est:#reword# this feature makes me think turn-signal-button-lever suffer lag during i change my mind deciding to turn-off turn-signal:page 176/'One-touch turn signal. When you lightly push up or down and release the turn signal lever, the exterior turn signals and turn signal indicator blink three times. This feature can be used when signaling for a lane change' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
#to# this feature makes me think turn-signal-button-lever suffer lag during:i change my mind then decide to turn-off turn-signal:page 176/'One-touch turn signal. When you lightly push up or down and release the turn signal lever, the exterior turn signals and turn signal indicator blink three times. This feature can be used when signaling for a lane change' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
15 jan 2020 1:56 pm est:#add# fuel-tank-opening makes fuel-dispenser-nozzle can not face down-ward.
so during removing fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank-opening:fuel-dispenser-nozzle may drip some gasoline.
if fuel-tank-opening makes fuel-dispenser-nozzle face down-ward fully then maybe fuel-dispenser-nozzle won't drip gasoline during:removing fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank-opening.
gasoline maybe is paint-thinner, gasoline maybe always drip on body-paint during:removing fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank-opening.
15 jan 2020 2:40 pm est:#add# service 6-jan-2020 1:34 pm est:check-engine-light is on being caused by failing oxygen-sensor.
15 jan 2020 4:13 pm est:#add# suggestion:after fuel-dispenser-nozzle click which says fuel-tank is full, i can pull-upward-slightly fuel-dispenser-nozzle and fuel-dispenser-nozzle still face down-ward fully, so fuel-dispenser-nozzle drip gasoline to fuel-tank in that position then i remove fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank.
15 jan 2020 4:16 pm est:#add# how gasoline-station-pump automatically stop sending fuel if car-fuel-tank is full:
'As long as the sensing hole isn’t covered, air gets sucked into the venturi and mixes with the fuel that goes into your car. But if you cover that hole with your hand or with fuel (like when your tank fills up), the venturi will “struggle” to suck in the heavier fluid, and will therefore create a vacuum. This vacuum then sucks on a diaphragm, and shuts off the nozzle.'
in https://jalopnik.com/gas-station-fuel-nozzles-are-fascinating-contraptions-1791706786 from google(nozzle sensing port)result 2
from 'sensing port' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3phjAQZdGg&t=57s#11_may_2019_10_21_am_edt (How Nozzles Work )
from google(fuel-dispenser pressure sensing safety feature)result 2 from 'Comes with standard pressure sensing safety feature that terminates flow at the end of a prepaid sale even if the hook is still engaged.' in http://www.franklinfueling.com/americas/ds/product/5144/en/900-series-evr#Highlights from google(franklin flex fuel)result 5
venturi means 'A short tube with a constricted throat used to determine fluid pressures and velocities by measurement of differential pressures generated at the throat as a fluid traverses the tube.' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/venturi#11_may_2019_10_17_am_edt
venturi-name comes from '[After Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746-1822), Italian physicist.]' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/venturi#11_may_2019_10_17_am_edt
suggestion:after fuel-dispenser-nozzle click which says fuel-tank is full, i can pull-upward-slightly fuel-dispenser-nozzle and fuel-dispenser-nozzle still face down-ward fully, so fuel-dispenser-nozzle drip gasoline to fuel-tank in that position then i remove fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank.
16 jan 2020 10:6 am est:#add# (service-advisor says wiper-linkage is loose making a play during wiping rain-water. i see from driver-point-of-view:wiper-intermittent-mode make right-wiper return to initial-position around 1 inch higher than normal. i see from driver-point-of-view:wiper-normal-mode:make right-wiper return to normal-initial-position)
16 jan 2020 10:11 am est:#reword# (service-advisor says wiper-linkage is loose making a play during wiping rain-water. i see from driver-point-of-view:wiper-intermittent-mode make right-wiper return to initial-position around 1 inch higher than normal. i see from driver-point-of-view:wiper-normal-mode:make right-wiper return to normal-initial-position)
#to# (service-advisor says wiper-linkage is loose making a play during wiping rain-water. i see from driver-point-of-view:wiper-intermittent-mode make right-wiper return to initial-position around 1 inch higher than normal. i see from driver-point-of-view:wiper-normal-mode make right-wiper return to normal-initial-position)
16 jan 2020 10:41 am est:#add# (maybe 36531-ppa-305 equals denso-1461 [source:(1/4)'Question:Hellp!does it work for a japanese version, my car it is a crv 2002, 2.4 lx rd 7??? it is denso dox 1461 part?, does my fuel consume will be better?' in https://www.amazon.com/Honda-36531-PPA-305-Genuine-Sensor/dp/B00BFDJ066 from google (36531ppa305 denso) result 1 (2/4)'36531PPA305' in ebay.com/itm/Lambda-Sensor-DENSO-DOX-1461-/153076988570 from google (denso 1461 36531ppa305) result 3 (3/4)but 36531ppa305 has tip with many air-hole which looks similar to denso-234-9005, acdelco-afs-105 according to https://top10bestpro.com/best-oxygen-sensors/ from google (ngk ntk denso bosch acdelco o2 sensor) result 2 from 'I've had good luck with Bosch.', 'Bosch O2's do not work well at all in Dodge vehicles. For some reason they just do not read right and don't supply the correct signals to the PCM. A lot of guys on the Dodge forums I am on have had lots of problems with Bosch O2's and also had problems with Bosch spark plugs too.', 'We have had terrible luck with Bosch.Denso has been problem free,check out Rock auto for good prices on them.', 'I have tried NGK NTK, Denso, AC Delco. My favorite is the Denso. I tune my car via narrowband (standard O2 sensor) the Denso is the most consistent. When I can afford to, I will be going with a wideband for accurate tuning. For now, I have had great results with the Denso.', 'I've actually switched to NTK because NGK makes an awesome plug, and price vs. denso.. the NTK beats it easily 30%. Am I sacrificing on quality? Not a chance. you can't go wrong with either. I used to use Bosch for everything, but they aren't keeping up with new part numbers, and while they invented the O2 sensor.. everybody else has surpassed them.', 'The reason I seek out NTK or Denso sensors is because usually the OE sensor I replace is a Bosch.' in https://www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/1772087/3 from google (o2 sensor aftermarket vs original) result 2 (4/4)crv-year-2003 use spark-plug-model:(1)ngk-izfr-6-k-11 (2)denso-skj20-drm-11 according to page 268 in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1])
16 jan 2020 2:16 pm est:#add# but front-light which make down-force, accumulate more debris than front-light which make up-force.
front-light which make up-force, has stronger gravity-force which make debris fall down-ward.
debris on front-light, decrease front-light-brigtness.
cleaning front-light, on garage-floor which has no water-drainage, is bad for garage-floor. parking car outdoor, means
wasting gasoline just for cleaning front-light.
16 jan 2020 2:35 pm est:#add# side-view-mirror-blind-spot-detector-blinking-light can be wrongly-thought-of-as turn-signal. modern-side-view-mirror has turn-signal.
16 jan 2020 3:4 pm est:(1)#move# side-view-mirror-blind-spot-detector-blinking-light can be wrongly-thought-of-as turn-signal. modern-side-view-mirror has turn-signal.
#to# near# side-mirror-vertical-thickness is thin, so crv-year-2019-side-mirror has more blind-spot than crv-year-2003-side-mirror.
(2) #add# crv-year-2003 side-view-mirror-size (approximately):
(1)side-view-mirror-width:7 inch
(2)side-view-mirror-height:5.4 inch
(3)distance from door-window to beginning-of-side-view-mirror 2 inch
(4)total-mirror-and-housing-width:9 inch
16 jan 2020 3:19 pm est:#add# maybe this after-market-side-view-mirror is larger:https://www.carparts.com/mirror/kool-vue/fd82er from https://www.carparts.com/kool-vue/mirror?sort=price-high&sort=price-low from google (kool vue mirror) result 1 from 'Mirror Manual for 97-2002 Jeep Jeep Wrangler (TJ) Left & Right by Kool-Vue' in https://www.amazon.com/Mirror-Manual-97-2002-Wrangler-Right/dp/B009EADEQ4?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_5 from google (kool vue mirror) from '1-year Kool Vue limited warranty' in https://www.jcwhitney.com/details/Kool_Vue/Mirror/SET-FD282ER-S.html#plpslot5 from 'OE Replacement Mirrors - Power, Heated, Power folding, With turn signal light' in https://www.jcwhitney.com/results/?refType=Sort+By&Ntt=Mirror&N=0&Nf=price5|GT+0.001&Ns=price5|1&No=40&Npp=10 from google (aftermarket side view mirror) result 2
16 jan 2020 3:24 pm est:#add# https://www.amazon.com/Telescopic-Textured-Replacement-5C3Z17683EAA-AutoAndArt/dp/B007TY5Y7O from google-image (truck side view mirror) row 4 col 3
18 jan 2020 3:54 pm est:#reword# side-view-mirror-height:5.4 inch #to# side-view-mirror-height:5.25 inch
18 jan 2020 3:57 pm est:#add# this is side-effect for find 'd/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003. and this maybe:'.
18 jan 2020 4:2 pm est:#add# that makes me think during cold-starting crv-year-2019-engine, crv-year-2019-engine is already warm, then i start driving.
that is why there was complaint about oil-fuel-dilution being caused by driving crv-year-2019-cold-engine, because:(1)cold-engine-rpm-speed is low so engine-sound is rather-quiet. warm-engine usually sounds rather-quiet (2)crv-year-2019-engine-temperature-red-stick-indicator is difficult to read.
this is side-effect for find 'd/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003. and this maybe:'.
18 jan 2020 4:7 pm est:#add# (2)crv-year-2019 can go very slowly, almost stop, near red-traffic-light with d/drive without pressing foot-brake, waiting red-traffic-light change to green-traffic-light.
so on traffic-light-area:crv-year-2019 has more opportunity to (1)save brake-pad-lining-milimeter, (2)save transmission (less reason for change-gear from d/drive to n/neutral).
18 jan 2020 4:8 pm est:#reword# cons:warming-up crv-year-2019-engine to warmest-level needs longer-time than crv-year-2003. starting cold-engine does not raise engine-rpm-speed like crv-year-2003, engine-rpm-speed stays low even-though engine is cold during starting engine.
#to# cons:find 'warming-up crv-year-2019-engine to warmest-level needs longer-time than crv-year-2003. starting cold-engine does not raise engine-rpm-speed like crv-year-2003, engine-rpm-speed stays low even-though engine is cold during starting engine.'
18 jan 2020 4:13 pm est:#reword# d/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003. and this maybe:
#to# d/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003:
18 jan 2020 6:18 pm est:##insert## turbo-version ##and## factory:ohio-state->east-liberty-area ##to## #c-6# honda->crv-year-2019, turbo-version, at-transmission(automatic), loaner-car from honda-dealer-service, vin : 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009, color : gray-metal, factory:ohio-state->east-liberty-area
18 jan 2020 6:26 pm est:#reword# oil-fuel-dilution #to# oil-fuel-dilution-for-turbo-version
18 jan 2020 6:27 pm est:#reword# cold-engine-rpm-speed is low so engine-sound is rather-quiet. warm-engine usually sounds rather-quiet
#to# cold-engine-rpm-speed is low so engine-sound is quiet. warm-engine usually sounds quiet
18 jan 2020 6:30 pm est:#reword# #c-6# honda->crv-year-2019, turbo-version, at-transmission(automatic), loaner-car from honda-dealer-service, vin : 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009, color : gray-metal, factory:ohio-state->east-liberty-area
#to# #c-6# honda->crv-year-2019, turbo-version, at-transmission(automatic)? cvt?, loaner-car from honda-dealer-service, vin : 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009, color : gray-metal, factory:ohio-state->east-liberty-area
20 jan 2020 11:41 am est:#reword# service 6-jan-2020 1:34 pm est:check-engine-light is on being caused by failing oxygen-sensor.
#to# service during mileage:96,583, 6-jan-2020 1:34 pm est, problem:check-engine-light is on. diagnosis-solution:check-engine-light is on because oxygen-sensor fail.
20 jan 2020 11:57 am est:#add# [source-1/2:(1)Dima Gurevich's comment 'Oil dilution only happens on frequent short drives, when the engine is not given time to warm up, the piston rings don't seal as well, and the immense pressure created by the turbo pushes the air-fuel mixture past the ring seals. If you drive normally, even in case this occurs, the gas will evaporate from the oil.' replying to danial kurashi's comment (2)Karim Haroun's comment 'u can have 2018 with na engine problem solved.' replying to Intel & Nvidia SUXXZZZ!!!'s comment in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYtV4qMhNlA (2019 Honda CR-V Real Time AWD vs 2013 Honda CR-V Real Time AWD - 4x4 test on rollers ) from youtube-search(crv awd test)result 3] [source-2/2:(1)'If you own a 2017 to 2018 Honda CR-V or a 2016 to 2018 Honda Civic with a 1.5-liter turbo engine, you will now have an extended warranty covering your vehicle for another year' (2)'Complaints from owners say they can smell raw fuel inside the cabin and outside the vehicle. This is due to gasoline seeping into the engine oil' in https://www.torquenews.com/1084/honda-civic-cr-v-oil-dilution-problem-what-you-should-do-now from google(crv oil dilution)result 1].
20 jan 2020 3:58 pm est:#add# turbo-version need warm-engine during driving : 'When the engine is cold just after starting, avoid revving the engine or sudden acceleration.' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1.
30 jan 2020 1:55 pm est:#add# 28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man on honda-dealer on 'autonation honda dulles' in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z
, show that on crv-year-2020:
it is possible to put water-proof-shower-curtain underneath spare-tire, but screw going to spare-tire-center-area can not
be used, that spare-tire-center-area-screw prevent spare-tire from bouncing-around but that spare-tire is so heavy and
bouncing-around slightly is ok.
procedure to remove spare-tire from spare-tire-storage:
(1)remove cargo-floor and cargo-floor-mat, put cargo-floor and cargo-floor-mat on rear-seat, so cargo on rear-seat must be
(2)turn-counter-clock-wise car-lifter-lifting-mechanism to shrink car-lifter-width so car-lifter can be removed from
if car-lifter-lifting-mechanism can not be turned by hand because honda-factory use wrench to turn-clock-wise
car-lifter-lifting-mechanism to lengthen-and-widen car-lifter so car-lifter is stuck-strongly on car-lifter-housing
then (1)find black-cloth-bag which lean-against spare-tire
(2)take wrench from inside that black-cloth-bag
(3)use that wrench to turn-counter-clock-wise car-lifter-lifting-mechanism to shrink car-lifter-width so
car-lifter can be removed from car-lifter-housing/car-jack-lift-housing.
(3)remove spare-tire, heavier than crv-year-2003-spare-tire, expect physical-body-stress on spine-area,
spine must be straight during lifting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDR6se131Bc&t=1m11s
removing that spare-tire maybe feel like rear-lateral-raise https://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidPosterior/DBRearLateralRaise from 'Rear Lateral Raise' in https://www.exrx.net/Lists/ExList/ShouldWt#Posterior from 'Rear Delt Exercises' in https://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidPosterior/DBSeatedRearLateralRaise.
, crv-year-2019-spare-tire-wheel-rim maybe made from steel so heavier than crv-year-2003-spare-tire-alloy-wheel
cargo-door-not-carrying-spare-tire make crv-year-2019-cargo-door easier to fix than crv-year-2003-cargo-door, if
cargo-door suffer collision like accidentally hit brown-colored-fuel-station-convenient-store-parking-lot-bollard [https://jpsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1_4in-brown-bollard-cover-c.jpg from google-image(brown bollard) row 1 col 2 from 'bollard' in https://www.belson.com/Parking-Lot-Equipment from google(fuel station convenience store barricade pole)result 1]
30 jan 2020 1:58 pm est:#add# assuming crv-year-2019 has same brochure like crv-year-2020 in find '28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man on honda-dealer on 'autonation honda dulles' in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z'
why brochure still says 'entry-sea-port:baltimore' even-though that crv-year-2019 is made in ohio-state->east-liberty-area-factory, engine is made in usa, transmission is made in usa.
30 jan 2020 2:41 pm est:#add# #13# service during mileage 96,916, 28 jan-2020-1:9 pm est
(1)emission-test 28 usd
(2)renew battery 123.99 usd ((1)battery:precision-parts-brand 99.99 usd (2)labor-price:24 usd)
(3)tax 6.36 usd
total : 158.35 usd
30 jan 2020 2:44 pm est;#obfuscate craigslist-website-url to make ucoz.com accept this file even-though ucoz.com reject file containing craigslist-website-url#
30 jan 2020 2:48 pm est:#add# old-battery is honda-supplier-battery maybe yuasa-brand usage-duration is 5 year, from 16-feb-2015 to 28-jan-2020, maybe can not hold electric-charge after 5 year. [source:(1/2)'Honda Part No.: 31500-TM8-A01 Battery (38B19L[S]-Mf) (Yuasa)' in https://www.hondapartsnow.com/genuine/honda~battery~31500-tm8-a01.html from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 1 (2/2)'Yuasa launch new Yamaha & Honda OEM replacement battery' in https://www.yuasa.de/en/2016/06/yuasa-launch-new-yamaha-honda-oem-replacement-battery/ from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 4 from 'Yuasa Honda NC700X 12-15 YTZ Factory-Activated Maintenance Free Battery' in https://www.sportbiketrackgear.com/yuasa-honda-nc700x-12-15-ytz-factory-activated-maintenance-free-battery/ from google-image (oem honda lead acid battery) row 1 col 1]
30 jan 2020 2:55 pm est:#reword# old-battery is honda-supplier-battery maybe yuasa-brand usage-duration is 5 year, from 16-feb-2015 to 28-jan-2020, maybe can not hold electric-charge after 5 year. [source:(1/2)'Honda Part No.: 31500-TM8-A01 Battery (38B19L[S]-Mf) (Yuasa)' in https://www.hondapartsnow.com/genuine/honda~battery~31500-tm8-a01.html from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 1 (2/2)'Yuasa launch new Yamaha & Honda OEM replacement battery' in https://www.yuasa.de/en/2016/06/yuasa-launch-new-yamaha-honda-oem-replacement-battery/ from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 4 from 'Yuasa Honda NC700X 12-15 YTZ Factory-Activated Maintenance Free Battery' in https://www.sportbiketrackgear.com/yuasa-honda-nc700x-12-15-ytz-factory-activated-maintenance-free-battery/ from google-image (oem honda lead acid battery) row 1 col 1]
#to# old-battery is honda-supplier-battery maybe yuasa-brand usage-duration is 5 year, from 16-feb-2015 to 28-jan-2020, maybe can not hold electric-charge after our 5 year charge-discharge-repetition. [source:(1/3)'Honda Part No.: 31500-TM8-A01 Battery (38B19L[S]-Mf) (Yuasa)' in https://www.hondapartsnow.com/genuine/honda~battery~31500-tm8-a01.html from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 1 (2/3)'Yuasa launch new Yamaha & Honda OEM replacement battery' in https://www.yuasa.de/en/2016/06/yuasa-launch-new-yamaha-honda-oem-replacement-battery/ from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 4 from 'Yuasa Honda NC700X 12-15 YTZ Factory-Activated Maintenance Free Battery' in https://www.sportbiketrackgear.com/yuasa-honda-nc700x-12-15-ytz-factory-activated-maintenance-free-battery/ from google-image (oem honda lead acid battery) row 1 col 1 (3/3)find 'speaker-subwoofer need more battery-power so car-battery dead earlier if loud-music-volume is being played often.' wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
30 jan 2020 3:12 pm est:#add# honda-supplier-battery maybe yuasa-brand with 100 month warranty price is 200 usd. i choose cheapest-battery
because honda-supplier-battery-warranty can not do road-side-assistance if battery is dead on middle-of-no-where-highway-rest-area and i maybe pay towing-company for road-side-assistance-battery-renewal.
30 jan 2020 3:18 pm est:#reword# honda-supplier-battery maybe yuasa-brand with 100 month warranty price is 200 usd.
#to# honda-supplier-battery maybe yuasa-brand with 100 month warranty price is 200 usd (labor-price-already-included).
31 jan 2020 7:46 am est:(1)#reword# take wrench from inside that black-cloth-bag
#to# take car-lifter-handle-bar from inside that black-cloth-bag [source:'jack handle bar' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
(2)#reword# use that wrench to turn-counter-clock-wise car-lifter-lifting-mechanism to shrink car-lifter-width so
#to# use that car-lifter-handle-bar to turn-counter-clock-wise car-lifter-lifting-mechanism to shrink
(3)#reword# if car-lifter-lifting-mechanism can not be turned by hand because honda-factory use wrench to turn-clock-wise
#to# if car-lifter-lifting-mechanism can not be turned by hand because honda-factory use car-lifter-handle-bar [source:'jack handle bar' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
(4)#reword# find black-cloth-bag which lean-against spare-tire
#to# find black-cloth-bag which lean-against spare-tire
(5)#reword# accidentally hit brown-colored-fuel-station-convenient-store-parking-lot-bollard [https://jpsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1_4in-brown-bollard-cover-c.jpg from google-image(brown bollard) row 1 col 2 from 'bollard' in https://www.belson.com/Parking-Lot-Equipment from google(fuel station convenience store barricade pole)result 1]
#to# find 'accidentally hit brown-colored-fuel-station-convenient-store-parking-lot-bollard [https://jpsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1_4in-brown-bollard-cover-c.jpg from google-image(brown bollard) row 1 col 2 from 'bollard' in https://www.belson.com/Parking-Lot-Equipment from google(fuel station convenience store barricade pole)result 1]'
(6)#reword# water-proof-shower-curtain #to# water-resistant-shower-curtain
31 jan 2020 8:12 am est:#add# stress on spine-area, can be decreased this way:
(1)left-arm-hand press on spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body then
(2)right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hollow-area then (warning:spare-tire-center-hollow-area felt rather sharp)
(3)lift spare-tire.
so right-arm-pit rather-squeeze spare-tire. but left-arm must be long so upper-body is tall-enough to make
spare-tire fit underneath right-arm-pit.
31 jan 2020 8:15 am est:#reword# stress on spine-area, can be decreased this way:
#to# stress on spine-area, can be decreased by doing this procedure to remove spare-tire:
31 jan 2020 8:17 am est:#reword# (warning:spare-tire-center-hollow-area felt rather sharp)
#to# (warning:spare-tire-center-hollow-area felt rather-sharp)
31 jan 2020 8:26 am est:#reword# right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hollow-area then (warning:spare-tire-center-hollow-area felt rather-sharp)
#to# right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hole then (warning:spare-tire-center-hole-border felt rather-sharp)
31 jan 2020 9:16 am est:#reword# stress on spine-area, can be decreased by doing this procedure to remove spare-tire:
(1)left-arm-hand press on spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body then
(2)right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hole then (warning:spare-tire-center-hole-border felt rather-sharp)
(3)lift spare-tire.
so right-arm-pit rather-squeeze spare-tire. but left-arm must be long so upper-body is tall-enough to make
spare-tire fit underneath right-arm-pit.
stress on spine-area, can be decreased by doing this procedure to remove spare-tire:
(1)left-arm-hand press on spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body then
(2)right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hole then (warning:spare-tire-center-hole-border felt rather-sharp)
(3)with right-arm-hand grabbing spare-tire-center-hole :
(1)lift spare-tire so spare-tire is tilted underneath right-arm-pit
(2)make spare-tire-bottom-rubber-area touch spare-tire-well-area
(3)with spare-tire-bottom-rubber-area touching spare-tire-well-area:
(1)use left-arm-hand to touch spare-tire-top-area, to make sure spare-tire doesn't fall toward you
(2)right-arm-hand release spare-tire-center-hole
(4)with left-arm-hand touching spare-tire-top-area, to make sure spare-tire doesn't fall toward you:
(1)use both hand to make spare-tire stand-upright on spare-tire-well
(5)use both-hand to lift spare-tire little-by-little to make spare-tire stand-upright on spare-tire-well nearer
to rear-bumper so eventually spare-tire stand-upright on rear-bumper
(6)carry spare-tire out of crv
31 jan 2020 9:35 am est:#obfuscate to remove html-tag-s# Honda Part No.: 31500-TM8-A01 Battery (38B19L[S]-Mf) (Yuasa)
31 jan 2020 9:54 am est:#add# but that performance-gain from avoiding bevel-gear maybe reimburse performance-loss from fwd-2-steering-tripod-joint losing
torque so there is no performance-gain eventually.
31 jan 2020 11:29 am est:#reword# fall toward you #to# fall toward us
31 jan 2020 12:7 pm est:#add# other battery-option:(1)precision-parts-brand-battery-with-40-month-warranty-model 161 usd (labor-price-already-included),
(2)precision-parts-brand-battery-with-eternal-warranty-model 235 usd (labor-price-already-included)
service-advisor says eternal-warranty-model include road-side-assistance with precision-parts-1800-phone-number
but i doubt precision-parts-1800-phone-number open 24-hour-7-day-per-week and now i google (precision parts battery 1800) doesn't produce result.
6 feb 2020 9:23 am est:#add# service-advisor says each battery-warranty-option has different electrolyte-plate-material-quality.
6 feb 2020 9:27 am est:#add# each time fwd-car-front-engine turn-slightly steering-wheel to stay-straight
inside road-lane that fwd-car-front-engine lose torque.
7 feb 2020 12:7 pm est:#reword# fwd-car-front-engine #to# fwd-car #in# each time fwd-car turn-slightly steering-wheel to stay-straight
inside road-lane that fwd-car lose torque
7 feb 2020 12:8 pm est:#add# how steering-tripod-joint looks like:tire is in right-side, engine is in left-side:https://grabcad.com/library/tripod-joint-1 from google-image (tripod joint) row 2 col last.
maybe as-time-goes-on steering-tripod-bucket-wall-interior contain scratch:'The inner CV joint has this tripod joint and each leg of the tripod has a bearing. The bearings ride along the inner CV bucket walls. Over time these bearings will start to create a groove in the CV bucket walls. This groove becomes a problem when the ride height changes since the tripod joint will sit at a different depth inside the CV bucket. In this new position, it is possible for the bearings to move in and out of the groove and eventually cause pitting on the CV bucket' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejs2teUBZlA (Common Problems - Worn Inner CV Buckets and How To Fix Them | Honda S2000) from google (worn inner cv joint).
but fwd-car is easier to stay-straight on snowy-road than rwd-car.
13 feb 2020 1:6 pm est:#add# seller/dealer-company:maybe www.jordanmotors.co -> honda-dealer [source:(1/2)'Honda of Ames, in Ames, Iowa, joined the Lithia Motors family of dealerships in February 2007 after being acquired from Jordan Motors, Inc.' in https://www.ameshonda.com/dealership/about.htm (2/2)www.jordanmotors.co from google (jordan motors dealer) from 'Lithia Motors, one of the nation’s largest auto dealership companies, has purchased Jordan Motors dealerships in Johnston and Ames.' in https://urbandsm.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2256 from google (jordan motors inc honda ames 2007) result 8]
19 feb 2020 11:31 am est:#reword# (5)use both-hand to lift spare-tire little-by-little to make spare-tire stand-upright on spare-tire-well nearer
to rear-bumper so eventually spare-tire stand-upright on rear-bumper
(5)left-arm-hand press on spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body then
with right-arm-hand-palm facing upward:right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hole,
then lift-and-move spare-tire little-by-little until spare-tire stand-upright on rear-bumper
19 feb 2020 5:7 pm est:#add# turning-on cruise-control, automatically-accelerate crv to minimum 25 mph. [source:'25 mph' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
this startle me during i use cruise-control for 1st time.
19 feb 2020 5:11 pm est:#reword# turning-on cruise-control, automatically-accelerate crv to minimum 25 mph. [source:'25 mph' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
#to# turning-on cruise-control, automatically-accelerate crv until reaching minimum-speed 25 mph. [source:'25 mph' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
20 feb 2020 4:33 pm est:
(5)left-arm-hand press on spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body then
with right-arm-hand-palm facing upward:right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hole,
then lift-and-move spare-tire little-by-little until spare-tire stand-upright on rear-bumper
(5)with right-arm-hand-palm facing upward:right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hole, but don't lift spare-tire,
just make sure spare-tire doesn't fall toward us.
(6)with right-arm-hand grabbing spare-tire-center-hole to make sure spare-tire doesn't fall toward us:
(1)left-arm-hand touch spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body
(2)with left-arm-hand touching spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body:
(1)right-arm-hand lift-and-move spare-tire little-by-little until spare-tire stand-upright on rear-bumper
#2-reword# (1)left-arm-hand press on spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body then
#to# (1)left-arm-hand touch spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body
#3-reword# (6)carry spare-tire out of crv
#to# (7)both hand carry spare-tire out of crv
25 feb 2020 3:51 pm est:#reword# both hand carry spare-tire out of crv.
#to# both hand carry spare-tire out of crv. spine must be straight during lifting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDR6se131Bc&t=1m11s
27 feb 2020 9:56 am est:#add# suggestion for find 'remove cargo-floor and cargo-floor-mat, put cargo-floor and cargo-floor-mat on rear-seat, so cargo on rear-seat must be'
: something-like-sunvisor-with-shelf total-amount 4, each something-like-sunvisor-with-shelf:
(1)can sleep-flat on cargo-room-ceiling, (2)can fold-open-and-hanging on cargo-room-ceiling
with shelf which can grab-and-suspend cargo-floor-and-cargo-floor-mat, maybe can be a way to store
cargo-floor-and-cargo-floor-mat temporarily during removing spare-tire from spare-tire-well.
27 feb 2020 10:2 am est:#add# cargo-luggage can sit on dirty-asphalt, but cargo-floor-cloth-underside and cargo-floor-mat-underside should stay-clean.
19 mar 2020 4:59 pm edt:#add# car with smoothest-area in-front-of, above, rear-of tire:tata-jaguar->f-pace
car with not-smooth-area in-front-of, above, rear-of tire:tata-Landrover->evoque?, toyota-lexus->rx, toyota-lexus->gx, vw-audi->q5, bmw->x5, honda->odyssey
19 mar 2020 5:12 pm edt:#add# but maybe smooth-area in-front-of, above, rear-of tire, decrease durability in that area.
19 mar 2020 6 pm edt:#reword# car with not-smooth-area in-front-of, above, rear-of tire:tata-Landrover->evoque?, toyota-lexus->rx, toyota-lexus->gx, vw-audi->q5, bmw->x5, honda->odyssey
#to# car with not-smooth-area in-front-of, above, rear-of tire:tata-Landrover->evoque?, toyota-lexus->rx, vw-audi->q5, bmw->x5, honda->odyssey
19 mar 6:21 pm edt:#add# that area is being called:inner-fender [source:page 1070 in crv_1997_2000_service repair manual.pdf https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FRhSbgiCFaw4gzewuvv-TW7ZWsx7HFek/view , page-index crv_1997_2000-service_repair_manual.txt:https://drive.google.com/file/d/177Wdy94HlE6ARdLP7V55yE39GpdrO0Oh/view]
23 mar 2020 6:51 pm edt:#reword# 180)9420 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:pw-4050,pw-4052,pw-4056,pw-4060-a,pw-4060-c,pw-4062,4062-a,pw-4152,pw-4156,pw-4156-a,pw-4158,pw-4160,pw-4460,pw-4462.source:(?)https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf from google(PW4000 weight)result 5 and from www.easa.europa.eu -> search 'type certificate pw4000' from 'type certificate' in https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 (?)'9,420 pounds' in http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/2a822313bea2157886257f060055beb1/$FILE/E24NE_Rev_13.pdf from ref-5 in '-94[5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_PW4000#Specifications from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4000' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_11_30_am_est but contradict 'Weight 4341 kg'(4341×2.20462262185=9570.266801451 lbs) in http://www.deltatechops.com/mro-capabilities/view/category/pw4000-94 from google(PW4000 weight)result 1 maybe because dry-weight means 'Weight of basic engine includes all essential accessories, but excludes starter, exhaust nozzle and power source for the ignition system' in find 'https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf' in this text and weight in find 'deltatechops.com' does not mean dry-weight (?)'1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb' in https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs)
#to# 180)9420 1 boeing-747-engine-dry-weight:pw-4050,pw-4052,pw-4056,pw-4060-a,pw-4060-c,pw-4062,4062-a,pw-4152,pw-4156,pw-4156-a,pw-4158,pw-4160,pw-4460,pw-4462. [source:(1/4)https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf from google(PW4000 weight)result 5 and from www.easa.europa.eu -> search 'type certificate pw4000' from 'type certificate' in https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 (2/4)'9,420 pounds' in http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/2a822313bea2157886257f060055beb1/$FILE/E24NE_Rev_13.pdf from ref-5 in '-94[5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_PW4000#Specifications from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4000' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_11_30_am_est but contradict 'Weight 4341 kg'(4341×2.20462262185=9570.266801451 lbs) in http://www.deltatechops.com/mro-capabilities/view/category/pw4000-94 from google(PW4000 weight)result 1 maybe because dry-weight means 'Weight of basic engine includes all essential accessories, but excludes starter, exhaust nozzle and power source for the ignition system' in find 'https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf' in this text and weight in find 'deltatechops.com' does not mean dry-weight (3/4)'1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb' in https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs) (4/4)'The first family is the 94 inch (2.4 m) diameter fan with certified thrust ranging from 52,000 to 62,000 lbf (230 to 275 kN). It powers the Airbus A310-300, A300-600 aircraft, Boeing 747-400, 767-200/300, KC-46A, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and is certified for 180-minute ETOPS if used in twinjets. These models include the PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4062, PW4152, PW4156, PW4158, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462 and PW4650.', 'The third family is the 112 inch (2.8 m) diameter fan engine developed specifically for Boeing's 777 where it was the launch engine. Currently available on the 777-200ER, it has certified thrust from 86,760 to 99,040 lbf (386 to 441 kN). Models include the PW4074, PW4077, PW4084, PW4090 and PW4098' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_&_Whitney_PW4000 from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4084-engined' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777]
23 mar 2020 7:8 pm edt:#add# 183)15095 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:pw-4074, pw-4077, pw-4084 [source:(1/2)'15,095' in https://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/69c65e492f1588bd862579a00066f840/$FILE/E46NE%20Rev%208.pdf from 'and the PW4000 is 16,260 lb (7.38 t).[14]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolls-Royce_Trent_800 from en.wikipedia->search (pratt thai airways) result 4 (2/2)'The first family is the 94 inch (2.4 m) diameter fan with certified thrust ranging from 52,000 to 62,000 lbf (230 to 275 kN). It powers the Airbus A310-300, A300-600 aircraft, Boeing 747-400, 767-200/300, KC-46A, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and is certified for 180-minute ETOPS if used in twinjets. These models include the PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4062, PW4152, PW4156, PW4158, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462 and PW4650.', 'The third family is the 112 inch (2.8 m) diameter fan engine developed specifically for Boeing's 777 where it was the launch engine. Currently available on the 777-200ER, it has certified thrust from 86,760 to 99,040 lbf (386 to 441 kN). Models include the PW4074, PW4077, PW4084, PW4090 and PW4098' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_&_Whitney_PW4000 from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4084-engined' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777]
184)15741 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:pw-4074-d, pw-4077-d, pw-4084-d, pw-4090, pw-40903 [source:(1/2)'15,741' in https://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/69c65e492f1588bd862579a00066f840/$FILE/E46NE%20Rev%208.pdf from 'and the PW4000 is 16,260 lb (7.38 t).[14]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolls-Royce_Trent_800 from en.wikipedia->search (pratt thai airways) result 4 (2/2)'The first family is the 94 inch (2.4 m) diameter fan with certified thrust ranging from 52,000 to 62,000 lbf (230 to 275 kN). It powers the Airbus A310-300, A300-600 aircraft, Boeing 747-400, 767-200/300, KC-46A, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and is certified for 180-minute ETOPS if used in twinjets. These models include the PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4062, PW4152, PW4156, PW4158, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462 and PW4650.', 'The third family is the 112 inch (2.8 m) diameter fan engine developed specifically for Boeing's 777 where it was the launch engine. Currently available on the 777-200ER, it has certified thrust from 86,760 to 99,040 lbf (386 to 441 kN). Models include the PW4074, PW4077, PW4084, PW4090 and PW4098' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_&_Whitney_PW4000 from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4084-engined' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777]
185)16260 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:pw-4090-d, pw-4098 [source:(1/2)'16,260' in https://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/69c65e492f1588bd862579a00066f840/$FILE/E46NE%20Rev%208.pdf from 'and the PW4000 is 16,260 lb (7.38 t).[14]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolls-Royce_Trent_800 from en.wikipedia->search (pratt thai airways) result 4 (2/2)'The first family is the 94 inch (2.4 m) diameter fan with certified thrust ranging from 52,000 to 62,000 lbf (230 to 275 kN). It powers the Airbus A310-300, A300-600 aircraft, Boeing 747-400, 767-200/300, KC-46A, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and is certified for 180-minute ETOPS if used in twinjets. These models include the PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4062, PW4152, PW4156, PW4158, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462 and PW4650.', 'The third family is the 112 inch (2.8 m) diameter fan engine developed specifically for Boeing's 777 where it was the launch engine. Currently available on the 777-200ER, it has certified thrust from 86,760 to 99,040 lbf (386 to 441 kN). Models include the PW4074, PW4077, PW4084, PW4090 and PW4098' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_&_Whitney_PW4000 from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4084-engined' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777]
2 jun 2020 6:24 pm edt:#add# (maybe schaumburghondaautos.com from https://automobiles.honda.com/tools/dealership-locator)
2 jul 2020 11:54 pm edt:
#add# 18)(rear-window/hatch-window)-button is located on door-bottom-part, dirty-sandal can accidentally-step on that
hatch-window-button. and narrow-opening surround that button, dirt can fall on that narrow-opening.
2 jul 2020 11:56 pm edt:
#reword# hatch-window-button. and narrow-opening surround that button, dirt can fall on that narrow-opening.
#to# hatch-window-button. and narrow-opening surround that hatch-window-button, dirt can fall on that narrow-opening.
3 jul 2020 2:8 pm edt:
#add# window-button is difficult to clean if semi-oily-finger touch window-button.
28 jul 2020 8:37 pm edt:
28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man on honda-dealer on 'autonation honda dulles' in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z
, show that on crv-year-2020:
it is possible to put water-resistant-shower-curtain underneath spare-tire
28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man kevin-k-azizsired on honda-dealer on 'autonation honda dulles' in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z
, show crv-year-2020->spare-tire-storage to me then i think i can put water-resistant-shower-curtain underneath spare-tire
28 jul 2020 9:7 pm edt:
i felt pressure from sales-man kevin-k-azizsired to explain why i want to see crv-spare-tire-storage.
i say to kevin-k-azizsired i want to see crv-spare-tire-storage so i can make decision can i can tolerate
crv-internal-spare-tire-storage ? should i want external-cargo-door-spare-tire-storage on fiat-jeep->wrangler ?
then kevin-k-azizsired says something-like out of dealer, new wrangler lose 7,000 usd right away.
28 jul 2020 9:27 pm edt:
#reword# then kevin-k-azizsired says something-like out of dealer, new wrangler lose 7,000 usd right away.
#to# then kevin-k-azizsired says something-like if you buy new wrangler then you lose 7,000 usd out of dealer.
28 jul 2020 9:31 pm edt:
#add# 1st contact with sales-man : during me tring to remove spare-tire, different sales-man shout what are you doing.
28 jul 2020 9:32 pm edt:
#add# then that different sales-man show how to remove spare-tire to me then that different sales-man left.
20 jul 2020 6:4 pm edt:
simplified :
'Cd is coefficient of drag determined by shape of car and angle-of-attack.
CL is coefficient of Lift, determined by shape of car and angle-of-attack.
modern Formula 1 car, lift-to-drag ratio CL/Cd has a typical value 2.5, so down-force dominates performance.'
in formula1-dictionary.net/downforce.html from google ( car down force value ) result 1
Ld-ratio (Lift-to-drag-ratio, big more likely to fly, small more likely to stay on ground)
cd (air-drag-coefficient, small means slippery) [source:'lower drag coefficient indicates the object will have less aerodynamic or hydrodynamic drag' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_coefficient from google ( drag coefficient ) result 1]
cL (lift-coefficient, big means big lifting-force) [source:'lift force' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift_coefficient from 'lift' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio]
virgin-atlantic-global-flyer Ld-ratio 37 or ( 37:1 ) or ( 37 / 1 ) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio from google ( coefficient lift ) result 1]
boeing-777-200 Ld-ratio 19.3 [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio from google ( coefficient lift ) result 1]
airbus-a-340 Ld-ratio 19.1 [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio from google ( coefficient lift ) result 1]
boeing-747-400 Ld-ratio 15.5 [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio from google ( coefficient lift ) result 1]
champ-car-year-2003->lola-team Ld-ratio 3.14 [source:http://www.mulsannescorner.com/aerodatabaselolab0300.html from 'Mulsanne's Corner Race Car Aerodynamics Database: 2003 Lola B03/00 Champ Car' in https://www.ultimatecarpage.com/forum/showthread.php?41451-F1-car-vs-LMP1-car-downforce-levels from google ( lift to drag ratio lemans car ) result 2
f1-race-car Ld-ratio 2.5 [source:formula1-dictionary.net/downforce.html from google ( car down force value ) result 1]
ferrari->year-1999->360-modena Ld-ratio 0.73:1 cd 0.34 cL -0.25 [source:http://www.mulsannescorner.com/aerodatabaseferrari360modena99.html from 'modena' in http://www.mulsannescorner.com/data.html from 'Race Car Aerodynamics Data Base' in mulsannescorner.com from 'Mulsanne's Corner Race Car Aerodynamics Database: 2003 Lola B03/00 Champ Car' in https://www.ultimatecarpage.com/forum/showthread.php?41451-F1-car-vs-LMP1-car-downforce-levels from google ( lift to drag ratio lemans car ) result 2]
26 jul 2020 10:23 am edt: end 10:31 am edt
#add# example flying-car : find 'benz-clr fly:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkcGPf-fLV0 (Le Mans Flying Cars)'
but front-light which doesn't make down-force maybe illuminate more road-area than front-light which make down-force.
but usually road has lamp-pole illuminating road but that lamp-pole waste natural-gas/methane/propane because those
lamp-pole stay on all the time during night even-though road is empty and using car-movement-detector to turn-on
lamp-pole also waste natural-gas/methane/propane.
24 dec 2020 3:35 pm est:
#14# service during mileage 100 687 , 24 dec 2020 10:19 am est , service-advisor = oscar-castro -> maybe related to cuba-dictator fidel-castro ?
(1)head-light-bulb/front-light-bulb-driver-side renewal
component 33111-sr-3-a-01 384656 bulb (hb-2) 22.95 usd
Labor 31.98 usd
total 54.93 usd
(2)safety-recall renew driver-door-window's pwms
---https://owners.honda.com/service-maintenance/recalls?id= from google ( crv pwms recall ) result 4
2002-06 CR-V Driver's PWMS Safety Recall (SHS). 20-122:6ww00
nhtsa recall number: 20-v-768. mfr campaign id: p-9-d. campaign description: 2002-06 cr-v driver's pwms safety recall (shs)
recall date: 12/10/2020. recall status: 17 character vin required
summary: American-Honda-Motor-Co-Inc (Honda) is recalling certain 2002-2006 model year CR-V car.
butyl-tape could separate from electric-window-master-switch if improperly applied.
Under certain conditions, moisture may enter through/via opened driver's window and reach
power-window-master-switch on door. Over time, exposure to moisture can cause electrical-resistance in switch,
which can cause switch to over-heat and melt, damaging switch and potentially damaging associated wire-harness.
safety risk:
if a switch melts then melted-switch could produce smoke and increase fire-risk.
Please call any authorised Honda dealer and make appointment to have your car repaired. dealer will renew
power-window-master-switch and inspect wiring-harness for damage, replacing it if necessary, for free-of-invoice.
For additional questions or to get help locating a dealer, owners may contact American-Honda-Customer-Support and
Campaign-Center at 1-888-234-2138.
component 06357-s-9-a-509 0 usd
Labor 0 usd
total 0 usd
(3)yearly-virginia-safety-inspection 20 usd. inspector-police = almaraz-elliott-j
(4)engine-oil-renewal , engine-oil-filter-renewal 5-w-20 conventional oil
Labor 20.99 usd
1 94109-14000 f-washer , drain (14 mm ) 1.10 usd
5 engine-oil 5-w-20 qs advace durability 14.90 usd
1 ppg-4612-a pp engine-oil-filter 5.99 usd
total 42.98 usd
(5)multi-point-car-inspection : battery-test is good ,
brake-lining/brake-pad-thickness 5 mm for all 4 tire.
both-front-tire-tread 5 32-nds
both-rear-tire-tread 6 32-nds
tire-pressure all 4 tire : 34 psi
(2/5)#add# . service-advisor = robert-miner
(3/5)#add# . service-advisor = britney-cole
(4/5)#add# . service-advisor = bradley-burch
(5/5)#add# . service-advisor = edwin-fuentes
25 jan 2021 12:31 pm est:
(1)#add# 23) 1-page-user-manual is freely-download-able in pdf-format. (html-format with embedded-picture is fine as well actually)
(2)#add# 8) 1-page-user-manual is freely-download-able in pdf-format. (html-format with embedded-picture is fine as well actually)
(3)#add# (7) 1-page-user-manual is freely-download-able in pdf-format. (html-format with embedded-picture is fine as well actually)
(4)#add# (9) 1-page-user-manual is freely-download-able in pdf-format. (html-format with embedded-picture is fine as well actually)
13 feb 2021 9:22 am est:#add# google.com/maps/place/Honda+Of+The+UK+Manufacturing+Ltd/@51.5931555,-1.7385596,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x546f39d3cd2290d5!8m2!3d51.5935054!4d-1.7409736
25 mar 2021 10:1 am edt:
heavy-weight-car usually has body-on-frame-skeleton (chassis) , light-weight-car usually has uni-body-skeleton :
youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) from youtube-search(car frame)result 6
advantage:(1)cheap to build, cheap to repair
(2)better off-road-handling/manuverability
(3)more towing-torque/towing-power because
body-on-frame-skeleton resist torsion-stress/twisting-stress more than uni-body-skeleton
disadvantage:(1)heavier-weight than uni-body-skeleton
(2)car-floor is higher than uni-body-skeleton-car-floor so roll-over-risk is higher
example car with body-on-frame :
sedan : BMW i-3 , BMW i-8
SUV : Cadillac Escalade (ESV), Chevrolet Suburban, Chevrolet Tahoe, Ford Expedition (Max), GMC Yukon (XL), Infiniti QX80,
Jeep Wrangler (Unlimited), Lexus GX, Lexus LX, Lincoln Navigator (L), Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Nissan Armada,
Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Sequoia
Pickup Truck : Chevrolet Colorado, Chevrolet Silverado, Ford F-150, Ford Ranger, GMC Canyon, GMC Sierra, Jeep Gladiator,
Nissan Frontier, Nissan Titan, Ram 1500, Toyota Tacoma, Toyota Tundra
[source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body-on-frame from 'Wrangler has retained a body-on-frame construction and solid axles' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler_(JL) from 'Wrangler JL' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler]
car which has uni-body-skeleton has 4 screw hanging car-engine above sub-frame, so sub-frame does not carry engine-weight,
so sub-frame allow lower-control-arm to move-up-and-down, making independent-suspension possible
youtube.com/watch?v=u940Vs5WklM&t=4m21s (How to Remove an Engine)
25 mar 2021 6:44 pm edt:
(3)more towing-torque/towing-power because
body-on-frame-skeleton resist torsion-stress/twisting-stress more than uni-body-skeleton
(3)can tow heavy-thing and car-body won't suffer deformity-damage because
body-on-frame-skeleton resist torsion-stress/twisting-stress more than uni-body-skeleton
25 mar 2021 6:55 pm edt: end 7:19 pm edt
#reword# cheap to build, cheap to repair
#to# youtube-video says car-with-body-on-frame's manufacturing-price is cheap , repair-price is cheap ,
but i don't know why car-with-body-on-frame-skeleton stellantis.com-jeep.com->wrangler is more pricey than
car-with-uni-body-skeleton honda.com->crv , toyota.com->rav4. maybe stellantis.com-jeep.com->wrangler's
manufacturing-price in usa-country->ohio-state->toledo-city is pricey , but honda.com also manufacture
honda.com->crv in usa-country->ohio-state->easy-Liberty-community https://ohio.honda.com ,
i don't know where toyota.com manufacture toyota.com->rav4 for usa http://toyotaky.com/mandex.asp doesn't say
making rav4. [source:(1/3)'stellantis.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellantis from 'stellantis' in https://www.fcagroup.com/en-US/media_center/fca_press_release/FiatDocuments/2021/January/The_merger_of_FCA_and_Groupe_PSA_has_been_completed.pdf from https://www.fcagroup.com (2/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo_Complex from 'Toledo Complex' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler_(JL) from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler (3/3)'toyotaky.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Motor_Manufacturing_Kentucky from 'tmmc' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_RAV4]
21 may 2021 2:28 pm edt:
(1/2)#add# 24)comes with tire-with-plenty-side-wall which help absorb shock during moving on road-hole.
(2/2)#add# (18)tire has less side-wall than '#c-1#' , '24)comes with tire-with-plenty-side-wall which help absorb shock during moving on road-hole.'
but making-turn with rather fast-speed produce better stability ( less roll-over-wannabe-feeling )
because tire-side-wall is thin. but crv is suv , suv should go slow during making-turn.
23 may 2021 9:29 am edt:
during cold-winter , during me driving c230 from my part-time-asp-web-programmer-job in
iastate.edu->veterinary-diagnostics-lab at around 1:30 am ,
[find 'alternator was bad causing this c230 to shutdown abruptly during traffic-light-stop']
eventually shut-down c230 near some traffic-light then c230 can not re-start engine. a couple-lover driving
toyota->pick-up-truck willing to stop and give car-ride to me to my apartment. then i meet my room-mate nicky-sagitta-hiedajat
already saying 'police was phone-calling me trying to find you , owner of an abandoned-car' to me. then
nicky-sagitta-hiedajat realise what happen then use his aaa.com-member-ship to tow my c230 to my apartment-parking-lot.
so police see my abandoned c230 , then use my c230's license-plate-number to find my land-line-phone-number then
phone-calling that land-line-phone-number then police talk to nicky-sagitta-hiedajat.
4 jul 2021 12:11 am edt:
19)sometime i want to shift automatic-transmission-stick from 'reverse' to 'neutral' but i use too much hand-palm-power
then i accidentally-shift from 'reverse' to 'neutral' to 'd'.
sometimes i want to shift from 'reverse' to 'neutral' during moving back-ward without braking to decrease
brake-pad-usage but i accidentally-shift from 'reverse' to 'neutral' to 'd' during moving back-ward then
i quickly press brake-pedal to brake so i don't break transmission-gear.
14 jul 2021 6:29 pm edt:
#c-7# honda.com->crv-year-2010->brown-color , defina-jaya's car , usa-country->minnesota-state->minneapolis-city year 2011
defina-jaya drive that car and skid on black-ice then hit parked-car making wind-shield break-apart to many non-sharp-ball
then go to embankment then maybe axel hit stone/rock ,
state-farm-insurance say that car suffer total-loss , give money to defina-jaya to buy new car.
defina-jaya test-drive subaru-car , maybe test-drive toyota->rav4 but choose honda.com->crv-year-2012.
pros :
(1)analog-speedometer/analog-instrument-cluster should have battery-consumption
more efficient than digital-speedometer/digital-instrument-cluster
(2)cruise-control doesn't auto-accelerate like 'honda->crv-year-2019'
(3)front-light has down-force
cons :
29 jul 2021 5:23 pm edt:
(1/2)#reword# front-track-width #to# track-width-front
(2/2)#reword# rear-track-width #to# track-width-rear
29 jul 2021 5:44 pm edt:
#reword# state-farm-insurance say that car suffer total-loss , give money to defina-jaya to buy new car.
#to# statefarm.com-insurance say that broken-axel means total-loss , give some money almost enough to buy new car to defina-jaya. [source : (1/2) 'statefarm.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Farm (2/2) 'aligntech.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisalign]
during getting that statefarm.com-insurance my mother tell defina-jaya to get statefarm.com->full-coverage-insurance
instead-of liability-insurance like me.
29 jul 2021 5:55 pm edt:
pros :
(1)analog-speedometer/analog-instrument-cluster should have battery-consumption
more efficient than digital-speedometer/digital-instrument-cluster
(2)cruise-control doesn't auto-accelerate like 'honda->crv-year-2019'
(3)front-light has down-force
cons :
pros :
(1)analog-speedometer/analog-instrument-cluster should have battery-consumption
more efficient than digital-speedometer/digital-instrument-cluster in 'honda->crv-year-2019'
(2)cruise-control doesn't auto-accelerate like 'honda->crv-year-2019'
(3)front-light has down-force , better than 'honda->crv-year-2019' orthogonal/perpendicular-angle-between-front-light-glass-and-earth-horizon.
(4)tire-size 'p225' ( width/(distance-from-1-tire-side-wall-to-other-tire-side-wall) = 225 mili-meter tire-width )
, same tire-width like #c-2#/toyota.com->highlander-year-2004 ,
20 mili-meter wider-than #c-1#/crv-year-2003 tire-width 'p205' ( 205 mili-meter tire-width ).
track-width is similar to highlander-year-2004.
highlander-year-2004 :
track-width-front = 62.2 inch (track-width means distance between left-tire-middle-point and right-tire-middle-point)
track-width-rear = 61.6 inch
crv-year-2010 :
track-width = 61.6 inch
crv-year-2003 :
track-width-front = 60.4 inch
track-width-rear = 60.6 inch
i feel more stability like driving highlander-year-2004 during doing semi-high-speed-mini-turning on slightly-curvy-high-way
(5) procedure for engine-jump-start-because-of-failed-battery , is easier than #c-1#/crv-year-2003
cons : (1) ugly front-grill-design , but i realise actually allow more air enter engine-area so maybe helpful for cooling
29 jul 2021 5:57 pm edt:
#reword# defina-jaya test-drive subaru-car , maybe test-drive toyota->rav4 but choose honda.com->crv-year-2012.
#to# defina-jaya test-drive subaru.com->imprezza , maybe test-drive toyota.com->rav4 , wanting honda.com->fit but i say-via-email
to defina-jaya that honda.com->fit's iihs.org->crash-rating-score is lower-than honda.com->crv-year-2012 so defina-jaya choose
29 jul 2021 6:5 pm edt:
#reword# defina-jaya drive that car and skid on black-ice then hit parked-car making wind-shield break-apart to many non-sharp-ball
#to# defina-jaya drive that car to see invisalign/aligntech.com-orthodontist and skid on black-ice then hit parked-car
29 jul 2021 6:46 pm edt:#add under #c-7## (2) seat-belt-reminder-alarm coerce driver to wear seat-belt
29 jul 2021 7:16 pm edt:
tire-size 'p225' ( width/(distance-from-1-tire-side-wall-to-other-tire-side-wall) = 225 mili-meter tire-width )
, same tire-width like #c-2#/toyota.com->highlander-year-2004 ,
20 mili-meter wider-than #c-1#/crv-year-2003 tire-width 'p205' ( 205 mili-meter tire-width ).
track-width is similar to highlander-year-2004.
highlander-year-2004 :
track-width-front = 62.2 inch (track-width means distance between left-tire-middle-point and right-tire-middle-point)
track-width-rear = 61.6 inch
crv-year-2010 :
track-width = 61.6 inch
crv-year-2003 :
track-width-front = 60.4 inch
track-width-rear = 60.6 inch
i feel more stability like driving highlander-year-2004 during doing semi-high-speed-mini-turning on slightly-curvy-high-way
'feels more stable than crv year 2003 when turning maybe because'
29 jul 2021 7:21 pm edt:
white-color is the only color available for crv-without-sun-roof. i also say-via-email
to defina-jaya to avoid sun-roof because rubber surrounding sun-roof can become damaged then need more maintenance-price.
29 jul 2021 8:8 pm edt:
but cons : (1)find 'but front-light which make down-force, accumulate more debris than front-light which make up-force'.
(2)find 'front-light which doesn't make down-force maybe illuminate more road-area than front-light which make down-force'.
(2/2)#add# more info : find 'if needing to jump-start crv-year-2003 then there is 1 extra step:'.
2 aug 2021 10:40 am edt:
#c-7# honda.com->crv-year-2010->brown-color , defina-jaya's car , usa-country->minnesota-state->minneapolis-city year 2011
defina-jaya drive that car to see invisalign/aligntech.com-orthodontist and skid on black-ice then hit parked-car
making wind-shield break-apart to many non-sharp-ball then go to embankment then maybe axel hit stone/rock ,
statefarm.com-insurance say that broken-axel means total-loss , give some money almost enough to buy new car to defina-jaya. [source : (1/2) 'statefarm.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Farm (2/2) 'aligntech.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisalign]
during getting that statefarm.com-insurance my mother tell defina-jaya to get statefarm.com->full-coverage-insurance
instead-of liability-insurance like me.
defina-jaya test-drive subaru.com->imprezza , maybe test-drive toyota.com->rav4 , wanting honda.com->fit but i say-via-email
to defina-jaya that honda.com->fit's iihs.org->crash-rating-score is lower-than honda.com->crv-year-2012 so defina-jaya choose
honda.com->crv-year-2012->white-color. white-color is the only color available for crv-without-sun-roof. i also say-via-email
to defina-jaya to avoid sun-roof because rubber surrounding sun-roof can become damaged then need more maintenance-price.
#c-7# honda.com->crv-year-2010->brown-color , defina-jaya's car . usa-country->minnesota-state->minneapolis-city dec-2015
defina-jaya drive that car to see invisalign/aligntech.com-orthodontist and skid on black-ice then hit parked-car
making wind-shield break-apart to many non-sharp-ball then go to embankment , statefarm.com->full-coverage-insurance
say that axel is broken , broken-axel means total-loss , give some money almost enough to buy new crv , to defina-jaya .
[source : (1/2) 'statefarm.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Farm (2/2) 'aligntech.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisalign]
during getting that statefarm.com->insurance my mother tell defina-jaya to get statefarm.com->full-coverage-insurance
instead-of liability-insurance like me .
defina-jaya test-drive subaru.com->imprezza , maybe test-drive toyota.com->rav4 , wanting honda.com->fit then 29-dec-2015
i say-via-email to defina-jaya that honda.com->fit's iihs.org->crash-rating-score is lower-than honda.com->crv-year-2012
so defina-jaya choose honda.com->crv-year-2015->white-color . white-color is the only color available for crv-without-sun-roof .
year 2010 defina-jaya during getting that honda.com->crv-year-2010->brown-color , i already tell defina-jaya to avoid sun-roof
because rubber surrounding sun-roof can become damaged then need more maintenance-price .
2 aug 2021 11:34 am edt: end 11:39 am edt
(1)steering-wheel-turn feel lighter-weight than front-wheel-drive-car ( lighter-weight power-steering ) .
[source : find 'rwd maybe has better power-steering/more-lightweight-steering' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
(2)electronic-seat-adjustment so pushing button produce adjustment for : spine-support , seat-distance-from-accelerator-pedal
(3)automatic-transmission-shift go via zig-zag-track to shift gear so decrease risk of accidentally-shift to wrong gear.
(4)some wood-art-work in interior .
(5)daimler-benz-web-site provide pdf-format-user-manual . browsing pdf-format-user-manual is easy , i can use feature
'search keyword' to find desired-info in pdf-format-user-manual. browsing multiple-page-html-user-manual need more mouse-click-amount.
(6)spare-tire is normal-size-spare-tire.
(1)rear-wheel-drive suffer difficulty trying to move out of snowy-parking-lot from stop-position.
(2)rear-wheel-drive suffer difficulty trying to go slowly over snowy-road so need to go fast then use some speed-momentum to go over
snowy-road without getting stuck on snowy-road.
(3)hand-brake is adjacent-to-left-thigh , under-neath instrument-cluster , difficult to see , easily forgotten , so there is high risk
of making car go with hand-brake still on.
(4)braking produce brake-dust which make wheel appear dirty quickly. [info : find 'cons:make brake-dust' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
(5)dealer-car-service is not available in small university-city like usa->iowa-state->ames-city . so maybe need to drive far-away to reach
dealer-car-service .
(6)pricey maintenance-price . [source : find 'mercedes benz's oil change cost 200 usd']
(7)maintaining double-wishbone-suspension-arrangement/configuration is more difficult , more pricier than struts-suspension-arrangement .
but double-wishbone produce better road-grip during turning .
[source : find 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MraNBaCmcok&t=6m50s (How Automotive Suspension Systems Work) from recommendation in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCiwQb5sQ74 (How steering and suspension systems work | ACDelco) from youtube-search(steering knuckle) result 4'
in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
all 4 tire has double-wishbone . #c-1#/crv-year-2003 only has double-wishbone for 2 rear-tire , has struts for 2 front-tire .
5 aug 2021 7:37 pm edt:
(8)steering-wheel-skin is leather , using soap to wash steering-wheel-skin is impossible.
so if driver-hand-palm is oily because hand-palm scratch itchy-oily-face-skin after playing tennis and-then
use oily-hand-palm to grab steering-wheel then steering-wheel-leather-skin become oily as-well and difficult to clean.
[source : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/2007_Mercedes-Benz_E_500_%28W_211_MY08%29_sedan_%282008-10-12%29.jpg
from 'Takata steering-wheel in a Mercedes-Benz E-Class' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takata_Corporation ]
6 aug 2021 11:47 am edt:
maintaining double-wishbone-suspension-arrangement/configuration is more difficult , more pricier than struts-suspension-arrangement .
but double-wishbone produce better road-grip during turning .
[source : find 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MraNBaCmcok&t=6m50s (How Automotive Suspension Systems Work) from recommendation in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCiwQb5sQ74 (How steering and suspension systems work | ACDelco) from youtube-search(steering knuckle) result 4'
in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
all 4 tire has double-wishbone . #c-1#/crv-year-2003 only has double-wishbone for 2 rear-tire , has struts for 2 front-tire .
maintaining double-wishbone-suspension-arrangement/configuration is more difficult , more pricier than struts-suspension-arrangement .
double-wishbone produce non-tilting-tire/0-camber-angle-change during going over road-bump ( better road-grip only during going over road-bump ) ,
struts produce tilting-tire/random-camber-angle-change during going over road-bump .
all 4 tire has double-wishbone . #c-1#/crv-year-2003 only has double-wishbone for 2 rear-tire , has struts for 2 front-tire .
[source : (1/3)find 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MraNBaCmcok&t=6m50s (How Automotive Suspension Systems Work) from recommendation in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCiwQb5sQ74 (How steering and suspension systems work | ACDelco) from youtube-search(steering knuckle) result 4'
in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
(2/3)'Geometric analysis shows it cannot allow vertical movement of the wheel without some degree of either camber angle change,
sideways movement, or both' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacPherson_strut
(3/3)'If the top of the wheel is farther out than the bottom (that is, away from the axle), it is called positive camber;
if the bottom of the wheel is farther out than the top, it is called negative camber.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camber_angle]
7 aug 2021 9:56 am edt:
struts/strut has feature changing camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle during turning , note : solid-axel-suspension-car like jeep.com->wrangler
can not change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle during turning ( so solid-axel-suspension produce less road-grip during turning ):
[source : all-simplified
---https://cartreatments.com/what-is-camber/ from google ( camber change during turning ) result 6 :
'Camber-angle is measured while car is not moving (static-camber), as camber naturally-change while car is
turning, or cornering, due to body-roll. the amount that this camber-changes while turning is called camber-gain, and depends on
---https://www.comeanddriveit.com/suspension/camber-caster-toe from google ( camber change during turning ) page 2 number 5 :
'positive-caster is when :
(1) shock-absorber-spring-top-part diagonally-point to rear-bumper'
'negative-caster is when :
(1) shock-absorber-spring-top-part diagonally-point to front-bumper'
'positive-caster-angle is between 3 => 5 degree-angle on modern car. This gives a good mix of high-way stability and steering-feel.
For a more performance oriented setup on a MacPherson-strut you can add 1 or 2 degree-angle to have more favorable camber-gain at
high steering-angle.'
'For example, a solid-axel has no camber gain, but an asymmetrical double wishbone may gain
2 degree-angle of negative-camber with 2" (50mm) of suspension-travel'
---https://www.santafegarage.com/precision-alignments/camber-explained/ from google ( camber change during turning ) page 2 number 4 :
'stock' means factory-setting.
'For example, say a McPherson-strut-suspension set at 2.5 negative-static-camber at stock-ride-height has a dynamic camber
in a 7 degree turn of 3.5 degree negative. The car is lowered so front-lower-control-arm now goes up from cross-member (frame-mounting-point)
to lower-ball-joint by wheel; it went down slightly before lowering. static-camber is re adjusted to 2.5 negative setting,
but dynamic-camber at same 7 degree turn is now 2.5 degrees, not more desirable 3.5 degree.'
7 aug 2021 10:8 am edt:
but if iastate.edu start offering serious online-school then ames-city-population decrease because
ames-city has rough-snowy-winter ( high methane-gas-usage for cooking and heating ) then demand for luxury-car decrease .
7 aug 2021 10:32 am edt:
if suspension if solid-axel-suspension then car-lifter-lifting-point is under-neath solid-axel like jeep.com->wrangler :
(Jacking and Tire Changing - How to change a tire on 2018 Jeep Wrangler) from youtube-search ( wrangler change tire ) result 5 .
if suspension is independent-suspension like strut , double-wishbone then car-lifter-lifting-point is under-neath body-frame-protruding-steel :
find 'car-jacking-point/car-lifting-point where jack-lifter lift-up car during changing tire:'pinch-weld'/long-thin-protruding-steel-from'
in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm ]
7 aug 2021 12:5 pm edt:
if suspension if solid-axel-suspension then car-lifter-lifting-point is under-neath solid-axel like jeep.com->wrangler :
(Jacking and Tire Changing - How to change a tire on 2018 Jeep Wrangler) from youtube-search ( wrangler change tire ) result 5 .
if suspension is solid-axel-suspension then car-lifter-lifting-point is under-neath solid-axel like mbusa.com->g-class , jeep.com->wrangler :
(1)g-class : 'Position jack : on the axle carrier tube ; of the front or rear axle' in
mbusa.com/content/dam/mb-nafta/us/owners/manuals/2015/operators/MY15_G-Class_Operator.pdf from google (g class user manual)
(2)wrangler : youtube.com/watch?v=gEBHjHWWxYU&t=1m41s#11_feb_2019_9_38_pm_est
(Jacking and Tire Changing - How to change a tire on 2018 Jeep Wrangler) from youtube-search ( wrangler change tire ) result 5 .
7 aug 2021 12:47 pm edt: end 1:26 pm edt
struts/strut has feature changing camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle during turning , note : solid-axel-suspension-car like jeep.com->wrangler
can not change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle during turning ( so solid-axel-suspension produce less road-grip during turning ):
struts/strut can change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle during turning . solid-axel-suspension-car like :
mbusa.com->g-class , jeep.com->wrangler , can not change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle during turning so solid-axel-suspension
produce less road-grip during turning .
7 aug 2021 1:17 pm edt:
but solid-axel-suspension need maintenance-job easier-than independent-suspension ( strut , double-wishbone ).
[source : 'Only one universal joint or constant-velocity joint is needed at each steered and driven drive wheel and none are needed at
non-steered wheels; this reduces maintenance requirements and manufacturing costs compared to independent suspensions,
which typically require 2 such joints at each driven wheel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beam_axle ]
7 aug 2021 1:23 pm edt:
'Due to geometry of positive-caster it also will increase negative camber-gain (a good thing) when turning'
7 aug 2021 1:28 pm edt: end 5:41 pm edt
struts/strut can change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle during turning . solid-axel-suspension-car like :
mbusa.com->g-class , jeep.com->wrangler , can not change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle during turning so solid-axel-suspension
produce less road-grip during turning .
during turning :
(1)struts/strut change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle so tire-top-part tilt to direction-of-turning ( 'good thing' ) .
tire-tilting-to-turning-direction : decrease turning-diameter , decrease risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction .
(2)solid-axel-suspension-car like : mbusa.com->g-class , jeep.com->wrangler , doesn't change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle .
so angle-between-tire-and-road is always orthogonal .
orthogonal-during-turning means : not decreasing turning-diameter , not decreasing risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction .
if front-tire-nearest-to-turning-direction hit bump-on-road then risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction is high .
7 aug 2021 6:25 pm edt:
so angle-between-tire-and-road is always orthogonal .
so angle-between-tire-and-level-road is orthogonal . but angle-between-tire-and-high-road-bump is non-orthogonal .
7 aug 2021 6:27 pm edt:
orthogonal-during-turning means : not decreasing turning-diameter , not decreasing risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction .
non-changing-camber-angle-during-turning/0-camber-gain-during-turning means :
not decreasing turning-diameter , not decreasing risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction .
7 aug 2021 6:34 pm edt:
solid-axel-suspension-car like : mbusa.com->g-class , jeep.com->wrangler , doesn't change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle .
so angle-between-tire-and-level-road is orthogonal . but angle-between-tire-and-high-road-bump is non-orthogonal .
non-changing-camber-angle-during-turning/0-camber-gain-during-turning means :
not decreasing turning-diameter , not decreasing risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction .
if front-tire-nearest-to-turning-direction hit bump-on-road then risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction is high .
solid-axel-suspension-car like : mbusa.com->g-class , jeep.com->wrangler , doesn't change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle
( camber-gain always 0 in all situation ). so not decreasing turning-diameter ,
not decreasing risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction .
if front-tire-nearest-to-turning-direction hit bump-on-road then risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction is high .
7 aug 2021 6:42 pm edt:
'As the vehicle's body rolls during hard cornering,
the unchanging camber yields predictable handling—at least on smooth surfaces'
7 aug 2021 6:46 pm edt:
'Camber angle is rigidly fixed by axle geometry; for a live axle, toe is typically fixed as well'
11 aug 2021 8:22 pm edt:
(7)there is outdoor-temperature-indicator on instrument-cluster . outdoor-temperature-sensor is located on front-bumper-area so if
front-bumper collide against something then outdoor-temperature-sensor maybe break-down .
some few day during january-month in iastate.edu outdoor-temperature-indicator show 5 fahrenheit ( -15 celcius ) very cold .
12 aug 2021 11:57 am edt:
but only pdf-format-user-manual for ( current-year-model - 9 ) => current-year , is available , so user-manual for model-year-1997
is not available anymore : mbusa.com/en/owners/manuals#!year=1997&class=C-Sedan
12 aug 2021 1:15 pm edt: end 13 aug 2021 9:45 am edt
but cons : temperature-indicator , temperature-sensor , consume electricity-from-battery .
i prefer saving battery-electricity and choose not have temperature-indicator .
13 aug 2021 8:41 am edt:
[source : pdf-viewer-page 69 , 'temperature' in https://www.benzworld.org/attachments/1999-c280_owners_manual-pdf.153145/
from google ( c class 1997 user manual ) result 4 ]
13 aug 2021 8:42 am edt:
#reword# (1)g-class : 'Position jack : on the axle carrier tube ; of the front or rear axle' in
#to# (1)g-class : page-number-on-paper=330 / 'Position jack : on the axle carrier tube ; of the front or rear axle' in
1 dec 2021 1 am est:
(1)#reword# while driving from ames, iowa to schaumburg, illinois
#to# while driving this route usa->iowa-state->ames-city=>usa->illinois-state->schaumburg-city
(2)#reword# williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il
#to# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city->shell-fuel-station,185 mile
(3)#reword# williamsburg-outlet
#to# usa->iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet
(4)#reword# rochelle-il-exit
#to# high-way-exit-sign-toward illinois-state->rochelle-city
(5)#reword# williamsburg-outlet,ia->dixon,il
#to# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dixon-city
(6)#reword# dixon-il-exit on i88-highway
#to# i-88-high-way->(exit-road-toward-illinois-state->dixon-city)
(7)#reword# rock-falls-il-exit on i88-highway
#to# i-88-high-way->(exit-road-toward-illinois-state->rock-falls-city)
(8)#reword# rock-falls-il-exit
#to# i-88-high-way->(exit-road-toward-illinois-state->rock-falls-city)
(9)#reword# le-claire-ia-exit on i-80-highway(mid-point between williamsburg-outlet,ia->dekalb,il
#to# i-80-high-way->(exit-road-toward-Le-claire-city) located on mid-point between
(10)#reword# le-claire-ia-exit
#to# i-80-high-way->(exit-road-toward-Le-claire-city)
(11)#reword# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city(bp-fuel-station)
#to# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city->bp-fuel-station
(12)#reword# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city(marathon-fuel-station)
#to# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city->marathon-fuel-station
(13)#reword# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city(mobil-fuel-station)
#to# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city->mobil-fuel-station
(14)#reword# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->rochelle-city(shell-fuel-station)
#to# iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->rochelle-city->bp-fuel-station
6 dec 2021 3:23 am est:
back then,that route seems lacking fuel-station-sign on highway.
there are many high-way-exit-road-sign which :
(1)doesn't show fuel-station-sign
(2)doesn't show sign-guiding-car-driver-to-reach-fuel-station ( so after following exit-road , i drive randomly to guess fuel-station-location )
#and move to beginning of paragraph#
11 feb 2022 7:31 pm est:
#reword# transmission-changer
#to# gear-changer-stick/gear-shifter-stick
#under# #c-6# 'pros'
12 feb 2022 11:35 pm est:
#reword# honda insight-hybrid year 2019
#to# honda.com->insight-hybrid-year-2019
12 feb 2022 11:42 pm est:
#reword# honda->crv-year-2019
#to# honda.com->crv-year-2019
12 feb 2022 11:47 pm est:
#c-8# honda.com->pilot-year-2022->special-edition/se->deep-scarlet-p-color , vin : 5-fnyf-6-h-20-nb-027315
cons : similar to find 'honda.com->insight-hybrid-year-2019' change-gear from d/drive to n/neutral , need to press foot-brake .
i forgot does change-gear from n/neutral to d/drive , need to press foot-brake or not .
surprisingly different from honda.com->crv-year-2019
'can move-forward with n/neutral then change-gear from n/neutral to d/drive during moving-forward, not like honda->insight-hybrid-year-2019.'
even-though crv and pilot , are same suv-category , so their transmission-behaviour are different , so maybe there is rebellion inside
honda.com->transmission-department .
19 feb 2022 7:12 pm est:
#reword previous-statement to#
#c-8# honda.com->pilot-year-2022->special-edition/se->dark-red-color/deep-scarlet-pearl-color , vin : 5-fnyf-6-h-20-nb-027315
cons :
(1)similar to find 'honda.com->insight-hybrid-year-2019' change-gear from d/drive to n/neutral , need to press foot-brake .
and change-gear fronm d/drive to n/neutral need very low speed almost 0 mph .
can not change-gear from d/drive to n/neutral during high speed .
surprisingly different from honda.com->crv-year-2019
'can move-forward with n/neutral then change-gear from n/neutral to d/drive during moving-forward, not like honda->insight-hybrid-year-2019.'
so crv-transmission-behaviour is different against pilot-transmission-behaviour , insight-transmission-behaviour .
so maybe there is rebellion inside honda.com->transmission-department ( crv was made 1-st become popular then pilot , insight are made ) .
(2)tire is rather low-profile ( continental-tires.com->contact ) , tire-side-wall-rubber is less than crv-year-2003's tire-side-wall-rubber .
19 feb 2022 10:17 pm est:
#reword# 19 xz e4 f5 1k e0 17 88 6
#to# 19-xze-4f-51-ke-017886
19 feb 2022 10:18 pm est:
#reword# 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009
#to# 5-j-6-rw-2-h-51-kL-0050009
19 feb 2022 10:19 pm est:
#reword# SHSRD-78853-U-104139
#to# shsrd-78853-u-104139
20 feb 2022 12:31 pm est:
#add# ( i use my mother's credit-card manual-entry-method to pay this invoice so my mother get credit-card-reward )
20 feb 2022 12:32 pm est:
#add# #15# service during mileage 103,295 mile , service-advisor = michael-helmke . entry-date 11 feb 2022 2:25 pm est(utc-5) ,
#and its description#
20 feb 2022 1 am est:
#reword# kuplung #to# (kuplung/clutch)
21 feb 2022 5:33 pm est:
#add and description#
(more about 8) align 4 wheel :
crv-year-2003 awd ( modified specification) express-align total alignment :
21 feb 2022 8:27 pm est:
i give a-4-paper containing credit-card's full-name , number , expiration-date , billing-address to cashier cenpos.com
21 feb 2022 9:35 pm est:#add# in service-shop autonationhondadulles.com :
25 feb 2022 8:27 pm est:
i use my mother's credit-card manual-entry-method to pay this invoice so my mother get credit-card-reward , i give a-4-paper containing credit-card's full-name , number , expiration-date , billing-address to cashier cenpos.com )
in service-shop autonationhondadulles.com
i use my mother's credit-card capitalone.com->mastercard.com manual-entry-method
( i give a-4-size-paper containing mastercard.com's number , full-owner-name , expiration-date , billing-address to cashier-person with
credit-card-transaction-shop cenpos.com in service-shop autonationhondadulles.com ) , to pay this invoice so my mother receive
capitalone.com->mastercard.com's credit-card-reward
25 feb 2022 8:40 pm est:
#reword# (8) align 4 wheel 110 usd
#to# (8) align 4 wheel [ detail : find '(more about 8) align 4 wheel :' ] 110 usd
25 feb 2022 8:41 pm est:
#reword# viscous-awd-(kuplung/clutch)
#to# awd-viscous-(kuplung/clutch)
25 feb 2022 8:44 pm est:
#reword# awd-viscous-(kuplung/clutch) differential-fluid renewal 64 oz
#to# (1)awd's viscous-(kuplung/clutch)'s oil combined with (2)rear's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil , renewal , 64 oz
25 feb 2022 8:45 pm est:
#reword# automatic-transmission-oil renewal , so previous automatic-transmission-oil-life-duration is 24,276 mile
#to# (1)automatic-transmission-oil combined with (2)front-(spider-gear/open-differential)-oil , renewal ,
so previous automatic-transmission-oil-life-duration is 24,276 mile
25 feb 2022 8:50 pm est:
#reword# pd-64-r sdc 75-w-140 viscous-awd-(kuplung/clutch) differential-fluid 64 oz
#to# pd-64-r sdc 75-w-140 (1)awd's viscous-(kuplung/clutch)'s oil combined with (2)rear's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil 64 oz
25 feb 2022 8:53 pm est:
#reword# 1 pp79264 sdc transfer case service 55 usd
#to# 1 pp79264 sdc awd-transfer-case service 55 usd
7 mar 2022 3:8 am est:
(1)automatic-transmission-oil combined with (2)front's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil , renewal ,
(1)automatic-transmission-oil combined with (2)front's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil , renewal
also-known-as/aka trans-axel-oil-renewal ,
7 mar 2022 3:10 am est:
(1)awd's viscous-(kuplung/clutch)'s oil combined with (2)rear's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil , renewal , 64 oz
(1)awd's viscous-(kuplung/clutch)'s oil combined with (2)rear's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil , renewal , 64 oz ,
also-known-as/aka trans-axel-oil-renewal ,
5 apr 2022 5:40 pm edt:
#reword# honda.com->crv in usa-country->ohio-state->easy-Liberty-community https://ohio.honda.com ,
#to# honda.com->crv in usa-country->ohio-state->east-Liberty-community https://ohio.honda.com ,
15 apr 2022 10 am edt: end 11:54 am edt
#reword# 1 12341-rta-000 805467 gasket , cyl hd cvr 22.47 usd
#to# 1 12341-rta-000 805467 cylinder-head-cover-gasket 22.47 usd [source : from google ( 12341-rta-000 ) ]
15 apr 2022 10:6 am edt:
#add# (2)'front inner fender (a)' in pdf-page 1229 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing from https://procarmanuals.com/honda-cr-v-2002-2005-shop-manual/ from 'pdf' in https://www.crvownersclub.com/threads/gen2-usa-service-manual-in-pdf-au-and-nz-version.217090/ from google ( honda cr v 2002 service manual pdf ) result 7 and pdf-united-with 'pdfunite' in wortel.ucoz.com/howto.htm
15 apr 2022 11:43 am edt:
maybe chain-case-oil-seal ? page 125 , 6-21 ( 143 ) in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : find 'https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing'
maybe page 125 , 135 , 140 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : find 'https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing'
maybe page 127 , 6-32 , 6-40 ( page 162 ) , 6-42 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : find 'https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing'
18 apr 2022 10:52 am edt: end 25 may 2022 9:32 am edt
maybe honda.com->pilot's transmission-maker zf.com->9-hp-transmission zf.com/products/en/cars/products_65822.html
want to increase honda.com->nissinkogyo.co.jp->brake-pad-sales via
coercing honda.com->pilot-car-driver to brake during transmission-gear is in 'd/drive' not during transmission-gear is in 'n/neutral' .
braking during transmission-gear is in 'd/drive' which has moving-idle-speed , make gradual-braking more difficult and
waste brake-pad more prodigally
so honda.com->pilot-owner must renew brake-pad more often
then giving more money to brake-pad-maker honda.com->nissinkogyo.co.jp .
but honda.com->pilot is not available in japan , asia ; so honda.com->pilot maybe is not using usual honda.com->brake-pad-supplier nissinkogyo.co.jp .
maybe use europe-brake-pad-maker like jurid.com, pagid.com, textar.com, ferodo.co.uk, ate-brakes.com .
maybe brake-pad-maker ideally-ask-for subsidy-money like american-airline aa.com asking subsidy-money to buy embraer.com-jet
for non-popular-flying-path to small-agriculture-city . nissinkogyo.co.jp is honda.com's subsidiary/child-company.
and that norway->swarco.com traffic-lamp-maker refuse to show red-and-green-and-yellow-lamp with count-down-timer-number
to help car-driver make decision to brake or to accelerate which help save brake-pad-usage .
from google ( traffic light with countdown timer ) page 3 number 6 from some-traffic-light in indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city
demo-movie showing count-down-timer combined with led-traffic-signal : youtube.com/watch?v=RpYLNDyRojQ
from http://www.trafficsolution.cn/blog/led-traffic-countdown-signals from google ( traffic light countdown signal ) page 2 number 1
26 apr 2022 10:33 pm edt:
#add# 9)i buy weathertech.com's floor-mat for this car .
26 apr 2022 10:45 pm edt:
(8)i install (henry-morton-)stanley.co.jp->raybrig-front-lamp to make front-lamp appear like high-intensity-discharge/hid-lamp ,
but maybe i did not correctly-install front-lamp-housing . that raybrig-front-lamp produce cool blue-ish illumination .
i raise front-lamp's illumination-area making normal front-lamp-low-beam-illumination appear like front-lamp-high-beam-illumination ,
inviting usa->iowa-state->ames-city->police to check that front-lamp , saying like 'that lamp is too bright , is that lamp original ?'
then i reply saying lies like front-lamp is original .
but police realise i only have driving-permit , does not have driving-license , so police told me to get car-ride to return home .
then i almost get caught trying to drive this car again because we see that police patrol that area ( welch-avenue ) , thankfully
my friend halbert-thiodore who were sitting on front-passenger-chair during police caught us , strongly-warn me to not return to my car ,
then ing-ing--gunawan is slowly-driving on rather-busy welch-avenue and we get car-ride with ing-ing--gunawan.
24 may 2022 11:37 am edt:
#reword# #5# service during mileage 82184, 24 aug 2017 9:27 am est :
#to# #5# service during mileage 82184, 24 aug 2017 9:27 am est : ( service-advisor : haroun-akram )
24 may 2022 11:40 am edt:
#reword# #3# price for this service during mileage 82174, 23 aug 2017 12:17 pm est
#to# #3# price for this service during mileage 82174, 23 aug 2017 12:17 pm est ( service-advisor : haroun-akram )
24 may 2022 11:44 am edt:
#reword# #6# service during mileage 85587 29-aug-2018 10:17 am edt => 29-aug-2018 2:2 pm edt.
#to# #6# service during mileage 85587 29-aug-2018 10:17 am edt => 29-aug-2018 2:2 pm edt. ( service-advisor : fawad-hassan )
25 may 2022 3 pm edt:
#add# [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_Air_Service from search ( american airlines subsidy ) page 2 number 5 ]
3 aug 2022 10:55 am edt: change back-ground-color to black-color .
23 aug 2022 9:24 pm edt:
#reword# wheelbase =
#to# wheel-base/wheelbase =
27 aug 2022 3:46 pm edt: end 9:52 pm edt
#add# 6600 deere.com->cp-690 ( cotton-fluff-plucker ) [source : techpubs.deere.com ]
27 aug 2022 3:54 pm edt:
#reword# taipei101-earthquake-ball-damper
#to# taiwan-country->taipei-101-tower->earthquake-damper-ball
28 aug 2022 12 pm edt:
25 common medium size rice-sack like : EastLandFood.com/house-brands->asian-best->thai-jasmine-rice sold via usa->virginia-state->fairfax-city->LotteMart.com-grocery-shop ; usa->virginia-state->springfield-city->LA-mart-grocery-shop->double-golden-fish->jasmine-white-scented-rice (milagrosa) importer : usa-country->maryland-state->cheverly-city->zipcode-20781->schuster-drive-road->building-number-2421->my-a-&-co->phone-301-322-1237 , exporter : thailand-country->bangkok-city->zipcode-10100->plabplachai-road->building-number-278->vudhichai-produce-co-Ltd
28 aug 2022 12:1 pm edt:
50 common large size rice-sack like RheeBros.com->rhee-chun-rice sold via usa->virginia-state->fairfax-city->LotteMart.com-grocery-shop
31 aug 2022 10:12 am edt:
#reword# LotteMart.com #to# LottePlaza.com
31 aug 2022 10:15 am edt:
#reword# usa->virginia-state->fairfax-city->LottePlaza.com-grocery-shop
#to# usa->virginia-state->chantilly-city->LottePlaza.com-grocery-shop
31 aug 2022 10:16 am edt:
#reword# LA-mart-grocery-shop
#to# Lamart.info
31 aug 2022 12:46 pm edt:
70 heaviest luggage-weight allowed for delta.com-airline->(1-st-class , business-class) ( 32 kg ) [source : https://cheapfirstclass.com/difference-between-business-class-and-first-class-delta-airlines/ from google ( first class vs business class meal ) page 3 number 3 ]
800 15 foot ( 4.5 m ) long alligator which consume some cow in usa->florida-state until professional-hunter Lee-Lightsey fatally shot that alligator [source : accsss-or-find '---bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35974648 from google ( crocodile eat calf cow farm florida ) result 1' in diary/blog/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
185 male-porn-star alden-joseph--brown/peter-north's weight during police-arrest-and-divorce for hitting wife female-porn-star nadia-north 5 jun 2019 , height 5 foot 11 inch [source : ---thedailybeast.com/porn-legend-peter-norths-wife-accuses-him-of-rape-and-abuse-i-just-want-my-life-back#17_nov_2021_1_5_am_est from facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10159711135933146&id=83705683145 from facebook.com/PeterNorth -> post-date 7 may 2020 ]
775000 boeing.com->777 mtow/maximum-take-off-weight ( maximum-weight-for-flying ) [source : 'mtow' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777 ]
170000 total-kerosene-fuel-weight being discarded prior : boeing.com->777 carrying maximum-fuel , doing emergency-landing immediately after take-off , to reach mLw/maximum-landing-weight [ source : find '-[9-may-2010]#discard-fuel# continental-flight-9 boeing-777 with maximum fuel for newark-airport -> narita-airport, ' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm ]
1000 usual boeing.com->787-paint-weight [source : access-or-find '787 Dreamliner paint scheme involves 800-1000 lbs (362-453 kg) of paint' in https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travel-truths/why-planes-are-painted-white/ from google(car repaint add weight)page 3 number 5' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
4 LidL.com->sugar-granulated-bag
31 aug 2022 6:44 pm edt:
#reword# 6600 deere.com->cp-690 ( cotton-fluff-plucker ) [source : techpubs.deere.com ]
#to# 6600 deere.com->cp-690 ( cotton-plant-uprooting-machine with 97 % cotton-fluff-plucked , 3 % accidental-cotton-fluff-destruction ) [source : techpubs.deere.com from youtube.com/watch?v=loBhGwXfK98#27_jan_2022_2_18_am_est ( How A Cotton Picker Works (4K) ) 96,592 views 18 feb 2020 from youtube-search ( pick cotton ) result 7 ]
6 sep 2022 5:32 pm edt:
#reword# curb-weight-lbs curb-weight-----
start processing,current-time:31-aug-2022 11:48:22 utc-4
#to# curb-weight-lbs curb-weight-----
6 sep 2022 6:9 pm edt:
(1)#add# 58)480 1 cotton-bale , which make 850 lady-shirt , or 500 adult-sweat-shirt , ?? worker-amount manually-pluck that cotton-fluff for 200 day. [source : (1/2)picture-1 inside https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotton_bale#6_sep_2022_4_55_pm_edt (2/2)find 'youtube.com/watch?v=loBhGwXfK98' fast-foward to 4:37 ]
(2)#add# 41)140 arnon-jaya height 5 foot 7 inch , during 9 apr 2021 prior going to usa->virginia-state->alexandria-city->richmond-highway-building-number-8850->building-with-front-label 'imp' / uscis.gov for passport-photo-type-creation with uscis.gov's camera canon.com->rebel-5-ti for green-card-renewal-application google.com/maps/dir/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/8850+Richmond+Hwy,+Alexandria,+VA+22309/@38.8502648,-77.602583,10z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m24!4m23!1m15!1m1!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!2m2!1d-77.5082008!2d38.9931428!3m4!1m2!1d-77.4824597!2d38.9148363!3s0x89b6413863901007:0x668c9193498f2377!3m4!1m2!1d-77.388989!2d38.874821!3s0x89b645fac6a12037:0xa5ebb8581a7d0a9b!1m5!1m1!1s0x89b7ac44300258c1:0xac3ea667269e3e25!2m2!1d-77.1320676!2d38.7182504!3e0
7 sep 2022 6:49 pm edt:
41)140 arnon-jaya height 5 foot 7 inch , during 9 apr 2021 prior going to usa->virginia-state->alexandria-city->richmond-highway-building-number-8850->building-with-front-label 'imp' / uscis.gov for passport-photo-type-creation with uscis.gov's camera canon.com->rebel-5-ti for green-card-renewal-application google.com/maps/dir/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/8850+Richmond+Hwy,+Alexandria,+VA+22309/@38.8502648,-77.602583,10z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m24!4m23!1m15!1m1!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!2m2!1d-77.5082008!2d38.9931428!3m4!1m2!1d-77.4824597!2d38.9148363!3s0x89b6413863901007:0x668c9193498f2377!3m4!1m2!1d-77.388989!2d38.874821!3s0x89b645fac6a12037:0xa5ebb8581a7d0a9b!1m5!1m1!1s0x89b7ac44300258c1:0xac3ea667269e3e25!2m2!1d-77.1320676!2d38.7182504!3e0
41)140 arnon-jaya height 5 foot 7 inch , during 9 apr 2021 prior going to usa->virginia-state->alexandria-city->richmond-highway-building-number-8850->building-with-front-label 'imp' / uscis.gov for passport-photo-type-creation with uscis.gov's camera canon.com->rebel-5-ti for green-card-renewal-application driving-route from former-town-house : google.com/maps/dir/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/8850+Richmond+Hwy,+Alexandria,+VA+22309/@38.8502648,-77.602583,10z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m24!4m23!1m15!1m1!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!2m2!1d-77.5082008!2d38.9931428!3m4!1m2!1d-77.4824597!2d38.9148363!3s0x89b6413863901007:0x668c9193498f2377!3m4!1m2!1d-77.388989!2d38.874821!3s0x89b645fac6a12037:0xa5ebb8581a7d0a9b!1m5!1m1!1s0x89b7ac44300258c1:0xac3ea667269e3e25!2m2!1d-77.1320676!2d38.7182504!3e0
8 sep 2022 12:4 pm edt: end 10 sep 2022 10:18 am edt
part which exists because i photo-copy idea from top-gear-tv-show->jeremy-clarkson use writing-ink-like-sharpie to write list of race-lap-time
for many sport-car on white-board with sort-order shortest-race-lap-time-duration is rank 1 :
find 'mpg----' , 'curb-weight-lbs'
10 sep 2022 4:40 pm edt:
#add# i have history of driving these car and my opinion about these car :
10 sep 2022 5 pm edt: end 11 sep 2022 5:40 pm edt
component-brand :
front-shock-absorber starting 0 mile , 4 dec 2002 : maybe amshowa.com because amshowa.com seems original-component .
front-shock-absorber starting 82184 mile , 24 aug 2017 9:27 am est : monroe.com [source : find 'service during mileage 82184, 24 aug 2017 9:27 am est : ( service-advisor : haroun-akram )' ]
all 5 tire starting 0 mile , 4 dec 2002 : bridgestone.com->forgotten-model
all 5 tire starting 5 jul 2015 : omni-united.com->radar-tire-group->guardsman-plus-tire-model installed by sears.com->car-tire-shop without advanced
notification or advance appointment-making , while me and my mother wait inside shopping-mall shopdullestowncenter.com adjacent to that
sears.com->car-tire-shop .
comment : i regret buying guardsman-plus-tire number 5 to replace barely-used spare-tire bridgestone.com ,
user-manual says all 4 tire must have same brand-and-model but i feel some of 4 tire on road can have different brand and
just need same tire-weather-type ( summer-tire , winter-tire , summer-and-winter-tire )
because asphalt-texture on left-side maybe different from asphalt-texture on right-side , that guardsmand-plus-tire-model during new felt
producing strong grip on road ( brake-stopping-distance is shorter than bridgestone.com-with-worn-tire-tread-texture ) .
i like that sears.com sending email-receipt saying guardsman-plus-tire-model on find 'service during 5 jul 2015 6:32 am with sears.com->tire-shop-associate steven-b : [source : receipt-email from sears.com]'
. 5 jul 2015 is sunday and autonationhondadulles.com is closed and my front-passenger-seat-tire appear semi-flat and
maybe mrs-deborah-jaya tell my mother to go to sears.com->tire-shop adjacent to shopping-mall shopdullestowncenter.com .
coincidentally my ex-supervisor in iastate.edu->veterinary-diagnostics-lab ( jan 2001 => 20 nov 2010 ) randy-berghefer has history working in
usa->iowa-state->des-moines-city->sears.com as sales-worker .
sears.com->usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->tire-shop does not sell bridgestone.com-tire-model for honda.com->crv-year-2003
so it is mystical/magic to go to sears.com-tire-shop and buy this
singapore-country-brand omni-united.com->radar-tire-group->guardsman-plus-tire-model because
my parents have singapore-dollar-money-currency :
(1)maybe starting apr 1981 when my father in semi-coma-state fly to nuh.com.sg-hospital
to get treatment for possible leptospirosis because my father which was 1 manager of manager-group in spd-textile-factory
(now sritex.co.id even-though factory-building-board-name still says sinar-pantja-djadja)
run on muddy-field with some wound on foot during riot [source : find 'kicak' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm ].
(2)starting during year 1997 asian-currency-devaluation-against-usd-crisis
( which is maybe caused by : short-seller-group consist-of : (gs/george-soros)->quantum-fund , julian-robertson->tiger-fund , paul-tudor-jones ,
GoldmanSachs.com , jpmorganchase.com , citigroup.com->citibank , bzw/barclays.com-zoete-wedd , MorganStanley.com doing
this possible procedure :
[source : https://www.valdosta.edu/academics/international-programs/asia-council/documents/thai-crisis.pdf
from google ( how george soros short sell devalue baht ) result 1 ] :
(1) george-soros/gs start hedge-fund->forward-contract with bot/bank-of-thailand , so gs can use ??? usd to buy ??? baht from bot with
permanent-exchange-ratio/forward-contract-exchange-ratio 26 baht = 1 usd in unknown-date prior jan-1998 ,
with forward-contract-duration unknown .
bot get gs's ??? usd and use that ??? usd for foreign-usd-reserve which give tent-peg to currency-exchange-ratio of baht and usd .
maybe tent-peg means making usd plenty inside thailand-country so that usd-value decrease inside thailand-country .
rare-item can request high price , bot maybe prevent usd from becoming rare-item inside thailand-country .
(2) gs sell all his baht in usa with higher baht-value against usd , because baht is rare-item in usa . rare-item can request high price .
maybe baht-creator can accidentally-possess baht-owner's mind . just like movie en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Lies_Beneath
( accidental-telepathy-connection ) .
maybe usa-female-baht-owner can accidentally-possess baht-creator's wife ( accidental-telepathy-connection ) .
maybe accidental-telepathy-connection to female is more possible than male because :
maybe salt-consumer do not get accidental-telepathy-connection , and male is more often to consume salty-pig-fat/bacon than female , and
female is more likely to drink alcohol-beverage which make accidental-telepathy-connection easier .
then for unknown-reason bot want to stop that accidental-telepathy-connection , with method buying pricey baht in gs's currency-shop in usa .
(3) bot spend tons of usd to buy that gs's pricey baht in usa , bot want to decrease baht-availability in usa
to decrease accidental-telepathy-connection with usa-baht-owner .
then bot start to deplete foreign-usd-reserve then :
bot must remove tent-peg for currency-exchange-ratio of baht and usd inside thailand-country ,
bot must float baht 2 jul 1997 inside thailand-country ,
bot must start letting supply-and-demand-market set baht-value against usd-value inside thailand-country .
[source : 'In attempt to resist baht-devaluation/weakening, bot/Bank-of-Thailand, purchased baht with dollars in foreign exchange market,
raised interest rates and restricted foreigners access to baht during 1-st few months.
All these measures decimated bot’s credibility' in
https://www.businessinsider.com/how-george-soros-broke-the-bank-of-thailand-2016-9 from google ( how george soros short sell devalue baht ) result 2 ]
(4) baht devalue against usd inside thailand-country because supply-and-demand-market inside thailand-country
says usd's popularity-rank is higher than baht .
bot announce in thailand-country : jun 1997 1 usd = 25 baht
jan 1998 1 usd = 54 baht
(5) jan 1998 gs use 1 billion usd to buy 54 billion baht , gs use exchange-ratio 'jan 1998 1 usd = 54 baht' which means
gs maybe order other-person/intermediary who is not under obligation to obey 'forward-contract-exchange-ratio 26 baht = 1 usd'
to do that buy-transaction with bot .
(6) gs with obligation to obey 'forward-contract-exchange-ratio 26 baht = 1 usd' with bot
use 54 billion baht to buy around 2 billion usd from bot , so gs get profit around 1 billion usd .
which is during my parents keep money in singapore-country->citigroup.com->citibank-bank
then relocate money to singapore-country->ubs.com because my parents' banker
singapore-country->citigroup.com->citibank-bank->banker andrew-ho relocate to singapore-country->ubs.com and
carry my parents' money with my parents' permission but then andrew-ho gets promoted
from officer-1 ( keeping 1 mega-usd and under 1 mega-usd ) to officer-2 ( keeping 1.?? mega-usd to 10 mega-usd )
then female-banker-with-forgotten-name keep my parents money until my parents withdraw that money because that money eventually decrease
to amount below singapore-country->ubs.com->minimum-money-amount-criteria .
maybe my mother always save left-over-money in usd maybe because :
riot in find 'kicak' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm
my parents relocate money from indonesia-country->bca.co.id to singapore-country->citigroup.com->citibank-bank
because rumor about indonesia-country->rupiah-currency-value which is severely-lower-than-normal against usd-value
will close/bankrupt indonesia-country-bank
because indonesia-country-bank has debt in usd and can not repay debt in usd because usd-value
become abruptly-excessively-high against rupiah-value .
and if indonesia-country-bank bankrupt then customer's money is gone , at that time indonesia-country-bank is not like some-usa-bank which says
'maximum total-of-checking-and-saving-and-etc-account-money-amount 250,000 usd is insured/protected by fdic.gov so
if some-usa-bank bankrupt and customer has 300,000 usd inside that some-usa-bank
then that customer get 250,000 usd back and that customer lose 50,000 usd ' .
oxygen-sensor starting 96,583 mile , 6 jan 2020 1:34 pm edt [source : find 'service during mileage:96,583, 6-jan-2020 1:34 pm es']
front-brake-pad starting 0 mile : maybe NissinKogyo.com because nissinkogyo.com is honda.com's subsidiary .
front-brake-pad starting 103,295 mile , 11 feb 2022 2:25 pm est(utc-5) : unknown [source : find 'service during mileage 103,295 mile , service-advisor = michael-helmke . entry-date 11 feb 2022 2:25 pm est(utc-5) , '] .
rear-brake-pad starting ??? mile : ??? ( not original rear-brake-pad anymore , renewal happen in usa->iowa-state->ames-city->ameshonda.com )
10 sep 2022 5:30 pm edt:
#16# service during 5 jul 2015 6:32 am with sears.com->tire-shop-associate steven-b : [source : receipt-email from sears.com]
tire-ALIGN,SERV 1 YEAR 1 $114.99
MULTI CREDIT 40891 1 $-73.98
GUARDSMAN PLUS BY RADAR 1 $73.98 ( lone-tire-purchase-order which i made for 2-nd time for replacing spare-tire )
VALVE,CHR SLV 1.25 IN 1 $3.99
GUARDSMAN PLUS BY RADAR 4 $295.92 ( tire-purchase-order which i made for 1-st time )
VALVE,CHR SLV 1.25 IN 4 $15.96
Sub-total : 566.37 usd
tax : 25.42 usd
total : 591.79 usd
14 sep 2022 4:28 pm edt:
renew battery 123.99 usd ((1)battery:precision-parts-brand 99.99 usd (2)labor-price:24 usd). old-battery is honda-supplier-battery maybe yuasa-brand usage-duration is 5 year, from 16-feb-2015 to 28-jan-2020, maybe can not hold electric-charge after our 5 year charge-discharge-repetition. [source:(1/3)'Honda Part No.: 31500-TM8-A01 Battery (38B19L[S]-Mf) (Yuasa)' in https://www.hondapartsnow.com/genuine/honda~battery~31500-tm8-a01.html from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 1 (2/3)'Yuasa launch new Yamaha & Honda OEM replacement battery' in https://www.yuasa.de/en/2016/06/yuasa-launch-new-yamaha-honda-oem-replacement-battery/ from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 4 from 'Yuasa Honda NC700X 12-15 YTZ Factory-Activated Maintenance Free Battery' in https://www.sportbiketrackgear.com/yuasa-honda-nc700x-12-15-ytz-factory-activated-maintenance-free-battery/ from google-image (oem honda lead acid battery) row 1 col 1 (3/3)find 'speaker-subwoofer need more battery-power so car-battery dead earlier if loud-music-volume is being played often.' wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
honda-supplier-battery maybe yuasa-brand with 100 month warranty price is 200 usd (labor-price-already-included).
renew battery 123.99 usd ((1)battery:precision-parts-brand 99.99 usd (2)labor-price:24 usd). old-battery is honda-supplier-battery maybe gs-yuasa.com-brand usage-duration is 5 year, from 16-feb-2015 to 28-jan-2020, maybe can not hold electric-charge after our 5 year charge-discharge-repetition. [source:(1/3)'Honda Part No.: 31500-TM8-A01 Battery (38B19L[S]-Mf) (Yuasa)' in https://www.hondapartsnow.com/genuine/honda~battery~31500-tm8-a01.html from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 1 (2/3)'Yuasa launch new Yamaha & Honda OEM replacement battery' in https://www.yuasa.de/en/2016/06/yuasa-launch-new-yamaha-honda-oem-replacement-battery/ from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 4 from 'Yuasa Honda NC700X 12-15 YTZ Factory-Activated Maintenance Free Battery' in https://www.sportbiketrackgear.com/yuasa-honda-nc700x-12-15-ytz-factory-activated-maintenance-free-battery/ from google-image (oem honda lead acid battery) row 1 col 1 (3/3)find 'speaker-subwoofer need more battery-power so car-battery dead earlier if loud-music-volume is being played often.' wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
honda-supplier-battery maybe gs-yuasa.com-brand with 100 month warranty price is 200 usd (labor-price-already-included).
14 sep 2022 4:32 pm edt:
battery starting 96,916 mile , 28 jan 2020 1:19 pm est : precision-parts-brand [source : find 'mileage 96,916, 28 jan-2020-1:9 pm est . service-advisor = robert-miner']
21 sep 2022 3:51 pm edt:
41)140 arnon-jaya height 5 foot 7 inch , during 9 apr 2021 prior going to usa->virginia-state->alexandria-city->richmond-highway-building-number-8850->building-with-front-label 'imp' / uscis.gov for passport-photo-type-creation with uscis.gov's camera canon.com->rebel-5-ti for green-card-renewal-application driving-route from former-town-house : google.com/maps/dir/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/8850+Richmond+Hwy,+Alexandria,+VA+22309/@38.8502648,-77.602583,10z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m24!4m23!1m15!1m1!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!2m2!1d-77.5082008!2d38.9931428!3m4!1m2!1d-77.4824597!2d38.9148363!3s0x89b6413863901007:0x668c9193498f2377!3m4!1m2!1d-77.388989!2d38.874821!3s0x89b645fac6a12037:0xa5ebb8581a7d0a9b!1m5!1m1!1s0x89b7ac44300258c1:0xac3ea667269e3e25!2m2!1d-77.1320676!2d38.7182504!3e0
41)140 arnon-jaya height 5 foot 7 inch , during 9 apr 2021 prior going to usa->virginia-state->alexandria-city->richmond-highway-building-number-8850->building-with-front-label 'imp' / uscis.gov for passport-photo-type-creation with uscis.gov's camera canon.com->rebel-5-ti , scan-my-all-finger for green-card-renewal-process . driving-route from former-town-house : google.com/maps/dir/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/8850+Richmond+Hwy,+Alexandria,+VA+22309/@38.8502648,-77.602583,10z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m24!4m23!1m15!1m1!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!2m2!1d-77.5082008!2d38.9931428!3m4!1m2!1d-77.4824597!2d38.9148363!3s0x89b6413863901007:0x668c9193498f2377!3m4!1m2!1d-77.388989!2d38.874821!3s0x89b645fac6a12037:0xa5ebb8581a7d0a9b!1m5!1m1!1s0x89b7ac44300258c1:0xac3ea667269e3e25!2m2!1d-77.1320676!2d38.7182504!3e0
26 sep 2022 11:28 am edt:
#add# note : re-rank with wortel.ucoz.com/sorter_multi_value.htm
9 oct 2022 10:27 am edt: end 11:42 am edt
#reword# 65 : tire-side-wall-height/aspect-ratio in %tire-width.65 means tire-side-wall-height=65% tire-width.
#to# 65 : tire-side-wall-height which has value which has meaning 'percentage of tire-width' . so 65 means tire-side-wall-height = 65 % tire-width .
tire-side-wall-height has synonym 'aspect-ratio' .
9 oct 2022 10:29 am edt:
#reword# usually normal-tire-side-wall-height:>55(60,65).
usually low-profile-tire-side-wall-height:<=55(55,50,45,etc).
#to# usually :
(1) normal-tire-side-wall-height > 55 . so normal-tire-side-wall-height = 60 , 65 .
(2) low-profile-tire-side-wall-height <= 55 . so low-profile-tire-side-wall-height = 55 , 50 , 45 , etc .
9 oct 2022 11:35 am edt:
https://thanong.tripod.com/01302001.htm#26_apr_2022_4_55_am_edt from google(george soros attack baht)result 5 or find '---https://thanong.tripod.com/01302001.htm#26_apr_2022_4_55_am_edt from google(george soros attack baht)result 5' in my blog/journal/diary wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm
11 oct 2022 10:24 am edt: end 10:45 am edt
#reword# 221)1102300 taiwan-country->taipei-101-tower->earthquake-damper-ball y2004 #x# (500-tons / 120.2 s-600-guard-2014)
#to# 221)1455051 taiwan-country->taipei-101-tower->earthquake-damper-pendulum-ball y2004 #x# ( 660 metric-ton/mega-gram / 158 's-class 600 guard y2014' ) [source : (1/4)'660 metric tons mass' in http://www.iitk.ac.in/nicee/wcee/article/14_11-0060.PDF from ref-58 in 'RWDI designed a 660 metric tons (728 short tons)[58]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taipei_101 from 'taipei 101' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuned_mass_damper (2/4)'2004', '500 ton', 'taipei 101' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSEYOavsKxA&t=7m32s from youtube-search (taipei 101 damper) from 'taipei 101' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuned_mass_damper from 'tuned mass damper' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Skytree from 'tokyo skytree' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinbashira from 'shinbashira' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikk%C5%8D_T%C5%8Dsh%C5%8D-g%C5%AB from 'Kagura hall (left) at Nikkō Tōshōgū, a Shinto shrine associated with the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagura from 'kagura' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ise_Grand_Shrine from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isuzu_River from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isuzu_Motors#History from 'Sumida(Isuzu)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Japanese_military_equipment_of_World_War_II#Vehicles from 'List of Japanese military equipment of World War II' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Japanese_Army and from 'kagura' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_King_of_Fighters_characters#Chizuru_Kagura (3/4)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatigue_(material) (4/4)or find 'taipei-101-tower-level-87' in my blog/journal/diary wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
11 oct 2022 10:30 am edt:
18)42 usual 5-gallon-drinking-water-jug full-of-drinking-water for drinking-water-dispenser [source : '42 pounds when full' in https://culliganindio.com/blog/2022/02/25/culligan-water-jugs-weight/ from google ( 5 gallon water jug weight ) result 1 from '5 gallon water' in ReadyRefresh.com from ReadyRefresh.com-5-gallon-drinking-water-delivery-truck stop on opposite-neighbor 12 jun 2022 in my former-town-home usa-country->virginia-state->ashburn-city->zip-code-20148->cambridgeport-square-street-building-number-22555 google.com/maps/place/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/@38.9674826,-77.5256713,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!8m2!3d38.9931428!4d-77.5082008
11 oct 2022 10:43 am edt:
add double-semi-colon in-the-end-of 'curb-weight-lbs'
16 oct 2022 7 am edt:
in-other-word tire-width from pedestrian-who-see-tire-rubber-tread-texture-and-not-see-tire-code-label-and-not-see-wheel-part ,
if there is thick-logo-font-protrusion then exclude any part of that thick-logo-font-protrusion . [source : ---https://www.discounttire.com/learn/tire-dimensions from google ( how to measure tire width tire code ) row last col 1 ] .
16 oct 2022 12:16 pm edt:
#add this and the remainder#
optional-tire-code-after-speed-rating-label : [source : toeetire.com/blogs/news/how-to-read-sidewall-tire-numbers-and-markings from google ( tire code hl fr w meaning ) from google ( tire code a/s meaning ) result last ]
16 oct 2022 12:28 pm edt:
passenger car.other option:(1)LT(light-truck) (2)st(special-trailer) (3)t(temporary/spare-tire)
[blank] = euro-metric tire which has different load-index than p us-metric
passenger car . other option :
(1)Lt ( light-truck )
(2)st ( special-trailer )
(3)t ( temporary / spare-tire )
(4)[blank] = euro-metric tire which has different load-index than 'p' usa-metric
(5)hL ( highway-luxury ) [source : firestonecompleteautocare.com/blog/tires/bridgestone-dueler-hl-tires/ from google ( tire code hl fr w meaning ) ]
(2)#reword# [html-tag]blank[html-tag] #to# [blank]
#to# [blank] #so# [blank] appear in internet-browser
18 oct 2022 3:46 pm edt:
4815 LandRover->defender-(4-door-normal-body-length/version-110)->year-2020 awd 2L #at# [source : advertisement-brochure gimmemanuals.com/owners/2021/land-rover/2020-land-rover-defender-owners-manual.pdf from google ( range rover defender user manual pdf ) result 2 ]
201 clothes-washing-machine samsung.com->wf-45-a-6400-aw empty 91 kg
123.5 clothes-drying-machine-with-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-heat samsung.com->dve-45-a-6400-w/a-3 empty 56 kg
25.8 Liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister-full-of-(propane/butane)-gas empty-weight 6.2 kg ( 13.6 lbs ) [source : (1/2)lpg-cylinder-ng.com/article/How-much-LPG-gas-is-in-a-cylinder from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 10 (2/2)'LPG is also called bottled gas, along with propane, butane and mixtures of these gases.' in elgas.com.au/for-home/gas-cylinder-sizes/ from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> How much does an LPG gas tank weigh ? ]
69.4 Liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister-full-of-(propane/butane)-gas empty-weight 16.5 kg ( 36.4 lbs ) [source : (1/2)lpg-cylinder-ng.com/article/How-much-LPG-gas-is-in-a-cylinder from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 10 (2/2)'LPG is also called bottled gas, along with propane, butane and mixtures of these gases.' in elgas.com.au/for-home/gas-cylinder-sizes/ from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> How much does an LPG gas tank weigh ? ]
211.7 Liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister-full-of-(propane/butane)-gas empty-weight 46 kg ( 101.4 lbs ) [source : (1/2)lpg-cylinder-ng.com/article/How-much-LPG-gas-is-in-a-cylinder from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 10 (2/2)'LPG is also called bottled gas, along with propane, butane and mixtures of these gases.' in elgas.com.au/for-home/gas-cylinder-sizes/ from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> How much does an LPG gas tank weigh ? ]
3777 ferrari->599-gtb-fiorano-year-2010
1125 mercedes-benz->atego-967-light-truck->year-2013->engine-om-934 5L inline-4(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) dohc 510 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
1436 mercedes-benz->atego-967-light-truck->->year-2013->engine-om-936 7.5L inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) dohc 651 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
1469 mercedes-benz->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->engine-om-936 7.6L inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) dohc 666 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
2097 mercedes-benz->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->engine-om-470 10.6L inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) dohc 951 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
2408 mercedes-benz->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->engine-om-471 12.8L inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) dohc 1092 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
2741 mercedes-benz->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->engine-om-471 15.5L inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) dohc 1243 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
474 mercedes-benz->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->manual-transmission->g-1419 9-speed 215 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
640 mercedes-benz->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->manual-transmission->g-23016 16-speed 2-backward-speed 290 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
640 mercedes-benz->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->manual-transmission->g-23116 16-speed 2-backward-speed 290 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
649 mercedes-benz->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->manual-transmission->g-26016 16-speed 2-backward-speed 294 kg . [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
19 oct 2022 5:26 am edt: end 22 oct 2022 4:20 pm edt
#reword# mercedes-benz->ateg #to# daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->atego
#reword# mercedes-benz->arocs #to# daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs
#reword# [source : google ( actros service manual ) ]
#to# [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
19 oct 2022 5:30 am edt:
#add# [source : experiencestarwood.com/Ferrari/599gtb-fiorano.pdf from ferrariFL.com/owner-manuals.htm from google (ferrari user manual) result 1 ]
#reword# LandRover->defender #to# tata-Land-Rover->defender
19 oct 2022 5:45 am edt:
#reword# ferrari->599-gtb-fiorano-year-2010
#to# fiat-ferrari->599-gtb-fiorano-year-2010
22 oct 2022 4:28 pm edt: end 23 oct 2022 1:5 pm edt
11545 isuzuCv.com->fvr-truck-with-trailer-box-with-air-conditioner-option with engine cummins.com->b-6.7 ( 6.7-liter 6-cylinder ) maybe for carrying ice-cream , deer-animal-pest-cadaver who damage agriculture-land , cadaver-from-safari-hunting-event
22 oct 2022 4:35 pm edt: end 23 oct 2022 10:47 am edt
9300 HeilTrailer.com->(petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) 9500-gallon-liquid-maximum-capacity with empty cargo , with-8-tire-on-ground , and not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1
22 oct 2022 4:56 pm edt: end 6:41 pm edt
#add# 2605 VolvoTrucks.com->d-13-engine->year-2016 , diesel-sohc , (inline/straight)-6 , 12.8-liter
22 oct 2022 5:49 pm edt:
#for# daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->atego
#reword# dohc #to# diesel-dohc
22 oct 2022 6:16 pm edt:
#under curb-weight-lbs# : #reword# L #to# -liter
23 oct 2022 10:34 am edt:
#add# ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1
23 oct 2022 12:18 pm edt:
5.67 1-gallon-heptane in temperature 25 celcius . density = 679.5 kg / m3 . gasoline-87 contain octane 87 % , heptane 13 % . [source : coolconversion.com/density-volume-mass/--1--gallon--of--heptane--in--pound from google ( heptane weight per gallon ) result 1 ]
6.82 1-gallon-kerosene in temperature 60 fahrenheit . density = 817.15 kg / m3 . kerosene is : diesel , a-1-jet-fuel . kerosene is less flammable than gasoline-87 . kerosene is result-of liquifaction of crude-oil-petroleum-vapor which was burnt with hotter-fire than fire which burn same crude-oil-petroleum to create gasoline-87-vapor . [source : (1/3)coolconversion.com/density-volume-mass/--1--gallon--of--kerosene--in--pound from google ( kerosene weight lbs per gallon ) result 1 (2/3)woodshopnews.com/columns-blogs/petroleum-distillates from google ( gasoline vs paint-thinner ) result 3 or find 'woodshopnews.com' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm (3/3)[source:youtube.com/watch?v=PYMWUz7TC3A&t=2m41s ( Fractional Distillation | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | FuseSchool ) from youtube-search ( fractional_distillation ]
7.66 1-gallon-octane in temperature 15 celcius . density = 917.86 kg / m3 . gasoline-87 contain octane 87 % , heptane 13 % . [source : coolconversion.com/density-volume-mass/--1--gallon--of--octane--in--pound from google ( octane lbs weight per gallon ) result 1 ]
23 oct 2022 12:34 pm edt:
82070 HeilTrailer.com->(petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) 9500-gallon-liquid-maximum-capacity with full octane-cargo , with-8-tire-on-ground , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-octane' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
89100 HeilTrailer.com->(petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) 9500-gallon-liquid-maximum-capacity with full water-cargo , with-8-tire-on-ground , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . maybe for sending drinking-water to find 'workers are provided only with tap water from a water-well. The water is hot, and often dirty.' in nlcnet.org/elsalvador/CKAppletree.html from google ( Textiles-San-Marcos-S-A-De-C-V fruit of loom ) result 3 or find 'appletree1993.com' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm . appletree1993.com is fruit.com-garment-factory-supplier in google.com/maps/place/APPLE+TREE+EL+SALVADOR,+S.A.+DE+C.V./@13.6617292,-89.1900468,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8f63319b4664c727:0x69eda0af6eef3bf8!8m2!3d13.661724!4d-89.1878581 . but maybe appletree1993.com-garment-factory has clear drinking-water now ? ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-water' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
23 oct 2022 3:26 pm edt: end 26 oct 2022 10:7 am edt
#reword# isuzuCv.com->fvr-truck-with-trailer-box-with-air-conditioner-option with engine cummins.com->b-6.7 ( 6.7-liter 6-cylinder ) maybe for carrying ice-cream , deer-animal-pest-cadaver who damage agriculture-land , cadaver-from-safari-hunting-event
#to# 11545 isuzuCv.com->fvr-truck , with engine cummins.com->b-6.7 ( 6.7-liter 6-cylinder ) , not including MorganCorp.com->trailer-box-with-air-conditioner-option which maybe has eberhard.com-(door-latch/closing-mechanism) , maybe for carrying ice-cream , deer-animal-pest-cadaver who damage agriculture-land , cadaver-from-safari-hunting-event [source : a truck being parked on public-parking-lot behind swimming-pool in residential area of my-former-town-home-address : usa-country->virginia-state->ashburn-city->zip-code-20148->cambridgeport-square-street-building-number-22555 google.com/maps/place/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/@38.9674826,-77.5256713,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!8m2!3d38.9931428!4d-77.5082008 ]
23 oct 2022 3:36 pm edt:
HeilTrailer.com->(petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) 9500-gallon-liquid-maximum-capacity with empty cargo , with-8-tire-on-ground , and not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1
HeilTrailer.com->(petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) 9500-gallon-liquid-maximum-capacity with empty cargo , with-8-tire-on-ground , and not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)from google ( fuel tanker truck heil trailer ) result 1 from sheetz.com-gasoline-station-fuel-tanker-truck-logo (2/2) youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
3 nov 2022 3:59 pm edt:
(1)#add# [source : assets.sia.toyota.com/publications/en/om-s/OM0R012U/pdf/OM0R012U.pdf from toyota.com/owners/resources/warranty-owners-manuals.rav4.2018 from toyota.com/owners/my-vehicle ]
(2)#add# [source : find 'assets.sia.toyota.com/publications/en/om-s/OM0R012U/pdf/OM0R012U.pdf' ]
4 nov 2022 12:49 pm edt:
#reword# eberhard.com-(door-latch/closing-mechanism)
#to# eberhard.com-(door-latch/door-closing-mechanism , door-hinge)
4 nov 2022 3:49 pm edt: end 4 pm edt
16000 HeilTrailer.com->(12500-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer)-with-some-self-steer-axle-or-some-self-lifting-axel-during-turning-to-decrease-tire-friction-with-asphalt , cargo-is-empty , with-6-tire-on-ground , and not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)from google ( fuel tanker truck heil trailer ) result 1 from sheetz.com-gasoline-station-fuel-tanker-truck-logo (2/2) youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
4 nov 2022 3:49 pm edt:
243)82070 HeilTrailer.com->(petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) 9500-gallon-liquid-maximum-capacity with full octane-cargo , with-8-tire-on-ground , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-octane' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
244)89100 HeilTrailer.com->(petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) 9500-gallon-liquid-maximum-capacity with full water-cargo , with-8-tire-on-ground , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . maybe for sending drinking-water to find 'workers are provided only with tap water from a water-well. The water is hot, and often dirty.' in nlcnet.org/elsalvador/CKAppletree.html from google ( Textiles-San-Marcos-S-A-De-C-V fruit of loom ) result 3 or find 'appletree1993.com' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm . appletree1993.com is fruit.com-garment-factory-supplier in google.com/maps/place/APPLE+TREE+EL+SALVADOR,+S.A.+DE+C.V./@13.6617292,-89.1900468,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8f63319b4664c727:0x69eda0af6eef3bf8!8m2!3d13.661724!4d-89.1878581 . but maybe appletree1993.com-garment-factory has clear drinking-water now ? ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-water' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
243)82070 HeilTrailer.com->(9500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) , with-8-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-octane , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-octane' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
244)89100 HeilTrailer.com->(9500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) , with-8-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-water , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . maybe for sending drinking-water to find 'workers are provided only with tap water from a water-well. The water is hot, and often dirty.' in nlcnet.org/elsalvador/CKAppletree.html from google ( Textiles-San-Marcos-S-A-De-C-V fruit of loom ) result 3 or find 'appletree1993.com' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm . appletree1993.com is fruit.com-garment-factory-supplier in google.com/maps/place/APPLE+TREE+EL+SALVADOR,+S.A.+DE+C.V./@13.6617292,-89.1900468,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8f63319b4664c727:0x69eda0af6eef3bf8!8m2!3d13.661724!4d-89.1878581 . but maybe appletree1993.com-garment-factory has clear drinking-water now ? ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-water' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
4 nov 2022 3:53 pm edt:
9300 HeilTrailer.com->(petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) 9500-gallon-liquid-maximum-capacity with empty cargo , with-8-tire-on-ground , and not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)from google ( fuel tanker truck heil trailer ) result 1 from sheetz.com-gasoline-station-fuel-tanker-truck-logo (2/2) youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
9300 HeilTrailer.com->(9500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) , with-8-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-empty , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-octane' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
4 nov 2022 4:3 pm edt:
111750 HeilTrailer.com->(12500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer)-with-some-self-steer-axle-or-some-self-lifting-axel-during-turning-to-decrease-tire-friction-with-asphalt , with-6-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-octane , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)from google ( fuel tanker truck heil trailer ) result 1 from sheetz.com-gasoline-station-fuel-tanker-truck-logo (2/2) youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
121000 HeilTrailer.com->(12500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer)-with-some-self-steer-axle-or-some-self-lifting-axel-during-turning-to-decrease-tire-friction-with-asphalt , with-6-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-water , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)from google ( fuel tanker truck heil trailer ) result 1 from sheetz.com-gasoline-station-fuel-tanker-truck-logo (2/2) youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
6 nov 2022 12:50 pm edt:
14)spare tire hanging on the rear door (cargo door),protects rear door from
gentle rear impact.
18)spare-tire-location is located on outdoor so dirty-flat-tire will be carried
outdoor,will not make interior-cargo-space dirty.
honda crv year 2015 interior-spare-tire-location will be dirty being caused by carrying
dirty-flat-tire and difficult to clean:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=350jCX0uffs&t=3m5s#11_feb_2019_9_pm_est (Honda How To | Honda Laura Changes a Flat Tire ) from youtube-search (crv spare tire)
[reason]maybe omix-ada.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier:https://www.omix-ada.com/tailgate-door-07-16-jeep-wrangler-jk.html from 'tailgate' in https://www.mopar.com/en-us/store/parts/mopar-restoration-parts.html#exterior from google (mopar tailgate maker) result 2[/reason]
midwayproducts.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier for fiat-jeep->wrangler.
source:'spare tire carrier' in http://www.midwayproducts.com/products/ from google(midway products)result 1 from
'tapping plate[door & door hinges]' in https://s3-prod.autonews.com/s3fs-public/CA1175701019.PDF from
https://www.autonews.com/article/20181022/CUTAWAY/181019570/suppliers-to-the-2018-jeep-wranger from google-image(jeep supplier)row 4 col last
wrangler-cargo-door has 2 piece, piece-1 swing side-way, piece-2 swing upward:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBO1TrysyA4#13_feb_2019_7_50_pm_est (How to Replace Spare Tire 06-18 Jeep Wrangler) from youtube-search(wrangler change tire).
wrangler-passenger-door seems not making down-force if wind blow wrangler-passenger-door.
but if suffering accident which damage cargo-door, example:moving car backward then cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier
accidentally hit brown-colored-fuel-station-convenient-store-parking-lot-bollard [https://jpsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1_4in-brown-bollard-cover-c.jpg from google-image(brown bollard) row 1 col 2 from 'bollard' in https://www.belson.com/Parking-Lot-Equipment from google(fuel station convenience store barricade pole)result 1]
then fixing damaged-cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier will be more difficult than fixing damaged-cargo-door-without-spare-tire-carrier.
14)spare-tire hanging on rear-door-exterior/cargo-door-exterior , protect rear-door from gentle rear-impact.
spare-tire-location is located on outdoor so dirty-flat-tire will not make interior-cargo-space dirty .
honda crv year 2015 interior-spare-tire-location will be dirty being caused by carrying
dirty-flat-tire and difficult to clean : youtube.com/watch?v=350jCX0uffs&t=3m5s#11_feb_2019_9_pm_est (Honda How To | Honda Laura Changes a Flat Tire ) from youtube-search (crv spare tire)
spare-tire hanging on rear-door-exterior make checking spare-tire-pressure easy .
if needing to get spare-tire then evacuating luggage on cargo-space is not necessary .
but thief maybe steal spare-tire-hanging-on-rear-door-exterior so try to choose low-profile-wheel which does not attract thief .
[reason]maybe omix-ada.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier:https://www.omix-ada.com/tailgate-door-07-16-jeep-wrangler-jk.html from 'tailgate' in https://www.mopar.com/en-us/store/parts/mopar-restoration-parts.html#exterior from google (mopar tailgate maker) result 2[/reason]
midwayproducts.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier for fiat-jeep->wrangler.
source:'spare tire carrier' in http://www.midwayproducts.com/products/ from google(midway products)result 1 from
'tapping plate[door & door hinges]' in https://s3-prod.autonews.com/s3fs-public/CA1175701019.PDF from
https://www.autonews.com/article/20181022/CUTAWAY/181019570/suppliers-to-the-2018-jeep-wranger from google-image(jeep supplier)row 4 col last
wrangler-cargo-door has 2 piece , piece-1 swing side-way , piece-2 swing upward : youtube.com/watch?v=kBO1TrysyA4#13_feb_2019_7_50_pm_est (How to Replace Spare Tire 06-18 Jeep Wrangler) from youtube-search(wrangler change tire).
wrangler-passenger-door seems not making down-force if wind blow wrangler-passenger-door.
but if suffering accident which damage cargo-door , example : moving car backward then cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier
accidentally hit brown-colored-fuel-station-convenient-store-parking-lot-bollard [https://jpsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1_4in-brown-bollard-cover-c.jpg from google-image(brown bollard) row 1 col 2 from 'bollard' in https://www.belson.com/Parking-Lot-Equipment from google(fuel station convenience store barricade pole)result 1]
then fixing damaged-cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier will be more difficult than fixing damaged-cargo-door-without-spare-tire-carrier.
6 nov 2022 1:1 pm edt;
#reword# 4)spare-tire is
4)spare-tire hang on underneath rear-bumper-area , can become difficult to remove if corrode because-of road-salt-anti-ice .
checking air-pressure inside spare-tire which hang on underneath rear-bumper-area , is not possible .
this is my fault , i under-estimate how important having good spare-tire-location is . i did not check spare-tire-location prior choosing this
highlander . i never thought tire hitting nail , or flat-tire-problem , is possible in this modern-and-advance-and-strong-currency-country usa .
6 nov 2022 1:6 pm edt:
220)4815 tata-Land-Rover->defender-(4-door-normal-body-length/version-110)->year-2020 awd 2L #at# [source : advertisement-brochure gimmemanuals.com/owners/2021/land-rover/2020-land-rover-defender-owners-manual.pdf from google ( range rover defender user manual pdf ) result 2 ]
220)4815 tata-Land-Rover->defender-(4-door-normal-body-length/version-110)->year-2020 awd 2-Liter #at# [source : advertisement-brochure gimmemanuals.com/owners/2021/land-rover/2020-land-rover-defender-owners-manual.pdf from google ( range rover defender user manual pdf ) result 2 ]
24 nov 2022 10:43 am est:
13.5 1-gallon-dry-sand [source : civilsir.com/how-much-does-a-gallon-of-sand-weight/ from google ( weight 1 gallon sand ) result 2 ]
25 nov 2022 5:5 pm est:
6.5 mini.com->country-man year 2021 [source : getjerry.com/driving/2017-mini-cooper-countryman-ground-clearance from google ( mini clubman ground clearance ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Which MINI Cooper has the highest ground clearance ? ]
25 nov 2022 5:44 pm est:
(1)#reword# tire-size #to# tire-code
(2)#reword# p205/70r15 95s #to# 'p 205 / 70 r 15 95 s'
(3)#reword# p225/70r16 101s #to# 'p 225 / 70 r 16 101 s'
30 nov 2022 9:10 am est:
#c-1# honda crv year 2003, 2354 cm^3 displacement (2.354 L engine),tire-code 'p 205 / 70 r 15 95 s'.body-design-patent http://www.freepatentsonline.com/D458871.pdf from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar) from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar)result 4 from 'Patent D458871 - Motorcar in https://web.archive.org/web/20151117015621/http://www.ptodirect.com/Results/Patents?query=PN%2FD458871 from ref-7 in 'Designer Mitsuhiro Honda (1999)[7]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V
#c-1# honda.ca->crv-year-2003, 2354 cm^3 displacement ( 2.354 Liter ) , engine-piston-position : v/2-piston-with-around-45-degree-against-ground-and-2-piston-with-around-135-degree-against-ground , 4-cylinder/4-combustion-chamber , tire-code 'p 205 / 70 r 15 95 s' . body-design-patent : freepatentsonline.com/D458871.pdf from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar) from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar)result 4 from 'Patent D458871 - Motorcar in https://web.archive.org/web/20151117015621/http://www.ptodirect.com/Results/Patents?query=PN%2FD458871 from ref-7 in 'Designer Mitsuhiro Honda (1999)[7]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V
30 nov 2022 9:15 am est: end 3 jan 2023 4:26 pm est
#c-2# toyota highlander year 2004, engine : v4 2.362 L,tire-code 'p 225 / 70 r 16 101 s'.source:https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM48478U/pdf/OM48478U.pdf page 298/find 'This illustration indicates typical tire' from 'owner's manuals' in https://www.toyota.com/owners/resources/owners-manuals/highlander/2004 from google (highlander 2004 user manual) result 1
#c-2# toyotausa.com->highlander-year-2004 , engine : i-4 , 2.362 Liter , tire-code 'p 225 / 70 r 16 101 s' . [source : 'in line' in page 398 in https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM48478U/pdf/OM48478U.pdf page 298/find 'This illustration indicates typical tire' from 'owner's manuals' in https://www.toyota.com/owners/resources/owners-manuals/highlander/2004 from google (highlander 2004 user manual) result 1 ]
30 nov 2022 9:21 am est:
19.8 gallon fuel tank for v4 2.362 L, store lots of fuel for v4 2.362 L engine.
19.1 gallon fuel tank for v-4/4-combustion-chamber , 2.362 Liter , store lots of fuel for v-4 2.362 Liter engine.
30 nov 2022 9:28 am est:
making v-engine ( 2 piston make 45-degree-angle against ground , another 2 piston make 135 degree-angle against ground ) ,
is more complicated-and-difficult than
making (straight/inline)-engine ( all piston make (orthogonal/90-degree)-angle against ground ) .
owning complicated engine produce complicated life-destiny . but this allow making bigger engine with shorter-stature .
21 dec 2022 9:23 pm est:
#delete from# #c-1# cons :
20)making v-engine ( 2 piston make 45-degree-angle against ground , another 2 piston make 135 degree-angle against ground ) ,
is more complicated-and-difficult than
making (straight/inline)-engine ( all piston make (orthogonal/90-degree)-angle against ground ) .
owning complicated engine produce complicated life-destiny . but this allow making bigger engine with shorter-stature .
toyotausa.com-> ( rav-4 , highlander-year-2004 / #c-2# ) has (straight/inline)-engine .
edmunds.com/honda/cr-v/2003/features-specs/ from google ( what is the ground clearance of a honda cr v ) result 4
says 'cylinders inline 4' ( inline-engine )
so i think v-4 is mostly inline/straight/orthogonal-piston-angle . v-6 is mostly diagonal-piston-angle which increase oil-spilling-out-of cylinder .
i think subaru's flat-horizontal-piston-engine spill oil to cylinder-air-intake-opening during poppet-valve open engine-cylinder .
21 dec 2022 9:59 pm est: end 3 jan 2023 4:42 pm est
#c-1# honda.ca->crv-year-2003, 2354 cm^3 displacement ( 2.354 Liter ) , engine-piston-position : v/2-piston-with-around-45-degree-against-ground-and-2-piston-with-around-135-degree-against-ground , 4-cylinder/4-combustion-chamber , tire-code 'p 205 / 70 r 15 95 s' . body-design-patent : freepatentsonline.com/D458871.pdf from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar) from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar)result 4 from 'Patent D458871 - Motorcar in https://web.archive.org/web/20151117015621/http://www.ptodirect.com/Results/Patents?query=PN%2FD458871 from ref-7 in 'Designer Mitsuhiro Honda (1999)[7]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V
#c-1# honda.ca->crv-year-2003 , engine : i-4 2.354 Liter , tire-code 'p 205 / 70 r 15 95 s' . body-design-patent : freepatentsonline.com/D458871.pdf from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar) from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar)result 4 from 'Patent D458871 - Motorcar in https://web.archive.org/web/20151117015621/http://www.ptodirect.com/Results/Patents?query=PN%2FD458871 from ref-7 in 'Designer Mitsuhiro Honda (1999)[7]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V
3 jan 2023 4:23 pm est:
19.1 gallon fuel tank for v-4/4-combustion-chamber , 2.362 Liter , store lots of fuel for v-4 2.362 Liter engine.
19.1 gallon fuel tank for engine i-4 2.362 Liter , that is lots of fuel for i-4 2.362 Liter engine .
3 jan 2023 4:47 pm est:
#reword# but since v4 2.362 L engine version comes with 16 gallon fuel tank just like
v6 version, a full fuel tank can make v4 version runs for long time.
#to# but since i-4 2.362 Liter engine version comes with 16 gallon fuel tank just like
v-6 version , a full fuel tank can make i-4 version go for very long distance .
3 jan 2023 5:6 pm est: end 5:18 pm est
i-4 has meaning : 4 cylinder/combustion-chamber , engine-piston-position : straight/inline/vertical-create-orthogonal-angle-against-ground
v-6 has meaning : 6 cylinder/combustion-chamber , engine-piston-position : 3-piston-with-around-45-degree-against-ground-and-3-piston-with-around-135-degree-against-ground ,
[7 source :
(1)piston-position inside car-engine-hood for (straight/inline)-engine vs v-engine vs (boxer/flat)-engine : youtube.com/watch?v=JorhCTyi2lQ ( How Subaru Boxer Engine & AWD System works. ) from youtube-search ( flat engine animation ) result 13 from maybe-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=NNqmNqaZlKA ( Straight 6 engine animation ) from google-image ( piston position in straight engine ) row 4 col 2
(2)'The downside of a boxer engine from a balance perspective is that pistons don’t sit directly across from 1 another, meaning they can create a torque that tends to want to rotate the engine about the vertical axis.' in jalopnik.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-a-boxer-four-engine-versus-an-inli-1797511015 from google ( boxer piston crack easier ) result 1 from 'Fizzy Elf And it helps pistons crack easier 😏' in youtube.com/watch?v=JorhCTyi2lQ ( How Subaru Boxer Engine & AWD System works. ) from youtube-search ( flat engine animation ) result 13
(3)'Inline-4, though, are narrow, meaning there can be a lot of room for steering and suspension bits in rear-drive applications. Plus, they only use a single, easily-accessed cylinder head, and a lot fewer moving parts. This means inline-4 tend to be more serviceable, which is something you probably already know about from listening to WRX owners complain about spark-plug jobs.' in find 'jalopnik.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-a-boxer-four-engine-versus-an-inli-1797511015'
(4)inline-engine is-same-as straight-engine : [source:'inline-four engine or straight-four engine is a type of inline internal combustion four-cylinder engine with all four cylinders mounted in a straight line, or plane along the crankcase' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inline-four_engine
(5)'Inline engines, sometimes called straight engines, are the most common types of engines' in proctorcars.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-different-engine-types/ from google ( v engine disadvantage ) result 2
(6)pearltrees.com/thomasdoughty/engine/id9324767/item92490947#l259 from google ( v engine disadvantage ) result 1
(7)carthrottle.com/post/engineering-explained-the-pros-and-cons-of-different-engine-types/ from google ( inline engine disadvantage ) result 1
3 jan 2023 5:7 pm est:
#reword# this c230 was being traded-in with toyota highlander year 2004,engine:v4 2.362 L
#to# this c230 was being traded-in with toyota highlander year 2004 , engine : i-4 2.362 L ( find '#c-2#' )
3 jan 2023 5:10 pm est:
48)city 18 | hw 23 toyota highlander awd 2362cc v4 y2004 #rg# #f#
48)city 18 | hw 23 toyota highlander awd 2362cc i-4 y2004 #rg# #f#
178)3570 toyota rav4 le awd 2.5-liter v4 y2018 #ect-i# #m#
178)3570 toyota rav4 le awd 2.5-liter i-4 y2018 #ect-i# #m#
3 jan 2023 5:24 pm est
9) 6.5 mini.com->country-man year 2021 [source : getjerry.com/driving/2017-mini-cooper-countryman-ground-clearance from google ( mini clubman ground clearance ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Which MINI Cooper has the highest ground clearance ? ]
11) 6.5 mini.com->country-man year 2021 . [source : getjerry.com/driving/2017-mini-cooper-countryman-ground-clearance from google ( mini clubman ground clearance ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Which MINI Cooper has the highest ground clearance ? ]
12) 6.3 mini.com->country-man year 2015 . [source : getjerry.com/driving/2017-mini-cooper-countryman-ground-clearance from google ( mini clubman ground clearance ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Which MINI Cooper has the highest ground clearance ? ]
13) 5.9 mini.com->country-man year 2011 . [source : getjerry.com/driving/2017-mini-cooper-countryman-ground-clearance from google ( mini clubman ground clearance ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Which MINI Cooper has the highest ground clearance ? ]
3 jan 2023 5:36 pm est:
all 5 tire starting 0 mile , 4 dec 2002 : bridgestone.com->forgotten-model
all 5 tire starting 0 mile , 4 dec 2002 : bridgestone.com->dueler-h-/-t-470 . [source : 'Bridgestone Dueler H/T 470' in americastire.com/buy-tires/bridgestone-dueler-h-t-470/p/25026 from google ( 2003 honda crv oem tire ) , ( 2003 honda crv bridgestone dueler ht ) from 'bridgestone' , 'dueler' , 'ht' in https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/honda/cr-v/2003/ratings-specs/ from google ( 2003 honda crv bridgestone dueler ) from google ( 2002 honda crv original tire bridgestone potenza ) , ( 2002 honda crv original tire bridgestone ) ] .
3 jan 2023 5:42 pm est:
#reword# starting 0 mile
#to# starting maybe 9 or 13 mile
3 jan 2023 5:47 pm est:
without advanced
notification or advance appointment-making
impromptu ( without earlier notification or without earlier appointment-making )
4 jan 2023 11:20 pm est: end 11:54 pm est
v-6 has meaning : 6 cylinder/combustion-chamber , engine-piston-position : 3-piston-with-around-45-degree-against-ground-and-3-piston-with-around-135-degree-against-ground
v-6 has meaning : 6 cylinder/combustion-chamber , engine-piston-position : many-kind-of-(piston-housing/cylinder)-angle
example :
(1) sedan mercedes-benz->c-280->year-1998->v-6-engine : 90 cylinder-bank-degree-angle
( 3-piston-with-around-45-degree-against-ground-and-3-piston-with-around-135-degree-against-ground ) .
(2) suv nissan->pathfinder->year-1985->v-6-engine : 60 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
(3) medium-truck toyota->tacoma->year-2004->v-6-engine : 60 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
d = cylinder-bank-angle between 2 cylinder/piston-housing
\ /
4 jan 2023 11:52 pm est:
(8)motorreviewer.com/engine.php?engine_id=31 from google ( benz m112 v angle ) result 1 from '90' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_M112_engine#4_jan_2023_10_52_pm_est from 'predecessor' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_M272_engine from google ( c280 v engine angle degree )
(9)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Tacoma#4_jan_2022_11_44_pm_est from wikipedia->search ( 1gr-fe ) result 13 from '1gr-fe' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V6_engine#4_jan_2023_11_25_pm_est from google ( v piston angle )
(10)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Pathfinder#4_jan_2023_11_29_pm_est from 'pathfinder' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_VG_Engine#4_jan_2023_11_26_pm_est from '1984-1999 Nissan VG30E 60-degree engine' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V6_engine#4_jan_2023_11_25_pm_est from google ( v piston angle )
5 jan 2023 9:30 pm est:
[source : (1)'inline 4-cylinder, transverse' in in pdf-page 36 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing from https://procarmanuals.com/honda-cr-v-2002-2005-shop-manual/ from 'pdf' in crvownersclub.com/threads/gen2-usa-service-manual-in-pdf-au-and-nz-version.217090/ from google ( honda cr v 2002 service manual pdf ) result 7 and pdf-united-with 'pdfunite' in wortel.ucoz.com/howto.htm
(2)'inline 4' in edmunds.com/honda/cr-v/2003/features-specs/ from google ( what is the ground clearance of a honda cr v ) result 4
5 jan 2023 9:32 pm est:
[source:(1)page 1070 in crv_1997_2000_service repair manual.pdf https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FRhSbgiCFaw4gzewuvv-TW7ZWsx7HFek/view , page-index crv_1997_2000-service_repair_manual.txt:https://drive.google.com/file/d/177Wdy94HlE6ARdLP7V55yE39GpdrO0Oh/view
(2)'front inner fender (a)' in pdf-page 1229 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing from https://procarmanuals.com/honda-cr-v-2002-2005-shop-manual/ from 'pdf' in https://www.crvownersclub.com/threads/gen2-usa-service-manual-in-pdf-au-and-nz-version.217090/ from google ( honda cr v 2002 service manual pdf ) result 7 and pdf-united-with 'pdfunite' in wortel.ucoz.com/howto.htm ]
[source:(1)page 1070 in crv_1997_2000_service repair manual.pdf drive.google.com/file/d/1FRhSbgiCFaw4gzewuvv-TW7ZWsx7HFek/view , page-index crv_1997_2000-service_repair_manual.txt : drive.google.com/file/d/177Wdy94HlE6ARdLP7V55yE39GpdrO0Oh/view
(2)'front inner fender (a)' in pdf-page 1229 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing from procarmanuals.com/honda-cr-v-2002-2005-shop-manual/ from 'pdf' in crvownersclub.com/threads/gen2-usa-service-manual-in-pdf-au-and-nz-version.217090/ from google ( honda cr v 2002 service manual pdf ) result 7 and pdf-united-with 'pdfunite' in wortel.ucoz.com/howto.htm ]
5 jan 2023 9:33 pm est:
#reword# find 'https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing'
#to# find 'drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing'
6 jan 2023 9:10 am est:
(11)'v-angle' in hogervorst.tech/craig/v8-engines.html from google-image ( cylinder bank angle )
(12)'bank angle' in hako-lehrmittel.de/en/produktkatalog/w-12-engine/ from google ( cylinder bank angle ) row last col 3
(13)'bank angle' in autoracing1.com/pl/65333 from google-image ( cylinder bank angle ) row 3 col last
(14)'bank angle' in hogervorst.tech/craig/v8-engines.html from google-image ( cylinder bank angle ) page 2
6 jan 2023 9:16 am est: end 6 jan 2023 11:29 am est
v-6 has meaning : 6 cylinder/combustion-chamber , engine-piston-position : many-kind-of-(piston-housing/cylinder)-angle
example :
(1) sedan mercedes-benz->c-280->year-1998->v-6-engine : 90 cylinder-bank-degree-angle
( 3-piston-with-around-45-degree-against-ground-and-3-piston-with-around-135-degree-against-ground ) .
(2) suv nissan->pathfinder->year-1985->v-6-engine : 60 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
(3) medium-truck toyota->tacoma->year-2004->v-6-engine : 60 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
d = cylinder-bank-angle between 2 cylinder/piston-housing
\ /
v-6 , vr-6 , has meaning : 6 cylinder/combustion-chamber , engine-piston-position : arrow-tip-pointing-downward with certain angle between 2 (piston-housing/cylinder)
vr has meaning v-inline/v-in-1-line/v-narrow (in german-language 'v-reihen-motor' , 'reihen' ( pronunciation 'raiön' ) means in-1-line ) .
pronunciation-tips : ö sounds like 'i' in 'sir' . ä sounds like 'a' in 'at' . e sounds like 1st 'a' dipthong in 'day' .
ɔ sounds like 'o' in 'odd' . o sounds like 1-st 'o' dipthong in 'open' . e sounds like 1-st 'e' dipthong in 'day' . [2 source : (1)'pezu' in 'Jack Blakeask''s comment:'Why the heck you French people put “T” on Peugeot when you say it sounds like peZuuuuu?? SMH' in deleted-movie youtube.com/watch?v=eOTRr0yTP38 ( How to pronounce french car names ) from youtube-search ( how pronounce peugeot ) result 5 (2)find 'pronunciation note' in wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo.htm ]
d = cylinder-bank-angle between 2 (piston-housing/cylinder) , in-other-word : angle between 2 (piston-housing/cylinder) .
\ /
example :
(1) sedan mercedes-benz->c-280->year-1998->v-6-engine : 90 cylinder-bank-degree-angle
( 3-piston-with-around-45-degree-against-ground-and-3-piston-with-around-135-degree-against-ground ) .
(2) suv nissan->pathfinder->year-1985->v-6-engine : 60 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
(3) medium-truck toyota->tacoma->year-2004->v-6-engine : 60 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
(4) suv audi->q-7->year-2005->vr-6 : 10.6 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
6 jan 2023 11:28 am est:
(16)'10.6' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VR6_engine#6_jan_2023_11_8_am_est from 'vr6' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V6_engine#Design
6 jan 2023 11:44 am est: end 6 jan 2023 11:49 am est
10)simpler strut-suspension-arrangement maybe create easy life-destiny rather-than more complicated double-wishbone-suspension-arrangement which maybe
create difficult life-destiny . maybe strut-suspension-arrangement create unequal-balance tire-wear during braking-which-produce-friction
on road-bump . double-wishbone create equal-balance tire-wear during braking-which-produce-friction on road-bump .
maybe item which customer buy set customer's life-destiny .
[source : (1)'strut' in edmunds.com/toyota/highlander/2004/features-specs/#4_jan_2023_10_13_pm_est from google ( toyota highlander 2004 i4 spec )
(2)find 'youtube.com/watch?v=MraNBaCmcok&t=6m50s (How Automotive Suspension Systems Work)' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
6 jan 2023 12:7 pm est: end 3:2 pm est
(9)c-230's torque-during-low-speed feel stronger than c-280->year-1998
( i had opportunity to try driving mrs-adelina-winarko's c-280->year-1998->dark-blue-color during year 2001 summer
until i ask my parents to buy car find '#c-1#' . i recently fail to keep relationship with 2-nd girl-friend then
i hang-out with adelina-winarko who is dating riko-sudarto to study how their dating-relationship can last long time )
but c-280's torque-during-high-speed felt stronger than c-230 . c-280 has higher top-speed than c-230 .
[source : (1)'Inline car engines suffer from relatively small amounts of unwanted vibration at typical engine speeds, and the long stroke of
their cylinders gives these engines superior torque' in proctorcars.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-different-engine-types/ from google ( v engine disadvantage ) result 2
is true
(2)'more torque' in pearltrees.com/thomasdoughty/engine/id9324767/item92490947#l259 from google ( v engine disadvantage ) result 1
is false
6 jan 2023 9:34 pm est: end 10:13 pm est
#reword# i recently fail to keep relationship with 2-nd girl-friend then
#to# i recently fail to get more gfe/girl-friend-experience with 3-rd female-friend jihyon-kim then
6 jan 2023 10:47 pm est:
(1)#add# 17 bath-room-ceiling-suction-fan for removing (feces/urine)-amonia-odor : air-king->d-4-sg , 14.25 inch2 , 0.4 ampere , 985 rpm , 120 cfm . [source : homedepot.com/p/Air-King-White-120-CFM-Single-Speed-Motion-Sensing-0-3-Sone-Ceiling-Exhaust-Bathroom-Fan-ENERGY-STAR-Certified-D4SG/303432001 ]
(2)#add# 119 portable-electricity-generator 'sportsman' providing 20 ampere for 5 hour . weight = 91 lbs weight-without-gasoline + ( 7.66 lbs weight-1-gallon-octane x 3.6 gallon ) . [source : homedepot.com/p/Sportsman-4-000-Watt-3-500-Watt-Recoil-Start-Gasoline-Powered-Portable-Generator-with-RV-Outlet-CO-Detector-and-Auto-Shutoff-806724/318154299 ]
(3)#add# 150 stove-and-oven geappliancesco.com->jgbs-66-rek-5-ss ( price 949 usd ) . [source : geappliances.com/appliance/GE-30-Free-Standing-Gas-Range-JGBS66REKSS ]
(4)#add# 63 microwave-oven geappliancesco.com->jvm-3160-rf-8-ss ( price 229 usd ) . [source : ---https://www.geappliances.com/appliance/GE-1-6-Cu-Ft-Over-the-Range-Microwave-Oven-JVM3160RFSS ]
(5)#add# 320 refrigerator,general-electric model-label-on-refrigerator-interior gss-25-gypecfs , model-number-on-geappliances.com gss-25-gypfs ( 24-dec-2022-price 1,443 usd ; 6-jan-2023-price 1,554 usd ) . [source : geappliances.com/appliance/GE-25-3-Cu-Ft-Side-By-Side-Refrigerator-GSS25GYPFS ]
7 jan 2023 5:37 pm est: end 6:8 pm est
#add# 3380 toyota->rav4->year-2023 LE/cheapest-model , engine = 2.5 liter dohc , fwd , strut-front-suspension and multi-link-rear-suspension , bug-deflector not available . automatic-transmission-only-with-cvt-or-no-cvt . hill-start-assist available but manual-transmission not available . [source : toyota.com/content/dam/toyota/brochures/pdf/2023/rav4_ebrochure.pdf ]
7 jan 2023 5:58 pm est:
#add# 1800 tree-(main/primary)-(branch/petiole)-and-leaf-pulveriser/grinder to produce wood-debris to be boiled-and-melt-and-molded to make plywood ( (indonesia/malay)-language 'kayu-lapis'/multi-layer-wood ) for making wood-furniture , vermeer.com->bc-700-xL ( cheapest model ) , engine : i-2 kohler-ech-740 . [source : (gary-) vermeer.com/getmedia/165cab8b-3a83-4527-898f-bf6a039539c0/bc700xl-brush-chipper-spec-sheet-updated?ext=.pdf ]
9 jan 2023 12:5 am est:
#reword# i recently fail to get more gfe/girl-friend-experience with 3-rd female-friend jihyon-kim then
#to# i recently fail to get more gfe/girl-friend-experience with 3-rd close-female-friend jihyon-kim then
9 jan 2023 8:51 pm est:
#reword# 320 refrigerator,general-electric model-label-on-refrigerator-interior gss-25-gypecfs , model-number-on-geappliances.com gss-25-gypfs ( 24-dec-2022-price 1,443 usd ; 6-jan-2023-price 1,554 usd ) . [source : geappliances.com/appliance/GE-25-3-Cu-Ft-Side-By-Side-Refrigerator-GSS25GYPFS ]
#to# 320 refrigerator general-electric model-label-on-refrigerator-interior gss-25-gypecfs , model-number-on-geappliances.com gss-25-gypfs ( 24-dec-2022-price 1,443 usd ; 6-jan-2023-price 1,554 usd ) . [2 source : (1)geappliances.com/appliance/GE-25-3-Cu-Ft-Side-By-Side-Refrigerator-GSS25GYPFS (2)searspartsdirect.com/model/27as8wfrhq-000432/ge-gss25gypecfs-side-by-side-refrigerator-parts from google ( gss25gypecfs ) ]
11 jan 2023 11:5 pm est:
#reword# 1800 tree-(main/primary)-(branch/petiole)-and-leaf-pulveriser/grinder to produce wood-debris to be boiled-and-melt-and-molded to make plywood ( (indonesia/malay)-language 'kayu-lapis'/multi-layer-wood ) for making wood-furniture , vermeer.com->bc-700-xL ( cheapest model ) , engine : i-2 kohler-ech-740 . [source : (gary-) vermeer.com/getmedia/165cab8b-3a83-4527-898f-bf6a039539c0/bc700xl-brush-chipper-spec-sheet-updated?ext=.pdf ]
#to# 1800 tree-(main/primary)-(branch/petiole)-and-leaf-pulveriser/grinder to produce wood-debris for compact-storage , vermeer.com->bc-700-xL ( cheapest model ) , engine : i-2 kohler-ech-740 . [source : (gary-) vermeer.com/getmedia/165cab8b-3a83-4527-898f-bf6a039539c0/bc700xl-brush-chipper-spec-sheet-updated?ext=.pdf ]
11 jan 2023 11:18 pm est:
#reword# 1800 tree-(main/primary)-(branch/petiole)-and-leaf-pulveriser/grinder to produce wood-debris to be boiled-and-melt-and-molded to make plywood ( (indonesia/malay)-language 'kayu-lapis'/multi-layer-wood ) for making wood-furniture , vermeer.com->bc-700-xL ( cheapest model ) , engine : i-2 kohler-ech-740 . [source : (gary-) vermeer.com/getmedia/165cab8b-3a83-4527-898f-bf6a039539c0/bc700xl-brush-chipper-spec-sheet-updated?ext=.pdf ]
#to# 1800 tree-(main/primary)-(branch/petiole)-and-leaf-pulveriser/grinder to produce wood-debris for making paper , vermeer.com->bc-700-xL ( cheapest model ) , engine : i-2 kohler-ech-740 . [2 source : (1)(gary-) vermeer.com/getmedia/165cab8b-3a83-4527-898f-bf6a039539c0/bc700xl-brush-chipper-spec-sheet-updated?ext=.pdf (2)youtube.com/watch?v=E4C3X26dxbM#11_jan_2023_11_14_pm_est ( The Paper Making Process ) ]
16 jan 2023 10:47 pm est:
#reword# gfe/girl-friend-experience
#to# semi-(gfe/girl-friend-experience)
13 apr 2023 11:3 pm est-not-edt :
#add# service-shop : autonationhondadulles.com .
15 apr 2023 4:42 pm est-not-edt : end 6:8 pm est-not-edt
#17# service with LandmarkHonda.com ( phone 703-823-8081 , email service@landmarkhonda.com , landmarkhonda.com send service-receipt to my email
and that is nice ) .
mileage : 105,821 ( mileage-out : 105.822 ) . date 11 apr 2023 12 pm est-not-edt .
service-advisor #tg#/timothy-godinho .
service-technician/car-mechanic : vincent-kwan .
i talk to #tg# , i order spark-plug-inspection , engine-oil-renewal .
#tg# say spark-plug-inspection/diagnosis is pricey , #tg# only turn-on engine to hear engine-sound
and hearing engine-sound is smooth enough , then #tg# say all spark-plug must have been still working .
me : if i replace 1 working-spark-plug with 1 expired-spark-plug then check-engine-light will turn-on ?
#tg# : *sort-of-yes*
#tg# see yearly va-safety-inspection-sticker is expired last march-month and
offer me to buy va-safety-inspection , i agree to buy va-safety-inspection .
va-safety-inspection show :
(1) posterior/rear-brake is metal-touch-metal , all brake-pad-thickness-mili-meter is gone .
(2) anterior/front-rain-wiper , posterior-rain-wiper is torn , #tg# complain front-rain-wiper is not genuine-honda-component
so maybe service-advisor 'britney-cole' in 'autonationhondadulles.com' order renewal-service for that
front-rain-wiper with non-genuine-honda-component front-rain-wiper .
service-job : renew posterior/rear-brake-pad
brake-pad part-number 43022-s-9-aa-01 62.15 usd
brake-disc part-number 42510-smcn-02 205.82 usd
cleaning-service 5.45 usd
total 273.42 usd
labor 310.69 usd
service-job : renew anterior/front-rain-wiper
front-rain-wiper 76630-s-6-m305 20.55 usd
front-rain-wiper 76620-s-9-a-306 21.12 usd
total 41.67 usd
service-job : renew posterior/rear-rain-wiper
posterior-rain-wiper 76622-s-50003 7.90 usd
service-job : misc-shop-supplies-cod 49.99 usd
service-job : va-safety-inspection 20 usd
service-job : engine-oil-renewal
o-filter 15400-rta-003 7.71 usd
d-washer 9410914000 0.48 usd
washer-sol 2.73 usd
0-w-20 22.65 usd
labor 26.38 usd
total 59.95 usd
service-job : multi-point-inspection 0 usd
total-service-job-price 788.2 usd
recommended service-job during next-service and estimated-price :
(1) engine-cooling-fluid-renewal 223.31 usd
(2) brake-fluid-renewal 217.2 usd
(3) power-steering-fluid-renewal 211.78 usd
(4) posterior/rear-awd-differential-viscous-coupling-fluid-renewal 191.86 usd
estimated-price for 4 spark-plug-renewal 363.55 usd
2 may 2023 6:6 pm est-not-edt :
12 jun 2023 11:55 pm est-not-edt : end 13 jun 2023 6:8 am est-not-edt
20)transaxle/transaxel ( automatic-transmission plus spider-gear-for-open-differential inside 1 housing )
has meaning spider-gear-friction can increase atf-temperature/automatic-transmission-fluid-temperature which is maybe already hot
because there is automatic-transmission-gear-friction .
so atf-temperature is hotter inside transaxle , rather-than atf-temperature inside stand-alone-automatic-transmission-car-design .
if atf is hot then oxidation happen then atf-fluid change color from pink-color to brown-color then atf-lubrication-ability decrease maybe because
hot-atf decrease atf-viscosity but maybe watery-hot-cooking-oil still feel oily .
but there is rubber-seal inside transmission-housing and rubber dislike severely-hot-temperature and rubber dislike severely-cold-temperature .
and it's difficult to debug/diagnose which component is causing atf-color-change ? automatic-transmission-gear-friction ? or spider-gear-friction ?
[source 3 : (1)'If temperature gets above 250 degrees F., rubber seals begin to harden, which leads to leaks and pressure losses.' in tandwtire.com/transmission-fluid-flush-tips from google ( why automatic transmission fluid dirty quickly ) result 4 or find 'tandwtire.com/transmission-fluid-flush-tips' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc_beta.htm (2) '-[28-jan-1986]11:39 am est usa-country->florida-state->kennedy-space-center->atlantic-ocean' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm (3)thirdcoastautos.com/blog/do-i-need-to-change-my-transmission-fluid/ from google ( never change automatic transmission fluid ) ]
29 jul 2023 11:55 pm est-not-edt : end 30 jul 2023 4:14 am est-not-edt
21)why abs / anti-lock-braking-system / anti--tire-already-stop-rotating-but-tire-still-(slipping/sliding)-foward-event--system
maybe is dubious / not-trust-worthy / perjury / tort-of-deceit / not-working-as-intended :
honda.ca->crv-year-2003 brake all 4 tire : 2 (posterior/rear)-tire , 2 (anterior/front)-tire . so crv-year-2003 maybe has dubious-abs .
because for car to know : does that car still moving foward or not :
wheel-rotation-sensor-software check do 2 (posterior/rear)-tire-without-brake still rotate or not-rotating-anymore/in-locking-condition .
maybe that is reason why this gm.com->already-bankrupt->pontiac->g-6-sedan does not brake 2 (posterior/rear)-tire , only brake 2 (anterior/front)-tire ?
youtube.com/watch?v=gY0gda12pXg&t=17m3s#25_sep_2018_4_53_pm_edt ( ULTIMATE Compilation of Car & Truck Slides / Spinouts in Bad Weather! High Quality Cameras )
maybe that is reason why this bmwgroup.com->bmwusa.com->3-series does not brake 2 (posterior/rear)-tire , only brake 2 (anterior/front)-tire :
youtube.com/watch?v=GlYEMH10Z4s&t=2m54s ( Tested: Winter vs. All-Season vs. Summer Tires on Ice I Tire Rack ) from youtube-search ( ice brake test ) page 3 result 4
but maybe honda intend to use abs-ability to prevent car-driver from 'pressing brake-pedal with excessive foot-plantar-palm-pressure
for long time-duration' because that will make brake-piston-excessive-pressure puncture brake-pad then next-time during brake-event-happen : brake fail .
maybe car-driver must have sensitive feeling which can detect when car is about to roll-over ,
then need to release brake-pedal for some-second until car stop behaving-like-wanting-to-roll-over then resume pressing brake-pedal again .
[source for pontiac->g-6 : photo in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_G6#30-jul-2023-3-57-am-est-not-edt from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Grand_Prix#30-jul-2023-3-54-am-est-not-edt from my former supervisor randy-berghefer in former work-place vdl.iastate.edu year 2005 car-rental-selection-during-work-trip for usa-federal-government-usda-nahln-project->orionhealth.com->rhapsody-hl-7-message-tutorial in usa->colorado-state->fort-collins-city->forgotten-office-building ]
30 jul 2023 12:6 am est-not-edt :
#reword# 223)8157 caterpillar-cb34b fresh-asphalt-compactor.source:https://www.cat.com/en_US/products/new/equipment/compactors/tandem-vibratory-rollers/18547895.html from https://www.cat.com/en_US/products/new/equipment/compactors.html from https://www.caterpillar.com/#19_nov_2018_12_20_pm_est -> bottom-menu-products from www.superiorpaving.net from google(superior paving corp)
#to# 223)8157 caterpillar->cb-34-b fresh-asphalt-compactor . [source : cat.com/en_US/products/new/equipment/compactors/tandem-vibratory-rollers/18547895.html from cat.com/en_US/products/new/equipment/compactors.html from caterpillar.com/#19_nov_2018_12_20_pm_est -> bottom-menu-products from superiorpaving.net from google ( superior paving corp ) ]
30 jul 2023 12:9 am est-not-edt :
4344 bmw->740-i->year-2013 [source : family.lovetoknow.com/vehicles/list-of-car-weights from google ( car weight rank ) result 3 ]
4630 daimler->mercedes-benz->s-class-550->year-2016 4.7 liter-engine v-8 city-highway-mpg=17-26 #awd#-on-slippery-road #rwd#-on-road-with-traction #at# [source : edmunds.com/mercedes-benz/s-class/2016/st-200741199/features-specs/ ]
4806 vw->audi->a-8->year-2016 6.3 liter-engine w-12 city-highway-mpg=14-22 #awd#-full-time [source : edmunds.com/audi/a8/2016/st-200737510/features-specs/ ]
4905 toyota->lexus.com->Ls-500->year-2018 v-6 3.5 liter-engine #rwd# #at# [source : edmunds.com/lexus/ls-500/2018/st-401699936/features-specs/ ]
5038 daimler->mercedes-benz->s-class-600->year-2016 6 liter-engine v-12 city-highway-mpg=12-21 #rwd# #at# [source : edmunds.com/mercedes-benz/s-class/2016/st-200741199/features-specs/ ]
5143 tata->land-rover->range-rover-sport->se->year-2016 #awd#-full-time? #gasoline# [source : edmunds.com/land-rover/range-rover-sport/2016/st-401583467/features-specs/ ]
5562 tata->land-rover->range-rover->sv-auto-biography-lwb->year-2016 #awd#-full-time? #gasoline# [source : edmunds.com/land-rover/range-rover/2016/st-401589473/features-specs/ ]
5644 bmw->rolls-royce->phantom->year-2023 6.7 liter-engine v-12 #rwd# [source : edmunds.com/rolls-royce/phantom/2023/st-401938727/features-specs/ ]
30 jul 2023 4:37 am est-not-edt :
22)on-demand-awd / part-time-awd / awd-only-during-tire-slippage , has tire-speed-sensor
which compare front-tire-speed vs posterior-tire-speed all-the-time , and that consume extra battery-ampere .
30 jul 2023 5 am est-not-edt :
24)on-demand-awd / part-time-awd / awd-only-during-tire-slippage , has tire-speed-sensor
which compare front-tire-speed vs posterior-tire-speed all-the-time , and that consume extra battery-ampere .
but that's better than full-time-awd like audi-quattro-principle youtube.com/watch?v=9MlhYHy4pwg#30-jul-2023-4-35-am-est-not-edt ( Audi - The quattro Principle )
which has meaning : engine send 60 % torque/engine-power to front-tire , 40 % torque to (posterior/rear)-tire
if (anterior/front)-tire-speed different-from (posterior/rear)-tire-speed in-amount-of maybe 10-mph? difference minimum , then slippage happen then
car-component??? turn-on awd .
why need 10-mph difference minimum ? why not 1-mph difference minimum ?
because front-tire-speed always different-from (posterior/rear)-tire-speed during doing :
stop-position then do maximum-tire-turning at very slow speed to move in kind-of-circular-drive-route , creating circular-asphalt-marking
if front-tire-is-leaving-foot-print . [source : hyundai-forums.com/threads/awd-problems-viscous-coupler.658536/ from google ( draining viscous coupling fluid turn off awd ) result 2 ]
2 front-tire doing rotation/spinning , make car go faster than all 2 front-tire and 2 (posterior/rear)-tire doing rotation/spinning ,
that is reason/why audi->r-8-lms-non-quattro ( non-full-time-awd ) is being used for racing in fia-gt-3-europe-championship ,
not audi->r-8-(quattro/full-time-awd) .
audi->r-8-grand-am-(non-quattro/non-full-time-awd) is being used for racing in garrarsr/grand-america-road-racing-association-rolex-series-racing .
fia-gt-3-europe-championship forbid any-awd-ability ; maybe garrarsr also forbid any-awd-ability .
nissan->skyline also become rwd / (posterior/rear-wheel-drive) during racing , does not have awd-ability during racing . [source 2 : (1)'The weight of the car was reduced to 1,150 kg (2,535 lb) and the all-wheel-drive system was removed' ; (2)'Skyline continued into the 1990s when it became popular largely because it remained rear wheel drive, while most other manufacturers were focusing on front wheel drive cars' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Skyline_GT-R#30-jul-2023-5-4-am-est-not-edt ]
summary : quattro/full-time-awd is slow , non-quattro/non-full-time-awd is fast . and crv-year-2003 use non-quattro/non-full-time-awd . [source : 'Race models' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R8_(Type_42)#30-jul-2023-4-30-am-est-not-edt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R8#30-jul-2023-4-28-am-est-not-edt ]
2 aug 2023 8:30 pm est-not-edt :
#reword# summary : quattro/full-time-awd is slow , non-quattro/non-full-time-awd is fast . and crv-year-2003 use non-quattro/non-full-time-awd . [source : 'Race models' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R8_(Type_42)#30-jul-2023-4-30-am-est-not-edt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R8#30-jul-2023-4-28-am-est-not-edt ]
#to# summary : quattro/full-time-awd is slow ( sluggish-acceleration/low-torque , low-(top-velocity/speed)/small-horse-power ) ,
non-quattro/non-full-time-awd is fast ( quick-acceleration/high-torque , high-(top-velocity/speed)/high-horse-power ) .
and crv-year-2003 use non-quattro/non-full-time-awd .
but crv-year-2003 in equilibrium-treatment-procedure : crv-year-2003 can-only-race other car which has same engine-size , same weight .
[source : 'Race models' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R8_(Type_42)#30-jul-2023-4-30-am-est-not-edt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R8#30-jul-2023-4-28-am-est-not-edt ]
2 aug 2023 11:34 pm est-not-edt :
maybe without abs : car have shorter braking-distance ( deceleration-to-stop--distance ) but car-(posterior/rear)-tire maybe want
to drift-left-or-right-and-not-straight .
3 aug 2023 3:55 am est-not-edt :
abs brake on snowy-road:
(1)youtube.com/watch?v=kQdtayz525A (Braking with and without ABS )
(2)youtube.com/watch?v=fge_m9u864k (Does ABS Make Cars More Dangerous in Winter? )
from youtube-search(car brake abs on ice skating rink)result 1,2
4 aug 2023 10:9 pm est-not-edt :
maybe without abs : car have shorter braking-distance ( deceleration-to-stop--distance ) but car-(posterior/rear)-tire maybe want
to drift-left-or-right-and-not-straight .
abs brake on snowy-road:
(1)youtube.com/watch?v=kQdtayz525A (Braking with and without ABS )
(2)youtube.com/watch?v=fge_m9u864k (Does ABS Make Cars More Dangerous in Winter? )
from youtube-search(car brake abs on ice skating rink)result 1,2
without abs : car have shorter braking-distance ( deceleration-to-stop--distance ) but car-(posterior/rear)-tire maybe want
to drift-left-or-right-and-not-straight
( solution : if car-(posterior/rear)-tire maybe want to drift-left-or-right-and-not-straight
then : release brake-pedal then make car go straight then resume brake again ) :
(1)youtube.com/watch?v=kQdtayz525A ( Braking with and without ABS )
(2)youtube.com/watch?v=fge_m9u864k ( Does ABS Make Cars More Dangerous in Winter ? )
from youtube-search ( car brake abs on ice skating rink ) result 1 , 2
4 aug 2023 10:37 pm est-not-edt :
racing-car does not have abs-brake and their brake seems always working .
racing-car has different brake-brand-name like 'apracing.com' , 'akebono-brake.com' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
but maybe official-car-service-shop always install brake with similar quality like those racing-brake .
maybe i ask brake-brand-name if i go to non-official-car-service-shop to check review for that brake-brand-name with google.com ,
bing.com , other internet-search-page .
official-car-service-shop-service-advisor not telling customer brand-name for brake , oxygen-sensor , etc .
example long-duration-racing-car : alms.com . [source :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Le_Mans_Series#1_jul_2022_11_54_am_edt ]
racing-car-law always forbid : abs-brake , awd-ability , esc/electronic-stability-control , etc .
4 aug 2023 11:20 pm est-not-edt : end 11:25 pm est-not-edt
car which has dubious / not-trust-worthy / perjury / tort-of-deceit / not-working-as-intended abs
because they have : (posterior/rear)-disc-brake , (posterior/rear)-drum-parking-brake / not-yet-using-electronic-parking-brake :
(1) honda.ca->crv-year-2003
(2) jeep.com->wrangler->year-2006
(3) jaguar.com->xj->year-1998
(4) maybe etc....
4 aug 2023 11:36 pm est-not-edt :
youtube.com/watch?v=gY0gda12pXg&t=17m3s#25_sep_2018_4_53_pm_edt ( ULTIMATE Compilation of Car & Truck Slides / Spinouts in Bad Weather! High Quality Cameras )
youtube.com/watch?v=gY0gda12pXg&t=17m3s#25_sep_2018_4_53_pm_edt ( ULTIMATE Compilation of Car & Truck Slides / Spinouts in Bad Weather! High Quality Cameras ) movie-uploader : Dan-Robinson , 194K subscribers , 22,963,056 views , publish-date : 9 sep 2015 . A 20-minute supercut of more than 60 car, truck and tractor-trailer slides, jackknifes, spinouts and loss-of-control driving incidents caught on professional video resulting from my 12-year career of covering winter storms as a freelance news cameraman. **No one was hurt in any of these incidents** Footage shows icy roads caused by snow, freezing rain and sleet. Copyright Dan Robinson icyroadsafety.com , stormhighway.com .
youtube.com/watch?v=GlYEMH10Z4s&t=2m54s ( Tested: Winter vs. All-Season vs. Summer Tires on Ice I Tire Rack ) from youtube-search ( ice brake test ) page 3 result 4
youtube.com/watch?v=GlYEMH10Z4s&t=2m54s ( Tested: Winter vs. All-Season vs. Summer Tires on Ice I Tire Rack ) movie-uploader : Tire-Rack , 28.1K subscribers , 1,328,476 views , publish-date : 6 jan 2009 . First we compared all-season and winter/snow tire performance on our snowy test track. Now watch as Tire Rack compares the difference between winter/snow tires, all-season tires and summer tires by evaluating acceleration, stopping and cornering capabilities — this time using an ice rink as our test track . Interested in winter tires? Shop our selection here: https://bit.ly/35MWcLy from youtube-search ( ice brake test ) page 3 result 4
6 aug 2023 9:8 pm est-not-edt :
(2) jeep.com->wrangler->year-2006
(3) jaguar.com->xj->year-1998
(2) jeep.com->wrangler->year-2006 [2 source : (1)wranglertjforum.com/attachments/2006-tj-service-manual-pdf.14047/ from 'wranglertjforum.com/threads/jeep-wrangler-tj-factory-service-manuals-fsm-technical-documentation.4618/' in wranglertjforum.com/threads/factory-service-manual-download.12756/ from google ( wrangler service manual download ) result 1 or (2)directory/folder 'car-service-manual' in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link ]
(3) JaguarLandRover.com->xj->year-1998 [2 source : (1)uc85aaed8b150528b6881c994563.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/get/B9VJyNqPGyrUBFWaAfwYtCJX9YcU6FDrCTNXxR9rEQ-COcryzcr0k1x98T_pc-doXq-dqtAyE__Lke8JUjfhwQmmZozmmmLguYo2mNKDvnLUKaizZe0WZavNpBwUF6cWRmjs9PqtxUD8YpHM9e_Zyw8_i_YiWF7LZIiNpjxDzlnTcQ/file?_download_id=0418089208179992510123639689775732600935087729066598373397572094&_notify_domain=www.dropbox.com&dl=1 from dropbox.com/s/vujkjrxklu65ry8/XJ-X308_Workshop_Manual.pdf?dl=0 from jaguarforums.com/forum/xj-xj8-xjr-x308-27/service-manual-77784/ from google ( jaguar xj8 service manual ) from 'xj8' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XJ_(X308)#4_jun_2023_6_3_am_est_not_edt from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XJ#5_jun_2023_6_1_am_est_not_edt or (2)directory/folder 'car-service-manual' in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link ]
6 aug 2023 9:9 pm est-not-edt :
because they have : (posterior/rear)-disc-brake , (posterior/rear)-drum-parking-brake / not-yet-using-electronic-parking-brake :
because they have : (posterior/rear)-disc-brake , (posterior/rear)-drum-parking-brake / not-yet-using-electronic-parking-brake-disc-brake :
6 aug 2023 9:13 pm est-not-edt :
electronic-parking-brake-disc-brake do 2 job :
(1)becoming electronic-parking-brake
(2)becoming (posterior/rear)-brake
youtube.com/watch?v=BOubDKjnqak&t=7m30s ( Replacing Rear Brake Pads and Rotors on BMWs with Electric Parking Brakes ) from youtube-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=Ljq4ATPorXM ( BMW Rear Brake Pads w Electric Parking Brake ) from youtube-search ( replace electronic parking brake )
6 aug 2023 9:32 pm est-not-edt : end 7 aug 2023 12:5 am est-not-edt
non-official-car-service-shop has preference to do service for certain car-brand , so non-official-car-service-shop maybe is expert enough
to do maintenance-job for those certain car-brand .
maybe i read review on google.com/maps , yelp.com prior visiting non-official-car-service-shop .
non-official-car-service-shop is giving better treatment to car-service-worker like not coercing car-service-worker to wear uniform .
7 aug 2023 4:10 am est-not-edt :
(2) jeep.com->wrangler->year-2006 [2 source : (1)wranglertjforum.com/attachments/2006-tj-service-manual-pdf.14047/ from 'wranglertjforum.com/threads/jeep-wrangler-tj-factory-service-manuals-fsm-technical-documentation.4618/' in wranglertjforum.com/threads/factory-service-manual-download.12756/ from google ( wrangler service manual download ) result 1 or (2)directory/folder 'car-service-manual' in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link ]
(3) JaguarLandRover.com->xj->year-1998 [2 source : (1)uc85aaed8b150528b6881c994563.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/get/B9VJyNqPGyrUBFWaAfwYtCJX9YcU6FDrCTNXxR9rEQ-COcryzcr0k1x98T_pc-doXq-dqtAyE__Lke8JUjfhwQmmZozmmmLguYo2mNKDvnLUKaizZe0WZavNpBwUF6cWRmjs9PqtxUD8YpHM9e_Zyw8_i_YiWF7LZIiNpjxDzlnTcQ/file?_download_id=0418089208179992510123639689775732600935087729066598373397572094&_notify_domain=www.dropbox.com&dl=1 from dropbox.com/s/vujkjrxklu65ry8/XJ-X308_Workshop_Manual.pdf?dl=0 from jaguarforums.com/forum/xj-xj8-xjr-x308-27/service-manual-77784/ from google ( jaguar xj8 service manual ) from 'xj8' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XJ_(X308)#4_jun_2023_6_3_am_est_not_edt from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XJ#5_jun_2023_6_1_am_est_not_edt or (2)directory/folder 'car-service-manual' in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link ]
(2) jeep.com->wrangler->year-2006 [2 source : (1)pdf-page 270 ( 'drum' , 'rear disc' ) inside wranglertjforum.com/attachments/2006-tj-service-manual-pdf.14047/ from 'wranglertjforum.com/threads/jeep-wrangler-tj-factory-service-manuals-fsm-technical-documentation.4618/' in wranglertjforum.com/threads/factory-service-manual-download.12756/ from google ( wrangler service manual download ) result 1 or (2)directory/folder 'car-service-manual' in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link ]
(3) JaguarLandRover.com->xj->year-1998 [2 source : (1)pdf-page 364 ( 'disc' ) , 390 ( 'drum' ) inside uc85aaed8b150528b6881c994563.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/get/B9VJyNqPGyrUBFWaAfwYtCJX9YcU6FDrCTNXxR9rEQ-COcryzcr0k1x98T_pc-doXq-dqtAyE__Lke8JUjfhwQmmZozmmmLguYo2mNKDvnLUKaizZe0WZavNpBwUF6cWRmjs9PqtxUD8YpHM9e_Zyw8_i_YiWF7LZIiNpjxDzlnTcQ/file?_download_id=0418089208179992510123639689775732600935087729066598373397572094&_notify_domain=www.dropbox.com&dl=1 from dropbox.com/s/vujkjrxklu65ry8/XJ-X308_Workshop_Manual.pdf?dl=0 from jaguarforums.com/forum/xj-xj8-xjr-x308-27/service-manual-77784/ from google ( jaguar xj8 service manual ) from 'xj8' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XJ_(X308)#4_jun_2023_6_3_am_est_not_edt from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XJ#5_jun_2023_6_1_am_est_not_edt or (2)directory/folder 'car-service-manual' in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link ]
21 aug 2023 11:28 pm est-not-edt :
#reword# 3201 honda crv lx/ex awd 2354cc y2003 #m#
#to# 3201 honda crv lx fwd 2354-cc-engine/2.4-liter-engine year-2003 #x# [source : edmunds.com/honda/cr-v/2003/st-100194915/features-specs/#21-aug-2023-11-28-pm-est-not-edt ]
21 aug 2023 11:46 pm est-not-edt :
#reword# 4549 fiat-jeep->wrangler-4-door-year-2018 2.0-liter-engine unlimited sahara 4x4 awd #at#-with-manual-gear-change-mode [source:'4549 lb' in https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a23746585/2018-jeep-wrangler-unlimited-suv-turbo-four-cylinder-hybrid/ from google(wrangler 2.0 weight)result 3]
#to# 4549 fiat-jeep->wrangler-4-door-year-2018 2.0-liter-engine-plus-ampere-ac-motor-total-270-horse-power unlimited sahara 4x4 awd #at#-with-manual-gear-change-mode [source:'4549 lb' in https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a23746585/2018-jeep-wrangler-unlimited-suv-turbo-four-cylinder-hybrid/ from google(wrangler 2.0 weight)result 3]
24 aug 2023 5:14 am est-not-edt :
3287 honda crv ex awd 2354-cc-engine/2.4-liter-engine year-2003 #x# [source : edmunds.com/honda/cr-v/2003/st-100194915/features-specs/#21-aug-2023-11-28-pm-est-not-edt ]
4215 fiat-jeep->wrangler-4-door-year-2018 3.6-liter-engine-v-6-piston #x# [source : edmunds.com/jeep/wrangler/2018/st-401734230/features-specs/ ]
24 aug 2023 2:44 pm est-not-edt :
maybe part-time-awd which become full-time-awd during front-tire-slippage is not possible .
maybe it is not possible to test does posterior-tire rotate or not during front-tire rotate and have good-traction .
so with full-time-awd-with-10%-torque-go-to-posterior-tire : fuel-consumption maybe is not fully-efficient , just semi-efficient .
that 10%-torque-on-posterior-tire is not strong enough to make crv pass this awd-test :
honda.ca->(crv-year-2019 , 2013 ) roller-test :
youtube.com/watch?v=iytv4qmhnla ( 2019 honda cr-v real time awd vs 2013 honda cr-v real time awd - 4x4 test on rollers )
from youtube-search ( crv awd test ) result 3
but even-with semi-efficient-fuel-consumption on honda.ca->crv , honda.ca->crv still more fuel-efficient ( has better 'mpg---'-score ) than
that awd-with-button-car .
some heavy-weight-car-with-body-on-frame-chassis-not-unibody-chassis has awd-button which turn-on awd ( awd-with-button-car ) , example :
find 'SUV : Cadillac Escalade (ESV), Chevrolet Suburban, Chevrolet Tahoe, Ford Expedition (Max), GMC Yukon (XL), Infiniti QX80,
Jeep Wrangler (Unlimited), Lexus GX, Lexus LX, Lincoln Navigator (L), Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Nissan Armada,
Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Sequoia
Pickup Truck : Chevrolet Colorado, Chevrolet Silverado, Ford F-150, Ford Ranger, GMC Canyon, GMC Sierra, Jeep Gladiator,
Nissan Frontier, Nissan Titan, Ram 1500, Toyota Tacoma, Toyota Tundra'
maybe can be tested with method :
(1) put awd-with-button-car on frame-hoisting-machine/4-tire-car-lifter which lift all-4-tire .
(2) press accelerator-pedal and see does 4-tire rotate or not during awd-button-is-on and during awd-button-is-(off/mortem) .
find '#145# how (front-wheel-drive/fwd)-car can get out of snowy-and-icey-parking-spot :' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm for tips .
24 aug 2023 3:55 pm est-not-edt :
to make part-time-awd which become full-time-awd during front-tire-slippage :
(1)awd-viscous-clutch-fluid/differential-fluid initially is inside some-container ( not inside drive-shaft ) .
if front-tire-slippage is happening then awd-viscous-clutch-fluid/differential-fluid relocate from that-some-container to inside drive-shaft .
if front-tire-slippage is not happening anymore during next-time ecu/engine-control-unit compare front-tire-speed-vs-posterior-tire-speed
then awd-viscous-clutch-fluid/differential-fluid relocate from drive-shaft to that-some-container .
reality is awd-viscous-(kuplung/clutch) is inside drive-shaft eternally so part-time-awd maybe is actually full-time-awd .
maybe ecu/engine-control-unit compare front-tire-speed-vs-posterior-tire-speed , eternally-repeatedly-happen which consume extra battery-ampere
24 aug 2023 4:25 pm est-not-edt : end 28 aug 2023 5:54 am est-not-edt
[source : 'AWD systems lose more power through drivetrain as opposed to RWD. Typically, RWD power loss is around the 15% mark , whether through a manual or automatic transmission. For AWD systems, 20-25% losses through the drivetrain are standard . It takes more to produce more, and for some the setback is too much.' in racingjunk.com/news/rwd-vs-awd-in-drag-racing/ from google ( rwd vs awd drag race ) result 1 ]
maybe during drag-race-with :
(4)aircraft-ils-guided-approach-landing-touch-down-on-finish-line to guide car to maintain straight-driving-path
between crv-fwd vs crv-awd : crv-fwd win .
25 aug 2023 11:32 pm est-not-edt :
#reword# 28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man kevin-k-azizsired on honda-dealer on 'autonation honda dulles' in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z
#to# 28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man kevin-k-azizsired on honda-dealer on autonationhondadulles.com in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z
#reword# (16)assuming crv-year-2019 has same brochure like crv-year-2020 in find '28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man on honda-dealer on 'autonation honda dulles' in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z'
#to# (16)assuming crv-year-2019 has same brochure like crv-year-2020 in find '28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man on honda-dealer on autonationhondadulles.com in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z'
23 sep 2023 4:50 pm est-not-edt : end 6 oct 2023 9:52 pm est-not-edt
so maybe honda.ca->crv-real-time-awd is actually like audiusa.com->full-time-awd/audi-quattro-principle :
youtube.com/watch?v=9MlhYHy4pwg#30-jul-2023-4-35-am-est-not-edt ( Audi - The quattro Principle )
where audi-quattro-principle has meaning : engine send 60 % torque/engine-power to front-tire , 40 % torque to (posterior/rear)-tire .
but honda.ca->crv-real-time-awd maybe send 90 % torque/engine-power to front-tire , 10 % torque to (posterior/rear)-tire .
but honda.ca->crv-full-time-awd is still more fuel-efficient than jeep.com->wrangler-during-2wd-mode .
full-time-awd is slower than rwd :
youtube.com/watch?v=0mksLPa4OSQ ( My 21’ f-150 5.0 2wd vs 21’ f-150 5.0 4x4 off a dig. mexico runs )
from movie-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=mMeiWQtj2SY ( 4-wd F-150 vs 2-wd F-150 1/4 mile ) from youtube-search ( 4wd vs 2wd race ) result 4
movie-uploader : mario-castillo , 22 subscribers , 4,033 views , publish-date : 3 jan 2022 .
[source : 'AWD systems lose more power through drivetrain as opposed to RWD. Typically, RWD power loss is around the 15% mark , whether through a manual or automatic transmission. For AWD systems, 20-25% losses through the drivetrain are standard . It takes more to produce more, and for some the setback is too much.' in racingjunk.com/news/rwd-vs-awd-in-drag-racing/ from google ( rwd vs awd drag race ) result 1 ]
29 oct 2023 6:3 pm est-not-edt :
#reword# find '#145# how (front-wheel-drive/fwd)-car can get out of snowy-and-icey-parking-spot :' for tips .
#to# find '#145# how (front-wheel-drive/fwd)-car can get out of snowy-and-icey-parking-spot :' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm for tips .
16 dec 2023 4:45 am est :
maybe honda.ca->crv-real-time-awd is actually working like advertised ( part-time-awd ) , but i still do not understand
how 'hypoid' equal-to 'rear wheel' in pdf-page 835 in honda-crv-2002-2005-service-manual.pdf in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link
content :
part which exists because i photo-copy idea from top-gear-tv-show->jeremy-clarkson use writing-ink-like-sharpie to write list of race-lap-time
for many sport-car on white-board with sort-order shortest-race-lap-time-duration is rank 1 :
find 'mpg----' , 'curb-weight-lbs'
i-4 has meaning : 4 cylinder/combustion-chamber , engine-piston-position : straight/inline/vertical-create-orthogonal-angle-against-ground
v-6 , vr-6 , has meaning : 6 cylinder/combustion-chamber , engine-piston-position : arrow-tip-pointing-downward with certain angle between 2 (piston-housing/cylinder)
vr has meaning v-inline/v-in-1-line/v-narrow (in german-language 'v-reihen-motor' , 'reihen' ( pronunciation 'raiön' ) means in-1-line ) .
pronunciation-tips : ö sounds like 'i' in 'sir' . ä sounds like 'a' in 'at' . e sounds like 1st 'a' dipthong in 'day' .
ɔ sounds like 'o' in 'odd' . o sounds like 1-st 'o' dipthong in 'open' . e sounds like 1-st 'e' dipthong in 'day' . [2 source : (1)'pezu' in 'Jack Blakeask''s comment:'Why the heck you French people put “T” on Peugeot when you say it sounds like peZuuuuu?? SMH' in deleted-movie youtube.com/watch?v=eOTRr0yTP38 ( How to pronounce french car names ) from youtube-search ( how pronounce peugeot ) result 5 (2)find 'pronunciation note' in wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo.htm ]
d = cylinder-bank-angle between 2 (piston-housing/cylinder) , in-other-word : angle between 2 (piston-housing/cylinder) .
\ /
example :
(1) sedan mercedes-benz->c-280->year-1998->v-6-engine : 90 cylinder-bank-degree-angle
( 3-piston-with-around-45-degree-against-ground-and-3-piston-with-around-135-degree-against-ground ) .
(2) suv nissan->pathfinder->year-1985->v-6-engine : 60 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
(3) medium-truck toyota->tacoma->year-2004->v-6-engine : 60 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
(4) suv audi->q-7->year-2005->vr-6 : 10.6 cylinder-bank-degree-angle .
[16 source :
(1)piston-position inside car-engine-hood for (straight/inline)-engine vs v-engine vs (boxer/flat)-engine : youtube.com/watch?v=JorhCTyi2lQ ( How Subaru Boxer Engine & AWD System works. ) from youtube-search ( flat engine animation ) result 13 from maybe-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=NNqmNqaZlKA ( Straight 6 engine animation ) from google-image ( piston position in straight engine ) row 4 col 2
(2)'The downside of a boxer engine from a balance perspective is that pistons don’t sit directly across from 1 another, meaning they can create a torque that tends to want to rotate the engine about the vertical axis.' in jalopnik.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-a-boxer-four-engine-versus-an-inli-1797511015 from google ( boxer piston crack easier ) result 1 from 'Fizzy Elf And it helps pistons crack easier 😏' in youtube.com/watch?v=JorhCTyi2lQ ( How Subaru Boxer Engine & AWD System works. ) from youtube-search ( flat engine animation ) result 13
(3)'Inline-4, though, are narrow, meaning there can be a lot of room for steering and suspension bits in rear-drive applications. Plus, they only use a single, easily-accessed cylinder head, and a lot fewer moving parts. This means inline-4 tend to be more serviceable, which is something you probably already know about from listening to WRX owners complain about spark-plug jobs.' in find 'jalopnik.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-a-boxer-four-engine-versus-an-inli-1797511015'
(4)inline-engine is-same-as straight-engine : [source:'inline-four engine or straight-four engine is a type of inline internal combustion four-cylinder engine with all four cylinders mounted in a straight line, or plane along the crankcase' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inline-four_engine
(5)'Inline engines, sometimes called straight engines, are the most common types of engines' in proctorcars.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-different-engine-types/ from google ( v engine disadvantage ) result 2
(6)pearltrees.com/thomasdoughty/engine/id9324767/item92490947#l259 from google ( v engine disadvantage ) result 1
(7)carthrottle.com/post/engineering-explained-the-pros-and-cons-of-different-engine-types/ from google ( inline engine disadvantage ) result 1
(8)motorreviewer.com/engine.php?engine_id=31 from google ( benz m112 v angle ) result 1 from '90' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_M112_engine#4_jan_2023_10_52_pm_est from 'predecessor' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_M272_engine from google ( c280 v engine angle degree )
(9)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Tacoma#4_jan_2022_11_44_pm_est from wikipedia->search ( 1gr-fe ) result 13 from '1gr-fe' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V6_engine#4_jan_2023_11_25_pm_est from google ( v piston angle )
(10)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Pathfinder#4_jan_2023_11_29_pm_est from 'pathfinder' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_VG_Engine#4_jan_2023_11_26_pm_est from '1984-1999 Nissan VG30E 60-degree engine' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V6_engine#4_jan_2023_11_25_pm_est from google ( v piston angle )
(11)'v-angle' in hogervorst.tech/craig/v8-engines.html from google-image ( cylinder bank angle )
(12)'bank angle' in hako-lehrmittel.de/en/produktkatalog/w-12-engine/ from google ( cylinder bank angle ) row last col 3
(13)'bank angle' in autoracing1.com/pl/65333 from google-image ( cylinder bank angle ) row 3 col last
(14)'bank angle' in hogervorst.tech/craig/v8-engines.html from google-image ( cylinder bank angle ) page 2
(16)'10.6' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VR6_engine#6_jan_2023_11_8_am_est from 'vr6' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V6_engine#Design
#c-1# means car 1
i have history of driving these car and my opinion about these car :
#c-1# honda.ca->crv-year-2003 , engine : i-4 2.354 Liter , tire-code 'p 205 / 70 r 15 95 s' . body-design-patent : freepatentsonline.com/D458871.pdf from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar) from google(Patent D458871 - Motorcar)result 4 from 'Patent D458871 - Motorcar in https://web.archive.org/web/20151117015621/http://www.ptodirect.com/Results/Patents?query=PN%2FD458871 from ref-7 in 'Designer Mitsuhiro Honda (1999)[7]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V
[source : (1)'inline 4-cylinder, transverse' in in pdf-page 36 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing from https://procarmanuals.com/honda-cr-v-2002-2005-shop-manual/ from 'pdf' in crvownersclub.com/threads/gen2-usa-service-manual-in-pdf-au-and-nz-version.217090/ from google ( honda cr v 2002 service manual pdf ) result 7 and pdf-united-with 'pdfunite' in wortel.ucoz.com/howto.htm
(2)'inline 4' in edmunds.com/honda/cr-v/2003/features-specs/ from google ( what is the ground clearance of a honda cr v ) result 4
component-brand :
front-shock-absorber starting maybe 9 or 13 mile , 4 dec 2002 : maybe amshowa.com because amshowa.com seems original-component .
front-shock-absorber starting 82184 mile , 24 aug 2017 9:27 am est : monroe.com [source : find 'service during mileage 82184, 24 aug 2017 9:27 am est : ( service-advisor : haroun-akram )' ]
all 5 tire starting maybe 9 or 13 mile , 4 dec 2002 : bridgestone.com->dueler-h-/-t-470 . [source : 'Bridgestone Dueler H/T 470' in americastire.com/buy-tires/bridgestone-dueler-h-t-470/p/25026 from google ( 2003 honda crv oem tire ) , ( 2003 honda crv bridgestone dueler ht ) from 'bridgestone' , 'dueler' , 'ht' in https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/honda/cr-v/2003/ratings-specs/ from google ( 2003 honda crv bridgestone dueler ) from google ( 2002 honda crv original tire bridgestone potenza ) , ( 2002 honda crv original tire bridgestone ) ] .
all 5 tire starting 5 jul 2015 : omni-united.com->radar-tire-group->guardsman-plus-tire-model installed by sears.com->car-tire-shop
impromptu ( without earlier notification or without earlier appointment-making ) ,
while me and my mother wait inside shopping-mall shopdullestowncenter.com adjacent to that
sears.com->car-tire-shop .
comment : i regret buying guardsman-plus-tire number 5 to replace barely-used spare-tire bridgestone.com ,
user-manual says all 4 tire must have same brand-and-model but i feel some of 4 tire on road can have different brand and
just need same tire-weather-type ( summer-tire , winter-tire , summer-and-winter-tire )
because asphalt-texture on left-side maybe different from asphalt-texture on right-side , that guardsmand-plus-tire-model during new felt
producing strong grip on road ( brake-stopping-distance is shorter than bridgestone.com-with-worn-tire-tread-texture ) .
i like that sears.com sending email-receipt saying guardsman-plus-tire-model on find 'service during 5 jul 2015 6:32 am with sears.com->tire-shop-associate steven-b : [source : receipt-email from sears.com]'
. 5 jul 2015 is sunday and autonationhondadulles.com is closed and my front-passenger-seat-tire appear semi-flat and
maybe mrs-deborah-jaya tell my mother to go to sears.com->tire-shop adjacent to shopping-mall shopdullestowncenter.com .
coincidentally my ex-supervisor in iastate.edu->veterinary-diagnostics-lab ( jan 2001 => 20 nov 2010 ) randy-berghefer has history working in
usa->iowa-state->des-moines-city->sears.com as sales-worker .
sears.com->usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->tire-shop does not sell bridgestone.com-tire-model for honda.com->crv-year-2003
so it is mystical/magic to go to sears.com-tire-shop and buy this
singapore-country-brand omni-united.com->radar-tire-group->guardsman-plus-tire-model because
my parents have singapore-dollar-money-currency :
(1)maybe starting apr 1981 when my father in semi-coma-state is passenger inside garuda-indonesia.com-flight to nuh.com.sg-hospital
to get treatment for possible leptospirosis because my father which was 1 manager of manager-group/management-board in spd-textile-factory
(now sritex.co.id even-though factory-building-board-name still says sinar-pantja-djadja)
run on muddy-field with some wound on foot during riot [source : find 'kicak' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm ].
maybe some frog-urine , rat/mouse-urine enter that wound then producing leptospirosis . maybe there was frog-bite on my father's foot .
(2)starting during year 1997 asian-currency-devaluation-against-usd-crisis
( which is maybe caused by : short-seller-group consist-of : (gs/george-soros)->quantum-fund , julian-robertson->tiger-fund , paul-tudor-jones ,
GoldmanSachs.com , jpmorganchase.com , citigroup.com->citibank , bzw/barclays.com-zoete-wedd , MorganStanley.com doing
this possible procedure :
[source : (1)https://www.valdosta.edu/academics/international-programs/asia-council/documents/thai-crisis.pdf
from google ( how george soros short sell devalue baht ) result 1 (2)https://thanong.tripod.com/01302001.htm#26_apr_2022_4_55_am_edt from google(george soros attack baht)result 5 or find '---https://thanong.tripod.com/01302001.htm#26_apr_2022_4_55_am_edt from google(george soros attack baht)result 5' in my blog/journal/diary wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ] :
(1) george-soros/gs start hedge-fund->forward-contract with bot/bank-of-thailand , so gs can use ??? usd to buy ??? baht from bot with
permanent-exchange-ratio/forward-contract-exchange-ratio 26 baht = 1 usd in unknown-date prior jan-1998 ,
with forward-contract-duration unknown .
bot get gs's ??? usd and use that ??? usd for foreign-usd-reserve which give tent-peg to currency-exchange-ratio of baht and usd .
maybe tent-peg means making usd plenty inside thailand-country so that usd-value decrease inside thailand-country .
rare-item can request high price , bot maybe prevent usd from becoming rare-item inside thailand-country .
(2) gs sell all his baht in usa with higher baht-value against usd , because baht is rare-item in usa . rare-item can request high price .
maybe baht-creator can accidentally-possess baht-owner's mind . just like movie en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Lies_Beneath
( accidental-telepathy-connection ) .
maybe usa-female-baht-owner can accidentally-possess baht-creator's wife ( accidental-telepathy-connection ) .
maybe accidental-telepathy-connection to female is more possible than male because :
maybe salt-consumer do not get accidental-telepathy-connection , and male is more often to consume salty-pig-fat/bacon than female , and
female is more likely to drink alcohol-beverage which make accidental-telepathy-connection easier .
then for unknown-reason bot want to stop that accidental-telepathy-connection , with method buying pricey baht in gs's currency-shop in usa .
(3) bot spend tons of usd to buy that gs's pricey baht in usa , bot want to decrease baht-availability in usa
to decrease accidental-telepathy-connection with usa-baht-owner .
then bot start to deplete foreign-usd-reserve then :
bot must remove tent-peg for currency-exchange-ratio of baht and usd inside thailand-country ,
bot must float baht 2 jul 1997 inside thailand-country ,
bot must start letting supply-and-demand-market set baht-value against usd-value inside thailand-country .
[source : 'In attempt to resist baht-devaluation/weakening, bot/Bank-of-Thailand, purchased baht with dollars in foreign exchange market,
raised interest rates and restricted foreigners access to baht during 1-st few months.
All these measures decimated bot’s credibility' in
https://www.businessinsider.com/how-george-soros-broke-the-bank-of-thailand-2016-9 from google ( how george soros short sell devalue baht ) result 2 ]
(4) baht devalue against usd inside thailand-country because supply-and-demand-market inside thailand-country
says usd's popularity-rank is higher than baht .
bot announce in thailand-country : jun 1997 1 usd = 25 baht
jan 1998 1 usd = 54 baht
(5) jan 1998 gs use 1 billion usd to buy 54 billion baht , gs use exchange-ratio 'jan 1998 1 usd = 54 baht' which means
gs maybe order other-person/intermediary who is not under obligation to obey 'forward-contract-exchange-ratio 26 baht = 1 usd'
to do that buy-transaction with bot .
(6) gs with obligation to obey 'forward-contract-exchange-ratio 26 baht = 1 usd' with bot
use 54 billion baht to buy around 2 billion usd from bot , so gs get profit around 1 billion usd .
which is during my parents keep money in singapore-country->citigroup.com->citibank-bank
then relocate money to singapore-country->ubs.com because my parents' banker
singapore-country->citigroup.com->citibank-bank->banker andrew-ho relocate to singapore-country->ubs.com and
carry my parents' money with my parents' permission but then andrew-ho gets promoted
from officer-1 ( keeping 1 mega-usd and under 1 mega-usd ) to officer-2 ( keeping 1.?? mega-usd to 10 mega-usd )
then female-banker-with-forgotten-name keep my parents money until my parents withdraw that money because that money eventually decrease
to amount below singapore-country->ubs.com->minimum-money-amount-criteria .
maybe my mother always save left-over-money in usd maybe because :
riot in find 'kicak' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm
my parents relocate money from indonesia-country->bca.co.id to singapore-country->citigroup.com->citibank-bank
because rumor about indonesia-country->rupiah-currency-value which is severely-lower-than-normal against usd-value
will close/bankrupt indonesia-country-bank
because indonesia-country-bank has debt in usd and can not repay debt in usd because usd-value
become abruptly-excessively-high against rupiah-value .
and if indonesia-country-bank bankrupt then customer's money is gone , at that time indonesia-country-bank is not like some-usa-bank which says
'maximum total-of-checking-and-saving-and-etc-account-money-amount 250,000 usd is insured/protected by fdic.gov so
if some-usa-bank bankrupt and customer has 300,000 usd inside that some-usa-bank
then that customer get 250,000 usd back and that customer lose 50,000 usd ' .
oxygen-sensor starting 96,583 mile , 6 jan 2020 1:34 pm edt [source : find 'service during mileage:96,583, 6-jan-2020 1:34 pm es']
front-brake-pad starting 0 mile : maybe NissinKogyo.com because nissinkogyo.com is honda.com's subsidiary .
front-brake-pad starting 103,295 mile , 11 feb 2022 2:25 pm est(utc-5) : unknown [source : find 'service during mileage 103,295 mile , service-advisor = michael-helmke . entry-date 11 feb 2022 2:25 pm est(utc-5) , '] .
rear-brake-pad starting ??? mile : ??? ( not original rear-brake-pad anymore , renewal happen in usa->iowa-state->ames-city->ameshonda.com )
battery starting 96,916 mile , 28 jan 2020 1:19 pm est : precision-parts-brand [source : find 'mileage 96,916, 28 jan-2020-1:9 pm est . service-advisor = robert-miner']
source :
1)'2.4' in https://www.kbb.com/honda/cr-v/2003/ from google (2003 crv) result 1
2)'A litre is defined as a special name for a cubic decimetre or
10 centimetres × 10 centimetres × 10 centimetres, (1 L ≡ 1 dm3 ≡ 1000 cm3)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litre from google (liter) result 1
3)'the cube of a number n is its third power:
the result of the number multiplied by itself twice:n3 = n × n × n.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cube_(algebra) from google (cubic) result 3
4)'displacement' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF page 342 from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
5)'Tire Pressure Adjustment for High Speed Driving' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF page 342 from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
4 december 2002, i bought crv year 2003 with my parents' money.initially i plan to buy toyota-rav4 but my friend-apartment-room-mate sterly-sudargo recommend honda-crv because honda-crv is bigger.
vin : shsrd-78853-u-104139, mileage : 9, price : 23,711 usd, sales-man : stephen-fisher/steve-fisher(sales-consultant, honda-client-relation), assembly-place:uk-sovereign->england-country->wiltshire-county->swindon-city->honda-factory google.com/maps/place/Honda+Of+The+UK+Manufacturing+Ltd/@51.5931555,-1.7385596,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x546f39d3cd2290d5!8m2!3d51.5935054!4d-1.7409736 , engine-number:k24a1-2504722, engine-origin:japan, control-number:036094, transmission-origin:japan, entry-sea-port:baltimore, delivery-point:schaumburg (maybe schaumburghondaautos.com from https://automobiles.honda.com/tools/dealership-locator), ship-number:Leg-798636, transportation-method:n30-kansas-cL, seller/dealer-company:maybe www.jordanmotors.co -> honda-dealer [source:(1/2)'Honda of Ames, in Ames, Iowa, joined the Lithia Motors family of dealerships in February 2007 after being acquired from Jordan Motors, Inc.' in https://www.ameshonda.com/dealership/about.htm (2/2)www.jordanmotors.co from google (jordan motors dealer) from 'Lithia Motors, one of the nation’s largest auto dealership companies, has purchased Jordan Motors dealerships in Johnston and Ames.' in https://urbandsm.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2256 from google (jordan motors inc honda ames 2007) result 8]
pro :
1)automatic transmission stick is hanging on dashboard,normally, transmission
stick sits in between driver seat and front passenger seat, which can trap
falling food debris. but has possible cons:find 'i realise honda->crv-year-2003 has transmission-shifter-which-hang-on-dashboard, need to be stared at during grabbing.' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
2)it is possible to have empty space between driver seat and front passenger
seat, so a driver can move from driver seat to front passenger seat rather easily.
3)table located in between driver seat and front passenger seat can fold
providing extra empty space between driver seat and front passenger seat.
i can put umbrella underneath that table.
2 cup holders on that table.
1 cup holder hanging on dashboard.
2 cup holder on the separator on rear seat.
4)7 feet ladder, louisville brandname, fits with rear window is closed.
5)thin door panel which makes easy to see area below side window,
thin side mirrors which can be folded manually.
6)cargo space is plenty.
7)ground-clearance is tall enough allowing crv to climb-then-descend some iron-platform sticking-out of certain car-lifter,
without damaging the bottom of crv.
i don't know what brand that car-lifter is, that car-lifter consist of 2 iron-pillars.
each iron-pillar has wide iron-platform. that wide iron-platform is rather tall, can almost scratch the underneath of
toyota->camry-bumper when that toyota->camry move backward away from that car-lifter, that car-lifter has black-color.
virginia-tire-&-auto-of-broadlands/vatire.com in https://www.google.com/maps/@39.0086679,-77.507728,18z
has that car-lifter.
but crv-year-2003 maybe suffer catalytic-converter->heat-shield if climbing-then-descending pedestrian-side-curb
8)like any suv driver,crv driver sits tall,allowing crv driver to see road far
9)head rest for middle rear seat must be removed so driver can see rear object
on rear view mirror.
10)headlamp is not automatically on like toyota highlander year 2004 when starting
the crv, so battery usage is efficient.
11)has bug-deflector accessory, mud-flap.
has Auto Ventshade (avs) brandname bug-deflector now,not original honda bug-deflector.
our crv used to have original honda bug-deflector then that bug-deflector were
partially blown away during driving on highway.wind in car-wash-dryer-machine,
maybe weaken bug-deflector.then a car-repair-shop replace that original honda
bug-deflector with avs bug-deflector.avs means auto-ventshade.source:google (avs bug deflector)
avs-bug-deflector almost-long-enough-to-fully-protect painted-front-upper-bumper from tiny-rock-impact during high-speed-driving.
i forgot whether honda-original-bug-deflector was long enough to fully-protect that same-area or not.
crv-front-lower-bumper-color is always black because crv-front-lower-bumper is plastic.
look bad because front-upper-bumper-color can be different from front-lower-bumper-black-color but
plastic-front-lower-bumper seems endure tiny-rock-impact during high-speed-driving without suffering cosmetic-damage.
12)jdpower dependability score usually is the best
13)cargo-door swing from left to right so i can just open cargo door slightly to
put small item in cargo area.cargo-door does not have to be opened widely to
put small item in cargo area.
14)spare-tire hanging on rear-door-exterior/cargo-door-exterior , protect rear-door from gentle rear-impact.
spare-tire-location is located on outdoor so dirty-flat-tire will not make interior-cargo-space dirty .
honda crv year 2015 interior-spare-tire-location will be dirty being caused by carrying
dirty-flat-tire and difficult to clean : youtube.com/watch?v=350jCX0uffs&t=3m5s#11_feb_2019_9_pm_est (Honda How To | Honda Laura Changes a Flat Tire ) from youtube-search (crv spare tire)
spare-tire hanging on rear-door-exterior make checking spare-tire-pressure easy .
if needing to get spare-tire then evacuating luggage on cargo-space is not necessary .
but thief maybe steal spare-tire-hanging-on-rear-door-exterior so try to choose low-profile-wheel which does not attract thief .
[reason]maybe omix-ada.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier:https://www.omix-ada.com/tailgate-door-07-16-jeep-wrangler-jk.html from 'tailgate' in https://www.mopar.com/en-us/store/parts/mopar-restoration-parts.html#exterior from google (mopar tailgate maker) result 2[/reason]
midwayproducts.com make cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier for fiat-jeep->wrangler.
source:'spare tire carrier' in http://www.midwayproducts.com/products/ from google(midway products)result 1 from
'tapping plate[door & door hinges]' in https://s3-prod.autonews.com/s3fs-public/CA1175701019.PDF from
https://www.autonews.com/article/20181022/CUTAWAY/181019570/suppliers-to-the-2018-jeep-wranger from google-image(jeep supplier)row 4 col last
wrangler-cargo-door has 2 piece , piece-1 swing side-way , piece-2 swing upward : youtube.com/watch?v=kBO1TrysyA4#13_feb_2019_7_50_pm_est (How to Replace Spare Tire 06-18 Jeep Wrangler) from youtube-search(wrangler change tire).
wrangler-passenger-door seems not making down-force if wind blow wrangler-passenger-door.
but if suffering accident which damage cargo-door , example : moving car backward then cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier
accidentally hit brown-colored-fuel-station-convenient-store-parking-lot-bollard [https://jpsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1_4in-brown-bollard-cover-c.jpg from google-image(brown bollard) row 1 col 2 from 'bollard' in https://www.belson.com/Parking-Lot-Equipment from google(fuel station convenience store barricade pole)result 1]
then fixing damaged-cargo-door-with-spare-tire-carrier will be more difficult than fixing damaged-cargo-door-without-spare-tire-carrier.
15)seat-belt for front-passenger,is optional.crv year 2003, does not have
16)crv's 2.354 L engine, is bigger than rav4 1.998 L engine.
but crv's 2.354 L has better mpg than rav4 year 2003.
crv : city/highway : 20/26 mpg
rav4 : city/highway : 20/25 mpg
source:1)https://www.kbb.com/toyota/rav4/2003/ from google (toyota rav4 2003) result 1
2)https://www.kbb.com/honda/cr-v/2003/ from google (crv 2003) result 1
3)'1998' in https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM42517U/pdf/OM42517U.pdf page 255 from google (rav4 2003 user manual) result 1
17)cargo-room-floor-entrance-height lower than lexus-rx-350 year 2008=>year 2015 (1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V#26_dec_2018_10_44_am_est (2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexus_RX#Third_generation_(AL10;_2008%E2%80%932015)
18)engine-hood from wind-shield/front-glass to front-bumper, is a downward-curve, car-front-face from rear-to-front is a downward-curve,
making (1)good-front-bumper-visibility (2)down-force like formula-1-car.
there is upward-curve going from rear-lowest-front-bumper-part to front-lowest-front-bumper-part which make up-force
which can make crv fly a little-bit during driving very high-speed opposing strong-wing but that down-force maybe is
strong enough to prevent flying furthermore wind must be very strong to lift crv.
that upward-curve make crv can go from steep-down-hill-slope-road to flat-road or maybe up-hill-road, without scraping
but front-light which make down-force, accumulate more debris than front-light which make up-force.
front-light which make up-force, has stronger gravity-force which make debris fall down-ward.
debris on front-light, decrease front-light-brigtness.
cleaning front-light, on garage-floor which has no water-drainage, is bad for garage-floor. parking car outdoor, means
wasting gasoline just for cleaning front-light.
simplified :
'Cd is coefficient of drag determined by shape of car and angle-of-attack.
CL is coefficient of Lift, determined by shape of car and angle-of-attack.
modern Formula 1 car, lift-to-drag ratio CL/Cd has a typical value 2.5, so down-force dominates performance.'
in formula1-dictionary.net/downforce.html from google ( car down force value ) result 1
Ld-ratio (Lift-to-drag-ratio, big more likely to fly, small more likely to stay on ground)
cd (air-drag-coefficient, small means slippery) [source:'lower drag coefficient indicates the object will have less aerodynamic or hydrodynamic drag' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drag_coefficient from google ( drag coefficient ) result 1]
cL (lift-coefficient, big means big lifting-force) [source:'lift force' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift_coefficient from 'lift' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio]
virgin-atlantic-global-flyer Ld-ratio 37 or ( 37:1 ) or ( 37 / 1 ) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio from google ( coefficient lift ) result 1]
boeing-777-200 Ld-ratio 19.3 [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio from google ( coefficient lift ) result 1]
airbus-a-340 Ld-ratio 19.1 [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio from google ( coefficient lift ) result 1]
boeing-747-400 Ld-ratio 15.5 [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift-to-drag_ratio from google ( coefficient lift ) result 1]
champ-car-year-2003->lola-team Ld-ratio 3.14 [source:http://www.mulsannescorner.com/aerodatabaselolab0300.html from 'Mulsanne's Corner Race Car Aerodynamics Database: 2003 Lola B03/00 Champ Car' in https://www.ultimatecarpage.com/forum/showthread.php?41451-F1-car-vs-LMP1-car-downforce-levels from google ( lift to drag ratio lemans car ) result 2
f1-race-car Ld-ratio 2.5 [source:formula1-dictionary.net/downforce.html from google ( car down force value ) result 1]
ferrari->year-1999->360-modena Ld-ratio 0.73:1 cd 0.34 cL -0.25 [source:http://www.mulsannescorner.com/aerodatabaseferrari360modena99.html from 'modena' in http://www.mulsannescorner.com/data.html from 'Race Car Aerodynamics Data Base' in mulsannescorner.com from 'Mulsanne's Corner Race Car Aerodynamics Database: 2003 Lola B03/00 Champ Car' in https://www.ultimatecarpage.com/forum/showthread.php?41451-F1-car-vs-LMP1-car-downforce-levels from google ( lift to drag ratio lemans car ) result 2]
example flying-car : find 'benz-clr fly:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkcGPf-fLV0 (Le Mans Flying Cars)'
but front-light which doesn't make down-force maybe illuminate more road-area than front-light which make down-force.
but usually road has lamp-pole illuminating road but that lamp-pole waste natural-gas/methane/propane because those
lamp-pole stay on all the time during night even-though road is empty and using car-movement-detector to turn-on
lamp-pole also waste natural-gas/methane/propane.
19)use trans-axel(transmission and open-differential in same-housing):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkK2XFnmfhU&t=2m53s (How an Automatic Transmission Works (FWD) ) from recommendation in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E_KPb-Nv7E (Antikythera-M4-DivxQ85) from recommendation from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMITkTYiZ7k (Animation of Antikythera Mechanism )from google(antikythera mechanism animation)result 2 from 'Antikythera Mechanism' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicyclic_gearing from 'planetary gearsets' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_transmission from 'if you properly understand working of a planetary gearset then you can easily understand automatic-transmission' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugao6jTyM7k&t=29s (Automatic Transmission, How it works ? ) from 'I highly recommend checking out this video that walks you through it' in https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/how-automatic-transmission-works/ from google(how automatic transmission work)
trans-axel decrease 1 or 2 bevel-gear-usage, bevel-gear maybe is more difficult to make than normal-gear, bevel-gear
maybe less powerful than normal-gear.
how bevel-gear look like:https://khkgears.net/new/bevel_gears.html from google(bevel gear vs normal gear performance)result 2
bevel-gear-running:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOgoejxzF8c&t=1m20s (How a Differential works ?) from youtube-search(differential)result 3
how open-differential make car turn easily:
(1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOgoejxzF8c#1_feb-2019_12_12_pm_est (How a Differential works ?) from youtube-search(differential)result 3
(2)example:asphalt-friction make left-tire stop-rotating during turning-left then open-differential allow right-tire keep-on-rotating:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYB11AAAGmI&t=6m35s#3_oct_2019_9_3_am_edt (DIY Front suspension with differential and steering gear )from youtube-search(differential steering)result 4
'if right-wheel and left-wheel were connected using a solid-shaft then certain wheel must slip to accomplish turning-process' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOgoejxzF8c&t=40s#3_oct_2019_10_40_am_edt (How a Differential works ?) from youtube-search(differential)result 3
but that performance-gain from avoiding bevel-gear maybe reimburse performance-loss from fwd-2-steering-tripod-joint losing
torque so there is no performance-gain eventually. each time fwd-car turn-slightly steering-wheel to stay-straight
inside road-lane that fwd-car lose torque.
how steering-tripod-joint looks like:tire is in right-side, engine is in left-side:https://grabcad.com/library/tripod-joint-1 from google-image (tripod joint) row 2 col last.
as-time-goes-on steering-tripod-bucket-wall-interior contain scratch:'The inner CV joint has this tripod joint and each leg of the tripod has a bearing. The bearings ride along the inner CV bucket walls. Over time these bearings will start to create a groove in the CV bucket walls. This groove becomes a problem when the ride height changes since the tripod joint will sit at a different depth inside the CV bucket. In this new position, it is possible for the bearings to move in and out of the groove and eventually cause pitting on the CV bucket' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejs2teUBZlA (Common Problems - Worn Inner CV Buckets and How To Fix Them | Honda S2000) from google (worn inner cv joint).
but fwd-car is easier to stay-straight on snowy-road than rwd-car.
(1)(1)11:57 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiZ0LYxpmF0 (How to Rebuild a Porsche 911 Transmission Part 2 - Porsche 930 Project - EP10 ) from google-image (porsche 911 trans axel differential) row 1 col last
(2)2:18 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjUuIUrcZBg (How to Rebuild a Porsche 911 Transmission Part 1 - Porsche 930 Project - EP09) from google-image (porsche 911 trans axel differential) row 2 col last
show porsche-911-gear-face-direction which is different from
toyota-corolla-year-1998-to-year-2008-gear-face-direction 3:28, 4:10 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkK2XFnmfhU&t=2m53s (How an Automatic Transmission Works (FWD))
so maybe porsche-911 use bevel-gear.
confirming porsche-911-trans-axel use bevel-gear:(1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XocIZI5akXI&t=1m40s (#2 Porsche 996 transmission Core Factory Limited Slip.No! This is an open diff!) from youtube-search(porsche 911 differential)result 6
(2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU0M5mrlTvc&t=6m5s (How to Remove and Replace a Porsche 997.1 GT3 Differential) from youtube-search(porsche 911 differential)result 1
(2)weight-distribution matter as well. this is poor-comparison to determine whether bevel-gear-performance equals normal-gear-performance.
weight-distribution 51 % front 49% rear 37 % front 63% rear
drive-train-layout front-engine, rwd rear-engine, rwd
vw-porsche->911-gt2-rs-year-2018 use trans-axel as well, with engine-size 2362-cc-smaller-than 6162-cc-engine in
gm-chevrolet->corvette-zr1(1zr w/ztk)-year-2019 but vw-porsche->911-gt2-rs-year-2018 defeat-with-0.5-second
gm-chevrolet->corvette-zr1(1zr w/ztk)-year-2019 in 1/4-mile-drag-race/(1/4-straight-road-race).
gm-chevrolet->corvette-zr1(1zr w/ztk)-year-2019 use propeller-shaft-with-bevel-gear not trans-axel.
gm-chevrolet->corvette-zr1(1zr w/ztk)-year-2019 weight 295 lbs heavier but has 162 lb-ft more torque/initial-acceleration-power.
maybe vw-porsche->911-gt2-rs-year-2018 carry 295-lbs-dumbell can still win ?
gm-chevrolet->corvette-zr1(1zr w/ztk)-year-2019 | vw-porsche->911-gt2-rs-year-2018
engine-size 6162 cc 3800 cc
horsepower 755 hp 691 hp
torque 715 lb-ft 553 lb-ft
transmission automatic-8-speed-stand-alone dual-clutch-automatic-7-speed-trans-axel
curb-weight 3650 lbs 3355 lbs
1/4 mile-drag-race 10.8 second @ 133.1 mph 10.3 second @ 139.3 mph
weight-distribution 51 % front 49% rear 37 % front 63% rear
drive-train-layout front-engine, rwd rear-engine, rwd
source:(1)https://www.motortrend.com/cars/porsche/911/2018/2019-chevrolet-corvette-zr1-vs-2018-porsche-911-gt2-rs-comparison-power-down/ from google(porsche 911 vs corvette drag race result)result 4
(2)https://californiamotorsports.net/pages/porsche-901-transaxle-specification from google(porsche 911 transaxle)result 4
(3)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV0wV-HFXNs (Porsche 911 6 speed transaxle fluid change DIY ) from youtube-search(porsche 911 differential)result 1
(4)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bevel_gear from 'bevel gear' in 'An important product came in 1874 with William's invention of the first bevel gear planer, a planer with integral indexing head designed to specialize in planing bevel gears.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleason_Corporation from 'gleason' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited-slip_differential#Types from idea in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA_19bHxEYg (How an engine works - comprehensive tutorial animation featuring Toyota engine technologies) comment 'how does the car turns the revolution of the pistons in axial velocity for the wheels?' comment from 'Jorge D. Ortega'
(5)honda-crv-year-1997=>2000 service-manual page 451, 477 show open-differential/differential:https://en.zofti.com/open?idm=308 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQlkeZpmq_Y (Download Honda CRV service and repair manual free ) from google(Honda CR-V 2002 - 2005 Service Manual download)result 4 from 'Honda CR-V 2002 - 2005 Service Manual' in http://honda.automotive-manuals.com/cr-v-2002-2005/A00/HTML/00/S9A2E00J26273458601KDAT00-interior-trim-removal-installation-tailgate-area.html from google-image(crv tailgate panel)row 3 col 1
20)lightweight-suv-category according to find '3201 honda crv lx/ex awd 2354cc y2003 #m#'
so: (1)less brake-pad-degradation, less tire-rubber-degradation during braking. more info:find 'how to read some honda-car-multi-point-inspection-word:' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
braking means converting energy-kinetic to energy-heat then cooling energy-heat.
energy-kinetic-formula = 1/2 x weight x (speed)^2. [source:'At its most basic, a brake system converts the kinetic energy of a car into heat energy through friction devices -- namely the pads. How much kinetic energy is at work in a car is determined by its weight' in https://auto.howstuffworks.com/under-the-hood/car-part-longevity/brake-pads-last.htm maybe from google(brake lining mm)]
(2)easy to inflate tire
21)honda->dealer-service is ubiquitous, so if moving to different city then maybe honda->dealer-service
is available and can maintain car. so honda-car maybe really is a vagabond-car/wanderer-car/nomad-car/land-rover-car [source:'vagabond', 'wanderer', 'nomad' in www.tfd.com/rover].
22) 1-page-user-manual is freely-download-able in pdf-format. (html-format with embedded-picture is fine as well actually)
the aftermarket audio panel usually has clock as well
11. no built in clock,
the clock is on the original audio panel,
so it is possible to reduce battery usage by replacing
the original audio panel.
the original audio panel can be replaced by
aftermarket audio panel
which has usb plug and can play mp3 files.
car clock use car battery power when the car engine is dead.
source :
'Connect a constant +12VDC source to terminal “2”
on the back of the clock' in http://www.classicinstruments.com/userfiles/files/Manuals/Clock%20Installation%20012313.pdf from google (how car clock connect to battery) result 1
my aftermarket audio panel :
sony cdx-gt610ui from www.amazon.com wholesaleav which was the cheapest
mp3-player with usb-connection being installed inside
1 quantity '77280-s84-a11za honda pocket assy.,
auto radio [graphite black: nh167l]' 21.35 usd
being attached to the inside of that 77280-s84-a11za honda pocket assy
with screws which come with sony cdx-gt610ui.
'77280-s84-a11za honda pocket assy' is being attached to crv-audio-panel-hole
with 2 quantity 90102-s84-a00 honda screw,tapping (4x16) 0.28 usd
77280-s84-a11za honda pocket assy is a dashboard drawer for honda pilot,
i follow an instruction for installing that honda pilot dashboard drawer in
crv-audio-panel-hole,on some honda forum website which i forgot
23)comes with tire-with-plenty-side-wall which help absorb shock during moving on road-hole.
cons :
1)like any suv-driver,crv-driver can not see short stature toddler standing in
front of car-bumper.
2)like any suv,crv has roll over risk during turning
3)tall radio antenna maybe create aerodynamic drag.
4)awd system weaker than subaru's awd according to
youtube video
(awd test for toyota rav4, ford escape / kuga, honda crv, nissan rogue, subaru forester)
(honda cr-v 2014 4wd still fails, ford kuga 2014 got improved and succeed)
but jdpower score for crv's dependability is higher.
1 time i got stuck on snow, could not get out of parking
lot after
from google (27 january 2015 winter storm) result 1
i parked the crv facing garage door.
tall snow sits on the rear of crv.
i tried to bulldoze that snow on the rear of crv by moving the crv backward
but fail then the crv sinks deeper to snowy road then stucks.
maybe subaru would fail as well.subaru succeed plowing through snow slowly
but maybe that subaru use winter-tires:https://www.facebook.com/subaruconcord/posts/2037788789581436
our crv year 2003 has all-season-tires.
but with same tires type,
20 june 2011, subaru's awd beat honda's awd,
and, year 2014, ford's awd beat honda's awd.
source :
1)awd test for toyota rav4, ford escape / kuga, honda crv, nissan rogue, subaru forester
(Subaru Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive Test)
2)subaru vs ford edge vs chevy equinox vs toyota rav4 vs nissan rogue
(Subaru AWD Uphill Comparison Test)
3)Honda CR-V 2014 4WD still fails, ford kuga 2014 got improved and succeed
(Honda CR-V 2014 4WD failure)
5)remote car key,car clock,eat battery power,when the car engine is off.source:'Proximity Keys' in https://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/car-technology/a5859/how-to-stop-car-battery-drains/ from google (car clock drain battery when car is off) result 1
maybe if there is a button which:(1)shutdown remote-door-lock-capability
(2)shutdown clock (3)shutdown master-door-lock-capability
then batter-power last longer?especially during long-term-storage
info:find 'disconnect the battery' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
6)it is difficult to install child seat brand cosco bc038-azr (www.djgusa.com)
https://smile.amazon.com/Cosco-Highback-2-1-Belt-positioning/dp/B0091IT66G/ref=smi_www_rco2_go_smi_g3499214182?_encoding=UTF8&%2AVersion%2A=1&%2Aentries%2A=0&ie=UTF8 from google (cosco bc038-azr) result 1
,using 'latch' mode.that child seat was bought in local walmart.
child seat anchor point for 'latch' mode,is located far away on the ceiling
near cargo door,require belt from child seat, to extend far away and that belt
become not long enough or not short enough to prevent the child seat from
rocking back and forth.reaching that anchor point on the ceiling near cargo door,
is difficult.see that anchor point on the ceiling near cargo door:
page 46, or find 'latch'
from google (crv 2003 manual) result 1
usually that anchor point is located on the back of the seat:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6WuJdicc1c&t=40s
7)area in front of crv-year-2003's rear-tire-rubber,has mini-shelf which gather dirt
car with smoothest-area in-front-of, above, rear-of tire:tata-jaguar->f-pace
car with not-smooth-area in-front-of, above, rear-of tire:tata-Landrover->evoque?, toyota-lexus->rx, vw-audi->q5, bmw->x5, honda->odyssey
but maybe smooth-area in-front-of, above, rear-of tire, decrease durability in that area.
that area is being called:inner-fender
[source:(1)page 1070 in crv_1997_2000_service repair manual.pdf drive.google.com/file/d/1FRhSbgiCFaw4gzewuvv-TW7ZWsx7HFek/view , page-index crv_1997_2000-service_repair_manual.txt : drive.google.com/file/d/177Wdy94HlE6ARdLP7V55yE39GpdrO0Oh/view
(2)'front inner fender (a)' in pdf-page 1229 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing from procarmanuals.com/honda-cr-v-2002-2005-shop-manual/ from 'pdf' in crvownersclub.com/threads/gen2-usa-service-manual-in-pdf-au-and-nz-version.217090/ from google ( honda cr v 2002 service manual pdf ) result 7 and pdf-united-with 'pdfunite' in wortel.ucoz.com/howto.htm ]
8)crv-year-2003's front-bumper,front-grill must be removed to remove condenser.
car which does not need removing front-bumper,front-grill to remove condenser:
maybe 'jeep grand cherokee year 1993','honda civic year 2004','toyota highlander year 2000'
'bmw 3 series year 2008' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
honda-service-dealer not willing to remove front-bumper,clean condenser,clean radiator
like according to honda-crv-year-2003-user-manual:
'Periodically check the engine’s radiator and air conditioning condenser for
leaves, insects, and dirt stuck to the front surface. These block the air
flow and reduce cooling efficiency.Use a light spray from a hose or a soft brush
to remove them. The condenser and radiator fins bend easily. Only use a low-pressure spray
or soft-bristle brush to clean them.' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF
page 274 from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
honda-service-dealer say it is not profitable to do that,
it is not profitable to return dead-bug-body to earth-soil.
how to wash ac-condenser,radiator and return dead-bug-body to earth-soil?
find 'how to wash ac-condenser,radiator and return dead-bug-body to earth-soil?' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
9)if needing to jump-start crv-year-2003 then there is 1 extra step:
'Remove the power steering resevoir from the bracket. Pull it away from the grounding strap.' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
10)original-cargo-floor-mat has 4 hole for 4 cloth-floor-hook [pdf-page 196 in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1].
so dirt can make those 4 cloth-floor-hook dirty.
11)similar to '#c-5# honda insight-hybrid year 2019,at-transmission(automatic),loaner-car from honda-dealer-service' ,
'manual-entry-car-key turns anti-clock-wise to close-lock.'
driver-door-lock-manual-entry-key turns anti-clock-wise to close-lock.
front-passenger-door-lock-manual-entry-key, cargo-door-lock-manual-entry-key/tailgate-lock-manual-entry-key,
turns clock-wise to close-lock.
and cargo-door has painted-door-handle which can get damaged from finger-nail-scratch.
but other-door-handle is plastic-handle which won't get damaged from finger-nail-scratch.
12)car-key-part which goes inside steering-wheel,becomes hot after driving with fan only,without air-conditioner,during hot-day.
13)front-center-table removal-procedure:http://honda.automotive-manuals.com/cr-v-2002-2005/A00/HTML/00/S9A2E00J46127053471KBAT00-front-seat-center-table-replacement.html from google-image (crv how to remove center table)row last col last
looks complicated. i never fold front-center-table. if front-center-table is non-fold-able, remove-able then maybe
front-center-table-removal-procedure become simpler. i want to remove front-center-table to wash front-center-table-top to
remove food-grease/food-oil-debris but i am reluctant because i think i can not do that front-center-table-removal-procedure.
folding front-center-table spill food-debris to floor-mat, so front-center-table should never be folded.
maybe nihon-plast made that front-center-table. source:((1))https://www.n-plast.co.jp/english/pl_impane.html#CONBOX from 'console boxes' in https://www.n-plast.co.jp/english/pl_interior.html from google(nihon plast center table) from 'floor console nihon plast' in http://www.autonews.com/assets/PDF/CA758951010.PDF from http://www.autonews.com/article/20110913/CUTAWAY/309139986/suppliers-to-the-2012-honda-cr-v from google (honda crv supplier list) result 1 ((2))'nh167l' in https://www.hondapartsonline.net/oem-parts/honda-table-assembly-center-nh167l-graphite-black-81190s9aj03za?c=Zz1pbnRlcmlvci1idW1wZXImcz1jZW50ZXItdGFibGUmbD0yJm49QXNzZW1ibGllcyBQYWdlJmE9aG9uZGEmbz1jci12LTUtZG9vciZ5PTIwMDImdD1seC00d2QmZT00LXNwZWVkLWF1dG9tYXRpYw%3D%3D from google(crv center table supplier)result 1
14)instrument-cluster can not turn-off seat-belt-visible-reminder. nippon-seiki/nippon-precision made instrument-cluster for honda[source:((1))https://www.nippon-seiki.co.jp/global/products/meter_products/ from google(honda cluster supplier)result 1 ((2))http://www.romajidesu.com/dictionary/meaning-of-seiki.html ((3))'precision' in https://www.cnczone.com/forums/uncategorised-metalworking-machines/71944-quot-seiki-quot-mean.html from google(japanese company seiki meaning)].
15)i can not find jacking-point in user-manual-page 312/'arrow molded into the underside of the body' in
http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
for lifting crv for changing front-tire, for changing rear-tire
16)pdf-user-manual-page-295/'Support the front and rear wiper blade arms with a folded towel or rag so they do not touch the windshield.'
in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
'Fig. Fig. 4: Front windshield wiper assembly-Accent, Tiburon and 1996-98 Elantra' in https://www.autozone.com/repairguides/Hyundai-Coupes-Sedans-1994-1998-Repair-Guide/WINDSHIELD-WIPERS/Windshield-Wiper-Arms/_/P-0900c15280073ab4 from google-image(windshield wiper part name)row 1 col 2
'Fig. Fig. 4: Front windshield wiper assembly-Accent, Tiburon and 1996-98 Elantra' in https://www.autozone.com/repairguides/Hyundai-Coupes-Sedans-1994-1998-Repair-Guide/WINDSHIELD-WIPERS/Windshield-Wiper-Arms/_/P-0900c15280073ab4 from google-image(windshield wiper part name)row 1 col 2
says windshield-wiper-blade touch windshield, windshield-wiper-arm press windshield-wiper-blade against windshield.
17)70 lbs heavier than mbusa.com->c230-year-1997 (find 'curb-weight'), i feel c230 has stronger-brake but c230 make
lots of brake-dust making mercedes-benz-wheel looks dirty. crv-brake never make brake-dust which is good for crv-wheel but
brake weaker which is bad for driver and good for other-car-in-behind.
18)(rear-window/hatch-window)-button is located on door-bottom-part, dirty-sandal can accidentally-step on that
hatch-window-button. and narrow-opening surround that hatch-window-button, dirt can fall on that narrow-opening.
window-button is difficult to clean if semi-oily-finger touch window-button.
19)sometime i want to shift automatic-transmission-stick from 'reverse' to 'neutral' but i use too much hand-palm-power
then i accidentally-shift from 'reverse' to 'neutral' to 'd'.
sometimes i want to shift from 'reverse' to 'neutral' during moving back-ward without braking to decrease
brake-pad-usage but i accidentally-shift from 'reverse' to 'neutral' to 'd' during moving back-ward then
i quickly press brake-pedal to brake so i don't break transmission-gear.
20)transaxle/transaxel ( automatic-transmission plus spider-gear-for-open-differential inside 1 housing )
has meaning spider-gear-friction can increase atf-temperature/automatic-transmission-fluid-temperature which is maybe already hot
because there is automatic-transmission-gear-friction .
so atf-temperature is hotter inside transaxle , rather-than atf-temperature inside stand-alone-automatic-transmission-car-design .
if atf is hot then oxidation happen then atf-fluid change color from pink-color to brown-color then atf-lubrication-ability decrease maybe because
hot-atf decrease atf-viscosity but maybe watery-hot-cooking-oil still feel oily .
but there is rubber-seal inside transmission-housing and rubber dislike severely-hot-temperature and rubber dislike severely-cold-temperature .
and it's difficult to debug/diagnose which component is causing atf-color-change ? automatic-transmission-gear-friction ? or spider-gear-friction ?
[source 3 : (1)'If temperature gets above 250 degrees F., rubber seals begin to harden, which leads to leaks and pressure losses.' in tandwtire.com/transmission-fluid-flush-tips from google ( why automatic transmission fluid dirty quickly ) result 4 or find 'tandwtire.com/transmission-fluid-flush-tips' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc_beta.htm (2) '-[28-jan-1986]11:39 am est usa-country->florida-state->kennedy-space-center->atlantic-ocean' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm (3)thirdcoastautos.com/blog/do-i-need-to-change-my-transmission-fluid/ from google ( never change automatic transmission fluid ) ]
21)why abs / anti-lock-braking-system / anti--tire-already-stop-rotating-but-tire-still-(slipping/sliding)-foward-event--system
maybe is dubious / not-trust-worthy / perjury / tort-of-deceit / not-working-as-intended :
honda.ca->crv-year-2003 brake all 4 tire : 2 (posterior/rear)-tire , 2 (anterior/front)-tire . so crv-year-2003 maybe has dubious-abs .
because for car to know : does that car still moving foward or not :
wheel-rotation-sensor-software check do 2 (posterior/rear)-tire-without-brake still rotate or not-rotating-anymore/in-locking-condition .
maybe that is reason why this gm.com->already-bankrupt->pontiac->g-6-sedan does not brake 2 (posterior/rear)-tire , only brake 2 (anterior/front)-tire ?
youtube.com/watch?v=gY0gda12pXg&t=17m3s#25_sep_2018_4_53_pm_edt ( ULTIMATE Compilation of Car & Truck Slides / Spinouts in Bad Weather! High Quality Cameras ) movie-uploader : Dan-Robinson , 194K subscribers , 22,963,056 views , publish-date : 9 sep 2015 . A 20-minute supercut of more than 60 car, truck and tractor-trailer slides, jackknifes, spinouts and loss-of-control driving incidents caught on professional video resulting from my 12-year career of covering winter storms as a freelance news cameraman. **No one was hurt in any of these incidents** Footage shows icy roads caused by snow, freezing rain and sleet. Copyright Dan Robinson icyroadsafety.com , stormhighway.com .
maybe that is reason why this bmwgroup.com->bmwusa.com->3-series does not brake 2 (posterior/rear)-tire , only brake 2 (anterior/front)-tire :
youtube.com/watch?v=GlYEMH10Z4s&t=2m54s ( Tested: Winter vs. All-Season vs. Summer Tires on Ice I Tire Rack ) movie-uploader : Tire-Rack , 28.1K subscribers , 1,328,476 views , publish-date : 6 jan 2009 . First we compared all-season and winter/snow tire performance on our snowy test track. Now watch as Tire Rack compares the difference between winter/snow tires, all-season tires and summer tires by evaluating acceleration, stopping and cornering capabilities — this time using an ice rink as our test track . Interested in winter tires? Shop our selection here: https://bit.ly/35MWcLy from youtube-search ( ice brake test ) page 3 result 4
racing-car does not have abs-brake and their brake seems always working .
racing-car has different brake-brand-name like 'apracing.com' , 'akebono-brake.com' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
but maybe official-car-service-shop always install brake with similar quality like those racing-brake .
maybe i ask brake-brand-name if i go to non-official-car-service-shop to check review for that brake-brand-name with google.com ,
bing.com , other internet-search-page .
official-car-service-shop-service-advisor not telling customer brand-name for brake , oxygen-sensor , etc .
example long-duration-racing-car : alms.com . [source :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Le_Mans_Series#1_jul_2022_11_54_am_edt ]
racing-car-law always forbid : abs-brake , awd-ability , esc/electronic-stability-control , etc .
non-official-car-service-shop has preference to do service for certain car-brand , so non-official-car-service-shop maybe is expert enough
to do maintenance-job for those certain car-brand .
maybe i read review on google.com/maps , yelp.com prior visiting non-official-car-service-shop .
non-official-car-service-shop is giving better treatment to car-service-worker like not coercing car-service-worker to wear uniform .
but maybe honda intend to use abs-ability to prevent car-driver from 'pressing brake-pedal with excessive foot-plantar-palm-pressure
for long time-duration' because that will make brake-piston-excessive-pressure puncture brake-pad then next-time during brake-event-happen : brake fail .
maybe car-driver must have sensitive feeling which can detect when car is about to roll-over ,
then need to release brake-pedal for some-second until car stop behaving-like-wanting-to-roll-over then resume pressing brake-pedal again .
without abs : car have shorter braking-distance ( deceleration-to-stop--distance ) but car-(posterior/rear)-tire maybe want
to drift-left-or-right-and-not-straight
( solution : if car-(posterior/rear)-tire maybe want to drift-left-or-right-and-not-straight
then : release brake-pedal then make car go straight then resume brake again ) :
(1)youtube.com/watch?v=kQdtayz525A ( Braking with and without ABS )
(2)youtube.com/watch?v=fge_m9u864k ( Does ABS Make Cars More Dangerous in Winter ? )
from youtube-search ( car brake abs on ice skating rink ) result 1 , 2
[source for pontiac->g-6 : photo in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_G6#30-jul-2023-3-57-am-est-not-edt from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Grand_Prix#30-jul-2023-3-54-am-est-not-edt from my former supervisor randy-berghefer in former work-place vdl.iastate.edu year 2005 car-rental-selection-during-work-trip for usa-federal-government-usda-nahln-project->orionhealth.com->rhapsody-hl-7-message-tutorial in usa->colorado-state->fort-collins-city->forgotten-office-building ]
car which has dubious / not-trust-worthy / perjury / tort-of-deceit / not-working-as-intended abs
because they have : (posterior/rear)-disc-brake , (posterior/rear)-drum-parking-brake / not-yet-using-electronic-parking-brake-disc-brake :
(1) honda.ca->crv-year-2003
(2) jeep.com->wrangler->year-2006 [2 source : (1)pdf-page 270 ( 'drum' , 'rear disc' ) inside wranglertjforum.com/attachments/2006-tj-service-manual-pdf.14047/ from 'wranglertjforum.com/threads/jeep-wrangler-tj-factory-service-manuals-fsm-technical-documentation.4618/' in wranglertjforum.com/threads/factory-service-manual-download.12756/ from google ( wrangler service manual download ) result 1 or (2)directory/folder 'car-service-manual' in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link ]
(3) JaguarLandRover.com->xj->year-1998 [2 source : (1)pdf-page 364 ( 'disc' ) , 390 ( 'drum' ) inside uc85aaed8b150528b6881c994563.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/cd/0/get/B9VJyNqPGyrUBFWaAfwYtCJX9YcU6FDrCTNXxR9rEQ-COcryzcr0k1x98T_pc-doXq-dqtAyE__Lke8JUjfhwQmmZozmmmLguYo2mNKDvnLUKaizZe0WZavNpBwUF6cWRmjs9PqtxUD8YpHM9e_Zyw8_i_YiWF7LZIiNpjxDzlnTcQ/file?_download_id=0418089208179992510123639689775732600935087729066598373397572094&_notify_domain=www.dropbox.com&dl=1 from dropbox.com/s/vujkjrxklu65ry8/XJ-X308_Workshop_Manual.pdf?dl=0 from jaguarforums.com/forum/xj-xj8-xjr-x308-27/service-manual-77784/ from google ( jaguar xj8 service manual ) from 'xj8' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XJ_(X308)#4_jun_2023_6_3_am_est_not_edt from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_XJ#5_jun_2023_6_1_am_est_not_edt or (2)directory/folder 'car-service-manual' in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link ]
(4) maybe etc....
electronic-parking-brake-disc-brake do 2 job :
(1)becoming electronic-parking-brake
(2)becoming (posterior/rear)-brake
youtube.com/watch?v=BOubDKjnqak&t=7m30s ( Replacing Rear Brake Pads and Rotors on BMWs with Electric Parking Brakes ) from youtube-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=Ljq4ATPorXM ( BMW Rear Brake Pads w Electric Parking Brake ) from youtube-search ( replace electronic parking brake )
22)on-demand-awd / part-time-awd / awd-only-during-tire-slippage , has tire-speed-sensor
which compare front-tire-speed vs posterior-tire-speed all-the-time , and that consume extra battery-ampere .
maybe part-time-awd which become full-time-awd during front-tire-slippage is not possible .
maybe it is not possible to test does posterior-tire rotate or not during front-tire rotate and have good-traction .
so with full-time-awd-with-10%-torque-go-to-posterior-tire : fuel-consumption maybe is not fully-efficient , just semi-efficient .
that 10%-torque-on-posterior-tire is not strong enough to make crv pass this awd-test :
honda.ca->(crv-year-2019 , 2013 ) roller-test :
youtube.com/watch?v=iytv4qmhnla ( 2019 honda cr-v real time awd vs 2013 honda cr-v real time awd - 4x4 test on rollers )
from youtube-search ( crv awd test ) result 3
so maybe honda.ca->crv-real-time-awd is actually like audiusa.com->full-time-awd/audi-quattro-principle :
youtube.com/watch?v=9MlhYHy4pwg#30-jul-2023-4-35-am-est-not-edt ( Audi - The quattro Principle )
where audi-quattro-principle has meaning : engine send 60 % torque/engine-power to front-tire , 40 % torque to (posterior/rear)-tire .
but honda.ca->crv-real-time-awd maybe send 90 % torque/engine-power to front-tire , 10 % torque to (posterior/rear)-tire .
maybe honda.ca->crv-real-time-awd is actually working like advertised ( part-time-awd ) , but i still do not understand
how 'hypoid' equal-to 'rear wheel' in pdf-page 835 in honda-crv-2002-2005-service-manual.pdf in drive.google.com/file/d/15NNPBiaGqwA4fVOkSKNbzI3YeFV-UGjs/view?usp=drive_link
but honda.ca->crv-full-time-awd is still more fuel-efficient than jeep.com->wrangler-during-2wd-mode .
full-time-awd is slower than rwd :
youtube.com/watch?v=0mksLPa4OSQ ( My 21’ f-150 5.0 2wd vs 21’ f-150 5.0 4x4 off a dig. mexico runs )
from movie-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=mMeiWQtj2SY ( 4-wd F-150 vs 2-wd F-150 1/4 mile ) from youtube-search ( 4wd vs 2wd race ) result 4
movie-uploader : mario-castillo , 22 subscribers , 4,033 views , publish-date : 3 jan 2022 .
[source : 'AWD systems lose more power through drivetrain as opposed to RWD. Typically, RWD power loss is around the 15% mark , whether through a manual or automatic transmission. For AWD systems, 20-25% losses through the drivetrain are standard . It takes more to produce more, and for some the setback is too much.' in racingjunk.com/news/rwd-vs-awd-in-drag-racing/ from google ( rwd vs awd drag race ) result 1 ]
but even-with semi-efficient-fuel-consumption on honda.ca->crv , honda.ca->crv still more fuel-efficient ( has better 'mpg---'-score ) than
that awd-with-button-car .
some heavy-weight-car-with-body-on-frame-chassis-not-unibody-chassis has awd-button which turn-on awd ( awd-with-button-car ) , example :
find 'SUV : Cadillac Escalade (ESV), Chevrolet Suburban, Chevrolet Tahoe, Ford Expedition (Max), GMC Yukon (XL), Infiniti QX80,
Jeep Wrangler (Unlimited), Lexus GX, Lexus LX, Lincoln Navigator (L), Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Nissan Armada,
Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Sequoia
Pickup Truck : Chevrolet Colorado, Chevrolet Silverado, Ford F-150, Ford Ranger, GMC Canyon, GMC Sierra, Jeep Gladiator,
Nissan Frontier, Nissan Titan, Ram 1500, Toyota Tacoma, Toyota Tundra'
maybe can be tested with method :
(1) put awd-with-button-car on frame-hoisting-machine/4-tire-car-lifter which lift all-4-tire .
(2) press accelerator-pedal and see does 4-tire rotate or not during awd-button-is-on and during awd-button-is-(off/mortem) .
find '#145# how (front-wheel-drive/fwd)-car can get out of snowy-and-icey-parking-spot :' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm for tips .
to make part-time-awd which become full-time-awd during front-tire-slippage :
(1)awd-viscous-clutch-fluid/differential-fluid initially is inside some-container ( not inside drive-shaft ) .
if front-tire-slippage is happening then awd-viscous-clutch-fluid/differential-fluid relocate from that-some-container to inside drive-shaft .
if front-tire-slippage is not happening anymore during next-time ecu/engine-control-unit compare front-tire-speed-vs-posterior-tire-speed
then awd-viscous-clutch-fluid/differential-fluid relocate from drive-shaft to that-some-container .
reality is awd-viscous-(kuplung/clutch) is inside drive-shaft eternally so part-time-awd maybe is actually full-time-awd .
maybe ecu/engine-control-unit compare front-tire-speed-vs-posterior-tire-speed , eternally-repeatedly-happen which consume extra battery-ampere
our honda crv year 2003 car-insurance-cost with allstate-company (liability)
bill date, due date//effective-date, cost
1 oct 2016, 21 oct 2016, 214.52 usd
1 apr 2017, 21 apr 2017, 218.82 usd
30 sep 2017, 21 oct 2017, 238.88 usd
, 21 apr 2018, 249.18 usd
, 21 oct 2018, 246.30 usd
in usa, having car-insurance is needed to avoid suspension in virginia-state,
expensive-penalty in tennessee-state if caught by police violating traffic.
source : 1. 'If it is determined that a need exists, insurance information is requested from the owner. If the owner fails to respond to the request or if the owner does not have insurance, an order of suspension is issued to the owner.' in https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/commercial/#insurance/monitoringmethods.asp from google (police car insurance 300) result 7
2. 'the law increases the minimum fee for not carrying proof of insurance from $100 to $300', 'Tennessee' in https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2016/jan/10/new-law-allows-police-tow-uninsured-drivers-s/343860/ from google (police car insurance 300) result 10
virginia-state-license-place renewal cost for crv year 2003 : 41.75 usd for 1 year
to renew car-license-place in virginia-state, usa, if not having car-insurance
minimum liability-insurance-mode then car-owner pay 500 usd penalty to virginia-dmv.
virginia-state-car-decal-tax renewal cost :
1)year 2018 71.10 usd 4)year 2015 102.06 usd 6)year 2013 124.77 usd
2)year 2017 83.80 usd 5)year 2014 110.19 usd 7)year 2012 145.60 usd
3)year 2016 89.78 usd
prior 1-jul-2018, virginia-state-car-decal-tax-sticker must stick on
front-windshield bottom-center-part but since 1-jul-2018,
virginia-state-car-decal-tax-sticker is abandoned. source : https://www.loudoun.gov/faq.aspx?TID=66
our honda crv year 2003's major repair (labor cost included) :
1)after about 1 year of owning the crv, rubber surrounding sunroof looks
torn apart. so that rubber was replaced.
maybe caused by opening, closing sunroof during winter in ames, iowa.
during winter, windows are difficult to open, sunroof must have been
difficult to open as well.
there is a rubber which grab the window when the window is closed.
winter weather makes that rubber, refuse to let go the window when the
window is being opened.
forcing to open the sunroof maybe torn some rubber surrounding the sunroof.
the repair cost was still covered under warranty.
2)climb a raised-pedestrian-sidewalk covered in heavy snow then descend to
the road covered in heavy snow,in the 1st year of owning the crv,
running over blocks of ices in year 2008,loosen the heat shield for
catalytic converter then the heat shield rattle, makes a noise
when:1)driving over a road bump
2)driving over a road recess drainage
18 oct 2016, during oil change :
- technician offer temporary clamp for loose heat shield for 65 usd then
offer 2211 usd for replacing catalytic converter.
i refused those offers because heat shield seems not emergency.
23 aug 2017, during oil change with mileage 82,174 mile :
- technician offer 300 usd to replace the heat shield for catalytic converter
with honda parts 18181-pnb-000, 18182-pnb-000
- technician found that the sprayer for rear window does not work.
i reject getting that sprayer fixed,i very rarely use the sprayer for
- technician replace 2 blown front struts : 1,100 usd
2 blown front struts will make me fail virginia state safety test.
3)around year 2008, driving slowly and turning sharply makes a noise in the
back area, the brake was replaced.i forgot the cost.
4)actuator for driver side door-lock broke, remote-lock for driver side door,
does not work, repair cost : around 100 usd year 2009
5)2 february 2018 8:44 pm est, actuator for front passenger door, maybe broken,
so remote car key is a luxury
some record for repair cost : ( i use my mother's credit-card capitalone.com->mastercard.com manual-entry-method
( i give a-4-size-paper containing mastercard.com's number , full-owner-name , expiration-date , billing-address to cashier-person with
credit-card-transaction-shop cenpos.com in service-shop autonationhondadulles.com ) , to pay this invoice so my mother receive
capitalone.com->mastercard.com's credit-card-reward
) :
#1# multi-point inspection 0 usd
gbatt battery test 0 usd
gbk brakes 0 usd
gtire tires 0 usd
#2# price for changing oil :
change oil & filter (mileage 77762, 23 may 2016 13:15 pm est) :
1)labor cost 19 usd
2)1 94109-14000 f washer, drain (14mm) 0.32 usd
3)1 15400-plm-a02 f filter, oil 6.23 usd
4)5 engine oil 5w-20 qs advance durability 2.49 usd x 5 = 12.45 usd
5)misc charges 3 usd
6)tax 1.23 usd
total 42.23 usd
change oil & filter (mileage 82174, 23 aug 2017 12:17 pm est) :
1)labor cost 19 usd
2)1 94109-14000 017187 washer, drain (14mm) 1.10 usd
3)1 15400-plm-a02 666399f filter, oil 7.98 usd
4)5 engine oil 5w-20 qs advance durability 2.98 usd x 5 = 14.90 usd
total 42.98 usd
this mileage 82174 oil change service was done together with
number 3 'price for this service during mileage 82174, 23 aug 2017 12:17 pm est',
has misc. charge 9.56 usd, tax 3.19 usd
mercedes benz's oil change cost 200 usd
source:'The minor service historically referred to as an A-Service will
include an oil service and inspection and typically will cost
around $200' in http://www.germanautocenter.com/blog/mercedes-benz-repair-and-maintenance-costs-about-how-much-do-repairs-and-maintenance-costs/ from google (benz oil change cost) result 4
#3# price for this service during mileage 82174, 23 aug 2017 12:17 pm est ( service-advisor : haroun-akram )
1)replace left brake light bulb
part :
1 34906-s6a-003he bulb (p21/5w) 7.62 usd
labor 12 usd
total 19.62 usd
2)replace right brake light bulb
1 34906-s6a-003he bulb (p21/5w) 7.62 usd
labor 12 usd
total 19.62 usd
3)rear window washer (sprayer) inoperative cost 120 usd to diagnose
decline repair
4)rotate tire 24 usd
#4# service during mileage 79019, 18 oct 2016 17:44 pm est :
4-1)ma20 automatic transmission service :
labor : 87.16 usd
1)4 08200-9008 651262 fluid (atf dw-1) 51.08 usd
2)1 90471-px4-000 330093 washer, drain (18mm) 5.74 usd
3)1 90441-pk4-000 322226 washer (24mm) 5.02 usd
total parts 61.84 usd
total : 87.16 usd + 61.84 usd = 149 usd
4-2)replace ma24 fluid, rear differential
labor : 79.45 usd
1)2 08200-9007 863204 fluid, dpf II 2 x 14.09 usd = 28.18 usd
2)2 94109-20000 025172 washer, drain (20mm) 2 x 2.50 usd = 5 usd
total parts 33.18 usd
total : 79.45 usd + 33.18 usd = 112.63 usd
4-3)misc charge = 24.99 usd
4-4)tax = 6.27
4-5)total (4-1) 149
total (4-2) 112.63
total (4-3) 24.99
total (4-5) 6.27
------------ +
total 292.89 usd
#5# service during mileage 82184, 24 aug 2017 9:27 am est : ( service-advisor : haroun-akram )
5-1) replace both front struts
both front struts, leak/blown
labor : 479.95 usd
parts :
1)1 72143 ap* - suspension strut/oespectrum 308.33 usd
2)1 72144 ap* - suspension strut/oespectrum 308.33 usd
total parts 616.66 usd
total : 479.95 usd + 616.66 usd = 1096.61 usd
crv year 2003's strut/oespectrum's brandname is monroe,
but i'm not sure.
source:1)http://www.monroe.com/en-US/e-catalog/72143/ from google (72143 OESpectrum) result 3
2)http://www.monroe.com/en-US/e-catalog/72144/ from google (72144 OESpectrum) result 5
3)https://estore.honda.com/honda/parts/view-honda-parts-catalog-detail.asp?m=2003-cr-v-5-ex-4wd-4at&sn=&b=B++28&dl=#005 from google (honda parts) result 1
4)https://smile.amazon.com/Genuine-Honda-51605-S9A-A05-Shock-Absorber/dp/B00IMLA89C from google (51605-S9A-A05) result 1
maybe showa supplied the original struts for crv
source :
1)http://www.amshowa.com/our-products/shock-absorbers-2/ from google (showa honda) page 2 result 3 from 'showa' in https://estore.honda.com/honda/parts/view-honda-parts-catalog-detail.asp?m=2003-cr-v-5-ex-4wd-4at&sn=&b=B++28&dl=#005 from google (honda parts) result 1
2)'My car is the 2006 Honda Odyssey (Japanese version), model DBA-RB1.
The strut assembly is made by Showa.
I've included a few pictures of the old part that's been taken out:'
in https://mechanics.stackexchange.com/questions/12631/how-to-remove-a-tailgate-strut-that-do-not-have-a-c-clip from google (honda crv showa) page 2 result 7
showa was penalised by usa-fed in ohio, usa
for price-fixing conspiracy, 16 oct 2014
source:https://www.reuters.com/article/autoparts-antitrust-showa/former-showa-corp-executive-indicted-in-u-s-for-price-fixing-idUSL2N0SB1P220141016 from google (showa honda price fixing) result 3 from google (showa honda) result 7
5-2)align 4 wheel : 109.95 usd (needed after replacing both front struts)
5-3)replace catalytic converter's cover
labor : 145.95 usd
parts :
1)1 18181-pnb-000 688771 cover (lower) 77.20 usd
2)1 18182-pnb-000 688772 cover (upper) 77.20 usd
total parts 154.40 usd
total : 145.95 usd + 154.40 usd = 300.35 usd
5-4)misc charges : 39.95 usd
5-5)tax = 52.42
5-6)total :
total (5-1) 1096.61
total (5-2) 109.95
total (5-3) 300.35
total (5-4) 39.95
total (5-5) 52.42 (tax)
---------------- +
total 1599.28 usd
#6# service during mileage 85587 29-aug-2018 10:17 am edt => 29-aug-2018 2:2 pm edt. ( service-advisor : fawad-hassan )
problem :
1)transmission 'd' light blinks sometimes.
restarting engine, makes 'd' light stops blinking.
2)front-passenger-door-lock can not auto-lock
solution :
6-1)fault-code : p0845 3rd-gear-pressure-switch is bad.
replace 5763 ch 235.98 usd
1 28610-rke-004 523448 sw, at oil pressure, cost = 112.33 usd
1 90471-pw7-a00 413624 gasket (10mm), cost = 6.39 usd
parts = 118.72 usd
labor = 235.98 usd
total = 354.70 usd
6-2)transmission-fluid-service (every 30k or based on condition)
5763 ch 65 usd
4 08200-9008 651262 fluid (atf dw-1) 4 x 12.82 usd = 51.28 usd
1 90471-px4-000 330093 washer, drain (18mm) 7.31 usd
1 90441-px4-000 322226 washer (24mm) 5.41 usd
parts = 64 usd
labor = 65 usd
total = 129 usd
6-3)right-front-door-lock-actuator replacement
5763 ch 235.98 usd
1 72115-s5a-003 645702 actuator, door lock 100.18 usd
parts = 100.18
labor = 235.98 usd
total = 336.16 usd
6-4)sr light code found in system 13-3 14-3,6-7
reset the light at this time. might need repair soon. total = 0 usd
6-5)tires are in good condition.
we recommend tires swapping every 5k miles.
we will check them again on your next visit. total = 0 usd
6-6)brakes are in good condition.
we will check them again on your next visit. total = 0 usd
6-7)battery test good at this time. total = 0 usd
6-8)car-check = 0 usd
labor = 536.96 usd
parts = 282.90 usd
misc charges = 35.95 usd
total charge = 859.81 usd
sales tax = 21.25 usd
total = 881.06 usd
#7# service during mileage 89533 15-may-2019 6:40 pm edt => 16-may-2019 12:12 pm edt. service-advisor = edwin-fuentes
problem:engine-noise,screeching noise during cold-start since 1 month ago,screeching noise during red-traffic-light-stop after 2 hour-driving 1 time which worry me,but somehow engine-noise does not come out during i come to dealer-service.engine-noise sounds like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCn92RRi1JM#22_may_2019_11_11_am_edt (2006 Ford Taurus 3.0l Bad Water Pump Bearing Noise) from youtube-search(water pump pulley noise)result 2 from 'If you’re hearing a squealing or squeaking sound from behind the timing belt cover, chances are good that it’s the water pump pulley. If this pulley fails,your engine will overheat, causing potentially devastating damage (up to and including a cracked block).The best defense here is to ensure that the water pump is changed when the timing belt is changed, and to always follow the automaker’s service recommendations.One of our professional mechanics can listen to and inspect your engine,diagnose the problem and then repair it.' in https://www.yourmechanic.com/services/loud-squealing-or-squeaking-is-coming-from-timing-belt-inspection from google(car engine make scraping noise timing belt)result 5
7.1)serpentine-belt,alternator 127.80 usd
labor 149.98 usd
7.2)tensioner-pulley 254.84 usd
labor 327.98 usd[source:(1/3)'your serpentine belt will either have tension placed on it using a movable bracket or an auto tensioner pulley. This pulley uses an internal spring to apply consistent pressure to the belt at all times.[6]' in https://www.wikihow.com/Replace-a-Serpentine-Belt from google(serpentine belt tensioner belt diagram)result 3 (2/3)https://www.2carpros.com/questions/2001-hyundai-sonata-drive-belt-tensioner from google(serpentine belt tensioner belt diagram)row 1 col 1 (3/3)https://www.yourmechanic.com/article/how-to-replace-an-air-conditioning-belt from google-image(tensioner belt diagram)row 1 col 3]
honda-service-receipt says 'tensioner, belt - replace[newline]ee213 tensioner, belt - replace[newline]6362 ch[newline]1 31170-pna-023 tensioner, auto'
7.3)cooling-system-service-kit 19.99 usd
coolant 26.91 usd
labor 113.28 usd
7.4)engine-water-pump 190 usd
labor 327.98 usd
7.5)car-check 0 usd
7.6)misc-charge 39.95 usd
7.7)sales-tax 43.14 usd
7.8)total charge 1621.85 usd
car-loaner : #c-5#
#8# service during mileage 90307 1-jun-2019 9:30 am edt => 1-jun-2019 11:23 am edt. service-advisor = edwin-fuentes
8.1)oil change,oil-filter change labor 20.99 usd
1 94109-14000 017187 washer, drain (14mm) 1.10 usd
5 bulk ap* pzl prof 0w20 syn 25.55 usd
1 ppg4612 ap* pp oil filter 5.99 usd
8.2)car-check 0 usd
8.3)rotate tire labor 24.95 usd
8.4)sdc brake fluid dot 4 service part 21.99 usd
sdc brake fluid dot 4 service labor 138 usd
8.5)misc charge 21.57 usd
8.6)sales tax 5.10 usd
8.7)total charge 265.24 usd
#9# service 12 jun 2019 9:30 am edt, mileage ???, price=0 usd. service-advisor = edwin-fuentes
(1)renew 1 corroded-hexagonal-bolt on rear-license-plate.
that 1 corroded-hexagonal-bolt was in already-corroded-condition
when being installed by honda-mechanic maybe early year 2012.
(2)replace all phillip-screw on front-license-plate with
hexagonal-bolt. i ask for hexagonal-bolt for front-license-plate
because i think hexagonal-bolt-head has less corrosion-risk than
phillip-screw-head, hexagonal-bolt-head is more difficult to strip
than phillip-screw-head.
early year 2012 my sister's/deborah's husband/hanjun strip phillip-screw-head
on toyota-highlander-rear-license-plate during winter.
maybe license-plate-screw is more difficult to open during winter
, easier to open during summer.
a mechanic was able to extract that stripped-phillip-screw-head,
that must have been difficult.
#10# service 23 jul 2019 1 pm edt:(1)turn-off dashboard-maintenance-required-light
(2)refuse to turn-off dashboard-seat-belt-light to save battery-power because of safety-purpose
(3)refuse to turn-off anti-theft-immobiliser-system to save battery-power
maybe nippon-seiki willing to customise instrument-cluster which does not turn-off
#11# service 27 aug 2019 12:28 pm edt, mileage:93,718 (1)takata-air-bag-inflator-recall 0 usd. service-advisor = bradley-burch
(2)power-steering-fluid-renewal which accidentally makes rather-large-part of steering-wheel oily, makes small-part of car-ignition-key-plastic-part oily 178.38 usd
#12# service during mileage:96,583, 6-jan-2020 1:34 pm est, problem:check-engine-light is on. diagnosis-solution:check-engine-light is on because oxygen-sensor fail. service-advisor = britney-cole .
service-shop : autonationhondadulles.com .
(1)oxygen-sensor renewal:(1)oxygen-sensor 36531-ppa-305 price: 589 usd (2)labor-price:154.98 usd (3)total:743.98 usd (maybe 36531-ppa-305 equals denso-1461 [source:(1/4)'Question:Hellp!does it work for a japanese version, my car it is a crv 2002, 2.4 lx rd 7??? it is denso dox 1461 part?, does my fuel consume will be better?' in https://www.amazon.com/Honda-36531-PPA-305-Genuine-Sensor/dp/B00BFDJ066 from google (36531ppa305 denso) result 1 (2/4)'36531PPA305' in ebay.com/itm/Lambda-Sensor-DENSO-DOX-1461-/153076988570 from google (denso 1461 36531ppa305) result 3 (3/4)but 36531ppa305 has tip with many air-hole which looks similar to denso-234-9005, acdelco-afs-105 according to https://top10bestpro.com/best-oxygen-sensors/ from google (ngk ntk denso bosch acdelco o2 sensor) result 2 from 'I've had good luck with Bosch.', 'Bosch O2's do not work well at all in Dodge vehicles. For some reason they just do not read right and don't supply the correct signals to the PCM. A lot of guys on the Dodge forums I am on have had lots of problems with Bosch O2's and also had problems with Bosch spark plugs too.', 'We have had terrible luck with Bosch.Denso has been problem free,check out Rock auto for good prices on them.', 'I have tried NGK NTK, Denso, AC Delco. My favorite is the Denso. I tune my car via narrowband (standard O2 sensor) the Denso is the most consistent. When I can afford to, I will be going with a wideband for accurate tuning. For now, I have had great results with the Denso.', 'I've actually switched to NTK because NGK makes an awesome plug, and price vs. denso.. the NTK beats it easily 30%. Am I sacrificing on quality? Not a chance. you can't go wrong with either. I used to use Bosch for everything, but they aren't keeping up with new part numbers, and while they invented the O2 sensor.. everybody else has surpassed them.', 'The reason I seek out NTK or Denso sensors is because usually the OE sensor I replace is a Bosch.' in https://www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/1772087/3 from google (o2 sensor aftermarket vs original) result 2 (4/4)crv-year-2003 use spark-plug-model:(1)ngk-izfr-6-k-11 (2)denso-skj20-drm-11 according to page 268 in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ACR0303OM/enu/CR0303OM.PDF from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1])
(2)side-engine-mount renewal:(1)50821-s9a-023 rubber 319.80 usd (2)labor-price 154.98 usd (3)total:474.78 usd
needed to pass safety-inspection
(3)wiper-linkage renewal: (service-advisor says wiper-linkage is loose making a play during wiping rain-water. i see from driver-point-of-view:wiper-intermittent-mode make right-wiper return to initial-position around 1 inch higher than normal. i see from driver-point-of-view:wiper-normal-mode make right-wiper return to normal-initial-position)
1 amount of 76550-s9a-003 rod unit b, price: 33.10 usd
1 amount of 76540-s9a-003 rod unit a, price: 42.80 usd
1 amount of 76561-s5a-003 cap a, pivot, price: 5.21 usd
2 amount of 76524-sd4-003 dust seal, price:9.24 usd x 2 = 18.48 usd
total-component:99.59 usd
labor:241.98 usd
total-component-and-labor:341.57 usd
(4)virginia-state-police-safety-inspection 20 usd -> total-price seems not include that 20 usd.
(5)virginia-state-emission-test:cancelled because need 100 mile -> 150 mile minimum-driving-mileage after fixing check-engine-light-problem.
(6)misc-charge:39.95 usd (7)sales-tax:67.12 usd
(7)total-price:1667.40 usd
car-loaner : #c-6#
#13# service during mileage 96,916, 28 jan-2020-1:9 pm est . service-advisor = robert-miner
(1)emission-test 28 usd
(2)renew battery 123.99 usd ((1)battery:precision-parts-brand 99.99 usd (2)labor-price:24 usd). old-battery is honda-supplier-battery maybe gs-yuasa.com-brand usage-duration is 5 year, from 16-feb-2015 to 28-jan-2020, maybe can not hold electric-charge after our 5 year charge-discharge-repetition. [source:(1/3)'Honda Part No.: 31500-TM8-A01 Battery (38B19L[S]-Mf) (Yuasa)' in https://www.hondapartsnow.com/genuine/honda~battery~31500-tm8-a01.html from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 1 (2/3)'Yuasa launch new Yamaha & Honda OEM replacement battery' in https://www.yuasa.de/en/2016/06/yuasa-launch-new-yamaha-honda-oem-replacement-battery/ from google (honda oem car battery yuasa) result 4 from 'Yuasa Honda NC700X 12-15 YTZ Factory-Activated Maintenance Free Battery' in https://www.sportbiketrackgear.com/yuasa-honda-nc700x-12-15-ytz-factory-activated-maintenance-free-battery/ from google-image (oem honda lead acid battery) row 1 col 1 (3/3)find 'speaker-subwoofer need more battery-power so car-battery dead earlier if loud-music-volume is being played often.' wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
honda-supplier-battery maybe gs-yuasa.com-brand with 100 month warranty price is 200 usd (labor-price-already-included).
i choose cheapest-battery because honda-supplier-battery-warranty can not do road-side-assistance if battery is dead on middle-of-no-where-highway-rest-area and i maybe pay towing-company for road-side-assistance-battery-renewal.
other battery-option:(1)precision-parts-brand-battery-with-40-month-warranty-model 161 usd (labor-price-already-included),
(2)precision-parts-brand-battery-with-eternal-warranty-model 235 usd (labor-price-already-included)
service-advisor says eternal-warranty-model include road-side-assistance with precision-parts-1800-phone-number
but i doubt precision-parts-1800-phone-number open 24-hour-7-day-per-week and now i google (precision parts battery 1800) doesn't produce result.
service-advisor says each battery-warranty-option has different electrolyte-plate-material-quality.
(3)tax 6.36 usd
total : 158.35 usd
#14# service during mileage 100 687 , 24 dec 2020 10:19 am est , service-advisor = oscar-castro -> maybe related to cuba-dictator fidel-castro ?
(1)head-light-bulb/front-light-bulb-driver-side renewal
component 33111-sr-3-a-01 384656 bulb (hb-2) 22.95 usd
Labor 31.98 usd
total 54.93 usd
(2)safety-recall renew driver-door-window's pwms
---https://owners.honda.com/service-maintenance/recalls?id= from google ( crv pwms recall ) result 4
2002-06 CR-V Driver's PWMS Safety Recall (SHS). 20-122:6ww00
nhtsa recall number: 20-v-768. mfr campaign id: p-9-d. campaign description: 2002-06 cr-v driver's pwms safety recall (shs)
recall date: 12/10/2020. recall status: 17 character vin required
summary: American-Honda-Motor-Co-Inc (Honda) is recalling certain 2002-2006 model year CR-V car.
butyl-tape could separate from electric-window-master-switch if improperly applied.
Under certain conditions, moisture may enter through/via opened driver's window and reach
power-window-master-switch on door. Over time, exposure to moisture can cause electrical-resistance in switch,
which can cause switch to over-heat and melt, damaging switch and potentially damaging associated wire-harness.
safety risk:
if a switch melts then melted-switch could produce smoke and increase fire-risk.
Please call any authorised Honda dealer and make appointment to have your car repaired. dealer will renew
power-window-master-switch and inspect wiring-harness for damage, replacing it if necessary, for free-of-invoice.
For additional questions or to get help locating a dealer, owners may contact American-Honda-Customer-Support and
Campaign-Center at 1-888-234-2138.
component 06357-s-9-a-509 0 usd
Labor 0 usd
total 0 usd
(3)yearly-virginia-safety-inspection 20 usd. inspector-police = almaraz-elliott-j
(4)engine-oil-renewal , engine-oil-filter-renewal 5-w-20 conventional oil
Labor 20.99 usd
1 94109-14000 f-washer , drain (14 mm ) 1.10 usd
5 engine-oil 5-w-20 qs advace durability 14.90 usd
1 ppg-4612-a pp engine-oil-filter 5.99 usd
total 42.98 usd
(5)multi-point-car-inspection : battery-test is good ,
brake-lining/brake-pad-thickness 5 mm for all 4 tire.
both-front-tire-tread 5 32-nds
both-rear-tire-tread 6 32-nds
tire-pressure all 4 tire : 34 psi
#15# service during mileage 103,295 mile , service-advisor = michael-helmke . entry-date 11 feb 2022 2:25 pm est(utc-5) ,
service-finish-date 15 feb 2022 5:31 pm est . invoice-paid-date 18 feb 2022 7:36 pm est because special-moon-phase full-moon
happen 16 feb 2022 10 pm est(utc-5) until 18 feb 2022 3 pm est then i'm not receiving email which say service-job is finish .
maybe because i send email about gasoline is limited ( not infinite ) , i send that email because michael-helmke offer
shuttle-car-ride to home and does not offer loaner-car , loaner-car will save petroleum/gasoline more than shuttle-car-ride
then that email give distraction to michael-helmke .
service-shop hour m => f 7 am => 8 am , saturday 8 am => 5 pm ( 12 feb 2022 ) , sunday closed .
(1) usual car-component-inspection 0 usd
(2) usa-country->virginia-state's 1 time per 2 year emission-test 28 usd
(3) usa-country->virginia-state's safety-inspection 20 usd
(4) driver-door's master-lock-button not controlling cargo-door's lock anymore ,
diagnostic/debug-process 160 usd
cargo-door's actuator renewal :
(1) component : actuator 72115-s-5-a-003 645702 110.23 usd
(2) Labor : 160 usd
(5) clorox.com's precision-care total 360 car sanitisation 0 usd
(6) front brake-disc/rotor , brake-pad renewal , last brake-pad is 5 mili-meter thick
1 45022-scv-a-01 731564 pad-set ad-57-15 inch 90 usd
2 320*40036 pp brake ap*brake rotor 100 usd
1 pp-860 sdc stop squeal add with pad 9 usd
Labor 250 usd
(7) reseal timing-chain-(cover/housing) 975.98 usd
1 91212-pnc-004 681129 oil seal 43x58x7 20.32 usd
maybe chain-case-oil-seal ? page 125 , 6-21 ( 143 ) in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : find 'drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing'
1 08718-0004 826338 honda-bond ht 21.93 usd
1 91302-pna-004 o-ring , chain-case 11.14 usd
maybe page 125 , 135 , 140 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : find 'drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing'
1 12341-rta-000 805467 cylinder-head-cover-gasket 22.47 usd [source : from google ( 12341-rta-000 ) ]
maybe page 127 , 6-32 , 6-40 ( page 162 ) , 6-42 in honda.com->crv-year-2002-2005 service-manual : find 'drive.google.com/file/d/1c293UDT0DUSQCUcGSYYk6QACMEtAdHOS/view?usp=sharing'
Labor 975.98 usd
(8) align 4 wheel [ detail : find '(more about 8) align 4 wheel :' ] 110 usd
(9) (1)automatic-transmission-oil combined with (2)front's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil , renewal
also-known-as/aka trans-axel-oil-renewal ,
so previous automatic-transmission-oil-life-duration is 24,276 mile
Labor 115 usd
4 08200-9008 651262 fluid atf dw-1 14.16 usd
1 pp3106 sdc atf conditioner 37.98 usd
1 90471-px4-000 330093 washer , drain (18 mm) 6.02 usd
1 90471-px4-000 322226 washer (24 mm) 5.85 usd
(10) (1)awd's viscous-(kuplung/clutch)'s oil combined with (2)rear's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil , renewal , 64 oz ,
also-known-as/aka trans-axel-oil-renewal ,
pd-64-r sdc 75-w-140 (1)awd's viscous-(kuplung/clutch)'s oil combined with (2)rear's (spider-gear/open-differential)-oil 64 oz
Labor 94 usd
1 pp79264 sdc awd-transfer-case service 55 usd
2 94109-20000 025172 washer , drain (20 mm) 3.08 usd
(11) spark-plug renewal denied because i choose honda.com's recommendation 105,000 mile 259.54 usd ( not paid )
(12) total 2673.73 usd
(more about 8) align 4 wheel :
crv-year-2003 awd ( modified specification) express-align total alignment :
all value is in angle-degree .
format : tire-side : prior-value , current-value ( normal-value-lower-limit => normal-value-upper-limit )
* means value outside range/specification and maybe produce tire-wear-problem , handling-problem , safety-problem
camber :
front-left : 0.3 ( normal-value : -0.9 => 0.9 )
front-right : 0.7 , 0.8 ( -0.9 => 0.9 )
rear-left : -1 , -0.9 ( -1.8 => -0.3 )
rear-right : -1.2 , -1.3 ( -1.8 => -0.3 )
caster :
front-left : 1.4 ( 0.8 => 2.8 )
front-right : 1.7 ( 0.8 => 2.8 )
toe :
*front-left : -0.09 , 0 ( -0.08 => 0.08 )
*front-right : 0.19 , 0 ( -0.08 => 0.08 )
front-total-toe : 0.10 , 0 ( -0.16 => 0.16 )
*steer-ahead : -0.14 , 0 ( -0.05 => 0.05 )
*rear-left : 0.34 , 0.11 ( 0.04 => 0.16 )
*rear-right : -0.14 , 0.07 ( 0.04 => 0.16 )
rear-total-toe : 0.19 , 0.18 ( 0.08 => 0.32 )
thrust-angle : 0.24 , 0.02
#16# service during 5 jul 2015 6:32 am with sears.com->tire-shop-associate steven-b : [source : receipt-email from sears.com]
tire-ALIGN,SERV 1 YEAR 1 $114.99
MULTI CREDIT 40891 1 $-73.98
GUARDSMAN PLUS BY RADAR 1 $73.98 ( lone-tire-purchase-order which i made for 2-nd time for replacing spare-tire )
VALVE,CHR SLV 1.25 IN 1 $3.99
GUARDSMAN PLUS BY RADAR 4 $295.92 ( tire-purchase-order which i made for 1-st time )
VALVE,CHR SLV 1.25 IN 4 $15.96
Sub-total : 566.37 usd
tax : 25.42 usd
total : 591.79 usd
#17# service with LandmarkHonda.com ( phone 703-823-8081 , email service@landmarkhonda.com , landmarkhonda.com send service-receipt
to my email and that is nice ) .
mileage : 105,821 ( mileage-out : 105.822 ) . date 11 apr 2023 12 pm est-not-edt .
service-advisor #tg#/timothy-godinho .
service-technician/car-mechanic : vincent-kwan .
i talk to #tg# , i order spark-plug-inspection , engine-oil-renewal .
#tg# say spark-plug-inspection/diagnosis is pricey , #tg# only turn-on engine to hear engine-sound
and hearing engine-sound is smooth enough , then #tg# say all spark-plug must have been still working .
me : if i replace 1 working-spark-plug with 1 expired-spark-plug then check-engine-light will turn-on ?
#tg# : *sort-of-yes*
#tg# see yearly va-safety-inspection-sticker is expired last march-month and
offer me to buy va-safety-inspection , i agree to buy va-safety-inspection .
va-safety-inspection show :
(1) posterior/rear-brake is metal-touch-metal , all brake-pad-thickness-mili-meter is gone .
(2) anterior/front-rain-wiper , posterior-rain-wiper is torn , #tg# complain front-rain-wiper is not genuine-honda-component
so maybe service-advisor 'britney-cole' in 'autonationhondadulles.com' order renewal-service for that
front-rain-wiper with non-genuine-honda-component front-rain-wiper .
service-job : renew posterior/rear-brake-pad
brake-pad part-number 43022-s-9-aa-01 62.15 usd
brake-disc part-number 42510-smcn-02 205.82 usd
cleaning-service 5.45 usd
total 273.42 usd
labor 310.69 usd
service-job : renew anterior/front-rain-wiper
front-rain-wiper 76630-s-6-m305 20.55 usd
front-rain-wiper 76620-s-9-a-306 21.12 usd
total 41.67 usd
service-job : renew posterior/rear-rain-wiper
posterior-rain-wiper 76622-s-50003 7.90 usd
service-job : misc-shop-supplies-cod 49.99 usd
service-job : va-safety-inspection 20 usd
service-job : engine-oil-renewal
o-filter 15400-rta-003 7.71 usd
d-washer 9410914000 0.48 usd
washer-sol 2.73 usd
0-w-20 22.65 usd
labor 26.38 usd
total 59.95 usd
service-job : multi-point-inspection 0 usd
total-service-job-price 788.2 usd
recommended service-job during next-service and estimated-price :
(1) engine-cooling-fluid-renewal 223.31 usd
(2) brake-fluid-renewal 217.2 usd
(3) power-steering-fluid-renewal 211.78 usd
(4) posterior/rear-awd-differential-viscous-coupling-fluid-renewal 191.86 usd
estimated-price for 4 spark-plug-renewal 363.55 usd
i tried to drift during turning left then front-left-tire hit sidecurb.
bending front-left-wheel-rim then i bought wheel-rim from ebay, just like
find 'i tried to drift during turning right then the' in this text
i realised that sidecurb-impact-event may have changed toe-in setting for
front-right-wheel-rim.i wonder whether honda checked toe-in setting during
i watched these videos then i worry :
(Toe-in and Toe-out, Wheel alignment Explained - How it works.)
(Camber Explained - Suspension Geometry, Negative/Positive. How it works.)
(Race Sim: Tyre Toe/Tracking)
tire-alignment service checks toe, caster, camber,so maybe toe-in setting were
checked.source:'caster','camber','toe' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_alignment from wikipedia-search (tire alignment) result 2
#c-2# toyotausa.com->highlander-year-2004 , engine : i-4 , 2.362 Liter , tire-code 'p 225 / 70 r 16 101 s' . [source : 'in line' in page 398 in https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM48478U/pdf/OM48478U.pdf page 298/find 'This illustration indicates typical tire' from 'owner's manuals' in https://www.toyota.com/owners/resources/owners-manuals/highlander/2004 from google (highlander 2004 user manual) result 1 ]
(my sister deborah kim drove this car from august 2004 - around october of 2017,
, her husband hanjun drove this car since year 2011 - around october of 2017).i chose toyota-highlander aug-2004 because toyota-highlander is big and engine is small (efficient).
pro :
1)19.1 gallon fuel tank for engine i-4 2.362 Liter , that is lots of fuel for i-4 2.362 Liter engine .
source:1)'2362' in https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM48478U/pdf/OM48478U.pdf page 398 from 'owner's manuals' in https://www.toyota.com/owners/resources/owners-manuals/highlander/2004 from google (highlander 2004 user manual) result 1
2)'19.8 gallons' in http://www.new-cars.com/2004/toyota/toyota-highlander-specs.html#exterior from google (toyota highlander 2004 spec) result 1
3)'19.1' gal' in https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM48478U/pdf/OM48478U.pdf from 'owner's manuals' in https://www.toyota.com/owners/resources/owners-manuals/highlander/2004 from google (highlander 2004 user manual) result 1
2)feels more stable than crv year 2003 when turning maybe because:
(1)highlander use tire-width : find 'p225'/225 milimeter. crv year 2003 use tire-width : find 'p205'/205 milimeter but
maybe wide-tire make avoiding sewer-cover/man-hole-cover, road-hole on road more difficult.
(2)crv-spare-tire-hanging-on-cargo-door-exterior weight 65 lbs, means 65 lbs on rather-high-place. i feel something on crv-rear-area wanting
to roll-over crv-body during turning-sharply, i don't feel that during driving highlander
but i willing to sacrifice stability-during-turning-sharply to have spare-tire-hanging-on-cargo-door-exterior
more-weight-info:find '65 1 honda-crv-y2003-wheel-rim-and-tire.source:(1)find '1 oem-car-wheel-rim for honda crv y2002-2004' (2)find 'honda-crv-y2003-tire only,brand:coopertires->cs5-grand-touring''
toyota highlander year 2004:
track-width-front=62.2 inch (track-width means distance between left-tire-middle-point and right-tire-middle-point)
track-width-rear=61.6 inch
width without side-mirrors=71.9 inch
wheel-base/wheelbase=106.9 (wheelbase means distance between front-left-tire-middle-point and rear-left-tire-middle-point)
length=184.6 inch
height=66.1 inch
source:(1)https://www.thecarconnection.com/specifications/toyota_highlander_2004 from google(2004 toyota highlander axle track dimension)result 3
(2)'axle track in automobiles and other wheeled vehicles which have two or more wheels on an axle, is the distance between the centerline of two roadwheels on the same axle.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axle_track from 'Axle track' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheelbase
(3)http://www.new-cars.com/2004/toyota/toyota-highlander-specs.html#exterior from google (toyota highlander 2004 spec) result 1
(4)'Track width' in https://www.buildyourownracecar.com/race-car-handling-basics-and-design/ from 'Website for this image' in https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.buildyourownracecar.com/wp-content/uploads/Handling_TrackWidth.png&imgrefurl=https://www.buildyourownracecar.com/race-car-handling-basics-and-design/&h=272&w=269&tbnid=AZ6iJFg9KALShM:&q=track+width&tbnh=77&tbnw=76&usg=AI4_-kT3YqfUAiUzejY7NtLRTMMA6LaJJw&vet=1&docid=MekBq6VWHFWIQM&client=firefox-b-1-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmn9ufj5HmAhUkx1kKHdeIC78Q9QF6BAgLEAc#spf=1575088705250 from google(track width)result 1
honda crv year 2003:
track-width-front=60.4 inch
track-width-rear=60.6 inch
width=70.2 inch
wheel-base/wheelbase=103.1 inch
length=178.6 inch
height=66.2 inch
3)has bug deflector accessory, mud flap.
4)original audio panel can be replaced by aftermarket audio panel.
i chose jvc-kwxg700 from www.beachaudio.com which was the cheapest double din
6)wide original tire maybe provide better grip on road but reduce fuel efficiency
but since i-4 2.362 Liter engine version comes with 16 gallon fuel tank just like
v-6 version , a full fuel tank can make i-4 version go for very long distance .
7)i forgot the other...cause i did not drive that highlander often.
8) 1-page-user-manual is freely-download-able in pdf-format. (html-format with embedded-picture is fine as well actually)
9)i buy weathertech.com's floor-mat for this car .
10)simpler strut-suspension-arrangement maybe create easy life-destiny rather-than more complicated double-wishbone-suspension-arrangement which maybe
create difficult life-destiny . maybe strut-suspension-arrangement create unequal-balance tire-wear during braking-which-produce-friction
on road-bump . double-wishbone create equal-balance tire-wear during braking-which-produce-friction on road-bump .
maybe item which customer buy set customer's life-destiny .
[source : (1)'strut' in edmunds.com/toyota/highlander/2004/features-specs/#4_jan_2023_10_13_pm_est from google ( toyota highlander 2004 i4 spec )
(2)find 'youtube.com/watch?v=MraNBaCmcok&t=6m50s (How Automotive Suspension Systems Work)' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
cons :
1)headlamp is automatically turned on when starting,so battery usage is more
prodigal than crv year 2003.
2)cargo door swing from bottom to up.so cargo door must be opened widely just to
put small item in cargo area.
if cargo door swing from left to right then it is possible to open cargo door
slightly to put small item to cargo area.
3)more expensive than crv
4)spare-tire hang on underneath rear-bumper-area , can become difficult to remove if corrode because-of road-salt-anti-ice .
checking air-pressure inside spare-tire which hang on underneath rear-bumper-area , is not possible .
this is my fault , i under-estimate how important having good spare-tire-location is . i did not check spare-tire-location prior choosing this
highlander . i never thought tire hitting nail , or flat-tire-problem , is possible in this modern-and-advance-and-strong-currency-country usa .
major repair :
highlander 2004 had mysterious steering problem, which was not a recalled problem.
my father discovered that steering problem then i explain that problem to toyota
dealer maybe in year 2008.then toyota, lexus had steering wheel recall
1)http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/world_now/2011/11/toyota-motor-corp-recall-steering-problems-accelleration-problems.html from google (toyota highlander 2004 steering problem) result 3
2)https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/news/2010/05/toyota-to-recall-lexus-ls-460-for-steering-problem/index.htm from google (lexus steering problem) result 3
the steering problem was when turning sharply to right then left,
repeatedly,like car-race-driver warming-up tire prior race,eventually steering
feels weird....like the steering wheel pull myself, tries to countersteer by itself.
#c-3# mitsubishi endeavor maybe model year 2003
i rent endeavor 2003 when vacationing in california in year 2003.
shifting transmission from neutral to d then accelerate immediately,
makes then endeavor vibrates/shaking.
if i shift transmission from neutral to d then wait for a moment
(maybe 2 seconds) then accelerate then it's ok.
#c-4# daimler-mercedes-benz c-class 230 2295cc w202 y1997
i bought 3-year-old-c-class 230 sedan automatic-transmission with my parents'
money.april 2000 (dragon month, dragon year) maybe 12 april 2000.
this c230 is front-engine-rear-wheel-drive, drive badly in snowy-road.
this c-class 230 was not certified-used, so this c-class 230 may have bad history.
problems :
1)spark-plug was bad.
2)alternator was bad causing this c230 to shutdown abruptly during traffic-light-stop.
symptom:during traffic-light-stop this c230 vibrated sporadically then shutdown abruptly.
3)then catalytic-converter started producing embarassing-sound which costs 800 usd
to replace,i did not replace that catalytic-converter.
those problems happened prior year 2003.
i forgot the exact date when those problems happened.
i bought crv year 2003,4 december 2002 using parents' money then gave this c230
to my sister deborah kim, so whenever c230 get stuck on the snow ppl often happier
to help a female rather than me a male.
i did not tell my parents that this c230 was a bad buying-decision immediately.
this c230 was being traded-in with toyota highlander year 2004 , engine : i-4 2.362 L ( find '#c-2#' )
written above.
i put non-oem-immitation-spare-wheel-rim in that c230 when trading-in that c230
in toyota-dealer.i tried to drift during turning right then front-left-wheel-rim
hit sidecurb, bending front-left-wheel-rim then i bought non-oem-immitation-wheel-rim
from ebay.just like find 'i tried to drift during turning left then' in this text
i realised that sidecurb-impact-event may have changed toe-in setting.
info:find 'i realised that sidecurb-impact-event may have changed' in this text
during cold-winter , during me driving c230 from my part-time-asp-web-programmer-job in
iastate.edu->veterinary-diagnostics-lab at around 1:30 am ,
[find 'alternator was bad causing this c230 to shutdown abruptly during traffic-light-stop']
eventually shut-down c230 near some traffic-light then c230 can not re-start engine. a couple-lover driving
toyota->pick-up-truck willing to stop and give car-ride to me to my apartment. then i meet my room-mate nicky-sagitta-hiedajat
already saying 'police was phone-calling me trying to find you , owner of an abandoned-car' to me. then
nicky-sagitta-hiedajat realise what happen then use his aaa.com-member-ship to tow my c230 to my apartment-parking-lot.
so police see my abandoned c230 , then use my c230's license-plate-number to find my land-line-phone-number then
phone-calling that land-line-phone-number then police talk to nicky-sagitta-hiedajat.
(1)steering-wheel-turn feel lighter-weight than front-wheel-drive-car ( lighter-weight power-steering ) .
[source : find 'rwd maybe has better power-steering/more-lightweight-steering' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
(2)electronic-seat-adjustment so pushing button produce adjustment for : spine-support , seat-distance-from-accelerator-pedal
(3)automatic-transmission-shift go via zig-zag-track to shift gear so decrease risk of accidentally-shift to wrong gear.
(4)some wood-art-work in interior .
(5)daimler-benz-web-site provide pdf-format-user-manual . browsing pdf-format-user-manual is easy , i can use feature
'search keyword' to find desired-info in pdf-format-user-manual. browsing multiple-page-html-user-manual need more mouse-click-amount.
but only pdf-format-user-manual for ( current-year-model - 9 ) => current-year , is available , so user-manual for model-year-1997
is not available anymore : mbusa.com/en/owners/manuals#!year=1997&class=C-Sedan
(6)spare-tire is normal-size-spare-tire.
(7)there is outdoor-temperature-indicator on instrument-cluster . outdoor-temperature-sensor is located on front-bumper-area so if
front-bumper collide against something then outdoor-temperature-sensor maybe break-down .
some few day during january-month in iastate.edu outdoor-temperature-indicator show 5 fahrenheit ( -15 celcius ) very cold .
but cons : temperature-indicator , temperature-sensor , consume electricity-from-battery .
i prefer saving battery-electricity and choose not have temperature-indicator .
[source : pdf-viewer-page 69 , 'temperature' in https://www.benzworld.org/attachments/1999-c280_owners_manual-pdf.153145/
from google ( c class 1997 user manual ) result 4 ]
(8)i install (henry-morton-)stanley.co.jp->raybrig-front-lamp to make front-lamp appear like high-intensity-discharge/hid-lamp ,
but maybe i did not correctly-install front-lamp-housing . that raybrig-front-lamp produce cool blue-ish illumination .
i raise front-lamp's illumination-area making normal front-lamp-low-beam-illumination appear like front-lamp-high-beam-illumination ,
inviting usa->iowa-state->ames-city->police to check that front-lamp , saying like 'that lamp is too bright , is that lamp original ?'
then i reply saying lies like front-lamp is original .
but police realise i only have driving-permit , does not have driving-license , so police told me to get car-ride to return home .
then i almost get caught trying to drive this car again because we see that police patrol that area ( welch-avenue ) , thankfully
my friend halbert-thiodore who were sitting on front-passenger-chair during police caught us , strongly-warn me to not return to my car ,
then ing-ing--gunawan is slowly-driving on rather-busy welch-avenue and we get car-ride with ing-ing--gunawan.
(9)c-230's torque-during-low-speed feel stronger than c-280->year-1998
( i had opportunity to try driving mrs-adelina-winarko's c-280->year-1998->dark-blue-color during year 2001 summer
until i ask my parents to buy car find '#c-1#' . i recently fail to get more semi-(gfe/girl-friend-experience)
with 3-rd close-female-friend jihyon-kim then i hang-out with adelina-winarko who is dating riko-sudarto to study
how their dating-relationship can last long time )
but c-280's torque-during-high-speed felt stronger than c-230 . c-280 has higher top-speed than c-230 .
[source : (1)'Inline car engines suffer from relatively small amounts of unwanted vibration at typical engine speeds, and the long stroke of
their cylinders gives these engines superior torque' in proctorcars.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-different-engine-types/ from google ( v engine disadvantage ) result 2
is true
(2)'more torque' in pearltrees.com/thomasdoughty/engine/id9324767/item92490947#l259 from google ( v engine disadvantage ) result 1
is false
(1)rear-wheel-drive suffer difficulty trying to move out of snowy-parking-lot from stop-position.
(2)rear-wheel-drive suffer difficulty trying to go slowly over snowy-road so need to go fast then use some speed-momentum to go over
snowy-road without getting stuck on snowy-road.
(3)hand-brake is adjacent-to-left-thigh , under-neath instrument-cluster , difficult to see , easily forgotten , so there is high risk
of making car go with hand-brake still on.
(4)braking produce brake-dust which make wheel appear dirty quickly. [info : find 'cons:make brake-dust' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm]
(5)dealer-car-service is not available in small university-city like usa->iowa-state->ames-city . so maybe need to drive far-away to reach
dealer-car-service . but if iastate.edu start offering serious online-school then ames-city-population decrease because
ames-city has rough-snowy-winter ( high methane-gas-usage for cooking and heating ) then demand for luxury-car decrease .
(6)pricey maintenance-price . [source : find 'mercedes benz's oil change cost 200 usd']
(7)maintaining double-wishbone-suspension-arrangement/configuration is more difficult , more pricier than struts-suspension-arrangement .
double-wishbone produce non-tilting-tire/0-camber-angle-change during going over road-bump ( better road-grip only during going over road-bump ) ,
struts produce tilting-tire/random-camber-angle-change during going over road-bump .
all 4 tire has double-wishbone . #c-1#/crv-year-2003 only has double-wishbone for 2 rear-tire , has struts for 2 front-tire .
[source : (1/3)find 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MraNBaCmcok&t=6m50s (How Automotive Suspension Systems Work) from recommendation in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCiwQb5sQ74 (How steering and suspension systems work | ACDelco) from youtube-search(steering knuckle) result 4'
in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
(2/3)'Geometric analysis shows it cannot allow vertical movement of the wheel without some degree of either camber angle change,
sideways movement, or both' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacPherson_strut
(3/3)'If the top of the wheel is farther out than the bottom (that is, away from the axle), it is called positive camber;
if the bottom of the wheel is farther out than the top, it is called negative camber.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camber_angle]
during turning :
(1)struts/strut change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle so tire-top-part tilt to direction-of-turning ( 'good thing' ) .
tire-tilting-to-turning-direction : decrease turning-diameter , decrease risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction .
(2)solid-axel-suspension-car like : mbusa.com->g-class , jeep.com->wrangler , doesn't change camber-angle/front-tire-tilt-angle
( camber-gain always 0 in all situation ). so not decreasing turning-diameter ,
not decreasing risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction .
if front-tire-nearest-to-turning-direction hit bump-on-road then risk-of-roll-over-to-opposite-of-turning-direction is high .
[source : all-simplified
---https://cartreatments.com/what-is-camber/ from google ( camber change during turning ) result 6 :
'Camber-angle is measured while car is not moving (static-camber), as camber naturally-change while car is
turning, or cornering, due to body-roll. the amount that this camber-changes while turning is called camber-gain, and depends on
---https://www.comeanddriveit.com/suspension/camber-caster-toe from google ( camber change during turning ) page 2 number 5 :
'positive-caster is when :
(1) shock-absorber-spring-top-part diagonally-point to rear-bumper'
'negative-caster is when :
(1) shock-absorber-spring-top-part diagonally-point to front-bumper'
'positive-caster-angle is between 3 => 5 degree-angle on modern car. This gives a good mix of high-way stability and steering-feel.
For a more performance oriented setup on a MacPherson-strut you can add 1 or 2 degree-angle to have more favorable camber-gain at
high steering-angle.'
'For example, a solid-axel has no camber gain, but an asymmetrical double wishbone may gain
2 degree-angle of negative-camber with 2" (50mm) of suspension-travel'
'Due to geometry of positive-caster it also will increase negative camber-gain (a good thing) when turning'
---https://www.santafegarage.com/precision-alignments/camber-explained/ from google ( camber change during turning ) page 2 number 4 :
'stock' means factory-setting.
'For example, say a McPherson-strut-suspension set at 2.5 negative-static-camber at stock-ride-height has a dynamic camber
in a 7 degree turn of 3.5 degree negative. The car is lowered so front-lower-control-arm now goes up from cross-member (frame-mounting-point)
to lower-ball-joint by wheel; it went down slightly before lowering. static-camber is re adjusted to 2.5 negative setting,
but dynamic-camber at same 7 degree turn is now 2.5 degrees, not more desirable 3.5 degree.'
if suspension is solid-axel-suspension then car-lifter-lifting-point is under-neath solid-axel like mbusa.com->g-class , jeep.com->wrangler :
(1)g-class : page-number-on-paper=330 / 'Position jack : on the axle carrier tube ; of the front or rear axle' in
mbusa.com/content/dam/mb-nafta/us/owners/manuals/2015/operators/MY15_G-Class_Operator.pdf from google (g class user manual)
(2)wrangler : youtube.com/watch?v=gEBHjHWWxYU&t=1m41s#11_feb_2019_9_38_pm_est
(Jacking and Tire Changing - How to change a tire on 2018 Jeep Wrangler) from youtube-search ( wrangler change tire ) result 5 .
if suspension is independent-suspension like strut , double-wishbone then car-lifter-lifting-point is under-neath body-frame-protruding-steel :
find 'car-jacking-point/car-lifting-point where jack-lifter lift-up car during changing tire:'pinch-weld'/long-thin-protruding-steel-from'
in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm ]
but solid-axel-suspension need maintenance-job easier-than independent-suspension ( strut , double-wishbone ).
[source : 'Only one universal joint or constant-velocity joint is needed at each steered and driven drive wheel and none are needed at
non-steered wheels; this reduces maintenance requirements and manufacturing costs compared to independent suspensions,
which typically require 2 such joints at each driven wheel' , 'As the vehicle's body rolls during hard cornering,
the unchanging camber yields predictable handling—at least on smooth surfaces' ,
'Camber angle is rigidly fixed by axle geometry; for a live axle, toe is typically fixed as well' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beam_axle ]
(8)steering-wheel-skin is leather , using soap to wash steering-wheel-skin is impossible.
so if driver-hand-palm is oily because hand-palm scratch itchy-oily-face-skin after playing tennis and-then
use oily-hand-palm to grab steering-wheel then steering-wheel-leather-skin become oily as-well and difficult to clean.
[source : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/2007_Mercedes-Benz_E_500_%28W_211_MY08%29_sedan_%282008-10-12%29.jpg
from 'Takata steering-wheel in a Mercedes-Benz E-Class' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takata_Corporation ]
#c-5# honda.com->insight-hybrid-year-2019 , at-transmission(automatic),loaner-car from honda-dealer-service, vin : 19-xze-4f-51-ke-017886 , color : white-orchid-pearL
(1)rear-camera,side-camera,helpful but sacrifice battery-power.
(2)silent/no-engine-noise during moving without pressing accelerator-pedal,engine-noise seems lower than gasoline-engine-car.
(3)can turn-off side-camera,vehicle-stability-assist,lkas(lane-keeping-assist-system),cmbs(collision-mitigation-braking-system) to save battery-power[source:'lkas','cmbs' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATXM1919OM/enu/ATXM1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/manuals?year=2019&model=Insight]
(4)at-transmission-shifter looks complicated but that's ok after adaptation.
(5)turning-on hand-brake,needs finger-touch only.usually in older-at-car,
turning-on hand-brake needs bicep-muscle-power like mt-car(manual-transmission).
(6)lots of battery-power because this car has hybrid-engine.
(7) 1-page-user-manual is freely-download-able in pdf-format. (html-format with embedded-picture is fine as well actually)
(1)must press foot-brake during shifting from 'n'/neutral to 'd'/drive .
shifting from 'n' to 'd' without pressing foot-brake , generate error-message
'please press foot-brake during shifting to 'd'' .
so i can forget to press foot-brake while shifting from 'n' to 'd' on
red-traffic-light-stop then honda-insight still in 'n' and i just press
foot-accelerator and honda-insight does not move. maybe making car-driver behind me , angry .
(2)can not turn-off rear-camera to save battery-power.
(3)rear-visibility is bad,maybe all sedan has bad rear-visibilty because
there is a trunk after rear-window.rear-camera solve bad rear-visibility-problem
while sacrificing battery-power.
(4)car-key-slot on door is deep inside a cave.using manual-entry-car-key,scratch cave-entrance/car-door.
but there is remote-entry-car-key which sacrifice door-lock-actuator,battery-power.
(5)manual-entry-car-key turns anti-clock-wise to close-lock.
usually clock-wise means close-lock.
(6)can not turn-off wear-seat-belt-reminder-alarm
(7)non-aerodynamic-front-light make more prodigal fuel-consumption,less down-force.
down-force is needed to make car stick on ground,not flying:
(1)benz-clr fly:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkcGPf-fLV0 (Le Mans Flying Cars) from youtube-search(why mercedes fly in lemans)result 1
benz-clr fly because front-bumper does not have front-splitter.source:carlos comment 'That happens when you only have downforce in the rear of the car and not in the front! Front splitters are very important!' in that movie,sorted newest 1st.
(2)how that flying-benz-clr look like in that lemans-1999:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYvdNNjt5vo&t=6m30s#11_feb_2019_5_49_pm_est (Review Of The 1999 Le Mans 24Hrs) from youtube-search(clr 1999 lemans)result 14 from '1999 24 Hours of Le Mans' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_CLR#11_feb_2019_5_43_pm_est
(8)engine-hood can not wear bug-deflector
#c-6# honda.com->crv-year-2019, turbo-version, at-transmission(automatic)? cvt?, loaner-car from honda-dealer-service, vin : 5-j-6-rw-2-h-51-kL-0050009 , color : gray-metal, factory:ohio-state->east-liberty-area
(1)radio-antenna does not worsen aerodynamic like crv-year-2003-radio-antenna
(2)maybe gear-changer-stick/gear-shifter-stick on right-side-arm-rest-area is better than
gear-changer-stick/gear-shifter-stick on right-side-arm-rest-area allow change-gear from r/reverse to n/neutral with less risk of
accidentally-continue-change-gear to d/drive. but gear-changer-stick/gear-shifter-stick on right-side-arm-rest-area, can get dirty from
food-debris easier.
(3)honda->crv-year-2017 start using brake-disc/brake-rotor for hand-brake/parking-brake, not using drum-brake for hand-brake/parking-brake anymore.
renewing (hand-brake/parking-brake)->drum-brake-shoe is difficult:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryVMG6ntU5w (How to Replace Parking Brake Shoes 03-11 Honda Element) from youtube-search(replace parking brake)result 3.
so honda-maintenance-technician maybe feel happier renewing crv-year-2019-hand-brake than crv-year-2003-hand-brake
(1)'43020-TLA-A00', 'gear unit, motor' in
from find 'https://estore.honda.com/honda/parts/view-honda-parts-catalog-detail.asp?m=2003-cr-v-5-ex-4wd-4at&sn=&b=B++28&dl=#005' in wortel.ucoz.com/car_review.htm
(2)'there are two electric gear motors p/n 43020-TLA-A00 mounted on each rear caliper which clamps the pads independent of the hydraulic pistons. More accurately. it pushes in on the pistons but no hydraulic pressure is used.' in https://www.crvownersclub.com/threads/emergency-brake-not-parking-brake.195637/ from google(43020-TLA-A00)page 2 number 3
(3)'parking brake shoe' in https://estore.honda.com/honda/parts/view-honda-parts-catalog.asp?m=2016-cr-v-5-ex-2wd-hcm-engine-cvt&dl=&sid=6#23_dec_2019_12_32_pm_est
(4)(4.1)'Electronic parking brakes have been around for quite a while now, and like skinning a cat, there are many different ways of accomplishing the same thing. Some manufacturers designed a cable that gets pulled on by a motor, but most companies put a small DC motor on the back of the brake caliper'
(4.2)'Parking brake actuators. These are electronically-controlled calipers, and every system I’ve ever seen are on the rear of the vehicle. Sometimes they’re combined with the base brakes, sometimes they’re their own little sub caliper. Tesla comes to mind.'
in https://www.identifix.com/2019/09/01/servicing-electronic-parking-brakes/ from google(parking brake without drum brake)
(4.3)'HONDA OEM 17-18 CR-V Brake-Rear-Actuator 43020TLAA00' in ebay.com/itm/HONDA-OEM-17-18-CR-V-Brake-Rear-Actuator-43020TLAA00-/382961402799 from google(43020-TLA-A00)
(4)rear-view-camera but rear-view-camera increase maintenance-price.
(5)engine-hood can wear bug-deflector
(6)can move-forward with n/neutral then change-gear from n/neutral to d/drive during moving-forward, not like honda->insight-hybrid-year-2019.
does not need to press foot-brake during change-gear from n/neutral to d/drive.
(7)d/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003:
(1)pros:(1)make crv-year-2019-foot-brake feels stronger than crv-year-2003-foot-brake.
(2)crv-year-2019 can go very slowly, almost stop, near red-traffic-light with d/drive without pressing foot-brake,
waiting red-traffic-light change to green-traffic-light.
so on traffic-light-area:crv-year-2019 has more opportunity to
(1)save brake-pad-lining-milimeter
(2)save transmission (less reason for change-gear from d/drive to n/neutral).
(2)cons:find 'warming-up crv-year-2019-engine to warmest-level needs longer-time than crv-year-2003. starting cold-engine does not raise engine-rpm-speed like crv-year-2003, engine-rpm-speed stays low even-though engine is cold during starting engine.'
(8)start-button to start engine is nice
(9) 1-page-user-manual is freely-download-able in pdf-format. (html-format with embedded-picture is fine as well actually)
(1)making right-side-rear-view-mirror see rear-right-tire-position on asphalt, is more difficult than
crv-year-2003, because right-side-rear-view-mirror-vision toward rear-right-tire-position on asphalt, is being blocked by
rear-view-camera solve that problem, but since exterior-light can break-down let-alone rear-view-camera.
fixing camera maybe more pricey than fixing exterior-light.
without rear-view-camera : making crv-year-2019 move-backward is more difficult than making crv-year-2003 move-backward.
i guess crv-year-2019-door-opener block right-side-rear-view-mirror because crv-year-2019-door is aerodynamic.
so maybe this has advantage : find 'wrangler-passenger-door seems not making down-force if wind blow wrangler-passenger-door.'
(2)engine-hood lacking steep-decline toward front-bumper, crv-year-2003 has steeper-decline toward front-bumper.
so crv-year-2003-driver see front-bumper better than crv-year-2019-driver
(3)crv-year-2019-spare-tire-location is worse than crv-year-2003-spare-tire-location.
but owner will go to tire-shop to have tire-technician use torque-wrench on tire-replacement anyway,
so honda-dealer expect owner to go to tire-shop so tire-shop clean spare-tire then put clean-spare-tire
on spare-tire-well-cloth. that spare-tire-well-cloth is impossible to clean if dirty and spare-tire-well-cloth is
28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man kevin-k-azizsired on honda-dealer on autonationhondadulles.com in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z
, show crv-year-2020->spare-tire-storage to me then i think i can put water-resistant-shower-curtain underneath spare-tire,
but screw going to spare-tire-center-area can not be used, that spare-tire-center-area-screw prevent spare-tire from
bouncing-around but that spare-tire is so heavy and bouncing-around slightly is ok.
procedure to remove spare-tire from spare-tire-storage:
(1)remove cargo-floor and cargo-floor-mat, put cargo-floor and cargo-floor-mat on rear-seat, so cargo on rear-seat must be
(2)turn-counter-clock-wise car-lifter-lifting-mechanism to shrink car-lifter-width so car-lifter can be removed from
if car-lifter-lifting-mechanism can not be turned by hand because honda-factory use car-lifter-handle-bar [source:'jack handle bar' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
to turn-clock-wise car-lifter-lifting-mechanism to lengthen-and-widen car-lifter so car-lifter is stuck-strongly on
then (1)find black-cloth-bag which lean-against spare-tire
(2)take car-lifter-handle-bar from inside that black-cloth-bag [source:'jack handle bar' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
(3)use that car-lifter-handle-bar to turn-counter-clock-wise car-lifter-lifting-mechanism to shrink
car-lifter-width so car-lifter can be removed from car-lifter-housing/car-jack-lift-housing.
(3)remove spare-tire, heavier than crv-year-2003-spare-tire, expect physical-body-stress on spine-area,
spine must be straight during lifting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDR6se131Bc&t=1m11s
removing that spare-tire maybe feel like rear-lateral-raise https://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidPosterior/DBRearLateralRaise from 'Rear Lateral Raise' in https://www.exrx.net/Lists/ExList/ShouldWt#Posterior from 'Rear Delt Exercises' in https://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidPosterior/DBSeatedRearLateralRaise.
, crv-year-2019-spare-tire-wheel-rim maybe made from steel so heavier than crv-year-2003-spare-tire-alloy-wheel
stress on spine-area, can be decreased by doing this procedure to remove spare-tire:
(1)left-arm-hand touch spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body
(2)right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hole then (warning:spare-tire-center-hole-border felt rather-sharp)
(3)with right-arm-hand grabbing spare-tire-center-hole :
(1)lift spare-tire so spare-tire is tilted underneath right-arm-pit
(2)make spare-tire-bottom-rubber-area touch spare-tire-well-area
(3)with spare-tire-bottom-rubber-area touching spare-tire-well-area:
(1)use left-arm-hand to touch spare-tire-top-area, to make sure spare-tire doesn't fall toward us
(2)right-arm-hand release spare-tire-center-hole
(4)with left-arm-hand touching spare-tire-top-area, to make sure spare-tire doesn't fall toward us:
(1)use both hand to make spare-tire stand-upright on spare-tire-well
(5)with right-arm-hand-palm facing upward:right-arm-hand grab spare-tire-center-hole, but don't lift spare-tire,
just make sure spare-tire doesn't fall toward us.
(6)with right-arm-hand grabbing spare-tire-center-hole to make sure spare-tire doesn't fall toward us:
(1)left-arm-hand touch spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body
(2)with left-arm-hand touching spare-tire-well-area adjacent-to-rear-bumper to support upper-body:
(1)right-arm-hand lift-and-move spare-tire little-by-little until spare-tire stand-upright on rear-bumper
(7)both hand carry spare-tire out of crv. spine must be straight during lifting : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDR6se131Bc&t=1m11s
cargo-door-not-carrying-spare-tire make crv-year-2019-cargo-door easier to fix than crv-year-2003-cargo-door, if
cargo-door suffer collision like find 'accidentally hit brown-colored-fuel-station-convenient-store-parking-lot-bollard [https://jpsignsandsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1_4in-brown-bollard-cover-c.jpg from google-image(brown bollard) row 1 col 2 from 'bollard' in https://www.belson.com/Parking-Lot-Equipment from google(fuel station convenience store barricade pole)result 1]'
suggestion for find 'remove cargo-floor and cargo-floor-mat, put cargo-floor and cargo-floor-mat on rear-seat, so cargo on rear-seat must be'
: something-like-sunvisor-with-shelf total-amount 4, each something-like-sunvisor-with-shelf:
(1)can sleep-flat on cargo-room-ceiling, (2)can fold-open-and-hanging on cargo-room-ceiling
with shelf which can grab-and-suspend cargo-floor-and-cargo-floor-mat, maybe can be a way to store
cargo-floor-and-cargo-floor-mat temporarily during removing spare-tire from spare-tire-well.
cargo-luggage can sit on dirty-asphalt, but cargo-floor-cloth-underside and cargo-floor-mat-underside should stay-clean.
i felt pressure from sales-man kevin-k-azizsired to explain why i want to see crv-spare-tire-storage.
i say to kevin-k-azizsired i want to see crv-spare-tire-storage so i can make decision can i can tolerate
crv-internal-spare-tire-storage ? should i want external-cargo-door-spare-tire-storage on fiat-jeep->wrangler ?
then kevin-k-azizsired says something-like if you buy new wrangler then you lose 7,000 usd out of dealer.
1st contact with sales-man : during me tring to remove spare-tire, different sales-man shout what are you doing.
then that different sales-man show how to remove spare-tire to me then that different sales-man left.
(4)cargo-door-glass should extend-a-little-bit to lower-area so driver can see rear-lower-area. because cargo-door does not
carry spare-tire.
(5)this loaner-crv-year-2019 vin : 5j 6r w2 h5 1kL 005 0009 , has running-board-accessory/foot-step-helper-to-enter-car.
running-board block access to car-jacking-point/car-lifting-point so putting car-jack/car-lifter underneath
car-jacking-point/car-lifting-point, becomes difficult. all car with running-board-accessory has this problem. [source:'running board' in https://www.autotrader.com/car-news/i-really-dont-running-boards-and-why-260914 from google-image (car door foot step to enter) row 4 col 2]
car-lifting-point-location:find 'car-jacking-point/car-lifting-point where jack-lifter lift-up car during changing tire:'pinch-weld'/long-thin-protruding-steel-from-car-front-to-car-rear:'
in http://wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm
(6)user-manual is not easy to understand, not explaining that cruise-control needs:(1)adaptive-cruise-control to be on, (2)lane-keeping-assist-system/lkas to be on.
if (1)adaptive-cruise-control is off and (2)lane-keeping-assist-system/lkas is off then cruise-control can not be turned-on.
(1)user-manual page 472 says steering-wheel-right-side-corner-left-button has label 'cruise' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
but actual-steering-wheel-right-side-corner-left-button has label 'main'.
(2)user-manual page 159 'Opening/Closing the Tailgate' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
(1)'When all the doors are unlocked or press the tailgate unlock button on the remote transmitter, the tailgate is unlocked. Press the outer handle and lift open the tailgate.' is difficult to understand.
this is easier to understand : unlock cargo-door, press-upward cargo-door-button semi-strongly until cargo-door swing-upward
(2)'To close the tailgate, grab the inner handle, pull the tailgate down, and push it closed from outside.'
is difficult to understand, handle means something which can be grabbed, but there is nothing can be grabbed.
this is easier to understand : to close cargo-door : push-downward cargo-door-small-rectangular-recess until cargo-door swing-downward
(3)user-manual page 551 in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
'Pull on the fuel fill door release handle Pull under the lower left corner of the dashboard' is difficult to understand.
this is easier to understand : fuel-tank-door-opener-button is located underneath driver-dashboard-left-area. pull fuel-tank-door-opener-button to open fuel-tank-door.
(4)user-manual page 552 in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
'Place the end of the filler nozzle on the lower part of filler opening, then insert it slowly and fully.' is difficult to understand.
this is easier to understand : use fuel-dispenser-nozzle to push and to penetrate or to stab-slowly fuel-tank-inner-door until fuel-dispenser-nozzle enter fuel-tank.
(5)user-manual page 622 in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
does not show jacking-point/car-lifting-point clearly.
(7)side-mirror-vertical-thickness is thin, so crv-year-2019-side-mirror has more blind-spot than crv-year-2003-side-mirror.
crv-year-2003 side-view-mirror-size (approximately):
(1)side-view-mirror-width:7 inch
(2)side-view-mirror-height:5.25 inch
(3)distance from door-window to beginning-of-side-view-mirror 2 inch
(4)total-mirror-and-housing-width:9 inch
side-view-mirror-blind-spot-detector-blinking-light can be wrongly-thought-of-as turn-signal. modern-side-view-mirror has turn-signal.
maybe this after-market-side-view-mirror is larger:
(1)https://www.carparts.com/mirror/kool-vue/fd82er from https://www.carparts.com/kool-vue/mirror?sort=price-high&sort=price-low from google (kool vue mirror) result 1 from 'Mirror Manual for 97-2002 Jeep Jeep Wrangler (TJ) Left & Right by Kool-Vue' in https://www.amazon.com/Mirror-Manual-97-2002-Wrangler-Right/dp/B009EADEQ4?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_5 from google (kool vue mirror) from '1-year Kool Vue limited warranty' in https://www.jcwhitney.com/details/Kool_Vue/Mirror/SET-FD282ER-S.html#plpslot5 from 'OE Replacement Mirrors - Power, Heated, Power folding, With turn signal light' in https://www.jcwhitney.com/results/?refType=Sort+By&Ntt=Mirror&N=0&Nf=price5|GT+0.001&Ns=price5|1&No=40&Npp=10 from google (aftermarket side view mirror) result 2
(2)https://www.amazon.com/Telescopic-Textured-Replacement-5C3Z17683EAA-AutoAndArt/dp/B007TY5Y7O from google-image (truck side view mirror) row 4 col 3
(8)cargo-door swing-vertically to higher-level than roof-level. so opening cargo-door in garage-with-ceiling-slightly-higher-than-crv-year-2019-roof, maybe make cargo-door hit garage-ceiling.
(9)warming-up crv-year-2019-engine to warmest-level needs longer-time than crv-year-2003. starting cold-engine does not raise engine-rpm-speed like crv-year-2003, engine-rpm-speed stays low even-though engine is cold during starting engine.
and engine-temperature-indicator is difficult to read. i prefer seeing temperature-number rather-than red-stick-indicator
but crv-year-2019-engine-temperature-red-stick-indicator somehow not easy to read.
that makes me think during cold-starting crv-year-2019-engine, crv-year-2019-engine is already warm, then i start driving.
that is why there was complaint about oil-fuel-dilution-for-turbo-version being caused by driving crv-year-2019-cold-engine, because:(1)cold-engine-rpm-speed is low so engine-sound is quiet. warm-engine usually sounds quiet (2)crv-year-2019-engine-temperature-red-stick-indicator is difficult to read. [source-1/2:(1)Dima Gurevich's comment 'Oil dilution only happens on frequent short drives, when the engine is not given time to warm up, the piston rings don't seal as well, and the immense pressure created by the turbo pushes the air-fuel mixture past the ring seals. If you drive normally, even in case this occurs, the gas will evaporate from the oil.' replying to danial kurashi's comment (2)Karim Haroun's comment 'u can have 2018 with na engine problem solved.' replying to Intel & Nvidia SUXXZZZ!!!'s comment in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYtV4qMhNlA (2019 Honda CR-V Real Time AWD vs 2013 Honda CR-V Real Time AWD - 4x4 test on rollers ) from youtube-search(crv awd test)result 3] [source-2/2:(1)'If you own a 2017 to 2018 Honda CR-V or a 2016 to 2018 Honda Civic with a 1.5-liter turbo engine, you will now have an extended warranty covering your vehicle for another year' (2)'Complaints from owners say they can smell raw fuel inside the cabin and outside the vehicle. This is due to gasoline seeping into the engine oil' in https://www.torquenews.com/1084/honda-civic-cr-v-oil-dilution-problem-what-you-should-do-now from google(crv oil dilution)result 1].
turbo-version need warm-engine during driving : 'When the engine is cold just after starting, avoid revving the engine or sudden acceleration.' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1.
this is side-effect for find 'd/drive without pressing accelerator-pedal, make crv-year-2019 goes slower than crv-year-2003:'.
(10)day-time-running-light does not turn-on brake-light faintly. sometimes i see front-light-reflection on garage-wall then i automatically assume brake-light must have been faintly-on as well but that's false. if i drive inside dark-road-tunnel during day-time then i must remember to turn-on front-light even-though i already see front-light-reflection on car-in-front-of-me->rear-part. this is dark-road-tunnel during day-time:https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8887081,-77.1116811,3a,75y,78.15h,74.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHZxWfP6LsIR1X3MlT-8Qzw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
turning-off hand-brake automatically turn-on day-time-running-light-front-light. [source:'parking/daytime running lights come on when the following conditions have been met' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
(11)button with label 'climate' set air-flow-direction-option:air-flow-to-foot-area, air-flow-to-upper-body-area, etc. 'climate' label is not easy to understand.
button-label which is easy to understand : usual-picture showing '-> person-upper-body-picture' '... '. or usual-picture showing '-> person-upper-body-picture' 'etc... '
(12)rain-water-droplet can partially-block-rear-view-camera-vision.
(13)hand-brake-light-indicator is located on bottom-right-corner on instrument-cluster, difficult to see : page 13/'parking brake and brake system indicator (red)' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
sometimes i want to know hand-brake-status during driving whether i already turn-off hand-brake or not-yet during driving.
(14)this feature makes me think turn-signal-button-lever suffer lag during:i change my mind then decide to turn-off turn-signal:page 176/'One-touch turn signal. When you lightly push up or down and release the turn signal lever, the exterior turn signals and turn signal indicator blink three times. This feature can be used when signaling for a lane change' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1
(15)fuel-tank-opening makes fuel-dispenser-nozzle can not face down-ward.
so during removing fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank-opening:fuel-dispenser-nozzle may drip some gasoline.
if fuel-tank-opening makes fuel-dispenser-nozzle face down-ward fully then maybe fuel-dispenser-nozzle won't drip gasoline during:removing fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank-opening.
gasoline maybe is paint-thinner, gasoline maybe always drip on body-paint during:removing fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank-opening.
how gasoline-station-pump automatically stop sending fuel if car-fuel-tank is full:
'As long as the sensing hole isn’t covered, air gets sucked into the venturi and mixes with the fuel that goes into your car. But if you cover that hole with your hand or with fuel (like when your tank fills up), the venturi will “struggle” to suck in the heavier fluid, and will therefore create a vacuum. This vacuum then sucks on a diaphragm, and shuts off the nozzle.'
in https://jalopnik.com/gas-station-fuel-nozzles-are-fascinating-contraptions-1791706786 from google(nozzle sensing port)result 2
from 'sensing port' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3phjAQZdGg&t=57s#11_may_2019_10_21_am_edt (How Nozzles Work )
from google(fuel-dispenser pressure sensing safety feature)result 2 from 'Comes with standard pressure sensing safety feature that terminates flow at the end of a prepaid sale even if the hook is still engaged.' in http://www.franklinfueling.com/americas/ds/product/5144/en/900-series-evr#Highlights from google(franklin flex fuel)result 5
venturi means 'A short tube with a constricted throat used to determine fluid pressures and velocities by measurement of differential pressures generated at the throat as a fluid traverses the tube.' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/venturi#11_may_2019_10_17_am_edt
venturi-name comes from '[After Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746-1822), Italian physicist.]' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/venturi#11_may_2019_10_17_am_edt
suggestion:after fuel-dispenser-nozzle click which says fuel-tank is full, i can pull-upward-slightly fuel-dispenser-nozzle and fuel-dispenser-nozzle still face down-ward fully, so fuel-dispenser-nozzle drip gasoline to fuel-tank in that position then i remove fuel-dispenser-nozzle from fuel-tank.
(16)assuming crv-year-2019 has same brochure like crv-year-2020 in find '28 jan 2020 1:30 pm est:sales-man on honda-dealer on autonationhondadulles.com in https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+21715+auto+world+cir/@39.0135499,-77.4345181,14z'
why brochure still says 'entry-sea-port:baltimore' even-though that crv-year-2019 is made in ohio-state->east-liberty-area-factory, engine is made in usa, transmission is made in usa.
(17)turning-on cruise-control, automatically-accelerate crv until reaching minimum-speed 25 mph. [source:'25 mph' in http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/ATLA1919OM/enu/ATLA1919OM.PDF from 'owner's manual' in https://owners.honda.com/vehicle-information/information/2019/CR-V/manuals from google (crv 2019 user manual) result 1]
this startle me during i use cruise-control for 1st time.
(18)tire has less side-wall than '#c-1#' , '24)comes with tire-with-plenty-side-wall which help absorb shock during moving on road-hole.'
but making-turn with rather fast-speed produce better stability ( less roll-over-wannabe-feeling )
because tire-side-wall is thin. but crv is suv , suv should go slow during making-turn.
#c-7# honda.com->crv-year-2010->brown-color , defina-jaya's car . usa-country->minnesota-state->minneapolis-city dec-2015
defina-jaya drive that car to see invisalign/aligntech.com-orthodontist and skid on black-ice then hit parked-car
making wind-shield break-apart to many non-sharp-ball then go to embankment , statefarm.com->full-coverage-insurance
say that axel is broken , broken-axel means total-loss , give some money almost enough to buy new crv , to defina-jaya .
[source : (1/2) 'statefarm.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Farm (2/2) 'aligntech.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisalign]
during getting that statefarm.com->insurance my mother tell defina-jaya to get statefarm.com->full-coverage-insurance
instead-of liability-insurance like me .
defina-jaya test-drive subaru.com->imprezza , maybe test-drive toyota.com->rav4 , wanting honda.com->fit then 29-dec-2015
i say-via-email to defina-jaya that honda.com->fit's iihs.org->crash-rating-score is lower-than honda.com->crv-year-2012
so defina-jaya choose honda.com->crv-year-2015->white-color . white-color is the only color available for crv-without-sun-roof .
year 2010 defina-jaya during getting that honda.com->crv-year-2010->brown-color , i already tell defina-jaya to avoid sun-roof
because rubber surrounding sun-roof can become damaged then need more maintenance-price .
pros :
(1)analog-speedometer/analog-instrument-cluster should have battery-consumption
more efficient than digital-speedometer/digital-instrument-cluster in 'honda->crv-year-2019'
(2)cruise-control doesn't auto-accelerate like 'honda->crv-year-2019'
(3)front-light has down-force , better than 'honda->crv-year-2019' orthogonal/perpendicular-angle-between-front-light-glass-and-earth-horizon.
but cons : (1)find 'but front-light which make down-force, accumulate more debris than front-light which make up-force'.
(2)find 'front-light which doesn't make down-force maybe illuminate more road-area than front-light which make down-force'.
(4)find 'feels more stable than crv year 2003 when turning maybe because'
(5) procedure for engine-jump-start-because-of-failed-battery , is easier than #c-1#/crv-year-2003.
more info : find 'if needing to jump-start crv-year-2003 then there is 1 extra step:'.
cons : (1) ugly front-grill-design , but i realise actually allow more air enter engine-area so maybe helpful for cooling
(2) seat-belt-reminder-alarm coerce driver to wear seat-belt
#c-8# honda.com->pilot-year-2022->special-edition/se->dark-red-color/deep-scarlet-pearl-color , vin : 5-fnyf-6-h-20-nb-027315
cons :
(1)similar to find 'honda.com->insight-hybrid-year-2019' change-gear from d/drive to n/neutral , need to press foot-brake .
and change-gear fronm d/drive to n/neutral need very low speed almost 0 mph .
can not change-gear from d/drive to n/neutral during high speed .
surprisingly different from honda.com->crv-year-2019
'can move-forward with n/neutral then change-gear from n/neutral to d/drive during moving-forward, not like honda->insight-hybrid-year-2019.'
so crv-transmission-behaviour is different against pilot-transmission-behaviour , insight-transmission-behaviour .
so maybe there is rebellion inside honda.com->transmission-department ( crv was made 1-st become popular then pilot , insight are made ) .
maybe honda.com->pilot's transmission-maker zf.com->9-hp-transmission zf.com/products/en/cars/products_65822.html
want to increase honda.com->nissinkogyo.co.jp->brake-pad-sales via
coercing honda.com->pilot-car-driver to brake during transmission-gear is in 'd/drive' not during transmission-gear is in 'n/neutral' .
braking during transmission-gear is in 'd/drive' which has moving-idle-speed , make gradual-braking more difficult and
waste brake-pad more prodigally
so honda.com->pilot-owner must renew brake-pad more often
then giving more money to brake-pad-maker honda.com->nissinkogyo.co.jp .
but honda.com->pilot is not available in japan , asia ; so honda.com->pilot maybe is not using usual honda.com->brake-pad-supplier nissinkogyo.co.jp .
maybe use europe-brake-pad-maker like jurid.com, pagid.com, textar.com, ferodo.co.uk, ate-brakes.com .
maybe brake-pad-maker ideally-ask-for subsidy-money like american-airline aa.com asking subsidy-money to buy embraer.com-jet
for non-popular-flying-path to small-agriculture-city
[source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_Air_Service from search ( american airlines subsidy ) page 2 number 5 ] .
nissinkogyo.co.jp is honda.com's subsidiary/child-company.
and that norway->swarco.com traffic-lamp-maker refuse to show red-and-green-and-yellow-lamp with count-down-timer-number
to help car-driver make decision to brake or to accelerate which help save brake-pad-usage .
from google ( traffic light with countdown timer ) page 3 number 6 from some-traffic-light in indonesia-country->central-java-province->semarang-city
demo-movie showing count-down-timer combined with led-traffic-signal : youtube.com/watch?v=RpYLNDyRojQ
from http://www.trafficsolution.cn/blog/led-traffic-countdown-signals from google ( traffic light countdown signal ) page 2 number 1
(2)tire is rather low-profile ( continental-tires.com->contact ) , tire-side-wall-rubber is less than crv-year-2003's tire-side-wall-rubber .
what determine mpg is 'engine-control-unit'
source:'The ECU determines the amount of fuel to inject based on a number of
sensor readings' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engine_control_unit from 'engine control unit' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_injection#Determining_how_much_fuel_to_supply
small engine-displacement-liter-or-cc does not mean efficient-mpg.
source :
1)1.1) 'Ford's claiming 647 horses and 550 lb-ft of torque from
the GT's 3.5-liter EcoBoost twin-turbo V6.'
1.2) 'Blame the GT's anti-lag. "We certainly could have gotten more fuel economy,"
Nair told R&T, "but we tuned it for horsepower and throttle response."
In three of the GT's five drive modes, anti-lag programming kicks in,
sending fuel through the engine even when the throttle's closed
to keep the turbos spinning. "We completely looked at the performance metrics,"
Nair told us. "The fuel economy is what it is."'
in https://www.roadandtrack.com/new-cars/future-cars/news/a32403/new-ford-gt-horsepower-torque-weight-top-speed/ from google (fordgt torque) result 1
2)'ford pcm' in https://media.ford.com/content/dam/fordmedia/North%20America/US/2017/01/25/2017_GT_Tech_Specs_Final.pdf from google (fordgt curb weight lbs) result 8
japan levies a tax based on engine-displacement-liter/cc
source:http://www.pref.aichi.jp/global/en/living/taxes/tax.pdf page 2
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VTEC#cite_note-3
from ref [3] in
'Japan levies a tax based on engine displacement,[3]'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VTEC
voltage :
100 V in Japan
120 V in North America
230 V in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia
source:'100 V in Japan' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volt#Common_voltages from 'Volt § Common voltages' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage
maybe front-grill should not have logo because
air coming via front-grill to cool-down radiator
but maybe not having logo on front-gril affect crash-rating because maybe
front-gril-logo is a crumple-zone
crv year 2003's radiator often being blocked by license-plate:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JWiHpY5ziI&t=6m5s
but crv year 2003 has a fan behind front-bumper/front-grill which sucks air so
front-license-plate maybe does not block air-flow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0huGeUmmmY&t=6m43s (2001 - 2006 Honda CR-V AC and Radiator Fan Replacement)
crv year 2003's intake to bring oxygen to engine's internal-combustion-chamber is
behind the front-grill:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GME8ULIc2kU&t=1m (06 Honda crv intake duct)
some specs for some cars :
#rg# means regular gasoline,
#mg# means midgrade gasoline,
#pg# means premium gasoline
#d# means diesel
#k# kerosene
#mt# means manual-transmission
#at# means automatic-transmission
#m# means maker-website-data
#f# means www.fueleconomy.gov data
#x# means website-magazine-data
#mf# means maker-website-data and
www.fueleconomy.gov data are the same
#f# #m# #mf# do not exist, means #f#
#cvt# means cvt-transsmission
#ecvt# means ecvt-transsmission
#ect-i# means ect-i-transmission
#cvt-sensing# means cvt-sensing-transmission
#at-dc# means automatic-transmission-with-dual-clutch
#at-dc-only# means only automatic-transmission-with-dual-clutch
is available
#at-only# means only automatic-transmission is available
#firu# means front-disc-brake and rear-drum-brake
#furu# means front-drum-brake and rear-drum-brake
mpg value -1 means i don't know.
automatic-transmission vs automatic-transmission-dual-clutch:
1)automatic-transmission uses oil to transfer power from engine to transmission
so some engine-power is lost.
2)some automatic-transmission-dual-clutch uses oil to transfer power from engine
to transmission.
some automatic-transmission-dual-clutch does not use oil just like manual
3)dual-clutch maybe is heavier than automatic-transmission, manual-transmission
source :
1)'Dual-clutch transmissions use two fundamentally different types of clutches:
either two wet multiplate clutches, bathed in oil (for cooling), or two dry
single-plate clutches.[9] The wet clutch design is generally used for higher
torque engines that can generate 350 newton metres (258 lbf⋅ft) and more (the
wet multiplate clutch DCT in the Bugatti Veyron is designed to cope with
1,250 N⋅m (922 lbf⋅ft)[2]),whereas the dry-clutch design is generally suitable
for smaller vehicles with lower torque outputs up to 250 N⋅m (184 lbf⋅ft).[2][7]
However, while the dry-clutch variants may be limited in torque compared to their
wet-clutch counterparts, the dry-clutch versions offer an increase in fuel efficiency,[2] due to the lack of
pumping losses of the transmission fluid in the clutch housing.[2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual-clutch_transmission
2)'It can fundamentally be described as two separate manual transmissions with
their respective clutches contained within one housing, and working as one
unit.[2][3]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual-clutch_transmission
ordered by city mpg, hw mpg.at-mpg is from fueleconomy.gov mostly
[obsolete], com mpg
combined mpg seems not accurate
source :
'For gasoline vehicles, the label shows City, Highway, and
Combined MPG (miles per gallon) values. The Combined MPG value
is the most prominent for the purpose of quick and easy comparison
across vehicles. Combined fuel economy is a weighted average of
City and Highway MPG values that is calculated by weighting
the City value by 55% and the Highway value by 45%.'
from google (combined mpg) result 3
mpg, mostly usa-epa-mpg, not imperial-mpg---------------
mpg car-airplane-boat-catamaran
no recurrent-title
1)city 58 | hw 53 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018 #m#-----------
1)city 58 | hw 53 toyota prius eco hybrid y2017 #rg# #f#-----------------------
2)city 55 | hw 53 toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018 #m#
3)city 49 | hw 47 honda accord hybrid 2L y2017 #rg# #f#
4)city 48 | hw 43 toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018 #m#
5)city 43 | hw 40 toyota-lexus ct hybrid 1.8L y2017 #f#
6)city 34 | hw 30 toyota rav4 hybrid awd y2018 #mf# #rg# #f#
7)city 33 | hw 40 honda fit 1.5L lx cvt-transmission y2018 #rg# #f#
8)city 33 | hw 30 toyota-lexus nx 300h hybrid awd y2017 #rg# #f#
9)city 32 | hw 40 toyota yaris iA (sedan) fwd y2018 #at# #m#
10)city 31 | hw 40 honda civic sedan lx m-cvt-transmission y2018 #rg# #f#
11)city 30 | hw 36 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) fwd y2018 #mt# #m#
12)city 30 | hw 35 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) fwd y2018 #at# #m#
13)city 29 | hw 36 honda fit 1.5L lx manual-transmission y2018 #f#
14)city 28 | hw 40 honda civic sedan lx manual-transmission y2018 #f#
15)city 28 | hw 38 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
16)city 28 | hw 36 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #f#
17)city 28 | hw 35 honda fit 1.5L lx y2010 #rg# #at# #f#
18)city 27 | hw 33 honda fit 1.5L lx y2010 #mt# #f#---------------------------------
18)city 27 | hw 33 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #cvt# #f#------------
18)city 27 | hw 33 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #cvt# #m#------------
19)city 26 | hw 34 honda civic 1.8L sedan lx y2010 #mt# #f#
20)city 26 | hw 32 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #f#-----------
20)city 26 | hw 32 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#-------------
21)city 26 | hw 27 honda-acura mdx awd hybrid y2018 #pg# #f#
22)city 25 | hw 36 honda civic 1.8L sedan lx #at# y2010 #rg# #f#
23)city 25 | hw 32 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #f# #cvt-only#-----------
23)city 25 | hw 32 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#-----------
24)city 25 | hw 27 nissan-infiniti qx60 hybrid awd y2017 #rg# #f#
25)city 24 | hw 33 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class y2018 #at# #m#
26)city 24 | hw 32 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #m#
27)city 24 | hw 31 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #f#
28)city 23 | hw 32 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class awd y2018 #at# #m#
29)city 23 | hw 29 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #m#
30)city 23 | hw 28 honda crv 2.4L y2003 #rg# #f#
31)city 23 | hw 25 fca-jeep-wrangler 2.0 liter engine rear-solid-axel-dependent-suspension,front-independent-suspension-ujoint/double-cardan rwd,4wd,awd y2018 #f#.source:(1)https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/PowerSearch.do?action=noform&path=1&year1=2018&year2=2017&make=Jeep&baseModel=Wrangler&srchtyp=ymm (2)'The Wrangler has retained a body-on-frame construction and solid axles' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler_(JL)#30_jan_2019_8_3_pm_est from 'Jeeps have been around since WWII and they still use solid axles today 70 years later.But solid axles aren't perfect. They have their strengths & weaknesses. Amanda products is looking to give future offroad manufacturers an advanced suspension option that you might see on Jeeps and other vehicles in the near future as an OEM independent suspension options?','Published on Nov 16, 2015' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUEGP4HGPCw (independent suspension on a Jeep) (2)'A beam axle, rigid axle or solid axle is a dependent suspension design, in which a set of wheels is connected laterally by a single beam or shaft.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beam_axle#30_jan_2019_9_22_pm_est from 'Independent suspension is any automobile suspension system that allows each wheel on the same axle to move vertically (i.e. reacting to a bump in the road) independently of the others. This is contrasted with a beam axle' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_suspension#30_jan_2019_9_19_pm_est (2)Dynatrac First Look at Factory Jeep JL Axles:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJHOMm3tCN0#31_jan_2019_6_59_pm_est
32)city 22 | hw 30 fca-jeep grand-cherokee-diesel-3L rwd y2018 #d# #f#--------------
32)city 22 | hw 30 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #at# #m#----------------------------
33)city 22 | hw 29 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #at# #m#
34)city 22 | hw 28 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
35)city 21 | hw 30 ford mustang 2.3 y2017 #rg# #f#
36)city 21 | hw 28 fca-jeep grand-cherokee-diesel 3L awd y2018 #d# #f#----------------------------------------
36)city 21 | hw 28 honda crv y2010 #rg# #f# ----------------------------------------
36)city 21 | hw 28 vw-porsche panamera y2018 #m#----------------------------------------
36)city 21 | hw 28 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #mt# #m#----------------------------------------
37)city 21 | hw 25 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd y2018 #f#
38)city 21 | hw 22 honda-acura nsx hybrid 3.5L y2017 #pg# #f# #at-dc-only#
39)city 20 | hw 29 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #mt# #m#
40)city 20 | hw 26 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #at# #m#
41)city 20 | hw 25 vw-porsche macan y2018 #m# #at#
42)city 20 | hw 24 toyota highlander 2.7L y2018 #rg# #f#
43)city 19 | hw 27 honda-acura mdx fwd y2018 #pg# #f#
44)city 19 | hw 26 fca-jeep grand-cherokee 3.6L rwd y2018 #rg# #f#
45)city 19 | hw 25 vw tiguan 2L awd y2018 #f#--------------------------------
45)city 19 | hw 25 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #mt# #m#-----------------
46)city 18 | hw 26 honda-acura mdx awd y2018 #pg# #f#----------------------------
46)city 18 | hw 26 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 550 v8 4.7L y2017 #pg# #f#--------------
46)city 18 | hw 26 honda pilot awd y2018 #rg# #f#-----------------------------------
47)city 18 | hw 25 fca-jeep grand-cherokee 3.6L awd y2018 #rg# #f#
48)city 18 | hw 23 toyota highlander awd 2362cc i-4 y2004 #rg# #f#
49)city 17 | hw 23 tata-land-rover range rover v6 y2017 #pg# #f#
50)city 16 | hw 25 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 550 4.7L awd y2017 #pg# #f#----------------------------------------
50)city 16 | hw 25 gm-chevrolet corvette stingray base y2019 #m#----------------------------------------
51)city 16 | hw 23 fca-ferarri california 3.9L y2017 #pg# #f#------------------
51)city 16 | hw 23 gm-cadillac xts awd 3.6L y2017 #rg# #f#------------------------
52)city 16 | hw 22 daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt y2018 #pg# #f# ------------------
52)city 16 | hw 22 nissan gtr 3.8L y2017 #pg# #f#-----------------------------------
53)city 15.9 | hw -1 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 500 guard y2014 #m#
54)city 15 | hw 22 fca-ferarri 488 gtb 3.9L y2017 #pg# #f#-----------------------------
54)city 15 | hw 22 gm-chevrolet Suburban 5.3L y2017 #rg# #f#----------------------------
55)city 15 | hw 20 ford expedition 3.5L fwd y2017 #rg# #f#
55)city 15 | hw 20 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #at# #m#
56)city 15 | hw 19 ford expedition 3.5L awd y2017 #rg# #f#
57)city 15 | hw 18 toyota-lexus gx 460 y2018 #pg# #f#
58)city 14 | hw 24 vw-bentley flying spur 4L y2018 #m#
59)city 14 | hw 22 fca-jeep grand-cherokee 5.7L awd y2018 #mg# #f#
60)city 14 | hw 21 gm-cadillac cts-v 6.2L y2017 #pg# #f#-------------------------------
60)city 14 | hw 21 ford mustang 5.2L y2017 #pg# #f#-------------------------------------
61)city 14 | hw 19 tata-land-rover range rover v8 y2017 #pg# #f#
62)city 13.1 | hw -1 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 600 guard y2014 #m#
63)city 13 | hw 23 gm-chevrolet corvette 6.2L y2017 #pg# #f#
64)city 13 | hw 22 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 600 v12 6L y2017 #pg# #f#------------
64)city 13 | hw 22 vw-bentley flying spur 4L #f# y2018 #pg# #f#----------------------
65)city 13 | hw 21 fca-dodge chalenger hellcat 6.2L y2017 #pg# #f#----------------------
65)city 13 | hw 21 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 65 amg 2dr rwd 6L y2017 #pg# #f#--------------
65)city 13 | hw 21 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #mt# #m#-------------------------------------
66)city 13 | hw 20 vw-lamborghini galardo 5.2L #at# y2014 #pg# #f#
67)city 13 | hw 19 fca-jeep grand-cherokee srt 6.4L awd y2018 #pg# #f#---------------------
67)city 13 | hw 19 nissan-infiniti qx80 awd y2017 #pg# #f#--------------------------------
68)city 13 | hw 18 nissan armada 5.6L y2017 #rg# #f#
69)city 13 | hw 17 toyota sequoia awd y2018 #rg# #f#
70)city 13 | hw 14 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 y2017 #pg# #f#
71)city 12 | hw 20 vw-bentley continental 6L y2018 #pg# #f#-------------------------------
71)city 12 | hw 20 vw-lamborghini galardo 5.2L y2014 #mt# #f#-------------------------------
71)city 12 | hw 20 vw-bentley continental flying spur 6L curb-weight-2475-kg y2018 #m# #at#
72)city 12 | hw 19 bmw-rolls-royce ghost y2017 #pg# #f#-------------------------------
72)city 12 | hw 19 vw-bentley bentayga 6L y2018 #pg# #f#-------------------------------
72)city 12 | hw 19 fca-dodge viper 8.4L y2017 #pg# #mt# #f#-------------------------------
73)city 12 | hw 14 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 63 y2017 #pg# #f#
74)city 11 | hw 18 ford gt 3.5L y2017 #pg# #f#------------------------------------------
74)city 11 | hw 18 vw-bentley mulsane 6.8L y2018 #pg# #f#-------------------------------
75)city 11 | hw 17 fca-jeep grand-cherokee trackhawk 6.2L awd y2018 #pg# #f#
76)city 11 | hw 16 gm-chevrolet express 15 pasenger 6L y2017 #rg# #f#
77)city 11 | hw 15 fca-ferrari f12 6.3L y2017 #pg# #f#
78)city 11 | hw 13 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 65 y2017 #pg# #f#
79)city 11 | hw 11 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 offroad y2017 #pg# #f#
80)city 8 | hw 15 vw-bugatti veyron vitesse y2013 #x#
81)city -1 | hw 12 aspenpower-catamaran c120 volvopenta5.5L at-600rpm #m#
82)city -1 | hw 10.3 honda bf-40 boat-motor 808cc at-5000rpm #rg# #x#
83)city -1 | hw 9.3 honda bf-40 boat-motor 808cc at-5800rpm #rg# #x#
84)city -1 | hw 9 airbus-a380 #k# #x# #statute-mileage#
85)city -1 | hw 6.8 concorde
86)city -1 | hw 5 boeing-747 #k# #x#
87)city -1 | hw 4 formula-1 race-car y2006-y2012 #x#
boat is more fuel-efficient because aircraft must discard fuel prior landing to
become lightweight enough to land.to takeoff then return to airport, 53 ton fuel
will be discarded.53 ton =
12 s-class 600 guard y2014 and 2 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
source :
1)'25.8, to Kaohsiung, burn fuel 8000, 4800, remain 6800, 7 plus 8 is 15, 15 thousands.'
in https://www.tailstrike.com/160298.htm
from 'China Airlines Flight 676' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoyuan_International_Airport#Accidents_and_incidents
2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEf35NtlBLg&t=9m55s (Airbus A340 EMERGENCY - Engine Failure)
from ref [3] in 'an Airbus A340-300 returning to its airport of departure shortly after takeoff dumped 53 tons of fuel in 11 minutes.[3]'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_dumping#Dump_rates
from google (aircraft dump fuel) result 1
sea-plane also must discard fuel during returning to the sea
because sea-plane has maximum-landing-weight
1)'Maximum Takeoff Weight: 12,500 lb (5670kg)
Maximum Landing Weight: 12,300 lb (5579 kg)
Number Of Crew: 1 or 2
Number Of Passengers: 19
Fuel Capacities: 378 US Gallons (total)
Fuel Capacities: Optional Long Range – 89 US Gallons'
in https://www.vikingair.com/twin-otter-information/technical-description
from google (maximum landing weight seaplane) result 8
2)'Maximum Takeoff Weight 11240 lb
Approx. Useful Load 2865 lb
Baggage Capacity 397 lb
Maximum Landing Weight - Land 10689 lb
Maximum Landing Weight - Water 11020 lb'
in https://www.dornierseawings.com/specifications.html
from google (maximum landing weight seaplane) result 5
3)from 'Max. landing weight' in
'Maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) 545,000 lb / 247,200 kg 656,000 lb / 297,550 kg 766,000 lb / 347,452 kg 766,800 lb / 347,815 kg 660,000 lb / 299,370 kg 775,000 lb / 351,533 kg
Max. landing weight 445,000 lb / 201,840 kg'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#Specifications
--------start:53 ton fuel for airbus,is how many liter?
jet-fuel-a-1 : metric-ton -> liter
kerosene density = 810 kg/(m^3)
source :
from google (kerosene density) result 2
[reason] jet-fuel is kerosene plus fuel-icing-inhibitor (ethylene-glycol), not just kerosene
source : 'SII is chemically known as an Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether -2 Methoxy Ethanol & Diethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether - Methyl Diglycol . ' in http://www.advancepetro.com/fsii.htm
from ref-1 in 'CAS number 111-77-3).[1]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_system_icing_inhibitor from google (Fuel System Icing Inhibitors) result 1
from 'fuel icing inhibitor' in https://web.archive.org/web/20110608075828/http://www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_internet/aviation/air_bp/STAGING/local_assets/downloads_pdfs/a/air_bp_products_handbook_04004_1.pdf
from ref-8 in 'Typical physical properties for Jet A / Jet A-1[8]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_fuel#Types
jet-fuel-a-1 density : 804 kg/(m^3) = 0.804 kg/liter
source :
1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_fuel#21_sep_2018_6_9_pm_edt from 'jet fuel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerosene#24_jan_2019_2_38_pm_est
2)https://web.archive.org/web/20110608075828/http://www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_internet/aviation/air_bp/STAGING/local_assets/downloads_pdfs/a/air_bp_products_handbook_04004_1.pdf from ref-8 in 'Typical physical properties for Jet A / Jet A-1[8]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_fuel#Types from 'jet fuel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerosene#24_jan_2019_2_38_pm_est
3)1 liter = 1 deci-meter^3 = 1000 centi-meter^3
'A litre is defined as a special name for
a cubic decimetre or 10 centimetres × 10 centimetres × 10 centimetres,
(1 L ≡ 1 dm3 ≡ 1000 cm3)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litre from google (liter) result 1
53 ton = 53 mega-gram
53 mega-gram = 53 000 kg
source : 'One tonne is equal to 1000 kilograms or 1 megagram' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonne from 'Tonne.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton from 'including the tonne (metric ton), defined as 1000 kg (2,204.6 lb)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton
density = ------
source : http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/dens.html from google (weight volume density) result 2 from 'weight', 'volume', 'where the Greek letter ρ (rho) stands for density' in https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/volume-to-weight/substance/petrol from google (fuel weight to liter) result 1
mass = density x vol
mass 53 000 kg
vol = --------- = ----------------- = 65920.39800995 liter
density 0.804 kg/liter
1 usa-gallon = 3.785411784 liter.source:(?)'The US gallon is used in the United States and is equal to exactly 231 cubic inches or 3.785411784 liters.' in http://www.gallonstoliters.com/ from google (gallon to liter) result 2 (?)'the imperial gallon defined as 4.54609 litres' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallon
? usa-gallon = 65920.39800995 liter
3.785411784 liter x ?usa-gallon=65920.39800995 liter x 1 usa-gallon
3.785411784 liter ?usa-gallon=65920.39800995 liter
?usa-gallon=65920.39800995 liter/3.785411784 liter
?usa-gallon = 17414.326834554 usa-gallon
so 65920.39800995 liter = 17414.326834554 usa-gallon
so 53 metric-ton = 65 920.4 liter = 17 414.3 usa-gallon
--------end:53 ton fuel for airbus,is how many liter?
--------start additional un-related-calculation
1 usa-gallon = 3.785411784 liter
? usa-gallon = 1 liter
liter -> usa-gallon = liter-value usa-gallon
1 lbs = 0.45359237 kg
1 kg = 2.20462262185 lbs
source : https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs)
lbs -> kg = lbs-value kg
2.20462262185 lbs
jet-fuel-a-1 density = 0.804 kg/liter = 1.772516588 lbs/liter
density = mass / vol
jet-fuel-a-1 : metric-ton -> liter = metric-ton-value liter
804 x 10^-6 metric-ton/liter
jet-fuel-a-1 : metric-ton -> liter = metric-ton-value x 10^6 liter
jet-fuel-a-1 : lbs -> liter = lbs-value liter
source :
1 imperial-gallon = 4.54609 litres
1 usa-gallon = 3.785 liter
source :
1)'1 US gal in ... ... is equal to ...
SI-compatible units ≈ 3.785412 L'
2)'the imperial gallon defined as 4.54609 litres'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallon
--------end additional un-related-calculation
concorde's mpg calculation :
find 'concorde-mpg :' in
prius hybrid battery cost :
0 usd for 10 years or 150k miles
source:'The battery pack in any hybrid Toyota is warranted either for 10 years or
150,000 miles (in states with California emissions laws) or 8 years or
100,000 miles in all other states." And, he adds, "There's no pro-rating at
all. The battery will be replaced at no cost if necessary during the warranty
period.' in https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1059907_the-ultimate-guide-toyota-prius-battery-life-cost-and-warranty from google (prius battery lifetime) result 2
all model year 2018 :
honda-hrv-lx-fwd gm-chevy-trax-lt-fwd ford-ecosport-fwd gm-chevy-tahoe-rwd gm-buick-encore-fwd ford-lincoln-mkc-permiere-fwd gm-gmc-terrain-sle-fwd
front-brake disc-brake disc-brake disc-brake disc-brake disc-brake disc-brake disc-brake
rear-brake disc-brake drum-brake disc-brake disc-brake disc-brake disc-brake disc-brake
cargo 23.2 cu ft 18.7 ft 20.9 cu ft 51.70 to seat row 2, 15.30 ft to seat row 3 18.80 ft 25.2 cu ft 29.60 ft
price 19670 usd(start at) 23895 usd(msrp) 19995 usd(start at) 48795 usd(msrp) 25395 usd(msrp) 33355 usd(starting at) 28895(msrp)
chevrolet rear tires does not brake during braking ?
(ULTIMATE Compilation of Car & Truck Slides / Spinouts in Bad Weather! High Quality Cameras)
unknown-car rear tires do not brake during braking ?
1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb
1 lbs = 0.45359237 kg
source:https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs)
curb-weight means car-weight ready to be driven.
curb-weight-lbs curb-weight-----
1)1800 tree-(main/primary)-(branch/petiole)-and-leaf-pulveriser/grinder to produce wood-debris for making paper , vermeer.com->bc-700-xL ( cheapest model ) , engine : i-2 kohler-ech-740 . [2 source : (1)(gary-) vermeer.com/getmedia/165cab8b-3a83-4527-898f-bf6a039539c0/bc700xl-brush-chipper-spec-sheet-updated?ext=.pdf (2)youtube.com/watch?v=E4C3X26dxbM#11_jan_2023_11_14_pm_est ( The Paper Making Process ) ]
2)0.19 samsung sght-139 cellphone 84 gram 2.98 oz.source:'2.98 oz 84 g' in https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=2476 from google(sgh t139 weight)result 2
3)4 LidL.com->sugar-granulated-bag
4)5.4 harman-kardon hk-395 2-speaker-1-subwoofer for dell-desktop.consist of 1 subwoofer 2.1 lbs 4.62 kg,2 satellite with each 750 gram 1.65 lbs.source:(?)https://fccid.io/E2XHK395/User-Manual/users-manual-147573.pdf from google(hk395 weight)result 2 (?)1 lbs = 453.59237 gram|(750/453.59237) lbs= 750 gram|1.653466966 lbs= 750 gram|1.65 lbs= 750 gram from https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs)
5)5.67 1-gallon-heptane in temperature 25 celcius . density = 679.5 kg / m3 . gasoline-87 contain octane 87 % , heptane 13 % . [source : coolconversion.com/density-volume-mass/--1--gallon--of--heptane--in--pound from google ( heptane weight per gallon ) result 1 ]
6)5.8 minimum-normal-new-born-baby-weight [source:'At birth, the average baby weighs about 7.5 pounds — though the range of normal is between 5.8 and 10 pounds' in https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/health-and-safety/newborn-weight-average-gains-loss/ from google(average baby weight)result 1]
7)6.82 1-gallon-kerosene in temperature 60 fahrenheit . density = 817.15 kg / m3 . kerosene is : diesel , a-1-jet-fuel . kerosene is less flammable than gasoline-87 . kerosene is result-of liquifaction of crude-oil-petroleum-vapor which was burnt with hotter-fire than fire which burn same crude-oil-petroleum to create gasoline-87-vapor . [source : (1/3)coolconversion.com/density-volume-mass/--1--gallon--of--kerosene--in--pound from google ( kerosene weight lbs per gallon ) result 1 (2/3)woodshopnews.com/columns-blogs/petroleum-distillates from google ( gasoline vs paint-thinner ) result 3 or find 'woodshopnews.com' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm (3/3)[source:youtube.com/watch?v=PYMWUz7TC3A&t=2m41s ( Fractional Distillation | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | FuseSchool ) from youtube-search ( fractional_distillation ]
8)7.66 1-gallon-octane in temperature 15 celcius . density = 917.86 kg / m3 . gasoline-87 contain octane 87 % , heptane 13 % . [source : coolconversion.com/density-volume-mass/--1--gallon--of--octane--in--pound from google ( octane lbs weight per gallon ) result 1 ]
9)8.14 logitech z-333 2-speaker-1-subwoofer consist of 1 subwoofer 5.5 lbs 2.5 kg,2 satellite with each 1.32 lbs 600 gram.source:https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/z333-2-1-pc-speaker-system-with-subwoofer#specification-tabular from google(logitech x230 spec) result page 2 number 1 from 'Logitech X-230' in https://washingtondc[dot]craigslist[dot]org/nva/ele/d/ashburn-logitech-230-pc-multi-media/6794901025.html from https://washingtondc[dot]craigslist[dot]org/search/sss?query=speaker+ashburn&sort=rel
10)8.4 1-gallon-water [source : boatingscout.com/how-much-gas-weigh from google ( octane lbs weight per gallon ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> How much does a gallon of 87 octane weight ? ]
11)10 maximum-normal-new-born-baby-weight [source:'At birth, the average baby weighs about 7.5 pounds — though the range of normal is between 5.8 and 10 pounds' in https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/health-and-safety/newborn-weight-average-gains-loss/ from google(average baby weight)result 1]
12)11.39 computer-monitor,dell-1708fp 5.17 kg.source:https://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/monitors/en/1708FP%201908FP.pdf from google(dell 1708fpt weight)result 4
13)12.4 1 kosei-car-wheel-rim k4r 16 inch diameter, 6.5 inch wide, bolt-pattern:5-114 160usd #x#.source:find 'https://tires.autopartswarehouse.com/wheels/WheelCloseUpServlet?target=runWheelSearch&initialPartNumber=K4R030LG&wheelMake=Kosei&wheelModel=K4R&wheelFinish=Light+Grey+Painted&showRear=no&autoMake=Honda&autoModel=CR-V&autoYear=2003&autoModClar=&filterFinish=All&filterSize=All&filterBrand=All&filterSpecial=false&filterNew=All&filterStock=All&filterWeight=All&filterAvail=All&sort=Weight# from https://www.autopartswarehouse.com/wheels.html' in this text
14)12.64 computer-monitor,dell-1908fp 5.74 kg.source:https://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/monitors/en/1708FP%201908FP.pdf from google(dell 1708fpt weight)result 4
15)13.5 1-gallon-dry-sand [source : civilsir.com/how-much-does-a-gallon-of-sand-weight/ from google ( weight 1 gallon sand ) result 2 ]
16)14.4 1 enkei-car-wheel performance j10 15 inch diameter, 6.5 inch wide, bolt-pattern:5-114 109usd #x#.source:find 'https://tires.autopartswarehouse.com/wheels/WheelCloseUpServlet?target=runWheelSearch&initialPartNumber=40956502SML&wheelMake=Enkei+Performance&wheelModel=J10&wheelFinish=Silver+w%2FMachined+Lip&showRear=no&autoMake=Honda&autoModel=CR-V&autoYear=2003&autoModClar=&filterFinish=All&filterSize=All&filterBrand=All&filterSpecial=false&filterNew=All&filterStock=All&filterWeight=All&filterAvail=All&sort=Weight from https://www.autopartswarehouse.com/wheels.html' in this text
17)17 bath-room-ceiling-suction-fan for removing (feces/urine)-amonia-odor : air-king->d-4-sg , 14.25 inch2 , 0.4 ampere , 985 rpm , 120 cfm . [source : homedepot.com/p/Air-King-White-120-CFM-Single-Speed-Motion-Sensing-0-3-Sone-Ceiling-Exhaust-Bathroom-Fan-ENERGY-STAR-Certified-D4SG/303432001 ]
18)22 guiness-world-record-heaviest-new-born-baby-weight male died 11 hour after birth 19-jan-1879 on usa-country->ohio-state->seville-city [source:' gave birth to a boy weighing 9.98 kg (22 lb) and measuring 71.12 cm (28 in) at her home in Seville, Ohio, USA, on 19 January 1879.' in https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/heaviest-birth/ from google(guiness record baby weight)result 2]
18)22 geisha-kimono for new-year-period 10-kg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oui8lWwKHd4&t=3m51s (Beautiful Kyoto: Being a Maiko (featuring Fukunae-san))
19)23 honda-crv-y2003-tire only,brand:coopertires->cs5-grand-touring p205/70r15 96t.source:https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=Cooper&tireModel=CS5+Grand+Touring&sidewall=Blackwall&partnum=07TR5CS5GT&tab=Sizes#7_feb_2019_8_10_am_est from google(guardsman p205/70r15 weight)result 1
20)24.9 1 bbs-cx-r-car-wheel-rim cx-004 20 inch diameter, 8.5 inch wide, bolt-circle 5-120 575usd #m#.source:http://www.bbs-usa.com/road_wheels/wheel_details.cfm?wheel=45 from google (bbs cx-r) from 'bbs cx-r' in from comment from 'p.g' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgsO5FmZ6K0&t=28s
21)25 LidL.com->aquapur-water-bucket-12-liter-or-3.17-galon-water-bucket full of transparent-bland-drinkable-water
21)25 common medium size rice-sack like : EastLandFood.com/house-brands->asian-best->thai-jasmine-rice sold via usa->virginia-state->chantilly-city->LottePlaza.com-grocery-shop ; usa->virginia-state->springfield-city->Lamart.info->double-golden-fish->jasmine-white-scented-rice (milagrosa) importer : usa-country->maryland-state->cheverly-city->zipcode-20781->schuster-drive-road->building-number-2421->my-a-&-co->phone-301-322-1237 , exporter : thailand-country->bangkok-city->zipcode-10100->plabplachai-road->building-number-278->vudhichai-produce-co-Ltd
22)25.8 Liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister-full-of-(propane/butane)-gas empty-weight 6.2 kg ( 13.6 lbs ) [source : (1/2)lpg-cylinder-ng.com/article/How-much-LPG-gas-is-in-a-cylinder from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 10 (2/2)'LPG is also called bottled gas, along with propane, butane and mixtures of these gases.' in elgas.com.au/for-home/gas-cylinder-sizes/ from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> How much does an LPG gas tank weigh ? ]
23)42 usual 5-gallon-drinking-water-jug full-of-drinking-water for drinking-water-dispenser [source : '42 pounds when full' in https://culliganindio.com/blog/2022/02/25/culligan-water-jugs-weight/ from google ( 5 gallon water jug weight ) result 1 from '5 gallon water' in ReadyRefresh.com from ReadyRefresh.com-5-gallon-drinking-water-delivery-truck stop on opposite-neighbor 12 jun 2022 in my former-town-home usa-country->virginia-state->ashburn-city->zip-code-20148->cambridgeport-square-street-building-number-22555 google.com/maps/place/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/@38.9674826,-77.5256713,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!8m2!3d38.9931428!4d-77.5082008
23)42 1 oem-car-wheel-rim for honda crv y2002-2004 15 inch diameter, 6 inch wide, 5 holes, 114.3 mm bolt-pitch-circle-diameter #x#.source:find '1)'Brand Detroit Wheel and Tire' in this text
24)45 mattress,leesa-brand,twin-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
25)48 mattress,leesa-brand,twin-xl-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
26)50 common large size rice-sack like RheeBros.com->rhee-chun-rice sold via usa->virginia-state->chantilly-city->LottePlaza.com-grocery-shop
26)50 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,twin-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
27)53 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,twin-xl-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
28)56 mattress,leesa-brand,full-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
29)61 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,full-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
30)65 1 honda-crv-y2003-wheel-rim-and-tire.source:(1)find '1 oem-car-wheel-rim for honda crv y2002-2004' (2)find 'honda-crv-y2003-tire only,brand:coopertires->cs5-grand-touring'
31)66 oiran-kimono-and-wig 30kg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iofmAL2CuzY&t=6m29s (Geisha vs Oiran: What's the Difference? ★ ONLY in JAPAN #30 花魁と芸者の違い) from youtube-recommendation
32)69.4 Liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister-full-of-(propane/butane)-gas empty-weight 16.5 kg ( 36.4 lbs ) [source : (1/2)lpg-cylinder-ng.com/article/How-much-LPG-gas-is-in-a-cylinder from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 10 (2/2)'LPG is also called bottled gas, along with propane, butane and mixtures of these gases.' in elgas.com.au/for-home/gas-cylinder-sizes/ from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> How much does an LPG gas tank weigh ? ]
33)70 heaviest luggage-weight allowed for delta.com-airline->(1-st-class , business-class) ( 32 kg ) [source : https://cheapfirstclass.com/difference-between-business-class-and-first-class-delta-airlines/ from google ( first class vs business class meal ) page 3 number 3 ]
34)71 mattress,leesa-brand,queen-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
34)71 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,twin-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
35)73 1-seat-sofa,bladen-brand 33.11 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/bladen-chair/1200020.html from google(ashley furniture)result 1
36)75 microwave-oven,general-electric pvm9179skss.source:https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/PVM9179SKSS
37)76 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,queen-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
38)77 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,twin-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
39)80 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,twin-xl-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
40)86 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,twin-xl-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
41)90 mattress,leesa-brand,king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
42)92 mattress,leesa-brand,cal-king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
43)96 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,full-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
43)96 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
44)98 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand,cal-king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
45)101 electric-clothes-dryer general-electric gtd45easjws.source:https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/GTD45EASJWS from http://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/GTW490ACJWW -> search 'gtd45easj0ws' from google (gtw490acj0ww) result 1
46)102 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,full-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
47)115 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,queen-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
48)119 portable-electricity-generator 'sportsman' providing 20 ampere for 5 hour . weight = 91 lbs weight-without-gasoline + ( 7.66 lbs weight-1-gallon-octane x 3.6 gallon ) . [source : homedepot.com/p/Sportsman-4-000-Watt-3-500-Watt-Recoil-Start-Gasoline-Powered-Portable-Generator-with-RV-Outlet-CO-Detector-and-Auto-Shutoff-806724/318154299 ]
49)121 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,queen-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
50)123.5 clothes-drying-machine-with-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-heat samsung.com->dve-45-a-6400-w/a-3 empty 56 kg
51)123.9 3-seat-sofa,bladen-brand 56.2 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/bladen-sofa/1200038.html?cgid=sofas-and-couches from google(ashley furniture)result 1
52)140 arnon-jaya height 5 foot 7 inch , during 9 apr 2021 prior going to usa->virginia-state->alexandria-city->richmond-highway-building-number-8850->building-with-front-label 'imp' / uscis.gov for passport-photo-type-creation with uscis.gov's camera canon.com->rebel-5-ti , scan-my-all-finger for green-card-renewal-process . driving-route from former-town-house : google.com/maps/dir/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/8850+Richmond+Hwy,+Alexandria,+VA+22309/@38.8502648,-77.602583,10z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m24!4m23!1m15!1m1!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!2m2!1d-77.5082008!2d38.9931428!3m4!1m2!1d-77.4824597!2d38.9148363!3s0x89b6413863901007:0x668c9193498f2377!3m4!1m2!1d-77.388989!2d38.874821!3s0x89b645fac6a12037:0xa5ebb8581a7d0a9b!1m5!1m1!1s0x89b7ac44300258c1:0xac3ea667269e3e25!2m2!1d-77.1320676!2d38.7182504!3e0
53)141 6-seat-dining-table,alexee-brand 63.96 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/alexee-dining-room-table/D590-35.html?cgid=dining-tables from google(ashley furniture)result 1
54)142 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,cal-king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
54)142 mattress,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
55)148 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
55)148 mattress inside bed-box,leesa-brand->sapira-hybrid,cal-king-size.source:https://support.leesa.com/hc/en-us/articles/234445228-How-much-do-the-mattresses-weigh- from google(bed box weight lbs)result 1
56)149.25 3-seat-sofa,tassler-brand 67.7 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/tassler-sofa/4650138.html?cgid=sofas-and-couches from google(ashley furniture)result 1
57)179 honda-scooter-metropolitan 49cc y2018 #furu# #at# #m# http://powersports.honda.com/2018/metropolitan/specifications.aspx
58)185 male-porn-star alden-joseph--brown/peter-north's weight during police-arrest-and-divorce for hitting wife female-porn-star nadia-north 5 jun 2019 , height 5 foot 11 inch [source : ---thedailybeast.com/porn-legend-peter-norths-wife-accuses-him-of-rape-and-abuse-i-just-want-my-life-back#17_nov_2021_1_5_am_est from facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10159711135933146&id=83705683145 from facebook.com/PeterNorth -> post-date 7 may 2020 ]
59)201 clothes-washing-machine samsung.com->wf-45-a-6400-aw empty 91 kg
60)205 stove-and-oven,general-electric pgb911sej1ss.source:https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/PGB911SEJSS from 'PGB911SEJ1SS Product Specifications' in https://www.geapplianceparts.com/store/parts/assembly/PGB911SEJ1SS from google(pgb911sej1ss)result 1
61)205.1 honda-scooter-beat 110cc y2018 #firu# curb-weight-93kg dry-weight-90kg-standard-92kg-cbs-and-iss #at# #m# https://hondaph.com/products/motorcycle/beat/ from google (MATIK BEAT FI SPORTY CBS curb weight) result 1
62)211.7 Liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister-full-of-(propane/butane)-gas empty-weight 46 kg ( 101.4 lbs ) [source : (1/2)lpg-cylinder-ng.com/article/How-much-LPG-gas-is-in-a-cylinder from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 10 (2/2)'LPG is also called bottled gas, along with propane, butane and mixtures of these gases.' in elgas.com.au/for-home/gas-cylinder-sizes/ from google ( lpg canister 50 kg weight ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> How much does an LPG gas tank weigh ? ]
63)225 duryea-motor-wagon 4-bhp y1893 #x#
64)63 microwave-oven geappliancesco.com->jvm-3160-rf-8-ss ( price 229 usd ) . [source : ---https://www.geappliances.com/appliance/GE-1-6-Cu-Ft-Over-the-Range-Microwave-Oven-JVM3160RFSS ]
65)235 honda-scooter-zoomer-x 108.2cc y2018 #firu# curb-weight-107kg dry-weight-102kg #at# #m# https://hondaph.com/products/motorcycle/zoomer-x/
66)250 typical-dried-paint-sticking-on-boeing-737 #m#
67)251.4 piaggio-vespa-special-edition-notte-125 curb-weight-114kg y2018 #at# #firu# https://auto.ndtv.com/compare-bikes/piaggio-vespa-1112-vs-piaggio-vespa-150-1240-vs-honda-activa-125-1003 from google (vespa curb weight)
68)285 3-seat-electric-reclining-sofa,gilmanton-brand 129.27 kg.source:https://www.ashleyfurniture.com/p/gilmanton-power-reclining-sofa/7360615.html?cgid=sofas-and-couches from google(ashley furniture)result 1
69)340 refrigerator,general-electric pzs23kseefss.source:https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/PZS23KSESS from 'PZS23KSEEFSS Product Specifications' in https://www.geapplianceparts.com/store/parts/assembly/PZS23KSEEFSS from google(pzs23kseefss)result 1
70)412.7 electric-clothes-washing-machine/washer general-electric gtw490acjww,full of water.138 lbs(dry-weight) + 274.7(water-weight-full)=412.7 lbs.source:(?)http://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/GTW490ACJWW from google (gtw490acj0ww) result 1 (?)find '-start water-weight for 4.4 foot^3 volume capacity for general-electric clothes-washing-machine/washer gtw490acj0ww' in this text
71)422 honda-scooter-forza 279cc y2018 #firi# #cvt# #m# http://powersports.honda.com/2016/forza/specifications.aspx
72)474 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->manual-transmission->g-1419 9-speed 215 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
73)480 1 cotton-bale , which make 850 lady-shirt , or 500 adult-sweat-shirt , ?? worker-amount manually-pluck that cotton-fluff for 200 day. [source : (1/2)picture-1 inside https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotton_bale#6_sep_2022_4_55_pm_edt (2/2)find 'youtube.com/watch?v=loBhGwXfK98' fast-foward to 4:37 ]
74)500 ford quadricycle 3hp-4hp 71.9cc y1896 #x#
75)584 benz model-1 954cc y1885 #x#
76)617 renault type-a 0.3L/273cc 1.7-bhp-power y1898 #x#
77)639 daimler 426cc y1886 #x#
78)640 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->manual-transmission->g-23016 16-speed 2-backward-speed 290 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
78)640 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->manual-transmission->g-23116 16-speed 2-backward-speed 290 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
79)649 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->manual-transmission->g-26016 16-speed 2-backward-speed 294 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
80)800 15 foot ( 4.5 m ) long alligator which consume some cow in usa->florida-state until professional-hunter Lee-Lightsey fatally shot that alligator [source : accsss-or-find '---bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35974648 from google ( crocodile eat calf cow farm florida ) result 1' in diary/blog/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
81)150 stove-and-oven geappliancesco.com->jgbs-66-rek-5-ss ( price 949 usd ) . [source : geappliances.com/appliance/GE-30-Free-Standing-Gas-Range-JGBS66REKSS ]
82)1000 usual boeing.com->787-paint-weight [source : access-or-find '787 Dreamliner paint scheme involves 800-1000 lbs (362-453 kg) of paint' in https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travel-truths/why-planes-are-painted-white/ from google(car repaint add weight)page 3 number 5' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
83)1125 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->atego-967-light-truck->year-2013->engine-om-934 5-liter inline-4(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) diesel-dohc 510 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
84)1436 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->atego-967-light-truck->->year-2013->engine-om-936 7.5-liter inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) diesel-dohc 651 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
85)320 refrigerator general-electric model-label-on-refrigerator-interior gss-25-gypecfs , model-number-on-geappliances.com gss-25-gypfs ( 24-dec-2022-price 1,443 usd ; 6-jan-2023-price 1,554 usd ) . [2 source : (1)geappliances.com/appliance/GE-25-3-Cu-Ft-Side-By-Side-Refrigerator-GSS25GYPFS (2)searspartsdirect.com/model/27as8wfrhq-000432/ge-gss25gypecfs-side-by-side-refrigerator-parts from google ( gss25gypecfs ) ]
86)1469 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->engine-om-936 7.6-liter inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) diesel-dohc 666 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
87)1499 fiat 4-hp 679cc y1899 #x#
88)1764 panhard-levassor b1 12-bhp-power-daimler-engine-license, 2.4-liter y1898 #x#
89)2097 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->engine-om-470 10.6-liter inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) diesel-dohc 951 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
90)2204.6 1 ton
91)2315 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) fwd y2018 #mt# #m#
92)2335 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) fwd y2018 #at# #m#
93)2385 toyota yaris iA (sedan) fwd y2018 #mt# #m#
94)2408 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->engine-om-471 12.8-liter inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) diesel-dohc 1092 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
95)2416 toyota yaris iA (sedan) fwd y2018 #at# #m#
96)2432 honda fit y2007, y2008 #mt# #m#
97)2445 mazda mx-5 miata rwd weight-distribution : f50%/r50% y2018 #mt# #m#
98)2485 mazda mx-5 miata rwd weight-distribution : f51%/r49% y2018 #at# #m#
99)2489 honda fit lx y2010 #mt# #m#
100)2514 honda fit y2007, y2008 #m#
101)2522 honda fit lx y2018 #mt# #m#
102)2530 toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018 #m#
103)2568 honda fit lx y2018 #cvt# #m#
104)2575 honda fit lx y2010 #at# #m#
105)2577 honda fit lx y2018 #cvt-sensing# #m#
106)2595 honda fit ex y2018 #mt# #m#
107)2605 VolvoTrucks.com->d-13-engine->year-2016 , diesel-sohc , (inline/straight)-6 , 12.8-liter
108)2630 honda civic sedan lx y2010 #mt# #m#
109)2692 honda civic sedan lx y2010 #at# #m#
110)2741 daimler->mercedes-benz-trucks.com->arocs-964-cement-truck->year-2013->engine-om-471 15.5-liter inline-6(piston-and-ground-angle-is-orthogonal) diesel-dohc 1243 kg . [source : truckmanualshub.com/mercedes-benz-trucks-service-repair-manuals/ from google(actros owner manual pdf) ]
111)2744.8 fia-wec-minimum-weight-allowed-1245-kg from aston-martin-website #m#
112)2835 honda s-2k y2005 #m#
113)2849 honda civic Sedan lx y2018 #m#
114)2901 hyundai elantra gt mini-sedan-estate fwd y2018 #mt# #m#
115)2943 hyundai elantra gt mini-sedan-estate fwd y2018 #at# #m#
116)2944 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #mt# #m#
117)2952 mazda cx-3 2-liter awd y2019 #m#
118)2982 mclaren 675lt y2016 #x#
119)2985 subaru impreza 2-liter base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #m#
120)3010 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #at# #m#----------------------------
120)3010 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018 #m#--------------
121)3032 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #mt# #m#
122)3034 subaru impreza 2-liter base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
123)3062 honda hr-v lx 1799cc awd y2018 #m#
124)3065 mazda-rx8 with wankel-engine/rotary-engine y2011 #mt#.source:(?)'In principle, Wankel engines should be ideal for light aircraft, being light, compact, almost vibrationless, and with a high power-to-weight ratio' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wankel_engine#Aircraft_engines (?)https://www.mazdausa.com/MusaWeb/musa2/pdf/specs/specs_RX8.pdf#23_jan_2019_12_15_pm_est from google(rx8 weight distribution)
125)3098 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #at# #m#
126)3105 bmw-mini clubman mini-sedan-estate 1.5-liter fwd y2019 #mt# #m#
127)3111 mazda-rx8 with wankel-engine/rotary-engine y2011 #at#.source:(?)'In principle, Wankel engines should be ideal for light aircraft, being light, compact, almost vibrationless, and with a high power-to-weight ratio' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wankel_engine#Aircraft_engines (?)https://www.mazdausa.com/MusaWeb/musa2/pdf/specs/specs_RX8.pdf#23_jan_2019_12_15_pm_est from google(rx8 weight distribution)
128)3113 subaru crosstrek 2-liter base suv awd y2019 #mt# #m#
129)3116 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #mt# #m#
130)3126 hyundai kona 2-liter se awd y2018 #m# #at# #at-dc#
131)3131 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class 230 2295cc w202 y1997 #mt# #m#
132)3150 honda crv automatic-transmission non-abs, abs version y1997 #m#
133)3153 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #at# #m#----------------------------
133)3153 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018 #at-dc-only# #m#----------------------------
133)3153 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #mt# #m#----------------------------
134)3157 subaru crosstrek 2-liter base suv awd y2019 #cvt# #m#
135)3160 bmw-mini clubman mini-sedan-estate 1.5-liter fwd y2019 #at# #m#
136)3197 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #at# #m#
137)3201 honda crv lx fwd 2354-cc-engine/2.4-liter-engine year-2003 #x# [source : edmunds.com/honda/cr-v/2003/st-100194915/features-specs/#21-aug-2023-11-28-pm-est-not-edt ]
138)3241 vw-porsche 911 gt2 rs y2018 #at-dc-only# #x#
139)3252 fca-ferrari 488 y2016 #x#--------------------------------
139)3252 honda fit fwd ev (electric) 100hp 3hrs-charge-time-240v, 15hrs-charge-time-120v 82-miles-range y2014 #m#
140)3287 honda crv ex awd 2354-cc-engine/2.4-liter-engine year-2003 #x# [source : edmunds.com/honda/cr-v/2003/st-100194915/features-specs/#21-aug-2023-11-28-pm-est-not-edt ]
141)3298 gm-chevrolet corvette stingray base y2019 #m,at#
142)3300 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5-liter fwd y2019 #mt# #m#---------------
142)3300 toyota c-hr 2-liter fwd y2019 #m#----------------------------------------
143)3318 daimler-mercedes-benz gla 250 fwd y2019 #m#
144)3322 subaru forester 2.5-liter base suv awd y2018 #mt# #m#
145)3327 ford ecosport s awd y2018 #m#
146)3337 honda->crv-year-2020 Lx fwd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
147)3354 ford gt y2017 #m#
148)3360 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5-liter fwd y2019 #at# #m#
149)3365 toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018 #m#
150)3370 bmw-mini clubman mini-sedan-estate 1.5-liter awd y2019 #mt# #m#
151)3380 toyota->rav4->year-2023 LE/cheapest-model , engine = 2.5 liter dohc , fwd , strut-front-suspension and multi-link-rear-suspension , bug-deflector not available . automatic-transmission-only-with-cvt-or-no-cvt . hill-start-assist available but manual-transmission not available . [source : toyota.com/content/dam/toyota/brochures/pdf/2023/rav4_ebrochure.pdf ]
152)3395 subaru forester 2.5-liter base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
153)3398 honda->crv-year-2020 ex fwd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
154)3405 bmw-mini clubman mini-sedan-estate 1.5-liter awd y2019 #at# #m#
155)3407 mitsubishi eclipse-cross 2-liter awd y2018 #m#
156)3413 honda->crv-year-2020 ex-L fwd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
157)3449 gm-gmc terrain 1.5-liter fwd y2018 #m# #at#
158)3450 daimler-mercedes-benz gla 250 awd y2019 #m#
159)3452 honda->crv-year-2020 touring fwd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
160)3455 honda->crv-year-2020 Lx awd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
161)3503 honda crv lx awd 2354cc y2010 #m#
162)3510 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5-liter awd y2019 #mt# #m#
163)3514 honda->crv-year-2020 ex awd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
164)3520 boeing-777-pw4000-engine-stand.source:http://www.core-aerospace.com/pdf/PW4000.pdf from google(PW4000 weight) result page 3 number 6
165)3529 honda->crv-year-2020 ex-L awd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
166)3543 bmw x1 fwd/awd? y2018 #at# #m#----------------------
166)3543 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5-liter awd y2019 #at# #m#-------------------
167)3560 gm-chevrolet corvette zr1 base y2019 #mt,at#---------------------
167)3560 daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt rwd y2017 #m# #at-dc-only#--------------------
168)3563 gm-gmc terrain 2-liter fwd y2018 #m# #at#
169)3569 honda->crv-year-2020 touring awd #cvt# [source:https://automobiles.honda.com/cr-v/specs-features-trim-comparison]
170)3570 toyota rav4 le awd 2.5-liter i-4 y2018 #ect-i# #m#
171)3591 vw tiguan 2-liter awd y2018 #m#
172)3622 gm-gmc terrain 1.5-liter awd y2018 #m# #at#
173)3624 subaru outback 2.5-liter base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
174)3632 gm-gmc terrain 1.6-liter diesel fwd y2018 #m# #at#
175)3640 ford c-max hybrid se mini-sedan-estate base-curb-weight y2018 #m# #cvt-only#---------
175)3640 ford focus electric mini-sedan-estate base-curb-weight y2018 #m# #at-only#-----------
176)3682 vw-audi q3 awd y2018 #m# #at-only#
177)3756 gm-gmc terrain 2-liter awd y2018 #m# #at#
178)3777 fiat-ferrari->599-gtb-fiorano-year-2010 [source : experiencestarwood.com/Ferrari/599gtb-fiorano.pdf from ferrariFL.com/owner-manuals.htm from google (ferrari user manual) result 1 ]
179)3803 honda-acura nsx sh-awd hybrid 3493cc weight-distribution f42%/r58% y2018 #m# #at-dc-only#
180)3815 gm-gmc terrain (1.6-liter diesel awd y2018 #m# #at#
181)3825 daimler-mercedes-benz sl450 rwd 18inch-wheel y2018 #m#
182)3902 vw-porsche macan y2018 #m# #at-dc-only#
183)3925 toyota rav4 xle hybrid awd 17inch-wheel y2018 #ecvt #m#
184)3940 toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid fwd y2019 #m#
185)3948 bmw-mini countryman mini-suv 1.5-liter hybrid awd y2019 #at# #m#
186)3950 toyota rav4 se & limited hybrid awd 18inch-wheel y2018 #ecvt# #m#
187)4001 vw-porsche panamera y2018 #m# #at-dc-only#
188)4050 toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid awd y2019 #m#
189)4075 jeep wrangler 2 door 3.6-liter y2018 #m#
190)4083 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd y2018 #m#
191)4180 toyota-lexus nx hybrid awd y2019 #m#
192)4215 fiat-jeep->wrangler-4-door-year-2018 3.6-liter-engine-v-6-piston #x# [source : edmunds.com/jeep/wrangler/2018/st-401734230/features-specs/ ]
193)4239 honda pilot ex awd 3471cc 6-speed-at y2017 #m# #at#
194)4344 bmw->740-i->year-2013 [source : family.lovetoknow.com/vehicles/list-of-car-weights from google ( car weight rank ) result 3 ]
195)4354 honda-odyssey year 2019 lx-fwd
196)4388 vw-bugatti veyron 16.4 grand sport vitesse 1990 kg y2018 #m#
197)4398 toyota highlander le awd 3.5-liter 8-speed y2018 #m#
198)4430 toyota sienna year 2019 l-fwd
199)4433 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd sport v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
200)4435 toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd y2018 #m#
201)4445 toyota->tacoma-year-2020 sr v6 4x4 body-on-frame #at# [source:https://www.toyota.com/tacoma/features/mpg/7594/7544/7598 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw']
201)4445 toyota->tacoma-year-2020 trd-off-road v6 4x4 body-on-frame #at# [source:https://www.toyota.com/tacoma/features/mpg/7594/7544/7598 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw']
201)4445 toyota->tacoma-year-2020 trd-pro 4x4 v6 body-on-frame #at# [source:https://www.toyota.com/tacoma/features/mpg/7594/7544/7598 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw']
201)4445 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd rtL v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
202)4453 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd rtL t v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
203)4466 geely-volvo xc90 t5momentum awd 2L y2018 #m#
204)4504 honda ridgeline 3471cc y2010 #m# #at-only#
205)4505 toyota->tacoma-year-2020 limited 4x4 v6 body-on-frame #at# [source:https://www.toyota.com/tacoma/features/mpg/7594/7544/7598 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw']
206)4515 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd rtL e v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
206)4515 honda->ridgeline-year-2019 awd black v6 uni-body-welded-on-rail #at# [source:(1/2)https://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2019/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK3F8KKNW from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) comment-reply to 'giveit2mehraw' (2/2)'What’s the big difference between a body-on-frame and a unibody welded on rails?' in http://www.trucktrend.com/how-to/chassis-suspension/1705-honda-ridgelines-frame-the-untold-story from google(ridgeline body on frame)result 1]
207)4549 fiat-jeep->wrangler-4-door-year-2018 2.0-liter-engine-plus-ampere-ac-motor-total-270-horse-power unlimited sahara 4x4 awd #at#-with-manual-gear-change-mode [source:'4549 lb' in https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a23746585/2018-jeep-wrangler-unlimited-suv-turbo-four-cylinder-hybrid/ from google(wrangler 2.0 weight)result 3]
208)4630 daimler->mercedes-benz->s-class-550->year-2016 4.7 liter-engine v-8 city-highway-mpg=17-26 #awd#-on-slippery-road #rwd#-on-road-with-traction #at# [source : edmunds.com/mercedes-benz/s-class/2016/st-200741199/features-specs/ ]
209)4655 toyota sienna year 2019 le-awd
210)4784 vw-porsche panamera 4 e-hybrid y2018 #m# #at-dc-only#
211)4806 vw->audi->a-8->year-2016 6.3 liter-engine w-12 city-highway-mpg=14-22 #awd#-full-time [source : edmunds.com/audi/a8/2016/st-200737510/features-specs/ ]
212)4815 tata-Land-Rover->defender-(4-door-normal-body-length/version-110)->year-2020 awd 2-Liter #at# [source : advertisement-brochure gimmemanuals.com/owners/2021/land-rover/2020-land-rover-defender-owners-manual.pdf from google ( range rover defender user manual pdf ) result 2 ]
213)4883.2 tata-land-rover range rover sport diesel 3-liter curb-weight-2215-kg y2016 #m# #at#
214)4905 toyota->lexus.com->Ls-500->year-2018 v-6 3.5 liter-engine #rwd# #at# [source : edmunds.com/lexus/ls-500/2018/st-401699936/features-specs/ ]
215)5038 daimler->mercedes-benz->s-class-600->year-2016 6 liter-engine v-12 city-highway-mpg=12-21 #rwd# #at# [source : edmunds.com/mercedes-benz/s-class/2016/st-200741199/features-specs/ ]
216)5143 tata->land-rover->range-rover-sport->se->year-2016 #awd#-full-time? #gasoline# [source : edmunds.com/land-rover/range-rover-sport/2016/st-401583467/features-specs/ ]
217)5456 vw-bentley continental flying spur 6-liter curb-weight-2475-kg y2018 #m# #at#
218)5562 tata-land-rover->range-rover->sv-auto-biography-lwb->year-2016 #awd#-full-time? #gasoline# [source : edmunds.com/land-rover/range-rover/2016/st-401589473/features-specs/ ]
219)5624 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class amg-63 y2018 #m# #at-only#
220)5644 bmw->rolls-royce->phantom->year-2023 6.7 liter-engine v-12 #rwd# [source : edmunds.com/rolls-royce/phantom/2023/st-401938727/features-specs/ ]
221)5691 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class amg-65 y2018 #m# #at-only#
222)5724 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 y2018 #m# #at-only#
223)6600 deere.com->cp-690 ( cotton-plant-uprooting-machine with 97 % cotton-fluff-plucked , 3 % accidental-cotton-fluff-destruction ) [source : techpubs.deere.com from youtube.com/watch?v=loBhGwXfK98#27_jan_2022_2_18_am_est ( How A Cotton Picker Works (4K) ) 96,592 views 18 feb 2020 from youtube-search ( pick cotton ) result 7 ]
224)6825 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 4x4 y2018 #m# #at-only#
225)8157 caterpillar->cb-34-b fresh-asphalt-compactor . [source : cat.com/en_US/products/new/equipment/compactors/tandem-vibratory-rollers/18547895.html from cat.com/en_US/products/new/equipment/compactors.html from caterpillar.com/#19_nov_2018_12_20_pm_est -> bottom-menu-products from superiorpaving.net from google ( superior paving corp ) ]
226)8994.9 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 500 guard y2014 #m# #at-only#
227)9171.2 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 600 guard y2014 #m# #at-only#
228)9300 HeilTrailer.com->(9500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) , with-8-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-empty , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-octane' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
229)9420 1 boeing-747-engine-dry-weight:pw-4050,pw-4052,pw-4056,pw-4060-a,pw-4060-c,pw-4062,4062-a,pw-4152,pw-4156,pw-4156-a,pw-4158,pw-4160,pw-4460,pw-4462. [source:(1/4)https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf from google(PW4000 weight)result 5 and from www.easa.europa.eu -> search 'type certificate pw4000' from 'type certificate' in https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 (2/4)'9,420 pounds' in http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/2a822313bea2157886257f060055beb1/$FILE/E24NE_Rev_13.pdf from ref-5 in '-94[5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_%26_Whitney_PW4000#Specifications from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4000' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_11_30_am_est but contradict 'Weight 4341 kg'(4341×2.20462262185=9570.266801451 lbs) in http://www.deltatechops.com/mro-capabilities/view/category/pw4000-94 from google(PW4000 weight)result 1 maybe because dry-weight means 'Weight of basic engine includes all essential accessories, but excludes starter, exhaust nozzle and power source for the ignition system' in find 'https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA-TCDS-E.050_%28IM%29_Pratt_and_Whitney_PW4000--94_series_engines-01-19102012.pdf' in this text and weight in find 'deltatechops.com' does not mean dry-weight (3/4)'1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb' in https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs) (4/4)'The first family is the 94 inch (2.4 m) diameter fan with certified thrust ranging from 52,000 to 62,000 lbf (230 to 275 kN). It powers the Airbus A310-300, A300-600 aircraft, Boeing 747-400, 767-200/300, KC-46A, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and is certified for 180-minute ETOPS if used in twinjets. These models include the PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4062, PW4152, PW4156, PW4158, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462 and PW4650.', 'The third family is the 112 inch (2.8 m) diameter fan engine developed specifically for Boeing's 777 where it was the launch engine. Currently available on the 777-200ER, it has certified thrust from 86,760 to 99,040 lbf (386 to 441 kN). Models include the PW4074, PW4077, PW4084, PW4090 and PW4098' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_&_Whitney_PW4000 from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4084-engined' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777]
230)11545 isuzuCv.com->fvr-truck , with engine cummins.com->b-6.7 ( 6.7-liter 6-cylinder ) , not including MorganCorp.com->trailer-box-with-air-conditioner-option which maybe has eberhard.com-(door-latch/door-closing-mechanism , door-hinge) , maybe for carrying ice-cream , deer-animal-pest-cadaver who damage agriculture-land , cadaver-from-safari-hunting-event [source : a truck being parked on public-parking-lot behind swimming-pool in residential area of my-former-town-home-address : usa-country->virginia-state->ashburn-city->zip-code-20148->cambridgeport-square-street-building-number-22555 google.com/maps/place/22555+Cambridgeport+Square,+Ashburn,+VA+20148/@38.9674826,-77.5256713,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b63f716d58c1a3:0x50df9055096c015b!8m2!3d38.9931428!4d-77.5082008 ]
231)12500 1 belaz-75710-tire(big-mining-truck-tire).source:'59/80R63 measures 1.47 meters (57.9 inches) across','nearly 14 feet tall','weighing approximately 12,500 pounds' in https://newatlas.com/the-worlds-biggest-production-tire--the-63-inch-titan/9726/#6_may_2019_8_21_pm_edt from google(belaz 75710 tire height)result 6 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2tFH74HHJ0#2_may_2019_6_19_pm_edt (Belaz 75710 . The biggest dump truck in the World) from google(giant dump truck)result 2
232)13400 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:rolls-royce-trent-89517,trent-89217,trent-892-b-17,trent-88417,trent-884-b-17,trent-87717,trent-87517.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20E%20047%20TCDS%20issue%2003.pdf from google(trent 800 weight)result 4 from 'Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777#7_feb_2019_1_3_pm_est
233)15095 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:pw-4074, pw-4077, pw-4084 [source:(1/2)'15,095' in https://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/69c65e492f1588bd862579a00066f840/$FILE/E46NE%20Rev%208.pdf from 'and the PW4000 is 16,260 lb (7.38 t).[14]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolls-Royce_Trent_800 from en.wikipedia->search (pratt thai airways) result 4 (2/2)'The first family is the 94 inch (2.4 m) diameter fan with certified thrust ranging from 52,000 to 62,000 lbf (230 to 275 kN). It powers the Airbus A310-300, A300-600 aircraft, Boeing 747-400, 767-200/300, KC-46A, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and is certified for 180-minute ETOPS if used in twinjets. These models include the PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4062, PW4152, PW4156, PW4158, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462 and PW4650.', 'The third family is the 112 inch (2.8 m) diameter fan engine developed specifically for Boeing's 777 where it was the launch engine. Currently available on the 777-200ER, it has certified thrust from 86,760 to 99,040 lbf (386 to 441 kN). Models include the PW4074, PW4077, PW4084, PW4090 and PW4098' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_&_Whitney_PW4000 from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4084-engined' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777]
234)15741 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:pw-4074-d, pw-4077-d, pw-4084-d, pw-4090, pw-40903 [source:(1/2)'15,741' in https://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/69c65e492f1588bd862579a00066f840/$FILE/E46NE%20Rev%208.pdf from 'and the PW4000 is 16,260 lb (7.38 t).[14]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolls-Royce_Trent_800 from en.wikipedia->search (pratt thai airways) result 4 (2/2)'The first family is the 94 inch (2.4 m) diameter fan with certified thrust ranging from 52,000 to 62,000 lbf (230 to 275 kN). It powers the Airbus A310-300, A300-600 aircraft, Boeing 747-400, 767-200/300, KC-46A, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and is certified for 180-minute ETOPS if used in twinjets. These models include the PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4062, PW4152, PW4156, PW4158, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462 and PW4650.', 'The third family is the 112 inch (2.8 m) diameter fan engine developed specifically for Boeing's 777 where it was the launch engine. Currently available on the 777-200ER, it has certified thrust from 86,760 to 99,040 lbf (386 to 441 kN). Models include the PW4074, PW4077, PW4084, PW4090 and PW4098' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_&_Whitney_PW4000 from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4084-engined' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777]
235)16000 HeilTrailer.com->(12500-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer)-with-some-self-steer-axle-or-some-self-lifting-axel-during-turning-to-decrease-tire-friction-with-asphalt , cargo-is-empty , with-6-tire-on-ground , and not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)from google ( fuel tanker truck heil trailer ) result 1 from sheetz.com-gasoline-station-fuel-tanker-truck-logo (2/2) youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
236)16260 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:pw-4090-d, pw-4098 [source:(1/2)'16,260' in https://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/69c65e492f1588bd862579a00066f840/$FILE/E46NE%20Rev%208.pdf from 'and the PW4000 is 16,260 lb (7.38 t).[14]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolls-Royce_Trent_800 from en.wikipedia->search (pratt thai airways) result 4 (2/2)'The first family is the 94 inch (2.4 m) diameter fan with certified thrust ranging from 52,000 to 62,000 lbf (230 to 275 kN). It powers the Airbus A310-300, A300-600 aircraft, Boeing 747-400, 767-200/300, KC-46A, and McDonnell Douglas MD-11 aircraft and is certified for 180-minute ETOPS if used in twinjets. These models include the PW4050, PW4052, PW4056, PW4060, PW4062, PW4152, PW4156, PW4158, PW4160, PW4460, PW4462 and PW4650.', 'The third family is the 112 inch (2.8 m) diameter fan engine developed specifically for Boeing's 777 where it was the launch engine. Currently available on the 777-200ER, it has certified thrust from 86,760 to 99,040 lbf (386 to 441 kN). Models include the PW4074, PW4077, PW4084, PW4090 and PW4098' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pratt_&_Whitney_PW4000 from 'Pratt & Whitney PW4084-engined' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777]
237)17400 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight:ge-9076-b,ge-9077-b,ge-9085-b,ge-9090-b,ge-9094-b.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 from 'PW4000: ~6,750kg Trent 800: ~6,000kg GE90: ~7.5-8,000kg' in https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39237 from google(boeing 777 engine weight)result 2
238)19316 1 boeing-777-engine-dry-weight(stronger-thrust-ge):ge-90110-b-1,ge-90113-b,ge-90115-b.source:https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/EASA%20TCDS%20IM%20E%20002_GE90%20series_Issue3_15112017.pdf from google(ge90 weight)result 3 from 'PW4000: ~6,750kg Trent 800: ~6,000kg GE90: ~7.5-8,000kg' in https://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39237 from google(boeing 777 engine weight)result 2
239)19841.6 fayat-dynapac-cc2200 fresh-asphalt-roller.source:'9 000 kg' in https://dynapac.com/en/products/compaction/dynapac-cc22001 from https://www.constructionequipment.com/dynapac-cc950-roller from google (dynapal sr 114 asphalt roller),(dynapal sr 114 asphalt compactor){}1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb in https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs) from www.superiorpaving.net from google(superior paving corp)
240)82070 HeilTrailer.com->(9500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) , with-8-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-octane , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-octane' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
241)89100 HeilTrailer.com->(9500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer) , with-8-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-water , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . maybe for sending drinking-water to find 'workers are provided only with tap water from a water-well. The water is hot, and often dirty.' in nlcnet.org/elsalvador/CKAppletree.html from google ( Textiles-San-Marcos-S-A-De-C-V fruit of loom ) result 3 or find 'appletree1993.com' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm . appletree1993.com is fruit.com-garment-factory-supplier in google.com/maps/place/APPLE+TREE+EL+SALVADOR,+S.A.+DE+C.V./@13.6617292,-89.1900468,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8f63319b4664c727:0x69eda0af6eef3bf8!8m2!3d13.661724!4d-89.1878581 . but maybe appletree1993.com-garment-factory has clear drinking-water now ? ppl can enter-then-scrub liquid-cargo-trailer/petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)find '1-gallon-water' (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
242)111750 HeilTrailer.com->(12500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer)-with-some-self-steer-axle-or-some-self-lifting-axel-during-turning-to-decrease-tire-friction-with-asphalt , with-6-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-octane , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)from google ( fuel tanker truck heil trailer ) result 1 from sheetz.com-gasoline-station-fuel-tanker-truck-logo (2/2) youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
243)116843.8 53 ton fuel being discarded by airbus->a340-300 prior returning to origin-airport after takeoff.calculation:find '--------start:53 ton fuel for airbus,is how many liter?' in this text
244)121000 HeilTrailer.com->(12500-gallon-petroleum-tanker/liquid-cargo-trailer)-with-some-self-steer-axle-or-some-self-lifting-axel-during-turning-to-decrease-tire-friction-with-asphalt , with-6-tire-on-ground , cargo-is-water , not including truck-for-towing-that-trailer . ppl can enter-then-scrub petroleum-tanker [source : (1/2)from google ( fuel tanker truck heil trailer ) result 1 from sheetz.com-gasoline-station-fuel-tanker-truck-logo (2/2) youtube.com/watch?v=aIMOuRj6QK0 ( Going inside a petroleum tanker ) 6 may 2015 , 342,191 views from recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=k0huiB7PDp0 ( Tanker Cleaning, Tank Trailer and Bulk Tanker Washout Process ) 5 oct 2016 , 6,819 views ] from google ( cleaning petroleum trailer ) result 1 ]
245)170000 total-kerosene-fuel-weight being discarded prior : boeing.com->777 carrying maximum-fuel , doing emergency-landing immediately after take-off , to reach mLw/maximum-landing-weight [ source : find '-[9-may-2010]#discard-fuel# continental-flight-9 boeing-777 with maximum fuel for newark-airport -> narita-airport, ' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm ]
246)775000 boeing.com->777 mtow/maximum-take-off-weight ( maximum-weight-for-flying ) [source : 'mtow' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777 ]
247)1455051 taiwan-country->taipei-101-tower->earthquake-damper-pendulum-ball y2004 #x# ( 660 metric-ton/mega-gram / 158 's-class 600 guard y2014' ) [source : (1/4)'660 metric tons mass' in http://www.iitk.ac.in/nicee/wcee/article/14_11-0060.PDF from ref-58 in 'RWDI designed a 660 metric tons (728 short tons)[58]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taipei_101 from 'taipei 101' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuned_mass_damper (2/4)'2004', '500 ton', 'taipei 101' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSEYOavsKxA&t=7m32s from youtube-search (taipei 101 damper) from 'taipei 101' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuned_mass_damper from 'tuned mass damper' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Skytree from 'tokyo skytree' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinbashira from 'shinbashira' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikk%C5%8D_T%C5%8Dsh%C5%8D-g%C5%AB from 'Kagura hall (left) at Nikkō Tōshōgū, a Shinto shrine associated with the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagura from 'kagura' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ise_Grand_Shrine from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isuzu_River from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isuzu_Motors#History from 'Sumida(Isuzu)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Japanese_military_equipment_of_World_War_II#Vehicles from 'List of Japanese military equipment of World War II' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Japanese_Army and from 'kagura' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_King_of_Fighters_characters#Chizuru_Kagura (3/4)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatigue_(material) (4/4)or find 'taipei-101-tower-level-87' in my blog/journal/diary wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
minimum horsepower needed to make 9172 lbs wheelbarrow,
climb a hill :
hp = horsepower
1 hp = 550 foot lbs per second
1 foot lbs per second = energy needed to lift 1 lbs as high as 1 foot per 1 second
9172 foot lbs per second = energy needed to lift 9172 lbs as high as 1 foot per 1 second
1 hp = 550 foot lbs per second
? hp = 9172 foot lbs per second
550 x ? = 9172 x 1
550? = 9172
? = 9172 / 550
? = 16.676363636 hp
16.7 hp is needed to make 9172 lbs wheelbarrow climb
as high as 1 foot per 1 second
force acting on an object on a hill :
'Free body diagrams' in
from 'force' in
new calculation :
find 'minimum horsepower needed :' in this text
minimum horsepower needed :
1)to lift 9172-lbs-weight vertically.
2)to make 9172-lbs-weight-wheelbarrow climb a 23.1 degree-angle-hill
force acting on an object on a hill :
from 'Free body diagrams' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force from 'force' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statics
down-hill-force also-known-as(aka)
down-hill-pressure = m x g x sin (angle)
but i ignore gravity (g) because using gravity in that formula
produce result in newton-unit-measurement,
i want lbs-unit-measurement so :
9172-lbs-weight-wheelbarrow on 23.1 degree-angle-uphill =
9172 lbs x sin (23.1) = 3598.516033488 lbs
= 3599 lbs
hp = horsepower
1 hp = 550 foot lbs per second
1 foot lbs per second = energy needed to lift 1 lbs as high as 1 foot per 1 second
9172 foot lbs per second = energy needed to lift 9172 lbs as high as 1 foot per 1 second
3599 foot lbs per second = energy needed to lift 3599 lbs as high as 1 foot per 1 second
minimum hp to lift 9172-lbs-weight vertically :
1 hp = 550 foot lbs per second
? hp = 9172 foot lbs per second
550 x ? = 9172 x 1
550? = 9172
? = 9172 / 550
? = 16.676363636 hp
16.7 hp is needed to lift 9172-lbs-weight climb vertically
as high as 1 foot per 1 second
minimum hp to make 3599-lbs-weight-wheelbarrow climb
23.1 degree angle uphill :
1 hp = 550 foot lbs per second
? hp = 3599 foot lbs per second
550 x ? = 3599 x 1
550? = 3599
? = 3599 / 550
? = 6.543636364 hp
6.6 hp is needed to make 3599-lbs-weight-wheelbarrow
climb 23.1 degree angle uphill as high as 1 foot per 1 second
i use coefficient-friction 0 to simplify calculation
because coefficient-friction (rolling-resistance) is 0.001
for tires/wheel. 0.001 is almost 0
source:'Typical values for the coefficient of rolling resistance are 0.001.[64]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friction#Coefficient_of_friction
23.1 degree-angle-hill is the steepest hill in the world
info : find 'is 23.1% by the 67-Bernal Heights on Alabama Street'
in this text
source :
1)1.1)'One horsepower is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second'
1.2)'A foot-pound is the amount of energy required to move a pound (0.45 kilograms)
(of any substance) one foot (30.5 centimeters)'
in https://auto.howstuffworks.com/how-much-horsepower-is-enough.htm from google (minimum horsepower for a car) result 4
2)2.1)'One metric horsepower is needed to lift 75 kilograms by 1 metre in 1 second'
2.2)'550 ft⋅lbf/s'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower
3)'If you have the headlights on, the alternator is using power to generate
electricity for the lights.If the air conditioner is on, that takes power too.
A 1-horsepower engine couldn't maintain more than 20 or 30 mph in a normal car,
and you could never turn on the headlights or the air conditioning.'
in https://auto.howstuffworks.com/one-horse-engine.htm from google (minimum horsepower for a car)
4)'The San Francisco Municipal Railway operates bus service among the city's hills.
The steepest grade for bus operations is 23.1% by the 67-Bernal Heights on
Alabama Street between Ripley and Esmeralda Streets.[6]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grade_(slope) from en.wikipedia.search (maximum Grade (car climbing)) result 2
heavy-car,makes inflating tire,difficult.
source:'air can only enter the tire when the pressure of the air on the outside of
the valve overcomes the pressure that is inside the tire already.' in https://itstillruns.com/valve-stem-work-5765097.html dari google(how tire valve stem work)result 1
heavy-weight-car usually has body-on-frame-skeleton (chassis) , light-weight-car usually has uni-body-skeleton :
youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSxiMQLn4 (Unibody vs Body on Frame) from youtube-search(car frame)result 6
advantage:(1)youtube-video says car-with-body-on-frame's manufacturing-price is cheap , repair-price is cheap ,
but i don't know why car-with-body-on-frame-skeleton stellantis.com-jeep.com->wrangler is more pricey than
car-with-uni-body-skeleton honda.com->crv , toyota.com->rav4. maybe stellantis.com-jeep.com->wrangler's
manufacturing-price in usa-country->ohio-state->toledo-city is pricey , but honda.com also manufacture
honda.com->crv in usa-country->ohio-state->east-Liberty-community https://ohio.honda.com ,
i don't know where toyota.com manufacture toyota.com->rav4 for usa http://toyotaky.com/mandex.asp doesn't say
making rav4. [source:(1/3)'stellantis.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellantis from 'stellantis' in https://www.fcagroup.com/en-US/media_center/fca_press_release/FiatDocuments/2021/January/The_merger_of_FCA_and_Groupe_PSA_has_been_completed.pdf from https://www.fcagroup.com (2/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toledo_Complex from 'Toledo Complex' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler_(JL) from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler (3/3)'toyotaky.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Motor_Manufacturing_Kentucky from 'tmmc' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_RAV4]
(2)better off-road-handling/manuverability
(3)can tow heavy-thing and car-body won't suffer deformity-damage because
body-on-frame-skeleton resist torsion-stress/twisting-stress more than uni-body-skeleton
disadvantage:(1)heavier-weight than uni-body-skeleton
(2)car-floor is higher than uni-body-skeleton-car-floor so roll-over-risk is higher
example car with body-on-frame :
sedan : BMW i-3 , BMW i-8
SUV : Cadillac Escalade (ESV), Chevrolet Suburban, Chevrolet Tahoe, Ford Expedition (Max), GMC Yukon (XL), Infiniti QX80,
Jeep Wrangler (Unlimited), Lexus GX, Lexus LX, Lincoln Navigator (L), Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Nissan Armada,
Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Sequoia
Pickup Truck : Chevrolet Colorado, Chevrolet Silverado, Ford F-150, Ford Ranger, GMC Canyon, GMC Sierra, Jeep Gladiator,
Nissan Frontier, Nissan Titan, Ram 1500, Toyota Tacoma, Toyota Tundra
[source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body-on-frame from 'Wrangler has retained a body-on-frame construction and solid axles' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler_(JL) from 'Wrangler JL' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Wrangler]
car which has uni-body-skeleton has 4 screw hanging car-engine above sub-frame, so sub-frame does not carry engine-weight,
so sub-frame allow lower-control-arm to move-up-and-down, making independent-suspension possible
youtube.com/watch?v=u940Vs5WklM&t=4m21s (How to Remove an Engine)
cu ft means cubic feet, feet^3
cubic-feet car
1) 39.7 toyota highlander 2004
2) 38.4 toyota rav4 le y2018
3) 35.7 honda crv y2010
4) 35.6 toyota rav4 se hybrid y2018
5) 35.5 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
6) 34.4 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
7) 34 ford escape y2018
8) 33.5 honda crv y2003
9) 29.6 gm-gmc-terrain-sle-fwd
10) 27.4 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
11) 27.1 bmw x1 y2018
12) 25.2 ford-lincoln-mkc-permiere-fwd
13) 23.8 vw tiguan 2L awd y2018
14) 23.2 honda hrv lx fwd y2018
15) 20.9 ford ecosport y2018
16) 20.8 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
16) 20.8 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #cvt# #m#
17) 20.6 honda fit lx y2010
18) 19.8 toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018
19) 19.2 hyundai kona y2018
20) 19 toyota c-hr y2019
21) 18.8 gm-buick encore y2018
22) 18.7 gm-chevy trax lt y2018
23) 17.7 vw-porsche macan y2018
24) 17.6 vw-porsche panamera non-hybrid y2018
25) 17.2 daimler-mercedes-benz gla y2018
26) 17.1 toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
27) 16.7 vw-audi q3 awd y2018
28) 16.6 honda fit lx y2018
29) 15.3 gm-chevy tahoe y2018
29) 15.3 toyota yaris (mini-sedan-estate) L y2018
30) 15.1 honda civic sedan lx y2018
31) 14.3 vw-porsche 4 e-hybrid-version y2018
32) 13.49 toyota yaris iA (sedan) L y2018
33) 12.8 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd y2018
34) 12.4 mazda cx-3 y2019
35) 12 honda civic sedan lx y2010
36) 10.1 daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt y2018
37) 5.2 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018
37) 5.2 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018
38) 5.1 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018
39) 4.7 toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd
40) 4.48 mazda mx-5 miata y2018
41) 4.4 honda-acura nsx sh-awd hybrid y2018
41) 4.4 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018
41) 4.4 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018
42) 0.4 ford gt y2017
cubic-feet car
1) 58.7 bmw x1 y2018
2) 51.7 gm-chevy tahoe y2018
3) 50.3 vw-audi q3 awd y2018
4) 50 ford ecosport y2018
5) 45.8 hyundai kona y2018
6) 44.5 mazda cx-3 y2019
7) 43.6 daimler-mercedes-benz gla y2018
8) 41.7 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd y2018
9) 36.4 toyota c-hr y2019
turning-diameter = turning-diameter-curb-to-curb
17inch-wheel means 17 inch wheel-diameter
source :
1)'P225/65R17' in https://www.toyota.com/rav4/features/tires/4430/4440/4444 from google (toyota.com 18 inch wheel) result 3
2)how to read tire-code/tire-label :
example : p215/65r1595h
p 215 / 65 r 15 95 h
p : passenger car . other option :
(1)Lt ( light-truck )
(2)st ( special-trailer )
(3)t ( temporary / spare-tire )
(4)[blank] = euro-metric tire which has different load-index than 'p' usa-metric
(5)hL ( highway-luxury ) [source : firestonecompleteautocare.com/blog/tires/bridgestone-dueler-hl-tires/ from google ( tire code hl fr w meaning ) ]
215 : tire-width from 1 sidewall to other sidewall=215 milimeter. [source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGkdT2A6DG8&t=13s#8_feb_2019_1_57_pm_est (What Do Tire Numbers Mean - How To Read Tire Numbers) from youtube-search(how to read tire code)result 8 ]
in-other-word tire-width from pedestrian-who-see-tire-rubber-tread-texture-and-not-see-tire-code-label-and-not-see-wheel-part ,
if there is thick-logo-font-protrusion then exclude any part of that thick-logo-font-protrusion . [source : ---https://www.discounttire.com/learn/tire-dimensions from google ( how to measure tire width tire code ) row last col 1 ] .
but tire-code for big-mining-truck belaz-75710 use inch for tire-width[source:'59/80R63 measures 1.47 meters (57.9 inches) across','nearly 14 feet tall','weighing approximately 12,500 pounds' in https://newatlas.com/the-worlds-biggest-production-tire--the-63-inch-titan/9726/#6_may_2019_8_21_pm_edt from google(belaz 75710 tire height)result 6 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2tFH74HHJ0#2_may_2019_6_19_pm_edt (Belaz 75710 . The biggest dump truck in the World) from google(giant dump truck)result 2].
65 : tire-side-wall-height which has value which has meaning 'percentage of tire-width' . so 65 means tire-side-wall-height = 65 % tire-width .
tire-side-wall-height has synonym 'aspect-ratio' .
tire-side-wall is tire-rubber-area where this tire-code-label 'p215/65r1595h' is written.
usually :
(1) normal-tire-side-wall-height > 55 . so normal-tire-side-wall-height = 60 , 65 .
(2) low-profile-tire-side-wall-height <= 55 . so low-profile-tire-side-wall-height = 55 , 50 , 45 , etc .
but that depends on tire-width,because tire-side-wall-height use %tire-width.
so if tire-width is very wide then tire-side-wall-height 55 maybe is normal-tire,not low-profile-tire.
low-profile-tire pros:1)responsive steering,better mpg(fuel-efficiency)
cons:1)hard-ride,noisy-ride,need to change suspension to adapt to low-profile-tire?
hard-ride make suspension deteriorate faster.source:'stiff suspension and low profile tires are bad for the:control arms and bushings,lower control arms and bushings,ball joints,sway bar link,trailing arm bushings,sub frame mounts/ bushings,tie rods,and possibly engine/tranny mounts.It does seem logical that stiff suspension and low profile tires will wear out the suspension control arms and bushings faster because of less absorbing' in https://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=851462 from google(suspension for stiff tire)page 2 result 3
2)damaged-alloy-wheel-rim.sometimes there are 2 smooth-asphalt-road-area having
different height which will cause bumpy-ride damaging alloy-wheel-rim inside low-profile-tire.
uneven-sewer/manhole-cover maybe damage low-profile-tire-wheel-rim,suspension:(1/2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOMon49YYGU&t=30s#1_apr_2019_4_4_pm_edt (San Francisco Bay Area Riding: Look Out for Gratuetous Amounts of Manhole Covers )from youtube-search(bumpy ride manhole)result 4 (2/2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-9dKcgIank#1_apr_2019_4_1_pm_edt (Compilation - Manhole catapults #1 (Manholes throw cars)) from youtube-search(bumpy manhole)result 2
3)if wheel-diameter change more than 5 milimeter then headlight must be readjusted
source:(1.1)'RAY: A tire’s profile refers to the height of the sidewall. On a tire with an aspect ratio (profile) of 65, the sidewall’s height is 65 percent of the tire’s width. A normal tire is 60 or 65. Fifty and 45 would be considered low-profile and would have a shorter sidewall.'(1.2)'RAY: Low-profile tires improve the car’s handling under most conditions. Because they have a shorter sidewall, the sidewall is stiffer so it bends and flexes less when you turn.'(1.3)'TOM: But in our opinion, the disadvantages of low-profile tires generally outweigh the advantages. Low-profile tires give you a harder, noisier ride. And because there’s less sidewall between the road and the wheel, they lead to lots of bent wheels — expensive alloy bent wheels.'(1.4)in https://www.dallasnews.com/business/autos/2011/03/18/learning-the-ins-and-outs-of-low-profile-tires from google(low profile tire aspect ratio)result 2 (2)'Often referred to as the profile or series, the aspect ratio of a tire is determined by dividing a tire’s section height by its section width when the tire is: inflated to maximum air pressure, mounted on the approved measuring rim, and under no load.A tire with a lower aspect ratio responds to lateral force more effectively than a tire with a higher aspect ratio.The aspect ratio affects steering stability. Generally, the shorter the sidewall,or the lower the aspect ratio, the less time it takes to transmit the steering input from the wheel to the tread. The result is quicker steering response.Aspect ratio also affects the tread contact patch. As a rule, a low-profile tire produces a wider tread contact patch. This wider tread contact patch creates a stiffer footprint that reduces distortion and provides improved cornering traction.Aspect ratio also impacts ride. A low-profile tire usually has a stiffer ride than the standard aspect ratio of 75 or more.' in https://www.yokohamatire.com/tires-101/basic-information/reading-your-tire/aspect-ratio from google(tire aspect ratio)result 1 (3)'Reading a Sidewall' in http://us.coopertire.com/safety/replacement-guide/reading-a-sidewall.aspx from google-image(tire sidewall)row 1 col 2 (4)'65 means that the height is equal to 65% of the tire's width' in https://www.goodyearautoservice.com/en-US/tire-basics/tire-size from google(tire aspect ratio)result 2 (5.1)'Low-profile tires are those with relatively low aspect ratios (profiles) – 55% and less' (5.2)' suspension, seat cushion, etc., won’t operate for long if you don’t adapt them' (5.3)in https://www.utires.com/articles/what-are-low-profile-tires-used-for/ from google(aspect ratio 55 low profile tire)result 1
r : radial.other option:(1)d=diagonal/bias-ply (2)b=like d and with belt under tread(bias-ply-with-belt) (3)rf=radial-run-flat.source:(?)'P225/50"R"16 91S - a letter that identifies the tire's internal construction follows the two digits used to identify the tire’s profile. Again in our example, the letter R means our tire has “radial construction.” Radial tires are by far the most popular type of tire today representing over 98% of all tires sold. Letters in this section other than “R” include:D=the internal tire body plies crisscross on a Diagonal and that the tire has a "bias ply" construction.B= the tire body plies not only crisscross the tire on a diagonal as in the D tire, they are reinforced with belts under the tread area. This type of tire construction is called "Belted." RF=identifies tires with self-supporting run-flat construction. These tires are “radial construction” by design,' in http://www.rohrmandiscounttires.com/new-page-4/ from google(tire d construction)result 5 (?)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tire_code from google(tire d construction)result 3
15 : wheel-rim-diameter in inch
95 : tire-load-index according to (1)goodyear-tire-load-index-chart:[load-index]=[Load(Lbs)],etc=75=852,76=882,77=908,78=937,79=963,80=992,81=1019,82=1047,83=1074,84=1102,85=1135,86=1168,87=1201,88=1235,89=1279,90=1323,91=1356,92=1389,93=1433,94=1477,95=1521,96=1565,97=1609,98=1653,99=1709,100=1764,101=1819,102=1874,103=1929,104=1984,105=2039,106=2094,107=2149,108=2205,109=2271,110=2337,111=2403,112=2469,113=2535,114=2601,115=2679,116=2756,117=2833,118=2910,119=2998,120=3086
tire-load-index 75 show 852Lbs for goodyear,853Lbs for TireRack
but there is 1 difference only:goodyear-tire-load-index-chart show index 75=852Lbs
tirerack-tire-load-index-chart show index 75=853Lbs
so 95 means 1521 Lbs per 1 tire.source:(1)https://www.goodyearautoservice.com/en-US/tire-basics/load-index-speed-rating from 'tire load index' in https://www.goodyearautoservice.com/en-US/tire-basics/tire-size#26_dec_2018_3_26_pm_est from google(tire aspect ratio)result 2 (2)https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/techpage.jsp?techid=35 from google(tire speed rating above 149)result 3 (?)'if you change the wheel diameter by more than 5 mm, you will also need to readjust the headlights' in https://www.oponeo.co.uk/tyre-article/low-profile-tyres-pros-and-cons#27-dec_2018_7_53_am_est from google(suspension for low profile tire)page 2 result last
h : speed-rating-label telling maximum-speed-allowed
L 75 mph 120 kph Off-Road & Light Truck Tires.source:https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/techpage.jsp?techid=35 from google(tire speed rating above 149)result 3
m 81 mph 130 kph Temporary Spare Tires
n 87 mph 140 kph
p 93 mph 150 kph
q 99 mph 160 kph Studless & Studdable Winter Tires
r 106 mph 170 kph H.D. Light Truck Tires
s 112 mph 180 kph Family Sedans & Vans
t 118 mph 190 kph Family Sedans & Vans
u 124 mph 200 kph
h 130 mph 210 kph Sport Sedans & Coupes
v 149 mph 240 kph Sport Sedans, Coupes & Sports Cars
w 168 mph 270 kph Exotic Sports Cars
y 186 mph 300 kph Exotic Sports Cars zr???
source:(1)https://www.edmunds.com/how-to/how-to-read-your-tire.html from google (tire code) result 3 (2)https://www.goodyearautoservice.com/en-US/tire-basics/load-index-speed-rating from 'tire load index' in https://www.goodyearautoservice.com/en-US/tire-basics/tire-size#26_dec_2018_3_26_pm_est from google(tire aspect ratio)result 2 (3)https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/techpage.jsp?techid=35 from google(tire speed rating above 149)result 3
optional-tire-code-after-speed-rating-label : [source : toeetire.com/blogs/news/how-to-read-sidewall-tire-numbers-and-markings from google ( tire code hl fr w meaning ) from google ( tire code a/s meaning ) result last ]
"Star" : Original tyres for BMW
A/S : All-season tyre
A/T : All-terrain tyre
B : Bias construction, typically for motorcycles.
C : Commercial / passenger car tyre
BSW : Black SideWall
C : Commercial; tyres for light trucks. Similar to LT (below)
E4 : Tyre approved according to ECE-regulations. See The E Mark below.
EL : Extra Load; tyre for vehicles of heavier standard weights
FR : Flange-Rib - the area above the bead of the tyre that acts as a protection for the outer lip of your alloy wheel
against light contact with kerbs etc.
H/T : Highway/terrain tyre. For SUVs and 4x4s - less aggressive than full off road tyres - design for some use on-road
LT : Light Truck tyres.
M0 : Original tyres for Mercedes-Benz
M+S, or M&S : Mud and Snow - see car tyre types
Made in ... : Country of production
MFS : Max Flange Shield - a rubber ring around the tyre designed to help prevent damaging the wheel flange when close to a kerb
M/T : Mud/terrain tyre. Similar to A/T
N(number) : Original tyres for Porsche.
OWL : Outline White Lettering
P : Commercial / passenger car tyre
RB/RBL : Raised Black Lettering
RF : Reinforced tyres
RIB : A rubber ring around the tyre designed to help prevent damaging the wheel flange when close to a kerb. Same as MFS
RW/RWL : Raised White Lettering
SFI, or Inner : Side Facing Inwards; inside of asymmetric tyres.
SFO, or Outer : Side Facing Outwards; outside of asymmetric tyres.
SL : Standard Load; tyre for normal usage and loads
SUV : SUV / 4x4 tyre
TL : Tubeless
TT : Tube-type, tyre must be used with an inner-tube
TWI : Tread Wear Indicator.
WSW : White SideWall
XL : eXtra Load; tyre for vehicles of heavier standard weights. Same as EL
Arrows : Denotes rotation direction for directional tread.
DSST : Dunlop Self Supporting Technology
EMT : Goodyear Extended Mobility Tyre
RFT : Bridgestone Run Flat Tyre
ROF : Run On Flat
RSC : Runflat System Component
SSR : Continental Self Supporting Runflat
ZP : Michelin Zero Pressure
all turning-diameter comes from maker-website
feet car
1) 30.8 mazda mx-5 miata rwd y2018
2) 31.4 toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
3) 32.2 toyota yaris iA (sedan) fwd and yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) fwd y2018
4) 33.4 toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018
5) 33.5 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
6) 34.1 honda crv awd y2003
7) 34.2 toyota c-hr fwd y2019
8) 34.3 honda fit ev (electric) y2018
9) 34.4 honda fit lx y2010
10) 34.78 ford ecosport y2018
11) 34.8 honda civic sedan lx y2010----------------------------------------
11) 34.8 toyota rav4 le awd y2018----------------------------------------
11) 34.8 toyota rav4 xle hybrid awd 17inch-wheel ( tire-code '225 / 65 r 17 102 h' ) y2018 . [source : assets.sia.toyota.com/publications/en/om-s/OM0R012U/pdf/OM0R012U.pdf from toyota.com/owners/resources/warranty-owners-manuals.rav4.2018 from toyota.com/owners/my-vehicle ]
11) 34.8 mazda cx-3 16inch-wheely y2019----------------------------------------
11) 34.8 hyundai kona fwd, awd y2018----------------------------------------
11) 34.8 toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd----------------------------------------
11) 34.8 honda crv y1997----------------------------------------------------
12) 35.07 honda fit lx fwd 2018
13) 35.2 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class 230 2295cc w202 y1997 #mt# #m#
14) 35.7 honda civic sedan lx y2018
15) 36 daimler-mercedes-benz gla250 awd 18inch-wheel y2018----------------
15) 36 daimler-mercedes-benz sl450 rwd 18inch-wheel y2018------------------
16) 36.1 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018
16) 36.1 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018
17) 36.4 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018
17) 36.4 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018
17) 36.4 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018
17) 36.4 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class y2014 #at# #m#
18) 36.7 toyota rav4 se hybrid awd 18inch-wheel ( tire-code '235 / 55 r 18 100 h' ) y2018 . [source : find 'assets.sia.toyota.com/publications/en/om-s/OM0R012U/pdf/OM0R012U.pdf' ]
18) 36.7 toyota rav4 limited hybrid awd 18inch-wheel ( tire-code '235 / 55 r 18 100 h' ) y2018 . [source : find 'assets.sia.toyota.com/publications/en/om-s/OM0R012U/pdf/OM0R012U.pdf' ]
19) 36.8
20) 37.1 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class y2018 #at# #m#
21) 37.4 honda hr-v y2018
21) 37.4 toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid fwd y2019-------------------------
21) 37.4 gm-gmc terrain 1.5L fwd 17-inches-wheel y2018------------------
22) 37.7 daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt rwd 19inch-wheel y2017
23) 37.8 honda crv lx awd y2010
24) 38.4 gm-gmc terrain 1.5L awd 18-inches-wheel y2018
25) 38.7 vw-audi q3 awd y2018-------------------------------------------
25) 38.7 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd, fwd y2018--------------------------
26) 39 vw tiguan 2L awd y2018
26) 39 vw-porsche panamera normal-version and 4 e-hybrid-version y2018
27) 39.7 honda-acura nsx sh-awd hybrid y2018
28) 39.8 toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid awd y2019--------------------------
28) 39.8 toyota-lexus nx hybrid awd y2019--------------------------------
29) 40 ford gt y2017
30) 41.6 gm-gmc terrain 2L fwd 19-inches-wheel y2018
31) 44.6 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 19-inch-wheel normal version and 21-inch-wheel amg version y2018
inches car
1) 17.2 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 5504x4 y2018
2) 8.7 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #cvt# #m#
2) 8.7 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
2) 8.7 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
3) 8.1 honda crv y1997
4) 8.07 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 550 y2018
5) 7.71 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 63 y2018
5) 7.71 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 65 y2018
6) 7.4 toyota rav4 se hybrid awd 18inch-wheel y2018
7) 7.2 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd, fwd y2018
8) 7 toyota rav4 limited hybrid awd 18inch-wheel y2018---------------
8) 7 toyota rav4 xle hybrid awd 17inch-wheel y2018---------------
9) 6.9 vw tiguan 2L awd y2018
10) 6.7 honda crv lx awd y2010---------------------------------------------
11) 6.5 mini.com->country-man year 2021 . [source : getjerry.com/driving/2017-mini-cooper-countryman-ground-clearance from google ( mini clubman ground clearance ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Which MINI Cooper has the highest ground clearance ? ]
12) 6.3 mini.com->country-man year 2015 . [source : getjerry.com/driving/2017-mini-cooper-countryman-ground-clearance from google ( mini clubman ground clearance ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Which MINI Cooper has the highest ground clearance ? ]
13) 5.9 mini.com->country-man year 2011 . [source : getjerry.com/driving/2017-mini-cooper-countryman-ground-clearance from google ( mini clubman ground clearance ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Which MINI Cooper has the highest ground clearance ? ]
10) 6.7 hyundai kona fwd, awd y2018------------------------------
11) 6.1 toyota rav4 le awd y2018---------------------------------------------
11) 6.1 mazda cx-3 16inch-wheely y2019---------------------------------------------
12) 5.9 toyota c-hr fwd y2019
13) 5.5 toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
14) 5.32 mazda mx-5 miata rwd y2018
15) 5.3 daimler-mercedes-benz gla250 awd 18inch-wheel y2018
16) 5.1 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
16) 5.1 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
17) 4.8 toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018
18) 4.7 ford gt y2017 normal ride
19) 3.78 daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt rwd 19inch-wheel y2017
20) 3.7 daimler-mercedes-benz sl450 rwd 18inch-wheel y2018------------------------------
20) 3.7 honda-acura nsx sh-awd hybrid y2018---------------------------------------------
21) 2.75 ford gt y2017 low ride
lbs car
1) 1149 vw tiguan 2L awd y2018
2) 850 honda crv awd y2003
2) 850 honda fit lx y2010
2) 850 honda civic sedan lx y2010
2) 850 honda fit lx fwd 2018
2) 850 honda civic sedan lx y2018
2) 850 honda crv lx awd y2010
1) 23.7 vw-porsche panamera y2018
2) 22.2 toyota-lexus lc hybrid rwd
3) 22 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd y2018
4) 21.1 vw-porsche panamera 4 e-hybrid y2018
5) 19.8 daimler-mercedes-benz sl450 rwd y2018
5) 19.8 daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt rwd y2017
5) 19.8 vw-porsche macan y2018
6) 19 gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 fwd y2018
7) 18.5 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
8) 17.6 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018
9) 16.9 vw-audi q3 awd y2018
9) 16.9 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018
9) 16.9 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018
9) 16.9 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018
10) 16.6 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #cvt# #m#
11) 15.9 toyota rav4 le awd y2018
11) 15.9 toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid fwd y2019
11) 15.9 toyota-lexus nx non-hybrid awd y2019
11) 15.9 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
12) 15.6 honda-acura nsx sh-awd hybrid y2018
13) 15.3 honda crv awd y2003
14) 15.2 ford gt y2017
15) 14.8 toyota-lexus nx hybrid awd y2019
15) 14.8 toyota rav4 xle hybrid awd y2018
15) 14.8 toyota rav4 se hybrid awd y2018
15) 14.8 toyota rav4 limited hybrid awd y2018
16) 14.2 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018
17) 13.6 ford ecosport y2018
18) 13.2 toyota c-hr fwd y2019
18) 13.2 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
19) 12.7 mazda cx-3 fwd 2019
20) 11.9 mazda cx-3 awd 2019
21) 11.89 mazda mx-5 miata rwd y2018
22) 11.6 toyota yaris iA (sedan) y2018
23) 11.4 toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018
24) 11.3 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
25) 11.1 toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018
26) 9.5 toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018
1) range:82-miles honda fit ev (electric) y2018
there are many high-way-exit-road-sign which :
(1)doesn't show fuel-station-sign
(2)doesn't show sign-guiding-car-driver-to-reach-fuel-station ( so after following exit-road , i drive randomly to guess fuel-station-location )
maybe around year 2003 - 2007 :
while driving this route usa->iowa-state->ames-city=>usa->illinois-state->schaumburg-city , 242 mile(at least 3 occupant,some luggage):https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Schaumburg,+IL/@41.9336427,-94.4992829,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880faf88436224e5:0x43bd31cd678f7351!2m2!1d-88.0834059!2d42.0333607
this route turn-on my honda-crv-y2003-gasoline-depleted-warning-light:
iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city->shell-fuel-station,185 mile:(1)https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Shell+Gas+Station,+North+7th+Street,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.7675144,-89.3507337,9z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2a8d1b1ffa91:0x4bde05d7118a9e7e!2m2!1d-88.744527!2d41.930509
sign-near-exit,unknown whether showing fuel-station or not:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.900705,-88.7881403,3a,75y,112.52h,76.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ss3dIbKqd5ml4VxYL0x3JQA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
other gasoline-station around dekalb,il(higher-rank means nearer to usa->iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet):
(2)iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city->bp-fuel-station 184 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/BP+Gas+Station,+West+Lincoln+Highway,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.5687543,-94.8733283,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2abfb2c8b489:0xd674007b7419c736!2m2!1d-88.7704294!2d41.9308463
(3)iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city->marathon-fuel-station 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Marathon+Gas+Station,+North+Annie+Glidden+Road,+DeKalb,+IL/@41.569274,-94.8745481,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880f2abf4b3ea2bd:0xa814d1fbef181a39!2m2!1d-88.7733856!2d41.9319366
(4)iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city->mobil-fuel-station 185 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Mobil+Gas+Station,+Crego+Road,+De+Kalb,+IL/@41.5559267,-94.8575192,6z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880ed590880e55b5:0x79971e163a2dde50!2m2!1d-88.7390426!2d41.9004508
(5)iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->rochelle-city->shell-fuel-station 167 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Shell+Gas+Station,+Lake+Lida+Lane,+Rochelle,+IL/@41.8834456,-89.1537628,12z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x8809206fa7c9785d:0xbafc76d23bdc96bf!2m2!1d-89.0673927!2d41.903603
(6)iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->rochelle-city->bp-fuel-station 168 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/BP+Gas+Station,+South+7th+Street,+Rochelle,+IL/@41.8885967,-89.0789518,12z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x880920711ba348bf:0xb58987519149f8a6!2m2!1d-89.068981!2d41.910149
some sign-near-exit approaching high-way-exit-sign-toward illinois-state->rochelle-city:(higher rank means farther away from rochelle-il)
(5.1)sign-near-exit show 'exit-76,illinois-251 rochelle mendota':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8980703,-89.0772389,3a,75y,75.23h,106.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sr5FlCkhCbjkM9jS7vPTtrg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656https://www.google.com/maps/@41.898161,-89.0770647,3a,75y,75.23h,106.72t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8Dn9r3G2fMAYN25cxG3-8g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.2)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.897518,-89.0783022,3a,75y,89.61h,102.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skPLfaoyEIEtLtlue_J0b4w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.3)unclear what this-green-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8971465,-89.0789992,3a,75y,90.34h,98.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOrAxKJdy_UgWUZSEzsYHTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.4)green-sign show 'exit-76 illinois-251 rochelle mendota next-right':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8956791,-89.0818268,3a,75y,126.86h,85.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5MNVnOj_SQjqpAINYW7X0w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.5)blue-sign 'lodging,attraction',not showing fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.89345,-89.0861019,3a,75y,99.92h,102.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1srJuRlubGhs2H-Px8zau3Nw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.6)green-sign show 'exit-76 illinois-251 rochelle mendota 1 mile':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8915692,-89.0897281,3a,75y,107.09h,99.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svoNwL_ZsJNJ3NHufsP0qIw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.7)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8900988,-89.0945653,3a,75y,152.4h,82.44t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOVM6ofThdsp3Pbc6FQiSLA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(5.8)unclear what this-blue-sign showing:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.8879865,-89.1037633,3a,75y,129.04h,81.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2O7kezap7eyjyQr0V0ENUg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(7)iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dixon-city(roadrangerusa.com)146 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/Road+Ranger+%23265,+1801+S+Galena+Ave,+Dixon,+IL+61021/@41.5322702,-92.7010673,7z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x8809a94b2dd66aa1:0x1792167edf81842c!2m2!1d-89.4751684!2d41.8222209
and other-fuel-station on i-88-high-way->(exit-road-toward-illinois-state->dixon-city) https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+Dixon,+IL/@41.8222221,-89.5101857,13z
some sign approaching i-88-high-way->(exit-road-toward-illinois-state->dixon-city):(7.1)sign-near-exit,show 'tollway oasis food phone gas 39 miles'(maybe new,i don't remember seeing this):https://www.google.com/maps/@41.815068,-89.4822815,3a,75y,41.16h,75.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2qtnPGFYo1lc_d7d0VnS2w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8)and other-fuel-station on i-88-high-way->(exit-road-toward-illinois-state->rock-falls-city) https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+near+Rock+Falls,+IL/@41.7566163,-89.695108,15z
some sign approaching i-88-high-way->(exit-road-toward-illinois-state->rock-falls-city):
(8.1)sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512343,-89.6977301,3a,75y,112.92h,78.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sR1nDjevPJONzMrkC8JDd2g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.2)sign-near-exit show 'to birthplace of president ronald-reagan exit 41':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512233,-89.700251,3a,75y,138.29h,72.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sH11I2AzjgeOwsrfCCO3ltQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.3)sign-near-exit show 'h'/hospital:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512146,-89.7024234,3a,75y,144.19h,73.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUD2ZEdKCKdrz3OsesdZuiQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.4)sign-near-exit show 'whiteside co airport next right':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512157,-89.7047324,3a,75y,150.6h,77.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNqXvTpFfs_Dbr5XmnumIcQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.5)sign-near-exit show 'exit 41 land-40? rock-falls sterling':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512209,-89.7072522,3a,75y,147.96h,80.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shBGRhu234hjzaj3iFxtoFA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.6)unclear what this sign-near-exit show:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7512044,-89.7091868,3a,75y,111.6h,79.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3TxUX11dzw2LF3Ziu8QiFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.7)sign-near-exit show 'exit 41 land-40? rock-falls sterling':https://www.google.com/maps/@41.751198,-89.7170703,3a,75y,171.82h,75.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1se0VAcKteZYtBg_-TdCXzpQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(8.8)sign-near-exit show 'gas exit 41 mobil casey? shell'(maybe new,i don't remember seeing that)https://www.google.com/maps/@41.751189,-89.7208301,3a,75y,156.2h,82.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sor3bB8HR-jfP8TnXfqHmDw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
(9)and other-fuel-station on i-80-high-way->(exit-road-toward-Le-claire-city) located on mid-point between
iowa-state->iowa-city->outletswilliamsburg.com-outlet=>illinois-state->dekalb-city(shell-fuel-station),185 mile where crv-y2003-gasoline-depleted-warning-light start turned-on),88.8 mile:https://www.google.com/maps/search/gas+station+in+Le+Claire,+IA/@41.5790544,-90.3674916,14z
other-source:'88.8 mile' in https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Outlets+Williamsburg,+O'Donnell+Road,+Williamsburg,+Iowa/1726+2nd+Ave,+Port+Byron,+IL+61275/@41.6162013,-93.4190145,7z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e5ba69c6212701:0x72642ca50f6660df!2m2!1d-92.0046995!2d41.691209!1m5!1m1!1s0x87e23f148498c289:0x3e29d8568e871ac3!2m2!1d-90.3516603!2d41.578941
some sign approaching i-80-high-way->(exit-road-toward-Le-claire-city):
(9.1)sign-near-exit does not show fuel-station:https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5748159,-90.3618343,3a,75y,181.78h,96.83t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s5VUkqgRuoGNiP57oeRPOqQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i34
(9.2)sign-near-exit show 'gas food camping next right','illinois rest area','exit 1 illinois-84 east-moline savanna next-right'(maybe new,i don't remember seeing that):https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5803526,-90.3651635,3a,75y,147.3h,98.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sx32ZOdmCgb_Hm3_xT7Awdg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
source :1)'one on the Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88) in DeKalb.' in http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-01-02/news/ct-met-winter-survival-guide-20110102_1_tri-state-tollway-emergency-lights-check-vehicles from google (running out of gas reagan memorial tollway) result 7
certain acura-shop is willing to service honda-car
source :
1)'Did you know that Nalley Acura can service most Honda makes and models?
Just as if you were to visit your local Honda Dealership,
Nalley Acura also uses Honda genuine parts and service techniques
for your repair. Our trained technicians work on your Honda vehicle with
the same commitment and professional service that you would expect
from your local Honda dealership.'
in https://www.nalleyacura.com/service/honda-dealership-marietta.htm from google (service acura in honda dealer) result 5
2)'Did you know that David McDavid Acura of Austin can service most Honda makes
and models?Just as if you were to visit your local Honda Dealership,
McDavid Acura also uses Honda genuine parts and service techniques
for your repair. Our trained technicians work on your Honda vehicle
with the same commitment and professional service that
you would expect from your local Honda dealership.'
in https://www.davidmcdavidacuraofaustin.com/honda-dealership-austin.htm from google (service honda in acura dealer) page 3 result 3
fuel-tank-gallon--- source :
1)honda fit
from google (fit 2018 user manual) result 1,
fit ev (electric)
3)8994.9 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 500 guard y2014 #m# #at#
9171.2 daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 600 guard y2014 #m# #at#
from google (crv 2010 spec) result 1
crv 1997
page 551
from google (2016 XC90 owner manual) result 2
6)4883.2 tata-land-rover range rover sport diesel 3L curb-weight-2215-kg y2016 #m# #at#
'Vehicle weight from (kg)'
'3050 kilograms = 6724.099 pounds' in google (3050kg to lbs) result 1
1)'The curb weight of your vehicle is the weight of the car with all of
the standard equipment and amenities, but without any passengers,
cargo or any other separately loaded items in it.'
2)''Gross Vehicle Weight The gross vehicle weight is the combined weight
of the vehicle and all passengers and cargo pieces in'
in https://www.carsdirect.com/car-safety/curb-weight-vs-gross-vehicle-weight from google (Gross Vehicle Weight) result 3
'8-Speed Automatic Transmission' in https://www.landroverusa.com/vehicles/new-range-rover-sport/specifications.html
from google (benz.com benz s guard spec) result 1
361 liters = 12.749 cubic feet from google (361 liter to cubic feet)
4080 kilograms = 8994.86 pounds from google (4080 kg to lbs)
4160 kilograms = 9171.23 pounds from google (4160 kg to lbs)
14.8 liters per 100 kilometers = 15.893 us miles per gallon from google (14.8 liter per 100 km to mpg)
10.7 liters per 100 kilometers = 21.983 us miles per gallon from google (10.7 liter per 100 km to mpg)
18 liters per 100 kilometers = 13.067 us miles per gallon from google (18 liter per 100 km to mpg)
12.9 liters per 100 kilometers = 18.234 us miles per gallon from google (12.9 liter per 100 km to mpg)
from google (kg to lbs)
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_24_Hours_of_Le_Mans#Race_result
10)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini_Hurac%C3%A1n from 'Lamborghini Huracán' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrari_488#488_GTE
11)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrari_488#488_GTE from 'Ferrari 488 GTE' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_24_Hours_of_Le_Mans#Race_result
12)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oreca_03 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oreca#Models from 'oreca' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Mans_Prototype#LMP1 from 'LMP2' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_24_Hours_of_Le_Mans#Race_result
13)'2004', '500 ton', 'taipei 101' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSEYOavsKxA&t=7m32s from youtube-search (taipei 101 damper) from 'taipei 101' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuned_mass_damper from 'tuned mass damper' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Skytree from
'tokyo skytree' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinbashira from 'shinbashira' in
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikk%C5%8D_T%C5%8Dsh%C5%8D-g%C5%AB from 'Kagura hall (left) at Nikkō Tōshōgū, a Shinto shrine associated with the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagura from 'kagura' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ise_Grand_Shrine from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isuzu_River
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isuzu_Motors#History from 'Sumida(Isuzu)' in
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Japanese_military_equipment_of_World_War_II#Vehicles from 'List of Japanese military equipment of World War II' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Japanese_Army
and from 'kagura' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_King_of_Fighters_characters#Chizuru_Kagura
14)'audi' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini
15)'including the tonne (metric ton), defined as 1000 kg (2,204.6 lb)'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton
1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb
source:https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs)
1 lb = 0.45359237 kg
17)'The Aston Martin Racing GTE car at the 2013 24 Hours of Le Mans'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Martin_Vantage_GT2 from 'Aston Martin V8 Vantage GTE' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_24_Hours_of_Le_Mans#Race_result
2744.755164203 lbs dry weight
'Dry weight 1245kg (regulated base weight)',
'The minimum weight GTE cars allowed to run in the FIA WEC is 1245kg',
'the new Vantage GTE will only compete in the GTE Pro category in 2018'
in http://www.astonmartin.com/racing/race-cars/vantage-gte
18)'2,475 kg (5,456 lb)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bentley_Continental_Flying_Spur_(2005)#Second_generation_(2013%E2%80%93present)
from google (highlander specs) result 1
toyota highlander 2004 :
'3,750', '37.4 feet', '39.7' in
from google (toyota highlander 2004 spec) result 1
rav4 2018
21)fiat 4 hp
'1899 fiat 3.5 cv', 'kerb weight' in
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_4_HP from 'fiat 4 hp' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_Automobiles#History
22)'1886 Daimler', 'kerb weight', '639 lb' in
from 'daimler motoren gessellschaft' in
from 'Vehicle manufacturing companies established in 1903' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Motor_Company#See_also
23)cu ft means cubic feet, feet^3
source:ft^3 in 'Cargo Volume Behind 1st Row' in
24)'1885 benz model 1', 'kerb weight'
in https://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=16313
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Benz
from 'Benz & Cie' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertha_Benz
'Brake linings were invented by Bertha Benz
(the wife of Karl Benz who invented the first patented automobile)
during her historic first long-distance car trip in the world in August 1888.
The first asbestos brake linings were developed in 1908 by Herbert Frood.[1]'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brake_lining from 'brake lining' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brake_shoe from 'Brake shoe' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=rear+brake&title=Special:Search&fulltext=1&searchToken=4z6mbjtdi6iu50y17xo3ah45w from wikipedia-search (rear brake) result 8
25)1)'Turning Diameter, Curb-to-Curb (ft)' in http://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2010/CR-V/specs#mid^RE4H3AEW
2)'Turning circle diameter, curb to curb (ft.)' in https://www.toyota.com/rav4/features/mpg/4444/4456/4454
'mechanical/performance' section
26)'Typically, about 50 gallons (189 liters) of paint are
used to paint an average 737.
Once the paint is dry, it will weigh approximately 250 pounds (113 kilograms) per
airplane, depending on the paint scheme' in http://www.boeing.com/farnborough2014/pdf/BCA/fct%20-737%20Family%20Facts.pdf from google (boeing.com gallon per mile) result 2
'Front-engine, rear-wheel-drive layout'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front-engine,_rear-wheel-drive_layout
from 'FR layout' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazda_MX-5_(ND)
28)daimler-mercedes-benz gla 250
'Curb weight 3,428 lbs' in
'Curb Weight (lbs) 3,318 (4MATIC: 3,450)' in
from google (benz.com gla 250 curb weight lbs) result 6
'Front-engine, front-wheel-drive layout' in
from 'ff' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_GLA-Class
29)3560 daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt rwd y2017 #m# #at-dc-only#--------------------
daimler-mercedes-benz amg gt coupe
'ground-clearance 3.8'
in https://www.mbusa.com/mercedes/vehicles/compare/class-GT/model-GT/year-2018#make1=Mercedes-Benz&model1=10166&trim1=46519&year1=2018&waypoint=way_dimensions
'Ground Clearance (max load) 3.78'
in https://media.mbusa.com/releases/2017-mercedes-amg-gt-and-gt-s-specifications from google (benz.com amg gt curb weight lbs) result 9
'Front mid-engine, rear-wheel-drive layout'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front-engine,_rear-wheel-drive_layout#Front_mid-engine,_rear-wheel-drive_layout
from 'FMR layout' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-AMG_GT
30)honda ridgeline 2010:http://owners.honda.com/vehicles/information/2010/Ridgeline/specs#mid^YK1F2AEW
31)toyota c-hr y2018:https://www.toyota.com/c-hr/features/mpg/2404/2406
toyota c-hr y2019
honda hr-v y2018:https://automobiles.honda.com/hr-v#
mazda cx-3 2019*:https://www.mazdausa.com/vehicles/cx-3/specs
hyundai kona y2018:https://www.hyundaiusa.com/kona/specifications.aspx
mitsubishi eclipse-cross:https://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/en/showroom/eclipse_cross/specifications/
32)ford ecosport y2018
'Turning circle (m). 10.6. Max steering wheel turns 2.65'
in https://media.ford.com/content/dam/fordmedia/Europe/documents/productReleases/EcoSport/EcoSportSpecifications_EU.pdf from google (ford.com ford ecosport turning diameter) result 2
33)conversion 1 meter = 3.28084 feet from
https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/length/meter-to-feet.html from google (1 meter to inch)
34)bmw x1 y2018
'Smallest turning circle dia.' in
from google (bmw x1 user manual) result 2
'Front-engine, front-wheel-drive layout' in
from 'ff' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW_X1_(F48)
'fr' in
from 'BMW X1 (E84)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW_X1#First_generation_(E84;_2009%E2%80%932015)
'load 904 lbs' in
page 270
from google (bmw x1 user manual) result 2
'PAYLOAD (lbs) 899'
was being printed year 2013
x1 year 2013 had rwd/awd chassis,
x1 year 2016 to present has fwd/awd chassis
so load-limit may have changed.
source :
'Second generation (F48; 2016–present)'
35)1)'Brand Detroit Wheel and Tire
Model CR-V
Item Weight 42 pounds
Exterior SILVER
Manufacturer Part Number HOL.63842-SSS-A
Construction ALLOY
Rim Diameter 15 inches
Rim Width 6 inches
Bolt Pattern (Number of Holes) 5
Bolt Pattern (Pitch Circle Diameter) 114.3 millimeters'
from google (HOL.63842-SSS-A) result 2
from 'HOL.63842-SSS-A'
from google (2004 crv alloy wheel weight) result 4
from google (bbs cx-r) from 'bbs cx-r' in from comment from 'p.g' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgsO5FmZ6K0&t=28s
3)'Front and Rear
Size: 16x6.5
Offset: 52mm
Backspacing: 5.75"
Bolt Pattern: 5-114
Rec. Tire Size: 215/60-16
Weight: 12.4lbs.
Finish: Light Grey Painted
Construction: 1pc. Low Pressure Cast
Finish Warranty: 1 Year
Manufactured in Japan'
in https://tires.autopartswarehouse.com/wheels/WheelCloseUpServlet?target=runWheelSearch&initialPartNumber=K4R030LG&wheelMake=Kosei&wheelModel=K4R&wheelFinish=Light+Grey+Painted&showRear=no&autoMake=Honda&autoModel=CR-V&autoYear=2003&autoModClar=&filterFinish=All&filterSize=All&filterBrand=All&filterSpecial=false&filterNew=All&filterStock=All&filterWeight=All&filterAvail=All&sort=Weight# from https://www.autopartswarehouse.com/wheels.html
'Front and Rear
Size: 15x6.5
Offset: 38mm
Backspacing: 5.24"
Bolt Pattern: 5-114
Rec. Tire Size: 205/70-15
Weight: 14.4lbs.
Finish: Silver w/Machined Lip
Construction: 1pc. Gravity Cast
Finish Warranty: 1 Year
Manufactured in Thailand'
in https://tires.autopartswarehouse.com/wheels/WheelCloseUpServlet?target=runWheelSearch&initialPartNumber=40956502SML&wheelMake=Enkei+Performance&wheelModel=J10&wheelFinish=Silver+w%2FMachined+Lip&showRear=no&autoMake=Honda&autoModel=CR-V&autoYear=2003&autoModClar=&filterFinish=All&filterSize=All&filterBrand=All&filterSpecial=false&filterNew=All&filterStock=All&filterWeight=All&filterAvail=All&sort=Weight from https://www.autopartswarehouse.com/wheels.html
36)gm-gmc acadia 2.5L sle-1 awd, fwd y2018 turning-diameter:http://media.gmc.com/media/us/en/gmc/vehicles/acadia/2018.tab1.html
'magna steyr' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_G-Class#History
44.6 daimler-mercedes-benz-magna-steyr g-class 19-inch-wheel normal version and 21-inch-wheel amg version y2018
source :
-> specifications -> chassis and traction control/stability systems
ground-clearance for g-class year 2018 :
from google (mbusa.com g class 2018 ground clearance) result 2
38)jeep wrangler y2018 https://www.jeep.com/compare/detailed-chart.html?modelYearCode=CUJ201806
39)toyota yaris L (mini-sedan-estate) y2018
toyota yaris L (sedan) y2018
40)2901 hyundai elantra gt mini-sedan-estate fwd y2018 #mt# #m#
2943 hyundai elantra gt mini-sedan-estate fwd y2018 #at# #m#
41)bmw-mini clubman (mini-sedan-estate)
bmw-mini countryman (mini-suv)
'Front engine, front-wheel drive / four-wheel drive'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini_Clubman#Second_generation_(F54)_(2015_%E2%80%93_present)
42)4388 vw-bugatti veyron 16.4 grand sport vitesse 1990 kg y2018 #m#
43)3560 gm-chevrolet corvette zr1 base y2019 #mt,at#---------------------
3298 gm-chevrolet corvette stingray base y2019 #m,at#
3560 chevrolet corvette zr1 base y2019 #m#
3298 chevrolet corvette stingray base y2019 #m#
44)3241 vw-porsche 911 gt2 rs y2018 #at-dc-only# #x#
from google (porsche 911 gt2 rs curb weight) result 9
'automatic' in
3116 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #mt# #m#
3153 vw-porsche 911 gt3 y2018 #at# #m#
3153 vw-porsche 911 gt3 rs y2018 #at-dc-only# #m#
3032 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #mt# #m#
3098 vw-porsche 718 cayman gts y2018 #at# #m#
2944 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #mt# #m#
3010 vw-porsche 718 cayman y2018 #at# #m#
3153 vw-porsche 911 carrera y2018 #mt# #m#
4784 vw-porsche panamera 4 e-hybrid y2018 #m# #at-dc-only# *
4001 vw-porsche panamera y2018 #m# #at-dc-only# *
3902 vw-porsche macan y2018 #m# #at-dc-only# *
48)2985 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3034 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
3113 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #m#
3157 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #cvt# #m#
3322 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3395 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
3624 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
mpg, ground clearance, cargo volume
2985 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3034 subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
24 city/32 hw subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #mt# #m#
28 city/38 hw subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
5.1 inches subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
20.8 cu ft subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
13.2 gallon subaru impreza 2L base sedan-estate awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
3113 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #m#
3157 subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #cvt# #m#
23 city/29 hw subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #m#
27 city/33 hw subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #cvt# #m#
8.7 inches subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #cvt# #m#
20.8 cu ft subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #cvt# #m#
16.6 gallon subaru crosstrek 2L base suv awd y2019 #mt# #cvt# #m#
3322 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #m#
3395 subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
22 city/28 hw subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
26 city/32 hw subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #cvt# #m#
8.7 inches subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
34.4 cu ft subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
15.9 gallon subaru forester 2.5L base suv awd y2018 #mt# #cvt# #m#
3624 subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
25 city/32 hw subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
8.7 inches subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
35.5 cu ft subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
18.5 gallon subaru outback 2.5L base sedan-estate awd y2019 #m# #cvt-only#
49)2530 toyota prius c (mini-sedan-estate) hybrid y2018 #m#
3010 toyota prius 2 eco (sedan-estate) hybrid y2018 #m#--------------
3365 toyota prius prime (sedan) plus hybrid y2018 #m#
50)daimler-mercedes-benz c-class 230 2295cc w202 y1997 #mt# #m#
from google (c class w202 turning diameter) result 1
51)turning diameter
36.4 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class y2014 #at# #m#
37.1 daimler-mercedes-benz c-class y2018 #at# #m#
from google (c class user manual) result 1
52)curb weight
225 duryea-motor-wagon 4-bhp y1893 #x#
from ref [5] in
from 'the Velo is credited, together with the Duryea
Motor Wagon, patented in 1895, as one of two first
standardized cars' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benz_Velo from 'Benz Velo' in
from wikipedia-search (Benz 16/50) result 3
53)honda-odyssey year 2019 lx:4354 lbs
toyota sienna year 2019 l-fwd:4430 lbs
toyota sienna year 2019 le-awd:4655 lbs
mpg--- source :
from google (crv 2010 spec) result 1
from google (crv 2003 user manual) result 1
from google (fit 2010 user manual) result 2,
from google (fit 2018 user manual) result 1,
from google (civic sedan lx 2018 user manual) result 1
from google (civic sedan lx 2010 user manual) result 2
from google (amg gt mpg) result 3
from google (g class mpg) result 2
for all g class model
from google(bugatti veyron vitesse mpg) result 3
from google (rolls royce ghost series 2 mpg) result 2
'premium gasoline' in https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/bymake/Rolls-Royce2018.shtml
from google (rolls royce mpg) result 1
from google (range rover v6 mpg) result 1
select drop down list for v6 and v8 editiion
from google (land rover mpg) result 2
from google (benz.com benz s guard spec) result 1
14.8 (liter per kilometer) = 0.158928773 Miles per gallon from google (14.8 liter per km to mpg)
10.7 (liter per kilometer) = 0.219826713 Miles per gallon from google (10.7 liter per km to mpg)
18 (liter per kilometer) = 0.130674769 Miles per gallon from google (18 liter per km to mpg)
12.9 (liter per kilometer) = 0.182336886 Miles per gallon from google (12.9 liter per km to mpg)
361 liters = 12.749 cubic feet from google (361 liter to cubic feet)
4080 kilograms = 8994.86 pounds from google (4080 kg to lbs)
4160 kilograms = 9171.23 pounds from google (4160 kg to lbs)
14.8 liters per 100 kilometers = 15.893 us miles per gallon from google (14.8 liter per 100 km to mpg)
10.7 liters per 100 kilometers = 21.983 us miles per gallon from google (10.7 liter per 100 km to mpg)
18 liters per 100 kilometers = 13.067 us miles per gallon from google (18 liter per 100 km to mpg)
12.9 liters per 100 kilometers = 18.234 us miles per gallon from google (12.9 liter per 100 km to mpg)
from google (s class mpg) result 2
from google (benz mpg) result 1
from google (lexus gx mpg) result 3
from google (lexus mpg) result 2
from google (acura mdx mpg) result 2
from google (acura mpg) result 2
from google (acura nsx mpg) result 3
from google (grand cherokee srt mpg) result 1
'rwd' in https://www.autotrader.com/car-news/2017-jeep-grand-cherokee-new-car-review-261518
from google (grand cherokee rwd) result 2
from google (grand cherokee mpg) result 3
from google (gallardo mpg) result 2
from google (ferrari mpg) result 1
from google (honda pilot mpg) result 2
from google (honda mpg) result 1
from google (ford mpg) result 2
'“EcoBoost” label on the 2017 Ford GT twin-turbo 3.5-liter V-6 at
least implies decent mileage, even within the supercar context.
Nope. The EPA just announced its fuel-economy ratings for the 2017 GT
and its twin-turbocharged 3.5-liter V-6: 11 mpg city,
18 mpg highway, and 14 mpg combined.'
in https://www.caranddriver.com/news/ecobust-the-2017-ford-gt-will-get-slapped-with-a-gas-guzzler-tax
from google (2017 ford gt mpg) result 1
ford gt year 2017
hp : 647 @ 6250 rpm
torque : 550 lb ft @ 5900 rpm
engine cc : 3.5L, 3497cc
city : 11 mpg
hw : 18 mpg
dry weight : 3054 lbs
curb weight : 3354 lbs
turning diameter : 40 ft
ground clearance : 4.7 inches normal ride, 2.75 low ride
cargo vol : 0.4 cu ft
1)'Ford's claiming 647 horses and 550 lb-ft of torque from
the GT's 3.5-liter EcoBoost twin-turbo V6.'
'Blame the GT's anti-lag. "We certainly could have gotten more fuel economy,"
Nair told R&T, "but we tuned it for horsepower and throttle response."
In three of the GT's five drive modes, anti-lag programming kicks in,
sending fuel through the engine even when the throttle's closed
to keep the turbos spinning. "We completely looked at the performance metrics,"
Nair told us. "The fuel economy is what it is."'
in https://www.roadandtrack.com/new-cars/future-cars/news/a32403/new-ford-gt-horsepower-torque-weight-top-speed/
from google (fordgt torque) result 1
from google (fordgt curb weight lbs) result 8
3)'3,354-pound curb weight (some 300 pounds more than Ford’s published “dry weight”)'
in http://www.motortrend.com/cars/ford/gt/2017/2017-ford-gt-first-test-review/
from google (fordgt curb weight lbs) page 1 last result
ferrari 488 gtb year 2016
hp : 660 hp
torque : 561 lb ft
engine : 3.9L
city : 15 mpg
hw : 22 mpg
curb weight ? : 3252 lbs
' the 488GTB weighs in at 3252 lbs'
dari google (fordgt torque) hasil 1
mclaren 675lt year 2016
hp : 666 hp
torque : 516 lb ft
engine : 3.5L twin turbo v8
curb weight : 2982 lbs
city : 16 mpg
hw : 22 mpg
dari google (fordgt torque) hasil 1
from google (2017 challenger srt mpg) result 4
from google (dodge mpg) result 1
from google (toyota mpg) result 4
from google (general motor mpg) result 3
from google (cadillac mpg) result 2;
from google (nissan mpg) result 2
from google (infinite mpg) result 3
from google (bentley mpg) result 1
29)1)'Volkswagen Group sells passenger cars under the Audi, Bentley,
Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche, SEAT, Škoda and Volkswagen marques;
motorcycles under the Ducati brand; and commercial vehicles
under the marques MAN, Scania, and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.'
2)'Volkswagen acquired a controlling stake in SEAT in 1986, making
it the first non-German marque of the company, and
acquired control of Škoda in 1994, of Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti in 1998,
Scania in 2008 and of Ducati, MAN and Porsche in 2012.'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Group
30)'Mr. Marchionne is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
Ferrari N.V.. Mr. Marchionne is also the Chairman of Ferrari S.p.A.
since October 2014 and the Chief Executive Officer since June 2016.
Mr. Marchionne currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of FCA,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of FCA U.S..'
in http://corporate.ferrari.com/en/about-us/executive-officers
31)'audi' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini
32)https://www.bmwgroup.com/en.html from 'www.bmwgroup.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW
'The 2003 Rolls-Royce Phantom was the first Rolls-Royce vehicle
produced under BMW ownership. This was the end result of complicated
contractual negotiations that began in 1998 when
Rolls-Royce plc licensed use of the Rolls-Royce name and logo to BMW,
but Vickers sold the remaining elements of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars to Volkswagen'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW#1999%E2%80%942006:_SUV_models,_Rolls-Royce
33)dodge symbol in https://www.fcagroup.com/en-US/Pages/home.aspx
from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_Chrysler_Automobiles
from 'FCA US LLC' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge
34)'www.daimler.com/en' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daimler_AG
from 'Daimler AG' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_C-Class#W205_(2014%E2%80%93present)
35)'geely' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volvo_Cars
36)3591 vw tiguan 2L awd y2018 #m#
37)1 f1 car drives 190 miles in 1 race,
22 cars starts in f1 race then usually around 17 cars finish the race.
source :
1)1.1)'4 mpg' in
'Revving to a limited 18,000 RPM, a modern Formula One engine
will consume a phenomenal 450 litres of air every second,
with race fuel consumption typically around the 75 l/100 km (4 mpg) mark.
Revving at such massive speeds equates to an accelerative force on
the pistons of more than 8000 times gravity. Unsurprisingly,
engine-related failures remain one of the most common causes of
retirements in races.'
1.2)'Since 2006, the regulations have required the use of 2.4 litre V8 engines,
with power outputs falling around 20 percent'
in https://web.archive.org/web/20120412041247/http://www.formula1.com:80/inside_f1/understanding_the_sport/5280.html
from ref[6] in
'In 2012, the engines consumed around 450 l (15.9 ft3) of
air per second (at the 2012 rev limit of 18,000 rpm);[6]
race fuel consumption rate was normally around 75 l/100 km travelled
(3.1 US mpg, 3.8 imp mpg, 1.3 km/l).[6]'
in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formula_One_car
2)'189.739 miles' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Abu_Dhabi_Grand_Prix
38)1)'747 burns approximately 5 gallons of fuel per mile (12 liters per kilometer).'
in https://science.howstuffworks.com/transport/flight/modern/question192.htm
from google (flight fuel consumption) result 2
2)'consume an average of five gallons (19 L) per mile.'
in http://www.boeing-747.com/fun_facts_from_boeing.php from google (boeing 747 fact)
3)'The A380 arrived in the U.S. today. The plane can carry
81,890 gallons of fuel and flies 8000 nautical miles, i.e.,
it burns approximately 10 gallons of fuel per nautical mile or
9 gallons per statute mile.'
in https://blogs.harvard.edu/philg/2007/03/19/airbus-a380-more-fuel-efficient-than-a-toyota-prius/
from google (airbus a380 fuel consumption per hour) result 2
39)'The alkanes from pentane (C5H12) to octane (C8H18) are refined into gasoline,
the ones from nonane (C9H20) to hexadecane (C16H34) into diesel fuel,
kerosene and jet fuel'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum
40)'A nautical mile is based on the circumference of the earth, and
is equal to one minute of latitude. It is slightly more than a statute
(land measured) mile (1 nautical mile = 1.1508 statute miles).
Nautical miles are used for charting and navigating. '
in https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/nauticalmile_knot.html from google (nautical vs statute mile)
page 130 from google (honda BF fuel economy mpg) page 1 last result
'Honda engines are designed and certified to run on regular unleaded gasoline.'
in https://marine.honda.com/support/maintenance/fuel-recommendations
'Wide open throttle (WOT) refers to an internal combustion engine's
maximum intake of air and fuel that occurs when the throttle plates
inside the carburetor or throttle body are "wide open", providing
the least resistance to the incoming air. In the case of an automobile,
WOT is when the accelerator is depressed fully, sometimes referred
to as "flooring it."' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_open_throttle
42)'5.5 in
from google (Standard HP, Volvo D6 330 hp) result 1
from 'standard HP, Volvo D6 330hp' in http://aspenpowercatamarans.com/models/c120/
from google (catamaran mpg) page 3 result 5
43)lexus nx:https://www.lexus.com/models/NX/specifications/nx-300h-awd#engine
44)daimler-mercedes-benz sl450
'Front-engine, rear-wheel-drive layout'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front-engine,_rear-wheel-drive_layout
from 'fr layout' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz_SL-Class_(R231)
from google (benz.com SL 450 turning diameter) result 5
45)vw-audi q3 quattro/awd
46)1764 lbs panhard-levassor b1 12-bhp-power-daimler-engine-license, 2.4L y1898
source :
2)'In October 2012, Renault Trucks Defense, division of
Swedish Volvo Group since 2001, finalized the acquisition of
Panhard for 62.5 million euros.[16]'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panhard#Panhard_car_models
3)'Panhard et Levassor sold their first automobile in 1890,
based on a Daimler engine license.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panhard#Panhard_car_models
617 lbs renault type-a 0.3L/273cc 1.7-bhp-power y1898
3640 ford c-max hybrid se mini-sedan-estate base-curb-weight y2018 #m# #cvt-only#
ford focus electric mini-sedan-estate base-curb-weight y2018 #m# #at-only#
48)500 ford quadricycle 3hp-4hp 71.9cc y1896
'curb weight: 500 lb' in
(popular science magazine june 1963)
from google (Ford Quadricycle curb weight) page 2
result 1
from 'Ford Quadricycle' in
from '1896 with the completion of a self-propelled
vehicle which he named the Ford Quadricycle.'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford
49)gmc terrain 2018
turning diameter :
ft / m
37.4 / 11.4 (17-in. wheels)
38.4 / 11.7 (18-in. wheels)
41.6 / 12.7 (19-in. wheels)
Base curb Weight
(lb. / kg):
3449 / 1564 (1.5L FWD)
3622 / 1643 (1.5L AWD)
3563 / 1616 (2.0L FWD)
3756 / 1704 (2.0L AWD)
3632 / 1647 (1.6L diesel FWD)
3815 / 1730 (1.6L diesel AWD)
Max Cargo Volume (cu. ft. / L):
29.6 / 838 (behind rear seat)
63.3 / 1792 (rear seat folded)
81 / 2293 (front pass. seat and rear seat folded)
source:'turning circle' in http://media.gmc.com/media/us/en/gmc/vehicles/terrain/2018.tab1.html from google (gmc.com gmc terrain turning diameter) result 1
50)4466 geely-volvo xc90 t5momentum awd 2L y2018 #m#
4466 geely-volvo xc90 t5momentum awd 2L y2016 #m#
brake-type----- source :
'fwd' in https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2016-honda-hr-v-fwd-automatic-test-review
from google (hrv fwd) result 1
from google (ford ecosport 2018 dimension) result 2
from google (lincoln mkc premiere dimension) result 4
'A ROTOR is another word for the actual disc itself.'
in https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-difference-between-disc-brakes-and-disc-rotors
from google (disc brake vs rotor brake) result 2
-start water-weight for 4.4 foot^3 volume capacity for general-electric clothes-washing-machine/washer gtw490acj0ww
source:'Total Capacity (cubic feet) 4.4 cu ft ' in http://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-specs/GTW490ACJWW from google (gtw490acj0ww) result 1
1 liter = 1 dm^3 = 1000 cm^3.source:'A litre is defined as a special name for a cubic decimetre or 10 centimetres × 10 centimetres × 10 centimetres, (1 L ≡ 1 dm3 ≡ 1000 cm3)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litre from google (liter) result 1
4.4 foot^3 = ? liter
1 meter = 3.28084 foot.source:https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/length/meter-to-feet.html from google (1 meter to inch)
? meter = 1 foot
3.28084 foot x ?meter = 1 foot x 1 meter
3.28084 foot ?meter = 1 foot meter
?meter = 1 foot meter / 3.28084 foot
?meter = (1 / 3.28084) meter
so 1/3.28084 meter = 1 foot
0.30479999 meter = 1 foot
0.028316844 meter^3 = 1 foot^3
? meter^3 = 4.4 foot^3
1 foot^3 x ?meter^3 = 0.028316844 meter^3 x 4.4 foot^3
1 foot^3 ?meter^3 = 0.028316844 meter^3 x 4.4 foot^3
?meter^3 = 0.028316844 meter^3 x 4.4 foot^3
1 foot^3
?meter^3 = 0.028316844 meter^3 x 4.4
?meter^3 = 0.124594113 meter^3
so 0.124594113 meter^3 = 4.4 foot^3
0.124594113 meter^3 = 124.594113 dm^3 = 124.594113 liter
density = mass / vol.source:http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/dens.html from google (weight volume density) result 2 from 'weight', 'volume', 'where the Greek letter ρ (rho) stands for density' in https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/volume-to-weight/substance/petrol from google (fuel weight to liter) result 1
water density 4 celcius=1 gram/cm^3
water density 20 celcius=0.998 gram/cm^3.source:http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Tables/density.html#3_feb_2019_7_14_pm_est from 'Table of densities.' in http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/dens.html#3_feb_2019_7_14_pm_est from google (weight volume density) result 2 from 'weight', 'volume', 'where the Greek letter ρ (rho) stands for density' in https://www.aqua-calc.com/calculate/volume-to-weight/substance/petrol from google (fuel weight to liter) result 1
mass = density x vol
mass = 1 gram/cm^3 x 124.594113 dm^3
mass = 1 gram/cm^3 x 124594.113 cm^3
mass = 124594.113 gram
1 lbs = 453.59237 gram.source:'1 lb = 0.45359237 kg' in https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/pound-to-kg.html from 'Pounds to Kilograms converter' in https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/kg-to-pound.html from google (kg to lbs)
? lbs = 124594.113 gram
453.59237 gram x ?lbs = 124594.113 gram x 1 lbs
453.59237 gram ?lbs = 124594.113 gram 1 lbs
? lbs = ( 124594.113 gram lbs ) / 453.59237 gram = 274.683000069 lbs
274.683000069 lbs rounded to 274.7 lbs
-end water-weight for 4.4 foot^3 volume capacity for general-electric clothes-washing-machine/washer gtw490acj0ww
note : re-rank with wortel.ucoz.com/sorter_multi_value.htm
[reason] on-demand-awd maybe actually is full-time-awd because i am not feeling awd-on-off-mechanism inside drive-shaft , like
automatic awd-fluid-draining-process and automatic-awd-fluid-refilling-process to that drive-shaft .
and it is not possible to actually create evidence that on-demand-awd is actually full-time-awd .....
but still more fuel-efficient than jeep.com->wrangler-during-2wd-mode
24)on-demand-awd / part-time-awd / awd-only-during-tire-slippage , has tire-speed-sensor
which compare front-tire-speed vs posterior-tire-speed all-the-time , and that consume extra battery-ampere .
but that's better than full-time-awd like audi-quattro-principle youtube.com/watch?v=9MlhYHy4pwg#30-jul-2023-4-35-am-est-not-edt ( Audi - The quattro Principle )
which has meaning : engine send 60 % torque/engine-power to front-tire , 40 % torque to (posterior/rear)-tire
if (anterior/front)-tire-speed different-from (posterior/rear)-tire-speed in-amount-of maybe 10-mph? difference minimum , then slippage happen then
car-component??? turn-on awd .
why need 10-mph difference minimum ? why not 1-mph difference minimum ?
because front-tire-speed always different-from (posterior/rear)-tire-speed during doing :
stop-position then do maximum-tire-turning at very slow speed to move in kind-of-circular-drive-route , creating circular-asphalt-marking
if front-tire-is-leaving-foot-print . [source : hyundai-forums.com/threads/awd-problems-viscous-coupler.658536/ from google ( draining viscous coupling fluid turn off awd ) result 2 ]
2 front-tire doing rotation/spinning , make car go faster than all 2 front-tire and 2 (posterior/rear)-tire doing rotation/spinning ,
that is reason/why audi->r-8-lms-non-quattro ( non-full-time-awd ) is being used for racing in fia-gt-3-europe-championship ,
not audi->r-8-(quattro/full-time-awd) .
audi->r-8-grand-am-(non-quattro/non-full-time-awd) is being used for racing in garrarsr/grand-america-road-racing-association-rolex-series-racing .
fia-gt-3-europe-championship forbid any-awd-ability ; maybe garrarsr also forbid any-awd-ability .
nissan->skyline also become rwd / (posterior/rear-wheel-drive) during racing , does not have awd-ability during racing . [source 2 : (1)'The weight of the car was reduced to 1,150 kg (2,535 lb) and the all-wheel-drive system was removed' ; (2)'Skyline continued into the 1990s when it became popular largely because it remained rear wheel drive, while most other manufacturers were focusing on front wheel drive cars' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Skyline_GT-R#30-jul-2023-5-4-am-est-not-edt ]
summary : quattro/full-time-awd is slow ( sluggish-acceleration/low-torque , low-(top-velocity/speed)/small-horse-power ) ,
non-quattro/non-full-time-awd is fast ( quick-acceleration/high-torque , high-(top-velocity/speed)/high-horse-power ) .
and crv-year-2003 use non-quattro/non-full-time-awd .
but crv-year-2003 in equilibrium-treatment-procedure : crv-year-2003 can-only-race other car which has same engine-size , same weight .
[source : 'AWD systems lose more power through drivetrain as opposed to RWD. Typically, RWD power loss is around the 15% mark , whether through a manual or automatic transmission. For AWD systems, 20-25% losses through the drivetrain are standard . It takes more to produce more, and for some the setback is too much.' in racingjunk.com/news/rwd-vs-awd-in-drag-racing/ from google ( rwd vs awd drag race ) result 1 ]
maybe during drag-race-with :
(4)aircraft-ils-guided-approach-landing-touch-down-on-finish-line to guide car to maintain straight-driving-path
between crv-fwd vs crv-awd : crv-fwd win .
[source : 'Race models' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R8_(Type_42)#30-jul-2023-4-30-am-est-not-edt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_R8#30-jul-2023-4-28-am-est-not-edt ]