(25 may 2018)
24 may 2018 3:57 pm edt
 - creation
 4:37 pm edt
 1. move 
     number 1
 2. add
     2. 2.1 '1. Cylindrical pipes are the most efficient when handling.
 4:43 pm edt
  so toilet, dishwashing-sinks should be located higher than main-sewer-pipe.
 4:45 pm edt
 unless there is water-pump which raise feces water, but water-pump needs electricity.
 unless there is a water-pump which raise feces-water, but water-pump needs electricity.
 4:52 pm edt
  main-sewer-pipe relies on gravity until at 1 point, needs to be lifted by
 5:2 pm edt
 1. add
     maybe main-sewer-pipe in city which has winter weather, should connect
 2. reword
     main-sewer-pipe relies on gravity until at 1 point, needs to be lifted by
     main-sewer-pipe depends on gravity until at 1 point, needs to be lifted by
 5:12 pm edt
 1. add
     2. sharp edge gather minerals from feces-water.
 2. add
     that many small flat covers on top of main-sewer-pipe must endure flood in case there
 3. reword
    rounded bottom, square top.
    rounded bottom, flat top.
 4. reword
    so a pipe with rounded bottom and square top.
    so a pipe with rounded bottom and flat top.
 5. reword
    the top of that pipe, is segmented, with many small removable square covers.
    the top of that pipe, is segmented, with many small removable flat covers.
 6. decrease the horizontal width of the drawing below
    '(from the point of view facing the circular opening of sewer pipe)'
 5:31 pm edt
 then feces from new house, transfers from that circular opening to main-sewer-pipe.
 then feces-water from new house, transfers from that circular opening to main-sewer-pipe.
 5:57 pm edt
  maybe elliptical main-sewer-pipe with flat top can transfer more
 5:59 pm edt
 elliptical pipe is being used in uk
 elliptical sewer-pipe is being used in uk
 8:13 pm edt
  the best sewer-pipe-material maybe is vitrified clay pipe.
 8:30 pm edt
 1. reword
    1. has reputation of being used for natural gas pipe which means
    1. hdpe is being used for natural gas pipe which means
 2. add
    3. maybe resist earthquake,
    'cons :'
    '3. vitrified clay pipe'
 3. add
    1. weak against h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces)
    4. concrete pipe
 8:58 pm edt
  1. maybe weak against h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces)
  '1. hdpe (high-density-polyethylene pipe)'
 9:16 pm edt
  1. 'The hydrogen sulphide gas collects in the void above the sewerage
  2. pvc
25 may 2018 10:48 am edt
 1. add
     2. cadmium
     4. pvc is being made from petroleum.
     2. pvc
 11:24 am edt
   5. disposing vitrified clay pipe by burning that vitrified clay pipe,
   4. making vitrified clay pipe, does not create wastewater
   2. brittle, fragile
   4. vitrified clay pipe
 12:1 pm edt
 1.  make obsolete
      4. burning polyethylene for disposal purpose, creates harmful gaseous emissions
 2. add
     4. making hdpe, maybe create titanium chloride emission/waste because
     1. hdpe (high-density-polyethylene pipe)
 12:3 pm edt
  4. maybe burning hdpe for disposal purpose, does not create metal, dioxin pollutant
  1. hdpe (high-density-polyethylene pipe)
 4:2pm edt
  if main-sewer-pipe needs feces to be in the form of feces-water,
 4:9 pm edt
 feces-solid to slurry, must be installed
 feces-solid to feces-slurry, must be installed
 4:45 pm edt
 1. reword
    if main-sewer-pipe needs feces to be in the form of feces-water,
    it is better for main-sewer-pipe to have feces in the form of feces-water
 2. move 
     it is better for main-sewer-pipe to have feces in the form of feces-water
    to above 
     some sewer-pipe materials :
 6:38 pm edt
  'The city is paying Insituform Technologies Inc., a global company with
 6:47 pm edt
 1. reword 'sewer' to 'feces' 
 2. move to http://wortel.ucoz.com/feces_pipe.htm
 7:36 pm edt
 7:49 pm edt
  maybe asphalt, does not worsen earthquake because earthquake can happen
possible solution for easier-to-maintain gravity main-feces-pipe :

rounded bottom, flat top.

why rounded bottom ?
1. sharp edge can not distribute stress evenly from vibration.
2. sharp edge gather minerals from feces-water.
source : 
1. 'The walls of a square pressure pipe will want to bow out. 
    Extra thickness is required to prevent that. 
    Also, corners are stress concentrators. 
    The stresses cannot distribute around corners, so cracking would be 
    likely unless the corners were sufficiently rounded. 
    Windows on airplanes and boats are round or obround for a similar reason - 
    vibration stresses the hull  
    And is concentrated at discontinuities, corners and other 
    abrupt changes to shapes.'
    from google (why water pipe is round) result 2
2. 2.1 '1. Cylindrical pipes are the most efficient when handling.
        When water is flowing through the cylindrical pipe, 
        the pressure force is evenly distributed around 
        the entire circumference of the pipe.'
   2.2 'Since square pipes have crevices on the inside where the corners are, 
        bits of debris and minerals would build up in these crevices. 
        Over time, this will lead to corrosion problems, slower efficiency of the pipe 
        and blockage.'  
   from google (why water pipe is round) result 1

but fully-rounded pipe (circular pipe) makes difficult 
to connect new pipe from a newly-built-house.

so a pipe with rounded bottom and flat top.
the top of that pipe, is segmented, with many small removable flat covers.

so a new house can be built then a new feces pipe from that new house
, connect to the top of that main-feces-pipe.

but the house builder must redesign 
circular-opening of its circular feces-pipe, 
to make that circular-opening looks like : 
(from the point of view facing the circular opening of feces-pipe)

  |     |
  |  o  |
  |     |

so that square edges addition, will fit on top of main feces-pipe, keeping
main feces-pipe closed tightly, 
then feces-water from new house, transfers from that circular opening to main-feces-pipe.

that many small flat covers on top of main-feces-pipe must endure flood in case there
is intense rain like monsooon.
main-feces-pipe should stay above the ground.
underground main-feces-pipe makes difficult to detect leaks, seal leaks :
 'The city is paying Insituform Technologies Inc., a global company with
 an office in Indianapolis, about $3 million to insert a new lining 
 inside a 72-inch-diameter combined storm and sanitary sewer pipe. 
 The pipe, dating from the early 1900s, was designed to carry two types of water — 
 storm water, which comes from precipitation, and sanitary water, 
 which flows from toilets, sinks and shower/bathtub drains.

 The problem is that over the past century, a third type of water, 
 groundwater, has infiltrated the pipe, likely at small cracks that 
 have formed at joints and manholes, but also possibly in small holes along 
 the line. That groundwater, which comes from the underground aquifer 
 that supplies the area’s drinking water, reduces the pipe’s capacity 
 to handle storm and sanitary flows when it rains. It also requires 
 the city sewage plant to treat more water than necessary, Horvath said.

 Residents can see the 24-inch-diameter tubing coming out of 
 the street because Insituform needed to temporarily reroute 
 the combined sewer flow, kind of like a detour around a road project, 
 while it relines the underground pipe, Horvath said.'
 from google-image ( above the ground sewer ) row 3 col 1

so toilet, dishwashing-sinks should be located higher than main-feces-pipe.
unless there is a water-pump which raise feces-water, but water-pump needs electricity.

main-feces-pipe depends on gravity until at 1 point, needs to be lifted by
'lift station building' in

maybe main-feces-pipe in city which has winter weather, should connect
to a city which has summer weather all year because
bacteria in aeration-basin prefers summer weather temperature :
'warm air also keeps the water from dropping below 55 fahrenheit keeping
the process of mother nature moving at an accelerated pace'

otherwise outdoor aeration-basin must be heated during winter,
which needs non-renewable natural gas.
heating any item outdoor is not efficient.

maybe elliptical main-feces-pipe with flat top can transfer more
feces-water than rounded pipe with flat top,
elliptical feces-pipe is being used in uk
source :
1. 'Elliptical pipes are used for foul and surface water drainage applications'
   from google-image (ellipsoid water pipe vs round water pipe) row 1 col 2
2. 'ellipsoid' in
   from google (geometry shape) result 1

it is better for main-feces-pipe to have feces in the form of feces-water
not feces-solid,
so grinder-pump, chopper-pump which convert
feces-solid to feces-slurry, must be installed somewhere...
source : 
'Chopper pumps' in
google (grinder pump) result 1
youtube-search (sewage pump) result 2

the best feces-pipe-material maybe is vitrified clay pipe.

some feces-pipe materials :
1. hdpe (high-density-polyethylene pipe)
   pros :
   1. hdpe is being used for natural gas pipe which means
      hdpe resists h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces)
      source :
      1. 'Borrowing technology first used by the gas and oil industry'
         from google (elliptical water pipe vs circular water pipe) page 3 result 5
      2. 'Natural gas distribution pipe systems'
         from google (hdpe) result 1
      3. find '2. 'Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable,'
         in this text
   2. noncorrosive
   3. flexible so hdpe resists earthquake
   4. maybe burning hdpe for disposal purpose, does not create metal, dioxin pollutant
      source : 
      'HDPE is considered one of the safest plastics because it is very non-reactive.1
       According to the EPA, it burns into carbon dioxide and water vapor,
       and leaves no toxic waste. Any film additives also become simple oxides, 
       just like HDPE.2'
       from google (incinerating hdpe) result 1
   cons :
   1. maybe weak against h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces)
      because 96% concentration of sulphuric acid can weaken hdpe during
      temperature 70 f / 21 c
      source :
      1. 'The hydrogen sulphide gas collects in the void above the sewerage
          and combines with any moisture e.g. condensation, on the surfaces 
          above the sewerage to produce sulphuric acid. 
          The sulphuric acid has a low pH and thus attacks the concrete'
         from google (concrete hydrogen sulfide) result 8
      2. 'sulphuric acid' in
         google (hdpe hydrogen sulfide) result 6
         sulphuric acid (h2so4) can be created from
         mixing sulfur, oxgen, water.
         source : 
         'SO3 (g) + H2O (l) → H2SO4 (l)'
         from 'sulfuric acid'
         google (clauss reaction) result 1
         'Clauss reaction'
         google (hydrogen sulphide and water produce sulphuric acid) result 2
      2. T(°F) = T(°C) × 9/5 + 32 
         T(°C) = (T(°F) - 32) × 5/9
         source : 
         from google (celsius to fahrenheit) result 1
   2. made from material useful for other purpose 
      (petroleum, sugarcane, wheat grain, sugar beet)
   3. hdpe has 20 micrometer-40 micrometer pores which can trap feces-debris
      source :
      '20 - 40 μm' in
      from google (hdpe porous) result 2
   4. making hdpe, maybe create titanium chloride emission/waste because
      titanium chlroide is a catalyst for making hdpe.
      source :
      'The most common catalysts consist of titanium(III) chloride, 
       the so-called Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Another common catalyst is 
       the Phillips catalyst, prepared by depositing chromium(VI) oxide on silica.[12]'
    4. burning polyethylene for disposal purpose, creates harmful gaseous emissions
       source :
       1. 'May weaken when exposed to extreme temperatures.'
          from google (concrete pipe pros cons) result 3
       2. 2.1 'The usefulness of polyethylene is limited by its melting point of 
               80 °C (176 °F) (HDPE, types of low crystalline softens earlier). 
               For common commercial grades of medium- and high-density polyethylene 
               the melting point is typically in the range 120 to 180 °C 
               (248 to 356 °F). The melting point for average, commercial, 
               low-density polyethylene is typically 105 to 115 °C (221 to 239 °F). 
               These temperatures vary strongly with the type of polyethylene.'
          2.2 'PE can become brittle when exposed to sunlight, 
               carbon black is usually used as a UV stabilizer.'
          2.3 'Although ethylene can be produced from renewable resources, 
               it is mainly obtained from petroleum or natural gas.
               Moreover, the widespread usage of polyethylene poses difficulties 
               for waste management if it is not recycled. 
               Polyethylene is not readily biodegradable, and thus accumulates 
               in landfills. Incineration may result in harmful gaseous emissions.'
          2.4 'Braskem and Toyota Tsusho Corporation started joint marketing 
               activities to produce polyethylene from sugarcane'
          2.5 'Polyethylene can also be made from other feedstocks, 
               including wheat grain and sugar beet'
       3. 'LDPE has a melting point of 110 to 125 C, MDPE 115 to 128 C , 
           HDPE 130 to 135 C '
          from google (hdpe melting point) result 8
       4. car interior temperature reaches 172 f (78 c) when outdoor
          temperature reaches 80 f / 27 c
          source :
          1. 'On hotter days, temperatures can reach over 150°F',
             from google (car interior temperature in summer) result 2
          2. 'Basically the car becomes a greenhouse',
             'When temperatures outside range from 80 degrees to 100 degrees, 
             the temperature inside a car parked in direct sunlight 
             can quickly climb to between 130 to 172' 
          3. '65.556 degrees celsius' in google (150 f to ce) result 1
          4. 80 degrees fahrenheit = 26.667 degrees celsius from google (80 f to cel)
    hdpe seems just cxhx carbon and hydrogen.
    hottest surface on earth is 70.7 celcius / 159.3 f in iran's lut desert.
    but not sure how hot hdpe pipe's interior is, in that place.
    source :
    'Seven years of satellite temperature data show that 
     the Lut Desert in Iran is the hottest spot on Earth. 
     The Lut Desert was hottest during 5 of the 7 years, and had 
     the highest temperature overall: 70.7°C (159.3°F) in 2005.'
    from google (desert surface temperature) result 3
2. pvc
   pros :
   1. more lightweight than clay, heavier than hdpe
      source :
      1. find 'Whilst plastic is a strong material, the relative thinness of'
         in this text
      2. 'The primary difference between PVC and HDPE pipes lies in 
          their strength and pressure capacity for design stress. 
          HDPE pipe walls must be at least 2.5 times thicker than PVC pipes 
          to achieve an equal pressure rating. While PVC is stronger and 
          denser (heavier), HDPE is firmer, more abrasive, more resistant 
          to wear and tear, and has a higher resistance to heat.
          ​In addition, the amount of surge pressure in HDPE pipes tends 
          to be much lower than that in PVC pipes. In most instances, 
          a lower surge pressure results in a longer lifespan for pumping and valves.'
          from google (hdpe vs pvc heavy) result 2
   cons : 
   1. burning pvc for disposal purpose, 
      produce :
      1. hydrogen chloride (hcl) which is dioxin, which is harmful
      2. cadmium
      source : 
      1. 'PVC produces HCl upon combustion almost quantitatively 
          related to its chlorine content. 
          Extensive studies in Europe indicate that the chlorine found 
          in emitted dioxins is not derived from HCl in the flue gases. 
          Instead, most dioxins arise in the condensed solid phase by 
          the reaction of inorganic chlorides with graphitic structures 
          in char-containing ash particles. 
          Copper acts as a catalyst for these reactions.[51]'
          from google (pvc flexible) result 9
      2. 'This avoids PVC being discarded in landfills or incinerated
          causing release of carbon dioxide and cadmium in the environment'
          from google (pvc flexible) result 9
      3. 'Toxic ingredients added to PVC to give it useful properties, 
          such as lead, cadmium, and phthalates are also released during incineration. 
          These are emitted to the air or in the ash that is land filled. 
          Because huge quantities of heavy metals are added to PVC as stabilisers, 
          PVC is the major source of lead and cadmium in the municipal waste stream. 
          In Germany, PVC incineration releases more lead into the environment 
          than leaded gasoline, and is considered the main source of cadmium emissions.'
          from google (burning pvc produce cadmium) result 3
   2. pvc can leak lead to feces-water
      source : 
      'Lead had previously been frequently added to PVC to improve workability 
      and stability. Lead has been shown to leach into drinking water 
      from PVC pipes.[47]'
      from google (pvc flexible) result 9
   3. source 1 says 
      pvc resist h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces) 
      moderately during temperature 60 celcius, 
      pvc resist hyrogen sulfide, well, during temperature 20 celsius.
      source 2 says pvc resist h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces), 
      well, during temperature 23 celcius-60 celcius
      source : 
      1. google (pvc hydrogen sulfide) result 2
      2. 'hydrogen sulfide' in
         from google (pvc hydrogen sulfide) result 3
   4. pvc is being made from petroleum.
      petroleum is useful for car's gasoline, electricity.
      source : 
      'PVC is made from petroleum. The production process also uses sodium chloride. 
      Recycled PVC is broken down into small chips, impurities removed, and 
      the product refined to make pure white PVC. 
      It can be recycled roughly seven times and has a lifespan of around 140 years.'
3. steel
   pros : 
   cons : 
   1. has pores as well but bigger than pores in hdpe
      source : 
      'For casting that are a few kilograms in weight the pores 
      are usually 0.01 to 0.5 mm (0.00039 to 0.01969 in) in size.'
      from google (steel porosity) result 3
      1 millimeter = 1000 micrometers
      from google (1 milimiter to micrometer)
   2. easily corrode when wet
   3. weak against h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces)
      source :
      1. 'Biogenic sulfide corrosion is a bacterially mediated process of 
         forming hydrogen sulfide gas and the subsequent conversion 
         to sulfuric acid that attacks concrete and steel 
         within wastewater environments.'
         from google (hydrogen sulfide concrete) result 1
      2. 'Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, 
          extremely hazardous gas with a “rotten egg” smell. 
          It occurs naturally in crude petroleum and natural gas, 
          and can be produced by the breakdown of organic matter and 
          human/ animal wastes (e.g., sewage).'
      3. 'Susceptible alloys, especially steels, react with hydrogen sulfide, 
          forming metal sulfides and atomic hydrogen as corrosion byproducts.'
          from google (steel hydrogen sulfide) result 2
      4. 'HIC usually occurs due to the effects of aqueous hydrogen charging of steel in wet H2S refinery process environments. It can occur at relatively low temperatures, largely as a result of atomic hydrogen from wet H2S corrosion reactions which enter the steel and collect at inclusions or impurities within the steel. The H2S prevents the hydrogen recombination reaction that would normally occur so, rather than bubbling off from the corroding surface, the hydrogen atoms are forced into the metal structure causing corrosion and weakness.'
          from 'Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC)' in
          from google (steel hydrogen sulfide) result 1
      5. 'Glass cell experiments were conducted to investigate 
          the mechanism and kinetics of mild  steel  corrosion  in  
          H2S  environments which is accompanied by iron sulfide scale formation.'
          from google (sulfide corrosion) result 7
4. vitrified clay pipe
   pros :
   1. resist corrosion
   2. resist h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces)
      source :
      'VCP is commonly used in gravity sewer collection mains 
       because of its long life and resistance to almost all domestic 
       and industrial sewage, particularly the sulfuric acid 
       that is generated by hydrogen sulfide, a common component of sewage. 
       Only hydrofluoric acid and 
       highly concentrated caustic wastes are known to attack VCP. 
       Such wastes would not be permitted to be discharged into 
       a municipal sewage collection system without adequate pretreatment.[1]'
      from google (clay pipe hydrogen sulfide) result 1
   3. glazed clay does not have micrometer pores ?
      source :
      'Alternatively, porous pots (made of unglazed clay) are buried in 
      the soil up to their necks next to the plants or between plant rows at 
      intervals of 300 mm. Water seeps from each pot through the pores and 
      forms a wetted zone'
      from google (clay pipe porous) result 3
   4. making vitrified clay pipe, does not create wastewater
      source : 
      'No process wastewater is created in the production of 
       vitrified clay pipe'
       from google (disposing vitrified clay pipe) page 1 result 2nd from last 
   5. disposing vitrified clay pipe by burning that vitrified clay pipe,
      does not create metal-pollutant, dioxin
      source : 
      1. 'Clay is recyclable. In other words, 
         the entire life cycle of clay pipes is green and can minimize 
         your ecological footprint.'
      2. 'It doesn’t pollute and it doesn’t degrade. Now 
          that’s sustainability!'
          from google (disposing vitrified clay pipe) page 1 result 2nd from last 
   cons :
   1. heavy for above the ground feces-pipe type
      source : 
      1. 'Because it is such a heavy material, clay pipes
          do not deform when buried underground, meaning that 
          less bedding material (pea shingle) is required. 
          Whilst plastic is a strong material, the relative thinness of
          the pipe wall when compared to clay means that more shingle is 
          needed as bedding and backfill material.
          Clay could also be considered to be a more “green” material 
          if this is a consideration in your build project.'
          from google (pvc vs clay weight) result 1
      2. 'Clay pipes are like pianos; they can be difficult to transport 
         because not only are they relatively fragile, 
         they are also quite heavy and unwieldy.'
   2. brittle, fragile
      source :
      'Clay pipes, though they're resistant to corrosion and abrasion, 
       are relatively brittle, which can occasionally result in 
       the pipes breaking or shattering The solution to 
       this brittleness can include adding a layer of concrete around 
       the outside of each pipe, but this greatly decreases 
       the labor-efficiency of the project.'
       from google (disposing vitrified clay pipe) result 2
   2. maximum length is 10 feet.
   3. weak against hydrofluoric acid
      source : 
      'The only chemical known to affect clay pipe is hydrofluoric acid, 
      which is not likely to be found in sanitary sewers.'
      from google (vitrified clay pipe flexible) page 2 result 3
   4. maybe resist earthquake,
      clay pipe is rigid, not flexible 
      but the flexible compression joints provide a room for clay pipe to tremble
      during earthquake
      source :
      'Although the pipe is rigid, the flexible compression joints 
      provide forgiveness if the ground moves.'
      from google (vitrified clay pipe flexible) page 2 result 3

5. concrete pipe
   pros : 
   cons :
   1. weak against h2s (hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg odor from feces)
      source :
      'Despite its durability, concrete is susceptible to H2S attacks, 
      and in extremely acidic soil, it can corrode. 
      To combat these problems, concrete pipe can be coated with 
      a plastic liner, and special measures can be used to prevent corrosion 
      in acidic soils.'
      from google (vitrified clay pipe flexible) page 2 result 3

leaking feces-pipe, can crack concrete floor, shift the ground, create sinkhole
source :
1. 'Cracks in your home’s foundation can result 
    from shifting ground caused by dripping sewer lines. 
    As water pools in areas around leaks, it saturates soil 
    and undermines your foundation’s structural integrity. 
    Sewer leaks also buckle concrete sidewalks, driveways and patios'
    in https://www.accurateleak.com/sewer-leak/7-signs-you-may-have-a-sewer-leak/
    from google (sewer leak) result 1
2. 'Cracks in Concrete. Liquid released from a sewer line can create pressure 
    that damages the concrete of porches and pools, and even affect 
    the foundation of the house itself. Cracks usually indicate a problem 
    that has been in effect for some time.
    Sinkholes and divots. If the ground around the sewer line is 
    saturated with leaking fluid, it can easily shift, which will 
    result in divots in your lawn. In the worst cases, 
    it could actively result in a sinkhole, which can be dangerous if left untreated.'
    in http://www.wmhendersoninc.com/blog/plumbing-service/signs-of-trouble-with-your-sewer-line/
    from google (dripping sewer line shift ground) result 3

maybe asphalt, does not worsen earthquake because earthquake can happen
in the sea which does not have asphalt, earthquake in the sea is violent.
info : find 'quake-depth-from' in http://wortel.ucoz.com/tsunami.htm

berlin, germany, has flood-prevention-pipe above the ground :
'Designed to prevent the city from becoming submerged by high groundwater levels'
google (berlin pink pipe) result 4