press-and-hold ctrl while press '+' to zoom-in/enlarge text .
press-and-hold ctrl while press '-' to zoom-out/shrink text .
edited using since starting , sometimes using since 2 sep 2021 5:33 pm edt(utc-4)

9 may 2018 2:7 am edt
 move to
 using format like
16 apr 2019 8:54 am edt:#add# right-click sandisk-m250-folder then click 'eject' prior detaching usb-drive
                              from computer.[16 apr 2019 8:53 am edt]

[addition 8 jun 2021 9:59 am edt]
 [warning] , , , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during

  starting around 13-mar california-night-time-only start (utc-7)
  (1)find in :
      '-[13-mar-2011] usa, canada day-light-saving-time start. usa-clock, canada-clock move-forward 1 hour. [source :]
      day-light-saving-time-start-date change itself every year :
      year 2011:13-mar-2011 -> 6-nov-2011   year 2013:10-mar-2013 -> 3-nov-2013 
      year 2012:11-mar-2012 -> 4-nov-2012   source : (1) (2) (3)

  starting around 4-nov california-night-time-only start (utc-8)
  because find in :
  'other company in california-state maybe use ivanpah which burn-and-kill many bird.'
[/addition 8 jun 2021 9:59 am edt]

 does not work
 problem : which jdk file does netbeans use when running netbeans ? 
 solution : 
  strace -Ff -tt  /home/abc/netbeans-7.1.2/bin/netbeans --jdkhome /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386 2>&1 | tee strace-netbeansjava7.log
  strace -Ff -tt  javaws 2>&1 | tee strace-javaws.log

  strace -Ff -tt jdb -classpath .:/home/abc/synonym2/lib/ synonym.Main 2>&1 | tee /home/abc/strace-jdb.log

  strace -Ff -tt  firefox /home/abc/nb/JavaFXApplication1/dist/JavaFXApplication1.html 2>&1 | tee JavaFXApplication1.log

  strace -Ff -tt  java -version 2>&1 | tee java_strace.log
  strace -Ff -tt  java test 2>&1 | tee java_test_strace.log
  strace -Ff -tt  ./hello 2>&1 | tee hello_strace.log

  strace -Ff -tt  /home/abc/Desktop/firefox-34.0.5 2>&1 | tee firefox_strace.log

problem : 
 which file does firefox use when firefox runs ? (7 nov 2017 17:28 est)
solution : 
 1. close firefox if firefox currently runs
 2. run
  strace -o firefox_strace_output.txt ./firefox
  strace -Ff -tt -o firefox_strace_output.txt ./firefox
 3. open file firefox_strace_output.txt with text editor to see the info
 source :
  scl enable devtoolset-2 'strace -o fibonacci.log ./fibonacci 20
  from google (strace redirect output) result 7
  from google (run firefox linux) result 1

problem : 
  install new firefox to update firefox
  check current profile folder being used.
  check favorites, bookmarks file being used.
  (7 nov 2017 17:55)
solution :
 install firefox to update firefox
 1. download firefox
 2. extract
 3. close firefox if firefox currently runs
 4. run firefox/firefox
 check current profile folder being used :
 click 'menu' -> click '?' -> click 'troubleshooting information'
 -> ctrl f -> find keyword 'profile directory' -> click 'open directory'
 check favorites, bookmarks file being used :
 profile folder/places.sqlite
 source :
 'Your Bookmarks (and History) are stored in a single file, 
 places.sqlite, in your Profile folder. 
 To open your Profile folder, 
 Help > Troubleshooting Information , 
 then next to "Profile Directory" click 
 the "Open Containing Folder" button to open the Profile Folder'
 from google (firefox check current favorite folder) result 2
 'Help > Troubleshooting Information -> Profile Folder - Show Folder'
 from google (check which firefox profile) result 1
problem : firefox use 100% cpu load when browsing facebook (7 nov 2017 17:55)
solution : update firefox
problem : extract .deb:
solution : tar p mypackage.deb data.tar.gz | tar zx

problem : list .deb:
solution : tar p mypackage.deb data.tar.gz | tar zt

problem : remote copying
solution : 
abc@calm ~/Desktop $ scp localfile.txt abc@cx:localfile_in_remote_location.txt

problem : which jvm does firefox use when running java applet ?
solution :
 strace -Ff -tt  firefox 2>&1 | tee /home/abc/Desktop/test.log
 strace -Ff -tt  firefox/firefox file:///home/abc/synonym7/applet.htm 2>&1 | tee /home/abc/test.log

these works :
abc@calm ~/synonym2/build/classes $ java -classpath .:/home/abc/synonym2/lib/postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar synonym.Main
abc@calm ~/synonym2/build/classes $ jdb -classpath .:/home/abc/synonym2/lib/postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar synonym.Main

these does not work
abc@calm ~/synonym2/build/classes $ jdb -classpath .:/home/abc/synonym2/lib synonym.Main
abc@calm ~/synonym2/build/classes $ java -classpath .:/home/abc/synonym2/lib synonym.Main

when the classpath includes .jar file, the .jar file must be specified
when the classpath includes .class file the directory containing that .class file must be specified

abc@calm ~/synonym2/build/classes $ jdb -classpath .:~/synonym2/lib/postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar synonym.Main
does not work, the ~ is ineffective

problem : linux : find a file, search a file
solution : 
 1. search '' in ~/synonym/src folder :
    find ~/synonym/src -name ''
    use -L in order to search in symbolic link
    find -L Desktop/javax-6/ -name
 2. search a file which starts with 'Swanee' or 'swanee' in current folder (19 may 2018 7:8 pm edt)
    find . -name '[S|s]wanee*'
    [S|s] , * is regular expression

debug synonym2 : 
abc@calm ~/synonym2 $ jdb -classpath /home/abc/synonym2/lib/postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar:/home/abc/synonym2/build/classes synonym.Main

jar command
jar cvfm /home/abc/synonym3/dist/synonym3.jar manifest.txt -C /home/abc/synonym3/classes .

problem : 
 firefox popup saying 
 activate java plugin ? question 
 never shows up again and last time i answer no
 therefore java applet doesn't run anymore
solution : 
 about:config -> extensions.blocklist.enabled -> change from true to false

cd /home/abc/synonym5-rmi/ && ./a car server.Server

firefox 23 :
problem : java applet from local file doesn't launch
solution : about:config -> security:fileurl.strict_origin_policy

problem : change screen refresh rate
solution :
 change refresh rate :
 xrandr -q
 xrandr -s 1280x1024 -r 75

problem : deleting 1 million files in a folder :
rm *.* gives error argument list too long
soluttion : says
 I stumbled upon a much faster way of deleting files – 
 the “find” command has a “-delete” flag built right in! 
 Here’s what I ended up using:
 find . -type f -delete
 Using this method, I was deleting files at a rate 
 of about 2000 files/second – much faster!

 You can also show the filenames as you’re deleting them:
 find . -type d -print -delete

 …or even show how many files will be deleted, 
 then time how long it takes to delete them:
 root@devel# ls -1 | wc -l && time find . -type f -delete
 real    0m3.660s
 user    0m0.036s
 sys     0m0.552s

 best , fastest method from Zhenyu Lee :
 mkdir empty_dir
 sudo rsync -a --delete empty_dir/    yourdirectory/
 took 13:10 - 7:14 to finish deleting around 3,048,234 files...18 hours

inserted wrong password to connect to wireless network.
in order to correct that, type 
reset wireless password there.

problem :
  Error: open CFI at the end of file; missing
 .cfi_endproc directive                                                         
solution :
 Jonathan Wakely 2011-05-31 19:41:32 UTC

looks like you ran out of memory and the OOM killer kicked in

problem :
 linux is using swap file and slows
solution :
 turn off swap by doing :
 1. swapoff -a
 2. comment swap in /etc/fstab

problem :
 1. copy file to remote computer
 2. move lots of files to remote computer with ability
  to resume after electricity outage
solution :
 1. copy file to remote computer
  scp source_file destination_file
  just like cp command : cp source_file destination_file

  Copy the file "foobar.txt" from a remote host to the local host
   $ scp /some/local/directory 

  Copy the file "foobar.txt" from the local host to a remote host's user's home directory
   $ scp foobar.txt
  Copy the file "foobar.txt" from the local host to a remote host's certain directory
   $ scp foobar.txt 

  Copy the directory "foo" from the local host to a remote host's directory "bar"
   $ scp -r foo 

  Copy the file "foobar.txt" from remote host "" to remote host ""
   $ scp \ 

  Copying the files "foo.txt" and "bar.txt" from the local host to your home directory on the remote host
   $ scp foo.txt bar.txt 

  Copy the file "foobar.txt" from the local host to a remote host using port 2264
   $ scp -P 2264 foobar.txt 

  Copy multiple files from the remote host to your current directory on the local host
   $ scp\{a,b,c\} . 
   $ scp\{foo.txt,bar.txt\} . 
 2) backup , mirror many file to remote-computer , with resume ability
  rsync source/ dest
  note : source has '/' in the end.

  rsync source dest
    will copy source directory/folder to dest directory/folder / 
    will copy source-directory/source-folder to inside dest-directory/dest-folder 
    , so dest-directory/dest-folder will contain source-directory/source-folder .

  rsync source/ dest
    will copy file inside source-directory/source-folder to dest-directory/dest-folder / 
    will copy file inside source-directory/source-folder to inside dest-directory/dest-folder 
    , so dest-directory/dest-folder will contain file-inside-source-directory/file-inside-source-folder .
  scp without overwriting
  answered Nov 16 '12 at 5:48
  syntax : sudo rsync -avz source/ dest
  local_computer$> sudo rsync -avz --progress myfolder aaa@
  local_computer$> sudo rsync -avz --progress myfolder aaa@
  sudo rsync is slow
  scp but remove 'write' permission first
 3) copy directory/folder from remote-computer to local-computer , with resume ability
    syntax : sudo rsync -avz source/ dest
    local_computer$> sudo rsync -avz --progress aaa@ .
    local_computer$> sudo rsync -avz --progress aaa@ somefolder

 4) copy directory/folder to remote-computer then delete that file in local-computer , with resume ability , 
    warning : folder/directory in local-computer will not be deleted , only file in local-computer will be deleted 
  syntax : sudo rsync -avz --remove-source-files --progress source/ dest
  sudo rsync -avz --remove-source-files --progress -e ssh /this/dir/ remoteuser@remotehost:/remote/dir 
  sudo rsync -avz --remove-source-files --progress /sourcedir/ user@host:/targetdir 
  sudo rsync -avz --remove-source-files --progress /home/abc/calm-abc-backup/ abc@ 
  source :
  from google 'scp move file'    

    [addition 12 nov 2024 9:20 pm est]
      'sudo rsync -avz --remove-source-files --progress source/ dest' , 
      will not delete directory/folder in source-location after all file inside that directory/folder is already been transferred to destination-location , 
      so after rsync is finished : need to check is there any file inside directory/folder which already been transferred to destination-location : sudo find backup-usb/ -name '*.*'
      to delete directory/folder : rm -R directory-name .
    [/addition 12 nov 2024 9:20 pm est]
 4. merge 2 folder f1, folder f2 to 1 folder f3 
  (24 february 2018 9:18 pm est)
  rsync -ah f1/ f3
  rsync -ah f2/ f3
problem : check disk space
solution :
 du -h
 df -H

 [addition 25 oct 2021 5:24 am edt]
  linux-command for seeing directory-size/folder-size :
   du -h --summarize directory-name [ source : 'summarize' in command 'man du' ]
 [/addition 25 oct 2021 5:24 am edt]

 [addition 5 jan 2023 9:17 pm est]
  linux-command for seeing file-size : du   -h    file-name [source : man du ]
 [/addition 5 jan 2023 9:17 pm est]

problem : can't login after postgresql installation
solution :

 answered Jul 18 '12 at 16:09

problem : change password for 
 postgresql postgres #username# 
solution : 
 $ sudo -u postgres psql
 Enter password: ...

problem : gcc abc.c -o abc produces error
 stdio.h : no such file or directory
solution : ensure /usr/include/stdio.h exists
 sudo apt-get install build-essential should ensure
 existence of /usr/include/stdio.h

problem : upload whole code to git server :
solution : 
 $ git remote add origin ssh://
 $ git config branch.master.remote origin
 $ git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master

 example :
 - initial upload :
 cd myproject
 git init
 # add all your files.  Users can specify file names or directories instead of '.'
 git add .
 git commit -a -m 'Initial commit'
 git remote add origin ssh://
 git push -u origin master
 - 2nd upload
 cd myproject
 git remote add origin ssh://
 git push -u origin master

 git remote add origin ssh://

 after creating a new file:
 git add .
 git status
 git commit -am 'test'
 git push origin master
 git remote add origin ssh://
 git remote add origin ssh://
 git remote set-url origin ssh://

problem : (22 dec 2016)
 upload new project to sourceforge with git
solution :
 1. git remote show origin 
  git remote -v
  to ensure local repo name match
  remote repo name
 2. git push -u origin master

problem : (18 dec 2016 midnight, solved 19 dec 2016 midnight)
 about git. i forked local repo1. local repo2 was created.
 files inside local repo2, are same as files in local repo1.
 .git for local repo1 was copied to local repo2.
 so local repo2 has .git from local repo1.
 modify, delete some files in local repo2 then
 do git commit and do git push -u origin master 
 resulting in uploading local repo2 to remote repo1.
 so original codes for remote repo1 are gone and remote repo1
 contains local repo2 code.
solution : sourceforge git code page, 'admin' in left side
 has option to delete all codes, so remote repo1 codes 
 was deleted.
 .git folder should have different name for each project/repo.
 maybe the remote repo destination url should be concatenated
 to each '.git' folder 
problem : in sourceforge
 Error 404
We're sorry but we weren't able to process this request.
solution :
 wait, revisit the page after a few minutes

problem : 
 git push origin master gives error insufficient permission

 For Ubuntu (or any Linux)

 From project root,

 cd .git/objects
 ls -al
 sudo chown -R yourname:yourgroup *

 You can tell what yourname and yourgroup should be by 
 looking at the permissions on the majority of the output 
 from that ls -al command

 Note: remember the star at the end of the sudo line
 share|improve this answer
 answered Oct 21 '11 at 13:04

problem : download source code from git repository 
  (16 april 2017 11:22 edt, 17 april 12:43 edt)
solution : 
 as anonymous, no username no password needed :
 git clone listen-multi-production
 as registered user :
 git clone ssh:// listen-multi-production
 source :
 from google (sourceforge download git anonymous) result 1
problem : 
 java swing applet isn't updating itself after deploying 
 the new changes in the code isn't showing up on java console output
solution : 
 do not restart web browser, close web browser then reopen

problem : clear screen, really clear, not just ctrl + l
solution : run 'reset' command

problem : how to see the difference between local src/synonym/
  and in git server ?
solution :
  git diff HEAD^ -- src/synonym/

problem : upload updated code to git
solution :
  git commit -am 'a message describing what the update is about'
  git push origin master

problem : sandisk m200 reject file upload, saying 'read-only'
solution : 
 df -H (to know what the m200 usb player is mounted on, 
  /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc)
 if df -H does not show m200's device name then
 that m200's icon should show up in file explorer then
 right click that m200 icon then click 'umount' then unplug that m200
 then change m200's usb setting to msc from 'autodetect' then
 plug that m200 again.
 more info : find ''unknown' album, 'unknown' title' in this text
 umount /dev/sdb
 sudo mkfs.vfat -F 16 -I /dev/sdb
 battery must be ready inside when unplugging usb cable
 if m200 refuse to play certain mp3 file then changing that mp3 to wma could solve
 that problem
 if certain wma files aren't showing up in m200 playlist then changing their filenames
 could solve that problem

problem : write linuxmint.iso to usb
solution : 
 assuming /dev/sdx is the usb drive
 bash>sudo dd if=~/Desktop/linuxmint.iso of=/dev/sdx oflag=direct  bs=1048576
 sudo dd if=linux-img/linuxmint-17.1-xfce-64bit.iso of=/dev/sdb oflag=direct  bs=1048576
 sudo dd if=linuxmint-18.2-cinnamon-64bit.iso of=/dev/sdb oflag=direct  bs=1048576
 sudo dd if=debian-live-9.0.1-amd64-xfce.iso of=/dev/sdx oflag=direct  bs=1048576

 Where '~/Desktop/linuxmint.iso' is the name and location of your downloaded image (located at the desktop in this example) and '/dev/sdx' is the target USB drive. If your system doesn't support 'oflag=direct', you can just leave it out as it is simply intended to speed up the process a bit.

 If you don't know about the target USB drive path, 
 run any this command to know usb mount point 
  1. lsblk
   source :
    from google (linuxmint unmount usb drive) result 2
  2. df -H

 [addition 8 feb 2023 11:27 am est]
   do not scribe device-number like /dev/sdb1 , just scribe /dev/sdb .
   so sudo dd if=debian-live-9.0.1-amd64-xfce.iso of=/dev/sdb oflag=direct  bs=1048576
   not sudo dd if=debian-live-9.0.1-amd64-xfce.iso of=/dev/sdb1 oflag=direct  bs=1048576

   example :

   a@1 11:15 AM ~/myfiles/iso sudo dd if=debian-live-11.6.0-amd64-xfce.iso of=/dev/sdb1 oflag=direct bs=1048576
   [sudo] password for a: 
   dd: error writing '/dev/sdb1': No space left on device
   1943+0 records in
   1942+0 records out
   2036826112 bytes (2.0 GB, 1.9 GiB) copied, 228.491 s, 8.9 MB/s

   a@1 11:22 AM ~/myfiles/iso sudo dd if=debian-live-11.6.0-amd64-xfce.iso of=/dev/sdb oflag=direct bs=1048576
   [sudo] password for a: 
   2624+0 records in
   2624+0 records out
   2751463424 bytes (2.8 GB, 2.6 GiB) copied, 296.403 s, 9.3 MB/s
   a@1 11:27 AM ~/myfiles/iso 

 [/addition 8 feb 2023 11:27 am est]
problem : command to run valgrind
solution :
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes ./test

problem : capture packet communication in local computer
solution :
sudo tcpdump -i eth0 greater 1000

problem : upload files to sourceforge
solution :
An example session might look like (where Username="jsmith", Project URL name="fooproject", 
Release dir is "Rel_1"):

$ scp
Connecting to
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 68:b3:26:02:a0:07:e4:78:d4:ec:7f:2f:6a:4d:32:c5.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password:  

abc@calm ~/backup $ 
scp bbb2_24_oct_2014.tar
scp /home/abc/backup/bbb2_9_november_2014.tar
problem : enlarge thunar font
solution : 
bash$>nano .gtkrc-2.0.mine
write these :
style "fonttweak"
font_name = "Verdana 17"
widget_class "*Thunar*View*" style "fonttweak"

bash$>nano .gtkrc-2.0.mine
write these :
style "fonttweak"
font_name = "Verdana 17"
widget_class "*Thunar*View*" style "fonttweak"

bash$>nano .gtkrc-2.0
include ".gtkrc-xfce"
style "fonttweak"
font_name = "Verdana 17"
widget_class "*Thunar*View*" style "fonttweak"

widget "Geany*" style "geanyStyle"
style "geanyStyle"
    font_name="Verdana 17"
widget "GeanyMainWindow" style "geanyStyle"

style "geanyStyle"
    font_name="Verdana 17"
widget "GeanyPrefsDialog" style "geanyStyle"

problem : show all directory with their size in ascending sort order
solution :
 abc@calm ~ $ du -h --summarize * | sort -h

problem : find the size of a directory or folder
solution :
 du -sh directoryname
 source :
 from google 'linux find folder size' result 1

problem : find how many files in directory
solution :
 ls -1 | wc -l
 source :
 from google 'linux find number of files in directory' result 1

problem :
 how to see current postgresql db connection :
solution :
 FROM pg_stat_activity;
 source :

problem : list directory, sort by size, see top 10 biggest directory :
solution : $ du -m --max-depth 1 | sort -rn | head -11
source :
 from google 'linux list folder sort by size'

[addition 10 nov 2024 10:24 pm est]
  problem : list directory , sort by directory-size :
  solution : du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -rh  [ source : from google 'linux list folder sort by size' ]
[/addition 10 nov 2024 10:24 pm est]
problem : format a usb drive with ext2 filesystem, using linux
solution :
 1. find the device name for usb
  df -H
 2. if /dev/sdb is the usb device name then
  sudo umount /dev/sdb
 3. sudo mke2fs /dev/sdb
 4. sudo mount /dev/sdb some-folder
 5. chmod 777 some-folder
 source :
 1. 'mke2fs /dev/sda1'
  from google (format usb using ext2) result 1
  from google (linux can not write to usb drive) result 1

problem : linux can not delete file in usb drive, 
   can not write to usb drive, 
   usb drive is read-only (24 february 2018 5:38 pm est)
   opening some files in usb drive, produce input/output error 
solution : 
 1. df -H  (to find device name, folder name)
  example :
  /dev/sdb1        16G  143M   16G   1% /media/a/66C3-DD36
 2. sudo cat /proc/mounts
  example :
  /dev/sdb1 /media/a/66C3-DD36 vfat ro,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro 0 0
 3. that output says 'ro' which means 'read only'
 4. sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb1 /media/a/66C3-DD36/
  to mount /dev/sdb1 with read write permission
 source : 
  from google (linux can not write to usb drive) result 1
 2. 'There’s your problem.'
  google (chmod changing permission of read-only system) result 3
 why the usb drive is mounted with read only permission ?
 - cat /var/log/syslog
  /var/log/syslog maybe has error like
   kernel: [ 2731.058939] FAT-fs (sdb1): error, fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 192305177)
   maybe usb drive was removed without umount command.
   to eject usb drive in linux :
   1. execute 
    sudo umount /usbfolder
   2. remove usb drive
    to eject usb drive in windows :
   1. press 'eject' icon for that usb drive
   2. remove usb drive
  source :
  'fsck' in
  google (error, fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain) result 1
problem : linux mount drive to some folder
solution : sudo mount /dev/sdb some-folder
problem : how to read youtube comment
solution : use google map, there is icon to read comment in youtube

problem : how to show cpu usage for dual core cpu
solution : run command 'top', press 1

problem : find what version of a package in internet repository
solution : sudo apt-cache show package-name
from google 'apt-cache version' result 1

problem : show process name only
solution : pstree
ps | aux  , show process name with absolute path, too long
to fit in terminal

problem : reminder in linux
solution : conky
source :
from google 'conky write wallpaper' result 2
from google 'linux wallpaper reminder'

problem : conky not showing in xfce
solution :
 edit ~/config/autostart/conky.desktop
 ensure this line exists : 
 Exec=conky -d -p 10
 source :
 from google 'xfce conky not showing' result 1

problem : see moon phase in linux
solution : 
 1. glunarclock
  source :
  from google 'linux moon phase' result 8
 2. gcal
 source :
  from google 'linux moon calendar'
  from google 'show program output in conky' result 1

problem : reminder on wallpaper for linux
solution : 
 use conky with conky.conf :
 ${exec head /path/todo.txt}
 write todo list in /path/todo.txt
 xpad is good.
 xfce4-notes is not good, can not change font color.
 dari google 'linux wallpaper reminder' hasil 5
 google 'xfce sticky note'

problem : joystick not working
solution : sudo apt-get install joystick
modprobe joydev

problem : 
 remove 1st 5 seconds from a song
 remove last 5 seconds from a song
solution : 
 remove 1st 5 seconds from a song
 bash%> sox inputfile outputfile trim 5
 remove 1st 1 minute 5 seconds from a song
 bash%> sox inputfile outputfile trim 1:05
 remove last 5 seconds from a song
 bash%> sox inputfile outputfile reverse trim 5 reverse
 source :
 from google (sox skip mp3), (sox trim mp3), (ffmpeg trim mp3),
 (ffmpeg cut mp3), (linux mp3cut), (linux cut mp3)
 from 'sox' in
 from google (ffmpeg trim mp3) result 4
 from 'ffmpeg' in
 google (linux cut mp3) result 3 and 
 'trim' in google (linux cut mp3) result 1

problem : xfce linux, window pop up is too large for the screen,
  buttons for 'ok', 'cancel' located 
  outside the screen, can not be reached by mouse
solution : press and hold 'alt' while drag the popup window
   upward so 'ok', 'cancel' button are seen, can
   be reached by mouse cursor

problem : 
 wiki : show all subsection in table of contents
solution : 
 commentate {{TOC limit|3}}
problem : (7 july 2018 9:34 pm edt | 31 aug 2018 3:59 pm edt add '') | 31 aug 2018 4:3 pm edt (add #1 referece/citation for multiple source : 'content'#)
 wiki : add reference 
solution :
  cite web|
  title=title=Hypoxia a condition of inadequate oxygen supply can be   a serious consequence of a preterm or premature birth  | 
in source : google (involuntary muscle twitching) result 7| url= }}
source : 1. from '{{Cite web}}' in from click 'Wikipedia referencing' to unhide that then click 'citation style 1' 2. 1 referece/citation for multiple source : 'content' in from 'Help:Footnotes' in from 'inline citation' in from 'Wikipedia:Citing sources' in from 'citations' in from wikipedia-search (wikipedia citation reference) result 4 3. from google (html vertical bar) result 1 {{ cite web| from google(4 sep 2013 rdu atl engine fire)result 1 from Engine fire! Delta Flight from RDU to ATL| url= }} produce error 'External link in |title=' put blank-space to make like (1)source: (2)source or put = to make like (1) (2) problem (21 january 2012) : wiki : add reference with url, author, date solution : {{ cite web| title=sometitle| url=http://...| author=firstname lastname| date= }} problem : wiki external link solution : 1. external link to wiki sibling sites : [[:language code:Title]] example : [[:id:Hayam_Wuruk]] [[:id:Dyah_Wiyat]] [[:de:Interatom]] 2. external link to url: [ Wikimedia] 28 december 2016, updated 27 july 2017 11:23 edt problem : show temperature of harddisk in conky. solution : show harddisk temperature : 1. install hddtemp : sudo apt-get install hddtemp 2. edit /etc/default/hddtemp sudo nano /etc/default/hddtemp 2.1. RUN_DAEMON="true" 2.2. DISKS="/dev/sda" or DISKS="/dev/sda?" 2.3. RUN_SYSLOG="180" hddtemp daemon run to check harddisk temperature repeatedly every 180 seconds 3. sudo /etc/init.d/hddtemp restart 4. try run in bash prompt $>nc localhost 7634 if that shows harddisk temperature then add this in /etc/conky/conky.conf : ${execi 180 nc localhost 7634} source : 1. from google (conky harddisk temperature) result 2 2. from google (start hddtemp as daemon) result 2 3. '41', '131' in from google (wd5000aads-00s9b0 operating temperature) result 1 1 january 2017 1:04am problem : find files recently created, modified during last 24 hours / list files recently created, modified during last 24 hours solution : find . -type f -mtime -0 source : 1. 'find . -type f -mtime -20' ...will find files modified within the last 20 days from google (linux find recently added file) result 1 2. 'This command works this way because the time since each file was last modified is divided by 24 hours and any remainder is discarded. That means that to match -mtime 0' in from google (man find) result 1 7 january 2017 13:50 problem:set user-agent/useragent string in firefox solution:(1)open website about:config (2)create new variable name : general.useragent.override value : .... 18 january 2017 13:49 -problem : conky location in monitor screen, is too high, some text in conky is out of monitor screen solution : try any : 1. in /etc/conky/conky.conf gap_y = 0 2. change ${exec head -n 16 /home/aaa/myfiles/todo/todo.txt | fold -w 50 -s}} to ${exec head -n 14 /home/aaa/myfiles/todo/todo.txt | fold -w 50 -s}} (3 march 2017) -problem : resize conky width solution : in /etc/conky/conky.conf maximum_width 1100 -problem : resize conky height solution : use head command instead of cat command to display text in a todo.txt file ${exec head -n 16 /home/aaa/myfiles/todo/todo.txt | fold -w 50 -s}} -problem : conky truncate text shown by ${exec cat /home/aaa/myfiles/todo/todo.txt} solution : in /etc/conky/conky.conf ${exec cat /home/aaa/myfiles/todo/todo.txt | fold -w 50 -s} source : 'fold' in from google (conky wrap) result 5 30 january 2017 16:33 problem : firefox keyboard shortcut list solution : from google (firefox shortcut) result 1 problem : firefox focus toward webpage, focus toward address bar solution : from google (firefox shortcut focus on website) result 1 31 january 2017 12:19 problem : geany keyboard shortcut list solution : from google (geany shortcut) result 1 15:30 problem : green light on motherboard when computer is shutdown solution : power supply still getting power from electric socket on the wall, giving power to mobo for rts clock. if psu is unplugged or psu master switch turned off then cmos battery will be used to provide power to mobo to keep rts clock, shortening the life of the cmos battery. if psu remain plugged in to electric socket on the wall then cmos battery life will be longer. source : 'The battery has an estimated life of three years when the Intel® NUC is not plugged into an AC power source. When the computer is plugged in, the standby current from the power supply extends the life of the battery' in from google (cmos battery power supply unplugged) page 2 result 3 1 feb 2017 12:17pm problem : download source code in github solution : git clone or git clone 16 feb 2017 11:58am problem : check current cpu speed in linux solution : lscpu lscpu | grep 'MHz' (17 march 2017 16:00 edt) cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'MHz' (17 march 2017 16:00 edt) source : from google (linux clock speed) result 1 13:04 problem : how to move cursor with keyboard arrow key, faster solution : hold 'ctrl' while holding arrow key hold 'ctrl' while pressing arrow key source : from google (move cursor faster with keyboard) result 1 22 feb 2017 15:47 problem : do smart error check on harddisk solution : smartctl -t short /dev/ smartctl -t long /dev/ smartctl -t conveyance /dev/ source : from google (linux check smart error) result 2 (28 feb 2017 14:30) see output with : 28 feb 2017 14:29 smartctl -a /dev/sdc 21:30 problem : find serial number of harddisk solution : smartctl -i /dev/sda source : from google (linux harddrive serial) result 1 24 feb 2017 10:56 problem : check linuxmint version solution : cat /etc/linuxmint/info source : from google (get linuxmint version) result 1 27 feb 2017 22:42 problem : remove software solution : >sudo apt-get remove appname 24 march 2017 18:04 edt problem : show which program listen to which port number solution : 1. sudo netstat -tulnp | grep source : from google (netstat list program with open port) result 1 2. sudo lsof -i :631 source : from google (lsof port number) result 1 18:27 edt problem : remove cups print server to close, to secure port 631 solution : apt-get remove cups apt-get remove cups-common apt-get remove cups-browsed 28 march 2017 18:26 edt problem : (asus motherboard user) how to enter bios solution : desktop : press and hold 'del' laptop : maybe press and hold f2 source : 1. 'del' in 2. 'Press and hold the F2 button , then click the power button. DO NOT RELEASE the F2 button until the BIOS screen display. You can refer to the video' in from google (asus enter bios) result 1 1 april 2017 20:58 edt problem : identify south bridge chipset version in linux, for intel south bridge chipset because of intel sandy bridge cougar point bug solution : enter bios, chipset revision should be written under 'south bridge stepping' alternatively : to find that info with linux : 1. lshw show output : *-isa description: ISA bridge product: H61 Express Chipset Family LPC Controller vendor: Intel Corporation physical id: 1f bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.0 version: 05 width: 32 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: isa bus_master cap_list configuration: driver=lpc_ich latency=0 resources: irq:0 2. lshw -businfo show output : pci@0000:00:1f.0 bridge H61 Express Chipset Family LPC Controller 3. from google (intel h61 revision 05) result 1 under 'pch device and revision identification' page 13 see that '05h' is located under 'b3 rev id' from google (memory offset h) result 1 says 'suffix "h" means hexadecimal)' so '05h' means 5 output in step 1 above shows 'version : 05' so 'b3 rev id' is mine. says 'Intel stopped production of flawed B2 stepping chipsets and began producing B3 stepping chipsets with the silicon fix' from google (intel h61 revision 05) result 1 says 'b2 rev id' available for h67 chipset, p67 chipset, hm67 chipset, hm65 chipset from google (sandy bridge chipset) result 3 says 'p67', ''h67' with label 'recalled' 'h61' does not have label 'recalled' so my h61 chipset is ok. from google (lpc controller) result 3 says 'soutbridge' so i know lpc controller control south bridge, that is what i seek because in bios 'revision b3' is the value for 'south bridge stepping' source : from google (linux check lpc controller) result 2 13 april 2017 14:47 edt problem : compile c++ code in linux, to be run in windows solution : 1. install mingw32 2. i586-mingw32msvc-g++ -o myApp.exe myApp.cpp 3. testrun in wine source : from google (linux compile for windows) result 1 15 april 2017 11:43 edt problem : download source code from svn repository solution : svn checkout http://svn... 20:51 edt, 31 may 2018 8:13 am edt problem : find files which contain certain text in current directory and its subdirectory solution : example : find files which contains word probspot in current directory and its subdirectory : 1. grep -nlr 'probspot' . source : 2. grep -nl 'probspot' . find files which contain word 'class Handler' in directory 'javax-6'. directory 'javax-6' is located in the same level as your current-working-directory. grep -nr 'class Handler' javax-6 find .txt files which contain certain text in current directory and its subdirectory : grep -r --include=*.txt 'searchterm' . -r means recursively --include=*.txt means include only *.txt files (text files) 'searchterm' contains search-keyword . means start at current directory source : from google (man grep file extension) result 1 31 may 2018 8:19 am edt problem : find a file with certain filename solution : finding a file with filename ending with word 'gy.txt' 1. find . -name '*gy.txt' *gy.txt is a regular expression 2. find . -print | grep -i gy.txt #what# ---> Wizard command line: httrack -O "/home/abc/" -%v use grep to find probspot blueberry find the song prior probspot blueberry 20:13 edt problem : geany, jump from character { to character } or vice versa solution : move cursor near { or } so that { or } receive a highlight then ctrl + b source : from google (geany seek matching parentheses) result 2 19 april 2017 13:35 edt problem : install .deb file solution : dpkg -i file.deb if that gives error about needing dependencies then apt-get install dependencies then dpkg -i file.deb [addition 25 oct 2021 7:40 pm edt] if entering-linux-command 'dpkg -i file.deb' produce error-output like : (1)Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80] (2)Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80] then (1)enter-linux-command 'apt-get update' (2)enter-linux-command 'dpkg -i file.deb' [source : forgotten-person in or ; irc-network or , channel/chat-room #debian#] [/addition 25 oct 2021 7:40 pm edt] source : from google (linux install deb file) result 1 problem : change the content of taskbar in linuxmint-xfce solution : right click on menu then click 'edit applications' source : from google (linuxmint edit taskbar shortcut) result 1 2 may 2017 12:08 edt problem : conky disappears when clicking desktop wallpaper solution : Set "own_window_type" in the config to "override" source : from 'See here. Worked for me' in from google (conky disappears when clicking desktop) result 1 23:18 edt problem : show git remote server solution : 1. git remote show origin 2. git remote -v source : from google (git show remote info) result 1 problem : show files tracked by git solution : git ls-files --full-name source : from 'possible duplicate of List files in local git repo? – Kristján Sep 28 '15 at 15:54' in from google (git show tracked files) result 1 problem : make git stop tracking a folder solution : git rm --cached -r foldername source : 1. from google (git stop tracking file) result 2 2. from google (git rm cached) result 5 problem : tell git to track a folder solution : git add foldername source : from google (git track file) result 4 3 may 2017 14:32 edt problem : a pop up window size is too large to fit on monitor screen. the 'submit' , 'cancel' button is located out of monitor screen solution : press and hold 'alt', click anywhere inside that window, hold that mouse click, then drag the mouse to drag that oversized pop up window upward so that 'submit', 'cancel' buttons on the bottom part can show up. 5 may 2017 13:02 edt problem : what is physical id 0, core0, core1 in conky output ? solution : Physical id 0 is the CPU Core0 is your 1st cpu core Core1 is your 2nd cpu core source : from google (physical id 0 vs core 0) result 2 6 may 2017 13:06 edt problem : show software version available to get from debian repository solution : apt-cache show lm-sensors source : from google (apt info) result 2 problem : show software version already installed in local computer with debian linux operating system solution : dpkg -s lm-sensors source : from google (apt show version of installed package) result 1 problem : read long output in small console terminal solution : 1. make long output show little by little add '| more' to the command example : show list of software already installed dpkg -l | more 2. write output to txt file then use text editor to read the txt file example : write list of software already installed to list.txt dpkg -l > list.txt problem : finding what software own this file solution : $ dpkg -S postmaster postgresql-9.3: /usr/share/postgresql/9.3/man/man1/postmaster.1.gz postgresql-9.3: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postmaster we see postgresql-9.3 software own those 2 files $ dpkg -S '/etc/systemd' $ dpkg -S /etc/systemd systemd-services, acpid: /etc/systemd we see systemd-services software, acpid software own /etc/systemd 13:47 edt problem : find cpu temperature without lm-sensors software solution : example : cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp2_input cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp3_input source : 1. from google (linux cpu temperature) result 1 2. 'hwmon' in linux-3.19.1 source code folder/ Documentation/thermal/sysfs-api.txt from linux-3.19.1 source code folder>grep -nr 'thermal_zone' . having lm-sensors installed, allow running command 'sensors' [added 28-oct-2018 9:46 am edt] problem : find kernel version solution : uname -r uname -r print kernel release uname -v print kernel version kernel release means kernel version, kernel version does not mean kernel version. source : 1. from google (kernel version) result 1 2. from google (kernel release vs kernel version) result 1 3. 'To find out the version of your kernel, run uname -r:' in 14 may 2017 12:28 edt problem : use dosbox to run game solution : assume game-folder is inside game-folder-parent (step-1)game-folder-parent$./dosbox (step-2)dosbox>mount c game-folder (step-3)doxbox>c: (step-4)c:>game.exe source : ((1)) from google (linux run dos game) result 1 ((2)) from google(dosbox run retro game)result 2 problem : make dosbox full screen solution : press alt + enter source : 15 may 2017 21:27 edt problem : check memory type in linux solution : sudo dmidecode --type 17 source : from google (linux check memory type) result 1 19 may 2017 19:43 edt problem : firefox vertical scrollbar behaviour is left click makes firefox page jump to that page. how to make firefox scrollbar jump 1 page down or 1 page up with mouse click ? solution : right click advance firefox scrollbar 1 page. left click advance firefox to that point. 22 may 2017 15:04 problem : router FiOS-G1100 sometimes start quickly sometimes takes forever to start. router FiOS-G1100 turn on red light for long time during starting sometimes. other times red light turn on only for short time then white light turns on. solution : red light stays on till router FiOS-G1100 has obtained an IP address from internet service provider server. Depending on the traffic that day, router could take 1 minute or 2 minute to obtain the IP. router should remain turned on at night, router doesn't require much electricity when on 13 july 2017 3:21pm edt problem : Find 10 largest file in linux with sort-order according to file-size in descending order solution : find /path/to/dir/ -printf '%s %p\n'| sort -nr | head -10 find . -printf '%s %p\n'| sort -nr | head -10 Sample outputs: 5700875 ./images/faq/2013/11/iftop-outputs.gif 5459671 ./videos/faq/2013/12/glances/glances.webm 5091119 ./videos/faq/2013/12/glances/glances.ogv source : from google (linux get biggest files) result 1 problem : delete a directory solution : rm -r dirname problem : edit a file in local computer, from linuxmint livecd solution : sudo xed filename source : from yahoo (change file ownership from livecd) result 6 problem : find the size of a directory solution : du -sh dirname problem : backup 1 file, only happen if the file in computer is more up to date than the file in backup server. aka rsync 1 file solution : sudo rsync -avz /dir/file.txt remoteuser@remotehost:/remote/dir/ 14 july 2017 13:57 edt problem : 8 gigabytes usb contains linuxmint live cd, after formatting that usb flash drive the capacity/size of that usb shrinks to 1.5 gigabytes solution : linux live cd create 2 partitions in a usb drive, 1 small partition for swap and 1 partition for linux live operating system. more info about how to format a usb flash drive : - find 'sudo mke2fs /dev/sdb' in this text delete partition : 1. find the device name for that usb flash drive a@a ~ $ sudo fdisk -l Disk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x2405ea3f Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/sda1 * 2048 39062594 39060547 18.6G 83 Linux /dev/sda2 39065598 976771071 937705474 447.1G 5 Extended /dev/sda5 39065600 976771071 937705472 447.1G 83 Linux Disk /dev/sdc: 7.5 GiB, 8017412096 bytes, 15659008 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x5bf1c51e Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/sdc1 * 0 3793663 3793664 1.8G 0 Empty /dev/sdc2 2136 2967 832 416K ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32) 2. a@a ~ $ sudo fdisk /dev/sdb Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.27.1). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. Be careful before using the write command. Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/sdb: 7.5 GiB, 8017412096 bytes, 15659008 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x5bf1c51e Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/sdb1 * 0 3793663 3793664 1.8G 0 Empty /dev/sdb2 2136 2967 832 416K ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32) Command (m for help): d Partition number (1,2, default 2): 1 Partition 1 has been deleted. Command (m for help): d Selected partition 2 Partition 2 has been deleted. Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/sdb: 7.5 GiB, 8017412096 bytes, 15659008 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x5bf1c51e Command (m for help): q a@a ~ $ source : 1. 'Do you mean the you installed linux on the USB drive? if so the installation will have created some linux paritions (usually ext2,3 or 4) and maybe a swap parition. You will need to repartition the drive if this is what happened' in from google (8 gb usb show as 1.5 gb after format) result 1 2. 'fdisk' in from google (linux delete partition in usb) result 1 problem : find date time of linux install date solution : sudo ls -alct /root source : 'ls -alct /root' in from google (find linux installation date) result 1 16:28 edt problem : linuxmint 18.2 sonya xfce live usb can not resume monitor display after unplug then plugging vga cable. solution : use linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon live usb, yes cinnamon version is vga cable hot pluggable , xfce version is not vga cable hot pluggable problem : debian 19.1 stretch stable live usb can not install debian 19.1 to local computer solution : reboot live usb, then choose 'install', do not choose 'live cd'. linuxmint allows trying live cd then do install without reboot. so if linuxmint installation produce error then firefox web browser can be run to connect to internet to find solution to the error. 16:43 edt problem : which linux distro is good ? solution : tried : 1. debian 9.0.1 xfce live usb, 2. linuxmint rosa xfce, 3. linuxmint 18.2 sonya xfce, 4. linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon, 5. centos 6.2 live cd opinion : linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon is good because : 1. linuxmint rosa xfce suffer problem with zsnes freeze mid game source : from google (zsnes freeze midgame) result 2 2. linuxmint 18.2 sonya xfce can not resume monitor display after vga cable is unplugged then plug back in. so backup mirroring files from 2 desktop computer with 1 keyboard, mouse, monitor, becomes very difficult. plugging vga cable to desktop computer 1 then plugging vga cable to desktop computer 2 then plugging vga cable to desktop computer 1 then plugging vga cable to desktop computer 2 then will cause monitor can not display desktop computer 1 or 2 debian 9.0.1 xfce live usb can resume monitor display after vga cable is unplugged then plug back in. but can not browse internet during debian 9.0.1 xfce installation, while linuxmint live usb allows user to browse internet during installation so user can do google search for tips if seeing linuxmint error. centos 6.2 live cd can resume monitor display after vga cable is unplugged then plug back in. but unsure whether centos 6.2 live cd allows browsing internet during installing centos 6.2 3. debian 9 stretch xfce, lxde do not have bash-autocomplete feature turned on. can not browse the internet while trying debian live cd. to turn on bash-autocomplete after installing debian : find 'problem : turn on auto complete, bash completion feature in debian' in this text (31 may 2018 7:30 am edt) 4. centos live cd comes with vi text editor which is difficult. linuxmint live cd has nano text editor, easier 5. maybe devuan, other linux distro in if wanting traditional 'init/sysvinit' rather than the new systemd. source : 'Sándor Alex C Fodor' in (31 may 2018 7:30 am edt) 18.46 edt problem : linuxmint rosa xfce during boot, produce error '/usr/bin/X' is missing solution : sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg maybe works sudo apt-get install xorg maybe works source : 1. from google (linuxmint /usr/bin/X is missing) result 1 2. from google (linuxmint /usr/bin/X is missing) result 2 22:26 edt problem : cinnamon just crashed, running in fallback mode solution : installing too many cinnamon applets can cause the crash source : from google (cinnamon just crashed fallback mode) result 7 13 july 2017 17:45 edt problem : install linuxmint->18.2 in a partition separate from /home partition. /home partition where user document exists, should be located in separate partition, or separate harddrive from these linux operating system files : / /var /etc /usr /lib /bin /boot ... and so on but a separate harddrive is will draw extra electricity, a separate partition in the same harddisk is good enough. all those linux operating system files : / /var /etc /usr /lib /bin /boot ... and so on not including /home need minimum 20 gigabytes space because linuxmint sonya cinnamon recommends 20 gigabytes minimum space source : '15GB of disk space (20GB recommended)' in from google (linuxmint sonya cinnamon system requirement) result 2 solution : when asked whether to : 1. install linuxmint alongside linuxmint 18.2 2. erase disk and install linuxmint ... ... 5. something else <--- pick this option [addition 12 dec 2024 1:22 am est] for normal-linux-install / non-dual-boot-install : boot-loader-location : /dev/sda . not /dev/sda1 , not /dev/sda2 , not /dev/sda3 . if boot-loader-location is : /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 or /dev/sda3 then after installation finish reboot will fail with error-message 'grub_disk_get_size not found' . [/addition 12 dec 2024 1:22 am est] create 2 partitions : 1 partition for linux operating system 1 partition for /home bottom status tell which device point to which harddrive example : '/dev/sda ata wdc w05000aads....' which means /dev/sda is the wdc w05000aads.... after creating 2 partitions, i got /dev/sda1 20 gigabytes intended for linux operating system and /dev/sda5 480 gigabytes intended for /home click /dev/sda1 click 'change' use as -> pick a filesystem, ext2, ext3, and so on mount point -> pick / --> '/' means linux operating system check 'format the partition' click /dev/sda5 click 'change' mount point -> pick /home uncheck 'format the partition' source : from google (reinstall linux in the same partition) result 1 [addition 15 jun 2020 8:42 pm edt] directory /, /bin, /sbin, /proc, /dev must stay in same-partition [source:find ''] [/addition 15 jun 2020 8:42 pm edt] problem : during linuxmint 18.2 installation , partitioning harddisk create new partition produce error 'in use by lvm volume group' solution : 1. find the lvm volume group name sudo lvs source : from google (in use by lvm volume group) result 4 2. delete all lvm volume group name sudo vgremove source : from google (in use by lvm volume group) result 1 problem : during>18.2 installation 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/, without grub boot loader, installed system will not boot solution : if the linuxmint->18.2 live usb were booted from usb drive in uefi mode by selecting uefi usb drive name in boot menu in bios then reboot linuxmint->18.2 live usb in non-uefi mode, select usb drive name in boot menu in bios without 'uefi' word 15:52 edt problem : e2fsck, filesystem check is being done during boot always, delaying boot time. solution : change 1 to 0 in the last line in /ets/fstab source : from google (linuxmint check filesystem during boot) result 1 15 july 2017 2:44pm problem : find files being transferred by rsycn in the receiver computer solution : a@a ~ $ pgrep rsync 30647 30648 a@a ~ $ ps aux | grep rsync root 30647 0.0 0.1 42116 5312 ? Ss 12:45 0:00 rsync --server -vlogDtpre.iLs --log-format=%i --remove-source-files . /home/a/myfiles root 30648 0.5 0.2 116024 9080 ? S 12:45 0:35 rsync --server -vlogDtpre.iLs --log-format=%i --remove-source-files . /home/a/myfiles a 31022 0.0 0.0 14224 880 pts/3 S+ 14:40 0:00 grep --color=auto rsync a@a ~ $ watch ls -l /proc/30647/fd/1 a@a ~ $ sudo watch ls -l /proc/30647/fd/1 [sudo] password for a: a@a ~ $ sudo watch ls -l /proc/30648/fd/1 a@a ~ $ source : 'watch' in from google (find current files being rsync) result 2 problem : rsync produce 'mkstemp failed: permission denied(13)' errors happen if rsync push, send files to destination computer. not happen if rsync pull, download files from source computer. solution : use root login for remote computer sudo rsync -avz /dir/file.txt root@remotehost:/remote/dir/ if that fails then maybe sshd server in remote computer does not allow root login then set PermitRootLogin to yes from prohibit-password : $> sudo nano /etc/sshd_config : #PermitRootLogin prohibit-password PermitRootLogin yes source : 'PermitRootLogin' in from google (login to ssh as root) result 1 problem : set root password in linuxmint solution : $> sudo passwd root problem : linuxmint live usb screen becomes blank, asked for #username# and #password# when a user moves the mouse, press a key on keyboard. solution : enter 'mint' for username. leave the password blank. source : 'mint' in from google (linuxmint live cd password) result 1 4:33pm problem : is swap space needed in linux ? solution : swap is needed if : - memory is small - plan to use hibernate, suspend to disk feature in linux but hibernate is slower than boot, so hibernate feature most likely will not be used source : 1. 'Swap space in Linux is used when the amount of physical memory (RAM) is full' in from google (what use swap) result 2 2. 'hibernating' in from google (what use swap) result 4 3. 'hibernation' in from 'Ubuntu Swap F.A.Q' in from google (what use swap) result 4 4. hibernate is slower than boot (22 august 19:55 edt) source : 'Considering shutdown takes less then 10 seconds and the boot-up takes approx. 10 seconds, this would take a total of 20 seconds and no energy use while off. Whereas hibernate alone takes 23 seconds and the wake-up takes 10 seconds' in from google (linux hibernate vs startup) result 2 4:46pm problem : how to check memory usage in linux solution : %> free -h a@a ~ $ free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 3.8G 830M 890M 206M 2.1G 2.5G Swap: 0B 0B 0B signs that linux runs out of memory : 1. available memory (or "free + buffers/cache") is close to zero 2. swap used increases or fluctuates 3. dmesg | grep oom-killer shows the OutOfMemory-killer at work this signs mean memory is enough : 1. free memory is close to 0 2. used memory is close to total 3. available memory (or "free + buffers/cache") has enough room (let's say, 20%+ of total) 4. swap used does not change Memory that is You'd call it Linux calls it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ used by applications Used Used used, but can be made available Free (or Available) Used (and Available) not used for anything Free Free 'available' means : how much ram your applications could use without swapping source : from '' in from google (linux memory free available vs free) result 2 22:30 (updated 24 july 2017 12:14 pm) problem : linux : set date, time using internet time server because the computer does not use crc battery/cmos battery on motherboard therefore can not remember current time when the computer is shutdown and the power sentry which provide power to computer, speaker, monitor, is turned off. benefit of not using crc battery/cmos battery : saving energy for recycling battery. solution : #current-time# /usr/sbin/ntpdate if that produce error : 24 Jul 11:55:12 ntpdate[14280]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting then try sudo service ntp stop sudo /etc/init.d/ntp stop if /usr/sbin/ntpdate still produce the error above then /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u to check system date, run : $>date date time shown in the desktop clock maybe still out of date, because the desktop clock gui has not updated itself source : 1. '/usr/sbin/ntpdate -s' in from google (how linuxmint time server) result 1 2. from google (set clock ntpdate) result 1 3. from google (ntp service stop ntp socket is in use exiting) result 1 17 july 2017 20:08 edt problem : install adobe flash in firefox in linux solution : avoid testing adobe flash player in (Test Adobe Shockwave Player webpage) adobe flash player test page : 1. (5 january 2018 11:17 pm est) click 'check now' see animation under 'Verify whether Flash Player is installed' from google (check adobe flash) result 1 2. from google (adobe flash player test) result 5 3. from google (adobe flash player test) page 2 result 7 install adobe flash in firefox in linux : 1. download .tar.gz for npapi version, not ppapi version 2. extract the downloaded file then should be created in the extracted folder. example extracted folder, file name : /install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64/ 3. copy to ~/.mozilla/plugins if ~/.mozilla/plugins folder is not available then create ~/.mozilla/plugins source : from google (linux firefox install adobe flash) result 3 or if /home/abc/.mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ are symbolic link then make sure those symbolic link points to /home /abc /mozilla-firefox /adobe-flash/install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64 / 4. open firefox menu, click 'add-ons' -> 'plugins' set 'always activate' for shockwave flash (25 december 2017 7:33 pm est) 5. restart firefox problem : install adobe flash in google-chrome in linux (17 dec 2017 10:50 am est) solution : avoid testing adobe flash player in (Test Adobe Shockwave Player webpage) adobe flash player test page : 1. from google (adobe flash player test) result 5 2. from google (adobe flash player test) page 2 result 7 flash is already installed in google-chrome. but maybe adobe flash setting is 'use global default (ask)' and flash setting must be set to 'allow' : 1. visit a webpage which has flash content 2. click an icon on the left side of the url 3. change 'flash' setting from 'use global default (ask) to 'allow' 4. refresh that webpage. but maybe flash in google-chrome, needs to be updated : 1. type in address bar : chrome://components 2. find 'adobe flash' ctrl 'f' for shortcut for finding 'adobe flash' 3. click 'check for update' problem : operating system can not boot solution : prepare 2 usb flash drives. usb flash drive 1 should contain linuxmint cinnamon live cd. usb flash drive 2 is to be used to move important files from failing computer to other computer, repeatedly until all important files have been moved. why linuxmint cinnamon live cd is chosen ? find 'problem : which linux distro is good ?' in this text problem : can not cut then paste file in cinnamon file manager (nemo) solution : make sure permission to paste file, create new file exists 20 july 2017 17:28 problem : linux : get memory type solution : sudo dmidecode --type 17 source : from google (linux get memory type) result 1 21 july 2017 13:13 problem : linuxmint cinnamon : change font size for file explorer/manager (nemo) solution : 1. click linuxmint logo on bottom left of the screen 2. 'preferences' -> 'font' -> click 'default font' to resize default font size default font size affect file explorer/manager (nemo) problem : make normal file becomes executable file solution : chmod u+x filename 28 july 2017 11:27 edt problem : which firefox website tab slows down cpu the most solution : type about:performance in address bar. source : google (firefox check which tab consume cpu usage) result 1 5 august 2017 19:10 edt problem : make firefox get websites from cache, not from internet solution : menu -> developer -> work offline 8 august 2017 11:01 edt problem : from linux gui, switch to console solution : ctrl + alt + f1 to f6 ctrl + alt + f7 to return to linux gui source : 1. from google (linuxmint start in console mode) result 4 2. from google (linux multi console) result 1 11 august 2017 16:14 edt problem : c/c++ gdb can not print global variable solution : p 'varname[abi:cxx11]' source : 'q[abi:cxx11]' in from google (gdb can not print global variable) result 2 16:29 edt problem : java jdb can not print static global variable solution : print packagename.classname.staticVariableName source : (gdb) p 'f2.c'::x in from google (gdb print global variable) result 2 18:33 edt problem : c++ compile with debug info solution : g++ -ggdb -o executablefile file.c source : '-ggdb' in from google (g++ with debugging info) result 1 12 august 2017 19:02 edt problem : geany comment style is /* * comment */ change that to /* comment */ solution : edit -> preferences -> editor -> completion tab uncheck 'automatic continuation of multi-line comments' source : 'Editor Indentation preferences' in from google (geany comment style) result 4 16 august 2017 17:37 edt problem : block facebook website from web browser so the user can concentrate doing work without temptation from visiting facebook website solution : sudo nano /etc/hosts put 18:10 edt problem : debug java program which accept console input solution : steps : 1. in linux terminal 1 : java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address= 2. in linux terminal 2 : jdb -attach example = 8000 stop at packagename.classname:linenumber run 3. in linux terminal 1 : enter the input source : 1. from google (jdb put input) result 1 2. from google (jdb port) result 3 24 august 2017 19:38 edt problem : how much time does each process take during boot ? solution : systemd-analyze blame source : from google (systemd startup times) result 1 26 august 2017 9:52 edt problem:1)linux-gnome terminal : scroll up 1 page,scroll down 1 page 2)linux-gnome terminal : scroll up 1 line,scroll down 1 line[added 27 nov 2018 6:12 pm est] solution:1)linux-gnome terminal : scroll up 1 page,scroll down 1 page: hold shift then press page-up hold shift then press page-down source: from google (scroll up gnome terminal) result 5 2)linux-gnome terminal : scroll up 1 line,scroll down 1 line hold ctrl and shift then press up-arrow hold ctrl and shift then press down-arrow 30 august 2017 11:12 am edt problem : change gnome terminal color solution : edit -> profile perference click 'colors' tab change 'built-in schemes' to 'custom' click each color palette to change color palette which looks bad on gnome terminal 5 september 2017 15:46 edt problem : skip harddisk check during boot solution : sudo nano /ets/fstab write 0 for column (last column) source : from google (linux avoid check disk during boot) result 2 14 september 2017 20:04 edt problem : compile curses.c which uses ncurses library produce error : gcc -o curses -lcurses curses.c /tmp/ccf4ULfk.o: In function `main': curses.c:(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `initscr' curses.c:(.text+0x1d): undefined reference to `echo' curses.c:(.text+0x24): undefined reference to `stdscr' solution : gcc -o curses curses.c -lncurses source : from google (ncurses undefined reference to `initscr') result 2 18 september 2017 13:20 edt problem : editor command cheat sheet cheat sheet solution : File Control in nano Open or create the file “index.php” with nano on command line. : nano index.php save changes and stay inside nano : ctrl-o then press 'enter' open a new file with a new buffer within nano : ctrl-r alt-f switch to the next file buffer in nano : alt-> switch to the previous file buffer in nano : alt-< quit nano : ctrl-x save changes and quit nano : ctrl-x navigating file-content in nano : move to beginning of current-line. : ctrl-a move to end of current-line : ctrl-e move down 1 page : ctrl-v move up 1 page : ctrl-y go to beginning-of-file : alt-\ go to end-of-file : alt-/ go to a line number : alt-g find matching open-bracket/close-bracket '{' , '[' , '}' , ']' : alt-] select a block and indent the block : alt-a alt-} select a block and outden the block : alt-a alt-{ copy and paste in nano : select a block for copy-operation or cut-operation , do alt-a again to unselect : alt-a copy a highlighted block to clipboard : alt-a alt-^ cut a highlighted block to clipboard : alt-a ctrl-k cut from current-cursor-position to end-of-current-line : ctrl-k paste content from clipboard at current-cursor-position : ctrl-u [addition 8 jul 2021 12:37 pm edt] weakness : ctrl-u for paste , can not paste to input-for-text-search. ctrl-w show input-for-text-search. but mouse-click copy-paste can paste text to input-for-text-search. [/addition 8 jul 2021 12:37 pm edt] Search and Replace in nano search a word : ctrl-w repeat the last search : alt-w search and replace : alt-r [ source : from google (nano cheat sheet) result 1 ] [addition 21 apr 2020 12:3 pm edt] search-backward in nano: ctrl-w then alt-b [source:'To toggle backwards searching, you need to press Alt + B in the search dialog.' in from google (nano search backward) result 1] [/addition 21 apr 2020 12:3 pm edt] [addition 7 jul 2021 3:17 pm edt] get current line-number-info for current-text : ctrl-c [/addition 7 jul 2021 3:17 pm edt] [addition 8 jul 2021 12:31 pm edt] undo : alt-u , redo : alt-e [/addition 8 jul 2021 12:31 pm edt] [addition 22 sep 2021 6:29 pm edt] Whitespace display enable/disable : alt-p Color syntax highlighting enable/disable : alt-y [/addition 22 sep 2021 6:29 pm edt] 29 september 2017 14:30 edt problem : change user agent (useragent) string in chromium, firefox,midori [add midori 18 jan 2019 8:19 am est] solution : (1)chromium:(1st procedure maybe does not work because chromium setting does not save the new useragent string,2nd procedure seems working) procedure 1 : click 'menu' in top right corner click 'more tools' click 'developer tools' click 3 colon like ':' but 3 dots located on left side of 'x' on top right corner click 'more tools' click 'network conditions' on bottom right screen : under user agent : uncheck 'select automatically' type new user agent string in 'enter a custom user agent' procedure 2 : (1 dec 2017 5:49 pm est) run chromium with command line with option --user-agent="[string]" so google-chrome --password-store=basic --user-agent="someuseragent" chromium-browser --password-store=basic --user-agent="someuseragent" (2)firefox : (5 january 2018 11:15 pm est) (1)enter in url address bar: about:config (2)enter search keyword: useragent (3)if 'general.useragent.override' does not exist then make string-variable 'general.useragent.override' then put value for 'general.useragent.override' variable if 'general.useragent.override' exists then double click 'general.useragent.override' then change that value if general.useragent.override does not exist then right click to show pop up menu, click 'new', click 'string' enter the preference name : general.useragent.override then put a value for that preference name [addition 23 jul 2020 6:38 pm edt] if 'general.useragent.override' exists and has boolean-data-type then change boolean-data-type to string-data-type then write text-value for that general.useragent.override. (firefox-71) [source: from google (firefox 71 user agent string) result 4] [/addition 23 jul 2020 6:38 pm edt] source:(1) from google (chromium change user agent string) result 1 (2) from google (firefox change user agent) result 5 [addition 29 oct 2020 11:59 am edt] some web-site like refuse to show-up if user-agent-string is not original-setting/original-value. original-setting/original-value is : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0 [source: from google ( firefox 67 change user agent )] [addition 10 nov 2020 7:38 am est] but still willing to show-up if user-agent-string is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0. wget -U '|operating system=linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon|wget' --spider some-url [/addition 10 nov 2020 7:38 am est] [addition 10 nov 2020 11:52 am est] -> click 'real estate' or click 'personal property' or etc... still willing to show-up if user-agent-string ( about:config -> variable-name 'general.useragent.override' ) is/contain-value Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0. wget -U '|operating system=linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon|wget' --spider some-url [/addition 10 nov 2020 11:52 am est] [addition 30 apr 2021 6:4 am edt] end 7:52 am edt after changing value for 'general.useragent.override' , directly-using to login will produce login-failure. use front-page to successully-login for initial-time then next-time can use to login. [/addition 30 apr 2021 6:4 am edt] [/addition 29 oct 2020 11:59 am edt] [addition 7 mar 2021 2:5 pm est] web-site for knowing current useragent : [source:'' in] to reset useragent / change useragent to factory-setting / original-value : delete general.useragent.override ( click trash-container-icon located on right-side-adjacent-to variable 'general.useragent.override' ) [/addition 7 mar 2021 2:5 pm est] (3)midori:[18 jan 2019 8:21 am est] 'Open the Preferences window, then Network->Identify as' in from google(midori user agent string)result 5 my|operating system=linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon|Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux) AppleWebKit/538.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/538.15 Midori/0.5 17:12 edt problem : chromium web browser asks for password to unlock login key ring solution : run chromium-browser --password-store=basic to launch chromium browser without asking for password to unlock login key ring. password for login form in websites will be stored in plain text (basic mode) without encryption. source : from google (make chromium stop asking keyring) result 1 1 october 2017 14:57 edt problem : add more memory to igpu (integrated gpu/integrated video card) in a cpu with integrated gpu inside a cpu chip. solution : bios -> 'advanced' -> select memory amount for 'igpu memory' 2 october 2017 11:44 am edt problem : in linuxmint cinnamon, all windows becomes transparent and maximised solution : 1. right click 'show desktop' icon on bottom left screen, 2nd icon from the left. 2. click 'configure' 3. turn off 'peek at the desktop on hover' if all windows still transparent then reboot source : from google (linuxmint cinnamon windows maximised but transparent) result 1 22 october 2017 19:33 edt problem : make firefox shows javascript error solution : click options -> developer -> browser console source : 'Browser Console. The Browser Console lets you see all JavaScript errors and logging in the browser, including from Firefox code. To enable it, go to about:config in the url bar and set to true , or set the "Enable chrome and add-on debugging" option in the developer tool settings.' in from google (firefox javascript error) result 2 11 november 2017 17:29 est problem : start firefox with a certain profile solution : firefox -P profile-name source : from google (start firefox profile) result 3 problem : firefox, create a new profile solution : use firefox to go to web address : about:profiles 19 december 2017 10:21 pm est, 6 january 2018 6:58 pm est problem : linux boot to 'emergency mode', can not show linux desktop. solution : option 1. 1. type 'journalctl -xb' to go to bash prompt 2. then 'root' bash prompt appear. 3. cat /var/log/boot.log 4. check which /dev/sda fails to mount if 'e2fsck -Cy /dev/sda1' fails then do e2fsck -Cy /dev/sda1 5. reboot show all partition names : sudo fdisk -l source : 1. 'Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to try again to boot into default mode.' in from google (linux emergency mode log) result 6 2. from google (linuxmint emergency mode log) result 1 19 december 2017 10:42 pm est problem : linux : identify filesystem type solution : file -sL /dev/sda1 source : from google (linux check partition type) result 4 22 december 2017 3:51 pm est problem : does whatsapp record missing call during internet is offline ? solution : yes source : 1. from google (whatsapp record call when offline) result 1 2. from google (whatsap record missing call) result 1 28 december 2017 10:19 pm est, 4 january 2018 7:23 pm est problem : linux change computer name solution : example : change computer name to 'b' 1. %>sudo nano /etc/hosts localhost b 2. %>sudo nano /etc/hostname b 3. %>sudo hostname to display current hostname 4. close linux terminal, open linux terminal, new hostname should show in bash prompt source : 'How to change the Ubuntu server hostname without a system restart?' in in from google (linux change hostname) result 1 29 december 2017 11:34 am est, 4 january 2018 7:23 pm est problem : linuxmint can not have 1280 x 1024 only has 1024 x 768 maximum possible solution : vga cable connection to pc is loose, push vga cable to pc. 5 january 2018 5:18 pm est problem : creating new firefox tab with ctrl 't', creates a new firefox tab which contains websites icons recommendations. how to clear that new firefox tab ? solution : 1. click an icon 'customize your new tab page' on the top right of the new firefox tab. 2. uncheck everything 3. click 'done' source : from google (clear firefox startup page in new tab) result 1 5 january 2018 9:54 pm est 1. problem : linuxmint installation does not have a swap partition. reinstall linuxmint with swap partition. keep old files in /home partition and that is possible if /home was installed in separate partition as written in find 'install linuxmint->18.2 in a partition separate' in this text solution : when asked whether to : 1. install linuxmint alongside linuxmint->18.2 2. erase disk and install linuxmint ... ... 5. something else <--- pick this option [addition 12 dec 2024 1:22 am est] for normal-linux-install / non-dual-boot-install : boot-loader-location : /dev/sda . not /dev/sda1 , not /dev/sda2 , not /dev/sda3 . if boot-loader-location is : /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 or /dev/sda3 then after installation finish reboot will fail with error-message 'grub_disk_get_size not found' . [/addition 12 dec 2024 1:22 am est] find partition for / delete / partition using '-' button / partition will be shown as 'free space' click the 'free space' then click '+' button create / partition with smaller size. then create swap partition with size the rest of the free space. find partition for /home, the size of /home should be a clue for finding which partition /home is. edit that partition, set /home as mount point for that partition. ensure 'format partition' checkbox is checked for / partition. ensure 'format partition' checkbox is unchecked for /home partition so files in /home partition is being kept. 6 january 2018 6:44 pm est problem : linuxmint->18.2 set autologin, auto login solution : a@b ~ $ sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/70-linuxmint.conf [SeatDefaults] user-session=cinnamon autologin-user=a source : 1. 'lightdm' in from google (linuxmint sonya set autologin) result 1 2. 'autologin-user=username', 'System provided configuration is stored in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/*.conf and is not user editable. System administrators can override this configuration in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/*.conf and /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. Files are read in the above order and combined together to make the LightDM configuration' in from google (linuxmint /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf not available) result 2 7:21 pm est problem : linuxmint check disk during boot, turn off that solution : sudo nano /etc/fstab replace non-zero value with 0 in the end of each line. set value for to 0 source : google 11 january 2018 8:43 pm est, 13 january 2018 7:28 pm est problem : headphones not emitting sounds in linux solution : maybe try reboot that linux 19 january 2018 11:12 am est problem : how to format answer text in , solution : from google (stackoverflow answer format) result 2 5:41 pm est problem : firefox, chromium memory usage during browsing facebook newsfeed is prodigal. solution reduce firefox, chromium screen size to slightly less than maximised size. that maybe make firefox, chromium more efficient in using memory. 3 february 2018 2:39 pm est problem : /var/log/syslog says Feb 3 09:38:19 a dbus-daemon[793]: Unknown username "whoopsie" in message bus configuration file solution : remove the policy for the user whoopsie in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.conf source : from google (messagebus whoosie) result 1 2:46 pm est problem : boot to recovery mode to do e2fsck solution : hold shift during boot, a linux boot menu will show up. source : maybe from google 20 february 2018 9:18 pm est problem : linux firefox font looks bad solution : run sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config source : from google (best linux firefox font) result 1 good font : raghumalayalam, dejavu problem : linux : print list of font names solution : fc-list source : from google (linux font list) result 1 24 february 2018 7:56 pm est problem : find files which are different in 2 folders solution : sudo diff -qr folder1 folder2 3 march 2018 12:45 pm est problem : linux : set date, time manually, without internet time server because the computer does not use crc battery/cmos battery on motherboard therefore can not remember current time when the computer is shutdown and the power sentry which provide power to computer, speaker, monitor, is turned off. benefit of not using crc battery/cmos battery : saving energy for recycling battery. solution : sudo date +%d_%B_%Y_%H:%M_%P_%Z -s "1 february 2018 12:46 pm est" or sudo date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z' -s "3 march 2018 1:2 pm est" source : 1. from google (linux set date) result 1 2. from google (linux display date) result 1 [addition 9 feb 2023 2:27 pm est] then make-sure file /etc/default/hwclock , contain : BADYEAR=no HWCLOCKACCESS=yes HWCLOCKPARS= HCTOSYS_DEVICE=rtc0 so that /etc/init.d/ automatically-start during start/boot and shut-down . /etc/init.d/ scribe linux-distro-current-date-time to rtc/real-time-clock/hardware-clock . then crc-battery/cmos-battery give electricity-ampere to motherboard to make rtc/real-time-clock/hardware-clock stay-on even-though computer is shut-down / mortem / off . [source : from google ( debian hwclock during shutdown ) result 1 ] [/addition 9 feb 2023 2:27 pm est] problem : linux : print date and time solution : 1. run date or 2. run date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %Z' date format : put '+' then any of these.. %% a literal % %a locale's abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Sun) %A locale's full weekday name (e.g., Sunday) %b locale's abbreviated month name (e.g., Jan) %B locale's full month name (e.g., January) %c locale's date and time (e.g., Thu Mar 3 23:05:25 2005) %C century; like %Y, except omit last two digits (e.g., 20) %d day of month (e.g., 01) %D date; same as %m/%d/%y %e day of month, space padded; same as %_d %F full date; same as %Y-%m-%d %g last two digits of year of ISO week number (see %G) %G year of ISO week number (see %V); normally useful only with %V %h same as %b %H hour (00..23) %I hour (01..12) %j day of year (001..366) %k hour, space padded ( 0..23); same as %_H %l hour, space padded ( 1..12); same as %_I %m month (01..12) %M minute (00..59) %n a newline %N nanoseconds (000000000..999999999) %p locale's equivalent of either AM or PM; blank if not known %P like %p, but lower case %r locale's 12-hour clock time (e.g., 11:11:04 PM) %R 24-hour hour and minute; same as %H:%M %s seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC %S second (00..60) %t a tab %T time; same as %H:%M:%S %u day of week (1..7); 1 is Monday %U week number of year, with Sunday as first day of week (00..53) %V ISO week number, with Monday as first day of week (01..53) %w day of week (0..6); 0 is Sunday %W week number of year, with Monday as first day of week (00..53) %x locale's date representation (e.g., 12/31/99) %X locale's time representation (e.g., 23:13:48) %y last two digits of year (00..99) %Y year %z +hhmm numeric time zone (e.g., -0400) %:z +hh:mm numeric time zone (e.g., -04:00) %::z +hh:mm:ss numeric time zone (e.g., -04:00:00) %:::z numeric time zone with : to necessary precision (e.g., -04, +05:30) %Z alphabetic time zone abbreviation (e.g., EDT) By default, date pads numeric fields with zeroes. The following optional flags may follow '%': - (hyphen) do not pad the field _ (underscore) pad with spaces 0 (zero) pad with zeros ^ use upper case if possible # use opposite case if possible source : man date > man_date_output.txt then copy paste some part of that output.txt 3:09 pm est|4 nov 2018 7:52 am est add ',version 2/3.' |7:53 am est add 'succeed 4 nov 2018 morning edt timezone change to est timezone' a code to set time, date manually, an easier solution,version 2/3. for problem 'linux : set date, time manually, without internet time server' : 1. put this code in a file #!/bin/sh if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo 'argument not available, exiting' exit 0 else echo 'arg:' $1 fi #sudo date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z' -s "3 march 2018 1:48 pm est" #echo "sudo date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z' -s "\"$1\" #echo 'arg :'\"$1\" #eval 'sudo date \'+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z\' -s \'$1\'' #echo $'sudo date \'+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z\' -s \'$1\' #echo 'sudo date \'+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z\' -s \'$1\''' eval "sudo date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z' -s "\'$1\' 2. save that code 3. run chmod u+x 4. run that code, for example : ./ "3 march 2018 3:7 pm est" ./ "4 november 2018 7:00 am edt" --> error ./ "4 november 2018 7:00 am est" --> succeed 4 nov 2018 morning edt timezone change to est timezone source : 1. 2. from google (linux shell if) result 1 3. from google (linux shell execute command) result 1 4. from google (linux shell script argument) result 1 5. from google (shell script exit command) result 1 (9:2 pm est) 9:13 pm est internet router does not have a button to turn itself off. use power sentry to provide power to that internet router. turn off that power sentry to turn off that internet router. 4 march 2018 3:21 pm est|4 nov 2018 7:47 am est add 'version 2'|7:49 am est reword 'quotes "' to 'quotes.'|7:51 am est add 'succeed 4 nov 2018 morning edt timezone change to est timezone'|7:55 am est add #echo "sudo date '+%-d %B %Y %-H:%-M %P %Z' -s "\'$str\'# solution version 3 for problem 'linux : set date, time manually, without internet time server' it is not necessary to put the time between 2 double quotes. ./ 3 march 2018 3:7 pm est or ./ '3 march 2018 3:7 pm est' are possible now. 1. save this code as 2. run chmod u+x 3. run that code, for example : ./ 3 march 2018 3:7 pm est ./ 3 mar 2018 3:7 pm est ./ 4 nov 2018 7:00 am edt --> error ./ 4 nov 2018 7:00 am est --> succeed 4 nov 2018 morning edt timezone change to est timezone begin code : #!/bin/sh if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo 'argument not available, exiting' exit 0 fi str="" for arg do str=$( echo $str $arg ) done echo 'setting to time:' $str echo "sudo date '+%-d %B %Y %-H:%-M %P %Z' -s "\'$str\' -->[added 4 nov 2018 7:42 am est] #sudo date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z' -s "3 march 2018 1:48 pm est" #echo "sudo date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z' -s "\"$1\" #echo 'arg :'\"$1\" #eval 'sudo date \'+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z\' -s \'$1\'' #echo $'sudo date \'+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z\' -s \'$1\' #echo 'sudo date \'+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z\' -s \'$1\''' #eval "sudo date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z' -s "\'$1\' #eval "sudo date '+%d %B %Y %H:%M %P %Z' -s "\'$str\' : "update 7 march 2018 5:51 pm est previous line shows 07 march, next line shows 7 march " eval "sudo date '+%-d %B %Y %-H:%-M %P %Z' -s "\'$str\' : " to run : ./ 4 march 3:2 pm est credit : 1. from google (bourne for loop) result 1 2. from google (sh script string) result 1 3. 'return 0' in from 'Function Taking Parameters' in 4. from google (sh passing parameter to function) result 1 5. from google (sh script passing args) result 2 6. from 'Bash by example' in from google (sh script passing all command line parameters) result 1 7. from google (what is my shell) result 1 8.'A script may specify #!/bin/bash on the first line, meaning that the script should always be run with bash, rather than another shell. /bin/sh is an executable representing the system shell. Actually, it is usually implemented as a symbolic link pointing to the executable for whichever shell is the system shell.' in from google (bin/sh vs bash) result 1 " end of code 5 march 2018 9:36 am est problem : an easier solution to problem 'linux : print date and time' solution : 1. save this code written under section 'begin code :' as 2. run chmod u+x 3. run that code : ./ begin code : #!/bin/sh eval "date '+%-d %B %Y %-H:%-M %Z'" : " to run : ./ 4 march 3:2 pm est credit : 1. from google (bourne for loop) result 1 2. from google (sh script string) result 1 3. 'return 0' in from 'Function Taking Parameters' in 4. from google (sh passing parameter to function) result 1 5. from google (sh script passing args) result 2 6. from 'Bash by example' in from google (sh script passing all command line parameters) result 1 7. from google (what is my shell) result 1 8.'A script may specify #!/bin/bash on the first line, meaning that the script should always be run with bash, rather than another shell. /bin/sh is an executable representing the system shell. Actually, it is usually implemented as a symbolic link pointing to the executable for whichever shell is the system shell.' in from google (bin/sh vs bash) result 1 " end of code [addition 14 oct 2023 5:2 pm est-not-edt] new code for updating time , this time with additional-unix-instruction 'sudo hwclock --systohc' #!/bin/sh if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo 'argument not available, exiting' exit 0 fi str="" for arg do str=$( echo $str $arg ) done echo 'setting to time:' $str eval "sudo date '+%-d %b %Y %-H:%-M %P %Z' -s '"$str"'" echo "sudo hwclock --systohc" #if this command is not being sent-and-done then with mobo-green-color-led-illuminating during ampere-is-off , starting #computer again will make mobo and forgot current-time which was set prior shut-down using this bash-file but-without unix-command 'sudo hwclock --systohc' . #so this command 'sudo hwclock --systohc' is needed . so maybe someday mobo-cmos-battery cr-2032 suffer # ampere-depletion-and-mortem , with mobo-green-color-led-still-illuminating-during-computer-is-off someone can # remove that mortem-cr-2032-battery and maybe suffer little-electrocution , and install new cr-2032-battery to that mobo . # and mobo still remember current-time . eval "sudo hwclock --systohc" #echo "sudo cpufreq-set -u 1.6GHz" is not working , cpu-freq still increase beyond maximum-limit-policy #eval "sudo cpufreq-set -u 1.6GHz" #: " #to run : #./ 4 march 3:2 pm est #credit : #1. # from google (bourne for loop) result 1 #2. # from google (sh script string) result 1 #3. 'return 0' # in # # from # 'Function Taking Parameters' # in # #4. # from # google (sh passing parameter to function) result 1 #5. # from # google (sh script passing args) result 2 #6. # from # 'Bash by example' # in # # from google (sh script passing all command line parameters) result 1 #7. # from # google (what is my shell) result 1 #8.'A script may specify #!/bin/bash on the first line, # meaning that the script should always be run with bash, # rather than another shell. /bin/sh is an executable # representing the system shell. # Actually, it is usually implemented as a symbolic link # pointing to the executable for whichever shell is the system shell.' # in # # from google (bin/sh vs bash) result 1 #" [/addition 14 oct 2023 5:2 pm est-not-edt] [addition 17 oct 2023 10:39 pm est-not-edt] end 19 oct 2023 11:55 am est-not-edt i use this bash-(script/program/software) to-connect-and-talk-to to set time-stamp on my automatically , my location is usa->virginia-state->springfield-city and i use standard-time-zone on my computer i never-use day-light-time-zone on my computer , so person on different location need to modify this bash-script to set correct-time-stamp on their computer : . [addition 28 oct 2023 5:47 pm est-not-edt] this bash-script set time more accurately than '' but still less accurate than 'ntpdate' because give-away unix-time-in-second-since-1-jan-1970 so there is smaller-amount-of-parsing-job : . [/addition 28 oct 2023 5:47 pm est-not-edt] code which need to be modified : variable 'url' , 'hour_modification' , 'minute_modification' . , : has list-of-url-address-value-choice for variable 'url' depending-on location . different-possibly-inter-island-internet-data-journey from usa->virginia-state->springfield-city to : , : find '' , '' in . example how to use , ( faster because-of using unix-time-in-second-since-1-jan-1970 , so there is smaller-amount-of text-parsing-job ) : (1)modify variable 'url' , 'hour_modification' , 'minute_modification' inside bash-script-file : , (2)bash>chmod u+x bash>chmod u+x need to do that 1-time . (3)to change time-zone : find 'how to change time-zone ?' if 3-alphabet-time-zone-on-computer is different-from then somehow sometime date-time is-being-set-incorrectly like 1-hour-exessively-forward or 1-hour-excessively-backward . (4)bash>./ or bash>./ [addition 18 apr 2024 2:51 pm est] is better for now because use unix-time and unix-time seems get automatic-1-hour-forward-modification for time-zone edt/day-light-time-zone so please use , avoid . [/addition 18 apr 2024 2:51 pm est] [addition 5 dec 2024 1:11 am est] is updated , this error which happen because 'date' command can not accept hour 0 for input , and can accept hour 12 for input , is already fixed : a@1 11:30 AM ~ data-data/bash-script/ [sudo] password for a: -downloading ... -sending-command [wget -U 'visitor-internet-page-browser = firefox-101.0.1 | visitor-identity = | visitor-operating-system = linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon' --timeout=10 --tries=1 --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document=timeapi-io-output-current-time.htm] .... date: invalid date ‘5 dec 2024 0:44:31.832000 am ’ -fail during setting date to 5 dec 2024 0:44:31.832000 am failed-command-inside-bracket-without-bracket : [date '+%-d %b %Y %-H:%-M:%-S:%-N %P %Z' -s '5 dec 2024 0:44:31.832000 am '] ... [/addition 5 dec 2024 1:11 am est] [/addition 17 oct 2023 10:39 pm est-not-edt] [addition 19 oct 2023 4:51 pm est-not-edt] 'new code for updating time'-manually with looking at clock nearby : example how to use : (1)bash>chmod u+x need to do that 1-time . (2)to change time-zone : find 'how to change time-zone ?' if 3-alphabet-time-zone-on-computer is different-from then somehow sometime date-time is-being-set-incorrectly like 1-hour-exessively-forward or 1-hour-excessively-backward . (3)bash>./ 19 oct 2023 4:58 pm (4)check date , time , time-zone : bash>timedatectl [/addition 19 oct 2023 4:51 pm est-not-edt] [addition 20 oct 2023 4:25 am est-not-edt] end 20 oct 2023 4:31 am est-not-edt problem : sending-this-linux-command during (non-day-light-time-zone/standard-time-zone/normal-time-zone)-time-period , will produce error-msg 'date : invalid date ... ' bash>./ 19 mar 2023 4:58 pm edt tired of memorising when to use 'edt' , when to use 'est' time-zone , wanting to change to 'wib' time-zone with linux-command bash>./ 19 mar 2023 4:58 pm wib but that also produce error-msg 'date : invalid date ... ' how to change time-zone ? solution : need to change time-zone , how to change time-zone ? (1)find new time-zone-value with linux-command : bash>timedatectl list-timezones or bash>ls /usr/share/zoneinfo | more (2)bash>sudo timedatectl set-timezone new-time-zone-value example : bash>sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Jakarta [addition 20 mar 2024 11:27 am est] bash>sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York [/addition 20 mar 2024 11:27 am est] (3)apparently-writing time-zone is not necessary : bash>./ 19 mar 2023 4:58 pm [source : from 'timezone' in 'date command returns the date in the default system timezone . To use a different timezone set the environment variable TZ to the desired timezone.' in from google ( linux different time zone date invalid date ) result 5 -> People also ask -> How to specify timezone in Linux date command? ] command 'tzselect' only temporarily-change time-zone . [simplified-source : "If you choose tzselect then time-zone-variable will revert to time-zone-value being set in 'cat /etc/timezone' file after a reboot . " in from google ( tzselect vs timedatectl set-timezone ) result 1 ] [addition 20 oct 2023 5:32 am est-not-edt] warning : if using linux-command 'date' to set time-stamp with wrong time-zone then linux-command 'date' will quietly-set wrong-time-stamp without producing error-msg . wrong time-zone has meaning : 3-alphabet-time-zone-value which is different from 3-alphabet-'time zone'-value inside output-of-linux-command 'timedatectl' . lacking time-zone like this is good enough : 'bash>./ 19 mar 2023 4:58 pm' . if wanting to scribe 3-alphabet-time-zone then do : bash>./ 19 mar 2023 4:58 pm wib' where 'wib' = 3-alphabet-'time zone'-value inside inside output-of-linux-command 'timedatectl' : a@1 04:02 AM ~ timedatectl Local time: Thu 2023-10-26 04:02:09 WIB Universal time: Wed 2023-10-25 21:02:09 UTC RTC time: Wed 2023-10-25 21:02:09 Time zone: Asia/Jakarta (WIB, +0700) Network time on: no NTP synchronized: no RTC in local TZ: no a@1 04:02 AM ~ timedatectl maybe there is no excuse to sribe 3-alphabet-time-zone . example-1-from-total-1 : a@1 04:30 PM ~ myfiles/ 20 oct 2023 5:31 am edt setting to time: 20 oct 2023 5:31 am edt [sudo] password for a: command-inside-bracket-without-bracket [sudo date '+%-d %b %Y %-H:%-M %P %Z' -s '20 oct 2023 5:31 am edt'] produce msg-inside-bracket-without-bracket : [20 Oct 2023 16:31 pm WIB] sudo hwclock --systohc [sudo] password for a: a@1 04:31 PM ~ date Fri Oct 20 16:31:07 WIB 2023 a@1 04:31 PM ~ sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York [sudo] password for a: a@1 05:32 AM ~ myfiles/ 20 oct 2023 5:33 am edt setting to time: 20 oct 2023 5:33 am edt [sudo] password for a: command-inside-bracket-without-bracket [sudo date '+%-d %b %Y %-H:%-M %P %Z' -s '20 oct 2023 5:33 am edt'] produce msg-inside-bracket-without-bracket : [20 Oct 2023 5:33 am EDT] sudo hwclock --systohc [sudo] password for a: a@1 05:33 AM ~ date Fri Oct 20 05:33:03 EDT 2023 a@1 05:33 AM ~ [addition 20 oct 2023 5:32 am est-not-edt] [/addition 20 oct 2023 4:25 am est-not-edt] 27 march 2018 8:4 pm edt problem : firefox has custom minimum font size set then vertical spacing in the text is lacking, so a text overlap another text underneath. solution : avoid setting minimum font size to enlarge font, use zoom to enlarge font. webpages remember the zoomed font size. source : from google (firefox font vertical spacing) result 3 9 april 2018 10:38 pm edt problem : google-chrome's bookmark file location solution : ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Bookmarks!topic/chrome/r2JcioHgpyA from google (linux google chrome bookmark file location) result 3 11 april 2018 12:7 pm edt problem : mp3 files has album tag, title tag, according to puddletag software. then those mp3 files is being transfered to sandisk m250 mp3 player then sandisk m250 mp3 player shows 'unknown' album, 'unknown' title for those mp3 files solution : check sandisk m250 mp3 player's menu -> setting -> usb -> set to 'msc'. avoid 'autodetect' usb setting. if computer's file explorer address bar shows the word 'mtp....' during showing sandisk m250 mp3 player's files then umount that sandisk m250 mp3 player, set that sandisk m250 mp3 player's usb setting to 'msc' (not 'autodetect') then connect that sandisk m250 mp3 player to computer again. sandisk m250 mp3 player's usb setting 'mtp', 'autodetect' will show 'unknown' album, 'unknown' title mp3 tags. sandisk m250 mp3 player's usb setting 'msc' will show the correct album, title mp3 tags. changing puddletag software's edit -> preference -> tags -> ID3 options does not take effect immediately, puddletag's user must change an mp3 file's tag to some meaningless text then save then change that mp3 file's tag to a desired text then save again then the new ID3 options will take effect for that mp3 file. use command line software 'id3v2' to check whether puddletag has written the desired tag to an mp3 file. cat /var/log/syslog shows this messages during connecting sandisk m250 player with usb setting 'autodetect', not 'msc', which is bad. Apr 11 11:48:55 b kernel: [ 1233.645774] usb 1-1.4: USB disconnect, device number 4 Apr 11 11:49:08 b kernel: [ 1246.435999] usb 1-1.4: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-pci Apr 11 11:49:08 b kernel: [ 1246.545625] usb 1-1.4: New USB device found, idVendor=0781, idProduct=7400 Apr 11 11:49:08 b kernel: [ 1246.545627] usb 1-1.4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 Apr 11 11:49:08 b kernel: [ 1246.545629] usb 1-1.4: Product: SanDisk Sansa m250 Apr 11 11:49:08 b kernel: [ 1246.545631] usb 1-1.4: Manufacturer: SanDisk APIC Apr 11 11:49:08 b kernel: [ 1246.545632] usb 1-1.4: SerialNumber: 0740001731D2C2CA061214134052012A Apr 11 11:49:08 b kernel: [ 1246.546832] usb-storage 1-1.4:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected Apr 11 11:49:08 b kernel: [ 1246.547027] scsi host4: usb-storage 1-1.4:1.0 Apr 11 11:48:59 b colord-sane: io/hpmud/pp.c 627: unable to read device-id ret=-1 Apr 11 11:49:08 b org.gtk.vfs.MTPVolumeMonitor[1411]: (process:1582): GVFS-MTP-WARNING **: device (null) has no BUSNUM property, ignoring Apr 11 11:49:08 b org.gtk.vfs.Daemon[1411]: PTP: reading event an error 0x02ff occurredDevice 0 (VID=0781 and PID=7400) is a SanDisk Sansa m230/m240. Apr 11 11:49:12 b colord-sane: io/hpmud/pp.c 627: unable to read device-id ret=-1 right-click sandisk-m250-folder then click 'eject' prior detaching usb-drive from computer.[16 apr 2019 8:53 am edt] 11 april 2018 12:22 pm edt problem : how to scroll gnome terminal to previous page ? solution : Shift +( PgUp / PgDown ) source : 'Shift +( PgUp / PgDown )' in from google (scroll gnome terminal) result 3 11 april 2018 12:35 pm edt problem : can not delete mp3 files inside sandisk m250 mp3 player, from linux. solution : umount then mount that sandisk m250 mp3 player then try delete mp3 files inside sandisk m250 mp3 player again. if mp3 files was transfered to sandisk m250 mp3 player with usb setting 'autodetect', 'mtp' then those mp3 files is viewable during connecting sandisk m250 mp3 player to computer with usb setting 'autodetect', 'mtp'. if mp3 files was transfered to sandisk m250 mp3 player with usb setting 'msc' then those mp3 files is viewable during connecting sandisk m250 mp3 player to computer with usb setting 'msc'. right-click sandisk-m250-folder then click 'eject' prior detaching usb-drive from computer.[16 apr 2019 8:53 am edt] 27 april 2018 7:28 pm edt problem : geany : make tab consists of 1 space so it is possible to move a paragraph 1 space to the right with 1 key press. solution edit->preferences->editor tab->indentation tab : set : width = 1 type = spaces source : 'Indents the current line or selection by one tab or by spaces in the amount of the tab width setting.' in from google (geany add space to a paragraph) result 1 then highlight a paragraph then press 'tab' to move that paragraph to the right [obsolete] [reason] fail [/reason] problem : geany : turn off syntax highlighting for .htm file, make all text's color black solution : 1. tools->configuration file->filetype_extensions.conf [revised 2 nov 2018 12:14 pm edt] 1)find something like : HTML=*.htm;*.html;*.shtml;*.hta;*.htd;*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl; [added 29 oct 2018 3:57 pm edt] put # in the beginning so : #HTML=*.htm;*.html;*.shtml;*.hta;*.htd;*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl; 2)find '[Extensions]' 3)copy that '#HTML=*.htm;*.html;*.shtml;*.hta;*.htd;*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl;' to above code '[Extensions]' for backup 4)in underneath '[Extensions]' : delete '*.htm' from 'HTML=*.htm;*.html;*.shtml;*.hta;*.htd;*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl;'' filetype_extensions.conf must have 'HTML=' underneath '[Extensions]' 2. close .htm file then open that .htm file closing and opening geany, still require closing and opening that .htm file [added 2 nov 2018 12:17 pm edt] source : from google (geany turn off syntax highlighting) result 1 [/obsolete] [obsolete] 2 nov 2018 12:14 pm edt 1. tools->configuration file->filetype_extensions.conf 1)find something like : HTML=*.htm;*.html;*.shtml;*.hta;*.htd;*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl; [added 29 oct 2018 3:57 pm edt] put # in the beginning so : #HTML=*.htm;*.html;*.shtml;*.hta;*.htd;*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl; 2)find '[Extensions]' 3)move '#HTML=*.htm;*.html;*.shtml;*.hta;*.htd;*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl;' to above code '[Extensions]' simply putting comment # in the beginning of the text 'HTML=*.htm;*.html;*.shtml;*.hta;*.htd;*.htt;*.cfm;*.tpl;' in step 1 won't turn off syntax highlighting. [added 29 oct 2018 4:6 pm edt] [/obsolete] 7:48 pm edt problem : geany : replace tab with spaces solution : edit->preferences->files tab->replace tabs with space 2 may 2018 9:46 am edt problem : linuxmint in original setting, use remote server to set local time, turn off that. because the user manually run to update local time. sometimes remote server gives the wrong local time. solution : a@b ~ $ timedatectl status Local time: Wed 2018-05-02 09:44:30 EDT Universal time: Wed 2018-05-02 13:44:30 UTC RTC time: Thu 2016-02-11 16:55:26 Time zone: America/New_York (EDT, -0400) Network time on: yes NTP synchronized: no RTC in local TZ: no a@b ~ $ timedatectl set-ntp off a@b ~ $ timedatectl status Local time: Wed 2018-05-02 09:45:26 EDT Universal time: Wed 2018-05-02 13:45:26 UTC RTC time: Thu 2016-02-11 16:56:21 Time zone: America/New_York (EDT, -0400) Network time on: no NTP synchronized: no RTC in local TZ: no a@b ~ $ source : 'timedatectl status', 'sudo timedatectl set-ntp on' in from google (turn off ntpdate) result 2 addition 6 may 2018 9:28 am edt ---- if running 'timedatectl status' shows Network time on: no NTP synchronized: yes then do sudo systemctl stop ntp (for stopping ntp) sudo systemctl disable ntp (for preventing systemd from starting ntp in the future) systemctl is-enabled ntp (for checking current status for ntp) source : 'With systemd, the two commands are:' in from google (turn off ntp daemon) result 1 addition 8 may 2018 3:49 pm edt ---- problem : systemd says ntp.service is 'disabled' (running : systemctl list-unit-files shows : ntp.service's status disabled) but ntpdate still run during boot, updating current local time. solution : recommended : linuxmint menu -> preferences -> date & time -> click 'unlock' -> set 'network time' to 'off' network time [ |off] means off network time [on| ] means on source : from google (disable ntpdate) result 5 addition 8 may 2018 7:4 pm edt ---- 1. linuxmint menu -> preferences -> date & time ->network time = off a@b ~ $ sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep ntp [sudo] password for a: ntp.service disabled result : time will not be updated automatically 2. linuxmint menu -> preferences -> date & time ->network time = off a@b ~ $ sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep ntp [sudo] password for a: ntp.service enabled result : linuxmint menu -> preferences -> date & time ->network time is set to 'on' automatically time will be updated automatically 3. linuxmint menu -> preferences -> date & time ->network time = on a@b ~ $ sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep ntp [sudo] password for a: ntp.service disabled result : time will not be updated automatically linuxmint menu -> preferences -> date & time ->network time is set to 'off' automatically not recommended : 'To disable ntpdate on an Ubuntu system without removing it you could simply update /etc/default/ntpdate and add the word exit as the first line or change the NTPSERVERS variable to be empty.' in from google (disable ntpdate) result 2 to run on ntpdate to sync local time with time server : sudo systemctl enable ntp addition 6 may 2018 10:51 am edt ---- 'systemd' is a software which replace 'init/sysvinit' because 'init/sysvinit' starts boot-softwares sequentially, 'systemd' starts boot-softwares simulatenously source : 1. 'one of the major drawbacks of init is that it starts tasks serially, waiting for each to finish loading before moving on to the next' in from google (init) result 2 2. 'The SysV init runlevel system provides a standard process for controlling which programs init launches' in from google (SysVinit) result 4 3. gentoo wiki says 'init/sysvinit' has parallel service startup feature, just like systemd : source : 'Parallel service startup ' in from google (linux init boot time sysvinit vs openrc vs systemd) result 3 but that contradicts 1. 'While SysVinit is easy to work with and modify because of its use of shell scripts to start and stop system services, using sequential shell scripts also makes SysVinit inherently slow and provides no opportunities for starting unrelated services in parallel' 2. 'systemd system startup mechanism provides significant improvements in parallelizing system startup by understanding the underlying resources that various services require and use. systemd also makes it easier to track and manage resources for related processes by using the control groups (cgroups) mechanism that has been supported in the Linux kernel since later versions of the 2.6 kernel.' in from google (sysvinit parallel startup) page 1 last result and contradicts from google (sysvinit parallel startup) result 1 so maybe sysvinit does not have parallel startup feature actually. 4. debian likes traditional init/sysvinit, debian thinks that boot speed is not important source : 'Boot speed may not be important enough to justify a new init system' in from google (sysvinit) result 3 addition 6 may 2018 10:15 am edt --- problem : use systemd to : shows all service names, show service detail and status solution : run systemctl list-unit-files systemctl status ntp example : this shows ntp is off, ssh is on : a@b ~ $ systemctl status ntp ● ntp.service - LSB: Start NTP daemon Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/ntp; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead) Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8) May 06 09:47:48 b systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Start NTP daemon. May 06 09:48:02 b systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Start NTP daemon. May 06 09:48:03 b systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Start NTP daemon. a@b ~ $ systemctl status ssh ● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; vendor preset: enab Active: active (running) since Sun 2018-05-06 09:47:53 EDT; 30min ago Process: 1220 ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID (code=exited, status=0/SUCCES Main PID: 971 (sshd) CGroup: /system.slice/ssh.service └─971 /usr/sbin/sshd -D May 06 09:48:02 b systemd[1]: Reloading OpenBSD Secure Shell server. May 06 09:48:02 b sshd[971]: Received SIGHUP; restarting. May 06 09:48:02 b systemd[1]: Reloaded OpenBSD Secure Shell server. source : from google (systemd list services) result 3 [addition 25 nov 2024 2:42 am est] problem : 'systemctl list-unit-files' does not show all service . solution : 'systemctl list-units' [source : from google ( systemctl list-unit-files not showing all service ) result 1 ] [/addition 25 nov 2024 2:42 am est] 6 may 2018 9:10 am edt problem : /var/log/syslog contains message : 'Unknown username "geoclue" in message bus configuration file' solution : 'edit the file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/net.hadess.SensorProxy.conf and comment-out the part that refers to the user geoclue.' in 'Regarding the "geoclue" message, it might be a bug in the iio-sensor-proxy package that should depend on the geoclue-2.0 package. To get rid of the error message you can install geoclue-2.0. Another option is to edit the file /etc/dbus-1/system.d/net.hadess.SensorProxy.conf and comment-out the part that refers to the user geoclue.' in from google (Unknown username "geoclue" in message bus configuration file) result 1 14 may 2018 1:4 pm edt problem : some linux command to show drive's filesystem type in linux solution : a@b ~ $ df -Th Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev devtmpfs 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /dev tmpfs tmpfs 387M 11M 376M 3% /run /dev/sda1 ext2 19G 5.8G 12G 34% / tmpfs tmpfs 1.9G 30M 1.9G 2% /dev/shm tmpfs tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock tmpfs tmpfs 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sda5 ext2 441G 54G 365G 13% /home cgmfs tmpfs 100K 0 100K 0% /run/cgmanager/fs tmpfs tmpfs 387M 36K 387M 1% /run/user/1000 a@b ~ $ lsblk -f NAME FSTYPE LABEL UUID MOUNTPOINT sda ├─sda2 ├─sda5 ext2 48b40e38-cba7-476b-841a-e16ac48d6a58 /home ├─sda1 ext2 79f7bc2b-e512-4a91-8d29-a488fcc51b05 / └─sda6 swap 4b907982-1f15-4720-85f8-781314880c0d [SWAP] source : 'df -Th', 'lsblk -f' in problem (30 may 2018 5:58 pm edt): linuxmint change datetime to some unwanted datetime. detail : statement in /var/log/syslog : May 14 23:59:33 b kernel: [ 2625.330916] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 change datetime to unwanted datetime... in this syslog, i manually set the datetime to May 14 23:17:00 then datetime is being set to May 15 00:04:33 automatically, unwantedly i use ext2 not ext4 /var/log/syslog: Feb 11 11:28:37 b rtkit-daemon[1351]: Supervising 4 threads of 2 processes of 1 users. Feb 11 11:28:37 b pulseaudio[1422]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running. Feb 11 11:28:41 b /cinnamon-killer-daemon: Bound Cinnamon restart to Escape. Feb 11 11:28:43 b obexd[1463]: OBEX daemon 5.37 Feb 11 11:28:47 b colord-sane: io/hpmud/pp.c 627: unable to read device-id ret=-1 Feb 11 11:29:02 b pulseaudio[1350]: [pulseaudio] bluez5-util.c: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. May 14 23:17:00 b systemd[1021]: Time has been changed May 14 23:17:00 b systemd[1]: Time has been changed May 14 23:17:01 b systemd[1]: Starting Stop ureadahead data collection... May 14 23:17:01 b systemd[1]: Stopped Read required files in advance. May 14 23:17:01 b systemd[1]: Started Stop ureadahead data collection. May 14 23:17:10 b dbus[672]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.bluez' unit='dbus-org.bluez.service' May 14 23:17:26 b kernel: [ 98.474015] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:17:26 b kernel: [ 98.510213] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:17:26 b kernel: [ 98.546236] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:17:31 b kernel: [ 103.230467] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3235889: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3240283 May 14 23:17:37 b kernel: [ 109.050166] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:17:53 b CRON[1766]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) May 14 23:18:10 b kernel: [ 142.174751] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:19:11 b kernel: [ 202.672522] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3129367: comm TaskSchedulerBa: deleted inode referenced: 3129508 May 14 23:20:45 b kernel: [ 297.001946] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_mb_generate_buddy:758: group 476, block bitmap and bg descriptor inconsistent: 6426 vs 6420 free clusters May 14 23:21:04 b kernel: [ 316.416199] EXT4-fs (sda5): error count since last fsck: 8400 May 14 23:21:04 b kernel: [ 316.416201] EXT4-fs (sda5): initial error at time 1517081433: ext4_lookup:1609: inode 3129367 May 14 23:21:04 b kernel: [ 316.416203] EXT4-fs (sda5): last error at time 1526354445: ext4_mb_generate_buddy:758 May 14 23:24:40 b dbus[672]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.bluez' unit='dbus-org.bluez.service' May 14 23:27:10 b kernel: [ 681.669218] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:30:58 b systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary Directories... May 14 23:30:58 b systemd-tmpfiles[2171]: [/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf:14] Duplicate line for path "/var/log", ignoring. May 14 23:30:58 b systemd[1]: Started Cleanup of Temporary Directories. May 14 23:33:33 b kernel: [ 1064.688058] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:33:48 b kernel: [ 1080.525619] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_mb_generate_buddy:758: group 887, block bitmap and bg descriptor inconsistent: 31747 vs 31634 free clusters May 14 23:35:36 b kernel: [ 1188.124453] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:36:03 b kernel: [ 1214.816851] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:36:53 b kernel: [ 1264.859197] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:37:43 b kernel: [ 1314.900217] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:38:36 b kernel: [ 1368.147822] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:45:05 b kernel: [ 1757.040499] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:46:12 b kernel: [ 1824.106304] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:46:42 b kernel: [ 1854.395976] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:47:03 b kernel: [ 1875.461844] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:48:33 b kernel: [ 1965.207026] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:49:12 b kernel: [ 2004.508384] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:50:07 b kernel: [ 2059.221283] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:51:08 b kernel: [ 2120.220236] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:51:39 b kernel: [ 2151.413791] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:52:09 b kernel: [ 2181.219973] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:54:23 b kernel: [ 2314.994176] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:56:58 b kernel: [ 2470.135698] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 23:59:33 b kernel: [ 2625.330916] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:04:33 b kernel: [ 2925.549725] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:14:48 b systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler. May 15 00:16:22 b kernel: [ 3634.760868] perf: interrupt took too long (2510 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 79500 May 15 00:17:01 b CRON[3209]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly) May 15 00:19:17 b kernel: [ 3808.897070] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:19:18 b dbus[672]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.bluez' unit='dbus-org.bluez.service' May 15 00:19:19 b kernel: [ 3811.582023] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:19:20 b kernel: [ 3811.874884] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:19:20 b kernel: [ 3811.914905] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:19:20 b kernel: [ 3812.027600] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3235889: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3240283 May 15 00:19:20 b kernel: [ 3812.261590] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:19:41 b kernel: [ 3833.510349] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:20:39 b kernel: [ 3891.491152] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:21:10 b kernel: [ 3922.497510] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3129367: comm TaskSchedulerBa: deleted inode referenced: 3129508 May 15 00:22:00 b kernel: [ 3972.079416] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:23:31 b kernel: [ 4063.374272] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:24:15 b kernel: [ 4107.654375] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:24:33 b dbus[672]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' May 15 00:24:33 b systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service... May 15 00:24:33 b dbus[672]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1' May 15 00:24:33 b systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service. May 15 00:24:36 b org.gtk.vfs.Daemon[1203]: ** (gvfsd:1215): WARNING **: dbus_mount_reply: Error from org.gtk.vfs.Mountable.mount(): Failed to retrieve share list from server: Connection refused May 15 00:24:36 b org.gtk.vfs.Daemon[1203]: ** (process:3580): WARNING **: Couldn't create directory monitor on smb://x-gnome-default-workgroup/. Error: The specified location is not mounted May 15 00:26:17 b kernel: [ 4228.953512] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:26:41 b kernel: [ 4253.399122] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:27:57 b kernel: [ 4329.631516] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:28:18 b kernel: [ 4350.389798] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:28:45 b kernel: [ 4377.529659] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:30:14 b kernel: [ 4466.550518] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:31:34 b kernel: [ 4546.363532] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:31:59 b kernel: [ 4571.850629] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:32:25 b kernel: [ 4597.219535] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:33:16 b kernel: [ 4648.895445] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:34:15 b kernel: [ 4707.325193] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:34:41 b kernel: [ 4733.133374] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:36:19 b kernel: [ 4831.175582] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:41:18 b kernel: [ 5130.316773] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:41:52 b kernel: [ 5164.643447] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:42:14 b kernel: [ 5186.553630] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:42:44 b kernel: [ 5216.560146] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:45:55 b kernel: [ 5407.078821] perf: interrupt took too long (3148 > 3137), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 63500 May 15 00:55:02 b kernel: [ 5954.602355] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:55:32 b kernel: [ 5984.558656] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:56:02 b kernel: [ 6014.572290] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:56:43 b kernel: [ 6055.756175] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:57:34 b kernel: [ 6106.245420] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 15 00:57:35 b kernel: [ 6107.656808] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:00:00 b systemd[1]: Time has been changed May 14 13:00:00 b systemd[1021]: Time has been changed May 14 13:07:55 b dbus[672]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' May 14 13:07:55 b systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service... May 14 13:07:55 b dbus[672]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1' May 14 13:07:55 b systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service. May 14 13:09:27 b dbus[672]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.bluez' unit='dbus-org.bluez.service' May 14 13:09:29 b kernel: [ 6843.405122] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:09:29 b kernel: [ 6843.442276] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:09:29 b kernel: [ 6843.471095] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:09:29 b kernel: [ 6843.627511] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3235889: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3240283 May 14 13:09:29 b kernel: [ 6843.839031] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:10:14 b kernel: [ 6888.798098] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:10:38 b kernel: [ 6912.412645] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:11:16 b kernel: [ 6950.605320] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:11:20 b kernel: [ 6954.340125] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3129367: comm TaskSchedulerBa: deleted inode referenced: 3129508 May 14 13:11:42 b kernel: [ 6976.801646] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3653807: comm TaskSchedulerFo: deleted inode referenced: 3653868 May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Closed Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopping Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles... May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopped target Printer. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopped target Timers. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopping User Manager for UID 1000... May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopped Stop ureadahead data collection 45s after completed startup. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopped Daily apt activities. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopping RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service... May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopped target Graphical Interface. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopped target Multi-User System. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB... May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopped OpenVPN service. May 14 13:11:59 b ModemManager[683]: Caught signal, shutting down... May 14 13:11:59 b NetworkManager[704]: [1526317919.8586] ModemManager disappeared from bus May 14 13:11:59 b ModemManager[683]: ModemManager is shut down May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1021]: Reached target Shutdown. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1021]: Starting Exit the Session... May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1021]: Stopped target Default. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1021]: Stopped target Basic System. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1021]: Stopped target Timers. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1021]: Stopped target Paths. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1021]: Stopped target Sockets. May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1021]: Received SIGRTMIN+24 from PID 5183 (kill). May 14 13:11:59 b systemd[1]: Stopping Modem Manager... May 14 13:11:59 b rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.16.0" x-pid="697" x-info=""] exiting on signal 15. solution : maybe install debian stable, testing because linuxmint is based on debian unstable or cid source : 1. 'Ubuntu packages are based on packages from Debian's unstable branch' in 2. Debian always has at least 3 releases in active maintenance: "stable", "testing" and "unstable". 1. stable The "stable" distribution contains the latest officially released distribution of Debian. This is the production release of Debian, the one which we primarily recommend using. The current "stable" distribution of Debian is version 9, codenamed stretch. It was initially released as version 9 on June 17th, 2017 and its latest update, version 9.4, was released on March 10th, 2018. 2. testing The "testing" distribution contains packages that haven't been accepted into a "stable" release yet, but they are in the queue for that. The main advantage of using this distribution is that it has more recent versions of software. See the Debian FAQ for more information on what is "testing" and how it becomes "stable". The current "testing" distribution is buster. 3. unstable The "unstable" distribution is where active development of Debian occurs. Generally, this distribution is run by developers and those who like to live on the edge. The "unstable" distribution is always called sid. in more info : find 'problem : which linux distro is good ?' in this text 30 may 2018 6:10 pm edt problem : how to multitask in linux console solution : Switch between virtual consoles by pressing Ctrl-Alt and hitting a key between F1 and F6. Ctrl-Alt-F7 will usually take you back to the graphical X server. Pressing the key combination will take you to a login prompt. You can log in and run a command, then switch away – the command will continue running in the background, so you can have several different terminal sessions going at the same time. The “tty1” text here indicates that this is the terminal located at Ctrl-Alt-F1, tty2 would be at F2. To start a process in the background, add the & character after its command. Every job we start gets its own job ID. Run the jobs command to view the list of currently running jobs. The + sign indicates the job that was last associated with the shell, while the – sign indicates the job that was second-to-last associated with the shell. The fg command allows you to bring a background job to the foreground, attaching it to the current shell. Running fg or another job-related command without specifying a job will use the last-associated job – the one with a + sign in the jobs list. You can also specify a job number. For example, the following command will bring job 1 back to the foreground: fg %1 End a process normally and it will vanish from the list of running jobs. If you want to detach a job from the current shell, use the ^Z – that is, Ctrl-Z – keyboard shortcut. GNU Screen is a “full-screen window manager” that lets you use multiple shells in a single terminal. It may not be installed by default – it isn’t on Ubuntu. On Ubuntu or Debian, use the following command to install Screen: sudo apt-get install screen Press Ctrl-a and then d to detach from Screen. You’ll be back to the normal terminal. To reattach to screen, run the screen -r command. You’ll be back to the same terminal as before. There’s a lot more you can do with screen. For example, create a new “window” (terminal) in screen by pressing Ctrl-a, then c. Once you have multiple windows, press Ctrl-a twice to switch between them. You can also press Ctrl-a, then “ to see a list of windows. Select a window in the list and press Enter to switch to it. To disconnect (but leave the session running) Hit Ctrl + A and then Ctrl + D in immediate succession. You will see the message [detached] To reconnect to an already running session screen -r To reconnect to an existing session, or create a new one if none exists screen -D -r To create a new window inside of a running screen session Hit Ctrl + A and then C in immediate succession. You will see a new prompt. To switch from one screen window to another Hit Ctrl + A and then Ctrl + A in immediate succession. To list open screen windows Hit Ctrl + A and then W in immediate succession source : 1. from google (linux multi console) result 1 (8 aug 2017 10:39 am) 2. from 'using GNU Screen' in from google (linux multi console) result 1 (8 aug 2017 10:39 am) 30 may 2018 6:28 pm edt problem : turn on auto complete, bash completion feature in debian solution : (1) >sudo apt-get install bash-completion (2)(option-1) make all user can do bash-completion : (1)>sudo nano /etc/profile (2)write to file /etc/profile : if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi [addition 28 nov 2024 6:13 pm est] (3)find which file set environment-variable 'PATH' ?>18.2 use file '/etc/environment' to set 'PATH' [source : from google ( linuxmint set path ) result 1 ] , debian-11 use file '/etc/profile' to set 'PATH' . scribe code like : PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games" and delete-or-convert-to-become-comment any code which look like : ( i put '#' in beginning to convert that code to become comment ) #if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then # PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" #else # PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games" #fi [/addition 28 nov 2024 6:13 pm est] (4)>source /etc/profile or re-login (option-2) make certain user can do bash-completion : (1)>sudo nano /home/user-name/.bash_profile or >sudo nano /home/user-name/.bashrc ( for ) (2)write to file /home/user-name/.bash_profile or write to file /home/user-name/.bashrc if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi [addition 28 nov 2024 6:13 pm est] (3)find which file set environment-variable 'PATH' ?>18.2 use file '/etc/environment' to set 'PATH' [source : from google ( linuxmint set path ) result 1 ] , debian-11 use file '/etc/profile' to set 'PATH' . scribe code like : PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games" and delete-or-convert-to-become-comment any code which look like : ( i put '#' in beginning to convert that code to become comment ) #if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then # PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" #else # PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games" #fi [/addition 28 nov 2024 6:13 pm est] (4)>source /home/user-name/.bash_profile or >source /home/user-name/.bashrc or re-login [source : (1) from google (linux debian turn on auto complete feature) result 1 (2) from google ( debian bash completion vs linuxmint bash completion ) result 5 ] 30 may 2018 9:37 am edt problem : geany : move vertical green line in right side, column 72 solution : printer will not print character written in column 72 and beyond column 72. that green line is a reminder to put character written in column 72 to the next line. to move that vertical green line : edit -> preference -> editor -> display -> under 'long line marker' put different number 23 june 2018 3:35 pm edt problem : make firefox-60.0.2 stop giving search-keyword-suggestions solution : go to url : about:config set browser.urlbar.suggest.searches = false source : 'browser.urlbar' in from google (firefox turn off address bar search suggestion) 8 july 2018 3:55 pm edt problem : a place to test wikipedia edit solution : 13 aug 2018 2:57 pm edt problem : wikipedia-tag/wiki-tag/wiki-mark for requesting better reference solution : from 'In 1906, Aaron Aaronsohn's discovery of wild emmer wheat growing in Rosh Pinna (Israel) created a stir in the botanical world.[8][better source needed]' in from 'emmer wheat' in from 'view history' in 17 aug 2018 11:45 am edt problem : wikipedia-markup-language solution : from 'Cheatsheet' in from wikipedia-search (wikimarkup) 17 aug 2018 12:41 pm edt problem : wikipedia-markup for 'citation needed' solution : {{Citation needed|reason=Your explanation here|date=August 2018}} in from 'Wikipedia:Citation needed' in from wikipedia-search (citation needed) 31 aug 2018 4:16 pm edt problem : geany : can not replace newline with other-character solution : check 'use multi-line matching' geany regex help : 1. /usr/share/doc/geany/html/index.html#regular-expressions 2. 12 sep 2018 10:14 am edt problem : wikipedia-markup for line-break/new-line/newline solution : {{break}} = one <br /> {{break|5}} = <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> source : from 'break' in from 'Help:Wikitext' in 12 sep 2018 10:25 am edt | 11:17 am edt reword to #[[User:username]]# problem : wikipedia-markup for saying username solution : [[User:username]] 21 sep 2018 4:40 pm edt problem : wikipedia-markup for space repetition solution : {{spaces|1}} produces   {{spaces|5}} produces       source : from '{{nbsp}}' in from '{{Px2}}' in from 'achieved using the {{pad}} template.' in 5 oct 2018 12:39 pm edt | 12:48 pm edt add #go to line '173761'# | 12:49 pm edt add #use xed to go to line '173761'# problem : geany can not open syslog. xed say 'there was a problem opening the file syslog the file you opened has some invalid characters. if you continue editing this file you could corrupt this document. you can also choose another character encoding and try again.' solution : 1. wait for xed to show the invalid characters/letters then delete those invalid characters/letters or 1. close xed run command : a@b ~/myfiles $ grep -axvn '.*' syslog 173761:g�>( &>�6%>�>���=�35=R �2�<Feb 11 11:28:14 b rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.16.0" x-pid="690" x-info=""] start a@b ~/myfiles $ 2. use xed to go to line '173761' then delete those strange characters/letters 3. use geany, xed, etc to reopen syslog source : 1. from google (detect invalid utf8 character) result 1 2. from google (utf8 character) a line written prior that invalid-character/invalid-letter : Sep 28 14:03:57 b kernel: [ 8703.616992] EXT4-fs error (device sda5): ext4_lookup:1609: inode #3129529: comm Cache2 I/O: deleted inode referenced: 22446588 14 oct 2018 11:35 am edt | 11:41 am edt add word 'example :' problem : download a website, download websites solution : 1)download websites : example : 1.1)create file all_red_lipstick.htm contain : 1.2)execute:wget -i all_red_lipstick.htm -v 2)download a website to a file name according to your choice: execute:wget -v -O voyager.htm 3)download a website to a file name same as the last url portion execute:wget -v 28 oct 2018 9:52 am edt problem:show harddisk temperature, cpu temperature solution:command: harddisk temperature: hddtemp /dev/sda command 'lsblk' show harddisk name 'sda' cpu temperature: sensors 28 oct 2018 6:16 pm edt | 7:22 pm edt add 'a@b ~ $ sudo -u postgres psql' problem : install postgresql , backup database , restore database solution: 1)apt-get install postgresql optional:2)apt-get install pgadmin3 3)sudo -u postgres psql \password postgres 4)run pgadmin3, use potgres' password to connect source: from google (postgresql initial username) result 1 5)transfer data from dump_file to database 'bbb' ( restore ) : [obsolete] [reason] [addition 12 jul 2024 12:41 pm est] this restore-command is not working , producing error-message like 'pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.5/extension/dblink.control": No such file or directory' . and tar-command will not shrink file-size : a@1 12:37 PM ~/myfiles/ tar -cf bbb2-postgresql-22-dec-2014.tar bbb2-postgresql-22-dec-2014.sql a@1 12:37 PM ~/myfiles/ du -h bbb2-postgresql-22-dec-2014.tar 2.9M bbb2-postgresql-22-dec-2014.tar a@1 12:38 PM ~/myfiles/ du -h bbb2-postgresql-22-dec-2014.sql 2.9M bbb2-postgresql-22-dec-2014.sql [/addition 12 jul 2024 12:41 pm est] [/reason] postgres=#CREATE DATABASE bbb; bash>pg_restore -U postgres -W -h localhost -d bbb myfiles/backup-usb/backup/bbb.compress source:'In my case I needed to add host: localhost in the database.yml file. – Mihail Velikov Mar 16 '16 at 6:50' in from google (postgresql peer authentication failed) result 1 or [/obsolete] postgres=#CREATE DATABASE bbb; bash>sudo -u postgres psql bbb < myfiles/backup-usb/backup/bbb2_22_december_2014.sql source:${} from google (postgresql initial username) result 1 ${} from google (psql restore backup) result 1 [addition 12 jul 2024 11:53 am est] other backup-restore-example : transfer data from database 'bbb' to file dump-file ( backup ) : pg_dump -U postgres -W -h localhost bbb3 > ~/myfiles/ transfer data from file dump-file to database 'bbb' ( restore ) : psql -U postgres -W -h localhost bbb4 < ~/myfiles/ [/addition 12 jul 2024 11:53 am est] 6)check status : /etc/init.d/postgresql status 7)some psql command : 1)create a database postgres=#CREATE DATABASE bbb; 2)connect to a database: postgres=#\c source: from google (psql commands) result 3 3)show all tables : postgres=#\d 4)show table's columns : postgres=#\d source: from google (postgresql describe database) result 1 5)show data : select * from use 'page-up', 'page-down' to scroll data, 'q' to quit seeing data use 'up-arrow', 'down-arrow' to see previous command 6)a@b ~ $ sudo -u postgres psql psql (9.5.14) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \d No relations found. postgres=# \l postgres=# CREATE DATABASE aaa; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# \c aaa You are now connected to database "aaa" as user "postgres". aaa=# create table test (id integer, name varchar(50)); CREATE TABLE aaa=# select * from test; id | name ----+------ (0 rows) source: from google (ERROR: syntax error at or near "SELECT") result 2 [added 28 oct 2018 7:39 pm edt] 8)run psql: [added 28 oct 2018 9:54 pm edt | 10:6 pm edt add 'bash>'] bash>psql -U postgres -h localhost source:'In my case I needed to add host: localhost in the database.yml file. – Mihail Velikov Mar 16 '16 at 6:50' in from google (postgresql peer authentication failed) result 1 [addition 20 nov 2024 9:34 pm est] problem : how to back-up mysql-database-name 'data' solution : mysqldump --user=root --password=root --host=localhost --result-file=data.sql data [source : from google ( mysql book pdf ) result 2 ] problem : how to restore mysql-database-name 'data' solution : mysql --user=root --password=root --host=localhost data < data.sql [source : from google ( mysql performance_schema pdf ) page 2 number 10 ] [/addition 20 nov 2024 9:34 pm est] 29 oct 2018 4:21 pm edt problem: javascript String.substring(start, end) vs String.substr(start, end) solution: String.substring(start, end) returns the part of the string between start and end, or to the end if end is omitted String.substr() The substr() method returns the part of a string between start and end-number of characters after start source: from search (substring) 10 nov 2018 12 pm est problem: refresh firefox to refresh javascript solution: press and hold 'shift' then click 'refresh' 11 nov 2018 10:28 am est problem: copy text solution: 1)use mouse to select text: click a text then hold 'shift' then click other text or use <- -> cursor to select text: click a text then hold 'shift' then: 1)press -> or <- cursor or 2)press 'home' or press 'end' [added 14 nov 2018 8:57 am est] 2)hold 'ctrl' then press 'c' to copy that highlighted-text 3)click somewhere else then hold 'ctrl' then press 'v' to paste that highlighted-text to select all text:hold 'ctrl' then press 'a' 11 nov 2018 7:19 pm -> 7:22 pm est|7:33 pm est add ' from google (java regex) result 1' problem: greedy vs reluctant in regex solution: Enter your regex: .*foo // greedy quantifier Enter input string to search: xfooxxxxxxfoo I found the text "xfooxxxxxxfoo" starting at index 0 and ending at index 13. Enter your regex: .*?foo // reluctant quantifier Enter input string to search: xfooxxxxxxfoo I found the text "xfoo" starting at index 0 and ending at index 4. I found the text "xxxxxxfoo" starting at index 4 and ending at index 13. Enter your regex: .*+foo // possessive quantifier Enter input string to search: xfooxxxxxxfoo No match found. source:1) from google (regex greedy vs reluctant) result 2 2) from google (java regex) result 1 problem:regex matching html-tag [added 8 dec 2018 9:1 am est] solution:(1)<.*?> channel #java# may not work for '' (2)<(.|\n)*?> should work for all html-tag including '' [26 dec 2018 3:35 pm est]source:'Any character (may or may not match line terminators)' in from google (java regex) result 1 12 nov 2018 8:35 pm est|17 nov 2018 7:14 am est|17 nov 2018 7:16 am est reword '00d6' to 'd6'#reword '00f6' to 'f6'#reword '04d2' to '4d2'#reword '04d3' to '4d3' problem:how to type umlaut character in linux? solution: Ö : hold 'ctrl' and hold 'shift' then press 'u' then release 'ctrl' and 'shift' then type d6 ö : hold 'ctrl' and hold 'shift' then press 'u' then release 'ctrl' and 'shift' then type f6 Ӓ : hold 'ctrl' and hold 'shift' then press 'u' then release 'ctrl' and 'shift' then type 4d2 ӓ : hold 'ctrl' and hold 'shift' then press 'u' then release 'ctrl' and 'shift' then type 4d3 Ɔ : Ɔ (186) ɔ : ɔ (254) source:1) from google ( unicode character ) 2) from google (geany help insert unicode character) result 2 from geany-top-horizontal-menu->help->help 3) from from 'Vowel' in from 'International Phonetic Alphabet' in 20 nov 2018 5:32 pm est problem:how to send email to many email-address? solution:email-to:,, 28 nov 2018 12:45 pm est problem:printf format solution:%i or %d| int %c | char %f | float (see also the note below) %s | string 'use a width (%3d) to say that we want three digits (positions) reserved for the output. The result is that two “space characters” are placed before printing the character.' source: from google(printf tutorial)result 1 28 nov 2018 1:47 pm est problem:produce assembly code from c code solution:gcc -S test_asm.c produce test_asm.s containing assembly-code source: from google (produce asm from c code) result 1 problem:compile assembly code solution:gcc test_asm.s -o test_asm source: from google (run assembly code asm) result 3 problem:write hello-world program using assembly code for linux[5 dec 2018 4:59 pm est] solution: 1)create hello.asm containing: section .text global _start ;must be declared for linker (ld) _start: ;tell linker entry point mov edx,len ;message length mov ecx,msg ;message to write mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout) mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write) int 0x80 ;call kernel mov eax,1 ;system call number (sys_exit) int 0x80 ;call kernel section .data msg db 'Hello, world!',0xa ;our dear string len equ $ - msg ;length of our dear string 2)sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nasm nasm -f elf64 hello.asm 3)ld -s -o hello hello.o source:1) 2) from google(hello world assembly language)result 7,1 3)'nasm -f elf64 hello.asm' in from google(ld: i386 architecture of input file `hello.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output)result 1 28 nov 2018 5 pm=>5:45 pm est problem:single precision decimal vs double precision decimal solution:single means 32 bit,double means 64 bit.double-precision can store larger decimal. single:S EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 8 9 31 <-- total 32 bit double:S EEEEEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 0 1 11 12 63 <--- total 64 bit 1)S means sign-bit to show positive or negative 2)next 8 character/bit are the exponent bits, 'E', and 3)last 23 'F' are fraction,fraction-synonym is mantissa. source: from google(single precision vs double precision)result 1 how to convert decimal to ieee-754 number? from google(convert decimal to ieee 754)result 3 10 dec 2018 8:25 am est problem:turn-off firefox-notification during visiting website solution: To disable Web Push and stop the "Enable notifications?" prompt on every webpages: 1)In the address bar, type about:config and press Enter. The about:config "This might void your warranty!" warning page may appear. Click I accept the risk! to continue to the about:config page. 2)Search for the dom.webnotifications.enabled preference. 3)Double-click on the search result to change the value from true to false. 4)Search for the dom.push.enabled preference. 5)Double-click on the search result to change the value from true to false. source: from google(firefox give webite notification)result 1 10 dec 2018 8:29 am est problem:check whether certain website has firefox-notification turned-on solution: 1)Click the 'menu' button then 'Preferences'. 2)Select the 'Privacy & Security' panel and scroll down to the 'Permissions' section. 3)Click the 'Setting' button on right-side of 'Notifications'.source: from google(firefox give webite notification)result 1 13 dec 2018 10:51 pm est: problem:turn off/shutdown firefox-auto-update: 1)Select the 'Menu' Button button in the upper-right corner then choose 'Options' 2)Select 'General' on the left pane. 3)Scroll down to the 'Firefox Updates' section. 4)Select one of the following options as desired: 1)Automatically install updates 2)Check for updates, but let me choose whether to install them 3)Never check for updates 5)Check or uncheck the “Use a background service to install updates' option as desired. source: from google(turn off firefox auto update)result 5 14 dec 2018 9:11 pm est|9:15 pm est add 'then press '->' arrow to scroll left-side': problem:horizontal-scroll whole-text-content in linux-terminal,not just current-line example:horizontal-scroll ascii-art-text-file and keep that ascii-art-text-file look intact. solution:1)less -S filename.txt 2)then press '->' arrow to scroll left-side source: from google(linux terminal text editor scroll content horizontal)result 3 26 dec 2018 8:3 pm est: problem:make firefox,chromium,stop sending word being typed on address-bar,to automatically to get search-keyword-suggestion from solution:(1)firefox: click menu -> preferences -> left-menu 'search' -> uncheck 'provide search suggestion' (2)chromium:click setting -> search 'privacy' -> turn-off 'use a prediction service....' [2 jan 2019 8:51 pm est] 28 dec 2018 12:13 pm est: problem:firefox's history show history for today only.history for previous month disappear solution:if computer's current datetime is wrong then set computer's current datetime correctly 1 jan 2019 5:21 pm est: problem:youtube-subtitle-font-color is grey,difficult to read solution:click youtube-video-bottom-right-menu 'setting' -> click 'english' on subtitle:'english' -> options -> set font-opacity=100% source: from google(chromium youtube subtitle color grey)result 1 2 jan 2019 8:51 pm est:insert 'chromium' to 'problem:make firefox,chromium,stop sending word being typed on address-bar,to automatically' 4 jan 2019 10:1 pm est:insert 'put blank-space to make like' 13 jan 2019 12:12 pm est: show comment without newline,even though 'enter' key was pressed to make newline during writing that comment. solution:instead of pressing 'enter',hold 'shift' then press 'enter' to make newline. 18 jan 2019 8:22 am est:#insert# 'Open the Preferences window, then Network->Identify as' in from google(midori user agent string)result 5 18 jan 2019 9:11 am est:#insert# my|operating system=linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon|Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux) AppleWebKit/538.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/538.15 Midori/0.5 31 jan 2019 12:23 pm est: problem:firefox show pdf then use firefox's save-page-as to save that pdf,make pdf-file being saved, damaged solution:use 'download' icon on firefox-pdf-viewer to save that pdf. 1 may 2019 5:40 pm edt: problem:change linux-bash-prompt in linuxmint,which usually look like 'username@hostname ~$' solution:PS1 is variable-name for linux-bash-prompt (1)just for 1 user-account:edit /home//.bashrc (1.1)modify code which begin with 'PS1= by adding any variable:[source: from google(linux change bash prompt)result 2] \a : an ASCII bell character (07) \d : the date in “Weekday Month Date” format (e.g., “Tue May 26”) \D{format} : the format is passed to strftime(3) and the result is inserted into the prompt string; an empty format results in a locale-specific time representation. The braces are required \e : an ASCII escape character (033) \h : the hostname up to the first ‘.’ \H : the hostname \j : the number of jobs currently managed by the shell \l : the basename of the shell’s terminal device name \n : newline \r : carriage return \s : the name of the shell, the basename of $0 (the portion following the final slash) \t : the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format \T : the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format \@ : the current time in 12-hour am/pm format \A : the current time in 24-hour HH:MM format \u : the username of the current user \v : the version of bash (e.g., 2.00) \V : the release of bash, version + patch level (e.g., 2.00.0) \w : the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde \W : the basename of the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde \! : the history number of this command \# : the command number of this command \$ : if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a $ \nnn : the character corresponding to the octal number nnn \\ : a backslash \[ : begin a sequence of non-printing characters, which could be used to embed a terminal control sequence into the prompt \] : end a sequence of non-printing characters (1.2)execute command 'source ~/.bashrc' to make sure there is no syntax-error (2)for all user-account: (2.1)edit /etc/bash.bashrc modify code which begin with 'PS1= by adding any variable like in list above: (2.2)edit /etc/skel/.bashrc[source:'If you want each new user to have this file automatically, just change the output of the command to /etc/skel/.bash_profile' in from google(how local .bashrc created)result 6] because /etc/skel/.bashrc will become ~/.bashrc for newly-created-user-account. comment following-code in /etc/skel/.bashrc to look like this: #if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then # if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]] ; then # PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\$ # else # PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\$ # fi #else # PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h \w \$ ' #fi (2.3)execute command 'source /etc/bash.bashrc','source /etc/skel/.bashrc' to make sure there is no syntax-error (3)tips:execute command 'echo $PS1' to show current-value for variable PS1 PS1 is variable-name for linux-bash-prompt 1 may 2019 6:12 pm edt: problem:create new linux-user-account solution:(1)sudo useradd -m -m means create home-directory in /home/ if -m is not written then won't have home-directory,can not login to linux-gui,maybe can login only to linux-console. source:execute command 'man useradd' (2)sudo passwd to set password for that source:execute command 'man passwd' 15 may 2019 5:24 pm edt: problem:google-chrome:export bookmark solution:click bookmark-manager->organise->export bookmark to html.source:google(export chrome bookmark) 29 may 2019 7:59 pm edt: problem:firefox use 100% cpu during startup opening blank-page solution: (1)set add-on to 'never activate' 1 by 1 and start firefox to see which add-on give 100% stress to cpu in my case:add-on 'openh264 video codec provided by cisco systems inc' give 100% stress to cpu [addition 18 sep 2019 10:8 am edt] (2)making newest-firefox-version use old-firefox-version-browing-history, maybe give 100% stress to cpu [/addition 18 sep 2019 10:8 am edt] addition 1 jun 2019 3:49 pm edt------------------- (3)maybe that firefox is a firefox which has been updated to newer version(an updated-firefox). try download newest firefox-version then run that newest firefox-version separately. so that newest firefox-version won't have bookmark,browing-history from updated-firefox. [obsolete]addition 30 may 2019 12:49 pm edt: (2)ps aux | grep firefox (3)kill -9 (4)start firefox 3->5 times then firefox does not give 100% stress to cpu anymore. [/obsolete] 4 jun 2019 3:25 pm edt: problem:where to download firefox-source-code ? solution: firefox-67: firefox-53: source:'The source code for a release can be found on the Archive server in the "source" subdirectory of the release you want to acquire. The directory structure on the server is as follows: where the names in italics mean the following:PROJECT - The project name, such as firefox or thunderbird.RELEASE - The release, such as 53.0.3.For example, the source code for Firefox release 53.0.3 can be found at the following URL:' in from google(firefox source code) 14 jun 2019 3:42 pm edt problem:linuxmint boot to initramfs prompt (initramfs) solution: solution-1: (1)e2fsck -Cy /dev/mapper/mint--vg-root (2)exec /sbin/init <--- reboot if that fail then try solution-2: (1)something like e2fsck -Cy /dev/mapper/mint--vg-root but replace '/dev/mapper/mint--vg-root' with similar info which was shown after executing 'exit' in step (1) (2)exec /sbin/init <--- reboot if that fail then try solution-3: (1)e2fsck -Cy /dev/sda1 (2)exec /sbin/init <--- reboot source: from google(linuxmint boot initramfs)result 1 if receive message 'fsck from util-linux 2.27.1' without further detail then try solution-4: (1)e2fsck -Cy /dev/sda1 (2)exec /sbin/init <--- reboot source: from google(fsck from util-linux 2.27.1 no more info) 18 jun 2019 5:57 pm edt: problem:make linuxmint show boot-menu always solution:(1)sudo nano /etc/default/grub (2)put comment to this line to become: #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT= (3)make sure this line exist: GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 (4)save /etc/default/grub (5)sudo update-grub.source: from google(make grub2 always show menu)result 1 problem:add boot-parameter to grub solution:(1)do solution for 'problem:make linuxmint show boot-menu always' (2)wait for that boot-menu to show up then press 'e' to add boot-parameter to a text-line which start with 'linux ...' add blank-space then add boot-parameter as last word on that text-line. source: from google(add to kernel command line grub) 18 jun 2019 6:18 pm edt: problem:reset root password/root-password without having user-account, recover root password/root-password, boot to single-user-mode to reset root-password(lose root-password,root password), gain physical-access to any linux-computer(not remote-access) solution: (1)do solution for 'problem:make linuxmint show boot-menu always' (2)do solution for 'problem:add boot-parameter to grub' to add boot-parameter init=/bin/sh (3)ctrl x <---- to boot (4)mount / -o remount,rw <----- mount harddisk directory / (5)passwd root <---- set new password for root/set new root-password (6)exec /sbin/init <---- reboot source: from '' in from google(init=/bin/sh failed to connect to bus no such file or directory)result 3 problem:reset root password/root-password with having user-account solution:sudo passwd root 18 jun 2019 6:42 pm edt: problem:make linuxmint show progress during boot, instead of showing logo solution:(1)sudo nano /etc/default/grub (2)make look like this: #GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" (3)save /etc/default/grub [addition 28 nov 2024 10:42 pm est] (4)for>Lmde-6 : edit '/etc/default/grub.d/50_lmde.cfg' to convert code 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"' to become comment . [source : (1)'cat /usr/sbin/update-grub $(which update-grub)' , 'grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg' in from google ( test /etc/default/grub ) result 2 , ( grub-mkconfig not reading /etc/default/grub ) result 5 (2)'cat /proc/cmdline' in from google ( GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT version 2.06 ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Where to find GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT? (3)'grub-install --version' in from google ( get grub version ) result 1 ] [/addition 28 nov 2024 10:42 pm est] (5)sudo update-grub source: from google(make linuxmint show boot progress) 18 jun 2019 6:50 pm edt:#reword# gain access to any linux-computer #to# gain physical-access to any linux-computer(not remote-access) 18 jun 2019 8:31 pm edt: problem:how to merge/unite many pdf-file to 1 pdf-file in linux ? solution:pdfunite file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf outputfile.pdf if pdfunite is not recognised then (1)sudo apt-get install poppler (2)sudo apt-get install poppler-utils (3)pdfunite file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf outputfile.pdf source: from google(linux concat pdf)result 2 18 jun 2019 8:34 pm edt:#insert# from google(linux concat pdf)result 2 19 jun 2019 10:32 am edt:#reword# reboot #to# exec /sbin/init <--- reboot 19 jun 2019 10:33 am edt:(1)#delete# (1)exit #under# solution-2: #under# problem:linuxmint boot to initramfs prompt (initramfs) (2)#add# solution-4: #under# problem:linuxmint boot to initramfs prompt (initramfs) 19 jun 2019 1:27 pm edt: problem:how to extract pdf-page from many-pdf-page solution:pdfseparate -f -l many.pdf output.pdf if pdfseparate is not recognised then (1)sudo apt-get install poppler (2)sudo apt-get install poppler-utils source:(1/2) from google(linux remove pdf page)result 1 (2/2)'poppler' in 'man pdfseparate' 19 jun 2019 1:35 pm edt:#reword# if that fail then try #to# if receive message 'fsck from util-linux 2.27.1' without further detail then try 19 jun 2019 7:23 pm edt: problem:run firefox-44 profile manager to make new profile solution:firefox --new-instance --ProfileManager[source: from google(firefox 44 create profile)result 1] 19 jun 2019 7:30 pm edt:(1)#insert# /useragent #to# set user-agent/useragent string in firefox (2)#insert# if 'general.useragent.override' does not exist then make string-variable 'general.useragent.override' then put value for 'general.useragent.override' variable 20 jun 2019 2:15 pm edt: problem:linuxmint:enlarge font during boot solution: recommended:dpkg-reconfigure console-setup <-- this method won't enlarge font during very-early-boot-phase not recommended:this method won't enlarge font during early-boot-phase:edit /etc/default/console-setup available-font-size-option:'Valid font faces are' in from google(8x16 font size)result 2 source: from google(linux enlarge text on console)result 1 20 jun 2019 2:21 pm edt:#insert# <-- this method won't enlarge font during very-early-boot-phase 20 jun 2019 2:29 pm edt: problem:linuxmint:enlarge font for grub-2-menu solution:(1)sudo grub-mkfont --output=/boot/grub/fonts/dvsm30.pf2 \ --size=30 /usr/share/fonts/TTF/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf #or# sudo grub-mkfont --output=/boot/grub/fonts/dvsm30.pf2 --size=30 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf #or# .... #depending on file-location for DejaVuSansMono.ttf# # \ means next-line, that command is long so need 2 line then \ means next-line:. there will be error-message, ignore those error-message # (2)sudo nano /etc/default/grub #then write# GRUB_FONT=/boot/grub/fonts/dvsm30.pf2 #then save and exit nano# (3)sudo update-grub (4)sudo reboot source:(1) from google(linuxmint enlarge boot font) (2) from google(enlarge grub font)result 1 20 jun 2019 2:41 pm edt:#add# source:(1) from google(linuxmint enlarge boot font) (2) from google(enlarge grub font)result 1 20 jun 2019 3:26 pm edt:#add# available-font-size-option:'Valid font faces are' in from google(8x16 font size)result 2 24 jun 2019 4:41 pm edt: problem:convert many jpg-picture-file to 1 pdf-file solution:(1)sudo apt-get install imagemagick (2)convert image1.jpg image2.png image3.bmp output.pdf [source: from google(linux convert jpg to pdf)] gimp can export jpg to pdf, print jpg to pdf but resulting pdf-size is bloated, 2-times-bigger than jpg-size[source: from google(gimp convert jpg image to pdf size) ] 12 aug 2019 7:33 pm edt:#reword# game-folder$./dosbox #to# assume game-folder is inside game-folder-parent (step-1)game-folder-parent$./dosbox (step-2)dosbox>mount c game-folder (step-3)doxbox>c: (step-4)c:>game.exe 13 aug 2019 7:19 pm edt: problem: offline-map for linux solution:offfline-software:gosm, kde-marble, tangogps, gnome-map offline-map-data:openstreetmap disadvantage:(1)small-font, (2)maybe there is no street-view source: ((1)) from google(linux offline map)result 1 from ((1))'Apr 14, 2018 · Avoid Google Maps with GNOME Maps on GNU/Linux ... GNOME Maps is extremely simple to install, with most major distributions carrying the ...','GNU/Linux users have the handy GNOME Maps application at their disposal' in from google(linux download googlemap)result 1 from google(linux download googlemap)result 1 ((2))'Apr 15, 2016 · Sure, you can find all of these features (and more) in, say, Google Maps. However, you won't find a desktop version of Google Maps for Linux.' in ifrom google(linux download googlemap)result 2 13 aug 2019 7:23 pm edt:(1)#insert# gnome-map (2)#insert# 'GNU/Linux users have the handy GNOME Maps application at their disposal' (3)#insert# from google(linux download googlemap)result 1 (3)#insert# (4)#insert# disadvantage:maybe there is no street-view 13 aug 2019 7:38 pm edt:#insert# small-font 18 sep 2019 10:9 am edt:#add# (2)making newest-firefox-version use old-firefox-version-browing-history, maybe give 100% stress to cpu 17 oct 2019 3:51 pm edt: problem:how to make windows-computer connect to remote-linux-computer ? solution:(1)linux-computer run sshd/open-ssh-server (2)windows-computer run ssh/open-ssh-client/putty: from google(putty)result 1 from my friend nicky-sagitta-hiedajat to connect to sshd/open-ssh-server on remote-linux-computer 19 oct 2019 4:59 pm edt: problem:disabled-service in systemctl, will still be enabled if needed, how to make that disabled-service stay disabled even if needed ? solution:sudo systemctl mask service-name to undo:sudo systemctl unmask service-name more command:find 'systemctl' source: from 'so I mask it' in from google(pppd-dns.service)result 1 from 'pppd-dns.service' in my 'sytemctl list-unit-files' static = can not enable because missing init-script [source:'service is missing the [Install] section in its init script, so you cannot enable or disable it.' in from google(systemctl static)result 1] to make a file containing service-list: sudo systemctl list-unit-files > /home/a/myfiles/service_list_19_oct_2019_5_21_pm_edt.txt my current-service-list: UNIT FILE STATE proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount static dev-hugepages.mount static dev-mqueue.mount static proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount static sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount static sys-kernel-config.mount static sys-kernel-debug.mount static acpid.path enabled cups.path disabled systemd-ask-password-console.path static systemd-ask-password-plymouth.path static systemd-ask-password-wall.path static systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.path static accounts-daemon.service enabled accounts.daemon.service masked acpid.service disabled alsa-restore.service static alsa-state.service static alsa-utils.service masked anacron-resume.service enabled anacron.service enabled apt-daily.service static autovt@.service enabled avahi-daemon.service disabled binfmt-support.service enabled bluetooth.service disabled bootlogd.service masked bootlogs.service masked bootmisc.service masked brltty-udev.service static brltty.service disabled casper.service disabled cgmanager.service enabled cgproxy.service enabled checkfs.service masked checkroot-bootclean.service masked checkroot.service masked colord.service static console-getty.service disabled console-kit-daemon.service disabled console-kit-log-system-restart.service static console-kit-log-system-start.service static console-kit-log-system-stop.service static console-setup.service static console-shell.service disabled container-getty@.service static cron.service enabled cryptdisks-early.service masked cryptdisks.service masked cups-browsed.service disabled cups.service disabled dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service static dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service static dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service static dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service disabled dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service enabled dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service disabled dbus-org.freedesktop.thermald.service enabled dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service static dbus.service static debug-shell.service disabled display-manager.service enabled dm-event.service disabled dns-clean.service enabled emergency.service static friendly-recovery.service enabled fuse.service masked fwupd-offline-update.service static fwupd.service static fwupdate-cleanup.service static geoclue.service static getty-static.service static getty@.service enabled gpu-manager.service enabled halt.service masked hddtemp.service enabled hostname.service masked hwclock.service masked ifup@.service static iio-sensor-proxy.service static initrd-cleanup.service static initrd-parse-etc.service static initrd-switch-root.service static initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service static kerneloops.service disabled keyboard-setup.service disabled killprocs.service masked kmod-static-nodes.service static kmod.service static lightdm.service enabled lm-sensors.service enabled lvm2-lvmetad.service disabled lvm2-lvmpolld.service disabled lvm2-monitor.service enabled lvm2-pvscan@.service static lvm2.service masked mintsystem.service enabled ModemManager.service disabled module-init-tools.service static motd.service masked mountall-bootclean.service masked mountall.service masked mountdevsubfs.service masked mountkernfs.service masked mountnfs-bootclean.service masked mountnfs.service masked network-manager.service enabled networking.service enabled NetworkManager-dispatcher.service enabled NetworkManager-wait-online.service enabled NetworkManager.service enabled ntp.service disabled openvpn.service disabled openvpn@.service disabled plymouth-halt.service static plymouth-kexec.service static plymouth-log.service static plymouth-poweroff.service static plymouth-quit-wait.service static plymouth-quit.service static plymouth-read-write.service static plymouth-reboot.service static plymouth-start.service static plymouth-switch-root.service static plymouth.service static polkitd.service static postgresql.service disabled postgresql@.service disabled pppd-dns.service disabled procps.service static quotaon.service static rc-local.service static rc.local.service static rc.service masked rcS.service masked reboot.service masked rescue.service static resolvconf.service enabled ['resolv.conf(5) file is managed dynamically by various network service daemons. This is the default, and is intended for laptops and other highly mobile systems which may connect to different networks. It also works well for many desktop and server systems, so long as the network infrastructure is perfect.' in from google(resolv.conf service) ] rmnologin.service masked rsync.service disabled rsyslog.service enabled rtkit-daemon.service disabled saned.service masked saned@.service indirect sendsigs.service masked serial-getty@.service disabled setvtrgb.service static sigpwr-container-shutdown.service static single.service masked ssh.service disabled ssh@.service static stop-bootlogd-single.service masked stop-bootlogd.service masked syslog.service enabled systemd-ask-password-console.service static systemd-ask-password-plymouth.service static systemd-ask-password-wall.service static systemd-backlight@.service static systemd-binfmt.service static systemd-bootchart.service disabled systemd-bus-proxyd.service static systemd-exit.service static systemd-fsck-root.service static systemd-fsck@.service static systemd-fsckd.service static systemd-halt.service static systemd-hibernate-resume@.service static systemd-hibernate.service static systemd-hostnamed.service static systemd-hwdb-update.service static systemd-hybrid-sleep.service static systemd-initctl.service static systemd-journal-flush.service static systemd-journald.service static systemd-kexec.service static systemd-localed.service static systemd-logind.service static systemd-machine-id-commit.service static systemd-modules-load.service static systemd-networkd-resolvconf-update.service static systemd-networkd-wait-online.service disabled systemd-networkd.service disabled systemd-poweroff.service static systemd-quotacheck.service static systemd-random-seed.service static systemd-reboot.service static systemd-remount-fs.service static systemd-resolved.service disabled systemd-rfkill.service static systemd-suspend.service static systemd-sysctl.service static systemd-timedated.service static systemd-timesyncd.service disabled systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service static systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service static systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service static systemd-udev-settle.service static systemd-udev-trigger.service static systemd-udevd.service static systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service static systemd-update-utmp.service static systemd-user-sessions.service static thermald.service enabled udev-configure-printer@.service static udev.service static udisks2.service disabled ufw.service disabled umountfs.service masked umountnfs.service masked umountroot.service masked upower.service disabled urandom.service static ureadahead-stop.service static ureadahead.service enabled usb_modeswitch@.service static usbmuxd.service static user@.service static uuidd.service indirect wacom-inputattach@.service static wpa_supplicant.service disabled x11-common.service masked -.slice static machine.slice static system.slice static user.slice static acpid.socket enabled avahi-daemon.socket disabled cups.socket disabled dbus.socket static dm-event.socket enabled lvm2-lvmetad.socket enabled lvm2-lvmpolld.socket enabled saned.socket disabled ssh.socket disabled syslog.socket static systemd-bus-proxyd.socket static systemd-fsckd.socket static systemd-initctl.socket static systemd-journald-audit.socket static systemd-journald-dev-log.socket static systemd-journald.socket static systemd-networkd.socket disabled systemd-rfkill.socket static systemd-udevd-control.socket static systemd-udevd-kernel.socket static uuidd.socket enabled static static static static static disabled static static disabled static static static disabled static static static static static static disabled static static static static static static static static static static disabled static disabled static enabled disabled static disabled disabled static static static static disabled static static static static static static static static static static static static static static apt-daily.timer enabled systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer static ureadahead-stop.timer static 307 unit files listed. 19 oct 2019 5:21 pm edt:#add# to make a file containing service-list: sudo systemctl list-unit-files > /home/a/myfiles/service_list_19_oct_2019_5_21_pm_edt.txt 25 oct 2019 6:4 pm edt: problem:linuxmint-service needed for reboot solution: tips:(1)maybe require doing : find 'problem:make linuxmint show progress during boot, instead of showing logo' (2)how to enable lightdm : sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm not 'sudo systemctl enable lightdm', not 'sudo systemctl restart lightdm' [source:(1/2)'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' in from google (systemctl enable lightdm fail) result 3 (2/2)'systemctl restart lightdm.service' in maybe from google (systemctl can not start lightdm)] . systemd automatically-enable disabled-service if needed but systemd won't automatically-enable lightdm if needed then linux-boot show boot-text showing service-list then show black-screen with blinking-cursor. lightdm must be manually-enabled using that different-command 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' then problem about linux-boot show boot-text showing service-list then show black-screen with blinking-cursor, disappear. during boot if systemd fail to start lightdm.service then systemd fail to start display-manager.service as well simplified-output from 'sudo systemctl list-unit-files > /home/a/myfiles/service_list/e_25_oct_2019_5_59_pm_edt.txt' 19 enabled-service: acpid.path enabled anacron-resume.service enabled anacron.service enabled autovt@.service enabled cron.service enabled dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service enabled display-manager.service enabled getty@.service enabled lightdm.service enabled mintsystem.service enabled network-manager.service enabled networking.service enabled NetworkManager-dispatcher.service enabled NetworkManager.service enabled -> both network-manager and NetworkManager is needed to go online, if they dead then my-computer offline then i must run '/etc/network-manager start' to go online. resolvconf.service enabled -> resolv.conf needed to run 'sudo /etc/init.d/resolvconf start' during boot. resolvconf convert host-name like to google-ip-address during prior visiting 'DHCP client may request an address from this pool, and then use it on a temporary basis for communication on network' in from 'most common daemon which overwrites resolv.conf is dhclient(8) (from isc-dhcp-client).' in from google(resolv.conf service) rsyslog.service enabled syslog.service enabled ureadahead.service enabled acpid.socket enabled 25 oct 2019 6:29 pm edt:#reword# sudo systemctl list-unit-files > /home/a/myfiles/e_25_oct_2019_5_59_pm_edt.txt #to# sudo systemctl list-unit-files > /home/a/myfiles/service_list/e_25_oct_2019_5_59_pm_edt.txt 8 jan 2020 11:49 am est: problem:make>18.2->cinnamon->desktop-wallpaper show nothing, no wallpaper-picture, show solid-color. solution:right-click on desktop-wallpaper -> change desktop background -> setting -> picture aspect : no picture 18 mar 2020 1:38 pm edt: problem:what button start mame-game ? (mame-0.160) solution:press 'tab' -> input(general) -> user-interface -> press f2 (button for ui-(first)-tape-start) example mame-game : (1)pacman : (2)ridge-racer : (3)samurai-shodown 2 : [source: from google (mame 0.160 samsho2) result 3] (4)king-of-fighter-2000/kof-2k [source: from from find ''] (5)ddonpach/dodonpachi-1 [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (6)ddpdfk/dodonpachi-daifukatsu [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (7)ddragon3b/double-dragon-3 [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (8)mp_shnb3/shinobi-3 [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (9)superman [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] 18 mar 2020 12:51 pm edt: problem:show mame-config to show location for mame-game-rom-file: solution:mame -showconfig 18 mar 2020 1:17 pm edt: problem:show available mame-command solution:mame -help 21 apr 2020 12:7 pm edt:#add# addition 21 apr 2020 12:3 pm edt 21 apr 2020 3:29 pm edt:#add# addition 21 apr 2020 3:27 pm edt 29 apr 2020 10:37 pm edt: problem:embed photo to 1 html-file [source:(1/2) from google (embedding picture to html file) from google-news-html-code (2/2) from bottom-text in 'linux>base64 --help'] solution: (1)linux>base64 /home/a/Pictures/hanging_cable_zoom.jpg > electricity_pole.txt (2)(optional, this make html-file small) convert electricity_pole.txt-text-content from multiple-line-text to 1 line-text (2.1)make new-file read_file.c. read_file.c contain this text: // [source: from google (c read file)] #include int main (int argc, char ** argv) { char *filename = NULL; FILE *fp; if (argc == 2) filename = argv [ 1 ]; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL){ printf("Could not open file %s\n",filename); return 1; } int c = 0; c = fgetc ( fp ); while ( c != EOF ) { if ( (char) c != '\n' ) printf ("%c", c); c = fgetc ( fp ); } fclose(fp); return 0; } (2.2)linux>gcc -o read_file read_file.c (2.3)./read_file ~/myfiles/letters/electricity_pole.txt > ~/myfiles/letters/electricity_pole_1_line.txt (3)write to html-file : some textual description of your image 24 may 2020 6:52 pm edt:(1/2)#reword# problem:what button start mame-game ? #to# problem:what button start mame-game ? (mame-0.160) (2/2)#add# (3)samurai-shodown 2 : [source: from google (mame 0.160 samsho2) result 3] 24 may 2020 7:2 pm edt:(1/6)#add# (4)king-of-fighter-2000/kof-2k [source: from from find ''] (2/6)#add# (5)ddonpach/dodonpachi-1 [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (3/6)#add# (6)ddpdfk/dodonpachi-daifukatsu [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (4/6)#add# (7)ddragon3b/double-dragon-3 [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (5/6)#add# (8)mp_shnb3/shinobi-3 [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (6/6)#add# (9)superman [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] 26 may 2020 11:10 pm edt: problem:kega-fusion ( from google (kega fusion)) in linuxmint produce many error, icon-highlighted disappear, can not load sega-rom solution:(1)change theme, avoid any theme with prefix 'mint-x...'. this linuxmint-theme-selection make kega-fusion-icon-highlight stay-visible : window-borders 'simple' icons 'mint-y' controls 'mint-y' (2)choose file->(load genesis / 32x rom), not file->(load mastersystem rom), to load sega-rom some sega-rom : (1)shinobi-3 (unzip to get .md file. sega-rom-file is .md file) : [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] kega-fusion->save-state-procedure is easier than mame->save-sate-procedure kega-fusion->save-state : 'esc'->file->save-state (2)streets-of-rage-3/sor-3: sor-3-usa [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] sor-3-jp/bk-3 [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] sor-3-eu? [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] sor-3-asia? [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (3)arrow-flash-jp-eu [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] arrow-flash-usa-eu [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] 26 may 2020 11:26 pm edt: (1/2)#add# ( from google (kega fusion)) (2/2)#add# some sega-rom : (1)shinobi-3 (unzip to get .md file. sega-rom-file is .md file) : [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] kega-fusion->save-state-procedure is easier than mame->save-sate-procedure kega-fusion->save-state : 'esc'->file->save-state 2 jun 2020 8:35 pm edt:#add# (2)streets-of-rage-3/sor-3: sor-3-usa sor-3-jp/bk-3 sor-3-eu? sor-3-asia? 2 jun 2020 8:45 pm edt: (1/5)#add# [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (2/5)#add# [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (3/5)#add# [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (4/5)#add# [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] (5/5)#add# (3)arrow-flash-jp-eu [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] arrow-flash-usa-eu [source: from find 'samurai-shodown 2'] 6 jun 2020 7:44 pm edt: problem : clean computer-keyboard and make computer-keyboard stay-clean solution : procedure to clean keyboard: ( iconcepts 90050ns : from google ( iconcepts 90050ns) result 3) (1)write keyboard-button-position on paper (2)remove each keyboard-screw, keyboard-screw are located underneath keyboard. if there is sticker underneath keyboard then remove sticker underneath keyboard. because that sticker maybe hide keyboard-screw. (3)open keyboard-housing. there is 1 elastic-white-rubber underneath each keyboard-button. remember elastic-white-rubber-position how 1 elastic-white-rubber touch keyboard-button. insert all elastic-white-rubber to water-bucket. use soapy-finger to scrub each wet-elastic-white-rubber. then insert all soapy-elastic-white-rubber to bucket-2 (4)from inside keyboard-housing : push each keyboard-button, to remove each keyboard-button. insert all keyboard-button to water-bucket. use soapy-finger to scrub each keyboard-button. then insert soapy-keyboard-button to bucket-2. now bucket-2 contain (1)soapy-elastic-white-rubber (2)soapy-keyboard-button. fill bucket-2 with clean-water then stir (1)soapy-elastic-white-rubber (2)soapy-keyboard-button to separate soap from elastic-white-rubber and keyboard-button. repeat 1 or 2 time. remove wet-keyboard-button from bucket-2 1 by 1, use wet-finger to scrub each wet-keyboard-button, to make-sure each wet-keyboard-button doesn't have soap-residue. put wet-keyboard-button, wet-elastic-white-rubber, in airy-room, to dessicate. (5)inside keyboard-housing there are : (1)1 keyboard-cable connected to 1 circuit-board : avoid washing those. (2)some keyboard-size-white-transparent-sheet-with-circuit-drawing being stacked on top of each other : avoid washing those. [source:(1/2)'Nah. I did it like 3 times and it all ended up in keyboard malfunctioning partially or even fully. I think that water leaves certain minerals on the surface and that's what causing it.' in from google (keyboard transparent plastic contact) result 6 (2/2) (How to Clean A Membrane Keyboard) from google (wash membrane keyboard) result 1 from 'Membrane keyboards are the more common of the two. With membrane keyboards, a thin membrane presses on a circuit layer, that registers the key pressed.' in from google (keyboard membrane) result 5 from from google (keyboard electrical contact layer) result 1 from 'Peel back the electrical contact layers' in from google (keyboard component part name transparent conductor) result 4] (6)use soapy-finger, tooth-brush to scrub keyboard-housing (7)shake 1 keyboard-button to make-sure that keyboard-button is dry, and doesn't eject water-droplet. use paper written on step (1) for a guide to install each keyboard-button to keyboard-housing. (8)invertedly-suspend keyboard-housing-with-keyboard-button, with 2 packaging-box become like 2 pillar supporting keyboard-housing-with-keyboard-button, without pressing any keyboard-button. so keyboard-button face floor. put each elastic-white-rubber on each keyboard-button, remember 'remember elastic-white-rubber-position how 1 elastic-white-rubber touch keyboard-button.' assemble everything-else but use minimum screw-amount just to make keyboard-housing can close. then test each keyboard-button with computer. if some keyboard-button fail to show response then maybe because keyboard-size-white-transparent-sheet-with-circuit-drawing has concave/air-pocket/bulge. procedure to make keyboard stay-clean: [obsolete] [reason] so maybe after frequent washing-with-soap : silicone-flexible-keyboard can rupture/torn-apart as-well like transparent-keyboard-silicone-cover [/reason] (1) maybe buy crid=25Y4UF5G5DT3J&keywords=sungwoo+foldable+silicone+keyboard&qid=1656597676&s=electronics&sprefix=sungwo%2Celectronics%2C72 &sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyUEtZMjc3MjcyTjA1JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDc4MjU3MVE0RUJUREpXWUFWSiZlbmNyeXB0 ZWRBZElkPUEwNjYwODgyMzNZVkZTTlVQUkE2QiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= [addition 4 jul 2022 10:26 pm edt] but that crid=25Y4UF5G5DT3J&keywords=sungwoo+foldable+silicone+keyboard&qid=1656597676&s=electronics&sprefix=sungwo%2Celectronics%2C72 &sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyUEtZMjc3MjcyTjA1JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDc4MjU3MVE0RUJUREpXWUFWSiZlbmNyeXB0 ZWRBZElkPUEwNjYwODgyMzNZVkZTTlVQUkE2QiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= says : 'Waterproof and dustproof: No additional keyboard cover skin required, food crumbs or dust can be easily cleaned thoroughly. Clean the silicone keyboard with water, alcohol, or alcohol based disinfectant.' #contradict# comment 'comment-writer : tanner comment-rating : 5 star comment-title : 'so far so good' : comment-content : 'The keyboard comes in a fairly small box all rolled up - which I like, because it shows me that I'm able to' ....... 'PS. If you're looking for a water-proof keyboard, I'm not sure that this is a great option. The package comes with a warning list, which includes - Don't spill liquids on keyboard!' [/addition 4 jul 2022 10:26 pm edt] [/obsolete] [obsolete] [reason] transparent-keyboard-silicone-cover maybe eventually torn-apart/rupture after receiving repeated finger-pressure during typing [source : (1)'Love that it's flat since my board is non standard. Very transparent. Nice thickness. Easy to rinse off. Don't love that I've had it 4 days and it already has imprint impressions from the edge of the keys. I'm afraid they will punch through quickly. Also, the fold crease (from how packaged) will not go away. I've stretched, washed, and laid flat. It's irritating, but not enough to return.' in (2)(2.1)'However, my short nails kept tearing a hole near the "s" key, allowing moisture to get in again.' (2.2)'silicone protector is starting to stretch on the left hand side, but not so much that it's causing issues. In retrospect, now that I see how this silicone cover works, I might have been able to take a 4mil plastic bag and tape it around the keyboard and it wouldn't have torn' in ] [/reason] (1)insert clean-computer-keyboard to transparent-plastic-bag maybe like (1) (2)12 x 20 from row 3 col last (3)20 x 16 from row 1 col 1 my computer-keyboard-size : 17.5 inch x 6 inch [source: from google ( iconcepts 90050ns) result 3] (2)wash that plastic-bag sometime in the future. clean-water-usage should be minimum. doing 'procedure to clean keyboard:' need prodigal-clean-water [/obsolete] 12 jun 2020 5:49 pm edt: problem : how 1-button-mouse do right-click ? 1-button-mouse is easier to clean than multiple-button-mouse solution : press and hold the "Control" key on keyboard, then click the mouse. [source:'How do I right click with only one button? On the keyboard press and hold the "Control" key, then click the mouse. Note: mice with two buttons can do this to. Hold the "Control" key, then left click the mouse.' in from google (how 1 button mouse right click) result 1] [obsolete] [reason] maybe because ~/.bash_history says i do: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/myfiles/mount_place then i do: sudo dd if=linuxmint-19.3-cinnamon-64bit.iso of=/dev/sdb1 oflag=direct bs=1048576 but i can not reproduce that error-msg 'invalid magic number', 'invalid signature', 'Failed to load ldlinux.c32' [/reason] 15 jun 2020 8:28 pm edt: problem : format usb-drive for making solution : sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 -I /dev/sdb avoid using find 'sudo mke2fs /dev/sdb' [addition 15 jun 2020 8:51 pm edt] using find 'sudo mke2fs /dev/sdb' to format that usb-drive, will make booting, produce error : (1)'invalid magic number' under efi-boot (2)'invalid signature' under efi-boot (3)'Failed to load ldlinux.c32' under legacy-bios-boot [addition 15 jun 2020 9:24 pm edt] [source for complete-error-message:(1/6) from google (error casper/vmlinuz has invalid signature) (2/6) from google (linux boot invalid magic number) (3/6) from google (linux boot invalid magic number) (4/6) from google (linux boot invalid magic number) (5/6) from google (linux boot invalid magic number) (6/6) from google (can not load ldlinux. c32)] [/addition 15 jun 2020 9:24 pm edt] [/addition 15 jun 2020 8:51 pm edt] [/obsolete] 15 jun 2020 8:31 pm edt: problem : bottom-horizontal-tool-bar disappear solution : (1)reboot (2)if reboot still doesn't make>bottom-horizontal-tool-bar appear then (1)press-and-hold ctrl, alt then press 't' to show linux-gnome-terminal (2)/usr/share/cinnamon/cinnamon-settings/ panel [source: from google (linuxmint cinnamon task manager disappear) result 1] 15 jun 2020 8:36 pm edt: problem : efi-system-partition-size for linux solution : 100 mb => 250 mb [source: from google (boot efi size) result 1] 15 jun 2020 8:39 pm edt: problem : primary vs logical partition solution : maximum 4 primary-partition is allowed. infinite logical-partition is allowed. 15 jun 2020 8:44 pm edt:#add# addition 15 jun 2020 8:42 pm edt 15 jun 2020 8:52 pm edt:#add# addition 15 jun 2020 8:51 pm edt 15 jun 2020 9:24 pm edt:#add# addition 15 jun 2020 9:24 pm edt 16 jun 2020 9:33 am edt: #reword# 3. %>sudo hostname b display current hostname : %>hostname b #to# 3. %>sudo hostname to display current hostname 16 jun 2020 2:52 pm edt:#make obsolete# problem : format usb-drive for making 27 jun 2020 12:22 pm edt: problem : find which program make heavy-cpu-stress solution : (1)find pid-number %>top [source: from google (linux ps heavy cpu load) result 1] (2)find detail-program-name for that pid-number (optional) %>ps aux (3)kill that program which make heavy-cpu-stress %>kill -9 pid-number 27 jun 2020 12:27 pm edt: (1/2)#reword# (2)find detail-program-name for that pid-number #to# (2)find detail-program-name for that pid-number (optional) (2/2)#add# (3)kill that program which make heavy-cpu-stress %>kill -9 pid-number 27 jun 2020 1:54 pm edt:#add# [source: from google (linux ps heavy cpu load) result 1] 2 jul 2020 11:41 pm edt: #add# tips:(1)maybe require doing : find 'problem:make linuxmint show progress during boot, instead of showing logo' (2)how to enable lightdm : sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm not 'sudo systemctl enable lightdm', not 'sudo systemctl restart lightdm' [source:'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' in from google (systemctl enable lightdm fail) result 3] 3 jul 2020 12:23 pm edt: problem : make systemd show enabled service solution : a@2 11:38 AM ~ sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled [source: from google (systemctl list enabled service)] 3 jul 2020 12:29 pm edt: (1)#add# 'systemctl restart lightdm.service' in maybe from google (systemctl can not start lightdm) (2)#add# systemd automatically-enable disabled-service if needed but systemd won't automatically-enable lightdm if needed then linux-boot show boot-text showing service-list then show black-screen with blinking-cursor. lightdm must be manually-enabled using that different-command 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm' then problem about linux-boot show boot-text showing service-list then show black-screen with blinking-cursor, disappear. 3 jul 2020 12:44 pm edt:#add# during boot if systemd fail to start lightdm.service then systemd fail to start display-manager.service as well 8 jul 2020 7:24 pm edt: problem : change work-space/workspace solution : (1)ctrl + alt + left-arrow or (2)ctrl + alt + right-arrow 23 jul 2020 3:37 pm edt: problem : leaving message to web-server-administrator solution : (1)%>wget -U '|operating system=linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon|wget' --spider localhost add this message : - - [23/Jul/2020:15:31:33 -0400] "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 200 311 "-" "|operating system=linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon|wget" to /var/log/apache2/access.log (2)%>wget -U '|operating system=linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon|wget' --spider localhost/test.html add this message : - - [23/Jul/2020:15:32:15 -0400] "HEAD /test.html HTTP/1.1" 200 283 "-" "|operating system=linuxmint 18.2 sonya cinnamon|wget" to /var/log/apache2/access.log 23 jul 2020 6:39 pm edt:#add# addition 23 jul 2020 6:38 pm edt 30 jul 2020 3:18 pm edt: problem : linux-gui make cpu-usage 100 % , slowing-down linux-gui until almost freeze solution : (solution-1)(1)ctrl + alt + f1 --> ( to quit then go to linux-command-prompt ) [ maybe from google (linux quit lightdm)] (2)wait... (3)login (login-process maybe slow, wait...) (4)pkill firefox [source: from google ( killall no process found ) from 'killall' in from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] (5)sudo reboot (solution-2)ctrl + alt + back-space to quit x then relogin to x [source: from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] (solution-3)SysRq maybe is on keyboard-button 'print screen'. (1)Alt+SysRq+U remount filesystems as read-only (optional) [source: from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] (2)Alt+SysRq+B forcefully reboot [source: from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] 30 jul 2020 7:57 pm edt: (1)#reword# [source:forgotten-website from google (...) ] #to# [ maybe from google (linux quit lightdm)] (2)#reword# (3)sudo reboot #to# (3)login (login-process maybe slow, wait...) (4)sudo reboot 30 jul 2020 8 pm edt:#reword# ( to go to linux-command-prompt ) #to# --> ( to quit then go to linux-command-prompt ) 31 jul 2020 6 pm edt:#make obsolete# geany : turn off syntax highlighting for .htm file, 6 sep 2020 6:53 pm edt: (1/2)#add# killall firefox [source: from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] (2/2)#add# (solution-2)ctrl + alt + back-space to quit x then relogin to x [source: from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] (solution-3)SysRq maybe is on keyboard-button 'print screen'. (1)Alt+SysRq+U remount filesystems as read-only (optional) [source: from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] (2)Alt+SysRq+B forcefully reboot [source: from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] 9 sep 2020 11:12 pm edt:#reword# (4)killall firefox [source: from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] #to# (4)pkill firefox [source: from google ( killall no process found )] 9 sep 2020 11:16 pm edt:#reword# (4)pkill firefox [source: from google ( killall no process found )] #to# (4)pkill firefox [source: from google ( killall no process found ) from 'killall' in from google ( linux memory full hang reboot ) result 2] 14 oct 2020 8:57 pm edt: end 9:1 pm edt problem : show harddisk/hard-disk's temperature, cpu's temperature in computer with>windows-operating-system solution: download-and-run : from click 'The latest version is SpeedFan 4.52.' in from google ( speedfan ), ( windows hddtemp ), ( hddtemp ), ( windows 10 check hard disk temperature ) hard-disk's operating-temperature : 0 -> 60 celcius hard-disk's non-operating-temperature : -40 -> 70 celcius. [source : Temperature, Operating (°C) 0 to 60. Temperature, Nonoperating (°C) -40 to 70 in from google (harddisk platter storage temperature) result 7] 29 oct 2020 12:2 pm edt:#add# addition 29 oct 2020 11:59 am edt 10 nov 2020 7:39 am est:#add# addition 10 nov 2020 7:38 am est 10 nov 2020 11:53 am est:#add# addition 10 nov 2020 11:52 am est 28 nov 2020 5:8 pm est: problem : zoom/enlarge text on firefox , shrink text on firefox solution : (1)zoom/enlarge text on firefox : press-and-hold control then : press = or press + (2)shrink text on firefox : press-and-hold control then press - 28 nov 2020 6:32 pm est: problem : Linux : see current-cpu-frequency. [source: from google ( show current cpu frequency ) result 1] solution : (1) 'lscpu' -->start-addition 28 nov 2020 7:11 pm est example : a@2 06:57 PM ~ lscpu etc... CPU MHz: 1599.884 CPU max MHz: 2500.0000 CPU min MHz: 1600.0000 etc... (2) 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' example: a@2 07:01 PM ~ cat /proc/cpuinfo etc... cpu MHz : 1676.788 etc... -->end-addition 28 nov 2020 7:11 pm est (3)'cpufreq-info' but need : apt-get install cpufrequtils example: a@2 06:32 PM ~ cpufreq-info cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009 Report errors and bugs to, please. analyzing CPU 0: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0 maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms. hardware limits: 1.60 GHz - 2.50 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 1.60 GHz and 2.50 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 1.60 GHz. a@2 06:33 PM ~ 28 nov 2020 7:14 pm est: (1/3)#add# -->start-addition 28 nov 2020 7:11 pm est #until# -->end-addition 28 nov 2020 7:11 pm est (2/3)#reword# command show current-cpu-frequency. #to# but need : apt-get install cpufrequtils (3/3)#add# [source: from google ( show current cpu frequency ) result 1] 5 dec 2020 5:42 pm est: problem : sudo some-time doesn't request password, sudo some-time request password. make sudo always request password solution : (1)sudo visudo (2)Defaults timestamp_timeout=0 # 0 means always ask password [source : (1/2) from google ( sometimes sudo ask for password ) result 2 (2/2) from google ( sudo timeout ) result 3] 9 dec 2020 11:58 am est:#under# problem : turn on auto complete, bash completion feature in debian #reword# 1. sudo apt-get install bash-completion 2. add that to bash profile if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi #to# (1) >sudo apt-get install bash-completion (2)(option-1) make all user can do bash-completion : (1)>sudo nano /etc/profile (2)write to file /etc/profile : if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi (3)>source /etc/profile or re-login (option-2) make certain user can do bash-completion : (1)>sudo nano /home/user-name/.bash_profile or >sudo nano /home/user-name/.bashrc ( for ) (2)write to file /home/user-name/.bash_profile or write to file /home/user-name/.bashrc if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then . /etc/bash_completion fi (3)>source /home/user-name/.bash_profile or >source /home/user-name/.bashrc or re-login 7 mar 2021 2:6 pm est:#add# addition 7 mar 2021 2:5 pm est ============================================================================================================================================================ 13 apr 2021 9:48 am edt: problem : helpful tool to know computer-server-web-site location ? solution : [addition 21 jul 2021 8:15 am edt] warning : automatically-show google-map so find 'usa-country->california-night-time-only' , 'burn-and-kill many bird'. (1)to find location for computer-server '' : visit : produce output : usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->wikimedia-foundation-inc-> [source : from google ( hostname ) result 1] [addition 21 jul 2021 8:28 am edt] : ohio-state->dublin-city->> [/addition 21 jul 2021 8:28 am edt] [/addition 21 jul 2021 8:15 am edt] (2)example : a@2 09:27 AM ~ traceroute ( tracert in>windows ) traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 Fios_Quantum_Gateway.fios-router.home ( 0.492 ms 0.580 ms 0.784 ms 2 * * * 3 ( 18.221 ms ( 21.399 ms 16.642 ms 4 0.ae1.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 19.847 ms 19.767 ms 0.ae2.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 18.274 ms 5 * * * 6 * * * 7 * ( 47.974 ms * 8 * * * 9 ( 49.239 ms 44.402 ms 49.169 final-meaningful-output show 'dfw79' , dfw is dallas-fort-worth-iata-airport-code , so's location is near dfw-airport [addition 9 jun 2021 1:47 pm edt] (3)a@2 01:19 PM ~ traceroute doesn't give helpful information about computer-server-web-site-location. traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 Fios_Quantum_Gateway.fios-router.home ( 0.419 ms 0.617 ms 0.811 ms 2 * * * 3 ( 35.130 ms ( 15.069 ms ( 14.351 ms 4 0.ae9.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 15.873 ms 0.ae10.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 16.006 ms 15.907 ms 5 ( 16.624 ms 16.670 ms 16.751 ms other way : --- says computer-server-web-site-location is maybe in germany->frankfurt , uk->ireland , usa->new-york-state->new-york-city. Netblock Owner DigitalOcean, LLC Hosting company Amazon - EU Central (Frankfurt) datacenter Hosting country de Nameserver Nameserver organisation Netblock owner IP address OS Web server Last seen IPv4 address ( IP range Country Name Description N/A IANA-BLK The whole IPv4 address space ↳ United States NET206 American Registry for Internet Numbers ↳ United States DIGITALOCEAN-206-189-0-0 DigitalOcean, LLC ↳ United States DIGITALOCEAN-206-189-0-0 DigitalOcean, LLC IPv6 address (2a05:d014:275:cb00:c26c:5b6d:e2c8:e5a) IP range Country Name Description ::/0 N/A ROOT Root inet6num object ↳ 2a00::/11 European Union EU-ZZ-2A00 RIPE NCC ↳ 2a00::/12 Netherlands EU-ZZ-2A00 RIPE Network Coordination Centre ↳ 2a05:d000::/25 Ireland IE-AMAZON-20150219 Amazon Data Services Ireland Ltd ↳ 2a05:d014:275:cb00:c26c:5b6d:e2c8:e5a Ireland IE-AMAZON-20150219 Amazon Data Services Ireland Ltd DigitalOcean, LLC 101 Ave of the Americas 10th Floor New York NY US 10013 unknown Netlify 7-Jun-2021 [/addition 9 jun 2021 1:47 pm edt] ============================================================================================================================================================ 30 apr 2021 6:6 am edt:#add# addition 30 apr 2021 6:4 am edt ============================================================================================================================================================ 7 jun 2021 5:48 pm edt: problem : gdb's error-message is not helpful , not telling what c-program-code-line-number produce error-message , example : a@2 06:52 PM ~/myfiles/c gcc generate_math_mem_multi_array_2.c -o generate_math_mem_multi_array_2 a@2 06:52 PM ~/myfiles/c gdb ./generate_math_mem_multi_array_2 (gdb) run Starting program: /home/a/myfiles/c/generate_math_mem_multi_array_2 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000000000400701 in main () (gdb) solution : a@2 05:50 PM ~/myfiles/c gcc generate_math_mem_multi_array_2.c -g -o generate_math_mem_multi_array_2 --> -g -o must be in that order. -o -g will produce error. a@2 06:52 PM ~/myfiles/c gdb ./generate_math_mem_multi_array_2 (gdb) run Starting program: /home/a/myfiles/c/generate_math_mem_multi_array_2 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000000000400701 in main ( argc_=, argv_=) at generate_math_mem_multi_array_2.c:45 45 { (gdb) so '-g -o' make gdb produce more helpful error-message. 'at generate_math_mem_multi_array_2.c:45' means during code 'int main (int argc_ , char ** argv_)' , apparently means there is over-size array-size which is too big then causing 'segmentation fault' error. i shrink that array-size then 'segmentation fault' error vanish. [addition 8 jun 2021 5:14 pm edt] example-code-1 seg_fault.c : //File: seg_fault.c. Author: Description: Read text file line by line and output it to the screen. #include #include #include int global_max = 1000000000; //int global_max = 5; int global_count = 5; int main (int argc_ , char ** argv_) //int main () { int addition_result [ 1001 ] [ 1001 ]; int minus_result [ 1001 ] [ 1001 ]; int division_int_result [ 1001 ] [ 1001 ] ; int division_left_over [ 1001 ] [ 1001 ]; int multiplication_result [ 1001 ] [ 1001 ]; int division_result_multiplication_result [ 1001 ] [ 1001 ] ; printf ( "test\n" ); int i = 0; int mu, a, mi; while ( i <= global_count ) { //printf ("generating row %i\n", i); int j = 0; //fputs ( "[", output_stream ); while ( j <= global_count ) { multiplication_result [ i ] [ j ] = i * j; addition_result [ i ] [ j ] = i + j; minus_result [ i ] [ j ] = i - j; j++; } i++; } return 0; } //end-of-code seg_fault.c ;; compile-command : a@2 05:12 PM ~/myfiles/c gcc seg_fault.c -g -o seg_fault gdb-command : gdb ./seg_fault example-code-2 seg_fault_2.c : //File: seg_fault_2.c. Author: Description: Read text file line by line and output it to the screen. #include #include #include int global_max = 1001; //int global_max = 5; int global_count = 5; int main (int argc_ , char ** argv_) //int main () { int addition_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ]; int minus_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ]; int division_int_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ; int division_left_over [ global_max ] [ global_max ]; int multiplication_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ]; int division_result_multiplication_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ; printf ( "test\n" ); int i = 0; int mu, a, mi; while ( i <= global_count ) { //printf ("generating row %i\n", i); int j = 0; while ( j <= global_count ) { multiplication_result [ i ] [ j ] = i * j; addition_result [ i ] [ j ] = i + j; minus_result [ i ] [ j ] = i - j; j++; } i++; } return 0; } //end-of-code seg_fault_2.c ;; compile-command : gcc seg_fault_2.c -g -o seg_fault_2 gdb-command : gdb ./seg_fault_2 changing '1001' to '5' , make 'segmentation fault' error vanish. [/addition 8 jun 2021 5:14 pm edt] ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 8 jun 2021 9:47 am edt: #reword# gdb output is not clear , error-message is not helpful , example : #to# gdb's error-message is not helpful , not telling what c-program-code-line-number produce error-message , example : ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 8 jun 2021 9:54 am edt:#add# addition 8 jun 2021 9:54 am edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 8 jun 2021 10 am edt:#add# addition 8 jun 2021 9:59 am edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 8 jun 2021 10:1 am edt: problem : use gdb to debug c-program which accept command-line-argument. gdb's documentation. solution : use gdb to debug c-program which accept command-line-argument : (gdb) show args Argument list to give program being debugged when it is started is "". (gdb) set args v 5 (gdb) show args Argument list to give program being debugged when it is started is "v 5". (gdb) gdb's documentation : : usa->massachusetts-state->boston-city , so not using 'ivanpah'-solar-electricity which kill bird. [ source : find 'ivanpah' , 'boston' in a@2 09:42 AM ~ traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets (1) Fios_Quantum_Gateway.fios-router.home ( 0.379 ms 0.545 ms 0.772 ms (2) * * * (3) ( 14.406 ms ( 15.767 ms ( 14.325 ms (4) 0.ae1.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 17.318 ms 0.ae2.BR1.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 17.405 ms 17.314 ms (5) * * * (6) * * * (7) ( 20.839 ms 22.897 ms 22.947 ms (8) ( 21.863 ms ( 20.479 ms 20.276 ms (9) ( 20.642 ms 20.244 ms 19.969 ms (10) ( 19.203 ms 18.873 ms 28.844 ms (11) ( 28.726 ms 29.227 ms 28.373 ms a@2 09:51 AM ~ ] ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 8 jun 2021 5:14 pm edt:#add# addition 8 jun 2021 5:14 pm edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 9 jun 2021 1:47 pm edt:#add# addition 9 jun 2021 1:47 pm edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 9 jun 2021 5:21 pm edt: problem : running c-program produce output '*** stack smashing detected ***' solution : that means trying to put value to array_item whose array_index exceed maximum_array_index max_array_index = 10; 'int i=0; int array [ max_array_index ]; while ( i <= max_array_index )' should be changed to 'int i=0; while ( i < max_array_index )' ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 9 jun 2021 5:57 pm edt: end 6:38 pm edt problem : for c , c++ : gcc or g++ ? which is better ? use both. (1) execute-command : gcc mult_array_interference_test.c -g -o mult_array_interference_test execute-command : mult_array_interference_test > mult_array_interference_test.txt find in mult_array_interference_test.txt : 'calculation minus_result [ i=10 ] [ j=4 ] = 10 - 4 = 6' show : 8--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 0 calculation minus_result [ i=10 ] [ j=4 ] = 10 - 4 = 6 9--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 6 which means there is problem : 'calculation minus_result [ i=10 ] [ j=4 ] = 10 - 4 = 6' convert '8--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 0' to '9--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 6' then running-process of 'mult_array_interference_test' , doesn't produce error-message , making user think everything is fine , but actually there was problem 'which means there is problem :'. (2) execute-command : g++ mult_array_interference_test.c -g -o mult_array_interference_test execute-command : mult_array_interference_test > mult_array_interference_test.txt but mult_array_interference_test.txt contain 8--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 0 calculation minus_result [ i=10 ] [ j=4 ] = 10 - 4 = 6 9--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 0 which means everything appear fine , problem 'convert '8--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 0' to '9--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 6'' doesn't happen. but in the end there is error-message '*** stack smashing detected ***' solution : (1)'while ( i <= global_max )' should become 'while ( i < global_max )' (2)'while ( j <= global_max )' should become 'while ( j < global_max )' gcc doesn't produce error-message even-though there is logical-error 'convert '8--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 0'. g++ produce error-message '*** stack smashing detected***' but g++ doesn't show which code-line-number causes error-message '*** stack smashing detected***' and g++ doesn't show logical-error 'convert '8--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 0'. gdb behave like g++ , gdb produce error-message '*** stack smashing detected***' but gdb doesn't say which code-line-number causes error-message '*** stack smashing detected***'. so maybe use gcc , maybe use g++. //File: mult_array_interference.c. Author: Description: Read text file line by line and output it to. the screen. #include #include #include const int global_max = 10; void calculate ( int [ 1 ], int [ 1 ] ); void divide ( int, int, int [ 1 ], int [ 1 ], int [ 1 ] ); void print_2_d_array ( char * , int [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ); void init_2_d_array ( int a [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ); int main (int argc_ , char ** argv_) //int main () { int c = 0; //int max = 100; //int max = 10001; int max = 50; int addition_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ]; int minus_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ]; int division_int_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ; int division_left_over [ global_max ] [ global_max ]; int multiplication_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ]; int division_result_multiplication_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ; init_2_d_array ( addition_result ); init_2_d_array ( minus_result ); init_2_d_array ( division_int_result ); init_2_d_array ( division_left_over ); init_2_d_array ( multiplication_result ); init_2_d_array ( division_result_multiplication_result ); max = 5; int division_int_result_arr [ 1 ]; division_int_result_arr [ 0 ] = 0 ; int division_left_over_arr [ 1 ]; division_left_over_arr [ 0 ] = 0 ; int division_result_multiplication_arr [ 1 ]; division_result_multiplication_arr [ 0 ] = 0 ; //divide ( 3, 2, division_result, division_left_over, division_result_multiplication ); //int max = 1001; int i = 0; int mu, a, mi; while ( i <= global_max ) { int j = 0; while ( j <= global_max ) { //printf ("calculating %i / %i , %i x %i , %i + %i , %i - %i , start\n" , i , j , i , j , i , j , i , j); //printf ( "1--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); division_int_result_arr [ 0 ] = -1; division_left_over_arr [ 0 ] = -1; division_result_multiplication_arr [ 0 ] = -1; divide ( i , j , division_int_result_arr , division_left_over_arr , division_result_multiplication_arr ); printf ( "%i / %i = %i , division_result_multiplication_arr=%i\n" , i , j , division_int_result_arr [ 0 ] , division_result_multiplication_arr [ 0 ] ); printf ( "division_result_multiplication_result [ %i ] [ %i ] = %i\n" , i , j , division_result_multiplication_arr [ 0 ] ); division_result_multiplication_result [ i ] [ j ] = division_result_multiplication_arr [ 0 ]; printf ( "2--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); division_int_result [ i ] [ j ] = division_int_result_arr [ 0 ]; printf ( "3--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); printf ( "4--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); //printf ("now i=%i , j=%i" , i , j); //division_left_over [ i ] [ j ] = 1; division_left_over [ i ] [ j ] = division_left_over_arr [ 0 ]; printf ( "5--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); multiplication_result [ i ] [ j ] = i * j; printf ( "6--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); addition_result [ i ] [ j ] = i + j; printf ( "7--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); printf ( "calculation addition_result [ i=%i ] [ j=%i ] = %i + %i = %i\n" , i , j , i , j , addition_result [ i ] [ j ] ); printf ( "8--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); minus_result [ i ] [ j ] = i - j; printf ( "calculation minus_result [ i=%i ] [ j=%i ] = %i - %i = %i\n" , i , j , i , j , minus_result [ i ] [ j ] ); printf ( "9--addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); //printf ("calculating %i / %i , %i x %i , %i + %i , %i - %i , end\n" , i , j , i , j , i , j , i , j); //mu = i * j; //a = i + j; //mi = i - j; //{dr:'0', dL:'0', dmu:'0', mu:'0', a:'0', mi:'0'} //fprintf ( output_stream, "{dr:'%i', dL:'%i', drm:'%i', mu:'%i', a:'%i', mi:'%i'}", //division_result [ 0 ], division_left_over [ 0 ], division_result_multiplication [ 0 ], mu, a, mi ); j++; } i++; } addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = 0; printf ( "10---addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); addition_result [ 10 ] [ 5 ] = 15; printf ( "11---addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = %i\n" , addition_result [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ); //print_2_d_array ( division_int_result [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ); print_2_d_array ( (char*) "division_int_result" , division_int_result ); print_2_d_array ( (char*) "addition_result" , addition_result ); return 0; } void init_2_d_array ( int a [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ) { int i = 0; int j = 0; while ( i < global_max ) { j = 0; while ( j < global_max ) { a [ i ] [ j ] = -1; j++; } i++; } } //void print_2_d_array ( char * label , int a [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ) void print_2_d_array ( char * label , int a [ global_max ] [ global_max ] ) { printf ( "print_2_d_array ( label=%s , int a [ global_max=%i ] [ global_max=%i ] ) start---\n" , label , global_max , global_max ); int i = 0; int j = 0; int global_max_minus_1 = global_max - 1; int width = 3; printf ( " " ); while ( j < global_max ) { printf ( "%*i" , width , j ); if ( j < global_max ) { printf ( " , " ); } j++; } printf ( " , end\n" ); printf ( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------end\n" ); while ( i < global_max ) { printf ( "%*i : " , width , i ); j = 0; while ( j < global_max ) { printf ( "%*i ( %i , %i )" , width , a [ i ] [ j ] , i , j ); if ( j < global_max ) { printf ( " , " ); } j++; } printf ( " , end\n" ); i++; } printf ( "print_2_d_array ( label=%s , int a [ global_max=%i ] [ global_max=%i ] ) end---\n" , label , global_max , global_max ); } /* int d [ 1 ]; int e [ 1 ]; d [ 0 ] = 3; e [ 0 ] = 3; calculate ( d, e ); printf ( "d=%i, e=%i \n", d [ 0 ], e [ 0 ]); */ /* char s [ 100 ]; strcpy ( s, "test 1" ); strcpy ( s, "abcd" ); a [ 0 ] [ 0 ].division_result = 1; */ //printf ( "test %s %i\n", s, a [ 0 ] [ 0 ].division_result ); /* int division_result [ 1 ]; division_result [ 0 ] = 0 ; int division_left_over [ 1 ]; division_left_over [ 0 ] = 0 ; int multiplication_result [ 1 ]; multiplication_result [ 0 ] = 0 ; divide ( 3, 2, division_result, division_left_over, multiplication_result ); printf ("3 / 2 = result=%i, left_over=%i, division_result_multiplication=%i\n", division_result [ 0 ], division_left_over [ 0 ], multiplication_result [ 0 ] ); */ //fclose ( output_stream ); void calculate ( int a [ 1 ], int b [ 1 ] ) { a [ 0 ] = 1; b [ 0 ] = 2; } void divide ( int n1, int n2, int division_result [ 1 ], int division_left_over [ 1 ], int multiplication_result [ 1 ] ) { int debug = 0; if ( n1 == 0 ) { multiplication_result [ 0 ] = 0; division_left_over [ 0 ] = 0; division_result [ 0 ] = 0 ; return; } else if ( n1 == 0 && n2 == 0) { multiplication_result [ 0 ] = 0; division_left_over [ 0 ] = 0; division_result [ 0 ] = 0 ; return; } else if ( n2 == 0 && n1 != 0) { multiplication_result [ 0 ] = 0; division_left_over [ 0 ] = n1; division_result [ 0 ] = 0 ; return; } if ( debug ) //p ('divide_int ( ', n1, ' , ', n2, ' ) start---'); printf ( "divide_int ( n1=%i, n2=%i ) start---\n", n1, n2 ); //var n1 = parseInt ( n1 ) ; var n2 = parseInt ( n2 ) ; int h = 0 ; int i = 0 ;//kalo ga ada 'var' ya h dianggap h dari function lain seperti global-variable,jadi ancur. int left_over = 0; while ( h < n1 ) //while ( smaller_than_number_string ( h , n1 ) == true ) { if ( debug ) //p ('divide_int ( ', n1, ' , ', n2, ' ) : ', h , ' < ', n1 ); printf ("divide_int ( n1=%i, n2=%i ) : h=%i < i=%i\n", n1, n2, h, n1 ); //h = add_int_int ( h , n2 ) ; h = h + n2; if(debug)//p('h=',h); //alert('h='+h); printf ("h=%i\n",h); i++; } if ( debug == 1 ) //p ('divide_int ( ', n1, ' , ', n2, ' ) : 1'); printf ( "divide ( n1=%i, n2=%i, division_result=%i, division_left_over=%i, division_result_multiplication=%i ) : 1\n", n1, n2, division_result [ 0 ], division_left_over [ 0 ], multiplication_result [ 0 ] ); //if (h > n1) //var compare_result = compare ( h , n1 ); //if ( debug ) p ('divide_int : compare_result = ', compare_result); //if ( compare_result == -1 ) //if ( greater_than_number_string ( h , n1 ) ) if ( h > n1 ) { if ( debug ) //p (h, ' > ', n1); printf ( "%i > %i\n", h, n1); i--; h = h - n2 ; left_over = n1 - h ; } if ( debug ) //p ('divide_int ( ', n1, ' , ', n2, ' ) : 2'); printf ( "divide_int ( n1=%i , n2=%i ) : 2\n", n1, n2 ); division_result [ 0 ] = i; division_left_over [ 0 ] = left_over; multiplication_result [ 0 ] = h; if ( debug ) //p ('divide_int ( ', n1, ' , ', n2, ' ) end---division_result=', result.division_result, ', multiplication_result=', h, ', left_over=', left_over); printf ( "divide_int ( %i, %i ) end---division_result= %i, division_result_multiplication=%i, left_over=%i\n", n1, n2, division_result [ 0 ], multiplication_result [ 0 ], division_left_over [ 0 ] ); } ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 29 jun 2021 7:3 pm edt: end 8 jul 2021 12:44 pm edt problem : c++ code string a = "abc"; string b = "" + a [ 0 ]; cout << "b=" << b << endl; //produce output 'b=::_M_insert_aux' a@2 07:13 PM ~/myfiles/c g++ test.c -g -o test a@2 07:14 PM ~/myfiles/c ./test b=::_M_insert_aux solution : string a = "abc"; string b; b = b + a [ 0 ]; cout << "b=" << b << endl; //produce output 'b=a' a@2 07:13 PM ~/myfiles/c g++ test.c -g -o test a@2 07:14 PM ~/myfiles/c ./test b=a ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 7 jul 2021 3:21 pm edt:#add# addition 7 jul 2021 3:17 pm edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 7 jul 2021 3:19 pm edt:#convert to lower-case# 18 september 2017 13:20 edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 7 jul 2021 6:3 pm edt: end 8 jul 2021 12:43 pm edt problem : c++ code string a = 'a'; //test.c:251:14: error: conversion from ‘char’ to non-scalar type ‘std::__cxx11::string {aka std::__cxx11::basic_string}’ requested "string a = 'a';" cout << "a=" << a << endl; return 0; solution : string a; a = 'a'; cout << "a=" << a << endl; return 0; ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 8 jul 2021 12:33 pm edt:#add# addition 8 jul 2021 12:31 pm edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 8 jul 2021 12:39 pm edt:#add# addition 8 jul 2021 12:37 pm edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 8 jul 2021 12:46 pm edt: #reword# problem : gcc or g++ ? which is better ? use both. #to# problem : for c , c++ : gcc or g++ ? which is better ? use both ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 11 jul 2021 9:9 am edt: end 9:41 am edt problem : unite many file to 1 file , extract file to many file ( dis-unite 1 united-file to many file ) solution : examples: tar -cf archive.tar foo bar # Create archive.tar from files foo and bar. tar -cf archive.tar folder tar -tvf archive.tar # List all files in archive.tar verbosely. tar -xf archive.tar # Extract all files from archive.tar. tar -xvjf archive.tar.bz2 -C directory-name # extract file and put those file to directory-name zip -r folder-1 1.txt #create which contain : folder-1 , 1.txt zip -sf #see file inside unzip #extract unzip -d #extract-folder #extract to extract-folder zip -r new-folder-1 new-folder-2 new-file-1.txt #add new-folder-1 , new-folder-2 , new-file-1.txt to zip -d 3.txt test1/\* #delete 3.txt , delete folder test1 , from [source : run-command : man zip > man_zip.txt then run-command : nano man_zip.txt , to read man_zip.txt] tips which allow user to know what is new inside : put readme.txt inside , readme.txt contain history showing date-time and newly-added-folder-name ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 12 jul 2021 8:15 am edt: #add# unzip -d #extract-folder #extract to extract-folder ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 13 jul 2021 4:4 pm edt: #add# zip -r new-folder-1 new-folder-2 new-file-1.txt #add new-folder-1 , new-folder-2 , new-file-1.txt to ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 13 jul 2021 4:7 pm edt: #reword# problem : unite many file to 1 file , extract file to many file #to# problem : unite many file to 1 file , extract file to many file ( dis-unite 1 united-file to many file ) ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 13 jul 2021 4:38 pm edt: #add# zip -d 3.txt test1/\* #delete 3.txt , delete folder test1 , from ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 13 jul 2021 4:42 pm edt: #reword# zip -r folder #create #to# zip -r folder-1 1.txt #create which contain : folder-1 , 1.txt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 13 jul 2021 8:11 pm edt: #add# tips which allow user to know what is new inside : put readme.txt inside , readme.txt contain history showing date-time and newly-added-folder-name ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 14 jul 2021 12:53 pm edt: #add# [source : run-command : man zip > man_zip.txt then run-command : nano man_zip.txt , to read man_zip.txt] ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 14 jul 2021 8:35 pm edt: problem : how to read user-manual/manual-page for linux-command 'zip' in file rather-than run-command 'man zip' ? solution : (1)run-command : man zip > man_zip.txt (2)run-command : nano man_zip.txt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 21 jul 2021 8:17 am edt:#add# addition 21 jul 2021 8:15 am edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 21 jul 2021 8:19 am edt: #reword# (2)a@2 01:19 PM ~ traceroute doesn't give helpful information about computer-server-web-site-location. #to# (3)a@2 01:19 PM ~ traceroute doesn't give helpful information about computer-server-web-site-location. ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 21 jul 2021 8:21 am edt: #reword# (1)example : a@2 09:27 AM ~ traceroute ( tracert in>windows ) #to# (2)example : a@2 09:27 AM ~ traceroute ( tracert in>windows ) ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 21 jul 2021 8:32 am edt:#add# addition 21 jul 2021 8:28 am edt ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 21 jul 2021 8:37 am edt: #add# warning : automatically-show google-map so find 'usa-country->california-night-time-only' , 'burn-and-kill many bird'. ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 2 sep 2021 3:46 pm edt: #reword# ctrl-o y enter save changes. #to# ctrl-o then press 'enter' to save changes ctrl-o then press 'enter' to save changes . ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 2 sep 2021 5:40 pm edt:#add# since starting , sometimes using nano since 2 sep 2021 5:33 pm edt(utc-4) ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 2 sep 2021 5:46 pm edt: end 6:7 pm edt #reword# ctrl-o then press 'enter' to save changes ctrl-o then press 'enter' to save changes . #to# save changes and stay inside nano : ctrl-o then press 'enter' ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 2 sep 2021 6:5 pm edt:(1/2)#simplify# nano editor command cheat sheet (2/2)#delete under# nano editor command cheat sheet #:# [addition 21 apr 2020 3:27 pm edt] nano:find matching-bracket: alt-] [/addition 21 apr 2020 3:27 pm edt] ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 3 sep 2021 10:20 am edt:#add# save changes and quit nano : ctrl-x 3 sep 2021 10:32 am edt: #reword# nano editor command cheat sheet nano cheat sheet #to# editor command cheat sheet cheat sheet ================================================================================================================================================================================================ 22 sep 2021 6:31 pm edt:#add# addition 22 sep 2021 6:29 pm edt ====================== 25 oct 2021 5:26 am edt:#add# [addition 25 oct 2021 5:24 am edt] ======================== 25 oct 2021 5:47 am edt: problem : apt-get install , produce error http://... ... is a broken link ... solution : apt-get update then repeate 'apt-get install' command ======================= 25 oct 2021 7:35 pm edt: (1/2)#reword# ar p mypackage.deb data.tar.gz | tar zx #to# tar p mypackage.deb data.tar.gz | tar zx (2/2)#reword# ar p mypackage.deb data.tar.gz | tar zt #to# tar p mypackage.deb data.tar.gz | tar zt ======================== 25 oct 2021 7:41 pm edt:#add# [addition 25 oct 2021 7:40 pm edt] ======================== 26 oct 2021 9:30 am edt:#add# [source : forgotten-person in or ; irc-network or , channel/chat-room #debian#] ======================== 11 jan 2022 2:27 am est: #add# =============================== 28 jan 2022 4:28 am est: problem : how to know memory-usage , cpu-usage , inside>cinnamon-desktop-manager ? solution : (1) right-click on bottom-bar where clock show-up but on bottom-bar-portion where there is no icon . (2) left-click 'add applets to the panel' (3) download-and-install : (1)simple-memory-monitor (2)simple-cpu-monitor for 1 cpu (3)cpu-frequency-applet for multiple cpu ( photo : ) =============================== 28 jan 2022 4:35 am est: #add# left-click 'add applets to the panel' ================== 28 jan 2022 4:39 am est: #reword# (2)simple-cpu-monitor #to# (2)simple-cpu-monitor for 1 cpu (3)cpu-frequency-applet for multiple cpu ( photo : ) =========================== 13 may 2022 5:3 pm edt: problem : in linux/ : show file-list with sort-order according-to modification-time ( -t ) with most-current modification-time rank 1 ; human-readable ( -h ) ; show : modification-time , owner-user-name , owner-group , owner-access-entitlement ( -l ) ; show file-list then press 'space-bar' to show next file-list ( | more ). [source : send linux-command 'man ls' to linux-computer ] solution : ls -lth | more ======================================== [addition 22 jun 2022 9:16 pm edt] problem : show file-list with sort-order according to file-name . solution : ls -lh | more [/addition 22 jun 2022 9:16 pm edt] ========================== 13 may 2022 5:17 pm edt: problem : linux's pdf-reader is what ? solution : xreader which is derivative/descendant of evince ============================= 13 may 2022 9:9 pm edt: problem : linux's image-viewer/picture-viewer is what ? solution : xviewer ============================== 27 may 2022 10:26 am edt: end 11:16 am edt problem : example which internet-page-address/web-page-address/web-page-url , email-address , is impostor/fish-bait , genuine/good/real/trust-worthy/high-credibility ? solution : for ( online-shop ) , ( physical-and-online-shop-and-computer-recycler ) , ( online-computer-shop ) , ( cell-phone-communication-service-seller ) , ( debit-and-credit-combo-payment-card ) : (1)impostor/fish-bait email-address example : , , , , (2)genuine/good/real/trust-worthy/high-credibility email-address example : , , , , , , , (3)impostor/fish-bait internet-page-address example : , , , , (4)genuine/good/real/trust-worthy/high-credibility internet-page-address example : , , , , , ======================= 28 may 2022 3:32 am edt: problem : how to modify host-name/hostname in linux-computer ? solution : [source : man hostname] (1) make file /etc/hosts contain something like this : ( sudo nano /etc/hosts , then control+x , then type 'y' , then press 'enter' ) localhost 1.2.3.a 1 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters: (2) make file /etc/hostname contain something like this : ( sudo nano /etc/hostname , then control+x , then type 'y' , then press 'enter' ) 1 (3) ping 1.2.3.a , to test does local-computer recognise full host-name/hostname '1.2.3.a' or not a@1 02:38 AM ~ ping 1.2.3.a PING 1.2.3.a ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.026 ms 64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.037 ms ^C --- 1.2.3.a ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1021ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.026/0.031/0.037/0.007 ms (4) if internet is dead and : we don't know our ip-address is static-ip/use-certain-ip-address or is dynamic-ip/use-any-ip-address then sudo dhclient example : a@1 03:19 AM ~ ping connect: Network is unreachable a@1 03:21 AM ~ sudo dhclient [sudo] password for a: a@1 03:21 AM ~ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=119 time=23.2 ms 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=119 time=14.5 ms --- ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.597/18.937/23.278/4.342 ms ======================================================= 22 jun 2022 9:18 pm edt:#add# [addition 22 jun 2022 9:16 pm edt] ============================ 30 jun 2022 11:11 am edt: end 4 jul 2022 10:1 pm edt #add# maybe buy ======================= 4 jul 2022 9:55 pm edt: problem : during starting : automatically-connect to some irc-network solution : click on top-left-menu : 'hexchat' -> 'network-list' -> inside network-list-box : click-to-select 1 network -> click 'edit' -> uncheck 'connect to this network automatically' ========================================== 4 jul 2022 10:10 pm edt:uploaded to ========================================== 4 jul 2022 10:25 pm edt:#add# [addition 4 jul 2022 10:26 pm edt] ================================================ 4 jul 2022 10:28 pm edt:uploaded to ============================================= 12 jun 2022 10:18 am edt: end 14 jul 2022 10:7 pm edt: problem : newly-updated firefox show blank white-color-age during visiting certain internet-page example : show blank white-color-page ,>individual-kitchen-knife show blank white-color-page . [addition 19 feb 2023 11 pm est] , ( web-site for signing pdf-like-document which show agreement-text like apartment-rental-price-agreement-text . [source : apartment-rental-price-agreement-text from my mother mrs-lili-oei/ui's realtor : . is also my sister's mrs-deborah-tan's realtor ] [/addition 19 feb 2023 11 pm est] solution : maybe that means newly-updated firefox can not use firefox-browsing-history-record ( /home/a/.mozilla/profile-name/places.sqlite ) from previous firefox-version . so download latest-firefox from , run that latest-firefox with newly-created-profile-name . each profile-name contain firefox-browsing-history-record . running 'firefox' without '-P profile-name' , make firefox run with default/automatic-factory-setting profile-name 'default-release' . procedure to make latest-firefox show those internet-page ( ,>individual-kitchen-knife ) which was appearing like blank white-color page : (1) download latest-firefox from (2) create new firefox-internet-browing-profile : send this command to Linux-bash-prompt : 'firefox --ProfileManager' example new profile name : 'firefox-101-0-1' (3) run firefox with newly-created-profile-name 'firefox-101-0-1' , send this command to Linux-bash-prompt : 'firefox -P firefox-101-0-1' (4) visit that certain internet-page which was appearing like blank white-color-page . now that certain internet-page ideally can appear normally . but firefox-browsing-history-record is new , does not have firefox-browsing-history-record from previous firefox version . procedure to see firefox-browing-history-record from previous firefox-version : (optional) how to make that latest firefox run with firefox-browsing-history-record from previous firefox-version then see firefox-browsing-history-record ? (1)find which firefox-browsing-history-record-file has latest browsing-record : 'nano' , write this file-content : #/bin/sh #to run : prompt>source echo 'copy firefox-history' cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/9dwzihhy.default-release-6/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/9dwzihhy.default-release-6_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/9pfw10md.default-release-10/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/9pfw10md.default-release-10_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/delsp81u.default-release-5/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/delsp81u.default-release-5_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/famkc3v1.default-release-13/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/famkc3v1.default-release-13_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/gqb1xfu1.default-release-11/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/gqb1xfu1.default-release-11_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/kbxn3n50.default-release-14/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/kbxn3n50.default-release-14_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/swmjhd7p.default-release-9/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/swmjhd7p.default-release-9_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/te4tpm7v.default-firefox-44/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/te4tpm7v.default-firefox-44_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/w0mp58go.default-release-3/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/w0mp58go.default-release-3_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/x74oxar8.default-release-4/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/x74oxar8.default-release-4_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/xfvt72t2.default-release-8/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/xfvt72t2.default-release-8_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/xx87fdt0.default-release-2/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/xx87fdt0.default-release-2_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/3b0lbp89.useragent=arnon/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/3b0lbp89.useragent=arnon_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/8cn7gal8.useragent=arnon-firefox-67/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/8cn7gal8.useragent=arnon-firefox-67_places.sqlite cp /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/zdkuwgkq.default-release/places.sqlite /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history/zdkuwgkq.default-release (2) make that become executable-file : 'chmod u+x' (3) run that to copy all firefox-history-file to 1 directory . so copy many places.sqlite from /home/a/.mozilla/firefox/many-profile-name/places.sqlite to /home/a/myfiles/letters/firefox-history : 'source ./' (4) show list of firefox-history-file , usually largest file-size has latest firefox-browsing-history-record . a@1 08:52 PM ~/myfiles ls letters/firefox-history/ -lht | more total 176M -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 40M Jun 12 09:08 zdkuwgkq.default-release_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 10M Jun 12 09:08 8cn7gal8.useragent=arnon-firefox-67_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 10M Jun 12 09:08 3b0lbp89.useragent=arnon_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 xx87fdt0.default-release-2_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 xfvt72t2.default-release-8_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 x74oxar8.default-release-4_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 w0mp58go.default-release-3_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 10M Jun 12 09:08 te4tpm7v.default-firefox-44_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 swmjhd7p.default-release-9_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 kbxn3n50.default-release-14_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 gqb1xfu1.default-release-11_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 famkc3v1.default-release-13_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 delsp81u.default-release-5_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 9pfw10md.default-release-10_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:08 9dwzihhy.default-release-6_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:03 8ncrf9ld.default-release-12_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:03 7szhrdvk.default-release-1_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:03 53at0hmt.default-release-7_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:03 2durycp3.default-release-15_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:03 vwehhw65.default-release-16_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 20M Jun 12 09:03 qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent=arnon-1605642215177_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 09:02 mwad0hks_places.sqlite -rw-r--r-- 1 a a 5.0M Jun 12 08:09 places.sqlite (5) so largest firefox-browsing-history-record-file is : '-rw-r--r-- 1 a a 40M Jun 12 09:08 zdkuwgkq.default-release_places.sqlite' run latest firefox with that firefox-browsing-history-record-file : a@1 08:42 PM ~/myfiles/firefox/firefox-101.0.1 ./firefox-bin -P default-release (6) if using latest-firefox with firefox-browsing-history-record-file from previous firefox-version then do not visit new internet-page which will add new internet-(url/uniform-resource-locator)-address to firefox-browing-history-record-file 'places.sqlite' from previous firefox-version . because latest-firefox often can not add new internet-url-address to firefox-browing-history-record-file from previous firefox-version , producing problem : latest-firefox become non-responsive , cpu-usage become 100 % , firefox-browing-history-record-file 'places.sqlite' inside directory/folder /home/a/.mozilla/profile-name/ revert to initial-size/original-size/factory-setting-size so firefox-browing-history-record from previous firefox-version is gone/discarded . so back-up that firefox-browing-history-record-file 'places.sqlite' inside directory/folder /home/a/.mozilla/profile-name/ ( copy that firefox-browing-history-record-file /home/a/.mozilla/profile-name/places.sqlite to some other directory/folder for back-up file ) ================================ 25 jul 2022 3:27 pm edt: problem : Linux's text-only internet-browser is what software ? solution : Lynx ============================= 4 sep 2022 5:14 pm edt: #reword# show file-list with order according-to modification-time ( -t ) with most-current modification-time rank 1 ; #to# show file-list with sort-order according-to modification-time ( -t ) with most-current modification-time rank 1 ; #reword# Find 10 largest file in linux #to# Find 10 largest file in linux with sort-order according to file-size in descending order ================================== 11 nov 2022 10:57 pm est: problem : rename file-name which contain ';' solution : example : rename 'Fisika ; listrik magnet dan optik 537.pdf' to 'fisika_listrik_magnet_optik_537.pdf' a@1 10:55 PM ~/myfiles/letter/pdf mv Fisika\ \;\ listrik\ magnet\ dan\ optik\ 537.pdf fisika_listrik_magnet_optik_537.pdf ================================== 2 dec 2022 4:59 pm est: end 3 dec 2022 10:13 pm est problem :>cinnamon-gui-manager->calendar-date-format for date-time on bottom-right-corner-of-screen inside cinnamon-gui-manager solution : #date-format# , #dateformat# Friday , Dec 02 : %A , %b %d 12 / 02 / 2022 : %m / %d / %Y 12 - 2 - 22 21:42 : %m - %e - %y %H:%M Dec 2 , 9:42 PM : %b %e , %l:%M %p December 2022 : %B %Y Dec 02 , 2022 : %b %d , %Y Fri , 2 Dec 2022 21:42:28 +0000 : %a , %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z 2022-12-02T 9:42:28+0000 : %Y-%m-%dT%l:%M:%S%z 09:42:28 PM : %I:%M:%S %p 21:42:28 : %H:%M:%S 2 Dec 2022 21:42:28 PM : %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %p 02.12.22 : %d.%m.%y Friday , 02 Dec 2022 9:42 PM : %A , %d %b %Y %l:%M %p Fri 2 Dec 2022 9:42 pm+0000 : %a %e %b %Y %l:%M %p %z =========================== 3 dec 2022 9:52 pm est: end 10:12 pm est problem : in Linux : how to safely-copy/clone file to new clone-file without accidentally-over-write existing file ? how to safely-rename file to new file-name without accidentally-over-write existing file which has same file-name ? solution : to copy file ( to create clone-file with different file-name ) : (1)cp -i origin_file clone_file [source : man cp ] (2)press 'y' to continue with over-write , press 'n' to cancel . to rename file : (1)mv -i current_file_name new_file_name [source : man mv ] (2)press 'y' to continue with over-write , press 'n' to cancel . opinion : option '-i' ideally-become (initial/default)-setting for Linux-command '/bin/cp' , '/bin/mv' . [addition 26 aug 2023 8:41 pm est-not-edt] how to make>18.2-sonya automatically-think 'cp' command has meaning 'cp -i' , 'mv' command has meaning 'mv -i' : (1)on end-of-file /etc/bash.bashrc : scribe this code : #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'cp' command has meaning 'cp -i' , 'mv' command has meaning 'mv -i' : #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias cp='cp -iv' # Preferred 'cp' implementation alias mv='mv -iv' # Preferred 'mv' implementation [source : from google ( create system wide alias mv mv -i ) result 1 ] (2)do linux-command 'reboot' ( maybe needed ) or do linux-command 'source /etc/bash.bashrc' [/addition 26 aug 2023 8:41 pm est-not-edt] ============================== 5 jan 2023 9:18 pm est:#add# [addition 5 jan 2023 9:17 pm est] ============================== 13 jan 2023 9:48 pm est: end 14 jan 2023 12:4 am est problem : is there any linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format in internet , bundled in tar-format ? solution : (1)my linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format : has zip-file containing linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format . (2)find 'tar -xf archive.tar # Extract all files from archive.tar.' to extract that tar-file then use pdf-reader to read those linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format . using those linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format to study which is free-of-invoice , maybe divert attention from drug-addiction , cigarette-addicition , to : unix-system-administration , c-programming . example how unix-system-admin-skill can become useful : (1)creating online-usb-drive ( ftp-server ) , which decrease risk-of-losing usb-drive ( sometimes usb-drive-owner buy usb-drive then store usb-drive in forgotten-storage ) . (2)creating web-hosting example : possible scenario with 1,000 ssh-server . procedure : (1) with operating-system create multiple ssh-server with host-name : s-1 , s-2 , s-3 , etc ... (2) if there is 100,000 member then there is 100,000 user-account in all shh-server . so s-1 has 100,000 user-account , s-2 has 100,000 user-account , etc ... every-time admin see internet-page traffic showing all server is fully-occupied , no vacancy : that admin build new computer to become new ssh-server , with empty file , but contain 100,000 user-account . that computer has mother-board which can have many pci-network-card , can have multiple ip-address , so maybe can have more than 10 maximum-ssh-connection , maybe 1 pci-network-card ( 1 ip-address ) can accept 10 maximum-ssh-connection . (3) set maximum-ssh-connection , maximum ftp-connection s-1 to 10 . (4) if 11-th user-account wanting to connect-via-ssh to s-1 then 11-th user-account get ssh-reply-time-out . 11-th user-account visit internet-page 'traffic' which is being served from host-name 'traffic' to see which ssh-server is vacant , not getting maximum-ssh-connection . (5) 11-th user-account see s-9 is not fully-occupied , has vacancy , according to internet-page 'traffic' . 11-th user-account connect-via-ssh to s-9 . 11-th user-account transfer-via-scp his/her file from s-1 to s-9 . then start working with that file on s-9 with . (6) every server in those 1,000 server , contain 100,000 user-account . every user has responsibility to remember/memorise which server-number contain that user's file . every server-number has apache-internet-server , so user can have multiple internet-page : s-1/~user-11/homepage.htm , s-9/~user-11/homepage.htm , s-11/~user-11/homepage.htm maybe there are server with focus-duty : accepting internet-page-visitor , so those server is only for internet-server : host-name is-1 , is-2 , ( meaning internet-server-1 , internet-server-2 ) . (7) user can use irrsi-irc-client in any ssh-server then chat with ssh-client like putty . (8) maybe in the future there is internet-page-with-login which show which computer-name contain file-name which belong to certain user-account . (9) if computer-server is hacked and suffer file-corruption and need re-installation then staff just re-install operating-system , put 100,000 user-account . staff does not do backup-recovery . [addition 18 jan 2023 8:48 pm est] (10) kvm-switch can make 1 keyboard-and-mouse-and-computer-monitor , control maximum maybe 5 computer-desktop . [source : i know kvm-switch from my previous job-position in>veterinary-diagnostics-laboratory ] [/addition 18 jan 2023 8:48 pm est] maybe can have 7.6 billion unix-user-account , can stabilise world-economy ( 0 economy-growth , 0 instability , 0 unexpected-forest-fire/non-slash-and-burn-agriculture-fire ) . because earth-population : 7.6 billion people [source : google ( earth population ) ] . i use so i have bias/leaning-to/has-preference-under-pressure-because-i-have-no-complain-even-though-boring-sometimes toward . i choose which has apt/debian-package-management because apt/debian-package-management is 1-st package-management in unix-history . pkgng/pkg/ exist starting 20 jan 2014 . [source : 'pkg' in ] my 1-st-linux-distro is . because i study computer-programming in which use . then i see has popularity-ranking-1 in . i know from . did not have package-management for a while then eventually maybe copy-cat debian-package-management and produce yum . has nice package-management but was not user-friendly , is , is . [addition 6 oct 2024 9:6 pm est]>18.2 sonya installation , install ext-4 , even-though i already select ext-2 . maybe e2fsck ext-4 , need time-duration longer than e2fsck ext-2 . [/addition 6 oct 2024 9:6 pm est] i play user-friendly-video-game on and that's why i seek user-friendly-linux . but now i realise sugar-coated-user-friendly-linux maybe has more curse than bare-bone-linux , '' . just like having car with complicated double-wishbone-suspension produce higher curse ( more complicated life-destiny ) than having car with simpler strut-suspension . maybe full-time-cow-meat-consumer can not use linux-with-nice-package-manager , , , . maybe is correct about vegan-propaganda . there is vegan-cookie now to help ppl become vegan . sometimes i feel doomed if i see left-over cow-meat , chicken-meat ( which my mother sometimes cook ) about to go to garbage-container , because that means i'm destined to consume that cow-meat , chicken-meat because that cow-meat , chicken-meat already has cooking-gas/hydro-carbon-gas/propane-methane-butane-gas-expenditure-receipt . discarding cooked-animal-flesh , maybe equal-to discarding cooking-gas/hydro-carbon-gas/propane-methane-butane-gas . maybe (1)linux-programmer with like ingo-molnar [source : ] (2) which is being used by linux's , Eirik--Chambe-Eng [source : Eirik--Chambe-Eng's facebook-photo show him with birth-day-samuel-german-chocolate-mousse-cake ( samuel-german is person's name not-related-to german-country . [source : 'samuel german' in ] . ) on table in-front-of him : and other photo showing fish , lamb but not cow-meat . eirik--chambe-eng saying qt-stuff (1) (2) [source : 'Eirik Chambe-Eng' in from 'qt (software)' in ] ] (3) aurélien-jarno-computer [source : from google ( Jarno Aurélien ) result 1 ] (4)dictator-programmer with history-working-in , : ulrich-drepper : from google ( ulrich drepper ) result 5 from 'Ulrich Drepper', 'dictator' in from does not consume cow-meat , does not consume chicken-meat , and consume cheese-pizza , consume chicken-egg then somehow automatically-curse which consume cow-meat . maybe someday sony-playstation release sony-bsd which is sony-playstation-operating-system . i use then i realise consume high electricity-ampere to produce high cpu-usage during compiling software during every software-install . i realise debian-package-management has nice-feature like but without-compile so cpu-usage remain low so debian-package-management produce efficient electricity-ampere-expenditure . ============================== 18 jan 2023 8:49 pm est:#add# [addition 18 jan 2023 8:48 pm est] ============================== 8 feb 2023 11:30 am est:#add# [addition 8 feb 2023 11:27 am est] ============================== 9 feb 2023 2:34 pm est: problem : linux-command 'sudo systemctl unmask service-name' do nothing . example : linux-command 'sudo systemctl unmask hwclock' do nothing . linux-command 'systemctl list-unit-files' show 'hwclock'-service-status is still 'mask' . solution : a@1 02:40 PM ~ file /lib/systemd/system/hwclock.service /lib/systemd/system/hwclock.service: symbolic link to /dev/null a@1 02:40 PM ~ and that has meaning hwclock.service point to /dev/null , which has meaning hwclock.service point to nothing . so create /lib/systemd/system/hwclock.service , with file-content : make-sure /etc/init.d/ , contain something like : so to run hwclock , use other way other than 'sudo systemctl unmask service-name' [source : from google ( debian unmask hwclock ) result 1 ] ==================================== 9 feb 2023 2:41 pm est:#add# addition 9 feb 2023 2:27 pm est 19 feb 2023 11:4 pm est:#add# [addition 19 feb 2023 11 pm est] ========================================== 23 apr 2023 4:45 pm est-not-edt : problem : how to find gateway-ip-address or router-ip-address solution : arp -n [addition 27 nov 2024 11:24 pm est] problem : find ip-address-list in network solution : nmap -sP 192.168.1.* [source : from google ( list ip on my network ) result 4 ] [/addition 27 nov 2024 11:24 pm est] ========================================== 7 may 2023 11:30 pm est-not-edt : problem : url-internet-browser which show current-time in (simple/minimalist)-non-java-script-format ? #current-time# solution : (1) usa->new-york-city : (2) indonesia->jakarta-city : [source : (1) from google ( Free current time API ) result 2 from bottom-page-related-searches 'free current time api' from google ( current time rest web service ) (2) from>resources->iana-timezones ] std = standard-time-zone , dst = daylight-time-zone iana-time-zone-keyword UTC-offset-(STD) UTC-offset-(DST) Abbreviation-(STD) Abbreviation-(DST) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Africa/Abidjan +00:00 GMT Africa/Accra +00:00 GMT Africa/Addis_Ababa +03:00 EAT Africa/Algiers +01:00 CET Africa/Asmara +03:00 EAT Africa/Asmera +03:00 EAT Africa/Bamako +00:00 GMT Africa/Bangui +01:00 WAT Africa/Banjul +00:00 GMT Africa/Bissau +00:00 GMT Africa/Blantyre +02:00 CAT Africa/Brazzaville +01:00 WAT Africa/Bujumbura +02:00 CAT Africa/Cairo +02:00 EET Africa/Casablanca +01:00 +00:00 +01 +00 Africa/Ceuta +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Africa/Conakry +00:00 GMT Africa/Dakar +00:00 GMT Africa/Dar_es_Salaam +03:00 EAT Africa/Djibouti +03:00 EAT Africa/Douala +01:00 WAT Africa/El_Aaiun +01:00 +00:00 +01 +00 Africa/Freetown +00:00 GMT Africa/Gaborone +02:00 CAT Africa/Harare +02:00 CAT Africa/Johannesburg +02:00 SAST Africa/Juba +02:00 CAT Africa/Kampala +03:00 EAT Africa/Khartoum +02:00 CAT Africa/Kigali +02:00 CAT Africa/Kinshasa +01:00 WAT Africa/Lagos +01:00 WAT Africa/Libreville +01:00 WAT Africa/Lome +00:00 GMT Africa/Luanda +01:00 WAT Africa/Lubumbashi +02:00 CAT Africa/Lusaka +02:00 CAT Africa/Malabo +01:00 WAT Africa/Maputo +02:00 CAT Africa/Maseru +02:00 SAST Africa/Mbabane +02:00 SAST Africa/Mogadishu +03:00 EAT Africa/Monrovia +00:00 GMT Africa/Nairobi +03:00 EAT Africa/Ndjamena +01:00 WAT Africa/Niamey +01:00 WAT Africa/Nouakchott +00:00 GMT Africa/Ouagadougou +00:00 GMT Africa/Porto-Novo +01:00 WAT Africa/Sao_Tome +00:00 GMT Africa/Timbuktu +00:00 GMT Africa/Tripoli +02:00 EET Africa/Tunis +01:00 CET Africa/Windhoek +02:00 CAT America/Adak -10:00 -09:00 HST HDT America/Anchorage -09:00 -08:00 AKST AKDT America/Anguilla -04:00 AST America/Antigua -04:00 AST America/Araguaina -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Catamarca -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Cordoba -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Jujuy -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/La_Rioja -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Mendoza -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Salta -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/San_Juan -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/San_Luis -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Tucuman -03:00 -03 America/Argentina/Ushuaia -03:00 -03 America/Aruba -04:00 AST America/Asuncion -04:00 -03:00 -04 -03 America/Atikokan -05:00 EST America/Atka -10:00 -09:00 HST HDT America/Bahia -03:00 -03 America/Bahia_Banderas -06:00 CST America/Barbados -04:00 AST America/Belem -03:00 -03 America/Belize -06:00 CST America/Blanc-Sablon -04:00 AST America/Boa_Vista -04:00 -04 America/Bogota -05:00 -05 America/Boise -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT America/Buenos_Aires -03:00 -03 America/Cambridge_Bay -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT America/Campo_Grande -04:00 -04 America/Cancun -05:00 EST America/Caracas -04:00 -04 America/Catamarca -03:00 -03 America/Cayenne -03:00 -03 America/Cayman -05:00 EST America/Chicago -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Chihuahua -06:00 CST America/Coral_Harbour -05:00 EST America/Cordoba -03:00 -03 America/Costa_Rica -06:00 CST America/Creston -07:00 MST America/Cuiaba -04:00 -04 America/Curacao -04:00 AST America/Danmarkshavn +00:00 GMT America/Dawson -07:00 MST America/Dawson_Creek -07:00 MST America/Denver -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT America/Detroit -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Dominica -04:00 AST America/Edmonton -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT America/Eirunepe -05:00 -05 America/El_Salvador -06:00 CST America/Ensenada -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT America/Fort_Nelson -07:00 MST America/Fort_Wayne -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Fortaleza -03:00 -03 America/Glace_Bay -04:00 -03:00 AST ADT America/Godthab -03:00 -02:00 -03 -02 America/Goose_Bay -04:00 -03:00 AST ADT America/Grand_Turk -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Grenada -04:00 AST America/Guadeloupe -04:00 AST America/Guatemala -06:00 CST America/Guayaquil -05:00 -05 America/Guyana -04:00 -04 America/Halifax -04:00 -03:00 AST ADT America/Havana -05:00 -04:00 CST CDT America/Hermosillo -07:00 MST America/Indiana/Indianapolis -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Indiana/Knox -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Indiana/Marengo -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Indiana/Petersburg -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Indiana/Tell_City -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Indiana/Vevay -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Indiana/Vincennes -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Indiana/Winamac -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Indianapolis -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Inuvik -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT America/Iqaluit -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Jamaica -05:00 EST America/Jujuy -03:00 -03 America/Juneau -09:00 -08:00 AKST AKDT America/Kentucky/Louisville -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Kentucky/Monticello -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Knox_IN -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Kralendijk -04:00 AST America/La_Paz -04:00 -04 America/Lima -05:00 -05 America/Los_Angeles -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT America/Louisville -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Lower_Princes -04:00 AST America/Maceio -03:00 -03 America/Managua -06:00 CST America/Manaus -04:00 -04 America/Marigot -04:00 AST America/Martinique -04:00 AST America/Matamoros -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Mazatlan -07:00 MST America/Mendoza -03:00 -03 America/Menominee -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Merida -06:00 CST America/Metlakatla -09:00 -08:00 AKST AKDT America/Mexico_City -06:00 CST America/Miquelon -03:00 -02:00 -03 -02 America/Moncton -04:00 -03:00 AST ADT America/Monterrey -06:00 CST America/Montevideo -03:00 -03 America/Montreal -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Montserrat -04:00 AST America/Nassau -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/New_York -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Nipigon -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Nome -09:00 -08:00 AKST AKDT America/Noronha -02:00 -02 America/North_Dakota/Beulah -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/North_Dakota/Center -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/North_Dakota/New_Salem -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Nuuk -03:00 -02:00 -03 -02 America/Ojinaga -06:00 CST America/Panama -05:00 EST America/Pangnirtung -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Paramaribo -03:00 -03 America/Phoenix -07:00 MST America/Port_of_Spain -04:00 AST America/Port-au-Prince -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Porto_Acre -05:00 -05 America/Porto_Velho -04:00 -04 America/Puerto_Rico -04:00 AST America/Punta_Arenas -03:00 -03 America/Rainy_River -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Rankin_Inlet -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Recife -03:00 -03 America/Regina -06:00 CST America/Resolute -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Rio_Branco -05:00 -05 America/Rosario -03:00 -03 America/Santa_Isabel -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT America/Santarem -03:00 -03 America/Santiago -04:00 -03:00 -04 -03 America/Santo_Domingo -04:00 AST America/Sao_Paulo -03:00 -03 America/Scoresbysund -01:00 +00:00 -01 +00 America/Shiprock -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT America/Sitka -09:00 -08:00 AKST AKDT America/St_Barthelemy -04:00 AST America/St_Johns -03:30 -02:30 NST NDT America/St_Kitts -04:00 AST America/St_Lucia -04:00 AST America/St_Thomas -04:00 AST America/St_Vincent -04:00 AST America/Swift_Current -06:00 CST America/Tegucigalpa -06:00 CST America/Thule -04:00 -03:00 AST ADT America/Thunder_Bay -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Tijuana -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT America/Toronto -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT America/Tortola -04:00 AST America/Vancouver -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT America/Virgin -04:00 AST America/Whitehorse -07:00 MST America/Winnipeg -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT America/Yakutat -09:00 -08:00 AKST AKDT America/Yellowknife -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT Antarctica/Casey +11:00 +11 Antarctica/Davis +07:00 +07 Antarctica/DumontDUrville +10:00 +10 Antarctica/Macquarie +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Antarctica/Mawson +05:00 +05 Antarctica/McMurdo +12:00 +13:00 NZST NZDT Antarctica/Palmer -03:00 -03 Antarctica/Rothera -03:00 -03 Antarctica/South_Pole +12:00 +13:00 NZST NZDT Antarctica/Syowa +03:00 +03 Antarctica/Troll +00:00 +02:00 +00 +02 Antarctica/Vostok +06:00 +06 Arctic/Longyearbyen +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Asia/Aden +03:00 +03 Asia/Almaty +06:00 +06 Asia/Amman +03:00 +03 Asia/Anadyr +12:00 +12 Asia/Aqtau +05:00 +05 Asia/Aqtobe +05:00 +05 Asia/Ashgabat +05:00 +05 Asia/Ashkhabad +05:00 +05 Asia/Atyrau +05:00 +05 Asia/Baghdad +03:00 +03 Asia/Bahrain +03:00 +03 Asia/Baku +04:00 +04 Asia/Bangkok +07:00 +07 Asia/Barnaul +07:00 +07 Asia/Beirut +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Asia/Bishkek +06:00 +06 Asia/Brunei +08:00 +08 Asia/Calcutta +05:30 IST Asia/Chita +09:00 +09 Asia/Choibalsan +08:00 +08 Asia/Chongqing +08:00 CST Asia/Chungking +08:00 CST Asia/Colombo +05:30 +0530 Asia/Dacca +06:00 +06 Asia/Damascus +03:00 +03 Asia/Dhaka +06:00 +06 Asia/Dili +09:00 +09 Asia/Dubai +04:00 +04 Asia/Dushanbe +05:00 +05 Asia/Famagusta +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Asia/Gaza +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Asia/Harbin +08:00 CST Asia/Hebron +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh +07:00 +07 Asia/Hong_Kong +08:00 HKT Asia/Hovd +07:00 +07 Asia/Irkutsk +08:00 +08 Asia/Istanbul +03:00 +03 Asia/Jakarta +07:00 WIB Asia/Jayapura +09:00 WIT Asia/Jerusalem +02:00 +03:00 IST IDT Asia/Kabul +04:30 +0430 Asia/Kamchatka +12:00 +12 Asia/Karachi +05:00 PKT Asia/Kashgar +06:00 +06 Asia/Kathmandu +05:45 +0545 Asia/Katmandu +05:45 +0545 Asia/Khandyga +09:00 +09 Asia/Kolkata +05:30 IST Asia/Krasnoyarsk +07:00 +07 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur +08:00 +08 Asia/Kuching +08:00 +08 Asia/Kuwait +03:00 +03 Asia/Macao +08:00 CST Asia/Macau +08:00 CST Asia/Magadan +11:00 +11 Asia/Makassar +08:00 WITA Asia/Manila +08:00 PST Asia/Muscat +04:00 +04 Asia/Nicosia +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Asia/Novokuznetsk +07:00 +07 Asia/Novosibirsk +07:00 +07 Asia/Omsk +06:00 +06 Asia/Oral +05:00 +05 Asia/Phnom_Penh +07:00 +07 Asia/Pontianak +07:00 WIB Asia/Pyongyang +09:00 KST Asia/Qatar +03:00 +03 Asia/Qostanay +06:00 +06 Asia/Qyzylorda +05:00 +05 Asia/Rangoon +06:30 +0630 Asia/Riyadh +03:00 +03 Asia/Saigon +07:00 +07 Asia/Sakhalin +11:00 +11 Asia/Samarkand +05:00 +05 Asia/Seoul +09:00 KST Asia/Shanghai +08:00 CST Asia/Singapore +08:00 +08 Asia/Srednekolymsk +11:00 +11 Asia/Taipei +08:00 CST Asia/Tashkent +05:00 +05 Asia/Tbilisi +04:00 +04 Asia/Tehran +03:30 +0330 Asia/Tel_Aviv +02:00 +03:00 IST IDT Asia/Thimbu +06:00 +06 Asia/Thimphu +06:00 +06 Asia/Tokyo +09:00 JST Asia/Tomsk +07:00 +07 Asia/Ujung_Pandang +08:00 WITA Asia/Ulaanbaatar +08:00 +08 Asia/Ulan_Bator +08:00 +08 Asia/Urumqi +06:00 +06 Asia/Ust-Nera +10:00 +10 Asia/Vientiane +07:00 +07 Asia/Vladivostok +10:00 +10 Asia/Yakutsk +09:00 +09 Asia/Yangon +06:30 +0630 Asia/Yekaterinburg +05:00 +05 Asia/Yerevan +04:00 +04 Atlantic/Azores -01:00 +00:00 -01 +00 Atlantic/Bermuda -04:00 -03:00 AST ADT Atlantic/Canary +00:00 +01:00 WET WEST Atlantic/Cape_Verde -01:00 -01 Atlantic/Faeroe +00:00 +01:00 WET WEST Atlantic/Faroe +00:00 +01:00 WET WEST Atlantic/Jan_Mayen +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Atlantic/Madeira +00:00 +01:00 WET WEST Atlantic/Reykjavik +00:00 GMT Atlantic/South_Georgia -02:00 -02 Atlantic/St_Helena +00:00 GMT Atlantic/Stanley -03:00 -03 Australia/ACT +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/Adelaide +09:30 +10:30 ACST ACDT Australia/Brisbane +10:00 AEST Australia/Broken_Hill +09:30 +10:30 ACST ACDT Australia/Canberra +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/Currie +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/Darwin +09:30 ACST Australia/Eucla +08:45 +0845 Australia/Hobart +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/LHI +10:30 +11:00 +1030 +11 Australia/Lindeman +10:00 AEST Australia/Lord_Howe +10:30 +11:00 +1030 +11 Australia/Melbourne +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/North +09:30 ACST Australia/NSW +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/Perth +08:00 AWST Australia/Queensland +10:00 AEST Australia/South +09:30 +10:30 ACST ACDT Australia/Sydney +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/Tasmania +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/Victoria +10:00 +11:00 AEST AEDT Australia/West +08:00 AWST Australia/Yancowinna +09:30 +10:30 ACST ACDT Brazil/Acre -05:00 -05 Brazil/DeNoronha -02:00 -02 Brazil/East -03:00 -03 Brazil/West -04:00 -04 Canada/Atlantic -04:00 -03:00 AST ADT Canada/Central -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT Canada/Eastern -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT Canada/Mountain -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT Canada/Newfoundland -03:30 -02:30 NST NDT Canada/Pacific -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT Canada/Saskatchewan -06:00 CST Canada/Yukon -07:00 MST CET +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Chile/Continental -04:00 -03:00 -04 -03 Chile/EasterIsland -06:00 -05:00 -06 -05 CST6CDT -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT Cuba -05:00 -04:00 CST CDT EET +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Egypt +02:00 EET Eire +01:00 +00:00 IST GMT EST -05:00 EST EST5EDT -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT Etc/GMT +00:00 GMT Etc/GMT-0 +00:00 GMT Etc/GMT-1 +01:00 +01 Etc/GMT-10 +10:00 +10 Etc/GMT-11 +11:00 +11 Etc/GMT-12 +12:00 +12 Etc/GMT-13 +13:00 +13 Etc/GMT-14 +14:00 +14 Etc/GMT-2 +02:00 +02 Etc/GMT-3 +03:00 +03 Etc/GMT-4 +04:00 +04 Etc/GMT-5 +05:00 +05 Etc/GMT-6 +06:00 +06 Etc/GMT-7 +07:00 +07 Etc/GMT-8 +08:00 +08 Etc/GMT-9 +09:00 +09 Etc/GMT+0 +00:00 GMT Etc/GMT+1 -01:00 -01 Etc/GMT+10 -10:00 -10 Etc/GMT+11 -11:00 -11 Etc/GMT+12 -12:00 -12 Etc/GMT+2 -02:00 -02 Etc/GMT+3 -03:00 -03 Etc/GMT+4 -04:00 -04 Etc/GMT+5 -05:00 -05 Etc/GMT+6 -06:00 -06 Etc/GMT+7 -07:00 -07 Etc/GMT+8 -08:00 -08 Etc/GMT+9 -09:00 -09 Etc/GMT0 +00:00 GMT Etc/Greenwich +00:00 GMT Etc/UCT +00:00 UTC Etc/Universal +00:00 UTC Etc/UTC +00:00 UTC Etc/Zulu +00:00 UTC Europe/Amsterdam +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Andorra +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Astrakhan +04:00 +04 Europe/Athens +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Belfast +00:00 +01:00 GMT BST Europe/Belgrade +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Berlin +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Bratislava +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Brussels +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Bucharest +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Budapest +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Busingen +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Chisinau +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Copenhagen +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Dublin +01:00 +00:00 IST GMT Europe/Gibraltar +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Guernsey +00:00 +01:00 GMT BST Europe/Helsinki +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Isle_of_Man +00:00 +01:00 GMT BST Europe/Istanbul +03:00 +03 Europe/Jersey +00:00 +01:00 GMT BST Europe/Kaliningrad +02:00 EET Europe/Kiev +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Kirov +03:00 +03 Europe/Kyiv +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Lisbon +00:00 +01:00 WET WEST Europe/Ljubljana +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/London +00:00 +01:00 GMT BST Europe/Luxembourg +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Madrid +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Malta +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Mariehamn +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Minsk +03:00 +03 Europe/Monaco +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Moscow +03:00 MSK Europe/Nicosia +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Oslo +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Paris +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Podgorica +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Prague +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Riga +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Rome +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Samara +04:00 +04 Europe/San_Marino +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Sarajevo +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Saratov +04:00 +04 Europe/Simferopol +03:00 MSK Europe/Skopje +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Sofia +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Stockholm +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Tallinn +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Tirane +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Tiraspol +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Ulyanovsk +04:00 +04 Europe/Uzhgorod +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Vaduz +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Vatican +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Vienna +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Vilnius +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Volgograd +03:00 +03 Europe/Warsaw +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Zagreb +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Europe/Zaporozhye +02:00 +03:00 EET EEST Europe/Zurich +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST GB +00:00 +01:00 GMT BST GB-Eire +00:00 +01:00 GMT BST GMT +00:00 GMT GMT-0 +00:00 GMT GMT+0 +00:00 GMT GMT0 +00:00 GMT Greenwich +00:00 GMT Hongkong +08:00 HKT HST -10:00 HST Iceland +00:00 GMT Indian/Antananarivo +03:00 EAT Indian/Chagos +06:00 +06 Indian/Christmas +07:00 +07 Indian/Cocos +06:30 +0630 Indian/Comoro +03:00 EAT Indian/Kerguelen +05:00 +05 Indian/Mahe +04:00 +04 Indian/Maldives +05:00 +05 Indian/Mauritius +04:00 +04 Indian/Mayotte +03:00 EAT Indian/Reunion +04:00 +04 Iran +03:30 +0330 Israel +02:00 +03:00 IST IDT Jamaica -05:00 EST Japan +09:00 JST Kwajalein +12:00 +12 Libya +02:00 EET MET +01:00 +02:00 MET MEST Mexico/BajaNorte -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT Mexico/BajaSur -07:00 MST Mexico/General -06:00 CST MST -07:00 MST MST7MDT -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT Navajo -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT NZ +12:00 +13:00 NZST NZDT NZ-CHAT +12:45 +13:45 +1245 +1345 Pacific/Apia +13:00 +13 Pacific/Auckland +12:00 +13:00 NZST NZDT Pacific/Bougainville +11:00 +11 Pacific/Chatham +12:45 +13:45 +1245 +1345 Pacific/Chuuk +10:00 +10 Pacific/Easter -06:00 -05:00 -06 -05 Pacific/Efate +11:00 +11 Pacific/Enderbury +13:00 +13 Pacific/Fakaofo +13:00 +13 Pacific/Fiji +12:00 +12 Pacific/Funafuti +12:00 +12 Pacific/Galapagos -06:00 -06 Pacific/Gambier -09:00 -09 Pacific/Guadalcanal +11:00 +11 Pacific/Guam +10:00 ChST Pacific/Honolulu -10:00 HST Pacific/Johnston -10:00 HST Pacific/Kanton +13:00 +13 Pacific/Kiritimati +14:00 +14 Pacific/Kosrae +11:00 +11 Pacific/Kwajalein +12:00 +12 Pacific/Majuro +12:00 +12 Pacific/Marquesas -09:30 -0930 Pacific/Midway -11:00 SST Pacific/Nauru +12:00 +12 Pacific/Niue -11:00 -11 Pacific/Norfolk +11:00 +12:00 +11 +12 Pacific/Noumea +11:00 +11 Pacific/Pago_Pago -11:00 SST Pacific/Palau +09:00 +09 Pacific/Pitcairn -08:00 -08 Pacific/Pohnpei +11:00 +11 Pacific/Ponape +11:00 +11 Pacific/Port_Moresby +10:00 +10 Pacific/Rarotonga -10:00 -10 Pacific/Saipan +10:00 ChST Pacific/Samoa -11:00 SST Pacific/Tahiti -10:00 -10 Pacific/Tarawa +12:00 +12 Pacific/Tongatapu +13:00 +13 Pacific/Truk +10:00 +10 Pacific/Wake +12:00 +12 Pacific/Wallis +12:00 +12 Pacific/Yap +10:00 +10 Poland +01:00 +02:00 CET CEST Portugal +00:00 +01:00 WET WEST PRC +08:00 CST PST8PDT -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT ROC +08:00 CST ROK +09:00 KST Singapore +08:00 +08 Turkey +03:00 +03 UCT +00:00 UTC Universal +00:00 UTC US/Alaska -09:00 -08:00 AKST AKDT US/Aleutian -10:00 -09:00 HST HDT US/Arizona -07:00 MST US/Central -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT US/East-Indiana -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT US/Eastern -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT US/Hawaii -10:00 HST US/Indiana-Starke -06:00 -05:00 CST CDT US/Michigan -05:00 -04:00 EST EDT US/Mountain -07:00 -06:00 MST MDT US/Pacific -08:00 -07:00 PST PDT US/Samoa -11:00 SST UTC +00:00 UTC W-SU +03:00 MSK WET +00:00 +01:00 WET WEST Zulu +00:00 UTC ========================================== 7 may 2023 11:44 pm est-not-edt : #add# #current-time# ========================================== 8 may 2023 9:35 pm est-not-edt : #reword# problem : how to find current-time in minimalist-way ? #current-time# #to# problem : url-internet-browser which show current-time in (simple/minimalist)-non-java-script-format ? #current-time# ========================================== 21 jun 2023 5:57 am est-not-edt : problem : internet-page to download linux-pdf-book-collection solution : that contain school/linux-how-to which contain these files : a@1 05:59 AM ~/myfiles/letter/linux-how-to ls abs-guide.pdf intro-linux.pdf lkmpg.txt.gz abs-guide.txt.gz intro-linux.txt.gz lpg-0.4.pdf advanced_c_[].pdf khg.html.tar.gz man-pages-3.55 Bash-Beginners-Guide.pdf lame.pdf man-pages-3.55.tar.gz Bash-Beginners-Guide.txt.gz lame.txt Mobile-Guide.txt Bugzilla-Guide.pdf LDP-Author-Guide.txt nag-1.0.ascii.tar.gz c_programming_language_dennis_ritchie.pdf LFS-BOOK-6.1.1.pdf nag2.pdf cprogramming_tutorial.pdf LFS-BOOK-6.1.1.txt palmdevqs.pdf c_reference_libc.pdf Linux-Cheat-Sheet-Sponsored-By-Loggly.pdf Pocket-Linux-Guide.pdf Custom-Porting-Guide.pdf linux_command_line_for_you_and_me.pdf Pocket-Linux-Guide.txt Custom-Porting-Guide.txt linuxcommands.pdf sag.pdf emacs_cheat_sheet.pdf Linux-Dictionary.pdf sag.txt espk-ug.pdf Linux-Dictionary.txt.gz Securing-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition-v1.3.pdf evmsug.pdf Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy.pdf Securing-Optimizing-Linux-The-Ultimate-Solution-v2.0.pdf EVMSUG.txt Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy.txt The One Page Linux Manual.pdf expert_c_programming.pdf Linux-Media-Guide.pdf tlk.html.tar.gz gdb.pdf Linux-Media-Guide.txt user-beta-1.pdf.gz Getting Started with Ubuntu 16.04.pdf linux_network_admin_guide.pdf VideoLAN-Quickstart.txt GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary.pdf lki.pdf VLC-User-Guide.txt GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary.txt.gz lkmpg_2_4.pdf VLS-User-Guide.txt gs.html.tar.gz lkmpg_2_6.pdf Win+OpenSolaris+CentOS-Install.pdf directory/folder 'school' contain : a@1 05:23 AM ~/myfiles/letter/pdf/school ls aircraft-pdf calculator-rule-ice-14-15-v-3.pdf chemistry cpu-manual finance math physics spain-language astronomy car-service-manual computer-science economy linux-how-to network-engineer source.txt sport a@1 05:23 AM ~/myfiles/letter/pdf/school ==================================== 6 jul 2023 5:21 am est-not-edt : #reword# #to# #reword# that linux-how-to.rar contain these files : #to# that school.tar contain school/linux-how-to which contain these files : ... ... a@1 05:23 AM ~/myfiles/letter/pdf/school ls aircraft-pdf calculator-rule-ice-14-15-v-3.pdf chemistry cpu-manual finance math physics spain-language astronomy car-service-manual computer-science economy linux-how-to network-engineer source.txt sport a@1 05:23 AM ~/myfiles/letter/pdf/school ==================================== problem : ls sort according to sort-order change-date in descending-order . command 'mv' renew change-date . command 'mv' will not renew modify-date , 'mv' not renew access-date solution : ls -ltc ==================================== problem : open emacs in terminal solution : emacs -nw file-name [source : from google ( start emacs terminal not window ) result 1] ==================================== problem : browse back-ward during 'ls | more' solution : 'b' [source : man more] ========================================= 20 jul 2023 9:17 pm est-not-edt : end 30 jul 2023 6:5 am est-not-edt problem : computer which get frequent shut-down-then-turn-on-process vs computer which get eternal-ampere and never shut-down , which 1 has easier maintenance-procedure ? solution : modern computer get assurance to do 40,000 turn-on-process-repetition , and not break-down . mother-board-capacitor life-span is 32,000 hour , that 'mother-board-capacitor life-span is 32,000 hour' decrease 50 % for every 10 celcius higher temperature ( 10 celcius hotter ) . 10 celcius = 50 fahrenheit . [source 3 : (1)'modern PCs are built to withstand a whopping 40,000 power cycles.' ; (2)'Keeping your computer permanently switched on also reduces its lifespan substantially. And that's down to the weakest link of a typical computer PCB—the ubiquitous capacitor. These critical voltage-regulation and filtering components have a finite lifespan of typically about 32,000 hour for electrolytic variety. This amounts to a little more than 3.5 year.' ; (3)'To make matters worse , usable lifespan of capacitor is halved for every 50°F (10°C) increase in temperature. That's also why gaming laptops, which tend to overheat, die sooner than regular desktop PCs.' in from google ( frequent shutdown shorten psu life ) result 1 ] it is easier to renew ac-to-dc-converter/power-supply/psu , rather-than renewing mother-board-capacitor . so frequently shut-down then turn-on computer , produce bigger profit smaller deficit . rather-than never shut-down computer ( computer stay on-with-ampere eternally ) . usa-> is willing to accept non-functional-psu to be recycled ( maybe send back non-functional-psu to psu-company-factory ) . [source : from google (recycle computer) result 3 or ] actually computer which has cmos-battery installed on mother-board : never fully-shut-down . computer-with-cmos-battery-installed-on-mother-board during mortem-condition : silently-consume cmos-battery-ampere to keep mother-board-clock up-to-date . so ideally : remove cmos-battery , then after starting computer : manually set computer-clock with method : (1) find 'linux : set date, time manually, without internet time server' (2) find 'linux : set date, time using internet time server because the computer' but it is not necessary to do that . shut-down computer if not used , is good enough to increase longevity-of 'mother-board-capacitor life-span is 32,000 hour' . so hard-disk-with-circular-disc , ssd / solid-state-drive / usb-flash-drive , need hard-disk-cooling-fan to keep capacitor-temperature cool to increase living-age . , sell desktop which does not have hard-disk-cooling-fan .>xps-desktop ,> , ,> : maybe has hard-disk-cooling-fan but buying expensive fast-(gpu/graphic-processing-unit)-pci-express-card , , , , etc , which contain>geforce-gpu or>radeon-gpu is mandatory for hp-> , ,> ; maybe mandatory for>xps-desktop .> ( optiplex , inspiron ) , seem does not have hard-disk-cooling-fan . ssd has power-capacitor which start working during ampere-outage . maybe ssd with broken power-capacitor still work . [source : 'Power capacitors provide for enough power to complete data-transfer operation from cache to memory in times of power loss. Have you ever simply shut down your PC only to realise that you never saved your work ? Power-capacitors limit data loss significantly and are very uncommon at the consumer SSD level with Crucial M500/M550 SATA 3 SSD families being the first to offer this feature standard. ADATA has just also released their S920 and this SSD is also based on the M550 with power capacitors present. ' in from google-image ( ssd pcb component ) row 1 col 1 ] ssd contain cpu maybe arm->cortex-r-5 cpu and cpu need cooling-fan , so ssd need cooling-fan just like hard-disk-with-circular-disc . warning : computer which contain ssd , without ampere ( off ) for more 1 year , will lose file . so computer which contain ssd for storing file need to be turn-on for maybe some 10 second 1 time per year minimum . [source 8 : (1) from google ( cpu ssd controller ) result 5 ; (2)'According to JEDEC Solid State Technology Association , SSD should be able to retain the data for 1 year at 30°C after it is powered off . A screenshot from JEDEC SSD Specifications Explained is displayed below.' in from google ( ssd use power capacitor all the time ) result 8 ; (3) ; (4) ; (5) ; (6) ; (7) ; (8) ; (9)from video-card-brand-name-list in ] ======================== 26 aug 2023 8:40 pm est-not-edt : #add# [addition 26 aug 2023 8:41 pm est-not-edt] ======================== 14 oct 2023 5:5 pm est-not-edt : #add# [addition 14 oct 2023 5:2 pm est-not-edt] ======================== 18 oct 2023 12:10 am est-not-edt : #add# [addition 17 oct 2023 10:39 pm est-not-edt] ======================== 19 oct 2023 4:52 pm est-not-edt : (1)#add# [addition 19 oct 2023 4:51 pm est-not-edt] (2)#reword# on their computer :' . #to# on their computer : . (3)#add# , 'time_zone' ======================= 19 oct 2023 5:14 pm est-not-edt : (1)#reword# #to# (2)#reword# bash> 19 oct 2023 4:58 pm edt #to# (1)bash>chmod u+x (2)bash>./ 19 oct 2023 4:58 pm edt (3)#add# example how to use : (1)modify variable 'url' , 'hour_modification' , 'minute_modification' , 'time_zone' inside (2)bash>chmod u+x (3)bash>./ ======================= 20 oct 2023 4:31 am est-not-edt : #add# [addition 20 oct 2023 4:25 am est-not-edt] end 20 oct 2023 4:31 am est-not-edt ======================= 20 oct 2023 4:52 am est-not-edt : #reword# (2)bash>./ 19 oct 2023 4:58 pm edt #to# (2)bash>./ 19 oct 2023 4:58 pm (3)check date , time , time-zone : bash>sudo timedatectl (4)to change time-zone : find 'how to change time-zone ?' ============================== 20 oct 2023 5:39 am est-not-edt : #add# [addition 20 oct 2023 5:32 am est-not-edt] ============================== 20 oct 2023 2:28 pm est-not-edt : (1)#reword# if using linux-command 'date' to set wrong-combination-of--time--and--time-zone then linux-command 'date' will quietly-set wrong-time without producing error-msg . #to# if using linux-command 'date' to set time-stamp with wrong time-zone then linux-command 'date' will quietly-set wrong-time-stamp without producing error-msg . wrong time-zone has meaning : 3-alphabet-time-zone-value which is different from 3-alphabet-'time zone'-value inside output-of-linux-command 'timedatectl' . lacking time-zone like this is good enough : 'bash>./ 19 mar 2023 4:58 pm' . but 'bash>./ 19 mar 2023 4:58 pm wib' where 'wib' = 3-alphabet-'time zone'-value inside inside output-of-linux-command 'timedatectl' : a@1 04:02 AM ~ timedatectl Local time: Thu 2023-10-26 04:02:09 WIB Universal time: Wed 2023-10-25 21:02:09 UTC RTC time: Wed 2023-10-25 21:02:09 Time zone: Asia/Jakarta (WIB, +0700) Network time on: no NTP synchronized: no TC in local TZ: no a@1 04:02 AM ~ timedatectl ======================================= 28 oct 2023 5:42 pm est-not-edt : end 28 oct 2023 11:48 pm est-not-edt #reword# example how to use : (1)modify variable 'url' , 'hour_modification' , 'minute_modification' , 'time_zone' inside (2)bash>chmod u+x (3)bash>./ (4)to change time-zone : find 'how to change time-zone ?' #to# example how to use , ( faster because-of using unix-time-in-second-since-1-jan-1970 , so there is smaller-amount-of text-parsing-job ) : (1)modify variable 'url' , 'hour_modification' , 'minute_modification' inside bash-script-file : , (2)bash>chmod u+x bash>chmod u+x need to do that 1-time . (3)to change time-zone : find 'how to change time-zone ?' if 3-alphabet-time-zone-on-computer is different-from then somehow sometime date-time is-being-set-incorrectly like 1-hour-exessively-forward or 1-hour-excessively-backward . (4)bash>./ or bash>./ ======================================================= 28 oct 2023 5:49 pm est-not-edt : #add# [addition 28 oct 2023 5:47 pm est-not-edt] ======================================================= 28 oct 2023 5:50 pm est-not-edt : #reword# 'new code for updating time' : example how to use : #to# 'new code for updating time'-manually with looking at clock nearby : example how to use : ======================================================= 28 oct 2023 11:37 pm est-not-edt : #reword# code which need to be modified : variable 'url' , 'hour_modification' , 'minute_modification' , 'time_zone' . has list-of-url-address-value-choice for variable 'url' depending-on location . that bash-script can be heavily-modified to parse-and-extract-date-value-from , not . so both , provide current-time-internet-page but using different-internet-data-journey [source : find '' , '' in ] . #to# code which need to be modified : variable 'url' , 'hour_modification' , 'minute_modification' . , : has list-of-url-address-value-choice for variable 'url' depending-on location . different-possibly-inter-island-internet-data-journey from usa->virginia-state->springfield-city to : , : find '' , '' in . ======================================================= 28 oct 2023 11:56 pm est-not-edt : #reword# (1)bash>chmod u+x (2)bash>./ 19 oct 2023 4:58 pm (3)check date , time , time-zone : bash>sudo timedatectl (4)to change time-zone : find 'how to change time-zone ?' #to# (1)bash>chmod u+x need to do that 1-time . (2)to change time-zone : find 'how to change time-zone ?' if 3-alphabet- time-zone-on-computer is different-from then somehow sometime date-time is-being-set-incorrectly like 1-hour-exessively-forward or 1-hour-excessively-backward . (3)bash>./ 19 oct 2023 4:58 pm (4)check date , time , time-zone : bash>timedatectl ================================================= 30 nov 2023 4:12 am est : #add# tar -xvjf archive.tar.bz2 -C directory-name # extract file and put those file to directory-name ================================================= 2 dec 2023 4:18 am est : end 5:17 am est ---problem : (1)in firefox-setting : automatic-update-ability already been set to 'off/mortem' ( check for update but let you choose to install them ) , but after refusing to do firefox-update with method : clicking 'dismiss' and not clicking 'update' many-time every-time firefox start : to pop-up-window-containing-question like 'firefox-new-version is available now update yes ?' , firefox still coerce-doing self-automatic-update . (2)url-location for downloading previous firefox-version is what ? (3)bash>older-firefox-version/firefox -P myprofile produce error-message 'using older version of firefox can corrupt bookmarks and browsing history' then that older-firefox-version refuse to start . ---solution : (1)add this line to file '/etc/hosts' : (2)example : [source : readme.txt on firefox-source-code-root-directory ] [source : (1)'' in from google ( firefox update server url ) result 1 (2)'You can set the update URLs to an empty string if you really do not want to update' in from google ( automatic update disabled but firefox could not update automatically . download new version , you won't lose saved information or customisation ) ] (3)bash>older-firefox-version/firefox --allow-downgrade -P myprofile [source : from google ( force bypass using older version of firefox can corrupt bookmarks and browsing history ) ] then next-time can do bash>older-firefox-version/firefox -P myprofile to start firefox and that error-message will not show-up : 'using older version of firefox can corrupt bookmarks and browsing history' . ======================================== 9 dec 2023 3:38 am est : end 4:41 am est problem : accidentally-press-button which make firefox-url-address is doing align-to-right-side , how to undo that ? solution : must have been accidentally-pressing-and-holding-button shift , while pressing ctrl + x . so to undo : repeat doing that pressing-and-holding-button shift , while pressing ctrl + x . [source : from google ( make firefox url address align left ) result 1 ] =================================== 16 dec 2023 4:44 am est : #reword# #to# ==================================== 21 dec 2023 4:30 am est : end 6:13 am est problem : how to remove firefox-url-address-bar which automatically-use whatever being typed for search-keyword and send that search-keyword to default-internet-search-page ? solution : (1)in firefox-url-address-bar , type : about:config (2)in about:config -> 'search preference name' input-text , type : keyword to show about:config-variable 'keyword.enabled' (3)on right-side-adjacent-to 'keyword.enabled' : click button 'toggle' to make 'keyword.enabled'-variable has 'false'-value . [source : from google ( firefox default search engine none ) result 10 ] ==================================== 21 dec 2023 5:40 am est : end 22 dec 2023 5:8 am est problem : turn-off/shut-down internet-connection solution : (1)find internet-connection has what name ? avoid internet-connection-name for 'loopback' a@1 05:41 AM ~ ifconfig -a enp4s0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 54:04:a6:22:a7:44 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::fc2a:882:78b4:8169/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:56531 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:30924 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:51507145 (51.5 MB) TX bytes:5461332 (5.4 MB) lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:6731 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:6731 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1 RX bytes:682863 (682.8 KB) TX bytes:682863 (682.8 KB) (2)turn-off/shut-down internet-connection a@1 05:41 AM ~ sudo ifconfig enp4s0 down [sudo] password for a: (3)turn-on internet-connection a@1 05:42 AM ~ sudo ifconfig enp4s0 up [sudo] password for a: a@1 05:42 AM ~ ================================= 23 dec 2023 3:54 am est : #reword# (1)about:preferences -> search -> search-short-cut -> uncheck that blue-check-box for all internet-search-page (2)about:config -> keyword.enabled = false [source : from google ( firefox default search engine none ) result 10 ] #to# (1)in firefox-url-address-bar , type : about:config (2)in about:config -> 'search preference name' input-text , type : keyword to show about:config-variable 'keyword.enabled' (3)on right-side-adjacent-to 'keyword.enabled' : click button 'toggle' to make 'keyword.enabled'-variable has 'false'-value . [source : from google ( firefox default search engine none ) result 10 ] ======================================== 23 dec 2023 11:42 pm est : ending 24 dec 2023 12:8 am est problem : how to make always same cpu-frequency ? never automatically-increase cpu-frequency during making program do task for long-time-duration . solution for mother-board>e-6476-p-8-h-61-mle-series : (1)boot/start-up computer , during boot-process press 'del' to enter bios or press whatever-keyboard-button-being-shown-by-monitor-screen-boot-message to enter 'bios' . (2)in bios->advanced-config->cpu : set cpu-ratio : 16 with method pressing '+' or '-' ( if wanting 1.6 ghz to become maximum cpu-frequency ) 25 ( if wanting 2.5 ghz to become maximum cpu-frequency ) is 1.6 ghz . (3)in bios->advanced-config->cpu : turn-off 'turbo'-mode but there is no 'turbo'-mode so do nothing and exit bios to reboot if trying to start linux then coerce reboot with method press-and-hold 'ctrl' while pressing 'alt' and 'del' . during this reboot-process press 'del' again to re-enter 'bios' , this time bios->advanced-config->cpu show 'turbo'-mode , turn-off that 'turbo'-mode . then turn-off bios->advanced-config->cpu->enhanced-speed-step-ability . then to set bios->advanced-config->ai-tweaker-menu->igpu-maximum-frequency to minimum-number ( so become non-fluctuating ) : press '+' or '-' to make some-minimum-number show-up . [2 source : (1)'turbo' in from google ( asus cpu ratio not limiting cpu frequency p8h61m ) page 2 number 5 (2) from ] (4)check cpu-frequency ( can do this linux-command during linux-operating-system still doing program-task for long-time-duration ) : a@1 11:42 PM ~ cpufreq-info cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009 Report errors and bugs to, please. analyzing CPU 0: driver: intel_pstate CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0 maximum transition latency: 0.97 ms. hardware limits: 1.60 GHz - 1.60 GHz available cpufreq governors: performance, powersave current policy: frequency should be within 1.60 GHz and 1.60 GHz. The governor "powersave" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 1.60 GHz. a@1 11:42 PM ~ why set cpu-frequency to low-cpu-frequency ? (excuse-1)to decrease cpu-temperature . during making program do task for long-time and making cpu-stress 100 % for long-time-duration : a@1 02:34 AM ~ sensors coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +38.0°C (high = +82.0°C, crit = +102.0°C) Core 0: +37.0°C (high = +82.0°C, crit = +102.0°C) asus-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter cpu_fan: 0 RPM during doing nothing and making cpu-stress fluctuate around 4 -> 18 % ( eternally-press right-side-arrow-keyboard-button ): a@1 11:56 PM ~ sensors coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +34.0°C (high = +82.0°C, crit = +102.0°C) Core 0: +33.0°C (high = +82.0°C, crit = +102.0°C) asus-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter cpu_fan: 0 RPM a@1 12:10 AM ~ [addition 29 dec 2023 2:40 am est] end 6:14 am est room-temperature ( using>spc-307->>digital-termometer ) : 23 celcius , 73 fahrenheit more detail about task being done in statement 'during making program do task for long-time and making cpu-stress 100 % for long-time-duration :' : on>version->18.2->cinnamon-gui-desktop-manager->gnome-terminal-> : i do find-word 'wiki/Nissan_Maxima' on 1-large-text-file-containing-many-copy-pasted-wikipedia-and-internet-article-from-google-search which has total-file-size 178 mega-byte . [/addition 29 dec 2023 2:40 am est] [addition 5 jan 2024 5:40 am est] end 8 jan 2024 6:25 am est (excuse-2)i have superstitious-feeling which say simple-item create simple-life . that fluctuating cpu-frequency-ability is complicated , maybe create difficult life-destiny . so example : (1)having solid-color-background-desktop-wallpaper create simple-life-destiny , having fancy-photo for desktop-wallpaper-background create complicated-life-destiny . (2)car which has (double-wishbone/multi-link)-suspension is complicated , example :>accord . struts-suspension is simpler . solid-axel (>wrangler ,>g-class ) , is simplest but their weight is heavy-weight . car-with-struts-suspension usually still light-weight (>camry ,>civic ) , so maybe struts-suspension create simplest life-destiny . (3)maybe if car-designer-cpu , civil-engineer-cpu , comic-book-designer-cpu , music-creator-cpu , movie-(visual-effect/fx)-designer-cpu , story-writer-designer-cpu , is simple-design , and still ampere-efficient , then work-result become better . [/addition 5 jan 2024 5:40 am est] ========================================= 24 dec 2023 5:45 am est : (1)#reword# solution : #to# solution for mother-board>e-6476-p-8-h-61-mle-series : (2)#reword# (1)boot/start-up computer , during booting press 'del' to enter bios or press whatever-keyboard-button-being-shown-by-monitor-screen-boot-message . (2)in bios : turn-off 'turbo'-mode (3)in bios : set cpu-ratio : 16 ( if wanting 1.6 ghz to become maximum cpu-frequency ) 25 ( if wanting 2.5 ghz to become maximum cpu-frequency ) intel-cpu-lowest-cpu-frequency is 1.6 ghz . #to# (1)boot/start-up computer , during boot-process press 'del' to enter bios or press whatever-keyboard-button-being-shown-by-monitor-screen-boot-message to enter 'bios' . (2)in bios->advanced-config->cpu : set cpu-ratio : 16 ( if wanting 1.6 ghz to become maximum cpu-frequency ) 25 ( if wanting 2.5 ghz to become maximum cpu-frequency ) is 1.6 ghz . (3)in bios->advanced-config->cpu : turn-off 'turbo'-mode but there is no 'turbo'-mode so do nothing and exit bios to reboot if trying to start linux then coerce reboot with method press-and-hold 'ctrl' while pressing 'alt' and 'del' . during this reboot-process press 'del' again to re-enter 'bios' , this time bios->advanced-config->cpu show 'turbo'-mode , turn-off that 'turbo'-mode . [source : 'turbo' in from google ( asus cpu ratio not limiting cpu frequency p8h61m ) page 2 number 5 ] ================= 24 dec 2023 5:55 am est : ending 6:5 am est #reword# problem : how to make cpu-frequency always same cpu-frequency ? never increase cpu-frequency during making program do task for long-time-duration . #to# problem : how to make always same cpu-frequency ? never automatically-increase cpu-frequency during making program do task for long-time-duration . ============================= 29 dec 2023 2:34 am est : #reword# a@1 11:56 PM ~ sensors coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +37.0°C (high = +82.0°C, crit = +102.0°C) Core 0: +37.0°C (high = +82.0°C, crit = +102.0°C) #to# a@1 02:34 AM ~ sensors coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +38.0°C (high = +82.0°C, crit = +102.0°C) Core 0: +37.0°C (high = +82.0°C, crit = +102.0°C) asus-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter cpu_fan: 0 RPM =================== 29 dec 2023 2:40 am est : #add# [addition 29 dec 2023 2:40 am est] ====================== 5 jan 2024 5:44 am est : #add# [addition 5 jan 2024 5:40 am est] ========================== 8 jan 2024 6:26 am est : #add# then turn-off bios->advanced-config->cpu->enhanced-speed-step-ability . ============================= 8 jan 2024 6:41 am est : #add# then to set bios->advanced-config->ai-tweaker-menu->igpu-maximum-frequency to minimum-number ( so become non-fluctuating ) : press '+' or '-' to make some-minimum-number show-up . ================================ 8 jan 2024 6:42 am est : #reword# in bios->advanced-config->cpu : set cpu-ratio : 16 ( if wanting 1.6 ghz to become maximum cpu-frequency ) #to# in bios->advanced-config->cpu : set cpu-ratio : 16 with method pressing '+' or '-' ( if wanting 1.6 ghz to become maximum cpu-frequency ) ============================== 8 jan 2024 6:52 am est : #add# from ============================== 20 mar 2024 11:25 am est : (1)problem : why need correct time-zone ? solution : want combination of correct time and time-zone to login . (2)#add# [addition 20 mar 2024 11:27 am est] ================================ 2 apr 2024 9:18 am est : problem : show all directory/folder , do not show file , in current directory solution : ls -d */ problem : show all directory/folder , do not show file , in some directory 'somedir' solution : ls -d /path/to/somedir/*/ [source : from google ( linux ls show directory list ) -> result 2 -> ppl also ask -> how do i list directories in ls ? ] ========================================== 18 apr 2024 2:54 pm est : #add# [addition 18 apr 2024 2:51 pm est] ========================================== 8 may 2024 7:52 am est : (1/2)#reword# problem : internet-page to download linux-pdf-book-collection solution : that school.tar contain school/linux-how-to which contain these files : #to# problem : internet-page to download linux-pdf-book-collection solution : that contain school/linux-how-to which contain these files : (2/2)#reword# my linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format : has tar-file containing linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format . #to# my linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format : has zip-file containing linux-book-collection-in-pdf-format . =========================================================================== 18 may 2024 5:27 pm est : problem : how to change color in nano ( ) ? solution : if nano is opening .java file then edit '/usr/share/nano/java.nanorc' [source : 'You can make system-wide config changes by editing the file /etc/nanorc' in from google ( nano change color theme ) result 1 ] problem : how to change color in output of ls ? solution : from google ( change ls output color ) result 1 ============================================================================ 19 may 2024 12:15 pm est : problem : how to install mysql ? solution : (step-1)apt-get install mysql-server (step-2)sudo mysql_secure_installation [source : from google ( linux mint install mysql ) result 7 ] ============================================================================ 19 may 2024 2:37 pm est : problem : stop mysql-server's auto-start during boot solution : sudo systemctl disable mysql [2 source : (1) (2) from google ( mysql auto start off ) ] ============================================================================ 28 may 2024 5:57 pm est : problem : how to extract .jar file solution : jar xf file.jar [source : from google ( jar extract file ) ] ============================================================================ 20 jun 2024 1:24 pm est : problem : only allowing certain ip to access ssh solution : (1)/etc/hosts.deny should contain : sshd : ALL (2)/etc/hosts.allow should contain something like : sshd:,,,, They also accept partial IP addresses as subnets, so you can allow the entire as: sshd: 172.168.0. Or as shown in the following example: sshd : localhost sshd : 192.168.0. sshd : (3)configuration take effect immediately , restarting ssh-daemon/sshd is not needed [source : (1) from google ( ssh only allow certain ip addresses ) result 1 (2) from google ( ssh only allow certain ip addresses ) result 2 ] problem : 1 ip-address for many web-site-address like , , , etc solution : (1) with apache : virtual-host (2) with tomcat : virtual-host from google ( apache tomcat virtual host ) result 2 [addition 21 jun 2024 9:13 am est] example : find '' , '' in 'traceroute' in or in [/addition 21 jun 2024 9:13 am est] [addition 21 jun 2024 2:34 pm est] why unite many web-site-address inside 1 ip-address ? because find '[24-sep-2015] ip-address-version-4 (ipv4) in is depleted , customer who want ipv4 from need to join waiting-list' in 'history-time-line' in [/addition 21 jun 2024 2:34 pm est] [source : from from google ( multiple website address 1 ip address ) result 1 ] ============================================================================ 21 jun 2024 9:13 am est : #add# addition 21 jun 2024 9:13 am est ============================================================================ 21 jun 2024 2:36 pm est : #add# addition 21 jun 2024 2:34 pm est ================================================= 1 jul 2024 8:44 am est : problem and solution : a@1 08:36 AM ~ sudo apt-get update [sudo] password for a: Get:1 stable InRelease [1,825 B] Ign:2 sonya InRelease Hit:3 sonya Release Hit:4 xenial-security InRelease Hit:5 xenial InRelease Ign:1 stable InRelease Hit:6 xenial InRelease Hit:7 xenial-updates InRelease Hit:9 xenial-backports InRelease Fetched 1,825 B in 0s (2,380 B/s) Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E88979FB9B30ACF2 W: The repository ' stable InRelease' is not signed. N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. solution : [source : from google ( The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: ) result 1 ] a@1 08:40 AM ~ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys E88979FB9B30ACF2 gpg: requesting key 9B30ACF2 from hkp server gpg: key D38B4796: public key "Google Inc. (Linux Packages Signing Authority) " imported gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1) a@1 08:42 AM ~ gpg --export --armor E88979FB9B30ACF2 | sudo apt-key add - [sudo] password for a: OK a@1 08:42 AM ~ sudo apt-get update [sudo] password for a: Ign:1 sonya InRelease Hit:2 xenial-security InRelease Get:3 stable InRelease [1,825 B] Hit:4 sonya Release Hit:5 xenial InRelease Hit:6 xenial InRelease Hit:7 xenial-updates InRelease Hit:9 xenial-backports InRelease Fetched 1,825 B in 0s (3,071 B/s) Reading package lists... Done a@1 08:42 AM ~ ===================================================================== 12 jul 2024 11:55 am est : #add# [addition 12 jul 2024 11:53 am est] (1)#reword# bash>sudo -u postgres psql bbb < myfiles/backup-usb/backup/bbb2_22_december_2014.tar #to# bash>sudo -u postgres psql bbb < myfiles/backup-usb/backup/bbb2_22_december_2014.sql (2)#reword# transfer data from dump_file to database 'bbb' : #to# transfer data from dump_file to database 'bbb' ( restore ) : (3)#reword# problem:install postgresql, restore backup-data #to# problem : install postgresql , backup database , restore database ===================================================================== 12 jul 2024 12:34 pm est : #add# [addition 12 jul 2024 12:41 pm est] ===================================================================== 13 aug 2024 2:54 pm est : problem : how to concatenante multiple file in linux , unix ? solution : to concatenate a.txt , b.txt , c.txt , to new file-name d.txt : cat a.txt b.txt c.txt > d.txt [source : from google ( linux concat text file ) result 1 ] ===================================================================== 25 aug 2024 11:30 am est : problem : how to make firefox not showing image/photo solution : visit url about:config then variable-name permissions.default.image need to have value 2 (not showing image/photo) . initially permissions.default.image has value 1 (show image/photo) . [source : from google ( firefox block images ) result 1 ] ===================================================================== 3 sep 2024 3:31 pm est : problem : how to make reminder/alarm-clock in unix/ , without speaker , show pop-up window to give reminder about doing something , to remind user about doing something solution : run/send-to-kernel-message-queue this linux-command : (1)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at now + 2 minute (2)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at 4:00 pm (3)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at 04:00 pm (4)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at 1 pm tomorrow (5)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at 1:35 pm sep 4 [addition 3 sep 2024 4:31 pm est] 'at' is software , to install 'at' , run this linux-command : apt-get install at [/addition 3 sep 2024 4:31 pm est] [addition 4 sep 2024 1:52 pm est] if that unix/ is being reboot then : that notify-send will be forgotten , notify-send will not show pop-up-window . [/addition 4 sep 2024 1:52 pm est] [source : (1) from google ( notify send new line ) result 1 (2) from google ( linux alarm console ) (3) from>search-auto-complete ( remind ) ] [addition 29 sep 2024 2:52 pm est] bash-script which give reminder-pop-up-window after some minute or hour : a@1 02:18 PM ~/data-data ./ 1 minute echo "notify-send -u critical reminder 'turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove'" | at now + 1 minute warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh job 33 at Sun Sep 29 14:55:00 2024 a@1 02:54 PM ~/data-data ./ 11 minute echo "notify-send -u critical reminder 'turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove'" | at now + 11 minute warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh job 34 at Sun Sep 29 15:05:00 2024 a@1 02:54 PM ~/data-data ./ 1 hour echo "notify-send -u critical reminder 'turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove'" | at now + 1 hour warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh job 35 at Sun Sep 29 15:54:00 2024 a@1 02:54 PM ~/data-data bash-script file-content : #!/bin/bash if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo 'argument not available, exiting' exit 0 fi str="" for arg do str=$( echo $str $arg ) done cmd="echo \"notify-send -u critical reminder 'turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove'\" | at now + "$str echo "$cmd" msg=`eval $cmd` #echo "msg=$msg" [/addition 29 sep 2024 2:52 pm est] ====================================================================== 3 sep 2024 4:31 pm est : #add# [addition 3 sep 2024 4:31 pm est] ====================================================================== 4 sep 2024 1:26 pm est : #reword# echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at now + 2 minute #to# (1)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at now + 2 minute (2)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at 4:00 pm (3)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at 04:00 pm (4)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at 1 pm tomorrow (5)echo 'notify-send -u critical reminder "turn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove\nturn-off stove"' | at 1:35 pm sep 4 ====================================================================== 4 sep 2024 1:53 pm est : #add# [addition 4 sep 2024 1:52 pm est] ====================================================================== 9 sep 2024 3:11 pm est : problem : black pixel consume same ampere like white pixel ? solution : lcd : same ampere , oled-and-crt : black pixel use less ampere than white pixel . [2 source : (1) from google ( black pixel white pixel more ampere reddit ) result 2 (2) from google ( black pixel white pixel more ampere ) result 1 ] ====================================================================== 13 sep 2024 8:54 pm est : problem : what is difference between Modify and Change in stat output [addition 13 sep 2024 9 pm est] a@1 08:59 PM ~ stat test.txt File : 'test.txt' Size : 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file Device : 805h/2053d Inode: 20940045 Links: 1 Access : (0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: ( 1000/ a) Gid: ( 1000/ a) Access : 2023-07-30 00:04:36.431858544 -0400 Modify : 2017-07-17 17:00:52.913230231 -0400 Change : 2017-07-17 17:00:55.093229849 -0400 Birth: - a@1 09:00 PM ~ [/addition 13 sep 2024 9 pm est] solution : 'Modify' is timestamp of last time file's content was modified , this is often called "mtime" . 'Change' is timestamp of last time file's inode was changed , like by changing permission , ownership , file-name , number of hard links . It's often called "ctime" . [source : from google ( unix stat change vs modify date ) result 1 ] ======================================================================= 13 sep 2024 9 pm est :#add# [addition 13 sep 2024 9 pm est] ======================================================================= 19 sep 2024 5:49 pm est(gmt-5) : problem : 'diff' output is confusing , what is best option for 'diff' to make output less confusing ? solution : option '-w' make output less confusing , so : 'diff -w file-1.txt file-2.txt' [source : from google ( best diff option ) result 1 ] ======================================================================= 23 sep 2024 5:29 pm est(gmt-5) : #add# [source : from google ( best diff option ) result 1 ] ======================================================================= 29 sep 2024 2:55 pm est(gmt-5) : #add# [addition 29 sep 2024 2:52 pm est] ======================================================================= 1 oct 2024 4:7 pm est(gmt-5) : problem : set real name in solution : /set irc_real_name some-real-name [source : 'irc_real_name' in from>help->contents ] ======================================================================= 1 oct 2024 8:37 pm est(gmt-5) : problem : how to convert pdf to jpg , convert pdf to jpeg ? solution : (1)sudo apt-get install imagemagick (2)a@1 08:31 PM ~/data-data/surat/kartu-ijo convert -density 300 -quality 100 paspor-arnon.pdf paspor-arnon.jpg **** Warning: File has an invalid xref entry: 2. Rebuilding xref table. **** Warning: stream operator isn't terminated by valid EOL. **** Warning: stream operator isn't terminated by valid EOL. **** This file had errors that were repaired or ignored. **** The file was produced by: **** >>>> <<<< **** Please notify the author of the software that produced this **** file that it does not conform to Adobe's published PDF **** specification. (3)a@1 08:31 PM ~/data-data/surat/kartu-ijo xviewer paspor-arnon.jpg [source : from google ( linux pdf to jpg ) result 1 ] ======================================================================= 3 oct 2024 7:11 pm est : problem : solution : /usr/share/doc/geany/html/index.html problem : is not highlighting keyword in .htm file solution : (1)make or be located at beginning-of-file-content . (2)re-open that .htm file . ======================================================================== 6 oct 2024 8:59 pm est : problem : a@1 09:01 PM ~/data-data du -hs du: cannot access './.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access './.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access './.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access './.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/broadcast-listeners.json.corrupt': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access './.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/sessionstore-backups/recovery.jsonlz4': Structure needs cleaning solution : (1)cat /etc/fstab to get device-location for /home (2)use live-usb to boot some linux-distro ( , , etc ) then e2fsck that-device-location [source : from google ( umount target is busy fsck ) ] [addition 7 oct 2024 3:21 pm est] do not e2fsck mounted drive , even-though read-only mounted drive because that may cause kernel-panic . [source : from google ( fsck time benchmark ) result 4 ] e2fsck estimated time-duration : 1 giga-byte per minute . so if there is 200 giga-byte then e2fsck need 200 minute ( 3 hour 20 minute ) , to complete . [/addition 7 oct 2024 3:21 pm est] [addition 10 nov 2024 11:12 pm est] problem : after starting , partition '/' is read-only , can not modify file underneath directory '/' , need to use live-usb to e2fsck . then that happen again . solution : do linux-command 'journalctl' to see system-d-log / system-d-journal record red-color-message which is related to file-system-error , to search culprit . 'unc' in 'journalctl'-output , has meaning uncorrectable-error , need to renew harddisk . [source : ... from google ( ... ) ] [/addition 10 nov 2024 11:12 pm est] [addition 5 nov 2024 5:38 pm est] problem : my strategy in installing linux , which minimise e2fsck time for firefox which some-time crash because of unexpected excessive memory-consumption . solution : /dev/sda1 : / : 20 giga-byte /dev/sda2 : /swap : 1 giga-byte /dev/sda3 : /home : 20 giga-byte ( this has meaning i give firefox can have 20 giga-byte history-file ) /dev/sda4 : /depot : 459 giga-byte or remainder-hard-disk-size user-name : a root create /depot/depot-a root set /depot/depot-a , to have owner user-name a : sudo chown a /depot/depot-a user-name 'a' create symbolic-link /home/depot-a which connect/link to /depot/depot-a : ln -s /depot/depot-a depot-a so there will be /home/a/.mozilla and that is 20 giga-byte to be e2fsck which need 20 minute time-duration . example damaged firefox-file which need e2fsck , if i do not e2fsck then i can not delete damaged file : a@1 06:11 PM ~ du -sh .mozilla/ du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/8cn7gal8.useragent=arnon-firefox-67/prefs.js': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/serviceworker-1.txt': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{4f6f43b1-d546-4cc5-a68f-e579a12be5db}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{7c9fce8b-eee4-4f65-854e-25ed6a699004}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{5a71b060-abd1-47a1-aa40-c5e3d8947fd5}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{55320a8a-6dde-4f2a-9bb2-0d4938974496}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{064d1c86-96ab-43aa-b5b6-5498ee186696}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{55c18550-e269-4cc8-b9ea-bb61152e01e8}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{7a8b6c70-8916-4953-8ff2-767e0dbab9c5}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{1ba92149-dd07-498b-b3d8-4acd185b165b}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{a1d63b7b-f1f7-4932-8ed4-6a172c7f8032}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{b421fcc5-404b-43b9-9273-774dac9b0b3f}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{48e847fe-85ae-4885-b1f0-8d73e2f2433f}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{221364c2-3bae-4bb3-b028-91dbe9a28755}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{051327b3-ac61-4e87-a613-f6ca385f4513}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{02a4dc2f-8b66-4b94-b824-7b6d9d546f66}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{ec269d58-4d77-468c-88ef-794e5989761e}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/{b2778f2a-17a3-4dce-ba2a-c0c8942ffc1e}.tmp': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/ocf0zul9.firefox-101-0-1-2/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/mwad0hks.default/sessionstore-backups/recovery.jsonlz4': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/9f8v7wjr.firefox-101-0-1/blocklist.xml': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/9f8v7wjr.firefox-101-0-1/broadcast-listeners.json-1.corrupt': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/9f8v7wjr.firefox-101-0-1/datareporting/archived/2022-07/1658131186474.0e1461d8-64b2-443c-b8a3-5aa1dd9e0a3c.main.jsonlz4': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/engmvw9x.firefox-101-0-1-3/shield-preference-experiments.json': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/engmvw9x.firefox-101-0-1-3/pkcs11.txt': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/engmvw9x.firefox-101-0-1-3/AlternateServices.txt': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/engmvw9x.firefox-101-0-1-3/cert9.db': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/engmvw9x.firefox-101-0-1-3/prefs-1.js': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/zdkuwgkq.default-release/storage/default/': Structure needs cleaning du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/zdkuwgkq.default-release/datareporting/archived/2022-01/1641285581099.96b43091-cb30-434c-84e8-eaac4f7245ba.main.jsonlz4': Structure needs cleaning 2.2G .mozilla/ a@1 06:12 PM ~ [/addition 5 nov 2024 5:38 pm est] [addition 12 nov 2024 11:19 pm est] problem : how to convert ext-2 to ext-3 ? for /dev/sda5 [addition 13 nov 2024 8:24 pm est] [source : from google ( convert ext2 to ext3 ) result 1 from 'Another significant advantage is that Ext3 allows you to in-place upgrade from Ext2 without having to back up and restore data' in from google ( ext3 vs ext4 ) result 4 ] [/addition 13 nov 2024 8:24 pm est] solution : (1)use some live-usb to boot , so in my case /dev/sda1 ( / ) , and /dev/sda5 ( /home ) , is not being mounted . (2)sudo tune2fs -j /dev/sda5 (3)sudo mount /dev/sda1 slash (4)sudo nano slash/etc/fstab (5)change 'ext2' which is located in same line like /home , to 'ext3' why change ext-2 to ext-3 ? (1)'main advantage of ext3 over its predecessor, ext2, is journaling, which improves reliability and eliminates the need to check the file system after an improper, a.k.a. unclean, shutdown.' in (2)because doing e2fsck to ext-3 maybe is faster than doing e2fsck to ext-2 . [source : forgotten web-page say fsck ext-3 is just replaying journal ] why only change /dev/sda5 from ext-2 to ext-3 ? because i only edit / modify file in /home . ext-3 is file-system-with-journal , ext-2 is file-system-without-journal , ext-2 is faster and less journal / less disk-writing has meaning more durable hard-disk . [/addition 12 nov 2024 11:19 pm est] [addition 14 nov 2024 6:29 pm est] problem : how to convert ext-3 to ext-2 ? for /dev/sda5 solution : (1)use some live-usb to boot , so in my case /dev/sda1 ( / ) , and /dev/sda5 ( /home ) , is not being mounted . (2)sudo tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda5 [source : from google ( convert ext2 to ext3 ) result 1 from 'Another significant advantage is that Ext3 allows you to in-place upgrade from Ext2 without having to back up and restore data' in from google ( ext3 vs ext4 ) result 4 ] (3)sudo e2fsck -Cy /dev/sda5 (3)sudo mount /dev/sda1 slash (4)sudo nano slash/etc/fstab (5)change 'ext3' which is located in same line like /home , to 'ext2' [/addition 14 nov 2024 6:29 pm est] [addition 14 nov 2024 6:35 pm est] problem : how to know partition file-system for /dev/sda5 , is ext-2 or ext-3 or ... ? solution : (1)lsblk -f (2)sudo file -sL /dev/sda5 (3)e2fsck -N /dev/sda5 (4)df -Th [source : from google ( get linux partition type ext2 or ext3 ) result 1 ] [/addition 14 nov 2024 6:35 pm est] ========================================================================= 6 oct 2024 9:8 pm est : #add# [addition 6 oct 2024 9:6 pm est] ========================================================================= 6 oct 2024 11:10 pm est : problem : find total size of multiple directory/folder solution : (1)du -sh --total dir-1 dir-2 (2)du -csh dir-1 dir-2 [source : from google ( linux get multiple directory total size ) result 1 ] ========================================================================= 7 oct 2024 3:22 pm est : #add# [addition 7 oct 2024 3:21 pm est] ========================================================================= 7 oct 2024 6:18 pm est : problem : usb-drive-icon which contain live-usb-linux-distro-installation , show-up on desktop-back-ground but computer can not use that usb-drive to reboot . solution : bios->advanced->usb-configuration->legacy-usb-support must be 'enabled' , not 'disabled' ========================================================================= 8 oct 2024 7:53 pm est : problem : say login fail even-though username and password is correct . solution : choose login-with-email-address , avoid login-with-username . ========================================================================= 24 oct 2024 9 pm est : problem : how to open filename - using nano ? solution : a@1 08:58 PM ~ nano -langs.txt Type 'nano -h' for a list of available options. a@1 08:58 PM ~ nano '-langs.txt' Type 'nano -h' for a list of available options. a@1 08:58 PM ~ nano \-langs.txt Type 'nano -h' for a list of available options. a@1 08:59 PM ~ mv -i ./-langs.txt langs-.txt './-langs.txt' -> 'langs-.txt' a@1 09:01 PM ~ nano langs-.txt a@1 09:01 PM ~ rm langs-.txt a@1 09:01 PM ~ [source : from google ( nano open file name start with dash ) result 1 ] ================================================================================================================================================== 26 oct 2024 7:9 pm est : problem : how to turn-off screen-saver-with-auto-lock solution :>cinnamon-desktop-manager->menu->system-settings->screen-saver->setting->( turn-off : lock computer when put to sleep , lock computer after screen-saver start ) [source : from google ( turn off automatic screen lock linuxmint ) result 1 ] ================================================================================================================================================== 26 oct 2024 7:29 pm est : problem : rename file containing colon solution : a@1 07:27 PM ~/data-data mv -i C\:\\nppdf32Log\\debuglog.txt debuglog.txt 'C:\nppdf32Log\debuglog.txt' -> 'debuglog.txt' [source : from google ( linux delete file name colon ) result 1 ] ============================================================================================================================================================ 26 oct 2024 7:51 pm est : #reword# solution : to concatenate a.txt , b.txt , c.txt , to d.txt : #to# solution : to concatenate a.txt , b.txt , c.txt , to new file-name d.txt : ============================================================================================================================================================ 26 oct 2024 8:22 pm est : problem : change user-home-directory solution : usermod -d /path/to/dir username [source : from google ( linux change user directory location ) result 1 ] ============================================================================================================================================================ 26 oct 2024 8:41 pm est : problem : show all directory with their size , except hidden directory / directory-name which start-with dot solution : a@1 08:35 PM ~/data-data du -shc */ [source : from google ( show size of all directories except hidden directory ) result 1 ] ============================================================== 26 oct 2024 9:50 pm est : #reword# show directories with their size in ascending sort order #to# show all directory with their size in ascending sort order ============================================================== 26 oct 2024 10:2 pm est : problem : show all file sorted according to file-size solution : ls -lhSl | more ============================================================== 5 nov 2024 5:3 pm est : problem : how to know partition-size , disk-space-consumption , disk-space-usage solution : a@1 04:09 PM / df -Th / Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 ext2 19G 8.0G 9.4G 47% / a@1 04:09 PM / df -Th /home/ Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda5 ext2 441G 237G 182G 57% /home a@1 04:10 PM / df -Th /swap df: /swap: No such file or directory a@1 04:10 PM / df -Th /dev/sda6 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev devtmpfs 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /dev a@1 04:11 PM / df -Th /dev/sda1 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 ext2 19G 8.0G 9.4G 47% / a@1 04:11 PM / df -Th /dev/sda5 Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda5 ext2 441G 237G 182G 57% /home problem : knowing owner of file or directory/folder solution : a@1 04:02 PM /var ls -ld storage/storage-a drwxr-xr-x 2 a root 4096 Nov 5 15:46 storage/storage-a d = directory rwx = user-permission is can-read-can-write-can-execute r-x = group-permission is can-read-can-execute r-x = world/everyone-permission is can-read-can-execute a = user-name root = user-group [addition 5 nov 2024 9:29 pm est] 4096 has meaning 4096 byte . a@1 09:28 PM ~ ls -lhd data-data/storage-a lrwxrwxrwx 1 a a 23 Nov 5 15:42 data-data/storage-a -> /var/storage/storage-a/ a@1 09:29 PM ~ ls -lhd /var/storage/storage-a/ drwxr-xr-x 2 a root 4.0K Nov 5 16:04 /var/storage/storage-a/ [/addition 5 nov 2024 9:29 pm est] ============================================================== 5 nov 2024 6:25 pm est : #add# addition 5 nov 2024 5:38 pm est ============================================================== 5 nov 2024 9:30 pm est : #add# addition 5 nov 2024 9:29 pm est ============================================================== 6 nov 2024 2:16 pm est : problem : how to know which partition-device provide space for which directory/folder solution : see file /etc/fstab : cat /etc/fstab ============================================================== 10 nov 2024 3:41 pm est : problem : debian-live-usb after idle for some minute , screen-saver show-up . to remove screen-saver , need to type #username# and #password# . solution : username : user password : live [source : google ( debian live usb username password ) ] ============================================================== 10 nov 2024 4:10 pm est : problem : what is 'id' in 'sudo fdisk -l' output solution : 'id' in 'sudo fdisk -l' output : a@1 04:03 PM ~ sudo fdisk -l [sudo] password for a: Disk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x2405ea3f Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/sda1 * 2048 38866943 38864896 18.5G 83 Linux /dev/sda2 38868990 976771071 937902082 447.2G 5 Extended /dev/sda5 39065600 976771071 937705472 447.1G 83 Linux /dev/sda6 38868992 39065599 196608 96M 82 Linux swap / Solaris Partition table entries are not in disk order. Disk /dev/sdb: 7.5 GiB, 8017412096 bytes, 15659008 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x06e73d9d Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/sdb1 * 0 5373951 5373952 2.6G 0 Empty /dev/sdb2 1636 11709 10074 4.9M ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32) ID Name 00 Empty To be precise: this is not used to designate unused area on the disk, but marks an unused partition table entry. (All other fields should be zero as well.) Unused area is not designated. Plan9 assumes that it can use everything not claimed for other systems in the partition table. 01 DOS 12-bit FAT DOS is a family of single-user operating systems for PCs. 86-DOS (`QDOS' - Quick and Dirty OS) was a CP/M-like operating system written by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products (1979). Microsoft bought it, renamed it to MS-DOS 1.0 and sold it to IBM (1980) to be delivered together with the first IBM PCs (1981). MS-DOS 2.0 (1983) was rather different, and designed to be somewhat Unix-like. It supported a hard disk (up to 16MB; up to 32MB for version 2.1). Version 3.3+ added the concept of partitions, where each partition is at most 32MB. (Compaq DOS 3.31 relaxed this restriction.) Since version 4.0 partitions can be 512 MB. Version 5.0 supports partitions up to 2 GB. Several clones exist: DR-DOS (from Digital Research, later part of Novell and called NovellDOS or NDOS, then owned by Caldera and called OpenDOS, then by its subsidiary Lineo who named it back to DR-DOS. See, PC-DOS (from IBM), FreeDOS, ... See Types of DOS. See comp.os.msdos.* and MSDOS partitioning summary. The type 01 is for partitions smaller than 16 MB. 02 XENIX root 03 XENIX /usr Xenix is an old port of Unix V7. Microsoft Xenix OS was announced August 1980, a portable and commercial version of the Unix operating system for the Intel 8086, Zilog Z8000, Motorola M68000 and Digital Equipment PDP-11. Microsoft introduces XENIX 3.0 in April 1983. ( Timeline of Microcomputers) SCO delivered its first Xenix for 8088/8086 in 1983. See comp.unix.xenix.sco. 04 DOS 3.0+ 16-bit FAT (up to 32M) Matthias Paul writes: Some old DOS versions have had a bug which requires this partition to be located in the 1st physical 32 MB of the hard disk, hence for compatibility with these old issues, partitions located elsewhere should better be assigned the ID FAT16B (06h). 05 DOS 3.3+ Extended Partition Supports at most 8.4 GB disks: with type 05 DOS/Windows will not use the extended BIOS call, even if it is available. See type 0f below. Using type 05 for extended partitions beyond 8 GB may lead to data corruption with MSDOS. An extended partition is a box containing a linked list of logical partitions. This chain (linked list) can have arbitrary length, but some FDISK versions refuse to make more logical partitions than there are drive letters available (e.g. MS-DOS LASTDRIVE=26 is good for at most 24 disk partitions; Novell DOS 7+ allows LASTDRIVE=32). 06 DOS 3.31+ 16-bit FAT (over 32M) Partitions, or at least the FAT16 filesystems created on them, are at most 2 GB for DOS and Windows 95/98 (at most 65536 clusters, each at most 32 KB). Windows NT can create up to 4 GB FAT16 filesystems (using 64 KB clusters), but these cause problems for DOS and Windows 95/98. Note that VFAT is 16-bit FAT with long filenames; FAT32 is a different filesystem. 07 OS/2 IFS (e.g., HPFS) IFS = Installable File System. The best known example is HPFS. OS/2 will only look at partitions with ID 7 for any installed IFS (that's why the EXT2.IFS packet includes a special "Linux partition filter" device driver to fool OS/2 into thinking Linux partitions have ID 07). (Kai Henningsen ( 07 Windows NT NTFS Filesystem introduced in Windows NT 3.1. It is rumoured that the Windows NT boot partition must be primary, and within the first 2 GB of the disk. 07 exFAT Extended FAT, a.k.a. FAT64. Available in Microsoft Windows since CE 6.0 and Vista SP1. Allows 32 MB clusters and very large disks and files. 07 Advanced Unix 07 QNX2.x pre-1988 (see below under IDs 4d-4f) 08 OS/2 (v1.0-1.3 only) 08 AIX boot partition 08 SplitDrive 08 Commodore DOS Matthias Paul writes: "This indicates a Commodore MS-DOS 3.x logically sectored FAT partition." 08 DELL partition spanning multiple drives 08 QNX 1.x and 2.x ("qny") (according to QNX Partitions) 09 AIX data partition Some reports interchange AIX boot & data. AIX is IBM's version of Unix. See comp.unix.aix. 09 Coherent filesystem Coherent was a UNIX-type OS for the 286-386-486, marketed by Mark Williams Company led by Bob Swartz, renowned for its good documentation. It was introduced in 1980 and died 1 Feb 1995. The last versions are V3.2 for 286-386-486 and V4.0 (May 1992, using protected mode) for 386-486 only. It sold for $99 a copy, and the FAQ says that 40000 copies have been sold. See comp.os.coherent and this page. A Coherent partition has to be primary. 09 QNX 1.x and 2.x ("qnz") (according to QNX Partitions) 0a OS/2 Boot Manager OS/2 is the operating system designed by Microsoft and IBM to be the successor of MS-DOS. Dropped by Microsoft. See comp.os.os2. Windows 2000 actively tries to destroy OS/2 Boot Manager. See below. 0a Coherent swap partition 0a OPUS Open Parallel Unisys Server. See Unisys. 0b WIN95 OSR2 FAT32 Partitions up to 2047GB. See Partition Types 0c WIN95 OSR2 FAT32, LBA-mapped Extended-INT13 equivalent of 0b. 0d SILICON SAFE Planned by siliconsafe. 0e WIN95: DOS 16-bit FAT, LBA-mapped 0f WIN95: Extended partition, LBA-mapped Windows 95 uses 0e and 0f as the extended-INT13 equivalents of 06 and 05. For the problems this causes, see Possible data loss with LBA and INT13 extensions. (Especially when going back and forth between MSDOS and Windows 95, strange things may happen with a type 0e or 0f partition.) Windows NT does not recognize the four W95 types 0b, 0c, 0e, 0f ( Win95 Partition Types Not Recognized by Windows NT). DRDOS 7.03 does not support this type (but DRDOS 7.04 does). 10 OPUS (?) Maybe decimal, for type 0a. 11 Hidden DOS 12-bit FAT When it boots a DOS partition, OS/2 Boot Manager will hide all primary DOS partitions except the one that is booted, by changing its ID: 01, 04, 06 becomes 11, 14, 16. Also 07 becomes 17. 11 Leading Edge DOS 3.x logically sectored FAT (According to Matthias Paul.) 12 Configuration/diagnostics partition ID 12 (decimal 18) is used by Compaq for their configuration utility partition. It is a FAT-compatible partition (about 6 MB) that boots into their utilities, and can be added to a LILO menu as if it were MS-DOS. (David C. Niemi) Stephen Collins reports a 12 MB partition with ID 12 on a Compaq 7330T. Tigran A. Aivazian reports a 40 MB partition with ID 12 on a 64 MB Compaq Proliant 1600. ID 12 is used by the Compaq Contura to denote its hibernation partition. ( NCR has used ID 0x12 MS-DOS partitions for diagnostics and firmware support on their WorldMark systems since the mid-90s. DataLight's ROM-DOS has replaced MS-DOS on more recent systems. Partition sizes were once 72M (MS-DOS) but are now 40M (ROM-DOS). Intel has begun offering ROM-DOS based "Service Partition" support on many OEM systems. This support initially used ID 0x98 but has recently changed to ID 0x12. Intel provides their own support for this partition in the form of a System Resource CD. Partition size has remained constant at 40M. See e.g. sds2.pdf. (Chuck Rouillard) IBM also uses 0x12 for its Rescue and Recovery partition on Thinkpad laptops. See also 14 Hidden DOS 16-bit FAT <32M (Ralf Brown's interrupt list adds: `ID 14 resulted from using Novell DOS 7.0 FDISK to delete Linux Native partition') 14 AST DOS with logically sectored FAT AST MS-DOS 3.x was an OEM version supporting 8 instead of the usual 4 partition entries in the MBR. These special MBRs can be detected by another signature in the MBR stored in front of the partition table. 16 Hidden DOS 16-bit FAT >=32M 17 Hidden IFS (e.g., HPFS) 18 AST SmartSleep Partition Ascentia laptops have a `Zero Volt Suspend Partition' or `SmartSleep Partition' of size 2MB+memory size. See AST. Ralf Brown calls this the "AST Windows swapfile". 19 Unused Claimed for Willowtech Photon coS (completely optimized system) by Willow Schlanger See dejanews. 1b Hidden WIN95 OSR2 FAT32 1c Hidden WIN95 OSR2 FAT32, LBA-mapped Sometimes a hidden IBM rescue partition. 1e Hidden WIN95 16-bit FAT, LBA-mapped 20 Unused Rumoured to be used by Willowsoft Overture File System (OFS1), if there is such a thing. 21 Reserved (according to delorie). And Powerquest writes `Officially listed as reserved (HP Volume Expansion, SpeedStor variant)'. See also ID a1.) 21 Unused Claimed for FSo2 (Oxygen File System) by Dave Poirier ( See dejanews. 22 Unused Claimed for Oxygen Extended Partition Table by See dejanews. 23 Reserved 24 NEC DOS 3.x This is NEC MS-DOS 3.30 logically sectored FAT. Similar to type 14 above, the MBR could have up to 8 partition entries. 26 Reserved 27 PQservice Acer laptop hidden rescue partition. Can be FAT32 or NTFS. Press Alt-F10 during boot to start this. Also other manufacturers use this type for their rescue partition. 27 Windows RE hidden partition On MBR disks, type 0x27. On GPT disks, GUID: DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC. A hidden version of a Windows RE type 0x7 partition with NTFS. When this is installed, reboot and press F8 in order to boot into this Recovery Environment. 27 MirOS partition MirOS BSD is a BSD variant. 27 RouterBOOT kernel partition See RB500_Linux_SDK. RouterBOOT loads the contents of first partition with type 39 (0x27). If there is no such partition, it displays the message "CF BOOT FAILURE: kernel partition missing!". There is no filesystem on this partition, it contains a raw ELF Linux kernel image. 2a AtheOS File System (AFS) AtheOS is an open source operating system written by Kurt Skauen. It is dead now - for a single page, see or sourceforge. For the history, see wikipedia. When progress seemed to stop, the project forked and the Syllable OS was started by Kristian van der Vliet (2002). See also wikipedia. It uses the same filesystem, AthFS or AFS, an extension of BeFS, the filesystem of BeOS. There is an attempt at a Linux driver at sourceforge. 2b SyllableSecure (SylStor) A variation on AthFS is Sylstor, with added security. 31 Reserved 32 NOS Simon Butcher ( writes: This type is being used by an operating system being developed by Alien Internet Services in Melbourne Australia called NOS. The id '32' was chosen not only because it's one of the few that are left available, but 32k is the size of the EEPROM the OS was originally targetted for. 33 Reserved 34 Reserved 35 JFS on OS/2 or eCS David van Enckevort ( writes: Type 0x35 is used by OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business, OS/2 Convenience Pack (aka version 4.5) and eComStation (eCS, an OEM version of OS/2 Convenience Pack) for the OS/2 implementation of JFS (IBM AIX Journaling Filesystem). Since JFS is a non-bootable file system, you cannot install eCS to a JFS partition. 36 Reserved 38 THEOS ver 3.2 2gb partition 39 Plan 9 partition Plan 9 is an operating system developed at Bell Labs for many architectures. Source is available. See comp.os.plan9. Originally Plan 9 used an unallocated portion at the end of the disk. Plan 9 3rd edition uses partitions of type 0x39, subdivided into subpartitions described in the Plan 9 partition table in the second sector of the partition. 39 THEOS ver 4 spanned partition 3a THEOS ver 4 4gb partition 3b THEOS ver 4 extended partition THEOS is a multiuser multitasking OS for PCs founded by Timothy Williams in 1983. Current release 4.0, previous release 3.2. They say about themselves: `THEOS with over 150,000 customers and over 1,000,000 users around the world brings a mainframe look and feel to computers without the complexity and high maintenance costs. Hundreds of applications exist with networking and Windows integration.' See the Theos home page 3c PartitionMagic recovery partition Cody Batt ( writes: When a PowerQuest product like PartitionMagic or Drive Image makes changes to the disk, it first changes the type flag to 0x3C so that the OS won't try to modify it etc. At the end of the process, it gets changed back to what it was at first. So, the only time you should see a 0x3C type flag is if the process was interrupted somehow (power outage, user reboot etc). If you change it back manually with a partition table editor or something then most of the time everything is okay. 3d Hidden NetWare According to Powerquest. 40 Venix 80286 A very old Unix-like operating system for PCs. 40 PICK Ross Stell writes: The PICK multi-user operating system, developed in 1965 by Don Nelson and Dick Pick to run on an IBM 360 mainframe and implemented during the 1970s by many licensee companies on their minicomputers, was ported in 1983 by PICK Systems ( to operate on the IBM PC-XT and later the AT and compatible PCs. This release is known as R83. Later (1989), PICK Systems produced Advanced PICK (AP) which operates within a Windows environment, thus obviating the need for a dedicated hard disk partition. See also Wikipedia. 41 Linux/MINIX (sharing disk with DRDOS) Very old FAQs recommended to use 41 etc instead of 81 etc on a disk shared with DRDOS because DRDOS allegedly disregards the high order bit of the partition type. (Or, rather, uses the high order bit to indicate that the partition is secured.) These types are not used anymore today. Roger Wolff ( confirms: I remember installing DRDOS, and getting a few extra drive letters that I didn't expect. Turns out those are my Minix partitions. It is looking at them as a FAT filesystem. Looks like a big mess. After finding no other possibility than to just "not touch those drive letters" I continue with the install. After a few minutes DRDOS automatically decides to write a copy of the FAT into a file on one of my MINIX partitions. Bye bye Minix partition. 41 Personal RISC Boot 41 PPC PReP (Power PC Reference Platform) Boot 42 Linux swap (sharing disk with DRDOS) 42 SFS (Secure Filesystem) SFS is an encrypted filesystem driver for DOS on 386+ PCs, written by Peter Gutmann. 42 Windows 2000 dynamic extended partition marker If a partition table entry of type 0x42 is present in the legacy partition table, then W2K ignores the legacy partition table and uses a proprietary partition table and a proprietary partitioning scheme (LDM or DDM). As the Microsoft KnowledgeBase writes: Pure dynamic disks (those not containing any hard-linked partitions) have only a single partition table entry (type 42) to define the entire disk. Dynamic disks store their volume configuration in a database located in a 1-MB private region at the end of each dynamic disk. 43 Linux native (sharing disk with DRDOS) 44 GoBack partition GoBack is a utility that records changes made to the disk, allowing you to view or go back to some earlier state. It takes over disk I/O like a Disk Manager would, and stores its logs in its own partition. 45 Boot-US boot manager Ulrich Straub ( writes: The boot manager can be installed to MBR, a separate primary partition or diskette. When installed to a primary partition this partition gets the ID 45h. This partition does not contain a file system, it contains only the boot manager and occupies a single cylinder (below 8 GB). See 45 Priam According to Powerquest. See also ID 5c. 45 EUMEL/Elan 46 EUMEL/Elan 47 EUMEL/Elan 48 EUMEL/Elan Eumel, and later Ergos L3, are multiuser multitasking systems developed by Jochen Liedtke at GMD. It was used at German schools for the computer science education. ( Elan was the programming language used.) 4a Mark Aitchison's ALFS/THIN lightweight filesystem for DOS According to Powerquest. 4a AdaOS Aquila (Withdrawn) Nick Roberts at some point in time announced that he would use 4a for Aquila, but now plans to use the AODPS 7f. 4c Oberon partition See and This partition type (decimal 76) is used for the Aos (now A2) filesystem. Type 4f is used for the Nat filesystem. One may have several partitions of this type. 4d QNX4.x 4e QNX4.x 2nd part 4f QNX4.x 3rd part QNX is a POSIX-certified, microkernel, distributed, fault-tolerant OS for the 386 and up, including support for the 386EX in embedded applications. For info see or See also comp.os.qnx. ID 7 is outdated - QNX2 used 07, QNX4.x uses decimal 77, and optionally 78 and 79 for additional QNX partitions on a single drive. See also b1-b3 (decimal 177-179). See QNX Partitions and Neutrino filesystems. 4f Oberon partition See (The partition ID is given in this posting in comp.lang.oberon. The install instructions say that at most one partition can have this type (decimal 79), and that one needs a different type, like 50 (decimal 80) for a second Oberon system. Moreover, that users of System Commander must avoid types containing the 0x10 bit.) See also type 4c (decimal 76) above. 50 OnTrack Disk Manager (older versions) RO Disk Manager is a program of OnTrack, to enable people to use IDE disks that are larger than 504MB under DOS. For info see Linux kernel versions older than 1.3.14 do not coexist with DM. 50 Lynx RTOS "Beginning with version 3.0, LynxOS gives users the ability to place up to 14 partitions of 2 GB each on both SCSI and IDE drives, for a total of up to 28 GB of file system space." See 50 Native Oberon (alt) 51 OnTrack Disk Manager RW (DM6 Aux1) 51 Novell 52 CP/M 52 Microport SysV/AT 53 Disk Manager 6.0 Aux3 54 Disk Manager 6.0 Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO) 55 EZ-Drive EZ-Drive is another disk manager (by MicroHouse, 1992). Linux kernel versions older than 1.3.29 do not coexist with EZD. (On 990323 MicroHouse International was acquired by EarthWeb; MicroHouse Solutions split off and changed its name into StorageSoft. MicroHouse Development split off and changed its name into ImageCast. It is StorageSoft that now markets EZDrive and DrivePro.) 56 Golden Bow VFeature Partitioned Volume. This is a Non-Standard DOS Volume. (Disk Manager type utility software) 56 DM converted to EZ-BIOS 56 AT&T MS-DOS 3.x logically sectored FAT. 57 DrivePro Doug Anderson (, with his brother Steve cofounder of MicroHouse (1989), writes: We actually use three different partition types: $55: `StorageSoft EZ-BIOS' - EZ-Drive, Maxtor, MaxBlast, and DriveGuide install this type if the drive needs to be handled by our INT13 redirector. $56: `StorageSoft EZ-BIOS DM Conversion' - Same as $55 but used when a DiskManager "skewed" partition has been converted to EZ-BIOS. $57: `StorageSoft DrivePro' - Used by our DrivePro product. 57 VNDI Partition (According to disk.c in the Netware source. Not in actual use.) 5c Priam EDisk Priam EDisk Partitioned Volume. This is a Non-Standard DOS Volume. (Disk Manager type utility software) 61 SpeedStor Storage Dimensions SpeedStor Volume. This is a Non-Standard DOS Volume. (Disk Manager type utility software) 63 Unix System V (SCO, ISC Unix, UnixWare, ...), Mach, GNU Hurd A Unixware 7.1 partition must start below the 4GB limit. (If the /stand/stage3.blm is located past this limit, booting will fail with "FATAL BOOT ERROR: Can't load stage3".) 64 PC-ARMOUR protected partition Used by PC-ARMOUR, a disk protection by Dr. A.Solomon, intended to keep the disk inaccessible until the right password was given (and then an int13 hook was loaded above top-of-memory that showed c/h/s 0/0/2, with a copy of the real partition table, when 0/0/1 was requested). ( 64 Novell Netware 286, 2.xx 65 Novell Netware 386, 3.xx or 4.xx (Novell Netware used to be the main Network Operating System available. Netware 68 or S-Net (1983) was for a Motorola 68000, Netware 86 for an Intel 8086 or 8088. Netware 286 was for an Intel 80286 and existed in various versions that were later merged to Netware 2.2. Netware 386 was a rewrite in C for the Intel 386, later renamed 3.x - it existed at least in versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12. Its successor Netware 4.xx had versions 4.00, 4.01, 4.02, 4.10, 4.11. Then came Intranetware.) Netware >= 3.0 uses one partition per drive. It allocates logical Volumes inside these partitions. The volumes can be split over several drives. The filesystem used is called "Turbo FAT"; it only very vaguely resembles the DOS FAT file system. (Kai Henningsen ( 66 Novell Netware SMS Partition According to disk.c in the Netware source. SMS: Storage Management Services. No longer used. 67 Novell Roman Gruber reports: this code has frozen my version of norton disk-editor (so I think it has to be something special). Jeff Merkey says: 67 is for Wolf Mountain. 68 Novell 69 Novell Netware 5+, Novell Netware NSS Partition According to disk.c in the Netware source. NSS = Novell Storage Services. 6e ?? Reported once. 70 DiskSecure Multi-Boot 71 Reserved 72 V7/x86 Robert Nordier writes: V7/x86, a port of UNIX Version 7 to the PC, is available at 73 Reserved 74 Reserved 74 Scramdisk partition Scramdisk is freeware and shareware disk encryption software. It supports container files, dedicated partitions (type 0x74) and disks hidden in WAV audio files. (Shaun Hollingworth ( 75 IBM PC/IX 76 Reserved 77 M2FS/M2CS partition Jeff Merkey writes: 77 is one we are using internally for M2FS/M2CS partitions. 77 VNDI Partition (According to disk.c in the Netware source. Not in actual use.) 78 XOSL FS XOSL Bootloader filesystem, see 7e Unused Claimed for F.I.X. by See dejanews. 7f Unused Proposed for the Alt-OS-Development Partition Standard. 80 MINIX until 1.4a 81 MINIX since 1.4b, early Linux Minix is a Unix-like operating system written by Andy Tanenbaum and students at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, around 1989-1991. It runs on PCs (8086 and up), MacIntosh, Atari, Amiga, Sparc. Ref: Operating Systems: Design and Implementation, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-637406-9 Since 950601 Minix is freely available - site: See also comp.os.minix. 81 Mitac disk manager 82 Prime 82 Solaris x86 Solaris creates a single partition with id 0x82, then uses Sun disk labels within the partition to split it further. (Brandon S. Allbery ( Starting from 2005, newly installed systems will use 0xbf. 82 Linux swap 83 Linux native partition Linux is a Unix-like operating system written by Linus Torvalds and many others on the internet since Fall 1991. It runs on PCs (386 and up) and a variety of other hardware. It is distributed under GPL. Software can be found numerous places, like, and See also comp.os.linux.* and Various filesystem types like xiafs, ext2, ext3, reiserfs, etc. all use ID 83. Some systems mistakenly assume that 83 must mean ext2. 84 OS/2 hidden C: drive OS/2-renumbered type 04 partition. 84 Hibernation partition (following Appendix E of the Microsoft APM 1.1f specification). Reported for various laptop models. E.g., used on Dell Latitudes (with Dell BIOS) that use the MKS2D utility. APM 1.2 hibernation partitions can be used by Windows 98 or higher. 85 Linux extended partition 86 Old Linux RAID partition superblock See fd. 86 FAT16 volume set Legacy Fault Tolerant FAT16 volume. Windows NT 4.0 or earlier will add 0x80 to the partition type for partitions that are part of a Fault Tolerant set (mirrored or in a RAID-5 volume). Thus, one gets types 86, 87, 8b, 8c. See also Windows NT Boot Process and Hard Disk Constraints. 87 NTFS volume set Legacy Fault Tolerant NTFS volume. HPFS Fault-Tolerant mirrored partition. 88 Linux plaintext partition table 8a Linux Kernel Partition (used by AiR-BOOT) Martin Kiewitz ( writes: I'm currently writing a pretty nice boot-loader. For this I'm using Linux Boot Loader ID A0h, and partitition type 8Ah for the partition holding the kernel image. 8b Legacy Fault Tolerant FAT32 volume 8c Legacy Fault Tolerant FAT32 volume using BIOS extd INT 13h 8d Free FDISK 0.96+ hidden Primary DOS FAT12 partitition Free FDISK is the FDISK used by FreeDOS. It hides types 01, 04, 05, 06, 0b, 0c, 0e, 0f by adding decimal 140 (0x8c). 8e Linux Logical Volume Manager partition See pvcreate(8) as found under (For a while this was 0xfe.) 90 Free FDISK 0.96+ hidden Primary DOS FAT16 partitition 91 Free FDISK 0.96+ hidden DOS extended partitition 92 Free FDISK 0.96+ hidden Primary DOS large FAT16 partitition 93 Hidden Linux native partition 93 Amoeba 94 Amoeba bad block table Amoeba is a distributed operating system written by Andy Tanenbaum, together with Frans Kaashoek, Sape Mullender, Robert van Renesse and others since 1981. It runs on PCs (386 and up), Sun3, Sparc, 68030. It is free for universities for research/teaching purposes. For information, see 95 MIT EXOPC native partitions (Andrew Purtell, 96 CHRP ISO-9660 filesystem 97 Free FDISK 0.96+ hidden Primary DOS FAT32 partitition 98 Free FDISK 0.96+ hidden Primary DOS FAT32 partitition (LBA) 98 Datalight ROM-DOS Super-Boot Partition See, and type 12 above. 99 DCE376 logical drive No, it's not a hibernation partition; it's closest to a DOS extended partition. It's used by the Mylex DCE376 EISA SCSI adaptor for partitions which are beyond the 1024th cylinder of a drive. I've only seen references to type 99 with the DCE376. (Christian Carey, ccarey@CapAccess.ORG) 9a Free FDISK 0.96+ hidden Primary DOS FAT16 partitition (LBA) 9b Free FDISK 0.96+ hidden DOS extended partitition (LBA) 9e ForthOS partition ForthOS is the name Andy Valencia uses for his Forth operating system, a port of eForth. Also the older VSTA by the same author uses partition type 0x9e (158). 9f BSD/OS Current sysid for BSDI. The types b7 and b8 given below are for an older version of the filesystem used in pre-v3.0 versions of the OS. These days the system is v4.1 BSD/OS. BSDI reports 2.1 million installed servers and 12 million licenses sold. See a0 Laptop hibernation partition Reported for various laptops like IBM Thinkpad, Phoenix NoteBIOS, Toshiba under names like zero-volt suspend partition, suspend-to-disk partition, save-to-disk partition, power-management partition, hibernation partition. Usually at the start or end of the disk area. (This is also the number used by Sony on the VAIO. Recent VAIOs can also hibernate to a file in the filesystem, the choice being made from the BIOS setup screen.) a1 Laptop hibernation partition Reportedly used as "Save-to-Disk" partition on a NEC 6000H notebook. Types a0 and a1 are used on systems with Phoenix BIOS; the Phoenix PHDISK utility is used with these. a1 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant) IDs 21, a1, a3, a4, a6, b1, b3, b4, b6 are for HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant). a3 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant) a4 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant) a5 BSD/386, 386BSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD 386BSD is a Unix-like operating system, a port of 4.3BSD Net/2 to the PC done by Bill Jolitz around 1991. When Jolitz seemed to stop development, an updated version was called FreeBSD (1992). The outcome of a Novell vs. UCB law suit was that Net/2 contained AT&T code, and hence was not free, but that 4.4BSD-Lite was free. After that, FreeBSD and NetBSD were restructured, and FreeBSD 2.0 and NetBSD 1.0 are based on 4.4BSD-Lite. FreeBSD runs on PCs. See For NetBSD, see below - it changed partition type to a9. 386BSD seems to be dead now. The kernel source is being published - see Operating System Source Code Secrets by Bill and Lynne Jolitz. See comp.os.386bsd.*. See for NetBSD boot and partitioning info. a6 OpenBSD OpenBSD, led by Theo de Raadt, split off from NetBSD. It tries to emphasize on security. See a6 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant) a7 NeXTStep Based on Mach 2.6 and features of Mach 3.0, is a true object-oriented operating system and user environment. See a8 Mac OS-X Apple's OS-X ( Darwin Intel) uses this type for its filesystem partition (a UFS file system, in NeXT flavour, only differing from the *BSD formats in the first 8 KB). See also type ab. a9 NetBSD NetBSD is one of the children of *BSD (see above). It runs on PCs and a variety of other hardware. Since 19-Feb-98 NetBSD uses a9 instead of a5. See It is freely obtainable - see aa Olivetti Fat 12 1.44MB Service Partition Contains a bare DOS 6.22 and a utility to exchange types 06 and aa in the partition table. ( ab Mac OS-X Boot partition Apple's OS-X (Darwin Intel) uses this type for its boot partition. The image (/usr/standalone/i386/boot) starts at sector 1. See also type a8. ab GO! partition Unused. Claimed by Stanislav Karchebny for his GO! OS. ad RISC OS ADFS Unused. Claimed by Ben Avison for RISC OS, originally from Acorn. The filesystem is in the FileCore format. ae ShagOS filesystem af ShagOS swap partition Unused. Claimed by Frank Barrus for his ShagOS. af MacOS X HFS Used by Apple for the MacOS X filesystem HFS or HFS+ on Intel. b0 BootStar Dummy The boot manager BootStar manages its own partition table, with up to 15 primary partitions. It fills unused entries in the MBR with BootStar Dummy values. See If you use this, don't use a disk manager, do not put LILO in the MBR and do not use fdisk. b1 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant) b1 QNX Neutrino Power-Safe filesystem b2 QNX Neutrino Power-Safe filesystem b3 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant) b3 QNX Neutrino Power-Safe filesystem Steve Reid ( writes: We've recently added a new Power-Safe filesystem to the QNX Neutrino RTOS, and it uses decimal 177, 178, and 179 (B1, B2, and B3) for its identifier. See QNX6 fs. Default is 179. b4 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant) b6 HP Volume Expansion (SpeedStor variant) b6 Corrupted Windows NT mirror set (master), FAT16 file system b7 Corrupted Windows NT mirror set (master), NTFS file system b7 BSDI BSD/386 filesystem b8 BSDI BSD/386 swap partition BSDI (Berkeley Software Design, Inc.) was founded by former CSRG (UCB Computer Systems Research Group) members. Their operating system, based on Net/2, was called BSD/386. After the USL (Unix System Laboratories, Inc./Novell Corp.) vs. BSDI lawsuit, new releases were based on BSD4.4-Lite. Now they are announcing BSD/OS V2.0.1. This is an operating for PCs (386 and up), boasting 3000 customers. (That was long ago. The current partition id is 9f, see above.) bb Boot Wizard hidden (PTS) BootWizard 4.0 and its new version Acronis OS Selector 5.0 use this id (i) when hiding partitions with types other than 01, 04, 06, 07, 0b, 0c, 0e, and (ii) when creating a partition without file system. See The boot software was purchased on 2001-01-05 by SWsoft. See bc Acronis backup partition Recognized as Acronis Secure Zone, when labelled "ACRONIS SZ". A primary partition, formatted with FAT32, LBA mapped. bd BonnyDOS/286 See be Solaris 8 boot partition bf New Solaris x86 partition The old 0x82 id conflicted with Linux swap. New Solaris installations will use the id 0xbf. (Larry Lee ) c0 CTOS c0 REAL/32 secure small partition See d0 below. c0 NTFT Partition According to disk.c in the Netware source. c0 DR-DOS/Novell DOS secured partition DR-DOS 7.02+ / OpenDOS 7.01 / Novell DOS 7 secured partition. c1 DRDOS/secured (FAT-12) c2 Unused According to Powerquest IDs c2, c3, c8, c9, ca, cd are reserved for DR-DOS 7+. According to Matthias Paul c2, c3, cd are no longer reserved for DR-DOS. c2 Hidden Linux c3 Hidden Linux swap Benedict Chong ( writes: BlueSky Innovations LLC does a boot manager product called Power Boot and we use, in addition, 0C2h and 0C3h for hidden Linux partitions (swap and ext2fs). See also ID c2. c4 DRDOS/secured (FAT-16, < 32M) c5 DRDOS/secured (extended) This ID may also be used in obscure trickery: on a shared MS-DOS / DR-DOS machine with DR-DOS 6.0-7.03 (so that the DR_DOS does not understand type 0f and the MS-DOS does not understand type c5) one may have two extended partitions, where each operating system sees only one. c6 DRDOS/secured (FAT-16, >= 32M) DR-DOS 6.0 and higher (NetWare PalmDOS 1.0, Novell DOS 7, OpenDOS 7.01, DR-DOS 7.02+) will add 0xc0 to the partition type for a LOGIN.EXE-secured partition (so that people cannot avoid the password check by booting from an MS-DOS floppy). Otherwise it seems that the types c1, c4, c5, c6 and d1, d4, d5, d6 are used precisely like 01, 04, 05, 06 (but are accepted only when booting from disk). c6 Windows NT corrupted FAT16 volume/stripe set NTFS will add 0xc0 to the partition type for disabled parts of a Fault Tolerant set. Thus, one gets types c6, c7. See also Windows NT Boot Process and Hard Disk Constraints and Switching from DR-DOS 6.0 to MS-DOS 5.0. c7 Windows NT corrupted NTFS volume/stripe set c7 Syrinx boot Primary partition only. c8 Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+ c9 Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+ ca Reserved for DR-DOS 8.0+ cb DR-DOS 7.04+ secured FAT32 (CHS)/ cc DR-DOS 7.04+ secured FAT32 (LBA)/ cd CTOS Memdump? ce DR-DOS 7.04+ FAT16X (LBA)/ cf DR-DOS 7.04+ secured EXT DOS (LBA)/ d0 REAL/32 secure big partition REAL/32 is a continuation of DR Multiuser DOS. It supports FAT12, FAT16 and REAL/32 7.90 also supports FAT32. Andrew Freeman ( writes: For partitions which have been marked as secure we use 0xC0 and 0xD0 as partition markers (C0 < 32mb, D0 >= 32mb). REAL/32 is an advanced 32-bit multitasking & multi-user MS-DOS & Windows compatible operating system. Home page is d0 Multiuser DOS secured partition This applies to the whole MDOS family range, Digital Research DR Multiuser DOS and Novell DR Multiuser DOS, as well as to Concurrent Controls Multiuser DOS, Datapaq Australasia System Manager 7, and IMS Multiuser DOS. d1 Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT12 d4 Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT16 <32M d5 Old Multiuser DOS secured extended partition d6 Old Multiuser DOS secured FAT16 >=32M d8 CP/M-86 da Non-FS Data Added on request of John Hardin ( da Powercopy Backup Powercopy Backup (shielded disk), used by db Digital Research CP/M, Concurrent CP/M, Concurrent DOS db CTOS (Convergent Technologies OS -Unisys) db KDG Telemetry SCPU boot Mark Morgan Lloyd ( writes: KDG Telemetry uses type 0xdb to store a protected-mode binary image of the code to be run on a 'x86-based SCPU (Supervisory CPU) module from the DT800 range. dd Hidden CTOS Memdump? de Dell PowerEdge Server utilities (FAT fs) df DG/UX virtual disk manager partition Glenn Steen ( writes: When I made an old Aviion 2000 triple-boot (DOS, DG/UX and Linux) I saw that Linux fdisk reported the DG/UX virtual disk manager partition as type 0xdf. df BootIt EMBRM The boot manager BootIt manages its own partition table, with up to 255 primary partitions. See If you use this, don't use a disk manager, do not put LILO in the MBR and do not use fdisk. Reference for the ID: BOOTIT.TXT. e0 Reserved by STMicroelectronics for a filesystem called ST AVFS. e1 DOS access or SpeedStor 12-bit FAT extended partition Kevin Cummings reports in alt.os.linux: it's a SSTOR partition on cylinders > 1023. e3 DOS R/O or SpeedStor e4 SpeedStor 16-bit FAT extended partition < 1024 cyl. e5 Tandy MSDOS with logically sectored FAT e6 Storage Dimensions SpeedStor e8 LUKS LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) partition. ea Rufus extra partition The Rufus partitioning software uses a private partition type to cover unaligned unallocated space (Jörg Jenderek). ea Freedesktop boot There is a freedesktop proposal to use type ea as boot partition. eb BeOS BFS BeOS is an operating system that runs on Power PCs and on Intel PCs. Version 5 (the last version) is distributed freely to individuals. The system was sold to Palm and is not developed any more. OpenBeOS tries to create an open source version. ec SkyOS SkyFS SkyOS is an operating system written by Robert Szeleney. Its filesystem SkyFS is based on OpenBeFS. ed Unused Matthias Paul plans to use this for an OS called Sprytix. ee Indication that this legacy MBR is followed by an EFI header ef Partition that contains an EFI file system Bob Griswold ( writes: MS plans on using EE and EF in the future for support of non-legacy BIOS booting. Mark Doran ( adds: these types are used to support the Extensible Firmware Interface specification (EFI); go to and search for EFI. (For the types ee and ef, see Tables 16-6 and 16-7 of the EFI specification, EFISpec_091.pdf.) f0 Linux/PA-RISC boot loader Paul Bame ( writes: the F0 partition will be located in the first 2GB of a drive and used to store the Linux/PA-RISC boot loader and boot command line, optionally including a kernel and ramdisk. f1 Storage Dimensions SpeedStor f2 DOS 3.3+ secondary partition Matthias Paul writes: "This ID was originally used by Sperry IT MS-DOS 3.xx for a logically sectored variant of FAT. When Sperry IT became part of Unisys, the operating system was called Unisys MS-DOS 3.3. Digital Research's DOS Plus 2.1 (for OEM machines such as the Amstrad/Schneider PC1512, the T.R.A.N. Jasmin Turbo (Speed 8M), or the Acorn BBC Master 512 also supports this ID and logs it in, as if this would be either a type 01h FAT12 or a type 04h FAT16 partition." f3 Reserved Powerquest writes: Storage Dimensions SpeedStor. f4 SpeedStor large partition f4 Prologue single-volume partition f5 Prologue multi-volume partition The type F4 partition contains one volume, and is not used anymore. The type F5 partition contains 1 to 10 volumes (called MD0 to MD9). It supports one or more systems (Prologue 3, 4, 5, Twin Server). Each volume can have as file system the NGF file system or TwinFS file system. NGF (old): volume size at most 512 MB, at most 895 files per directory, at most 256 directories per volume. TwinFS (new): volume size up to 4 GB. No limit in number of files and directories. See Prologue. f6 Storage Dimensions SpeedStor f7 DDRdrive Solid State File System Christopher George writes: "0xF7 is the partition ID for an internally developed Solid State File System (SSFS) created to maximize IOPS performance by utilizing unique capabilities of solid state storage, e.g. the DDRdrive X1." See Maybe Natalia Portillo plans to use this for O.S.G. EFAT ("Enhanced File Allocation Techniques"). f9 pCache Ed Sawicki writes: "We propose using the F9 partition type as a pCache partition, which is our name for an "ext2/ext3 persistent cache partition". See fa Bochs Rob Judd writes: MandrakeSoft's Bochs x86 emulator (similar to VMWare) uses fa as a partition identifier. fb VMware File System partition fc VMware Swap partition Also used as VMkernel dump partition. (Cf. vmwareguide.) VMware offers virtual machines in which one can run Linux, Windows, FreeBSD. fd Linux raid partition with autodetect using persistent superblock See the HOWTO and the kernel patches. Earlier, 86 was used instead of fd. Powerquest writes: Reserved for FreeDOS (, but it seems FreeDOS never used this ID. fe SpeedStor > 1024 cyl. fe LANstep fe IBM PS/2 IML (Initial Microcode Load) partition, located at the end of the disk. fe Windows NT Disk Administrator hidden partition Mark Morgan Lloyd ( writes: Windows NT Disk Administrator marks hidden partitions (i.e. present but not to be accessed) as type 0xfe. A primary partition of this type is also used by IBM to hold an image of the "Reference Diskettes" on many of their machines, particularly newer PS/2 systems (at a rough guess, anything built after about 1994). This clash can cause major confusion and grief if running NT on IBM kit. When this Reference Partition is activated, it changes its type into 1 (FAT12) and hides all other partitions by adding 0x10 to the type. fe Linux Logical Volume Manager partition (old) This has been in use since the early LVM days back in 1997, and has now (Sept. 1999) been renamed 0x8e. [source : (1) from google ( file-system id 83 ) result 6 ] ================================================================================ 10 nov 2024 4:32 pm est : problem : i select ext-2 during>18.2 installation then in end-of-installation i get ext-4 . solution :>18.2 use ext-4 to mount ext-2 file-system : execute linux-command 'journalctl' : .... Nov 10 15:40:26 1 kernel: EXT4-fs (sda1): mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem ... ================================================================================ 10 nov 2024 9:59 pm est : problem : how to reset router>model-g-3100 solution : (1)press reset button for minimum 10 second to reset to initial-factory-setting/factory-default-setting which make configuration written on label-sticker , will be in-effect/valid . [source : pdf-page 11 , 26 in from google ( fios router g3100 user guide pdf ) result 1 ] (2)press reset button for minimum 3 second to reboot ================================================================================= 10 nov 2024 10:25 pm est : #add# [addition 10 nov 2024 10:24 pm est] ================================================================================= 10 nov 2024 11:20 pm est : #add# [addition 10 nov 2024 11:12 pm est] ================================================================================= 12 nov 2024 12:14 am est : problem : for>18.2 : how to boot to console , boot to gui solution : boot to console : (1)sudo systemctl set-default [addition 13 nov 2024 9:18 pm est] [source : from google ( boot console systemctl ) result 1 ] [/addition 13 nov 2024 9:18 pm est] (2)reboot boot to gui : (1)sudo systemctl set-default (2)reboot (3)if login-screen block login-attempt then : press-and-hold together : ctrl , alt , while pressing : f-1 to go to console . in console : (1)login (2)rm .Xauthority ( delete .Xauthority because .Xauthority maybe become corrupted ) [source : (1)'xauthority' in from google ( linuxmint stuck login screen ) result 2 (2) from 'LightDM#Infinite_login_loop' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 2 (3)'xauthority' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 1 (4)'xauthority' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 2 ] ====================================================================== 12 nov 2024 4:33 pm est : problem : how many available disk-space currently ? what is current available-disk-space ? current available-disk-space is how much ? solution : 'df -T' , 'df -Ti' [source : from google ( linux find available disk space ) result 1 ] =================================================================================================================================================== 12 nov 2024 5:2 pm est : problem : check is certain package / software is already being installed , or not-yet being installed ? solution : not-yet installed : a@a:~$ dpkg -s rsync | grep Status Status: deinstall ok config-files already installed : a@a:~$ dpkg -s rsync | grep Status Status: install ok installed =================================================================================================================================================== 12 nov 2024 5:29 pm est : #add right-side-adjacent of 'rsync'# --progress =================================================================================================================================================== 12 nov 2024 6:4 pm est : #reword# ls -hSl | more #to# ls -lhSl | more =================================================================================================================================================== 12 nov 2024 9:23 pm est : #add# [addition 12 nov 2024 9:20 pm est] =================================================================================================================================================== 12 nov 2024 11:24 pm est : #add# [addition 12 nov 2024 11:19 pm est] =================================================================================================================================================== 13 nov 2024 4:26 pm est : problem : how to know other computer-ip-address which connect to same router like my computer ? solution : do linux-command : ip neighbor [source : linux-command-line-for-you-and-me-0.1-24-may-2022 author : kushal-das from ... from google ( ... ) ] =================================================================================================================================================== 13 nov 2024 5:21 pm est : why i do not recommend ? in : using to edit file : find 'copy a highlighted block to clipboard : alt-a alt-^ ' can not be done because alt-a is which will make show pop-up-menu . in with : need to press esc-a to high-light text like alt-a [source : from google ( xfce terminal nano alt a highlight ) result 1 ] . so is not compatible with .>cinnamon-desktop-manager is compatible with , cinnamon-desktop-manager is descendant-of-gnome so gnome maybe also compatible with . =================================================================================================================================================== 13 nov 2024 8:9 pm est : #reword# [source : (1)'xauthority' in from google ( linuxmint stuck login screen ) result 2 (2) .... from google ( ... ) ] #to# [source : (1)'xauthority' in from google ( linuxmint stuck login screen ) result 2 (2) from 'LightDM#Infinite_login_loop' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 2 (3)'xauthority' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 1 (4)'xauthority' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 2 ] #reword# need to press esc-a to do alt-a #to# in with : need to press esc-a to high-light text like alt-a [source : from google ( xfce terminal nano alt a highlight ) result 1 ] =================================================================================================================================================== 13 nov 2024 8:23 pm est : #add# [addition 13 nov 2024 8:24 pm est] =================================================================================================================================================== 13 nov 2024 8:44 pm est : end 9:1 pm est #reword# 3. restore, mirror lots of files from remote computer to local computer, with resume ability #to# 3) copy directory/folder from remove-computer to local-computer , with resume ability #reword# 3. move lots of files to remote computer, with resume ability #to# 4) copy directory/folder to remote-computer then delete that file in local-computer , with resume ability , warning : folder/directory in local-computer will not be deleted , only file in local-computer will be deleted #reword# 2. backup, mirror lots of files to remote computer, with resume ability #to# 2) backup , mirror many file to remote-computer , with resume ability #reword# will copy source folder to dest folder. #to# will copy source directory/folder to dest directory/folder / will copy source-directory/source-folder to inside dest-directory/dest-folder , so dest-directory/dest-folder will contain source-directory/source-folder . #reword# will copy files inside source folder to dest folder. #to# will copy files inside source-directory/source-folder to dest-directory/dest-folder / will copy file inside source-directory/source-folder to inside dest-directory/dest-folder , so dest-directory/dest-folder will contain file-inside-source-directory/file-inside-source-folder . ===================================== 13 nov 2024 9:12 pm est : #reword# problem : boot to console , boot to gui #to# problem : for>18.2->cinnamon : how to boot to console , boot to gui #add# [addition 13 nov 2024 9:18 pm est] #reword# in console : (1)rm .Xauthority ( delete .Xauthority because .Xauthority maybe become corrupted ) [source : (1)'xauthority' in from google ( linuxmint stuck login screen ) result 2 (2) from 'LightDM#Infinite_login_loop' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 2 (3)'xauthority' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 1 (4)'xauthority' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 2 ] #to# in console : (1)login (2)rm .Xauthority ( delete .Xauthority because .Xauthority maybe become corrupted ) [source : (1)'xauthority' in from google ( linuxmint stuck login screen ) result 2 (2) from 'LightDM#Infinite_login_loop' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 2 (3)'xauthority' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 1 (4)'xauthority' in from google ( can not login lightdm stuck ) result 2 ] ================================================ 14 nov 2024 6:30 pm est : #add# [addition 14 nov 2024 6:29 pm est] ================================================ 14 nov 2024 6:40 pm est : #add# [addition 14 nov 2024 6:35 pm est] ================================================= 16 nov 2024 7:8 pm est : #add# for /dev/sda5 ================================================= 19 nov 2024 11:13 pm est : linux-folder-name/linux-directory-name/linux-disk-organisation/filesystem hierarchy standard/fhs [source : pdf-page 478 in from google ( debian book pdf ) result 1 ] /bin/ : basic programs; /boot/ : Linux-kernel-image-file and other files required for its early boot process; /dev/ : device files; /etc/ : configuration files; /home/ : user's personal files; /lib/ : basic libraries; /media/* : mount points for removable devices (CD-ROM, USB keys and so on); /mnt/ : temporary mount point; /opt/ : extra applications provided by third parties; /root/ : administrator’s (root’s) personal files; /run/ : volatile runtime data that does not persist across reboots; /sbin/ : system programs; /srv/ : data used by servers hosted on this system; /tmp/ : temporary files; this directory is often emptied at boot; /usr/ : applications; this directory is further subdivided into bin , sbin , lib (according to same logic as in root directory). /usr/share/ : contain architecture-independent data. /usr/local/ : meant to be used by administrator for installing applications manually without overwriting files handled by package-manager ( dpkg ). /var/ : variable data handled by daemons. This includes log-file , queue , spool , cache and so on. /proc/ and /sys/ are specific to Linux-kernel (and not part of FHS). They are used by kernel for exporting data to user space (see section B.3.4, “The User Space” page 482 and section B.5, “The User Space” page 485 for explanations about this concept). --- from google ( debian book pdf ) result 8 The Linux filesystem Path Description / This is the beginning of the filesystem. It is known as root. The root of the filesystem is the starting point for the rest of the parts. If the filesystem were a tree, this would be the trunk from which all the branches (directories) attached. /etc Any system-wide configuration files are stored here. This includes configuration files for all the daemons such as Sendmail, Apache, and a host of others. /usr This is the source directory for all the user-accessible programs, program source code, and documents. /bin This is an application branch for commonly used system-wide programs (such as mkdir, cp, rm, and more applications I haven’t talked about yet). Bin can be thought of as a short description of binaries, which would be the programs themselves. /sbin This area contains server/administration programs like kernel and hardware-related programs, shutdown, reboot, and many more. You can also think of sbin as holding system binaries. /home Anyone who has an account on this machine has a directory in /home. /tmp This branch stores files that need to be created as temporary files. This area should get purged from time to time and does when the system is restarted. You should not keep files here that you need to save. /var All the systems applications that log history, access, and errors record that information here. This is the system’s storehouse of process information. /root The home directory for the root account. This is rarely used, except by the system administrator. /boot This area contains the boot critical information, such as kernel-image and kernel-module-information. /dev This is the location of the devices that the system uses. When you mount a device, for instance, it is located in this directory. /mnt Location for additional devices to be mounted (as subdirectories of /mnt) /cdrom Debian predetermines the mount point for the CD-ROM device. /floppy Debian predetermines the mount point for the floppy device. --- from from>documentation->handbook Directory Description / Root directory of the file system. /bin/ User utilities fundamental to both single-user and multi-user environments. /boot/ Programs and configuration files used during operating system boot-strap. /boot/defaults/ Default boot configuration files. Refer to loader.conf(5) for details. /dev/ Device special files managed by devfs(5) /etc/ System configuration files and scripts. /etc/defaults/ Default system configuration files. Refer to rc(8) for details. /etc/periodic/ Scripts that run daily, weekly, and monthly, via cron(8). Refer to periodic(8) for details. /lib/ Critical system libraries needed for binaries in /bin and /sbin /libexec/ Critical system files /media/ Contains subdirectories to be used as mount points for removable media such as CDs, USB drives, and floppy disks /mnt/ Empty directory commonly used by system administrators as a temporary mount point. /net/ Automounted NFS shares; see auto_master(5) /proc/ Process file system. Refer to procfs(5), mount_procfs(8) for details. /rescue/ Statically linked programs for emergency recovery as described in rescue(8). /root/ Home directory for the root account. /sbin/ System programs and administration utilities fundamental to both single-user and multi-user environments. /tmp/ Temporary files which are usually not preserved across a system reboot. A memory-based file system is often mounted at /tmp. This can be automated using the tmpmfs-related variables of rc.conf(5) or with an entry in /etc/fstab; refer to mdmfs(8) for details. /usr/ The majority of user utilities and applications. /usr/bin/ Common utilities, programming tools, and applications. /usr/include/ Standard C include files. /usr/lib/ Archive libraries. /usr/libdata/ Miscellaneous utility data files. /usr/libexec/ System daemons and system utilities executed by other programs. /usr/local/ Local executables and libraries. Also used as the default destination for FreeBSD ports framework. Within /usr/local, the general layout sketched out by hier(7) for /usr should be used. Exceptions are the man directory, which is directly under /usr/local rather than under /usr/local/share, and the ports documentation is in share/doc/port. /usr/ports/ The FreeBSD Ports Collection (optional). /usr/sbin/ System daemons and system utilities executed by users. /usr/share/ Architecture-independent files. /usr/src/ BSD and/or local source files. /var/ Multi-purpose log, temporary, transient, and spool files. /var/log/ Miscellaneous system log files. /var/tmp/ Temporary files which are usually preserved across a system reboot. ============================================================================ 19 nov 2024 11:42 pm est : problem : desktop-manager is not responsive , firefox is not responsive , because memory-depletion happen solution : do repeatedly : press-and-hold ctrl and alt , while pressing f-1 , to try exiting desktop-manager and go to console . if doing that repeatedly does not make console show-up then press reset-button . [addition 21 nov 2024 12:20 am est] problem : firefox is not responsive so i press reset-button to reboot , is there any firefox-profile-file-corruption ? solution : if this kind of output show-up then everything is fine : a@1 10:09 PM ~/.mozilla/firefox du -sh qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent\=arnon-1605642215177/ 327M qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent=arnon-1605642215177/ if this kind of output show-up then there is corruption and need live-usb to boot and do e2fsck : a@1 10:09 PM ~/.mozilla/firefox du -sh qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent\=arnon-1605642215177/ du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent\=arnon-1605642215177/prefs.js': Structure needs cleaning 327M qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent=arnon-1605642215177/ [/addition 21 nov 2024 12:20 am est] ================================================================================ 20 nov 2024 9:19 pm est : #reword# linux-disk-organisation/filesystem hierarchy standard/fhs [source : pdf-page 478 in from google ( debian book pdf ) result 1 ] #to# linux-folder-name/linux-directory-name/linux-disk-organisation/filesystem hierarchy standard/fhs [source : pdf-page 478 in from google ( debian book pdf ) result 1 ] ================================================================================ 20 nov 2024 9:53 pm est : #add# [addition 20 nov 2024 9:34 pm est] ================================================================================= 20 nov 2024 10:39 pm est : #add# from google ( debian bash completion vs linuxmint bash completion ) result 5 =============================== 20 nov 2024 12:19 am est : #reword# firefox is not responsive because memory-depletion happen , is there any firefox-profile-file-corruption ? #to# firefox is not responsive because memory-depletion happen , i press reset-button to reboot , is there any firefox-profile-file-corruption ? ================================ 21 nov 2024 12:21 am est : #add# [addition 21 nov 2024 12:20 am est] ================================ 21 nov 2024 12:22 am est : #delete# 20 nov 2024 10:13 pm est : problem : firefox is not responsive because memory-depletion happen , i press reset-button to reboot , is there any firefox-profile-file-corruption ? solution : if this kind of output show-up then everything is fine . a@1 10:09 PM ~/.mozilla/firefox du -sh qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent\=arnon-1605642215177/ 327M qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent=arnon-1605642215177/ if this kind of output show-up then there is corruption and need live-usb to boot and do e2fsck . a@1 10:09 PM ~/.mozilla/firefox du -sh qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent\=arnon-1605642215177/ du: cannot access '.mozilla/firefox/qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent\=arnon-1605642215177/prefs.js': Structure needs cleaning 327M qujcjttj.firefox-44-user-agent=arnon-1605642215177/ ================================ 23 nov 2024 7:58 pm est : end 8:15 pm est problem : suddenly become non-responsive while showing cinnamon desktop-manager after turning-off so i reboot then i see file '/var/log/syslog' last line , show : Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_vss.device: Job sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_vss.device/start timed out. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_vss.device. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_vss.device: Job sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_vss.device/start failed with result 'timeout'. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_kvp.device: Job sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_kvp.device/start timed out. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_kvp.device. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Hyper-V KVP Protocol Daemon. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: hv-kvp-daemon.service: Job hv-kvp-daemon.service/start failed with result 'dependency'. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_kvp.device: Job sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_kvp.device/start failed with result 'timeout'. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_fcopy.device: Job sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_fcopy.device/start timed out. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_fcopy.device. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_fcopy.device: Job sys-devices-virtual-misc-vmbus\x21hv_fcopy.device/start failed with result 'timeout'. Nov 22 20:47:09 1 systemd[1]: Startup finished in 6.856s (kernel) + 1min 32.793s (userspace) = 1min 39.650s. solution : turn-off hv-kvp-daemon : (1)sudo systemctl disable hv-kvp-daemon [source : from google ( Job hv-kvp-daemon.service/start failed ) result 1 ] (2)sudo systemctl disable hv-vss-daemon (3)sudo systemctl disable hv-fcopy-daemon what is hv-kvp-daemon / Hyper-V KVP Protocol Daemon : virtual-machine / vm [source : (1) from google ( hv-kvp-daemon ) (2) from google ( hv-kvp-daemon ) ] ================================ 24 nov 2024 10:14 pm est : problem : how to put link to in wikipedia-code solution : [[wiktionary:Sehen|''sehen'']] [source : click 'edit' in ] ================================= 25 nov 2024 1:39 am est : problem : is it possible to turn-off mintsystem.service in>18.2 ? solution : yes , run linux-command 'sudo systemctl disable mintsystem.service' . [source : from google ( mintsystem.service ) ] =================================== 25 nov 2024 2:47 am est : #add# [addition 25 nov 2024 2:42 am est] ================================== 27 nov 2024 11:27 pm est : #add# [addition 27 nov 2024 11:24 pm est] ================================== 28 nov 2024 2:58 am est : end 4:31 am est problem : how to add date and time to output of linux-command 'history' ( showing linux-command-list being run in past-time ) solution : (1)edit /etc/bash.bashrc : nano /etc/bash.bashrc (2)add code like this ( note : i scribe my time-zone 'est(gmt-5)' which is maybe need to be modified ) : HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p est(gmt-5) : " # '1 jan 2000 1:1:1 am est(gmt-5)' (3)reboot what is that %d , %b , %Y , %I , %M , %S , %p ? explanation is in output of linux-command 'man strftime' . linux-command start to show-up in output of 'history' after reboot . [source : (1) from google ( date time bash history ) result 2 (2) from google ( date time bash history ) result 1 ] ====================================== 28 nov 2024 6:8 pm est : #reword# 3) copy directory/folder from remove-computer to local-computer , with resume ability #to# 3) copy directory/folder from remote-computer to local-computer , with resume ability ===================================== 28 nov 2024 6:14 pm est : #add# [addition 28 nov 2024 6:13 pm est] ===================================== 28 nov 2024 10:48 pm est : #add# [addition 28 nov 2024 10:42 pm est] ======================================= 29 nov 2024 8:45 pm est : end 10:39 pm est problem : in>18.2 , how to install ftp-server ? solution : use pure-ftpd . [source : from from from google ( linux start ftpd ) result 2 and from from google ( linux install inetutils-ftpd ) result 3 ] (1)sudo apt-get install pure-ftpd (2)sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start problem : turn-on linux then mouse-cursor is not-responsive , but unplug-and-replug mouse make that mouse-cursor responsive , linux-command 'dmesg | grep usb' show this output : [ 8.623758] usb usb5-port2: attempt power cycle [ 11.223806] usb usb5-port2: unable to enumerate USB device and output like 'usb5-port-2 can not enable , maybe usb port is bad' solution : try plug usb-mouse-cable to different usb-port . [source : from google ( linux unplug replug mouse to make work ) result 1 ] [addition 2 dec 2024 3:9 am est] try different mouse [/addition 2 dec 2024 3:9 am est] ======================================= 29 nov 2024 10:19 pm est : end 10:39 pm est problem : in>Lmde-6 , how to install telnet-server ? solution : (1)if '/etc/inetd.conf' exist then maybe telnet is already installed then : run linux-command 'update-inetd --enable telnet' (2)sudo systemctl restart inetutils-inetd.service if '/etc/inetd.conf' do not exist then install telnet-server : sudo apt-get install inetutils-telnetd problem : in>18.2 , how to install telnet-server ? solution : (1)sudo apt-get install telnetd (2)sudo /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd start [source : from google ( linux start telnet server ) result 1 ] problem : how to synchronise 2 directory in 2 computer without ssh ? solution : use linux-command 'Lftp' [source : from google ( lftp mirror command ) result 1 from 'lftp' in from google ( ftp synchronize command ) result 1 ] ============================================= 30 nov 2024 12:28 am est : problem : why ubuntu-24-4-installation-iso-file-size is very big 5.8 giga-byte ? solution : ubuntu-24-4-installation-iso-file include software which can be installed . [source : from google ( ubuntu apt install software from iso file ) result 1 ] ================================================ 30 nov 2024 10:35 pm est : #under# [addition 14 nov 2024 6:29 pm est] #reword# e2fsck #to# e2fsck -Cy #under# 14 jun 2019 3:42 pm edt #reword# fsck /dev/mapper/mint--vg-root -y #to# fsck -Cy /dev/mapper/mint--vg-root #reword# fsck -y /dev/sda1 #to# fsck -Cy /dev/sda1 #reword# fsck.ext4 -Fy /dev/sda1 #to# fsck.ext4 -Cy /dev/sda1 #under# 19 december 2017 10:21 pm est, 6 january 2018 6:58 pm est #reword# fsck -y /dev/sda1 #to# fsck -Cy /dev/sda1 ======================================================== 1 dec 2024 5:8 am est : problem : copy file which match regular-expression-pattern solution : cp -i test* some-dir [source : (1) (2) from google ( linux copy file match pattern ) result 1 , 2 ] ======================================================== 2 dec 2024 3:9 am est : #add# [addition 2 dec 2024 3:9 am est] ========================================================= 2 dec 2024 3:10 am est : (1)#reword# fsck #to# e2fsck (2)#reword# fsck.ext4 -Cy /dev/sda1 #to# e2fsck -Cy /dev/sda1 ========================================================== 5 dec 2024 1:15 am est : #add# [addition 5 dec 2024 1:11 am est] ========================================================== 9 dec 2024 2:29 am est : problem : how firefox open htm-file/html-file without file-browser ? solution : (option-1)press-and-hold alt while press f . [source : from google ( firefox open file without browser ) ] (option-2)right-click on gray-area above url-address-text-box , left-click menu-bar , menu 'file' is suppose to show-up , click 'file' ========================================================== 9 dec 2024 3:40 am est : problem : how to install xmms ( mp3-player ) ? solution : sudo apt-get install promoe [source : from google ( linuxmint install xmms ) result 2 ] ============================================================ 10 dec 2024 6:52 am est : problem : other mp3-player which appear like winamp , beside promoe because promoe can not exit nicely , need to be process-killed via simple-cpu-monitor->system-monitor solution : sudo apt-get install qmmp [source : from from from google ( linux mp3 player like winamp ) result 1 ] ============================================================ 12 dec 2024 1:23 am est : #add# [addition 12 dec 2024 1:22 am est] ============================================================ 12 dec 2024 6:36 pm est : problem : 'cp' produce error-message 'cp: omitting directory ....' solution : to copy directory/folder : 'cp -R' [source : from google ( cp omitting directory ) result 1 ] ============================================================ 12 dec 2024 9:26 pm est : end 9:54 pm est problem : show software-repository list ( list of server which provide software to linux-command 'sudo apt-get install ...' ) solution : inxi -r [source : from google ( linuxmint multiverse repository ) result 1 ] ============================================================ 12 dec 2024 9:32 pm est : problem : how to unrar rar-file/winrar-file/ ? solution : (1)make sure linux-command 'inxi -r' produce output which show word 'multiverse' . (2)sudo apt-get install unace unrar zip unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar sharutils rar uudeview mpack arj cabextract file-roller [source : 'multiverse' , 'unace' in from google ( linux unrar failed ) result 1 ] (3)unrar x some-file.rar ============================================================ ;;