kolom 55 huruf terakhir, huruf di kolom 56 akan hilang 
di print-preview.
made with geany text editor

9 may 2018 1:20 am edt
 move to http://wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo.htm
 using format like 
9 june 2016 8:13 pm edt
 indentation job mostly complete
14 june 2018 5:34 pm edt, 5:54 pm edt, 6:15 pm edt,
             7:17 pm edt
 i do not write progress in this history section,
 because i try to work on this quickly.
 if wanting to see my progress then
 http://www.mergely.com/editor from google (online diff) 
 result 2 click 'save .diff'
 is an online
 diff-tool which can show the difference for 2 files.
 how to use online diff http://www.mergely.com/editor :
 1. go to http://wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo.htm
 2. 'save pages as' to save that webpage in local 
 3. few days later 
    go to http://wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo.htm
    1. select/highlight all text :
       press 'ctrl' 'a' 
    2. copy those highlighted text :
       press 'ctrl' 'c'
    3. paste those highlighted text to
       http://www.mergely.com/editor right side
    open learn_indo.htm from local harddisk which
    was saved in step 2.
    do step 1 and 2 above, then 
    paste those highlighted text to
       http://www.mergely.com/editor left side
    click 'save .diff' 
    open that .diff file using geany, notepad, some
    text editor
20 july 2018 10:45 pm edt
 tried to put all examples underneath 
 'kebetulan, stative' but 
  that can not be applied to
 '5. meng-hambur-kan (rarely used, very formal)'
3 nov 2018 9:17 am edt:add '#lift#, #hoist#'
8 nov 2018 4:9 pm est:1)insert 'undergo' to 'undergo,walk on abstract object'
                      2)insert 'undergo' to 'experience,undergo'
8 nov 2018 4:17 pm est:insert 'interview = wawancara.source:{} http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/wawancara/ {}'mewawancara' di https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20181107213638-20-344832/knkt-curigai-kerusakan-aoa-penyebab-lion-air-pk-lqp-jatuh from ref-120 in 'land safely.[120]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_Air_Flight_610#8_nov_2018_4_3_pm_est'
8 nov 2018 4:18 pm est:insert '#interrogate# = interogasi(aktif),di-interogasi(pasif) ('o' sounds like the 1st 'o' dipthong in 'open')'
12 nov 2018 7:1 pm est:insert 'mesti-nya' to 'should have = se-harus-nya, harus-nya, mesti-nya'|
 insert 'datang se-belum jam 5' to 'dia di-harap-kan datang se-belum jam 5'|
 delete 'expected to' in 'se-harus-nya, harus-nya, mesti-nya'|
 reword 'mesti' to 'mesti-nya' in 'would have = pasti [certain], mesti-nya [certain]'
12 nov 2018 7:23 pm est:add ' (ö).source:{}'ö' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_37_pm_est from 'Germanic umlaut' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_36_pm_est {}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COYfDTj6SRw&t=1m50s'
12 nov 2018 8:34 pm est:add 'how to type umlaut character in linux?'
14 nov 2018 9:20 am est:add '- extra,additional = tambah-an (tam-ba-han),tombok-an (all 'o' sound like 'o' in 'odd')'
17 nov 2018 7:20 am est:add 'rev-up car-engine.source:www.tfd.com/rev+up'
17 nov 2018 7:25 am est:add 'ngocor [water falls from faucet] (all 'o' sound like 'o' in 'odd')'
17 nov 2018 7:33 am est:reword 'keran-nya ngocor terus ga ada yang tau trus bon air-nya jadi mahal' to 'keran-nya ngocor terus ga ada yang tau terus bon air-nya jadi mahal'
17 nov 2018 7:35 am est:reword '00d6' to 'd6'#reword '00f6' to 'f6'#reword '04d2' to '4d2'#reword '04d3' to '4d3'
17 nov 2018 7:37 am est:add 'ɔ'
17 nov 2018 7:19 pm est:add 'make a mark on an object'
18 nov 2018 9:8 am est:add #mong ('o' sound like 'o' in 'odd') [take care a child]#
19 nov 2018 11:30 am est:add #moh ('o' sound like 'o' in 'odd') (informal)#
19 nov 2018 11:36 am est:reword 'spokesman = juru-bicara' to 'spokesperson = juru-bicara.source:'spokesperson' in www.tfd.com/spokesman'
19 nov 2018 4:25 pm est:1)add 'police-act'
                        2)add 'act, behave:ke-laku-an-nya[his/her behaviour]'
21 nov 2018 8:38 pm est:add #homonym-sobek:egypt-god:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobek from 'sobek' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menes from 'menes' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt#
21 nov 2018 9:3 pm est:add #homonym-isin:iraq-country->isin-city:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isin from 'isin' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amorites from 'martu' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subartu from 'subartu' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyria from 'Subartu/Assyria' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canaan from 'Canaanites' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Joshua from 'conquest of Canaan' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel#
24 nov 2018 10:5 am est:add #homonym-laki:means hundred-thousand swahili-language source:'laki' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_numbering_system from 'South Asian numbering system' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1,000,000,000 from 'milliard' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_(numbers)#1012 from 'Trillion (short scale)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trillion#24_nov_2018_9_15_am_est#
30 nov 2018 10:28 pm est:add 'lain mbek (informal) [different with]'
2 dec 2018 12:53 pm est:add 'ngasil-in/ngasil-ke (informal)'
2 dec 2018 5:47 pm est:add 'blend in'
2 dec 2018 9:4 pm est:add 'luggage-lock = gembok ('e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir')'
4 dec 2018 12:4 pm est:add #ö sounds like 'i' in 'sir'#
4 dec 2018 3:57 pm est:move 'require' from 'need, require' to 'demand,ask for,request,require'
4 dec 2018 4:51 pm est:add #as soon as, once = lalu[then]#
12 dec 2018 9:48 pm est:add '[opening-bracket]num[opening-bracket]' for numbering verb
12 dec 2018 10:47 pm est:add more '[opening-bracket]num[opening-bracket]' for numbering verb,vocab,everything else
13 dec 2018 10:4 pm est:reduce [opening-bracket]num[opening-bracket] for section #begin 'time related vocab'------#
13 dec 2018 10:29 pm est:reword [opening-bracket]num[opening-bracket] to [opening-bracket]sector[opening-bracket]
13 dec 2018 10:41 pm->11 pm est|11:27 pm est ganti 'sector' jadi 'daerah'|11:30 pm est ganti 'kontakk' jadi 'kontak':|14 dec 2018 11:21 am est:ganti 'kontak:www.facebook.com/arnon.jaya,arnon81@yahoo.com' jadi 'kontak:arnon81@yahoo.com'
16 dec 2018 3:40 pm est
 1)add #it's ok = ga papa(from ga apa-apa/ga kenapa-kenapa)[not what-what/not why-why]#
 2)add #i'm ok = aku/saya ga papa#
 3)reword 'mau makan bubur kacang ijo ga ?' to mau minum bir ga ?
 4)move letter 'sapa bersedia tolong saya bikin' from underneath '13 dec 2018 10:41 pm->11 pm est' in history to underneath history
16 dec 2018 10:18 pm est:add '[want/willing to eat green-peanut-poridge or not?]'
19 dec 2018 12:24 pm est:
 1)reword 'ngomong [say]' to 'ngomong [talk,say something to specific person]'
 2)add 'dia ngomong ke dia kalo dia mo berangkat'
19 dec 2018 1:20 pm est:insert 'chassis' to 'skeleton,chassis = kerangka(kö-rang-ka)'
21 dec 2018 12:18 pm est:reword 'indo/malay does not recognise ö,ӓ alphabet,indo/malay write 'e' for ö,ӓ'
                         to 'indo/malay write 'e' for 'ö','ӓ''
24 dec 2018 9:24 am est:add 'warning for indo sometimes 'tak' means i/me'
24 dec 2018 12:19 pm est:modify section 'someone(a random person) ='
24 dec 2018 12:26 pm est:reword ''nek' means 'if' only, does not mean 'that''
                              to 'so 'nek' means 'if','nek' does not mean 'that''
24 dec 2018 1:4 pm est:reword 
 'by using = dengan cara
 by adding = dengan cara me-nambah
 by making = dengan cara mem-buat'
 'by using = pake cara pake(pa-kä cara pa-kä)[using procedure of/method of]
  by adding = pake cara nambah(pa-kä cara nam-bah)[using procedure of/method of adding]
  by making = pake cara mbuat(pa-kä cara mbu-at)[using procedure of/method of making]
              pake cara bikin(pa-kä cara bi-kin)[using procedure of/method of making]
  by doing = pake cara ngerjain(pa-kä cara ngör-ja-in)'
25 dec 2018 9:42 am est:add 'to mean ...,in a context of..., in a role-position of ='
25 dec 2018 9:48 am est:add 'like =(1)suka(su-ka)[desire ...]'
26 dec 2018 4:37 pm est:1)add 'ada maksud[available intention,there is intention]'
                        2)add 'punya maksud[have intention]'
26 dec 2018 4:48 pm est:reword 'dia ber-maksud jual mobil-nya 
                                jadi dia beli mobil yang awet
                                [he intends to sell his car 
                                 so he buys a car which last long]'
                        'dia ada rencana mo pake linux jadi dia pilih printer
                         yang kompatibel mbek linux.
                         [he available a plan will use linux so he choose printer
                          which is compatible with linux]'
26 dec 2018 4:53 pm est:reword 'mo' to '#mo#'
27 dec 2018 5:50 pm est:add '#homonym-sapi# sappi is paper-making-company-name'
27 dec 2018 7:22 pm est:reword 'rarely used' to 'rarely used for 'shout',but often used for 'exciting''
27 dec 2018 7:27 pm est:add '#homonym-tahu# tahu:(1)tofu (2)know'
28 dec 2018 11:13 am est:reword '[according to a word]' to '[according to (a) word]'
28 dec 2018 2:18 pm est:reword 'ber-rendam' to 'be-rendam'
28 dec 2018 2:20 pm est:reword 'me-curiga-i' to 'men-curiga-i'
28 dec 2018 2:42 pm est:add 'sogok' to section 'spoonfeed, bribe'
28 dec 2018 2:47 pm est:1)add '-grease-money=(1)uang pe-lumas(u-ang pö-lu-mas)'
                        2)add '-oil for making a surface slippery=minyak pelumas(mi-nyak pö-lu-mas)'
28 dec 2018 3:15 pm est:insert 'duit(du-it)' to 'money = uang(u-ang),duit(du-it)'
28 dec 2018 3:36 pm est:add '#homonym-kabul#kabul is afganistan's capital-city'
30 dec 2018 4:23 pm est:(1)reword '-oil for making a surface slippery=minyak pelumas(mi-nyak pö-lu-mas)'
                           to '-lubrication-oil=minyak pelumas(mi-nyak pö-lu-mas)'
                        (2)add 'lubrication money'
30 dec 2018 4:54 pm est:insert '(javanese)' to 'ngabot-i(nga-bɔt-ti)[make heavier/make more heavy](javanese)'
30 dec 2018 6:46 pm est:add '- hair-dryer=pe-ngering rambut(pö-ngö-ring ram-but)'
30 dec 2018 6:48 pm est:reword 'ter-rekam' to 'te-rekam'
30 dec 2018 7:34 pm est:reword '- a person = 1. orang (informal)' to '-a person=1)se-orang (informal)(sö-o-rang)'
30 dec 2018 7:35 pm est:reword '- someone =1. orang' to '-someone=1)se-orang (informal)(sö-o-rang)'
30 dec 2018 7:48 pm est:reword '2. pinjam [borrow] (informal)' to '2. minjam [borrow] (informal)'
30 dec 2018 7:55 pm est:reword '- objek : pe-nyalah guna-kan [misappropriation]' to '- objek : pe-nyalah guna-an [misappropriation]'
30 dec 2018 8:2 pm est:delete 'meram ('e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir')' from 'close eyes  [-daerah-]707[/-daerah-]'
30 dec 2018 8:6 pm est:reword 'me-cicil  (formal)' to 'men-cicil  (formal)'
30 dec 2018 8:21 pm est:add 'gugur[die](poet)'
30 dec 2018 8:22 pm est:add 'tukang pijet(tu-kang pi-jöt)'
30 dec 2018 8:28 pm est:add 'di-kencing-i [got peed on](di-kön-ci-ngi)'
30 dec 2018 8:36 pm est:add 'bumpet(bum-pöt)[clog for pipe, river]'
30 dec 2018 9:7 pm est:reword '- feel better than anyone = takabur(tak-ka-bur)' to '- feel better-person than anyone = takabur(tak-ka-bur)'
30 dec 2018 10:30 pm est:insert 'binatang' to 'animal=(1)binatang'
30 dec 2018 10:37 am est:reword '- dasar : pel(päl)[a clothes for mopping the floor]' to '- dasar : pel(päl)[a cloth for mopping the floor]'
31 dec 2018 10:51 am est:reword 'ngangkang-ke/gangkang-kan (informal)' to 'ngangkang-ke/ngangkang-kan (informal)'
31 dec 2018 10:56 am est:insert 'pelek(pä-lög)' to 'wheel-rim = veleg(vä-lög),pelek(pä-lög),'
31 dec 2018 11:38 am est:delete from 'ngrujuk-i(ngru-juk-i) (informal)' : '(maybe last sylable's pronunciation is 'i',
              not 'ki')'
31 dec 2018 2:7 pm est:insert 'russia' to 'obleka (o-blö-ka)(russia)'
31 dec 2018 2:8 pm est:insert 'swedish' to 'mollen (mol-lön)(swedish)'
31 dec 2018 4:1 pm est:insert 'lampu sen(lam-pu sän)' to 'turn signal = lampu sen(lam-pu sän),lampu sein'
31 dec 2018 4:11 pm est:reword 'hand brake = hand rem ('e' sounds like 'a' in 'at')' to 'hand brake = rem tangan(räm ta-ngan)'
31 dec 2018 4:46 pm est:reword 'window = jendela (all 'e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir')' to 'window = jendela(jön-de-la)'
31 dec 2018 5:1 pm est:reword 'bodyguard = bodyguard' to 'bodyguard = pe-ngawal(pö-nga-wal)'
1 jan 2019 3:4 pm est:delete 'mangkuk(mang-kuk)' from 'cup = cangkir(cang-kir), cawan(ca-wan), mangkuk(mang-kuk)'
1 jan 2019 3:14 pm est:add 'plate-bowl=(1)mangkok(mang-kɔk)'
1 jan 2019 3:18 pm est:reword 'tank = tank' to 'wrench=tang'
1 jan 2019 4:12 pm est:reword 'design = (1)disain (informal)' to 'design = disain'
1 jan 2019 4:14 pm est:insert '(bang)' to 'bank = bank(bang)'
1 jan 2019 8:14 pm est:all pronunciation use umlaut if necessary
2 jan 2019 11:58 am est:add 'car-repair-and-maintenance-shop=bengkel(bäng-käl)'
7 jan 2019 5:2 am est:insert 'as a' to 'as a,to mean ...,in a context of..., in a role-position of ='
7 jan 2019 11:1 am est:insert 'padahal' to 'eventhough, althogh ='
7 jan 2019 11:3 am est:make obsolete underneath 'eventhough, althogh =' : 'padahal'
7 jan 2019 11:7 am est:insert under 'eventhough, althogh =' : ' padahal  [padahal means even though]'
7 jan 2019 11:8 am est:insert semua mebel itu ga muat,padahal ruang-an-nya besar
7 jan 2019 11:12 am est:#insert# (pö-ma-suk-kan) #to# - income = pen-dapat-an, pe-masuk-an(pö-ma-suk-kan)
7 jan 2019 11:37 am est:#reword#  padahal  [padahal means even though]
                        #to# [complain] padahal [fact] <-- [padahal means even-though]
7 jan 2019 11:51 am est:#insert# (4)ber-kabung(formal,for war-hero)
7 jan 2019 11:53 am est:#reword# - pasif : di-layat(di-la-yuat) #to# - pasif : di-layat(di-la-yat)
7 jan 2019 11:54 am est:#insert# nge-la-yat(informal)(ngö-la-yat)
7 jan 2019 11:55 am est:#insert# -cremate=kremasi(kre-ma-si)
7 jan 2019 12:32 pm est:#insert# 1 o'clock = jam 1
7 jan 2019 1:12 pm est:previously [-daerah-] contain number,now [-daerah-] contain number/max-number
7 jan 2019 2:58 pm est:#add# (2)jam empat belas empat puluh lima(jam öm-pat bö-las öm-pat pu-luh li-ma)
                       #add# usually #prior# if minute is 10,20,30,40,50,11=>20 then say minute in group
7 jan 2019 3:1 pm est:#add# indo-ppl never say 'jam se-tengah lima belas(jam sö-tö-ngah li-ma bölas)'
7 jan 2019 3:4 pm est:#add# around(approximately)=se-kitar(sö-ki-tar)
7 jan 2019 3:16 pm est:#add# di-punya-i
7 jan 2019 3:19 pm est:#add# (mɔn-tɔr-re ban-tör sɔ-rɔ)
7 jan 2019 3:29 pm est:#add# perek(pä-räk)
7 jan 2019 3:29 pm est:#add# nose which goes inward = pesek(pä-säk)
7 jam 2019 3:40 pm est:#add# smear(paint)
8 jan 2019 10:42 am est:reword- nose which goes inward = pesek(pä-säk) 
                        to- nose which goes inward,not protruding = pesek(pä-säk)
9 jan 2019 4:43 pm est:add- #homonym-kotor#kotor-bay is a bay in montenegro
10 jan 2019 12:36 pm est:#add# bulk-seller=(1)pen-jual jumlah banyak(pön-ju-al jum-lah ba-nyak)
10 jan 2019 12:40 pm est:#reword# smear(paint) #to# smear paint,smear glue
10 jan 2019 12:58 pm est:#reword# screw = sekrup(sö-krup) #to# screw-fastener-type = sekrup(sö-krup)
11 jan 2019 11:5 am est:#add# screw-driver=drei(drä-i)
11 jan 2019 1:28 pm est:#add# -resident(s)=pen-duduk(pön-du-duk)
12 jan 2019 10:29 am est:#add# will-power-enforcement=pe-maksa-an ke-hendak(pö-mak-sa-an kö-hön-dak)
12 jan 2019 10:46 am est:#add# (2)ke-hendak(kö-hön-dak) #to# - will power =
16 jan 2019 8:45 pm est:#add#tampil[show, display]
16 jan 2019 8:53 pm est:#reword# tampil[show, display] #to# tampil[show up]
17 jan 2019 10:5 pm est:#add# mp3-player bisa nge-luar-ke judul lagu yang pake huruf
17 jan 2019 5:16 pm est:#add# -silent(not talking)=(1)diam(di-am)
17 jan 2019 6:15 pm est:#insert# (formal) #to# bungkam(formal)[shutup about sensitive-matter]
18 jan 2019 5:43 pm est:#reword# use 'kalo(ka-lo)' (formal), but 'kalo' can mean 'that' or 'if'.
                       #to# use 'kalo(ka-lo)' but 'kalo' can mean 'that','if'.
28 jan 2019 6:35 pm est:#add# njatuh-i(informal)(nja-tu-hi)[fall on something]
28 jan 2019 6:42 pm est:#add# blindly buy something=
29 jan 2019 6:1 pm est:#add# [buy something using dark-eyes]
29 jan 2019 6:48 am est:#add# source:'blindly follow israel' in somewhere...
7 feb 2019 9:2 am est:#add# transmit disease
7 feb 2019 9:3 am est:#add# contoh:(1)dia ke-tula-ran dia[he/she got infected by he/she]
7 feb 2019 9:5 am est:#insert# [infect] #to# -dasar:tular(tu-lar)[infect]
7 feb 2019 9:11 am est:#add# ikut - ikut-an (i-kut - i-kut-tan)[photocopy other ppl's behaviour].contoh:dia ikut - ikut-an nge-vote[he/she follow-other-ppl to vote]
8 feb 2019 2:14 pm est:#add# inch = inci
10 feb 2019 11:40 am est:#add# means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RG-31_Nyala#10_feb_2019_11_35_am_est from 'nyala' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_equipment_of_ISIL#10_feb_2019_11_33_am_est from en-wikipedia->search(isis weapon)result 1
10 feb 2019 7:12 pm est:#reword# (kep-put-tus-san) #to# (kö-pu-tus-san)
10 feb 2019 7:13 pm est:#add# patah(pa-tah) [severed]
                        #and add its active-form,etc#
13 feb 2019 4:5 pm est:#add# -feeling not willing=ke-berat-an(kö-bö-ra-tan)
15 feb 2019 4:51 pm est:#reword# massage a dog #to# massage
15 feb 2019 4:56 pm est:#add# pe-mijet [the massager](pö-mi-jöt)(informal)
15 feb 2019 4:58 pm est:#add# (2)ke-ganti(kö-gan-ti)[got changed accidentally]
15 feb 2019 4:57 pm est:(1)#merge# ganti #and# rubah
                           #under# replace, change a material, change a clothes, substitute,
                        (2)#move# replace, change a material, change a clothes, substitute,
                           #to above# enhance,add,increase,make many
15 feb 2019 6:2 pm est:#reword# enhance,add,increase,make many
                       #to#     add,increase,make many
15 feb 2019 6:2 pm est:#reword improve, upgrade to next level
                       #to#    improve,upgrade to next level,enhance
15 feb 2019 6:4 pm est:#reword# change a lot making big difference,change his clothes
                       #to#     change a lot making big difference,change to same thing,change to different thing,change clothes
15 feb 2019 6:9 pm est:#add# -pay to reimburse loss,pay to compensate loss=ganti rugi[change loss]
15 feb 2019 6:10 pm est:#add# source:www.tfd.com/compensate#15_feb_2019_6_7_pm_est
15 feb 2019 6:11 pm est:#add# ngrubah dikit[change a little]
                              ngrubah banyak[change a lot]
16 feb 2019 12:22 pm est:#reword# -pay to reimburse loss,pay to compensate loss=ganti rugi[change loss]
                         #to#     -pay to reimburse loss,pay to compensate loss=ganti rugi[replace loss]
17 feb 2019 9:46 am est:#insert# (not often used) #to# 2)ngrubah (informal)(not often used)
17 feb 2019 10:5 am est:#insert# 1)mesin mobil-nya,di-ganti mesin yang lebih hemat bensin,pake alat2 di bengkel(mö-sin,lö-bih,he-mat,bän-sin,pake,bäng-käl)
17 feb 2019 10:24 am est:#insert# contoh:(1)dia ngganti mesin mobil-nya pake mesin yang lebih hemat bensin,pake alat2 di bengkel(mö-sin,lö-bih,he-mat,bän-sin,pa-ke,bäng-käl)
17 feb 2019 10:36 am est:#add# contoh:(1)dia nyetir ber-sama/sama temen-nya,ganti - ganti-an nyetir,bawa banyak mobil baru dari pabrik ke toko(tö-mön,to-ko,pa-brik,nyö-tir,bör-sa-ma)
17 feb 2019 10:40 am est:(1)#add# ganti-an[alternate 1 time]
                         (2)#add# ganti - ganti-an[alternate repeatedly]
                         (3)#add# gonta - ganti(gon-ta - gan-ti)[change repeatedly so many times]
17 feb 2019 10:47 am est:(1)#insert# take turn 1 time #to# ganti-an[alternate 1 time,take turn 1 time]
                         (2)#reword# ganti - ganti-an[alternate repeatedly]
                            #to#     ganti - ganti-an(informal)[alternate many-time/repeatedly,take turn many-time/repeatedly]
                         (3)#add# www.tfd.com/alternately
                         (4)#add# idioms.thefreedictionary.com/take+turn from tfd.com -> search 'take turn'
                         (5)#add# ber-ganti-an(formal)(bör-gan-ti-an)[alternate many-time/repeatedly,take turn many-time/repeatedly].source:'bergantian' in http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/ganti#17_feb_2019_9_51_am_est
17 feb 2019 6:13 pm est=>6:21 pm est:
 (1)#reword# upper-floor,floor above ground-floor = lantai atas
    #to#     upper-floor = lantai atas[up/above floor]
 (2)#reword# basement = lantai bawah[lower floor],lantai bawah tanah[underground floor]
    #to#     basement = lantai bawah tanah[below/underneath ground floor]
 (3)#add# lower-floor = lantai bawah[below/underneath floor]
 (4)#add# in/on/at above shelf = di atas lemari(di a-tas lö-ma-ri)
          in/on/at below shelf = di bawah lemari(di ba-wah lö-ma-ri)
18 feb 2019 9:1 pm est:(1)#add# gering[skinny](gö-ring)(javanese)#homonym-gering#:'Hermann Göring' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler#18_feb_2019_9_3_pm_est
                       (2)#reword# gemuk (göm-muk) [obese] #to# gemuk(gö-muk) [obese]
21 feb 2019 10:6 am est:#add# se-enak-nya sen-diri(sö-ö-nak-nya sön-di-ri)
21 feb 2019 10:7 am est:#add# ke-gering-en(kö-gö-ri-ngön)
21 feb 2019 10:8 am est:#reword# (kö-ku-rus-san) #to# (kö-ku-ru-san)
21 feb 2019 10:9 am est:#reword# (makan-nan) #to# (ma-ka-nan)
21 feb 2019 10:25 am est->10:34 am est:
                         (1)#add# at least =
                         (2)#add# maximum temperature =
                         (3)#add# minimum temperature =
                         (4)#add# paling - paling(pa-ling - pa-ling)
                         (5)#add# ke-lemon(kö-lö-mɔn)(javanese)
                         (6)#add# ke-gering-en(kö-gö-ri-ngön)(javanese)
                         (7)#add# maximum/minimum = paling(pa-ling)
                         (8)#add# the least amount = paling dikit(pa-ling di-kit),paling se-dikit(pa-ling sö-di-kit)
                         (9)#add# the most amount = paling banyak(pa-ling ba-nyak)
24 feb 2019 1:23 pm est:(1)#add# mentul[bounce](mön-tul)
                        (2)#add# kontal(kɔn-tal)[got thrown to the air by explosion](informal)
                            bounce, recoil because of explosive force, impact   -daerah-423/937-/daerah-
                            -dasar:1)mental(for rigid object)(mön-tal)
                                   2)mendal (for flexible object)(mön-dal)
                            - aktif : mental, mendal
                            - pasif : mental, mendal
                            - objek :
                            - kebetulan, stative : ter-pental(tör-pön-tal)
                                                   [got thrown to 
                                                    the air by explosion]

24 feb 2019 1:27 pm est:(1)#reword# (di-söt-tɔp) #to# (di-sö-tɔp)
                        (2)#add# setop(sö-tɔp)
                        (3)#reword# 3)berhenti ('e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir') (formal)
                                    4)henti ('e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir') (formal)
                                    4)henti(hön-ti)(formal)(rarely used)
                        (4)#reword# (pö-nyö-tɔp-pan) #to# (pö-nyö-tɔ-pan)
24 feb 2019 1:33 pm est:(1)#reword# - dasar : tentu [certain] ('e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir')
                           #to#     - dasar : tentu [certain](tön-tu)
                        (2)#reword# 2)njebluk(njö-bluk,'e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir')
                           #to#     2)njebluk(njö-bluk)
                        (3)#reword# near = dekat (all 'e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir')
                           #to#     near = dekat(dö-kat)

24 feb 2019 1:35 pm est:#delete# 2)some 'e' sounds like 1st dipthong 'day'

24 feb 2019 1:38 pm est:
 (1)#reword# 5)pe-ngambil-an is pronounced as : peng-ngam-bil-lan.
    #to#     5)pe-ngambil-an is pronounced as : pö-ngam-bi-lan.
     priority : 
     always try to speak each vocal together with
     any consonant prior that vocal.
     always try to speak vocal together with
     consonant prior that vocal.
24 feb 2019 1:40 pm est:
 (1)#reword# 1. pel-ajar pronounced as (pel-la-jar)
    #to#     1)pel-ajar pronounced as (pö-la-jar)
 (2)#reword# 2. bel-ajar proncounced as (bel-la-jar)
    #to#     2)bel-ajar proncounced as (bö-la-jar)

 (4)#delete all# ('e' sounds like 'i' in 'sir')

24 feb 2019 1:47 pm est:#reword# di-onek-e (di-on-nek-ke) (informal)
                        #to#     di-onek-e (di-ɔ-näk-ke) (informal)
24 feb 2019 1:49 pm est:#add# (nyam-pä-in)
24 feb 2019 1:51 pm est:
   2. erosi(e-ro-si)
   ('e' sounds like 'a' in 'at')
   ('o' sounds like the 1st 'o' dipthong in 'open')
  #to# 2. erosi(e-ro-si)
24 feb 2019 1:58 pm est:#add# 1 version ago:
25 feb 2019 9:53 am est:
 (1)#reword# -dasar:(1)mental[thrown away from explosion](mön-tal)
    #to#     -dasar:(1)mental[thrown away from explosion,ricochet](mön-tal)
 (2)#reword# - pasif : mental, mendal
    #to#     -pasif:(1)di-pental-ke(di-pön-tal-ke)

 (3)#reword# recoil = dorong-an balik [inverse push]
    #to#     recoil,feedback-force=dorong-an balik [reversal-push]

 (4)#reword# bounce, recoil because of explosive force, impact
    #to#     bounce,ricochet
     reflect a light                                      -daerah-238/937-/daerah-
     - dasar : pantul(pan-tul)
     - aktif : 1. mantul-in(mantul-lin) (informal)
     - pasif : di-pantul-kan
     - objek : pe-mantul-an(pö-man-tu-lan)
     - reflection = pantul-an(pan-tu-lan)
    #to near# bounce,ricochet
    #then renumber_tag#
25 feb 2019 10:6 am est:#add# (1)bola biliard-nya mental ke situ[the billiard-ball ricochet to there]
25 feb 2019 10:10 am est:
 #reword# 1 version ago:wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo_backup_24_feb_2019_1_56.htm
 #to#     1 version ago:wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo_backup_25_feb_2019_9_50_am_est.htm
25 feb 2019 10:11 am est:
 #add# 2 version ago:wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo_backup_24_feb_2019_1_56.htm
25 feb 2019 10:17 am est:#reword# hyperbolise #to# hyperbolise,overestimate,exagerrate
25 feb 2019 10:22 am est:#reword# exagerrate   -daerah-687/937-/daerah-
                         #to#     bluff(tell lie to get profit,tell lie to boost reputation)
25 feb 2019 10:34 am est:(1)#add# (möm-bual)
                         (2)#add# (di-bu-al-lin)
                         (3)#reword# (bu-wal-lan) #to# (bu-wal-lan,bu-al-lan)
                         (4)#reword# (bu-wal) #to# bual(bu-wal,bu-al)
25 feb 2019 3:45 pm est:#add# honest = jujur
                              honest with cold-hard-truth = (1)blak - blak-an
                                                            (2)terang - terang-an(tö-rang tö-ra-ngan)[brightness competition]
                              blunt,straightforward,to the point = (1)ga/nggak/nda/ndak basa - basi [not saying-ice-breaker-word]
                                                                   (2)tanpa basa - basi [without saying-ice-breaker-word]

25 feb 2019 4:1 pm est:
 #reword# - kiss-ass, cajole, sweet-talk = 
              1. cium pantat  
                  lit trans---
                  [kiss ass]
              2. jilat pantat
                  lit trans---
                  [lick ass]
              source : https://www.thefreedictionary.com/cajole
  -fawn,kowtow,kiss-ass,cajole,sweet-talk,bribe using word =
    (1)basa - basi(formal)
    (2)cium pantat[kiss ass](informal)
    (3)jilat pantat[lick ass](informal)
    source : https://www.thefreedictionary.com/cajole
 #then move that from# - dasar : jilat
 #to underneath# - dasar : pura - pura(pu-ra - pu-ra)

25 feb 2019 4:13 pm est:
 (1)#reword# lie, not telling the truth, deceive #to# tell lie,tell white-lie
 (2)#reword# mislead #to# make someone believe in false-belief(mislead,deceive) using propaganda
25 feb 2019 4:29 pm est:#add# - don't ask,don't tell=jangan tanya,jangan kasi tau[don't ask,don't give knowledge]
28 feb 2019 7:56 am est:
 #add# -layers,many layers = (1)lapis - lapis
                             (2)banyak lapis (ban-yak la-pis)
       -middle layer = lapis-an tengah(la-pi-san tö-ngah)
       -outer layer = lapis-an luar(la-pi-san tö-ngah)
       -inner layer = lapis-an dalam(la-pi-san da-lam)
 #delete# has many layers = ber-lapis - lapis(bör-la-pis - la-pis)
3 mar 2019 5:39 pm est:#add# imagine,make imagination
5 mar 2019 10:36 am est:#add#
 bed-bug(c=insecta-o=hemiptera-fa^1=cimicoidea-fa=cimicidae) = bangsat(bang-sat).source:(?)http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/bangsat#5_mar_2019_10_23_am_est  (?)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kutu_busuk#5_mar_2019_10_29_am_est  (?)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cimicidae#5_mar_2019_10_29_am_est
 squirrel(c=mammalia-o=rodentia-fa=sciuridae) = bajing(ba-jing).source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/bajingan#5_mar_2019_10_33_am_est
5 mar 2019 11 am est:#reword# going to wrong road = nyasar(nya-sar)
                     #to#     going to wrong road = nyasar(nya-sar),ter-sesat(tör-sö-sat)
5 mar 2019 11:1 am est:#add# going to wrong road = nyasar(nya-sar),ter-sesat(tör-sö-sat)
                             false religion = agama sesat[a-ga-ma sö-sat]
5 mar 2019 11:4 am est:#delete# 1 version ago:learn_indo_bak_3_mar_2019_9_23_pm_est.htm
5  mar 2019 11:6 am est:#add# - full = penuh (pö-nuh)
                              - full-stomach = kenyang (kön-yang)
5 mar 2019 11:13 am est:#reword# bed-bug(c=insecta-o=hemiptera-fa^1=cimicoidea-fa=cimicidae) = bangsat(bang-sat).source:(?)http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/bangsat#5_mar_2019_10_23_am_est  (?)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kutu_busuk#5_mar_2019_10_29_am_est  (?)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cimicidae#5_mar_2019_10_29_am_est
                        #to#     bed-bug(c=insecta-o=hemiptera-fa^1=cimicoidea-fa=cimicidae) = bangsat(bang-sat),kutu busuk[rotten cimicidae].source:(?)http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/bangsat#5_mar_2019_10_23_am_est  (?)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kutu_busuk#5_mar_2019_10_29_am_est  (?)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cimicidae#5_mar_2019_10_29_am_est
8 mar 2019 12:54 pm est:#add# - made-by = bikin-an(bi-ki-nan)
8 mar 2019 1:6 pm est:#add# itu mobil ford->escape bikin-an negara-usa->provinsi-kentucky->kota-louisville,
8 mar 2019 1:25 pm est:
 #reword# itu mobil ford->escape bikin-an negara-usa->provinsi-kentucky->kota-louisville,
        tapi di-disain di negara-german->kota-cologne.
        [that ford->escape-car is made-by usa-country->kentucy-province->louisville-city,
         but was designed in germany-country->cologne-city].source:'Assembly' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Kuga#Second_generation_(Code_name:_C520)_(2012%E2%80%93present)#8_mar_2019_12_59_pm_est
    itu mobil ford->escape bikin-an/rakit-an negara-usa->provinsi-kentucky->kota-louisville,
       tapi di-disain/di-rancang di negara-german->kota-cologne.
       [that ford->escape-car is made-by/assembled-by usa-country->kentucy-province->louisville-city,
        but was-designed in germany-country->cologne-city].source:'Assembly' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Kuga#Second_generation_(Code_name:_C520)_(2012%E2%80%93present)#8_mar_2019_12_59_pm_est
8 mar 2019 1:41 pm est:#add# -designed-by=rancang-an(ran-ca-ngan)
8 mar 2019 1:53 pm est:
 (1)#reword# - made-by = bikin-an(bi-ki-nan)
    #to# - product-made-by = bikin-an(bi-ki-nan)
 (2)#reword# -designed-by=rancang-an(ran-ca-ngan)
    #to# -product-designed-by=rancang-an(ran-ca-ngan)
 (3)#reword# -assembled-by=rakit-an(ra-ki-tan)
    #to# -product-assembled-by=rakit-an(ra-ki-tan)

8 mar 2019 6:19 pm est:#reword#
 itu mobil ford->escape bikin-an/rakit-an negara-usa->provinsi-kentucky->kota-louisville,
 tapi di-disain/di-rancang di negara-german->kota-cologne.
 [that ford->escape-car is made-by/assembled-by usa-country->kentucy-province->louisville-city,
  but was-designed in germany-country->cologne-city].source:'Assembly' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Kuga#Second_generation_(Code_name:_C520)_(2012%E2%80%93present)#8_mar_2019_12_59_pm_est
 itu mobil ford->escape taun 2012,bikin-an/rakit-an negara-usa->provinsi-kentucky->kota-louisville,
 tapi di-disain/di-rancang di negara-jerman->kota-cologne.
 [that ford->escape-car year 2012,is a product-made-by/product-assembled-by usa-country->kentucy-province->louisville-city,
  but was-designed in germany-country->cologne-city].source:'Assembly' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Kuga#Second_generation_(Code_name:_C520)_(2012%E2%80%93present)#8_mar_2019_12_59_pm_est
8 mar 2019 6:42 pm est:#add# angan - angan [dream-goal]
                             mimpi[dream during sleeping]
                             impian [dream-goal]
8 mar 2019 6:56 pm est:#add# use dough-roller to flatten a dough,use asphalt-roller to flatten fresh-hot-asphalt.source:google(dough roller)
13 mar 2019 10:39 am edt:(1)#reword# sama #to# ber-sama(formal)/sama(informal)
                         (2)#reword# together-in-1-group-with = #to# with,together-in-1-group-with =
                         (3)#reword# with = #to# with = find 'with,together-in-1-group-with =' in this text
                         (4)#reword# - dasar : datang [come] #to# - dasar : datang/dateng[come](da-tang/da-töng)
                         (5)#add# that's why = (1)itu-lah kenapa (formal)
                                               (2)maka-nya/maka-ne (informal)
                                   (1)tiap pagi dia mesti boker,maka-ne dia dateng(da-töng) sekolah(sö-ko-lah) telat(tö-lat) terus(tö-rus)
                                      [every morning he must defecate,that's why he arrive school late always]
                         (6)#add# - late = ter-lambat(tör-lambat),telat(tö-lat)
                         (7)#delete# late = ter-lambat(tör-lambat) #underneath# deadline =
13 mar 2019 10:58 am edt:(1)#reword# (1)tiap pagi dia mesti boker,maka-ne dia dateng(da-töng) sekolah(sö-ko-lah) telat(tö-lat) terus(tö-rus)
                            #to#     (1)tiap pagi dia mesti(mös-ti) boker(bo-kär),maka-ne dia dateng(da-töng) sekolah(sö-ko-lah) telat(tö-lat) terus(tö-rus)
                         (2)#reword# [every morning he must defecate,that's why he arrive school late always]
                            #to#     [every morning he/she must defecate,that's why he arrive school late always]
16 mar 2019 12:32 am edt:(1)#add# kerja-an{kör-ja-an} dia lebih{lö-bih} menting-ke{mön-ting-ke} projek-nya{pro-jäk-nya} selese{sö-lö-sä},dari pada (dia hadir di kantor)/(ke-hadiran{kö-ha-di-ran} dia di kantor{kan-tɔr})
                         (2)#reword# kerja-an #to# kerja-an(kör-ja-an)
16 mar 2019 12:54 am edt:#add# building-part fall down 1 by 1 until building become rubble.source:www.tfd.com/rubble#16_mar_2019_12_51_pm_edt
16 mar 2019 1:11 pm edt:#add#
                          train-boxcar = (1)gerbong(gör-bɔng)
                                         (2)gerbong(gör-bɔng) kereta api
                          train-locomotive = lokomotif
                          elevator = lift
                          elevator-cage = gerbong(gör-bɔng) lift.source:'elevator car' -in- -zoom- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AH1TSx3Dl_w/T4RlER5BPyI/AAAAAAAABmM/-SuvOQ3lcsw/s1600/main+components+of+elevator.JPG -from- google-image(elevator cage) -row- 2 -col- 1 -from- 'A modern-day elevator consists of a cab (also called a "cage", "carriage" or "car") mounted on a platform within an enclosed space called a shaft or sometimes a "hoistway".' -in- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevator#16_mar_2019_1_1_pm_edt -from-  google(elevator car)-result- 1 
16 mar 2019 1:14 pm edt:#add# tombstone = batu nisan[nisan stone]
16 mar 2019 1:16 pm edt:#add# performing badly = mbepuk(mbe-puk),payah(pa-yah)
16 mar 2019 1:20 pm edt:#add# enslave slave
16 mar 2019 1:21 pm edt:
   squeeze an orange fruit,      
   take advantage from other ppl maximally,
   enslave other ppl maximally
  squeeze an orange fruit,
  take advantage from other ppl maximally and continuously
16 mar 2019 1:26 pm edt:#add# ban kempes di bagasi ga di-ikat trus mental - mental
16 mar 2019 1:27 pm edt:#reword# terus(tö-rus) #to# terus(tö-rus)/trus
16 mar 2019 1:28 pm edt:#reword# keep going = #to# keep going,then,and then =
16 mar 2019 1:31 pm edt:#add# -bloom(for flower) = mekar(mö-kar)
16 mar 2019 1:31 pm edt:#reword# di-habis-kan #to# di-habis-kan,di-abis-ke,di-abis-in(di-a-bi-sin)
16 mar 2019 1:35 pm edt:#add# eavesdrop telephone conversation.source:www.tfd.com/eavesdrop#16_mar_2019_1_34_pm_edt
16 mar 2019 1:36 pm edt:#delete# (4)bisa mulur(bi-sa mu-lur)
                                 (5)bisa molor(bi-sa mɔ-lɔr)
                        #for# elastic, flexible =
16 mar 2019 1:39 pm edt:#add# -stretch(for clothes)=molor(mɔ-lɔr)
16 mar 2019 1:50 pm edt:#add# hat = topi(tɔ-pi).#homonym-topi#some kind of deer:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topi#10_mar_2019_11_48_pm_edt -from- picture-of-the-day-in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
16 mar 2019 2:4 pm edt:#add# deer (c=mammalia-o=artiodactyla-infraorder=pecora-fa=cervidae) = kijang.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deer

19 mar 2019 1:42 pm edt:#reword# wrench=tang #to# socket-wrench=kunci-soket[socket-key].source:https://shopee.co.id/Kunci-Sok-21-Pcs-Kunci-Sock-Kunci-Sok-Set-Kunci-Sock-Set-Socket-Wrench-Set-i.7245467.37260154#19_mar_2019_1_48_pm_edt from google(kunci sok)result 1 from 'kunci sok' in https://shopee.co.id/Alat-Pertukangan-cat.46.9633#19_mar_2019_1_43_pm_edt from google(alat tukang)
19 mar 2019 1:46 pm edt:#insert# ,obeng(o-bäng).source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obeng#19_mar_2019_1_45_pm_edt from https://shopee.co.id/Alat-Pertukangan-cat.46.9633 from google(alat tukang)result 1
                         #to#     screw-driver=drei(drä-i),obeng(o-bäng).source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obeng#19_mar_2019_1_45_pm_edt from https://shopee.co.id/Alat-Pertukangan-cat.46.9633#19_mar_2019_1_43_pm_edt from google(alat tukang)result 1
19 mar 2019 1:57 pm edt:(1)#add# allen-wrench=kunci-allen[allen-key].source:'Kunci Allen' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:Alat_tangan#19_mar_2019_1_47_pm_edt from 'Alat tangan' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obeng#19_mar_2019_1_45_pm_edt from https://shopee.co.id/Alat-Pertukangan-cat.46.9633#19_mar_2019_1_43_pm_edt from google(alat tukang)
                        (2)#add# pliers=tang.source:'plier' in https://hiconsumption.com/2018/06/toolbox-essentials-tools-every-man-should-own/#19_mar_2019_1_40_pm_edt from google(handyman tool)result 1
22 mar 2019 3:42 pm=>3:47 edt:(1)#add# di-terus-kan(di-törus-kan)
                              (2)#reword# (ter-rus-san) #to# (tö-ru-san)
                              (3)#reword# (ke-lan-jut-tan) #to# (ke-lan-jut-tan) 
                              (4)#reword# (lan-jut-tan) #to# (lan-ju-tan)
                              (5)#reword# [subject already reached destination but
                                        was not aware and keep on going, go beyond
                                        the destination]
                                 #to# [overshoot]
                              (6)#add# - overshoot = (1)ke-terus-an(kö-tö-ru-san)
22 mar 2019 3:54 pm edt:#add# bebek(bäbäk) peking-nya(pä-king-nya) di-urut-kan me-nurut(mö-nu-rut) urutan-pangkat
22 mar 2019 3:58 pm edt:(1)#add# stick out tongue
                        (2)#add# lelet(lä-lät)[slow](jakarta-style)
23 mar 2019 2:44 pm edt:#add# torque-wrench=kunci-torsi(kun-ci tɔr-si)[torque-key].source:google(kunci torque)
23 mar 2019 3:25 pm edt=>3:28 pm edt:
 (1)#insert# (sɔ-kit ränʃ) #to# socket-wrench(sɔ-kit ränʃ)=kunci-soket[socket-key].source:https://shopee.co.id/Kunci-Sok-21-Pcs-Kunci-Sock-Kunci-Sok-Set-Kunci-Sock-Set-Socket-Wrench-Set-i.7245467.37260154#19_mar_2019_1_48_pm_edt from google(kunci sok)result 1 from 'kunci sok' in https://shopee.co.id/Alat-Pertukangan-cat.46.9633#19_mar_2019_1_43_pm_edt from google(alat tukang)
 (2)#insert# (tɔrk ränʃ) #to# torque-wrench(tɔrk ränʃ)=kunci-torsi(kun-ci tɔr-si)[torque-key].source:google(kunci torque)
 (3)#insert# (skru drai-för) #to# screw-driver(skru drai-för)=drei(drä-i),obeng(o-bäng).source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obeng#19_mar_2019_1_45_pm_edt from https://shopee.co.id/Alat-Pertukangan-cat.46.9633#19_mar_2019_1_43_pm_edt from google(alat tukang)result 1
 (4)#insert# (plai-örs) #to# pliers(plai-örs)=tang.source:'plier' in https://hiconsumption.com/2018/06/toolbox-essentials-tools-every-man-should-own/#19_mar_2019_1_40_pm_edt from google(handyman tool)result 1
 (5)#insert# (äl-lön ränʃ) #to# allen-wrench(äl-lön ränʃ)=kunci-allen[allen-key].source:'Kunci Allen' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:Alat_tangan#19_mar_2019_1_47_pm_edt from 'Alat tangan' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obeng#19_mar_2019_1_45_pm_edt from https://shopee.co.id/Alat-Pertukangan-cat.46.9633#19_mar_2019_1_43_pm_edt from google(alat tukang)
 (6)#add# ʃ sounds like 'sh' in 'shock','s' in 'vision'
25 mar 2019 8:29 pm edt:#add# pigeon = merpati(mör-pa-ti)(failem=chordata->kelas=aves->ordo=columbiformes->keluarga=columbidae->subkeluarga=columbinae->genus=columba->spesis=livia->sabspesis=domestica,etc.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbidae#25_mar_2019_8_5_pm_edt from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbidae from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dara
                              dove = dara(failem=chordata->kelas=aves->ordo=columbiformes->keluarga=columbidae->genus=chalcophaps->spesis=indica),etc.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_emerald_dove#25_mar_2019_8_22_pm_edt from 'Chalcophaps indica' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbidae from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dara
25 mar 2019 8:37 pm edt:(1)#add# auditor-pajak-nya di-antar jemput(jöm-put) pake mobil audi
                        (2)#add# 3)audit
25 mar 2019 9:27 pm edt:#reword# [the tax-auditor is being chauffeured-around in/using audi-car]
                        #to#     [the tax-auditor is being chauffeured-around(ʃou-fört ö-raun) in/using audi-car]
30 mar 2019 8:52 am edt:#add# pry(force open using pry-bar) like how to use pry-bar to lift stone slightly:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmFiGw6oryI (Index-tend: the pry bar with a few tricks ) from youtube-search(pry bar)page 1 number last  .source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/cungkil/ from http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/jugil#30_mar_2019_8_35_am_edt -> search 'congkel' (cɔng-käl)
30 mar 2019 9:10 am edt:#add# dia buka lubang besi pake 'jaw-of-life'[he open steel/iron-hole using 'jaw-of-life'] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzbZV70ZvKQ&t=55s (Hurst Jaws of Life Tool Demonstration GoPro )from youtube-search(jaw of life)result 3
30 mar 2019 10:34 am edt:#add# at that time = (1)pas itu(informal)  #homonym-pas# find 'fit exactly = pas' in this text
5 apr 2019 8:14 pm edt:#add# damn if you do,damn if you don't = (1)gini salah gitu salah(informal)
5 apr 2019 8:17 pm edt:#add# ganti baju,salin[change clothes]
5 apr 2019 8:39 pm edt:#insert# [behave like this is wrong,behave like that is wrong]
                       #to#     damn if you do,damn if you don't = (1)gini salah gitu salah(informal)[behave like this is wrong,behave like that is wrong]
5 apr 2019 8:39 pm edt:#insert# [behave like this is wrong,behave like that is wrong]
                       #to#     damn if you do,damn if you don't = (1)gini salah gitu salah(informal)[behave like this is wrong,behave like that is wrong]
5 apr 2019 8:41 pm edt:#insert# (bö-gi-ni sa-lah,bö-gi-tu sa-lah)
                       #to#     begini salah begitu salah(bö-gi-ni sa-lah,bö-gi-tu sa-lah)
5 apr 2019 9:26 pm edt:#reword# damn if you do,damn if you don't = (1)gini salah gitu salah(informal)[behave like this is wrong,behave like that is wrong]
                       #to#     (1)damned if i do,damned if i don't (2)i'm damned if i do,i'm damned if i don't =
17 apr 2019 1:4 pm edt=>1:40 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# lepas[loosen/relax a muscle to release something; loosen something]
    #to#     lepas[release hand-grab to set free](lö-pas)
 (2)#reword# cabut [contract muscle to pull away something to release; uproot]
    #to#     cabut[pull-until-separated; uproot](ca-but)
 (3)#reword# release, detach, disengage, extricate   -daerah- unknown/unknown-daerah-
    #to#     release, disengage
 (4)#add# detach, pull-until-separated
 (5)#reword# vindicate, exonerate, acquit
    #to#     vindicate, exonerate, acquit, extricate
 (6)#add# bekas[used, pre-owned](bö-kas)
17 apr 2019 1:49 pm edt:#insert# see also:find 'nge-cap' 
                        #to#     nipak(ni-pak)[leaving a mark](informal) see also:find 'nge-cap'
17 apr 2019 2:8 pm edt:#add# oleng[tilt](o-läng)
17 apr 2019 2:10 pm edt:#insert# [tilt repeatedly]
                        #to#     ber-oleng - oleng(formal)[tilt repeatedly](bör-o-läng - o-läng)
18 apr 2019 10:37 am edt:#add# -decrease drastically,plummet : anjlog(an-jlɔk).source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/anjlog#18_apr_2019_10_35_am_edt
18 apr 2019 10:40 am edt:#insert# an-jö-lɔk
                         #to#     -decrease drastically,plummet : anjlog(an-jlɔk,an-jö-lɔk).source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/anjlog#18_apr_2019_10_35_am_edt
21 apr 2019 5:35 pm edt=>5:46 pm edt:
 #add# mother-in-law,father-in-law,parent-in-law = mertua(mör-tu-a).source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/mertua#21_apr_2019_5_33_pm_edt
       son-in-law,daughter-in-law,child-in-law = anak tiri(a-nak ti-ri)
       ruler = penggaris(pöng-ga-ris)
       pencil = pensil(pän-sil)
       pen = pen(pän)
       paper = kertas(kör-tas)
       book = buku
       bag = tas
       mechanical-pencil = pensil pilot(pän-sil pi-lɔt)
       mechanical-pencil-lead = isi pensil pilot(i-si pän-sil pi-lɔt)[pilot-pencil's content]
       eraser for pencil = setip(sö-tip)
       correction-fluid(eraser for pen) = tip-ek(tip-äk)
       bag for pencil,pen = kotak pensil(kɔ-tak pän-sil)[pencil-box]
       pihak[people who are involved](formal).source:'memihak (sides)' in http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/pungut#21_apr_2019_5_33_pm_edt
       collection = koleksi(ko-läk-si)
       petik[pull-until-separated flower](pö-tik)
       panen[pull-until-separated harvest](pa-nän).source:'memanen' di http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/panen#21_apr_2019_5_33_pm_edt
       tuai[pull-until-separated harvest](pa-nän).source:'menuai' di http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/panen#21_apr_2019_5_33_pm_edt
       urine-smell = pesing(pö-sing).source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/pesing#21_apr_2019_5_33_pm_edt
21 apr 2019 6:24 pm edt:(1)#insert# [wet] #to# basah[wet]
                        (2)#insert# [dry] #to# kering(kö-ring)[dry]
3 may 2019 6:27 pm edt:
(1)#reword# stale = basi(ba-si)
  #to# stale-food = basi(ba-si) #then move that to end of file#
(2)#add# stuffy,stale-air = pengap(pö-ngap)
         stale-food = basi(ba-si)
         fresh = (1)seger (sö-gör)(informal)
                 (2)segar (sö-gar)(formal)
         fresh air = udara segar(u-da-ra sö-gar)
         fresh food = makanan segar(ma-ka-nan sö-gar)
3 may 2019 6:45 pm edt:#add# open-parenthesis,open-round-bracket, ( = kurung buka [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#3_may_2019_6_37_pm_edt from google(curly brace)result 2,www.tfd.com/parenthesis#3_may_2019_6_34_pm_edt]
                             closed-parenthesis,closed-round-bracket, ) = kurung tutup [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#3_may_2019_6_37_pm_edt from google(curly brace)result 2,www.tfd.com/parenthesis#3_may_2019_6_34_pm_edt]

                             open-curly-brace,open-curly-bracket, { = kurung kurawal buka [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#3_may_2019_6_37_pm_edt from google(curly brace)result 2]
                             closed-curly-brace,closed-curly-bracket, } = kurung kurawal tutup [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#3_may_2019_6_37_pm_edt from google(curly brace)result 2]

                             open-square-bracket,open-bracket, [ = kurung siku-siku buka[opened-perpendicular-imprison] [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#3_may_2019_6_37_pm_edt from google(curly brace)result 2]
                             closed-square-bracket,closed-bracket, [ = kurung siku-siku tutup[closed-perpendicular-imprison] [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#3_may_2019_6_37_pm_edt from google(curly brace)result 2]

3 may 2019 6:48 pm edt:#insert# [source:'forming right angles' in www.tfd.com/perpendicular#3_may_2019_6_46_pm_edt,'right angle' in http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/siku#3_may_2019_6_43_pm_edt]
                       #to#     sudut siku-siku [source:'forming right angles' in www.tfd.com/perpendicular#3_may_2019_6_46_pm_edt,'right angle' in http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/siku#3_may_2019_6_43_pm_edt]
8 may 2019 7:54 pm edt:#add# sumpek(sum-pök)
14 may 2019 6:38 pm edt:(1)#add# grasshopper/cicada : ngikrik[sound-of squeaking](ngi-krik)[source:'song' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada#Song#5_apr_2019_10_19_pm_edt ]
                        (2)#add# - grasshopper-noise/cicada-noise = suara ngikrik[sound-of squeaking](su-a-ra ngi-krik)[source:'song' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada#Song#5_apr_2019_10_19_pm_edt ]
                                 - squeaking-noise = suara ngikrik[sound-of squeaking](su-a-ra ngi-krik)
                        (3)#move# - sound = suara(su-a-ra)
                                  - noise which annoy the ears = suara berisik
                                                               (su-a-ra bö-ri-sik)
                           #to underneath# dog barks, lion barks, bird singing
                           #from underneath# mail = surat
14 may 2019 6:44 pm edt:(1)#add# -from- https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a55318/early-cicada/?src=socialflowFB&fbclid=IwAR10goTvuMI0LvkWAFyNKAqakvF93EJDZVRbO9_rzRE_0BEEZo0_2mQ0_Vw -from- https://www.facebook.com/Esquire/posts/10154480371106674 -from- www.facebook.com/Esquire/posts/ -> search 'cicada'
                        (2)#add# grasshopper/cicada = jangkrik(jang-krik)[source:'song' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cicada#Song#5_apr_2019_10_19_pm_edt -from- https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a55318/early-cicada/?src=socialflowFB&fbclid=IwAR10goTvuMI0LvkWAFyNKAqakvF93EJDZVRbO9_rzRE_0BEEZo0_2mQ0_Vw -from- https://www.facebook.com/Esquire/posts/10154480371106674 -from- www.facebook.com/Esquire/posts/ -> search 'cicada']
24 may 2019 7:38 pm edt:
 (1)#add# very early = pagi - pagi,pagi2
            contoh:dia nge-rem pagi - pagi supaya brenti-nya enak(ngö-räm brön-ti e-nak)
                   [he brake early so the-stopping-process is comfortable]
                   [he brake early so the-stopping-process is delicious]
          too early = ke-pagi-an(kö-pa-gi-an)
 (2)#add# 2)ga ada mobil nganggur,semua mobil di-pake
          [there is no available-car,all car is being driven]
          [there is no available-car,all car is being used]
24 may 2019 7:49 pm edt:
 (1)#add# (2)dia nge-rem se-ter-lambat-mungkin supaya cepat(ngö-räm sö-tör-lam-bat cö-pat)
          [he brake as-late-as-possible to be fast]
 (2)#add# as late as possible = se-ter-lambat mungkin(sö-tör-lam-bat mung-kin)
24 may 2019 8 pm edt:(1)#insert# for the purpose of... #to# so-that,for the purpose of... = supaya
                     (2)#add# so,in-conclusion = jadi.other usage for 'jadi':find 'become, happen, occur' in this text

6 jun 2019 3:43 pm edt:#add# kan #to under# because =
6 jun 2019 3:44 pm edt#insert# (cɔn-tɔh) #to# example = contoh(cɔn-tɔh)
9 jun 2019 10:49 am edt:#add# [source:http://www.tfd.com/impostor#9_jun_2019_10_45_am_edt]
15 jun 2019 10:6 am edt:#add# mobil bukan milik pem-beli(pöm-bö-li) se-penuh-nya(sö-pö-nuh-nya),
                              semua mobil cuma titip-an,
                              saat(sa-at) mobil butuh pe-rawat-an(pö-ra-wa-tan)
                              mobil itu harus di-titip-kan ke bengkel(bäng-käl).
                              [car does not belong to buyer fully,
                               all car are only a loan, 
                               during car needing maintenance
                               that car must be loaned to car-repair-shop]
15 jun 2019 11:59 am edt:(1)#insert# punya-nya/punya #to# mobil bukan milik/punya-nya/punya pem-beli(pöm-bö-li) se-penuh-nya(sö-pö-nuh-nya),
                         (2)#insert# belong to #to# punya (pun-nya) [has/have, belong to]
                         (3)#add# itu buku punya dia [that book belongs to him] #and reorder that part#
                         (4)#reword# buku itu punya dia       [the book is his]
                            #to#     buku itu punya dia [that book belongs to him]
                         (5)#reword# buku itu ke-punya-an dia [the book is his]
                            #to#     buku itu ke-punya-an dia [that book belongs to him]

15 jun 2019 12:28 pm edt:(1)#add# dia ga punya buku [he does not have a book]
                         (2)#add# buku itu bukan punya dia [that book does not belong to him]

15 jun 2019 12:30 pm edt:(1)#reword# itu buku punya dia [that book belongs to him]
                            #to#     itu buku punya/milik/ke-punya-an dia [that book belongs to him]
                         (2)#reword# buku itu ke-punya-an dia [that book belongs to him]
                            #to#     buku itu punya/milik/ke-punya-an dia [that book belongs to him]
                         (3)#insert# (rarely used) #to# buku itu di-milik-i dia [that book is owned by him] (rarely used)
15 jun 2019 12:34 pm edt:#insert# /websait/situs #to# website/websait/situs restoran biasa-nya ada menu makan-an-nya
6 jul 2019 7:7 pm edt:(1)#reword# surprise, shock #to# surprise, shock, startled
                      (2)#insert# (formal) #to# kejut [surprise, shock] (kö-jut) (formal)
                      (3)#insert# (informal) #to# kaget [surprise, shock](ka-gät) (informal)
6 jul 2019 7:12 pm edt:#reword# [the movie is scary and shocking] #to# [the movie is scary and startling]
8 jul 2019 3:11 pm edt:(1)#add# dia mau/mau-nya efisien(ä-fi-si-än), dia mau/mau-nya aesthetic(äs-tä-tik), jadi ber-lawan-an(bör-la-wa-nan)
                                [he/she wants efficiency, he/she wants aesthetic, so opposing-each-other]
                       (2)#add# - aesthetic, look good = ke-liat-an bagus[source:'relating to pure beauty rather than to other considerations' in www.tfd.com/aesthetic]
29 jul 2019 10:9 am edt:(1)#add# -unexpected = di-luar duga-an, di-luar per-kira-an
 (2)#add# hari ini hujan, seperti yang saya per-kira-kan [today is raining, like what i expected/guessed]
 (3)#move# -as intended = seperti yang di-harap-kan [as expected]
               (sö-pör-ti yang di-ha-rap-kan)
           -unintended = di-luar per-kira-an [outside approximation](di lu-ar pör-ki-ra-an)
    #to under# guess, thought
29 jul 2019 10:14 am edt:#add# hari ini hujan, tapi itu udah saya per-hitung-kan(pör-hi-tung-kan) [today is raining, but that already been expected/anticipated by me]
9 aug 2019 7:9 pm edt:#add# ball-of-foot = ??? [source:https://teachmeanatomy.info/wp-content/uploads/Overview-of-the-Arches-of-the-Foot-713x1024.png from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://teachmeanatomy.info/wp-content/uploads/Overview-of-the-Arches-of-the-Foot-713x1024.png&imgrefurl=https://teachmeanatomy.info/lower-limb/misc/foot-arches/&h=1024&w=713&tbnid=NdOmDp5UYipuoM:&q=front+arch+foot+anatomy&tbnh=90&tbnw=62&usg=AI4_-kRPeHEAl7KYzrMA1gHuUwEyb0SoVQ&vet=1&docid=GKb_hmNKAFqFMM&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi08IqK9PbjAhWlUt8KHQFxCb4Q9QEwAHoECAoQBA from google(front arch foot anatomy) row 1 col 1
9 aug 2019 7:10 pm edt:#insert# foot-part-which-touch-ground-during-raising-heel
                       #to#     ball-of-foot/foot-part-which-touch-ground-during-raising-heel = ??? [source:https://teachmeanatomy.info/wp-content/uploads/Overview-of-the-Arches-of-the-Foot-713x1024.png from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://teachmeanatomy.info/wp-content/uploads/Overview-of-the-Arches-of-the-Foot-713x1024.png&imgrefurl=https://teachmeanatomy.info/lower-limb/misc/foot-arches/&h=1024&w=713&tbnid=NdOmDp5UYipuoM:&q=front+arch+foot+anatomy&tbnh=90&tbnw=62&usg=AI4_-kRPeHEAl7KYzrMA1gHuUwEyb0SoVQ&vet=1&docid=GKb_hmNKAFqFMM&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi08IqK9PbjAhWlUt8KHQFxCb4Q9QEwAHoECAoQBA from google(front arch foot anatomy) row 1 col 1
9 aug 2019 7:13 pm edt:#add# nothing = tidak/tak/ga/gak/ngga/nggak ada[does not exist]
9 aug 2019 7:34 pm edt:(1)#reword# ball-of-foot/foot-part-which-touch-ground-during-raising-heel = ??? [source:https://teachmeanatomy.info/wp-content/uploads/Overview-of-the-Arches-of-the-Foot-713x1024.png from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://teachmeanatomy.info/wp-content/uploads/Overview-of-the-Arches-of-the-Foot-713x1024.png&imgrefurl=https://teachmeanatomy.info/lower-limb/misc/foot-arches/&h=1024&w=713&tbnid=NdOmDp5UYipuoM:&q=front+arch+foot+anatomy&tbnh=90&tbnw=62&usg=AI4_-kRPeHEAl7KYzrMA1gHuUwEyb0SoVQ&vet=1&docid=GKb_hmNKAFqFMM&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi08IqK9PbjAhWlUt8KHQFxCb4Q9QEwAHoECAoQBA from google(front arch foot anatomy) row 1 col 1
                          #to#     ball-of-foot/foot-part-which-touch-ground-during-raising-heel = tulang-kuneiform-medial/osa-kuneiformia/medialia [source:((1))https://teachmeanatomy.info/wp-content/uploads/Overview-of-the-Arches-of-the-Foot-713x1024.png from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://teachmeanatomy.info/wp-content/uploads/Overview-of-the-Arches-of-the-Foot-713x1024.png&imgrefurl=https://teachmeanatomy.info/lower-limb/misc/foot-arches/&h=1024&w=713&tbnid=NdOmDp5UYipuoM:&q=front+arch+foot+anatomy&tbnh=90&tbnw=62&usg=AI4_-kRPeHEAl7KYzrMA1gHuUwEyb0SoVQ&vet=1&docid=GKb_hmNKAFqFMM&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi08IqK9PbjAhWlUt8KHQFxCb4Q9QEwAHoECAoQBA from google(front arch foot anatomy) row 1 col 1  ((2))https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daftar_tulang_pada_rangka_manusia from google(tulang kuneiform tengah)result 1 from from https://www.earthslab.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Intermediate-Cuneiform.jpg from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.earthslab.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Intermediate-Cuneiform.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.earthslab.com/anatomy/intermediate-cuneiform/&h=1000&w=881&tbnid=3GRaiNN3F_BDaM:&q=medial+cuneiform&tbnh=90&tbnw=79&usg=AI4_-kTNlzJfvBOlNh64sNygDtCMEw0jAA&vet=1&docid=T8u84hCLgRxjvM&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBmsrS-PbjAhWEdd8KHdmJDB8Q9QEwA3oECAoQBA from google(medial cuneiform) row 1 col 1 from 'middle cuneiform' in https://web.duke.edu/anatomy/siteParts/GrantsAtlas13e/figure_5.077.jpg from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.duke.edu/web/anatomy/siteParts/GrantsAtlas13e/figure_5.077.jpg&imgrefurl=https://web.duke.edu/anatomy/mbs/Lab15_MBS/Lab15.html&h=960&w=1200&tbnid=B4RvBTQOiBbVmM:&q=foot+anatomy&tbnh=90&tbnw=112&usg=AI4_-kRibrP7x7Xh159xQQoE5Tz1sCm9JQ&vet=1&docid=ipXBkb3d7y0Y9M&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZru2H8vbjAhUKmeAKHRb7BPwQ9QEwAXoECAoQBg from google(foot anatomy) row 1 col 2]
                       (2)#move# plantar = telapak kaki(tö-la-pak ka-ki) #to near# heel = tumit(tu-mit)
11 aug 2019 2:40 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# pecah(pö-cah) [break an object, break a problem] #to# pecah(pö-cah) [break a procelain, break a glass, break a problem]
 (2)#add# some-metal-gear-tooth-is-detached = (1)rompal(rɔm-pal)
 (3)#add# all-metal-gear-tooth-is-detached = (1)rompal semua(rɔm-pal sö-mua) [all-metal-gear-tooth been detached]
 (4)#add# glass-porcelain-object-partially-destroyed = find 'pecah(pö-cah) [break a procelain, break a glass, break a problem]'
 (5)#add# mesin(mö-sin) pesawat-nya(pö-sa-wat-nya) ke-masuk-an(kö-ma-su-kan) batu lalu rompal kipas-nya[the aircraft-engine got infiltrated by a stone then it-is-partially-detached its fan-blade]
 (6)#add# mesin(mö-sin) pesawat-nya(pö-sa-wat-nya) ke-masuk-an(kö-ma-su-kan) batu lalu kipas-nya rompal[the aircraft-engine got infiltrated by a stone then its fan-blade is partially-detached]
 (7)#add# propeller-engine = mesin baling - baling (mö-sin ba-ling - ba-ling)
11 aug 2019 3:47 pm edt:#add# dia mabuk lalu ke-tabrak kereta-api lalu badan-nya rompal semua[he was-drunk then got-hit-by a-train then his-body all/mostly-detached[source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyhCiBIgPto (Surviving a Triple Amputation: Cameron Clapp)]
11 aug 2019 4:5 pm edt:(1)#reword# ter-tabrak, ke-tabrak #to# ter-tabrak(tör-ta-brak), ke-tabrak(kö-ta-brak)
                       (2)#reword# tabrak-an #to# tabrak-an(ta-brak-an)
                       (3)#reword# dia mabuk lalu ke-tabrak kereta-api lalu badan-nya rompal semua
                          #to#     dia mabuk lalu ke-tabrak(kö-ta-brak) kereta-api(kö-re-ta a-pi) lalu badan-nya rompal semua(sö-mu-a)
                       (4)#insert# from youtube-recommendation #to# a Triple Amputation: Cameron Clapp) from youtube-recommendation
11 aug 2019 4:23 pm edt:
 (1)#add# pesawat-nya nyenggol pesawat kecil lalu narik pesawat kecil itu dikit[the aircraft bump-to small-aircraft then drag that small-aircraft a little-bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpLd-t1tcJU (Airbus A380 hits CRJ! Airbus A380 crasht mit anderem Flugzeug(CRJ)! )]
 (2)#add# senggol(säng-gɔl)[accidentally hit something]
 (3)#insert# [touch] #to# sentuh(sön-tuh)[touch]
 (4)#add# kipas mesin(mö-sin) pesawat-nya(pö-sa-wat-nya) rompal/sempal/protol 1 (biji/buah/...)[the-aircraft-engine-fan-blade detach 1 (seed/fruit/amount) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS1YAX70edc (Airbus A330 turbine blade fails with explosive force during takeoff roll. from youtube-recommendation) [source:'Inspection of the right engine revealed there had been a failure of a single HP turbine blade which had detached' in https://www.gov.uk/aaib-reports/airbus-a330-243-g-omyt-24-june-2013 from 'Air accident report' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS1YAX70edc  (Airbus A330 turbine blade fails with explosive force during takeoff roll. from youtube-recommendation)]
11 aug 2019 4:51 pm edt:#reword# www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS1YAX70edc #to# www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS1YAX70edc&t=14s
11 aug 2019 5:17 pm edt:
 (1)#add# some-metal-gear-tooth-is-detached #to# some-metal-gear-tooth-is-detached-because-of-compression-stress-and-shear-stress =
 (2)#reword# all-metal-gear-tooth-is-detached #to# all-metal-gear-tooth-is-detached-because-of-compression-stress-and-shear-stress =
 (3)#add# some-metal-gear-tooth-is-detached-because-of-shear-stress-or-tension-stress = find 'putus'
 (4)#reword# rompal/sempal/protol 1 #to# putus 1
11 aug 2019 5:35 pm edt:#add# protol = putus
13 aug 2019 6:55 pm edt:#add# http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/sempal says sempal means 'tersembul sebagian'/burst-out-partially
13 aug 2019 6:57 pm edt:#reword# [broken to many pieces] #to# hancur [broken to many pieces] [source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/hancur]
13 aug 2019 7:2 pm edt:(1)#reword# hancur [broken to many pieces] [source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/hancur]
                          #to#     hancur [non-fragile-object/non-glass broken to many pieces] [source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/hancur]
                       (2)#reword# pecah(pö-cah) [break a procelain, break a glass, break a problem]
                          #to#     pecah(pö-cah) [break a procelain, break a glass, break a problem, glass-and-procelain/fragile-object broken to many pieces]
                       (3)#add# 'hancur' for fragile-object:find 'pecah'
                       (4)#add# 'pecah' for non-fragile-object:find 'hancur'

17 aug 2019 5:43 pm edt:#add# sekolah(sö-ko-lah) maksa murid untuk ber-pikir(bör-pikir) se-cara(sö-cara) rasional(ra-si-o-nal), logis(lo-gis), meski-pun(möski-pun)
                              mimpi, ereksi(ä-räk-si)-saat-liat-payudara-besar(bö-sar), ga rasional, ga logis.
                              [school force student to think in rational-way, logical-way, even though
                               dream, erection-during-seeing-big-boobs, is not rational, is not logical]
17 aug 2019 6 pm edt:#add# rational, logical, sane = rasional, logis, waras(wa-ras) [source:'logical', 'sane' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/rational]
17 aug 2019 6:2 pm edt:#add# 'w' sounds like 'w' in 'want', 'will'
17 aug 2019 6:30 pm edt:(1)#reword# rational, logical, sane = rasional, logis, waras(wa-ras) [source:'logical', 'sane' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/rational]
                           #to#     rational, logical, can be explained = rasional(ra-si-o-nal), logis(lo-gis), masuk akal[can enter idea-mind] [source:'logical', 'sane' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/rational]
                        (2)#add# not rational, not logical, can not be explained = ga masuk akal[can not enter idea-mind] 
                                 insane = ga waras [mentally-ill]
17 aug 2019 6:34 pm edt:(1)#reword# insane = ga waras [mentally-ill] #to# insane = ga waras [not mentally-healthy, mentally-ill]
                        (2)#add# sane = waras [mentally-healthy]
17 aug 2019 7:44 pm edt:(1)#remove duplicate# crazy
                        (2)#reword# insane = ga waras [not mentally-healthy, mentally-ill]
                           #to#     crazy (formal), insane, mentally-ill = (1)ga waras [not mentally-healthy]
                        (3)#add# homonym-gila
17 aug 2019 7:49 pm edt:#add# crazy (formal), insane, mentally-ill = find 'crazy (formal), insane, mentally-ill'
18 aug 2019 3:18 pm edt:#add# kuda penis-nya(pö-nis) besar(bö-sar) padahal ga pernah cokli(cɔk-li) [horse its penis is big even though never masturbating]
18 aug 2019 3:25 pm edt:#reword# kuda penis-nya(pö-nis) besar(bö-sar) padahal ga pernah cokli(cɔk-li) [horse its penis is big even though never masturbating]
                        #to#     kuda penis-nya(pö-nis) besar(bö-sar) padahal ga pernah(ga pör-nah) cokli(cɔk-li) [horse its penis is big even though never masturbating]
18 aug 2019 3:27 pm edt:#reword# [complain] padahal [fact] <-- [padahal means even-though] 
                        #to#     [complain] padahal [fact] <-- [padahal means even-though](pa-da-hal)
18 aug 2019 3:30 pm edt:#reword# masturbate = (1)masturbasi (mas-tur-bas-si)
                        #to#     masturbate = (1)masturbasi (mas-tur-bas-si) (male and female)
                                              (2)onani(o-na-ni) (male only)
                                              (3)cokli(cɔk-li) (male only)
21 aug 2019 5:29 pm edt:(1)#add# pendam(pön-dam) (formal), pendem (pön-döm) (informal) [source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/pendam]
                        (2)#add# mendam(mön-dam). but 'mendem' (mön-döm) means looking-lethargic (javanese)
                        (3)#add# di-pendam(di-pön-dam)
21 aug 2019 5:33 pm edt:#add# dia udah di-latih banyak orang, tapi terus ilmu-nya di-pendam
                              [he/she has been trained by many person, but then his/her skill is being buried (by him/her)]
21 aug 2019 5:34 pm edt:#reword# [he/she has been trained by many person, but then his/her skill is being buried (by him/her)]
                        #to#     [he/she already been-trained by many person, but then his/her skill is being buried (by him/her)]
21 aug 2019 6:54 pm edt:#add# owing-favor/owing-kindness = utang-budi [source:'kindness' in www.tfd.com/favor]
21 aug 2019 7:17 pm edt:#add# surat per-minta-an bukti     dari polisi-immigrasi-usa   harus di-jawab       supervisor-tempat-kerja jadi bikin  pe-kerja-immigran utang-budi             sama supervisor tapi taun-kerja-nomer-7/taun-sabatikal      pe-kerja imigran itu  punya  ke-sempat-an untuk kuar kerja
                              [request-for-evidence-letter from usa-immigration-police must  be answered by work-place-supervisor   so   making immigrant-worker  owe-favor/owe-kindness with supervisor but  working-year-number-7/sabbathical-year that immigrant-worker has an opportunity  to    quit working]
21 aug 2019 7:27 pm edt:#add# still-have-time = sempat(sömpat)
                              opportunity = ke-sempat-an(kö-söm-pat-tan)
21 aug 2019 7:32 pm edt:
 (1)#add# nge-ladeni (ngö-lä-dä-ni) (informal) [babysit difficult-person]
 (2)#add# di-laden-i (di-lä-dä-ni) (informal)
21 aug 2019 7:34 pm edt: 
 (1)#insert# (javanese) #to# nge-ladeni (ngö-lä-dä-ni) (informal) [babysit difficult-person] (javanese)
 (2)#insert# (javanese) #to# di-laden-i (di-lä-dä-ni) (informal) (javanese)
21 aug 2019 7:58 pm edt:
 (1)#add# cooperate = kerja-sama [work-together]
 (2)#add# compromise = kompromi(kom-pro-mi)
22 aug 2019 10:15 am edt:(1)#add#   dia    makan ayam    dan sapi     lalu kena tilang    polisi yang makan donat    yang  me-ngandung telur-ayam  dan susu-sapi
                                   [he/she eat   chicken and cow/beef then got-stopped-by-police who  eat   doughnut which contain     chicken-egg and cow-milk]
                         (2)#insert# [bury dead-person] #to# kubur(ku-bur)[bury dead-person]
                         (3)#insert# [bury non-dead-person] #to# pendam(pön-dam) (formal), pendem (pön-döm) (informal) [bury non-dead-person][source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/pendam]
                         (4)#insert# [dump soil on object] #to# uruk(u-ruk) [dump soil on object] [source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/uruk]
                         (5)#add# timbun(tim-bun) [carelessly dump object on top of other object to gather many object in small-space] [source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/timbun from 'timbun' in http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/uruk]
22 aug 2019 11:53 am edt:(1)#reword# mata, cuka apel ga bisa di-pake, karena
                            #to#     mata, ya cuka apel ga bisa di-pake, karena
                         (2)#reword# near eyes, apple vinegar can not be used, because
                            #to#     near eyes then apple vinegar can not be used, because
22 aug 2019 12:26 pm edt:(1)#add# do not  smoke    se-lama          hidup
                                  [jangan me-rokok as-long-as-still living]
                         (2)#reword# example: #to# contoh[example] :
                         (3)#reword# example : #to# contoh[example] :
                         (4)#reword# contoh: #to# contoh[example] :
                         (5)#reword# contoh : #to# contoh[example] :
22 aug 2019 12:45 pm edt:
 (1)#insert# (ja-ngan), ga boleh (ga bo-läh) #to# not with verb in command tense = jangan (ja-ngan), ga boleh (ga bo-läh)
 (2)#reword# jangan kerjakan itu #to# jangan kerja-kan itu
     no smoking
     [di-larang me-rokok]
     literal translation-----
     [being forbidden to smoke]
      di-larang me-rokok
      [no smoking]
      literal translation-----
      [being forbidden to smoke]

 (4)#add# jangan me-rokok
          [do not  smoke]
          [avoid   smoking]
 (5)#add# ga boleh   nge-rokok
          [not allow to smoke]
          [smoking is not allowed]
 (6)#add#   ga boleh   kerja-kan itu
          [do not     do        that]
         [not allowed to do     that]

 (7)#delete# do not  smoke    se-lama          hidup
             [jangan me-rokok as-long-as-still living]
 (8)#reword# (mö-rɔ-kok) #to# (mö-rɔ-kɔk)

29 aug 2019 6:28 pm edt:(1)#reword# ke-sepakat-tan #to# kö-söpakat-tan
                        (2)#add# pör-sötuju-an
                        (3)#add# (i-jin)
                        (4)#add# saya ngomong dengan dia nanti 
                                 [i deal with him/her later]
                                 [i talk with him/her later]
                        (5)#add# saya ngerja-kan urus-an dia nanti
                                 [i deal with his/her business later]
                                 [i work with his/her business later]

29 aug 2019 6:34 pm edt:#reword# i work with his/her business later
                        #to#     i work on his/her business later
29 aug 2019 7:3 pm edt:#add# margin-of-error, error-tolerance-space = ruang-an untuk bikin ke-salah-an [room for making mistake] (ru-ang-ngan un-tuk bi-kin kö-sa-la-han)
29 aug 2019 7:11 pm edt:#add# [source:(1) -exact-word- 'A margin of error tells you how many percentage points your results will differ from the real population value. For example, a 95 % confidence interval with a 4 percent margin of error means that your statistic will be within 4 % points of the real population value 95 % of the time.' -simplified- 'A margin-of-error tells how many % your results will differ from real-population-value. For example, a 95 % confidence-interval with a 4 % margin-of-error means that your statistic will have inaccuracy +- 4 % of real-population-value 95 % of the time.' in https://www.statisticshowto.datasciencecentral.com/probability-and-statistics/hypothesis-testing/margin-of-error/ from google(margin of error)result 2 (2)'The larger the margin of error, the less confidence one should have that the poll's reported results are close to the "true" figures' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margin_of_error from google(margin of error)result 1]
31 aug 2019 3:33 pm edt:#add# snitch, informer = tukang wadul [informing-technician] [source:https://www.thefreedictionary.com/snitch]
31 aug 2019 5:30 pm edt:
 (1)#add# pö-ran-cis
 (2)#reword# span-yɔl #to# sö-pan-yɔl
 (3)#add# england = inggris(ing-gris) (javanese->banyumasan-dialect) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banyumasan_dialect from google(Banyumasan inggris)result 4 from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%EA%A6%B2%EA%A6%B6%EA%A6%81%EA%A6%92%EA%A6%BF%EA%A6%B6%EA%A6%B1%EA%A7%80#Banyumasan from 'Romanization' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Inggris from google(inggris)result 3]
          ireland = irlandia (ir-lan-di-a)

31 aug 2019 5:32 pm edt::(1)#add# italy = italia (i-ta-li-a)
                         (2)#add# a-me-ri-ka
31 aug 2019 5:38 pm edt:(1)#add# (ing-lön)
                        (2)#add# (aiör-lön)
                        (3)#add# (nu si-lön)
31 aug 2019 5:41 pm edt:#delete# (fin-lön)

1 sep 2019 11:24 am edt:(1)#reword# nyumbat (informal) [causing pipe-clog]
                                    me-nyumbat(mö-nyum-bat)[causing pipe-clog]
                           #to#     nyumbat (informal) [clog a pipe]
                                    me-nyumbat(mö-nyum-bat)[clog a pipe]
                        (2)#add# sumpel(sum-pöl) #and its agglutination#
                        (3)#add# lebah-madu-laki ngentot ratu-lebah-madu di udara          lalu  proses-ejakulasi    bikin penis-nya lebah-madu-laki
                                 me-ledak, leda-kan-nya  bikin penis-nya lebah-madu-laki putus  dan nyumpel/nyumbat vagina-nya ratu-lebah-madu.
                                 dan leda-kan-nya    meng-hancur-kan perut lebah-madu-laki.   lalu lebah-madu-laki jatuh ke tanah lalu mati.
                                 lalu lebah-madu-laki lain ngambil penis lebah-madu-laki yang nyumpel/nyumbat vagina-nya ratu-lebah-madu lalu
                                 ngentot ratu-lebah-madu tsb lalu me-ledak lagi penis-nya                 lalu dst (dan se-terus-nya).

                                 [male-honey-bee fuck    queen-honey-bee in-the-air/mid-air then ejaculation-process makes male-honey-bee-penis 
                                 explode, that explosion make male-honey-bee-penis       severed and clog           queen-honey-bee-vagina.
                                 and that explosion destroy           male-honey-bee-stomach. then male-honey-bee  fall to ground  then die.
                                 then other male-honey-bee take male-honey-bee-penis     which clog           queen-honey-bee-vagina     then
                                 fuck that queen-honey-bee   then that male-honey-bee-penis explode again then etc (et cetera)]
                                 [source:https://www.thoughtco.com/sexual-suicide-by-honey-bees-1968100 from google(male drone survive after sex)result 1 from https://www.livescience.com/27601-animal-sex-bees.html from google(honeybee sex mid air)result 1 from http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/31456502/valentines-day-the-animals-that-dont-do-romance from google(bee penis)result 4 from natgeowild-facebook-post-saying-honey-bee-penis-severed-after-sex]
1 sep 2019 1:6 pm edt:#add# di-entot [being fucked] (di-än-tɔt)

11 sep 2019 11:3 am edt:#add# #add# caterpillar/temporary-mini-snake which become permanent-butterfly = ulat(u-lat)
                                    hairy-caterpillar/temporary-hairy-mini-snake which become permanent-butterfly = ulat-bulu(ulat-bulu) [source:http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulat_bulu]
                                    butterfly = kupu - kupu, kupu2 

11 sep 2019 11:10 am edt:#reword# note : bee and wasp maybe is being referred to as
                         #to# non-honey-bee, wasp = tawon [source:((1))'Tidak seperti koloni semut atau lebah madu, koloni tawon tidak mengumpulkan makanan sehingga di wilayah empat musim, koloni tawon yang memasuki musim dingin akan musnah karena anggota koloninya mati kedinginan dan kelaparan' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawon ((2))https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebah]

11 sep 2019 11:40 am edt:#add# poison
                               -dasar:racun [poison]
                               -aktif:me-racun-i(mö-ra-cu-ni), ngasi racun ke ...[give poison to]
                               -pasif:di-racun, di-kasi racun
                               -poisonous, venomous, toxic, containing-poison = be-racun(bö-ra-cun)
                                contoh[example] :
                                (1)darah-belut-mentah be-racun           untuk manusia, mamalia tapi proses-masak    meng-hancur-kan racun-darah-belut-mentah
                                  [raw-eel-blood      is poisonous/toxic for   human,   mammal  but  cooking-process destroy         raw-eel-blood-poison] [source:((1))'Eel blood is extremely toxic, causing muscular cramps, which can effect the heart.  Only 0.1ml/kg is enough to kill a small mammal such as a rabbit!' -in- http://www.bbc.co.uk/lincolnshire/content/articles/2006/12/19/angling_eels_feature.shtml -from- ref-5 -in- 'Eel blood is poisonous to humans[4] and other mammals,[5][6][7]' -in- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eel_as_food -from- 'Eel as food' -in- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eel  ((2))https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1899/04/09/100439047.pdf -from- ref-4 -in- 'Eel blood is poisonous to humans[4] and other mammals,[5][6][7]' -in- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eel_as_food -from- 'Eel as food' -in- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eel]
                               -toxicity = ke-kuat-an racun[poison-power-level]

11 sep 2019 3:45 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# caterpillar/temporary-mini-snake which become permanent-butterfly = ulat(u-lat)
    #to#     caterpillar/temporary-thick-worm which become temporary-pupa/like-egg then become permanent-butterfly = ulat(u-lat) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Berkas:Metamorfosis_kupu2.jpg&filetimestamp=20130617113040& from 'Siklus hidup' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupu-kupu from 'kupu-kupu' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepompong]
 (2)#reword# hairy-caterpillar/temporary-hairy-mini-snake which become permanent-butterfly = ulat-bulu(ulat-bulu) [source:http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulat_bulu]
    #to#     hairy-caterpillar/temporary-hairy-thick-worm which become temporary-pupa/like-egg then become permanent-butterfly = ulat-bulu(ulat-bulu) [source:((1))http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulat_bulu  ((2))[source:https://id.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Berkas:Metamorfosis_kupu2.jpg&filetimestamp=20130617113040& from 'Siklus hidup' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupu-kupu from 'kupu-kupu' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepompong]]
 (3)#add# insect-pupa = pupa, kepompong(kö-pɔm-pɔng) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepompong]
 (4)#add# insect-egg = telur-serangga(tö-lur sö-rang-ga) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Berkas:Metamorfosis_kupu2.jpg&filetimestamp=20130617113040& from 'Siklus hidup' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupu-kupu from 'kupu-kupu' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepompong]
16 sep 2019 5:44 pm edt:(1)#merge duplicate# ignore    -daerah-282/953-/daerah-
                                             - dasar : 1. cuek(cu-äk)
                                                       2. acuh(a-cuh)
                          #and# ignore                                              -daerah-185/953-/daerah-
                                - dasar : abai [ignore]

                        (2)#reword# cuek-in(nyu-äk-kin)(informal)
                           #to#     cuek-in(cu-äk-kin)(informal)
                        (3)#reword# to tear apart something for someone else
                           #to#     to tear-apart paper, leather
                        (4)#add# ngacuh-ke (informal)
                              me-ngacuh-kan (formal)
                        (5)#add# di-cuek-in, di-acuh-kan
                        (6)#make sure history-part says# -daerah- #not# -daerah- with prefix [ and suffix ].
                           so wortel.ucoz.com/renumber_tag.htm ignore -daerah- in history-part

16 sep 2019 6:18 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# protrude, stand out from the crowd #to# protrude, stand out from the crowd, convex    -daerah-498/953-/daerah- [source:((1))'convex', 'concave' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens ((2))www.tfd.com/recess]
    #then add its agglutination#
 (2)#add# curve-dent, concave, recess -daerah-1/961-daerah- [source:((1))'convex', 'concave' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens ((2))www.tfd.com/recess]
 (3)#add# cembung(cöm-bung)
 (4)#add# convex-lens = lensa-cembung (län-sa cöm-bung)
 (5)#add# curve-dent, concave, recess -daerah-2/961-daerah- [source:((1))'convex', 'concave' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lens ((2))www.tfd.com/recess]
  #and its agglutination#
 (6)#add# concave-lens = lensa-cekung (län-sa cö-kung)

17 sep 2019 3:1 pm edt:(1)#add# something-convex = cembung-an (cöm-bu-ngan)
                       (2)#add# something-concave = cekung-an (cö-ku-ngan)
                       (3)#add# contoh[example] : (1)ada      cekung-an         di pintu-garasi-clopay.com yang  pake rimot-kontrol,  cekung-an-nya          jadi    tempat berak-serangga, serangga-mati]
                                                    [there is something-concave on clopay.com-garage-door  which use  remote-control, that something-concave becomes a place for insect-feces, dead-insect]

21 sep 2019 4:10 pm edt(1)#add# contoh[example] : (1)saya pilih  netral  saja       supaya     tetap(tö-tap) punya  banyak pilih-an
                                                  [i    choose neutral preferably so     (i) keep-on       having many   choice]
                       (2)#add# bumi   se-lalu jatuh ke arah         matahari tapi se-lalu meleset dari   matahari jadi bumi  ga bisa kena matahari se-lalu selamat ga  di-bakar        matahari
                                [earth always  fall  to direction-of sun      but  always miss     (from) sun      so   earth can not touch sun     always  survive not being-burned-by sun ]
21 sep 2019 4:25 pm edt:(1)#reword# scratch #to# scratch to cure itch
                        (2)#add# scratch to kill (example:lion use paw to scratch prey)
                                 - dasar : cakar
                                 - aktif : nyakar, cakar
                                 - pasif : di-cakar
                                 - objek :
                                 - kebetulan, stative : ter-cakar(formal), ke-cakar(informal)
                        (3)#reword# kebetulan,stative #to# kebetulan, stative

24 sep 2019 3:20 pm edt:(1)#add# dia ga      mikir                   kalo   jumlah-harga-belanja-an       se-mahal itu
                                [he  did not expect/anticipate/think (that) total-shopping-price    to be that expensive]
                        (2)#add# shopping-item = (barang) belanja-an (bö-lan-ja-an)

25 sep 2019 9:10 am edt:(1)#reword# dia ga      mikir                   kalo   jumlah-harga-belanja-an       se-mahal itu
                           #to#     dia ga      mikir/nyangka            kalo  jumlah-harga-belanja-an  se-mahal itu

                        (2)#reword# he  did not expect/anticipate/think (that) total-shopping-price    to be that expensive
                           #to#     he  did-not think/expect/anticipate (that) total-shopping-price     to be that expensive

27 sep 2019 4:32 pm edt:(1)#reword# eye boggers, eye discharge #to# eye-booger, eye-discharge =    [source:((1/2))'Slang A piece of dried or semisolid nasal mucus' in tfd.com/booger ((2/2))'slang Austral a lavatory' in tfd.com/bogger
  #then move that to near# booger (dried nasal mucus) = upil(u-pil)
 (2)#reword# booger (dried nasal mucus) = upil(u-pil) #to# nose-booger (dried nasal mucus) = upil(u-pil)
 (3)#reword# extract booger using fingers = ngupil(ngu-pil) #to# extract nose-booger using fingers = ngupil(ngu-pil)
 (4)#reword# nasal mucus #to# jelly-like-nasal-mucus

30 sep 2019 4:11 pm edt:(1)#reword# (nöe-lap - lap) #to# (ngö-lap - lap)
 (2)#add# (ngö-lap)
 (3)#add# front-windshield-wiper = pe-nge-lap mobil kaca depan (pö-ngö-lap mobil-kaca-döpan) [source:'pengelap cermin depan ' in https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the/malay-word-for-404adac91495a97b47769e3bc80b8d55b35b77a3.html from google(windshield wiper malay)result 1]
30 sep 2019 4:19 pm edt:#reword# front-windshield-wiper = pe-nge-lap mobil kaca depan (pö-ngö-lap mobil-kaca-döpan) [source:'pengelap cermin depan ' in https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the/malay-word-for-404adac91495a97b47769e3bc80b8d55b35b77a3.html from google(windshield wiper malay)result 1]
 front-windshield-wiper = (1)pe-nge-lap mobil kaca depan (pö-ngö-lap mobil-kaca-döpan) [source:'pengelap cermin depan ' in https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the/malay-word-for-404adac91495a97b47769e3bc80b8d55b35b77a3.html from google(windshield wiper malay)result 1]
                          (2)peng-gosok mobil kaca depan (pöng-gɔ-sɔk mobil-kaca-döpan) [source:((1))http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/menyeka from 'Penyeka kaca' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penyeka_kaca from google(pengelap kaca depan)result 2  ((2))'jual penyeka kaca mobil' in https://www.monotaro.id/corp_id/c66/c6650/c6650020/c6650020010.html from google(pengelap kaca depan)result 1]
                          (3)maybe this make more sense:pe-nyapu air ujan mobil kaca depan? (pö-nyapu)

3 oct 2019 12:44 -> 1:20 pm edt:
 (1)#add# pe-gawai(pö-ga-wai/pö-ga-we)  (make = nggawe (javanese), find 'nggawe [make] (javanese)')
 (2)#add# karyawan [male-worker]
 (3)#add# karyawati [female-worker]
 (4)#add# gawe-an (javanese)
 (5)#add# di-gawe [being made] (javanese)
 (6)#add# nggawe [make] (javanese)
 (7)#add# gawe [create, make, develop](javanese)
 (8)#add# ke-ingin-an(kö-ingi-nan)
 (9)#add# kalo pe-gawai negeri                   ya   terima  gaji   dari uang-pajak hasil       maksa   rakyat bayar pajak trus/terus ada      senioritas, birokrasi   di dalam   lingkungan-kerja-pe-gawai-negeri   yang  mungkin me-nurut pe-milih-an presiden
 (10)#add# [if  country-worker/government-worker  then receive salary from tax-money  result-from forcing people to pay tax  then       there is seniority,  bureaucracy in inside  work-environment-(of)-government-worker which maybe   based-on president-election]
 (11)#add# kalo pe-gawai swasta                  ya   terima  gaji   dari uang-pemasukan dari ke-ingin-an pem-beli trus/terus ada      senioritas, birokrasi   yang  mungkin me-nurut nepotisme.
 (12)#add# [if  private-company-worker           then receive salary from income-money   from buyer-desire         then       there is seniority,  bureaucracy which maybe   based-on nepotism]
 (13)#add# negeri(nö-gö-ri)
 (14)#add# desire, will = (1)ke-ingin-an(kö-ingi-nan) #then merge with# nafsu #and# hasrat (ha-srat)

3 oct 2019 3:51 pm edt:#add# microphone = pe-ngeras suara(pö-ngö-ras su-a-ra)[voice hardener]

4 oct 2019 1:15 pm edt:     
 (1)#add# ke-banyak-an(kö-ba-nyak-kan) = too much
 (2)#add# ke-banyak-an(kö-ba-nyak-kan) ... = mostly ...
 (3)#add# contoh[example] : ke-banyak-an(kö-ba-nyak-kan) manis [mostly sweet]
 (4)#add# contoh[example] :(1)orang    yang  belanja ke-banyak-an nanti saat   bulan-maret-equinox terima  surat-bayar-pajak ga akan bisa     bayar    pajak karena  pajak ngasi penalti ke pe-masuk-an saja/per-tumbuh-an kotor, bukan ngasi  penalti ke pe-masuk-an minus pe-nge-luar-an/per-tumbuh-an bersih]
                          [a person which buy     too much     later during march-equinox-month receive paying-tax-letter will not be able to pay   tax   because tax   give  penalty to income      only/dirty growth       , not   giving penalty to income      minus  expense/clean growth]
 (5)#add# nepotism = prefer to hire cousin rather than hiring non-cousin in a company [source:'Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business.' in tfd.com/nepotism]

9 oct 2019 11:50 am edt:(1)#add# pig = (1)babi
                                       (2)celeng(cä-läng) (javanese)
                        (2)#add# sponsor, give money for advertisement-purpose? #and its agglutination#
                        (3)#add# save money #and its agglutination#
                        (4)#add# residential-area = pe-rumah-an(pö-ru-ma-han)

9 oct 2019 12:6 pm edt:#add# piggy-bank = tempat celeng-an(tömpat cä-läng-ngan) [source:'a small bank, usu. having the shape of a pig, provided with a slot to receive coins' in www.tfd.com/piggy+bank]
9 oct 2019 12:33 pm edt:#add# (maybe from benzene 'In many European languages, the word for petroleum or gasoline is an exact cognate of "benzene". 'As a gasoline (petrol) additive, benzene increases the octane rating and reduces knocking.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene )
16 oct 2019 2:46 pm edt:#add# golf mungkin adalah olah-raga mem-bosan-kan yang jadi    1 sarana          selingkuh
                              [golf maybe   is     boring sport            which become 1 place-to-do-for adultery] [source:(1/2)'medium' in www.tfd.com/mean, (2/2)' Consensual sexual intercourse between a married person and a person other than the spouse.' in www.tfd.com/adultery]

22 oct 2019 4:49 pm edt:#add# frasa[phrase]:tekan yang kuat [lit-trans:push-which-physical-strength; intended-trans:push-using-physical-strength] [source:'frasa' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frase]
                              contoh[example] :
                              (1)tekan yang kuat tombol itu (tɔm-bɔl)
                                 [lit-trans:push-which-physical-strength that button;
                                  intended-trans:push-using-physical-strength that button]
22 oct 2019 5:9 pm edt:#add# (2)tekan           kuat - kuat tombol itu
                                [lit-trans:push strongly    that button]
                                [normal-trans:push-using-maximum-strength that button]
                             (3)tekan secara lembut                       tombol itu
                                [push-in-soft-manner-and-minimum-strength that button]
                                soft-manner-and-minimum-strength = lembut[löm-but]
                             (4)tekan secara kuat                tombol itu
                                [push-in-maximum-strength-manner that button]

22 oct 2019 5:18 pm edt:#reword# frasa[phrase]:tekan yang kuat [lit-trans:push-which-physical-strength; intended-trans:push-using-physical-strength] [source:'frasa' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frase]
                        #to#     frasa[phrase]:tekan yang kuat [lit-trans:push-which-maximum-strength; intended-trans:push-using-maximum-strength] [source:'frasa' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frase]
22 oct 2019 5:14 pm edt:#reword# power, strength = ke-kuat-an(kö-ku-at-tan) #to# power, strength = ke-kuat-an(kö-ku-at-tan), tenaga(tö-na-ga)

22 oct 2019 5:20 pm edt:#reword# [lit-trans:push-which-physical-strength that button;
                                 intended-trans:push-using-physical-strength that button]
                        #to# [lit-trans:push-which-maximum-strength that button;
                             intended-trans:push-using-maximum-strength that button]
22 oct 2019 5:21 pm edt:#add#
 (2)tekan           kuat - kuat tombol itu
     [lit-trans:push strongly    that button]
     [normal-trans:push-using-maximum-strength that button]
  (3)tekan secara lembut                       tombol itu
     [push-in-soft-manner-and-minimum-strength that button]
     soft-manner-and-minimum-strength = lembut[löm-but]
  (4)tekan secara kuat                tombol itu
     [push-in-maximum-strength-manner that button]
  (5)tekan dengan ke-kuat-an/tenaga maximum    tombol itu
     [push-with-maximum-strength-manner        that button]
  (6)tekan tapi jangan kuat - kuat             tombol itu
     [push-but-avoid-(using)-maximum-strength  that button]

22 oct 2019 6:25 pm edt:(1)#reword# chalcophaps #to# chalcofaps
 (2)#add# blue-spot-mullet-fish/blue-tail-mullet-fish/(o=mugiliformes-fa=mugilidae-g=moolgarda-s=seheli) = ikan belanak [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belanak  (2/2)'moolgarda' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mullet_(fish)]
          pomfret-fish/(o=perciformes-o1=percoidei-fa^1=percoidea-fa=bramidae = ikan bawal [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bawal (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomfret]
          red-snapper-fish/(o=perciformes-fa=lutjanidae) = ikan bandeng (ikan ban-döng) [source:(1/3)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakap (2/3)'red snapper' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutjanidae  (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_snapper from 'red snapper' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutjanidae]
          grouper-fish/(o=perciformes-fa=serranidae-fa1=epinefelinae) = ikan kerapu (ikan kö-ra-pu) [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerapu (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grouper]
          rabbitfish-fish/(o=perciformes-fa=siganidae-g=siganus) = ikan baronang (ikan ba-ro-nang) [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baronang (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbitfish]
          spanish-mackarel-fish/(o=scombriformes-fa=scombridae-g=scomberomorus) = ikan tenggiri (ikan töng-giri) [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenggiri (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scomberomorus]
          gourami-fish/(o=anabantiformes-fa=osfronemus) = ikan gurami [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurami (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goramy]

23 oct 2019 3:17 pm edt:(1)#reword# tekan tapi jangan kuat - kuat             tombol itu
                           #to#     tekan tapi jangan kuat - kuat nekan-nya   tombol itu
                        (2)#add# [lit-trans:push-but-avoid-(using)-maximum-strength (for)-the-pressing-process-of that button]
23 oct 2019 4:8 pm edt:#add# begin 'verb-to-object' conversion --------------------
                              contoh [example] :
                              (1)verb:makan [eat], object:makan-nya [the-eating-process]
                                 contoh [example] :
                                   (1)makan-nya jam berapa ? [the-eating-process (is at) what time ?]
                             end 'verb-to-object' conversion -----------------------

24 oct 2019 11:6 am edt:
 #reword# begin 'verb-to-object' conversion --------------------
           contoh [example] :
           (1)verb:makan [eat], object:makan-nya [the-eating-process]
              contoh [example] :
                (1)makan-nya jam berapa ? [the-eating-process (is at) what time ?]
          end 'verb-to-object' conversion -----------------------
 begin 'converting verb-to-object' --------------------
   object:(1)sometimes (verb-in-basic-form/dasar)-nya  --> type-1
          (2)sometimes (verb-in-active-form/aktif)-nya  --> type-2
          (3)sometimes (verb-in-basic-form/dasar) without -nya --> type-3. indo-word often already unambiguous without -nya
          (4)sometimes (verb-in-active-form/aktif + object)-nya  --> type-4
   depending whichever produce unambiguous-meaning.

   contoh [example] :
   (1)verb:makan [eat], object:makan [the-eating-process]
      contoh [example] :
        (1)makan                     jam berapa ? --> type-3
          [the-eating-process (is at) what time ?]
   (2)verb:bikin betul [fix], oject:bikin betul [the-fixing-process]
      contoh [example] :
        (1)bikin betul                        mobil-nya butuh orang berapa ?  --> type-4
          [the-(process-of)-making-correct of the-car   need  how-many person ?]
   (3)verb:ganti [change], object:nge-ganti-nya [the-changing-process]  ---> type-2
      contoh [example] :
        (1)nge-ganti-nya                 besok    aja
          [the-changing-process is/start tomorrow preferrably] ---> type-2
        (2)ganti-nya                               besok    aja
          [the-replacement-appointment-schedule is tomorrow preferrably] ---> type-1
        so type-2 and type-1 for 'ganti', can produce different-meaning but short-ambiguous-sentence (2) can be re-written
        with higher-verbosity-level like:
        (2)janji waktu ke-datang-an-nya                di-ganti   jadi      besok    aja
          [appointment-schedule/reserved-arrival-time  be-changed to-become tomorrow preferrably]
     [reason]ganti-nya mesin mobil kapan datang ? --> 'ganti-nya' mean the-replacement-of, not mean process-of-replacing[/reason]
     object:(1)mostly (verb-in-basic-form/dasar)-nya  --> type-1
            (2)some   (verb-in-active-form/aktif)-nya  --> type-2
     [reason]'nge-ganti-nya ban', maybe should be, 'nge-ganti ban-nya', maybe -nya isn't needed.
             but without -nya : 'ganti besok aja' can mean 'change-schedule to tomorrow' while-intended-meaning-is
             'changing-process start tomorrow preferrably'

 end 'converting verb-to-object' --------------------

24 oct 2019 11:17 am edt:#add# appointment-schedule, reserved-arrival-time = janji waktu ke-datang-an [promised-arrival-time]

25 oct 2019 10:41 am edt:(1)#reword# appointment-schedule, reserved-arrival-time = janji waktu ke-datang-an [promised-arrival-time]
                            #to#     appointment-schedule, reserved-time-for-visitation = janji waktu untuk datang [promised-time-for-arriving]
                         (2)#reword# reserved-arrival-time
                            #to#     reserved-time-for-visitation
                         (3)#reword# janji waktu ke-datang-an-nya
                            #to#     janji waktu untuk datang

11 nov 2019 8:51 am est:(1)#reword# begin 'subjunctive'-----------
                           #to#     begin 'if/subjunctive'-----------
 (2)#reword# end 'subjunctive'------------------------------------
    #to#     end 'if/subjunctive'------------------------------------

11 nov 2019 8:30 am est:#reword# yes = ya (indo, german), ui (french) #to#
 yes = (1)ya (indo->informal, german) (homonym/homograph find 'begin 'if/subjunctive'')
       (2)iya (i-ya) (indo->formal)
       (2)ui (french)

11 nov 2019 8:56 am est:(1)#add# but there is other-indo-word for 'yes':find 'iya (i-ya) (indo->formal)'
                        (2)#delete# yes = ya (homonym/homograph) #from under# then = ya [yes] (homonym/homograph) but there is other-indo-word for 'yes':find 'iya (i-ya) (indo->formal)'

11 nov 2019 9:11 am est:#add# [source:www.tfd.com/seduce]
11 nov 2019 9:23 am est:#add# kalo anak laki  di-ajak           libur-an ke negara lain   ber-sama      orang-tua-nya ya  mungkin anak laki-nya 
                              ter-goda                banyak cewe lalu jadi   birahi tapi anak laki itu  harus cepat  me-madam-kan nafsu birahi-nya
                              saat   di-ajak omong     ibu-nya    lalu akibat-nya        anak laki itu   jadi    pe-marah.
                             [if   male-child is-being-taken-in vacation to other country together-with his-parent    then maybe  that-male-child
                              receive-temptation-from many girl   then become horny  but  that male-child must quickly extinguish  his horny-desire
                              during being-talked-to by his mother then as-a-consequence that male-child becomes someone-who-angry-often.]

11 nov 2019 9:25 am est:#reword# ngomong [talk,say something to specific person]
                        #to#     omong, ngomong [talk,say something to specific person]

11 nov 2019 9:27 am est:(1)#reword# akibat(a-ki-bat) #to# akibat(a-ki-bat)[consequence]
                        (2)#reword# sebab(sö-bab) #to# sebab(sö-bab)[because], because=(1)karena(ka-rö-na) (1)sebab

11 nov 2019 9:33 am est:#add# horny = birahi
11 nov 2019 9:36 am est:(1)#reword# -vacation=(1)tamasya(ta-ma-sya)
                           #to# vacation=tamasya(ta-ma-sya)
                        (2)#add# non-working-day=libur, libur-an(li-bu-ran)
                        (3)#reword# kalo anak laki  di-ajak           libur-an
                           #to#     kalo anak laki  di-ajak           tamasya

11 nov 2019 9:42 am est:#reword# vacation=tamasya(ta-ma-sya)
 #to# vacation, becoming tourist=(1)jalan - jalan (informal)
                                 (2)tamasya(ta-ma-sya) (formal)
15 nov 2019 5:44 pm est:#add# throw to water, jump to water

16 nov 2019 4:37 pm est:(1)#reword# negate for noun, not with object = bukan
                           #to#     negate for noun, not with object, non = bukan
                        (2)#add# dia     mau   yang           bukan tennis
                                 [he/she wants the-1-which-is non-tennis]
                        (3)#add# enter water
                           #and its agglutination#

16 nov 2019 5:6 pm est:#add# suduk = stab stomach [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/sodok from 'sodok' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/suduk]
                             but find 'sogok' for 'sogok perut'[stab stomach] is more-commonly-used than suduk.

17 nov 2019 10:15 am est:#add# slaughter animal for food
                         #and its agglutination#
17 nov 2019 10:19 am est:#reword# (sounds like 'beli' [buy]) so maybe form-1 sounds clearer
                         #to#     (sounds like 'beli' [buy]) so maybe form-1/(sembeleh (söm-bö-läh)) sounds clearer
17 nov 2019 11:15 am est:#add# precision-stone-monument = candi
                               contoh[example] :(1)candi borobudur 
                                                   literal-translation:[precision-stone-monument borobudur]
                                                   normal-translation:[borobudur temple]

17 nov 2019 1:26 pm est:(1)#move from underneat# husband = suami(su-a-mi)
                                                 wife = istri(is-tri)
                                                 salary = gaji
                                                 shoes = sepatu(sö-pa-tu)
                                                 #to inside# begin 'animal related vocab'---
                                                 #:# bat = kelelawar(kö-lö-la-war)
 (2)#add# microbat, micro-bat, microchiroptera = kampret(kam-prät) [source:(1/2)'microchiroptera' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kampret  (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microchiroptera]
 (3)#add# lonte(lon-te)  [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/lonte]

17 nov 2019 2:7 pm est:#add# asiatic-soft-shell-turtle = bulus [source:(1)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulus  (2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asiatic_softshell_turtle from 'Asiatic softshell turtle' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amyda from 'amyda' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_giant_softshell_turtle]
17 nov 2019 2:8 pm est:#add duplicate inside# begin 'animal related vocab'--- #:# turtle = kura - kura(ku-ra - ku-ra), kura2

22 nov 2019 7:12 pm est:(1)#reword# dia mem-binasa-kan virus
                                    [he destroys virus]
                                    dia coba   mem-binasa-kan virus tapi gagal karena  virus ga bisa mati jadi dia cuma bisa non-aktif-kan virus
                                   [he  try to destroy        virus but  fail  because virus can not die  so   he  can only  deactivate    virus]
                        (2)#add# source:(1)'Strictly speaking, viruses can’t die, for the simple reason that they aren’t alive in the first place. Although they contain genetic instructions in the form of DNA (or the related molecule, RNA), viruses can’t thrive independently. Instead, they must invade a host organism and hijack its genetic instructions' in http://www.sciencefocus.com/qa/do-viruses-die from google (virus never die) hasil 2 from 'pernahkah ada istilah virus mati? setau saya yang ada cuma mengkristal dan ketika lingkungan sudah cocok maka akan aktif lagi' in https://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20171028020424AAHqavr  (2)http://www.nytimes.com/ref/health/healthguide/esn-shingles-expert.html?pagewanted=all from google (virus reactivate) result 5  (3)'Our immune system works by recognising the proteins on the surface of the virus. But in certain types of virus, these proteins keep changing as the virus mutates, so a vaccine developed one year might not work the next.' in http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/0/21143412 from google (virus can not die) result 4  (4)'Are viruses alive or dead? Well, we know they’re not dead. Death is what happens when a living organism stops performing biological functions, and for the moment we’re only interested in the active particles. So were they ever alive? Most biologists say no. Viruses are not made out of cells, they can’t keep themselves in a stable state, they don’t grow, and they can’t make their own energy. Even though they definitely replicate and adapt to their environment, viruses are more like androids than real living organisms. (Think Data from Star Trek, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator, the Cylons in Battlestar Galactica or the robots in I, Robot). Just like crazy killer robots, viruses are created fully formed, and rely on host materials to build and power themselves.' in https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/cells/viruses/a/are-viruses-dead-or-alive from google (virus can not die) result 3

22 nov 2019 7:18 pm est:#reword# 1)virus-nya binasa [the virus is destroyed]
                                 2)virus-nya hancur [the virus is destroyed]
                        #to# 1)virus-nya ga bisa binasa cuma non-aktif  saja
                              [the virus can not die    just non-active only]
                             2)virus-nya ga bisa hancur cuma non-aktif  saja
                              [the virus can not die    just non-active only]
22 nov 2019 7:23 pm est:#reword# preferrably #to# preferably
22 nov 2019 7:24 pm est:#add# source:(1)'Strictly speaking, viruses can’t die, for the simple reason that they aren’t alive in the first place. Although they contain genetic instructions in the form of DNA (or the related molecule, RNA), viruses can’t thrive independently. Instead, they must invade a host organism and hijack its genetic instructions' in http://www.sciencefocus.com/qa/do-viruses-die from google (virus never die) hasil 2 from 'pernahkah ada istilah virus mati? setau saya yang ada cuma mengkristal dan ketika lingkungan sudah cocok maka akan aktif lagi' in https://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20171028020424AAHqavr  (2)http://www.nytimes.com/ref/health/healthguide/esn-shingles-expert.html?pagewanted=all from google (virus reactivate) result 5  (3)'Our immune system works by recognising the proteins on the surface of the virus. But in certain types of virus, these proteins keep changing as the virus mutates, so a vaccine developed one year might not work the next.' in http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/0/21143412 from google (virus can not die) result 4  (4)'Are viruses alive or dead? Well, we know they’re not dead. Death is what happens when a living organism stops performing biological functions, and for the moment we’re only interested in the active particles. So were they ever alive? Most biologists say no. Viruses are not made out of cells, they can’t keep themselves in a stable state, they don’t grow, and they can’t make their own energy. Even though they definitely replicate and adapt to their environment, viruses are more like androids than real living organisms. (Think Data from Star Trek, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator, the Cylons in Battlestar Galactica or the robots in I, Robot). Just like crazy killer robots, viruses are created fully formed, and rely on host materials to build and power themselves.' in https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/cells/viruses/a/are-viruses-dead-or-alive from google (virus can not die) result 3
22 nov 2019 7:27 pm est:#add# deactivate #and its agglutination#
22 nov 2019 7:35 pm est:#add# 'saja' inside 'cuma ... saja', means 'only'.
                              only = cuma
                              contoh[example]:(1)cuma ini saja[only this only]
3 dec 2019 4:25 pm est:#add# simply
                             contoh[example]:(1)renang gaya-katak saja/aja, ga bisa, apa-lagi renang gaya-kupu-kupu
                                                [simply swim breast-stroke-style, can not, let alone swim butterfly-style]
                                                [simply swim frog-style, can not, let alone swim butterfly-style]
3 dec 2019 4:30 pm est:#add# mau apa lagi ?
                             literal translation:
                             [want what else ?]
                             [is there anything else that you want ?]

3 dec 2019 5:3 pm est:#add# frog = kodok (kɔ-dɔk)
6 dec 2019 4:5 pm est:#add# scoop food out of food-plate
                      #and its agglutination#
6 dec 2019 4:7 pm est:#reword# frog = kodok (kɔ-dɔk)
                      #to#     frog = kodok (kɔ-dɔk), katak

6 dec 2019 4:10 pm est:(1)#reword# renang gaya-katak saja/aja, ga bisa, apa-lagi renang gaya-kupu-kupu
                          #to#     renang gaya-katak/gaya-dada saja/aja, ga bisa, apa-lagi renang gaya-kupu-kupu

                       (2)#reword# [simply swim frog-style, can not, let alone swim butterfly-style]
                          #to#     [simply swim frog-style/breast-stroke-style, can not, let alone swim butterfly-style]

13 jan 2020 2 pm est:#add# orang yang pake sepatu nike-michael-jordan, dapat tekan-an untuk pintar main basket.
                           [person who wear nike-michael-jordan shoes, receive pressure to be smart in playing basketball]

13 jan 2020 2:5 pm est:#add# basketball = basket (bas-kät)

13 jan 2020 3:10 pm est:#reword# [person who wear nike-michael-jordan shoes, receive pressure to be smart in playing basketball]
 #to# [person who wear nike-michael-jordan shoes, receive pressure to be good in playing basketball]

19 feb 2020 12:39 pm est:#add# might-as-well ... while staying-there = se-kali-an (sö-kali-an) ... mumpung di sana
                                contoh[example] : (1)might-as-well lift-weight  while   on that badminton-club
                                                    [se-kali-an    angkat-beban mumpung di klub-badminton itu]
                                                  (2)might-as-well bathe  after     defecating, while   wet   after washing asshole
                                                    [se-kali-an    mandi  usai/abis berak,      mumpung basah abis  cuci    lubang-pantat/anus]
19 feb 2020 12:47 pm est:#add# chicken-ass = brutu (bö-ru-tu) [source:https://watyutink.com/topik/did-you-know/Brutu-atau-Tunggir-Bagian-Tubuh-Ayam-yang-Kaya-Nutrisi-tapi-Justru-Sering-Dibuang from google (brutu ayam) result 1]
19 feb 2020 12:48 pm est:#reword# lubang pantat #to# lubang-pantat
19 feb 2020 1:12 pm est:#add# lotus-flower/nelumbo-nucifera-flower = (1)bunga-teratai (tö-ra-tai) [source:'Seroja atau lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) adalah spesies tumbuhan air tahunan dari genus Nelumbo yang berasal dari India. Di Indonesia tanaman ini sering kali disebut teratai (Nymphaea)' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seroja]
                                                                     (2)bunga-seroja (sö-ro-ja)
                              cananga-odorata-tree = pohon-kenanga (kö-na-nga) [source:' Cananga odorata, is important as the source of the perfume ylang-ylang.[2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cananga from 'Cananga odorata' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenanga]
19 feb 2020 1:29 pm est#add# sandalwood-tree/santalum-album-tree = pohon-cendana (cön-dana) [source:'Sandalwood is a class of woods from trees in the genus Santalum. The woods are heavy, yellow, and fine-grained, and, unlike many other aromatic woods, they retain their fragrance for decades. Sandalwood oil is extracted from the woods for use. Sandalwood is the second-most expensive wood in the world, after African blackwood.[1][dubious – discuss]', 'santalum album' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandalwood from wikipedia-search (Santalum Album) result 4 from 'Santalum album' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cendana]
19 feb 2020 5:26 pm est:#reword# [se-kali-an    angkat-beban mumpung di klub-badminton itu]
 #to# [se-kali-an    angkat-beban mumpung di kelab-badminton itu]
19 feb 2020 5:29 pm est:#reword# might-as-well ... while staying-there = se-kali-an (sö-kali-an) ... mumpung di sana
 #to# might-as-well ... while in-there = se-kali-an (sö-kali-an) ... mumpung di sana
19 feb 2020 5:30 pm est:#reword# might-as-well lift-weight  while   on that badminton-club
 #to# might-as-well lift-weight  while   in that badminton-club
27 feb 2020 12:25 pm est:#reword# calcaneus = tulang tempurung(tu-lang töm-pu-rung).source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarsus_(skeleton)
 #to# calcaneus, protruding-bone-on-foot-outer-side which connect to heel = tulang tempurung(tu-lang töm-pu-rung).source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarsus_(skeleton)
4 mar 2020 11:22 am est:#add# ponzi-scheme = gali 1 lubang tutup lubang lain [excavate 1 hole close other-hole] [source:'ponzi scheme' from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Madoff]
4 mar 2020 12:24 pm est:#reword# ponzi-scheme = gali 1 lubang tutup lubang lain [excavate 1 hole close other-hole] [source:'ponzi scheme' from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Madoff]
 #to# ponzi-scheme = gali 1 lubang untuk tutup lubang-lain [dig 1 hole for closing other-hole] [source:(1/2)'ponzi scheme' in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Maddoff (2/2)'basic premise of a Ponzi scheme is "to rob Peter to pay Paul"' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme from 'ponzi scheme' in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Maddoff]
4 mar 2020 1:20 pm est:#add# only when it's convenient = kalo lagi enak aja [if currently delicious only]
4 mar 2020 1:21 pm est:#reword# saja #to# saja, aja
4 mar 2020 1:50 pm est:#reword# other = lain #to# other = lain(lain, laön, laӓn)
4 mar 2020 1:55 pm est:#reword# find 'begin subjunctive-----------' in this text #to# find 'begin if/subjunctive-----------' in this text
11 mar 2020 3:9 pm edt:(1/2)#add# worth-it = cucuk (similar to find 'grandchild = cucu')
                                  more worth-it, better bang for the-buck/the-money = lebih cucuk
                                  less worth-it, less bang for the-buck/the-money = kalah cucuk [losing worthiness]
                       (2/2)#add# grandchild = cucu (similar to find 'worth-it = cucuk')
                                  grandchildren = cucu - cucu
11 mar 2020 4:53 pm edt:(1/2)#add# door-entrance = (1)pintu-masuk
                                                   (2)gerbang (görbang), pintu-gerbang (formal, large-decorated-door-entrance-fence example: road-highway-toll-entrance = gerbang-tol (tɔl))
                                                   (3)gapura (hindu-religion, sanskrit-language) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gapura]
                                   hindu-temple = pura [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balinese_temple]
                                   hindu-king-house = puri [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balinese_temple]
                        (2/2)#add# per capita = per orang (pör orang) [source:'Per capita is a Latin prepositional phrase: per (preposition, taking the accusative case, meaning "by means of") and capita (accusative plural of the noun caput, "head"). The phrase thus means "by heads" or "for each head", i.e., per individual/person' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per_capita from 'Per capita' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capita]

20 mar 2020 12:45 pm edt:#add# swift-bird (c=aves,o=apodiformes,fa=apodidae) = burung-walet (wa-lӓt) [source:(1/2)'swift' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burung_walet (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swift]
                               swallow-bird (c=aves,o=passeriformes,o1=passeri,fa=hirundinidae)= burung-layang-layang [source:id.wikipedia->search (Hirundinidae) from 'Hirundinidae' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallow]
                               kite (not animal) = layang-layang [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kite]
29 mar 2020 3:35 pm edt:#add# use shampoo or soap to wash hair
                              -dasar:kramas, keramas (kö-ra-mas)
                              -aktif tanpa objek:keramas
                                contoh:kalo anus ada banyak rambut ya saat cebok berarti keramas
                                       [if anus exist many hair then during washing-anus means washing-hair]
                                       [if anus has many hair then during washing-anus means washing-hair]
                              -aktif mbek objek:ngeramasi (ngö-ra-ma-si)
                              -pasif:di-keramasi (di-kö-ra-ma-si)
                              -kebetulan, stative:
29 mar 2020 3:51 pm edt:#reword# kalo anus ada banyak rambut ya saat cebok berarti keramas
 #to# kalo anus ada banyak rambut ya saat cebok ber-arti keramas
3 apr 2020 5:7 pm edt:
 (1/2)#add# nyala-hi (nyala-hi) [offend someone]
            contoh[example] :
            (1)dia nyalah-in dia [he blame that person]
            (2)nyala-hi sapa [offend who ?]
            (3)nge-rugi-ke sapa ? [causing deficit to who ?]
 (2/2)#add# [source:'deficit' in tfd.com/loss]

3 apr 2020 5:21 pm edt:#add# causing someone to become busy and unhappy
                             -dasar:repot (rӓ-pɔt) [busy and unhappy]
                             -aktif:me-repot-kan (mö-rӓ-pɔt-kan) (formal)
                                    nge-repot-in (ngö-rӓ-pɔ-tin) (informal)
                                    nge-repot-ke (ngö-rӓ-pɔt-ke) (informal)
                             -pasif:di-repot-kan, di-bikin repot oleh (di-bikin rӓ-pɔt o-lӓh)
                             -kebetulan, stative: 
3 apr 2020 5:24 pm edt:#add# nindih-hin(informal)(nindih-hin)[fall on something]
                             nindih-hi(informal)(nindih-hi)[fall on something]
                             sleep-paralysis = ke-tindih-an (kö-tindih-han) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis from google (...)]

3 apr 2020 7:34 pm edt:
 (1/7)#add# 3. gembur [loose-soil] (göm-bur)
 (2/7)#add# (2)nge-gembur-in (ngö-gömbur-rin)(informal) [loosening soil]
 (3/7)#add# 3)fungsi-nya [have/has a function]
              contoh[example] :
              (1)sapi ber-fungsi untuk me-narik pem-bajak-tanah untuk meng-gembur-kan tanah-padi
                 [cow, horse has-function-to pull soil-plough/soil-plow for loosening paddy-soil]
              (2)pitot-tube punya fungsi ngukur ke-cepat-an pesawat [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitot_tube]
                 [pitot-tube has-function-to measure aircraft-speed]
              (3)barometer-altimeter fungsi-nya ngukur tekanan-udara dan ke-tinggi-an pesawat [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altimeter]
                 [barometer-altimeter its-function-is-to measure air-pressure and aircraft altitude]
 (4/7)#reword# di-kendor-in (di-kön-dɔr-rin) [loosening]
  #to# (1)di-kendor-in (di-kön-dɔr-rin) [loosening] (informal)
 (5/7)#add#   di-kendor-ke (di-kön-dɔr-ke) [loosening] (informal)
              di-kendor-kan (di-kön-dɔr-kan) [loosening] (informal)
           (2)di-gembur-in (informal)
              di-gembur-kan (formal)
 (6/7)#add# (2)udah gembur [already loose (for soil)]
 (7/7)#reword# 2. kendur [loose] (formal)  #to# 2. kendur [loose] (formal) (kön-dur)

4 apr 2020 8:56 am edt:#reword# sapi ber-fungsi untuk me-narik pem-bajak-tanah untuk meng-gembur-kan tanah-padi
 #to# sapi, kuda ber-fungsi untuk me-narik pem-bajak-tanah untuk meng-gembur-kan tanah-padi

4 apr 2020 9:8 am edt:#move to near# function
 #:# exploit, take advantage of   -daerah-709/961-daerah-
 #:# wrongly-use, misuse to exploit, misappropriate, defalcate   -daerah-710/961-daerah-
4 apr 2020 9:21 am edt:
 (1/2)#reword# supply = stok #to# supply = stok (stɔk)
 (2/2)#add# public-company-share, public-company-stock = saham (sa-ham), stok (stɔk)
            contoh[example] :
            (1)uang adalah saham pe-merintah, makin banyak uang, makin banyak pengaruh dari pe-merintah, makin ingin me-merintah
              [money is government-share-stock, more money, more influence from government, more desire to govern/rule]
            (2)makin banyak saham daimler-benz, arti-nya makin banyak pengaruh dari mobil mercedes-benz
              [more daimler-benz-share-stock, means more influence from mercedes-benz-car]

4 apr 2020 9:31 am edt: 
 (1/2)#add# 4)tindih
 (2/2)#reword# - objek : pe-numpuk-an,  pe-nyusun-an, pe-nimbun-an (pö-nim-bun-nan)
                        (pö-num-puk-an) (pö-nyu-su-nan)
      #to# - objek : (1)pe-numpuk-an (pö-num-puk-an)
                     (2)pe-nyusun-an (pö-nyu-su-nan)
                     (3)pe-nimbun-an (pö-nim-bun-nan)
                     (4)pe-nindih-an (pö-nim-dih-han)
 (3)#add# (3)di-tindih (formal)
             di-tindih-in (di-tindih-hin) (informal)
 (4)#add# 4)me-nindih(formal) (nin-dih) [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/tindih]
4 apr 2020 9:36 am edt:#add# (3)njelimet(njö-li-möt)(informal) (usually means deliberately-complicated)
8 apr 2020 4:26 pm edt:#add# 4. maraki (ma-rak-i) (javanese-language)
8 apr 2020 4:27 pm edt:#reword# describe #to# describe, story-tell
8 apr 2020 4:29 pm edt:(1/2)#make obsolete# (3)ciri [for neutral feature for any stuffs]
                       (2/2)#add# (3)ke-mampu-an((kö-mam-pu-an) [ability]
8 apr 2020 4:32 pm edt:#add# (3)sesumbar (sö-sum-bar) (poet)
8 apr 2020 4:35 pm edt:#add# - feeling nerve-wracking like listening to chalk being scraped-with-force on black-board until making nerve-wracking-noise = ga enak [not delicious]
8 apr 2020 4:38 pm edt:#add# (2)me-ringis (mö-ringis) (smile usually for hiding mistake)
8 apr 2020 4:43 pm edt:#reword# base (chemistry) = basa #to# base (chemistry) = basa, alkali, alkalin [source:'pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral.  Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic' in https://trans4mind.com/nutrition/pH.html from google (...)]
8 apr 2020 5:5 pm edt:#add# - body-hair erect like porcupine because feeling afraid-of-ghost, goosebump = merinding (mö-rin-ding) [source:(1)'boosebump' from google (merinding) (2)'reflex erection of hairs of the skin in response to cold or emotional stress or skin irritation' tfd.com/goosebump (3)https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/merinding]
8 apr 2020 5:19 pm edt:(1)#add# paresthesia = ke-semut-an (kö-sömu-tan) [source:'Paresthesia is an abnormal sensation of the skin (tingling, pricking, chilling, burning, numbness) with no apparent physical cause.[1][2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paresthesia from google (...)]
                       (2)#add# maya, simply-imagination/dream, abstract = semu (sö-mu) [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/maya]
                                real and not imagination = nyata (nya-ta)
8 apr 2020 5:23 pm edt:#add# - keeping-promise = tepat janji (töpat janji)
                             - not keeping-promise = (1)ingkar janji (ing-kar jan-ji)
                                                     (2)ga tepat janji
                             - on time = tepat waktu (töpat waktu)
8 apr 2020 5:28 pm edt:#add# lost small-part = cuil (javanese-language) [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/cuil]
                             - dasar : cuil [lost small-part] 
                             - aktif : nyuil (nyu-il) [tearing-apart small-part]
                                       nyuil-i (nyu-i-li) [tearing-apart small-part repeatedly]
                                       contoh[example] :
                                       (1)nyuil-i kue [tearing-apart cake repeatedly]
                             - pasif : di-cuil-i (di-cu-i-li)          
                             - objek :
                             - kebetulan, stative: ke-cuil (kö-cu-il)

8 apr 2020 5:38 pm edt:(1)#add# (2)iming - imingi (i-ming - i-mi-ngi) [advertise something unoficially]
                       (2)#move to near# tempt, tease, seduce #:# advertise
8 apr 2020 6:6 pm edt:#add# - Let thing slide (do nothing so someone make mistake) = biar-in jatuh [let (it) fall] [source:(1/2)'to do nothing about (something, such as another person's mistake or bad behavior) : to ignore (something) //You were late this morning. I'll let it slide this time, but don't let it happen again. //It may be best to let things slide this time.' in https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/let%20%28something%29%20slide from google (let thing slide) result 1  (2/2)'To let a situation become worse over time through inaction or incompetence.' in idioms.thefreedictionary.com/let+things+slide from google (let thing slide) result 2]
8 apr 2020 6:8 pm edt:#add# 2. ngiming - ngiming-i (ngi-ming - ngi-ming-ngi)
8 apr 2020 6:10 pm edt:#add# [advertise something oficially]
9 apr 2020 3:14 pm edt:#add# alkaline-battery = batere-alkalin, batere-basa [source:'alkaline battery gets its name because it has an alkaline electrolyte of potassium hydroxide instead of the acidic ammonium chloride or zinc chloride electrolyte of the zinc-carbon batteries' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline_battery]
9 apr 2020 3:14 pm edt:#reword# base (chemistry) = basa, alkali, alkalin [source:'pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral.  Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic' in https://trans4mind.com/nutrition/pH.html from google (...)]
 #to# base (chemistry) = basa, alkali, alkalin [source:(1/2)'pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral.  Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic' in https://trans4mind.com/nutrition/pH.html from google (...)  (2/2)'Alkali (dari bahasa Arab: al-qaly القلي, القالي, “abu dari saltwort”) dalam kimia adalah suatu garam ionik basa dari suatu unsur kimia alkali logam atau alkali tanah. Ada yang mendefinisikan suatu alkali sebagai suatu zat basa yang larut dalam air. Larutan alkali mempunyai pH lebih dari 7,0' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkali]
9 apr 2020 3:18 pm edt:#add# ph, power-of-hydrogen = derajat ke-asam-an (dö-ra-jat kö-a-sam-man) [acidity-degree, acidity-level]  [source:'pH (Power of Hydrogen) adalah derajat keasaman yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tingkat keasaman atau kebasaan yang dimiliki oleh suatu larutan.' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH from 'Larutan alkali mempunyai pH lebih dari 7,0' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkali]
9 apr 2020 4:6 pm edt:#reword# marak-i isin #to# maraki isin (ma-rak-i i-sin)
9 apr 2020 7:35 pm edt:#add# 4. biasa-nya kalo masuk-nya susah ya kuar-nya juga susah. gampang datang gampang pergi
                                [normally if the-entering-process is difficult then the-exit-process is-also difficult. easy come easy go] 
11 apr 2020 10:49 pm edt:#add# 2. prinsip kalo ga rusak ya jangan di-betul-in, arti-nya ga bisa me-ningkat-kan efisiensi
                                  [principle if that is not broken-down then don't fix that, means can not improve efficiency, sustainability]
12 apr 2020 2:40 am edt:#add# mouse-deer = kancil [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragulidae from 'Tragulidae - keluarga rusa yang bertubuh kecil' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kancil  (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragulidae]
17 apr 2020 8:1 pm edt:#add# software, computer-program = program-komputer
                             hardware = komputer
18 apr 2020 11:15 am edt:#reword# [giving silent treatment]
 #to# [giving silent-treatment, giving cold-turkey-treatment] [source:'the cold turkey treatment' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_turkey from google (go cold turkey on someone) page 2 number 2]
18 apr 2020 11:18 am edt:#add# -cold-turkey = stop eating addictive-medicine [source:'the abrupt and complete cessation of taking a drug to which one is addicted.' in google (cold turkey) result 1]
18 apr 2020 5:18 pm edt:#add# contoh[example] :
                              1)lari lebih me-lepas tekanan-batin/jiwa dari-pada tennis, badminton, basket, ping-pong
                                [running is more catharsis than tennis, badminton, basket-ball, ping-ping]
                                catharsis, stress-relieving = me-lepas tekanan-batin/jiwa  [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/batin]
18 apr 2020 6:43 pm edt:#add# turkey-grouse/turkey-bird = (1)kalkun (from netherland:kalikut-hoen/english:calcutta-grouse) [source:(1/2)https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=nl&tl=en&text=hoen (2/2)'The Dutch, too, presumed that the gallinaceous bird came from India. Like the English they also supposed that the turkey was a larger member of the same family as the guinea fowl. Instead of calling it a ‘Turkey Cock’, they called it ‘Calcoensche haan’ (Calicut cock) or ‘Calkoetsche hoen’ (Calicut fowl). Calicut, now its name is Kozhikode, is an important port and city in the southern Indian state of Kerala. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century the Dutch traded a lot in this port. Its nickname was the city of spices. In time ‘Calcoensche haan’ became known as KALKOEN' in https://www.directdutch.com/2013/12/word-of-the-day-kalkoen-turkey/ from google (Calicut-hoen) result 9 from 'De namen kalkoen ('Calicut-hoen')' in https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalkoen_%28dier%29 from 'bahasa Belanda "kalkoen' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalkun]
                                                          (2)guaholote (gu-a-ho-lo-te) (aztec-nawatöl/nahuatl-language) [source:(1/3)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA-U57Ddu0Q (My Favorite Spanish Word: GUAJOLOTE) from google (guajolote) (2/3)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxRy9HuDWac&t=1m20s (Spanish Words that Come from Nahuatl (Aztec)) from youtube-search (nahuatl) result 2 (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nawatl.ogg from 'listen' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahuatl]
18 apr 2020 7:46 pm edt:#add# (3)pavo (spanish-language) [source:find 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA-U57Ddu0Q (My Favorite Spanish Word: GUAJOLOTE)']
18 apr 2020 7:48 pm edt:#reword# turkey-grouse/turkey-bird
 #to# turkey-grouse/turkey-bird(kingdom=animalia->filum=chordata->kölas=aves->ordo=galliformes->famili=phasianidae->subfamili=meleagridinae->genus=meleagris->späsiäs=gallopavo) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalkun]
26 apr 2020 6:29 pm edt:
 (1/2)#add# ke-seimbang-an untung-dan-rugi
 (2/2)#add# sustainability = ke-seimbang-an untung-dan-rugi (kö-sö-im-ba-ngan untung-dan-rugi) [profit-and-deficit-balance]

26 apr 2020 6:29 pm edt:
 (1/3)#reword# 2. prinsip kalo ga rusak ya jangan di-betul-in, arti-nya ga bisa me-ningkat-kan efisiensi
      #to# 2. prinsip kalo ga rusak ya jangan di-betul-in, arti-nya ga bisa me-ningkat-kan efisiensi, ke-seimbang-an untung-dan-rugi, gampang-nya pe-rawat-an
 (2/3)#reword# [principle if that is not broken-down then don't fix that, means can not improve efficiency, sustainability]
      #to# [principle if that is not broken-down then don't fix that, means can not improve efficiency, sustainability, ease-of-maintenance]
 (3/3)#add# sustainability = ke-seimbang-an untung-dan-rugi (kö-sö-im-ba-ngan untung-dan-rugi) [profit-and-deficit-balance]
26 apr 2020 6:38 pm edt:#add# no profit no deficit = bakbuk
26 apr 2020 6:47 pm edt:#add# - weight-scale = timbang-an (tim-ba-ngan)
29 apr 2020 1:40 pm edt:#add# metric-si-prefix: small to big:[source:https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si_brochure_8_en.pdf page 29]
                               yocto/y/-24, zepto/z/-21, atto/a/-18, femto/f/-15, pico/p/-12, nano/n/-9, micro/μ/-6, miLLi/m/-3, centi/c/-2, deci/d/-1,
                               deca/da/1, hecto/h/2, kilo/k/3, mega/M/6, giga/G/9, tera/T/12, peta/P/15, exa/E/18, zetta/Z/21, yotta/Y/24 
                               = yokto(yɔkto)/y/-24, septo(säpto)/sp?/-21, ato/a/-18, femto(fämto)/f/-15, piko/p/-12, nano/n/-9, mikro(mi-kro)/mk?/-6,
                                 miLi(mili)/m/-3, senti(sänti)/sn?/-2, desi(däsi)/d/-1, deka(däka)/da/1, hekto(häkto)/h/2, kilo/k/3, mega(mäga)/M/6,
                                 giga/G/9, tera(tära)/T/12, peta(päta)/P/15, eksa?(äksa)/E/18, seta(säta)/st?/21, yota/Y/24. 
                                 contoh[example] :(1)centi-meter = cm, zepto-meter = zm [senti-meter = sn-m ???, septo-meter = sp-m ???]
29 apr 2020 1:55 pm edt:#reword# [source:https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si_brochure_8_en.pdf page 29]
 #to# [source:https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si_brochure_8_en.pdf page 29 from ref-4 in 'The tonne (/tʌn/ (About this sound listen)) (Non-SI unit, symbol: t), commonly referred to as the metric ton in the United States, is a non-SI metric unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms;[1][2][3][4]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonne#11_oct_2018_6_30_pm_edt]
29 apr 2020 2:11 pm edt:#add# (2)sun-star         spread        light-luminosity  384.6 yotta-joule per second 
                                [bintang-matahari me-nyebar-kan daya-terang-sinar 384.6 yota-joule per detik] [source:'Luminosity (10^24 J/s) 384.6' in https://web.archive.org/web/20100715200549/http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/sunfact.html from ref-5 in 'so the Sun releases energy at the mass–energy conversion rate of 4.26 million metric tons per second (which requires 600 metric megatons of hydrogen [74]), for 384.6 yottawatts (3.846×1026 W),[5] or 9.192×1010 megatons of TNT per second' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun]
29 apr 2020 3:6 pm edt:#add# (3)total-derivative-contract              in the-world june-2011 is     7 tera-usa-dollar 
                               [jumlah-kontrak-(derifatif/sub-produk?) di dunia     juni-2011 adalah 7 tera-usa-dolar] [source:(1/2)'$700 ×1012  Total world derivative contracts as of June 2011[45]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_%28currency%29 from 'Orders of magnitude (currency)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Orders_of_magnitude from 'Orders of magnitude (energy)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy  (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivatif from id.wikipedia->search (Derivative) result 1]
29 apr 2020 3:7 pm edt:#reword# [source:(1/2)'$700 ×1012  Total world derivative contracts as of June 2011[45]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_%28currency%29 from 'Orders of magnitude (currency)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Orders_of_magnitude from 'Orders of magnitude (energy)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy  (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivatif from id.wikipedia->search (Derivative) result 1]
 #to# [source:(1/2)'$700 ×10^12  Total world derivative contracts as of June 2011[45]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_%28currency%29 from 'Orders of magnitude (currency)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Orders_of_magnitude from 'Orders of magnitude (energy)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy  (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivatif from id.wikipedia->search (Derivative) result 1]

6 may 2020 8:1 pm edt:
pour, splash, spray with water from higher platform,    -daerah-414/963-/daerah-
like from a rain
- dasar : 
  1. guyur(gu-yur),siram(si-ram)
     [wide stream of water from higher place falls
  2. tuang(tu-ang),mancur(man-cur),kucur(ku-cur)
     [narrow stream of water from higher place falls
- aktif : 
  1. ngguyur(formal)(nggu-yur)
     [drop water from higher platform]
  2. nyiram(informal)(nyi-ram)
     [drop water from higher platform]
     contoh[example] :
     1. hujan meng-guyur/me-nyiram pohon
        [rain spray the tree]
  3. mancur(man-cur)
     contoh[example] :
     1. ada air mancur dari tangki air, mungkin ada yang
        [there is water squirting out from water tank,
         maybe there is a leak]
  4. nuang-in (informal) [pour]
     nuang-ke (informal) [pour]
     nuang-kan (informal) [pour]
     me-nuang-kan (formal) [pour](mö-nu-ang-kan)
     contoh[example] :
     1. dia nuang-in/nuang-kan/me-nuang-kan air dari
        gelas besar ke gelas kecil
        [he pours water from a big glass
         to a small glass]
  5. ngucur[water falls from faucet](ngu-cur)
     me-ngucur[water falls from faucet](mö-ngu-cur)
     ngocor [water falls from faucet](ngɔ-cɔr)
     contoh[example] :
     1. air-nya sudah ngucur
        [the water has already come out from faucet]
     2. air-nya ngocor   [the water come out from faucet]
     3. keran-nya ngocor terus ga ada yang tau terus bon air-nya jadi mahal
        [the water spill out continously (and) no one knows then
         the water-bill becomes expensive]
         payment-bill = bon(bɔn)
  6. ngucur-ke [make water falls from faucet]
     ngucur-kan [make water falls from faucet]
     me-ngucur-kan [make water falls from faucet]
     contoh[example] :
     1. dia ngucur-kan air-nya dari keran
        [he let out the water from faucet]
     faucet = keran(kö-ran)
  contoh[example] :
  1. air dari menara air, sudah di-kucur-kan
     ke bawah
     [water from water tower has been ejected
-objek:pe-nyiram-an, peng-ucur-an
       (pö-nyi-ra-man) (pö-ngu-cu-ran)
          [the watering process]
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1)ter-guyur(formal)[got splashed by water](tör-gu-yur)
     ke-guyur(informal)[got splashed by water](kö-gu-yur)
   2)ter-siram(formal) [got splashed by water](tör-si-ram)
     ke-siram(informal)[got splashed by water](kö-si-ram)
   3)kena air(formal)[got splashed by water](kö-na a-ir)
- the flow of water falling from faucet = cucur-an air
                                       (cu-cu-ran a-ir)

- squirt-vertically from ground to sky like water-fountain : mancur(man-cur)
     contoh[example] :
     1. ada air mancur dari tangki air, mungkin ada yang
        [there is water squirting out from water tank,
         maybe there is a leak]


pour, splash, spray with water from higher platform,    -daerah-414/963-/daerah-
like from a rain
- dasar : 
  (1)guyur(gu-yur) [wide stream of water from higher place falls downward]
  (2)tuang(tu-ang), mancur(man-cur),kucur(ku-cur) [narrow stream of water from higher place falls downward]
  (3)siram(si-ram), gebiur, gebyur (gö-biur) [swing-forward water-bucket to eject water forward to something; throw lots-of-water to 1 place in extremely-short-time-duration]
  (4)grujuk, gerujuk (gö-rujuk, grujuk) [flush toilet]
- aktif : 
          [drop water from higher platform]
  (2)(2.1)nuang-in (informal) [pour]
          nuang-ke (informal) [pour]
          nuang-kan (informal) [pour]
          me-nuang-kan (formal) [pour](mö-nu-ang-kan)
          contoh[example] :
          (1)dia nuang-in/nuang-kan/me-nuang-kan air dari
             gelas besar ke gelas kecil
             [he pours water from a big glass
              to a small glass]
     (2.2)ngucur[water falls from faucet](ngu-cur)
          me-ngucur[water falls from faucet](mö-ngu-cur)
          ngocor [water falls from faucet](ngɔ-cɔr)
          contoh[example] :
          (1)air-nya sudah ngucur
             [the water has already come out from faucet]
          (2)air-nya ngocor   [the water come out from faucet]
          (3)keran-nya ngocor terus ga ada yang tau terus bon air-nya jadi mahal
             [the water spill out continously (and) no one knows then
              the water-bill becomes expensive]
              payment-bill = bon(bɔn)
          ngucur-ke [make water falls from faucet]
           ngucur-kan [make water falls from faucet]
           me-ngucur-kan [make water falls from faucet]
           contoh[example] :
           (1)dia ngucur-kan air-nya dari keran
              [he let out the water from faucet]
           faucet = keran(kö-ran)
          [drop water from higher platform]
          contoh[example] :
          (1)hujan meng-guyur/me-nyiram pohon
             [rain spray the tree]
     gebiur, gebyur
  (4)grujuk, gerujuk
-pasif:(1)di-guyur, di-siram
       (2)di-tuang-kan, di-kucur-kan, di-ngocor-in(di-ngɔ-cɔ-rin)
       (3)di-gebyur, di-gebiur
  contoh[example] :
  (1)air dari menara air, sudah di-kucur-kan
     ke bawah
     [water from water tower has been ejected
-objek:(1)pe-nyiram-an (pö-nyi-ra-man) [the watering process]
       (2)peng-ucur-an (pö-ngu-cu-ran) [money-transfer-process]
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1)ter-guyur(formal)[got splashed by water](tör-gu-yur)
     ke-guyur(informal)[got splashed by water](kö-gu-yur)
   2)ter-siram(formal) [got splashed by water](tör-si-ram)
     ke-siram(informal)[got splashed by water](kö-si-ram)
   3)kena air(formal)[got splashed by water](kö-na a-ir)
   4)ke-gebiur, ke-gebyur(kö-gö-biur)
   5)ke-grujuk, ke-gerujuk(kö-gö-rujuk)
- the flow of water falling from faucet = cucur-an air
                                       (cu-cu-ran a-ir)

- squirt-vertically from ground to sky like water-fountain : mancur(man-cur)
     contoh[example] :
     1. ada air mancur dari tangki air, mungkin ada yang
        [there is water squirting out from water tank,
         maybe there is a leak]

16 may 2020 11:2 am edt:#add# bon, bill, invoice = bon (bɔn) [source:'in·voice  (ĭn′vois′) n. 1. A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill. 2. The goods or services itemized in an invoice. tr.v. in·voiced, in·voic·ing, in·voic·es 1. To make an invoice of (goods or services). 2. To send an invoice to; bill.' in tfd.com/invoice]
16 may 2020 1:48 pm edt:#add# paperwork, book-keeping-letter/bookkeeping-letter = (1)surat-kerja (surat-körja)
                                                                                  (2)surat-birokrasi (surat-bi-ro-kra-si)
                                                                                  (3)surat pem-buku-an (surat pöm-buku-an)
16 may 2020 1:50 pm edt:(1/4)#add# [work-letter]
                        (2/4)#add# [burearucracy-letter]
                        (3/4)#add# [book-keeping-letter]
                        (4/4)#add# (4)surat kantor (surat kantɔr) [office-letter]
                                   (5)surat hukum [law-letter]

17 may 2020 8:12 pm edt:(1/2)#add# (2)peristiwa (pö-ris-ti-wa) [an event]
                        (2/2)#reword# (ke-ja-di-an) #to# (kö-ja-di-an)
17 may 2020 8:19 pm edt:
 #add# archive, history-record = arsip [source:'arsip atau kintaka adalah rekaman kegiatan atau peristiwa dalam berbagai bentuk dan media sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arsip#17_may_2020_8_pm_edt]
       aircraft-flight-black-box = rekam-an peristiwa (re-ka-man pö-ris-ti-wa) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kotak_hitam from google (kotak hitam) result 1]
       event = (1)peristiwa (pö-ris-ti-wa)
               (2)ke-jadi-an  (kö-ja-di-an)
       aircraft-cabin = kabin pesawat

17 may 2020 8:23 pm edt:
 #reword# aircraft-flight-black-box = rekam-an peristiwa (re-ka-man pö-ris-ti-wa) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kotak_hitam from google (kotak hitam) result 1]
 #to#     aircraft-flight-black-box = pe-rekam peristiwa (pö-re-kam pö-ris-ti-wa) [event-recorder] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kotak_hitam from google (kotak hitam) result 1]

17 may 2020 8:37 pm edt:
 #add# contoh pe-makai-an 'apa-apa' lain-nya  [other example of using 'apa-apa'] :  [source:http://rezkyfirmansyah.com/2016/01/14/3-alasan-dan-solusi-dari-ucapan-aku-tidak-bisa-apa-apa/ from google (ga bisa apa apa) result 3]
       (1)dia ga bisa bikin apa-apa tapi sampah-nya dikit
          [he can not make anything but his waste is a little]
          [he can not make what-what but his waste is a little]
          anything = (1)apa aja (informal)
                     (2)apa saja (formal)
                     (3)opo wae(ɔ-pɔ wa-e)(javanese)

17 may 2020 8:39 pm edt:
 (1/2)#reword# [he can not make anything but his waste is a little]
      #to#     [he/she can not make anything but his waste is a little]
 (2/2)#reword# [he can not make what-what but his waste is a little]
      #to#     [he/she can not make what-what but his waste is a little]

17 may 2020 8:41 pm edt:
 (1/2)#reword# [he/she can not make anything but his waste is a little]
      #to#     [he/she can not make anything but his/her waste is little]
 (2/2)#reword# [he/she can not make what-what but his waste is a little]
      #to#     [he/she can not make what-what but his/her waste is little]

19 may 2020 10:2 am edt:#add# bi-ro-kö-ra-si
19 may 2020 10:4 am edt:#add# (2)pe-rekam situasi kondisi dalam pesawat (pö-re-kam si-tu-a-si kɔn-di-si da-lam pö-sa-wat) [aircraft-interior-situation-condition recorder]
                              (3)pe-rekam situasi kondisi pesawat luar dalam [aircraft-exterior-interior-situation-condition recorder]
19 may 2020 10:12 am edt:#add# contoh[example] : (1)ilmu-wan   bilang bintang-matahari bakbuk                          sampe  taun 7,000 a.d/anno-domini lalu taun 7,000 a.d bintang-matahari untung        terus-me-nerus/terus-terus-an (törus-mö-nörus/törus-tö-ru-san) sampe mem-besar   mem-bakar bumi
                                                   [scientist  says   sun-star         has balanced-profit-and-deficit until  year 7,000 a.d/anno-domini then year 7,000 a.d sun-star         is profitable continously                                                    until grow larger burning   earth] [source:(1/2)forgotten-internet-article from google (...)  (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini]
19 may 2020 10:14 am edt:#add# situation = situasi (si-tu-a-si)
19 may 2020 10:18 am edt:(1/3)#add# (il-mu)
                         (2/3)#add# - scientist = ilmu-wan (il-mu-wan)
                         (3/3)#add# - black-magic = ilmu hitam [black skill]
19 may 2020 10:24 am edt:#reword# (pöng-ngöt-tau-an) #to# (pö-ngö-tau-an) 
19 may 2020 10:25 am edt:#add# - natural-science (physics, biology, chemistry) = ilmu penge-tahu-an/penge-tau-an (pö-ngö-tau-an) alam [nature knowledge skill]
19 may 2020 10:27 am edt:#add# (pöm-bu-ba-ran) [abolishment]
19 may 2020 10:28 am edt:#reword# (pö-mö-cat-tan) #to# (pö-mö-ca-tan)
19 may 2020 10:40 am edt:
 (1/2)#add# already finish = (1)sudah selese [sudah sö-lö-sä]
                             (2)sudah/udah/dah/wes (wes)
 (2/2)#add in 2 place# ok fine = (1)ya dah/sudah [yes fine] (note:this is similar to find 'already =') [source:'initials of a facetious folk phonetic spelling, e.g., oll or orl korrect representing all correct, first attested in Boston in 1839, then used in 1840 by Democrat partisans of Martin Van Buren, who allegedly named their organization, the O.K. Club, in allusion to the initials of Old Kinderhook, Van Buren's nickname, derived from his birthplace, Kinderhook, New York' in tfd.com/ok]
                                 (2)ya wes [yes fine] (note:this is similar to find 'already =')
19 may 2020 10:48 am edt:
 #add# (5)kalo semua    pintar nyetir           ya   ke-celaka-an mobil ber-kurang
          [if  everyone is skillful in driving  then car accident       decrease]
          literal translation---
          [if  all      are skillful in driving then car accident       decrease]
19 may 2020 10:51 am edt:#add# - hypocrite = munafik, pura - pura [source:(1/2)'The expression comes from Plautus; it continues “to bear a stone in one hand, a piece of bread in the other.” Thus, the expression indicates that a person is prepared to act in totally contradictory ways to achieve his purposes' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/hypocrisy from double-click 'hypocrisy' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/hypocrite (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munafiq#19_may_2020_10_50_am_edt]
19 may 2020 10:54 am edt:
 #reword# -fawn,kowtow,kiss-ass,cajole,sweet-talk,bribe using word =
 #to#     - fawn, kowtow, kiss-ass, cajole, sweet-talk, bribe using word =
19 may 2020 11:5 am edt:#add# /ku-a-dö-rat
19 may 2020 11:5 am edt:
 (1/2)#add# lbs, pound (paun) = pon (pɔn), libra [source : (1/3)'pound per square inch or, more accurately, pound-force per square inch (symbol: lbf/in2' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pounds_per_square_inch   (2/3)'The unit is descended from the Roman libra (hence the abbreviation "lb"). The English word pound is cognate with, among others, German Pfund, Dutch pond, and Swedish pund. All ultimately derive from a borrowing into Proto-Germanic of the Latin expression lībra pondō ("the weight measured in libra"), in which the word pondō is the ablative case of the Latin noun pondus ("weight").[6]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_%28mass%29 from 'Pound (mass), a unit of mass often abbreviated "lbs" in plural' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LBS  (3/3)'Common languages Latin (official)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Republic from 'Roman Republic' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Roman_units_of_measurement from 'Roman libra' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_%28mass%29 from 'Pound (mass), a unit of mass often abbreviated "lbs" in plural' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LBS]
 (2/2)#add# psi / pound (paun)-square-inch / pound (paun)-per-square-inch = psi, pon (pɔn) per inci kuadrat, libra per inci kuadrat [source : (1/3)'pound per square inch or, more accurately, pound-force per square inch (symbol: lbf/in2' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pounds_per_square_inch   (2/3)'The unit is descended from the Roman libra (hence the abbreviation "lb"). The English word pound is cognate with, among others, German Pfund, Dutch pond, and Swedish pund. All ultimately derive from a borrowing into Proto-Germanic of the Latin expression lībra pondō ("the weight measured in libra"), in which the word pondō is the ablative case of the Latin noun pondus ("weight").[6]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_%28mass%29 from 'Pound (mass), a unit of mass often abbreviated "lbs" in plural' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LBS  (3/3)'Common languages Latin (official)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Republic from 'Roman Republic' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Roman_units_of_measurement from 'Roman libra' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_%28mass%29 from 'Pound (mass), a unit of mass often abbreviated "lbs" in plural' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LBS]
19 may 2020 11:10 am edt:
 (1/2)#add# cubit (elbow-tip until middle-finger-tip) = hasta [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasta#19_may_2020_10_57_am_edt (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubit#19_may_2020_10_57_am-edt]
 (2/2)#add# thumb-finger-tip-until-pinky-finger-tip-with-all-hand-finger-spread-as-wide-as-possible = kilak (ki-lak)
19 may 2020 12:28 pm edt:#reword# 7,000 a.d #to# 7 billion a.d #and# 7 biliun a.d
20 may 2020 8:6 pm edt:#add# (4)pe-rekam ke-ada-an pesawat, nilai-nilai ke-sehat-an pesawat [aircraft-situation-recorder, aircraft-health-scores-recorder]
27 may 2020 5:4 pm edt:
 contoh[example] : (1)ilmu-wan   bilang bintang-matahari bakbuk                          sampe  taun 7 biliun a.d/anno-domini lalu taun 7 biliun a.d bintang-matahari untung        terus-me-nerus/terus-terus-an (törus-mö-nörus/törus-tö-ru-san) sampe mem-besar   mem-bakar bumi
                     [scientist  says   sun-star         has balanced-profit-and-deficit until  year 7 billion a.d/anno-domini then year 7 billion a.d sun-star         is profitable continously                                                    until grow larger burning   earth] [source:(1/2)forgotten-internet-article from google (...)  (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini]
 contoh[example] : (1)ilmu-wan   bilang bintang-matahari bakbuk                          sampe  taun 5 biliun a.d/anno-domini  lalu taun 5 biliun a.d  bintang-matahari untung        terus-me-nerus/terus-terus-an (törus-mö-nörus/törus-tö-ru-san) sampe mem-besar   mem-bakar bumi
                     [scientist  says   sun-star         has balanced-profit-and-deficit until  year 5 billion a.d/anno-domini then year 5 billion a.d sun-star         is profitable continously                                                    until grow larger burning   earth] [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini  (2/2)'A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the Sun becomes a red giant and expands all the way out to Earth's orbit some five-billion years from now," said Alex Wolszczan, an Evan Pugh Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Penn State, University, who is one of the members of the research team' in https://science.psu.edu/news/first-evidence-discovered-planets-destruction-its-star from science.psu.edu->search (A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the sun becomes a red giant) / https://science.psu.edu/search/gse?keys=A+similar+fate+may+await+the+inner+planets+in+our+solar+system%2C+when+the+sun+becomes+a+red+giant result 3 from '"A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the sun becomes a red giant and expands all the way out to Earth's orbit some five billion years from now," astronomer Alex Wolszczan, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University, said in a statement.' in https://www.space.com/22471-red-giant-stars.html from ref-23 in 'Sun will exit the main sequence in approximately 5 billion years and start to turn into a red giant.[23][24]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_giant#27_may_2020_4_36_pm_edt from 'red giant' in 'Earth and Moon are very likely destroyed by falling into the Sun, just before the Sun reaches the tip of its red giant' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future from google (sunrise 7 billion ad) result 5]

27 may 2020 6:18 pm edt:
 #add# contoh[example] :
       (1)dia    hidup nge-lawan arus,          seperti ikan-salmon nge-lawan arus          untuk pulang kampung lalu ber-anak/ber-kembang - biak(bör-anak/bör-kömbang - biak)
         [he/she lives opposing  water-current, like    salmon-fish oppose    water-current for   going  home    then breed]
         [source:'The run up the river can be exhausting, sometimes requiring the salmon to battle hundreds of miles upstream against strong currents and rapids' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon_run#27_may_2020_6_8_pm_edt from 'salmon run' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon#27_may_2020_6_7_pm_edt from natgeowild-tv->salmon-episode]
         breed, make kid = (1)ber-anak(bör-anak)
                           (2)ber-kembang - biak(bör-kömbang - biak)
28 may 2020 8:24 pm edt:#reword# - soy sauce = kecap (kӓ-cap) #to# - soy-sauce = saos-kecap (sa-ɔs kӓ-cap)
28 may 2020 8:27 pm edt:#reword#
 gosip bilang mendiang kaisar hirohito saat/di/pada
 taun 1900-an suka makan nasi dan tawon kaleng-an 
 dengan saus soy dan gula
 gosip bilang mendiang kaisar hirohito saat/di/pada
 taun 1900-an suka makan nasi dan tawon kaleng-an 
 dengan saos soy dan gula
28 may 2020 8:35 pm edt:
 - sauce = saos (sa-ɔs)
 - pure = murni
 - gullible, naive, without experience = (1)polos (pɔ-lɔs) [gullible, naive] [source:(1/2)tfd.com/gullible (2/2)tfd.com/naive]
                                         (2)ga punya pengalaman (ga punya pö-nga-la-man) [doesn't have experience]
                                         (3)ga ber-pengalaman (ga bör-pö-nga-la-man) [doesn't have experience]
 - without sauce = (1)polos (pɔ-lɔs)
                   (2)tanpa saos (tanpa sa-ɔs)
                   (3)ga pake saos
28 may 2020 8:46 pm edt:
 (1)#add# (tör-cap)
 (2)#add# (kö-cap)
 (3)#add# (3)udah di-cap [already being stamped]
28 may 2020 8:54 pm edt:
 #add# sauce = saos (sa-ɔs)
       duck-herder (dak hör-der), slow-person who block other person = sontoloyo (son-to-lo-yo) [source:'Konon profesi mengembala beratus bebek akan menyulitkan orang lain ketika rombongan bebek tersebut menyebrangi jalan, dan terkadang bebek tersebut ada yang memakan padi yang belum dipanen, sehingga orang lain yang tidak sabar akan mengumpat "Dasar sontoloyo".' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sontoloyo]

28 may 2020 8:57 pm edt:#reword#
 duck-herder (dak hör-der), slow-person who block other person = sontoloyo (son-to-lo-yo) [source:'Konon profesi mengembala beratus bebek akan menyulitkan orang lain ketika rombongan bebek tersebut menyebrangi jalan, dan terkadang bebek tersebut ada yang memakan padi yang belum dipanen, sehingga orang lain yang tidak sabar akan mengumpat "Dasar sontoloyo".' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sontoloyo]
 duck-herder (dak hör-der), slow-person who block other person = sontoloyo (son-to-lo-yo) [source:(1/2)'Konon profesi mengembala beratus bebek akan menyulitkan orang lain ketika rombongan bebek tersebut menyebrangi jalan, dan terkadang bebek tersebut ada yang memakan padi yang belum dipanen, sehingga orang lain yang tidak sabar akan mengumpat "Dasar sontoloyo".' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sontoloyo  (2/2)'herder (ˈhɜːdə) (Agriculture) chiefly US a person who cares for or drives herds of cattle or flocks of sheep, esp on an open range. Brit equivalent: herdsman ' in tfd.com/herder from 'Shepherd derives from Old English sceaphierde (sceap 'sheep' + hierde 'herder')' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shepherd]

28 may 2020 9:15 pm edt:
  escort   -daerah-795/963-/daerah-
  - dasar : kawal(ka-wal)
  - aktif : 1. ngawal(informal)(nga-wal)
  - pasif : di-kawal
  - objek : 
  escort, herd many animal, escort many animal   -daerah-795/963-/daerah-
  - dasar : (1)kawal(ka-wal) [escort important-person]
            (2)giring [escort many animal]
            (3)gembala (göm-ba-la) [animal-herder]
  - aktif : (1)ngawal (nga-wal) (informal)
               me-ngawal (mö-nga-wal) (formal)
            (2)nge-giring (ngö-giring) (informal)
               meng-giring (möng-giring) (formal)
            (3)meng-gembala (möng-göm-ba-la) (formal)
               nge-gembala (ngö-göm-ba-la) (informal)
  - pasif : (1)di-kawal 
            (3)di-gembala-kan (formal)
               di-gembala-ke (di-göm-ba-la-ke)
  - objek : (1)proses ngawal (pro-säs ngawal)
            (2)proses nge-giring/peng-giring-an (pöng-gi-ri-ngan)
            (3)proses nge-gembala (pro-säs ngö-gömbala)
  - kebetulan, stative : (1)ter-kawal (tör-ka-wal)
                            ke-kawal (kö-ka-wal)
                         (2)ter-giring (tör-giring)
                            ke-giring (kö-giring)

31 may 2020 6:22 pm edt:#reword# (4)pe-rekam ke-ada-an pesawat, nilai-nilai ke-sehat-an pesawat [aircraft-situation-recorder, aircraft-health-scores-recorder]
 #to# (4)pe-rekam ke-ada-an pesawat, data - data pesawat [aircraft-situation-recorder, aircraft-data-recorder] [source:idea from 'Telemetry is the collection of data at remote locations and their automatic transmission to receiving equipment for monitoring.[1] The word is derived from the Greek roots tele, "remote", and metron, "measure". Systems that need external instructions and data to operate require the counterpart of telemetry, telecommand.[2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telemetry#31_may_2020_6_21_pm_edt]
31 may 2020 6:31 pm edt:#add# (5)pe-rekam ke-ada-an pesawat, angka - angka instrumen pesawat [aircraft-situation-recorder, aircraft-instrument-value-recorder]
31 may 2020 7:1 pm edt:#add# ball-bearing = gotri [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gotri#31_may_2020_6_59_pm_edt]
31 may 2020 7:2 pm edt:#add# (ins-tru-män)
31 may 2020 7:45 pm edt:#add# (gɔ-tri)
1 jun 2020 1:8 am edt:#add# 6. pe-nyanyi(pö-nya-nyi) pat-benatar bilang cinta adalah medan-perang(me-dan pö-rang) di lagu 'love is a battlefield' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVZOLV9SPo
                               demokrat hillary-clinton bilang perlu orang se-kampung untuk bikin anak tumbuh dewasa(de-wa-sa), lalu
                               republikan bob-dole bilang ga perlu orang se-kampung, cuma perlu 1 keluarga untuk bikin anak tumbuh dewasa(de-wa-sa)
                               [singer pat-benatar says love is a battle-field in song 'love is a battlefield' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVZOLV9SPo
                                democrat hillary-clinton says need person in whole-village for making kid grow (becoming) adult, then
                                republican bob-dole says doesn't need person in whole-village, only need 1 family for making kid grow (becoming) adult]
                               [singer pat-benatar says love is a battle-field in song 'love is a battlefield' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVZOLV9SPo
                                democrat hillary-clinton says it needs a village to raise a child then
                                republican bob-dole says it doesn't need a village, only need 1 family to raise a child]
                               [source:(1/2)'And with all due respect, I am here to tell you it does not take a village to raise a child. It takes a family to raise a child' in https://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1996/conventions/san.diego/transcripts/0815/dole.fdch.shtml from google (bob dole's acceptance speech) result 1 from 'A well known instance of this occurred during the 1996 presidential election when, during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, Republican Party nominee Bob Dole said: "... with all due respect, I am here to tell you, it does not take a village to raise a child. It takes a family to raise a child."[8]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Takes_a_Village from google (hillary clinton it takes a village to raise a kid) result 1  (2/2)'For Bill and me, there has been no experience more challenging, more rewarding and more humbling than raising our daughter. And we have learned that to raise a happy, healthy and hopeful child, it takes a family. It takes teachers. It takes clergy. It takes busi­ness­peo­ple. It takes community leaders. It takes those who protect our health and safety. It takes all of us. Yes, it takes a village. And it takes a president. . . . It takes Bill Clinton.' in https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/book-party/wp/2016/02/25/this-is-the-closest-thing-weve-ever-have-to-a-hillary-clinton-political-manifesto/ from google (hillary clinton it takes a village to raise a kid) result 7]
                               family = keluarga (kö-lu-ar-ga)
                               adult, mature = dewasa (de-wa-sa)
                               battle-field = medan-perang(me-dan pö-rang)
                               democrat = demokrat (de-mo-krat)
                               republican = republikan (re-pu-bli-kan, re-pu-böli-kan)
1 jun 2020 1:23 pm edt:#add# whole-village = (1)se-kampung (sö-kampung)
                                             (2)1 kampung (1 kampung)

2 jun 2020 6:3 pm edt:
  first = pertama(pör-ta-ma)
  second = ke-dua(kö-du-a)
  thrid = ke-tiga(kö-ti-ga)
  fourth = ke-empat(kö-öm-pat)
  fifth = ke-lima(kö-li-ma)
  first = (1)pertama(pör-ta-ma)
          (3)nomer 1(nɔ-mör 1)
  second = (1)ke-dua(kö-du-a)
           (2)nomer 2(nɔ-mör 2)
  thrid = (1)ke-tiga(kö-ti-ga)
          (2)nomer 3(nɔ-mör 3)
  fourth = (1)ke-empat(kö-öm-pat)
           (2)nomer 4(nɔ-mör 4)
  fifth = (1)ke-lima(kö-li-ma)
          (2)nomer 5(nɔ-mör 5)

2 jun 2020 6:12 pm edt:
  - number = bilang-an(formal mathematic term)(bi-la-ngan)
  - number = nomer(informal)(no-mör)
  number = nomer(no-mör,nɔ-mör)
  number = (1)nomer(no-mör,nɔ-mör)
  number = (1)angka
  number = (1)angka (ang-ka) [number-value]
           (2)nomer(nɔ-mör, no-mör) [number-sequence]   
           (3)bilangan (bi-la-ngan) (number-value in formal mathematic term)

2 jun 2020 6:14 pm edt:
  grade, score = nilai(ni-la-i)
  grade, score = (1)nile(ni-lä)
  grade, score = nilai (ni-lai, ni-lä)

2 jun 2020 6:15 pm edt:#reword# coast = (1)pante(pan-tä)
  coast = pantai (pan-tai, pan-tä)

8 jun 2020 1:27 pm edt:
  court-lawyer = pengacara(pö-nga-ca-ra)
  court-lawyer = (1)pengacara(pö-nga-ca-ra)
                 (2)pembela (pöm-be-la)
8 jun 2020 1:28 pm edt:
  - lawyer who defend a defendant/litigant :
  - lawyer who defend a defendant/litigant :
           (2)pembela (pöm-be-la)

8 jun 2020 1:34 pm edt:#reword# defend someone who is accused of wrongdoing
 #to# defend someone who is being accused of wrongdoing
8 jun 2020 11:34 pm edt:#add# - submarine = kapal-selam (ka-pal sö-lam)
                              - submarine-sink-to-sea-floor-and-stuck-and-broken-on-sea-floor = karam

8 jun 2020 11:54 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# geletak(gö-lä-tak,gö-le-tak) #to# geletak(gö-lä-tak,gö-le-tak) (javanese-language) 
 (2)#reword# baring(ba-ring) #to# baring(ba-ring) [lay]
 (3)#add# (3)terlentang (tör-lön-tang) [supine]
          (4)tengkurap (töng-ku-rap, töng-ku-röp) [prone]
          (5)tiarap [prone]
 (4)#reword# ter-geletak[already laying in supine position]
    #to#     ter-geletak (tör-gö-lä-tak) [already laying in supine position]
9 jun 2020 0:15 am edt:#add# [source:google-image (tiarap)]

12 jun 2020 9:26 pm edt:
 6. pe-nyanyi(pö-nya-nyi) pat-benatar bilang cinta adalah medan-perang(me-dan pö-rang) di lagu 'love is a battlefield' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVZOLV9SPo
    demokrat hillary-clinton bilang perlu orang se-kampung untuk bikin anak tumbuh dewasa(de-wa-sa), lalu
    republikan bob-dole bilang ga perlu orang se-kampung, cuma perlu 1 keluarga untuk bikin anak tumbuh dewasa(de-wa-sa)
 6. pe-nyanyi(pö-nya-nyi) pat-benatar bilang cinta adalah medan-perang(me-dan pö-rang) di lagu 'love is a battlefield' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVZOLV9SPo
    demokrat hillary-clinton bilang butuh orang se-kampung untuk bikin anak tumbuh dewasa(de-wa-sa), lalu
    republikan bob-dole bilang ga butuh orang se-kampung, cuma butuh 1 keluarga untuk bikin anak tumbuh dewasa(de-wa-sa)

16 jun 2020 8:19 pm edt:
 #reword# perpendicular angle, 90 degree angle = 
 #to#     90 degree angle, perpendicular angle, orthogonal (greek:ortho(upright) greek:gonia(angle), latin:gonalis(angle)) = 

17 jun 2020 1:18 am edt:
 (1)#reword# pillar=pilar,tiang pe-nyangga(ti-ang pö-nyang-ga)
    #to#     pillar, joist = pilar, tiang pe-nyangga (ti-ang pö-nyang-ga) [source:tfd.com/joist from 'joist' in https://www.jlconline.com/how-to/interiors/q-a-laying-a-hardwood-floor-parallel-to-the-joists_o from google (how to make perpendicular floor) result 1]
 (2)#reword# bar, pole = tiang 
    #to#     pillar-pole = tiang
 (3)#move#    pillar-pole = tiang
    #from underneath# liquid = cair
    #to underneath# pillar, joist = pilar, tiang pe-nyangga (ti-ang pö-nyang-ga) [source:tfd.com/joist from 'joist' in https://www.jlconline.com/how-to/interiors/q-a-laying-a-hardwood-floor-parallel-to-the-joists_o from google (how to make perpendicular floor) result 1]
 (4)#move#    rod, stick = pentung(pön-tung)
    #from underneath# etc (et cetera) = (1)dst (dan se-terus-nya)
    #to underneath# pillar, joist = pilar, tiang pe-nyangga (ti-ang pö-nyang-ga) [source:tfd.com/joist from 'joist' in https://www.jlconline.com/how-to/interiors/q-a-laying-a-hardwood-floor-parallel-to-the-joists_o from google (how to make perpendicular floor) result 1]

17 jun 2020 1:26 am edt:#add# electricity-pole = tiang-listrik (tiang lis-trik)
17 jun 2020 1:28 am edt:
  baseball = kasti(kas-ti)
  baseball-bat = pentung kasti(pön-tung kas-ti)
  french bread = roti pentung(rɔ-ti pön-tung)
 #from underneath# etc (et cetera) = (1)dst (dan se-terus-nya)
 #to underneath# pillar, joist = pilar, tiang pe-nyangga (ti-ang pö-nyang-ga) [source:tfd.com/joist from 'joist' in https://www.jlconline.com/how-to/interiors/q-a-laying-a-hardwood-floor-parallel-to-the-joists_o from google (how to make perpendicular floor) result 1]

17 jun 2020 1:37 am edt:#reword# (cɔ-lɔk-an lis-trik) #to# (cɔ-lɔ-kan lis-trik)
17 jun 2020 6:17 pm edt:#add# fruit-jam-jar = wadah selai buah [jar of fruit-jam] (wa-dah sö-la-i bu-ah)
18 jun 2020 8 pm edt:#add# food-container = wadah
18 jun 2020 8:22 pm edt:
 #add# turbid, murky, muddy, cloudy = keruh (kö-ruh) [source:tfd.com/turbid]
       transparent-water, clear-water = air-jernih (air jör-nih)
       transparent = transparan (trans-pa-ran)
       brackish, semi-salty = rada asin, lumayan asin [source:'somewhat salty but less salty than sea water.' in tfd.com/brackish from 'Giant river prawns live in turbid freshwater, but their larval stages require brackish water to survive' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freshwater_prawn_farming from 'Freshwater prawn farm' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrobrachium_rosenbergii from 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang_galah from 'udang galah' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang]
       sweet = manis (ma-nis)
       sour = kecut(kö-cut)
       bitter = pait/pahit (pa-it)
       spicy = pedes/pedas(pö-dös/pö-das)
       bland = find 'tawar [bland taste]'/cari 'tawar [bland taste]'
18 jun 2020 8:46 pm edt:#add# [source:https://artikata.simomot.com/arti/gaul/ngentu from google (kentu ngentu) result 4]
18 jun 2020 9:17 pm edt:
 #add# suck penis, suction-job [daerah]488/964[/daerah]
       - dasar : sepong (sö-pɔng) (jakarta-dialect) [source:adelina-winandar/adelina-winarko]
       - aktif : sepong (sö-pɔng), nyepong (nyö-pɔng)
         contoh[example] :
         (1)posisi-badan 69 arti-nya laki jilat klitoris saat perempuan sepong laki itu
           [body-position 69 means male lick clitoris during female suck-penis-of that male]
           [body-position 69 its-meaning-is male lick clitoris during female suck-penis-of that male]
       - pasif : di-sepong
       - objek :
       - kebetulan, stative : ke-sepong (kö-sö-pɔng), ter-sepong (tör-sö-pɔng)
       - cunnilingus/cunilingus, lick clitoris = jilat klitoris (jilat kli-tɔ-ris) [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cunnilingus]

18 jun 2020 9:27 pm edt:
 #reword# suck penis, suction-job
 #to#     suck penis, suction-job, fellatio-job/felatio-job

18 jun 2020 9:29 pm edt:#add# [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fellatio]

18 jun 2020 9:31 pm edt:
 #reword# - cunnilingus/cunilingus, lick clitoris = jilat klitoris (jilat kli-tɔ-ris) [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cunnilingus]
 #to#     - cunnilingus-job/cunilingus-job, lick clitoris = jilat klitoris (jilat kli-tɔ-ris) [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cunnilingus]

18 jun 2020 9:35 pm edt:#reword# brackish, semi-salty = rada asin, lumayan asin [source:'somewhat salty but less salty than sea water.' in tfd.com/brackish from 'Giant river prawns live in turbid freshwater, but their larval stages require brackish water to survive' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freshwater_prawn_farming from 'Freshwater prawn farm' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrobrachium_rosenbergii from 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang_galah from 'udang galah' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang]
 #to# brackish, semi-salty = agak asin, rada asin, lumayan asin [source:'somewhat salty but less salty than sea water.' in tfd.com/brackish from 'Giant river prawns live in turbid freshwater, but their larval stages require brackish water to survive' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freshwater_prawn_farming from 'Freshwater prawn farm' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrobrachium_rosenbergii from 'Macrobrachium rosenbergii' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang_galah from 'udang galah' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang]

18 jun 2020 10:8 pm edt:
  (1)posisi-badan 69 arti-nya laki jilat klitoris saat perempuan sepong laki itu
    [body-position 69 means male lick clitoris during female suck-penis-of that male]
    [body-position 69 its-meaning-is male lick clitoris during female suck-penis-of that male]
  contoh[example] :
  (1)posisi-badan  69 arti-nya      laki  jilat klitoris saat   perempuan sepong        laki itu,  dan mereka bukan   sodara-kandung
    [body-position 69 means          male lick  clitoris during female    suck-penis-of that male, and they   are not blood-related-cousin]
    [body-position 69 its-meaning-is male lick  clitoris during female    suck-penis-of that male, and they   are not blood-related-cousin]

19 jun 2020 3:53 pm edt:
 #reword# posisi-badan  69 arti-nya      laki  jilat klitoris saat   perempuan sepong        laki itu,  dan mereka bukan   sodara-kandung
 #to#     posisi-badan  69 arti-nya      laki  jilat klitoris saat   perempuan sepong        laki itu,  dan mereka bukan   sodara-hubungan-darah/sodara-kandung

19 jun 2020 3:55 pm edt:
 (1)#add# , butek (bu-tök) (javanese)
 (2)#reword# transparent = transparan (trans-pa-ran)
    #to      transparent = transparan (trans-pa-ran), tembus-pandang (töm-bus pan-dang)

 (3)#reword# - transparent = tembus pandang(töm-bus pan-dang)
    #to#     - transparent = transparan (trans-pa-ran), tembus-pandang (töm-bus pan-dang)

 (4)#reword# - transparent = tembus pandang
    #to#     - transparent = transparan (trans-pa-ran), tembus-pandang (töm-bus pan-dang)
 (5)#reword# food-container = wadah
    #to#     food-container = wadah, tempat makan-an (töm-pat ma-ka-nan)

19 jun 2020 4:7 pm edt:
 #add# genus-acetes-shrimp-sauce = terasi (tö-ra-si), belacan (bö-la-can), saos udang rebon (saɔs u-dang rö-bɔn) (indonesia),
                                   saos udang geragau (gö-ra-ga-u, malay), petis (pö-tis) [source:(1/2)'udang rebon' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerabat_udang from 'kerabat udang' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang  (2/2)'petis' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrimp_paste from 'shrimp paste' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetes]

19 jun 2020 4:29 pm edt:#add# ruellia-flower, wild-petunia-flower = bunga-kencana (kön-ca-na) [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruellia from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kencana (2/2)'bank windu kentjana' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Construction_Bank_Indonesia from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_Windu_Kentjana]

19 jun 2020 4:21 pm edt:
 (1/3)#reword# century = abad (a-bad) #to# 100 year, century, centum/sentum(latin) = abad (a-bad) [source:(1/2)'centum' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/centum]
 (2/3)#reword# decade = dekade(de-ka-dö) #to# 10 year, decade, dekas(greek) = dekade(de-ka-dö) [source:'dekas' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decade]
 (3/3)#add# 8 year = windu [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windu from 'udang windu' in find 'https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerabat_udang']

19 jun 2020 4:40 pm edt:#add# [more info:find 'long time = lama']
19 jun 2020 4:45 pm edt:#reword# too early = ke-pagi-an(kö-pa-gi-an)
 #to# too early = ke-pagi-an (kö-pa-gi-an), ter-lalu pagi (tör-la-lu pagi)
19 jun 2020 4:47 pm edt:#add# (4)tempik(töm-pik)
19 jun 2020 4:56 pm edt:#reword# buah dada(bu-ah da-da) #to# buah dada(bu-ah da-da) [fruit of chest]
19 jun 2020 4:57 pm edt:#reword# ass, butt = pantat, bokong #to# ass, butt = pantat, bokong (bɔ-kɔng)

19 jun 2020 7:59 pm edt:
 genus-acetes-shrimp-sauce = terasi (tö-ra-si), belacan (bö-la-can), saos udang rebon (saɔs u-dang rö-bɔn) (indonesia),
                             saos udang geragau (gö-ra-ga-u, malay), petis (pö-tis) [source:(1/2)'udang rebon' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerabat_udang from 'kerabat udang' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang  (2/2)'petis' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrimp_paste from 'shrimp paste' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetes]
 genus-acetes-shrimp-sauce = terasi (tö-ra-si), belacan (bö-la-can), saos udang rebon (saɔs u-dang rö-bɔn) (indonesia),
                             saos udang geragau (gö-ra-ga-u, malay) [source:(1/2)'udang rebon' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerabat_udang from 'kerabat udang' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udang  (2/2)'geragau' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrimp_paste from 'shrimp paste' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetes]
 genus-acetes-shrimp-sauce-with-sugar = petis (pö-tis) [source:'petis' in find 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrimp_paste']

23 jun 2020 7:11 pm edt:
 #reword# interview = wawancara.source:{} http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/wawancara/ {}'mewawancara' di https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20181107213638-20-344832/knkt-curigai-kerusakan-aoa-penyebab-lion-air-pk-lqp-jatuh from ref-120 in 'land safely.[120]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_Air_Flight_610#8_nov_2018_4_3_pm_est
 #to#     interview = wawancara, tanya-jawab [ask-answer]. [source:(1/2) http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/wawancara/ (2/2)'mewawancara' di https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20181107213638-20-344832/knkt-curigai-kerusakan-aoa-penyebab-lion-air-pk-lqp-jatuh from ref-120 in 'land safely.[120]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_Air_Flight_610#8_nov_2018_4_3_pm_est]

23 jun 2020 7:14 pm edt: 
 #reword# #interrogate# = interogasi(aktif),di-interogasi(pasif) 
 #to#     - interrogate = interogasi(aktif) (in-tö-ro-ga-si), di-interogasi(pasif)

23 jun 2020 7:19 pm edt:
 #add# 7)hancur/ancur total,                   , hancur/ancur semua, hancur/ancur 100 % 
        [totally destroyed/completely destroyed, all destroyed,      100 % destroyed]

23 jun 2020 7:23 pm edt:#add# percent = persen (pör-sän)

3 jul 2020 11:52 am edt:
 turbid, murky, muddy, cloudy = keruh (kö-ruh), butek (bu-tök) (javanese) [source:tfd.com/turbid]
 turbid, murky, muddy, cloudy = (1)keruh (kö-ruh) (for water)
                                (2)butek (bu-tök) (for water) (javanese)  [source:tfd.com/turbid]
                                (3)kusam (for glass, not for water)

3 jul 2020 11:57 am edt:
 transparent-and-clean-glass = gelas-bersih (gö-las bör-sih) [clean glass] 
 clean-water = air-bersih (air-bör-sih) [clean-water]
3 jul 2020 12:1 pm edt:
 (1)#add# 3. ikut-serta (rarely used, used with neutral-person. libat and sangkut is for crime-suspect)
 (2)#add# 3)me-ngikut-serta-kan(mö-ngi-kut-sör-ta-kan)
 (3)#add# 3)di-ikut-serta-kan
3 jul 2020 12:7 pm edt: 
 (1)#add# seret (sä-rät) [drag something on floor]
 (2)#add# (2)seret (sä-rät) [drag something on floor]
 (3)#add# , di-seret (di-sä-rät)
 (4)#add# 2. ke-seret(kö-sä-rät)
6 jul 2020 9:36 pm edt:#reword# mathematics = matematika(ma-tö-ma-ti-ka)
 #to# mathematics (from ancient-greek-word matema meaning lesson) = matematika(ma-tö-ma-ti-ka) [source:'something that is learned: a lesson' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CE%BC%CE%AC%CE%B8%CE%B7%CE%BC%CE%B1#Ancient_Greek from 'máthēma' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mathematics#Etymology]
6 jul 2020 9:41 pm edt: 
 (1)#add# (3)geret (gä-rät) [drag something on floor]
 (2)#add# 3. geret (gä-rät) (informal)
 (3)#add# di-geret (di-gä-rät)
 (4)#add# 3. ke-geret(kö-gä-rät)
 (5)#add# 3)ke-seret ke(kö-sä-rät kö)
 (6)#add# 4)ke-geret ke(kö-gä-rät kö)
6 jul 2020 10:9 pm edt:
(1)#reword# biology = biologi(bi-o-lo-gi)
   #to#     biology (from ancient-greek-word bios (life) + logos (explanation)) = biologi [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CE%BB%CF%8C%CE%B3%CE%BF%CF%82#Ancient_Greek from 'λόγος' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-%CE%BB%CE%BF%CE%B3%CE%AF%CE%B1#Ancient_Greek from 'λογία' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/biology#Etymology]

(2)#reword# chemistry = kimia (ki-mi-a)
   #to#     chemistry (from latin-word alchimista from ancient-greek-word kimia (art of alloying metal)) = kimia [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CF%87%CE%B7%CE%BC%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%B1#Ancient_Greek from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chemistry#Etymology]

(3)#reword# physics = fisika (fi-si-ka)
   #to#     physics (from ancient-greek-word fisikos (natural)) = fisika (fi-si-ka) [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CF%86%CF%85%CF%83%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%8C%CF%82#Ancient_Greek from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/physics#Etymology]

18 jul 2020 1 pm edt:
 #reword# state (an area in a country) = provinsi(pro-vin-si)
 #to#     province, usa-state, russia/ukraine-oblast, france-department, japan-prefecture = provinsi, profinsi [source:en.wikipedia.org/wiki ...]
18 jul 2020 1:4 pm edt:
 trust-worthy-person = wali [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wali]
 city = kota
 island = pulau
 city-mayor = wali-kota [trust-worthy-person-of-city] [source:translate.google.com]

18 jul 2020 1:7 pm edt:#add# 18)(numbuh-hin) sounds clearer than (numbu-hin) because numbu may mean numbuk (hit with wood-hammer), numbuhin means causing-growth
18 jul 2020 7:57 pm edt:#add# [source:'resembles a human navel.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navel_Orange]
22 jul 2020 8:32 pm edt:
 pronouncing consonant in sylable-ending/sylable-suffix, increase clarity, decrease mis-under-standing,
 without seeing other person-face and that other person will under-stand.
 seeing/staring other person-face for too long, maybe is being considered rude.

24 jul 2020 1:50 pm edt:
 - dasar : celup (cö-lup)
 - aktif : celup-in (cöl-lup-pin) (informal)
           celup-ke (cöl-lup-ke) (informal)
           men-celup-kan (mön-cö-lup-kan) (formal)
   contoh[example] :
   (1)dia celup-ke sendok ke dalam sop
      [he/she partially-submerge spoon to interior (of) soup]
      [he/she partially-submerge spoon to soup]
 - pasif : di-celup-in (di-cöl-lup-in) (informal)
           di-celup-kan (di-cöl-lup-kan) (informal)
           di-celup-ke (di-cöl-lup-ke) (informal)
 - objek :
 - kebetulan, stative :
    (1)ter-celup (tör-cöl-lup) (formal)
    (2)ke-celup (kö-cöl-lup) (informal)

8 aug 2020 2:6 pm edt:
 donation = donasi(do-na-si)
 donation = (1)donasi (do-na-si), sedekah (sö-dö-kah)
            (2)sedakah (sö-da-kah) (hebrew) [source:youtube.com/watch?v=wkz75EtQ8g8&t=2m53s ( What is Tzedakah? ) from google ( hebrew how to pronounce tzedakah ) result 3 from 'tzedakah' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usury from 'usury' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interest from 'interest' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interest_rate]
            (3)sadakah (arab) [source:youtube.com/watch?v=n2Ono1vvf_o ( Different Between Sadaqa and Zakaat? by dr zakir naik ) from 'Sadaqah (Islam)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzedakah from 'tzedakah' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usury from 'usury' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interest from 'interest' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interest_rate]
20 aug 2020 4:57 pm edt:
  7. dia di-putus dia, lalu cari cewe pe-lampias-an (cäwä pö-lampia-san)
     [he (receive) (romantic-relationship)-termination (from) her, then seek rebound-girlfriend] [source:thoughtcatalog.com/mark-rosenfeld/2016/09/15-signs-youre-the-rebound-girl/ from google ( rebound girlfriend ) result 1 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebound_(dating) from google ( bounce back girlfriend slang ) result 10]

20 aug 2020 5:8 pm edt:
 (1)#delete# dia ngamuk di press konferensi
             [he unleash tirade at press conference]
    #from# anger, berate
     unleash desire-to-relieve-stress, unleash anger
    - dasar : lampias
    - aktif : me-lampias-kan (mö-lampias-kan)
    - pasif : di-lampias-kan
    - objek : pe-lampias-an (pö-lampia-san) [unleashing-process]
    - kebetulan, stative : ter-lampias-kan (tör-lampias-kan)
    - rebound-girlfriend = cewe pe-lampias-an (cäwä pö-lampia-san) [source:thoughtcatalog.com/mark-rosenfeld/2016/09/15-signs-youre-the-rebound-girl/ from google ( rebound girlfriend ) result 1 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebound_(dating) from google ( bounce back girlfriend slang ) result 10]
 (3)#reword# - objek :
    #to# - objek : ke-marah-an (kö-mara-han) [anger]

20 aug 2020 5:28 pm edt:
 contoh[example] :
 1. dia me-lampias-kan ke-marah-an di konferensi-wartawan (kɔn-fä-rän-si)
    [he unleash tirade at press-conference]
    youtube.com/watch?v=ysnoRO7MYlQ (Alberto Malesani angry press conference w/ English Subtitles)

27 aug 2020 11:34 am edt:
 (4)sun-star         spread        light-luminosity  384.6 times 10 power-of 24 joule per second
    bintang-matahari me-nyebar-kan daya-terang-sinar 384.6 kali  10 pangkat  24 joule per detik 

5 sep 2020 1:25 pm edt:
 3. saudara-bukan-hubung-an-darah nenek-buyut-tiri-nya       paris-hilton, adalah zsa-zsa-gabor bilang saya  tukang rawat rumah yang hebat,           tiap kali  saya cerai-in       laki-saya, saya simpan rumah laki-saya
   [non-blood-related-cousin      step-great-grand-mother of paris-hilton, is     zsa-zsa-gabor says   i'm a marvelous house-keeper/house-maintainer, every-time i    leave(divorce) a/my man,  i    keep   his house]. [source:(1/2)'I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.' in https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001248/bio?ref_=nm_dyk_qt_sm#quotes from forgotten-web-site saying zsa-zsa-gabor is non-blood-cousin/step-great-great-grand-mother of paris-hilton ( 'Gave birth to her only child at age 30, daughter Francesca Hilton on March 10, 1947. Child's father is her second husband, Conrad Hilton.' )  (2/2)'tiri', 'ipar' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anak_cucu from 'cucu buyut' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buyut]

5 sep 2020 3:29 pm edt:
 #reword# saudara-bukan-hubung-an-darah nenek-buyut-tiri-nya       paris-hilton, adalah zsa-zsa-gabor bilang saya  tukang rawat rumah yang hebat,           tiap kali  saya cerai-in       laki-saya, saya simpan rumah laki-saya
 #to# saudara-bukan-hubung-an-darah nenek-buyut-tiri-nya       paris-hilton, adalah zsa-zsa-gabor bilang saya            pe-rawat rumah yang hebat,     tiap kali  saya cerai-in       laki-saya, saya simpan rumah laki-saya

5 sep 2020 4:10 pm edt:
 2. brus-li   bilang saya ga    takut orang  yang lati-an  10 000 macam tendang-an        1 kali, tapi saya takut orang  yang lati-an  1 macam tendang-an        10 000 kali
   [bruce-lee says   i    don't fear  person who  practise 10 000 variety-of-kicking-move 1 time, but  i    fear  person who  practise 1 variety-of-kicking-move 10 000 times] [source:'I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.' in https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000045/bio?ref_=nm_dyk_qt_sm#quotes]

6 sep 2020 1:30 pm edt:#reword# zsa-zsa-gabor #to# sari-gabor
7 sep 2020 8:18 pm edt:#add# bird-of-paradise = cendrawasih (cön-dra-wa-sih) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradisaea from 'paradisaea' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradisaea from 'paradisaea' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burung-burung_Cenderawasih from 'paradisaeidae' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cenderawasih_(disambiguasi)]

7 sep 2020 8:30 pm edt:
 #reword# bird-of-paradise = cendrawasih (cön-dra-wa-sih) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradisaea from 'paradisaea' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradisaea from 'paradisaea' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burung-burung_Cenderawasih from 'paradisaeidae' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cenderawasih_(disambiguasi)]
 #to# bird-of-paradise = cendrawasih (cön-dö-ra-wa-sih, cön-dra-wa-sih) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradisaea from 'paradisaea' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradisaea from 'paradisaea' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burung-burung_Cenderawasih from 'paradisaeidae' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cenderawasih_(disambiguasi)]
8 sep 2020 12:22 am edt:
    8)foxnews.com politik-analis  7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly bilang 'kalo orang  jatuh-in bom    ya   orang itu   mesti-nya tanggung-jawab                    tentang ledakan bom itu]
     [foxnews.com politic-analyst 7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly says   'if   person drop     a bomb then that person should be can-provide-answer (responsible)  about   that bomb's explosion']
     [source:'October 7, 1996', 'Bill O'Reilly taking vacation amid scandal, advertiser exodus CNN Money, April 11, 2017.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_O'Reilly_Factor from 'The O'Reilly Factor' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O'Reilly_(political_commentator) from 'Bill O'Reilly (political commentator)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_O%27Reilly from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O_Reilly]
 (2)#add# jatuh-in (informal) [drop something] (ja-tuh-hin)
8 sep 2020 12:28 am edt:
 8)foxnews.com politik-analis  7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly bilang 'kalo orang  jatuh-in bom    ya   orang itu   mesti-nya tanggung-jawab                    tentang ledakan bom itu]
  [foxnews.com politic-analyst 7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly says   'if   person drop     a bomb then that person should be can-provide-answer (responsible)  about   that bomb's explosion']
  [source:'October 7, 1996', 'Bill O'Reilly taking vacation amid scandal, advertiser exodus CNN Money, April 11, 2017.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_O'Reilly_Factor from 'The O'Reilly Factor' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O'Reilly_(political_commentator) from 'Bill O'Reilly (political commentator)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_O%27Reilly from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O_Reilly]
 8)foxnews.com komentator-politik  7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly bilang 'kalo orang  jatuh-in bom    ya   orang itu   mesti-nya tanggung-jawab                    tentang ledakan bom itu]
  [foxnews.com politic-commentator 7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly says   'if   person drop     a bomb then that person should be can-provide-answer (responsible)  about   that bomb's explosion']
  [source:'October 7, 1996', 'Bill O'Reilly taking vacation amid scandal, advertiser exodus CNN Money, April 11, 2017.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_O'Reilly_Factor from 'The O'Reilly Factor' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O'Reilly_(political_commentator) from 'Bill O'Reilly (political commentator)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_O%27Reilly from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O_Reilly]
8 sep 2020 1:48 am edt:
 8)foxnews.com komentator-politik  7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly bilang 'kalo orang  jatuh-in bom    ya   orang itu   mesti-nya tanggung-jawab                    tentang ledakan bom itu]
  [foxnews.com politic-commentator 7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly says   'if   person drop     a bomb then that person should be can-provide-answer (responsible)  about   that bomb's explosion']
  [source:'October 7, 1996', 'Bill O'Reilly taking vacation amid scandal, advertiser exodus CNN Money, April 11, 2017.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_O'Reilly_Factor from 'The O'Reilly Factor' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O'Reilly_(political_commentator) from 'Bill O'Reilly (political commentator)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_O%27Reilly from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O_Reilly]
 8)foxnews.com komentator-politik  7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly bilang kira - kira seperti-ini/gini  'kalo ada      orang    jatuh-in bom    ya   orang itu   mesti-nya tanggung-jawab                    tentang ledak-an bom itu]
  [foxnews.com politic-commentator 7-oct-1996=>11-apr-2017 bill-o-reilly approximately-says like-this         'if   there is a person drop     a bomb then that person should be can-provide-answer (responsible)  about   that bomb's explosion']
  [source:'October 7, 1996', 'Bill O'Reilly taking vacation amid scandal, advertiser exodus CNN Money, April 11, 2017.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_O'Reilly_Factor from 'The O'Reilly Factor' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O'Reilly_(political_commentator) from 'Bill O'Reilly (political commentator)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_O%27Reilly from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_O_Reilly]

8 sep 2020 1:57 am edt:
 versi lebih akurat,     bill-o-relly  bilang 'kalo kamu jatuh-in bom    ya   kamu tanggung-jawab ke (to)  ledak-an-nya'
[more  accurate-version, bill-o-reilly says   'if   you  drop     a bomb then you  responsible    for      the explosion']

8 sep 2020 2:39 pm edt:
   (2)di-bikin mbludak 
   (3)di-bikin nge-rembes

    3. rembes ( röm-bös ) [very-small-water-leak only make surface wet and not strong enough to become water-stream
        after penetrating wet-surface, water-infiltration, water-permeation, infiltrate, permeate] [source : 'fluid passes into the pores or interstices of a solid; permeate', ' enter or take up positions in gradually or surreptitiously, as for purposes of espionage or takeover: infiltrated key government agencies with spies.' in tfd.com/infiltrate]

    - kebetulan, stative :
    - water-infiltration, very-small-water-leak only make surface wet and not strong enough to become water-stream after
      penetrating wet-surface = rembes-an air (röm-bös-san air)
 (4)#add# [source : 'fluid passes into the pores or interstices of a solid; permeate', ' enter or take up positions in gradually or surreptitiously, as for purposes of espionage or takeover: infiltrated key government agencies with spies.' in tfd.com/infiltrate]

8 sep 2020 2:49 pm edt:
 - leak = bocor, ke-bocor-an
          tiris, ke-tiris-an
 - leak = bocor, tiris [source : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/tiris]
9 sep 2020 5:29 pm edt:
  versi lebih akurat,     bill-o-relly  bilang 'kalo kamu jatuh-in bom    ya   kamu tanggung-jawab ke (to)  ledak-an-nya'
 [more  accurate-version, bill-o-reilly says   'if   you  drop     a bomb then you  responsible    for      the explosion']
  versi lebih akurat,     bill-o-relly  bilang 'kalo kamu jatuh-in bom    ya   kamu tanggung-jawab tentang (about)  ledak-an-nya'
 [more  accurate-version, bill-o-reilly says   'if   you  drop     a bomb then you  responsible    for              the explosion']

19 sep 2020 4:30 pm edt:
 catholic-pope = (1)paus (indonesian-language)(dutch-language) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paus_(Gereja_Katolik) from 'Paus (Gereja Katolik)' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paus]
                 (2)papa (Latin-language) [father] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paus_(Gereja_Katolik) from 'Paus (Gereja Katolik)' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paus]

19 sep 2020 4:33 pm edt:
 whale-fish = (1)ikan-paus (indonesian-language)
              (2)walvis (dutch-language) [source:translate.google.com]

21 sep 2020 2:46 pm edt: end 2:49 pm edt
 bikin ke-pasti-an [decide, make certain-mind]
25 sep 2020 6:32 pm edt: end 6:50 pm edt
 contoh[example] :
 (1)kadang    mereka bukan-nya ingkar janji,        tapi mereka memang ingat-an-nya jelek/lemah lalu lupa   ato sungkan              mo ngomong ga  mau     nepat-i janji   karena  ke-biasa-an     jadi      yes-man untuk meng-hindar-i debat,  konflik
   [some-time they   aren't    not-keeping-promise, but  they   truly  has bad/weak-memory      then forgot or  feeling-too-embarass to say     not willing to keep promise because already-adapted to-become yes-man to    avoid         debate, conflict]

25 sep 2020 7:33 pm edt:
(1)kadang    mereka bukan-nya ingkar janji,        tapi mereka memang ingat-an-nya jelek/lemah lalu lupa   ato sungkan              mo ngomong ga  mau     nepat-i janji   karena  ke-biasa-an     jadi      yes-man untuk meng-hindar-i debat,  konflik
  [some-time they   aren't    not-keeping-promise, but  they   truly  has bad/weak-memory      then forgot or  feeling-too-embarass to say     not willing to keep promise because already-adapted to-become yes-man to    avoid         debate, conflict]
(1)kadang    mereka bukan-nya ingkar janji,        tapi mereka memang ingat-an-nya jelek/lemah lalu lupa   ato sungkan              mo ngomong ga  mau     nepat-i janji   karena  ke-biasa-an     jadi      yes-man untuk meng-hindar-i debat,  konflik  ato gagal nepat-i janji   dan malu           kasi tau  tentang/kalo  gagal   nepat-i janji
  [some-time they   aren't    not-keeping-promise, but  they   truly  has bad/weak-memory      then forgot or  feeling-too-embarass to say     not willing to keep promise because already-adapted to-become yes-man to    avoid         debate, conflict or  fail  to keep promise and too-embarassed to inform about/whether failure to keep promise]

26 sep 2020 3:49 am edt:
(1)kadang    mereka bukan-nya ingkar janji,        tapi mereka memang ingat-an-nya jelek/lemah lalu lupa   ato sungkan              mo ngomong ga  mau     nepat-i janji   karena  ke-biasa-an     jadi      yes-man untuk meng-hindar-i debat,  konflik  ato gagal nepat-i janji   dan malu           kasi tau  tentang/kalo  gagal   nepat-i janji
  [some-time they   aren't    not-keeping-promise, but  they   truly  has bad/weak-memory      then forgot or  feeling-too-embarass to say     not willing to keep promise because already-adapted to-become yes-man to    avoid         debate, conflict or  fail  to keep promise and too-embarassed to inform about/whether failure to keep promise]
(1)alasan     ingkar janji        : (1)ingat-an-nya jelek/lemah lalu lupa   (2)sungkan              mo ngomong ga  mau     nepat-i janji   karena  ke-biasa-an     jadi      yes-man untuk meng-hindar-i debat,  konflik  (3)gagal nepat-i janji   dan malu           kasi tau  tentang/kalo  gagal   nepat-i janji
  [reason for not-keeping-promise : (1)bad/weak-brain-memory    then forgot (2)feeling-too-embarass to say     not willing to keep promise because already-adapted to-become yes-man to    avoid         debate, conflict (3)fail  to keep promise and too-embarassed to inform about/whether failure to keep promise]

26 sep 2020 6:34 pm edt:
 contoh[example] :
 (1)uang  kasi wibawa ke pemilik-uang jadi mungkin punya  uang  bikin cowo jadi   sombong.
    cowo-sombong  dapat   musuh, karena  cewe   belum tentu suka      cowo-sombong-itu    dan cowo pasti benci    cowo-sombong.
    cewe-sombong    belum tentu dapat           musuh karena  cewe   punya payudara, jadi cowo tetap  suka   cewe-sombong    karena
    cowo suka payudara-cewe, cewe   mungkin benci cewe-sombong.
   [money give pride  to money-owner  so   maybe   having money make  male become arrogant.
    arrogant-male receive enemy, because female is-not-certain-to-like that-arrogant-male and male certainly-hate arrogant-male.
    arrogant-female is-not-certain-to-receive   enemy because female has   boobs,    so   male remain liking arrogant-female because
    male like female-boobs,  female maybe   hate  arrogant-female]

28 sep 2020 10:47 am edt:
 2. per-sedia-an tenaga kerja yang ber-sedia  jadi      presiden  selalu lebih banyak dari-pada yang ber-sedia  kerja   sedot   septic-tank
   [supply of    work-force   who  is willing to become president always greater      than      who  is willing to work sucking septic-tank]

28 sep 2020 10:50 am edt:
 (1/2)#add# ( sö-lalu )
 (2/2)#reword# selalu #to# se-lalu
28 sep 2020 10:52 am edt:
 2. per-sedia-an tenaga kerja yang ber-sedia  jadi      presiden  selalu lebih banyak dari-pada yang ber-sedia  kerja   sedot   septic-tank
   [supply of    work-force   who  is willing to become president always greater      than      who  is willing to work sucking septic-tank]
 2. per-sedia-an tenaga kerja yang ber-sedia  jadi      presiden  se-lalu lebih banyak dari-pada yang ber-sedia  kerja   sedot   septic-tank
   [supply of    work-force   who  is willing to become president always  greater      than      who  is willing to work sucking septic-tank]

28 sep 2020 1:42 pm edt: end 1:45 pm edt
  dia    meng-harap-kan tukang-pajak gagal audit    dia     tapi sukses  nge-rem mobil saat   nyetir  di belakang mobil/mobil-nya dia
 [he/she hope           tax-worker   fail  to audit him/her but  succeed braking car   during driving behind      his/her car]

28 sep 2020 1:54 pm edt:
  dia    meng-harap-kan tukang-pajak gagal audit    dia     tapi sukses  nge-rem mobil saat   nyetir  di belakang mobil/mobil-nya dia
 [he/she hope           tax-worker   fail  to audit him/her but  succeed braking car   during driving behind      his/her car]
  dia    meng-harap-kan polisi-pajak gagal periksa-uang/uang-nya dia     tapi sukses  nge-rem mobil saat   nyetir  di belakang mobil/mobil-nya dia
 [he/she hope           tax-police   fail  to audit              him/her but  succeed braking car   during driving behind      his/her car]

4 oct 2020 8:38 pm edt:
 (4)getas (götas) (javanese) [source:(1/2) https://katakamus.id/katakamus/kategori/kamusjawa/kata/getas-(ejaanbacaan-jawa-=-getas-)/id/9064 from google ( bahasa jawa getas ) result 3  (2/2) https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/getas]
 (5)retas (rötas) (javanese) [source:(1/2) https://katakamus.id/katakamus/kategori/kamusjawa/kata/getas-(ejaanbacaan-jawa-=-getas-)/id/9064 from google ( bahasa jawa getas ) result 3  (2/2) https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/getas]

13 oct 2020 6:3 pm edt:
 hover in air, float on water-surface -daerah--/daerah-
 - dasar : ngambang [float on water-surface]
           ngambang di udara [float on air-surface]
 - aktif : ngambang
 - pasif : di-bikin ngambang
 - objek :
 - kebetulan, stative : 
 - contoh[example]:
   (1)helikopter  itu ngambang/terbang  diam-di-tempat di atas tempat parkir
     [that helicopter hover             in-place       above   parking-lot]

15 oct 2020 4:37 pm edt:
 chicken-egg = telur-ayam (tö-lur)
 quail-bird = burung-puyuh [source:(1/2)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puyuh (2/2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quail]
 quail-egg = telur-burung-puyuh (tö-lur)

21 oct 2020 7:10 pm edt:
(1/2)#reword# woodpecker bird (c=aves-f=picidae)
         burung pelatuk(bu-rung pö-la-tuk).source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burung_pelatuk dari id.wikipedia.search ( Woodpecker ) result 2
     woodpecker bird (c=aves-f=picidae) = burung pelatuk (bu-rung pö-la-tuk). [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burung_pelatuk dari id.wikipedia.search ( Woodpecker ) result 2]

(2/2)#move# woodpecker bird (c=aves-f=picidae) = burung pelatuk (bu-rung pö-la-tuk). [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burung_pelatuk dari id.wikipedia.search ( Woodpecker ) result 2]
     #to below# swallow-bird (c=aves,o=passeriformes,o1=passeri,fa=hirundinidae)= burung-layang-layang [source:id.wikipedia->search (Hirundinidae) from 'Hirundinidae' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallow]

(3/3)#add# stork-bird = burung-bangau, burung-bango ( ba-ngɔ ) [source:'stork' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciconia from 'ciconia' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangau from bango.co.id/produk/detail/1/kecap-bango-manis from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kecap_Bango from google ( kecap cap bangau ) result 3]

21 oct 2020 7:21 pm edt:#add# heron-bird = burung-kuntul [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardeidae from 'ardeidae' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egret from 'egret' in possibly-fabricated-fight in find 'snake versus bird-like-swan/egret/heron : youtube.com/watch?v=RXlnISqpn44 ( Blunt-nosed viper attacks Little Egret ) from youtube-search ( snake bite swan ) result 1' in wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm]

22 oct 2020 11 pm edt:
 #reword# stork-bird = burung-bangau, burung-bango ( ba-ngɔ ) [source:'stork' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciconia from 'ciconia' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangau from bango.co.id/produk/detail/1/kecap-bango-manis from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kecap_Bango from google ( kecap cap bangau ) result 3]
 #to# stork-bird (c=aves,o=ciconiiformes,fa=ciconiidae,g=ciconia) = burung-bangau, burung-bango ( ba-ngɔ ) [source:'stork' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciconia from 'ciconia' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangau from bango.co.id/produk/detail/1/kecap-bango-manis from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kecap_Bango from google ( kecap cap bangau ) result 3]

22 oct 2020 11:2 am edt:
 #reword# heron-bird = burung-kuntul [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardeidae from 'ardeidae' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egret from 'egret' in possibly-fabricated-fight in find 'snake versus bird-like-swan/egret/heron : youtube.com/watch?v=RXlnISqpn44 ( Blunt-nosed viper attacks Little Egret ) from youtube-search ( snake bite swan ) result 1' in wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm]
 #to# heron-bird (c=aves,o=pelecaniformes,fa=ardeidae) = burung-kuntul [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardeidae from 'ardeidae' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egret from 'egret' in possibly-fabricated-fight in find 'snake versus bird-like-swan/egret/heron : youtube.com/watch?v=RXlnISqpn44 ( Blunt-nosed viper attacks Little Egret ) from youtube-search ( snake bite swan ) result 1' in wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm]

29 oct 2020 5:54 pm edt:
 - dasar : bingung
 - aktif : (1)mem-bingung-kan (möm-bingung-kan) (formal)
           (2)mbingung-ke  (mbingung-ke) (informal)
           (3)mbingung-in  (mbingung-ngin) (informal)
           (4)bikin ... bingung [causing ... to feel confuse]
 - pasif : di-bikin bingung [being made to feel confused]
 - objek :
 - kebetulan, stative :
29 oct 2020 6:3 pm edt:
 begin 'making correction' --------------------
 apparently = ter-nyata (tör-nyata, tör-niata)
 (1)ter-nyata   sekarang hari-senin.
    [apparently now (is) monday-day]
 (2)sekarang  hari-senin ding. (informal)
    sekarang  hari-senin ter-nyata.
    [now (is) monday-day apparently]
 (3)hari ini             hari-senin ding
    [today/this-day (is) monday-day apparently] 
 end 'making correction' --------------------

30 oct 2020 6:48 pm edt:#add# barramundi-fish/(o=perciformes-fa=latidae-g=lates-s=calcarifer) = ikan kakap putih [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakap_putih from 'kakap putih' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lates_Calcarifer from 'lates calcarifer' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barramundi from 'Oprah Winfrey is a big fan of seafood, telling Today ( https://www.today.com/health/oprah-winfrey-s-5-go-diet-tricks-weight-loss-t80966 ) that "Seafood is your friend!" Her favorite fish is barramundi (also known as Asian sea bass), which is not readily available in the U.S., so she often substitutes it with the more common cod. Also on her list of go-to fish are salmon ( https://www.mashed.com/21737/truth-salmon/ ) and Chilean sea bass, although she says she doesn't eat them as often as they are higher in fat. Another seafood she frequently eats is shrimp ( http://people.com/health/oprah-food-diary-what-i-eat/ ), which may seem like a decadent indulgence, but there's a good reason for Oprah including shrimp in her diet.' in https://www.mashed.com/112205/oprah-eats/ from google (dalai lama food menu white house) result 4]

6 nov 2020 6:19 pm est:
 #add# ( from netherland-language 'stopcontact' [source:https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=en&tl=nl&text=electric%20socket] )

6 nov 2020 6:23 pm est:
 multi-plug-socket, power-strip = (1)colok-an listrik ber-cabang (bör-cabang) [electrical-outlet having branch] [source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-plug_socket from wikipedia->search ( multi-plug )]
                                  (2)colok-an listrik punya banyak cabang [electrical-outlet having many branch] [source:https://www.bukalapak.com/products/s/colokan-listrik-cabang-3 from google ( colokan listrik cabang ) result 1]
                                  (3)colok-an listrik dengan banyak cabang [electrical-outlet with many branch] [source:https://www.bukalapak.com/products/s/colokan-listrik-cabang-3 from google ( colokan listrik cabang ) result 1]
                                  (4)colok-an listrik cabang banyak [electrical-outlet many branch] [source:https://www.bukalapak.com/products/s/colokan-listrik-cabang-3 from google ( colokan listrik cabang ) result 1]
6 nov 2020 6:37 pm est:
 #reword# dutch-language #to# netherlands-language
6 nov 2020 7:4 pm est:
 netherland (english-language), niederlande (german-language), lower-than-sea-level-country/nieder-lande = belanda (bö-lan-da, from miss-heard-portuguese-language 'holanda' [source:'ata Belanda dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah pinjaman yang cacat dari kosakata Portugis. [source:(1)'holanda, olanda, wolanda, bolanda, dan terakhir menjadi belanda' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belanda  (2)' Dari istilah Holanda dalam bahasa Portugis itu, beberapa suku di Indonesia menyebut Wolanda. Sementara dalam adaptasi lidah orang Sunda, nama itu disebut Walanda (hingga detik ini dalam bahasa Sunda moderen). Akhirnya, muncullah lafal yang fix sampai sekarang: Belanda dalam bahasa Indonesia moderen' in https://www.kompasiana.com/mahardhika.zifana/552c80916ea834e8478b45b4/kenapa-egypt-jadi-mesir-greece-jadi-yunani-dan-netherland-jadi-belanda from google ( asal kata belanda ) result 1) 
  [source:'In the Netherlands 20% of the land was below mean sea level (more is today, Flevoland); the next-highest 30% sits at less than 1 metre (3.3 ft) above sea level. Such land thus relies heavily on sea defences and was worst affected' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sea_flood_of_1953 from 'North Sea flood of 1953' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oosterscheldekering from 'Oosterscheldekering' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_Works]

6 nov 2020 7:18 pm est:
(1)#reword# (german #to# (german-language
(2)#reword# (french #to# (france-language
(3)#reword# (spanish #to# (spain-language
(4)#reword# (japanese #to# (japan-language
(5)#reword some# (javanese #to# (java-language

6 nov 2020 8:11 pm est:
 (2/3)'About one third of the Netherlands lies below sea level, with the lowest point being 22 feet (6.7 meters) below sea level. Meanwhile, the highest point is about a thousand feet above sea level.' in https://www.netherlands-tourism.com/netherlands-sea-level/ from google ( low countries sea level ) result 5 from
 (3/3)''Netherlands' mean "Low Country" in Dutch. About half of its surface area is less than 1 metre above sea level. Its highest point is 321 metres (1,053 ft) above sea level' in https://www.eupedia.com/netherlands/trivia.shtml from google ( niederlande meaning ) result 1 -> people also ask -> What is the meaning of Netherlands? ]

6 nov 2020 8:14 pm est:
  (3/3)''Netherlands' mean "Low Country" in Dutch. About half of its surface area is less than 1 metre above sea level. Its highest point is 321 metres (1,053 ft) above sea level' in https://www.eupedia.com/netherlands/trivia.shtml from google ( niederlande meaning ) result 1 -> people also ask -> What is the meaning of Netherlands? ]
  (3/3)''Netherlands' mean "Low Country" in Dutch. About half of its surface area is less than 1 metre above sea level. Its highest point is 321 metres (1,053 ft) above sea level' in https://www.eupedia.com/netherlands/trivia.shtml from ref-22 in 'Netherlands literally means "lower countries" in reference to its low elevation and flat topography, with only about 50% of its land exceeding 1 metre (3 ft 3 in) above sea level, and nearly 17% falling below sea level.[22]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands from google ( niederlande meaning ) result 1 -> people also ask -> What is the meaning of Netherlands ? ]

10 nov 2020 7:8 am est:
 #reword# multi-plug-socket, power-strip
 #to# multi-plug-socket, power-strip, relocatable-power-tap
11 nov 2020 2:2 pm est:#add# ( Bumper Cars on a Cruise Ship! POV of World's First on Quantum of the Seas )
#add# ( FIA GT World Cup 2017. Qualification Race Macau Grand Prix. Start | Huge Pile Up )

28 dec 2020 4:58 pm est: end 7:36 pm est
- solution = 
   1. solusi(so-lu-si)
   2. jalan ke-luar(ja-lan kö-lu-ar)[exit way , exit road , exit street , exit path , exit route]
   3. pe-mecah-an(pö-möcah-han)
- solution = 
   (1)jalan ke-luar(ja-lan kö-lu-ar)[exit way , exit road , exit street , exit path]
- short-cut-road = jalan pintas
- high-way , highway = jalan tol (jalan tɔl)
- high-way above other high-way = jalan tol layang (jalan tɔl layang) [flying-for-kite high-way] [more info:find 'kite (not animal) = layang-layang [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kite]']
- high-way-exit , highway-exit = jalan ke-luar tol (jalan kö-luar tɔl)
- road-highway-toll-entrance = gerbang-tol (görbang tɔl) [more info:find 'gerbang (görbang), pintu-gerbang']
- emergency door = pintu darurat
- hospital emergency room = rumah sakit ruang-an gawat darurat [sick house in-trouble-with-dead-line emergency room]
- route = (1)jalan (jalan)
          (2)rute (ru-tö)
- flight-path , flight-route =
   (1)jalan pe-nerbang-an (jalan pö-nörbang-ngan) [flight-way]
   (2)rute pe-nerbang-an (ru-tö pö-nörbang-ngan) [flight-route]
- Life-path = jalan hidup
- destiny , checkmate = takdir
- bad destiny , bad checkmate = kartu mati ( dead poker-card )
- divine intervention = ganggu-an sihir [intervention with witch-craft]
- Life-style = cara hidup (Life-procedure)
- god , maker of everything ( outer-space , star , planet , physics-law , chemistry-element , etc ,
  like movie man-in-black-1-after-end-credit-scene youtube.com/watch?v=8kVUPZ8_UJ4 ( Men in Black Ending FullHD ) showing alien kicking universe to trash-container [source : (1/2)youtube.com/watch?v=8kVUPZ8_UJ4 ( Men in Black Ending FullHD )  from youtube-search ( man in black ending credit ) result 4 from 'The end of Men In Black shows that our Milky Way is contained in a marble which is used by an alien to play a game. Based on the known size of the Milky Way, can we make an estimate on the size of the alien?' in https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/213608/how-big-is-the-alien-shown-at-the-end-of-the-first-men-in-black from google-image ( men in black  alien shrink universe ) row 3 col 1 (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_in_Black_(1997_film)]
  ) = (1)tuhan [god] ( 'tuan' means mister , 'puan' means mrs/misis/married-woman , in malay-language [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/puan] )
      (2)alah [allah]
         example:(1)dewa se-gala - gala-nya ( dewa sö-gala - gala-nya ) [god-of-everything]
                 (2)dewa semua barang ( dewa sömua barang ) [god-of-all-item]
                 (3)dewa mobil ( dewa mobil ) [car-god]
                 (4)dewa baju [clothes-god]
                 (5)dewa komputer ( dewa komputör ) [computer-god]
- satan , devil , bad-duende ( bad-satan inside house like casper-movie ) = [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casper_(film) (2/2)'duende' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamorro_people from 'charmorro' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guam]
    (1)setan (setan) [satan]
    (2)iblis (i-bö-lis) [satan]
    (3)dedemit (dödömit) [satan] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (4)kuntiL-anak [ kid-satan ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (5)tuyul [ satan with shape of kid-with-bald-head ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (6)genderuwo ( gön-dö-ru-wɔ ) [ satan with shape of giant-male ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (7)sundel bolong ( sundöl bɔlɔng ) [ satan with shape of seductive-lady with hole on stomach ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (8)pocong ( pɔcɔng ) [ satan with shape of white-pillow vertically-jumping around] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (9)wewe gombel ( wäwä gombäl ) [ satan with shape of old-lady ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]

28 dec 2020 5:47 pm est:
 (1/2)#reword# moustache = kumis
      #to# hair-above-upper-lip , moustache = kumis
 (2/2)#add# hair-under-lower-lip , moustache = jenggot (jäng-gɔt)

28 dec 2020 6:14 pm est:
 #reword# 'ua' sounds like 'u-wa'
 #to# 'ua' sounds like u-then-a-without-pause-between-u-and-a. 'w' sounds like 'u'
28 dec 2020 6:16 pm est:
 #reword# 'ia' sounds like 'i-ya'
 #to# 'ia' sounds like i-then-a-without-pause-between-i-and-a

28 dec 2020 9:52 pm est:
 #reword# (4)kuntiL-anak [ kid-satan ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
 #to# (4)kuntiL-anak [ fetus-satan ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
28 dec 2020 9:53 pm est:
 #reword# - satan , devil , bad-duende ( bad-satan inside house like casper-movie ) = [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casper_(film) (2/2)'duende' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamorro_people from 'charmorro' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guam]
 #to# - satan , devil , duende ( bad-satan inside house like casper-movie ) = [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casper_(film) (2/2)'duende' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamorro_people from 'charmorro' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guam]

1 jan 2021 4:54 pm est: end 6:15 pm est
 (1/6)#reword# gold = emas (ö-mas) #to# gold , aurum (latin-language) ( from latin-language aurora meaning dawn/prior-sun-rise ) = emas (ö-mas) [source:'aurum' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold]
 (2/6)#add# silver , argentum (latin-language) ( from some proto-indo-european's un-written-able word meaning 'white' )   = perak (pe-rak) [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/argentum]
 (3/6)#add# copper , cuprum (latin-language) ( from country 'cyprus' from greek-language for 'henna tree/lawsonia-inermis which make orange-dye-color' ) = tembaga [source:'cuprum' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper]
 (4/6)#add# tin , stannum (latin-language) = timah , seng (säng) [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin  (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timah]
 (5/6)#add# lead , plumbum (latin-language) = timbal [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead]
 (6/6)#reword# bronze = perunggu (pö-rung-gu) #to# bronze ( 88 % copper mixed-with 12 % tin ) = perunggu(pö-rung-gu) ( 88 % tembaga (tömbaga) campur 12 % timah/seng ). [source:'There are many different bronze alloys, but typically modern bronze is 88% copper and 12% tin.[14]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze]

1 jan 2021 6:21 pm est:#reword# tembaga #to# tembaga (tömbaga)

5 jan 2021 3:48 pm est:
 #reword# like movie man-in-black-1-after-end-credit-scene youtube.com/watch?v=8kVUPZ8_UJ4 ( Men in Black Ending FullHD ) showing alien kicking universe to trash-container
 #to# like movie man-in-black-1-after-end-credit-scene youtube.com/watch?v=8kVUPZ8_UJ4 ( Men in Black Ending FullHD ) showing alien inserting universe to marble-ball-pocket

10 jan 2021 9:59 pm est:
 #reword# netherland (english-language), niederlande (german-language), lower-than-sea-level-country/nieder-lande = belanda (bö-lan-da, from miss-heard-portuguese-language 'holanda' [source:'ata Belanda dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah pinjaman yang cacat dari kosakata Portugis. [source:(1)'holanda, olanda, wolanda, bolanda, dan terakhir menjadi belanda' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belanda  (2)' Dari istilah Holanda dalam bahasa Portugis itu, beberapa suku di Indonesia menyebut Wolanda. Sementara dalam adaptasi lidah orang Sunda, nama itu disebut Walanda (hingga detik ini dalam bahasa Sunda moderen). Akhirnya, muncullah lafal yang fix sampai sekarang: Belanda dalam bahasa Indonesia moderen' in https://www.kompasiana.com/mahardhika.zifana/552c80916ea834e8478b45b4/kenapa-egypt-jadi-mesir-greece-jadi-yunani-dan-netherland-jadi-belanda from google ( asal kata belanda ) result 1) 
 #to# netherland (english-language), niederlande (german-language), lower-than-ocean-level-country/nieder-lande = belanda (bö-lan-da, from miss-heard-portuguese-language 'holanda' [source:'ata Belanda dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah pinjaman yang cacat dari kosakata Portugis. [source:(1)'holanda, olanda, wolanda, bolanda, dan terakhir menjadi belanda' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belanda  (2)' Dari istilah Holanda dalam bahasa Portugis itu, beberapa suku di Indonesia menyebut Wolanda. Sementara dalam adaptasi lidah orang Sunda, nama itu disebut Walanda (hingga detik ini dalam bahasa Sunda moderen). Akhirnya, muncullah lafal yang fix sampai sekarang: Belanda dalam bahasa Indonesia moderen' in https://www.kompasiana.com/mahardhika.zifana/552c80916ea834e8478b45b4/kenapa-egypt-jadi-mesir-greece-jadi-yunani-dan-netherland-jadi-belanda from google ( asal kata belanda ) result 1) 

12 jan 2021 4:49 pm est:
 7)komputer-nya  di-dekat-kan             stop-kontak       supaya kabel-listrik     komputer-nya  ga  ter-lalu narik
   [the komputer is being moved-to-nearer electrical-outlet so     electric-cable of that computer not so-much pulling]

1 feb 2021 4:12 pm est:
 portable-cooking-gas-container/Liquified-petroleum-gas/Lpg/Liquified-48%-propane-50%-butane-2%-pentane =
  elpiji (älpiji) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquefied_petroleum_gas from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LPG]

17 feb 2021 11:28 am est:
 #reword# [random]
 #to# [random ; arrange item without knowing calculation-for-arrangement ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because there is reason , [source:albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein] ]

17 feb 2021 11:30 am est: 
 #reword# - dasar : undi(un-di)
 #to# - dasar : undi(un-di) [choose item without knowing calculation-for-choosing-process ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because there is reason , [source:albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein] ]

22 feb 2021 5:13 am est:
 18-karat white-gold ( 75 % gold ( 18 karat / 24 karat x 100 % ) plus 12.5 % copper plus 12.5 % silver plus
 ( ??? % palladium starting year 1936 , or ??? % platinum during south-america->La-Tolita-Culture year 600 bc => year 1936 ) 
 = emas-putih [source:(1/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colored_gold from 'white gold' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Gold  (2/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum  (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palladium]

22 feb 2021 5:38 am est:
 #reword# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein]
 #to# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein ( albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ] ]

25 feb 2021 12:57 pm est:
 (1/2)#reword# [random ; arrange item without knowing calculation-for-arrangement ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because there is reason , [source:albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein ( albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ] ]
      #to#  [random ; arrange item without knowing calculation-for-arrangement ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because some calculation-formula ( physics-law , chemistry-law , animal-physiology-law , etc ) make that event happen. [source:albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein ( albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ] ]

 (2/2)#reword# - dasar : undi(un-di) [choose item without knowing calculation-for-choosing-process ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because there is reason , [source:albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein/albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ] ]
      #to# - dasar : undi(un-di) [choose item without knowing calculation-for-choosing-process ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because some calculation-formula ( physics-law , chemistry-law , animal-physiology-law , etc ) make that event happen. [source:albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein/albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ] ]

25 feb 2021 1:14 pm est:
 (1/2)#reword# [random ; arrange item without knowing calculation-for-arrangement ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because there is reason , [source:albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein ( albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ] ]
      #to#  [random ; arrange item without knowing calculation-for-arrangement ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because some calculation-formula ( physics-law , chemistry-law , animal-physiology-law/animal-organ-function-law , etc ) make that event happen. [source : (1/2)albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein ( albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ]  (2/2)'Physiology (/ˌfɪziˈɒlədʒi/; from Ancient Greek φύσις (physis) 'nature, origin', and -λογία (-logia) 'study of'[1]) is scientific study of functions and mechanisms in a living system.[2][3] As a sub-discipline of biology, physiology focuses on how organisms, organ systems, individual organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions in a living system.[4] According to the classes of organisms, the field can be divided into medical physiology, animal physiology, plant physiology, cell physiology, and comparative physiology.[4]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physiology]
 (2/2)#reword# - dasar : undi(un-di) [choose item without knowing calculation-for-choosing-process ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because there is reason , [source:albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein/albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ] ]
      #to# - dasar : undi(un-di) [choose item without knowing calculation-for-choosing-process ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because some calculation-formula ( physics-law , chemistry-law , animal-physiology-law/animal-organ-function-law , etc ) make that event happen. [source:(1/2)albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein ( albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-german-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ]  (2/2)'Physiology (/ˌfɪziˈɒlədʒi/; from Ancient Greek φύσις (physis) 'nature, origin', and -λογία (-logia) 'study of'[1]) is scientific study of functions and mechanisms in a living system.[2][3] As a sub-discipline of biology, physiology focuses on how organisms, organ systems, individual organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions in a living system.[4] According to the classes of organisms, the field can be divided into medical physiology, animal physiology, plant physiology, cell physiology, and comparative physiology.[4]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physiology]

25 feb 2021 6:2 pm est:
 #reword# = emas-putih [source:(1/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colored_gold from 'white gold' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Gold  (2/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum  (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palladium]
 #to# = emas-putih (ö-mas pu-tih) [source:(1/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colored_gold from 'white gold' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Gold  (2/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum  (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palladium]

1 mar 2021 5:46 am est:
 6) sama (mbek) agama    yang     betul   : ya   orang  bilang boikot/hindari payung   dan ga    pernah kena          ujan , tutup 1 pintu lalu pintu-jalan-lain               otomatis-buka      , payung   adalah pisau-akujiki-di-main-an-komputer-ninja-shinobi-sony-playstation-2 yang  pengin di-pake     , sama agama biasa       : ya   orang  bilang sedia   payung   se-belum ( ...     / jaga-jaga        kalo ) ujan
   [with        religion which is correct : then person say    boycott/avoid  umbrella and never (receive touch-from) rain , close 1 door  then other door-of-other-life-path  automatically-open , umbrella is     akujiki-blade-in-video-game-shinobi-ninja-sony-playstation-2       which want   to be used  , with ordinary religion : then person say    prepare umbrella prior    ( in case / repeatedly-guard if )   rain]

1 mar 2021 6:8 am est:
 contoh[example] :
 (1) orang  nge-rokok       mungkin karena  stress (saat)   kerja ,   stress (saat)   bayar  tax/bon-masa-lalu 
    [person smoke-cigarette maybe   because stress (during) working , stress (during) paying tax/retro-active-invoice 

1 mar 2021 6:12 am est:
 (2)kontol-nya di-udut sampe muncrat sperma-nya
   [the penis receive-cigarette-smoking-action until accidental-sprayed the sperm]
1 mar 2021 6:18 am est:
 - surplus = (1)ber-lebih-an (bör-löbi-han)
             (2)dapat tambah-an [receive extra/addition]

1 mar 2021 6:22 am est:
 4)nganti(java-language) , tekan also 'java-language' but #homonym# with [find 'press an object']

1 mar 2021 6:56 am est:
 #reword# - decision = ke-putus-an (kö-pu-tu-san)
 #to# - decision = (1)ke-putus-an (kö-pu-tu-san)
                   (2)find '- conclusion = ke-simpul-an(kö-simpu-lan)'

1 mar 2021 9:3 am est:
 6) sama (mbek) agama    yang     betul   : ya   orang  bilang boikot/hindari payung   dan ga    pernah kena          ujan , tutup 1 pintu lalu pintu-jalan-lain               otomatis-buka      , payung   adalah pisau-akujiki-di-main-an-komputer-ninja-shinobi-sony-playstation-2 yang  pengin di-pake     , sama agama biasa       : ya   orang  bilang sedia   payung   se-belum ( ...     / jaga-jaga        kalo ) ujan
   [with        religion which is correct : then person say    boycott/avoid  umbrella and never (receive touch-from) rain , close 1 door  then other door-of-other-life-path  automatically-open , umbrella is     akujiki-blade-in-video-game-shinobi-ninja-sony-playstation-2       which want   to be used  , with ordinary religion : then person say    prepare umbrella prior    ( in case / repeatedly-guard if )   rain]
 6) kalo    tau  agama    yang  betul      ya         bisa  bilang boikot/hindari payung   dan ga    pernah kena          ujan , tutup 1 pintu lalu pintu-jalan-lain               otomatis-buka      , payung   adalah pisau-akujiki-di-main-an-komputer-ninja-shinobi-sony-playstation-2 yang  pengin di-pake     , kalo      cuma tau agama biasa        ya   orang  bilang sedia   payung   se-belum ( ...     / jaga-jaga        kalo ) ujan
   [if (we) know religion which is correct then (we)  can   say    boycott/avoid  umbrella and never (receive touch-from) rain , close 1 door  then other door-of-other-life-road  automatically-open , umbrella is     akujiki-blade-in-video-game-shinobi-ninja-sony-playstation-2       which want   to be used  , if   (we) only know ordinary religion then person say    prepare umbrella prior    ( in case / repeatedly-guard if )   rain]

1 mar 2021 9:47 am est:#add# but-in-reality = padahal [source:'but the case actually is' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/padahal]

9 mar 2021 12:26 pm est:
 7. di-bilang[being called some name](di-bi-lang)
 8. di-kata-in [being insulted with some name]
 7. di-bilang [receive insulting-name-label] (di-bi-lang)
 8. di-kata-in [receive insulting-name-label]

9 mar 2021 12:30 pm est:
 [quoted in the complaint], ahli tulis-an tangan
 ada per-kata-an di dalam surat keluh-an yang bilang, ahli tulis-an tangan

9 mar 2021 12:37 pm est: 
 quoted in the complaint, handwriting expert
 quoted-in-the-complaint/there-is-statement-inside-complaint-letter-which-say, handwriting expert
9 mar 2021 3:35 pm est:
 /dawn-prior-sun-rise-female-singer-bird-but-actually-dawn-prior-sun-rise-male-singer-bird =
 cucak-rawa [source:(1/4)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucak_rawa#9_mar_2021_3_18_pm_est (2/4)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw-headed_bulbul from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pycnonotus_zeylanicus (3/4)'bulbul derives from Hindi or Persian or Arabic meaning nightingale,[3] in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulbul from 'bulbul' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw-headed_bulbul (4/4)'Old English form nihtegale, which means "night songstress". Early writers assumed the female sang when it is in fact the male. The song is loud, with an impressive range of whistles, trills and gurgles. Its song is particularly noticeable at night because few other birds are singing. This is why its name includes "night" in several languages. Only unpaired males sing regularly at night, and nocturnal song probably serves to attract a mate. Singing at dawn, during the hour before sunrise, is assumed to be important in defending the bird's territory' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_nightingale#9_mar_2021_3_22_pm_est from 'nightingale' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulbul ]

25 mar 2021 10:44 am edt:
 (1/3)#reword# urge, force something, force feed 
      #to#     coerce , urge , force something
 (2/3)#reword# paksa [force something, force feed](pak-sa) 
      #to#     paksa [coerce , force something](pak-sa)
 (3/3)#reword# -will-power-enforcement=pe-maksa-an ke-hendak(pö-mak-sa-an kö-hön-dak)
      #to#     - coercion = pe-maksa-an (pö-mak-sa-an)

26 mar 2021 1:40 pm edt:
 predict , forecast , portend
 - dasar : ramal [ predict , forecast , portend ]
 - aktif : me-ramal (mö-ramal) (formal)
           nge-ramal (ngö-ramal) (informal)
           ramal (informal)
 - pasif : di-ramal
 - objek : ramal-an (ra-ma-lan) [prediction]
           (1)ramal-an   dia                  tentang kapan anjing tetangga              akan meng-gonggong , kapan alarm-anti-maling mobil            tetangga              akan kadang-rusak-lalu-bunyi ,              se-lalu salah
             [prediction belonging-to him/her about   when  dog    belonging-to neighbor will bark          , when  anti-theft-alarm  belonging-to car belonging-to neighbor will randomly-malfunction-then-emit-sound , always  wrong]
 - kebetulan , stative :

27 mar 2021 3:4 pm edt:
 #reword# steering wheel = setir-an(sö-tir-ran)
     #to# steering-wheel , volante ( italy-language )  =  setir (sö-tir) [source: 'Traduzione' in https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/volante from 'volante' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zagato from 'zagato' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O.S.C.A. from 'o.s.c.a' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernesto_Maserati from 'ernesto' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati_brothers from 'Maserati Brothers' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati ]
27 mar 2021 3:12 pm edt:
 - intense , passionate = (1)nafsu ( find 'appetite' )
                          (2)ber-api - api ( bör-api - api ) [ fiery ]
                          (3)meng-gebu - gebu ( möng-göbu - göbu ) [ fiery ]

27 mar 2021 3:14 pm edt:
 #reword# oil = oli(ɔ-li)
     #to# engine-lubrication-oil = oli , oli pe-lumas mesin (ɔ-li pö-lu-mas mösin) , minyak pe-lumas mesin (minyak/miniak pö-lu-mas mösin)
          automatic-transmission-lubrication-oil = oli pe-lumas transmisi otomatik
          open-differential-oil = oli pe-lumas diferensial
31 mar 2021 6:42 am edt:
 #reword# 1)mending-an lewat sini dari pada lewat sana
 #to#     1)mending-an lewat sini dari-pada lewat sana
31 mar 2021 6:43 am edt:
 #reword# rather than = dari-pada
     #to# rather than = (1)dari-pada
                        (2)timbang ( find 'timbang' )

31 mar 2021 6:46 am edt:
 #reword# - dasar : timbang [weigh something]
 #to#     - dasar : timbang [weigh something , find 'rather than = (1)dari-pada' ]
13 apr 2021 4:21 pm edt:#add# 6)La , Lha

13 apr 2021 4:28 pm edt: end 4:33 pm edt
 (1/3)#reword# indonesian-language #to# indonesia-language
 (2/3)#add# anchovy-fish = ikan-teri (tö-ri) (indonesia-language)
            crab = kepiting (kö-pi-ting)
            crab-pincer ( crab-hand-claw , crab-sharp-squeezer ) = cingkong (cing-kɔng) [crab's sharp-squeezer] ,  capit [squeezer]
 (3/3)#add# sin = dosa (dosa) , maksiat ( islam-religion ) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maksiat]

13 apr 2021 6:5 pm edt: 
 (1/2)#reword# crab-pincer ( crab-hand-claw , crab-sharp-squeezer ) = cingkong (cing-kɔng) [crab's sharp-squeezer] ,  capit [squeezer]
      #to#     crab-pincer ( crab-claw , crab-sharp-squeezer ) = cingkong (cing-kɔng) [crab-sharp-squeezer] ,  capit [squeezer] [source:'pincer' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab]
 (2/2)#reword# anchovy-fish = ikan-teri (tö-ri) (indonesia-language)
      #to#     anchovy-fish = ikan-teri (tö-ri) (indonesia-language) [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchovy (2/2)'anchovies' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teri_(makanan)]

14 apr 2021 9:41 am edt:
 #add# - non-married-couple living inside 1 building = kumpul kebo(kö-bo)
14 apr 2021 9:44 am edt:
 appetite = nafsu makan [desire to eat]
                  (naf-su ma-kan)

 - intense , passionate = (1)nafsu ( find 'appetite' )
                          (2)ber-api - api ( bör-api - api ) [ fiery ]
                          (3)meng-gebu - gebu ( möng-göbu - göbu ) [ fiery ]

 #to underneath#                 
 - desire, will = (1)ke-ingin-an(kö-ingi-nan)
                  (3)hasrat (ha-srat)

14 apr 2021 9:47 am edt:
 #reword# smell, kiss   [daerah]539/964[/daerah]
 #to#     smell/inhale-and-realise-unique-odor, kiss   [daerah]539/964[/daerah]
14 apr 2021 10 am edt:
 #add# 4. dia nafas lalu cium bau bensin [he/she breathe then feel-taste-of-air-like gasoline-odor]

14 apr 2021 10:44 am edt:
 #reword# gasoline = bensin(ben-sin,bän-sin) (maybe from benzene 'In many European languages, the word for petroleum or gasoline is an exact cognate of "benzene". 'As a gasoline (petrol) additive, benzene increases the octane rating and reduces knocking.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene )
 #to#     gasoline = bensin(ben-sin,bän-sin) , bensin-oktana-87-isi-air-oktana-87%-heptana-13%/bensin-premium (pö-rä-mi-um) [source:(1/5)maybe from benzene 'In many European languages, the word for petroleum or gasoline is an exact cognate of "benzene". 'As a gasoline (petrol) additive, benzene increases the octane rating and reduces knocking.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene  (2/5)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidrokarbon (3/5)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocarbon (4/5)1'bulk of a typical gasoline consists of a homogeneous mixture of small, relatively lightweight hydrocarbons with between 4 and 12 carbon atoms per molecule (commonly referred to as C4–C12).[64]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline (5/5)'Bensin dengan bilangan oktan 87, berarti bensin tersebut terdiri dari campuran setara dengan campuran 87% oktana dan 13% heptana' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bensin]

14 apr 2021 10:56 am edt:
 #add# - suffer-difficulty = susah , ke-sulit-an ( kö-su-li-tan )
14 apr 2021 11:6 am edt:#add# 6. jaket-nya ke-tinggal-an di bengkel [the-jacket accidentally-left on car-service-shop]

14 apr 2021 11:11 am edt:#add# - sympathy = kasian

14 apr 2021 11:32 am edt:#add# (3)tekan-an jiwa/batin [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/batin]

14 apr 2021 3:26 pm edt: end 15 apr 2021 5:10 pm edt
  2. orang yang dapat tekan-an untuk cepat dalam bel-ajar hal baru , susah sugih karena
     otak mesti adaptasi dengan ingat-an baru saat meng-ingat ilmu baru.
     seperti brus-li bilang mesti jadi air supaya bisa adaptasi masuk gelas-bundar , bisa adaptasi masuk gelas-kotak.
     dampak-buruk dari bisa pintar bel-ajar ilmu baru dalam waktu singkat adalah :
     (1)gampang percaya agama-yang-salah
     (2)gampang ter-goda main-an komputer
     (3)detak jantung-nya cepat jadi gampang cemas , gampang me-rasa kasian ke pe-ngemis lalu ga bisa sugih
     (4)detak jantung-nya cepat jadi kontol gampang ber-diri dan ter-goda cewe cantik

     kalo orang lamban dalam bel-ajar hal baru ya  :
     (1)pikir-an-nya keras-kepala dan otak tidak bisa adaptasi untuk meng-ingat ilmu baru , jadi gampang ke-tinggal-an jaman
     (2)tidak gampang percaya agama-yang-salah
     (3)tetap gampang ter-goda main-an komputer
     (4)detak jantung-nya lamban jadi ga gampang cemas , ga me-rasa kasian ke pe-ngemis , jadi bisa sugih
     (5)detak jantung-nya lamban jadi kontol susah ber-diri
        dan susah ter-goda cewe cantik

     kalo udah punya anak ya harus sugih dan lamban dalam bel-ajar hal baru , lalu anak ber-ikut-nya di-bikin pake
     jantung yang detak-nya sudah lamban jadi janin ter-ancam cacat.
     cemas , panik , gampang takut , adalah tanda jantung sehat.
     jadi laki pe-nakut arti-nya kontol-nya sehat. dan mungkin laki harus-nya lebih pe-nakut dari-pada perempuan.
    [person who is under-pressure to be fast in learning new thing , suffer-difficulty in-becoming-rich because
     brain must adapt with new memory during memorising new skill.
     like bruce-lee saying must become water so can adapt-to-enter circular-glass , can adapt-to-enter square-glass.
     bad-effect from being-able-to become-smart in learning new skill in short-time-period is :
     (1)easily believe false-religion
     (2)easily tempted by computer-game
     (3)his/her heart-rate is fast so easily anxious , easily feel sympathy toward beggar then can not become-rich
     (4)his/her heart-rate is fast so penis easily erect/stand-up and tempted by pretty girl

     if person is slow-in-learning-new-thing then :
     (1)his/her mind is stubborn and brain can not adapt-for-memorising new thing , so easily become-out-dated/left-out-of-moving-time-period-trend
     (2)not easily believe false-religion
     (3)still easily tempted by computer-game
     (4)his/her heart-rate is slow so not easily anxious , doesn't feel sympathy toward beggar , so can become-rich
     (5)his/her heart-rate is slow so penis suffer-difficulty-in-erection/standing-up
        and difficult to-be-tempted by pretty girl

     if already has kid then must become-rich and slow-in-learning-new-thing , then next kid is-being-made using
     heart whose heart-rate already slow so fetus under-threat-of having-defect.
     anxious , panic , easily-afraid/cowardice , are sign of healthy-heart.
     so coward male means his penis is healthy. and maybe male should-be-more-cowardice-than female. ]
     [source : 
      (1/3)Empty your mind. Become formless and shapeless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup.
           When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, my friend. in https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000045/bio?ref_=nm_dyk_qt_sm#10_dec_2020_5_1_pm_est
      (2/3)blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm says 'produce more young' , 'fast metabolic rate' meaning 'fast heart-rate'
           which means small-animal has 'fast metabolic rate' to 'produce more young' ,
           meaning more frequent penis-erection to produce more kid.
      (3/3)http://wortel.ucoz.com/loseweight_gainmuscle.htm says 'supraventricular tachycardia heart disease' , 'panic attack'
      side-effect = dampak-samping , akibat-samping 
      bad-effect = dampak-buruk
14 apr 2021 3:46 pm edt:#add# 4)cemas(cö-mas)

14 apr 2021 4:14 pm edt:#add# 4)lamban [slow]

14 apr 2021 7:40 pm edt: end 9:56 pm edt
 #reword# adapt
 #to#     adapt , change-life-style-and-behaviour-to-stay-alive-in-different-environment
14 apr 2021 9:6 pm edt:#add# - next , subsequent = ber-ikut-nya

14 apr 2021 9:11 pm edt:
 #reword# - fetus = kandung-an(kan-dung-ngan)
     #to# - fetus = (1)bayi dalam kandung-an(kan-dung-ngan) [baby inside pregnant-belly]
                    (2)janin [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/janin]

14 apr 2021 9:17 pm edt:
 #reword# keras kepala(kö-ras kö-pa-la)
 #to#     keras-kepala(kö-ras kö-pa-la)
14 apr 2021 11:15 pm edt:#add# - concise-writing , short-writing = tulis-an singkat (tu-li-san sing-kat)

15 apr 2021 5:22 pm edt:
 Empty your mind. Become formless and shapeless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup.
 When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, my friend. in https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000045/bio?ref_=nm_dyk_qt_sm#10_dec_2020_5_1_pm_est
 'Empty your mind. Become formless and shapeless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup.
  When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, my friend.' in https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000045/bio?ref_=nm_dyk_qt_sm#10_dec_2020_5_1_pm_est 

18 apr 2021 1:42 pm edt:
 #add# marmot , heaviest-squirrel , groundhog , whistle-pig , tibet-pig = marmot (mar-mot) [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmot (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmot]

18 apr 2021 1:44 pm edt: end 2:5 pm edt
 (1/3)#add# (mnemonic-for-memorise : si-de-mi) [mnemonic-source : from fx-bagyo/fransiskus-xaverius-bagio mathematics-teacher in indonesia-country->central-java-province->sedes-sapientiae-high-school. fx mungkin artinya 'fransiskus xaverius' [source: 'Fransiskus Xaverius umum digunakan sebagai nama diri, di Indonesia biasanya disingkat F.X in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fransiskus_Xaverius dari 'fransiskus xaverius' di https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fransiskus_Xaverius_Eko_Armada_Riyanto dan https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/F.X._Sudjasmin]]
 (2/3)#add# (mnemonic-for-memorise : ko-sa-mi) [mnemonic-source : from fx-bagyo/fransiskus-xaverius-bagio mathematics-teacher in indonesia-country->central-java-province->sedes-sapientiae-high-school. fx mungkin artinya 'fransiskus xaverius' [source: 'Fransiskus Xaverius umum digunakan sebagai nama diri, di Indonesia biasanya disingkat F.X in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fransiskus_Xaverius dari 'fransiskus xaverius' di https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fransiskus_Xaverius_Eko_Armada_Riyanto dan https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/F.X._Sudjasmin]]
 (3/3)#add# (mnemonic-for-memorise : ta-de-sa) [mnemonic-source : from fx-bagyo/fransiskus-xaverius-bagio mathematics-teacher in indonesia-country->central-java-province->sedes-sapientiae-high-school. fx mungkin artinya 'fransiskus xaverius' [source: 'Fransiskus Xaverius umum digunakan sebagai nama diri, di Indonesia biasanya disingkat F.X in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fransiskus_Xaverius dari 'fransiskus xaverius' di https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fransiskus_Xaverius_Eko_Armada_Riyanto dan https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/F.X._Sudjasmin]]

18 apr 2021 3:17 pm edt:
 (1/2)#add# (5)cewe jalang [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/jalang]
      contoh[example] :
       1) gosip sma/sekolah-menengah-atas bilang hotel kesambi-hijau                     in semarang-city adalah hotel-mesum        tempat    nge-sex            sama pelacur. [source : kesambihijauhotel.com from https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hotel+Kesambi+Hijau/@-7.0010725,110.4164384,19z/data=!4m15!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708cab8f80cffb:0xaa9ebe528e63194c!2sIstana+Rumah+Makan!8m2!3d-6.9931224!4d110.4323079!3m7!1s0x2e708b666b092be9:0x328878f0d5ede14c!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d-6.999788!4d110.4160731]
         [high-school gossip              says   kesambi-hijau-hotel/green-kesambi-hotel is     sex-activity-hotel place-for doing-sex-activity with prostitute]
         center , middle = tengah
         going to middle = me-nengah

22 apr 2021 3:37 am edt: end 3:44 am edt
 #add# porn , arousing , causing horny-feeling = mesum(mö-sum) [source : 'Noun 1. porn - creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire' in tfd.com/porn from 'porno' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/mesum ]
       hotel for doing sex-activity with prostitute = hotel mesum (ho-täl mö-sum)
22 apr 2021 3:46 am edt:
 1) gosip sma/sekolah-menengah-atas bilang hotel kesambi-hijau                     in semarang-city adalah hotel-mesum        tempat    nge-sex            sama pelacur. [source : kesambihijauhotel.com from https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hotel+Kesambi+Hijau/@-7.0010725,110.4164384,19z/data=!4m15!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708cab8f80cffb:0xaa9ebe528e63194c!2sIstana+Rumah+Makan!8m2!3d-6.9931224!4d110.4323079!3m7!1s0x2e708b666b092be9:0x328878f0d5ede14c!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d-6.999788!4d110.4160731]
    [high-school gossip              says   kesambi-hijau-hotel/green-kesambi-hotel di kota semarang is     sex-activity-hotel place-for doing-sex-activity with prostitute]
 1) gosip sma/sekolah-menengah-atas bilang hotel kesambi-hijau                     in semarang-city adalah hotel-mesum. [source : kesambihijauhotel.com from https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hotel+Kesambi+Hijau/@-7.0010725,110.4164384,19z/data=!4m15!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708cab8f80cffb:0xaa9ebe528e63194c!2sIstana+Rumah+Makan!8m2!3d-6.9931224!4d110.4323079!3m7!1s0x2e708b666b092be9:0x328878f0d5ede14c!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d-6.999788!4d110.4160731]
   [high-school gossip              says   kesambi-hijau-hotel/green-kesambi-hotel di kota semarang is     hotel-for-sex-activity-with-prostitute]

22 apr 2021 5:49 am edt:
 #add# brothel = building where man pay to have-sex-intercourse-with/fuck prostitute [source : 'place where men pay to have sexual intercourse with prostitutes' in tfd.com/brothel]
22 apr 2021 5:52 am edt:
 #reword# center , middle = tengah
     #to# center , middle = tengah (tö-ngah)

22 apr 2021 5:56 am edt:
 #reword#  - kebetulan, stative :
     #to#  - kebetulan, stative : ke-sambi ( kö-sambi )
22 apr 2021 5:57 am edt:#add# kesambi = find 'ke-sambi'

22 apr 2021 5:34 am edt:
  google.com , youtube.com , mail.yahoo.com , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during

  starting around 13-mar california-time-zone is utc-7.
  starting around 4-nov california-time-zone is utc-8.
  (1)find in http://wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm :
      '-[13-mar-2011] usa, canada day-light-saving-time start. usa-clock, canada-clock move-forward 1 hour. [source : https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2011]
      day-light-saving-time-start-date change itself every year :
      year 2011:13-mar-2011 -> 6-nov-2011   year 2013:10-mar-2013 -> 3-nov-2013 
      year 2012:11-mar-2012 -> 4-nov-2012   source : (1) https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2011#29_sep_2018_2_1_pm_edt (2) https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2012#29_sep_2018_2_1_pm_edt (3) https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2013#29_sep_2018_2_1_pm_edt
  because ivanpah-concentrated-solar-power (csp) kills 6000 bird per year:
    from google (solar farm blinding bird) result 3
    or find 'latimes.com/local/california/la-me-solar-bird-deaths-20160831-snap-story.html'
    in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm
  2)'unauthorized contact with journalists violates BrightSource’s rules for the scientists it employs'
    in http://www.hcn.org/wotr/the-tortoise-is-collateral-damage-in-the-mojave-desert
    from google (federal biologist ivanpah) page 1 last result
    or find 'hcn.org/wotr/the-tortoise-is-collateral-damage-in-the-mojave-desert'
    in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm
  and 'ivanpah make contract to sell about 2/3 of electricity generated
       to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), and the rest to Southern California Edison (SCE).[25][26][19]'
       in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivanpah_Solar_Power_Facility
22 apr 2021 7:51 am edt:
 #add# tree-shrew , tupaia = tupai [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treeshrew from 'treeshrew' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupai]
23 apr 2021 9:5 am edt:
 (1/2) #reword# (3)jantan
           #to# (3)jantan (for chicken only)
 (2/2) #reword# (3)betina(bö-ti-na)
           #to# (3)betina(bö-ti-na) (for chicken only)

16 may 2021 12:23 pm edt:
 2. cewe   cantik mungkin rajin      minum alkohol , jadi mungkin ga  setia ,  lebih gampang ter-goda   laki lain.
   [pretty girl   maybe   diligently drink alcohol , so   maybe   not loyal ,  more  easily  tempted-by other man.]
18 may 2021 8:52 am edt:
 history = sejarah (sö-ja-rah)
 reputation = sejarah kerja/pe-kerja-an (sö-ja-rah kör-ja/pö-kör-ja-an) [work history]
18 may 2021 9:2 am edt: end 9:11 am edt
 spiral-of-hair-growth-on-head , hair-whorl , cow-lick ( usually 1 spiral-of-hair-growth-on-head per head )
    = (1) unyeng-unyeng ( uniöng - uniöng ) [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pusar_kepala from google ( bhs inggris unyeng unyeng ) result 3]
      (2) pusar-kepala

18 may 2021 9:7 am edt: end 9:18 am edt
 navel = (1)aurat  [source:'resembles a human navel.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navel_Orange]
 navel = (1)udel(u-döl)
         (2)pusar , pusar-perut(pusar-pörut) [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pusar from find 'https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pusar_kepala']
         (3)aurat [source:'resembles a human navel.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navel_Orange]
 #and move from under# stomach #to under# unyeng-unyeng

18 may 2021 9:12 am edt: end 9:17 am edt
 #add# head = kepala ( kö-pa-la )
18 may 2021 9:14 am edt:
 #reword# brothel = building where man pay to have-sex-intercourse-with/fuck prostitute [source : 'place where men pay to have sexual intercourse with prostitutes' in tfd.com/brothel]
     #to# brothel ( building where man pay to have-sex-intercourse-with/fuck prostitute ) = hotel mesum (ho-täl mö-sum) [source : 'place where men pay to have sexual intercourse with prostitutes' in tfd.com/brothel]

18 may 2021 8:6 pm edt:
 god-less and under curse = (1) keparat (kö-pa-rat) (indonesia-language)  [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/keparat ]
                            (2) wong-pak-tan (wɔng-pak-tan) (china-language)

21 may 2021 2:31 pm edt:
 - dasar : kitik
 - aktif : (1/2)kitik - kitik
           (2/2)ngitik - ngitik
 - pasif : di-kitik - kitik
 - objek : 
 - kebetulan , stative :
 - feeling ticklish = me-rasa keri ( mö-rasa kö-ri )

21 may 2021 6:29 pm edt:
 - tip , tips = (1)saran , saran - saran
                (2)anjur-an (an-ju-ran) , anjur-an - anjur-an

21 may 2021 7:33 pm edt:
 god-less and under curse = (1) keparat (kö-pa-rat) (indonesia-language)  [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/keparat ]
                            (2) wong-pak-tan (wɔng-pak-tan) (china-language)
 god-less and under curse = keparat (kö-pa-rat) (indonesia-language)  [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/keparat ]

21 may 2021 7:37 pm edt:
 son-of-a-bitch = (1)wong-pak-tan (wɔng-pak-tan) (china-language)
                  (2)wang-bai-dan (china-language) [source : 'wang bai dan' in https://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Chinese ]

21 may 2021 7:20 pm edt:
 - bastard = anak-luar-nikah [ child-outside-marriage ] [source:tfd.com/bastard]

22 may 2021 7:56 am edt:
 son-of-a-bitch = (1)wong-pak-tan (wɔng-pak-tan) (china-language)
                  (2)wang-bai-dan (china-language) [source : 'wang bai dan' in https://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Chinese ]
 son-of-a-bitch = wang-pa-tan (china-language) [source : (1/2)'王八蛋~Wángbā dàn~wang pa tan' in https://www.facebook.com/groups/200448631978/permalink/10154707940601979/ from google ( Wang pa tan artinya ) result 4 from bottom-page->related-searches->'wang pa tan artinya' from google ( arti wong pak tan ) (2/2)'wang bai dan' in https://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Chinese ]

22 may 2021 8:16 am edt:
      Louse , Lice = kutu (filum-arthropoda->kelas-insecta->superorder-psocodea/pesocodea->order-phthiraptera/fetiraptera) [ source : (1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kutu (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louse ]
      Lousy , bad-quality , infested with Lice-insect = jelek [bad] (jö-läk) , ada ordo-fertiraptera/kutu [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lousy (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kutu]
      Louse , Lice = kutu [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kutu]

22 may 2021 9:5 am edt:
 son-of-a-bitch = wang-pa-tan (china-language) [source : (1/2)'王八蛋~Wángbā dàn~wang pa tan' in https://www.facebook.com/groups/200448631978/permalink/10154707940601979/ from google ( Wang pa tan artinya ) result 4 from bottom-page->related-searches->'wang pa tan artinya' from google ( arti wong pak tan ) (2/2)'wang bai dan' in https://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Chinese ]
 son of woman who lack virtue/moral/right-of-wrong-life-principle ,
 egg of turtle ,
 egg of animal with head looking like (penis-gland/penis-head coming out of fore-skin/turtle-shell)/(clitoromegally/giant-clitoris) =
  wang-pa-tan (china-language) [source : (1/5)'王八蛋~Wángbā dàn~wang pa tan' , 'bajingan' in https://www.facebook.com/groups/200448631978/permalink/10154707940601979/ from google ( Wang pa tan artinya ) result 4 from bottom-page->related-searches->'wang pa tan artinya' from google ( arti wong pak tan ) (2/5)'wang bai dan' , 'son of a bitch' in https://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Chinese (3/5)'ethical, incorruptible, noble, righteous' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/moral (4/5)'A “wángbādàn 忘/王八蛋” is offspring of a woman lacking virtue. Another meaning of 王八 is 鼈 biē, fresh-water turtle.[4] Turtle heads re-emerging from hiding in turtle’s shell look like penis-glans emerging from foreskin, and turtles lay eggs. So a “wang ba” is a woman who has lost her virtue, and a “wang ba dan” is the progeny of such a woman, a turtle product, but, figuratively, also a penis product.' in http://folklore.usc.edu/%E7%8E%8B%E5%85%AB%E8%9B%8B-son-of-a-bitch/ from google ( wang ba dan egg of turtle son of bitch ) result 4 (5/5)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoromegally ]

22 may 2021 9:10 am edt:
  son of woman who lack virtue/moral/right-of-wrong-life-principle ,
  egg of turtle ,
  egg of animal with head looking like (penis-gland/penis-head coming out of fore-skin/turtle-shell)/(clitoromegally/giant-clitoris) =
   wang-pa-tan (china-language) [source : (1/5)'王八蛋~Wángbā dàn~wang pa tan' , 'bajingan' in https://www.facebook.com/groups/200448631978/permalink/10154707940601979/ from google ( Wang pa tan artinya ) result 4 from bottom-page->related-searches->'wang pa tan artinya' from google ( arti wong pak tan ) (2/5)'wang bai dan' , 'son of a bitch' in https://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Chinese (3/5)'ethical, incorruptible, noble, righteous' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/moral (4/5)'A “wángbādàn 忘/王八蛋” is offspring of a woman lacking virtue. Another meaning of 王八 is 鼈 biē, fresh-water turtle.[4] Turtle heads re-emerging from hiding in turtle’s shell look like penis-glans emerging from foreskin, and turtles lay eggs. So a “wang ba” is a woman who has lost her virtue, and a “wang ba dan” is the progeny of such a woman, a turtle product, but, figuratively, also a penis product.' in http://folklore.usc.edu/%E7%8E%8B%E5%85%AB%E8%9B%8B-son-of-a-bitch/ from google ( wang ba dan egg of turtle son of bitch ) result 4 (5/5)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoromegally ]
 son of woman who lack virtue/moral/right-of-wrong-Life-principle , egg of turtle =
  wang-pa-tan (china-language) [source : (1/5)'王八蛋~Wángbā dàn~wang pa tan' , 'bajingan' in https://www.facebook.com/groups/200448631978/permalink/10154707940601979/ from google ( Wang pa tan artinya ) result 4 from bottom-page->related-searches->'wang pa tan artinya' from google ( arti wong pak tan ) (2/5)'wang bai dan' , 'son of a bitch' in https://www.youswear.com/index.asp?language=Chinese (3/5)'ethical, incorruptible, noble, righteous' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/moral (4/5)'A “wángbādàn 忘/王八蛋” is offspring of a woman lacking virtue. Another meaning of 王八 is 鼈 biē, fresh-water turtle.[4] Turtle heads re-emerging from hiding in turtle’s shell look like penis-glans emerging from foreskin, and turtles lay eggs. So a “wang ba” is a woman who has lost her virtue, and a “wang ba dan” is the progeny of such a woman, a turtle product, but, figuratively, also a penis product.' in http://folklore.usc.edu/%E7%8E%8B%E5%85%AB%E8%9B%8B-son-of-a-bitch/ from google ( wang ba dan egg of turtle son of bitch ) result 4 (5/5)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clitoromegally ]
  #because# turtle-shell appear different from penis-fore-skin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle

24 may 2021 9:14 am edt: end 9:18 am edt
 2)proses pe-nyobek-an selaput-dara                  : cewe geisha-perawan/maiko  se-belum di-kentu     untuk pertama  kali-nya , vagina cewe maiko itu        akan di-buka   dikit - dikit    ( inci demi inci ) pake  jari   se-lama 7 hari , lalu cewe geisha-perawan/maiko itu   akan siap         di-kentu     untuk pertama kali-nya lalu nyobek        selaput-dara.
  [deflowering/virginity-hymen-tearing-apart process : virgin-geisha-female/maiko prior    being fucked for   the 1-st time ,     that   female-maiko's vagina will be opened little-by-little ( inch by   inch ) using finger for     7 day ,  then that virgin-geisha-female/maiko will be ready for being fucked for   the 1-st time    then tearing-apart virginity-hymen.]
  female-virginity-hymen = selaput-dara (sö-la-put dara)
  maiko , virgin-geisha ( female-companion wearing pricey worm-silk-kimono , cosmetics , complicated hair-style ) =
        maiko , perawan-geisha (pö-ra-wan)
  non-virgin-geisha = geisha
  virgin = perawan (pö-ra-wan)
  non-virgin = bukan perawan
  [source:'Mizuage. With the mizuage, or ceremonial deflowering, a maiko would finally metamorphose into a geisha. The okasan, again, would choose a suitable mizuage patron for the maiko - usually an older man who could pay for the privilege. Mizuage was sometimes an elaborate process, spread over 7 days, when the patron would open out the passage with his fingers, inch by inch, till the maiko was finally ready for intercourse. He would then divest the girl of her virginity on a night deemed auspicious, and after the event, the maiko could `turn her collar' -- from maiko's red to the white worn by the geisha. Mizuage was not a secret ceremony, and a group of maikos often shared the same mizuage patron. It was something to be celebrated, and the maiko, with her hair done in the ofuku style, would distribute gifts and sweets to her tea house mistresses and teachers. Geisha : By the time a maiko was finally ready to make her debut as a full-fledged geisha, she was expected to have mastered all the arts, specializing in any one of them. Classes, however, did not end and the geisha would continue their training throughout their careers.'  in  http://thingsasian.com/story/geishas-japan-snapshot from google (geisha sponsor) source:'but this practice was made illegal along with other acts of prostitution in 1959.[4] ' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizuage#30_oct_2018_10_43_am_edt from 'mizuage' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geisha#30_oct_2018_10_51_am_edt]

24 may 2021 9:29 am edt:
 #add# inch by inch = inci demi inci (inci dömi inci)

24 may 2021 10:43 am edt:
 clone , make same thing
 - dasar : Lipat-ganda [fold-2-time]
 - aktif : me-lipat - ganda-kan [clone]
           contoh [example] :
           (1) dia    me-lipat - ganda-kan huruf itu     sampe jumlah          huruf    men-capai 8 huruf ,    untuk me-menuh-i syarat      kunci-kata/password
              [he/she clone                that alphabet until total-amount-of-alphabet reach     8 alphabet , to    fulfill    criteria-of password]
           (2) dia    nulis huruf itu      ber-ulang - ulang kali sampe jumlah          huruf    men-capai 8 huruf
              [he/she write that  alphabet repeatedly/many-times  until total-amount-of alphabet reach     8 alphabet]
 - pasif : di-lipat - ganda-kan
 - objek :
 - double-tennis-player = pe-main tenis ganda
 - single-tennis-player = pe-main tenis 1-orang/per-orang-an (pör-orang-ngan)

24 may 2021 11 am edt:
 7. se-pandai - pandai-nya tupai      me-lompat , suatu saat pasti      jatuh juga.     se-pandai - pandai-nya pe-main tenis  pukul bola-servis ,  suatu saat pasti      bola-servis-nya ke-luar me-langgar garis-kotak-servis  di lapangan-tenis. karena  gravitasi bulan pengaruhi kita saat   laut pasang , laut surut.
   [no-matter-how-smart    tree-shrew jump ,      1     time definitely fall   as well. no-matter-how-smart    tennis  player hit   service-ball , 1     time definitely service-ball    go out  violate    service-square-line on tennis-court.   because moon gravity    influence us   during spring tide , neap tide]
   se-pandai - pandai-nya ( sö-pandai - pandai-nia )

24 may 2021 4:22 pm edt:
  2)proses pe-nyobek-an selaput-dara                  : cewe geisha-perawan/maiko  se-belum di-kentu     untuk pertama  kali-nya , vagina cewe maiko itu        akan di-buka   dikit - dikit    ( inci demi inci ) pake  jari   se-lama 7 hari , lalu cewe geisha-perawan/maiko itu   akan siap         di-kentu     untuk pertama kali-nya lalu nyobek        selaput-dara.
   [deflowering/virginity-hymen-tearing-apart process : virgin-geisha-female/maiko prior    being fucked for   the 1-st time ,     that   female-maiko's vagina will be opened little-by-little ( inch by   inch ) using finger for     7 day ,  then that virgin-geisha-female/maiko will be ready for being fucked for   the 1-st time    then tearing-apart virginity-hymen.]
  2)proses pe-nyobek-an selaput-dara                  : cewe geisha-perawan/maiko  se-belum di-kentu     untuk pertama  kali-nya , vagina cewe maiko itu        akan di-buka   dan di-lebar-kan dikit - dikit    ( inci demi inci ) pake  jari   se-lama 7 hari , lalu cewe geisha-perawan/maiko itu   akan siap         di-kentu     untuk pertama kali-nya lalu nyobek        selaput-dara    lalu mungkin vagina me-nge-luar-kan darah.
   [deflowering/virginity-hymen-tearing-apart process : virgin-geisha-female/maiko prior    being fucked for   the 1-st time ,     that   female-maiko's vagina will be opened and be widened   little-by-little ( inch by   inch ) using finger for     7 day ,  then that virgin-geisha-female/maiko will be ready for being fucked for   the 1-st time    then tearing-apart virginity-hymen then maybe   vagina produce         blood.]

25 may 2021 12:15 pm edt:
 #reword# [source:'Mizuage. With the mizuage, or ceremonial deflowering, a maiko would finally metamorphose into a geisha. The okasan, again, would choose a suitable mizuage patron for the maiko - usually an older man who could pay for the privilege. Mizuage was sometimes an elaborate process, spread over 7 days, when the patron would open out the passage with his fingers, inch by inch, till the maiko was finally ready for intercourse. He would then divest the girl of her virginity on a night deemed auspicious, and after the event, the maiko could `turn her collar' -- from maiko's red to the white worn by the geisha. Mizuage was not a secret ceremony, and a group of maikos often shared the same mizuage patron. It was something to be celebrated, and the maiko, with her hair done in the ofuku style, would distribute gifts and sweets to her tea house mistresses and teachers. Geisha : By the time a maiko was finally ready to make her debut as a full-fledged geisha, she was expected to have mastered all the arts, specializing in any one of them. Classes, however, did not end and the geisha would continue their training throughout their careers.'  in  http://thingsasian.com/story/geishas-japan-snapshot from google (geisha sponsor) source:'but this practice was made illegal along with other acts of prostitution in 1959.[4] ' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizuage#30_oct_2018_10_43_am_edt from 'mizuage' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geisha#30_oct_2018_10_51_am_edt]
     #to# [source:(1/3)'Mizuage. With the mizuage, or ceremonial deflowering, a maiko would finally metamorphose into a geisha. The okasan, again, would choose a suitable mizuage patron for the maiko - usually an older man who could pay for the privilege. Mizuage was sometimes an elaborate process, spread over 7 days, when the patron would open out the passage with his fingers, inch by inch, till the maiko was finally ready for intercourse. He would then divest the girl of her virginity on a night deemed auspicious, and after the event, the maiko could `turn her collar' -- from maiko's red to the white worn by the geisha. Mizuage was not a secret ceremony, and a group of maikos often shared the same mizuage patron. It was something to be celebrated, and the maiko, with her hair done in the ofuku style, would distribute gifts and sweets to her tea house mistresses and teachers. Geisha : By the time a maiko was finally ready to make her debut as a full-fledged geisha, she was expected to have mastered all the arts, specializing in any one of them. Classes, however, did not end and the geisha would continue their training throughout their careers.'  in  http://thingsasian.com/story/geishas-japan-snapshot from google (geisha sponsor) source:'but this practice was made illegal along with other acts of prostitution in 1959.[4] ' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizuage#30_oct_2018_10_43_am_edt from 'mizuage' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geisha#30_oct_2018_10_51_am_edt  (2/3)porn-movie show fucking-for-deflowering-process make vagina produce blood (3/3)'bleeding' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hymen]

25 may 2021 12:23 pm edt:
  7. se-pandai - pandai-nya tupai      me-lompat , suatu saat pasti      jatuh juga.     se-pandai - pandai-nya pe-main tenis  pukul bola-servis ,  suatu saat pasti      bola-servis-nya ke-luar me-langgar garis-kotak-servis  di lapangan-tenis. karena  gravitasi bulan pengaruhi kita saat   laut pasang , laut surut.
     [no-matter-how-smart    tree-shrew jump ,      1     time definitely fall   as well. no-matter-how-smart    tennis  player hit   service-ball , 1     time definitely service-ball    go out  violate    service-square-line on tennis-court.   because moon gravity    influence us   during spring tide , neap tide]
  7. (se-pandai - pandai-nya)/(ga peduli se-berapa pintar) tupai      me-lompat , suatu saat pasti      jatuh juga.     (se-pandai - pandai-nya)/(ga peduli se-berapa pintar) pe-main tenis  pukul bola-servis ,  suatu saat pasti      bola-servis-nya ke-luar me-langgar garis-kotak-servis  di lapangan-tenis. karena  gravitasi-bulan pengaruhi kita saat   laut pasang , laut surut.
     [()                     /(no-matter-how-smart)        tree-shrew jump ,      1     time definitely fall   as well. ()                      /(no-matter-how-smart)        tennis  player hit   service-ball , 1     time definitely service-ball    go out  violate    service-square-line on tennis-court.   because moon-gravity    influence us   during spring tide , neap tide]

25 may 2021 12:27 pm edt:
 doesn't care = ga peduli (ga pö-du-li)
 doesn't matter , not needed , not important = ga perlu (ga pör-lu) [not needed , not important]
28 may 2021 2:7 pm edt:
 #reword# - pasif : di-sedot(di-sö-dɔt),di-hisap(di-hi-sap),
     #to# - pasif : di-sedot(di-sö-dɔt) , di-hisap(di-hi-sap) , di-cupang

28 may 2021 2:8 pm edt:     
 #add# 3. cupang(cu-pang)
28 may 2021 2:22 pm edt:
  1. dia patut/pantas/layak/ber-hak men-dapat bintang
       [she deserves to get a star]
  1. dia patut/pantas/layak/ber-hak men-dapat bintang ( semboyan    iklan            bir  heineken.com->birbintang.co.id )
    [she deserves                   to get    a star] ( slogan (of) advertisement-of beer heineken.com->birbintang.co.id )

28 may 2021 2:22 pm edt:
  1. dia patut/pantas/layak/ber-hak men-dapat bintang
       [she deserves to get a star]
  1. dia patut/pantas/layak/ber-hak men-dapat bintang ( semboyan    iklan            bir  heineken.com->birbintang.co.id ) [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bir_Bintang ]
    [she deserves                   to get    a star] ( slogan-of   advertisement-of beer heineken.com->birbintang.co.id ) [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bir_Bintang ]

28 may 2021 2:17 pm edt:
  2. cewe   cantik mungkin rajin      minum alkohol , jadi mungkin ga  setia ,  lebih gampang ter-goda   laki lain.
    [pretty girl   maybe   diligently drink alcohol , so   maybe   not loyal ,  more  easily  tempted-by other man.]
  2. cewe   cantik mungkin rajin      minum minum-an         yang  me-ngandung alkohol , jadi mungkin ga  setia ,  lebih gampang ter-goda   laki lain.
    [pretty girl   maybe   diligently drink beverage/a-drink which contain     alcohol , so   maybe   not loyal ,  more  easily  tempted-by other man.]

28 may 2021 2:40 pm edt:#add# slogan = semboyan(söm-bo-yan)
28 may 2021 2:41 pm edt:#add# 5)Lemas(Lö-mas) , Lemes(Lö-mös) [feeling tired because of sickness]
28 may 2021 2:44 pm edt:#add# receive curse because not nice toward parents , higher seniority , higher authority = kualat [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kualat]

28 may 2021 2:53 pm edt:
 #reword# 3. cupang(cu-pang)
     #to# 3. cupang(cu-pang) [use lip to squeeze then suck skin , as a sign for sex-desire]

28 may 2021 2:56 pm edt:
 #reword# receive curse because not nice toward parents , higher seniority , higher authority = kualat [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kualat]
     #to# receive curse because rebelling against parents , higher seniority , higher authority = kualat [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kualat]
28 may 2021 3:1 pm edt:#add# - eLope = kawin-lari [married-run ; run-away from parents then get married because : (1/2) groom doesn't have money to buy wedding-ring (2/2) bride's parents dislike groom ] [source:(1/2)tfd.com/elope  (2/2)https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kawin+lari/]
28 may 2021 3:3 pm edt:#add# - possesive ( jealousy-toward-sexually-suggestive-relationship-with-other-person ) = cemburu(cöm-bu-ru)
28 may 2021 3:7 pm edt:#add# - 1-st-come-1-st-serve = datang pertama dapat pe-layan-an pertama [come 1-st receive 1-st service]
28 may 2021 5:8 pm edt:
 fully-pay debt
 - dasar : lunas [debt-fully-paid]
 - aktif : me-lunas-i(mö-lu-na-si)
 - pasif : di-lunas-i(di-lu-na-si)
 - objek :
28 may 2021 5:25 pm edt:
 - husband stay with wife's parents and husband help wife's parents-business until wedding-ring-money-debt is paid =
   sirih-pinang [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kawin+lari/]
28 may 2021 5:28 pm edt:
 nge-gaji [give salary periodically]
 (informal) (ngö-gaji)
28 may 2021 5:31 pm edt:#add# - dowry , wedding-jewelry-money , bride-price = mahar , emas-kawin [marriage-jewelry]

28 may 2021 7:26 pm edt:
  - husband stay with wife's parents and husband help wife's parents-business until wedding-ring-money-debt is paid =
    sirih-pinang [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kawin+lari/]
  - husband stay with wife's parents and husband help wife's parents-business until wedding-jewelry-money-debt is paid =
    sirih-pinang [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kawin+lari/]

29 may 2021 10:17 am edt:
 #reword# - dowry , wedding-jewelry-money , bride-price = mahar , emas-kawin [marriage-jewelry]
     #to# - dowry , wedding-jewelry-money , bride-price = mahar , per-hias-an emas kawin [marriage-gold-jewelry]

29 may 2021 10:20 am edt:     
 #reword# - advertisement = iklan(i-klan)
     #to# - advertisement = iklan(i-kö-lan , i-klan)

29 may 2021 10:23 am edt:
 #add# - flaccid ( penis ) = Letoi ( Lä-tɔ-i ) [ source : 'le·toi a cak lemah krn lelah' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/letoi ]
       - erection ( penis ) = ber-diri ( bör-di-ri )

29 may 2021 10:26 am edt:
 #reword# - eLope = kawin-lari [married-run ; run-away from parents then get married because : (1/2) groom doesn't have money to buy wedding-ring (2/2) bride's parents dislike groom ] [source:(1/2)tfd.com/elope  (2/2)https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kawin+lari/]
     #to# - eLope = kawin-lari [married-run ; run-away from parents then get married because : (1/2) groom doesn't have money to buy wedding-jewelry (2/2) bride's parents dislike groom ] [source:(1/2)tfd.com/elope  (2/2)https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kawin+lari/]

29 may 2021 10:28 am edt:
 #reword# - possesive ( jealousy-toward-sexually-suggestive-relationship-with-other-person ) = cemburu(cöm-bu-ru)
     #to# - possesive ( jealousy-toward-person-who-has-sexually-suggestive-relationship-with-other-person ) = cemburu(cöm-bu-ru)

29 may 2021 11 am edt:
 #reword# - erection ( penis ) = ber-diri ( bör-di-ri )
     #to# - erection ( penis ) = ber-diri ( bör-di-ri ) [stand up]

29 may 2021 11:11 am edt:
 #reword# 5)Lemas(Lö-mas) , Lemes(Lö-mös) [feeling tired because of sickness]
     #to# 5)Lemas(Lö-mas) , Lemes(Lö-mös) [feeling too lazy to stand-up because of sickness]

30 may 2021 6:53 am edt:
 #reword# [deflowering/virginity-hymen-tearing-apart process : virgin-geisha-female/maiko prior    being fucked for   the 1-st time ,     that   female-maiko's vagina will be opened and be widened   little-by-little ( inch by   inch ) using finger for     7 day ,  then that virgin-geisha-female/maiko will be ready for being fucked for   the 1-st time    then tearing-apart virginity-hymen then maybe   vagina produce         blood.]
     #to# [deflowering/virginity-hymen-tearing-apart process : virgin-female-geisha/maiko prior    being fucked for   the 1-st time ,     that   female-maiko's vagina will be opened and be widened   little-by-little ( inch by   inch ) using finger for     7 day ,  then that virgin-female-geisha/maiko will be ready for being fucked for   the 1-st time    then tearing-apart virginity-hymen then maybe   vagina produce         blood.]

30 may 2021 6:57 am edt:
   1. dia patut/pantas/layak/ber-hak men-dapat bintang ( semboyan    iklan            bir  heineken.com->birbintang.co.id ) [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bir_Bintang ]
     [she deserves                   to get    a star] ( slogan-of   advertisement-of beer heineken.com->birbintang.co.id ) [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bir_Bintang ]
   1. dia patut/pantas/layak/ber-hak men-dapat bintang ( semboyan    iklan            bir  heineken.com->multibintang.co.id->birbintang.co.id ) [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bir_Bintang ]
     [she deserves                   to get    a star] ( slogan-of   advertisement-of beer heineken.com->multibintang.co.id->birbintang.co.id ) [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bir_Bintang ]

30 may 2021 9:29 am edt:
 #reword# - flaccid ( penis ) = Letoi ( Lä-tɔ-i ) [ source : 'le·toi a cak lemah krn lelah' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/letoi ]
          - flaccid ( penis ) = 
              1)Lemas(Lö-mas) , Lemes(Lö-mös) [feeling too lazy to stand-up because of sickness]
              2)Letoi ( Lä-tɔ-i ) [ source : 'le·toi a cak lemah krn lelah' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/letoi ]

1 jun 2021 11:15 am edt:
 #add# 4. kadang    dia    suka dan pengin punya   , kadang    dia    simply suka saja , dan ga pengin   punya  , he/she simply-like ferrari-car   but  not wanting to have ferrari-car   because ferrari-car   is too   low    and can  scrape bump-on-road       , and maintenance price is pricey , and petrol-consumption is prodigal , and attract  attention   from   road-police ,  tax-police ,   gali.
         [sometimes he/she like and want   to-have , sometimes he/she cuma   like only , and not wanting to have, dia    cuma   suka mobil-ferrari tapi ga  mau     punya   mobil-ferrari karena  mobil-ferrari ter-lalu rendah dan bisa gesek  jendol-an di jalan , dan biaya pe-rawat-an   mahal ,   dan boros bensin ,                   dan me-narik per-hati-an (dari) polisi-jalan , polisi-pajak , thug.]

1 jun 2021 11:16 am edt:
 (1/2)#reword# - dasar : gali
          #to# - dasar : gali [excavate , dig , thug]
 (2/2)#reword# excavate
          #to# excavate , dig

1 jun 2021 11:37 am edt:#add# diesel-fuel = disel(di-söl) , solar(so-lar) , mixture-of-cn/h(2n+2)c10h22(decane)-c11h24(un-decane)-c12h26(duo-decane)-c13h28(tri-decane)-c14h30(tetra-decane)-c15h32(penta-decane) [source : (1/2)'average chemical formula for common diesel fuel is C12H23, ranging approximately from C10H20 to C15H28.[57]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_fuel (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_alkanes from 'higher alkane' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecane from 'cetane' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cetane_number from 'cetane number' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_fuel from 'diesel fuel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel ]

4 jun 2021 2:54 pm edt:
 (1/3)#add# ngisep(ngi-söp)(informal)
 (2/3)#add# , di-isep(di-i-söp)
 (3/3)#add# peng-i-sep-an(pö-ngi-sö-pan)

4 jun 2021 3:24 pm edt:
 #reword# me-ngadu/ngadu domba
     #to# me-ngadu/ngadu--domba

4 jun 2021 4:3 pm edt:#add# jendol-an(jön-dɔ-lan) = protrusion , bulge , bump

4 jun 2021 4:2 pm edt:
  4. kadang    dia    suka dan pengin punya   , kadang    dia    simply suka saja , dan ga pengin   punya  , he/she simply-like ferrari-car   but  not wanting to have ferrari-car   because ferrari-car   is too   low    and can  scrape bump-on-road       , and maintenance price is pricey , and petrol-consumption is prodigal , and attract  attention   from   road-police ,  tax-police ,   gali.
    [sometimes he/she like and want   to-have , sometimes he/she cuma   like only , and not wanting to have, dia    cuma   suka mobil-ferrari tapi ga  mau     punya   mobil-ferrari karena  mobil-ferrari ter-lalu rendah dan bisa gesek  jendol-an di jalan , dan biaya pe-rawat-an   mahal ,   dan boros bensin ,                   dan me-narik per-hati-an (dari) polisi-jalan , polisi-pajak , thug.]
  4. kadang    dia    suka dan pengin punya   , kadang    dia    cuma   suka saja , dan ga  pengin  punya   , he/she simply-like mercedes-benz-car   but  not wanting to have mercedes-benz-car   because mercedes-benz-car-maintenance-price   is pricey , and petrol-consumption is prodigal , and attract  attention   from   road-police ,  tax-police ,   gali-vandalisme-anti-nazi.
    [sometimes he/she like and want   to-have , sometimes he/she simply like only , and not wanting to have , dia    cuma   suka mobil-mercedes-benz tapi ga  mau     punya   mobil-mercedes-benz karena  biaya pe-rawat-an mobil-mercedes-benz    mahal ,  dan boros bensin ,                   dan me-narik per-hati-an (dari) polisi-jalan , polisi-pajak , anti-nazi-vandalism-thug.]

4 jun 2021 3:48 pm edt:
       (1)suap(su-ap,su-wap) (2)sogok(sɔ-gɔk)[penetrate]
       (1)suap(su-ap,su-wap) [spoon-feed]
       (2)sogok(sɔ-gɔk)      [penetrate]
       (3)dulang             [spoon-feed] (java-language)

       4)ndulang-i(ndu-la-ngi)(informal) [spoon-feed]
         dulang - dulang-an (dulang - du-la-ngan) [spoon-feed each other , usually in marriage-ceremony in indonesia-country]

 (3/5)#reword# di-suap,di-sogok
          #to# (1)di-suap
 (4/5)#reword# pe-nyuap-an [bribery]
          #to# (1)pe-nyuap-an [bribery , spoon-feeding-process]
               (2)pe-nyogok-an [bribery , penetration-process]
               (3)dulang-an (du-la-ngan) [spoon-feeding-process] (java language)

4 jun 2021 6:25 pm edt:
 4. biasa-nya acara per-kawin-an      di negara-indonesia  , ada      acara dulang - dulang-an ,       di depan    tamu-yang--di-undang
   [usually   event marriage ceremony in indonesia-country , there is event spoon-feeding each other , in-front-of invited-guest]

4 jun 2021 4:11 pm edt:
 #reword# gasoline , petrol = bensin(ben-sin,bän-sin) , bensin-oktana-87-isi-air-oktana-87%-heptana-13%/bensin-premium (pö-rä-mi-um) [source:(1/5)maybe from benzene 'In many European languages, the word for petroleum or gasoline is an exact cognate of "benzene". 'As a gasoline (petrol) additive, benzene increases the octane rating and reduces knocking.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene  (2/5)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidrokarbon (3/5)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocarbon (4/5)1'bulk of a typical gasoline consists of a homogeneous mixture of small, relatively lightweight hydrocarbons with between 4 and 12 carbon atoms per molecule (commonly referred to as C4–C12).[64]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline (5/5)'Bensin dengan bilangan oktan 87, berarti bensin tersebut terdiri dari campuran setara dengan campuran 87% oktana dan 13% heptana' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bensin]
     #to# gasoline , petrol = bensin(ben-sin,bän-sin) , bensin-oktana-87-isi-air-oktana(c8h18)-87%-heptana(c7h16)-13%/bensin-premium (pö-rä-mi-um) [source:(1/5)maybe from benzene 'In many European languages, the word for petroleum or gasoline is an exact cognate of "benzene". 'As a gasoline (petrol) additive, benzene increases the octane rating and reduces knocking.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzene  (2/5)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidrokarbon (3/5)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrocarbon (4/5)1'bulk of a typical gasoline consists of a homogeneous mixture of small, relatively lightweight hydrocarbons with between 4 and 12 carbon atoms per molecule (commonly referred to as C4–C12).[64]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasoline (5/5)'Bensin dengan bilangan oktan 87, berarti bensin tersebut terdiri dari campuran setara dengan campuran 87% oktana dan 13% heptana' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bensin]

4 jun 2021 6:20 pm edt:
  4. kadang    dia    suka dan pengin punya   , kadang    dia    cuma   suka saja , dan ga  pengin  punya   , he/she simply-like mercedes-benz-car   but  not wanting to have mercedes-benz-car   because mercedes-benz-car-maintenance-price   is pricey , and petrol-consumption is prodigal , and attract  attention   from   road-police ,  tax-police ,   gali-vandalisme-anti-nazi.
    [sometimes he/she like and want   to-have , sometimes he/she simply like only , and not wanting to have , dia    cuma   suka mobil-mercedes-benz tapi ga  mau     punya   mobil-mercedes-benz karena  biaya pe-rawat-an mobil-mercedes-benz    mahal ,  dan boros bensin ,                   dan me-narik per-hati-an (dari) polisi-jalan , polisi-pajak , anti-nazi-vandalism-thug.]
  4. kadang    dia    suka dan pengin punya   , kadang    dia    cuma   suka saja , dan ga  pengin  punya   , he/she simply-like mercedes-benz-car   but  not wanting to have mercedes-benz-car   because mercedes-benz-car-maintenance-price   is pricey , and petrol-consumption is prodigal , and attract  attention   from   road-police ,  tax-police ,   gali-vandalisme.
    [sometimes he/she like and want   to-have , sometimes he/she simply like only , and not wanting to have , dia    cuma   suka mobil-mercedes-benz tapi ga  mau     punya   mobil-mercedes-benz karena  biaya pe-rawat-an mobil-mercedes-benz    mahal ,  dan boros bensin ,                   dan me-narik per-hati-an (dari) polisi-jalan , polisi-pajak , vandalism-thug.]

4 jun 2021 6:23 pm edt:#reword# spoonfeed, bribe #to# spoon-feed, bribe
4 jun 2021 8:29 pm edt:
 trophy-wife = istri saat sukses(suksäs) [wife during successfull-time]  [source : 'starter-wife' , 'trophy-wife' in marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/ from google ( esquire.com elon musk justine start up wife ) result 1]
 starter-wife = istri saat mulai bisnis [wife during starting business]

4 jun 2021 9:4 pm edt: 
 #reword# starter-wife = istri saat mulai bisnis [wife during starting business]
     #to# starter-wife = istri saat mulai kerja [wife during starting work]

5 jun 2021 10:37 am edt:
 4. kadang    dia    suka dan pengin punya   , kadang    dia    cuma   suka saja , dan ga  pengin  punya   , he/she simply-like mercedes-benz-car   but  not wanting to have mercedes-benz-car   because mercedes-benz-car-maintenance-price   is pricey , and petrol-consumption is prodigal , and attract  attention   from   road-police ,  tax-police ,   gali-vandalisme.
   [sometimes he/she like and want   to-have , sometimes he/she simply like only , and not wanting to have , dia    cuma   suka mobil-mercedes-benz tapi ga  mau     punya   mobil-mercedes-benz karena  biaya pe-rawat-an mobil-mercedes-benz    mahal ,  dan boros bensin ,                   dan me-narik per-hati-an (dari) polisi-jalan , polisi-pajak , vandalism-thug.]
 4. kadang    dia    suka dan pengin punya   , kadang    dia    cuma   suka saja , dan ga  pengin  punya   , he/she simply-like mercedes-benz-car   but  not wanting to have mercedes-benz-car   because mercedes-benz-car-maintenance-price   is pricey , and petrol-consumption is prodigal because usually   heavier     than      cheap-car   , and attract  attention   from   road-police ,  tax-police ,   gali-vandalisme.
   [sometimes he/she like and want   to-have , sometimes he/she simply like only , and not wanting to have , dia    cuma   suka mobil-mercedes-benz tapi ga  mau     punya   mobil-mercedes-benz karena  biaya pe-rawat-an mobil-mercedes-benz    mahal ,  dan boros bensin                   karena  biasa-nya lebih berat dari-pada mobil-murah , dan me-narik per-hati-an (dari) polisi-jalan , polisi-pajak , vandalism-thug.]

5 jun 2021 10:41 am edt:#add# trophy = piala

6 jun 2021 10:6 am edt:#add# ke-liat-an-nya(kö-li-a-tan-nia) [seems]
6 jun 2021 10:6 am edt: 
 #reword# tampak       [look]
     #to# tampak [view]
          tampak-samping [view-from-side]
          tampak-depan [view-from-front]
          tampak-belakang [view-from-behind]
          tampak-nya(tam-pak-nia) [appearance-is]

6 jun 2021 10:11 am edt:
 #reword# ketok(kӓ-tɔk)[look]
     #to# ketok(kӓ-tɔk) [appear] (java-language)
          ketok(kö-tɔk) [cut] (java-language)

6 jun 2021 4:37 pm edt:
 stable = (1)stabil
          (2)datar [flat]
          (3)ter-atur (tör-ra-tur) [always under control ; always arranged in order]
  contoh[example] :
   (1) kalo udah    sukses      ya   mungkin gaya--hidup-nya       ter-atur
      [if   already successfull then maybe   his/her life-style is always under control]
   (2) dia     emosi-nya          datar
      [him/her his/her emotion is stable]
   (3) kalo lagi      mulai kerja   ya   mungkin gaya--hidup-nya    kacau      masih coba   mem-biasa-kan  diri      dalam kerja-an
      [if   currently start working then maybe   his/her life-style non-stable still trying to make him-self familiar with work]
      [if   currently start working then maybe   his/her life-style non-stable still trying to familiarise him-self  with work]
      [if   currently start working then maybe   his/her life-style non-stable still trying make him-self adapted with work]
 non-stable , fluctuate = (1)naik-turun [ascending-descending]
                          (2)ga karuan [disorganised ; not consistent]
                          (3)kacau [messy ; not consistent]

6 jun 2021 7:53 pm edt:
  non-stable , fluctuate = (1)naik-turun [ascending-descending]
                           (2)ga karuan [disorganised ; not consistent]
                           (3)kacau [messy ; not consistent]
  non-stable , fluctuate = (1)kacau [messy ; not consistent]
                           (2)naik-turun [ascending-descending]
                           (3)ga karuan [disorganised ; not consistent]

8 jun 2021 10:9 am edt:
 #reword# - without sauce = (1)polos (pɔ-lɔs)
     #to# - without sauce = (1)polos(pɔ-lɔs) , polos-an(pɔ-lɔ-san)

8 jun 2021 10:54 am edt:#add# - coward-and-easily-cry = cengeng(cä-ngäng)

12 jun 2021 5:48 pm edt:#add# nitpicking , fault-finding = suka cari ke-salah-an (kö-sa-la-han)
13 jun 2021 8:39 am edt:
 nitpicking , fault-finding = suka cari ke-salah-an (kö-sa-la-han) [ has habit to find fault ; like to find fault ]
  contoh[example] :
   (1)polisi-jalan kalo dompet-nya     lagi      tipis ya   mulai suka          cari    ke-salah-an    mobil - mobil di jalan
     [road-police  if   his/her wallet currently thin  then start to have habit to find fault       of many car      on road]

13 jun 2021 5:28 pm edt: end 5:31 pm edt
 (2)matador ber-henti minta      di-sepong          saat   mau   lawan    banteng , supaya matador-nya  ga  lemas   gara - gara di-sepong.
   [matador stop      requesting penis-suction-task during about to fight bull    , so     that matador not fatigue because-of  his-penis-is-being-sucked-until-ejaculate
   [source: (1/2) 'torero one ought to abstain from sex in order to conserve one's strength to be able to perform well in the plaza, for in not performing well there is the danger of being destroyed as a torero' in https://books.google.com/books?id=0BxLGKpJTigC&pg=PA154&lpg=PA154&dq=matador+abstain+from+sex&source=bl&ots=cZ0PjFPfiY&sig=9z5VqnOEM3HejvUS9LxwEYXsmHI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=q6_qVJCvO4KZgwTcqIG4Ag&ved=0CE4Q6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=matador%20abstain%20from%20sex&f=false  (2/2) 'Of course we didn’t sleep with women,” David answered. “I never let my men do that when we’re on a mission' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Samuel+21%3A5&version=CEV ]

13 jun 2021 6:45 pm edt:
 #reword# Lemas(Lö-mas) , Lemes(Lö-mös) [feeling too lazy to stand-up because of sickness]
     #to# Lemas(Lö-mas) , Lemes(Lö-mös) [feeling too lazy to stand-up because of sickness ; fatigue]

13 jun 2021 7:12 pm edt:
 #reword# - erection ( penis ) = ber-diri ( bör-di-ri ) [stand up]
     #to# - erection ( penis ) = (1)ber-diri(bör-di-ri) [stand up]
                                 (2)ngaceng (nga-cöng) [erection] (informal)

14 jun 2021 10:41 am edt: end 11:5 am edt
 (1)polisi-jalan kalo dompet-nya     lagi      tipis ya   mulai suka          cari    ke-salah-an    mobil - mobil di jalan
   [road-police  if   his/her wallet currently thin  then start to have habit to find fault       of many car      on road]
 (1)polisi-jalan kalo dompet-nya     lagi      tipis ya                       mulai jadi     tukang cari ke-salah-an orang  mulai suka             cari    ke-salah-an    mobil - mobil di jalan
   [road-police  if   his/her wallet currently thin  then (those road-police) start becoming fault-finder                   start to have habit of finding fault       of many car      on road]
14 jun 2021 10:48 am edt: end 11 am edt
 #add# nit-picker , fault-finder = tukang cari ke-salah-an [worker whose job is to find other people's mistake] [source : (1/2)tfd.com/nitpicker  (2/2)tfd.com/faultfinder]
14 jun 2021 11:1 am edt:
 #reword# nitpicking , fault-finding = suka cari ke-salah-an (kö-sa-la-han) [ has habit to find fault ; like to find fault ]
     #to# nitpicking , fault-finding = suka cari ke-salah-an (kö-sa-la-han) [ has habit of seeking other people's fault ; like to seek other people's fault ]

14 jun 2021 2:36 pm edt:
 contoh[example] : 
  (1)sirih-pinang maksa  suami   untuk suka ngerja-kan kerja-an       mertua        yang  bidang-nya beda dengan       jurus-an sekolah suami.
    [sirih-pinang coerce husband to    like working    in business of in-law-family whose field      is different from study-field of husband]
     1 martial-art-attack/defensive-movement = jurus
     jurus-an = study-field

14 jun 2021 2:37 pm edt:#add# ngerja-kan(ngörja-kan) (formal) [work specific task]

15 jun 2021 10:19 am edt:
  (1)sirih-pinang maksa  suami   untuk suka ngerja-kan kerja-an       mertua        yang  bidang-nya beda dengan       jurus-an sekolah suami.
    [sirih-pinang coerce husband to    like working    in business of in-law-family whose field      is different from study-field of husband]
  (1)sirih-pinang maksa  suami   untuk suka ngerja-kan kerja-an       mertua        yang  bidang-nya mungkin beda             dengan jurus-an sekolah suami.
    [sirih-pinang coerce husband to    like working    in business of in-law-family whose field      maybe is different from (with)  study-field of   husband]

15 jun 2021 2:46 pm edt:
 #merge and move from below# alone =
  insist, enforce    [daerah]281/964[/daerah]
  - dasar : 1. paksa
            2. pekso(pök-sɔ)(java-language)
  - aktif : 1. maksa [insist]
            2. mekso(mök-sɔ)(java-language)
  - pasif : 1. di-paksa
            2. di-pekso(di-pök-sɔ)(java-language)
  - objek : paksa-an
  - kebetulan, stative : 
       1. ter-paksa, ke-paksa [under enforcement]
       2. ke-pekso(kö-pök-sɔ)(java-language)

  coerce , urge , force something
 #then become# coerce , urge , force something , insist , enforce
15 jun 2021 2:50 pm edt:
 #reword# - passenger = pe-numpang (pen-numpang)
     #to# - passenger = pe-numpang(pö-numpang)

15 jun 2021 2:56 pm edt:                  
 (1/3)#reword# poet   #to# poem
 (2/3)#reword# poetry #to# poem
 (3/3)#reword# poetic #to# poem
19 jun 2021 2:31 pm edt:
  cuss, curse someone verbally                         -daerah-158/964-/daerah-
  - dasar : 
    (1)caci maki(ca-ci - ma-ki) (3)pisuh(pi-suh)
    (2)onek(o-näk)              (4)umpat(um-pat)
  - aktif : 
    1. men-caci maki(mön-ca-ci - ma-ki)(formal)
    2. ngonek-e(ngo-näk-ke)(informal)
       [cuss at someone 1 time]

       ngonek - onek-e(ngo-näk o-näk-ke) (informal)
       [cuss at someone repeatedly]
    3. misuh [cuss by himself, not directed toward anyone]
       [cuss by himself, not directed toward anyone]
       contoh[example] :
       1. dia misuh saat nge-liat mobil-nya
          di-baret orang
          [he cuss during seeing his car
           has been  scratched by someone]
    4. misuh-i(mi-suh-hi) [cuss at someone]
       misoh-i(mi-sɔh-hi) [cuss at someone]
       contoh[example] :
       1. dia misuh-i orang yang buang permen karet
          literal trans-----
          [he cuss at a person who discard chewing gum
           randomly without care]
          normal trans----
          [he cuss at a person who discard chewing gum
           in any place]
    5. ngumpat(ngum-pat)[cuss at someone] (informal)
       (less commonly used because this word is a homonym/
        homograph, similar to 'hide' / ngumpet,
        find 'hide' for more info)
       me-ngumpat(mö-ngum-pat)[cuss at someone]
         (less commonly used)(formal)
  - pasif :
    1)di-caci maki
    2)di-onek-e (di-ɔ-näk-ke) (informal)
    3)di-onek onek-e (di-ɔ-näk - ɔ-näk-ke) (informal)
  - swear words = pisuh-an (pi-suh-han)


  insult   -daerah-295/964-/daerah-
  - aktif : 
    1. ngece[insult](nge-ce)
    2. meng-hina[insult](möng-hi-na)
    3. men-cela[insult someone as disabled](mön-cö-la)
    4. me-nista[insult someone as low-life](mö-nis-ta)
  -pasif:1)di-ece (java-language)(di-e-ce)
  - kebetulan, stative :

 #to become#

   cuss , curse someone verbally , insult   -daerah-158/964-/daerah-
   - dasar : 
     (1)caci maki(ca-ci - ma-ki) 
     (5)ngece(nge-ce) [insult](java-language)
     (6)hina [insult]
     (7)cela [disabled](cö-la)
     (8)nista [low-life](nis-ta)
   - aktif : 
     1) men-caci maki(mön-ca-ci - ma-ki)(formal)
     2) ngonek-e(ngo-näk-ke)(informal)
        [cuss at someone 1 time]

        ngonek - onek-e(ngo-näk o-näk-ke) (informal)
        [cuss at someone repeatedly]
     3) misuh [cuss by himself, not directed toward anyone]
        [cuss by himself, not directed toward anyone]
        contoh[example] :
        1) dia misuh saat nge-liat mobil-nya
           di-baret orang
           [he cuss during seeing his car
            has been  scratched by someone]
        misuh-i(mi-suh-hi) [cuss at someone]
        misoh-i(mi-sɔh-hi) [cuss at someone]
        contoh[example] :
        1) dia misuh-i orang yang buang permen karet
           literal trans-----
           [he cuss at a person who discard chewing gum
            randomly without care]
           normal trans----
           [he cuss at a person who discard chewing gum
            in any place]
     4) ngumpat(ngum-pat)[cuss at someone] (informal)
        (less commonly used because this word is a homonym/
         homograph, similar to 'hide' / ngumpet,
         find 'hide' for more info)
        me-ngumpat(mö-ngum-pat)[cuss at someone]
          (less commonly used)(formal)
     5) ngece[insult](nge-ce)
     6) meng-hina[insult](möng-hi-na)
     7) men-cela[insult someone as disabled](mön-cö-la)
     8) me-nista[insult someone as low-life](mö-nis-ta)
   - pasif :
     1)di-caci maki
     2)di-onek-e (di-ɔ-näk-ke) (informal)
     3)di-onek onek-e (di-ɔ-näk - ɔ-näk-ke) (informal)
     5)di-ece (java-language)(di-e-ce)
   - swear words = pisuh-an (pi-suh-han)

19 jun 2021 2:34 pm edt:#add# (9)maido [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/maido : 'ma·i·do Jw v mencela krn tidak percaya (perbuatan atau hasil pekerjaan orang lain): bukan watak kita untuk terus cengeng dan terus -- saja']

19 jun 2021 8:1 pm edt:
 - contoh[example] :
   (1)cinta-nya        ga  murni, jadi bisa pake cincin-emas untuk lambang   cinta , karena  kalo emas di cincin-nya murni   ya   lembek            ga bisa jadi   cincin , cincin emas me-ngandung 12.5 % tembaga , 12.5 % perak.
     [his/her love  is not pure , so   can  use  gold-ring   for   symbol-of love  , because if   gold in ring       is pure then that ring is soft can not become ring ,   gold ring   contain     12.5 % copper , 12.5 % silver]

19 jun 2021 8:27 pm edt:
 #add# 14)as maximum as possible = se-maximal mungkin(sö-maximal mung-kin)

20 jun 2021 3:59 pm edt: end 21 jun 2021 11:50 am edt
 (1)#reword# 14)as maximum as possible = se-maximal mungkin(sö-maximal mung-kin)
        #to# 14)as maximum as possible = (1)se-maximal mungkin(sö-maximal mung-kin)
                                         (2)se-bisa - bisa-nya
                                         (3)sak iso ne (sak isɔ ne) (java-language)
 (2)#add# 15)as minimum as possible = sampe ga bisa lebih rendah lagi [until can not (become) lower anymore]
21 jun 2021 8:28 am edt:
 - wanting pamper-treatment like baby example :
    (1)being carried-around like baby
    (2)receiving spoon-fed
    (3)receiving repeated-hand-palm-pat-and-hand-palm-sweep on body , face
     = aleman(a-lö-man)

21 jun 2021 11:28 am edt:#add# 3. temen-an sama (tö-mö-nan) [become friend with; friend-zone]

21 jun 2021 12:1 pm edt:
 repeatedly-sweep hand-palm on skin back-and-forth
 - dasar : elus (ö-lus)
 - aktif : elus - elus [repeatedly-sweep hand-palm on skin back-and-forth]
 - pasif : di-elus - elus
 - objek :
 - kebetulan, stative :

21 jun 2021 7:3 pm edt:#add# swollen hemorrhoid , swollen-and-painful-anus , blood-in-feces = ambeien(am-bä-i-ön) , wasir(uasir) [soure : (1/2)'Internal hemorrhoids usually present with painless, bright red rectal bleeding during or following a bowel movement.[8] The blood typically covers the stool (a condition known as hematochezia), is on the toilet paper, or drips into the toilet bowl.[8]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemorrhoid (2/2)'However, when thrombosed, hemorrhoids may be very painful.[1][8] Nevertheless, this pain typically resolves in two to three days.[5] The swelling may, however, take a few weeks to disappear.[5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemorrhoid ]

22 jun 2021 9:45 am edt:
 #reword# 'tangga' is abbreviation for 'te-tangga' [neighboor]
     #to# 'tangga' is abbreviation for 'te-tangga' [neighboor] / tetangga

22 jun 2021 9:47 am edt:
 21)rumput tetangga  akan se-lalu ke-liat-an lebih hijau
   [neighbor's grass will always  appear     more-green/greener] [ source : ex-co-worker in iastate.edu->veterinary-diagnostics-laboratory steve-mindham say this]
    neighbor = tetangga (tö-tang-ga)

27 jun 2021 8:4 pm edt:
 -condolence , i sympathise = (1)ikut ber-duka-cita [feel sad as well]
                              (2)turut ber-duka-cita [feel sad as well]

27 jun 2021 8:41 pm edt: end 8:47 pm edt
 jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' ) [source : 'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi]
27 jun 2021 8:51 pm edt:
 #reword# jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' ) [source : 'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi]
     #to# jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' ) [source : 'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi from id.wikipedia.org/wiki->search-auto-complete ( jago )]

27 jun 2021 8:59 pm edt:
 #reword# jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' ) [source : 'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi from id.wikipedia.org/wiki->search-auto-complete ( jago )]
     #to# jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' , rawi is like cabai/cabe-rawit/chilli-pepper/capcicum-frutescens ) [source : (1/2)'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi from id.wikipedia.org/wiki->search-auto-complete ( jago ) (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabai_rawit from id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( cabe ) ]

29 jun 2021 7:57 pm edt:
 #reword# going to middle = me-nengah
     #to# going to middle = (1)me-nengah (mö-nöngah)
                            (2)ke tengah (kö töngah)

29 jun 2021 7:50 pm edt:
 #add# porn-movie = (1)film/filem bokep(fi-löm bo-käp)
                    (2)film/filem porno(fi-löm porno)

29 jun 2021 8:2 pm edt:
 #reword# jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' , rawi is like cabai/cabe-rawit/chilli-pepper/capcicum-frutescens ) [source : (1/2)'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi from id.wikipedia.org/wiki->search-auto-complete ( jago ) (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabai_rawit from id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( cabe ) ]
     #to# jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' , rawi is like 'rawit' in cabai/cabe-rawit/chilli-pepper/capcicum-frutescens ) [source : (1/2)'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi from id.wikipedia.org/wiki->search-auto-complete ( jago ) (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabai_rawit from id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( cabe ) ]

29 jun 2021 8:7 pm edt:
 #add# chilli-pepper/capcicum-frutescens = cabai/cabe-rawit/cabä-rawit/ [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabai_rawit from id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( cabe )]

29 jun 2021 8:8 pm edt:
  porn-movie = (1)film/filem bokep(fi-löm bo-käp)
               (2)film/filem porno(fi-löm porno)
  porn-movie = (1)film/filem bokep(fi-löm bo-käp) (indonesia-jakarta-language)
               (2)film/filem porno(fi-löm porno)

29 jun 2021 8:17 pm edt:
  porn-movie = (1)film/filem bokep(fi-löm bo-käp) (indonesia-jakarta-language)
               (2)film/filem porno(fi-löm porno)
  porn-movie = (1)film/filem mesum(fi-löm mö-sum)
               (2)film/filem porno(fi-löm porno)
               (3)film/filem bokep(fi-löm bo-käp) (indonesia-jakarta-language)

30 jun 2021 7:23 pm edt:
 #add# - divide-and-conquer = me-ngadu/ngadu--domba [makes sheeps fight each other]

4 jul 2021 7:44 pm edt:
  ok fine = (1)ya dah/sudah [yes fine] (note:this is similar to find 'already =') [source:'initials of a facetious folk phonetic spelling, e.g., oll or orl korrect representing all correct, first attested in Boston in 1839, then used in 1840 by Democrat partisans of Martin Van Buren, who allegedly named their organization, the O.K. Club, in allusion to the initials of Old Kinderhook, Van Buren's nickname, derived from his birthplace, Kinderhook, New York' in tfd.com/ok]
            (2)ya wes [yes fine] (note:this is similar to find 'already =')
  ok fine = (1)ya dah/sudah [yes fine] (note:this is similar to find 'already =') [source:'initials of a facetious folk phonetic spelling, e.g., oll or orl korrect representing all correct, first attested in Boston in 1839, then used in 1840 by Democrat partisans of Martin Van Buren, who allegedly named their organization, the O.K. Club, in allusion to the initials of Old Kinderhook, Van Buren's nickname, derived from his birthplace, Kinderhook, New York' in tfd.com/ok]
            (2)ya wes [yes fine] (note:this is similar to find 'already =')
            (4)ya saya bisa terima [yes i can accept that] [source : tfd.com/fine]
            (5)ya itu bisa di-terima [yes that is acceptable ; yes that can be accepted] [source : tfd.com/fine]
            (6)ya itu me-menuh-i syarat [yes that meet criteria] [source : tfd.com/fine]

4 jul 2021 7:45 pm edt:
 ok , i agree = setuju
 that is fine = itu boleh [that is allowed]

5 jul 2021 12:28 pm edt:
 #add# skillful = jago

5 jul 2021 12:36 pm edt: end 1:33 pm edt
 begin 'tennis vocab'---
  L'oeuf ( Löf , french-language for 'egg' ) = 0 , nol [source : http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2]
  1 in , one in = advantage server [source : https://pta-pontianak.go.id/e_dokumen/2016/Mengenal%20Sekilas%20Permainan%20Tenis%20Lapangan%20Oleh%20Ali%20M%20Haidar.pdf from google ( istilah tenis one in  one out ) result 6]
  1 out , one out = advantage receiver [source : https://pta-pontianak.go.id/e_dokumen/2016/Mengenal%20Sekilas%20Permainan%20Tenis%20Lapangan%20Oleh%20Ali%20M%20Haidar.pdf from google ( istilah tenis one in  one out ) result 6]
  deus ( dius , old-french-language ) = 2 , score-is-equal and need 2 more winning-point consecutively to win game [source : (1/2)http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2 (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/deus#Old_French from 'deus' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/deuce#5_jul_2021_8_51_am_edt from https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/deuce ]
  flat-ball , non-spinning-ball = bola biasa [normal ball] [source : http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2]
  spinning-ball = bola spin [spinning ball] [source : http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2]
  slice-ball = bola bacok-an [ball-from-sword-slash]
  drop-shot = bola pelan dekat net [slow ball near net]
  serve = serfis(särfis) , pukul-an pem-buka-an [opening shot] [source : http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2]
  warm-up = pe-manas-an
  tennis-elbow ( arm-injury because of not using racket-string-vibration-damper which transfer string-vibration to arm ) = 
   sakit tangan [hurtful arm] [source : http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2]
  umpire = wasit [source : http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2]
  line-umpire = wasit-garis [source : http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2]
  Lob , slow-upward-curve-ball = bola umbul-an [source : https://pta-pontianak.go.id/e_dokumen/2016/Mengenal%20Sekilas%20Permainan%20Tenis%20Lapangan%20Oleh%20Ali%20M%20Haidar.pdf from google ( istilah tenis one in  one out ) result 6]
  Let , ball slightly-hit net then still go in = kena net [touch net] [source : http://staffnew.uny.ac.id/upload/132319843/pendidikan/Buku%20Perwasitan%20Tenis.pdf from google ( kata tenis wanin wanout ) result 2]
 end 'tennis vocab'---

5 jul 2021 12:42 pm edt:
 #reword# jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' , rawi is like 'rawit' in cabai/cabe-rawit/chilli-pepper/capcicum-frutescens ) [source : (1/2)'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi from id.wikipedia.org/wiki->search-auto-complete ( jago ) (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabai_rawit from id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( cabe ) ]
     #to# jagorawi high-way = jalan tol/tɔl JAkarta-city-boGOR-city-ciAWI-city [toll-road jagorawi] ( jago is like find 'ayam-jago(a-yam ja-go)' , find 'skillful = jago' , rawi is like 'rawit' in cabai/cabe-rawit/chilli-pepper/capcicum-frutescens ) [source : (1/2)'Jalan Tol Jakarta–Bogor–Ciawi atau Jalan Tol Jagorawi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalan_Tol_Jakarta%E2%80%93Bogor%E2%80%93Ciawi from id.wikipedia.org/wiki->search-auto-complete ( jago ) (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabai_rawit from id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( cabe ) ]

5 jul 2021 12:47 pm edt: end 5:28 pm edt
 #add# - selingkuh-an(sö-ling-ku-han) = spouse-in-adultery

5 jul 2021 12:54 pm edt:
 #reword# ok , i agree = setuju
     #to# ok ( i agree , correct ) = setuju [agree] , betul[correct] [source : tfd.com/ok]

5 jul 2021 1:19 pm edt:
 #reword# - coward = pe-nakut(pö-na-kut)
     #to# - coward = pe-nakut(pö-na-kut) , pengecut (pö-ngö-cut)

5 jul 2021 1:39 pm edt:
 #reword# worth-it = cucuk (similar to find 'grandchild = cucu')
     #to# worth-it , profit is equal-or-bigger than deficit = cucuk (similar to find 'grandchild = cucu')

5 jul 2021 5:29 pm edt:
 #add# - objek : per-selingkuh-an(pör-sö-ling-ku-han)
5 jul 2021 5:32 pm edt:
 #reword# (2)reget(rä-grät)(java-language)
     #to# (2)reget(rö-göt)(java-language)

5 jul 2021 5:35 pm edt:     
 #merge# chest = dada #inside# begin 'anatomy related vocab'---
 #and# breast = dada(da-da) #outside# begin 'anatomy related vocab'---
 #become# chest , breast = dada
5 jul 2021 5:39 pm edt  
 (3)selingkuh bisa me-nyebab-kan adu--domba         antara  pasang-an asli dan selingkuh-an-nya
   [adultery  can  cause         divide-and-conquer between real spouse    and spouse-in-adultery]

5 jul 2021 6:8 pm edt:
 #reword# ok ( i agree , correct ) = setuju [agree] , betul[correct] [source : tfd.com/ok]
     #to# ok ( i agree , correct , allowed ) = setuju [agree] , betul[correct] , boleh[allowed] [source : tfd.com/ok]

5 jul 2021 11:11 pm edt:
  ok ( i agree , correct , allowed ) = setuju [agree] , betul[correct] , boleh[allowed] [source : tfd.com/ok]
  ok ( i agree , correct , allowed , understood ) = (1)setuju [agree]
                                                    (4)ya ngerti[yes understood] [source : tfd.com/ok]

6 jul 2021 5:3 pm edt:
 (1/2)#reword# kan #to# 'kan'
      contoh [example] :
       a : kok masih di rumah ? ga berangkat ?
           [why still at home ? not departing ?]
       b : kan badai salju
           [because (there is) snow storm]

12 jul 2021 1:45 pm edt:
 #reword# - aktif : nyambung (informal)
     #to# - aktif : nyambung (informal) [ connect to ... ]

12 jul 2021 1:47 pm edt:
 #add# sambung-in [connect ... to ...]

12 jul 2021 1:49 pm edt:
 strike-through a text ( write '----' on top of text , which say 'that text is not correct anymore' )
 - dasar : (1)coret (corät) [ write '----' on top of text , which say 'that text is not correct anymore' ]
           (2)kurek (kurök) (informal)
 - aktif : (1)men-coret ( mön-corät ) [ write '----' on top of text , so reading that text becomes more difficult ]
           (2)men-coret - coret ( mön-corät - corät ) [ write many '----' on top of text , so reading that text becomes very difficult ]
           (3)ngurek - ngurek (informal)
 - pasif : (1)di-coret ( di-corät )
           (2)di-coret - coret
           (3)di-kurek - kurek (informal)
 - objek : pen-coret-an ( pön-corä-tan )
 - kebetulan , stative :

12 jul 2021 2:8 pm edt:
 #reword# - electricity-resistor = peng-hambat listrik
     #to# - electricity-resistor = (1)peng-hambat listrik [ electricity-resistor ]
         	                   (2)peng-hambat arus listrik [ electricity-current-resistor ]

19 jul 2021 6:51 pm edt:
 - vagina-fucker = (1)pe-ngentu (pö-ngöntu)
                   (2)tukang ngentu
 - clitoris-licker = (1)pen-jilat klitoris
                     (2)tukang jilat klitoris
 - penis-sucker = (1)pe-nyedot kontol
                  (2)tukang sedot kontol

19 jul 2021 6:53 pm edt:
 #add# - imagine something and want that thing for long time = ngidam

19 jul 2021 7:12 pm edt:
 repeatedly for long time = (1)melulu (mö-lulu)
			    (2)terus - terus-an (törus - tö-ru-san)
  contoh [example] :(1)dia main video-game melulu 
		    (2)dia main video-game terus - terus-an
      		      [he  play video-game repeatedly-for-long-time]

19 jul 2021 7:13 pm edt:
 - dasar : leleh
 - aktif : me-leleh (mö-läläh)
 - pasif : di-leleh-kan (di-läläh-kan)
 - objek : peng-leleh-an (pöng-lälä-han)

20 jul 2021 5:15 pm edt: end 21 jul 2021 8:52 am edt
     boeing 777-200-Lr bisa muat kursi-ekon(e) , kursi-bisnis(b) , kursi-utama(u):
         (1)268 kursi ( 228(e) , 40(b) ) dengan panjang-tatak-an-pantat-kursi-tambah-ruang-an-kaki dalam inci : 82(b) 32(e)
         (2)279 kursi ( 237(e) , 42(u) ) --------------------------------||-----------------------------------: 60(u) 34(e)
         (3)296 kursi ( 248(e) , 42(b) ,  6(u) ) --------------------------------||---------------------------: 87(u) 50(b) 32(e)
         (4)301 kursi ( 227(e) , 58(b) , 16(u) ) ----------------------------||-------------------------------: 61(u) 39(b) 32(e)

      boeing 777-300-er bisa muat kursi-ekon(e) , kursi-bisnis(b) , kursi-utama(u):
         (1)339 kursi ( 283(e) , 56(u)  ) dengan panjang-tatak-an-pantat-kursi-tambah-ruang-an-kaki dalam inci : 60(u) 32(e)
         (2)368 kursi ( 276(e) , 70(b) , 22 (u) ) ----------------------------||-------------------------------: 61(u) 39(b) 32(e)
         (3)370 kursi ( 316(e) , 42(b) , 12 (u) ) ----------------------------||-------------------------------: 87(u) 50(b) 32(e)
         (4)378 kursi ( 350(e) , 28 (u) ) --------------------------------||-----------------------------------: 62(u) 31(e)

        [sumber : (1/2)https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/commercial/airports/acaps/777_2lr3er.pdf dari '200LR/300ER/777F (8.7 MB)' , 'D6-58329-2' di https://www.boeing.com/commercial/airports/plan_manuals.page dari google ( 747 aircraft characteristics - airport and maintenance planning ) hasil 1 dari 'aircraft characteristics - airport and maintenance planning' di https://www.airbus.com/content/dam/corporate-topics/publications/backgrounders/techdata/aircraft_characteristics/Airbus-Aircraft-AC-A380.pdf dari google ( a380 entry height ) hasil 2  (2/2)'the distance between the back rest of a seat in a passenger aircraft and the back of the seat in front of it' in tfd.com/pitch]

      english-language-translation :
      boeing 777-200-Lr can accomodate/fit economy-seat(e) , business-seat(b) , 1-st-class-seat(f):
         (1)268 seat ( 228(e) , 40(b) ) with (seat-ass-support-length/seat-depth)-plus-leg-room-in-inch : 82(b) 32(e)
         (2)279 seat ( 237(e) , 42(f) ) -----------------------------||---------------------------------: 60(f) 34(e)
         (3)296 seat ( 248(e) , 42(b) , 6(f) ) -------------------------||------------------------------: 87(f) 50(b) 32(e)
         (4)301 seat ( 227(e) , 58(b), 16(f) ) --------------------------||-----------------------------: 61(f) 39(b) 32(e)

      boeing 777-300-er can accomodate/fit economy-seat(e) , business-seat(b) , 1-st-class-seat(f):
	 (1)339 seat ( 283(e) , 56(f) ) with (seat-ass-support-length/seat-depth)-plus-leg-room-in-inch : 60(f) 32(e)
         (2)368 seat ( 276(e) , 70(b) , 22 (f) ) ------------------------||-----------------------------: 61(f) 39(b) 32(e)
         (3)370 seat ( 316(e) , 42(b) , 12 (f) ) ------------------------||-----------------------------: 87(f) 50(b) 32(e)
         (4)378 seat ( 350(e) , 28(f) ) -----------------------------||---------------------------------: 62(f) 31(e)

        [source : (1/2)https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/commercial/airports/acaps/777_2lr3er.pdf from '200LR/300ER/777F (8.7 MB)' , 'D6-58329-2' in https://www.boeing.com/commercial/airports/plan_manuals.page from google ( 747 aircraft characteristics - airport and maintenance planning ) result 1 from 'aircraft characteristics - airport and maintenance planning' in https://www.airbus.com/content/dam/corporate-topics/publications/backgrounders/techdata/aircraft_characteristics/Airbus-Aircraft-AC-A380.pdf from google ( a380 entry height ) result 2 (2/2)'the distance between the back rest of a seat in a passenger aircraft and the back of the seat in front of it' in tfd.com/pitch]

20 jul 2021 6:18 pm edt:
 contoh[example] :
  (1)sambung-in kabel-listrik     ke voltase-stabiliser ato voltase-regulator , lalu sambung-in voltase-stabiliser ke colok-an listrik di tembok ,
     tujuan-nya supaya voltase-stabiliser jadi   peng-hambat  listrik     yang masuk  rumah supaya listrik-nya         ga terlalu besar dan me-rusak
     barang - barang elektronik di dalam rumah
    [connect    electricity-cable to voltage-stabiliser or  voltage-regulator , then connect    voltage-stabiliser to electricity-outlet-on-wall ,
     its goal is so    voltage-stabiliser become resistor for electricity which enter house so     house's electricity not too    big   and damage
     electronic-things          inside   house]

20 jul 2021 6:13 pm edt:
 electrical-outlet = (1)colok-an listrik (cɔ-lɔ-kan lis-trik)
                     (2)stop-kontak (stɔp kɔn-tak) ( from netherland-language 'stopcontact' [source:https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=en&tl=nl&text=electric%20socket] )
 electricity-outlet-on-wall/electrical-outlet-on-wall =
  (1)colok-an listrik (cɔ-lɔ-kan lis-trik)
  (2)stop-kontak (stɔp kɔn-tak) ( from netherland-language 'stopcontact' [source:https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=en&tl=nl&text=electric%20socket] )

20 jul 2021 7:14 pm edt:
 contoh[example] :
  (1)sambung-in kabel-listrik     ke voltase-stabiliser ato voltase-regulator , lalu sambung-in voltase-stabiliser ke colok-an listrik di tembok ,
     tujuan-nya supaya voltase-stabiliser jadi   peng-hambat  listrik     yang masuk  rumah supaya listrik-nya         ga terlalu besar dan me-rusak
     barang - barang elektronik di dalam rumah
    [connect    electricity-cable to voltage-stabiliser or  voltage-regulator , then connect    voltage-stabiliser to electricity-outlet-on-wall ,
     its goal is so    voltage-stabiliser become resistor for electricity which enter house so     house's electricity not too    big   and damage
     electronic-things          inside   house]

 contoh[example] :
  (1)sambung-in kabel-listrik     ke voltase-stabiliser ato voltase-regulator , lalu sambung-in voltase-stabiliser ke colok-an listrik di tembok ,
     tujuan-nya supaya voltase-stabiliser jadi   peng-hambat  listrik     yang masuk  rumah supaya listrik-nya         ga terlalu besar. 
     listrik yang ter-lalu besar me-rusak barang - barang elektronik di dalam rumah
    [connect    electricity-cable to voltage-stabiliser or  voltage-regulator , then connect    voltage-stabiliser to electricity-outlet-on-wall ,
     its goal is so    voltage-stabiliser become resistor for electricity which enter house so     house's electricity not too    big.
     electricity which is too big damage electronic-things          inside   house]

21 jul 2021 10:19 am edt:
 #add# 1-st-class-seat = kursi-utama [source : 'kelas utama/first class' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia]

21 jul 2021 10:24 am edt:
 1-st-class-seat =
        (2)kursi-kasta-utama [source : 'kelas utama/first class' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia]
 hindu-caste = kasta

21 jul 2021 10:34 am edt:
  - lucky =
  - lucky =

25 jul 2021 12:55 pm edt:
 #reword# kursi-utama(u) #to# kursi-utama(u)/prioritas

25 jul 2021 12:56 pm edt:
 #reword# - kursi kelas utama, kursi kelas bisnis
     #to# - kursi kelas utama/prioritas , kursi kelas bisnis

25 jul 2021 4:6 pm edt:
 terlanjur (tör-lan-jur) = too late because event already happen
  contoh[example] :
   (1)terlanjur sayang [too late because like-feeling already happen]
   (2)terlanjur di-beli [too late because buying-process already complete]

25 jul 2021 4:25 pm edt:
 #move from begin 'anatomy to begin 'sickness#
 hemorrhoid = hemorrhoid , anus-blood-vessel
 swollen hemorrhoid , swollen-and-painful-anus , blood-in-feces = ambeien(am-bä-i-ön) , wasir(uasir) [soure : (1/2)'Internal hemorrhoids usually present with painless, bright red rectal bleeding during or following a bowel movement.[8] The blood typically covers the stool (a condition known as hematochezia), is on the toilet paper, or drips into the toilet bowl.[8]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemorrhoid (2/2)'However, when thrombosed, hemorrhoids may be very painful.[1][8] Nevertheless, this pain typically resolves in two to three days.[5] The swelling may, however, take a few weeks to disappear.[5]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemorrhoid ]

25 jul 2021 4:29 pm edt:
 hospital-stay = (1)opnam (ɔp-nam) (from netherlands-language 'opname' meaning 'recording'/rekam-an) 
		    [source : 'recording' in https://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/opname]
                 (2)rawat-inap [treat-stay]

25 jul 2021 6:31 pm edt: end 7:28 pm edt
 - soft and bouncy/rubbery and not-fragile = empuk (öm-puk)
 - soft and not bouncy and easily deform and easily-disintegrated/fragile = lembek (löm-bäk)
    contoh[example] :
     (1)bantal empuk ,           bubur lembek ,                    tanah lembek seperti lumpur
       [soft-and-bouncy pillow , soft-and-easily-deform porridge , soft-and-easily-deform soil like mud]

   3)aktris-film-mesum  annette-haven bilang aktor-film-mesum john-curtis-holmes yang punya kontol ter-besar di industri-film-mesum
     taun 1970-an ,  dengan panjang kontol 16 inci (40.6 cm) , keliling kontol     13 inci (33 cm) , ga bisa jadi   keras saat ngentu ,
     se-lalu empuk saat   telanjang bikin  film-porno tapi john-curtis-holmes suka pake hidung untuk sedot-dan-telan cocaine tapi cocaine me-naik-kan
     detak-jantung yang se-harus-nya mem-bantu kirim darah ke kontol untuk bikin kontol keras tapi usai sedot-dan-telan cocaine
     pembuluh darah jantung jadi    sempit             tapi waktu muda dan pake celana-dalam-ketat kontol-nya john-curtis-holmes bisa jadi keras
     sampe me-rusak karet-celana-dalam-ketat, tapi celana-dalam-ketat mem-bantu kontol ngaceng.
    [porn-movie-actress annette-haven says   porn-movie-actor john-curtis-holmes who has    largest penis    in porn-movie-industry
     year 1970-ish , with   penis-length   16 inch (40.6 cm) , penis-circumference 13 inch (33 cm) , can not become hard  during intercourse
     always  soft  during naked     making porn-movie but john-curtis-holmes like to use nose to suck-and-swallow    cocaine but cocaine  accelerate
     heart-rate    which should      help      send blood  to penis  to make penis hard       but  after sucking-and-swallowing cocaine
     heart-blood-vessel      become narrow/constricted but during young and wearing tight-underwear john-curtis-holmes' penis can become hard
     until breaking tight-underwear-rubber, but tight-underwear help penis-erection.] [source: (1/3)'Fellow film actress Annette Haven stated that his penis was never particularly hard during intercourse, likening it to "doing it with a big, soft kind-of loofah' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Holmes_(actor) (2/3) 'fast heart rate' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaine (3/3'constriction' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaine_intoxication from 'cocaine intoxication' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaine]

25 jul 2021 6:39 pm edt:
 - erection ( penis ) = (1)ber-diri(bör-di-ri) [stand up]
                        (2)ngaceng (nga-cöng) [erection] (informal)
 - erection ( penis ) = (1)ber-diri(bör-di-ri) [stand up]
                        (2)ngaceng (nga-cöng) [erection] (informal)
                        (3)me-ngeras (mö-ngö-ras) [harden]
                        (4)jadi keras   

25 jul 2021 6:47 pm edt:
 incest = nge-sex dengan/sama sodara-kandung [doing-sex-activity-with with blood-related-cousin] [source:tfd.com/incest]

25 jul 2021 7:14 pm edt:
 #add# muscular = (1)ber-otot [having muscle]
                  (2)metekol (mö-tä-köl)

25 jul 2021 7:26 pm edt:
1-st-class-seat =
  (2)kursi-kasta-utama [source : 'kelas utama/first class' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia]
 1-st-class-seat =
   (2)kursi-kasta-utama/prioritas [source : 'kelas utama/first class' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia]

26 jul 2021 9:7 pm edt:
 #reword# google.com , youtube.com , mail.yahoo.com , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during
     #to# google.com , youtube.com , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during
          mail.yahoo.com is in dc-state :
           https://toolsip.org/ip/mail.yahoo.com : usa->dc-state->washington-city->oath-holdings-inc->
          but traceroute mail.yahoo.com maybe go via california-state:
           a@2 08:28 AM ~ traceroute mail.yahoo.com
                traceroute to mail.yahoo.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
                 1  Fios_Quantum_Gateway.fios-router.home (  0.408 ms  0.568 ms  0.731 ms
                 3  ae3305-21.ARTNVAFC-MSE01-AA-IE1.verizon-gni.net (  16.614 ms  16.509 ms  16.427 ms
                 4  0.ae10.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  22.735 ms 0.ae9.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  19.404 ms  19.570 ms
                 5  verizon-com.customer.alter.net (  20.019 ms  19.631 ms  19.911 ms
                 6  et31.bas4-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  18.015 ms et32.bas2-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  12.669 ms
                    et31.bas2-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  11.278 ms
                 7  et30.usw1-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  11.368 ms et33.usw2-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  11.902 ms  10.826 ms
                 8  e1.ycpi.vip.dca.yahoo.com (  11.679 ms  9.997 ms  9.871 ms

26 jul 2021 11:18 am edt:
 tapi cocaine me-naik-kan
 tapi cocaine memper-cepat

26 jul 2021 12:51 pm edt: end 27 julk 2021 1:34 pm edt
 gang-gang-sullae = gang-gang-sullae-traditional-dance in south-korea-country [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganggangsullae from id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( ganggang )

26 jul 2021 1:16 pm edt:
 - dasar : saing
 - aktif : ber-saing/saing-an dengan/mbek [compete with]
   (1)pajak-impor tujuan-nya adalah untuk kasi uang ke pe-kerja dalam negeri supaya bisa saing-an dengan barang impor
     [import-tax its goal is to give money to citizen so citizen can compete against import-merchandise] [source : 'Justifikasi utama untuk bea cukai adalah kebutuhan untuk memberikan standar hidup para tenaga kerja dalam menghadapi persaingan dari produk-produk impor' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bea]
- pasif : di-saing-i (di-sai-ngi)
- objek : per-saing-an (pör-sai-ngan)

26 jul 2021 1:18 pm edt:
 #reword# tax = pajak
 tax = (1)pajak [tax]
       (2)bea [import-tax with goal to give money to citizen so citizen-business can compete against imported-merchandise] [source : 'Bea atau tarif adalah sebuah pajak terhadap barang impor atau ekspor antar negara berdaulat. Justifikasi utama untuk bea cukai adalah kebutuhan untuk memberikan standar hidup para tenaga kerja dalam menghadapi persaingan dari produk-produk impor' di https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bea]
       (3)cukai [tax for non-healthy-merchandise like alcohol-drink , tobacco/substance-inside-cigarette with goal to decrease
                 non-healthy-merchandise-customer] [source : 'Sejatinya, cukai dikenakan pada suatu komoditas karena pegaruh negatif komoditas tersebut terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan, bukan semata-mata untuk menambah pemasukan negara. Pengenaan beban cukai diharapkan dapat menekan konsumsi produk-produk tersebut.' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cukai]

26 jul 2021 7:42 pm edt:
 queen-of peace , regina [queen]-pacis [peace] (latin-language) = ratu [queen]-damai [peace] [source : (1/3)'Nama "Regina Pacis berasal dari bahasa Latin yang berarti Ratu Damai' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekolah_Regina_Pacis (2/3)'From Latin regina (“queen”)' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Regina (3/3)'paci (plural pacis) (informal) A baby's pacifier' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/paci ]

27 jul 2021 1:27 pm edt:
 3. pem-beli asli-nya me-nyembunyi-kan identitas-nya    dengan pake  calo(calo)
   [the real buyer    hide             his/her identity with   using intermediary]

28 jul 2021 7:46 pm edt:
 reina ( spain-language for 'queen' ) = ratu [source : 'reina' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyundai_Reina from 'Hyundai Motor Company automobile timeline, 1995–present' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyundai_Motor_Company ]

3 aug 2021 10:23 am edt:
 - dasar : peluk (pö-luk)
 - aktif : (1)peluk , meluk
           (2)peluk - peluk-an [hug each other]
 - pasif : di-peluk
 - objek :
 - kebetulan , stative : ter-peluk (formal) , ke-peluk (informal)

3 aug 2021 11:45 am edt: end 6:42 pm edt
 dolce ( italy-language from latin-language 'dulcem' which is accusative-form of 'dulcis' meaning 'sweet' ) = manis
 vita ( latin-language for 'life' ) = ke-hidup-an [life] , hidup [alive]
 gabbana ( italy-language for 'jacket-with-hood' ) = jaket pake tutup-an kepala [jacket using head-cover]
 mont ( mɔng , france-language for 'mountain' ) = gunung
 blanc ( blang , france-language for 'white' ) = putih
 meister ( maister , germany-language for 'master' ) = dewa [god]
 stück ( stuk , germany-language for 'piece' ) = barang [thing] , buat-an [creation] 
 [source : 'Montblanc Meisterstück 149 with a Longines DolceVita Chronograph' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montblanc_(company) from 'montblanc' in
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_Blanc_(disambiguation) from 'Mont Blanc (disambiguation)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mont_Blanc]

 früh , morgen ( germany-language for 'morning' ) = pagi [source : https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Fr%C3%BCh ]
 morgen ( germany-language for 'morning' , 'tomorrow' ) = pagi[morning] , besok[tomorrow]
 früh-stuck (germany-language for 'breakfast') = sarapan , makan[eat]-pagi[morning] [source : https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Fr%C3%BChst%C3%BCck ]

3 aug 2021 11:59 am edt:
 pearl = mutiara
 shell-fish , clam = kerang(kö-rang)

3 aug 2021 12:7 pm edt:
 short-stature = pendek(pän-däk) [short] , pentet(pön-tät) [short-stature]
 tall-stature = tinggi [tall , high] , jangkung

3 aug 2021 12:25 pm edt:
 contoh[example] :
 (1) dia    mo   bukti-in  agama dia betul ,         dengan cara      taruh   per-hias-an , uang-kontan dalam  kantong-plastik-bening  , 
     lalu taruh kantong-plastik-bening itu   di dash-board mobil depan dan belakang ,            lalu ga pernah kunci mobil/pintu-mobil
    [he/she want to prove  his religion is correct , with   procedure putting jewelery    , cash-money  inside transparent-plastic-bag , 
     then put   that transparent-plastic-bag on front-car-dash-board   and rear-car-dash-board , then never     lock car/car-door]

3 aug 2021 1:34 pm edt:
 nipple = (1)pentil(pön-til)

  nipple = (1)pentil-dada(pön-til) [nipple-(of)-chest]
           (2)pentil-payudara      [nipple-(of)-boobs]
           (3)pentil-susu          [nipple-(of)-boobs]
           (4)puting-dada(pu-ting) [nipple-(of)-chest]
           (5)puting-payudara      [nipple-(of)-boobs]
           (6)puting-susu          [nipple-(of)-boobs]

3 aug 2021 1:48 pm edt:
 caran d'ache , karandash ( russia-language for 'pencil' ) = pensil(pän-sil) 
 [source : 'When Arnold Schweitzer took over the company in 1924, he renamed it after Caran d'Ache, the nickname of the French satiric 
 political cartoonist Emmanuel Poiré (who in turn took his name from карандаш (karandash), the Russian word for pencil).[4]' 
 in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caran_d'Ache_(company) from facebook.com's swiss-tennis-player belinda-bencic's advertisement-post]

3 aug 2021 2:20 pm edt:
 #add# - cuddle = hug-with-love [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cuddle]

3 aug 2021 5:8 pm edt:
  gang-gang-sullae = gang-gang-sullae-traditional-dance in south-korea-country
  [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganggangsullae from id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( ganggang )
  gang-gang-sullae ( korea-language for 'circling-circling-wagon' ) = gang-gang-sullae-traditional-dance in south-korea-country

3 aug 2021 6:56 pm edt:
 youtiao , cakue = cakue [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/cakue (2/2)'you tiao' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youtiao]

3 aug 2021 7:15 pm edt:
 you-tiao ( china-language for you[oil] tiao[long-thin-piece] , cakue = cakue 
 [source:(1/3)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/cakue (2/3)'you tiao' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youtiao 
 (3/3)click '油条' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youtiao]

 bak-pia ( hokkien-language ) , rou-bing ( china-language for rou[flesh] bing[cake] = bakpia
 [source : (1/2)'hokkien' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Min from 'min nan' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E8%82%89%E9%A4%85
 from '肉餅' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakpia (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakpia ]

3 aug 2021 7:34 pm edt:
- product-made-by = (1)bikin-an(bi-ki-nan)
                    (2)gawe-an (java-language)
- product-made-by , creation = (1)bikin-an(bi-ki-nan)
                               (2)gawe-an (java-language)

3 aug 2021 7:41 pm edt:
 - selera (sö-le-ra) = taste-bud/something-inside-tongue-which-feel-food-taste [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tastebud]
   contoh[example] : (1)mobil itu bukan         selera saya
                        [that car doesn't match my tastebud]
3 aug 2021 7:58 pm edt:
 vihara ( sanskrit-language for 'monastery/budhha-and-hindu-monk-home' ) , klenteng ( klön-täng ) = klenteng , wihara
 [source :  (1/2)'buddha' , 'hindu' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vih%C4%81ra (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klenteng]

 church = gereja (gö-re-ja)

3 aug 2021 8:22 pm edt:
 berg ( germany-language for 'mountain' ) = gunung [source:
 'berg' is norway-and-german-language for 'mountain' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Berg from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mountain]

3 aug 2021 8:25 pm edt:
bak-pia ( hokkien-language ) , rou-bing ( china-language for rou[flesh] bing[cake] = bakpia
[source : (1/2)'hokkien' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Min from 'min nan' in
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E8%82%89%E9%A4%85 from '肉餅' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakpia (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakpia ]
bak-pia ( hokkien-language ) , rou-bing ( china-language for rou[flesh] bing[cake] = bakpia , pia
[source : (1/2)'hokkien' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Min from 'min nan' in
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E8%82%89%E9%A4%85 from '肉餅' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakpia (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakpia ]

5 aug 2021 7:50 pm edt:
 #reword# panic = panik
     #to# panic = panik , kesurupan (kösurupan)

11 aug 2021 11:18 am edt: end 17 aug 2021 11:46 pm edt
 sincere , voluntarily = tulus , iklas/ikhlas
 insincere , non-voluntarily , pretend = ga tulus , ga iklas/ikhlas , ter-paksa [under pressure] , pura - pura

11 aug 2021 12:36 pm edt: end 17 aug 2021 11:20 am edt
 import-export-tax-office = pabean (pabäan) [ source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pabean ]

12 aug 2021 2:29 pm edt:
 demi , semi , hemi , half = 1/2 [ source : 
(1/4)'film' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demi-Gods_and_Semi-Devils_(disambiguation) 

18 aug 2021 6:11 pm edt:
 (1)#add# (1)siksa
 (2)#add# (1)siksa
 (3)#add# (1)di-siksa
 (4)#add# (1)pen-siksa-an , pe-nyiksa-an

18 aug 2021 6:34 pm edt:
 (2) dia mo   bukti-in kalo uang  adalah tuhan , dengan cara      kasi uang  ke sembarang orang  dan minta orang itu    bikin   lagu yang enak
    [he  want to prove that money is     god ,   with   procedure give money to random    person and ask   that  person to make nice/delicious song]

20 aug 2021 10:31 am edt: end 25 aug 2021 7:23 pm edt
3. dia me-ramal   ber-akhir-nya budaya/adat/ke-biasa-an             me-rokok karena  akhir-nya  ilmu-wan  bikin ke-simpul-an
      kalo/bahwa rokok    itu ga  sehat
  [he/she predict    the-end-of    culture/culture/routine-activity-of smoking  because in-the-end scientist make  conclusion
      (that)     cigarete is  not healthy]

20 aug 2021 10:35 am edt:
- the-end-of = ber-akhir-nya(bör-akhir-nia)

20 aug 2021 11:23 am edt:
 #reword# - objek : per-atur-an (per-ratur-ran)
     #to# - objek : pe-ngatur-an (pö-ngatur-ran) [management]

20 aug 2021 11:26 am edt:
 #reword# - rule = atur-an (a-tur-ran)
  - rule = (1)atur-an (a-tu-ran)
           (2)per-atur-an (pö-ratu-ran)

20 aug 2021 11:29 am edt:
 #reword# salah paham
     #to# salah-paham

20 aug 2021 11:58 am edt:
 #reword# wall = dinding
     #to# wall = dinding , tembok(täm-bɔk)

20 aug 2021 12:15 pm edt:
 #add# - dead-end-road = jalan-buntu

20 aug 2021 12:18 pm edt:
 #add# house whose entrance-door is facing incoming-road = rumah-lokasi-tusuk-sate (sa-te) [house-with-satay-stabbing-style-location]

20 aug 2021 7:13 pm edt:
 (1)#add# , satu
     2. satu-in [make many group become 1 group] (informal)
        satu-kan [make many group become 1 group] (informal)
        me-nyatu-kan(mö-niatu-kan) [make many group become 1 group] (formal)
        men-per-satu-kan [make many group become 1 group] (formal)
     3. ber-satu(bör-satu) [unite] [become 1] (formal)

     4. di-satu-kan (formal)
     5. di-satu-in (informal)

 (4)#add# pe-nyatu-an(pö-niatu-an)

25 aug 2021 10:27 am edt:
 begin 'negative-comparison'
 use se-... like odd-example-number or not use se-... like even-example-number
 contoh [example] :
 (1) tas-nya dia tidak  se-besar(sö-bö-sar) itu
    [her bag     is not that big]
 (2) tas-nya dia tidak  besar seperti (tas) itu
    [her bag     is not big   like    that (bag)]
 (3) lampu-nya tidak  se-terang(sö-tö-rang) itu
    [the lamp  is not that bright]
 (4) lampu-nya tidak terang seperti (lampu) itu
    [the lamp is not bright like    that (lamp)]
 (5) pegang-an-keran-nya tidak  se-kecil itu
    [the faucet-handle   is not that     small]
    faucet , valve = keran(kö-ran)
    [source : (1/4)'valve' , 'katup' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katup ,      
              (2/4) 'katup' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keran ,
              (3/4)'valve' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/valve ,
              (4/4)'hypernym' , '“Musical instrument” is a hypernym of “guitar”' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hypernym ]    
    faucet-handle = pegang-an-keran(pe-ga-ngan kö-ran)
    faucet-pipe = pipa-keran(pipa-kö-ran)
end 'negative-comparison'

25 aug 2021 10:43 am edt:
 (1) #reword# (2)cowo(cɔ-wɔ)       #to# (2)cowo/cowok(cɔ-wɔ/cɔ-wɔk)
 (2) #reword# (2)cewe(ce-we,cä-wä) #to# (2)cewe/cewek(ce-we,cä-wä,ce-wek,cä-wäk)

25 aug 2021 11:10 am edt:
- selera (sö-le-ra) = taste-bud/something-inside-tongue-which-feel-food-taste [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tastebud]
  contoh[example] : (1)mobil itu bukan         selera saya
                       [that car doesn't match my tastebud]
- selera (sö-le-ra) = (1)taste-bud/something-inside-tongue-which-feel-food-taste [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tastebud]
  contoh[example] : (1)mobil itu bukan  selera saya
                      [that car  is not my appetite]
                    (2)mobil itu ga      mem-bangun-kan selera saya
                      [that car  doesn't awaken/turn-on my appetite]

25 aug 2021 12:23 pm edt:
- something-which-unite = pe-mer-satu(pö-mör-satu)
- something-which-join-2-thing = peng-gabung(pöng-gabung)

25 aug 2021 1:48 pm edt:
  virgin = perawan (pö-ra-wan)
  non-virgin = bukan perawan
  virgin-female = perawan (pö-ra-wan)
  virgin-male = (1)perjaka (pör-jaka)
                (2)joko tingting (jɔkɔ tingting)
  non-virgin-female = bukan perawan
  non-virgin-mnale = (1)bukan perjaka
                     (2)bukan joko tingting

25 aug 2021 5:1 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# 1)mau apel, bukan jeruk
        #to# 1)mau apel(apöl), bukan jeruk(jöruk)

 (2)#reword# 3)bukan sepatu itu
        #to# 3)bukan sepatu(sö-pa-tu) itu

 (3)#reword# 5)suara apa tadi ?
              [what sound was that ?]
        #to# 5)suara apa tadi ?
              [what sound recently ?]

25 aug 2021 5:28 pm edt:
 #add# bikin ke-mau-an [make willingness to ...]

25 aug 2021 5:31 pm edt:
 #reword# bikin ke-pasti-an [decide, make certain-mind]
     #to# bikin ke-mau-an (untuk) ... [make willingness to ...]
          bikin ke-pasti-an (untuk) ... [decide, make certain-mind to ...]

25 aug 2021 5:39 pm edt:
 (1)#add# jegur(jögur)
 (2)#add# ke-cemplung , ke-jegur
          contoh[example] : (1) ban-nya   ke-jegur  got(gɔt)/parit
                                [the tire plunge-to water-embankment]
25 aug 2021 6:22 pm edt:
  money = uang(u-ang),duit(du-it)
  cash = tunai(tu-nai)

  money = uang(u-ang) , duit(du-it)
  cash = tunai(tu-nai) , kontan(kɔn-tan)

25 aug 2021 6:48 pm edt:
 #reword# finance= ke-uang-an
     #to# finance , investment-strategy/strategy in giving-away loan to seek profit =
            strategi(stra-te-gi) kasi pinjam uang  untuk cari untung
           [strategy-of          loaning     money to    seek profit] 
	   [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keuangan from 'keuangan' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finans ] 

25 aug 2021 7:38 pm edt:#reword# mem-per- #to# memper-

26 aug 2021 11:41 am edt: end 26 aug 2021 8:44 pm edt
 contoh[example] :
 (1) sritex.co.id pake rupiah yang lemah untuk bikin baju merk amrik guess.com , merk swedia hm.com ,           baju militer ,     export baju itu 
     lalu terima  bayar-an/pe-masuk-an dalam usa-dollar yang lebih kuat dari-pada rupiah , lalu mungkin pake laba usa-dollar   
     untuk bayar utang rupiah     dan utang usa-dollar     ke kreditur danamon.co.id , bri.co.id , indonesiaeximbank.go.id , uob.co.id 
     lalu mungkin masih ada      sisa laba        dari laba usa-dollar   untuk me-rawat mesin - mesin textil .

   [ sritex.co.id use  weak rupiah       to    make  usa-clothes-brand guess   , swedish-clothes-brand hm.com , military-clothes , export that clothes
     then receive payment/income       in    usa-dollar , which is stronger than  rupiah , then maybe   use  usa-dollar-profit 
     to    pay   rupiah-debt/loan and usa-dollar-debt/loan to creditor danamon.co.id , bri.co.id , indonesiaeximbank.go.id , uob.co.id 
     then maybe   still exist is left-over-profit from usa-dollar-profit to    maintain textile-machine .
     [source :
      (1/10) https://www.reuters.com/article/indonesia-textiles-military/indonesian-military-uniform-supplier-shrugs-off-fx-turbulence-idUSL3N1VQ221
            from google (ecsnaith uniform supplier textile factory) result 1
            or find 'reuters.com/article/indonesia-textiles-military/indonesian-military-uniform-supplier-shrugs-off-fx-turbulence-idUSL3N1VQ221'
            in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm

      (2/10) https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/06/18/sritex-climbs-first-day-trading-idx.html from google (sritex ipo) result 1
            or find 'thejakartapost.com/news/2013/06/18/sritex-climbs-first-day-trading-idx.html from google (sritex ipo) result 1'
            in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm
      (3/10) 'guess.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guess   (4/10) 'hm.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H&M
      (5/10) 'danamon.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_Danamon_Indonesia
      (6/10) 'bri.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_Rakyat_Indonesia
      (7/10) 'indonesiaeximbank.go.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lembaga_Pembiayaan_Ekspor_Indonesia
      (8/10) 'uob.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_UOB_Indonesia
      (9/10) 'Sri-Rejeki-Isman-Bilingual-30-June-2014-Released.pdf' in https://www.sritex.co.id/financial-reports/#26_apr_2020_6_52_pm_edt 
      (10/10) x-rates.com/table/?from=USD&amount=1#26_may_2020_10_15_pm_edt or 
           find 'x-rates.com/table/?from=USD&amount=1#26_may_2020_10_15_pm_edt' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm  ]

26 aug 2021 12:8 pm edt
 2) prostitut  me-nyedia-kan servis  rasa-punya-pacar                                            , mulai  dengan makan-malam di restoran
    lalu aktivitas-sex di apartemen(apartömän) , harga-nya 260 usd sampe 1500 usd
   [prostitute provide       service gfe/girl-friend-experience/experience-of-having-girl-friend , starts with   dinner      in restaurant
    then sex-activity  di apartment            , price is  260 usd until 1500 usd ]
   [source :
    'As an example, a GFE may start with dinner at a restaurant followed by making out on the sofa in an apartment and end
     with non-rushed sex and cuddling. The experience can include kissing, in contrast to the service traditionally provided by
     escorts who have a reputation for not kissing their clients. The average cost of a GFE can range anywhere from US$260 to US$1500
     depending on a number of factors, mainly duration of experience and the quality of the service provided.[5]'
     in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girlfriend_experience from wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( girlfriend ) from
     in-the-past 'gfe' in craigslist[dot]org]

26 aug 2021 12:12 pm edt:
 (1)#reword under# held hostage #:# - ransom = bayar-an(ba-ya-ran)
                               #to# - ransom , payment = bayar-an(ba-ya-ran)
 (2)#add duplicate# - ransom , payment = bayar-an(ba-ya-ran)

26 aug 2021 6:18 pm edt:
 -non-oficial-bank giving-away loan with high loan-fee/interest-rate , often paying thug to make-sure loan-receiver/debtor pay loan =
  rentenir(räntönir) ( from netherlands-language 'rentenier' ) , tengkulak(töngkulak) [ source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tengkulak ]

26 aug 2021 6:27 pm edt:
excavate , dig    -daerah=461/964
- dasar : gali [excavate , dig , thug]
- aktif :
   1. nggali (informal)
      contoh[example] :
      1. anjing meng-gali lubang :
        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT3mRzogkvM&t=0m11s ( Doggie Digs Hole! China Found! )
        [a dog digs a hole]
- pasif : di-gali
- objek :
- kebetulan, stative :

dig   -daerah=537/964
- dasar : gali
- aktif : 1. nggali(informal)(ngga-li)
          2. nge-gali(informal)(ngö-ga-li)
          3. meng-gali(formal)(möng-ga-li)
- pasif : di-gali
-objek:peng-gali-an[the digging process](pöng-ga-li-an)
- kebetulan, stative :
         1)ter-gali (formal)(tör-ga-li)
         2)ke-gali (informal)(kö-ga-li)
- gali is a slank word for thug/bully, as well

excavate , dig    -daerah=461/964
- dasar : gali [excavate , dig , thug]
- aktif :
   1. nggali (informal)
      contoh[example] :
      1. anjing meng-gali lubang :
        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT3mRzogkvM&t=0m11s ( Doggie Digs Hole! China Found! )
        [a dog digs a hole]
- pasif : di-gali
-objek:peng-gali-an[the digging process](pöng-ga-li-an)
- kebetulan, stative :
- gali is a slank word for thug/bully, as well

27 aug 2021 10:53 am edt:
 (1)#add# pe-niup kapas truetzschler.com , pe-nyisir kapas crosrolpacific.com/crosrol.co.uk , pe-meriksa ke-tebal-an benang schlafhorst/saurer.com ,
          air-conditioner luwa.com , mesin jahit global.brother , dst/dan--se-terus-nya
 (2)#add# cotton-fluff--blower truetzschler.com , cotton-fluff--comber crosrolpacific.com/crosrol.co.uk , 
          sewing-thread-thickness-checker schlafhorst/saurer.com , air-conditioner luwa.com , sewing-machine global.brother , etc/et-cetera
 (3)#add# (11/15)crosrolpacific.com/crosrol.co.uk from google ( crosrol textile ) result 1, 2 from my father
	  (12/15)luwa.com from google ( luwa air conditioner ] from my father

	  (13/15)'truetzschler.com' in https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tr%C3%BCtzschler_%28Unternehmen%29
 		 from https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategorie:Textilmaschinenbauunternehmen
		 from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Textile_machinery_manufacturers from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rieter from

	  (14/15)schlafhorst/saurer.com from 'saurer'
		 in https://www.annin.com/south-boston-virginia/#3_jul_2020_5_33_pm_edt from google (usa flag maker factory) result 1

	  (15/15)'global.brother' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brother_Industries from sritex.co.id-photo

27 aug 2021 1:53 pm edt:
 - blower = pe-niup(pö-niup)

27 aug 2021 1:55 pm edt:
- dasar : sisir
- aktif : me-nyisir(mö-nyisir)
- pasif : di-sisir
- objek : pe-nyisir-an(pö-nyisi-ran)
- kebetulan , stative : ter-sisir(tör-sisir) (formal) , ke-sisir(kö-sisir) (informal)
- comb = sisir
- hair-straightener = pe-nyisir(pö-nyisir)

27 aug 2021 2 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# - reviewer, examiner = pe-meriksa(pö-mö-rik-sa)
        #to# - reviewer , examiner , auditor(ɔ-di-tör) , inspector = pe-meriksa(pö-mö-rik-sa)

 (2)#reword# examine, review, check, audit
        #to# examine , review , check , audit , inspect

 (3)#delete# - auditor(ɔ-di-tör) = auditor(au-di-tɔr)

27 aug 2021 8:15 pm edt:
 #reword# cotton-fluff--comber #to# cotton-fluff--comber/carding

27 aug 2021 8:25 pm edt:
 #reword# cotton-fluff--comber/carding #to# cotton-fluff--comb/carding

27 aug 2021 9:41 pm edt:
 #reword# pe-nyisir kapas #to# sisir kapas

27 aug 2021 9:47 pm edt:
  - too thick = ter-lalu tebal, ke-tebal-an
  - too thick = ter-lalu tebal , ke-tebel-en(kö-tö-bö-lön)
  - thickness = ukur-an ke-tebal-an(u-ku-ran kö-tö-ba-lan) [thickness measurement]

27 aug 2021 9:55 pm edt:#reword# et cetera #to# et-cetera

28 aug 2021 7:45 am edt:
  - objek : pe-mindah-an [the moving of](pö-min-da-han)
  - objek : (1) pe-mindah-an [relocation of] (pö-min-da-han)
            (2) peng-gusur-an [coercive relocation with reimbursement of house]

28 aug 2021 8:10 am edt:
 pasteurisation = 60 celcius ( 140 f ) for 20 minute to kill bacteria but keep bacteria-spore/egg alive and keep original color and flavor .
         [ source : 'In the early 20th century, Milton Joseph Rosenau established the standards – i.e. low-temperature, slow heating at 60 °C (140 °F)
                    for 20 minutes – for the pasteurization of milk' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization]
 ultra-pasteurisation = 136 celcius ( 275 f ) for 5 second to kill bacteria , bacteria-spore
        [ source : 'heating it above 135 °C (275 °F) – the temperature required to kill many bacterial endospores – for 2 to 5 seconds.[2]'
                   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra-high-temperature_processing ]                      
 flash-pasteurisation = 72 celcius ( 162 f ) for 15 second to kill bacteria but keep bacteria-spore/egg alive and keep original color and flavor .
       [source : 'standard US protocol for flash pasteurization of milk, 71.7 °C (161 °F) for 15 seconds in order to kill Coxiella burnetii 
                 (the most heat-resistant pathogenic germ found in raw milk), was introduced in 1933, and results in 5-log reduction (99.999%) or 
                 greater reduction in harmful bacteria.[4]'
                 in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_pasteurization from 'flash pasteurization' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization ]
28 aug 2021 8:19 am edt : end 8:31 am edt
pasteurisation = 60 celcius ( 140 f ) for 20 minute to kill bacteria but keep bacteria-spore/egg alive and keep original color and flavor .
        [ source : 'In the early 20th century, Milton Joseph Rosenau established the standards – i.e. low-temperature, slow heating at 60 °C (140 °F)
           for 20 minutes – for the pasteurization of milk' , 'intended to destroy or deactivate organisms and enzymes that contribute
           to spoilage or risk of disease, including vegetative bacteria, but not bacterial spores.[1][2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization ]
 ultra-pasteurisation = 136 celcius ( 275 f ) for 5 second to kill bacteria , bacteria-spore
        [ source : 'heating it above 135 °C (275 °F) – the temperature required to kill many bacterial endospores – for 2 to 5 seconds.[2]'
                   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra-high-temperature_processing ]
 flash-pasteurisation = 72 celcius ( 162 f ) for 15 second to kill bacteria but keep bacteria-spore/egg alive and keep original color and flavor .
       [source : 'standard US protocol for flash pasteurization of milk, 71.7 °C (161 °F) for 15 seconds in order to kill Coxiella burnetii
                 (the most heat-resistant pathogenic germ found in raw milk), was introduced in 1933, and results in 5-log reduction (99.999%) or
                 greater reduction in harmful bacteria.[4]'
                 in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_pasteurization from 'flash pasteurization' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization ]

 pasteurisation , 60 celcius ( 140 f ) for 20 minute to kill bacteria but bacteria-spore/egg stay alive and has original color and original flavor
  = pasteurisasi , 60 celsius ( 140 f ) se-lama 20 menit untuk bunuh bakteri tapi spora-bakteri tetap hidup dan punya warna asli dan rasa asli
        [ source : (1/2)'In the early 20th century, Milton Joseph Rosenau established the standards – i.e. low-temperature, slow heating at 60 °C (140 °F)
           for 20 minutes – for the pasteurization of milk' , 'intended to destroy or deactivate organisms and enzymes that contribute
           to spoilage or risk of disease, including vegetative bacteria, but not bacterial spores.[1][2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization
                   (2/2) id.wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( spor ) ]

 ultra-pasteurisation , 136 celcius ( 275 f ) for 5 second to kill bacteria , bacteria-spore
  = ultra-pasteurisasi , 136 celcius ( 275 f ) se-lama 5 detik untuk bunuh bakteri , spora-bakteri
        [ source : 'heating it above 135 °C (275 °F) – the temperature required to kill many bacterial endospores – for 2 to 5 seconds.[2]'
                   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra-high-temperature_processing ]

 flash-pasteurisation , 72 celcius ( 162 f ) for 15 second to kill bacteria but bacteria-spore/egg stay alive and has original color and original flavor
  = pasteurisasi-kilat , 72 celcius ( 162 f ) se-lama 15 detik untuk bunuh bakteri tapi spora-bakteri tetap hidup dan punya warna asli dan rasa asli
       [source : 'standard US protocol for flash pasteurization of milk, 71.7 °C (161 °F) for 15 seconds in order to kill Coxiella burnetii
                 (the most heat-resistant pathogenic germ found in raw milk), was introduced in 1933, and results in 5-log reduction (99.999%) or
                 greater reduction in harmful bacteria.[4]'
                 in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_pasteurization from 'flash pasteurization' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization ]

 lightning = kilat

28 aug 2021 12:30 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# spora-bakteri #to# spora-bakteri/telur
 (2)#reword# bacteria-spore #to# bacteria-spore/egg

28 aug 2021 4:25 pm edt:
 begin 'plant related vocab'---
  ficus-carica , fig-tree = pohon ficus-carica
  ficus-benjamina = pohon-beringin (pɔ-hɔn bö-ri-ngin)
    [source : (1/4)'ficus benjamina' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beringin 
              (2/4)'ficus benjamina' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_benjamina
              (3/4) https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_carica
              (4/4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fig from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_carica ]
 end 'plant related vocab'---

1 sep 2021 9:42 am edt:
 sedes-sapientiae = place [sedes] (of) wise-thing/wisdom/logical-thing [sapientiae]
 [source :
  (1/3)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wise from 'wise' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wisdom               
  (2/3)'wisdom' , 'science' , 'memory' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sapientia
  (3/3)'place' , 'chair' , 'residence' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sedes ]

1 sep 2021 10:10 am edt:
 (1/5)#add# begin 'food vocab'-----
 (2/5)#add inside# begin 'anatomy related vocab'--- #:# skin = kulit(ku-lit)
         bill, restaurant bill =(1)bon(bɔn)
                                (2)bon restoran(bɔn räs-tɔ-ran)
         bill, restaurant bill =(1)bon(bɔn)
                                (2)bon restoran(bɔn räs-tɔ-ran)

 (4/5)#delete duplicate# nose = hidung

 (5/5)#reword# sandwich = sandwich
          #to# sandwich = sandwich , daging di-cepit/di-kempit roti [meat being-squeezed-by bread]

1 sep 2021 10:34 am edt:
 #add# begin 'foreign language vocab'---

1 sep 2021 1:59 pm edt:
  - appointment-schedule, reserved-time-for-visitation = janji waktu untuk datang [promised-time-for-arriving]
- appointment-schedule , reserved-time for visitation =
  (1)janji waktu untuk datang [promised-time for arriving]
  (2)janji jam (untuk) hadir [promised-hour for showing-up]
  (3)janji jam (untuk) datang [promised-hour for arriving]

1 sep 2021 2:6 pm edt:
 (2)janji waktu untuk datang                                    di-ganti   jadi      besok    aja
   [appointment-schedule/reserved-time-for-arriving/visitation  be-changed to-become tomorrow preferably]
 (2)janji waktu untuk datang                                    di-ganti   jadi      besok    aja .
    janji jam (untuk) hadir                                     di-ganti   jadi      besok    aja .
    janji jam (untuk) datang                                    di-ganti   jadi      besok    aja .
   [appointment-schedule/reserved-time-for-arriving/visitation  be-changed to-become tomorrow preferably .]

1 sep 2021 2:42 pm edt: end 2 sep 2021 11 am edt
 palm-oil = minyak kelapa(kö-la-pa) sawit
 olive-oil = minyak oliv
 large tapioca-ajinomoto-cracker-biscuit/cookie = kerupuk(kö-ru-puk) tapioka
 large shrimp-ajinomoto-cracker-biscuit/cookie = kerupuk(kö-ru-puk) udang
 wheat = gandum , terigu
 rice-plant , rice-paddy = padi
 tofu = tahu
 meat-on-stick = satay
 fried-food = goreng-an (go-rä-ngan)
 rice-with-coconut-santan/curry = opor (ɔ-pɔr)
 rice-cooked-with-chicken-broth = hainan-rice
 wet-noodle = bakmi
 dry-noodle doused with sauce = ifumi
 vermicelli = bihun , mihun , misua
 wantan , wonton ( china-language for 'drink cloud' ) , gyoza(giosa) = pangsit [ soure : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangsit ]
 fried wantan , fried gyoza , pangsit goreng
 minced-meat-inside-tofu-skin-with-ajinomoto =
  kekian, ngohiang [ source :  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ngo_hiang from wikipedia.org->search ( kekian ) result 1]
 pig/pork-belly = babi hong [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Indonesian_cuisine from wikipedia.org->search ( kekian ) result 1
 ball-of-minced-meat = bakso
 vegetable mixed-with peanut-and-soy-sauce = gado - gado
 black-pepper , pepper-corn = merica(mö-ri-ca)
 onion = bawang
 ginger = jahe [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jahe ]
 turmeric = kunyit [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunyit ]
 soy = kedelai (kö-dö-lai)
 cow's intestine delicacy = babat(ba-bat)
 potato = kentang(kön-tang)
 chocolate = coklat(co-kö-lat)
 jerky = dendeng(dän-däng)
 cinnamon(sri-lanka-cinnamomum-verum , indonesia-cinnamomum-burmanii , vietnam-cinnamomum-loureiroi , china-cinnamomum-aromaticum) 
  = kayu manis [sweet wood] [source : (1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayu_manis from 'Kayumanis Private Estate & Spa' in
		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimbaran , (2/2)kayumanis.com from google ( Kayumanis Private Estate & Spa jimbaran ) result 1 ]

1 sep 2021 3:8 pm edt:
 #reword# nothing = tidak/tak/ga/gak/ngga/nggak ada[does not exist]
     #to# nothing = tidak ada / tak ada / ga ada / gak ada / ngga ada / nggak ada[does not exist]

1 sep 2021 3:17 pm edt:
 begin 'country vocab'---

2 sep 2021 10:16 am edt:#add# cinnamon = kayu manis [sweet wood]

2 sep 2021 2:16 pm edt:
 (1/3)#reword# 2. dia modar sen-diri (indo)/deen modar dewe (java-language)
          #to# 2. dia modar sen-diri (indo)/deen modar dewe (dä-än mo-dar de-we , java-language)

 (2/3)#reword# lay over in certain airport = transit
          #to# lay-over/temporary-stop in non-final-destination-airport = transit

 (3/3)#reword# business partnership = kongsi
          #to# business partnership = kongsi(kɔng-si)

2 sep 2021 2:18 pm edt:
 #reword# seaport = pe-labuh-an, bandar laut #to# seaport = pe-labuh-an(pö-la-bu-han) , bandar laut

2 sep 2021 4:25 pm edt:#reword# chow yun-fat #to# yunfat-chow

3 sep 2021 10:4 am edt:
 #reword# related vocab #to# vocab

3 sep 2021 10:7 am edt:
 #reword# ficus-carica , fig-tree = pohon ficus-carica
     #to# ficus-carica , fig-fruit-tree = pohon ficus-carica

3 sep 2021 10:12 am edt:
 (1)#reword# kekian    #to# kekian(kä-kian)
 (2)#reword# babi hong #to# babi hong(hɔng)

3 sep 2021 5:53 pm edt:
 #move from# 'outdoor, direction vocab' #to# 'plant vocab' #:#
 tree branch = cabang pohon
 petiole (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Plant_nodes_c.jpg)
  = ranting 

4 sep 2021 12:29 pm edt:
 #reword# begin 'amount'     #to# begin 'amount vocab'
 #reword# begin 'more less'  #to# begin 'more less vocab 
 #reword# begin 'each other' #to# begin 'each other vocab' 

8 sep 2021 12:59 pm edt:
 chicken stomach , place to digest food prior food enter intestine = 
  rempela(römpöla) , rempelo(römpölɔ) ,  empedal(empedal) , perut ayam      tempat cerna     makan-an sebelum makan-an masuk usus
                                                           [chicken stomach place  to digest food     prior   food     enter intestine]
  [source : 'kantong perut unggas (ayam, burung, dsb.) tempat pencernaan makanan sebelum makanan tiba ke dalam usus; ampela'
   in https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/empedal from 'empedal' in 
   from 'empedal' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ampela from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rempela ]

8 sep 2021 2:27 pm edt:
 (1/3)#reword# fried wantan , fried gyoza , pangsit goreng
          #to# fried wantan , fried gyoza , fried dumpling = pangsit goreng(goräng)
 (2/3)#reword# wantan , wonton ( china-language for 'drink cloud' ) , gyoza(giosa) = pangsit [ soure : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangsit ]
          #to# wantan , wonton ( china-language for 'drink cloud' ) , gyoza(giosa) , dumpling = pangsit [ soure : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangsit ]
 (3/3)#add# (tö-ri-gu)

8 sep 2021 2:58 pm edt:
 #add# suck nipple to drink breast-milk/boob-milk = netek(nä-täk)

8 sep 2021 4:55 pm edt:
 #add#  all-you-can-eat , buffett = prasmanan(pö-ras-ma-nan) [source:buffet means all-you-can-eat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffet]

8 sep 2021 5:4 pm edt:
 all-you-can-eat , buffett = prasmanan(pö-ras-ma-nan) [source:buffet means all-you-can-eat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffet]
 Liquid-palm-sugar-mochi = klepon(kö-lö-pɔn) [source : (1/2)'palm sugar' , 'rice cake' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klepon 		
						       (2/2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mochi ]

8 sep 2021 5:7 pm edt:
 (1)#move to inside# begin 'food vocab' #:#
        sour = kecut(kö-cut)
        bitter = pait/pahit (pa-it)
        spicy = pedes/pedas(pö-dös/pö-das)
 (2)#delete# bland = find 'tawar [bland taste]'/cari 'tawar [bland taste]'
 (3)#add# bland = sepo(sö-pɔ) , find 'tawar [bland taste]'/cari 'tawar [bland taste]'

8 sep 2021 5:22 pm edt:
 gula-aren(a-rän) , gula-pohon-arenga-pinnata = palm-sugar [source : 'arenga pinnata' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enau from 'gula merah' in 
						  		     https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klepon ]
9 sep 2021 7:4 pm edt:
  bland = sepo(sö-pɔ) , find 'tawar [bland taste]'/cari 'tawar [bland taste]'
  bland = hambar , sepo(sö-pɔ) , find 'tawar [bland taste]'/cari 'tawar [bland taste]'

10 sep 2021 6:32 pm edt:
 shallow = dangkal , cetek(cä-täk) (java-language)
 deep , inside = dalam

10 sep 2021 6:37 pm edt:
 (1/2)#add# niece = keponakan cewe(kö-po-na-kan cä-wä) , ponakan cewe
 (2/2)#add# nephew = keponakan cowo , ponakan cowo

10 sep 2021 6:40 pm edt:
 #reword# ultra-pasteurisasi #to# pasteurisasi-paling-panas/maximal/pol(pɔl)/mentok(mön-tɔk)

10 sep 2021 6:43 pm edt:
 #reword#  - pol = fully
     #to#  - fully , maximum = pol(pɔl) , mentok(mön-tɔk) (java-language)

10 sep 2021 6:45 pm edt:
 #add# maximum = pol(pɔl) , mentok(mön-tɔk)

10 sep 2021 6:48 pm edt:
 at 1 o'clock = (1)jam 1
                (2)saat jam 1 [during 1 o'clock]
 at 2 o'clock = (1)jam 2
                (2)saat jam 2 [during 2 o'clock]

11 sep 2021 5:19 pm edt:
- dasar : luntur
- aktif : (1)me-luntur-i (mö-lun-tu-ri)
   (1) kalo baju putih    di-cuci ber-sama 		baju warna gelap     ya   baju putih-nya    kena    luntur-an baju gelap 
				 lalu warna baju gelap      nyampur dengan baju putih-nya .   jadi baju warna gelap     di-cuci 
       sendiri ter-pisah  dari baju warna putih 
      [if   white clothes is being washed together-with dark-colored-clothes then the white-clothes receive color-contaminant 
       (from) dark-clothes 	 then color of dark-clothes mix with       the white-clothes. so   dark-colored-clothes is being washed 
       alone   separately from white-colored-clothes ]
- pasif : di-luntur-i
- objek : pe-luntur-an
- kebetulan , stative : ke-luntur-an , kena luntur-an

11 sep 2021 5:22 pm edt:
 Luwak-coffee-musang , common-palm-civet , common-musang , house-musang , toddy(palm-wine)-cat = musang-Luwak , musang-pulut , musang-pandan
   [ source : (1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musang_luwak from wiki/Luwak   
	      (2/2)'palm wine' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_wine from 'palm wine' in 
		   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_palm_civet from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luwak ]

11 sep 2021 6:1 pm edt:
 #reword# (nyam-pur) #to# (niam-pur)

12 sep 2021 1:14 pm edt:
 chicken-foot , chicken-feet = cakar ayam [chicken claw]
 dimsum (china-language for 'touching heart') = sentuh(söntuh) hati [touch liver] [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dim_sum ]
 yamcha (china-language for 'drink tea') = minum teh(täh) [drink tea] [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dim_sum ]
 shaomai , siomay , partially-open-dumpling = siomai(siomai) [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dim_sum ] 
 spice = bumbu
 croccodile , alligator = buaya

12 sep 2021 1:25 pm edt:
 2. kalo punya  restoran   ya   ada      resiko besar buang      sisa makan-an  kalo salah per-hitung-an
   [if   owning restaurant then there is big risk of  discarding left-over food if   mis-calculate       (there is mis-calculation)] [source: my mother]

12 sep 2021 4:25 pm edt:
 #add# selesai-kan(informal)

12 sep 2021 5:17 pm edt: end 16 sep 2021 8:21 am edt
 zoo = kebun-binatang(köbun)
 tame , successfully-learn to behave well with human = jinak 
 wild = liar
 docile , obedient , willing to obey command/order = baik [nice]
 bad temper , harsh attitude = galak [bad temper]
 racoon = rakun [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakun ]

12 sep 2021 5:20 pm edt:
 #add# [bloody fever]

25 aug 2021 11:6 am edt: end 16 sep 2021 1:41 pm edt
 4. dia me-ramal  punah-nya     orang mata biru karena  orang mata biru kalo ngentu orang mata biru ya          meng-hasil-kan anak mata biru ,
      lalu lama - lama                orang mata biru  semua jadi   sodara-kandung       lalu orang mata biru harus ngentu orang mata coklat
      yang akan  meng-hasil-kan anak mata coklat , supaya orang mata biru tidak   ngentu sodara-kandung .
      mata biru adalah genetik-recessive , mata coklat adalah genetik-dominant .
      bahasa indonesia/malay    itu gampang ga butuh kolesterol tinggi untuk ingat    atur-an - atur-an      bahasa indo/malay
      jadi bahasa indo/malay itu murah cuma butuh kolesterol rendah dan punya peluang tinggi    untuk me-per-satu-kan/me-nyatu-kan
      orang mata biru dan orang mata coklat dengan ke-mungki-nan  salah-paham     yang kecil     dan biasa-nya manusia mulai bikin  anak
      kalo ada      bencana-alam     yang  me-mati-kan banyak orang . tapi ya butuh kolesterol tinggi untuk sembunyi-kan duit ,
      jaga rahasia tentang lokasi duit ,    lalu orang kolesterol tinggi gampang   kena       taktik adu--domba         lalu ga  mau     ber-satu .
      dan mungkin butuh kolesterol tinggi untuk bikin kontol cukup panjang untuk bisa ngentu memek dari belakang cewe-pantat-tebal .
      karena kelinci me-rasa panik saat ter-lentang ,       me-rasa tenang saat tengkurap/tiarap .
      dan film-mesum bikin orang pikir cewe suka di-kentu           kontol yang    sangat panjang yang bisa sentuh cervix/tembok-buntu-dalam-vagina
      tapi ke-nyata-an-nya cewe   me-rasa sakit saat   cervix kena          kontol , ga suka      di-kentu        semua macam ukur-an penis ,
      tapi suka          kalo klitoris-nya di-jilat]

  [he/she predict   extinction-of blue-eye-person because blue-eye-person if  fucking blue-eye-person then (they) produce        blue-eye-kid ,
      then sooner-or-later/eventually blue-eye-person  all   become blood-related-cousin then blue-eye-person must  fuck   brown-eye-person
      which will produce        brown-eye-kid ,    so     blue-eye-person doesn't fuck   blood-related-cousin .
      blue-eye  is     recessive-gene ,    brown-eye   is     dominant-gene .
      indonesia/malay-language is  easy    doesn't need high cholesterol to memorise bureaucracy/grammar-of indo/malay-language
      so indo/malay-language is  cheap only need  low cholesterol   and has   high probability  to    unite
      blue-eye-person and brown-eye-person  with   probability-of misunderstanding which is small and usually  human   start making kid
      if   there is natural-disaster which kill        many person .  but um  need high cholesterol   to    hide         money ,
      keep secret  about   money location , then high cholesterol person is easily touched by divide-and-conquer-tactic then not willing to unite .
      and maybe   need  high cholesterol  to    make penis long enough to fuck vagina from behind thick-ass-female .
      because rabbit feel panic    during supine-position , feel calm      during prone-position .
      and porn-movie make person think female enjoy being fucked by penis which is very long      which can touch cervix/dead-end-wall-inside-vagina
      but in-reality       female feel  pain    during cervix is touched by penis  , doesn't like being fucked-by any/all penis-size ,
      but feel-enjoyment if   her clitoris is being licked .]

15 sep 2021 5:42 pm edt:#reword# sendiri #to# sen-diri

15 sep 2021 5:44 pm edt:#add# - lonely = ke-sepi-an (kö-sö-pi-an)

16 sep 2021 12:35 pm edt:
 appendix = usus-buntu [dead-end-intestine]
 appendicitis = radang-usus-buntu [dead-end-intestine-inflammation] 
	[source:'inflammation' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radang from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appendicitis from
                'appendicitis' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_Nadal  ]

16 sep 2021 1:48 pm edt:#add# reality = ke-nyata-an(kö-nia-ta-an)

16 sep 2021 2:13 pm edt:
 #add# wallet = dompet (dɔm-pät)

16 sep 2021 2:17 pm edt:
 (1)#add# [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tame ] 
 (2)#add# [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/docile ]

16 sep 2021 2:20 pm edt:
 #add# morgue , mortuary = tempat simpan mayat
    [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/morgue (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mortuary]

16 sep 2021 2:21 pm edt:
 - contoh[example] :
   (1)rasa benci       di-perlu-kan    untuk selesai-kan pe-kerja-an sedot   septic-tank , bersih-in kamar-mandi , daur-ulang sampah ,
      bury stinking dead person , dan--lain-lain , kadang    benci  menang , cinta   kalah.
     [feeling-of-hatred is being needed to    finish      a job      sucking septic-tank , cleaning bath-room ,    recycle garbage ,
      ngubur mayat bau          , etc           , sometimes hatred win ,    love is lost .]
     [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/morgue (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mortuary]

16 sep 2021 2:28 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# dan lain lain #to# dan--lain-lain
 (2)#reword# dan se-terus-nya #to# dan--se-terus-nya
 (3)#reword# dan se-bagai-nya #to# dan--se-bagai-nya

17 sep 2021 5:31 pm edt:
 milagrosa ( spain-language for 'miracle' ) = ajaib ; object-form : ke-ajaib-an(kö-ajai-ban)
  [source:(1)'Milagrosa. The name Milagrosa is a baby girl name. Meaning Spanish Baby Names Meaning:
              The name Milagrosa is a Spanish Baby Names baby name. In Spanish Baby Names the meaning of the name Milagrosa is: Miracle.' 
              in https://www.sheknows.com/baby-names/name/milagrosa/ from google (milagrosa) result 3
          (2)https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=es&tl=en&text=milagrosa ]

17 sep 2021 6:9 pm edt:
 #reword# selesai-kan(informal) #to# selesai-kan(sö-lö-sai-kan)(informal)

17 sep 2021 6:17 pm edt:
 #reword# - assignment, duty, job, task = pe-kerja-an
     #to# - assignment, duty, job, task = pe-kerja-an(pö-kör-ja-an)

17 sep 2021 7:26 pm edt:
 (1)#move to 'plant vocab'#
 lotus-flower/nelumbo-nucifera-flower = (1)bunga-teratai (tö-ra-tai) [source:'Seroja atau lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) adalah spesies tumbuhan air tahunan dari genus Nelumbo yang berasal dari India. Di Indonesia tanaman ini sering kali disebut teratai (Nymphaea)' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seroja]
                                        (2)bunga-seroja (sö-ro-ja)
 cananga-odorata-tree = pohon-kenanga (kö-na-nga) [source:' Cananga odorata, is important as the source of the perfume ylang-ylang.[2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cananga from 'Cananga odorata' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenanga]
 sandalwood-tree/santalum-album-tree = pohon-cendana (cön-dana) [source:'Sandalwood is a class of woods from trees in the genus Santalum. The woods are heavy, yellow, and fine-grained, and, unlike many other aromatic woods, they retain their fragrance for decades. Sandalwood oil is extracted from the woods for use. Sandalwood is the second-most expensive wood in the world, after African blackwood.[1][dubious – discuss]', 'santalum album' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandalwood from wikipedia-search (Santalum Album) result 4 from 'Santalum album' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cendana]
(2)#move to 'plant vocab'# 
 ruellia-flower, wild-petunia-flower = bunga-kencana (kön-ca-na) [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruellia from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kencana (2/2)'bank windu kentjana' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Construction_Bank_Indonesia from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_Windu_Kentjana]

18 sep 2021 11:59 am edt:
 #add# - reality = ke-nyata-an(kö-nia-ta-an)

18 sep 2021 12:3 pm edt:
 #reword# eventhough, althogh = #to# even-though , although =

18 sep 2021 12:2 pm edt:
  but-in-reality = padahal [source:'but the case actually is' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/padahal]
  but-in-reality = 
	(1)padahal [source:'but the case actually is' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/padahal]
	(2)tapi ke-nyata-an-nya [ but reality (is) ... ]
	(3)tapi se-benar-nya [ but actuality-(is)/actually ... ]
 #and move to near # even-though , although =

18 sep 2021 12:26 pm edt:#add# coffee = kopi(kɔ-pi)

18 sep 2021 12:52 pm edt:
 brunswick ( english-language for latin-language 'bruno vicus' meaning bruno=brown , vicus=village ) = 
	(1)desa(desa) coklat [brown village] 
	(2)dusun coklat [brown village] [source:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Brunonis_vicus from 'translation' button -> latin in 
						 https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Brunswick from 
   'original name of Brunswik is a combination of the name Bruno and Low German wik (related to the Latin vicus), a place where merchants 
    rested and stored their goods' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braunschweig from
    bowling-ball-brand 'brunswick' in patra-jasa-hotel-bowling-alley http://patra-jasa.com
   1i2!8m2!3d-7.0133146!4d110.4204673!3m4!1s0x2e708b7eb531dd15:0x5ca0c78e3b996641!8m2!3d-7.0121851!4d110.4202802 ]

19 sep 2021 11:43 am edt:
 a director in board-of-director ( ceo's supervisor-committee/group ) =  komisaris
 chief-executive-officer , board-of-management(chief-financial-officer/cfo , chief-technical-officer/cto , 
  chief-information-technology/cio , chief-etc )'s boss =   president director , direktur utama [priority-1 director] 

19 sep 2021 12:45 pm edt:
 - debtor = pe-minjam (pö-min-jam)

19 sep 2021 1:16 pm edt:
 (mnemonic-for-memorise : giga tpe-sy/si , imagine 'yotta' become 'iota' , tpe is iata-code for taipei-airport , 'si' is china-language for 'die' , 
    '4' . amount smaller-than giga is rarely used for money , i prefer giga than translation-problem 'se-biliun (usa style)' )

19 sep 2021 3:15 pm edt:
 #add# begin 'money vocab'

19 sep 2021 3:15 pm edt: end 3:45 pm edt
 creditor , loaner-money provider/giver = kreditur(kre-di-tur)
   contoh[example] : 
	(1) bank commerce-international-merchant-banker/cimb.com.my->cimbniaga.co.id adalah kreditur-nya airasia.com karena 
	    cimb.com.my->cimbniaga.co.id kasi pinjam-an uang :
               (1)200 giga rupiah dengan batas-waktu-untuk-bayar-kembali      1 apr/april 2026
	       (2)9.2 mega usd ato berapa   usd yang sama    seperti/dengan 125 giga rupiah dengan batas-waktu-untuk-bayar-kembali      1 apr/april 2026
           [commerce-international-merchant-banker/cimb.com.my->cimbniaga.co.id bank is     airasia.com's creditor   because 
	    cimb.com.my->cimbniaga.co.id give loaner-money   :
	       (1)200 giga rupiah with   dead-line-for-pay-back/maturity-date 1 apr/april 2026
	       (2)9.2 mega usd or what-ever usd      is-same like/with      125 giga rupiah with   dead-line-for-pay-back/maturity-date 1 apr/april 2026 ]
   [source: airasia.com annual-report year 2020 pdf-viewer-page 307/debtor in https://ir.aaid.co.id/misc/ar/AR2020.pdf ]

 debtor , debitur(debitur) = pe-minjam uang [source: airasia.com annual-report year 2020 pdf-viewer-page 275/debtor in https://ir.aaid.co.id/misc/ar/AR2020.pdf ]
 share-certificate , stock-certificate = saham ( from arab-language 'sahm' which mean 'part-of' ) [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saham ]
 income-and-spending-balance , income-and-spending-calculation-result (can produce profit , can produce deficit) = saldo
 income = pe-masuk-an(pö-masuk-an)
 spending = pe-nge-luar-an(pö-ngö-lua-ran)
 supply = per-sedia-an(pör-södia-an)
 demand = per-minta-an(pör-minta-an)
 producer = produsen(pro-du-sän)
 consumer , buyer = konsumen(kɔn-su-män) , pem-beli [buyer]
 bulk-buy = beli jumlah banyak [buy amount (of) many] , kulakan(kulak-an)
 obligation = ke-wajib-an(kö-wajib-an) , ke-harus-an(kö-harus-an)
 net-weight , weight without packaging , curb-weight/car-weight-without-passenger = berat neto(näto) , berat bersih [clean weight]
 gross-weight/car-weight-with-passenger , weight with packaging = berat bruto 
  [source : 
   1)'The curb weight of your vehicle is the weight of the car with all of the standard equipment and amenities, but without any passengers,
      cargo or any other separately loaded items in it.'
   2)''Gross Vehicle Weight The gross vehicle weight is the combined weight of the vehicle and all passengers and cargo pieces in'
     in https://www.carsdirect.com/car-safety/curb-weight-vs-gross-vehicle-weight from google (Gross Vehicle Weight) result 3 ]
 loan-collateral = jamin-an

19 sep 2021 3:34 pm edt:
 coconut = kelapa(kö-la-pa)
 honey-dew-melon = melon(melɔn)
 water-melon = semangka(sö-mang-ka)
 cantaloupe = kantalop(kantalop)
 cherry = ceri(cäri)

19 sep 2021 3:36 pm edt:
 #insert# begin 'fruit vocab'----- #to inside# begin 'food vocab'

19 sep 2021 3:50 pm edt:
 #reword# admit something, acknowledge something
     #to# admit something , acknowledge something , announce valid

19 sep 2021 3:54 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# (mö-nga-ku)    #to# (mö-ngaku)
 (2)#reword# (mö-nga-ku-i)  #to# (mö-ngaku-i)
 (3)#reword# (nga-ku-i)     #to# (ngaku-i)
 (4)#reword# (di-a-ku-i)    #to# (di-aku-i)
 (5)#reword# (pö-nga-ku-an) #to# (pö-ngaku-an)

19 sep 2021 4:11 pm edt: end 4:29 pm edt
 begin 'song vocab'
  music-tune = nada
  maestro('mai-strou) = maestro , pem-beri aba - aba [giver (of) hand-signal]
  speaker = spiker(spikör)
  harp = harpa
  flute(flut) = seruling(söruling) , suling #homonym# desalinate [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seruling]
  guitar = gitar
  gong = gong [source:(1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gong (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gong from 'gong' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kulintang]
  organ , orgel (netherlands-language , germany-language for 'organ') = 
     orgen(orgön) , organ , organa [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ_(music) from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ
   		 	                   (2/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ_(alat_musik) ]
  trumphet = trompet(trɔm-pät)
  cymbal('sim-böl) = simbal
 end 'song vocab'

 (2)#add# #homonym# flute
 (3)#add# #homonym# desalinate

19 sep 2021 4:46 pm edt:
 #reword# - warranty = jamin-an(ja-mi-nan)
     #to# - warranty , loan-collateral = jamin-an(ja-mi-nan)

19 sep 2021 4:52 pm edt:
 #add# , mukok(mukɔk)

19 sep 2021 4:56 pm edt:
 (1)#add# 5)boker(bɔkär)
 (2)#add# 5)boker(bɔkär)
 (3)#add# di-boker-in (di-bɔkär-rin)

19 sep 2021 4:59 pm edt:
 thong-sandal = sandal jepit(san-dal jö-pit)
   sumber : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/cepit
 bare-foot = ciakak , nyeker(nyäkär) (java-language)

22 sep 2021 3:12 pm edt:
 'global.ibk.co.kr' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Bank_of_Korea 
	     from 'ibk.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_IBK_Indonesia

22 sep 2021 3:19 pm edt: end 6:24 pm edt
 ( agris 18 jul 2008 => 15 jan 2019 , global.ibk.co.kr->ibk.co.id )

22 sep 2021 4:32 pm edt:
 #reword# sritex.co.id #to# sritex.co.id->spd

22 sep 2021 4:42 pm edt:
 #reword# suck penis, suction-job, fellatio-job/felatio-job
     #to# use mouth to fuck penis , suck penis , suction-job , fellatio-job/felatio-job

23 sep 2021 1:38 pm edt:
 (1)#add# from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_Agris#22_sep_2021_6_18_pm_edt
 (2)#add# 'ctbcbank.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_CTBC_Indonesia#22_sep_2021_3_32_pm_edt
 (3)#add# 'bukopin.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/KB_Bukopin#22_sep_2021_3_34_pm_edt from
 (4)#add# 'bca.co.id' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_Central_Asia#22_sep_2021_3_36_pm_edt

23 sep 2021 1:31 pm edt:
 #add# logical = masuk akal [enter sane-mind , can be understood by sane-mind]
       illogical , non-logical = ga masuk akal [can not enter sane-mind , can not be understood by sane-mind]

23 sep 2021 1:34 pm edt:
 #reword# deadline #to# deadline , dead-line

23 sep 2021 1:37 pm edt: end 6:19 pm edt
  molar = graham belakang(gra-ham bö-la-kang)
  pre molar = graham depan(gra-ham dö-pan).source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molar_(tooth) from google-image (molar) row 1 col 1
 incisor(cutter)-tooth  = gigi depan [front tooth]
  [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/incisor#23_sep_2021_2_24_pm_edt ]

 molar-tooth (from latin-language 'molaris') , grinder-tooth = 
    gigi belakang [rear tooth] , graham belakang [rear molar] , graham besar(gö-ra-ham bösar)[big molar] , gigi peng-gesek(pöng-gäsäk) [grinder tooth]
  [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=molar&rdfrom=Molar ]

 pre-molar-tooth (from latin-language 'pre-molaris') = graham kecil(gö-ra-ham köcil) [small molar] , graham depan [front molar]
  [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/premolar from 'molars and premolars have triangular cusps, and the canines are pronounced' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_bat#2_sep_2021_5_10_pm_edt from 'bat' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covid-19#17_dec_2020_3_8_pm_est ]

 fang(catcher)-tooth , canine-tooth , cuspid-tooth (from latin-language 'cuspis' meaning pointy-tip/apex) = taring 
  [source: (1/4)'molars and premolars have triangular cusps, and the canines are pronounced' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_bat#2_sep_2021_5_10_pm_edt from 'bat' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covid-19#17_dec_2020_3_8_pm_est (2/4)'fang' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/canine#23_sep_2021_2_22_pm_edt  (3/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fang#23_sep_2021_2_28_pm_edt (4/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/apex#23_sep_2021_2_31_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cuspid#23_sep_2021_2_35_pm_edt from 'cuspid' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/canine#23_sep_2021_2_22_pm_edt ]

 canine-animal , k-9-animal-police , dog = anjing #homonym# dog , canine-tooth/fang

23 sep 2021 1:53 pm edt:
 #reword# dog = anjing #to# canine-animal , k-9-animal-police , dog = anjing #homonym# dog , canine-tooth/fang

23 sep 2021 3:15 pm edt:
 (3) dia    mo   bukti-in        agama dia           betul ,   dengan cara         ramal      jam boker
    [he/she want to prove (that) his/her religion is correct , with   procedure of predicting defecation-hour]

23 sep 2021 3:28 pm edt:
 #add# jampi - jampi

23 sep 2021 3:51 pm edt:
 begin 'Law vocab'
  subpoena , invitiation for answering question while under oath = panggil-an  untuk jawab     per-tanya-an dalam sumpah
								  [invitiation for   answering question     inside oath]
  perjury , Lie/not-telling-the-truth = bohong dalam sumpah [lying inside oath]
  perjurer , liar = pem-bohong(pöm-bɔhɔng) dalam sumpah [liar inside oath]
  gag-order , judge-order to keep something secret = perintah(pörintah) hakim untuk jaga rahasia [jugde-order to protect secret]
  restraining-order , judge-order to stay-away = perintah hakim untuk jaga jarak [judge-order for protect/maintain distance]
  defendant = ter-dakwa(tör-dakwa) , ter-sangka(tör-sangka)
  Litigant = pe-nuntut(pö-nuntut)
  judge = hakim
  Lawyer = pengacara(pöngacara)
  prosecutor = jaksa
  attorney-general = jaksa-agung [holy-prosecutor]
  Liable , Law-suit-target = sasaran polisi [police target]
  crime of passion , passionate crime = ke-jahat-an karena nafsu-sex [crime because of sex-desire] [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_of_passion ]
 end 'Law vocab'

23 sep 2021 4:4 pm edt:
 #add# - invitation = panggil-an

23 sep 2021 4:41 pm edt:
 #add# (kö-jahat-an)

23 sep 2021 6:20 pm edt:
 #reword# (10^9)= 
  se-miliar atau se-milyar (dutch style), 
  se-biliun (usa style) (10^12) = 
  se-biliun (dutch style), 
  se-triliun (usa style), 
  se-tera (sistem satuan internasional)
 #to# (10^9) = 
  (1)se-miliar atau se-milyar (dutch style) 
  (2)se-biliun (usa style) (10^12) = 
  (1)se-biliun (dutch style) 
  (2)se-triliun (usa style) 
  (3)se-tera (sistem satuan internasional)

23 sep 2021 7:9 pm edt:
 (1)#add# [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subpoena#23_sep_2021_7_4_pm_edt ]
 (2)#add# [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perjury#23_sep_2021_7_5_pm_edt ]
 (3)#add# [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gag_order#23_sep_2021_7_6_pm_edt ]

23 sep 2021 7:11 pm edt: end 10:49 am edt
 #reword# perjury , Lie/not-telling-the-truth = bohong dalam sumpah [lying inside oath]
     #to# perjury , Lie/not-telling-the-truth-while-under-oath = bohong saat di dalam sumpah [lying during inside oath]

24 sep 2021 8:6 pm edt: end 10:44 am edt
 #reword# perjurer , liar = pem-bohong(pöm-bɔhɔng) dalam sumpah [liar inside oath]
     #to# perjurer , liar under oath = pem-bohong(pöm-bɔhɔng) saat di dalam sumpah [liar during inside oath]

24 sep 2021 8:7 am edt:
 subpoena , invitiation for answering question while under oath = panggil-an  untuk jawab     per-tanya-an dalam sumpah
								 [invitiation for   answering question     inside oath]
 subpoena , invitiation for answering question while under oath = panggil-an  untuk jawab     per-tanya-an saat   di dalam  sumpah
								 [invitiation for   answering question     during inside    oath]

24 sep 2021 8:9 am edt:
 #reword# jugde-order to protect secret
     #to# judge-order to protect secret

24 sep 2021 8:12 am edt:
 #reword# maestro('mai-strou) = maestro , pem-beri aba - aba [giver (of) hand-signal]
     #to# maestro('mai-strou) = maestro(ma-es-tro) , pem-beri aba - aba [giver (of) hand-signal]

24 sep 2021 8:15 am edt: end 11:19 am edt
 #reword# bulk-buy = beli jumlah banyak [buy amount (of) many] , kulakan(kulak-an)
     #to# bulk-buy = beli jumlah banyak [buy amount (of) many]
          bulk-buy merchandise then sell that merchandise again in different shop-location with goal to store that merchandise in 
 	      a shop located closer to customer who live near that shop-location = kulakan(kulak-an)

24 sep 2021 8:21 am edt: end 10:39 am edt
 #reword# maestro('mai-strou) = maestro , pem-beri aba - aba [giver (of) hand-signal]
     #to# maestro('mai-strou) = maestro(ma-es-tro) , pem-beri aba - aba cowo [male giver (of) hand-signal in-front-of orchestra]
 	  maestra             = maestra(ma-es-tra) , pem-beri aba - aba cewe [female giver (of) hand-signal in-front-of orchestra]

24 sep 2021 3:6 pm edt:
 #reword# judge = hakim
     #to# judge , guilty-punishment-choice-selector , criminal-trial-supervisor = hakim [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/judge#24_sep_2021_3_37_pm_edt ]

24 sep 2021 3:15 pm edt: end 25 sep 2021 5:13 pm edt
 jury , a group of 12 juror , guilty-or-non-guilty-verdict/(criminal-trial-result)-selector = juri [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jury#24_sep_2021_3_17_pm_edt (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/juror#24_sep_2021_3_17_pm_edt ]
 juror , member of jury , guilty-or-non-guilty-verdict/(criminal-trial-result)-selector = juri [source : 'twelve' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury#24_sep_2021_3_9_pm_edt ]

24 sep 2021 7:15 pm edt:
 #reword# - random = secara acak(sö-ca-ra a-cak)
     #to# - random , what-ever = acak(a-cak) , sembarang(sömbarang) [what-ever]

24 sep 2021 7:17 pm edt: end 25 sep 2021 6:30 pm edt
 #add# (4) ahli billiard   mem-bukti-kan ke-ahli-an-nya    dengan cara      kasi tau wasit  bola mana  akan masuk lubang mana
           sebelum mulai main ,    jadi ga  asal     masuk-in bola ke sembarang lubang .
          [billiard expert prove         his/her expertise with   procedure inform   umpire which ball will enter which hole
           prior   start playing , so   not randomly insert   ball to random    hole ].

       (5) ahli billiard   mem-bukti-kan mereka betul - betul ahli billiard   dengan cara      kasi tau wasit 
	   bola mana  akan masuk lubang mana sebelum mulai main ,    jadi ga  asal     masuk-in bola ke sembarang lubang .
          [billiard expert prove (that)  they   really        billiard expert with   procedure inform   umpire 
           which ball will enter which  hole prior   start playing , so   not randomly insert   ball to random    hole ].

25 sep 2021 3:17 pm edt:
 #reword# whatever #to# what-ever

25 sep 2021 4:24 pm edt:
 pomegranate-fruit , punica-granatum = delima(dölima) [source: (1/2)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delima#25_sep_2021_4_20_pm_edt from id.wikipedia.org->search ( kayu delima ) result 1 (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomegranate#25_sep_2021_4_21_pm_edt ]

26 sep 2021 10:15 am edt: end 5:8 pm edt
 #reword# no profit no deficit = bakbuk
     #to# 0 profit , break-even , no profit no deficit = bakbuk
 #move to under# deficit = rugi
 #from under# sustainability = ke-seimbang-an untung-dan-rugi (kö-sö-im-ba-ngan untung-dan-rugi) [profit-and-deficit-balance]

26 sep 2021 10:16 am edt:
 #add# deficit = rugi

26 sep 2021 10:19 am edt:
 #reword# jury , a group of 12 juror , guilty-or-non-guilty-verdict/(criminal-trial-result)-selector = juri [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jury#24_sep_2021_3_17_pm_edt (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/juror#24_sep_2021_3_17_pm_edt ]
     #to# jury , a group containing 12 juror , guilty-or-non-guilty-verdict/(criminal-trial-result)-selector = juri [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/jury#24_sep_2021_3_17_pm_edt (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/juror#24_sep_2021_3_17_pm_edt ]

30 sep 2021 9:58 am edt:
 subpoena , invitiation for answering question while under oath = panggil-an  untuk jawab     per-tanya-an saat   di dalam  sumpah
								 [invitiation for   answering question     during inside    oath]
 subpoena , invitation for answering question while under oath = panggil-an  untuk jawab     per-tanya-an pake/dengan sumpah
								[invitiation for   answering question     using/with  oath]

30 sep 2021 10:1 am edt:
 jury-duty-letter = random-invitation-letter to become juror

30 sep 2021 10:3 am edt:
 deception , bombast , inflation = bual-an

1 oct 2021 5:4 pm edt: end 3 oct 2021 10:32 am edt
 broom with black-color hair = sapu ijuk , sapu rambut pohon arenga-pinnata [arenga-pinnata-tree-hair-broom] [source: 'arenga pinnata' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enau from youtube-movie showing sapu-ijuk]
 dust-pan (for dust from broom) = dongkrak(dɔng-körak) debu [debris lifter] [source:'car jack' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongkrak#1_oct_2021_4_56_pm_edt ]
 car-lifter = dongkrak(dɔng-körak) mobil 
 mopping-cloth = kain pel [kain päl)
 mop-water-container = ember air pel [bucket for mopping-water] 
 bucket = ember(äm-bär)

1 oct 2021 5:5 pm edt:
 gear = gigi
 gear 1 = gigi 1brake = rem(räm)
 gear = gigi , roda gigi [tooth wheel] [source:'roda gigi' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongkrak#1_oct_2021_4_56_pm_edt ]
 gear 1 = gigi 1
 brake = rem(räm)

1 oct 2021 5:7 pm edt:
 #reword# clutch in car = kopling(ko-pling)
     #to# clutch in car = kopling(ko-pö-ling)

1 oct 2021 6:42 pm edt:
     [wrap around something sporadically
           creating a jamming-knot which can not
           be released]
     [wrap around something ,
            creating a complicated-knot which is difficult to disentangle]

 (2)#reword# [already wrapped around neatly]
        #to# [already entangled]

 (3)#reword# nglilit)ngli-lit)
        #to# nge-lilit(ngö-li-lit)

 (4)#reword# nggubet(nggu-böt)
        #to# nge-gubet(ngö-gu-böt)

2 oct 2021 9:15 am edt:
 broom with dark-yellow-color hair = sapu jerami-padi [empty-paddy/rice-plant-leaf broom] [source:'Sapu ini terbuat dari serabut padi/batang padi' di https://siplah.pesonaedu.id/product/19031/sapu-ijuk-sapu-jerami dari google ( sapu jerami padi ) hasil 6 dari 'jerami' di 'Sapu Ijuk Jerami / sapu lantai/sapu tradisional' di https://shopee.co.id/Sapu-Ijuk-Jerami-sapu-lntai-i.272073118.7737378409 dari google ( sapu ijuk ) hasil-image baris 1 kolom 4 ]

3 oct 2021 10:35 am edt:
 subpoena , invitation for answering question while under oath = panggil-an  untuk jawab     per-tanya-an pake/dengan sumpah
								[invitiation for   answering question     using/with  oath]
 subpoena , invitation-letter-from-police for answering question while under oath = 
   surat panggil-an               untuk jawab     per-tanya-an pake/dengan sumpah
  [invitation-letter-from-police  for   answering question     using/with  oath]

3 oct 2021 10:38 am edt:
 #reword# jury-duty-letter = random-invitation-letter to become juror
     #to# jury-duty-letter , random-invitation-letter to become juror = surat undang-an untuk jadi juri [invitation letter to become juror]

3 oct 2021 10:42 am edt:
 #reword# - invitation = panggil-an
     #to# - invitation from police = panggil-an

3 oct 2021 11:29 am edt:
 #add# arenga-pinnata tree = pohon enau , pohon arenga-pinnata [source:find 'arenga pinnata']
       empty-rice/paddy-plant = jerami [source:find 'jerami']

8 oct 2021 11:30 am edt:
  (1) permak foto hotel seperti di https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/dpsjagi-hilton-garden-inn-bali-ngurah-rai-airport/ ,

  (2)8 okt 20217 kobelco.co.jp ngaku permak data besi-karbon tipu-an [sumber:cari '-[8-oct-2017]#law#kobe-steel/kobelco' di wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm]
  (3)taun 2002 => 2007 pe-kerja reaktor-nuklir-japan-fukushima permak lapor-an 
     [sumber:cari 'fukushima' di wortel.ucoz.com/7years.htm]
  (4)taun 2016 mitsubishi ke-tau-an kasi data konsumsi-bensin-per-mile/mpg mobil yang ga sesuai dengan atur-an jepang se-lama 25 taun , 
     ke-tangkap nissan tapi nissan ber-sedia kasi uang 2.2 billion usd ke mitsubishi untuk dapat 34 % mitsubishi 
  (5)12 jun 2014 ford.com usai kena tuntut-an--hukum , ngaku permak data konsumsi-bensin-per-mile/mpg untuk mobil ford.com->fusion-hybrid
             (2)http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/12/us-ford-motor-epa-fuel-economy-idUSKBN0EN2AK20140612 ]
      mungkin subaru.com juga curang karena mpg-nya subaru.com ke-liat-an mirip honda.com's front-wheel-drive's mpg dan
      itu ga mungkin karena subaru.com->model-non-brz kirim 61 % torsi ke 2 ban depan , 40 % torsi ke 2 ban belakang .
  (6)sejak taun 2013 1 per 1 ke-tau-an : vw.com , mercedes-benz.com , jeep.com , dodge.com , audi.com , porsche.com , 
     volvocars.com , hyundai.com , jaguar.com , Landrover.com , pake program-komputer 
     untuk permak data emisi mobil disel supaya mobil disel mereka lulus tes emisi dan ke-liat-an ramah lingkungan 
	  (1)'Jetta TDI and Jetta SportWagen TDI, 2009–2015'
	     di http://blog.caranddriver.com/vw-sets-up-website-to-assist-owners-of-cheaty-tdi-diesel-models/
	     dari  https://www.facebook.com/caranddriver/posts/10154226558987977
	  (2) http://autoweek.com/article/recalls/doj-seeks-fines-and-recall-over-diesel-jeep-and-ram-emissions-report-says
          (3) https://qz.com/990211/jeep-grand-cherokee-the-us-is-suing-fiat-chrysler-for-using-defeat-devices-to-cheat-on-emissions-tests-similar-to-volkswagen/
     	      dari google (jeep diesel emission test passed) hasil 1, 2
          (4) https://www.facebook.com/Engadget/posts/10156118101202370
	  (5) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_emissions_scandal#9_oct_2021_3_48_pm_edt 
          (6) https://www.autoblog.com/2019/03/14/jaguar-land-rover-recall-44000-vehicles-diesel-emissions from google ( range rover diesel emission cheat ) result 9 
  (7)taun 1991 => 27 mar 2008 bank barclays.com , jpmorganchase.com , citigroup.com , db.com , ubs.com , rbs.co.uk , rabobank.com , permak :
	Libor/London-interbank-borrowing-rate ,  euribor/europe-interbank-borrowing-rate , nilai-bunga-bank-lain , 
	bikin freddiemac.com , fanniemae.com rugi 3 billion usd 
     [sumber:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor_scandal#10_oct_2021_8_am_edt from forgotten-news in reuter.com]
  (8)pake nama samar-an/alias di code-share-airline di daftar jam--ke-datang-an--dan-jam--ke-berangkat-an airport Los-angeles flyLax.com
         (1)malaysiaairlines.com->9454 ( se-betul-nya aa.com->1368 ) Lax => chicago-airport/ord
	 (2)malaysiaairlines.com->9416 ( se-benar-nya aa.com->2709 ) Lax => austin-airport
	 (3)qantas.com->qf-4602 ( se-betul-nya aa.com->1472 ) Lax = Las-vegas-airport ?
	 (4)kLm.us->5131 ( se-benar-nya delta.com->1339 ) Lax => detroit-airport
	 (5)kLm.us->7471 ( se-betul-nya delta.com->1311 ) Lax => boston-airport
	 (6)kLm.us->5015 ( se-benar-nya delta.com->303 ) Lax => atlanta-airport
	 (7)kLm.us->5233 ( se-betul-nya delta.com->392 ) Lax => jfkairport.com/nyc-airport
	 [source:https://www.oag.com/flight-tracker from logo 'powered by oag' on bottom-page in https://jfkairport.com/flight-tracker?view=VIEW_DEPARTURE&apt=JFK
  (9)reporter-berita-tv pake teleprompter 
	(1/8)youtube.com/watch?v=swrx_CJxfDQ&t=0m10s#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (Behind the Scenes at FOX6: The Teleprompter)
	(2/8)youtube.com/watch?v=CJRRA-4vBdg#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (Stephen Miller Interview with George Stephanopoulos | This Week)
	      from google (white house press briefing teleprompter)
	(3/8)youtube.com/watch?v=MUbsdwQxgeA#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (Facebook Live: RNC Teleprompter)
	(4/8)youtube.com/watch?v=KdI-nhz-iTk&t=0m06s#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (Donald Trump Removes the Teleprompter in Charlotte 10/14/16)
	(5/8)youtube.com/watch?v=MXqHvGu6OC4&t=0m40s#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (How Donald Trump reacted when his teleprompter broke)
	(6/8)youtube.com/watch?v=Jiow64UjuQQ&t=0m11s#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (President Obama's Teleprompter Crashes During Speech!)
	(7/8)teleprompter giant screen in the back :
	      youtube.com/watch?v=hAB1wAXdBZ0&t=0m05s#20_jun_2020_9_33_pm_edt (Obama's TelePrompter Exposed on LIVE TV)
	(8/8)youtube-search (autoscript conference prompter)
 (10)michael-jackson , whitney-houston , new-kids-on-the-block , red-hot-chilli-peppers , beyonce-knowles , britney-spears ,
     muse , public-image-ltd , mariah-carey , ashlee-simpson , milli-vanilli , pura - pura nyanyi ( lip-sync )
     [source : https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7640807/most-infamous-lip-sync-incidents-videos-mariah-carey from google ( singer who lip sync ) 
		result 1 from support from comment 'Bria Carter' 1 week ago (edited) 'her voice here is better' 
		in youtube.com/watch?v=V6DCq1NBGi8 ( HD - Rihanna - Rude Boy Live (Echo Awards 2010) ) ]
 (11)pura - pura punya alamat per-usaha-an di usa->provinsi-delaware->kota-wilmington->jalan-north-orange-gedung-nomer-1209 , pulau bermuda , 
     pulau britania-virgin untuk me-ngurang-i pajak
     [source :https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/apr/25/delaware-tax-loophole-1209-north-orange-trump-clinton#13_apr_2021_3_38_pm_edt 
	      from google (hillary trump share the same address) result 1 from vanishing-post on facebook.com/OfficialKJU result 1 ]
 (12)pake nama belakang yanbg salah juki.co.jp 
     ( tempat asli-nya 'usa->california-state->Los-angeles-city->quantil-networks-inc' di wortel.ucoz.com/traceroute.com 
     , jp biasa-nya me-nunjuk-an tempat server di jepang ), 
     sustagen.com.au ( tempat asli-nya 'usa->california-state->san-fransisco-city->fastly-isp' di wortel.ucoz.com/traceroute.com 
     , au biasa-nya me-nunjuk-an tempat server di australia ) , 
     www.narita-airport.jp ( tempat asli-nya 'usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->Akamai Technologies, Inc.->60342' di wortel.ucoz.com/traceroute.com
     , jp biasa-nya me-nunjuk-an tempat server di jepang ) ,
 (13)aksteel.com me-nyembunyi-kan limbah-pabrik di dalam sungai-ohio supaya darat-an ke-liat-an bersih .
     [sumber:'In early 2015, the EPA listed the Ohio River as the most contaminated body of water in the U.S. 
		According to the EPA's Annual Toxics Release Inventory, of the 23 million pounds of chemicals discharged into the river in 2013, 
		more than 70 percent came from AK Steel.[35]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK_Steel_Holding#8_oct_2021_2_30_pm_edt from 
		'armco' di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bain_Capital#8_oct_2021_4_53_pm_edt dari 'bain' di
		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney#8_oct_2021_4_51_pm_edt  ]
 (14)pura - pura jadi perempuan seperti di negara thailand->pulau-phuket
 (15)mar 2021 Lehman.com ke-tau-an pake trik-akuntansi repo-105 untuk me-rahasia-kan utang supaya ke-liat-an keren di laporan--ke-uang-an dan 
     me-narik per-hati-an investor ; dan olympus-global.com ( taun 2011 ) , toshiba.co.jp ( taun 2015 ) pake trik-akuntansi
     [sumber : (1)'repo' di en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehman_brothers#10_aug_2021_9_45_am_edt 
	       (2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympus (3)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshiba ]

 (16)ga kasi tau identitas per-usaha-an yang bikin pe-nunjuk ke-cepat-an mobil ( nippon-seiki.co.jp , magnetimarelli.com )
     yang bikin orang pikir pe-milik logo-mobil bikin semua-nya
 (17)me-malsu-kan per-tanding-an olah-raga untuk bikin tukang judi ter-tentu menang judi--hasil--per-tanding-an
     [sumber:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_match-fixing_incidents from google ( match fixing sports gambling bet scandal ) result 2]
 (18)mcdonalds.co.uk tulis burger-dan-keju di menu--makan-an , padahal se-benar-nya burger-dan-60%-keju
       'contains approximately 60% real cheese (51% Cheddar and 9% Other Cheeses)' di
       dari google (macdonald cheese processed cheese) hasil 1
       dari 'processed' in  http://www.mcdonalds.co.uk/ukhome/whatmakesmcdonalds/questions/food/cheese/what-type-of-cheese-do-you-use-for-your-big-macs.html
       dari google (macdonald cheese) hasil 4 ]
 (19)Lexus.com->rx bilang all-wheel-drive/awd tapi mungkin torsi untuk awd ter-lalu lemah untuk ( dapat label awd / bisa bilang awd ) :
     BMW xDrive (x3) vs. Audi Quattro (q5) vs.
      Mercedes 4Matic (glk) vs. Lexus All-Wheel Drive (rx)
        6 sept 2011
 (20)15 jan 2013 ke-tau-an burger sapi di eropa , me-ngandung daging-kuda , daging-babi.
     [sumber : cari '-[15-jan-2013]yearly-fsai/food-safety-authority-of-ireland->food-authenticity-test-result for random-beef-burger being bought'
               di wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm
 (21)cari '-[22-may-2019] nsk-car-wheel-bearing-worker koichi-uchida, china-government-worker confiscate counterfeit-nsk-car-wheel-bearing'
     di wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm
 (22)donald-john-trump bangkrut tapi bisa kasi cincin-kawin-permata tiffany.com ke pacar-nya marla-maples
 (23)tulis senate-bean-soup di menu--makan-an tapi me-ngandung babi jadi mesti-nya tulis senate-pig/pork-bean-soup
     [sumber:  https://www.senate.gov/reference/reference_item/bean_soup.htm from google (senator eating senate bean soup) result 1 
	      dari 'Senate Bean Soup' in https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/06/dining/the-lunchrooms-of-capitol-hill.html 
	      dari google (whatsenator eat in senator cafetaria) result 6 ato cari 'senate bean soup 
	      di blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
 adalah contoh bual-an
 [sumber : stimmel-law.com/en/articles/fraud-and-deceit-what-are-they-and-how-do-you-prove-it dari google ( how to prove deception lawsuit ) hasil 1
  ato cari 'stimmel-law.com' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]

[ (1)beautify/cosmetically-modify hotel photo like in https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/dpsjagi-hilton-garden-inn-bali-ngurah-rai-airport/ ,
  (2)8 oct 2017 kobelco.co.jp admit beautify/cosmetically-modify steel-data besi-karbon [source:find '-[8-oct-2017]#law#kobe-steel/kobelco' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm]
  (3)year 2002 => 2007 japan-fukushima-nuclear-reactor-worker beautify/cosmetically-modify report [source:find 'fake' in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_Daiichi_Nuclear_Power_Plant]
  (4)year 2016 mitsubishi is known to give (petroleum-consumption-per-mile)/mpg with procedure which doesn't follow japan-regulation for 25 year , 
    caught by nissan but nissan willing to give money 2.2 billion usd to mitsubishi to get 34 % mitsubishi
  (5)12 jun 2014 ford.com after receiving law-suit , admit beautify/cosmetically-modify (petroleum-consumption-per-mile)/mpg for ford.com->fusion-hybrid 
	     (2)http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/12/us-ford-motor-epa-fuel-economy-idUSKBN0EN2AK20140612 ]
        maybe subaru.com also cheat because subaru.com's mpg appear similar to honda.com's front-wheel-drive's mpg and 
	that is not possible because subaru.com->non-brz-model send 60 % torque to 2 front-tire , 40 % torque to 2 rear-tire . 

  (6)since year 2013 1 by 1 is known : vw.com , mercedes-benz.com , jeep.com , dodge.com , audi.com , porsche.com , 
     volvocars.com , hyundai.com , jaguar.com , Landrover.com , use computer-software 
     to beautify/cosmetically-modify diesel-car-emission-data so their diesel car pass emission-test and appear environmentally friendly
	  (1)'Jetta TDI and Jetta SportWagen TDI, 2009–2015'
	     in http://blog.caranddriver.com/vw-sets-up-website-to-assist-owners-of-cheaty-tdi-diesel-models/
	     from  https://www.facebook.com/caranddriver/posts/10154226558987977
	  (2) http://autoweek.com/article/recalls/doj-seeks-fines-and-recall-over-diesel-jeep-and-ram-emissions-report-says
          (3) https://qz.com/990211/jeep-grand-cherokee-the-us-is-suing-fiat-chrysler-for-using-defeat-devices-to-cheat-on-emissions-tests-similar-to-volkswagen/
     	      from google (jeep diesel emission test passed) result 1, 2
          (4) https://www.facebook.com/Engadget/posts/10156118101202370
	  (5) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diesel_emissions_scandal#9_oct_2021_3_48_pm_edt ]
  (7)year 1992 => 27 mar 2008 bank barclays.com , jpmorganchase.com , citigroup.com , db.com , ubs.com , rbs.co.uk , rabobank.com , 
     beautify/cosmetically-modify Libor , euribor (London-interbank-borrowing-rate , europe-interbank-borrowing-rate) 
     causing freddiemac.com , fanniemae.com deficit 3 billion usd
     [sumber:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor_scandal#10_oct_2021_8_am_edt from forgotten-news in reuter.com]

  (8)using camouflage-name/alias-name in code-share-airline in list-of arrival-hour-and-departure-hour in Los-angeles airport flyLax.com 
	(1)malaysiaairlines.com->9454 ( actually is aa.com->1368 ) Lax => chicago-airport/ord
	(2)malaysiaairlines.com->9416 ( actually is aa.com->2709 ) Lax => austin-airport
	(3)qantas.com->qf-4602 ( actually is aa.com->1472 ) Lax = Las-vegas-airport ?
	(4)kLm.us->5131 ( actually is delta.com->1339 ) Lax => detroit-airport
	(5)kLm.us->7471 ( actually is delta.com->1311 ) Lax => boston-airport
	(6)kLm.us->5015 ( actually is delta.com->303 ) Lax => atlanta-airport
	(7)kLm.us->5233 ( actually is delta.com->392 ) Lax => jfkairport.com/nyc-airport
	[source:https://www.oag.com/flight-tracker from logo 'powered by oag' on bottom-page in https://jfkairport.com/flight-tracker?view=VIEW_DEPARTURE&apt=JFK

  (9)news-tv-reporter using teleprompter
	(1/8)youtube.com/watch?v=swrx_CJxfDQ&t=0m10s#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (Behind the Scenes at FOX6: The Teleprompter)
	(2/8)youtube.com/watch?v=CJRRA-4vBdg#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (Stephen Miller Interview with George Stephanopoulos | This Week)
	      from google (white house press briefing teleprompter)
	(3/8)youtube.com/watch?v=MUbsdwQxgeA#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (Facebook Live: RNC Teleprompter)
	(4/8)youtube.com/watch?v=KdI-nhz-iTk&t=0m06s#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (Donald Trump Removes the Teleprompter in Charlotte 10/14/16)
	(5/8)youtube.com/watch?v=MXqHvGu6OC4&t=0m40s#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (How Donald Trump reacted when his teleprompter broke)
	(6/8)youtube.com/watch?v=Jiow64UjuQQ&t=0m11s#20_jun_2020_9_27_pm_edt (President Obama's Teleprompter Crashes During Speech!)
	(7/8)teleprompter giant screen in the back :
	      youtube.com/watch?v=hAB1wAXdBZ0&t=0m05s#20_jun_2020_9_33_pm_edt (Obama's TelePrompter Exposed on LIVE TV)
	(8/8)youtube-search (autoscript conference prompter)

 (10)michael-jackson , whitney-houston , new-kids-on-the-block , red-hot-chilli-peppers , beyonce-knowles , britney-spears ,
     muse , public-image-ltd , mariah-carey , ashlee-simpson , milli-vanilli , pretending to sing ( lip-sync )
     [source : https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7640807/most-infamous-lip-sync-incidents-videos-mariah-carey from google ( singer who lip sync ) 
		result 1 from support from comment 'Bria Carter' 1 week ago (edited) 'her voice here is better' 
		in youtube.com/watch?v=V6DCq1NBGi8 ( HD - Rihanna - Rude Boy Live (Echo Awards 2010) ) ]

 (11)pretending to have company's address in usa->delaware-state->wilmington-city->north-orange-street-building-number-1209 , bermuda-island , 
     british-virgin island , to decrease tax
     [source :https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/apr/25/delaware-tax-loophole-1209-north-orange-trump-clinton#13_apr_2021_3_38_pm_edt 
	      from google (hillary trump share the same address) result 1 from vanishing-post on facebook.com/OfficialKJU result 1 ]
 (12)using false last name juki.co.jp ( actual location 'usa->california-state->Los-angeles-city->quantil-networks-inc' in wortel.ucoz.com/traceroute.com 
     , jp usually show server's location in japan ) ,
     sustagen.com.au ( actual location 'usa->california-state->san-fransisco-city->fastly-isp' in wortel.ucoz.com/traceroute.com 
     , au usually show server's location in australia ) ,
     www.narita-airport.jp ( actual location 'usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->Akamai Technologies, Inc.->60342'
     , jp usually show server's location in japan ) ,
 (13)aksteel.com hide factory-waste in inside sungai-ohio so dry-land appear clean
     [source:'In early 2015, the EPA listed the Ohio River as the most contaminated body of water in the U.S. 
		According to the EPA's Annual Toxics Release Inventory, of the 23 million pounds of chemicals discharged into the river in 2013, 
		more than 70 percent came from AK Steel.[35]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK_Steel_Holding#8_oct_2021_2_30_pm_edt from 
		'armco' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bain_Capital#8_oct_2021_4_53_pm_edt from 'bain' in
		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_Romney#8_oct_2021_4_51_pm_edt  ]
 (14)pretending to become female like in thailand-country->phuket-island
 (15)mar 2010 Lehman.com is known to use accounting-trick repo-105 to keep debt secret to appear cool in financial/money-report and 
     attract investor's attention , and olympus-global.com ( year 2011 ) , toshiba.co.jp ( year 2015 ) use accounting-trick
     [source : (1)'repo' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehman_brothers#10_aug_2021_9_45_am_edt 
   	       (2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympus (3)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshiba]
 (16)not showing/informing identity of company which make car's speed-indicator 
    ( nippon-seiki.co.jp , magnetimarelli.com ) which make people think car-logo's owner make everything. 
 (17)sport-tournament/match-fixing to make certain gambler win sport-tournament-result-gambling
    [sumber:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_match-fixing_incidents from google ( match fixing sports gambling bet scandal ) result 2]
 (18)mcdonalds.co.uk write burger-and-cheese (cheese-burger) in food-menu , even-though actually burger-and-60%-cheese
       'contains approximately 60% real cheese (51% Cheddar and 9% Other Cheeses)' in
       from google (macdonald cheese processed cheese) result 1
       from 'processed' in  http://www.mcdonalds.co.uk/ukhome/whatmakesmcdonalds/questions/food/cheese/what-type-of-cheese-do-you-use-for-your-big-macs.html
       from google (macdonald cheese) result 4 ]
 (19)Lexus.com->rx says all-wheel-drive/awd but maybe torque for awd is too weak to ( receive label awd / be able to announce awd ) :
     BMW xDrive (x3) vs. Audi Quattro (q5) vs.
        Mercedes 4Matic (glk) vs. Lexus All-Wheel Drive (rx)
        6 sept 2011
 (20)15 jan 2013 is known beef/cow-meat burger in europe , contain horse-meat , pig/pork-meat
     [source : find '-[15-jan-2013]yearly-fsai/food-safety-authority-of-ireland->food-authenticity-test-result for random-beef-burger being bought'
                in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm
 (21)find '-[22-may-2019] nsk-car-wheel-bearing-worker koichi-uchida, china-government-worker confiscate counterfeit-nsk-car-wheel-bearing'
     in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm
 (22)donald-john-trump bangkrupt but can give tiffany.com diamond-wedding-ring to his girl-friend marla-maples
 (23)writing senate-bean-soup in food-menu but containing pork so (they) should write senate-pig/pork-bean-soup
     [source:  https://www.senate.gov/reference/reference_item/bean_soup.htm from google (senator eating senate bean soup) result 1 
	      from 'Senate Bean Soup' in https://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/06/dining/the-lunchrooms-of-capitol-hill.html 
	      from google (whatsenator eat in senator cafetaria) result 6 or find 'senate bean soup 
	      in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
 is example of deception 
 [source : stimmel-law.com/en/articles/fraud-and-deceit-what-are-they-and-how-do-you-prove-it from google ( how to prove deception lawsuit ) result 1
  or find 'stimmel-law.com' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]

9 oct 2021 9:38 am edt:
 #reword# love is lost
     #to# love loses

11 oct 2021 7:45 pm edt:
 2. dia takut permata karena     takut   ga sengaja       nelan   permata , 
	 ga sengaja       jatuh-in             permata ke dalam     lubang-air-tempat-cuci-tangan/wastafel
	[he  fear  diamond because of fearing non-deliberately swallow diamond , 
         non-deliberately release-to-free-fall diamond to inside-of  water-drainage-hole-of-hand-washing-sink]

11 oct 2021 9:57 pm edt:
 (1)#add# 3. jerit(jörit)
 (2)#add# 4. men-jerit (mön-jörit)
 (3)#add# 3. di-jerit-i (di-jö-ri-ti)

11 oct 2021 11:58 pm edt:
 #reword# en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympus
     #to# en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympus_Corporation

12 oct 2021 12:4 am edt:
 (1)#reword# permak lapor-an
        #to# permak lapor-an ke-aman-an
 (2)#reword# beautify/cosmetically-modify report
        #to# beautify/cosmetically-modify safety-report

12 oct 2021 12:8 am edt:
 #reword# [sumber:cari 'fukushima' di wortel.ucoz.com/7years.htm]
     #to# [sumber:cari 'fake' di http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_Daiichi_Nuclear_Power_Plant]

14 oct 2021 12:3 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# taun 1992 => taun 2006
       #to# taun 1991 => 27 mar 2008

 (2)#reword# year 1992 => 2006
       #to# year 1992 => 27 mar 2008

14 oct 2021 12:33 pm edt:
 currently in dead-line-time-duration = (1)udah saat-nya [ now it's time ]
					(2)lagi jatuh tempo [ currently tempo-music-turn fall (on me)/
							      ( now is time for me to start playing music in some-orchestrated-music-show ) ]

14 oct 2021 12:35 pm edt:
 #reword# - late = ter-lambat(tör-lambat),telat(tö-lat)
     #to# - late = ter-lambat(tör-lambat) , telat(tö-lat)

14 oct 2021 12:39 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# british-virgin island , to decrease tax
        #to# british-virgin island , cayman-island , to decrease tax

 (2)#reword# pulau britania-virgin untuk me-ngurang-i pajak
        #to# pulau britania-virgin , pulau cayman untuk me-ngurang-i pajak

16 oct 2021 9:36 pm edt:
 watery-rose-apple , syzgium/sisgium-aqueum = jambu air [water jambu] [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambu#16_oct_2021_9_22_pm_edt ]
 guava = jambu batu [stone jambu] [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambu#16_oct_2021_9_22_pm_edt ]
 malay-rose-apple , syzgium/sisgium-malacense/malaccense = jambu bol [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambu#16_oct_2021_9_22_pm_edt ]
 wax-apple , syzgium/sisgium-semarangense = jambu semarang [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jambu#16_oct_2021_9_22_pm_edt ]
 jicama , hikama , pachyrhizus/pacirhisus-erosus = bengkoang , bengkuang [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachyrhizus_erosus from 'cama' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Latin_and_Greek_words_commonly_used_in_systematic_names#16_oct_2021_9_23_pm_edt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/erosus#16_oct_2021_9_23_pm_edt ]

8 oct 2021 5:30 pm edt: end 17 oct 2021 1:19 am edt
 7)usa-dollar lebih kuat      dari-pada rupiah tapi rupiah bisa beli
        (1)petrol/bensin murni ( 'oktana/c8h18-87%-heptana/c7h16-13%' ) dan
        (2)musim panas       se-panjang taun
    usa-dollar bisa beli petrol/bensin-90%-campur-ethanol/alcohol-jagung-10% yang lebih me-rusak mesin karena ethanol akan misah bensin-kental dan
    air encer/äncär lalu air encer akan me-rusak mesin tapi bikin usa jadi hemat petrol/bensin
    ( per-atur-an dari usa-president george-walker-bush dan senator-republican-provinsi-texas joe-barton )

   [usa-dollar more  stronger than       rupiah but  rupiah can  buy
        (1)pure petrol/gasoline ( 'oktana/c8h18-87%-heptana/c7h16-13%' ) and
        (2)summer/hot season whole/as-lengthy-as-1 year
    usa-dollar can  buy petrol/bensin-90%-mixed-with-ethanol/corn-alcohol-10% which damage engine more because ethanol will separate gooey-petrol and
    watery-water then watery-water will damage engine but make usa become petrol/gasoline efficient
    ( law/rule from usa-president george-walker-bush and texas-province-republican-senator joe-barton )]

	(1)find 'the Act increases the amount of biofuel (usually ethanol) that must be mixed with gasoline sold in the United States
          to 4 billion US gallons (15,000,000 m3) by 2006, 6.1 billion US gallons (23,000,000 m3) by 2009 and
          7.5 billion US gallons (28,000,000 m3) by 2012;[4] two years later, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
          extended the target to 36 billion US gallons (140,000,000 m3) by 2022.[5]'
          in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_Act_of_2005 from
          'Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007'
          in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_ethanol_fuel_mixtures#E10_or_less
          from 'Most cars on the road today in the U.S. can run
          on blends of up to 10% ethanol,[6]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_fuel
          from 'Ethanol fuel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm 
	(2)youtube.com/watch?v=7Eh9YLTWcLo&t=4m20s#25_feb_2021_3_51_pm_est ( ETHANOL - GOOD OR BAD? - How it Works | SCIENCE GARAGE ) 

17 oct 2021 12:23 am edt:
    (24)pake nama tiffany.com untuk jual per-hias-an , bikin orang pikir tiffany.com arti-nya ada cewe nama-nya tiffany jual per-hias-an , ke-nyata-an-nya
        tiffany.com arti-nya charles-lewis-tiffany ( orang laki )
        [source:'Charles Lewis Tiffany' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Lewis_Tiffany from 'charles lewis tiffany'
        in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_&_Co.]
    (25)ford.com pake nama shelby-mustang , bikin orang pikir shelby nama cewe , ke-nyata-an-nya shelby arti-nya orang laki nama-nya carroll-shelby
        [source:'shelby' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Shelby from 'Carroll Shelby'
         in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Shelby_International from 'Shelby American'
         in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelby_Mustang from 'Shelby Mustang' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelby ]
   (24)use name tiffany.com to sell jewelery , making people think tiffany.com means there is a woman named tiffany selling jewelery , in-reality
       tiffany.com means charles-lewis-tiffany ( male person )
       [source:'Charles Lewis Tiffany' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Lewis_Tiffany from 'charles lewis tiffany'
        in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_&_Co.]
   (25)ford.com use name shelby-mustang , making people think shelby is female-name , in-reality shelby means male person named carroll-shelby
       [source:'shelby' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Shelby from 'Carroll Shelby'
         in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Shelby_International from 'Shelby American'
         in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelby_Mustang from 'Shelby Mustang' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelby ]

17 oct 2021 1:50 am edt:
 (1)#add# [1 repetition job]
 (2)#add# [while-still in there]

17 oct 2021 10:10 pm edt:
 #reword# me-mecahmisah bensin-kental dan
    air encer/äncär
 #to# misah bensin-kental dari
    air encer/äncär

17 oct 2021 11:12 pm edt:
 7)usa-dollar lebih kuat      dari-pada rupiah tapi rupiah bisa beli
        (1)petrol/bensin murni ( 'oktana/c8h18-87%-heptana/c7h16-13%' ) dan
        (2)musim panas       se-panjang taun
    usa-dollar bisa beli petrol/bensin-90%-campur-ethanol/alcohol-jagung-10% yang lebih me-rusak mesin karena ethanol akan misah bensin-kental dan
    air encer/äncär lalu air encer akan me-rusak mesin tapi bikin usa jadi hemat petrol/bensin
    ( per-atur-an dari usa-president george-walker-bush dan senator-republican-provinsi-texas joe-barton )

   [usa-dollar more  stronger than       rupiah but  rupiah can  buy
        (1)pure petrol/gasoline ( 'oktana/c8h18-87%-heptana/c7h16-13%' ) and
        (2)summer/hot season whole/as-lengthy-as-1 year
    usa-dollar can  buy petrol/bensin-90%-mixed-with-ethanol/corn-alcohol-10% which damage engine more because ethanol will separate gooey-petrol and
    watery-water then watery-water will damage engine but make usa become petrol/gasoline efficient
    ( law/rule from usa-president george-walker-bush and texas-province-republican-senator joe-barton )]

	(1)find 'the Act increases the amount of biofuel (usually ethanol) that must be mixed with gasoline sold in the United States
          to 4 billion US gallons (15,000,000 m3) by 2006, 6.1 billion US gallons (23,000,000 m3) by 2009 and
          7.5 billion US gallons (28,000,000 m3) by 2012;[4] two years later, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
          extended the target to 36 billion US gallons (140,000,000 m3) by 2022.[5]'
          in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_Act_of_2005 from
          'Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007'
          in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_ethanol_fuel_mixtures#E10_or_less
          from 'Most cars on the road today in the U.S. can run
          on blends of up to 10% ethanol,[6]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_fuel
          from 'Ethanol fuel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm 
	(2)youtube.com/watch?v=7Eh9YLTWcLo&t=4m20s#25_feb_2021_3_51_pm_est ( ETHANOL - GOOD OR BAD? - How it Works | SCIENCE GARAGE ) 
 #reason : # ethanol ( alcohol ) doesn't react with hydro-carbon octane ( alkane ) , little condensated/liquified-water-vapor won't corrode
 fuel-injector , little liquified-water-vapor in fuel-injector will dessicate then dryness prevent corrosion.
 fuel-tank doesn't corrode easily .
 but still strong usa-dollar should be have authority to buy pure gasoline. because weak rupiah can buy pure gasoline.
 7)usa-dollar lebih kuat      dari-pada rupiah tapi rupiah bisa beli
        (1)petrol/bensin murni ( 'oktana/c8h18-87%-heptana/c7h16-13%' ) dan
        (2)musim panas       se-panjang taun
    usa-dollar bisa beli petrol/bensin-90%-campur-ethanol/alcohol-jagung-10% yang bikin usa jadi hemat petrol/bensin
    tapi resiko-nya mungkin bisa men-cipta-kan air di dalam bensin , 
    air itu ber-asal dari uap-air dalam tangki-bensin , air itu me-naik-kan resiko karat-an
    di pe-nyemprot bensin , tangki bensin .
    ( per-atur-an dari usa-president george-walker-bush dan senator-republican-provinsi-texas joe-barton )

   [usa-dollar more  stronger than       rupiah but  rupiah can  buy
        (1)pure petrol/gasoline ( 'oktana/c8h18-87%-heptana/c7h16-13%' ) and
        (2)summer/hot season whole/as-lengthy-as-1 year
    usa-dollar can  buy petrol/bensin-90%-mixed-with-ethanol/corn-alcohol-10% which make usa become petrol/gasoline efficient
    but the risk is maybe can create/invent water inside gasoline , 
    that water originate from water-vapor inside fuel-tank , that water increase corrosion risk
    in fuel-injector , fuel-tank .
    ( law/rule from usa-president george-walker-bush and texas-province-republican-senator joe-barton )]

	(1)find 'the Act increases the amount of biofuel (usually ethanol) that must be mixed with gasoline sold in the United States
          to 4 billion US gallons (15,000,000 m3) by 2006, 6.1 billion US gallons (23,000,000 m3) by 2009 and
          7.5 billion US gallons (28,000,000 m3) by 2012;[4] two years later, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
          extended the target to 36 billion US gallons (140,000,000 m3) by 2022.[5]'
          in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_Act_of_2005 from
          'Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007'
          in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_ethanol_fuel_mixtures#E10_or_less
          from 'Most cars on the road today in the U.S. can run
          on blends of up to 10% ethanol,[6]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_fuel
          from 'Ethanol fuel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm 
	(2)youtube.com/watch?v=7Eh9YLTWcLo&t=4m20s#25_feb_2021_3_51_pm_est ( ETHANOL - GOOD OR BAD? - How it Works | SCIENCE GARAGE ) 
18 oct 2021 12:14 pm edt: end 12:20 am edt
 (1)#add# (2)cipta [patent]
 (2)#add# 5. men-cipta-kan(mön-cipta-kan) [invent]
 (3)#add# 4. di-cipta-kan
 (4)#add# 3. pe-nemu-an(pö-nömu-an) , pen-cipta-an(pön-cipta-an) [invention]
 (5)#add# - patent = hak cipta [patent right]
 (6)#reword# - inventor = pe-nemu (pön-nöm-mu)
        #to# - inventor = pe-nemu (pön-nöm-mu) , pen-cipta (pön-cipta)
 (7)#reword# - invention = pe-nemu-an
        #to# - invention = pe-nemu-an , pen-cipta-an
 (8)#add# - meng-hening-kan cipta(möng-höning-kan cipta) = silent to respect dead soldier                       

18 oct 2021 12:39 am edt:
 heathrow ( england->airport ) , heath-row , heath-lane = lane of heath/grass-land [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Heathrow&rdfrom=heathrow ]
 gatwick ( from old-english-language 'gat' meaning 'goat' + latin 'viccus' meaning village , england->airport ) = goat-village [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Gatwick&rdfrom=gatwick ]
 manchester ( from breton-language 'mamm' meaning 'mother' + old-english-language 'ceaster' from latin 'castra' meaning 'camp' ) = mother-camp [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Manchester#17_oct_2021_9_24_pm_edt ]

19 oct 2021 11:26 am edt:
 #reword# (2)cipta [patent]
     #to# (2)cipta [invent]

19 oct 2021 11:28 am edt:
 #reword# di-rencana-in(d-rön-ca-na-in)
     #to# di-rencana-in(di-rön-ca-na-in)

19 oct 2021 11:29 am edt:
 #reword# nglaku-in(ngla-ku-in)
     #to# nglaku-in(ngö-la-ku-in)

19 oct 2021 11:32 am edt:
 #add# 5)find 'cipta [invent]'

19 oct 2021 11:34 am edt:
 #reword# mbuat
     #to# mbuat(buat)

 #reword# mbangun
     #to# mbangun(bangun)

 #reword# mbangun-in(mbangun-nin)
     #to# mbangun-in(bangun-nin)

 #reword# (pem-bi-kin-nan)
     #to# (pöm-bi-kin-nan)

 #add# (pöm-bua-tan)
 #add# (pöm-bangun-nan)

 #reword# manufacture
     #to# manufacture , bulk-make

 #reword# (pö-nyö-bab)
     #to# (pö-niö-bab)

 #add# 2. di-tanya    mau  beli   apa ,  dia jawab  dia pikir - pikir    dulu
         [being asked want to buy what , he  answer he  repeatedly-think first]

19 oct 2021 11:43 am edt:
 #reword# earlier, back then = dulu
     #to# earlier , back-then , in-the-past = dulu

22 oct 2021 1:14 pm edt:
 #add# (2)unjuk rasa

22 oct 2021 1:42 pm edt:
 #reword# niece = keponakan cewe(kö-po-na-kan cä-wä) , ponakan cewe
     #to# niece , 1-st-cousin-once-removed = keponakan cewe(kö-po-na-kan cä-wä) , ponakan cewe [ source :  (1/2)'1st cousin once removed' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin (2/2)'A niece or nephew sometimes refers to a first cousin once removed.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niece_and_nephew ]

22 oct 2021 1:46 pm edt:
 #reword# nephew = keponakan cowo , ponakan cowo
     #to# nephew , 1-st-cousin-once-removed = keponakan cowo , ponakan cowo [ source :  (1/2)'1st cousin once removed' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin (2/2)'A niece or nephew sometimes refers to a first cousin once removed.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niece_and_nephew ]

22 oct 2021 1:47 pm edt:
 cousin , 1-st-cousin = saudara , sodara(sodara) [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin#24_sep_2021_2_47_pm_edt]
 2-nd-cousin , cousin sharing great-grand-parents = saudara tingkat 2 , sodara tingkat 2 [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin#24_sep_2021_2_47_pm_edt]
 3-rd-cousin , cousin sharing great-great-grand-parents = saudara tingkat 3 , sodara tingkat 3 [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin#24_sep_2021_2_47_pm_edt]

22 oct 2021 3:11 pm edt:
 #move to inside# begin 'sibling vocab' #:#
 incest = nge-sex dengan/sama sodara-kandung [doing-sex-activity-with with blood-related-cousin] [source:tfd.com/incest]

23 oct 2021 11:37 am edt:
	 (26)19 feb 1971 nrc.gov tau tentang ada-nya bekas--gerak-an--tanah di dalam daerah pem-bangun-an 
	     dari per-usaha-an insinyur stone-&-webster dan me-rahasia-kan informasi tentang ada-nya bekas--gerak-an--tanah itu . 
	     [sumber : (1/3)'fault' di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Anna_Nuclear_Generating_Station#22_oct_2021_4_22_pm_edt 
	  	       (2/3)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesar#23_oct_2021_11_20_am_edt dari 'sesar' di https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gempa_bumi#Penyebab_terjadinya_gempa_bumi
	   	       (3/3)'fracture' di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fault_(geology)#23_oct_2021_11_22_am_edt]

	 (26)19 feb 1971 nrc.gov learn about existence of earthquake-fault-line/mark-of-land-movement inside construction-area for 
	     usa->virginia-state->Louisa-county->mineral-city->north-anna-nuclear-electricity-generator from stone-&-webster-engineering-company
	     and keep secret information about existence of that earthquake-fault-line/mark-of-land-movement . 
	     [source : (1/3)'fault' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Anna_Nuclear_Generating_Station#22_oct_2021_4_22_pm_edt 
	  	       (2/3)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesar#23_oct_2021_11_20_am_edt from 'sesar' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gempa_bumi#Penyebab_terjadinya_gempa_bumi
	   	       (3/3)'fracture' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fault_(geology)#23_oct_2021_11_22_am_edt]

23 oct 2021 1:14 pm edt:
 #add# 3)lapang-an terbang [large-asphalt-area (for) flying] [source : 'lapangan terbang' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changi_Airport#2_oct_2021_8_47_am_edt ]

26 oct 2021 10:58 am edt:
 have ... that = pernah(pör-nah)
 have done that =   
     1)pernah gitu (informal)
        [have behave like that previously]
     2)pernah nge-laku-in/nge-laku-kan itu (informal)
       (pör-nah ngö-la-ku-in/ngö-la-ku-kan i-tu)
     3)pernah me-laku-kan itu(formal)
       (pör-nah mö-la-ku-kan i-tu)
 have seen that =
     1)pernah liat itu (informal)
       (pör-nah li-at i-tu)
 never = nda/ndak/ga/gak pernah
 ever = pernah (opposite of never)
 have history of doing that = pernah(pör-nah)
 have history of doing that =   
     1)pernah gitu (informal)
        [have behave like that previously]
     2)pernah nge-laku-in/nge-laku-kan itu (informal)
       (pör-nah ngö-la-ku-in/ngö-la-ku-kan i-tu)
     3)pernah me-laku-kan itu(formal)
       (pör-nah mö-la-ku-kan i-tu)
 have history of seeing that =
     1)pernah liat itu (informal)
       (pör-nah li-at i-tu)
 never = nda/ndak/ga/gak pernah
 have history of ... = pernah (opposite of never)

26 oct 2021 2:56 pm edt: end 30 oct 2021 8:7 am edt
 - contoh[example] :
   (1) dia     sadar  pesawat tempur ;   pesawat-militer-cargo ( airbus.com->a-400-m-atlas ) ;  pesawat--pe-numpang embraer.com->e-jet-e-2 ,
        atr-aircraft.com->atr-72 ga punya       winglet ; 
       tapi pesawat penumpang  boeing.com , airbus.com punya winglet .
       dan dia    mikir  winglet ... apa ga     nampar angin tiap kali pilot belok-kiri-dikit ,   belok-kanan-dikit   ber-ulang - ulang kali 
       supaya pesawat  bisa terbang lurus karena angin-miring  dorong pesawat ke samping. 
       tiap kali winglet nampar angin saat belok 	        ya         makan     kerosin lebih banyak .
       pesawat belok dengan cara ubah posisi sayap-tegak-lurus-di-belakang/rudder
       kenapa peduli vortice/(turbulen-kecil) di belakang , pesawat tidak bisa nampar tubulen-kecil di belakang , memang
       pesawat di belakang mesti jaga jarak jangan sampe kena turbulen-kecil dari pesawat di depan.
      [he/she realise fighter aircraft ; cargo-military-aircraft ( airbus.com->a-400-m-atlas ) ; passenger-aircraft embraer.com->e-jet-e-2 ,
       atr-aircraft.com->atr-72 doesn't have  winglet ; 
       but  passenger-aircraft boeing.com , airbus.com has   winglet .
       and he/she think winglet ...  isn't that slap   wind  each time pilot slightly-turn-left , slightly-turn-right repeatedly 
       so     aircraft can  fly straight  because side-way-wind push  aircraft to side-way. 
       each time winglet slap wind during (aircraft) doing turn say-yes-to consuming kerosene in greater amount .
       aircraft making turn with procedure change position (of) vertically-straight-wing-in-rear/rudder
       why care-about vortice/(small-turbulent) in rear , aircraft can not slap small-turbulent in rear , yes-indeed
       aircraft in rear must maintain distance never reach-and-touch small-turbulent from aircraft in-the-front ]

  [source:(1)'Movement caused by the use of rudder.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudder#11_feb_2019_6_8_pm_est ]

26 oct 2021 2:59 pm edt:
 #add# - kerosene = kerosin (kä-ro-sin)

27 oct 2021 9:27 am edt:
 #add# silk-from-dead-baby-worm = sutra (sutöra) [source :   boil cocoon to kill pupae/insect-baby inside cocoon : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqFm_7KyfHI&t=1m20s (How Its Made Silk) from youtube-search (how to make silk) result 1 pupae (plural)/pupa (singular) means insect-baby : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pupa#20_oct_2018_1_11_pm_edt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pupae#20_oct_2018_1_11_pm_edt ]

27 oct 2021 9:31 am edt:
 nissan-car is shortening-of : 
  (1)nippon , nihon ( japan-language ) = origin-of-sun-star [source:'Both Nippon and Nihon literally mean "the sun's origin", that is, where the sun originates,[1]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_Japan from google(nihon)result 1]
  (2)sangyo/sangyou ( japan-language ) = industry , seri-culuture/silk-worm-farming [source:(1/2)http://www.romajidesu.com/dictionary/meaning-of-sangyo.html (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sericulture from 'sericulture' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silk ]

1 nov 2021 1:46 am edt:
 #add# youtube.com/watch?v=zWjrEGkpqiE&t=1m11s#1_nov_2021_1_am_edt ( The Aerodynamics of Winglets ) from youtube-recommendation in 
       youtube.com/watch?v=2ieRwRnwqY8#1_nov_2021_12_41_am_edt ( Think you understand Winglets? Think again!! ) from 
       youtube-recommendation in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNqXf6t7e-w&t=72s ( Winglets - How Do They Work? (Feat. Wendover Productions) )

3 nov 2021 8:38 pm edt:
 2  air-kencing di-buang 		 masuk     bath-tub-drainase di-iring-i        ??/dengan air-keran    supaya 
    air-keran   bantu dorong air-kencing ke pipa-tinja
   [urine-water is being discarded      entering  bath-tub-drainage being accompanied by/with   faucet-water so     
    faucet-water help push   urine-water to feces-pipe]

15 nov 2021 12:39 am est:
 (1)#add# sandung [carelessly put object which trip-over someone making that person fall]
 (2)#add# nyandung (nian-dung)
 (3)#add# ke-sandung(kö-sandung)[accidentally kick object which causes person to lose balance or maybe fall-down]

15 nov 2021 12:51 am est:
 #add# dia malas      dan berantak-an , barang - barang-nya di    lantai nyandung      orang  / kaki orang
     [ he/she is lazy and non-tidy    , his/her belonging   is on floor  tripping-over people / person's foot ]

15 nov 2021 12:55 am est:
 #add# - non-tidy = berantak-an (bö-ran-tak-kan)

25 nov 2021 2:4 am est:
 #add# - tidy = rapi

25 nov 2021 2:5 am est: end 16 dec 2021 2:29 am est
 2. dia malas      dan berantak-an , barang - barang-nya di    lantai nyandung      orang  / kaki orang
    [ he/she is lazy and non-tidy    , his/her belonging   is on floor  tripping-over people / person's foot ]
 2. dia berantak-an , barang - barang-nya di    lantai  nyandung      orang  / kaki orang    karena kalo rapi ya   barang - barang-nya
    masuk lemari dan dia harus ingat    barang apa     ter-simpan      di dalam  lemari mana ,  ingat-an butuh kolesterol , kolesterol tinggi 
    me-naik-kan resiko  mimpi-basah 		     dan me-nambah tenaga. ke-kurang-an tenaga bisa bikin orang  mati 
    ke-capai-an/ke-capek-an(kö-capek-an,kö-capäk-an) , itu    lebih parah dari-pada mimpi-basah
    [ he is non-tidy  ,  his belonging      is on floor  tripping-over people / person's foot because if   tidy then his belonging
    enter drawer and he must   memorise what belonging is-being-stored in inside drawer where , memory   need  cholesterol , high cholesterol 
    increase    risk-of wet-dream/nocturnal-emission and add 	   energy. lacking      energy can  make  person died (because-of) 
    exhaustion , 	    			       that's worse       than      wet-dream]

25 nov 2021 2:13 am est:
 #reword# 'nya' sounds like niya
     #to# 'nya' sounds like niya , nia

1 dec 2021 5:31 am est:
 #reword# eat
    #to# eat , consume

1 dec 2021 5:36 am est:
 5. mungkin cewe   saat   menstruasi   milih  makan     daging dari-pada   sayur  supaya jarang kencing karena tiap kali 
    kencing harus buka celana-dalam dan menstruasi-pad   lalu usai  kencing   pasang  menstruasi-pad   lalu pake celana-dalam.
    tapi daging mungkin bawa kutuk-an
   [maybe   female during menstruation choose consuming meat   rather-than veggie so     rarely urinate because each time 
    urinate must open  under-wear   and menstruation-pad then after urination install menstruation-pad then wear under-wear.
    but meat maybe carry curse]

1 dec 2021 5:58 am est:
- dasar : korban
- aktif : me-ngorban-kan(mö-ngɔrban-kan)
- pasif : di-korban-kan(di-kɔrban-kan)
- objek : pe-ngorban-an(pö-ngɔrba-nan)

14 dec 2021 1:25 am est: end 16 dec 2021 2:21 pm est
 (1)#add# (3)serah(sörah)
 (2)#add# 2. me-nyerah-kan (give)
              me-nyerah (surrender)
  3. pe-main sepak-bola yang  udah       sugih main sepak-bola dengan cara         ter-serah takdir ,  dia    tendang bola ke arah yang salah , 
     dengan harap-an    takdir  mem-belok-kan arah bola ke arah         gawang . 
     pe-main sepak-bola yang     miskin   se-lalu coba ngatur     takdir  nendang bola ke arah         gawang    supaya goal ato usaha-untuk-goal
     ke-liat-an     lalu dapat uang makan .
    [soccer-player      which is already rich  play soccer     with   procedure-of up-to     destiny , he/she kick    ball to wrong direction , 
     with   hope-(that) destiny turn-direction-of  ball to direction-of goal-area . 
     soccer-player      which is poor     always  try  to control destiny kicking ball to direction-of goal-area so     goal or  effort-to-produce-goal 
     appear-visible then get   money-for-food]
     soccer = sepak-bola (sepak bola)
     goal-area = gawang [source : 'goal area' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goal_(sports)#16_dec_2021_2_14_am_est
				  from 'goals' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goalkeeper#16_dec_2021_2_12_am_est 
				  from en.wikipedia.org->search ( goal )]
 (4)#add# - kebetulan, stative : (1)ter-serah [ up to ] (tör-sörah)

21 jan 2022 11:33 pm est:
 (2)terus me-nerus ber-usaha sempurna 
    [continuous effort (to become) perfect]
    [relentless pursuit of perfection] [source : Lexuc.com-car advertisement-slogan ]

21 jan 2022 11:39 pm est:
 - continuously , relentless = (1)terus - me-nerus (formal)
			       (2)terus - terus-an (informal)
 - consistent , can do same task for long-duration like robot = rajin [diligent , discipline]
 - persistent = (1)pantang mundur [abstain-from/fasting-from retreat/backward-movement]
		(2)pantang me-nyerah [abstain-from/fasting-fron surrender]

22 jan 2022 1:8 am est:
 3)bisa se-berapa rendah-hati diri-mu ?
  [can (become) how much lower your life-style become ?]
  [how Low-profile can your life-style become ?]
  [how Low can you go ?] [source : sampoerna.com->cigarette-advertisement-slogan ]

25 feb 2022 9:36 pm est:
 11. dia    hidup se-puas - puas-nya ,                              kalo harga petroleum per barrel rendah ya   terbang pake       helicopter , 
     kalo harga petroleum per barrel tinggi ya    jalan kaki .
    [he/she live  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , if   petroleum price per barrel is low then fly     using/with helicopter , 
     if petroleum price per barrel   is high then walk/travel-on-foot . ]

7 mar 2022 4:14 am est:
  (1) korban    ke-jahat-an karena nafsu-sex biasa-nya        pake     kosmetik
     [victim of passionate-crime             usually/normally use/wear cosmetic]

15 mar 2022 1:59 pm edt:
 #delete# clutch = kopling (ko-pling)
 #from above# gas pedal = pedal gas(pö-dal gas)

15 mar 2022 3:6 pm edt:
 2. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu main video-game sampe lapar dan lupa makan , 
    akhir-nya sakit . 
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he always play video-game until hungry and forgot consuming-food , 
    finally sick .]

 3. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu be-renang sampe lama , sampe puas , 
    akhir-nya rambut-nya rontok .
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he always swim until long-duration , until satisfied , 
    finally his hair fall-apart .]

 4. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu makan buah-peach-putih banyak , sampe kembung , akhir-nya mencret .
   [he  enjoy       life indulgently/to-the-fulles-(extent/possibility) , he always consume white-peach-fruit , until bloated , finally diarrhea .]

15 mar 2022 3:6 pm edt:
 1. dia    me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya ,                              kalo harga petroleum per barrel rendah ya   terbang pake       helicopter , 
     kalo harga petroleum per barrel tinggi ya    jalan kaki .         tapi ke-nyata-an ter-rasa pahit  karena jumlah barrel per hari
     dari hasil sumur-petroleum akan se-lalu turun .
    [he/she enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , if   petroleum price per barrel is low then fly     using/with helicopter , 
     if petroleum price per barrel   is high then walk/travel-on-foot . but reality     taste    bitter because barrel amount per day
     from petroleum-well's production will always decrease . ]
 #from under# - dasar : 1. jalan kaki    [walk] 
 #to under# nikmat-i

15 mar 2022 3:10 pm edt:
 5. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu minum cow-milk-shake kalo ada , meski-pun laktos-intoleran , 
    akhir-nya mencret .
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he always drink cow-milk-shake if available , even-though lactose-intolerant ,
    finally diarrhea .]

15 mar 2022 3:20 pm edt:
 play (music)
- dasar : setel
- aktif : setel (sö-täl)
- pasif : di-setel
- objek : 
- music , song = lagu

22 mar 2022 3:50 pm edt:
 greek/yunani number prefix : 
  mono- , di- , tri- , tetra- , penta- , hexa- , hepta- , okta- , nona- , deka-  = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
  contoh[example] : (1)mono-carbon , di-chloride , tri-phosphor , etc
   [source : pdf-page 65 in https://sites.lps.org/sputnam/LHS_IB/IBChemistry/Chemistry_Brown_12th.pdf 
 	     from google ( chemistry central science pdf ) result 1 from amazon.com -> search ( chemistry book college ) result 6 ]

 sanskrit number prefix : eka : 1
  [source : pdf-page 280 in https://sites.lps.org/sputnam/LHS_IB/IBChemistry/Chemistry_Brown_12th.pdf from google ( chemistry central science pdf ) result 1
	     from amazon.com -> search ( chemistry book college ) result 6 ]

22 mar 2022 12:30 pm edt:
 6. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu pasang speaker mobil paling kuat bas-nya , lalu setel lagu keras jedang - jedung , akhir-nya
    sering ganti aki-mobil .
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he always install car speaker whose bass is strongest , then play music hard
    boom - boom - boom , finally frequently renew car-battery .]

29 mar 2022 11:32 am edt: end 7 apr 2022 9:4 am edt
 5. orang pertama yang lempar caci-maki bukan batu , bikin negara 
     [1-st person who throw insult instead-of rock/stone , start civilisation]
     [source : sigmund-freud/sigismun-slomo-freud imdb.com's quote 'The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization' in https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0294438/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm#7_apr_2022_8_59_am_edt]

5 apr 2022 5:20 pm edt: end 6 apr 2022 10:28 am edt
 7. dia    me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu belanja sampe tabung-an/celeng-an(cӓlӓ-ngan) habis 
    lalu sadar kalo surat-pajak-amrik w-2 datang bulan jan akhir , batas waktu bayar pajak bulan apr tengah , 
    jadi cuma ada      waktu         2.5 bulan untuk ngumpul-kan uang untuk bayar  pajak . 
    lalu kuatir          karena  kalo telat  bayar ya   nulis            surat pajak jadi tambah rumit .]
   [he/she enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibiilty) , he/she always shop until money-saving-in-bank is depleted 
    then realise that usa-tax-letter w-2 arrive jan month ending-part , dead-line of paying tax apr month middle-part , 
    so   there is only time-duration 2.5 month for   gathering   money for  paying tax . 
    then feeling-nervous because if   paying late  then writting/filling tax-letter become more complicated .]

6 apr 2022 10:19 am edt:
 2. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu main video-game sampe lapar dan lupa makan , 
     akhir-nya sakit . 
    [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he always play video-game until hungry and forgot consuming-food , 
     finally sick .]
 2. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu main video-game sampe lapar dan lupa makan , 
    sampe sakit kepala. 
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he always play video-game until hungry and forgot consuming-food , 
    until head felt hurting.]

6 apr 2022 10:22 am edt:
 6. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu pasang speaker mobil paling kuat bas-nya , lalu setel lagu keras jedang - jedung , akhir-nya
    sering ganti aki-mobil .
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he always install car speaker whose bass is strongest , then play music hard
    boom - boom - boom , finally frequently renew car-battery .]
 6. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , dia se-lalu pasang speaker mobil paling kuat bas-nya , 
    lalu setel lagu keras - keras , akhir-nya sering ganti aki-mobil ( boros aki-mobil ).
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he always install car speaker whose bass is strongest , 
    then play music hard , finally frequently renew car-battery ( prodigal (consumption-of) car-battery ) .]

6 apr 2022 10:33 am edt:
 (1)#add# celeng(cäläng) [young-pig]
 (2)#add# nyeleng-i(niä-lä-ngi)
 (3)#add# di-celeng-i(di-cä-lä-ngi)

7 apr 2022 10:10 am edt:
 [he  enjoy       life indulgently/to-the-fulles-(extent/possibility) , he  always  consume white-peach-fruit , until bloated , finally diarrhea .]
 [he  enjoy       life indulgently/to-the-fulles-(extent/possibility) , he  always  consume many white-peach-fruit ,  until bloated , finally   diarrhea .]

7 apr 2022 10:23 am edt:
    safety = ke-selamat-an(kö-sölama-tan)
    safety-belt = sabuk ke-selamat-an(kö-sölama-tan)
    crash-rating-score = nilai ke-selamat-an saat nabrak [safety-score during crash]

 (2)#reword# - objek : ke-selamat-an[the safety](kö-sö-la-ma-tan)
        #to# - objek : ke-selamat-an [safety] (kö-sö-la-ma-tan)

 (3)#reword# caci maki(ca-ci - ma-ki)
        #to# caci-maki(ca-ci - ma-ki)

7 apr 2022 10:29 am edt:
 [source : (1/2)find in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm : 

       'Production peaked in 1998 at about 2 million barrel per day,
        but has since then fallen to 943,000 barrel per day.' in
        from 'Production peaked in 1998 at about 2 million barrels a day, but has since then fallen to 943,000 barrels a day'
        in https://web.archive.org/web/20051126160955/http://www.bellona.no/en/energy/37733.html
        from ref-29 in '943,000 barrels per day (149,900 m3/d) in 2005,[29]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prudhoe_Bay_Oil_Field#25_feb_2022_9_58_pm_est
        from 'rate of decline' , 'prudhoe' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oil_fields#25_feb_2022_9_56_pm_erst
         US Republicans set to turn Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge into oilfield

      (2/2)'1 barrel = 42 usa-gallon' in wortel.ucoz.com/conversion_table.htm  ]

7 apr 2022 10:35 am edt:
 contoh[example] :
  (1) se-lalu di tempat 	   paling-depan
     [always  in place  (which is) most-frontal] 
     [source : 'forever new frontier' boeing.com's slogan]

7 apr 2022 3:28 pm edt:
 #reword# safety-belt = sabuk ke-selamat-an(kö-sölama-tan)
     #to# safety-belt = sabuk pen-jaga-an(pön-jaga-an) [guard belt]

7 apr 2022 3:35 pm edt:
 #add under# begin 'math #:#
 greek/yunani number prefix : 
  mono- , di- , tri- , tetra- , penta- , hexa- , hepta- , okta- , nona- , deka-  = 
  1     , 2   , 3    , 4      , 5      , 6     , 7      , 8     , 9     , 10
  contoh[example] : (1)mono-carbon , di-chloride , tri-phosphor , etc
   [source : pdf-page 65 in https://sites.lps.org/sputnam/LHS_IB/IBChemistry/Chemistry_Brown_12th.pdf 
 	     from google ( chemistry central science pdf ) result 1 from amazon.com -> search ( chemistry book college ) result 6 ]

7 apr 2022 4:19 pm edt:
 yocto/y/-24, zepto/z/-21, atto/a/-18, femto/f/-15, pico/p/-12, nano/n/-9, micro/μ/-6, miLLi/m/-3, centi/c/-2, deci/d/-1,
  deca/da/1, hecto/h/2, kilo/k/3, mega/M/6, giga/G/9, tera/T/12, peta/P/15, exa/E/18, zetta/Z/21, yotta/Y/24 
  = yokto(yɔkto)/y/-24, septo(säpto)/sp?/-21, ato/a/-18, femto(fämto)/f/-15, piko/p/-12, nano/n/-9, mikro(mi-kro)/mk?/-6,
    miLi(mili)/m/-3, senti(sänti)/sn?/-2, desi(däsi)/d/-1, deka(däka)/da/1, hekto(häkto)/h/2, kilo/k/3, mega(mäga)/M/6,
    giga/G/9, tera(tära)/T/12, peta(päta)/P/15, eksa?(äksa)/E/18, seta(säta)/st?/21, yota/Y/24. 
 yocto/y/+24, zepto/z/+21, atto/a/+18, femto/f/+15, pico/p/+12, nano/n/+9, micro/μ/+6, miLLi/m/+3, centi/c/+2, deci/d/+1,
  deca/da/+0, hecto/h/-2, kilo/k/-3, mega/M/-6, giga/G/-9, tera/T/-12, peta/P/-15, exa/E/-18, zetta/Z/-21, yotta/Y/-24 
  = yokto(yɔkto)/y/24, septo(säpto)/sp?/21, ato/a/18, femto(fämto)/f/15, piko/p/12, nano/n/9, mikro(mi-kro)/mk?/6,
    miLi(mili)/m/3, senti(sänti)/sn?/2, desi(däsi)/d/1, deka(däka)/da/+0, hekto(häkto)/h/-2, kilo/k/-3, mega(mäga)/M/-6,
    giga/G/-9, tera(tära)/T/-12, peta(päta)/P/-15, eksa?(äksa)/E/-18, seta(säta)/st?/-21, yota/Y/-24. 

7 apr 2022 4:31 pm edt: end 4:54 pm edt
 format : measurement-name /   measurement-abbreviation   /   +zero-amount = deca-value and concatentate-with zero-amount amount-of 0 .
 format : measurement-name /   measurement-abbreviation   /   -zero-amount = deca-value and remove            zero-amount amount-of 0 .
   example : (1)centi/c/+2 produce : measurement-name=centi , measurement-abbreviation=c , +2 = deca-value and concatentate-with 2 amount-of 0 .
                if deca-value = 1   then centi-value = deca-value and concatenate-with 2 amount-of 0 which means centi-value = 100 . 
                if deca-value = 100 then centi-value = deca-value and concatenate-with 2 amount-of 0 which means centi-value = 10000.
                so 1 deca-value = 100 centi-value , 100 deca = 10,000 centi-value .
             (2)deca/da/+0 produce : measurement-name=deca , measurement-abbreviation=da , +0 = deca-value and concatenate-with 0 amount-of 0 .
                so if deca-value = 1 then deca-value = 1 and concatenate-with 0 amount-of 0 which means deca-value = 1 again .
  	     (3)kilo/k/-3 produce  : measurement-name=kilo , measurement-abbreviation=k ,  -3 = deca-value and remove           3 amount-of 0 .
                if deca-value = 1 then kilo-value = 1/1,000 = 0.001 kilo-value .

7 apr 2022 4:32 pm edt:
 #add# or metric_si_brochure_8_en.pdf

11 apr 2022 4:35 pm edt:
 #reword# mem-bu-tuh-kan [need] (formal) (möm-but-tuh-kan)
     #to# mem-butuh-kan [need] (formal) (möm-bu-tuh-kan)

11 apr 2022 4:39 pm edt:
 #add# 7. 1 negara  butuh 3 nama alias untuk me-nguasa-i dunia : uk , british , great-britain  , supaya anak - anak sekolah me-rasa bingung saat   belajar  sejarah .
  	    mungkin kita coba caci-maki wayang untuk pancing dalang        supaya dalang        me-rasa ter-singgung lalu dalang-nya    kuar .
         [1 country need  3 name alias to    conquer     world : uk , british , great-britain  , so     school-student      felt-confused   during studying history .]
            maybe   we   try  to insult puppet to    fish    puppet-master so     puppet-master felt-offended        then puppet-master exit-to-show-up ]

11 apr 2022 4:51 pm edt:
 #add# 12)contoh     1 negara  punya  3 nama alias : uk , british , great-britain  
         [example of 1 country having 3 name alias : uk , british , great-britain]

15 apr 2022 4:29 pm edt:
 #add# singapore , temasek = singapura , tumasik , temasek [source : 'tumasik' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majapahit]

18 apr 2022 5:2 pm edt:
 singapore , tamasek(tamasäk) = singapura , ta-ma-sek(china-language for shiny/pale--tin-metal--horse) because singapore-soil has stannum/tin-metal 
	[source : (1)'tumasik' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majapahit 
		  (2)'simp.' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B7%A1%E9%A6%AC%E9%8C%AB#18_apr_2022_4-48_pm_edt from 'danmaxi' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore 
		  (3)'Min Nan' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%8C%AB#Chinese from 'trad.' last alphabet in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B7%A1%E9%A6%AC%E9%8C%AB#18_apr_2022_4-48_pm_edt from find 'danmaxi' ]

19 apr 2022 11:11 am edt:
 #reword# (1)se-miliar atau se-milyar (dutch style) 
     #to# (1)se-miliar atau se-milyar (netherlands-language , france-language) 

 #reword# (1)se-biliun (dutch style) 
     #to# (1)se-biliun (netherlands-language , france-language) 

19 apr 2022 11:44 am edt: end 20 apr 2022 11:27 am edt
   		                                        | greek | indo/malay-lang | france-lang | english-lang ('lang' means 'language')           
 1,000,000                                              | mega  |         juta    | miliun      | million
 1,000,000,000                                          | giga  |         miliar  | miliar      | billion
 1,000,000,000,000                                      | tera  |         biliun  | biliun      | trillion
 1,000,000,000,000,000                                  | peta  |         biliar  | biliar      | quadrillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quadrillion#19_apr_2022_11_18_am_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:French_numbers#19_apr_2022_11_25_am_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Category:Numerical_appendices#7_apr_2022_3_55_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Numerals#7_apr_2022_3_54_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-illion#7_apr_2022_3_54_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quadrillion#7_apr_2022_3_47_pm_edt ]
 1,000,000,000,000,000,000                              | eksa  |         triliun | triliun     | quintillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quintillion#19_apr_2022_11_22_am_edt ]
 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000                          | seta  |         triliar | triliar     | sextillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sextillion#19_apr_2022_11_28_am_edt ]
 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000                      | yota  |      quadriliun | quadriliun  | septillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/septillion#19_apr_2022_11_29_am_edt ] 
 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000                  | ...   |      quadriliar | quadriliar  | octillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/octillion#19_apr_2022_11_29_am_edt ]
 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000              | ...   |      quintiliun | quintilliun | decillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nonillion#19_apr_2022_11_29_am_edt ]
 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000	        | ...   |      quintiliar | quintilliar | undecillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/decillion#19_apr_2022_11_32_am_edt ]
 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000      | ...   |       sextiliun | sextilliun  | duodecillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/undecillion#19_apr_2022_11_32_am_edt ]
 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  | ...   |       sextiliar | sextilliar  | tredecillion [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/duodecillion#19_apr_2022_11_36_am_edt ]

25 apr 2022 5:22 pm edt: end 11:53 pm edt
 #reword# point = titik
 point , dot = titik
  (1)some statement need to be spoken so fast that need 'titik' to show end-of-statement , but sometime
     that 'titik' is confusing , and need be replaced with 'deh' (däh) , 'wes' (wös) (java-language) 
      ( 'deh' has meaning 'is preferred' , 'wes' has meaning 'already' , 'already finish/complete-and-stop') :

      so this slow-motion-speaking is possible : 
      'tidak mau (silent-for-some-moment-to-show-end-of-sentence) , 
      ada lampu mati disitu  , jadi mau-nya terbang lewat asphalt-nomer-3' .

      with 'titik : speaking fast like this become possible but create confusing meaning ( ambiguous ):
      confusing : '        tidak mau titik , ada lampu mati disitu , jadi mau-nya terbang lewat asphalt-nomer-3' .
     can be translated to [not willing period , there is dead lamp there , so want to fly via asphalt-number-3]
 and can be translated to [not wanting period , there is dead lamp there , so want to fly via asphalt-number-3]

 so more clear/non-ambiguous solution is :
  (1) 'tidak mau deh , 		              ada lampu mati disitu ,  jadi          mau-nya      terbang lewat asphalt-nomer-3' .
     [not willing (is preferred) ,             that-area is more dark , conclusion/so my-will-want fly     via   asphalt-number-3'] .
  (2) 'tidak mau asphalt-nomer-1 , 	      karena ada lampu mati disitu ,  jadi mau-nya      terbang lewat asphalt-nomer-3' .
     [not willing (to have) asphalt-number-1 , because there is dead lamp in that-area ,  conclusion/so my-will-want fly     via   asphalt-number-3']

 #then delete# dot = titik		

2 may 2022 5:13 pm edt:
 11. merdeka      keluar  dari neraka     pajak mata-uang-gulden (netherlands), tapi masuk neraka      pajak mata-uang-rupiah (indonesia) .
    [independence exiting from hell  (of) gulden-currency-tax    (netherlands), but  enter hell   (of) rupiah-currency-tax    (indonesia) .]

4 may 2022 5:37 pm edt:
 treason , betrayal , double-dealing-attitude , playing-both-side = peng-kianat-an (pöng-kiana-tan) [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/treason ]

4 may 2022 5:38 pm edt:
 #reword# betray
     #to# betray , doing treason

4 may 2022 5:39 pm edt:
 #add# - find 'treason , betrayal , double-dealing-attitude , playing-both-side = peng-kianat-an (pöng-kiana-tan) [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/treason ]'

4 may 2022 10:25 pm edt:
 begin 'politic vocab'
 left-wing = socialism/socialist , communism/communist , lesbian-gay-bisexual-transexual entitlement-movement , 
 	     abortion-entitlement-movement , anti-war-movement [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_politics#19_apr_2022_3_11_pm_edt ]
 right-wing = feudalism ( 'feudal' from 'fehu' (old-high-german-language) from 'peku' (proto-indo-europe-language) meaning 'cattle/cow'
	       [source : 'pacu' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feudalism#22_apr_2022_5_19_am_edt ]
  		 , monarchy/dictator/(governor/boss)-until-death
 feudalism = 'land-lord'-caste giving-away loaner-land with : 
 	      military-protection , bakery-tool , wine-press , feeding-area-for-pig , hunting-entitlement
              to 'slave'-caste , 
             then 'slave'-caste pay rental-money ( or food-harvest from that land ) to 'land-lord'-caste . 
 end 'politic vocab'

18 may 2022 5:31 pm edt:
 dried-fruit = manis-an buah [sweet-extraction-of-fruit] 

24 may 2022 9:41 pm edt:
 2. gara - gara harus pake kunci-kartu-tanpa-pegang-pintu                 : dia    kadang                   ke-kunci di luar kamar ,   
    ga  bisa masuk kamar karena kunci-kartu-tanpa-pegang-pintu-nya 		             ke-tinggal-an              di dalam kamar
   [because of  must  use  proximity-key-card ( touchless-door-key-card ) : he/she sometimes (accidentally) locked   in outside room , 
    can not  enter room  because his/her proximity-door-key-card ( touchless-door-key-card ) is being accidentally left in inside room ] 

24 may 2022 9:50 pm edt:
 bmw = bayer-motor-ferk (bayör-motor-förk) ( german-language ) , bavaria-motor-work ( english-language ) = bavaria-motor [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMW]
 volkswagen (fokfagön) , people-wagon/people-car = mobil-rakyat
 audi ( from latin-language 'listen' from german-language 'horch' from founder's name august-horch ) = dengar [source : 'Since August-Horch was prohibited from using "Horch" as a trade name in his new car business, august-horch called a meeting with close business friends, Paul and Franz-Fikentscher from Zwickau. At the apartment of Franz-Fikentscher, they discussed how to come up with a new name for the company. During this meeting, Franz's son was quietly studying Latin-language in a corner of the room. Several times he looked like he was on the verge of saying something but would just swallow his words and continue working, until he finally blurted out, "Father audiatur et altera pars... wouldn't it be a good idea to call it audi instead of horch?"[16] "Horch!" in German-language means "Hark!" or "hear", which is "Audi" in singular imperative form of "audire" "to listen" in Latin. The idea was enthusiastically accepted by everyone attending the meeting.[17]' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi]

24 may 2022 10:11 pm edt:
 11. merdeka      keluar  dari neraka     pajak mata-uang-gulden (netherlands), tapi masuk neraka      pajak mata-uang-rupiah (indonesia) .
    [independence exiting from hell  (of) gulden-currency-tax    (netherlands), but  enter hell   (of) rupiah-currency-tax    (indonesia) .]
 11. merdeka      keluar  dari neraka     pajak mata-uang-gulden (netherlands), tapi masuk neraka      pajak mata-uang-rupiah (indonesia) .
     tapi bebas dari tanam-paksa .
    [independence exiting from hell  (of) gulden-currency-tax    (netherlands), but  enter hell   (of) rupiah-currency-tax    (indonesia) .
     but free   from coercive-plant-planting ( 'cultuur-stelsel' in netherlands-language , culture/cultivation-system in english-language ) ]
    [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cultuurstelsel#3_may_2022_9_14_am_edt from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultuurstelsel#9_mar_2021_2_36_pm_est ]

25 may 2022 9:13 pm edt:
 engine-size cc ( centi-meter cubic ) , cm^2 = cc [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentimeter_kubik from 'cc' from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/CC ]
 engine-size deci-meter cubic , dc^3 = liter

26 may 2022 8:10 am edt:
  (1)balita  suka ngobrak - abrik makan-an di atas   meja
     toddler like to mess-up      food 	   on top-of table

26 may 2022 9:45 am edt:
 #reword# inhier(in-hi-ör)
     #to# inhier(in-hi-ör) (arab-language) [source : 'anhiar thaljiun' in https://www.learnentry.com/dictionary/avalanche-in-different-languages/ from google ( pronunciation اِنْهِيار ثَلْجِيّ ) page 2 number 5 from 'اِنْهِيار ثَلْجِيّ' in https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/german-english/lawine ]

1 jun 2022 10:21 pm edt:
 people's consultative assembly ( group-of-advisor-with-vote ) = mpr/majelis-permusiawaratan/permusyawaratan-rakyat ( indonesia-country-politic )
 'per-musyawaratan' is from 'musyawarah/musiawarah' which means make-decision-via-popular-vote . [source : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/musyawarat ]

 mpr consist-of 2 legislature-group :
 (1)people's representative council ( lower-legislature-group/lower-house ) = dewan per-wakil-an rakyat/dpr ( indonesia-country-politic ) [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia ]
 (2)regional representative council ( upper-legislature-group/upper-house ) = dewan per-wakil-an daerah/dpd ( indonesia-country-politic ) [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia ]

 election = pe-milih-an umum [public selection]
 vote = pilih [select]
 upper-house , upper-legislature-group-member , 6 year senator minimum-age 30 , minimum-citizenship-duration 9 year  = 
   senator se-lama 6 taun umur-minimum 30 lama-waktu-minimum-jadi-warga-negara 9 taun [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Congress ]
 lower-house , lower-legislature-group-member , 2 year representative minimum-age 25 , minimum-citizenship-duration 7 year =
   wakil 2 taun umur-minimum 25 lama-waktu-minimum-jadi-warga-negara 7 taun [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Congress ]

24 jun 2022 9 am edt:
 north-vietnam/socialist-communist-vietnam/ho-chi-minh-vietnam/vietminh/vietcong/vietkong , prg , pavn/people-army-of-vietnam = 
	vietnam-utara (fiätnam) , vietmin , vietkong (viätkɔng)
 south-vietnam/arvn/army-of-republic-of-vietnam = vietnam-selatan
 saigon-city , ho-chi-minh-city ( ho-chi-minh is north-vietnam politician's name and winner of vietnam-war ) , 
   preinokor (khmer-language meaning : 'prei' = forest , 'nokor' = city) , 
   preikor ( khmer-language meaning : 'prei' = forest , 'kor' = kapok/cotton-fluff ) = 
	kota-saigon , kota-hocimin , kota-preinokor/kota-hutan , kota-preikor/kota-kapok/kota-kapuk

25 jun 2022 11:21 am edt:
 #add# indo-china/hindu-china ( vietnam , Laos , cambodia , partial-malaysia-on-AsiaEuropeArabAfrica-island , myanmar/burma , thailand ) 
	= indo-cina [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainland_Southeast_Asia from wiki/Indochina ]

26 jun 2022 3:40 pm edt:
 (1)#add# 8. es(äs) (spain-language)
 (2)#add# 10. no (spain-language)
 (3)#add# (2)cuando(kuando) (spain-language) [also means 'during']
 (4)#add# 4. como se llama (komo se yama) [what is name] (spain-language)
 (5)#add# (2)cual(kual) (spain-language)
 (6)#add# 4. como(komo) (spain-language)
 (7)#add# 3. esta [this feminine] (spain-language)
 (8)#add# 4. este [this masculine] (spain-language)
 (9)#add# 5. esto [this neutral] (spain-language)
 (10)#add# 4. esa [that feminine] (spain-language)
 (11)#add# 5. ese [that masculine] (spain-language)
 (12)#add# 6. eso [that neutral] (spain-language)

30 jun 2022 5:15 pm edt:
 new-england-country ( usa->province : connecticut , maine , massachusetts , new-hampshire , 
		       rhode-island , vermont ) = ...

 ( usa->province : arkansas , missouri , iowa , oklahoma , kansas , nebraska , partial north-dakota , partial south-dakota ,
   partial montana , partial wyoming , partial colorado , partial minnesota , partial new-mexico , partial texas , partial Louisiana )
  = ...

 new-netherlands-country ( usa->province : new-york , new-jersey , pennsylvania , delaware , connecticut , rhode-island ) = ...

 new-sweden-country ( usa->province : delaware ) = ...
1 jul 2022 5:59 am edt:uploaded to wortel.ucoz.com/learn_indo.htm
5 jul 2022 10:45 am edt: end 10:56 am edt
 soviet-union = united council ( united--governor-group ) [source : (1/3)'soviet' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legislature (2/3)'committee that leads or governs' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/council (3/3)'group of persons' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/committee ]
 uk/united-kingdom-sovereign ( britain-island->( england-country , wales-country , scotland-country ) ; ireland-island->north-ireland-country ) = ...
 great-britain-island/major-britain-island ( england-country , wales-country , scotland-country ) = ...
 ireland-island/Lesser-britain-island/minor-britain-island ( uk->north-ireland-country , south-ireland-country ) = ...
17 jul 2022 11:4 am edt:
             normal trans---
             lit trans----
             [discard big water]
      5)boker(bɔkär) [defecate]

 (2)#reword# 4)buang air besar (very formal)
        #to# 4)buang air besar (very formal)
  	       [discard big water] literal translation----
	       [defecate] normal translation---
17 jul 2022 11:10 am edt:
 contoh[example] :
    (1) tiap kali makan     apel  ya   apel-nya   di dalam perut   buru - buru mau  kuar    jadi     berak .
       [each time consuming apple then that apple inside   stomach quickly     want to exit becoming feces ]
3 aug 2022 9:6 pm edt:
 catfish = lele(le-le)
 bull-shark = hiu-sapi [shark bull]
 tiger-shark = hiu-harimau
 20 mph top-swimming-speed mako-shark ( 'maori-language' for man-eater-shark )  = hiu mako/(pe-makan manusia) ke-cepat-an be-renang pol 20 mph
 great-white-shark = hiu raksasa putih [shark giant white]
 hammer-head-shark = hiu kepala palu [shark head hammer]
5 aug 2022 4:53 pm edt:
 (1)#relocate from under # judge = hakim
     #to# begin 'house #:#
    knife = (1)piso(pi-sɔ)(informal)

 (2)#inside# begin 'house #:#
     #add# platform for cutting vegetable , meat = telenan (tö-le-nan)
     #add# platform for carrying many plate containing food = nampan
5 aug 2022 4:59 pm edt:
 #add# frying-oil-splash-shield = perisai blokir minyak goreng (pö-ri-sai blokir minyak gɔ-räng) [shield blocking frying-oil]
5 aug 2022 5:11 pm edt:
 #add# fat face-cheek = tembem (tömböm) 
6 aug 2022 11:23 am edt:
 #delete from under# warning #:#
 sapa bersedia tolong saya bikin http://wortel.ucoz.com/quiz_console_config.txt ?
  1)vocab:daerah 1->daerah 15 (15 daerah-vocab) : butuh 7 orang (1 orang bikin 1 ato 2 daerah-vocab)
  2)verb:total:daerah 16 -> daerah 885 (885-16+1=870 daerah-verb)
      aku:daerah-verb 16 -> daerah-verb 63  (48 daerah-verb)
      sisa daerah-verb:daerah 64->daerah 885 (822 daerah-verb) :butuh 28 orang (1 orang bikin 30 daerah-verb)
  3)vocab:daerah 886->daerah 939 (939-886+1=54 daerah) : butuh 27 orang (1 orang bikin 2 daerah-vocab)
6 aug 2022 11:50 am edt:
 lame-duck = 
   (1)bebek cacat (paralysed duck) , 
   (2)politisi    yang  me-nurut     jadwal   akan ber-henti jadi     politisi   dan peng-ganti sudah        ter-pilih . 
      [policitian which according to schedule will stop      becoming politician and successor  already been elected ]

 pork-barrel-government-project = proyek pe-merintah untuk men-datang-kan suara pemilu [project for making election-vote arrive]
6 aug 2022 11:51 am edt: end 8 aug 2022 7:1 am edt
 begin 'weapon vocab'
  rifle = senapan (sö-na-pan)
  pistol = pistol (pis-tɔl)
  telescope-sight = keker (kä-kör)
  bullet-drop-compensation = per-hitung-an ganti-rugi      peluru yang me-luncur sambil nukik ke bawah 
			   [reimbursement calculation for bullet which lunge while diving toward down-ward]
   [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telescopic_sight ]
  elevation-knob = tombol atur ke-tinggi-an sasaran-tembak [button adjust altitude-of shooting-target]
  gun-barrel = moncong senapan (mɔncɔng sö-na-pan) , mulut senapan [mouth of rifle]
 end 'weapon vocab'
7 aug 2022 10:47 am edt:
 #add to# begin 'travel vocab'
 #:# bag = tas
 baggage, luggage, suitcase = koper(kɔ-pör)
 baggage compartment = (1)bagasi(ba-ga-si)
                       (2)ruang bagasi(ru-ang ba-ga-si)
 luggage-lock = gembok(göm-bɔk).source:https://www.amazon.com/TSA-Luggage-Locks-Pack-Combination/dp/B0114C1TM0
7 aug 2022 11:43 am edt: end 8 aug 2022 6:53 pm edt
 ticket , aircraft-boarding-pass = karcis
 transit , lay-over , temporary stop for refuel-and-get-more-passenger = transit
 reservation-desk , ticket-counter , baggage-check-in = 
	(1)tempat ambil karcis [place to get ticket]
	(2)tempat masuk-in bagasi [place to insert baggage]
        (3)loket (lɔ-köt) (netherlands-language) [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/loket ]
 immigration-inspection = pe-meriksa-an immigrasi
 stewardess = pramugari
 purser , treasury = bendahara - pramugari (böndahara - pramugari) [treasury-stewardess] [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purser#8_aug_2022_6_50_pm_edt ]
 pilot = pilot
 flight-crew = awak kapal [ship crew] , awak pesawat [aicraft crew]
 aircraft-parking-technician = tukang parkir
 apron , aicraft-parking-area where passenger enter aircraft = tempat parkir pesawat untuk pe-numpang masuk pesawat
							      [aircraft parking area for passenger to-get-into aircraft]
 apron-bus = bis pe-numpang pesawat [aircraft passenger bus]
 tunnel for entering aircraft-door = terowongan (terɔwɔngan) [road-tunnel]
 lavatory , toilet = (1)toilet(tɔ-i-lät)
	             (2)wc(water closet).source :  'water closet' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WC
 vacant = kosong [empty]
 occupied = ada orang [there is person]
 bidet , anus-washing-basin = bidet
 water-bucket = ember (ämbär)
 water-bucket for scooping water from water-container = dayung 
 galley(gäli) , kitchen = dapur [source : 'galley' in thesmartlocal.com/read/airline-secrets/ from google ( korean air stewardess dead ) page 8 number 7]
 emergency-door = pintu darurat
 floatation-jacket = baju pe-lampung [clothes for floatation-purpose]
 curtain = korden(kɔrdän)
 safety belt = sabuk peng-aman(sa-buk pö-ngaman)

 domestic-departure-terminal , building containing domestic-departure-flight-aircraft = terminal ke-berangkat-an domestik
 international-departure-terminal = terminal ke-berangkat-an internasional

 domestic-arrival-terminal = terminal ke-datang-an domestik
 international-arrival-terminal = terminal ke-datang-an internasional

 gate-1 , gate-2 , gate-	3 , etc/et-cetera = pintu-1 , pintu-2 , pintu-3 , dan--se-terus-nya
 run-way = asfal-untuk-terbang , asfal-pacu , landas-an pacu , asfal untuk ngebut , landas-an untuk ngebut
 taxi-way = asfal-untuk-jalan-pelan [asphalt for walking slowly]
 touch-down , landing = men-darat
 touch-down-asphalt = asfal-untuk-men-darat
 airport-control-tower = menara pe-ngatur pesawat [aicraft-controller-tower]
 secure-area = daerah usai/se-telah periksa bagasi [area after baggage-check]
 non-secure-area = daerah se-belum periksa bagasi [area prior baggage-check]
 delay = ter-lambat
 on-time = tepat waktu
 cancel = batal
 de-icing-liquid = air untuk bikin es di sayap pesawat lumer(lu-mär) [water for making ice on aircraft-wing melt]
 stuck on tarmac , tarmac-delay = (1)ter-puruk di asphalt [stuck on asphalt]
				  (2)nunggu lama di asphalt [wait for long duration on asphalt]
 duty-free-shop = toko bebas pajak [shop free from tax] [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_Free]
 trolley , baggage-cart = kereta pem-bawa bagasi [baggage carrier train]
 public-announcement ( usually about flight-status ) = pe-ngumum-an(pö-ngumu-man) , halo - halo
7 aug 2022 6:44 pm edt:
 pumice-stone = batu apung [floating-on-water stone] [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batu_apung ]
8 aug 2022 4:15 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# ask for forgiveness; give forgiveness
        #to# ask for forgiveness ; give forgiveness ; apologise
 (2)#merge# apologise #and# ask for forgiveness #in# ask for forgiveness ; give forgiveness ; apologise
8 aug 2022 6:42 pm edt:
  logical = masuk akal [enter sane-mind , can be understood by sane-mind]
  illogical , non-logical = ga masuk akal [can not enter sane-mind , can not be understood by sane-mind]
  logical = (1) masuk akal [enter sane-mind , can be understood by sane-mind]
  	    (2) nurut propositional-calculus [obey propositional-calculus]
  illogical , non-logical = (1) ga masuk akal [can not enter sane-mind , can not be understood by sane-mind]
			    (2) ga nurut propositional-calculus [not obeying propositional-calculus]
9 aug 2022 5:23 pm edt:
 [source : maybe national-geographic->shark-week-tv-channel or maybe discovery->shark-week-tv-channel which show marine-biologist 
           use tuna-fish-head-fish-bait to persuade mako-shark to become cooperative near ship then marine-biologist 
           clip speed-detector to mako-sharks' fin then marine-biologist on ship can tell-via-remote-control to make that speed-detector 
           automatically-unclip from fin then speed-detector float to ocean-surface , that speed-detector show 15 mph mostly 
           then suddenly show 20 mph for a while then speed-detector unclip ]
14 aug 2022 11:28 pm edt:
  movable portable wall to give semi privacy in toilet,
  restaurant = (1)sekat(sö-kat)
  movable portable wall to give semi privacy in toilet = (1)sekat(sö-kat)
14 aug 2022 11:30 pm edt:
 #reword#  restaurant = restoran(räs-tɔ-ran)
     #to#  restaurant = (1)restoran(räs-tɔ-ran)
 	 	        (2)rumah makan [eating house , food-consuming house]
14 aug 2022 12:49 pm edt: end 16 aug 2022 5:46 am edt butuh tempat per-tanding-an
 #reword# 1. dia menang [he wins]
 1. saat   per-tanding-an golf pga-championship ronde 1 8 agu 1991 , di negara-amrik->provinsi-indiana->kota-karmel->crooked-stick-golf-club 
    pe-nonton thomas-weaver ke-samber petir         lalu mati ,   
    lalu pe-main golf profesional sejak agu 1987 dan pe-mabuk john-daly akhir-nya  menang dapat  230,000 usd lalu
    kasi donasi   30,000 usd ke keluarga-nya thomas-weaver  untuk biaya--kuliah-nya              2 anak cewe-nya thomas-weaver 
   [during golf tournament     pga-championship round 1 8 aug 1991 , in usa-country->indiana-state->carmel-city->crooked-stick-golf-club
    spectator thomas-weaver was strike by lightning then mortem , 
    then professsional golf player since    1987 and drunkard john-daly eventually win    getting 230,000 usd then	
    give donation 30,000 usd to family of    thomas-weaver  for   university-tuition-money (for) 2 female kid of thomas-weaver ]

   [sumber : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_PGA_Championship dari wikipedia->cari ( pga championship 1991 ) hasil 1
      dari https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Daly_(golfer) dari wikipedia->cari ( nfl lightning strike ) halaman 2 hasil-nomer ??? ]
16 aug 2022 5:4 am edt:
 compete   -daerah-268/964-daerah-
- dasar : kompetisi(kɔm-pö-ti-si)
- aktif : 
- pasif : ber-kompetisi
- objek : kompetisi
 #and# dasar : saing
 #to produce result #
- dasar : saing , kompetisi (kɔm-pö-ti-si) , tanding 
- aktif : (1) ber-saing/saing-an dengan/mbek (bör-saing/sai-ngan döngan/mbäk) [compete with]
          (2) ber-kompetisi(bör-kɔm-pö-ti-si) 
	  (3) ber-tanding(bör-tanding)
  (1)pajak-impor tujuan-nya adalah untuk kasi uang ke pe-kerja dalam negeri supaya bisa saing-an dengan barang impor
    [import-tax its goal is to give money to citizen so citizen can compete against import-merchandise] [source : 'Justifikasi utama untuk bea cukai adalah kebutuhan untuk memberikan standar hidup para tenaga kerja dalam menghadapi persaingan dari produk-produk impor' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bea]
- pasif : di-saing-i (di-sai-ngi)
- objek : per-saing-an (pör-sai-ngan) , kompetisi , per-tanding-an (pör-tandi-ngan)
16 aug 2022 5:23 pm edt:
 #reword# then professsional golf player since    1987 and drunkard john-daly eventually win    getting 230,000 usd then	
     #to# then professional golf player since aug 1987 and drunkard john-daly eventually win    getting 230,000 usd then	
16 aug 2022 5:38 pm edt:
 #reword# per-saing-an (pör-sai-ngan) , kompetisi , per-tanding-an (pör-tandi-ngan)
     #to# per-saing-an (pör-sai-ngan) [competition] , kompetisi [competition] , per-tanding-an (pör-tandi-ngan) [tournament]
18 aug 2022 12:24 pm edt:
 1 = I #start roman-numeral# #latin-numeral# #latin-language#[source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin ]
 5 = V
 10 = X
 50 = L
 100 = C
 500 = D
 1 000 = M #end roman-numeral# #latin-numeral# #latin-language#[source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin ]
20 aug 2022 1:9 pm edt:
 #add# leaf = daun
23 aug 2022 12:52 pm edt:
 #add under# begin 'plant vocab'
 arenga-pinnata-tree = pohon arenga-pinnata
 [source : find 'gula-aren(a-rän) , gula-pohon-arenga-pinnata = palm-sugar [source : 'arenga pinnata' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enau from 'gula merah' in 
						  		     https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klepon ]' ]
23 aug 2022 12:55 pm edt:
 ficus-carica , fig-fruit-tree = pohon ficus-carica
 ficus-benjamina = pohon-beringin (pɔ-hɔn bö-ri-ngin)
 ficus-carica-tree , fig-fruit-tree = pohon ficus-carica
 ficus-benjamina-tree = pohon-beringin (pɔ-hɔn bö-ri-ngin)
23 aug 2022 4:27 pm edt:
 #reword# leaf = daun
     #to# leaf , foliage(fouliits) , folium(latin-language , warning sounds same like 'volume' which translate to 'volumen' in latin-language) = daun
          [source : (1)https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=volume&rdfrom=Volume (2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/volumen#Latin (3)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/foliage ]

23 aug 2022 4:31 pm edt:
 tree branch = cabang pohon
 petiole (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Plant_nodes_c.jpg)
   = ranting 
 tree-branch , petiole = cabang pohon , ranting [source : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Plant_nodes_c.jpg ]

23 aug 2022 4:33 pm edt:
 hevea-brasiliensis-tree ( car-tire-tree ) = pohon hevea-brasiliensis 

23 aug 2022 4:38 pm edt:
 teak-tree , tectona-grandis-tree = pohon jati [source : (1)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jati (2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tectona_grandis ]
 mahogany-tree ( tree for making piano ) = pohon mahogani [source : 'finer wood for making piano' in how-it's-made-tv-series->piano-restoration-episode]
 cherry-tree ( tree for making piano ) = pohon ceri [source : 'finer wood for making piano' in how-it's-made-tv-series->piano-restoration-episode]
 walnut-tree ( tree for making walnut , piano ) = pohon walnut [source : 'finer wood for making piano' in how-it's-made-tv-series->piano-restoration-episode]

23 aug 2022 4:52 pm edt:
 oak-tree ( tree produce bitter acorn , poisonous tannic-acid leaf cause diarrhea to cow , horse , sheep , goat except pig , joist/plank for viking-ship 
   , music-drum ) = 
   pohon oak , pohon ek/äk [source : (1)https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ek from id.wikipedia->search ( oak ) , (2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joist , (3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plank_(wood)  ]
23 aug 2022 5:17 pm edt:
 acer-saccharum-tree , maple-syrup-tree ( produce maple-syrup , furniture , purple-color-dye , music-drum ,
   posterior-side and neck-side of violin , viola , cello , double-bass ) = 
   pohon sirup mapel [source : 'maple syrup' in  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple ]

23 aug 2022 7:7 pm edt:
 lightning-rod = pe-nangkal petir
 foyer , vestibule , lobby genkan ( lobby for removing and storing shoes-or-sandal ) = lobi
 juliet-balcony = balkon-tipu-an
 porch , ground-floor-balcony , veranda , lanai ( hawaii-language )  = beranda
 pantry , small room with shelf for storing canned-food , sauce-bottle = pentri 

24 aug 2022 7:5 pm edt:uploaded to wortel.ucoz.com
28 aug 2022 10:31 pm edt:
 gold-standard ( (non-fluctuating/fixed/same-value-all-the-time)-money-exchange-rate with gold-weight ) = standar emas
28 aug 2022 10:43 pm edt: end 11 pm edt
 gold-standard ( (non-fluctuating/fixed/same-value-all-the-time/pegged)-money-exchange-rate with gold-weight ) = standar emas [standar-ömas]
  [source : 'fixed exchange rate' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_standard ]
28 aug 2022 10:44 pm edt:
 #reword# juliet-balcony = balkon-tipu-an
     #to# juliet-balcony = balkon--tipu-an ( balkɔn--tipu-an )
28 aug 2022 10:56 pm edt: end 11:13 pm edt
 fiat-money ( 'fiat' is latin-language-word meaning 'let it be done' ) ; paper-money without gold-standard , silver-standard , 
  land-standard like pre-nazi-germany-country's renten-mark-currency , silk-standard like china-country->song-dynasty->jiaozi-money = 
  uang-fiat [source : (1/2)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uang_fiat (2/2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money ]
28 aug 2022 11:4 pm edt:
 mirage(mirats) , vision-illusion of small-lake/water-on-land = fatamorgana(fatamɔrgana)
28 aug 2022 11:10 pm edt:
 commodity-money , coin-with-embedded-precious-metal = uang-komoditas [source : 'commodity money' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money ]
29 aug 2022 12:7 pm edt:
 jerrycan , 5.3 usa-gallon gasoline high-density-polyethylene-container , 4.4 imperial-gallon gasoline high-density-polyethylene-container = 
  jerigen(järigän) [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerrycan from 'jerrycan' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carboy from 'carboy' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_bottle from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_dispenser from '18 L refillable plastic water jug' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jug ]
29 aug 2022 12:29 pm edt:
 #reword# (2)keren(kö-rän)
     #to# -cool-appearance = keren(kö-rän)
29 aug 2022 12:39 am edt:
          (3)me-ngagum-kan(mö-nga-gum-kan) [causing people to accidentally say 'wow']
29 aug 2022 12:41 pm edt:
 admire   [daerah]700/964[/daerah]
- dasar : kagum [amazed] (ka-gum)
- aktif : 
  1. ngagum-i (informal) (nga-gu-mi)
     me-ngagum-mi (formal) (mö-nga-gu-mi)
     [admire something]
     me-ngagum-kan (formal)
     [causing other ppl to feel amaze](mö-nga-gum-kan)
- pasif : di-kagum-i (di-ka-gu-mi)
- objek : 
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia me-ngagum-i cara dia main video game
     [he admire how that person plays video game]
  2. backhand tennis dia me-ngagum-kan
     [her backhand spread awesomeoness]
- kagum
- amazed = kagum 
-cool-appearance = keren(kö-rän)
 admire   [daerah]605/964[/daerah]
- dasar : kagum
- aktif : ngagum-in(nga-gu-min) (informal)
- pasif : di-kagum-in[she 'is admired' by him]
- objek : 
 admire   [daerah]700/964[/daerah]
- dasar : kagum [amazed] (ka-gum)
- aktif : 
  1. ngagum-i (informal) (nga-gu-mi)
     me-ngagum-mi (formal) (mö-nga-gu-mi)
     [admire something]
     me-ngagum-kan (formal)
     [causing other ppl to feel amaze](mö-nga-gum-kan)
- pasif : di-kagum-i (di-ka-gu-mi) [is being admired by ....]
- objek : 
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia me-ngagum-i cara dia main video game
     [he admire how that person plays video game]
  2. backhand tennis dia me-ngagum-kan
     [her backhand spread awesomeoness]
- kagum
- amazed = kagum 
-cool-appearance = keren(kö-rän)
29 aug 2022 3:44 pm edt:
 #reword# - depart, start leaving = ber-angkat(bö-rang-kat)
     #to# - depart, start leaving = berangkat(bö-rang-kat)
29 aug 2022 5:39 pm edt:
- dasar : tenang(tönang) [calm]
- aktif : me-nenang-kan [causing living-thing to calm-down]
  (1)keber-ada-an     keledai bisa me-nenang-kan kuda 
     [the existence of donkey  can  calm-down     horse]
  (2)kalo kuda    tegang di-teman-i              keledai ya   kuda tegang-nya    bisa jadi   tenang
    [if   nervous horse  is being accompanied by donkey  then that nervous horse can  become calm]
     [source : 'Donkeys may be pastured or stabled with horses and ponies, and are thought to have a calming effect on nervous horses.
        If a donkey is introduced to a mare and foal, the foal may turn to donkey for support after that foal has been weaned from its mother.[49]'
        in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donkey ]
- pasif : di-tenang-kan
- objek :
- kebetulan , stative :
29 aug 2022 6:37 pm edt:
 delay-tactic = (1)taktik memper-panjang/ngulur waktu [tactic about lengthening time ] 
		(2)taktik me-nunda waktu [tactic about postponing time ]
29 aug 2022 7:7 pm edt: end 11:8 pm edt
 #add# kongkalikong(kɔngkalikɔng) ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_Nan-language / hokien-language / fukien-language ) (hokiän) (fukiän)
29 aug 2022 11:10 pm edt:
 #add# ngulur ( rarely used ) [stretch]
29 aug 2022 11:14 pm edt:
 #reword# arenga-pinnata-tree = pohon arenga-pinnata
     #to# arenga-pinnata-tree , palm-sugar-tree , ijuk-broom-tree = pohon arenga-pinnata
30 aug 2022 12:15 am edt:
 palm-oil-tree : elais-guineensis-tree , elais-oleifera-tree , attalea-maripa-tree = pohon kelapa-sawit (kölapa-sawit)
   [source : (1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elaeis from 'oil palm' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palm_oil
	     (2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attalea_maripa ]

 olive-oil-tree : olea-europaea->(cultivar:cornicabra / sevillano)-tree  = pohon minyak olif
   [source : (1/2)'cornicabra' in nutritionadvance.com/best-real-extra-virgin-olive-oil-brands/ 
		  from google ( oliver oil supplier ) result 2 -> People also ask -> Who makes real olive oil ?
		  or 'cornicabra' in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm
     (2/2)'cornicabra' in  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_olive_cultivars from 'list of olive cultivars' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olive_oil
30 aug 2022 12:34 am edt:
 vw.com-Lamborghini.com->gallardo (spain-language) , ga-gliar-do (italy-language) = brave , bold 
 [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/gagliardo from 'gagliardo' in 'traduction' in https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/gaillard 
 from 'del frances gaillard' in https://es.wiktionary.org/wiki/gallardo ]
30 aug 2022 12:59 am edt:
 ferrari.com->testa-rossa (italy-language for 'red head' which can mean either : 'red over-head-cam-shaft-cover' or 'girl with red hair') = 
  kepala merah [source : 'cam cover' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrari_250_Testa_Rossa from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferrari_Testarossa#Name ]
 ferrari.com->sergio-scaglietti ( sergio-scaglietti is founder of car-body-design-company 'scaglietti' )  =  ....
 Lamborghini.com->countach(kungtats) = wow [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contacc from 'contacc' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini_Countach#Name ]
30 aug 2022 11:50 am edt: end 12:50 pm edt
 vw.com-Lamborghini.com->gallardo (spain-language) , ga-gliar-do (italy-language) = brave , bold [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/gagliardo from 'gagliardo' in 'traduction' in https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/gaillard from 'del frances gaillard' in https://es.wiktionary.org/wiki/gallardo ]
 vw.com-Lamborghini.com->fransisco-gallardo->(Lp/Longitudinale-posteriore) ('gallardo' is spain-language for 'energetic' ; 'ga-gliar-do' 
  is italy-language for 'energetic' ) =
  [passionate->longitudinal-posterior] [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/gagliardo from 'gagliardo' in 'traduction' in https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/gaillard from 'del frances gaillard' in https://es.wiktionary.org/wiki/gallardo ; if 'gallardo' translate to 'galant' then spain-language for 'galant' is 'galante' not 'gallardo' in https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/galant from 'galant' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini_Gallardo ]
30 aug 2022 12:52 pm edt: end 6:47 pm edt
 anterior = facing front [source : exrx.net -> anterior-deltoid , posterior-deltoid ] 
 posterior = facing rear [source : exrx.net -> anterior-deltoid , posterior-deltoid ] 
30 aug 2022 12:54 pm edt: end 6:45 pm edt
 delay-tactic = (1)taktik memper-panjang/ngulur waktu [tactic about lengthening time ] 
		(2)taktik me-nunda waktu [tactic about postponing time ]
 delay-tactic , filibuster = (1)taktik memper-panjang/ngulur waktu [tactic about lengthening time ] 
	 		     (2)taktik me-nunda waktu [tactic about postponing time ]
  [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster ]
30 aug 2022 3:52 pm edt:
 kewe (kewe) [inheritance from predecessor] (hokien-language)
30 aug 2022 3:57 pm edt:
 Lamborghini.com->countach(kungtats) = wow [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contacc from 'contacc' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini_Countach#Name ]
 Lamborghini.com->countach(kungtats) (north-west-italy->piedmontese-language for 'wow') = wau [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contacc from 'contacc' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini_Countach#Name ]
30 aug 2022 4:19 pm edt:
 #add# am [eat] (hokien-language)
30 aug 2022 4:19 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# hokkien           #to# hokien-language
 (2)#reword# hokien-indo slang #to# hokien-language
 (3)#reword# hokien            #to# hokien-language
30 aug 2022 5:41 pm edt:
 #add# , di-am
 #delete# , di-am #because# sounds like diam 'shut-up'
30 aug 2022 6:48 pm edt:
 #reword# shoulder = bahu
     #to# shoulder , deltoid ( from latin-language-word 'deltoideus' ) = bahu , pundak
	  front/anterior deltoid = bahu depan
	  rear/posterior deltoid = bahu belakang
	  side/lateral deltoid = bahu samping
30 aug 2022 6:59 pm edt:#add# tendon = tendon(tändɔn) [source : answers.yahoo.com's question asking about cat-bite which puncture tendon ]
1 sep 2022 10:56 am edt: end 6:50 pm edt
 vw.com-Lamborghini.com->fransisco-gallardo->(Lp/Longitudinale-posteriore) ('gallardo' is spain-language for 'energetic' ; 'ga-gliar-do' 
  is italy-language for 'energetic' ) =
  [passionate->longitudinal-posterior] [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/gagliardo from 'gagliardo' in 'traduction' in https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/gaillard from 'del frances gaillard' in https://es.wiktionary.org/wiki/gallardo ; if 'gallardo' translate to 'galant' then spain-language for 'galant' is 'galante' not 'gallardo' in https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/galant from 'galant' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini_Gallardo ]
 vw.com-Lamborghini.com->francisco-gallardo->(Lp/Longitudinale-posteriore/(all engine-piston sit-next-to-each-other-in-1-line 
  from front-to-rear with engine-location is behind (rear/posterior)-seat->permanent-4-wheel-drive 
  ('gallardo' is spain-language for 'energetic' ; 'ga-gliar-do' is italy-language for 'energetic' , 
  francisco-gallardo is breeder of (fighting-cow/bull)-which-is-made-semi-blind-with-smearing-petroleum-jelly-on-both-eyes-for-handicap ) =

  semangat(sömangat)->( longitudinal-posterior )
  ->4-ban-muter-pake-tenaga-mesin-terus--me-nerus [ 4 tire spin using (machine/engine)-(torque/power) continously ]

  [passionate->longitudinal-posterior] [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/gagliardo from 'gagliardo' in 'traduction' in https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/gaillard from 'del frances gaillard' in https://es.wiktionary.org/wiki/gallardo ; if 'gallardo' translate to 'galant' then spain-language for 'galant' is 'galante' not 'gallardo' in https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/galant from 'galant' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini_Gallardo ]	

  (fighting-cow/bull)-which-is-made-semi-blind-with-smearing-petroleum-jelly-on-both-eyes-for-handicap = 
  sapi/banteng yang di-bikin 1/2 buta pake petroleum-jeli di-lelet-kan di 2 mata-nya untuk nge-fur
  [cow which is made semi-blind using petroleum-jelly being smeared on 2 eyes for handicap]

  [source : bull for spanish bullfighting 'They may be weakened by beatings, have their horns shaved to keep them off balance,
             or have petroleum jelly rubbed into their eyes to impair their vision' 
	    in facebook.com/pamelaandersonfoundation/posts/10155897494967072 ]
1 sep 2022 11:58 am edt:
compete with handicap/disadvantage , example : weight-ballast-handicap with goal : to prevent repetitive supergt.net-car-racer-winner so
sport-gambling-house has more random winner , and for complicated-reason in golf-tournament which i don't know 
[source : (1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_GT (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handicap_(golf) ]
- dasar : handicap [fur]
- aktif : nge-fur(ngö-fur)
- pasif : di-fur
- objek : fur
- kebetulan , stative :
1 sep 2022 5:43 pm edt:
 - car's torque = tarik-an(ta-rik-an)
 - car's torque = (1)tarik-an(ta-rik-an)
 		  (2)ke-kuat-an putar-an mesin
		  (3)torsi mesin
		  (4)tenaga mesin
1 sep 2022 5:56 pm edt:
 #reword# 'volante'
     #to# AstonMartinLagonda.com->volante-(zagato.it)
1 sep 2022 6:2 pm edt:
 steering-wheel , volante ( italy-language )  =  setir (sö-tir) [source: 'Traduzione' in https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/volante from 'AstonMartinLagonda.com->volante-(zagato.it)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zagato from 'zagato' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O.S.C.A. from 'o.s.c.a' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernesto_Maserati from 'ernesto' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati_brothers from 'Maserati Brothers' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati ]	
 AstonMartinLagonda.com->volante-(zagato.it) ( 'volante' is italy-language-word for 'steering-wheel' ) =
  AstonMartinLagonda.com->setir(sö-tir)-(zagato.it) [source: 'Traduzione' in https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/volante from 'volante' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zagato from 'zagato' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O.S.C.A. from 'o.s.c.a' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernesto_Maserati from 'ernesto' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati_brothers from 'Maserati Brothers' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati ]
1 sep 2022 6:20 pm edt:
 AstonMartinLagonda.com->volante-(zagato.it) ( 'volante' is italy-language-word for 'steering-wheel' ) =
  AstonMartinLagonda.com->setir(sö-tir)-(zagato.it) [source: 'Traduzione' in https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/volante from 'volante' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zagato from 'zagato' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O.S.C.A. from 'o.s.c.a' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernesto_Maserati from 'ernesto' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati_brothers from 'Maserati Brothers' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati ]
 AstonMartinLagonda.com->david-brown/db-7-volante-(zagato.it) ( 'volante' is italy-language-word for 'steering-wheel' ) =
  AstonMartinLagonda.com->david-brown/db-7-setir(sö-tir)-(zagato.it) [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Martin_Volante and  'Traduzione' in https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/volante from 'volante' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zagato from 'zagato' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O.S.C.A. from 'o.s.c.a' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernesto_Maserati from 'ernesto' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati_brothers from 'Maserati Brothers' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maserati from 'aston martin' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_bond_golden_eye ]
1 sep 2022 6:43 pm edt:
 #add# from desktop-computer-video-game 'test-drive'
1 sep 2022 6:48 pm edt:
 #add# lamborghiniregistry.com/lamborghini-models/gallardo from google ( francisco gallardo bull breeder ) result 1
1 sep 2022 6:54 pm edt:
 (1)#add# me-lelet-kan(mö-lä-lät-kan)
 (2)#add# di-lelet-kan(di-lä-lät-kan)
1 sep 2022 7:3 pm edt:
 #reword# intense , passionate
     #to# intense , passionate , esprit(äs-pri)
1 sep 2022 7:5 pm edt:
 #add# [source : 'spirit' , 'enthusiasm' , 'wit' , 'liveliness'  in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/esprit#1_sep_2022_7_2_pm_edt
3 sep 2022 12:11 am edt:
 tarmigan/ptarmigan/lagopus/tundra-chiken = (1)ayam--ber-kaki--kelinci [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagopus from national-geographic->life-below-zero show man hunting ptarmigan/lagopus]
3 sep 2022 12:15 pm edt:
 blue foot chicken = (1)ayam tipe kaki biru(a-yam ti-pö ka-ki bi-ru)
 		     (2)ayam kaki biru
3 sep 2022 12:15 pm edt: end 5:57 pm edt:
 wine = air-anggur mentah busuk [grape-water raw rotten]
 brandy = air-anggur mentah busuk di-masak--untuk-di-suling 1 kali [grape water raw rotten cooked-for-distillation 1 time]
 cognac = air-anggur mentah busuk di-masak--untuk-di-suling 2 kali [grape water raw rotten cooked-for-distillation 2 time]
 rum = air-gula mentah busuk di-masak--untuk--di-suling di-simpan 1 taun [sugar-water raw rottn cooked-for-distillation store 1 year]
 bourbon = air-(51%jagung,gandum,barli,rai) raw busuk di-masak--untuk--di-suling [(51%corn,wheat,barley,rye)-water raw rotten cooked-for-distillation 1 time]
 wheat-whiskey = air-(51%gandum,jagung,barli,rai) busuk di-masak--untuk--di-suling (51%wheat,corn,barley,rye)-water raw rotten cooked-for-distillation 1 time]
3 sep 2022 10:19 am edt:
 #reword# roman-numeral #to# roman-number
3 sep 2022 10:54 am edt:
 #start hokien-number#----- (hokien-language) (taiyu-language)
3 sep 2022 12:27 pm edt:
 #add# en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Drive_(1987_video_game)
3 sep 2022 6:29 pm edt:
 Lamborghini.com->aventador ( maybe from spain-language 'aventadora' meaning thresher/wheat-extractor , maybe variation from italy-language
  'avventato' meaning 'hasty' , 'thoughtless' ) :
    thresher = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/aventadora#3_sep_2022_10_8_am_edt ]
    hasty = ter-gesa--gesa , ter-buru-buru , cepat - cepat [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/avventato#3_sep_2022_6_17_pm_edt ]
    hasty-and-thoughtless = ugal--ugal-an , sembrono(söm-bö-rɔ-nɔ) [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/avventato#3_sep_2022_6_17_pm_edt ]
3 sep 2022 6:46 pm edt:
 mishima ( japan-language for '3' (mi) 'island' (shima) ) = 3 pulau
  from sony.com->playstation->video-game-tekken-character 'heihachi-mishima' ( japan-language )
  hei 平 = calm , peace , flat [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%B9%B3#Japanese , https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%81%B8%E3%81%84#3_sep_2022_6_49_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hei#Japanese ]
  hachi = 8 [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%85%AB#Japanese  ]
  hei-hachi--mi-shima =  peace/flat-8--3-island [source : 'cat island' , 'neko no shima' in ---https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aoshima,_Ehime#22_apr_2022_5_50_pm_edt from 'aoshima' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8Ckunoshima from ... ]
 japan-country->mie-prefecture ( japan-language for 'triple-prefecture' ) = provinsi 3 kali-lipat [source : ---https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89%E9%87%8D#Japanese from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89%E9%87%8D%E7%9C%8C#5_may_2022_9_57_am_edt from wiki/Mie_Prefecture from google ( mie prefecture meaning ) result 1 ]
3 sep 2022 11:8 pm edt:
 #reword# Lamborghini.com->aventador
     #to# vw.com-Lamborghini.com->aventador-permanent-4-wheel-drive
3 sep 2022 11:9 pm edt:
 #reword# 4-ban-muter-pake-tenaga-mesin-terus--me-nerus [ 4 tire spin using (machine/engine)-(torque/power) continously ]
     #to# 4-ban-di-puter-tenaga-mesin [ 4 tire is being spin by (machine/engine)-(torque/power) ]
3 sep 2022 11:11 pm edt:
 #reword# mishima ( japan-language for '3' (mi) 'island' (shima) ) = 3 pulau
     #to# mishima-train-station ( japan-language for '3' (mi) 'island' (shima) ) = stasiun kereta-api mishima
	  [source : mi : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89#Japanese , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_numerals#3_sep_2022_11_15_pm_edt
		    shima : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%B3%B6#Japanese 
                    from '三島 平八' in 'mishima heihachi' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heihachi_Mishima#5_may_2022_10_5_am_edt 
                    and from 'Mishima Station (三島駅, Mishima-eki)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mishima_Station#22_apr_2022_5_39_pm_edt
                    from 'mishima station' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukio_Mishima from wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( mishima ) ]
3 sep 2022 11:26 pm edt:
 #reword# hasty = ter-gesa--gesa , ter-buru-buru , cepat - cepat [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/avventato#3_sep_2022_6_17_pm_edt ]
     #to# hasty = ter-gesa - gesa , ter-buru - buru , cepat - cepat [source : https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/avventato#3_sep_2022_6_17_pm_edt ]
3 sep 2022 11:30 pm edt:
 #add# from it.wiktionary.org->search-auto-complete ( av )
3 sep 2022 11:34 pm edt:
 #reword# 15,000 = ban go (common but non-logical) , cap go ban 
     #to# 15,000 = ban go (common but non-logical because that can mean '10,005') , cap go ban 
 #reword# 35,000 = sa ban go (common but non-logical)
     #to# 35,000 = sa ban go (common but non-logical beause that can mean '30,005') , sa cap go ban 
 #reword# 1,100,000 = tiao it (common but non-logical) , ce tiao ce pek cing
     #to# 1,100,000 = tiao it (common but non-logical because that can mean '1,000,001') , ce tiao ce pek cing
4 sep 2022 6:27 pm edt:
 #add# ber-sama-an
4 sep 2022 6:27 pm edt:
 sequentially, serially, one by one = 1 per 1            -daerah=386/964
simultaneously, parallelism = ber-sama-an, ber-sama - sama   -daerah=387/964
 together =
    1)podo - podo(pɔ-dɔ - pɔ-dɔ)(informal) (java-language)
    2)sama - sama (informal) 
    3)ber-sama - sama (formal)
  contoh [example] :
  1)pergi ke luar sama2 [going out together] 
 sequentially , serially , 1 by 1 = 1 per 1 ( 1 pör 1 )
 together , simultaneously , concurrently , parallelism =
    1)sama - sama (informal) 
    2)ber-sama - sama (formal)
  contoh [example] :
  1)pergi ke luar sama2 [going out together] 
5 sep 2022 6:16 am edt:
 brandy = air-anggur mentah busuk di-masak--untuk-di-suling 1 kali [grape water raw rotten cooked-for-distillation 1 time]
 cognac = air-anggur mentah busuk di-masak--untuk-di-suling 2 kali [grape water raw rotten cooked-for-distillation 2 time]
 brandy         = air-anggur mentah busuk di-masak--untuk-di-suling 2 kali [grape water raw rotten cooked-for-distillation 2 time]
 cognac(kɔnyäk) = air-anggur mentah busuk di-masak--untuk-di-suling 2 kali lalu di-simpan 
   2 taun (vs/very-special) , 4 taun ( vsop/very-superiod-old-pale, 6 taun (napoleon) , 10 taun (xo/extra-old) , 
  14 taun (xxo/extra-extra-old) , lebih dari 14 taun (hors-d-age/beyond-age) 
  [grape water raw rotten cooked-for-distillation 2 time] [source : (1/2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognac (2/2)'twice' in https://liquorlaboratory.com/cognac-vs-brandy/ from google ( brandy vs cognac twice distillation ) result 1]
6 sep 2022 12:46 pm edt:
 15,000 = ban go (common but non-logical because that can mean '10,005') , cap go ban 
 35,000 = sa ban go (common but non-logical beause that can mean '30,005') , sa cap go ban 
 15,000 = ban go (common but non-logical because that can mean '10,005') , cap go cing 
 35,000 = sa ban go (common but non-logical beause that can mean '30,005') , sa cap go cing 
6 sep 2022 12:53 pm edt:
 (1)#reword#  10,000 = ce ban (cö ban)
        #to#  10,000 = ce ban (cö ban) , cap cing ( more logical , 'ban' can be deleted )
 (2)#reword# 20,000 = no ban
        #to# 20,000 = no ban , li cap cing ( more logical , 'ban' can be deleted )
 (3)#reword# 30,000 = sa ban
        #to# 30,000 = sa ban , sa cap cing ( more logical , 'ban' can be deleted )
 (4)#reword# 2 = neng (näng)
        #to# 2 = neng (näng) , li
6 sep 2022 4:58 pm edt:
 #reword# -dasar:repot (rӓ-pɔt) [busy and unhappy]
     #to# -dasar:repot (rӓ-pɔt) [suffering busy therefore unhappy]
7 sep 2022 10:54 am edt:
 - contoh[example] :
  (1) 2 kali 3 [2 multiply 3 ; 2 multiply-with 3 ; 2 multiplied-by 3 ; 2 times 3 ]
  (2) 2 di-kali 3 [2 multiplied-by 3]
7 sep 2022 10:57 am edt:
 3. 4 bagi 2 [4 divided-by 2; 2 divide 4; 4 / 2]
15 sep 2022 11:1 am edt:
 pillar, joist = pilar, tiang pe-nyangga (ti-ang pö-nyang-ga) [source:tfd.com/joist from 'joist' in https://www.jlconline.com/how-to/interiors/q-a-laying-a-hardwood-floor-parallel-to-the-joists_o from google (how to make perpendicular floor) result 1]
 pillar-pole = tiang
 pillar = pilar, tiang pe-nyangga (ti-ang pö-nyang-ga) [source:tfd.com/joist from 'joist' in https://www.jlconline.com/how-to/interiors/q-a-laying-a-hardwood-floor-parallel-to-the-joists_o from google (how to make perpendicular floor) result 1]
 joist , I-joist , I-beam = tulang-jubin-anti-bengkok--ke-bawah/anti-amblas(ambölas) [floor's bone anti bending-down-ward/anti-sink-hole] [source : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/Joist_%28PSF%29.png from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joist#15_sep_2022_10_50_am_edt ]
15 sep 2022 11:21 am edt:
 #reword# - shear strength = tekan-an geser maksium ? 
     #to# - shear strength = ke-kuat-an anti bengkok [bending-resistant-strength] , tekan-an bengkok maksium ?  , tekan-an geser maksium ? 
15 sep 2022 11:32 am edt:
 #reword# - tensile strength = regang-an maksimum(rö-gang-ngan mak-si-mum)
     #to# - tensile strength = ke-kuat-an tarik-an maximum se-belum putus [maximum pulling strength prior severed] , regang-an maksimum(rö-gang-ngan mak-si-mum)

 #reword# - compressive strength = tekan-an maksium
     #to# - compressive strength = tekan-an maksium se-belum penyet [maximum pressure prior flattened]

 #reword# - tension = pe-regang-an(pö-rö-gang-ngan)
     #to# - tension = pe-regang-an(pö-rö-gang-ngan) , pe-narik-an

 #reword# - torsion strength = tekan-an putar maksimum ?
     #to# - torsion strength = plintir-an(pölinti-ran) maximum se-belum ter-putar [maximum twisting strength prior accidental-rotation] , tekan-an putar maksimum ?
15 sep 2022 11:46 am edt:
 #reword# -dasar:roboh(rɔ-bɔh),runtuh(run-tuh)            
     #to# - dasar : roboh(rɔ-bɔh) [crumble] , runtuh(run-tuh) [crumble] , amblas(ambölas) [floor make sink-hole] [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/crumble#15_sep_2022_11_47_am_edt (2/2)https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/runtuh#15_sep_2022_11_48_am_edt ]
15 sep 2022 12:1 pm edt:
 butler = tukang potong daging
          (tu-kang pɔ-tɔng da-ging)
 butler , servant-supervisor , senior-servant = (1)mandor(mandɔr) pem-bantu [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mandor#15_sep_2022_12_4_pm_edt (2/2)https://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/mandoer#15_sep_2022_12_3_pm_edt from 'belanda' in https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/mandor#15_sep_2022_12_3_pm_edt ]
						(2)pem-bantu senior 
 butcher = tukang potong mayat-binatang (tu-kang pɔ-tɔng) [animal-(cadaver(kö-da-vör)/corpse) cutting-technician]  [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cadaver#15_sep_2022_12_11_pm_edt ]
15 sep 2022 12:18 pm edt:
 #reword# lighthouse #to# light-house
15 sep 2022 12:19 pm edt: end 12:52 pm edt
 #add# light-house-keeper = tukang rawat mercu-suar [light-house maintenance-technician] [source : 'lighthouse keeper' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Vanishing_(2018_film)#1_sep_2022_4_18_pm_edt from verizon.com-cable-tv->maybe-starz.com->free-movie ]
15 sep 2022 12:24 pm edt:
 #reword# mercusuar #to# mercu-suar
15 sep 2022 12:25 pm edt:
 light-house which guide ship at night = 
 mercu-suar, menara api
 light-house which guide ship at night = 
 (1) mercu-suar ( sanskrit-language 'mercu' means earth , 'suar' means sun-star ) [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%B8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B5%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D#Sanskrit from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/suar#Indonesian  , (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%83%E0%A4%A6%E0%A5%8D#Sanskrit from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mercu#15_sep_2022_12_22_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mercusuar#15_sep_2022_12_22_pm_edt ]
 (2) menara api
 (3) menara lampu sirine(sirinö) pe-tunjuk jalan [ (road/path)-guidance-siren-lamp-tower ]
20 sep 2022 11:6 am edt:
 egg-over-easy ( both egg-side are cooked , yolk is raw appear like water , egg-white is fully-cooked ) = 
   telor-mata-sapi , kuning mentah , putih matang [cow-eye-egg , yellow is raw , white is fully-cooked] 

 egg-over-medium ( both egg-side are cooked , yolk is partially-cooked appear like semi-water , egg-white is fully-cooked ) = 
   telor-mata-sapi , kuning 1/2 matang , putih matang [cow-eye-egg , yellow is partially-half-cooked  , white is fully-cooked] 

 egg-over-hard ( both egg-side are fully-cooked ) = telor-mata-sapi matang [cow-eye-egg , yellow is fully-cooked , white is fully-cooked]
 egg-sunny-side-up ( 1 egg-side is cooked , yolk is raw like water , egg-white is cooked-enough-to-stay-intact ) =
   telor-mata-sapi , kuning mentah , putih 1/2 matang [cow-eye-egg , yellow is raw , white is partially-half-cooked]

 egg-scrambled ( egg-white and egg-yolk is mixed then fully-cooked ) = telor-dadar
20 sep 2022 12:5 pm edt:
 china-country->hongkong-special-province->Lantau-island->hongkong/hkg-airport ( 'lantau' is canton-language 
  for 'broken-head' / 1-mountain-with-1-peak-broken-to-2-peak ) = ...
  [source : (1/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Lantau#20_sep_2022_11_44_am_edt (2/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A0%AD#20_sep_2022_11_55_am_edt (3/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%88%9B#20_sep_2022_11_53_am_edt (4/4)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantau_Peak#20_sep_2022_11_45_am_edt ]
20 sep 2022 12:55 pm edt:
 #reword 2-nd# begin 'country vocab'--- #to# end 'country vocab'---
20 sep 2022 1:2 pm edt:
 china-country->hongkong-special-province->chek-lap-kok-island->hongkong/hkg-airport ( 'chek-lap-kok' is canton-language 
  for 'red-perch-fish cape/harbor' ) = ...
  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chek_Lap_Kok#24_aug_2022_6_39_pm_edt from 'chek lap kok' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_5_55_pm_est ]
20 sep 2022 6:51 pm edt:
  china-country->hongkong-special-province->Lantau-island->hongkong/hkg-airport ( 'lantau' is canton-language 
  for 'broken-head' / 1-mountain-with-1-peak-broken-to-2-peak ) = ...
  [source : (1/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Lantau#20_sep_2022_11_44_am_edt (2/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A0%AD#20_sep_2022_11_55_am_edt (3/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%88%9B#20_sep_2022_11_53_am_edt (4/4)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantau_Peak#20_sep_2022_11_45_am_edt ]
  china-country->hongkong-special-province->chek-lap-kok-island->hongkong/hkg-airport ( 'chek-lap-kok' is canton-language 
  for 'red-perch-fish cape/harbor' ) = ...
  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chek_Lap_Kok#24_aug_2022_6_39_pm_edt from 'chek lap kok' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_5_55_pm_est ]
  china-country->hongkong-territory->Lantau-island->HongkongDisneyland.com ( 'lantau' is canton-language 
  for 'broken-head' slank for 1-mountain-with-1-peak-broken-to-2-peak on lantau-island ) = ...
  [source : (1/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Lantau#20_sep_2022_11_44_am_edt (2/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A0%AD#20_sep_2022_11_55_am_edt (3/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%88%9B#20_sep_2022_11_53_am_edt (4/4)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantau_Peak#20_sep_2022_11_45_am_edt ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->chek-lap-kok-island->HongkongAirport.com/hkg-airport ( 'chek-lap-kok' is canton-language 
  for 'red-perch-fish cape' ) = ...
  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chek_Lap_Kok#24_aug_2022_6_39_pm_edt from 'chek lap kok' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_5_55_pm_est ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->kowloon-province(gaulung-province) ( 'gau-lung' is canton-language for 9 dragon and 'gau' has 2-nd meaning which
   mean 'penis'  ) = ...
   [source : (1/3)'gau' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B9%9D#Chinese (2/3)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%BE%8D#20_sep_2022_6_41_pm_edt 
	     (3/3)'九龍' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowloon#17_feb_2022_8_40_pm_est ]
20 sep 2022 6:8 pm edt:
 #add# china-country->shanghai-special-city->pudong-district->ShanghaiDisneyResort.com 
21 sep 2022 11:38 am edt: end 10:50 am edt
 liquor ( any liquid-distillation(evaporation-then-(condensation/liquifaction)-result which increase alcohol-content-level , from
  latin-language 'liquere' which has meaning 'liquify' 
  [source : 'Repeated distillation of vodka will make its ethanol level much higher than is acceptable to most end users,
             whether legislation determines strength limits or not. Depending on the distillation method and the technique of
             the still master, the final filtered and distilled vodka may have as much as 95–96% ethanol.' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vodka ]
  ) = ...
 liquor-spirit ( liquor minimum 20 % alcohol , no added sugar [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquor ] ) = ...
21 sep 2022 10:50 am edt: end 22 sep 2022 6:47 am edt
 vodka ( 'vodka' is diminutive-form of slavic-language 'voda' (water) so 'vodka' means 'small water' ;
	  just like diminutive-form of 'book' is 'booklet'/small-book  [source : 'ка' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0#Declension_5 from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/vodka#22_sep_2022_6_38_am_edt ; 'booklet' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/diminutive#22_sep_2022_6_44_am_edt ] 
          warning : similar to find 'buang air kecil' ) 
          = air-gandum-rai mentah busuk di-masak--untuk--di-suling 3 kali tambah air untuk me-nurun-kan alkohol
           [rye-grain-water raw rottn cooked-for-distillation 3 time add water to decrease alcohol]
21 sep 2022 12:3 pm edt:
 gin ( jin ) , jenever ( distillation-result of wine-and-juniper-fruit-berry-water netherland-language's pronunciation 'jənevər' ,
  england-language's pronunciation 'jənivər' ) = ...  [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gin ]
21 sep 2022 12:24 pm edt:
 sake(sake) , rice-wine with 1 year minimum-storage = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sake ]
21 sep 2022 4:51 pm edt:
 china-country->hongkong-territory->chek-lap-kok-island->HongkongAirport.com/hkg-airport ( 'chek-lap-kok' is canton-language 
  for 'red-perch-fish cape' ) = ...
  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chek_Lap_Kok#24_aug_2022_6_39_pm_edt from 'chek lap kok' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_5_55_pm_est ]
  china-country->hongkong-territory->chek-lap-(gok/kok)-island->HongkongAirport.com/hkg-airport ( 'chek-lap-gok' is canton-language 
  for 'red-flat-head-grey-mullet-fish-roe cape' ) = ...
  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chek_Lap_Kok#24_aug_2022_6_39_pm_edt from 'chek lap kok' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_5_55_pm_est ]
21 sep 2022 5:10 pm edt: end 22 sep 2022 3:28 am edt
 china-country->hongkong-territory->Lantau-island->HongkongDisneyland.com ( 'lantau' is canton-language 
  for 'broken-head' slank for 1-mountain-with-1-peak-broken-to-2-peak on lantau-island ) = ...
  [source : (1/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Lantau#20_sep_2022_11_44_am_edt (2/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A0%AD#20_sep_2022_11_55_am_edt (3/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%88%9B#20_sep_2022_11_53_am_edt (4/4)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantau_Peak#20_sep_2022_11_45_am_edt ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->chek-lap-kok-island->HongkongAirport.com/hkg-airport ( 'chek-lap-kok' is canton-language 
  for 'red-perch-fish cape' ) = ...
  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chek_Lap_Kok#24_aug_2022_6_39_pm_edt from 'chek lap kok' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_5_55_pm_est ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->kowloon-province(gaulung-province) ( 'gau-lung' is canton-language for 9 dragon and 'gau' has 2-nd meaning which
   mean 'penis'  ) = ...
   [source : (1/3)'gau' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B9%9D#Chinese (2/3)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%BE%8D#20_sep_2022_6_41_pm_edt 
	     (3/3)'九龍' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowloon#17_feb_2022_8_40_pm_est ]
 china-country->hongkong-territory->Lantau-island->HongkongDisneyland.com ( 'lantau' is canton-language 
  for 'lan' meaning 'broken' , 'tau' meaning 'head/apex/peak' , slank for 1-mountain-with-1-peak-broken-to-2-peak on lantau-island ;
   hongkong is canton-language for 'hiong' meaning 'perfume' , 'gong' meaning 'harbor' ; china-country-name is actually 'songguo' 
  ( china-mandarin-language for 'song' meaning central ; 'guo' meaning kingdom ) = ...
  [source : (1/8)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Lantau#20_sep_2022_11_44_am_edt (2/8)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A0%AD#20_sep_2022_11_55_am_edt (3/8)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%88%9B#20_sep_2022_11_53_am_edt (4/8)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantau_Peak#20_sep_2022_11_45_am_edt (5/8) 'hiong' https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A6%99#Chinese , (6/8) 'gong' https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B8%AF#Chinese (7/8)'香港' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong#23_aug_2022_12_21_pm_edt (8/8)'guo' meaning 'kingdom' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%9C%8B#Chinese from '中国' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China#21_sep_2022_5_16_pm_edt ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->chek-lap-(gok/kok)-island->HongkongAirport.com/hkg-airport ( 'cek-lap-gok' is canton-language 
  for 'cek' meaning 'red' , 'lap' seems meaning 'flat-head-grey-mullet-fish-roe'/'karasumi' rather-than meaning 'perch-fish' , 
  'gok' meaning ocean-cape/harbor-surrounded-by-ocean ) = ...
  [source : 'cek' en.wiktionary.org/wiki/赤 , 'lap' en.wiktionary.org/wiki/鱲 , 'gok' en.wiktionary.org/wiki/角 , '赤鱲角' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chek_Lap_Kok#24_aug_2022_6_39_pm_edt from 'chek lap kok' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_5_55_pm_est ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->kowloon-province(gaulung-province) ( 'gau-lung' is canton-language for '9 dragon' ; 
  'gau' meaning '9' ; 'lung' meaning 'dragon' ,  'penis'  ) = ...
   [source : (1/3)'gau' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B9%9D#Chinese (2/3)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%BE%8D#20_sep_2022_6_41_pm_edt 
	     (3/3)'九龍' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowloon#17_feb_2022_8_40_pm_est ]
21 sep 2022 6:27 pm edt:
 #reword# china-country->shanghai-special-city->pudong-district->ShanghaiDisneyResort.com 
 china-country->shanghai-special-city->pudong-district->ShanghaiDisneyResort.com ( 'shanghai' is china-language for 'sang' meaning 'on-top-of'
   , 'hai' meaning ocean , china-astrology-pig-year ; 'pudong' is china-language for 'pu' meaning river-shore , 'dong' meaning east ;
   'china' is ) = ...
   [source : 'sang' https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%8A#Chinese  ,
	'hai' meaning pig-year https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%BA%A5#Chinese from '亥' in wortel.ucoz.com/match.htm ,
	'hai' meaning ocean https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B5%B7#Chinese ,
	'pu' meaning river-shore https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B5%A6#Chinese ,
	'dong' meaning east https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%9D%B1#Chinese ]
21 sep 2022 6:54 pm edt:
 orphan-kid , fatherless-kid , kid which does not have father = anak-yatim 
 ( from arab-language 'yatim' meaning fatherless [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D9%8A%D8%AA%D9%8A%D9%85#Arabic
    from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D9%8A%D8%AA%D9%8A%D9%85#Arabic ] )
21 sep 2022 6:59 pm edt:
 #reword# klenteng , wihara
     #to# kelenteng , wihara
21 sep 2022 7:2 pm edt:
 orphanage = panti--asuh-an
22 sep 2022 5:39 am edt: end 6:12 am edt
 2. saat 22 sep 2022 , pe-merintah--indonesia boss-'mpr' dapat sarana antar-jemput di dalam  fast-sedan toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 
      untuk bisa hadir di banyak rapat-bisnis tepat waktu ,      ga  bisa pake suv yang harus jalan pelan saat   belok .
      per-atur-an pe-merintah bilang boss-'mpr' punya kuasa     lebih tinggi dari-pada presiden yang dapat sarana antar-jemput di dalam
     [in 22 sep 2022 , indonesia-government's 'mpr'-boss  gets  car-ride-facility   in inside toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 sedan-kencang
      to have ability to attend many business-meeting on time  , can not  use  suv which must go slowly   during turning .
      government law          says   'mpr'-boss has   authority higher       than      president who  get   car-ride-facility   in inside 
      mercedes-benz.com->s-guard. ]
     [source : (1/3)youtube.com/watch?v=Eb4t8ITOUcQ&t=26s ( BOS junior motocross CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 1 ❗di suport pak bamsoet )
           371 views 2 feb 2021 from google-image ( b 1348 rfw ) row 1 col 1 from
           'b 1348 rfw' in https://poskota.co.id/2021/10/28/ketua-mpr-bamsoet-tegaskan-dirinya-tak-tertarik-maju-dalam-pilpres-2024
           from google-image ( mpr bamsoet sedan lexus ) row 2 col 2
           from 'lexus' in https://www.pinterpolitik.com/terkini/mobil-dinas-bamsoet-memalukan/
           from google-image ( mobil dinas bambang soesatyo ) row 2 col 1
           from 'bambang soesatyo' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambang_Soesatyo#22_sep_2022_4_42_am_edt from
           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zulkifli_Hasan#22_sep_2022_4_41_am_edt from
           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidarto_Danusubroto#22_sep_2022_4_40_am_edt from
           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taufiq_Kiemas#22_sep_2022_4_39_am_edt from
           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidayat_Nur_Wahid#22_sep_2022_4_39_am_edt from

           (2/3)and from https://voi.id/en/technology/36414/take-note-do-not-arbitrarily-use-rf-number-plates-this-means from
              google-image ( sedan mpr indonesia ) row 1 col 3
	   (3/3)'https://tools.mercedes-benz.co.uk/current/passenger-cars/guard-vehicles/s-guard.pdf' in wortel.ucoz.com/car_review.htm
22 sep 2022 5:41 am edt: end 6:29 am edt
 suv/sport-utility-vehicle , tall-wagon , jeep = suv , kereta-tinggi
 sedan , short-wagon = sedan , kereta-rendah
22 sep 2022 6:31 am edt:
 #reword# me-ngasuh(mö-nga-suh) (formal)
     #to# meng-asuh(mö-nga-suh) (formal)
22 sep 2022 6:33 am edt:
 (1)#reword# pe-ngasuh-an (pö-ngasuh-han)
        #to# peng-asuh-an (pö-ngasuh-han)
 (2) #reword#  
       - babysitter = pe-ngasuh anak(pö-nga-suh anak)
       - childcare place = tempat pe-ngasuh-an anak
       - babysitter = peng-asuh anak(pö-nga-suh anak)
       - childcare place = tempat peng-asuh-an anak
22 sep 2022 7 am edt:
 2. saat 22 sep 2022 , pe-merintah--indonesia boss-'mpr' dapat sarana antar-jemput di dalam  fast-sedan toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 
      untuk bisa hadir di banyak rapat-bisnis tepat waktu ,      ga  bisa pake suv yang harus jalan pelan saat   belok .
      per-atur-an pe-merintah bilang boss-'mpr' punya kuasa     lebih tinggi dari-pada presiden yang dapat sarana antar-jemput di dalam
     [in 22 sep 2022 , indonesia-government's 'mpr'-boss  gets  car-ride-facility   in inside toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 sedan-kencang
      to have ability to attend many business-meeting on time  , can not  use  suv which must go slowly   during turning .
      government law          says   'mpr'-boss has   authority higher       than      president who  get   car-ride-facility   in inside 
      mercedes-benz.com->s-guard. ]
 2. saat 22 sep 2022 , pe-merintah--indonesia boss-'mpr' dapat sarana antar-jemput di dalam  fast-sedan toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 
    untuk bisa hadir di banyak rapat-bisnis tepat waktu ,      ga  bisa pake suv yang harus jalan pelan saat   belok .
    guru sekolah   pel-ajar-an    pmp/ppkn bilang boss-'mpr' punya kuasa     lebih tinggi dari-pada 
    presiden yang dapat sarana antar-jemput di dalam   mercedes-benz.com->s-guard. 
   [in 22 sep 2022 , indonesia-government's 'mpr'-boss  gets  car-ride-facility   in inside toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 sedan-kencang
    to have ability to attend many business-meeting on time  , can not  use  suv which must go slowly   during turning .
    school teacher study-material pmp/ppkn says   'mpr'-boss has   authority higher       than      
    president who  get   car-ride-facility   in inside mercedes-benz.com->s-guard. ]
22 sep 2022 9:14 pm edt:
 #reword# ( china-mandarin-language for 'song' meaning central ; 'guo' meaning kingdom ) = ...
     #to# ( china-mandarin-language for 'song' meaning 'center-position' ; 'guo' meaning 'country' ) ) = ...
22 sep 2022 10:20 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# saat 22 sep 2022 , pe-merintah--indonesia boss-'mpr' dapat sarana antar-jemput di dalam  fast-sedan toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 
        #to# saat   2 feb 2021 , pe-merintah--indonesia boss-'mpr' dapat sarana antar-jemput di dalam  fast-sedan toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 

 (2)#reword# in 22 sep 2022 , indonesia-government's 'mpr'-boss  gets  car-ride-facility   in inside toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 sedan-kencang
        #to# during 2 feb 2021 , indonesia-government's 'mpr'-boss  gets  car-ride-facility  in inside toyota.co.jp->crown->generation-15 sedan-kencang
22 sep 2022 9:24 pm edt
 #reword# mpr/majelis-permusiawaratan
     #to# [mpr]/majelis-permusiawaratan
22 sep 2022 9:25 pm edt:
 #reword# 'mpr' #to# [mpr]
22 sep 2022 10:10 pm edt:
  skin hanging from male-chicken-neck , wattle(wotöl) = gelambir (gölambir) [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wattle#22_sep_2022_10_2_pm_edt from 'wattle' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Bangor#22_sep_2022_10_1_pm_edt from stephen-king's movie 'the langoliers' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangor,_Maine#Name_and_pronunciation ]
22 sep 2022 10:11 pm edt:
 #reword# tundra-chiken #to# tundra-chicken
23 sep 2022 4:2 pm edt:
 (1)#add# bokap (jakarta-language)
 (2)#add# nyokap(niokap) (jakarta-language)
23 sep 2022 5:3 pm edt:
 touch-me-not-plant , mimosa-pudica ( from latin-language 'mimosa' meaning 'mime , pantomime , immitator , impostor' ; 
   'pudica' meaning 'ashamed , embarassed' ) =
   puteri-malu(putöri-malu) , putri-malu [easily-embarassed daughter] [source : (1/3)'pudica' meaning 'embarassed' https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pudeo#23_sep_2022_4_49_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pudet#23_sep_2022_4_49_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pudicus#23_sep_2022_4_49_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pudica#23_sep_2022_4_49_pm_edt ; (2/3)'mimosa' meaning 'mime , pantomime , immitator , impostor' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mime#23_sep_2022_4_48_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mimosa#23_sep_2022_4_47_pm_edt ; (3/3)'mimosa pudica' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimosa_pudica#23_sep_2022_4_45_pm_edt from 'mimosa pudica' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putri_malu#23_sep_202_4_44_pm_edt from wikipedia->search-auto-complete ( putri ) ]
23 sep 2022 5:16 pm edt:
 MandarinOriental.com-hotel ( 'mandarin' is from sanskrit-language 'menteri' meaning 'minister' meaning 'priest-assistant' ;
	'oriental' is from latin-language 'orientalis' meaning 'east' [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/orientalis#23_sep_2022_5_11_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Oriental#English ; (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/minister#Latin from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A4%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%80#23_sep_2022_5_7_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/menteri#23_sep_2022_5_6_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mandarin#23_sep_2022_5_4_pm_edt ]
  ) = ...
23 sep 2022 5:58 pm edt: end 26 sep 2022 10:32 pm edt
 (1) pesawat VirginAtlantic.com  ga       punya kursi-utama/kursi-prioritas , cuma punya kursi-ekon , kursi-premium(lebar dan kaki lebih leluasa) , 
     kursi-bisnis (bisa jadi   ranjang datar) , mungkin supaya bisa muat       pe-numpang lebih banyak      dan dapat bati   lebih banyak .
     dari england ke    asia-selatan paling jauh cuma sampe HongkongAirport.com/airport-hkg .
    [VirginAtlantic.com-aircraft does not have  1-st-class-seat ,              only has  econ-seat ,  premium-seat (wide  and leg  more  free) ,
     business-seat(can  become flat    bed) ,   maybe   so     can  accodomate passenger  in-greater-amount and get   profit in-greater-amount .
     from england go to south-asia   farthest    only until HongkongAirport.com/hkg-airport .
    [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_Atlantic#8_sep_2022_5_43_pm_edt ]
23 sep 2022 6:5 pm edt:
 #reword# - free : bebas(be-bas)
     #to# - free = bebas(be-bas)
 	  - freely move-around to increase comfort = leluasa(löluasa)
23 sep 2022 6:58 pm edt:
3)hibur-an perahu-air dalam istana 'it's a small world' di indonesia->jakarta-city->ancol.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancol_Dreamland#23_sep_2022_6_32_pm_edt
    mirip hibur-an perahu-air dalam istana 'it's a small world' di 
    usa-disneyland/disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/disneyland/its-a-small-world , 
    usa-magic-kingdom/disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/magic-kingdom/its-a-small-world , 
    tokyo-disneyland/tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/tdl/attraction/detail/172/ , 
    paris-disneyland/disneylandparis.com/en-us/attractions/disneyland-park/its-a-small-world , 
    hongkong-disneyland/hongkongdisneyland.com/attractions/its-a-small-world ,
    1964 new-york-world's-fair di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_a_Small_World#23_sep_2022_6_39_pm_edt

   [entertainment water-boat inside castle 'it's a small world' di indonesia->jakarta-city->ancol.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancol_Dreamland#23_sep_2022_6_32_pm_edt
    appear-similar-to entertainment water-boat inside castle 'it's a small world' in 
    usa-disneyland/disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/disneyland/its-a-small-world , 
    usa-magic-kingdom/disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/magic-kingdom/its-a-small-world , 
    tokyo-disneyland/tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/tdl/attraction/detail/172/ , 
    paris-disneyland/disneylandparis.com/en-us/attractions/disneyland-park/its-a-small-world , 
    hongkong-disneyland/hongkongdisneyland.com/attractions/its-a-small-world ,
    1964 new-york-world's-fair in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_a_Small_World#23_sep_2022_6_39_pm_edt ]
25 sep 2022 11 am edt:
25 sep 2022 11:1 am edt:
 #reword# gosok(gɔ-sɔk)
     #to# (1)gosok(gɔ-sɔk)[rub hard , scrape] 
	  (2)usap[rub softly]
25 sep 2022 11:5 am edt:
       19)'ng' in beginning of verb like
          'nggosok' is being pronounced 'öng-gosok'
 (2/2)#reword# nggosok (informal)
          #to# nggosok(öng-gosok) (informal)
25 sep 2022 11:8 am edt:
 #add# (2)ngusap (informal)
          meng-usap (formal)
 #add# di-usap
25 sep 2022 11:19 am edt:
 wrist = per-gelang-an tangan(pör-gö-la-ngan tangan) [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrist#25_sep_2022_11_15_am_edt from 'carpals ( wrist bones)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Blausen_0440_HandBones.png from 'Illustration of Hand and Wrist Bones' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand#25_sep_2022_11_13_am_edt ]
25 sep 2022 11:24 am edt:
 repeatedly-sweep hand-palm on skin back-and-forth
- dasar : elus (ö-lus)
- aktif : elus - elus [repeatedly-sweep hand-palm on skin back-and-forth]
- pasif : di-elus - elus
- objek :
- kebetulan, stative :
 #to# rub a surface to clean a surface   -daerah-463/964-/daerah-
 #so add# (3)elus[rub very softly to make someone calm-down and aroused]
    #add# (4)basuh , bilas [rub with wet hand , to remove soap]
25 sep 2022 11:46 am edt:
 2. cuma suka liat   mobil-mewah  balap-an di alms.com , imsa.com , supergt.net tapi ga  mau     punya  mobil-mewah karena  biaya pe-rawat-an    mahal .  
   [just like seeing luxury-car   racing   in alms.com , imsa.com , supergt.net but  not willing to own luxury-car  because maintenance-price is pricey .]
25 sep 2022 12:2 pm edt:
 contoh[example] :
 1)dia mati-kan  air-keran   pake  per-gelang-an tangan bagian luar , lalu usap2      sabun ke tangan-nya , lalu 
   pake per-gelang-an tangan bagian luar untuk nyala-kan air-keran    untuk bilas sabun di tangan-nya , lalu
   mati-kan air-keran ,    supaya hemat          air
  [he  kill     water-faucet using outer-part-of wrist              , then softly-rub soap  to his hand   , then
   use  outer-part-of wrist              to    turn-on   water-faucet for   rinse soap  on his hand   , then
   kill     water-faucet , to-be  efficient-with water ]
25 sep 2022 12:53 pm edt:
 (1)#add# di-usap
 (2)#add# di-elus
 (3)#add# di-basuh
25 sep 2022 1:5 pm edt: end 27 sep 2022 11 am edt
 human's father-and-mother = bonyok(bɔniɔk) ( abbreviation-of 'bo'-kap , 'nyo'-kap ) (jakarta-language) #homonym-bonyok#
26 sep 2022 11 pm edt:
 (1)#add# me-nyendiri(mö-niöndiri) [stay alone deliberately]
 (2)#add# di-sen-diri-kan/di-sendiri-kan(disöndirikan) [being relocated to stay alone]
26 sep 2022 11:32 pm edt:
 selingkuh bisa me-nyebab-kan adu--domba         antara  pasang-an asli dan selingkuh-an-nya
[adultery  can  cause         divide-and-conquer between real spouse    and spouse-in-adultery]

 selingkuh bisa me-nyebab-kan adu--domba         antara  pasang-an asli dan selingkuh-an-nya  yang      mungkin sering beli minum-an alkohol , 
 sampe terima perintah jampi - jampi dari per-usaha-an minum-an alkohol ( mungkin dari pe-milik kursi-grup-direktur ) 
 untuk manas - manas-i orang  untuk berantem 
 yang mungkin bikin  orang itu   beli   minum-an alkohol   untuk me-reda-kan emosi .
[adultery  can  cause         divide-and-conquer between real spouse    and spouse-in-adultery which is maybe   often  buy  alcoholic-beverage ,
 until receiving witch-craft-order   from alcoholic-beverage company    ( maybe   from director-group-chair owner      ) 
 to    provoke         person to    fight 
 which maybe  causes that person to buy alcoholic-beverage to    decrease    emotion .]
26 sep 2022 11:50 pm edt:
 #add# ber-hantam/berantem(bör-hantam/börantöm) [1 vs 1 fight]
26 sep 2022 12:1 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# perintah(pö-rin-tah)
       #to# perintah(pö-rin-tah)[command]
 (2)#reword# pe-merintah[the government](pö-mö-rin-tah)
        #to# pe-merintah[government](pö-mö-rin-tah)
26 sep 2022 12:30 pm edt:
 - pem-bunuh = killer
 - contoh[example] :
   1)nyamuk demam--ber-darah adalah pem-bunuh suruh-an             alam   , tuhan ?
    [dengue-fever mosquito   is     killer    following-order-from nature , god ?]
26 sep 2022 12:33 pm edt: end 27 sep 2022 11:12 am edt
 (1)#add# - messenger = utus-an(utu-san) (formal)
 (2)#add# utus (with-order-from) (formal)
 (3)#add# meng-utus-kan[give order to](formal) (me-ngutus-kan)
 (4)#add# di-utus [getting told to do something](formal)
27 sep 2022 11:1 am edt:
 dent-like-crater-containing-broken-metal-skin = bocel(bocäl) (java-language)
 dent-like-crater-but-crater-not-contain-broken-metal-skin = penyok(päniok) , bonyok(bɔniɔk) #homonym-bonyok#
27 sep 2022 12:31 pm edt: end 29 sep 2022 4:40 pm edt
 contoh[example] :
 (1) provinsi amrik : puerto-rico , florida , louisiana , texas , hampir se-lalu di-hajar          angin-topan       kirim-an         dari 
     afrika yang bakar hutan  dengan alas-an agrikulture , tiap  taun saat   september-equinox .
     provinsi tornado-alley ( texas-utara , louisiana , oklahoma , kansas , nebraksa , iowa , dakota-selatan ,
     kadang2 : minnesota , wisconsin , illinois , indiana , ohio-barat ) , kadang di-hajar angin-tornado .
     provinsi kalifornia , se-lalu di-hajar api-hutan/ke-bakar-an--hutan tiap musim panas . 
     tapi mata-uang/nilai-uang dolar-amrik se-lalu kuat  mungkin untuk nasa.gov .
    [usa state of   : puerto-rico , florida , louisiana , texas , almost always  being-defeated-by typhoon/hurricane delivery-package from 
     africa who  burn  forest with   agriculture reason  , every year during september-equinox 
     tornado-alley ( north-texas , louisiana , oklahoma , kansas , nebraska , iowa , south-dakota , sometimes : minnesota , wisconsin , illinois ,
     indiana , west-ohio , kentucky ) , sometimes being-defeated-by tornado-wind .
     california-province , always being-defeated-by forest-fire/forest-conflagaration every summer season .
     but  money-eye/money-value usa-dollar always strong maybe   for   nasa.gov.] 

   [source : en.wikipedia.org/Tornado_Alley ]
27 sep 2022 12:41 pm edt:
 (1)#add# 3. di-ajar ... find 'di-hajar'   
 (2)#add# - pasif : di-hajar , di-ajar
 (3)#add# hajar [defeat opponent without suffering casualty]
 (4)#add# (4)meng-hajar(möng-hajar)[defeat opponent without suffering casualty]
29 sep 2022 4:4 pm edt:
 4)saya tidak me-nyangka  kalo    jam tangan  bikin-an swiss , InvictaWatch.com , ter-nyata sponsor futbol-amrik       nfl.com , 
   punya kantor-pusat  di negara-amrik provinsi florida . jam tangan se-lalu bikin tangan keringat-an , 
   lalu jam InvictaWatch.com      susah     di-baca 
   karena tidak ada         angka-jam   . enak-an                       bawa     jam-weker(wä-kör) yang  bisa di-taruh  meja ,  di dalam tas .

  [i    not/never thought if/that wrist-clock made-in  swiss , Invictawatch.com , apparently sponsor american-football nfl.com ,
   has central-office  in usa-country florida-province .  wrist-clock always make  hand sweating      , 
   then InvictaWatch.com-clock is difficult to read 
   because non existence-of hour-number . more delicious/comfortable is carrying alarm-clock       which can  be put on table , in inside bag ]

  alarm-clock = find 'alarm-clock ='
29 sep 2022 4:10 pm edt:
 #add# non-namazake sake(sake) , rice-wine with 1 year minimum-storage then pasteurised-not-flash-pasteurised = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sake ]
29 sep 2022 4:31 pm edt: end 30 sep 2022 3:49 pm edt
 alarm-clock = 
  (1)jam-weker(wä-kör) ( from netherlands-language 'wekker' meaning 'awakener' from 'wekken' meaning 'awaken' ) 
    [source :  https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/weker#29_sep_2022_3_49_pm_edt ,
               https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wekker#29_sep_2022_3_50_pm_edt ,
               https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wekken#29_sep_2022_3_50_pm_edt ]

 fire-alarm = (1)komputer tukang       kasi tau       ada      api  ke-bakar-an    di dalam  rumah 
	        [worker-computer which give awareness there is fire inferno        in inside house] [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/inferno from en.wiktionary.org/wiki/conflagration from wiktionary.org->search ( conflag ) ]
	      (2)tukang           kasi tau       ada      api  ke-bakar-an di dalam rumah 
                [technician which give awareness there is fire inferno     in inside house ]
30 sep 2022 10:32 am edt:
 (2)bisa belanja (macam - macam) alat musik macam - macam di majalah  sweetwater.com ada      merek shure.com , sennheiser.com , roland.com , casio.com , 
    zildjian.com-cymbal , sabian.com (zildjian.com-rebel) , paiste.com , ibanez.com , gretsch.com , adams-music.com->marimba , 
    majestic-percussion.com->marimba  , tama.com , yamaha.com , sonor.com , ludwig-drums.com , PearlDrum.com , komputer-apple.com , ableton.com-live , 
   [can  shop    various music-instrument 	          in  magazine sweetwater.com there is brand shure.com , sennheiser.com , roland.com , casio.com , 
    zildjian.com-cymbal , sabian.com (zildjian.com-rebel) , paiste.com , ibanez.com , gretsch.com , adams-music.com->marimba , 
    majestic-percussion.com->marimba  , tama.com , yamaha.com , sonor.com , ludwig-drums.com , PearlDrum.com , apple.com-computer , ableton.com-live , 
30 sep 2022 10:36 am edt:
 5) kalo mo      ikut tur       ke luar-negeri     pake  bahasa england   ya  bisa baca majalah  GeTours.com , 
    kalo mo      tur  pake  bahasa indo/malay   ya   bisa pergi ke alamat-internet GoldenRama.com
   [if   wanting to follow tour to foreign-country using english-language then can read magazine GeTours.com , 
    if   wanting tour using indo/malay language then can  go    to internet-address GoldenRama.com]
30 sep 2022 10:56 am edt:
 (3)bisa belanja aksesori       jeep.com di majalah  quadratec.com
   [can  shop    accessory (of) jeep.com in magazine quadratec.com]
30 sep 2022 3:52 pm edt:
 #reword# me-laku-kan (möl-la-ku-kan) (formal) [do]
     #to# me-laku-kan (mö-la-ku-kan) (formal) [do]
1 oct 2022 6:44 pm edt:
 #reword# 0 = nol(nɔl,nol) 
     #to# 0 = nol(nɔl,nol) , nihil(nihil) (latin-language) [source : (1/4)'hilum' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hilum#Latin , (2/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nihil#Latin , (3/4)'0' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/unus#1_oct_2022_6_36_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/uncia#1_oct_2022_6_34_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/inch#1_oct_2022_6_33_pm_edt , (4/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quini#1_oct_2022_6_41_pm_edt , latin-language '5' is 'quini'(kuini) which contain dipthong 'ui' , rather difficult to pronounce and rather difficult to hear sometimes , so i do not have appetite to use too many latin-number other than '0' 'nihil' which was used by indonesia->java-island->central-java-province->semarang-city->school-teacher in exam-score-label in red-color meaning all exam-problem-answer is wrong  ]
1 oct 2022 6:50 pm edt:
 #inside# begin 'math
 #merge to what is exist inside begin 'math..., then delete#
 zero = nol(nɔl,nol)
 one = satu
 two = dua (du-wa)
 three = tiga
 four = empat(öm-pat)
 five = lima
 six = enam(ö-nam)
 seven = tujuh
 eight = delapan(dö-la-pan)
 nine = sembilan(söm-bi-lan)
 ten = se-puluh(sö-pu-luh)
 eleven = se-belas(sö-bö-las)
 twelve = dua belas(du-a bö-las)
4 oct 2022 11:26 am edt:
 invicta ( from latin-language 'in' meaning 'not' , 'victa' from inflection-of 'victus' meaning 'conquer' , 'invicta' meaning 'non-conquered' ,
              'undefeated' ) = ...
    [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/invictus#4_oct_2022_10_40_am_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/invicta#4_oct_2022_10_40_am_edt ]
4 oct 2022 11:51 am edt:
 island , continent , continental ( from latin-language 'conteneo' : 'con' meaning 'together' , 'teneo' meaning 'i hold' ) =
  pulau [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contineo#4_oct_2022_11_45_am_edt , https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contineo#4_oct_2022_11_45_am_edt , https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contineo#4_oct_2022_11_45_am_edt , https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/continental#French ]
4 oct 2022 6:45 pm edt:
 #reword# angin-topan #to# hujan-dan-angin-kencang
4 oct 2022 6:47 pm edt:
 hurricane , typhoon = hujan-dan-angin-kencang [rain-and-fast-wind] , hujan-dan-angin-topan ( 'topan' is syria->aramaic/aram-language 
    [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%DC%9B%DC%98%DC%A6%DC%A2%DC%90#Classical_Syriac from
     https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D8%B7%D9%88%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%86#Arabic from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/topan#4_oct_2022_6_48_pm_edt
5 oct 2022 11:5 am edt: end 11 oct 2022 6:15 pm edt
 7. tiap malam    minggu , kadang    pe-main film cewe , pe-main film cowo , nongkrong , mabuk di hotel ChateauMarmont.com
    [each saturday night  , sometimes actress           , actor             , loiter    , drunk in ChateauMarmont.com hotel] [source : maybe paparazzi-web-site tmz.com (2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chateau_Marmont#5_oct_2022_10_50_am_edt ]
5 oct 2022 6:27 pm edt:
 travel-for-fun-and-sight-see = wisata ( from sanskrit-language 'visata' 'vis' meaning 'people' 'ata' meaning '8' ?? [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wisata#5_oct_2022_6_17_pm_edt ] )
5 oct 2022 7:7 pm edt: end 11 oct 2022 6 pm edt
 MalaysiaAirlines.com (kelas-utama) , south-korea/FlyAsiana.com (kelas-utama) , brazil/Latam.com (kelas-utama) , 
 usa/united.com (global-utama lalu polaris-utama) , TurkishAirlines.com (1-st-class-suite) , 
 russia/transaero.ru (kelas-imperial), south-african-airways/flysaa.com (kelas-permata-biru) , 
 philipines.com (maharlika-class) , india/jetairways.com (kelas-utama) , china-airlines.com (kelas-paviliun--ter-larang) , 
 cathaypacific.com (kelas-utama) , AirNewZealand.co.nz (kelas-utama) , dulu punya kursi-utama-dan--layan-an-utama tapi sekarang
 cuma punya kursi-utama : united.com .

 MalaysiaAirlines.com (1-st-class) , south-korea/FlyAsiana.com (1-st-class) , brazil/Latam.com (1-st-class) , 
 usa/united.com (global-1-st then polaris-1-st) , TurkishAirlines.com (1-st-class-suite) , 
 russia/transaero.ru (imperial-class) , south-african-airways/flysaa.com (blue-diamond-class) , 
 philipines.com (maharlika-class) , india/jetairways.com (1-st-class) , china-airlines.com (forbidden-pavillion-class) , 
 cathaypacific.com (1-st-class) , AirNewZealand.co.nz (1-st-class) , in-the-past has 1-st-class-chair-and-1-st-class-service but now
 only has 1-st-class-chair : united.com .

  #reword# [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_Atlantic#8_sep_2022_5_43_pm_edt ]
      #to# [source : (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_Atlantic#8_sep_2022_5_43_pm_edt (2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_class_(aviation)#5_oct_2022_11_45_am_edt from wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( first class ) ]
11 oct 2022 5:8 pm edt:
 malay/indonesia-language's benefit :
 (1) simple grammar : no verb-(inflection/conjugation) , no noun-gender . so only need small mental-stress ( low-cholesterol-language ) . 
     can be used to think quicker to produce quick decision .
 (2) writing is consistent with pronunciation-sound , so writing is easy ( good orthography )
 (3) easy active-verb-to-passive-verb-conversion .
     why use passive-sentence ?
     because starting sentence with subject like 'you' , sounds : accusative / making-accusation , bossy .
     starting sentence with object , does not sound bossy .
 (4) not much dipthong-sound/combination-of-2-vocal-sound , no exhortative sound like england-language 'sh' sound , 
     so malay/indo-language is easily spoken-and-heard , and does not produce excessive bacteria-or-virus-breath during speaking .
 (5) not much homonym , homophone , homograph .
 (6) easily understood during chatting via aircraft-radio , ship-radio .

 malay/indonesia-language's deficit :
 (1) agglutinative , so some object can have long word but easily understand during listening because malay/indonesia-language can be easily spoken .
     example : (1)england-language-word 'hospital' is shorter than (malay/indonesia)-language-word 'rumah sakit' .
  	       (2)'restaurant' is shorter than (malay/indonesia)-language-word 'rumah makan' .
	       (3)'airport' is shorter than (malay/indonesia)-language-word 'bandar udara' .
 (2) ability to 'produce quick decision' sometimes means 'angry quicker' ( shorter temper ) .
 (3) only need small cholesterol , so small cholesterol can produce effect unstable-brain/unstable-mental ( more prone to panic-attack ) .
     so maybe (malay/indonesia)-person repeatedly-play music inside brain to make brain more stable , 
     with music-choice depending-on mental-situation like if wanting to stay alert during driving then play energetic-music like energetic-pop , 
     trance , energetic-video-game-music ; if wanting to sleep during closing-eyes-but-not-yet-dreaming then play smooth-jazz-music ,
11 oct 2022 5:12 pm edt:
 #add# [source : from hindi-language 'bandergah' (böndörgah) meaning 'harbor' https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%AC%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%97%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B9#11_oct_2022_5_3_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%AC%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%B0#11_oct_2022_5_1_pm_edt from 'bandar' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bandar#English  , 'bandar' in hindi-language has meaning 'monkey' ]
11 oct 2022 5:58 pm edt:
 suite , group-of-connected-room = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/suite#11_oct_2022_5_55_pm_edt ]
13 oct 2022 10:22 am edt:
 (1)#reword# china-airlines.com #to# non-china-airlines.com/airchina.us
 (2)#reword# forbidden-pavillion-class #to# 1-st-class
 (3)#reword# kelas-paviliun--ter-larang #to# kelas-utama
15 oct 2022 5:20 pm edt: end 23 oct 2022 10:26 am edt
 deficit in writing : 
      (1)lacking additional alphabet 'e' to differentiate these 3 group of 'e' sound :
	   (1)'e' in 'herb' , 'jerk 
	   (2)'e' in 'get' , 'bet' 
	   (3)'e' in 1-st- dipthong of : 'day' , 'bay' , 'lay' .
      (2)lacking additional alphabet 'o' to differentiate 'o' in 'odd' ; and 'o' in 'mobile' .
 but in this tutorial/guide , i reimburse that deficit via copying finland-language-method in differentiating those 3 'e' , and those 2 'o' .
 find 'ö sounds like 'i' in 'sir'.source:{}'ö' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_37_pm_est from 'Germanic umlaut' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_36_pm_est {}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COYfDTj6SRw&t=1m50s
       ä sounds like 'a' in 'at'.source:{}'ä' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_37_pm_est from 'Germanic umlaut' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_36_pm_est {}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COYfDTj6SRw&t=1m50s
       e sounds like 1st 'a' dipthong in 'day'
       ɔ sounds like 'o' in 'odd'.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_O from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel#16_nov_2018_9_1_pm_est from 'Vowel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet#Vowels from 'International Phonetic Alphabet' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPA#16_nov_2018_9_pm_est
       o sounds like 1st 'o' dipthong in 'open''
17 oct 2022 5:18 pm edt:
 (1)#reword# philipines.com (maharlika-class)
        #to# PhilipPineAirlines.com (maharlika-class)
 (2)#reword 1-st# maharlika-class #to# kelas-maharlika
17 oct 2022 5:26 pm edt:
 #reword# bukan-china-airlines.com/airchina.us (kelas-utama)
     #to# bukan-china-airlines.com-tapi-airchina.us (kelas-utama)
 #reword# non-china-airlines.com/airchina.us (1-st-class)
     #to# non-china-airlines.com-but-airchina.us (1-st-class)
31 oct 2022 11:46 am edt:
 #merge# slide a credit card;   [daerah]464/964[/daerah]
    #to# rub a surface to clean a surface   [daerah]463/964[/daerah]
31 oct 2022 11:57 am edt:
 #add# gesek [slide/swipe credit-card , accidentally-rub hard in unwanted-way]
 gesek(gä-säk) (informal)
 nge-gesek (informal)
 meng-gesek (möng-gäsäk)
 contoh[example] :
 1)mobil sedan punya resiko tinggi bemper bawah     bisa gesek  aspal
  [sedan-car   has   high risk     underside-bumper can  scrape asphalt]
31 oct 2022 11:58 am edt:
  contoh[example] :
  1. kartu kredit-nya ga sengaja ke-gesek 2 kali
     literal translation ---
    [the credit card accidentally got slided 2 times]
     normal translation ---
    [the credit card accidentally got charged 2 times]
31 oct 2022 11:59 am edt:
 gesek [slide/swipe credit-card to transfer payment-money , accidentally-rub hard in unwanted-way]

 2)dia gosok sepatu-nya di keset    se-belum masuk    rumah
  [he  rub   his shoes  on door-mat prior    entering house]
31 oct 2022 12 pm edt:
 slide a credit card;   [daerah]464/964[/daerah]
 abrade a rough texture with an object to clean that object
- dasar : gesek(gä-säk)
- aktif : 
   1. nggesek (informal)
      nge-gesek (informal)
      contoh[example] :
      1. dia nggesek sepatu-nya di keset
         se-belum masuk rumah
         [he rub his shoes on door mat
          prior entering the house]
- pasif : di-gesek
- objek : 
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1. ter-gesek(formal)(tör-gä-säk)
   2. ke-gesek(informal)(kö-gä-säk)
   contoh[example] :
   1. kartu kredit-nya ga sengaja ke-gesek 2 kali
      literal translation ---
      [the credit card accidentally got slided 2 times]
      normal translation ---
      [the credit card accidentally got charged 2 times]
31 oct 2022 12:15 am edt:
  1)tolong mandi dulu , lalu silah-kan pilih     kolam-renang  mungkin mau     
    tipe yang  ada peleset-an--air , ato tipe renang marathon   , 
    ato tipe jacuzzi-hot-tub-tekan-an--air-asin  yang  mungkin bisa bunuh virus-hpv , herpes-virus di dalam memek .
   [please bathe 1-st , then feel-free to choose swimming-pool maybe   wanting 
    type which has water-slide    , or  marathon-swimming-type , 
    or  type jacuzzi-hot-tub-salty-water-pressure which maybe  can  kill  hpv-virus , herpes-virus in inside vagina .]

   note : usually 'tolong' , 'silah-kan' : translate to 'please' , but in that example : 'tolong' = 'please' , 'silah-kan' = 'feel-free-to' .
31 oct 2022 12:32 pm edt:
 10. dompet yang  ber-isi uang tunai , and dompet yang  cuma ber-isi kartu-kredit-debit dari bank-swasta         saja dan tidak ber-isi uang tunai , 
     dan dompet yang pake material kulit binatang , dan dompet yang pake material yang     bukan dari binatang ,
     akan men-cipta-kan     takdir  yang     ber-beda .
    [wallet which contain cash-money , and wallet which only contain credit-debit-card  from non-government-bank only and not   contain cash-money , 
     and wallet which use animal skin meterial    , and wallet which use material which is not   from animal ,
     will magically-create  destiny which is diferrent] .
31 oct 2022 3:22 pm edt:
 'tolong' actually translate to 'help' , addition of 'tolong' causes command-tense-sentence to sounds less dictatorial .
31 oct 2022 5:39 pm edt:
 scallion , spring-onion , green-onion = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scallion#14_sep_2022_11_38_am_edt ]
 crepe , funoyaki = leker (läkör) [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okonomiyaki from wiki/Bing_(bread) from wiki/Kompyang->bottom-menu->chinese-bread->'Bing(Jianbing)' from 'kompyang' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujian#31_oct_2022_12_56_pm_edt ]
31 oct 2022 6:9 pm edt:
 receiving another car-front-bumper on our-car-side-door , get t-bone-collision , get side-collision , get broad-side-collision ; broad-sided = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_collision#31_oct_2022_5_37_pm_edt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head-on_collision#31_oct_2022_5_34_pm_edt -> bottom-menu -> traffic-collision -> side-collision from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_collision_types#31_oct_2022_5_32_pm_edt bottom-menu -> traffic-collision -> 'head-on collision' from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_collision#31_oct_2022_5_28_pm_edt ]
31 oct 2022 6:19 pm edt:
 #add# rear-end-collision , rear-bumper-collision = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rear-end_collision#31_oct_2022_6_17_pm_edt ]
7 nov 2022 11:28 am edt:
 head-butt ( swing head to hit other person )
- dasar : sundul
- aktif : nyundul (niundul) (informal)
	  me-nyundul (mö-niundul) (formal)
- pasif : di-sundul
- objek : 
- kebetulan , stative : ke-sundul(kö-sundul) , ter-sundul(tör-sundul)
7 nov 2022 11:31 am edt:
 (1)#add# jotos(jɔtɔs)
 (2)#add# ke-jotos (kö-jɔtɔs)
 (3)#add# ter-jotos (tör-jɔtɔs)
7 nov 2022 11:33 am est:
  rear-end-collision , rear-bumper-collision = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rear-end_collision#31_oct_2022_6_17_pm_edt ]
  receive rear-end-collision , rear-bumper-collision =  ke-sundul [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rear-end_collision#31_oct_2022_6_17_pm_edt ]
  using front-bumper to cause rear-end-collision to other car = nyundul
7 nov 2022 11:37 am est:
 #add# bete(bete)(jakarta-language)
7 nov 2022 11:39 am est:
 #reword# http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/lesung#8_jan_2019_10_38_am_est 
     #to# http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/lesung#8_jan_2019_10_38_am_est from mrs-adelina-winarko
7 nov 2022 11:39 am est:
 #add# bete(bete)(jakarta-language) [source : from mrs-adelina-winarko]
7 nov 2022 1:6 pm est:
 on-the-rocks , with ice cube = pake es  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquor#30_mar_2021_4_42_pm_edt ]
 neat , at room-temperature  = [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquor#30_mar_2021_4_42_pm_edt ]
 up , inside stemmed-glass =  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquor#30_mar_2021_4_42_pm_edt ]
 down , in rock-glass = [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquor#30_mar_2021_4_42_pm_edt ]
7 nov 2022 6:7 pm est: end 17 nov 2022 5:51 pm est
 london-dry-gin , gin without sweetener , gin without sweet-ingredient = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gin ] 
 dry-vermouth ( france-language for dry-wormwood-wine ) , vermouth contain sugar <= 4 % = ... [source : 'Vermouth can be white or red. White sweet vermouth with 10 % to 15 % sugar has a more delicate flavor with low bitterness. Sweet red vermouth, with at least 15 % sugar, has a more intense flavor and the pronounced astringent taste, characteristic of vermouth. Dry vermouth, with sugar content not exceeding 4 % , is exclusively white.' in web.archive.org/web/20120607043225/https://themoscowtimes.com/guides/bar/eng/drinks/vermouth.html from '%' in ref-14 in 'Sweet vermouths usually contain 10–15% sugar. The sugar content in dry vermouths generally does not exceed 4%. Dry vermouths usually are lighter in body than sweet vermouths.[14]' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermouth ]
 sweet-vermouth , vermouth which contain 10 => 15 % sugar = ... [source : find 'Vermouth can be white or red. White sweet vermouth with 10 % to 15 % sugar' ]
8 nov 2022 10:33 am est:
 #start mnemonic for memorising number#---------------------------
 0 = 'o' , 1 = 'i' , 2 = 'r' , 3 = 'e' , 4 = 'a' , 5 = 's' , 6 = 'b' , 7 = 't' , 8 = 'u' because 8 appear like double 'o' on top-of-each-other ,
 9 = 'g' . so mnemonic for memorising '54354' is 'saesa' .
 #end mnemonic for memorising number#------------------------------
8 nov 2022 10:47 am est: end 30 nov 2022 9:43 am est
 #reword# writing is consistent with pronunciation-sound , so writing is easy ( good orthography ) 
 (3) writing-pattern is consistent with pronunciation-pattern , no silent-alphabet , so writing is easy ( good orthography ) ,
     which help creating way-of-thinking-with-predictable-pattern/organised-thinking-pattern , not randomised-thinking-pattern , 
     which help in producing consistent product and make future-problem-debugging-with-that-product become easier .
     but at same time this makes : tax-police easily investigate-and-audit money-corruption because tax-report , 
     financial-quarter-report , money-book-keeping-report , use simple-and-easy language .

     warning : if usa use easy-and-simple-language for national-language then usd-currency-strength devalue because :
      (1)easy-and-simple-language help company-business succeed-making good product .
      (2)standard-poor-500/sp-500 has inverse-relationship with usd , which means if company-business succeed-making good product then usd-value decrease
         because exporting good product need low usd-value . [source : (1/6)cnbc.com/2022/07/11/prepare-for-the-us-dollar-hit-on-sp-500-big-tech-earnings.html from google ( usa dollar correlate with apple stock price ) result 7  (2/6)tradestops.com/blog/sp-500-surge-higher-year/ from google ( dollar value correlate with standard and poor 500 index ) result 3  (3/6)cnbc.com/id/34240067 from google ( dollar value correlate with standard and poor 500 index ) result 6  (4/6)reuters.com/article/indonesia-textiles-military/indonesian-military-uniform-supplier-shrugs-off-fx-turbulence-idUSL3N1VQ221 from google (ecsnaith uniform supplier textile factory) result 1  (5/6)investopedia.com/financial-edge/0311/what-drives-the-price-of-gold.aspx from google ( usa dollar correlate with gold value ) result 1 (6/6)thebalancemoney.com/the-relationship-between-gold-and-the-u-s-dollar-808978 from google ( usa dollar correlate with gold value ) result 3 ] .

     so easy-and-simple-language decrease money and decrease a mess , messy language increase money and increase a mess .

 efficient-language-with-low-amount-of-homophone help produce : efficient life-style , good-ability-to-memorise-hygnenic-life-style , 
 good-ability-to-memorise-past-solution-to-past-problem-then-become-smart-enough-to-make-solution-to-current-problem .

 why need efficient life-style ?
 (1) indonesia-country->sumatra-island->north-of-north-province/aceh-province->Lhokseumawe-city->arun-methane-natural-reservoir
     is depleted .
     [source : find 'ExxonMobil developed and operated Aceh’s on-shore and off-shore resources to supply gas/methane-gas
       to PT Arun's LNG facilities in Indonesia, which operated from year 1975 to 2014. PT Arun during its life-time,
       supplied more than 4,100 LNG cargoes for customers in Japan and Korea.'
       in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]

 (2) if we use water prodigally then we need many water-tower .
     if desalination-speed is infinitely-fast then we can use water prodigally .
     reality is that desalination-speed is has speed-limit .

 (3) if boeing.com is obese then boeing.com can not fly .
     obese means not-efficient . 

 (4) even if we succeed spreading yeast on feces to convert feces to hydro-carbon-gas/methane-gas/cooking-gas 
     then that feces-to-methane-gas-conversion still need time for completion .
     youtube.com/watch?v=xAkIKxA3Jm0 (Biodigester - Methane as fuel)  methane is natural-gas  [source : 'Natural gas is a combustible mixture of hydrocarbon gases.  While natural gas is formed primarily of methane,  it can also include ethane, propane, butane and pentane'  in https://web.archive.org/web/20140709040340/http://www.naturalgas.org/overview/background from ref [2] in 'Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.[2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_gas

 why need smart thinking ?
 (1)smart-thinking produce efficient-life-style . efficient-life-style is not easy .
    indulgent and prodigal life-style is actually not easy either , need alcohol-beverage to live prodigal life-style
    and drunkard has high accident risk and get injured , because guilt-feeling from living prodigal life-style create difficulty-in-sleeping
    so alcohol-beverage is sleeping-pill . and making alcohol-beverage is not easy .
 (2)to find solution to decrease airport-tarmac-delay-time-duration :
    from google ( yearly tarmac delay report ) result 3

 why need good-ability-to-memorise-hygenic-life-style ? to decrease : virus-transmission , bacteria-transmission , oily-food-smear-on-furniture

 why need good-ability-to-memorise-past-solution-to-past-problem-then-become-smart-enough-to-make-solution-to-current-problem ?
  to decrease war . because educated-solution to problem , is not war .
  example : knowing world-history means knowing that war has bad side-effect like decreasing food-supply . 
  maybe consuming dairy-cow-meat , retired-chicken-egg-producer-meat produce temptation to go to war . 
  maybe that's why peta.org stay alive in business , somehow ppl give-away/donate money to peta.org ,
  maybe mortem-animal-ghost is really producing curse to animal-consumer .

 if language-writing-pattern is a mess ( not a good reflection of pronunciation , contain distractive-silent-alphabet ) 
     and language has many homophone 
 then anything we produce , is a mess but tax-police less likely read money-report with messy-language .
 shingijutsu-global.com ceo takeshi-iwata must have been using unknown-simpler-language , which is not japan-language-with-kanji-writing-pattern , 
 to think about kanban ( zero-storage-manufacturing ) .

 usa-worker speak english-language only for formality to obey speak-english-only-law 
 but inside brain of english-language-worker : they use unknown-simpler-language during quiet-thinking .
 [source : 'An employer may have a rule requiring that employees speak only in English at certain times where the employer
  can show that the rule is justified by business necessity.'
  in law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/29/1606.7 from google (labor law english only policies) page 2 result 1 ]

 so usa-worker-supervisor may coerce speak-english-only-law whenever convenient but many usa-state use latin-language for slogan , 
 1-usd-paper-money contain latin-language . [source : (1/2)'Several states of the United States have Latin mottos, such as: Connecticut's motto Qui transtulit sustinet ("He who transplanted sustains");    Kansas's Ad astra per aspera ("Through hardships, to the stars");    Colorado's Nil sine numine ("Nothing without providence"); Michigan's Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice ("If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you"),  is based on that of Sir Christopher Wren, in St. Paul's Cathedral;    Missouri's Salus populi suprema lex esto ("The health of the people should be the highest law");    New York (state)'s Excelsior ("Ever upward");    North Carolina's Esse quam videri ("To be rather than to seem");    South Carolina's Dum spiro spero ("While [still] breathing, I hope");    Virginia's Sic semper tyrannis ("Thus always to tyrants"); and    West Virginia's Montani semper liberi ("Mountaineers [are] always free"). Many military organizations today have Latin mottos, such as:     Semper paratus ("always ready"), the motto of the United States Coast Guard;     Semper fidelis ("always faithful"), the motto of the United States Marine Corps;     Semper Supra ("always above"), the motto of the United States Space Force; and    Per ardua ad astra ("Through adversity/struggle to the stars"), the motto of the Royal Air Force (RAF).' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin#6_may_2022_9_26_pm_edt (2/2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Seal_of_the_United_States#4_may_2022_11_34_pm_edt from 'great seal' in ---https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar#25_oct_2021_6_28_am_edt from '( John pulls out 1-usd-paper-money and press 1-usd-paper-money on his TV tray ) . john : Because she'll be marked with these .  ( camera show-close-up-view-of 1-usd-paper-money . John's finger point to unfinished-pyramid and all-seeing-eye on the back-of 1-usd-paper-money ) . john : The unfinished pyramid and the all-seeing eye ; The marks of the Knights of the Templar . ( Ben studies the dollar-bill with newfound curious awe ) . john : Our founding fathers , the Freemasons , designed our nation's Great-Seal and left us all the clues ; These symbols are telling us something ; I just don't know what' in scriptslug.com/assets/scripts/national-treasure-2004.pdf from google ( movie transcript national-treasures ) result 2 ]

 example : aircraft-designer , car-designer , dr-ben-carson ( sometime-vegan?-slim-brain-surgeon ) , 
 dr-richard-jonas ( ventral-septal-defect-surgeon ) [source : dr-richard-jonas is madeleine-kim's surgeon in childrensnational.org/visit/find-a-provider/richard-jonas from 'richard jonas' in https://www.ccasociety.org/education/echoimage/vsd-echo/ from google (ventral septal defect jonah) result 3] ,
 shingijutsu-global.com->ceo takeshi-iwata , slaughter-house-worker , clothes-tailor ,
 must have been using unknown-simpler-language with no silent-alphabet , during quiet-thinking . because they make efficient-result-with-precision .

 in usa : only republican-group-senator want english-language to become usa-official-language .
 [source : congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/997/text from google ( speak english only law senator ) result 1 ]

 tv-news use teleprompter which mislead tv-news-audience to thinking that tv-news-reporter memorise news but actually only read teleprompter 
 and tv-news does not show label 'reading teleprompter' on tv-screen-top-corner :
 find 'youtube.com/watch?v=yYw48JAxEBY#3_nov_2022_10_25_pm_edt  (Introduction to Autoscript's E.P.I.C. integrated prompting system)
       uploader 'AutoscriptTV' 425 subscribers from youtube-search (autoscript conference prompter)'
8 nov 2022 2:23 pm est:
 #reword# (8/8)youtube-search (autoscript conference prompter)
     #to# (8/8)youtube.com/watch?v=yYw48JAxEBY#3_nov_2022_10_25_pm_edt  (Introduction to Autoscript's E.P.I.C. integrated prompting system)
               uploader 'AutoscriptTV' 425 subscribers from youtube-search (autoscript conference prompter)
30 nov 2022 11:11 am est:
 dr-ben-carson ( sometime-vegan?-slim-brain-surgeon )
 dr-ben-carson ( sometime-vegetarian-slim-brain-surgeon [source : 'ben carson' , 'adolf hitler' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vegetarians ] , i think sometime vegetarian because i think 1 day dr-ben-carson publish facebook.com-post saying he consume chicken and he is owner of mercedes-benz.com->cLs-class , can vegetarian become owner of mercedes-benz.com-car ? ; or like adolf-hitler who news says vegetarian but owner of predator-german-sheperd-dog and 2 time throat-cancer-surgery-patient during nazi-boss-job-position , maybe vegetarian can not own intimidator-german-sheperd-dog ?  )
2 dec 2022 10:52 pm est:
 #reword# standard-poor-500/sp-500
     #to# standard-and-poor-500/sap-500
14 dec 2022 11:21 pm est:
 aiwa = life-time , eternity . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%F0%90%8C%B0%F0%90%8C%B9%F0%90%8D%85%F0%90%8D%83#Gothic from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%F0%90%8C%B0%F0%90%8C%B9%F0%90%8D%85%F0%90%8C%B0#Gothic from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/aiwa#14_dec_2022_11_6_pm_est ]
 salvatore-ferragamo = (savior/rescuer)-ferragamo . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Salvatore#11_dec_2022_5_31_am_est ]
 vera = truth . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/vera ]
14 dec 2022 11:30 pm set:
 sylvia ( related to latin-language 'silva' which has meaning 'forest' ) = forest . [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typical_warbler#5_oct_2021_8_4_am_edt from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia_(genus) ]
14 dec 2022 11:32 pm est:
 #reword# vera = truth . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/vera ]
     #to# vera  ( feminine-gender of latin-language-word-masculine-gender 'verus' which has meaning 'truth' = truth . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/vera ]
14 dec 2022 11:45 pm est:
 (21)difficult-to-(investigate/diagnose/debug) forest-fire every summer in california-state .
14 dec 2022 11:51 pm est:
 giordano ( (1-person/singular)-masculine-gender for resident of giordania-country , 'giordania'-country is italy-language for 'jordan'-country ) = ... [source : (1/2)https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/Giordania#14_dec_2022_11_47_pm_est from https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/giordano#14_dec_2022_11_43_pm_est (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/giordano#14_dec_2022_11_43_pm_est ]
14 dec 2022 11:53 pm est:
 (10)aircraft-tarmac-delay on airport .
 (10)airport-tarmac-delay become difficult to investigate/diagnose/debug
14 dec 2022 11:55 pm est:
 example mess :
 example mess where debugging-process/diagnostic-process/investigation-process become more difficult because of difficult language :
14 dec 2022 11:58 pm est:
 giordano ( (1-person/singular)-masculine-gender for resident of giordania-country , 'giordania'-country is italy-language for 'jordan'-country ) = ... [source : (1/2)https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/Giordania#14_dec_2022_11_47_pm_est from https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/giordano#14_dec_2022_11_43_pm_est (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/giordano#14_dec_2022_11_43_pm_est ]
 giordano.com-clothes which is from usa->new-york-state->new-york-city->chicago-city-style-giordano-pizza 
  ( (1-person/singular)-masculine-gender for resident of giordania-country , 'giordania'-country is italy-language for 'jordan'-country ) = ... [source : (1/2)https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/Giordania#14_dec_2022_11_47_pm_est from https://it.wiktionary.org/wiki/giordano#14_dec_2022_11_43_pm_est (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/giordano#14_dec_2022_11_43_pm_est ]
15 dec 2022 12:2 am est:
 salvatore-ferragamo = (savior/rescuer)-ferragamo . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Salvatore#11_dec_2022_5_31_am_est ]
 (salvatore-) ferragamo.com = (savior/rescuer)-ferragamo . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Salvatore#11_dec_2022_5_31_am_est ]
21 dec 2022 6:53 pm est:
 (22)boeing.com's unclear explanation how wing-tip improve fuel-consumption-efficiency ( layman-term-explanation is lacking ) .
21 dec 2022 10:9 pm est: end 16 may 2023 4:8 pm est-not-edt 
    from google(most polluted river in usa)result 1 from idea-from 'Toxics Reduction Act (Ont.)' 
    in https://www.multimatic.com/structures-and-suspension/structures-suspensions-products/ 
    from 'multimatic lightweight stamped steel front door hinges' in http://www.autonews.com/assets/PDF/CA758951010.PDF 
    from http://www.autonews.com/article/20110913/CUTAWAY/309139986/suppliers-to-the-2012-honda-cr-v from google (honda crv supplier list) result 1]

    from google(superfund site)result 5 from 'superfund'
    in http://www.allgov.com/news/controversies/air-force-clashes-with-california-over-radioactive-waste-dump-130922?news=851199 
    from google(air force dump fuel ton) page 4 result 10

 (3)list25.com/the-25-most-polluted-places-on-earth/ from google (most polluted place on earth) result 1
    which include indonesia-country->java-island->west-java-province->citarum-river even-though (indonesia/malay)-language is easy .
    but compared to other country which has more difficult language : indonesia-country has smaller-amount-of-mess .

    but year 2011 government start removing solid-garbage from citarum-river but oct 2022
    textile-factory kawi-mekar-textile , united-color-indonesia-textile , how-are-you-indonesia-textile 
    discard coloring-liquid brown-color , blue-color , red-color , black-color , etc ,  to citarum-river ,
    polluting citarum-river again . 

    maybe because textile-factory does not know recycling-procedure for liquid-textile-colorising-chemistry-compound , 
    possibly-supplied-by dy-star , kin-dyes , chemicals-of-singapore . [3 source : (1/3)'oktober 2022' in id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ci_Tarum#27_dec_2022_2_46_am_est (2/3)thejakartapost.com/news/2020/02/27/west-java-court-declares-textile-company-guilty-of-polluting-citarum-river.html from google ( textile factory list discard citarum river ) result 6 (3/3)'DyStar was established in 1995 as a joint venture of Bayer and Hoechst textile dye businesses. Later dye businesses of Zeneca and BASF were added . Dystar built 55 million usd color-dye-factory in China in year 2006 and is now owned by kin-dyes and chemicals-of-singapore' in colorantshistory.org/files/Faded_Rainbow_Article_April_21_2012.pdf from google ( german color dye monopoly ) from colorantshistory.org/DowIndigo.html from google ( dibromoindigo maker ) , ( dibromoindigo supplier ) ] .
21 dec 2022 10:13 pm est:
 i can not find comparison test-flight with wing-tip and test-flight without wing-tip from some-airport to some-airport .
21 dec 2022 10:21 pm est:
 . [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_New_York_City_transit_crisis#22_jan_2022_12_56_pm_est from wikipedia.org->search ( new york subway homeless rail track ) result 6 ]
21 dec 2022 10:23 pm est:
 maybe they ideally build 2 water-tower , temporarily use only 1 water-tower during 48 hour cleaning-process to clean water-tower-2-in-empty-condition . 
21 dec 2022 10:40 pm est:
 sierra ( spain-language-word for 'group-of-connected-mountain' ) = ...
 nevada ( spain-language-word for 'snow-storm' ) = ...  [source : (1/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mountain_range#21_dec_2022_10_31_pm_est (2/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nevada#Spanish (3/4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sierra#Spanish (4/4)'The Sierra Nevada (Spanish for "snowy range")' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California#22_apr_2021_4_34_am_edt ]
21 dec 2022 10:43 pm est:
 montania ( spain-language-word for 'mountain' gender-female ) = ...
 monte ( spain-language-word for 'mountain' gender-male ) ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mountain/translations#21_dec_2022_10_41_pm_est from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mountain#21_dec_2022_10_40_pm_est ]
26 dec 2022 3:29 pm est:
 (14)politic-mess like julian-assange living inside uk->ecuador-embassy
 (14)politic-mess like julian-assange living inside uk->ecuador-embassy ; homeless-ppl living on road-side because homeless-ppl can defecate , 
     urinate on road then car-tire can step on that feces-and-urine then car-tire transfer that feces-and-urine-debris to garage-floor .
26 dec 2022 3:33 pm est:
 (15)illegal-immigration seeking asylum 
 (15)illegal-immigration in waiting-line , seeking asylum , then living inside illegal-immigrant-detention-center 
     then illegal-immigrant-detention-center lack space for more illegal-immigrant .
26 dec 2022 3:36 pm est:
 #delete under# #:# example mess where debugging-process/diagnostic-process/investigation-process become more difficult because of difficult language :
 (15)illegal-immigration seeking asylum 
26 dec 2022 3:41 pm est:
 [source : find 'road-bump-list on high-speed-road which need more smoothening-job' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm ]
26 dec 2022 4:10 pm est:
 write with pencil, write with ballpoint             
 write/scribe with pencil , write/scribe with ballpoint
26 dec 2022 4:18 pm est:
 [source : 
	(1)reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max-factbox/factbox-in-boeing-internal-messages-employees-distrust-the-737-max-and-mock-regulators-idUSKBN1Z90NPhttps://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max-factbox/factbox-in-boeing-internal-messages-employees-distrust-the-737-max-and-mock-regulators-idUSKBN1Z90NP from find 'For a factbox on excerpts from employees' messages, click here' in reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max/designed-by-clowns-boeing-employees-ridicule-737-max-regulators-in-internal-messages-idUSKBN1Z902N from google ( boeing employee directory ) page 2 number 2 
	(2)washingtonpost.com/business/economy/boeings-737-max-design-contains-fingerprints-of-hundreds-of-suppliers/2019/04/05/44f22024-57ab-11e9-8ef3-fbd41a2ce4d5_story.html from google ( boeing mcas supplier ) result 1 and from ref-35 in ' software code for the MCAS function and the computer for executing the software are built to Boeing's specifications by Collins Aerospace, formerly Rockwell Collins.[35]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneuvering_Characteristics_Augmentation_System
	(3)sullysullenberger.com/my-testimony-today-before-the-house-subcommittee-on-aviation/ from ref-36 in 'MCAS was given full authority to bring the aircraft nose down, and could not be overridden by pilot resistance against the control wheel as on previous versions of the 737.[36]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneuvering_Characteristics_Augmentation_System from google ( boeing mcas supplier ) result 2
 ] .
26 dec 2022 4:19 pm est:
 #reword# difficult-to-(investigate/diagnose/debug) forest-fire every summer in california-state .
     #to# difficult-to-(investigate/diagnose/debug) forest-fire every summer in usa->california-state .
26 dec 2022 4:21 pm est:
 . find 'transtats.bts.gov/TARMACALL/tarmacAirportData.aspx?6B2r=OB%20Nv42146&56zz=E&rqzz=EF&Brn456=FDEE&Brn4=FDFF&6zv0=ELE&6znA=EDDDD' .
26 dec 2022 4:23 pm est:
 . [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pork_barrel#8_aug_2022_11_41_am_edt from forgotten-wiki ]
26 dec 2022 5:12 pm est:
 example : youtube.com/watch?v=K57IcN9DWXo (Abigail & Brittany Hensel - The Twins Who Share a Body)
26 dec 2022 5:13 pm est:
 #reword# complicated disease like diabetes-type-1 , psoriasis 
     #to# complicated disease like diabetes-type-1 , psoriasis , where difficult-language english-language make diagnosis/debugging more difficult .
26 dec 2022 5:17 pm est:
 example building on-top-of-hill where hill-slope lack retainer-wall which produce high-land-slide-risk : amanda-hills.com/accommodation.php from google ( talud amanda hotel bandungan ) row 5 col 2
26 dec 2022 6 pm est:
 [source : 
		(1/4)'Rick Sanchez C137' 1 day ago : 'They pump it into the ocean... creating toxic algae blooms....
	    They are supposed to be at least 12 miles offshore, but they don’t always move that far out.
	    In Alaska they allow them to dump in the inside straight because the weather in the passage is much more calm;
	    and because Alaska doesn’t want to “waste” the money to build a sewage treatment facility at the docks.....
	    The “sewage treatment facilities” on cruise ships is nowhere near up to the standards of western, land based sewage treatment.'
	    on youtube.com/watch?v=5Z7bTmZVPTI ( What happens after you flush the toilet on a cruise ship? ) from
	    recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=b4Ktddx7cNo ( Vacuum Toilet Service ) from youtube-search ( from youtube-search ( aircraft toilet ) result 44
		     from google ( cruise ship gray water algae bloom ) result 4  ]

example building on-top-of-hill where hill-slope lack retainer-wall which produce high-land-slide-risk : amanda-hills.com/accommodation.php from google ( talud amanda hotel bandungan ) row 5 col 2
26 dec 2022 6:2 pm est:
 [source :  (1/3)abcnews.go.com/Health/ReproductiveHealth/story?id=4698181&page=1 from google ( polygamy effect incest ) result 2 
				 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziona from 'In the case of Ziona Chana, head of the world’s largest family with 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughters-in-law,  and 33 grandchildren (yes, 180 in total and counting), does not run a coliving space - even if he manages operations bigger than many coliving spaces, hostels and even hotels can handle.' in 
			   (2/3)colivingdiaries.com/blog/what-is-coliving-part-1-4-the-basic-definition from 'colivingdiaries.com' in coco.swiss/en/blogpost/only-for-dummies.html from google ( heinrich kunz spinning )

 [source : 
		(1)reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max-factbox/factbox-in-boeing-internal-messages-employees-distrust-the-737-max-and-mock-regulators-idUSKBN1Z90NPhttps://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max-factbox/factbox-in-boeing-internal-messages-employees-distrust-the-737-max-and-mock-regulators-idUSKBN1Z90NP from find 'For a factbox on excerpts from employees' messages, click here' in reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max/designed-by-clowns-boeing-employees-ridicule-737-max-regulators-in-internal-messages-idUSKBN1Z902N from google ( boeing employee directory ) page 2 number 2 
		(2)washingtonpost.com/business/economy/boeings-737-max-design-contains-fingerprints-of-hundreds-of-suppliers/2019/04/05/44f22024-57ab-11e9-8ef3-fbd41a2ce4d5_story.html from google ( boeing mcas supplier ) result 1 and from ref-35 in ' software code for the MCAS function and the computer for executing the software are built to Boeing's specifications by Collins Aerospace, formerly Rockwell Collins.[35]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneuvering_Characteristics_Augmentation_System
		(3)sullysullenberger.com/my-testimony-today-before-the-house-subcommittee-on-aviation/ from ref-36 in 'MCAS was given full authority to bring the aircraft nose down, and could not be overridden by pilot resistance against the control wheel as on previous versions of the 737.[36]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneuvering_Characteristics_Augmentation_System from google ( boeing mcas supplier ) result 2
	    ] .

 inconsistent-statement :
	    (1)statement : military-radar show mh-370 change-direction to kota-bharu. [source:pdf-page 50]
	       #contradict# [source:pdf-page 49/'Malaysian military radar and radar sources from two other countries,
	        namely Viet Nam and Thailand, also captured the disappearance of the radar position symbol of MH370'
		mh370.mot.gov.my/MH370SafetyInvestigationReport.pdf from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_370_satellite_communications from google-image ( mh370 Inmarsat path  )
	    (2) 'depth rating 656 ft ( 200 m )' in gdmissionsystems.com/-/media/General-Dynamics/Maritime-and-Strategic-Systems/Bluefin/PDF/Bluefin-21-BPAUV-Product-Sheet.ashx?la=en&hash=00B8F3DDB86A0421AFD965E085F2409F85FAA9BC
	        'depth rating 14,763 ft ( 4,500 m )' in gdmissionsystems.com/products/underwater-vehicles/bluefin-21-autonomous-underwater-vehicle from 'gdmissionsystems.com/bluefinrobotics' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluefin_Robotics from wikipedia -> search ( bluefin robot )
	        'max operating depth 5,000 meters' in phnx-international.com/phnx/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/ArtemisAUV.pdf from 'artemis auv' in http://www.phnx-international.com/phnx/phoenix-equipment/auv/ from 'Phoenix International Inc' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Drone from google ( rov  24000 feet depth ) result 2
	    (3) report 31-oct-2000 singaporeair.com sq-6 crash to construction-tool on tarmac-for-ascent :
	        '05L centerline and 05L edge lights were both already turned on with the intensity level set at 4' in pdf-page 38 ttsb.gov.tw/media/3385/sq006%E4%BA%BA%E7%82%BA%E5%9B%A0%E7%B4%A0%E5%88%86%E7%B5%84%E5%A0%B1%E5%91%8A.pdf from google ( taiwan airport ils sq6 crash pvd pfd ) result 8 from 'pvd' , 'pfd' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Airlines_Flight_006
	        'Around the time of the accident, the 05L/23R runway edge lights were selected at intensity level 3' in pdf-page 82 in reports.aviation-safety.net/2000/20001031-0_B744_9V-SPK.pdf from 'transcript' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Airlines_Flight_006
	    (4) factory-name 'john-  deere.com des-moines-motor-works' is located in usa->iowa-state->ankeny-city ( des-moines-city' suburb-city ) ,
	         not in des-moines-city ( iowa-state->capital-city ) : google.com/maps/place/John+Deere+Des+Moines+Works/@41.72285,-93.6359437,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87ee84c1d5fdead3:0xee9bbbf85d356284!8m2!3d41.72285!4d-93.633755
	         [source : 'ankeny' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deere#27_jan_2022_8_4_pm_est ]
   	    (5) usa->virginia-state->dulles-city->airport-iata-code-iad 'Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) is located in Chantilly, Virginia,' in flydulles.com/iad/about-dulles-international from google ( dulles airport ) has name not-consistent with location .  correct-airport-name should be chantilly-international-airport . and i don't know why there is 'washington' in that airport-name because that airport is far-away / some-30-mile-away from usa->columbia-special-state->washington-city .
27 dec 2022 4:34 am est:
 mukti ( bengali-language-word for 'liberation' ) =  pem-bebas-an . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A6%AE%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%95%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%A4%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%AF%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%A6%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%A7 from wikipedia->search ( mukti ) result 6 id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mukti_Bahini ]
 yuda ( sanskirt-language-word for 'war' ) = perang . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%AF%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%A6%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A7#Sanskrit from 'jud' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A6%AE%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%95%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%A4%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%AF%E0%A7%81%E0%A6%A6%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%A7 from wikipedia->search ( mukti ) result 6 id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mukti_Bahini ]
27 dec 2022 4:50 am est:
 (16)school-shooting is a mess which make :
     (1)police participate in gun-battle
     (2)police become cleaning-worker removing cadaver 
     (3)construction-worker do repair-job
27 dec 2022 4:54 am est:
 (18)apple.com , dell.com , hp.com , falcon-nw.com inability to provide hard-disk-fan-housing for hard-disk-cooling-fan causing 
            future hard-disk-failure and future garbage .
 (18)apple.com , dell.com , hp.com , falcon-nw.com inability to provide hard-disk-fan-housing for hard-disk-cooling-fan causing 
    future hard-disk-failure and increase failed-hard-disk-garbage . thankfully bestbuy.com recently offer computer-garbage-recycling-service .
27 dec 2022 10:13 am est
 (22)inconsistent-statement :
 (22)inconsistent-statement which is maybe exist because-of job-bureaucracy-with-complicated-language :
27 dec 2022 4:19 pm est:
 (22)inconsistent-statement which is maybe exist because-of job-bureaucracy-with-complicated-language :
 (22)inconsistent-statement which is maybe exist because-of job-bureaucracy-with-complicated-language , 
     then produce misunderstanding then produce wrong-job-order which produce a mess :
27 dec 2022 4:43 am est: end 16 may 2023 5:46 pm est-not-edt :
    example possible mess : 
     some investigator aware 'change-direction to kota-bharu' , some investigator not aware about that .
     then investigator who is not aware : maybe try to seek reconnaisance-worker who is willing to go to that area-where-mh-370-become-missing 
     according-to vietnam-military-radar--and--thailand-military-radar .

    example possible mess :
     seek other auv which can dive to deeper ocean-depth which is maybe not available then request usa-federal-darpa-funding to make auv which
     dive to deeper-depth . then usa-federal-darpa-funding-contact-person is busy with other job and 
     feel annoyed receiving useless-usa-federal-darpa-funding-request .

    example possible mess :
     maybe some board-director-member aware 'intensity level set at 4' .
     some other board-director-member aware 'intensity level 3' .
     then those board-director-member is in disagreement during board-director-meeting then some board-director-member need to change plan 
     and need to rectify-via-email their statement to their advisory-company which penalise-with-more-money-invoice 
     for each statement-rectification .

    example possible mess :
     can produce wrong-job-order which say only hire local-people who live in des-moines--city to boost local-economy .

    example possible mess : 
     can produce wrong-job-order which say only hire local-people who live in dulles-city to boost local-economy . 
27 dec 2022 5:12 pm est:
 ugly-car which is difficult-to-be-sold and devaluing on rainy-and-snowy car-shop-parking-lot which is a mess . example ugly-car : 
  (1)pontiac->aztec https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Aztek#24_aug_2022_5_2_pm_edt
  (2)mazda->cx-3->good-looking-front-face-which-can-not-wear-bug-deflector https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazda_CX-3#27_dec_2022_10_40_am_est 
  (3)pricey land-rover->defender->rear-face https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rover_Defender_(L663)#11_oct_2022_5_am_edt 
  (4)pricey land-rover->range-rover->rear-face https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_Rover_(L460)#11_oct_2022_4_58_am_edt
  (5)nissan->juke en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Juke#27_dec_2022_10_35_am_est 
  (6)jeep.com->cherokee->year-2014 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Cherokee#Fifth_generation_(KL)_2014%E2%80%93present

 maybe car-company which suffer creativity-depletion in designing car , can copy honda's method of copying :
 ford->explorer-year-2020-front-face : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2020_Ford_Explorer_ST,_front_8.24.19.jpg from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Explorer#Fifth_generation_(U502;_2011)
 to  honda->crv-year-2023-front-face : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2023_Honda_CR-V_EX-L_AWD,_front_right.jpg from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V#Sixth_generation_(2022)
 maybe job-bureaucracy-with-complicated-language causing mental-health-deterioration which decrease car-designer-creativity .

 simple rectangular-shape-front-light like '1996' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isuzu_Panther#27_dec_2022_10_49_am_est
 '1997' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Kijang#27_dec_2022_10_48_am_est , appear better .
27 dec 2022 5:17 pm est:
 #add# i think larger-car-front-light produce larger-illumination-area on road .
27 dec 2022 5:35 pm est:
 (16)school-shooting is a mess which make :		
 (16)school-shooting , night-club-shooting , shopping-mall-shooting , shopping-mall-bulldozing-vandalism , are a mess which make : [source : (1/5)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robb_Elementary_School_shooting#17_nov_2022_9_26_am_est from cnn.com->tv-news->bottom-text-news (2/5)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_City_nightclub_shooting#19_dec_2022_11_52_pm_est and other night-club-shooting on bottom-menu (3/5)bulldozing-vandalism-'car incident' en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodfield_Mall#28_nov_2022_4_50_pm_est (4/5)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastland_Mall_(Charlotte,_North_Carolina)#27_dec_2022_5_12_am_est from wikipedia->search ( mall of america shooting ) result 10 (5/5)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fashion_Show_Mall#27_dec_2022_5_12_am_est from wikipedia->search ( mall of america shooting ) result 8 ]
27 dec 2022 5:49 pm est:
 if there is no mess then there is no economy .
 if there is no mess then there is no economy-growth .
27 dec 2022 8:17 pm est:
 #reword# if there is no mess then there is no economy-growth .
     #to# more mess produce more economy-growth .
27 dec 2022 8:19 pm est:
 #reword# more mess produce more economy-growth .
     #to# more mess is good for economy .
27 dec 2022 8:22 pm est:
 #add# those poor people discard solid-garbage to citarum-river which can clog river then
       producing river-water-spillage-flood during long-rain .
27 dec 2022 10:25 pm est:
 #add#  'stirrup collection' in ralphlauren.com/women-accessories-watches?webcat=women%7Caccessories%7CWatches%20%26%20Fine%20Jewelry#9_aug_2020_1_19_am_edt
         from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren_Corporation
27 dec 2022 10:30 pm est:
 ugly-but-contain-pricey-diamond : dior.com/en_us/fashion/jewelry-timepieces/timepieces-by-collection/all-watches?sortBy=priceDesc
27 dec 2022 10:59 pm est:
 failed/broken retainer-wall/talud ( spain-language-word for 'retainer-wall' ) :
  (1) https://www.detik.com/jateng/berita/d-6394932/hujan-deras-picu-talut-longsor-jalan-ambles-di-semarang-ini-lokasinya from google ( semarang semboja longsor 2009 ) row 1 col 2
  (2) https://bpbd.semarangkota.go.id/detailpost/tanah-longsor-di-jalan-candi-rt-04-rw-01-kelurahan-candi-kecamatan-candisari from google ( semarang semboja candi baru longsor ) result 1
  (3) https://bpbd.semarangkota.go.id/detailpost/talud-longsor-rt-04-rw-01-kel-candi-kec-candisari from google ( semarang semboja candi baru longsor ) result 2
  (4) https://tirto.id/ribuan-kk-terdampak-banjir-di-42-titik-34-longsor-di-semarang-f94C from google ( semarang semboja candi baru longsor ) result 4
28 dec 2022 6:3 pm est:
 (25)carpet-floor on inappropriate-place like :
	     (1)eternally-hot-and-humid singapore-country->changi-airport-with-air-conditioner . 
		( brintons.net (carpet-designer) , benoy.com (interior-designer) , arista-design.co.uk ( carpet-installer ) )
		with reason to decrease 'leg fatigue' .
	     (2)singaporeair.com->boeing-777-300-er flight-path san-fransisco-city/sfo => hongkong-territory/hkg 
	     because cleaning carpet-floor , is difficult . ( singaporeair.com's aircraft-cabin-cleaning-worker is sats.com.sg ) .

	[source : (1)'leg fatigue' , 'saaArchitects.com.sg' , 'arista' , 'benoy' , in brintons.net/project/changi-airport-terminal-4 from google ( changi airport carpet supplier ) result 1 
		  (2)'First Class, Business Class and A+ lounges and in corridors and guest rooms of the Transit Hotels 66-room on-site facility' in brintons.net/project/changi-airport-terminal-3 from google ( brintons singapore airlines boeing 777 carpet supplier ) result 3 
28 dec 2022 6:4 pm est:
 #add# reason : i don't know .
7 jan 2023 10:58 am est:
 #fixing text-format for source in#
 begin 'pronunciation note'-----------------
7 jan 2023 10:23 pm est: end 12 may 2023 6:1 pm est-not-edt
 but year 2011 government start removing solid-garbage from citarum-river but oct 2022
 textile-factory kawi-mekar-textile , united-color-indonesia-textile , how-are-you-indonesia-textile 
 discard coloring-liquid brown-color , blue-color , red-color , black-color , etc ,  to citarum-river .
 [2 source : (1)'oktober 2022' in id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ci_Tarum#27_dec_2022_2_46_am_est (2)thejakartapost.com/news/2020/02/27/west-java-court-declares-textile-company-guilty-of-polluting-citarum-river.html from google ( textile factory list discard citarum river ) result 6 ] .
7 jan 2023 10:35 pm est:
 #reword# reason : i don't know .
     #to# reason : maybe there is realtor who want to become richer via selling land-with-cliff-down-slope which is actually not habitable 
		   but seeing city-view from house-on-hill-top-balcony-surrounded-with-mosquito-screen-filter , is cool and attractive to some customer .
		   so in the end that realtor become richer but there is risk of retainer-wall-deterioration .
7 jan 2023 10:57 pm est:
 because cleaning carpet-floor , is difficult . ( singaporeair.com's aircraft-cabin-cleaning-worker is sats.com.sg ) .
 that is a mess-waiting-to-show-up because cleaning carpet-floor , is difficult , shampooing carpet maybe produce mold-underneath-carpet-floor .
 [source : 'Wet carpeting is an ideal mold breeding ground if it is not immediately dried . Carpet dries quickly if there is a low relative humidity air around it — and vice versa . If the air around it has high relative humidity, it does not dry. Within 24–48 hours mold spores become active . According to EPA, “the key to mold control is moisture control” . Any wet-process carpet cleaning will always leave enough moisture in the carpet to grow mold. An effective drying process is necessary .' in thermastor.com/carpet-cleaning-and-mold-growth/ from google ( shampooing carpet produce mold ) result 1 ]
 maybe need to shampoo carpet-floor to remove lamb-chop-fat-residue-with-sauce , and if peta.org is correct then that
 lamb-chop-fat-residue-with-sauce on aircraft-cabin-carpet-floor maybe bring bad-luck to that aircraft . [2 source : (1)'Lamb Loin with cabernet sauce' in thepointsguy.com/reviews/singapore-airlines-business-class-airbus-a350-900-ulr/from google ( singapore air start lax singapore nonstop airbus a 359 ) result 1 (2)'If you live in Newcastle, Wyoming, you’re not allowed to have sex while standing inside a store’s walk-in meat freezer. There are no words.' in sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/1052335/16-crazy-sex-laws-you-wont-believe-exist/ from google ( sex in meat freezer state law ) result 1 ]
7 jan 2023 11:24 pm est:
 [3 source : (1)'Temporary storage for spent nuclear fuel rods at South Korea's nuclear plants was 71 percent full in June with one site in Ulsan, which is the heartland of South Korea's nuclear industry, to be at full capacity in 2016 . To accommodate the 100,000 tons of nuclear waste that South Korea is expected to generate this century , it needs a disposal vault of 20 square kilometers in rock caverns some 500 meters underground , according to a 2011 study by analyst Seongho Sheen published in the Korean Journal of Defense Analysis. "Finding such a space in South Korea, a country the size of the state of Virginia, and with a population of about 50 million, would be enormously difficult' in ndtv.com/world-news/nuclear-waste-a-growing-headache-for-south-korea-517345 from google ( south korea nuclear waste capacity ) result 7 (2)why usa does not recycle nuclear waste : 'A major obstacle to nuclear fuel recycling in the United States has been the perception that it’s not cost-effective and that it could lead to the proliferation of nuclear weapons' in forbes.com/sites/realspin/2014/10/01/why-doesnt-u-s-recycle-nuclear-fuel/#24f9f0d2390f from google ( usa nuclear recycle site ) result 1 (3)countries which recycle nuclear waste en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_reprocessing#List_of_sites from google ( nuclear reprocessing wiki ) result 1 ]
7 jan 2023 11:25 pm est: end 11:44 pm est
 #reword# alcohol-beverage-bottle-debris on road , un-secured-garbage-truck , un-secured-cargo-truck leaving partial-cargo on road .
     #to# alcohol-beverage-bottle-debris on usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->road 
	  because usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->RepublicServices.com->recyclable-garbage-truck-bed 
  	  fail to protect alcohol-beverage-bottle from impact with other recyclable-hard-garbage inside that recyclable-garbage-truck-bed 
          then that alcohol-beverage-bottle break-apart/shatter then spilling alcohol-beverage-bottle-debris on road ; 
          door-with-partial-tightness-enclosing-truck-bed spilling stone-debris-from-bulldozing to road and
	  those stone-debris on road sometimes is sharp-stone-debris which make other car-tire-rubber get friction more severely 
          than friction with smooth-asphalt then accelerating car-tire-rubber-wear-and-tear .
8 jan 2023 12:9 am est:
 (4)frequent car-accident on usa->virginia-state->fairfax-city->i-66-east which go to usa->columbia-special-state->washington-city 
		   1 example : wjla.com/news/local/i-66-east-shut-down-fauquier-county-virginia-after-multi-vehicle-crash-tractor-trailer-suv-injuries-highway
		 from google ( multiple car accident i-66-east ) result 1
		because that i-66-east is occasionally-semi-congested , so sometimes there is traffic-jam which make car-driver 
		need to brake-to-decelerate abruptly during high-speed driving on that i-66-east high-way .
8 jan 2023 9:11 pm est:
 #reword#  so in the end that realtor become richer but there is risk of retainer-wall-deterioration .
     #to#  so in the end that realtor become richer but there is risk of retainer-wall-deterioration like a mess waiting-to-show-up because
	   heavy-rain will always happen .
8 jan 2023 9:23 pm est:
 and virginia-state-dept-of-transportation-road-worker/vdot.virginia.gov do road-construction-work-which-partially-(close/block)-i-66-high-way 
 during rush-hour , refuse to work during night-time maybe because restaurant-which-open-during-night-time is lacking .
 that road-construction-work-which-partially-(close/block)-i-66-high-way cause car-with-high-speed feel under pressure to change-lane quickly
 or brake-abruptly or collide-against partial-road-construction-barrier .
8 jan 2023 9:25 pm est:
 #reword# usa->ohio-state->ohio-river-pollution and other epa.gov's worst-pollution-place
     #to# usa->ohio-state->ohio-river-pollution and other epa.gov's worst-pollution-place :
9 jan 2023 5:24 pm est:
 #reword# but seeing city-view from house-on-hill-top-balcony-surrounded-with-mosquito-screen-filter , is cool and attractive to some customer .
     #to# but seeing city-view from house-on-hill-top-balcony-surrounded-with-glass-and-air-conditioner , while listening to 
          smooth-jazz-internet-radio or like paul-hardcastle-smooth-jazz , is cool and attractive to some customer .
	  example : maybe try carry sandisk.com-mp3-player-with-aaa-battery with mp3-file while sit-and-consume-food on :
          (1)ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/china/hong-kong/dining/tin-lung-heen and see city-view via window-glass ( pricey-food ).
	  (2)happy-bee-citraland-restaurant ( less-pricey-food ) on hsbc-bank-top-floor in google.com/maps/place/Happy+Bee,+Citraland/@-6.9881367,110.4222348,21z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x2e708b5b8d0321a1:0x5d7d81472df25fa9!2sGOR+Tri+Lomba+Juang!8m2!3d-6.9903597!4d110.4187379!3m4!1s0x2e708b591ccac747:0x63666b1e3ed221c!8m2!3d-6.9881826!4d110.4223341
          need darkness because harrison-ford ( actor in usa->california-state->hollywood-movie clear-and-present-danger ( 3 aug 1994 )
          scare-mongering customer-with-city-view-preference via getting randomly-shot by sniper behind window-glass-with-blind-curtain 
	  on that movie maybe to increase price of ocean-shore-building with ocean-view , not city-view  
	  [3 source : (1)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clear_and_Present_Danger_(film)#10_mar_2021_11_59_am_est ] 
	  	      (2)smooth-jazz-radio-list : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smooth_jazz_radio#9_jan_2023_5_57_pm_est 
		      (3)smooth-jazz-internet-radio : di.fm->channel-smooth-jazz  ]

9 jan 2023 10:22 pm est:
 (26)15 jan 2018 indonesia-stock-exchange's falling-down-floor , maybe oral-miscommunication-in-english-language with builder 
     south-korea-country-company ssangyong/ssyenc.com about routine-inspection-schedule ? [source : (1)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ssangyong_Engineering_and_Construction#9_jan_2023_10_4_pm_est from search ( jakarta stock exchange collapse ) result 16 (2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia_Stock_Exchange#9_jan_2023_10_9_pm_est ]
     and other building-unexpected-collapse : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_structural_failures_and_collapses#9_jan_2023_10_3_pm_est from search ( jakarta stock exchange collapse ) result 2
     why oral-miscommunication-in-english-language ? 
     oral-communication allow corruption without evidence , scribed-communication-in-email can become evidence for corruption . [source : 'scribed' in en.wiktionary.org/wiki/scribe#27_dec_2022_2_44_am_est ]
13 jan 2023 5:46 pm est:
 #add# 2. landor.com draw bird-logo for garuda-indonesia.com]
      [Landor.com gambar logo-burung untuk garuda-indonesia.com]  [2 source : (1)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landor_Associates#27_jan_2022_1_36_am_est (2)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia#21_jul_2021_10_13_am_edt or en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia#21_jul_2021_10_13_am_edt ]
13 jan 2023 5:58 pm est: 
 fortnight ( from english-language 14 night ) , 2 week = 2 minggu . [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fortnight from wsws.org/en/articles/2007/09/indo-s24.pdf from google ( munir kopi changi pollycarpus ) result 7 ]
9 feb 2023 2:54 pm est: end 11:59 pm est
 (1) hantu di kubur-an suka masuk     pikir-an kayal-an pe-ngunjung ,     jadi  tukang-nyamar meng-kambing--hitam-kan se-sama pe-ngunjung , 
     main adu-domba pe-ngunjung , 
     tapi hantu-nya  ga  bisa kasi jawab-an benar kalo di-tanya    sekarang  jam   di     rumah saya kasi liat jam berapa .
    [ghost in cemetery like to enter visitor's imagination-mind        , become impostor      scape-goating 	  other   visitor     , 
     play divide-and-conquer (between) visitor ,
     but  that ghost can not  give correct answer if   being-asked currently clock inside my house   show      what time .]
    [source : idea from ubs.com-private-bank-singapore-country-branch which give small-tool-like-calculator 
      which show password-which-change-every-some-minute to login to ubs.com-some-private-bank-singapore-county-branch-web-site ]
12 feb 2023 11:45 pm est:
   contoh[example] :
  (1) kalo betul - betul bagus ya   mungkin lama - lama akan di-pamer-kan   , contoh : kode-komputer-video-game-quake-3-arena , 
	permata besar di usa->provinsi-special-columbia->kota-washington->naturalhistory.si.edu
     [if   truly         good  then maybe   sooner-or-later  will-be-reveal , example : video-game-quake-3-arena-source-code  , 
	large diamond in usa->columbia-special-province->washington-city->naturalhistory.si.edu ] 
     [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Museum_of_Natural_History#12_feb_2023_11_32_pm_est from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hope_Diamond from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diamond#22_feb_2021_5_7_am_est ]
20 feb 2023 9:7 pm est:
 contoh[example] :
 (1) saat huru-hara di gedung kapitol-hill   6 jan 2021 , cnn.com-tv bisa punya foto bagus kasi liat usa-republik-senator-joshua-david-hawley 
     genggam  tinj         ke atas seperti me-raya-kan ke-menang-an di jalan di dekat gedung kapitol-hill , jadi curiga cnn.com me-sutradara-i 
     huru-hara itu .
     kok       wartawan cnn.com bisa pas ada di situ daerah huru-hara 
     lalu foto usa-republik-senator-joshua-david-hawley  
     dengan fokus foto yang bagus tidak buram ato goyang .
     lalu cnn.com-tv bisa punya siaran berita kasi liat film vandal lempar barang seperti buah ber-ulang - ulang ke tank-perang dari samping ,
     saat perang syria , kualitas film itu bagus , jadi cnn.com-tv seperti udah siap bikin film vandal lempar barang ke tank-perang itu .
    [during riot    in capitol-hill building 6 jan 2021 , cnn.com-tv can have   nice photo showing    usa-republican-senator-joshua-david-hawley 
     grasping hand-knuckle to upward like celebrating victory on street in near capitol-hill buildijng , becoming suspicious cnn.com fabricate 
     that riot . 
     how-come cnn.com-paparazzi can exactly-and-accidentally available in there (which) is riot-area 
     then create-camera-photo-of usa-republican-senator-joshua-david-hawley  
     with good photo-focus not blurry or shaky .
     then cnn.com-tv can have news-broadcast showing movie vandal throw item like fruit repeatedly to war-tank from side ,
     during syria-war , that movie-quality is good , so cnn.com-tv is like already prepared to make that movie (about) vandal throw item to that war-tank ]

     [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Hawley#26_apr_2023_8_46_am_est_not_edt ]
13 apr 2023 11:27 pm est-not-edt :
 (4) emosi   stabil tapi duit  tidak stabil  , kalo duit  di-paksa         jadi stabil       ya   emosi   jadi   tidak stabil .
    [emotion stable but  money is non-stable , if   money is being coerced to become stable  then emotion become non-stable ] 
18 apr 2023 9:27 pm est-not-edt :
 [source: (1/2)https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/lonte (2/2)id.wikipedia.org/lonte]
23 apr 2023 10:10 am est-not-edt : 
 talud ( spain-language-word for 'retainer-wall' to prevent land-slide ) = ... 
 [source : (1)en.wiktionary.or/wiki/talud (2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talud-tablero from google ( talut )]
23 apr 2023 10:19 am est-not-edt :
 mitsubisi/mitsubishi ( actually formerly mitsu(3)-hisi(water-chestnut) then rendaku-language-law convert that 'mitsu-hishi' to 'mitsu-bisi' ) = 
  [source : 'The name Mitsubishi (三菱) consists of 2 parts - mitsu meaning "3" and
	     hishi (which becomes "bishi" under rendaku) meaning "water-caltrop" (also called "water-chestnut"), and
	     hence "rhombus", which is reflected in the company's logo.[14]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitsubishi_Motors#Fuel_economy_scandal ]
23 apr 2023 11:23 am est-not-edt :
 diagonal = serong (se-rɔng)
23 apr 2023 11:29 am est-not-edt :
 #warning# : 'lalu' is java-language-word for suicide . [source : repositori.kemdikbud.go.id/23923/ or jdih.jatengprov.go.id/perpus/index.php?p=show_detail&id=19348&keywords=  from google ( kamus bahasa jawa txt ) ]
23 apr 2023 11:47 am est-not-edt :
 spark-plug = busi ( from france-language-word 'bougie' which is pronounced 'busi' , which has meaning 'candle' . 'bougie' 
  is france-government's nick-name for algeria-country->bijaya-city formerly known-as roman-empire->saldae-city ,
  because bijaya-city is candle-wax-maker ) . [source : (1/2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9ja%C3%AFa (2/2)en.wiktionary.org/wiki/busi#6_apr_2023_6_5_am_est ]
23 apr 2023 11:54 am est-not-edt :
 #reword# routine-inspection-schedule
     #to# routine-material-fatigue-inspection-schedule
2 may 2023 10:27 pm est-not-edt : 
 from https://repositori.kemdikbud.go.id/2885/
12 may 2023 5:14 pm est-not-edt :
 (8)another mess in indonesia-country : house-on-hill-top with failing-retainer-wall .
    some house in indonesia-country->java-island->central-java-province->semarang-city->candi-baru-area depend-on retainer-wall . 

    retainer-wall(errosion-prevention-wall) on cliff . need some hole-with-soil-filter-screen which block soil 
    from going out of outer-retainer-wall , and allow water to go out of outer-retainer-wall .
    but those hole-with-soil-filter-screen maybe eventually become clogged with compressed-dense-soil , 
    then clogged-hole-with-soil-filter-screen block water .

    forever-wet soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall , maybe causes retainer-wall-deterioration . 
    maybe solution is : need to build gazebo/canopy on soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall , so that gazebo/canopy 
    keep that soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall dry . 
    house-builder maybe not willing to construct house on that soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall because house is heavy .
    house-builder maybe construct house away from soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall , away from cliff , and more near to street/road .

    example building on-top-of-hill where hill-slope lack retainer-wall which produce high-land-slide-risk : amanda-hills.com/accommodation.php from google ( talud amanda hotel bandungan ) row 5 col 2
12 may 2023 5:18 pm est-not-edt :
 2. landor.com draw bird-logo for garuda-indonesia.com]
      [Landor.com gambar logo-burung untuk garuda-indonesia.com]  [2 source : (1)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landor_Associates#27_jan_2022_1_36_am_est (2)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia#21_jul_2021_10_13_am_edt or en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia#21_jul_2021_10_13_am_edt ]
 2. landor.com/landorandfitch.com  draw   bird-logo   for   garuda-indonesia.com
    [Landor.com/landorandfitch.com gambar logo-burung untuk garuda-indonesia.com]  [2 source : (1)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landor_Associates#27_jan_2022_1_36_am_est (2)id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia#21_jul_2021_10_13_am_edt or en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia#21_jul_2021_10_13_am_edt ]
12 may 2023 5:57 pm est-not-edt :
 nirfana/nirvana ( sanskrit-language-word , buddhist/buda-term ) = suffering-extinguished [source : (1/2)en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nirvana#10_may_2023_4_52_am_est_not_edt (2/2)en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%A8%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B5%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A3#Sanskrit ]
12 may 2023 6:7 pm est-not-edt :
 terakhir sampe
 reason : maybe there is realtor who want to become richer via selling land-with-cliff-down-slope which is actually not habitable 
		    but seeing city-view from house-on-hill-top-balcony-surrounded-with-mosquito-screen-filter , while listening to
	            di.fm->smooth-jazz-internet-radio or like paul-hardcastle-smooth-jazz , is cool and attractive to some customer .
		    so in the end that realtor become richer but there is risk of retainer-wall-deterioration like a mess waiting-to-show-up because
	 	    heavy-rain will always happen .
16 may 2023 5:25 pm est-not-edt : end 5:41 pm est-not-edt
  boeing.com's unclear explanation how wing-tip improve fuel-consumption-efficiency ( layman-term-explanation is lacking ) .
  i can not find comparison test-flight with wing-tip and test-flight without wing-tip from some-airport to some-airport .
 boeing.com's weird-justification about wing-tip-installation .
 boeing.com says wing-tip remove trailing-turbulence behind aircraft .
 why pilot need to worry trailing-turbulence behind aircraft ?
 how is 'removing trailing-turbulence behind aircraft' , improve fuel-consumption-efficiency ? 
 because aircraft move forward , not backward .
 wing-tip makes cross-wind-landing more difficult , turning-left-and-right more difficult . [source : rudder oppose wingtip so : wingtip decrease rudder's responsiveness/sensitivity : 'Static-loads/structural-load Static-loads are determined by Boeing and usa faa/Federal-Aviation-Administration design requirement , such as symmetric 2.5 g maneuver , roll-maneuver , abrupt-rudder-input that results in side-slip-maneuver . Although these maneuvers all contribute to wing-box-design, most wing-box is designed for 2.5 g maneuver . the highest load on mid- to outboard part of wing occur when speed-brake/spoiler-brake are extended . the inboard portion of wing reach highest load in clean-wing-configuration (in-other-word with speed-brake/spoiler-brake retracted) . the outboard tip of wing is designed for roll-maneuver. but when winglet is added, high-load on winglet during side-slip-maneuver cause wingtip area to be more highly loaded. so side-slip-maneuver became design-case for wingtip and winglet .' in boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/aero_17/winglet_story.html ]

 and i can not find comparison test-flight with wing-tip and test-flight without wing-tip from some-airport to some-airport which
 show evidence saying wing-tip improve fuel-efficiency .
 maybe true justification for wing-tip-installation ( wing-tip-installation-goal ) is : 
  to decrease distance between trailing-aircraft-and-leading-aircraft : seattletimes.com/business/faa-eases-rule-on-distance-between-airbus-a380-trailing-planes/ from google ( minimum  trailing aircraft distance ) result 5
  so more flight-per-day can happen , more aircraft can fly in 1 sky-area .
16 may 2023 5:49 pm est-not-edt :
 maybe pocket-clock/pocket-watch , timer-stop-watch , inside hand-bag , is better-buy-and-better-investment .
20 may 2023 10:38 pm est-not-edt :
 (21)honda.co.jp-full-company-name is honda-giken-kogyo-kabusiki-kaisa which is currently-translated to english-language 
     honda-motor-corporation-(Ltd/private-limited-company) in global.honda->financial-report . [source : in global.honda/investors/stock_bond/stock.html ] .
     but : 
     (1)giken = technical-research-institute . [source : 'technical research institute' in romajidesu.com/dictionary/meaning-of-giken.html ]
     (2)kogyo =  industry . [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%81%93%E3%81%86%E3%81%8E%E3%82%87%E3%81%86#Japanese ]
     (3)kabusiki-kaisa = pLc/public-limited-company . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%81%8B%E3%81%B6%E3%81%97%E3%81%8D%E3%81%8B%E3%81%84%E3%81%97%E3%82%83#Japanese from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kabushiki_kaisha#20_may_2023_10_34_pm_est_not_edt ]
     (4)Ltd = private-limited-company , not public-limited-company/pLc .
        [source : 'Most companies in the UK are private limited companies (LTDs)' ,
         'Public limited companies (PLCs) are similar to private limited companies, in the sense that they are legally distinct entities
          with their own assets, profits and liabilities. However, shares in a public company can be freely sold and traded to
          the general public and their shares can be listed on a stock exchange. PLCs are the only type of company allowed to raise'
          in rocketlawyer.com/gb/en/quick-guides/what-are-the-differences-between-plcs-and-ltds from google (start company non public company type) result 7 
     so maybe honda-giken-kogyo-kabusiki-kaisa can also be translated to english-language like :
3 jun 2023 4:3 am est-not-edt :
 pissed off, get on my nerve =   -daerah-730/964-/daerah-
    1)sebal/sebel(sö-bal/sö-böl)(usually female says this)
    2)sengit(sö-ngit)(usually male says this) source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/sengit
         [creating anger]
         me-nyebal-kan (mö-nyö-bal-kan) (formal)
       2)nyengit-i(nyö-ngi-ti)[creating anger]
       3)mbencek-no(mbön-cӓk-nɔ)[creating anger]
-pasif:di-sengit-i (di-sö-ngit-ti)
       [being avoided and receive bad-treatment]

hate (dislike intensely)  -daerah-732/964-/daerah-
- dasar : benci(bön-ci)
- aktif : 1. mbenci(informal)(mbön-ci)
          2. nge-benci(informal)(ngö-bön-ci)
          3. mem-benci(formal)(möm-bönci)
- pasif : di-benci
- objek : pem-benci-an(pöm-bön-ci-an)


pissed-off , get-on-my-nerve , hate ( dislike-intensely )  = -daerah-730/964-/daerah-
    1)sebal/sebel(sö-bal/sö-böl) (usually female says this)
    2)sengit(sö-ngit) [hate] (java-language , usually male says this) source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/sengit
    3)benci(bön-ci) [hate]
         [creating anger]
         me-nyebal-kan (mö-nyö-bal-kan) (formal)
       2)nyengit-i(nyö-ngi-ti)[creating anger]
       3)mbencek-no(mbön-cӓk-nɔ)[creating anger]
-pasif : di-sengit-i (di-sö-ngit-ti) [receive intense-dislike-response]
       di-benci [receive dislike-response]
- objek : pem-benci-an(pöm-bön-ci-an) ( rarely used )
5 jun 2023 5:19 am est-not-edt :
 mackerel-tuna , little-tuna , wavy-back-skip-jack-tuna , kawa-kawa , tongkol = o=perciromes-fa=scombridae-g=euthynnus-s=affinis
 shark = hiu , cucut [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongkol#5_jun_2023_4_46_am_est_not_edt ]
8 jun 2023 9:32 pm est-not-edt : end 27 jun 2023 11:33 pm est-not-edt
 meritocracy-bureaucracy = highest skill win election [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/meritocracy#8_jun_2023_9_28_pm_est_not_edt ]
 seniority-bureaucracy = highest working-experience-time-duration-amount win election
 census-bureaucracy = highest election-vote-amount win election ( majority-vote win election )
 oligarchy-bureaucracy = highest money-amount win election [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/oligarchy#8_jun_2023_9_35_pm_est_not_edt ]
 anarchy-bureaucracy = charity-voluntary-cooperation-or-collusion win election for non-coercive-government [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/anarchy#8_jun_2023_9_38_pm_est_not_edt ]
 fascism = far-right-wing , severely-right-wing , severe-feudalism , severe-dictator-government-style ( slavery ) [source : 'Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#3_aug_2021_5_11_pm_edt ]
12 jun 2023 11:22 pm est-not-edt :
 (1)ramal-an   dia                  tentang kapan mobil akan lewat depan       rumah , kapan anjing tetangga              akan meng-gonggong , se-lalu salah
    [prediction belonging-to him/her about   when  car   will pass  in-front-of house , when  dog    belonging-to neighbor will bark ,          always  wrong]
 (1)ramal-an   dia                  tentang : mobil-merk-apa yang akan lewat depan rumah       , kapan anjing tetangga              akan meng-gonggong , se-lalu salah
    [prediction belonging-to him/her about  : what-car-brand will      pass  in-front-of house , when  dog    belonging-to neighbor will bark ,          always  wrong]
27 jun 2023 11:21 pm est-not-edt : 
 usa->colorado-state->denver-city ( from usa->kansas-territory-governor james-william-denver's family-name old-english-language which has meaning
   'crossing or passing of denmark-people' ) = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_W._Denver#27_jun_2023_11_14_pm_est_not_edt from en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Denver#English ]
18 jul 2023 5:34 am est-not-edt :
#remove from# make a car drifts on road while turning,   [daerah]450/964[/daerah]
     [car-tire rotates but there is no traction]

  6. di-gesrot-in (informal) (di-ges-srot-tin)
      [car-tire being made to lose traction]
     contoh[example] :
     1. mobil-nya di-gesrot-in 
        supaya ke-luar banyak asap
        [the car is being made to lose traction
         to produce many smoke]

      [car-tire rotates but there is no traction]
     contoh[example] :
     1. salju-nya licin, ban-nya ngge-srot
        [the snow is slippery, the tire slips]
22 aug 2023 4:7 am est-not-edt :
     co-worker, work-colleague = teman kerja [work-friend]
     co-worker , work-colleague = 
     (1)se-sama pe-kerja [acquaintance-in-work-place]
     (2)kenal-an di tempat kerja [acquaintance-in-work-place] 
     (3)teman kerja [work-friend]

   1. dia ber-temu teman2 kerjanya
      [he meets his co-workers]
   2. dia ber-temu teman2 kerjanya
      [he meets his co-workers]
    1. dia ber-temu se-sama pe-kerja
       [he meets co-workers]

     teman2 kerja-nya nglangkah-i
     se-sama pe-kerja-nya nglangkah-i

    1. dia men-jegal teman kerja-nya
      [he trip-over his work-colleague]
    1. dia men-jegal se-sama pe-kerja-nya
      [he trip-over his work-colleague]

     1. dia debat dengan teman kerja-nya
      [he argue with his colleague]
     1. dia debat dengan se-sama pe-kerja-nya
     [he argue with his colleague]
23 sep 2023 6:7 pm est-not-edt :
 #reword# weigh an object, consider 
     #to# weigh/measure-obesity-score-of an object , consider 
29 sep 2023 2:38 pm est-not-edt :
 #add# egg-foo-young ( ek-fu-yung ) = martabak
19 oct 2023 4:45 pm est-not-edt :
 #add# - feeling-urgent-desire-to-defecate-and-to-urinate = kebelet (köbölöt)
23 oct 2023 5:50 am est-not-edt :
 harbor-surround-ocean = teluk , pantai-1/2-me-ngurung-laut , pantai-mengurung-laut
 harbor-surrounded-by-ocean , cape = tanjung , peninsula , pantai-1/2-ter-kurung-laut , pantai-ter-kurung-laut
 strait = selat , laut-sempit-hampir-ke-cepit-2-pulau-yang-blokir-ombak-besar
10 dec 2023 5:39 am est :
 #reword# inch = inci
     #to# inch , " ( double-quote )  = inci
	  foot , ' ( single-quote )  = kaki
10 dec 2023 5:41 am est :
 square meter = meter persegi(me-tör pör-sö-gi)
 square meter , meter quadratic = (1)meter persegi(me-tör pör-sö-gi)
				  (2)meter kuadrat(me-tör kua-dö-rat)
10 dec 2023 5:43 am est :
 power of 2 = kuadrat(ku-a-drat/ku-a-dö-rat)
 power of 3 = pangkat 3(kubik)
 power of 2 , quadratic = kuadrat(ku-a-drat/ku-a-dö-rat)
 power of 3 , cubic = kubik , pangkat 3 [authority-ranking-number 3]
10 dec 2023 5:45 am est : 
 #reword# cubic feet = kaki kubik
     #to# feet cubic , cubic feet = kaki kubik
10 dec 2023 5:46 am est : 
  square feet = (1)kaki persegi(ka-ki pör-sö-gi)
                (2)kaki kuadrat
  square feet , feet quadratic = (1)kaki persegi(ka-ki pör-sö-gi)
                		 (2)kaki kuadrat
16 dec 2023 5:58 am est :
 #reword# maybe pocket-clock/pocket-watch , timer-stop-watch , inside hand-bag , is better-buy-and-better-investment .
     #to# maybe table-clock , pocket-clock/pocket-watch , timer-stop-watch , inside formal-hand-bag , informal-swimming-sport-bag , 
          is better-buy-and-better-investment .
16 dec 2023 6:4 am est : end 6:10 am est
 di.fm->smooth-jazz-internet-radio or like paul-hardcastle-smooth-jazz
 di.fm->smooth-jazz-internet-radio or like paul-hardcastle-smooth-jazz or maybe (indonesia/melayu)-language-radio-station pramborsfm.com [source : 'pramborsfm.com' in id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prambors#14-dec-2023-11-1-pm-est ]
21 dec 2023 5:36 am est :
 maybe there is commercial-online-tutor giving malay-language-education via skype.com-communication : google ( malay language tutor skype )
27 dec 2023 6:24 am est :
 'maximum' ada banyak , dijadikan 1 .
27 dec 2023 6:32 am est :
 am ( from latin-language-word 'ante-meridian' where 'ante' has meaning 'prior' , 'meridian' has meaning 'noon/mid-day-time' ) = 
   (1)subuh ( 1 second after mid-night ) 12 am => 6 am
   (2)pagi ( morning ) 6 am => 12 am 
   [source : 'ante' , 'meridian' in en.wiktionary.org/am ]
 pm ( from latin-language-word 'post-meridian' where 'post' has meaning 'after' , 'meridian' has meaning 'noon/mid-day-time') = malam ( night ) =
   (1)siang ( noon ) 12 pm
   (2)sore ( after-noon ) 3 pm => 6 pm 
   [source : 'post' , 'meridian' in en.wiktionary.org/pm ]
1 jan 2024 4:8 am est :
 contoh[example] : (1)ilmu-wan   bilang bintang-matahari bakbuk                          sampe  taun 5 biliun a.d/anno-domini  lalu taun 5 biliun a.d  bintang-matahari untung        terus-me-nerus/terus-terus-an (törus-mö-nörus/törus-tö-ru-san) sampe mem-besar   mem-bakar bumi
                                 [scientist  says   sun-star         has balanced-profit-and-deficit until  year 5 billion a.d/anno-domini then year 5 billion a.d sun-star         is profitable continously                                                    until grow larger burning   earth] [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini  (2/2)'A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the Sun becomes a red giant and expands all the way out to Earth's orbit some five-billion years from now," said Alex Wolszczan, an Evan Pugh Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Penn State, University, who is one of the members of the research team' in https://science.psu.edu/news/first-evidence-discovered-planets-destruction-its-star from science.psu.edu->search (A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the sun becomes a red giant) / https://science.psu.edu/search/gse?keys=A+similar+fate+may+await+the+inner+planets+in+our+solar+system%2C+when+the+sun+becomes+a+red+giant result 3 from '"A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the sun becomes a red giant and expands all the way out to Earth's orbit some five billion years from now," astronomer Alex Wolszczan, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University, said in a statement.' in https://www.space.com/22471-red-giant-stars.html from ref-23 in 'Sun will exit the main sequence in approximately 5 billion years and start to turn into a red giant.[23][24]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_giant#27_may_2020_4_36_pm_edt from 'red giant' in 'Earth and Moon are very likely destroyed by falling into the Sun, just before the Sun reaches the tip of its red giant' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future from google (sunrise 7 billion ad) result 5]
 contoh[example] : (1)ilmu-wan   bilang bintang-matahari bakbuk                          sampe  taun 5 biliun ce/common-era / ad/(annus/anno)-domini  lalu taun 5 biliun a.d  bintang-matahari untung        terus-me-nerus/terus-terus-an (törus-mö-nörus/törus-tö-ru-san) sampe mem-besar   mem-bakar bumi
                                 [scientist  says   sun-star         has balanced-profit-and-deficit until  year 5 billion ce/common-era / ad/(annus/anno)-domini then year 5 billion a.d sun-star         is profitable continously                                                    until grow larger burning   earth] [3 source:(1/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini  (2/3)'A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the Sun becomes a red giant and expands all the way out to Earth's orbit some five-billion years from now," said Alex Wolszczan, an Evan Pugh Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Penn State, University, who is one of the members of the research team' in https://science.psu.edu/news/first-evidence-discovered-planets-destruction-its-star from science.psu.edu->search (A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the sun becomes a red giant) / https://science.psu.edu/search/gse?keys=A+similar+fate+may+await+the+inner+planets+in+our+solar+system%2C+when+the+sun+becomes+a+red+giant result 3 from '"A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the sun becomes a red giant and expands all the way out to Earth's orbit some five billion years from now," astronomer Alex Wolszczan, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University, said in a statement.' in https://www.space.com/22471-red-giant-stars.html from ref-23 in 'Sun will exit the main sequence in approximately 5 billion years and start to turn into a red giant.[23][24]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_giant#27_may_2020_4_36_pm_edt from 'red giant' in 'Earth and Moon are very likely destroyed by falling into the Sun, just before the Sun reaches the tip of its red giant' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future from google (sunrise 7 billion ad) result 5 (3/3)find 'domini']
1 jan 2024 4:30 am est :
start-copy-pasted-and-simplified from : [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin#6_may_2022_9_26_pm_edt ][source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin#6_may_2022_9_26_pm_edt ]
nominative – used when noun is subject or a predicate nominative . The thing or person acting : that girl ran: puella cucurrit, or cucurrit puella
 = ...

genitive – used when noun is possessor of or connected with an object : "horse of that man", or "that man's horse"; in both instances , 
 that word man would be in genitive-case when it is translated into Latin . it also indicates the partitive , in which material is quantified : 
 "a group of people"; "a number of gifts" : people and gifts would be in genitive-case . some nouns are genitive with special verbs and adjectives : 

 the cup is full of wine. (poculum plēnum vīnī est.) the master of the slave had beaten him. (dominus servī eum verberāverat.)
 = ...

dative – used when noun is indirect-object of sentence , with special verbs , with certain prepositions , and if it is used as agent ,
  reference, or even possessor : the merchant hands the stola to the woman . (Mercātor fēminae stolam trādit.)
 = ...

accusative – used when noun is direct-object of subject and as object of a preposition demonstrating place to which. : 
 the man killed the boy. (Vir puerum necāvit.)
 = akusatif/pe-nuduh-an

ablative – used when noun demonstrate separation or movement from a source, cause, agent or instrument or when noun is used as 
 object of certain prepositions ; adverbial : You walked with the boy . (Cum puerō ambulāvistī.)
 = ...

vocative – used when noun is used in direct-address . vocative-form of a noun is often same as nominative , 
 with exception of 2-nd-declension-noun ending in -us. -us become -e in vocative-singular .
 if word is ending with -ius (such as fīlius) , that ending is just -ī (filī) , as distinct from nominative-plural (filiī) in
 vocative-singular : "Master!" shouted that slave. ("Domine!" clāmāvit servus.)
 = ...

locative – used to indicate a location (corresponding to english-language-word "in" or "at") . it is far less common than other 6 case of Latin-nouns
 and usually apply to city , small-town , island along with few common nouns , such as words domus (house) , humus (ground) , and
 rus (country) . in singular of 1-st and 2-nd declensions , its form coincide with genitive ( roma become romae , "in rome" ) .
 in plural of all declension and singular of other declensions , it coincide with ablative ( athēnae become athēnīs , "at athens") .
 in 4-th-declension word domus , locative-form , domī ("at home") differ from standard form of all other cases .
 = ...
end-copy-pasted-and-simplified from : [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin#6_may_2022_9_26_pm_edt ][source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin#6_may_2022_9_26_pm_edt ] 

1 jan 2024 5:7 am est :
 ad ( from latin-language-word '(annus/anno)-domini' , both nominative-form 'annus' and  ablative-form 'anno' has meaning 'year' ) , 
  ce ( common-era ) = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini#1-jan-2024-3-58-am-est ]
 bc ( from england-language-word 'before christ' ) , ac ( ante-christum ) = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini#1-jan-2024-3-58-am-est ]
1 jan 2024 5:42 am est : 
 ad ( from latin-language-word '(annus/anno)-domini' , both nominative-form 'annus' and  ablative-form 'anno' has meaning 'year' ) , 
  ce ( common-era ) = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini#1-jan-2024-3-58-am-est ]
 bc ( from england-language-word 'before christ' ) , ac ( ante-christum ) = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini#1-jan-2024-3-58-am-est ]
 1 ad ( from latin-language-word '(annus/anno)-domini' , both nominative-form 'annus' and  ablative-form 'anno' has meaning 'year' ) , 
  1 ce ( common-era ) = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini#1-jan-2024-3-58-am-est ]
 1 bc ( from england-language-word 'before christ' ) , ac ( ante-christum ) , 0 ad = ...   [source : find 'wiki/Anno_Domini' ]
 2 bc ( from england-language-word 'before christ' ) , ac ( ante-christum ) , -1 ad = ...   [source : find 'wiki/Anno_Domini' ]
26 apr 2024 1:46 pm est :
 bolster-pillow , body-pillow = guling [source: 'bolster' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/guling from https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/guling#26-apr-2024-1-13-pm-est ]
 pillow = bantal
 bed , mattress = ranjang
2 may 2024 1:24 pm est :
 (1)#add# bowel = usus besar [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bowel#English ]
 (2)#add# blanket = selimut
3 may 2024 7:31 am est : 
 (1)#reword# bed , mattress = ranjang
        #to# bed , mattress = ranjang , kasur
 (2)#reword# blanket = selimut
        #to# blanket = selimut (sölimut)
5 may 2024 1:55 pm est :
 #add# carrot = wortel(wɔrtöl) (from netherland-language) [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/wortel#5-may-2024-1-46-pm-est ]
5 may 2024 2:39 pm est :
 #add# hostel = kost (kɔs) , kosan (kɔsan) (from netherland-language 'in de kost' which means 'food is included in addition to room-stay' [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indekos from google ( asal mula kata kost ) result 3  ] )
7 may 2024 1:45 pm est : end 3:18 pm est
 #reword# hostel = kost (kɔs) , kosan (kɔsan) (from netherland-language 'in de kost' which means 'food is included in addition to room-stay' [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indekos from google ( asal mula kata kost ) result 3  ] )
     #to# hostel , public-dormitory = kos (kɔs) , kost (kɔs) , kosan (kɔsan) (from netherland-language 'kost' which means 'food and lodging' [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kost#Dutch from https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indekos from google ( asal mula kata kost ) result 3  ] )
17 may 2024 6:53 pm est :
 (3)pesak (pösak) [source : down-id.img.susercontent.com/file/0345f02b46646d39817b67619f0d0919#17-may-2024-6-51-pm-est from google-image ( arti pesak ) from 'pesak' in youtube.com/watch?v=A0nw0S51fj4&t=2m#17-may-2024-6-30-pm-est ( CUMA 5 MENIT !!! Cara membuat pola celana pendek - Part 1 | Belajar Menjahit Bagi Pemula ) from youtube-search ( cara bikin celana pendek ) result 2 ]
 spoon = sendok (sendɔk) , sudu [source : malaycube.com from 'milo.com.au instant-milk canister which has label saying sudu']
11 jun 2024 8:58 am est :
 #reword# (ngrä-mäh-hin) #to# (ngö-rä-mäh-hin)
 #reword# (ngrä-mäh-ke)  #to# (ngö-rä-mäh-ke)
 #reword# (nda-lang-ngi) #to# (önda-la-ngi)
12 jun 2024 7:35 pm est :
 nape (posterior-part-of-neck) = tengkuk (töngkuk) [source : archive.org/details/Spanish-English_Bilingual_Visual_Dictionary_2nd_Edition/page/n27/mode/2up from google ( visual dictionary spanish pdf ) result 1  pdf-page 13 ]
13 jun 2024 11:35 am est :
 #add# cerrar (serar) (spain-language)
13 jun 2024 2:23 pm est :
 #reword# a lot, many = banyak  
     #to# a lot , many , much , mucho (spain-language) = banyak  
13 jun 2024 7:37 pm est : end 16 jun 2024 12:53 pm est
 #add# brillar (spain-language) , lucir (lusir) (spain-language)
 #add# tomar (spain-language) , coger (koher) (spain-language)
 #add# ganar (spain-language)
16 jun 2024 12:43 pm est :
 #add# llevar (yebar) (spain-language)
16 jun 2024 12:46 pm est :
 #add# quedar (ke'dar) (spain-language)
16 jun 2024 12:49 pm est :
 #add# revertir (re'bertir) (spain-language)  
 #add# [volver] (bolber) (spain-language)
16 jun 2024 1:10 pm est :
 [source : 'yebar' in https://repositori.kemdikbud.go.id/20871/1/Bahasa%20Spanyol%20Bahasa%20Sahabatku.pdf from google ( bhs spanyol bhs sahabatku pdf ) result 1 ]
16 jun 2024 5:34 pm est :
 22. en.wiktionary.org/wiki (for spain-language , other foreign language)
21 jun 2024 7:37 pm est :
 contoh[example] :
 (1)per-kawin-an adalah kubur-an-nya cinta [marriage is grave of love] [source : 'Marriage is the grave of love' in www.yahoo.com/news/leon-lai-is-rumoured-to-have-finally-tied-the-knot-with-his-baby-mama-023542257.html#21-jun-2024-7-34-pm-est from forgotten-page ]
24 jun 2024 6:19 pm est : end 6:39 pm est
  not doing anything to ...                       
  - dasar : 
  not doing anything to ...                       
  - dasar : (1)ga/gak/nda/ndak sentuh [not touching]  (2)ga/gak/nda/ndak ngapa - ngapa-ke (java-language)

    car goes descending road on the hill                
    - dasar : 
    car goes descending road on the hill                
    - dasar : jalan turun(bör-ja-lan tu-run)

  - dasar : 
  - dasar : (1)diskusi tentang (2)bicara tentang(bi-ca-ra tön-tang) (informal) (3)ngomong tentang

  - dasar : 

   appraise, appreciate 

   - dasar : 
   - dasar : kasi harga

    emphasise, focus                                    
    - dasar : 
    emphasise, focus                                    
    - dasar : tekan-kan tentang (tökan-kan töntang) [press about]

   qualify, meet criteria/requirement   
   - dasar :
   qualify, meet criteria/requirement   
   - dasar : menuh-i syarat (mö-nu-hi sia-rat) [fulfill criteria]

  - dasar :
  - dasar : jelas-kan secara rinci (jö-las-kan sö-ca-ra rin-ci)
  - dasar : tinju(tin-ju) , tonjok(tɔn-jɔk) , jotos(jɔtɔs)
  - aktif 1 kali : 
  - dasar : tinju(tin-ju) , tonjok(tɔn-jɔk) , jotos(jɔtɔs)
  - aktif : 
 - aktif 1 kali : nembak(informal)(nem-bak,näm-bak)
- aktif ber-ulang - ulang : 
  1. nembak-i[shoot repeatedly](informal) 
     me-nembak-i[shoot repeatedly](formal)
  2. tembak - tembak-an 
     [shoot toward each other repeatedly]
 - aktif : 
   (3)nembak-i[shoot repeatedly](informal) 
      me-nembak-i[shoot repeatedly](formal)
   (4)tembak - tembak-an 
     [shoot toward each other repeatedly]
 - aktif 1 kali : 1. meng-gores(formal)(möng-gɔ-res)
                 2. nge-baret(informal)(ngö-ba-rät)
                 3. mbaret(informal)(mba-rät)
- aktif ber-ulang - ulang : 
  1. meng-gores - gores (formal)
  2. nge-baret - baret (informal)
  - aktif : 
    1)meng-gores(formal)(möng-gɔ-res) [scratch]
    2)nge-baret(informal)(ngö-ba-rät) [scratch]
    3)mbaret(informal)(mba-rät) [scratch]
    4)meng-gores - gores (formal) [repeatedly-scratch]
    5)nge-baret - baret (informal) [repeatedly-scratch]
 #reword# clothes-color-contaminate 
 #to# clothes-color-contaminate -daerah-
#reword# interview = wawancara, tanya-jawab [ask-answer]. [source:(1/2) http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/wawancara/ (2/2)'mewawancara' di https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20181107213638-20-344832/knkt-curigai-kerusakan-aoa-penyebab-lion-air-pk-lqp-jatuh from ref-120 in 'land safely.[120]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_Air_Flight_610#8_nov_2018_4_3_pm_est]
- dasar : wawancara(wa-wan-ca-ra)
interview   [source:(1/2) http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/wawancara/ (2/2)'mewawancara' di https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20181107213638-20-344832/knkt-curigai-kerusakan-aoa-penyebab-lion-air-pk-lqp-jatuh from ref-120 in 'land safely.[120]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_Air_Flight_610#8_nov_2018_4_3_pm_est]
- dasar : (1)wawancara(wa-wan-ca-ra) (2)tanya-jawab [ask-answer]
  roll of tissue   [daerah]566/964[/daerah]
-dasar:gulung [a roll]
 rolling something like rolling tissue , rolling paper   
 -dasar:gulung [roll]
#reword# suspect #to# suspect , doubting
  lost small-part = cuil (java-language) [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/cuil]
- dasar : cuil [lost small-part] 
 lost small-part [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/cuil]
- dasar : cuil [lost small-part] (java-language)
#reword# repeatedly-sweep hand-palm on skin back-and-forth
 #to# repeatedly-sweep hand-palm on skin back-and-forth -daerah-
 expect, hope                                          [daerah]153/964[/daerah]
- dasar : harap(ha-rap)
- aktif : 1. harap-in(har-ra-pin) (informal)
- pasif : di-har-rap-in(di-har-ra-pin)
- objek : harap-an[expectation](har-ra-pan)
- contoh[example] :
  (1)ada harap-an ?[is there hope ?]
  (2)dia ga      mikir/nyangka            kalo  jumlah-harga-belanja-an  se-mahal itu
    [he  did-not think/expect/anticipate (that) total-shopping-price     to be that expensive]
  (3)dia    meng-harap-kan polisi-pajak gagal periksa-uang/uang-nya dia     tapi sukses  nge-rem mobil saat   nyetir  di belakang mobil/mobil-nya dia
    [he/she hope           tax-police   fail  to audit              him/her but  succeed braking car   during driving behind      his/her car]
expect, hope        [daerah]383/964[/daerah]
- dasar : harap(ha-rap)
       2)ber-harap[has a hope](formal)(bör-harap)
       3)meng-harap-kan[hope] (formal)(möng-ha-rap-kan)
- pasif : di-harap-kan [under expectation]
          contoh[example] :
          1. dia di-harap-kan datang se-belum jam 5
             [he is under expectation to arrive prior 5 o'clock]
- objek : harap-an[expectation, hope](har-ra-pan)
 took 3 minutes, last for      [daerah]208/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 
  1. in neutral context : 
     dasar : langsung [directly; immediately; instantly]
     aktif : 
      - ber-langsung(bör-lang-sung)
        [last for ... minutes/hour/day/etc]
       contoh[example] :
       1. per-tanding-an babak 1 ber-langsung 
          se-lama 30 menit
          literal translation ----
          [the tournament round 1 lasts as long 
           as 30 minutes]
          normal translation ---
          [the tournament round 1 lasts for 30 minutes]
  2. in efficiency context : 
     dasar : butuh [need]
     contoh[example] :
     1. dia bikin pr(pe-kerja-an rumah)
                    (pö-körja-an rumah)
        butuh waktu 30 menit
        [he does his homework, he need
         30 minutes]

  3. in higher efficiency/urgent context : 
     dasar : makan [eat]
     contoh[example] :
     1. per-jalan-an ke airport makan waktu 1 jam
        literal translation ---
        [the trip to the airport eat 1 hour]
        normal translation ---
        [the trip to the airport takes 1 hour]
     2. meja bundar-nya makan tempat terlalu banyak, 
        ruangan-nya tidak muat
       [the circular table takes too much space,
        the room does not have enough space]
 took 3 minutes, last for      [daerah]208/964[/daerah]
- dasar : lama-nya , ber-langsung se-lama [last as-long-as] , butuh [need] . makan [consume]
- aktif : (1) ber-langsung(bör-lang-sung)
              [last for ... minutes/hour/day/etc]
       contoh[example] :
       1. per-tanding-an babak 1 ber-langsung 
          se-lama 30 menit
          literal translation ----
          [the tournament round 1 lasts as long 
           as 30 minutes]
          normal translation ---
          [the tournament round 1 lasts for 30 minutes]
      (2)butuh [need]
     contoh[example] :
     1. dia bikin pr(pe-kerja-an rumah)
                    (pö-körja-an rumah)
        butuh waktu 30 menit
        [he does his homework, he need
         30 minutes]

     (3) makan [consume-time]
     contoh[example] :
     1. per-jalan-an ke airport makan waktu 1 jam
        literal translation ---
        [the trip to the airport eat 1 hour]
        normal translation ---
        [the trip to the airport takes 1 hour]
     2. meja bundar-nya makan tempat terlalu banyak, 
        ruangan-nya tidak muat
       [the circular table takes too much space,
        the room does not have enough space]
 anticipate                                          [daerah]239/964[/daerah]
- dasar : antisipasi(an-ti-si-pa-si)
- aktif : 1. antisipasi(informal)
- pasif : di-antisipasi
- objek : antisipasi

anticipate    [daerah]520/964[/daerah]
- dasar : antisipasi(an-ti-si-pa-si)
-aktif:1)ngantisipasi (informal)
         antisipasi (informal)
- pasif : di-antisipasi
- objek : 
- kebetulan, stative : 
- dasar : 
#above# think, wonder
#reword# insert an object to a pocket 
#to# insert an object to a pocket -daerah-
#add daerah to# make easy #and# difficult #and# head-butt
25 jun 2024 10:53 am est :
  ketok(kö-tɔk) [look]
  keceng(kӓ-cӓng)(jakarta dialect)
  ketok(kö-tɔk) [noticable]
  keceng(kӓ-cӓng)(jakarta dialect) [show good appearance]
 ga/gak/nda/ndak ngapa - ngapa-ke (java-language)
 ga/gak/nda/ndak ngapa - ngapa-ke (java-language) [not doing anything to ...]
aktif tanpa objek : 
aktif tanpa objek 
duplicate : 
move an object so obstruction gone,    [daerah]404/964[/daerah]
move an object to the border of an area to make a way
move debris to the side, so the middle is clear

command other person what to do , verbally or in writing
command, give order to other person

shine , turn-on a light , turn-on fire
turn-on a light

protrude , stand out from crowd = me-nonjol from #bf# tonjol(tɔn-jɔl) ; convex = cembung
pop (bulge outward); stands out in the crowd

607) make flow freely = me-lancar-kan ; pasif : di-lancar-kan ; dasar : lancar
617) moving freely without obstruction = lancar [moving freely without obstruction] (lan-car)

238) appreciate = meng-harga-i from basic-form harga [price]
627) value , estimate , appraise , appreciate , give price = harga

137) record an information using computer = rekam [record]
644) record = rekam(re-kam,rä-kam)

seng ping-radar (english).

65) order list of objects , arrange list of objects in ascending = me-ngurut-kan from basic-form urut [in-order-already] ; pasif : di-urut-kan
665) sort in order = sortir secara urut(sɔr-tir sö-ca-ra u-rut) ;

blame = salah [wrong]
blame someone = me-nyalah-kan(mö-nialah-kan) from #bf# salah [false, wrong, a blame]

move an object , make a move = gerak(gö-rak)
make some-object-or-puppet move in some direction = meng-gerak-an(möng-gö-ra-kan) from #bf# gerak(gö-rak)

return to origin place
revert = kembali-kan ... seperti semula (köm-ba-li-kan ... sö-pör-ti sö-mu-la)		

represent the person because that person is absent 
represent on behalf of = wakil(wa-kil) [someone who is present on behalf of ...]

shop    [daerah]884/964[/daerah] ga ada aktif

transmit disease   [daerah]894/964[/daerah]
-aktif tanpa objek:nular(nu-lar),me-nular(mö-nu-lar) [having infectious-mode;is infectious]
-aktif mbek objek:nular-i(nu-la-ri),me-nular-i(mö-nu-la-ri)[infect]

use shampoo or soap to wash hair [daerah]909/964[/daerah]
-dasar:kramas, keramas (kö-ra-mas)
-aktif tanpa objek:keramas
9 jul 2024 12:15 pm est :
 #add# diaper = lampin [2 source : (1)youtube.com/watch?v=nc5DnjVodGY&t=5s ( Pengenalan latihan ke tandas ) from maybe youtube-search ( potty training ) (2)malaycube.com ]
9 jul 2024 12:20 pm est :
 #add# seluar(malay-language) [2 source : youtube.com/watch?v=nc5DnjVodGY&t=33s ( Pengenalan latihan ke tandas ) from maybe youtube-search ( potty training ) (2)malaycube.com ]
11 jul 2024 6:15 pm est :
  side-effect = dampak-samping , akibat-samping 
  bad-effect = dampak-buruk
  side-effect = dampak-samping , akibat-samping , imbas
  bad-effect = dampak-buruk
22 aug 2024 3:41 pm est :
 blue-collar-worker , manual-labor-worker = kuli [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue-collar_worker#22-aug-2024-3-37-pm-est ]
 white-collar-worker , office-worker = pe-kerja kantor [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-collar_worker ]
23 aug 2024 1:30 pm est :
 2 bone-protrusion on human-back or dorsum (latin-language) , scapula-medial-border = 2 tonjol-an tulang punggung(2 protrusion of dorsum-bone) [2 source : (1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_back (2)https://www.reddit.com/r/EnglishLearning/comments/13dsfcn/what_do_we_call_bone_curves_that_are_seen_from/ from google-image ( anatomy 2 protruding bone on back ) page 3 row 1 col 2 ]
26 aug 2024 1:38 pm est :
 earmark , statement in spending-appropriation-(bill/law-proposal) which recommend some funding be transferred to certain recipient for
   automatically winning certain job-contract to work on certain project and not using contractor-bidding-process to select recipient = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earmark_(politics) ]  
 lobby , asking senator to scribe some earmark , law-introduction-or-change-or-abolition ( asker is 
   sometimes government-(relation/affair)-department-lawyer being hired by some client ) in-exchange asker give some donation for 
   that senator-reelection-campaign = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobbying_in_the_United_States ]
 victim-playing , fabrication-or-exaggeration of persecution to justify abuse or to manipulate other person = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victim_playing#20_jun_2021_10_40_am_edt from wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( playing victim ) from forgotten-wikipedia.org-article ]
 fearmongering , scaremongering = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fearmongering ]
28 aug 2024 12:19 pm est : 
  earmark , statement in spending-appropriation-(bill/law-proposal) which recommend some funding be transferred to certain recipient for
   automatically winning certain job-contract to work on certain project and not using contractor-bidding-process to select recipient = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earmark_(politics) ]  
  earmark ; statement in appropriation-legislation-text , general-legislation-text , committee-report , conference-report 
  which tell about some funding be transferred to certain recipient for automatically winning certain job-contract to work on certain project 
  and not using contractor-bidding-process to select recipient = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earmark_(politics) ]  
28 aug 2024 12:29 pm est : 
 lobbying-disclosure-act , lobby-law = ... [source : (1)lobbyingdisclosure.house.gov/amended_lda_guide.html from google ( lobbying law rule ) result 5 (2)www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/lobbying-regulation-global-phenomenon-2023-11-06/ from google ( lobbying law rule ) result 10 ]
29 aug 2024 12:37 pm est :
  earmark ; statement in appropriation-legislation-text , general-legislation-text , committee-report , conference-report 
  which tell about some funding be transferred to certain recipient for automatically winning certain job-contract to work on certain project 
  and not using contractor-bidding-process to select recipient = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earmark_(politics) ]  
  earmark ; statement in appropriation-legislation-text , general-legislation-text , committee-report , conference-report 
  which tell about some funding be transferred to certain recipient for creating-and-automatically-winning certain job-contract to work on 
  certain project and not using contractor-bidding-process to select recipient = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earmark_(politics) ]  
29 aug 2024 12:41 pm est :
 #add# lobbyist , person or government-(relation/affair)-lawyer who do lobby-activity = ...
29 aug 2024 3:41 pm est :
 #add# lifo , last-in-first-out/newly-hire-first-laid-off teacher hiring-and-dismissal-process = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIFO_(education) ]
29 aug 2024 5:47 pm est :
 #add# tenure-professor-teacher , professor-teacher which can not be fired/dismissed = ...
29 aug 2024 5:51 pm est :
 lifo , last-in-first-out/newly-hire-first-laid-off teacher hiring-and-dismissal-process = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIFO_(education) ]
 lifo , last-in-first-out/newest-hire-first-laid-off teacher hiring-and-dismissal-process = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIFO_(education) ]
29 aug 2024 5:54 pm est :
 president , coo/chief-operational-officer = ...
 ceo/chief-executive-officer , president-supervisor = ... [source : (1)resources.workable.com/hr-terms/ceo-vs-president from google ( ceo vs president of a company ) result 1 (2)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-president-and-ceo/ from google ( ceo vs president ) result 2 ]
 board-director , ceo-supervisor = ...
29 aug 2024 6:52 pm est :
 liability , debt , loaner-money-which-need-to-be-paid-back = ...
30 aug 2024 2:53 pm est :
 metonic-cycle , 19 year period when same moon-phase happen in same date = ... [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Metonic_cycle ]
 synodic-month , 1 moon-revolution from earth-point-of-view ,  29 day 12 hour 44 minute 2.9 second =  ... [source : (1)'During each synodic period of 29.5 days' (2)'However, because Earth-Moon system moves at same time in its orbit around Sun, it takes slightly longer, 29.5 days,[i][65] to return to same lunar phase, completing a full cycle, as seen from Earth.' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon ]
 sidereal-month , 1 moon-revolution from sun-star-point-of-view , 27.321661 day = ... [source : 'The Moon makes a complete orbit around Earth with respect to fixed stars, its sidereal-period, about once every 27.3 days.' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon ] 
30 aug 2024 5:13 pm est : 
 (1)#add# [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liability from wikipedia->search-auto-complete ( liability ) ]
 (2)#reword# president , coo/chief-operational-officer = ...
        #to# president , coo/chief-operational-officer = ... [source : (1)resources.workable.com/hr-terms/ceo-vs-president from google ( ceo vs president of a company ) result 1 (2)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-president-and-ceo/ from google ( ceo vs president ) result 2 ]
 (3)#reword# board-director , ceo-supervisor = ... 
        #to# board-director , ceo-supervisor = ... [source : (1)resources.workable.com/hr-terms/ceo-vs-president from google ( ceo vs president of a company ) result 1 (2)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-president-and-ceo/ from google ( ceo vs president ) result 2 ]
30 aug 2024 5:16 pm est :
 #add# [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_tenure from wikipedia->search-auto-complete ( tenure ) ]
30 aug 2024 5:24 pm est :
 sanctuary-city ; city which not cooperate with immigration-police in checking resident-immigration-status but still use immigration-police in airport , 
   still want immigration-paper-work for getting car-driver-license and getting employment = ... [source : sn/sanctuary-city : (1)www.ilsos.gov/departments/drivers/drivers_license/drlicid.html from google ( chicago driver license requirement ) ; (2)www.nyc.gov/assets/immigrants/downloads/pdf/drivers-licences-for-all.pdf from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; (3)www.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/card/documentation.page from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; non-sn/non-sanctuary-city : (4)iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/new-iowa-residents from google ( iowa ames city driver license requirement ) ]
30 aug 2024 5:36 pm est :
  sanctuary-city ; city which not cooperate with immigration-police in checking resident-immigration-status but still use immigration-police in airport , 
   still want immigration-paper-work for getting car-driver-license and getting employment = ... [source : sn/sanctuary-city : (1)www.ilsos.gov/departments/drivers/drivers_license/drlicid.html from google ( chicago driver license requirement ) ; (2)www.nyc.gov/assets/immigrants/downloads/pdf/drivers-licences-for-all.pdf from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; (3)www.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/card/documentation.page from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; non-sn/non-sanctuary-city : (4)iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/new-iowa-residents from google ( iowa ames city driver license requirement ) ]
  sanctuary-city ; city where city-police will not cooperate with immigration-police in checking resident-immigration-status 
    but that city still use immigration-police in airport , still want immigration-paper-work for : getting car-driver-license and getting employment 
    with certain employer = ... [source : sn/sanctuary-city : (1)www.ilsos.gov/departments/drivers/drivers_license/drlicid.html from google ( chicago driver license requirement ) ; (2)www.nyc.gov/assets/immigrants/downloads/pdf/drivers-licences-for-all.pdf from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; (3)www.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/card/documentation.page from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; non-sn/non-sanctuary-city : (4)iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/new-iowa-residents from google ( iowa ames city driver license requirement ) ]
31 aug 2024 5:12 pm est :
 sanctuary-city ; city where city-police will not cooperate with immigration-police in checking resident-immigration-status 
   but that city still use immigration-police in airport , still want immigration-paper-work for : getting car-driver-license and getting employment 
   with certain employer = ... [source : sn/sanctuary-city : (1)www.ilsos.gov/departments/drivers/drivers_license/drlicid.html from google ( chicago driver license requirement ) ; (2)www.nyc.gov/assets/immigrants/downloads/pdf/drivers-licences-for-all.pdf from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; (3)www.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/card/documentation.page from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; non-sn/non-sanctuary-city : (4)iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/new-iowa-residents from google ( iowa ames city driver license requirement ) ]
 sanctuary-city ; city where city-police will not help immigration-police-like-usa-ice doing 
   immigration-raid-for-employment-audit-notice-without-court-issued-criminal-detainer-letter to some business-shop/employer 
   but that city still use immigration-police in airport , still want immigration-paper-work for : getting car-driver-license and 
   getting employment with certain employer = ... [4 source : sn/sanctuary-city : (1)www.ilsos.gov/departments/drivers/drivers_license/drlicid.html from google ( chicago driver license requirement ) ; (2)www.nyc.gov/assets/immigrants/downloads/pdf/drivers-licences-for-all.pdf from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; (3)www.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/card/documentation.page from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; non-sn/non-sanctuary-city : (4)iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/new-iowa-residents from google ( iowa ames city driver license requirement ) ] [3 source : (1)simplified : 'usa-immigration-and-Customs-Enforcement--agents serve an employment audit notice at a 7-Eleven convenience store wed 10 jan 2018 , in Los-Angeles-city ' in www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/immigration-agents-raid-7-eleven-stores-nationwide-arrest-21-people-n836531 from google ( seven eleven ice raid ) result 1 ; (2)'Detainer requests issued by ICE will no longer be honored “unless an ICE administrative request to detain the inmate is accompanied by a criminal detainer issued by a court' in fairfaxgop.org/its-official-fairfax-is-a-sanctuary-county/ from google ( fairfax declare sanctuary city ) result 1 ; (3)'Fairfax County does not and will not enforce civil federal immigration laws.  The federal courts have determined that the enforcement of civil immigration laws is solely a federal responsibility under the exclusive authority of ICE. The Board of Supervisors has not designated Fairfax County as a sanctuary county; it cooperates to the fullest extent required by federal, state or local law with any law enforcement agency, including ICE, requesting criminal law enforcement assistance.' in fairfaxcounty.gov/topics/immigrants-fairfax-county from google ( fairfax declare sanctuary city ) result 3 ]
31 aug 2024 5:41 pm est :
 testator , person who make legally-valid-last-will-letter = ... [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/testator from 'testator' in www.lsd.law/define/inure from google ( inure meaning ) result 1 -> ppl also ask -> What does inure mean in legal terms? from 'inure' in www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/exemption-requirements-501c3-organizations from google ( non profit requirement ) result 1 ]
 inure to , become benefit to = ... [source : www.lsd.law/define/inure from google ( inure meaning ) result 1 -> ppl also ask -> What does inure mean in legal terms? from 'inure' in www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/exemption-requirements-501c3-organizations from google ( non profit requirement ) result 1 ]
 trust ; strategy about making other person : (1)manage property ( equity , bonds , real-estate , money , share-certificate , etc ) and 
   (2)give profit to original-owner of that property = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/trust from 'blind trust' in nypost.com/2024/04/01/business/us-senator-accused-of-cozy-ties-to-apple-after-opposing-congressional-stock-trading/ from google ( Members of Congress Invested in apple ) result 5 ]
 blind-trust , trust which has feature : beneficiary does not know what is inside that trust , trustor does not receive report about 
   that trust from trust-manager/trustee = ... [source : nypost.com/2024/04/01/business/us-senator-accused-of-cozy-ties-to-apple-after-opposing-congressional-stock-trading/ from google ( Members of Congress Invested in apple ) result 5 ]
31 aug 2024 6:11 pm est : 
 floating exchange rate , calculated using supply-and-demand of global-currency-market = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? ]
 fixed exchange rate , calculated by central-bank using government-decision = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? ]
 aum , asset/total-money under management = ... [source : investopedia.com/terms/a/aum.asp from google ( aum cash ) result 1 ]
 debt-security , debt-type ( government-bond , corporate-bond , etc ) = ... [source : investopedia.com/terms/d/debtsecurity.asp ]
 debt-service , cash needed to pay debt for specific time-duration = ... [source : investopedia.com/terms/d/debtservice.asp from google ( debt service ) result 1 ]
 nonfeasance , negligence = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nonfeasance.asp from google (example negligence inaction) page 3 number 1 ]
 central bank , reserve bank , bank which can print money and make coin = ...
 equity , asset - liability = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/terms/l/liability.asp from google (outstanding liability) result 4 ]
 cash-in-transit , cash-delivery-car = ... [source : www.loomis.us/services/cash-transit from google-image ( money cash car delivery ) row 1 col 1 ]
 fedwire , money-book-keeping-software-for-usa-domestic-money-wire-transfer whose user is usa-commercial-bank = ... [source : (1)www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/files/fedfunds_coreprinciples.pdf  from google ( fedwire order cash ) result 9 (2)stripe.com/resources/more/bank-transfers-explained from google ( how bank order cash after wire transfer ) result 2 ]
 creditor , loaner-money-supplier = ...
 debtor , loaner-money-requestor = ... [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/debtor ]
31 aug 2024 6:31 pm est :
 some moses-law / law-of-moses maybe is correct , some moses-law maybe is wrong .
 but moses maybe agree-with/approve malay/indonesia-language : simplified : '8 don't forget to scribe a copy of these laws on stone slabs that you are going to set up . Make sure that that writing is easy to read .' in www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2027&version=CEV
1 sep 2024 12:4 pm est :
 #reword# debtor , loaner-money-requestor = ... [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/debtor ]
     #to# debtor , debitor (latin-language) , loaner-money-requestor = ... [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/debtor ]

  creditor , loaner-money-supplier = ...
  debtor , loaner-money-requestor = ... [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/debtor 
  debtor , debitur(debitur) = pe-minjam uang [source: airasia.com annual-report year 2020 pdf-viewer-page 275/debtor in https://ir.aaid.co.id/misc/ar/AR2020.pdf ]
  creditor , loaner-money provider/giver = kreditur(kre-di-tur)
  debtor , debitor (latin-language) , loaner-money-requestor = debitur [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/debtor ]
  creditor , loaner-money-supplier = kreditur(kre-di-tur)
1 sep 2024 12:12 pm est :
 #merge# 'money vocab' #and# 'politic vocab'
1 sep 2024 12:54 pm est :
  sanctuary-city ; city where city-police will not help immigration-police-like-usa-ice doing 
   immigration-raid-for-employment-audit-notice-without-court-issued-criminal-detainer-letter to some business-shop/employer 
   but that city still use immigration-police in airport , still want immigration-paper-work for : getting car-driver-license and 
   getting employment with certain employer = ... [4 source : sn/sanctuary-city : (1)www.ilsos.gov/departments/drivers/drivers_license/drlicid.html from google ( chicago driver license requirement ) ; (2)www.nyc.gov/assets/immigrants/downloads/pdf/drivers-licences-for-all.pdf from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; (3)www.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/card/documentation.page from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; non-sn/non-sanctuary-city : (4)iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/new-iowa-residents from google ( iowa ames city driver license requirement ) ] [3 source : (1)simplified : 'usa-immigration-and-Customs-Enforcement--agents serve an employment audit notice at a 7-Eleven convenience store wed 10 jan 2018 , in Los-Angeles-city ' in www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/immigration-agents-raid-7-eleven-stores-nationwide-arrest-21-people-n836531 from google ( seven eleven ice raid ) result 1 ; (2)'Detainer requests issued by ICE will no longer be honored “unless an ICE administrative request to detain the inmate is accompanied by a criminal detainer issued by a court' in fairfaxgop.org/its-official-fairfax-is-a-sanctuary-county/ from google ( fairfax declare sanctuary city ) result 1 ; (3)'Fairfax County does not and will not enforce civil federal immigration laws.  The federal courts have determined that the enforcement of civil immigration laws is solely a federal responsibility under the exclusive authority of ICE. The Board of Supervisors has not designated Fairfax County as a sanctuary county; it cooperates to the fullest extent required by federal, state or local law with any law enforcement agency, including ICE, requesting criminal law enforcement assistance.' in fairfaxcounty.gov/topics/immigrants-fairfax-county from google ( fairfax declare sanctuary city ) result 3 ]
  sanctuary-city ; city where city-police will not help immigration-police-like-usa-ice doing 
   to some business-shop/employer but that city still use immigration-police in airport , still want immigration-paper-work for : 
   getting car-driver-license and getting employment with certain employer = ... [3 source : (1)simplified : 'usa-immigration-and-Customs-Enforcement--agents serve an employment audit notice at a 7-Eleven convenience store wed 10 jan 2018 , in Los-Angeles-city ' in www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/immigration-agents-raid-7-eleven-stores-nationwide-arrest-21-people-n836531 from google ( seven eleven ice raid ) result 1 ; (2)'Detainer requests issued by ICE will no longer be honored “unless an ICE administrative request to detain the inmate is accompanied by a criminal detainer issued by a court' in fairfaxgop.org/its-official-fairfax-is-a-sanctuary-county/ from google ( fairfax declare sanctuary city ) result 1 ; (3)'Fairfax County does not and will not enforce civil federal immigration laws.  The federal courts have determined that the enforcement of civil immigration laws is solely a federal responsibility under the exclusive authority of ICE. The Board of Supervisors has not designated Fairfax County as a sanctuary county; it cooperates to the fullest extent required by federal, state or local law with any law enforcement agency, including ICE, requesting criminal law enforcement assistance.' in fairfaxcounty.gov/topics/immigrants-fairfax-county from google ( fairfax declare sanctuary city ) result 3 ; (4)simplified-text : 'heriff bill-McCarthy and Johnson County Jail Administrator Capt Bill-Deatsch say they comply with detainer-requests only if they are signed by a judge or magistrate.' in www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2018/04/13/iowa-sanctuary-city-bill-sf-481-legality-johnson-county-polk-county/490355002/ from google ( iowa city sanctuary city ) (5)'she said the shortage of resources does not change how both organizations will respond to migrants traveling to Iowa City.' in dailyiowan.com/2022/09/11/iowa-city-organizations-to-accommodate-possible-migrants-from-surrounding-sanctuary-cities-despite-resource-struggle/ from google ( iowa city sanctuary city ) result 2 ] [4 source : sn/sanctuary-city : (1)www.ilsos.gov/departments/drivers/drivers_license/drlicid.html from google ( chicago driver license requirement ) ; (2)www.nyc.gov/assets/immigrants/downloads/pdf/drivers-licences-for-all.pdf from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; (3)www.nyc.gov/site/idnyc/card/documentation.page from google ( new york driver license requirement ) ; non-sn/non-sanctuary-city : (4)iowadot.gov/mvd/driverslicense/new-iowa-residents from google ( iowa ames city driver license requirement ) ] 
2 sep 2024 5:47 pm est :
 #reword# liability , debt , loaner-money-which-need-to-be-paid-back = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liability from wikipedia->search-auto-complete ( liability ) ]
     #to# debt , debitum ( latin-language ) , liability , obligation-to-reimburse-loaner-money = ... [3 source : (1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liability from wikipedia->search-auto-complete ( liability ) (2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/debitum from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/debt (3)www.investopedia.com/terms/l/liability.asp from google (outstanding liability) result 4 ]
	  credit , creditum ( latin-language ) , loaner-money = ... [2 source :(1)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/credit (2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/creditor ]
2 sep 2024 6:26 pm est :
 #reword# board-director , ceo-supervisor = ... president , coo/chief-operational-officer = ... [source : (1)resources.workable.com/hr-terms/ceo-vs-president from google ( ceo vs president of a company ) result 1 (2)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-president-and-ceo/ from google ( ceo vs president ) result 2 ]
     #to# board-director , ceo-supervisor = ... [source : (1)resources.workable.com/hr-terms/ceo-vs-president from google ( ceo vs president of a company ) result 1 (2)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-president-and-ceo/ from google ( ceo vs president ) result 2 ]
	  president , coo/chief-operational-officer = ... [source : (1)resources.workable.com/hr-terms/ceo-vs-president from google ( ceo vs president of a company ) result 1 (2)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-president-and-ceo/ from google ( ceo vs president ) result 2 ]
5 sep 2024 3:17 pm est :
  fixed exchange rate , calculated by central-bank using government-decision = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? ]
  fixed exchange rate , pegged exchange rate , calculated by central-bank using government-decision = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? ]
  collusion , price fixing , many independent seller agree to set price = ... [source : https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/collusion.asp from google ( collusion law ) result 1 ]
5 sep 2024 5:25 pm est :
  fixed exchange rate , pegged exchange rate , calculated by central-bank using government-decision = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? ]
  fixed exchange rate , pegged exchange rate , calculated by central-bank using government-decision = ... [2 source : (1)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? (2)'HKMA guarantee to exchange US dollars into Hong Kong dollars , or vice versa , at the rate of 7.80 . When market rate is below 7.80 , banks will convert US dollars for Hong Kong dollars from HKMA ; Hong Kong dollar supply will increase , and market rate will climb back to 7.80 . same mechanism also works when market rate is above 7.80 , and banks will convert Hong Kong dollars for US dollars.' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_exchange_rate_system_in_Hong_Kong from google ( how dollar hongkongdollar exchange rate is set ) result 1 ]
5 sep 2024 5:31 pm est :
 floating exchange rate , calculated using supply-and-demand of global-currency-market = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? ]
 fixed exchange rate , pegged exchange rate , calculated by central-bank using government-decision = ... [2 source : (1)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? (2)'HKMA guarantee to exchange US dollars into Hong Kong dollars , or vice versa , at the rate of 7.80 . When market rate is below 7.80 , banks will convert US dollars for Hong Kong dollars from HKMA ; Hong Kong dollar supply will increase , and market rate will climb back to 7.80 . same mechanism also works when market rate is above 7.80 , and banks will convert Hong Kong dollars for US dollars.' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_exchange_rate_system_in_Hong_Kong from google ( how dollar hongkongdollar exchange rate is set ) result 1 ]
 floating exchange rate , foreign-money-price being calculated using supply-and-demand of global-currency-market = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? ]
 fixed exchange rate , pegged exchange rate , foreign-money-price being calculated by central-bank using government-decision = ... [2 source : (1)www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp from google ( government artificially fix forex ) result 4 -> ppl also ask -> How does a government fix its exchange rate ? (2)'HKMA guarantee to exchange US dollars into Hong Kong dollars , or vice versa , at the rate of 7.80 . When market rate is below 7.80 , banks will convert US dollars for Hong Kong dollars from HKMA ; Hong Kong dollar supply will increase , and market rate will climb back to 7.80 . same mechanism also works when market rate is above 7.80 , and banks will convert Hong Kong dollars for US dollars.' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_exchange_rate_system_in_Hong_Kong from google ( how dollar hongkongdollar exchange rate is set ) result 1 ]
5 sep 2024 5:36 pm est :
 ebitda , earning before interest tax depreciation amortisation/loan-reduction-via-repeated-payment , gross-profit - administration-expenditure = ... [3 source : (1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earnings_before_interest,_taxes,_depreciation_and_amortization (2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/amortization (3)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/depreciation ]
 gross-profit , income - merchandise-actual-price = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earnings_before_interest,_taxes,_depreciation_and_amortization ]
5 sep 2024 6:20 pm est :
 management buy in , non-employee-of-target-company buy target-company = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_buy-in from wikipedia->search-auto-complete ( management buy ) from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_buyout from 'team of Swiss and German private equity investors has backed a 175 million sfr management buyout of at Zellweger Uster' in privateequityinternational.com/capvis-quadriga-back-zellweger-mbo/ from google ( 2003 private equity investment buy uster from zellweger luwa ) result 1 ]
 management buy out , employee-of-target-company buy target-company and that employee is usually manager-level-employee = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_buyout from wikipedia->search-auto-complete ( management buy ) from 'team of Swiss and German private equity investors has backed a 175 million sfr management buyout of at Zellweger Uster' in privateequityinternational.com/capvis-quadriga-back-zellweger-mbo/ from google ( 2003 private equity investment buy uster from zellweger luwa ) result 1 ]
5 sep 2024 6:37 pm est :
 leveraged buy out , using loaner-money to buy target-company with loan-collateral consist-of target-company-asset and buyer-company-asset = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/terms/l/leveragedbuyout.asp from google ( leveraged buyouts ) result 1 ]
5 sep 2024 6:45 pm est :
 hostile bid , buy-offer for target-company-share-certificate-owner because target-company-management does not approve that buy-offer = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hostile-bid.asp from google ( hostile bid ) result 1 ]
 friendly bid , buy-offer which receive approval from target-company-management , target-company-board-director = .... [source : www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hostile-bid.asp from google ( hostile bid ) result 1 ]
7 sep 2024 4:4 pm est :
 push-pin , thumb-tack = paku-tekan(paku-tökan) , pines(pinäs) [2 source : (1)https://pramudyaarif.wordpress.com/2012/02/04/pines-dan-anak-kecil/ from google-image ( arti pines ) row 2 col 3 (2)https://shopee.co.id/PAKU-TEKAN-THUMB-TACKS-RUSH-i.212407151.3835573498 from google ( bhs inggris paku pines ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Apa itu paku tekan? ]
8 sep 2024 5:44 pm est : end 7:2 pm est
 executive-director ( board-director-member who is also ceo , or cfo , or coo , or etc ) = ... [5 source : (1)electionbuddy.com/blog/2022/05/26/how-are-directors-and-members-of-corporate-boards-selected/ from google ( how board director are elected ) result 1 (2)summitjunto.co/articles/how-are-board-of-directors-elected from google ( how board director are elected ) result 4 (3)www.thecorporategovernanceinstitute.com/insights/guides/director-and-a-non-executive-director/  from google ( executive vs non executive director ) result 2 (4)www.investopedia.com/terms/n/non-executive-director.asp from google ( executive vs non executive director ) result 6 (5)boardcloud.org/news/posts/whats-the-difference-between-non-executive-and-executive-directors/ from google ( executive vs non executive director ) result 4 ]
 non-executive-director/ned ( board-director-member who is non-employee , ned monitor executive-director ensuring that executive-director 
   do what share-certificate-owner want . ned does not participate in day-to-day-operation ) = ... [5 source : (1)electionbuddy.com/blog/2022/05/26/how-are-directors-and-members-of-corporate-boards-selected/ from google ( how board director are elected ) result 1 (2)summitjunto.co/articles/how-are-board-of-directors-elected from google ( how board director are elected ) result 4 (3)www.thecorporategovernanceinstitute.com/insights/guides/director-and-a-non-executive-director/  from google ( executive vs non executive director ) result 2 (4)www.investopedia.com/terms/n/non-executive-director.asp from google ( executive vs non executive director ) result 6 (5)boardcloud.org/news/posts/whats-the-difference-between-non-executive-and-executive-directors/ from google ( executive vs non executive director ) result 4 ]

 proxy-statement ( document containing information needed for share-certificate-owner so share-certificate-owner is ready to vote 
  in share-certificate-owner-meeting ) = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/terms/p/proxystatement.asp from google ( proxy statement ) result 2 ]
 judeo ( jewish , ( judaism/old-testament-bible)-religion-follower ) = ... [2 source : (1)en.wiktionary.org/wiki/judeo from donnie-swaggart preaching on sbn/Sonlife-Broadcasting-Network 7 sep 2024 around 10:00 pm edt about benjamin-franklin putting christian-religion-sermon on newspaper during usa-13-colony-time-period because everyone disagree with each other (2)'sonlife broadcasting network' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SBN ]
9 sep 2024 2:16 pm est :
 ballot , paper for voting = ...
 ballot box , box with narrow-opening for accepting ballot = ... [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ballot_box ]
 secret ballot , anonymous voting = ... [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_box ]
 absentee ballot , postal ballot , postal vote , vote-via-mail = ... [2 source :(1)en.wiktionary.org/wiki/absentee_ballot (2)en.wiktionary.org/wiki/postal_ballot ]
 pre-stuff-ballot-box , cheater ballot-box which already contain some ballot = ... [source : 'stuff' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_box ]
9 sep 2024 2:48 pm est :
 #merge# begin 'Law vocab'
         begin 'politic vocab'
9 sep 2024 3:1 pm est :
 politic , non-violence-tactic = ... [2 source : (1)en.wiktionary.org/wiki/office_politics (2)'a distinctive form of rule whereby people act together through institutionalized procedures to resolve differences' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics ] 
 policy , law = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/policy ]
 polity , state-government-organisation , religion-organisation = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/polity ]
 top-gun , united-states-navy-strike-fighter-tactics-instructor-program = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Navy_Strike_Fighter_Tactics_Instructor_program from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Gun_(disambiguation) from topgun-movie ]
 ace , double ace , triple ace , panzer/tank ace , submarine ace , flying ace , ; soldier who succeed killing many enemy-soldier ( 5 or more ) , destroying : many enemy-facility ( 5 or more ) and many enemy-tool ( 5 or more ) = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ace_(military) from sony-playstation-video-game-ace-combat ]  
 asset over-valuation , asset mark-up , price-increase to pay price of doing business and create profit  = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markup_(business) from 'mark' in jawawa.id/newsitem/sumarlin-testifies-in-bahana-graft-case-1447893297 from google ( PT Apac Century Corporations (PT Acen) ) result 6
 law/legislation mark-up , law/legislation ammendment/modification = ...  [2 source : (1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markup_(legislation) (2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/amendment ]
 take the fifth ammendment , plead the fifth ammendment ; refuse to answer question and refuse to speak because response will make speaker appear guilty [5 source : (1)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Fifth_Amendment (2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/take_the_fifth (3)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/plead_the_Fifth (4)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/incriminate from youtube.com/watch?v=vQ3Tgnt0lMU ( Woman allegedly seen stuffing ballot boxes in Bridgeport takes the witness stand ) from youtube-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=s-eNJIafS48 ( Video shows woman stuffing ballot boxes ) from youtube-search ( drop box ballot fraud ) ]
 under-report , report smaller number than actual number to decrease tax or to get simpler-tax-form = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/underreport from 'report' in autonews.com/article/20181122/COPY01/311229975/ghosn-said-to-be-held-in-cold-detention-cell-as-misconduct-allegations-are-investigated and 'report' in https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Nissan-s-Ghosn-crisis/Carlos-Ghosn-released-from-jail-but-separated-from-wife from google ( carlos ghosn prison ) result 8 ]
10 sep 2024 4:39 pm est :
 #reword# asset over-valuation , asset mark-up , price-increase to pay price of doing business and create profit  = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markup_(business) from 'mark' in jawawa.id/newsitem/sumarlin-testifies-in-bahana-graft-case-1447893297 from google ( PT Apac Century Corporations (PT Acen) ) result 6
     #to# over-valuation , mark-up , price-increase to pay price of doing business and create profit  = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markup_(business) from 'mark' in jawawa.id/newsitem/sumarlin-testifies-in-bahana-graft-case-1447893297 from google ( PT Apac Century Corporations (PT Acen) ) result 6
10 sep 2024 5:38 pm est :
 change clothes , replicate/photo-copy text , giving child-birth
- dasar : salin [change clothes , replicate/photo-copy text]
- aktif : salin [change clothes , replicate/photo-copy text]
	  ber-salin [giving birth]
- pasif : di-salin-i(di-sali-ni) [receiving help in changing clothes , usually little kid still does not know how to remove-and-wear clothes]
- objek :
- kebetulan , stative :
12 sep 2024 2:58 pm est :
 prepare gun , pistol to be fired , lifting gun-cock in preparation for firing
- dasar : kokang
- aktif : meng-okang(mö-ngo-kang)
- pasif : di-kokang
- objek :
- kebetulan , stative : ter-kokang [source : (1)kamus.sabda.org/kamus/kokang from id.wiktionary.org/wiki/kokang (2)id.glosbe.com/id/en/kokang from google ( bhs inggris kokang ) ] 
12 sep 2024 2:59 pm est :
 prepare gun , pistol to be fired , lifting gun-cock in preparation for firing = kokang
12 sep 2024 3:32 pm est :
- dasar : ringkas
- aktif : me-ringkas
- pasif : di-ringkas
- objek : ringkas-an , ikhtisar [summary] [source : 'ikhtisar' in www.bi.go.id/id/peta-situs.aspx (2)id.wiktionary.org/wiki/ikhtisar ]
- kebetulan , stative : 
12 sep 2024 4:27 pm est :
 secretary of state , lieutenant governor ( underling of governor ) = .... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_state_(U.S._state_government) from 'secretary' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_of_West_Virginia from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Manchin#12-sep-2024-4-5-pm-est from www.vice.com/en/article/joe-manchin-drives-maserati/ from google ( senator drive own car ) result 3 and from cnn.com->tv-laura-coates-11-sep-2024-11-pm-showing-michigan-state-secretary-of-state jocelyn-benson ]
12 sep 2024 7:29 pm est : end 7:42 pm est 
 #reword# secretary of state , lieutenant governor ( underling of governor ) = .... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_state_(U.S._state_government) from 'secretary' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_of_West_Virginia from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Manchin#12-sep-2024-4-5-pm-est from www.vice.com/en/article/joe-manchin-drives-maserati/ from google ( senator drive own car ) result 3 and from cnn.com->tv-laura-coates-11-sep-2024-11-pm-showing-michigan-state-secretary-of-state jocelyn-benson ]
     #to# usa->michigan-state-etc secretary of state / lieutenant governor ( underling of governor ) = .... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_state_(U.S._state_government) from 'secretary' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_of_West_Virginia from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Manchin#12-sep-2024-4-5-pm-est from www.vice.com/en/article/joe-manchin-drives-maserati/ from google ( senator drive own car ) result 3 and from cnn.com->tv-laura-coates-11-sep-2024-11-pm-showing-michigan-state-secretary-of-state jocelyn-benson ]
	  usa-secretary-of-state , usa-foreign-minister = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_state#12-sep-2024-7-27-pm-est ]
13 sep 2024 6:2 pm est :
  usa->michigan-state-etc secretary of state / lieutenant governor ( underling of governor ) = .... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_state_(U.S._state_government) from 'secretary' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_of_West_Virginia from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Manchin#12-sep-2024-4-5-pm-est from www.vice.com/en/article/joe-manchin-drives-maserati/ from google ( senator drive own car ) result 3 and from cnn.com->tv-laura-coates-11-sep-2024-11-pm-showing-michigan-state-secretary-of-state jocelyn-benson ]
  usa->michigan-state-etc secretary of state / secretary of commonwealth / lieutenant governor / underling of governor = .... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_state_(U.S._state_government) from 'secretary' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_of_West_Virginia from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Manchin#12-sep-2024-4-5-pm-est from www.vice.com/en/article/joe-manchin-drives-maserati/ from google ( senator drive own car ) result 3 and from cnn.com->tv-laura-coates-11-sep-2024-11-pm-showing-michigan-state-secretary-of-state jocelyn-benson ]
13 sep 2024 6:10 pm est :
 #add# arizona , ali-sonak ( odham-language meaning 'small-spring' ) = ... [source : 'etymology' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona ]
13 sep 2024 7:3 pm est :
  1/2 = (1)se-tengah(sö-tö-ngah)
        (2)satu per dua(sa-tu pör dua)
  3/4 = (1)tiga perapat(ti-ga pör-ra-pat)
        (2)tiga per empat(ti-ga pör öm-pat)
  1/2 , one-half , one-over-two = (1)se-tengah(sö-tö-ngah)
	          		  (2)satu per dua(sa-tu pör dua)

  1 1/2 , one-and-a-half , one-point-five = (1)satu se-tengah
					    (2)satu satu per dua
					    (3)satu koma lima[one comma five]
  3/4 , three-fourth , three-over-four = (1)tiga perapat(ti-ga pör-ra-pat)
       		      			 (2)tiga per empat(ti-ga pör öm-pat)
14 sep 2024 1:24 pm est :
  profit =(1)untung(un-tung)
         (4)bati(ba-ti) (java-language)
 profit , capital-gain = (1)laba(la-ba)
          		 (3)bati(ba-ti) (java-language)
	  		 (4)untung(un-tung) [ also has meaning 'lucky' #homophone#]
  [source : 'profit' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_gain from 'capital gain' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Share_repurchase from 'share buyback' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Nader from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_presidential_election from wikipedia->search-auto-complete ( usa president election )
14 sep 2024 2:1 pm est :
 #add# double down , make promise/gambling-bet increase 1 time = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/double_down ]
14 sep 2024 6:7 pm est :
 #reword# double down , make promise/gambling-bet increase 1 time = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/double_down ]
     #to# double down , make promise/gambling-bet increase 1 fold becoming 200 % = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/double_down ]
14 sep 2024 6:11 pm est :
 #reword# double down , make promise/gambling-bet increase 1 fold becoming 200 % = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/double_down ]
     #to# double down , make promise/gambling-bet increase 1 fold becoming 200 % = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/double_down from foxnews.com-tv-bottom-text-menu saying 'kamala-harris double-down on middle-class' ]
14 sep 2024 10:14 pm est :
 #reword# equity , asset - liability = ... [source : www.investopedia.com/terms/l/liability.asp from google (outstanding liability) result 4 ]
     #to# equity , net-worth , asset - liability = ... [2 source : (1)www.investopedia.com/terms/l/liability.asp from google (outstanding liability) result 4 (2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/net_worth from 'net worth' in financialsuccessmd.com/taylor-swift-is-not-a-billionaire/ from google ( taylor swift debt ) result 3 ]
15 sep 2024 5:39 pm est :
 #reword# refuse, not willing, unwilling
     #to# refuse , reject , repudiate , not willing , unwilling 
15 sep 2024 6:54 pm est :
  3. ngomong - ngomong [chit-chat] [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chit_chat ]
  4. ngobrol [chit-chat] [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chit_chat ]
  5. ber-bincang -- bincang [chit-chat] [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chit_chat ]
  6. ber-cakap -- cakap [chit-chat] [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chit_chat ]
15 sep 2024 6:59 pm est :
  7. celotehan(cölotähan)[little kid's conversation] [source : maybe from mrs-adelina facebook.com/adelinawinarko ]
  8. obrolan(obörolan)[conversation]
15 sep 2024 7:1 pm est :
 #add# ngobrok(ngɔ-bö-rɔk) [accidentally defecate inside pants]
15 sep 2024 7:12 pm est :
 #add# facebook.com/adelinawinarko
16 sep 2024 5:2 pm est :
 #add# fulfill undertaking , fulfill/satisfy promise = ... [source : (1)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/undertaking (2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fulfill from 'fulfill undertaking' in panynj.gov/corporate/en/financial-information/consolidated-bonds-and-notes.html from jfkairport.com-top-right-area-link ]
16 sep 2024 5:6 pm est :
 #add# ber-celoteh(bör-cö-lo-täh) [little-kid's chit-chat]
16 sep 2024 5:15 pm est :
 #add# escrow , agreement where money or asset is being kept in trust by independent-agent will be disbursed to relevant person if certain agreement is satisfied = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/escrow ] 
17 sep 2024 8:50 pm est :
 #add# bona fide , sincerely = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bona_fide from 'bonafide' in https://www.reddit.com/r/gambling/comments/18yj9md/questions_about_wiring_money_to_cage/ from google ( casino wire transfer winning money reddit ) result 1 ] 
19 sep 2024 4:49 pm est :
 #add# pollock-fish , pollachius-fish = ikan batubara [coal-fish] [source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikan_batubara from id.wikipedia.org-search ( pollachius ) ]
25 sep 2024 5:46 pm est :
 #add# tangentially , long-line touch curve but not penetrate that curve = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tangent ] 
25 sep 2024 5:48 pm est :
 institution , organisation = institusi [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/institution#English ]
 praescriptum , legum( from latin-language 'legum baccalaureus' meaning 'bachelow of law') = peraturan 
 supreme(highest) = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/supreme ] 
 habeas-corpus(order that prisoner be brought in-front-of court or judge to ensure that that person's imprisonment is legal) = ...  [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/habeas_corpus#English ] 
 interdict/forbid = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/interdict ]
 pro-bono (latin-language for 'for public good') , free-of-charge = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pro_bono#English ]
 magang , future worker who is still under training and not paid = ... [source : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/magang#23-sep-2024-2-7-pm-est ]
 lease , rental-contract = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lease#English ]
 lease-termination = pengakhiran/penghentian/pemutusan kontrak di learn-indo.htm
 tenant , rental-contract-customer = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tenant#English ]
 hereby , with this action / process = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hereby#English ]
 contract-termination = peng-henti-an kontrak , peng-akhir-an kontrak [source : (1)https://www.google.com/url?q=https://binakonstruksi.pu.go.id/%3Fsdm_process_download%3D1%26download_id%3D3558&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjSkL6_3tmIAxV-KVkFHTGzB-04ChAWegQIAxAC&usg=AOvVaw27spg06tp76dyAtVLwmurp from google ( pengakhiran kontrak ) result 2 (2)https://dspace.uii.ac.id/bitstream/handle/123456789/17606/05.3%20bab%203.pdf?sequence=6&isAllowed=y from google ( pengakhiran kontrak ) result 1 ]
 huckster , aggressive-and-showy seller = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/huckster#English from 'huckster' in reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1fnscbx/jill_stein_paid_100000_to_a_republican_consulting/ ]
 usa-presidential-primary , usa-presidential-caucus , usa-politic-group-president-nominee-election = ... [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Maine_Democratic_presidential_primary from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Iowa_Democratic_presidential_caucuses -> bottom-menu '2024 Democratic presidential primaries' -> click show from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iowa_caucuses#2024 from 'first party caucuses' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Edwards  ]
 usa-president-election = ... 
25 sep 2024 5:49 pm est :
 #add# oceh-an(ocähan)[his/her non-serious-word] [source : https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/mengoceh#23-sep-2024-2-20-pm-est ] 
25 sep 2024 5:54 pm est :
 #reword# perintah(pö-rin-tah)[command]
     #to# perintah(pö-rin-tah) , amar [command] [source : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/amar ] 
25 sep 2024 5:56 pm est :
 soil-podium = bedengan , podium tanah [source : (1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Srltk6xGuw ( KEBUNKU BUTUH ALAT INI ‼️ MESIN CANGKUL OTOMATIS MODERN MULTIGUNA - YouTube )  (2)https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/bedengan ] 
 annoying plant like ragweed = gulma , hama [source : (1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Srltk6xGuw ( KEBUNKU BUTUH ALAT INI ‼️ MESIN CANGKUL OTOMATIS MODERN MULTIGUNA - YouTube )  (2)https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/gulma ]
 room-space underneath/below some object = kolong [source : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/kolong#23-sep-2024-2-11-pm-est ] 
 fortis , strong = kuat[strong] , tahan banting[resistant to being slammed ) [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fortis#English ]
 cynical , skeptical/not-trusting sincerity of other = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cynical from archives.gov/files/research/kavanaugh/releases/docid-70105800.pdf pdf-page 3 from google ( vincent foster father colt revolver ) ]
 near miss , near-collision-event = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/near_miss ]
25 sep 2024 6 pm est :
 ngoceh [saying things which is not serious ]
26 sep 2024 5:21 pm est :
 prima-facie (latin-language for 'at first sight superficially without full analysis/inspection') = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/prima_facie from ... ]
28 sep 2024 4:27 pm est : 
 blue on blue , friendly fire , shot from friend = ... [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/blue-on-blue from 'blue on blue' in comment from threestrikesmarxman9095 2 years ago scribing 'For those who are still confused at what happened : Somebody hacked into the Japanese air defense network after rogue Japanese aircraft attacked Tokyo, sending a flight of fake F-16Js (callsign Wyvern) from Misawa in northern Japan. Obviously everybody's on edge and they have no idea what's going on so they treat it like a real threat. Central Air Defense dispatches two flights of F-15s—Wizard 03 and Priest 21—to intercept. Wizard arrives at "Wyvern's" position first but they have no idea where Wyvern is. The hackers then spoof Wizard's transponders to 7700 (emergency) to make it seem like they've been shot down, but they're actually still flying. Wizard's comms have been jammed so they can't communicate anything back to command, and now air defense radars think that Wizard is Wyvern. With Wizard unreachable, Central Air Defense tasks Priest 21 to intercept "Wyvern," now heading towards Tokyo. Priest 21 closes with "Wyvern" but Wizard breaks through the jamming and announces that they're still alive. Wyvern never existed and the JASDF almost had a case of blue on blue. TLDR: Wyvern never existed except as a fake blip on radar.' in youtube.com/watch?v=KzhwTBJrnQA ( Fighter Pilot Reacts to Patlabor 2 - F15 vs Wyvern ) from youtube-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=G8VDPcZjJXQ ( Midnight Blue - Patlabor full ending ) from youtube-recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=ap6jO5kK_RA ( Patlabor Opening Theme English Subtitles ) ]
28 sep 2024 7:11 pm est :
 #reword# soil-podium = bedengan , podium tanah [source : (1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Srltk6xGuw ( KEBUNKU BUTUH ALAT INI ‼️ MESIN CANGKUL OTOMATIS MODERN MULTIGUNA - YouTube )  (2)https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/bedengan ] 
     #to# soil-podium = bedengan , podium tanah [source : (1)youtube.com/watch?v=QTzDmhQ0nP4 ( CUKUP SATU MESIN OLAH LADANG BERES | BAJAK MINI FTL820 ✅BAJAK KERING ✅BAJAK SAWAH ✅BUAT BEDENGAN - YouTube )  (2)https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/bedengan ] 
 #reword# annoying plant like ragweed = gulma , hama [source : (1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Srltk6xGuw ( KEBUNKU BUTUH ALAT INI ‼️ MESIN CANGKUL OTOMATIS MODERN MULTIGUNA - YouTube )  (2)https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/gulma ]
     #to# annoying plant like ragweed = gulma , hama [source : (1)youtube.com/watch?v=5Srltk6xGuw ( KEBUNKU BUTUH ALAT INI ‼️ MESIN CANGKUL OTOMATIS MODERN MULTIGUNA - YouTube )  (2)id.wiktionary.org/wiki/gulma ]
to find homonym : find '#homo'
 google.com , youtube.com , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during
 mail.yahoo.com is in dc-state :
  https://toolsip.org/ip/mail.yahoo.com : usa->dc-state->washington-city->oath-holdings-inc->
 but traceroute mail.yahoo.com maybe go via california-state:
  a@2 08:28 AM ~ traceroute mail.yahoo.com
  traceroute to mail.yahoo.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
  1  Fios_Quantum_Gateway.fios-router.home (  0.408 ms  0.568 ms  0.731 ms
  3  ae3305-21.ARTNVAFC-MSE01-AA-IE1.verizon-gni.net (  16.614 ms  16.509 ms  16.427 ms
  4  0.ae10.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  22.735 ms 0.ae9.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET (  19.404 ms  19.570 ms
  5  verizon-com.customer.alter.net (  20.019 ms  19.631 ms  19.911 ms
  6  et31.bas4-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  18.015 ms et32.bas2-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  12.669 ms
     et31.bas2-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  11.278 ms
  7  et30.usw1-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  11.368 ms et33.usw2-1-edg.dca.yahoo.com (  11.902 ms  10.826 ms
  8  e1.ycpi.vip.dca.yahoo.com (  11.679 ms  9.997 ms  9.871 ms

  starting around 13-mar california-time-zone is utc-7.
  starting around 4-nov california-time-zone is utc-8.
  (1)find in http://wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm :
      '-[13-mar-2011] usa, canada day-light-saving-time start. usa-clock, canada-clock move-forward 1 hour. [source : https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2011]
      day-light-saving-time-start-date change itself every year :
      year 2011:13-mar-2011 -> 6-nov-2011   year 2013:10-mar-2013 -> 3-nov-2013 
      year 2012:11-mar-2012 -> 4-nov-2012   source : (1) https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2011#29_sep_2018_2_1_pm_edt (2) https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2012#29_sep_2018_2_1_pm_edt (3) https://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2013#29_sep_2018_2_1_pm_edt
  because ivanpah-concentrated-solar-power (csp) kills 6000 bird per year:
    from google (solar farm blinding bird) result 3
    or find 'latimes.com/local/california/la-me-solar-bird-deaths-20160831-snap-story.html'
    in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm
  2)'unauthorized contact with journalists violates BrightSource’s rules for the scientists it employs'
    in http://www.hcn.org/wotr/the-tortoise-is-collateral-damage-in-the-mojave-desert
    from google (federal biologist ivanpah) page 1 last result
    or find 'hcn.org/wotr/the-tortoise-is-collateral-damage-in-the-mojave-desert'
    in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm
  and 'ivanpah make contract to sell about 2/3 of electricity generated
       to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), and the rest to Southern California Edison (SCE).[25][26][19]'
       in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivanpah_Solar_Power_Facility
---under construction, there are mistranslation ---
#here# means no idea about that now, come back to that 
mark later.
indonesian / malay language lesson.
#id# means indonesian / malay language
#jv# means javanese language 
#double-consonant-problem# means :
    - there is a confusion whether consonant should be
       single or double
lit trans---- means literal translation
maybe there is commercial-online-tutor giving malay-language-education via skype.com-communication : google ( malay language tutor skype )
source :
1. verb list from 
   from google 'english basic verb' result 5
2. http://www.tfd.com
3. http://malaycube.com from google (malay english dict) result 2
4. https://translate.google.com
5. https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/Halaman_Utama
   from google 'id wiktionary indonesia' result 1
6. https://chl-old.anu.edu.au/languages/indonesian
7. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jajar_genjang
8. https://hasbullahjaini79.wordpress.com/2013/10/26/mencari-akar-pangkat-dua-sebuah-bilangan-dengan-mudah/
   dari google 'akar pangkat 2' hasil 1
9. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segitiga
10. http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/mencicil
11. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Daftar_kosakata_bahasa_Indonesia_yang_sering_salah_dieja
12. http://kbbi.web.id/nista
13. https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/Kategori:id:Verba_%28me-%29
14. google
15. http://familiazam.com
16. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miliar
    dari google (berhitung bahasa indo 1 miliar) hasil 3
17. https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triliun
18. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070624042910AA0AwxM
    from google (ni henpen) result 1
19. https://www.facebook.com/TiongHoa.Indonesia/posts/10150551813027258
    from google (si cin ping) result 2
20. https://mysuperlounge.wordpress.com/2017/03/18/hau-jek-sen-cing-ping/
    from google (si cin ping) result 5
21. 'stative' 
    from google (malay grammar) result 1
22. en.wiktionary.org/wiki (for spain-language , other foreign language)

malay/indonesia-language's benefit :
 (1) simple grammar : no verb-(inflection/conjugation) , no noun-gender . so only need small mental-stress ( low-cholesterol-language ) . 
     can be used to think quicker to produce quick decision .
 (2) not much homonym , homophone , homograph .
 (3) some moses-law / law-of-moses maybe is correct , some moses-law maybe is wrong .
     but moses maybe agree-with/approve malay/indonesia-language : simplified : '8 don't forget to scribe a copy of these laws on stone slabs that you are going to set up . Make sure that that writing is easy to read .' in www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2027&version=CEV
 (4) writing-pattern is consistent with pronunciation-pattern , no silent-alphabet , so writing is easy ( good orthography ) ,
     which help creating way-of-thinking-with-predictable-pattern/organised-thinking-pattern , not randomised-thinking-pattern , 
     which help in producing consistent product and make future-problem-debugging-with-that-product become easier .
     but at same time this makes : tax-police easily investigate-and-audit money-corruption because tax-report , 
     financial-quarter-report , money-book-keeping-report , use simple-and-easy language .

     warning : if usa use easy-and-simple-language for national-language then usd-currency-strength devalue because :
      (1)easy-and-simple-language help company-business succeed-making good product .
      (2)standard-and-poor-500/sap-500 has inverse-relationship with usd , which means if company-business succeed-making good product then usd-value decrease
         because exporting good product need low usd-value . [source : (1/6)cnbc.com/2022/07/11/prepare-for-the-us-dollar-hit-on-sp-500-big-tech-earnings.html from google ( usa dollar correlate with apple stock price ) result 7  (2/6)tradestops.com/blog/sp-500-surge-higher-year/ from google ( dollar value correlate with standard and poor 500 index ) result 3  (3/6)cnbc.com/id/34240067 from google ( dollar value correlate with standard and poor 500 index ) result 6  (4/6)reuters.com/article/indonesia-textiles-military/indonesian-military-uniform-supplier-shrugs-off-fx-turbulence-idUSL3N1VQ221 from google (ecsnaith uniform supplier textile factory) result 1  (5/6)investopedia.com/financial-edge/0311/what-drives-the-price-of-gold.aspx from google ( usa dollar correlate with gold value ) result 1 (6/6)thebalancemoney.com/the-relationship-between-gold-and-the-u-s-dollar-808978 from google ( usa dollar correlate with gold value ) result 3 ] .

     so easy-and-simple-language decrease money and decrease a mess , messy language increase money and increase a mess .
     example mess where debugging-process/diagnostic-process/investigation-process become more difficult because of difficult language :

	(1)complicated birth-defect like conjoined-twin needing separation-surgery example : youtube.com/watch?v=K57IcN9DWXo (Abigail & Brittany Hensel - The Twins Who Share a Body)
	  , cleft-chin , spina-bifida , harlequin-ichthyois , cystic-fibrosis ( former-uk-prime-minister david-cameron's mortem-son ) , etc ....

	(2)complicated disease like diabetes-type-1 , psoriasis , where difficult-language english-language make diagnosis/debugging more difficult .

	(3)usa->ohio-state->ohio-river-pollution and other epa.gov's worst-pollution-place :
		from google(most polluted river in usa)result 1 from idea-from 'Toxics Reduction Act (Ont.)' 
		in https://www.multimatic.com/structures-and-suspension/structures-suspensions-products/ 
		from 'multimatic lightweight stamped steel front door hinges' in http://www.autonews.com/assets/PDF/CA758951010.PDF 
		from http://www.autonews.com/article/20110913/CUTAWAY/309139986/suppliers-to-the-2012-honda-cr-v from google (honda crv supplier list) result 1]

	 	from google(superfund site)result 5 from 'superfund'
		in http://www.allgov.com/news/controversies/air-force-clashes-with-california-over-radioactive-waste-dump-130922?news=851199 
		from google(air force dump fuel ton) page 4 result 10

	   (3)list25.com/the-25-most-polluted-places-on-earth/ from google (most polluted place on earth) result 1
              which include indonesia-country->java-island->west-java-province->citarum-river even-though (indonesia/malay)-language is easy .
              but compared to other country which has more difficult language : indonesia-country has smaller-amount-of-mess .

	      but year 2011 government start removing solid-garbage from citarum-river but oct 2022
 	      textile-factory kawi-mekar-textile , united-color-indonesia-textile , how-are-you-indonesia-textile 
              discard coloring-liquid brown-color , blue-color , red-color , black-color , etc ,  to citarum-river ,
	      polluting citarum-river again . 

	      maybe because textile-factory does not know recycling-procedure for liquid-textile-colorising-chemistry-compound , 
	      possibly-supplied-by dy-star , kin-dyes , chemicals-of-singapore . [3 source : (1/3)'oktober 2022' in id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ci_Tarum#27_dec_2022_2_46_am_est (2/3)thejakartapost.com/news/2020/02/27/west-java-court-declares-textile-company-guilty-of-polluting-citarum-river.html from google ( textile factory list discard citarum river ) result 6 (3/3)'DyStar was established in 1995 as a joint venture of Bayer and Hoechst textile dye businesses. Later dye businesses of Zeneca and BASF were added . Dystar built 55 million usd color-dye-factory in China in year 2006 and is now owned by kin-dyes and chemicals-of-singapore' in colorantshistory.org/files/Faded_Rainbow_Article_April_21_2012.pdf from google ( german color dye monopoly ) from colorantshistory.org/DowIndigo.html from google ( dibromoindigo maker ) , ( dibromoindigo supplier ) ] .
	(4)car-accident , aircraft-accident , helicopter-accident , vacation-cruise-ship-septic-plumbing-problem 
	   [4 source : 
		(1)'Rick Sanchez C137' 1 day ago : 'They pump it into the ocean... creating toxic algae blooms....
	    They are supposed to be at least 12 miles offshore, but they don’t always move that far out.
	    In Alaska they allow them to dump in the inside straight because the weather in the passage is much more calm;
	    and because Alaska doesn’t want to “waste” the money to build a sewage treatment facility at the docks.....
	    The “sewage treatment facilities” on cruise ships is nowhere near up to the standards of western, land based sewage treatment.'
	    on youtube.com/watch?v=5Z7bTmZVPTI ( What happens after you flush the toilet on a cruise ship? ) from
	    recommendation in youtube.com/watch?v=b4Ktddx7cNo ( Vacuum Toilet Service ) from youtube-search ( from youtube-search ( aircraft toilet ) result 44
		     from google ( cruise ship gray water algae bloom ) result 4  
	        (4)frequent car-accident on usa->virginia-state->fairfax-city->i-66-east which go to usa->columbia-special-state->washington-city 
		   1 example : wjla.com/news/local/i-66-east-shut-down-fauquier-county-virginia-after-multi-vehicle-crash-tractor-trailer-suv-injuries-highway
		 from google ( multiple car accident i-66-east ) result 1
		because that i-66-east is occasionally-semi-congested , so sometimes there is traffic-jam which make car-driver 
		need to brake-to-decelerate abruptly during high-speed driving on that i-66-east high-way .
		and virginia-state-dept-of-transportation-road-worker/vdot.virginia.gov do road-construction-work-which-partially-(close/block)-i-66-high-way 
		during rush-hour , refuse to work during night-time maybe because restaurant-which-open-during-night-time is lacking .
		that road-construction-work-which-partially-(close/block)-i-66-high-way cause car-with-high-speed feel under pressure to change-lane quickly
                or brake-abruptly or collide-against partial-road-construction-barrier .

	(5)nuclear-(garbage/waste) increasingly decrease human-living-space in south-korea-country . [3 source : (1)'Temporary storage for spent nuclear fuel rods at South Korea's nuclear plants was 71 percent full in June with one site in Ulsan, which is the heartland of South Korea's nuclear industry, to be at full capacity in 2016 . To accommodate the 100,000 tons of nuclear waste that South Korea is expected to generate this century , it needs a disposal vault of 20 square kilometers in rock caverns some 500 meters underground , according to a 2011 study by analyst Seongho Sheen published in the Korean Journal of Defense Analysis. "Finding such a space in South Korea, a country the size of the state of Virginia, and with a population of about 50 million, would be enormously difficult' in ndtv.com/world-news/nuclear-waste-a-growing-headache-for-south-korea-517345 from google ( south korea nuclear waste capacity ) result 7 (2)why usa does not recycle nuclear waste : 'A major obstacle to nuclear fuel recycling in the United States has been the perception that it’s not cost-effective and that it could lead to the proliferation of nuclear weapons' in forbes.com/sites/realspin/2014/10/01/why-doesnt-u-s-recycle-nuclear-fuel/#24f9f0d2390f from google ( usa nuclear recycle site ) result 1 (3)countries which recycle nuclear waste en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_reprocessing#List_of_sites from google ( nuclear reprocessing wiki ) result 1 ]

	(6)alcohol-beverage-bottle-debris on usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->road 
	   because usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->RepublicServices.com->recyclable-garbage-truck-bed 
  	   fail to protect alcohol-beverage-bottle from impact with other recyclable-hard-garbage inside that recyclable-garbage-truck-bed 
           then that alcohol-beverage-bottle break-apart/shatter then spilling alcohol-beverage-bottle-debris on road ; 
           door-with-partial-tightness-enclosing-truck-bed spilling stone-debris-from-bulldozing to road and
	   those stone-debris on road sometimes is sharp-stone-debris which make other car-tire-rubber get friction more severely 
           than friction with smooth-asphalt then accelerating car-tire-rubber-wear-and-tear .

	(7)messy-road-renovation-job which create man-made-road-bump which produce stress to car-suspension .
	   [source : find 'road-bump-list on high-speed-road which need more smoothening-job' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm ]

	(8)another mess in indonesia-country : house-on-hill-top with failing-retainer-wall .
   	   some house in indonesia-country->java-island->central-java-province->semarang-city->candi-baru-area depend-on retainer-wall . 

	   retainer-wall(errosion-prevention-wall) on cliff . need some hole-with-soil-filter-screen which block soil 
           from going out of outer-retainer-wall , and allow water to go out of outer-retainer-wall .
           but those hole-with-soil-filter-screen maybe eventually become clogged with compressed-dense-soil , 
	   then clogged-hole-with-soil-filter-screen block water .

           forever-wet soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall , maybe causes retainer-wall-deterioration . 
	   maybe solution is : need to build gazebo/canopy on soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall , so that gazebo/canopy 
            keep that soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall dry . 
	   house-builder maybe not willing to construct house on that soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall because house is heavy .
	   house-builder maybe construct house away from soil-on-area-encircled-by-retainer-wall , away from cliff , and more near to street/road .

           example building on-top-of-hill where hill-slope lack retainer-wall which produce high-land-slide-risk : amanda-hills.com/accommodation.php from google ( talud amanda hotel bandungan ) row 5 col 2
           failed/broken retainer-wall/talud ( spain-language-word for 'retainer-wall' ) :
	    (1) https://www.detik.com/jateng/berita/d-6394932/hujan-deras-picu-talut-longsor-jalan-ambles-di-semarang-ini-lokasinya from google ( semarang semboja longsor 2009 ) row 1 col 2
	    (2) https://bpbd.semarangkota.go.id/detailpost/tanah-longsor-di-jalan-candi-rt-04-rw-01-kelurahan-candi-kecamatan-candisari from google ( semarang semboja candi baru longsor ) result 1
	    (3) https://bpbd.semarangkota.go.id/detailpost/talud-longsor-rt-04-rw-01-kel-candi-kec-candisari from google ( semarang semboja candi baru longsor ) result 2
	    (4) https://tirto.id/ribuan-kk-terdampak-banjir-di-42-titik-34-longsor-di-semarang-f94C from google ( semarang semboja candi baru longsor ) result 4

	   reason : maybe there is realtor who want to become richer via selling land-with-cliff-down-slope which is actually not habitable 
		    but seeing city-view from house-on-hill-top-balcony-surrounded-with-mosquito-screen-filter , while listening to
                    di.fm->smooth-jazz-internet-radio or like paul-hardcastle-smooth-jazz or 
                    maybe (indonesia/melayu)-language-radio-station pramborsfm.com [source : 'pramborsfm.com' in id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prambors#14-dec-2023-11-1-pm-est ]
		    , is cool and attractive to some customer .
		    so in the end that realtor become richer but there is risk of retainer-wall-deterioration like a mess waiting-to-show-up because
	 	    heavy-rain will always happen .

	(9)water-tower-cleaning-process which need worker-wearing-diving-clothes , is not easy maintenance-job .
           maybe they ideally build 2 water-tower , temporarily use only 1 water-tower during 48 hour cleaning-process to clean water-tower-2-in-empty-condition . 

	(10)airport-tarmac-delay become difficult to investigate/diagnose/debug . find 'transtats.bts.gov/TARMACALL/tarmacAirportData.aspx?6B2r=OB%20Nv42146&56zz=E&rqzz=EF&Brn456=FDEE&Brn4=FDFF&6zv0=ELE&6znA=EDDDD' .

	(11)pork-barrel-city-project like usa->boston-big-dig-project . [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pork_barrel#8_aug_2022_11_41_am_edt from forgotten-wiki ]

	(12)usa->new-york-state->rail-road-maintenance . [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_New_York_City_transit_crisis#22_jan_2022_12_56_pm_est from wikipedia.org->search ( new york subway homeless rail track ) result 6 ]

	(13)messy-aircraft-engine-construction-job which create metal-fatigue soon which make pilot need to become mess-cleaning-up-crew  
            during saving that aircraft . [source : 'May 23, 2001: The right main landing gear of an American Airlines Fokker 100, registration number N1419D,  operating as AA Flight 1107, collapsed upon landing on runway 17-C after a scheduled flight from Charlotte/Douglas International Airport. The pilot was able to maintain directional control and stop the aircraft on the runway. The incident was attributed to metal-fatigue caused by a manufacturing flaw in the right main gear; there were no serious injuries to the 88 passengers or 4 crew, but the aircraft was badly damaged and was written off.[125][126]' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas/Fort_Worth_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_6_54_pm_est ]

        (14)politic-mess like :
	    (1)julian-assange living inside uk->ecuador-embassy ; 
	    (2)homeless-ppl living on road-side because homeless-ppl can defecate , 
	       urinate on road then car-tire can step on that feces-and-urine then car-tire transfer that feces-and-urine-debris to garage-floor .
	    (3)illegal-immigration in waiting-line , seeking asylum , then living inside illegal-immigrant-detention-center 
     	       then illegal-immigrant-detention-center lack space for more illegal-immigrant .

	(15)recreation-drug-business which make atf/alcohol-tobacco-firearm-bureau become mess-cleaning-up-crew . 

	(16)school-shooting , night-club-shooting , shopping-mall-shooting , shopping-mall-bulldozing-vandalism , are a mess which make : [source : (1/5)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robb_Elementary_School_shooting#17_nov_2022_9_26_am_est from cnn.com->tv-news->bottom-text-news (2/5)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_City_nightclub_shooting#19_dec_2022_11_52_pm_est and other night-club-shooting on bottom-menu (3/5)bulldozing-vandalism-'car incident' en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodfield_Mall#28_nov_2022_4_50_pm_est (4/5)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastland_Mall_(Charlotte,_North_Carolina)#27_dec_2022_5_12_am_est from wikipedia->search ( mall of america shooting ) result 10 (5/5)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fashion_Show_Mall#27_dec_2022_5_12_am_est from wikipedia->search ( mall of america shooting ) result 8 ]
	    (1)police participate in gun-battle
	    (2)police become cleaning-worker removing cadaver 
	    (3)construction-worker do repair-job

		[source :  (1/3)abcnews.go.com/Health/ReproductiveHealth/story?id=4698181&page=1 from google ( polygamy effect incest ) result 2 
				 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziona from 'In the case of Ziona Chana, head of the world’s largest family with 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughters-in-law,  and 33 grandchildren (yes, 180 in total and counting), does not run a coliving space - even if he manages operations bigger than many coliving spaces, hostels and even hotels can handle.' in 
			   (2/3)colivingdiaries.com/blog/what-is-coliving-part-1-4-the-basic-definition from 'colivingdiaries.com' in coco.swiss/en/blogpost/only-for-dummies.html from google ( heinrich kunz spinning )
        (18)apple.com , dell.com , hp.com , falcon-nw.com inability to provide hard-disk-fan-housing for hard-disk-cooling-fan causing 
            future hard-disk-failure and increase failed-hard-disk-garbage . thankfully bestbuy.com recently offer computer-garbage-recycling-service .

	(19)boeing.com forgetting to publish 737-max's mcas-anti-stall-software-behaviour which causes 2 recently-built-aircraft-crash . 
	    [source : 
		(1)reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max-factbox/factbox-in-boeing-internal-messages-employees-distrust-the-737-max-and-mock-regulators-idUSKBN1Z90NPhttps://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max-factbox/factbox-in-boeing-internal-messages-employees-distrust-the-737-max-and-mock-regulators-idUSKBN1Z90NP from find 'For a factbox on excerpts from employees' messages, click here' in reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737max/designed-by-clowns-boeing-employees-ridicule-737-max-regulators-in-internal-messages-idUSKBN1Z902N from google ( boeing employee directory ) page 2 number 2 
		(2)washingtonpost.com/business/economy/boeings-737-max-design-contains-fingerprints-of-hundreds-of-suppliers/2019/04/05/44f22024-57ab-11e9-8ef3-fbd41a2ce4d5_story.html from google ( boeing mcas supplier ) result 1 and from ref-35 in ' software code for the MCAS function and the computer for executing the software are built to Boeing's specifications by Collins Aerospace, formerly Rockwell Collins.[35]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneuvering_Characteristics_Augmentation_System
		(3)sullysullenberger.com/my-testimony-today-before-the-house-subcommittee-on-aviation/ from ref-36 in 'MCAS was given full authority to bring the aircraft nose down, and could not be overridden by pilot resistance against the control wheel as on previous versions of the 737.[36]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maneuvering_Characteristics_Augmentation_System from google ( boeing mcas supplier ) result 2
	    ] .

	(20)difficult-to-(investigate/diagnose/debug) forest-fire every summer in usa->california-state .

	(21)boeing.com's weird-justification about wing-tip-installation .
	    boeing.com says wing-tip remove trailing-turbulence behind aircraft .
	    why pilot need to worry trailing-turbulence behind aircraft ?
	    how is 'removing trailing-turbulence behind aircraft' , improve fuel-consumption-efficiency ? 
	    because aircraft move forward , not backward .
	    wing-tip makes cross-wind-landing more difficult , turning-left-and-right more difficult . [source : rudder oppose wingtip so : wingtip decrease rudder's responsiveness/sensitivity : 'Static-loads/structural-load Static-loads are determined by Boeing and usa faa/Federal-Aviation-Administration design requirement , such as symmetric 2.5 g maneuver , roll-maneuver , abrupt-rudder-input that results in side-slip-maneuver . Although these maneuvers all contribute to wing-box-design, most wing-box is designed for 2.5 g maneuver . the highest load on mid- to outboard part of wing occur when speed-brake/spoiler-brake are extended . the inboard portion of wing reach highest load in clean-wing-configuration (in-other-word with speed-brake/spoiler-brake retracted) . the outboard tip of wing is designed for roll-maneuver. but when winglet is added, high-load on winglet during side-slip-maneuver cause wingtip area to be more highly loaded. so side-slip-maneuver became design-case for wingtip and winglet .' in boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/aero_17/winglet_story.html ]

	    and i can not find comparison test-flight with wing-tip and test-flight without wing-tip from some-airport to some-airport which
            show evidence saying wing-tip improve fuel-efficiency .
	    maybe true justification for wing-tip-installation ( wing-tip-installation-goal ) is : 
	     to decrease distance between trailing-aircraft-and-leading-aircraft : seattletimes.com/business/faa-eases-rule-on-distance-between-airbus-a380-trailing-planes/ from google ( minimum  trailing aircraft distance ) result 5
	     so more flight-per-day can happen , more aircraft can fly in 1 sky-area .

	(22)inconsistent-statement which is maybe exist because-of job-bureaucracy-with-complicated-language , 
            then produce misunderstanding then produce wrong-job-order which produce a mess :

	    (1)statement : military-radar show mh-370 change-direction to kota-bharu. [source:pdf-page 50]
	       #contradict# [source:pdf-page 49/'Malaysian military radar and radar sources from two other countries,
	        namely Viet Nam and Thailand, also captured the disappearance of the radar position symbol of MH370'
		mh370.mot.gov.my/MH370SafetyInvestigationReport.pdf from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_370_satellite_communications from google-image ( mh370 Inmarsat path  )

		example possible mess : 
		 some investigator aware 'change-direction to kota-bharu' , some investigator not aware about that .
		 then investigator who is not aware : maybe try to seek reconnaisance-worker who is willing to go to that area-where-mh-370-become-missing 
		 according-to vietnam-military-radar--and--thailand-military-radar .

	    (2) 'depth rating 656 ft ( 200 m )' in gdmissionsystems.com/-/media/General-Dynamics/Maritime-and-Strategic-Systems/Bluefin/PDF/Bluefin-21-BPAUV-Product-Sheet.ashx?la=en&hash=00B8F3DDB86A0421AFD965E085F2409F85FAA9BC
	        'depth rating 14,763 ft ( 4,500 m )' in gdmissionsystems.com/products/underwater-vehicles/bluefin-21-autonomous-underwater-vehicle from 'gdmissionsystems.com/bluefinrobotics' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluefin_Robotics from wikipedia -> search ( bluefin robot )
	        'max operating depth 5,000 meters' in phnx-international.com/phnx/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/ArtemisAUV.pdf from 'artemis auv' in http://www.phnx-international.com/phnx/phoenix-equipment/auv/ from 'Phoenix International Inc' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Drone from google ( rov  24000 feet depth ) result 2

		example possible mess :
		 seek other auv which can dive to deeper ocean-depth which is maybe not available then request usa-federal-darpa-funding to make auv which
                 dive to deeper-depth . then usa-federal-darpa-funding-contact-person is busy with other job and 
		 feel annoyed receiving useless-usa-federal-darpa-funding-request .

	    (3) report 31-oct-2000 singaporeair.com sq-6 crash to construction-tool on tarmac-for-ascent :
	        '05L centerline and 05L edge lights were both already turned on with the intensity level set at 4' in pdf-page 38 ttsb.gov.tw/media/3385/sq006%E4%BA%BA%E7%82%BA%E5%9B%A0%E7%B4%A0%E5%88%86%E7%B5%84%E5%A0%B1%E5%91%8A.pdf from google ( taiwan airport ils sq6 crash pvd pfd ) result 8 from 'pvd' , 'pfd' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Airlines_Flight_006
	        'Around the time of the accident, the 05L/23R runway edge lights were selected at intensity level 3' in pdf-page 82 in reports.aviation-safety.net/2000/20001031-0_B744_9V-SPK.pdf from 'transcript' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore_Airlines_Flight_006

		example possible mess :
		 maybe some board-director-member aware 'intensity level set at 4' .
		 some other board-director-member aware 'intensity level 3' .
		 then those board-director-member is in disagreement during board-director-meeting then some board-director-member need to change plan 
		 and need to rectify-via-email their statement to their advisory-company which penalise-with-more-money-invoice 
		 for each statement-rectification .

	    (4) factory-name 'john-  deere.com des-moines-motor-works' is located in usa->iowa-state->ankeny-city ( des-moines-city' suburb-city ) ,
	         not in des-moines-city ( iowa-state->capital-city ) : google.com/maps/place/John+Deere+Des+Moines+Works/@41.72285,-93.6359437,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87ee84c1d5fdead3:0xee9bbbf85d356284!8m2!3d41.72285!4d-93.633755
	         [source : 'ankeny' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deere#27_jan_2022_8_4_pm_est ]

		 example possible mess :
	          can produce wrong-job-order which say only hire local-people who live in des-moines--city to boost local-economy .

   	    (5) usa->virginia-state->dulles-city->airport-iata-code-iad 'Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD) is located in Chantilly, Virginia,' in flydulles.com/iad/about-dulles-international from google ( dulles airport ) has name not-consistent with location .  correct-airport-name should be chantilly-international-airport . and i don't know why there is 'washington' in that airport-name because that airport is far-away / some-30-mile-away from usa->columbia-special-state->washington-city .

		example possible mess : 
		 can produce wrong-job-order which say only hire local-people who live in dulles-city to boost local-economy . 

	(23)many arm-clock which is still being produced and difficult-to-be-sold because arm-clock produce sweat , and there is this ugly arm-clock :
	    'stirrup collection' in ralphlauren.com/women-accessories-watches?webcat=women%7Caccessories%7CWatches%20%26%20Fine%20Jewelry#9_aug_2020_1_19_am_edt
	    from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Lauren_Corporation

	    ugly-but-contain-pricey-diamond : dior.com/en_us/fashion/jewelry-timepieces/timepieces-by-collection/all-watches?sortBy=priceDesc

	    maybe table-clock , pocket-clock/pocket-watch , timer-stop-watch , inside formal-hand-bag , informal-swimming-sport-bag , 
            is better-buy-and-better-investment .

	(24)ugly-car which is difficult-to-be-sold and devaluing on rainy-and-snowy car-shop-parking-lot which is a mess . example ugly-car : 
	    (1)pontiac->aztec https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_Aztek#24_aug_2022_5_2_pm_edt
	    (2)mazda->cx-3->good-looking-front-face-which-can-not-wear-bug-deflector https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazda_CX-3#27_dec_2022_10_40_am_est 
	    (3)pricey land-rover->defender->rear-face https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rover_Defender_(L663)#11_oct_2022_5_am_edt 
	    (4)pricey land-rover->range-rover->rear-face https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_Rover_(L460)#11_oct_2022_4_58_am_edt
	    (5)nissan->juke en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Juke#27_dec_2022_10_35_am_est 
	    (6)jeep.com->cherokee->year-2014 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep_Cherokee#Fifth_generation_(KL)_2014%E2%80%93present

	    maybe car-company which suffer creativity-depletion in designing car , can copy honda's method of copying :
	    ford->explorer-year-2020-front-face : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2020_Ford_Explorer_ST,_front_8.24.19.jpg from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Explorer#Fifth_generation_(U502;_2011)
    	    to  honda->crv-year-2023-front-face : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2023_Honda_CR-V_EX-L_AWD,_front_right.jpg from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_CR-V#Sixth_generation_(2022)
	    maybe job-bureaucracy-with-complicated-language causing mental-health-deterioration which decrease car-designer-creativity .

	    simple rectangular-shape-front-light like '1996' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isuzu_Panther#27_dec_2022_10_49_am_est
            '1997' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Kijang#27_dec_2022_10_48_am_est , appear better .

	    i think larger-car-front-light produce larger-illumination-area on road .

         (25)carpet-floor on inappropriate-place like :
	     (1)eternally-hot-and-humid singapore-country->changi-airport-with-air-conditioner . 
		( brintons.net (carpet-designer) , benoy.com (interior-designer) , arista-design.co.uk ( carpet-installer ) )
		with reason to decrease 'leg fatigue' .
	     (2)singaporeair.com->boeing-777-300-er flight-path san-fransisco-city/sfo => hongkong-territory/hkg 
	     that is a mess-waiting-to-show-up because cleaning carpet-floor , is difficult , shampooing carpet maybe produce mold-underneath-carpet-floor .
	     [source : 'Wet carpeting is an ideal mold breeding ground if it is not immediately dried . Carpet dries quickly if there is a low relative humidity air around it — and vice versa . If the air around it has high relative humidity, it does not dry. Within 24–48 hours mold spores become active . According to EPA, “the key to mold control is moisture control” . Any wet-process carpet cleaning will always leave enough moisture in the carpet to grow mold. An effective drying process is necessary .' in thermastor.com/carpet-cleaning-and-mold-growth/ from google ( shampooing carpet produce mold ) result 1 ]
	     maybe need to shampoo carpet-floor to remove lamb-chop-fat-residue-with-sauce , and if peta.org is correct then that
	     lamb-chop-fat-residue-with-sauce on aircraft-cabin-carpet-floor maybe bring bad-luck to that aircraft . [2 source : (1)'Lamb Loin with cabernet sauce' in thepointsguy.com/reviews/singapore-airlines-business-class-airbus-a350-900-ulr/from google ( singapore air start lax singapore nonstop airbus a 359 ) result 1 (2)'If you live in Newcastle, Wyoming, you’re not allowed to have sex while standing inside a store’s walk-in meat freezer. There are no words.' in sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/1052335/16-crazy-sex-laws-you-wont-believe-exist/ from google ( sex in meat freezer state law ) result 1 ]
              ( singaporeair.com's aircraft-cabin-cleaning-worker is sats.com.sg ) .

	[source : (1)'leg fatigue' , 'saaArchitects.com.sg' , 'arista' , 'benoy' , in brintons.net/project/changi-airport-terminal-4 from google ( changi airport carpet supplier ) result 1 
		  (2)'First Class, Business Class and A+ lounges and in corridors and guest rooms of the Transit Hotels 66-room on-site facility' in brintons.net/project/changi-airport-terminal-3 from google ( brintons singapore airlines boeing 777 carpet supplier ) result 3 

	 (26)15 jan 2018 indonesia-stock-exchange's falling-down-floor , maybe oral-miscommunication-in-english-language with builder 
	     south-korea-country-company ssangyong/ssyenc.com about routine-material-fatigue-inspection-schedule ? [source : (1)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ssangyong_Engineering_and_Construction#9_jan_2023_10_4_pm_est from search ( jakarta stock exchange collapse ) result 16 (2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia_Stock_Exchange#9_jan_2023_10_9_pm_est ]
  	     and other building-unexpected-collapse : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_structural_failures_and_collapses#9_jan_2023_10_3_pm_est from search ( jakarta stock exchange collapse ) result 2
	     why oral-miscommunication-in-english-language ? 
	     oral-communication allow corruption without evidence , scribed-communication-in-email can become evidence for corruption . [source : 'scribed' in en.wiktionary.org/wiki/scribe#27_dec_2022_2_44_am_est ]

         (21)honda.co.jp-full-company-name is honda-giken-kogyo-kabusiki-kaisa which is currently-translated to english-language 
	     honda-motor-corporation-(Ltd/private-limited-company) in global.honda->financial-report . [source : in global.honda/investors/stock_bond/stock.html ] .
             but : 
	     (1)giken = technical-research-institute . [source : 'technical research institute' in romajidesu.com/dictionary/meaning-of-giken.html ]
	     (2)kogyo =  industry . [source : en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%81%93%E3%81%86%E3%81%8E%E3%82%87%E3%81%86#Japanese ]
	     (3)kabusiki-kaisa = pLc/public-limited-company . [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%81%8B%E3%81%B6%E3%81%97%E3%81%8D%E3%81%8B%E3%81%84%E3%81%97%E3%82%83#Japanese from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kabushiki_kaisha#20_may_2023_10_34_pm_est_not_edt ]
             (4)Ltd = private-limited-company , not public-limited-company/pLc .
                [source : 'Most companies in the UK are private limited companies (LTDs)' ,
                 'Public limited companies (PLCs) are similar to private limited companies, in the sense that they are legally distinct entities
                  with their own assets, profits and liabilities. However, shares in a public company can be freely sold and traded to
                  the general public and their shares can be listed on a stock exchange. PLCs are the only type of company allowed to raise'
                  in rocketlawyer.com/gb/en/quick-guides/what-are-the-differences-between-plcs-and-ltds from google (start company non public company type) result 7 
             so maybe honda-giken-kogyo-kabusiki-kaisa can also be translated to english-language like :
	maybe peta.org is correct and 
	 chicken-egg-and-butter-pancake-consumer can not consume their own retired-chicken-egg-producer . 
	 chicken-egg-and-butter-pancake-consumer can not consume their own retired-dairy-cow , male-baby-dairy-cow/veal .
	 maybe chicken-egg-and-butter-pancake-consumer-country need to send their retired-chicken-egg-producer , their retired-dairy-cow , 
	  their male-baby-dairy-cow/veal , to different country .

     efficient-language-with-low-amount-of-homophone help produce : efficient life-style , good-ability-to-memorise-hygnenic-life-style , 
     good-ability-to-memorise-past-solution-to-past-problem-then-become-smart-enough-to-make-solution-to-current-problem .

     why need efficient life-style ?
     (1) indonesia-country->sumatra-island->north-of-north-province/aceh-province->Lhokseumawe-city->arun-methane-natural-reservoir
         is depleted .
         [source : find 'ExxonMobil developed and operated Aceh’s on-shore and off-shore resources to supply gas/methane-gas
           to PT Arun's LNG facilities in Indonesia, which operated from year 1975 to 2014. PT Arun during its life-time,
           supplied more than 4,100 LNG cargoes for customers in Japan and Korea.'
          in blog/diary/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]

     (2) if we use water prodigally then we need many water-tower .
         if desalination-speed is infinitely-fast then we can use water prodigally .
         reality is that desalination-speed is has speed-limit .

     (3) if boeing.com is obese then boeing.com can not fly .
         obese means not-efficient .      

     (4) even if we succeed spreading yeast on feces to convert feces to hydro-carbon-gas/methane-gas/cooking-gas 
         then that feces-to-methane-gas-conversion still need time for completion .
         youtube.com/watch?v=xAkIKxA3Jm0 (Biodigester - Methane as fuel)  methane is natural-gas  [source : 'Natural gas is a combustible mixture of hydrocarbon gases.  While natural gas is formed primarily of methane,  it can also include ethane, propane, butane and pentane'  in https://web.archive.org/web/20140709040340/http://www.naturalgas.org/overview/background from ref [2] in 'Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.[2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_gas
     why need smart thinking ?
     (1)smart-thinking produce efficient-life-style . efficient-life-style is not easy .
        indulgent and prodigal life-style is actually not easy either , need alcohol-beverage to live prodigal life-style
	and drunkard has high accident risk and get injured , because guilt-feeling from living prodigal life-style create difficulty-in-sleeping
	so alcohol-beverage is sleeping-pill . and making alcohol-beverage is not easy .
     (2)to find solution to decrease airport-tarmac-delay-time-duration :
	from google ( yearly tarmac delay report ) result 3

     why need good-ability-to-memorise-hygenic-life-style ? to decrease : virus-transmission , bacteria-transmission , oily-food-smear-on-furniture

     why need good-ability-to-memorise-past-solution-to-past-problem-then-become-smart-enough-to-make-solution-to-current-problem ?
      to decrease war . because educated-solution to problem , is not war .
      example : knowing world-history means knowing that war has bad side-effect like decreasing food-supply . 
      maybe consuming dairy-cow-meat , retired-chicken-egg-producer-meat produce temptation to go to war . 
      maybe that's why peta.org stay alive in business , somehow ppl give-away/donate money to peta.org ,
      maybe mortem-animal-ghost is really producing curse to animal-consumer .

     if language-writing-pattern is a mess ( not a good reflection of pronunciation , contain distractive-silent-alphabet ) 
     and language has many homophone 
     then anything we produce , is a mess but tax-police less likely read money-report with messy-language .
     shingijutsu-global.com ceo takeshi-iwata must have been using unknown-simpler-language , which is not japan-language-with-kanji-writing-pattern , 
     to think about kanban ( zero-storage-manufacturing ) .

     usa-worker speak english-language only for formality to obey speak-english-only-law 
     but inside brain of english-language-worker : they use unknown-simpler-language during quiet-thinking .
     [source : 'An employer may have a rule requiring that employees speak only in English at certain times where the employer
         can show that the rule is justified by business necessity.'
         in law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/29/1606.7 from google (labor law english only policies) page 2 result 1 ]
     so usa-worker-supervisor may coerce speak-english-only-law whenever convenient but many usa-state use latin-language for slogan , 
     1-usd-paper-money contain latin-language . [source : (1/2)'Several states of the United States have Latin mottos, such as: Connecticut's motto Qui transtulit sustinet ("He who transplanted sustains");    Kansas's Ad astra per aspera ("Through hardships, to the stars");    Colorado's Nil sine numine ("Nothing without providence"); Michigan's Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice ("If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you"),  is based on that of Sir Christopher Wren, in St. Paul's Cathedral;    Missouri's Salus populi suprema lex esto ("The health of the people should be the highest law");    New York (state)'s Excelsior ("Ever upward");    North Carolina's Esse quam videri ("To be rather than to seem");    South Carolina's Dum spiro spero ("While [still] breathing, I hope");    Virginia's Sic semper tyrannis ("Thus always to tyrants"); and    West Virginia's Montani semper liberi ("Mountaineers [are] always free"). Many military organizations today have Latin mottos, such as:     Semper paratus ("always ready"), the motto of the United States Coast Guard;     Semper fidelis ("always faithful"), the motto of the United States Marine Corps;     Semper Supra ("always above"), the motto of the United States Space Force; and    Per ardua ad astra ("Through adversity/struggle to the stars"), the motto of the Royal Air Force (RAF).' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin#6_may_2022_9_26_pm_edt (2/2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Seal_of_the_United_States#4_may_2022_11_34_pm_edt from 'great seal' in ---https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar#25_oct_2021_6_28_am_edt from '( John pulls out 1-usd-paper-money and press 1-usd-paper-money on his TV tray ) . john : Because she'll be marked with these .  ( camera show-close-up-view-of 1-usd-paper-money . John's finger point to unfinished-pyramid and all-seeing-eye on the back-of 1-usd-paper-money ) . john : The unfinished pyramid and the all-seeing eye ; The marks of the Knights of the Templar . ( Ben studies the dollar-bill with newfound curious awe ) . john : Our founding fathers , the Freemasons , designed our nation's Great-Seal and left us all the clues ; These symbols are telling us something ; I just don't know what' in scriptslug.com/assets/scripts/national-treasure-2004.pdf from google ( movie transcript national-treasures ) result 2 ]

     example : aircraft-designer , car-designer , dr-ben-carson ( sometime-vegetarian-slim-brain-surgeon [source : 'ben carson' , 'adolf hitler' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vegetarians ] , i think sometime vegetarian because i think 1 day dr-ben-carson publish facebook.com-post saying he consume chicken and he is owner of mercedes-benz.com->cLs-class , can vegetarian become owner of mercedes-benz.com-car ? ; or like adolf-hitler who news says vegetarian but owner of predator-german-sheperd-dog and 2 time throat-cancer-surgery-patient during nazi-boss-job-position , maybe vegetarian can not own intimidator-german-sheperd-dog ?  )
     , dr-richard-jonas ( ventral-septal-defect-surgeon ) [source : dr-richard-jonas is madeleine-kim's surgeon in childrensnational.org/visit/find-a-provider/richard-jonas from 'richard jonas' in https://www.ccasociety.org/education/echoimage/vsd-echo/ from google (ventral septal defect jonah) result 3] ,
     shingijutsu-global.com->ceo takeshi-iwata , slaughter-house-worker , clothes-tailor ,
     must have been using unknown-simpler-language with no silent-alphabet , during quiet-thinking . because they make efficient-result-with-precision .

     in usa : only republican-group-senator want english-language to become usa-official-language .
     [source : congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/997/text from google ( speak english only law senator ) result 1 ]

     tv-news use teleprompter which mislead tv-news-audience to thinking that tv-news-reporter memorise news but actually only read teleprompter 
     and tv-news does not show label 'reading teleprompter' on tv-screen-top-corner :
     find 'youtube.com/watch?v=yYw48JAxEBY#3_nov_2022_10_25_pm_edt  (Introduction to Autoscript's E.P.I.C. integrated prompting system)
           uploader 'AutoscriptTV' 425 subscribers from youtube-search (autoscript conference prompter)'

 (4) easy active-verb-to-passive-verb-conversion .
     why use passive-sentence ?
     because starting sentence with subject like 'you' , sounds : accusative / making-accusation , bossy .
     starting sentence with object , does not sound bossy .
 (5) not much dipthong-sound/combination-of-2-vocal-sound , no exhortative sound like england-language 'sh' sound , 
      so malay/indo-language is easily spoken-and-heard , and does not produce excessive bacteria-or-virus-breath during speaking .
 (6) easily understood during chatting via aircraft-radio , ship-radio .

malay/indonesia-language's deficit :
 (1) agglutinative , so some object can have long word but easily understand during listening because malay/indonesia-language can be easily spoken .
     example : (1)england-language-word 'hospital' is shorter than (malay/indonesia)-language-word 'rumah sakit' .
  	       (2)'restaurant' is shorter than (malay/indonesia)-language-word 'rumah makan' .
	       (3)'airport' is shorter than (malay/indonesia)-language-word 'bandar udara' .
 (2) ability to 'produce quick decision' sometimes means 'angry quicker' ( shorter temper ) .
 (3) only need small cholesterol , so small cholesterol can produce effect unstable-brain/unstable-mental ( more prone to panic-attack ) .
     so maybe (malay/indonesia)-person repeatedly-play music inside brain to make brain more stable , 
     with music-choice depending-on mental-situation like if wanting to stay alert during driving then play energetic-music like energetic-pop , 
     trance , energetic-video-game-music ; if wanting to sleep during closing-eyes-but-not-yet-dreaming then play smooth-jazz-music ,
 (4) deficit in writing : 
      (1)lacking additional alphabet 'e' to differentiate these 3 group of 'e' sound :
	   (1)'e' in 'herb' , 'jerk 
	   (2)'e' in 'get' , 'bet' 
	   (3)'e' in 1-st- dipthong of : 'day' , 'bay' , 'lay' .
      (2)lacking additional alphabet 'o' to differentiate 'o' in 'odd' ; and 'o' in 'mobile' .
     but in this tutorial/guide , i reimburse that deficit via copying finland-language-method in differentiating those 3 'e' , and those 2 'o' .
     find 'ö sounds like 'i' in 'sir'.source:{}'ö' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_37_pm_est from 'Germanic umlaut' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_36_pm_est {}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COYfDTj6SRw&t=1m50s
           ä sounds like 'a' in 'at'.source:{}'ä' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_37_pm_est from 'Germanic umlaut' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_36_pm_est {}https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COYfDTj6SRw&t=1m50s
           e sounds like 1st 'a' dipthong in 'day'
           ɔ sounds like 'o' in 'odd'.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_O from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel#16_nov_2018_9_1_pm_est from 'Vowel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet#Vowels from 'International Phonetic Alphabet' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPA#16_nov_2018_9_pm_est
           o sounds like 1st 'o' dipthong in 'open''

focus is on grammar, structure, not vocabulary

[] show the english translation of previous word
buku[book] means book is the english word of buku

word order : 
1. svo with basic verb for informal conversation
   (basic verb = kata[word] dasar[basic, 
    the ground, the foundation])
2. svo with active verb
3. 'object [-nya ending] verb (oleh[by]) subject' 
 with passive verb

word order is flexible, there is no strict rule about
word order.
people usually can understand any word order because 
pronunciation is precise, and grammar tenses are 

subject = subjek
verb = kata[word] kerja[work]
object = objek
basic form of the verb = dasar [the ground]

begin 'pronunciation note'-----------------
1)ö sounds like 'i' in 'sir' . [source : (1)'ö' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_37_pm_est from 'Germanic umlaut' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_36_pm_est (2)youtube.com/watch?v=COYfDTj6SRw&t=1m50s ]
  ä sounds like 'a' in 'at' . [source : (1)'ä' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_37_pm_est from 'Germanic umlaut' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut#12_nov_2018_6_36_pm_est (2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COYfDTj6SRw&t=1m50s ]
  e sounds like 1st 'a' dipthong in 'day'
  ɔ sounds like 'o' in 'odd' . [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_O from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel#16_nov_2018_9_1_pm_est from 'Vowel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet#Vowels from 'International Phonetic Alphabet' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPA#16_nov_2018_9_pm_est ]
  o sounds like 1st 'o' dipthong in 'open'
   how to type umlaut character in linux?
    1)copy-paste (copy:ctrl+c,paste:ctrl+v,cut(copy then delete):ctrl+x,undo:ctrl+z)
    2)Ö : hold 'ctrl' and hold 'shift' then press 'u' then release 'ctrl' and 'shift' then type d6
      ö : hold 'ctrl' and hold 'shift' then press 'u' then release 'ctrl' and 'shift' then type f6
      Ӓ : hold 'ctrl' and hold 'shift' then press 'u' then release 'ctrl' and 'shift' then type 4d2
      ӓ : hold 'ctrl' and hold 'shift' then press 'u' then release 'ctrl' and 'shift' then type 4d3
      Ɔ : Ɔ  (186)
      ɔ : ɔ  (254)
      [source : (1)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters#12_nov_2018_8_25_pm_est from google ( unicode character )
                (2)https://www.geany.org/manual/current/#inserting-unicode-characters from google (geany help insert unicode character) result 2 from geany-top-horizontal-menu->help->help 
                (3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_O from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel#16_nov_2018_9_1_pm_est from 'Vowel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet#Vowels from 'International Phonetic Alphabet' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPA#16_nov_2018_9_pm_est
  indo/malay write 'e' for 'ö','ӓ'

3)'e' in '-ke  ending' for informal-active-verb, 
   sounds like 1st dipthong 'day'
      [sink (mattress), compress (coil-spring)]
   2)ngo-nek-ke(ngo-nӓk-ke)[cuss at someone 1 time]
4)'e' in any prefix:ö
  'e' in nge-, me-, other prefix in active-verb sound:ö

5)pe-ngambil-an is pronounced as : pö-ngam-bi-lan.
   always try to speak vocal together with
   consonant prior that vocal.
   1)pel-ajar pronounced as (pö-la-jar)
      more info about 'pel-ajar' : find 'pel-ajar' 
      in this text
   2)bel-ajar proncounced as (bö-la-jar)
      more info about 'pel-ajar' : find 'bel-ajar' 
      in this text
   3)pem-beli-an is pronounced as : 

6)c sounds like the last 'c' in 'gucci'
7)k sounds like 'c' in 'confuse'
8)j sounds like 'j' in 'jam'
9)'g' sounds like 'g' in 'go'
10)'ng' sounds like 'nk' in 'junk
11)'h' sounds like 'h' in 'hot'
12)'r' sounds like alveolar r (trilling r)
13)'nya' sounds like niya , nia
     contoh[example]: buku-nya can be pronounced as buku-niya
14)'ua' sounds like u-then-a-without-pause-between-u-and-a. 'w' sounds like 'u'
      1. dua [two; 2] (du-wa)
      2. tua [old] (tu-wa)
      3. gua [cave] (gu-wa)
      4. buat [make] (bu-wat)
      5. puas [satisfied] (pu-was)
      6. buas [wild and aggressive] (bu-was)
      7. buang [discard] (bu-wang)
15)'ia' sounds like i-then-a-without-pause-between-i-and-a
      1. dunia(du-ni-ya)[world] 
      2. dia(di-ya)[he/she] 
      3. hias(hi-yas)[decorate] 
      4. siap(si-yap)[ready]
16)ʃ sounds like 'sh' in 'shock','s' in 'vision'
17)'w' sounds like 'w' in 'want', 'will'
18)(numbuh-hin) sounds clearer than (numbu-hin) because numbu may mean numbuk (hit with wood-hammer), numbuhin means causing-growth
   pronouncing consonant in sylable-ending/sylable-suffix, increase clarity, decrease mis-under-standing,
   without seeing other person-face and that other person will under-stand.
   seeing/staring other person-face for too long, maybe is being considered rude.
19)'ng' in beginning of verb like
   'nggosok' is being pronounced 'öng-gosok'
end 'pronunciation note'-----------------

begin 'is/am/are/been/were'------------- #here#  [daerah]1/964[/daerah]
 is/am/are =  
  1.  (informal, commonly used)
  2. ya (spoken in rather long-time like 'yaaaa') 
            (informal, sometimes used)
  3. itu [that] (informal, sometimes used)
  4. adalah (formal, rarely used)
  5. yaitu (formal, rarely used)
  6. ialah
  7. me-rupa-kan (formal, very rarely used)
  8. es(äs) (spain-language)
  but indonesian : 
  1. often omit 'is/am/are'
  2. sometimes use itu [that] 
     instead of 'adalah'
  1. tiket pesawat paling murah adalah 
     kelas ekonomi
     [the cheapest airplane ticket is 
      economy class]
  2. tiket pesawat paling murah ya 
     kelas ekonomi
     [the cheapest airplane ticket is 
      economy class]
  3. tiket pesawat paling murah 
     kelas ekonomi
     [the cheapest airplane ticket is 
      economy class]
  4. tiket pesawat paling murah adalah
     kelas ekonomi
     [the cheapest airplane ticket is 
      economy class]
  5. tiket pesawat paling murah itu
     kelas ekonomi
     [the cheapest airplane ticket is 
      economy class]

end 'is/am/are/been/were'------------- #here#

begin 'negate'-----------             [daerah]2/964[/daerah]
 yes = (1)ya (indo->informal, german) (homonym/homograph find 'begin 'if/subjunctive'')
       (2)iya (i-ya) (indo->formal)
       (2)ui (france-language)
 negate for verb, not with verb :
   1. ga  (informal)
   2. gak  (informal)
   3. nda  (informal)
   4. ndak  (informal)
   5. ngga  (informal)
   6. nggak  (informal)
   7. tidak  (formal)
   8. tak  (formal) -> warning for indo sometimes 'tak' means i/me
                        contoh[example] :tak pulang dulu[i go home first]
                              for malay 'tak' means 'not'
   9. ora/rak  (java-language)
      ('o' sounds like the 1st 'o' dipthong in 'open'
       or  sounds like 'o' in 'odd')
   10. no (spain-language)
   contoh [example] :
   1. tidak/tak/ga bisa tidur
      [can not sleep]
   2. dia tidak masuk hari ini
      [he is absent today]
   3. dia tidak main tennis kemaren
      [he did not play tennis yesterday]

 negate for noun, not with object, non = bukan
   contoh [example] :
   1)1)mau apel(apöl), bukan jeruk(jöruk)
      [want apple, not orange fruit]
   2)bukan buku itu
      [not that book]
   3)bukan sepatu(sö-pa-tu) itu
      [not that shoes]
   4)bukan dia
      [not him]
   5)dia     mau   yang           bukan tennis
     [he/she wants the-1-which-is non-tennis]

 not with verb in command tense = jangan (ja-ngan), ga boleh (ga bo-läh)
  1)jangan kerja-kan itu
     [do not do that]
     [avoid doing that]
  2)  ga boleh   kerja-kan itu
     [do not     do        that]
    [not allowed to do     that]
  3)di-larang me-rokok
    [no smoking]
    literal translation-----
    [being forbidden to smoke]
  4)jangan me-rokok
    [do not  smoke]
    [avoid   smoking]
  5)ga boleh   nge-rokok
    [not allow to smoke]
    [smoking is not allowed]
end 'negate'--------------

begin 'command = perintah'-------------------[daerah]3/964[/daerah]
 how to give command to other ppl (command tense) :
  1. use the basic form (dasar), then add -kan ending.
     1. bisa tolong beli-kan buah  ?
        lit trans---
        [can please buy fruit (for me) ?] 
       normal trans----
       [would you please buy a chicken for me ?]

  2)find 'please which is added to make sentence more polite = tolong'

  1)tolong mandi dulu , lalu silah-kan pilih     kolam-renang  mungkin mau     
    tipe yang  ada peleset-an--air , ato tipe renang marathon   , 
    ato tipe jacuzzi-hot-tub-tekan-an--air-asin  yang  mungkin bisa bunuh virus-hpv , herpes-virus di dalam memek .
   [please bathe 1-st , then feel-free to choose swimming-pool maybe   wanting 
    type which has water-slide    , or  marathon-swimming-type , 
    or  type jacuzzi-hot-tub-salty-water-pressure which maybe  can  kill  hpv-virus , herpes-virus in inside vagina .]

   note : usually 'tolong' , 'silah-kan' : translate to 'please' , but in that example : 'tolong' = 'please' , 'silah-kan' = 'feel-free-to' .
   'tolong' actually translate to 'help' , addition of 'tolong' causes command-tense-sentence to sounds less dictatorial .
end 'command = perintah'-------------------

  [reason]no fixed pattern to say a person 
   who does something[/reason]
  a person who do something 
   - pe - basic form of the verb in active form
   - carry
    - dasar : bawa
    - aktif : mem-

begin 'accidental tense'--------[daerah]4/964[/daerah]
 describe accidental action
 does not alway mean bad
 accidental = ke-betul-an (ke-betul-lan)
 verb form : 
 1. ter- (formal)
    (written in  'kebetulan, stative' verb-form)
 2. ke- (informal)
    (written in  'kebetulan, stative' verb-form)
 deliberately = sengaja(sö-nga-ja)
 accidentally = tidak/tak/gak sengaja(ti-dak/tak/gak sö-nga-ja)
 contoh [example] :
 1)pintu-nya gak sengaja ter-kunci
    [the door accidentally got locked]
 2)pintu-nya gak sengaja ke-kunci
    [the door accidentally got locked]
end 'accidental tense'--------

begin 'asking question'------- [daerah]5/964[/daerah]
 sentence ended with ?, means a question, in indonesian
 language, the tone is raised in the end of sentence.

 where = 
    1. di-mana
    2. ndi (java-language)
  1. di-mana pintu-nya ? [where is the door?]
     pintu-nya di-mana ? [where is the door?]
 to where? , go where? =
    1. ke mana ? [to where ?](kö ma-na)
    2. pergi ke mana ? [go to where ?](pör-gi kö ma-na)
 from where? = dari mana?
 what = apa yang, apa
  1. apa yang jatuh ? [what was falling ?]
  2. yang jatuh apa ? [what was falling ?]
  3. ini maksud-nya apa ? 
     pabrik di amrik yg di-milik-i orang korea
     punya paling banyak ke-celaka-an alias ranking 1 ?
     tapi kok terus/trus/lalu bilang amrik ranking 2,
     jerman ranking 3 ?
     itu artikel ngomong-in ranking
     ber-dasar-kan nasionalitas si pe-milik
     ato ranking negara ?
     lit trans---
     [this means what ?
      factory in usa which is being owned by korean
      has the most accident alias ranking 1?
      but why then says usa is ranked 2,
      germany ranked 3 ?
      that article says ranking
      according to nationality of the owner 
      or country ranking ?]
     'Korean-owned plants, which make up roughly a quarter of parts suppliers in Alabama, have the most safety violations in the state, accounting for 36 percent of all infractions and 52 percent of total fines, from 2012 to 2016. The U.S. is second, with 23 percent of violations and 17 percent of fines, and Germany is third, with 15 percent and 11 percent.' di https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-03-23/inside-alabama-s-auto-jobs-boom-cheap-wages-little-training-crushed-limbs dari google (honda factory accident) hal 3 nomer 4
     page = halaman = hal
     mr = tuan
     mrs = nyonya
           ('o' sounds like
             the 1st 'o' dipthong in 'open')
     a word to give clue that the next word
     is a human = si
 what do you want to do =
  (1)mau ngapa-in(informal)
  (2)mau ngerjain apa(semi-informal)(mau ngör-ja-in apa)
  (3)kamu mau ngerjain apa(semi-informal)(kamu mau ngör-ja-in apa)
  (3)kamu mau mengerjakan apa(formal)(kamu mau mö-ngör-ja-kan apa)
  1. mau ngapain besok malam ? besok malam ngapain ?
     literal translation --
     [wanting to do what tomorrow night ?
      tomorrow night doing what ?]
     normal translation --
     [what do you want to do tomorrow night ?]
 why = kenapa(kö-na-pa)(formal), kok(kɔk)(informal)
  1. kenapa besok ?[why tomorrow?]
  2. kok ngga minggu depan saja ?[why not next week?]
  3. kenapa ngga minggu depan saja ?[why not next week?]
 that's why = (1)itu-lah kenapa (formal)
              (2)maka-nya/maka-ne (informal)
  (1)tiap pagi dia mesti(mös-ti) boker(bo-kär),maka-ne dia dateng(da-töng) sekolah(sö-ko-lah) telat(tö-lat) terus(tö-rus)
     [every morning he/she must defecate,that's why he arrive school late always]
 saja, aja = (1)is preferred, preferably
                add 'saja' to indicate a preferred choice
                1. pilih yang merah saja
                   [pick the red color is preferred]
             (2)'saja' inside 'cuma ... saja', means 'only'.
                only = cuma
                contoh[example]:(1)cuma ini saja[only this only]
                contoh[example]:(1)renang gaya-katak/gaya-dada saja/aja, ga bisa, apa-lagi renang gaya-kupu-kupu
                                   [simply swim breast-stroke-style, can not, let alone swim butterfly-style]
                                   [simply swim frog-style/breast-stroke-style, can not, let alone swim butterfly-style]
 when = (1)kapan(ka-pan)
	(2)cuando(kuando) (spain-language) [also means 'during']
  1. kapan rapat-nya ? [when is the meeting ?]
  2. rapat-nya kapan ? [when is the meeting ?]
 who = 
  1. sapa ('sapa', #homonym#, can mean 'greet' as well,
    info : find 'greet', 'sapa' in this text)
  2. siapa (formal)(si-a-pa)
  3. sopo(sɔ-pɔ)(java-language)
  4. como se llama (komo se yama) [what is name] (spain-language)
  1. siapa yang ikut pergi ? [who is going?]
  2. siapa nama kamu ?       [what is your name ?]
  3. nama kamu siapa ?       [what is your name ?]
  4. kamu nama-nya siapa ?   [what is your name ?]
 which = (1)yang mana
	 (2)cual(kual) (spain-language)
  1. yang mana baju-nya ? [which one is the clothes ?]
  2. yang mana orang-nya ? [which one is the person ?]
 i was the one who....
  'was the one who' = yang
  1. saya yang mati-kan lampu
     [i was the one who turn off the light]
  2. ibu-nya yang masak
     [his/her/the mother was the one who cooked]
  3. ibu-e yang masak
     [his/her/the mother was the one who cooked]

 'is/am/are, has/have, does/do' 
 in the beginning of a question = 
  1)say the last word with questioning tone
  2)apa, apa-kah
    1)apa/apa-kah dia mau ?[is he willing ?]
    2)apa/apa-kah itu tikus ?[is that a mouse?]
    3)apa/apa-kah dia jalan tiap hari ?
       [does he walk daily ?]
    4)apa/apa-kah dia jalan kaki tiap hari ?
       [does he walk daily ?]
    5)suara apa tadi ?
      [what sound recently ?]
 look like = 
    1. seperti apa(sö-pör-ti a-pa)
       [look like what]
    2. bagai-kan apa (very formal, only in poem)
       [look like what]
 how = 
    1. seperti apa [like what]
    2. bagai-mana cara(ba-gai-ma-na)
       [like-what where the procedure of]
    3. gimana cara(gi-ma-na ca-ra)
       (gimana is an slank-abbreviation of 'bagaimana')
    4. como(komo) (spain-language)
 in theory :      
 bagaimana = bagai mana
             bagai di mana
             [looks like in where ?]
 but bagaimana means 'looks like what ?'
  1. gimana cara me-ngerja-kan pe-kerja-an itu ?
     [how to do that task ?]

  2. ini maksud-nya gimana ? 
     [this means how ?]
     ini maksud-nya apa ? 
     [this means what ?]
     is ok
  3. ini baju mesti di-gimana-in ?
     [this clothes must be dealt-like-in-what-way ?]
 as a = 
   2)se-bagai (formal)
 as a,to mean ...,in a context of..., in a role-position of =
   2)se-bagai (formal)
 as a gift = se-bagai hadiah(sö-ba-ga-i ha-di-ah)
 working as... = kerja se-bagai...(kör-ja sö-ba-ga-i)
 acting as ... =
    1)ber-peran se-bagai [have a role as...]
        (bör-pö-ran sö-ba-gai)
    2)punya peran se-bagai [have a role as...]
        (pu-nya pö-ran sö-ba-gai)
 like =(1)suka(su-ka)[desire ...]
 #still# = masih (ma-sih), masi (ma-si)
 #more# = 
   2)luwih (java-language)

 #again# = 
   2)meneh(mö-näh) (java-language)
 #once more#, #once again# = 
    1) 1 lagi
    2) 1 meneh (java-language)(mö-näh)
 keep going, then, and then =
   (1)teros (informal)(tö-ros)

 repeatedly for long time = (1)melulu (mö-lulu)
			    (2)terus - terus-an (törus - tö-ru-san)
  contoh [example] :(1)dia main video-game melulu 
		    (2)dia main video-game terus - terus-an
      		      [he  play video-game repeatedly-for-long-time]

 this = 
   1. ini
   2. iki (i-ki) (java-language)
   3. esta [this feminine] (spain-language)
   4. este [this masculine] (spain-language)
   5. esto [this neutral] (spain-language)
 that = 
   1. itu
   2. iku (i-ku) (java-language)
   3. kuwi (ku-wi) (java-language)
   4. esa [that feminine] (spain-language)
   5. ese [that masculine] (spain-language)
   6. eso [that neutral] (spain-language)
 behave like this = 
  1. gini (informal)
  2. begini(bö-gi-ni)
  3. komsi(kɔm-si)(france-language)
 behave like that
  1. gitu (informal)
  2. begitu(bö-gi-tu)
  3. komsa(kɔm-sa)(france-language)
 is it available ? = available or not ?
  1)ada tidak ? [available or not ?]
  2)ada gak ?   [available or not ?]
  3)ada nggak ? [available or not ?]
  4)ada ndak ?  [available or not ?]
  contoh [example] :
  1)tiket-nya/karcis-nya ada tidak ? 
     [is the ticket available or not ?]
  2)passport-nya ada di tas nggak ?
     [is the passport available inside the bag or not?]
 how much/many amount = berapa (bö-ra-pa)
 how much is the cost/how much = 
     1)berapa harga-nya(bö-ra-pa har-ga-nya)
     2)piro rega-ne (java-language)(pi-rɔ rö-ga-ne)

 long time = lama

 short time, a moment =
   1. bentar(bön-tar)(informal)
   2. se-bentar(sö-bön-tar)(formal)
   3. sediluk(sö-di-luk)(java-language)
 how much longer = berapa lama lagi ?(bö-ra-pa la-ma la-gi)

 begin 'asking measurement' section---------------
  how large/big = mau se-besar apa, mau berapa besar
  how small = mau se-kecil apa, mau berapa kecil
  how many = berapa banyak, se-banyak apa
  how little = mau se-sedikit apa, mau berapa sedikit
  how low = mau se-rendah apa, mau berapa rendah
  how tall/high = mau se-tinggi apa, mau berapa tinggi
  how short = 
    1. mau se-pendek apa(mau sö-pän-däk apa)
    2. mau berapa pendek(mau bö-ra-pa pän-däk)
  how long = 
    1)mau se-panjang apa(mau sö-pan-jang a-pa)
    2)mau berapa panjang(mau bö-ra-pa pan-jang)
  how heavy = mau se-berat apa(mau sö-bö-rat a-pa)
  how far = mau se-jauh apa(mau sö-ja-uh a-pa)
 end 'asking measurement' section-------------------

 begin 'asking question expecting yes or no answer'----
  1. add 'nggak, ndak, tidak' in the end of sentence
     contoh[example] :
     1. dia boleh di-beli-kan main-an ndak ?
        [he can have free toy which was bought, 
         yes or no ?]
       (di-a bo-läh di-bö-li-kan mai-nan ndak ?)
  2. add 'ato nggak, ato ndak, ato tidak' in 
     the end of sentence
     contoh[example] :
     1. dia boleh di-beli-kan main-an ato ndak ?
       [he can have free toy which was bought, 
       yes or no ?]
     (di-a bo-läh di-bö-li-kan mai-nan a-tɔ ndak ?)
 end 'asking question expecting yes or no answer'---- 
 begin offering'----
  1. mau makan bubur kacang ijo ga ?
     [want/willing to eat mung-bean-poridge or not?]
     [want/willing to eat green-peanut-poridge or not?]
     source:'es kacang hijau' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mung_bean from 'mung bean' in https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/nutrients/report/nutrientsfrm?max=25&offset=0&totCount=0&nutrient1=417&nutrient2=&nutrient3=&subset=0&sort=c&measureby=m
     (ma-u ma-kan bu-bur ka-cang i-jo ga ?)
 end 'offering'----
end section 'asking question'--------

begin 'connecting sentences by using      [daerah]6/964[/daerah]
      which, who, where, whom, other
      relative pronoun'------------------

 - which, who, what, whom = yang
    contoh[example] :
    1. saya mau baju yang biru
       [i want the clothes which has blue color]
 - whoever, whomever = 
    1. sapa aja (informal)
    2. siapa aja (informal)
    3. siapa saja (formal)
   contoh[example] :
    1. whoever willing to do this
      [siapa saja yang mau kerja-kan ini]
 - whichever = yang
   contoh[example] :
    1. pilih yang kamu suka
      [choose whichever you like]

end 'connecting sentences by using
      which, who, where, whom, other
      relative pronoun'------------------
begin quirks-------------  [daerah]7/964[/daerah]
 during speaking a long sentence,
 indo speakers sometimes insert 'yang' in a long
 sentence to break long sentence to small segments.
end quirks-------------

begin 'connecting sentences with 'that'----------------------  [daerah]8/964[/daerah]
 informal way of connecting sentences with 'that' : 
 use 'kalo(ka-lo)' but 'kalo' can mean 'that','if'.
 'nek'(näk)(informal) means 'if' as well.
 or delete/omit 'kalo'
 if a verb exists prior 'kalo' then 'kalo' means 'that'.
  contoh[example] :
  1. dia bilang kalo dia mau pulang pagi-an
     [he said that he wants to go home earlier]
  2. dia bilang kalo dia mau makan
     [he said that he wants to eat]
  3. dia berani taruhan kalo besok hujan
     [he dares betting that tomorrow will rain]
  4. dia bilang kalo dia mau pulang pagi-an ke dia
     [he said that he wants to go home earlier to that
  5. dia bilang kalo dia mau makan ke dia
     [he said that he wants to eat to that person]
 but 'kalo' can be deleted
  contoh[example] :
  1. dia bilang dia mau pulang pagi-an
     [he said he wants to go home earlier]
  2. dia bilang dia mau makan
     [he said he wants to eat]
  3. dia berani taruhan kalo besok hujan
     [he dares betting that tomorrow will rain]
  4. dia bilang dia mau pulang pagi-an ke dia
     [he said he wants to go home earlier to that
  5. dia bilang dia mau makan ke dia
     [he said he wants to eat to that person]
 for beginner, omit kalo as a connector,
 use kalo to mean 'if' 
 find begin 'if/subjunctive'----------- in this text
 formal way of connecting sentences with 'that' :  
 use 'bahwa' instead of 'kalo'
 so those sentences can be written as
  1. dia bilang bahwa dia mau pulang pagi-an
     [he said that he wants to go home earlier]
  2. dia bilang bahwa dia mau makan
     [he said that he wants to eat]
 but 'bahwa' sounds formal, rarely used.
 omiting 'bahwa', 'kalo' make the sentence terse,
 sometimes indo ppl talk in not-straightforward manner
 when indo ppl ask for something, by putting 'kalo' to
 mean 'that'. but
 that can end up confusing whether 'kalo' means 'that'
 or whether 'kalo' means 'if'
end 'connecting sentences with 'that'----------------------

begin 'if/subjunctive'-----------  [daerah]9/964[/daerah]
 if a sentence begins with 'kalo' then 'kalo' (formal)
 means 'if'.
 if = 1. kalo (informal) (homonym/homograph,
                          2nd meaning = 'that')
      2. kalau (formal) (homonym/homograph,
                          2nd meaning = 'that')
      3. nek(näk)(informal) (not homonym/homograph,
                          there is no 2nd meaning)
      4. jika (formal) (not homonym/homograph,
                          there is no 2nd meaning)
 then = ya [yes] (homonym/homograph) but there is other-indo-word for 'yes':find 'iya (i-ya) (indo->formal)'

  , maka (ma-ka)
   maka, jadi means : so, therefore
 contoh [example] :
 1. kalo/nek/jika dia menang ya
    dia akan bayar-in kita makan di restoran     
    [if he win then
     he will treat us a meal in a restaurant]
 2. kalo/nek/jika dia menang ya
    dia akan bayar-in kita makan di restoran
    [if he win then
     he will treat us a meal in a restaurant]
 3. kalo natal tanggal 25 desember ya yesus
    lahir saat suhu
    antara 7 celcius - 14 celcius ato
    45 fahrenheit - 57 fahrenheit di luar
    [if christmas (is date) 25 december then jesus
     was born during temperature
     between 7 celcius - 14 celcius or
     45 fahrenheit - 57 fahrenheit in outdoor]
    kalo natal (jatuh tanggal) 25 desember ya yesus
    lahir saat suhu
    antara 7 celcius - 14 celcius ato
    45 fahrenheit - 57 fahrenheit di luar
    [if christmas (is on) 25 december then jesus
     was born during temperature
     between 7 celcius - 14 celcius or
     45 fahrenheit - 57 fahrenheit in outdoor]
    source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bethlehem#Climate

 4. biasa-nya kalo masuk-nya susah ya kuar-nya juga susah. gampang datang gampang pergi
    [normally if the-entering-process is difficult then the-exit-process is-also difficult. easy come easy go] 
end 'if/subjunctive'------------------------------------

begin 'asking for help'----------------------  [daerah]10/964[/daerah]
 contoh [example] :
 1. tolong mati-kan lampu-nya[help turn off the lamp]
end 'asking for help'

begin 'word order describing object'-----------   [daerah]11/964[/daerah]
 indonesian word order: 
  1. object then description
  2. the most important object in the sentence 1st then
     the less important object 2nd.
     usually the less important object can be deleted and
     the sentence still has the same meaning approximately.
     contoh[example] :
     1. (a) the black clock is in the room
        let's assume 'black' is more important than 'clock' so we delete 'clock' then
        sentence become :
        (b) the black is in the room
        let's assume 'clock' is more important than 'black' so we delete 'black' then
        sentence become :
        (c) the clock is in the room --> meaning is more similar to
                                         original sentence (a)'s meaning
                                         than sentence (b)'s meaning
                                         so 'clock' is more important than 'black'
                                         so 'clock' 1st 'black' 2nd in indonesian-language
  3. try use some connector-word to connect both words then
     delete that connector-word.
 english word order:description then object
 red car 
 = a car which has red color
 = car ... red 
 = mobil (warna) merah
 = mobil merah
 connector-word for 'red car' is 'which has'
 sharp knife
 = a knife which is sharp
 = knife ... sharp
 = pisau (yang) tajam
 = pisau tajam
 connector-word for 'sharp knife' is 'which is'

 small stone
 = a stone which has small size/a stone whose size is small
 = stone ... small
 = batu kecil
 connector-word for 'small stone' is 'whose size is'
 fast computer
 = a computer whose speed is fast
 = computer ... fast
 = komputer cepat
 boeing airplane
 = an airplane whose brandname is boeing
 = airplane ... boeing
 = pesawat boeing
 front wheel
 = a wheel which is located at the front
 = wheel ... front
 = pelek depan(pä-lök dö-pan)
 1st floor
 = a floor level which is located in 1st level
 = floor ... 1
 = lantai 1
 1st floor windows
 = windows which is located in 1st floor
 = windows ... 1st floor
 = jendela lantai 1(jön-dö-la lan-tai 1)
 exit door
 = a door for exiting
 = door ... exit
 = pintu keluar(pin-tu kö-lu-ar)
 new worker
 = a worker which is new
 = worker ... new
 = pe-kerja baru(pö-kör-ja ba-ru)
 new office worker
 = a worker in the office, 
  which has just been recruited
 = pe-kerja kantor yang baru masuk
 = pe-kerja kantor yang baru saja di-rekrut
   (pö-kör-ja kan-tɔr yang ba-ru sa-ja di-rö-krut)
 tasty smell
 = a smell which tasty
 = smell ... tasty
 = bau enak(ba-u e-nak)
 rotten smell
 = a smell which rot
 = smell ... rot
 = bau busuk
 computer component
 = component in computer
 = komponen ... komputer(kɔm-pɔ-nän kɔm-pu-tör)
 doberman dog
 = anjing tipe doberman(an-jing ti-pö dɔ-bör-man)
 = anjing doberman
 blue foot chicken
 = ayam tipe kaki biru(a-yam ti-pö ka-ki bi-ru)
 = ayam kaki biru
 herpes virus
 = virus herpes (vi-rus hör-pös)
 burmese military
 = militer di burma (mi-li-tär di bur-ma)
 = militer-nya burma
 = militer burma -> if 'burma' is deleted then
                     the sentence more likely still has the same meaning
                    so 'militer' is more important than 'burma'
                    so 'militer' is written 1st then 'burma' is written 2nd
 = burma punya militer (informal) -> also possible
 passenger airplane
 = pesawat tipe pe-numpang (pö-sa-wat ti-pö pö-num-pang)
 = pesawat pe-numpang
 symptom of mercury-poisoning/
 = gejala (untuk) ke-racun-an merkuri
 = gejala ke-racun-an merkuri
   [symptom (for) mercury-poisoning]
 symptom = gejala(gö-ja-la)
 prime minister
 = perdana menteri(pör-da-na mön-tö-ri)[leader-of minister]
 = maybe should have been 'menteri perdana [minister leader]' ?
   principal, leader, chief, captain = perdana 
   source : ${1} http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/perdana ${2} https://www.thefreedictionary.com/principal ${3} https://www.thefreedictionary.com/chief ${4} https://www.thefreedictionary.com/prime
 brake = rem(räm)
 plate for food = piring
 disc-brake/rotor-brake = 
   1. rem cakram (ca-kram)
   2. rem model cakram
 brake-disc/brake-rotor = piring-an rem [plate brake]
 brake-pad/brake-shoe = 
   (1) sepatu-rem
   (2) sepatu di dalam rem [shoe inside brake]
   (3) sepatu dalam rem    [shoe inside brake]
   (4) sepatu di rem --> 'di rem' can mean 'being braked' so use (2) or (3)
 brake-caliper =
   (1) kaliper-rem
   (2) kaliper di dalam rem [caliper inside brake]
   (3) kaliper dalam rem    [caliper inside brake]
   (4) kaliper di rem --> 'di rem' can mean 'being braked' so use (2) or (3)
  source : ${1} 'Rem cakram adalah perangkat pengereman yang digunakan pada kendaraan modern. Rem ini bekerja dengan menjepit cakram yang biasanya dipasangkan pada roda kendaraan, untuk menjepit cakram digunakan caliper yang digerakkan oleh piston untuk mendorong sepatu rem (brake pads) ke cakram. Rem jenis ini juga digunakan pada kereta api, sepeda motor, sepeda.' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rem_cakram dari 'cakram' di https://www.tokopedia.com/toko-e/kampas-rem-depan-proton-exora dari google (toko rem) halaman 1 hasil akhir ${2} 'The brake caliper is the assembly which houses the brake pads and pistons' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disc_brake#Calipers ${3} 'piringan cakram' di www.mortech.co.id/yamaha/Jupiter-MX-Old/rem-mx?product_id=4294&sort=rating&order=DESC dari http://www.mortech.co.id/yamaha/Jupiter-MX-Old/rem-mx?sort=rating&order=DESC from google (kaliper rem) result 9
end 'word order describing object'-----------

begin 'of vs for'----------   [daerah]12/964[/daerah]
 of/belong-to = -nya, milik
  contoh [example] :
  1. buku-nya dia       [book of his]
     buku milik dia     [book of his]
     buku punya dia     [book of his]
     buku punya-nya dia [book of his]
 for = untuk
end 'of vs for'--------------

begin 'misc'---------------------------    [daerah]13/964[/daerah]

 looks like someone else = 
     ke-liat-an seperti orang lain

 as ... as possible = se-(sö-)
 1)as fast as possible = se-cepat mungkin(sö-cö-pat mungkin)
 2)as slow as possible = se-lambat mungkin(sö-lam-bat mungkin)
 3)wait as quick as possible = 
                              tunggu se-sebentar mungkin
                             (tunggu sö-bön-tar mung-kin)
 4)park a car as forward as possible = 
                                 parkir se-maju mungkin
                             (par-kir sö-ma-ju mung-kin)
 5)so fast that i can not follow = 
         cepat sekali sampai saya tidak bisa me-ngikut-i
         (cö-pat sö-ka-li sam-pai sa-ya ti-dak bi-sa
 6)as tall as possible = se-tinggi mungkin
                          (sö-ting-gi mung-kin)
 7)as short as possible = se-pendek mungkin
                          (sö-pän-däk mung-kin)
 8)as big as possible = se-besar mungkin
                         (sö-bö-sar mung-kin)
 9)as small as possible = se-kecil mungkin
                          (sö-kö-cil mung-kin)
 10)as wide as possible = se-lebar mungkin
                          (sö-lö-bar mung-kin)
 11)as narrow as possible = se-sempit mungkin
                          (sö-söm-pit mung-kin)
 12)as correct as possible = se-betul mungkin
                          (sö-bö-tul mung-kin)
 13)as late as possible = se-ter-lambat mungkin(sö-tör-lam-bat mung-kin)
 14)as maximum as possible = (1)se-maximal mungkin(sö-maximal mung-kin)
                             (2)se-bisa - bisa-nya
                             (3)sak iso ne (sak isɔ ne) (java-language)
 15)as minimum as possible = sampe ga bisa lebih rendah lagi [until can not (become) lower anymore]

 by using = pake cara pake(pa-kä cara pa-kä)[using procedure of/method of]
 by adding = pake cara nambah(pa-kä cara nam-bah)[using procedure of/method of adding]
 by making = pake cara mbuat(pa-kä cara mbu-at)[using procedure of/method of making]
             pake cara bikin(pa-kä cara bi-kin)[using procedure of/method of making]
 by doing = pake cara ngerjain(pa-kä cara ngör-ja-in)
  [obsolete]by using ... = 
  - dengan me-makai (formal)
  - dengan pakai (informal)
 by doing ... = 
  - dengan me-ngerja-kan (formal)
  - dengan me-laku-kan (formal)
 by making ... = 
  - dengan mem-buat
  - dengan bikin[/obsolete]
 i, me = 
  1. aku (informal)
  2. gue (jakarta style)(gu-e)
  3. saya (formal)
  4. kulo (java-language)(ku-lɔ)
  5. wo (hokien-language)(wɔ)
  6. watasi (japan-language)
  7. yo (spain-language)
  8. je (france-language)(jö)
  9. ih (germany-language)
  source : http://www.easyjapanese.org/grammar.html from google (japanese romaji grammar) result 2
 you = 
  1. kowe(ko-we)(informal)
  2. lu (jakarta style) (informal)
  3. kau (formal)
  4. kamu (formal)
  5. anda (very formal) #homonym-anda# anda means friend in mongol-language. source:'childhood anda (friend)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_Empire#26_oct_2018_4_12_pm_edt
  6. panjenengan(pan-jö-nö-ngan)(java-language)
  7. ni (hokien-language)
  8. anata(a-na-ta) (japan-language)
  9. you-all, y'all = anata-taci  (japan-language)
  10. tu (spain-language-informal)
      usted(us-täd)(spain-language-formal singular)
      you-all, y'all = vosotros (spain-language-masculine/mixed)
      you-all, y'all = vosotras (spain-language-feminine)
      you-all, y'all = ustedes (spain-language-feminine)
  11. vu (france-language)
  12. du (germany-language-informal)
      si (germany-language-formal)
 they = mereka(mö-re-ka/mö-rä-ka)
 we = 1. kita(ki-ta)
      2. kami(ka-mi)(formal, rarely used, used in poem only)
      3. watasi-taci (japan-language)
      4. nosotros (spain-language-masculine/mixed)
         nosotras (spain-language-feminine/mixed)
 he, she = 
     1. dia
     2. deen, de-en(dä-än)(informal)(java-language)
     3. agan(a-gan)(informal)
     4. he = kare (japan-language)
        she = kanojo (japan-language)
     5. he = el (spain-language)
        she = ella (spain-language)
  source : https://studyspanish.com/grammar/lessons/subpro  from google (spanish pronoun), (spanish you i)
 it = 
  contoh[example] :
  1)kalo ban-nya gembos ya ban-nya harus di-ganti
  2)kalo ban-nya gembos ya harus ganti
     [if the tire is flat then it must be changed]
     [if the tire is flat then the tire must be changed]

 person = orang(o-rang)

 someone(a random person) = 
  1. se-orang (formal)(sö-o-rang)
  2. se-se-orang (formal, rarely used, used in poem)

 something = 
     1. suatu(su-a-tu)
     2. se-suatu(sö-su-a-tu)
 sometimes = 
     1. kadang - kadang
     2. kadang
 normal, usual = biasa
 routinely, usually = biasa-nya
 all the times, always = se-lalu ( sö-lalu )
 never = ga pernah
 often = sering(sö-ring)
 most of the time = sering(sö-ring)
 everything, all things = (1)semua(sö-mu-a)
 anything = (1)apa aja (informal)
            (2)apa saja (formal)
            (3)opo wae(ɔ-pɔ wa-e)(java-language)
 nothing = ga ada
 empty = kosong(kɔ-sɔng)
 depleted = habis/abis #homonym-habis#
 some, bunch of = be-berapa(bö-bö-ra-pa)
 some seconds later = 
    1. be-berapa detik lagi (informal)
    2. be-berapa detik kemudian (formal)
 some moments later =
    1. be-berapa lama lagi (informal)
    2. be-berapa saat lagi (informal)

 any = 
    1. apa aja (informal)
    2. apa saja (formal)

 every, each = 
    1. se-tiap
    2. masing - masing, masing2

 whoever = 
    1. sapa-pun (informal)
    2. siapa-pun (formal)        
 exist, available = 
    1. ada (formal but commonly used)
    2. ono (java-language) (informal)(ɔ-nɔ)
    3. ter-sedia (very formal,rarely used)(tör-sö-di-a)
 nothing = 
    1. ga ada
    2. rak ono(rak ɔ-nɔ)
 certain ingredient = suatu bahan

 ingredient = bahan 
  source : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/bahan

 day = hari

 someday = suatu hari

 a place = tempat

 somewhere = suatu tempat        

 a person = 
     1)orang (informal)
     2)1 orang
      (only if it is necessary to know the amount
       of person)
     3)se-orang(sö-o-rang)(formal, rarely used, used in poem)
     4)se-se-orang (formal, rarely used, used in poem)
 on going, underway = 
  1)sedang di-laku-kan
     literal translation
     [in the process] (sö-dang di-la-ku-kan)

 on the way =
  1)sedang di jalan
     literal translation
     [currently on the road] (sö-dang di ja-lan)
  2)dalam per-jalan-an
     literal translation
     [inside journey] (da-lam pör-ja-la-nan)

 only = 
   2)aja/saja (a-ja/sa-ja) (formal)
 with = find 'with,together-in-1-group-with =' in this text
 and = 
 'and' has same meaning as 'with' ?
  maybe 'with' means 'and' and 'located nearby'
  so plum and peach can mean plum located far away from peach 
  plum with peach means plum and peach and plum's location is near peach's location.

 or = atau/ato(a-tau/a-tɔ)
 between = antara(an-ta-ra)
 in between = di antara
 equal to =
  1)sama mbek(sa-ma mbäk)(informal)   [equal with]
  2)sama dengan(sa-ma dö-ngan)(formal)[equal with]
 not equal to = 
  1)ga/gak/nda/ndak/tak/tidak sama mbek
    [not equal with]
    (ga/gak/nda/ndak/tak/tidak sama mbäk]
  2)ga/gak/nda/ndak/tak/tidak sama dengan
    [not equal with]
    (ga/gak/nda/ndak/tak/tidak sama dö-ngan]
 different from =
  1)beda mbek (informal) [different with]
    (be-da mbäk)
  2)beda dengan (formal) [different with]
    (be-da dö-ngan) 
  3)lain mbek (informal) [different with]
  4)lain dengan (informal) [different with]
 not different from... =
  1)ga ada beda-nya mbek...(informal)
  2)ga ada beda-nya dengan...(formal)
 greater than = lebih besar dari pada
                (lö-bih bö-sar da-ri pa-da)
 less than = lebih kecil dari pada
             (lö-bih kö-cil da-ri pa-da)
 greater than or equal to = 
  1)lebih besar atau sama dengan
    (lö-bih bö-sar a-tau sama dö-ngan)
  2)lebih besar atau sama mbek
    (lö-bih bö-sar a-tau sama mbäk)
 without = (1)ga pake
           (3)sonder (netherlands-language)(sɔn-dör)
           (4)ra nganggo(ra ngang-go)

 from = 
    1. dari
    2. seko(sö-ko)(java-language)
 for = untuk 
 toward = ke-pada(kö-pa-da), ke(kö)
 to = (1)ke(kö)
 from = (1)dari
 letter = amplop (am-plɔp)
 contoh [example] :
  1. surat-nya di-kirim ke alamat di
     literal translation---
     [the letter is to be sent to the address on 
      the envelope]
    normal translation---
     [the letter is to be sent to the address 
      written on the envelope]

 in , on , at  = di
  contoh[example] :
  1. in the room   [di kamar]
  2. on the street [di jalan]

 in , in  = dalam
  contoh[example] :
  1)pem-bayar-an dalam bentuk tunai
   [payment in the form of cash]
   pem-bayar-an dengan cara tunai -> also possible
   [payment with the way of cash]
   pem-bayar-an be-rupa tunai -> also possible
   [payment in the form of cash]
  2)besi panas dalam bentuk cair 
    [hot iron in the form of liquid]
    besi panas ber-bentuk cair -> also possible

 shallow = dangkal , cetek(cä-täk) (java-language)
 deep , inside = dalam
 inside = di dalam
  contoh[example] :
  1)di dalam oven
     [inside the oven]
     [in the oven]

 outside = di luar
  contoh[example] :
  1)di luar kamar [in outside the room]

 on top of = di atas
  contoh[example] :
  1)di atas atap [on top of the roof]
 below, underneath = di bawah
  contoh[example] :
  1)underneath the table [di bawah meja]
    (di ba-wah me-ja)
 on the side = di samping
  contoh[example] :
  1)on the side of the pedestrian sidewalk
    [di samping trotoar]
 pedestrian sidewalk = trotoar(trɔ-tɔ-ar)
 person = orang(o-rang)
 other = lain(la-in,la-än)
 by = oleh(ɔ-läh)
 the most = paling
 contoh[example] :
  1)paling enak(pa-ling e-nak) [the tastiest]
  2)paling bagus  [the best]
  3)paling dingin [the coldest]
  4)paling panas  [the hottest]
 rather than = (1)dari-pada
               (2)timbang ( find 'timbang' )
 better = mending, mending-an
 contoh [example] :
 1)mending-an lewat sini dari-pada lewat sana
   [better via here rather than via there]

 plural form is singular form repeated 1 time, and add
 a dash,
 or put number 2 in the end of that word
 contoh[example] :
     (1)books = buku-buku, buku2
     (2)tables = meja-meja (me-ja - me-ja), meja2

 plural = majemuk(ma-jö-muk)
 singular = tunggal(tung-gal)
 'very' (neutral context) = 
   1)... banget (java-language) (ba-ngöt)
   2)... soro(sɔ-rɔ)(surabaya style)
   3)... abis (habis) [also means empty] (jakarta style)
   4)sangat ...(formal)
   5)... se-kali [1 time] (jakarta style)
   6)... bener(bö-nör)[indeed,true] (jakarta style)
  contoh [example] :
   1)enak banget(e-nak ba-ngöt)[very tasty]
     enak soro(e-nak sɔ-rɔ)    [very tasty]
     enak abis(e-nak a-bis)    [very tasty]
     sangat enak(sa-ngat e-nak)[very tasty]
     enak se-kali(e-nak sö-ka-li)[very tasty]
     enak bener(e-nak bö-nör)  [very tasty]
   2)musik-nya sangat keras, bagus
     [the music is very loud, good]
     (mu-sik-nya sa-ngat kö-ras, ba-gus)
   3)montor-e banter soro [the car is very fast]
    (mɔn-tɔr-re ban-tör sɔ-rɔ)
   4)montor-e kencang soro [the car is very fast]
    (mɔn-tɔr-re kön-cang sɔ-rɔ)
   5)mobil-e kencang soro [the car is very fast]
    (mo-bil-le kön-cang sɔ-rɔ) 
   6)mobil-e kencang abis [the car is very fast]
    (mo-bil-le kön-cang a-bis)
   7)mobil-e kencang bener [the car is very fast]
    (mobil-le kön-cang bö-nör) 

 'too' (negative context) =
   1)ter-lalu ...
   2)... se-kali 
   3)... amat
   4)... banget(ba-ngöt)(java-language)
  contoh [example] :
   1)musik-nya ter-lalu keras, pelan-kan
      [the music is too loud, turn down the music]
      (mu-sik-nya tör-la-lu kö-ras,pö-lan-kan)
   2)musik-nya keras se-kali, pelan-kan
      [the music is too loud, turn down the music]
      (mu-sik-nya kö-ras sö-ka-li,pö-lan-kan)
   3)musik-nya keras amat, pelan-kan
      [the music is too loud, turn down the music]
      (mu-sik-nya kö-ras a-mat,pö-lan-kan)
   4)musik-nya keras banget, pelan-kan
      [the music is too loud, turn down the music]
      (mu-sik-nya kö-ras ba-ngöt,pö-lan-kan)
 ground, the foundation = dasar
 word = kata
 by a person = oleh orang(ɔ-läh o-rang)

 example = contoh(cɔn-tɔh)
 because =
  1)soal-e (informal)
   (homonym/homograph, 2nd meaning :
   the problem)
   problem = soal 
   the problem = soal-e, soal-nya
  2)gara - gara (informal)
  3)karena (formal)(ka-rö-na)
   (not a homonym/homograph, does not have
    2nd meaning)
  4)sebab (formal)(sö-bab)
    (not a homonym/homograph, does not have 2nd meaning)
      contoh [example] :
       a : kok masih di rumah ? ga berangkat ?
           [why still at home ? not departing ?]
       b : kan badai salju
           [because (there is) snow storm]
  6)La , Lha
 contrary to that =
    1)justru (jus-tru) (informal)
    2)malah (mal-lah) (informal)
    3)ke-balik-an dari itu (formal)
       (kö-ba-li-kan da-ri i-tu)
 it's indeed true that ....  = memang(me-mang,mä-mang)

 yes that is a fact that ... = memang(me-mang,mä-mang)
 source : ${1} http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/memang ${2} https://www.thefreedictionary.com/indeed

 process = proses (pro-säs)
 as he enter the room the light automatically turned on
 = saat dia masuk kamar lampu-nya otomatis nyala
   [during he enter the room the light automatically
    turned on]
(sa-at di-a ma-suk ka-mar lam-pu-nya o-to-ma-tis nya-la)
 still = masih(ma-sih)
 again = lagi(la-gi)   
 it's ok = ga papa(from ga apa-apa/ga kenapa-kenapa)[not what-what/not why-why]
 i'm ok = aku/saya ga papa
 contoh pe-makai-an 'apa-apa' lain-nya  [other example of using 'apa-apa'] :  [source:http://rezkyfirmansyah.com/2016/01/14/3-alasan-dan-solusi-dari-ucapan-aku-tidak-bisa-apa-apa/ from google (ga bisa apa apa) result 3]
 (1)dia ga bisa bikin apa-apa tapi sampah-nya dikit
    [he/she can not make anything but his/her waste is little]
    [he/she can not make what-what but his/her waste is little]
    anything = (1)apa aja (informal)
               (2)apa saja (formal)
               (3)opo wae(ɔ-pɔ wa-e)(java-language)
 ok fine = (1)ya dah/sudah [yes fine] (note:this is similar to find 'already =') [source:'initials of a facetious folk phonetic spelling, e.g., oll or orl korrect representing all correct, first attested in Boston in 1839, then used in 1840 by Democrat partisans of Martin Van Buren, who allegedly named their organization, the O.K. Club, in allusion to the initials of Old Kinderhook, Van Buren's nickname, derived from his birthplace, Kinderhook, New York' in tfd.com/ok]
           (2)ya wes [yes fine] (note:this is similar to find 'already =')
           (4)ya saya bisa terima [yes i can accept that] [source : tfd.com/fine]
           (5)ya itu bisa di-terima [yes that is acceptable ; yes that can be accepted] [source : tfd.com/fine]
           (6)ya itu me-menuh-i syarat [yes that meet criteria] [source : tfd.com/fine]
 ok ( i agree , correct , allowed , understood ) = (1)setuju [agree]
                                                   (4)ya ngerti[yes understood] [source : tfd.com/ok]
 that is fine = itu boleh [that is allowed]
end 'misc'------------------------------------------

begin 'connecting conflicting statement'   [daerah]14/964[/daerah]
 but = tapi
 even-though , although =
  (4)[complain] padahal [fact] <-- [padahal means even-though](pa-da-hal)

 but-in-reality = 
	(1)padahal [source:'but the case actually is' in https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/padahal]
	(2)tapi ke-nyata-an-nya [ but reality (is) ... ]
	(3)tapi se-benar-nya [ but actuality-(is)/actually ... ]

 source : ${1} https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/meski ${2} https://www.thefreedictionary.com/although
 contoh [example] :
 1)ruang-an-nya besar tapi ga akan muat
     semua mebel itu
    [the room is big but it won't accomodate
     all that furniture]
    (ru-a-ngan-nya bö-sar tapi ga akan mu-at sö-mu-a mӓ-böl itu)
 2)meski-pun ruang-an-nya besar, ga akan muat
     semua mebel itu
    [although the room is big, it won't accomodate
     all that furniture]
     furniture = mebel(mӓ-böl) (from 'meubel' netherlands-language)
     source : https://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/meubel from 'meubel' in https://nl.wiktionary.org/wiki/mebel from https://nl.wikipedia.org -> search (mebel) result 2
 3)semua mebel itu ga muat,padahal ruang-an-nya besar
   [that furniture does not fit,even though the room is big]
 4)semua mebel itu ga muat,padahal ruang-an-nya udah besar
   [that furniture does not fit,even though the room is already big]
   (sö-mu-a mӓ-böl itu ga mu-at,pa-da-hal ru-a-ngan-nya u-dah bö-sar)
 unless = kecuali kalo(kö-cu-al-li ka-lo)
          [unless if]
   contoh [example] :
   1)sisa makan-an bisa di-buang, kecuali kalo dia mau 
     [food-leftover can be discarded, unless if he wants
      to take (them)]
      sisa = leftover
 5)sekolah(sö-ko-lah) maksa murid untuk ber-pikir(bör-pikir) se-cara(sö-cara) rasional(ra-si-o-nal), logis(lo-gis), meski-pun(möski-pun)
   mimpi, ereksi(ä-räk-si)-saat-liat-payudara-besar(bö-sar), ga rasional, ga logis.
   [school force student to think in rational-way, logical-way, even though
    dream, ]erection-during-seeing-big-boobs, is not rational, is not logical]
  rational, logical, can be explained = rasional(ra-si-o-nal), logis(lo-gis), masuk akal[can enter idea-mind] [source:'logical', 'sane' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/rational]
  not rational, not logical, can not be explained = ga masuk akal[can not enter idea-mind] 
  sane = waras [mentally-healthy]
  crazy (formal), insane, mentally-ill = find 'crazy (formal), insane, mentally-ill'
 6)kuda penis-nya(pö-nis) besar(bö-sar) padahal ga pernah(ga pör-nah) cokli(cɔk-li) [horse its penis is big even though never masturbating]
end 'connecting conflicting statement'

begin 'equal'-------------  [daerah]15/964[/daerah]
 equal, same = 
    1)podo(pɔ-dɔ) (informal) (java-language)
    2)sama(sa-ma) (formal)
  contoh [example] :
  1)ini dan itu sama
    ini dan itu (adalah) sama
    ini dan itu (ya) sama
    [this and that are the same]
 equals to = 
    1)sama mbek(sama mbӓk) (informal) 
      [equals with]
    2)podo mbek(pɔ-dɔ mbӓk) (java-language)
    3)sama dengan(sa-ma dö-ngan,formal,mathematics)
             [equals with]
   contoh [example] :
   1)ini sama mbek itu
      iki podo mbek kuwi (java-language)
      [this is the same as that]
   2)1 tambah 2 sama dengan 3 [1 plus 2 equals to 3]
 sequentially , serially , 1 by 1 = 1 per 1 ( 1 pör 1 )
 together , simultaneously , concurrently , parallelism =
    1)sama - sama (informal) 
    2)ber-sama - sama (formal)
  contoh [example] :
  1)pergi ke luar sama2 [going out together] 
 with, together-in-1-group-with = 
        3. pake(pa-kä)
        4. nganggo(ngang-go)(java-language)

  contoh [example] :
  1)dia pergi sama dia [he/she goes with his/her]
 'podo' in above, is sometimes is being written as 'pada'
 looks like, looks similar to = ke-liat-an mirip
                               (kö-li-a-tan mi-rip)
 contoh [example] :
 1)buah nectarine ke-liat-an mirip buah
   [nectarine fruit looks like peach fruit]
 2)daging buah kelengkeng mirip daging buah
   [flesh of kelengkeng fruit looks like
    flesh of lychee fruit]
 3)hibur-an perahu-air sambil liat patung-boneka dalam istana 'it's a small world' di indonesia->jakarta-city->ancol.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancol_Dreamland#23_sep_2022_6_32_pm_edt
    mirip hibur-an perahu-air dalam istana 'it's a small world' di 
    usa-disneyland/disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/disneyland/its-a-small-world , 
    usa-magic-kingdom/disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/magic-kingdom/its-a-small-world , 
    tokyo-disneyland/tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/tdl/attraction/detail/172/ , 
    paris-disneyland/disneylandparis.com/en-us/attractions/disneyland-park/its-a-small-world , 
    hongkong-disneyland/hongkongdisneyland.com/attractions/its-a-small-world ,
    1964 new-york-world's-fair di https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_a_Small_World#23_sep_2022_6_39_pm_edt

   [entertainment water-boat while seeing manequin-doll inside castle 'it's a small world' di indonesia->jakarta-city->ancol.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancol_Dreamland#23_sep_2022_6_32_pm_edt
    appear-similar-to entertainment water-boat inside castle 'it's a small world' in 
    usa-disneyland/disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/disneyland/its-a-small-world , 
    usa-magic-kingdom/disneyland.disney.go.com/attractions/magic-kingdom/its-a-small-world , 
    tokyo-disneyland/tokyodisneyresort.jp/en/tdl/attraction/detail/172/ , 
    paris-disneyland/disneylandparis.com/en-us/attractions/disneyland-park/its-a-small-world , 
    hongkong-disneyland/hongkongdisneyland.com/attractions/its-a-small-world ,
    1964 new-york-world's-fair in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_a_Small_World#23_sep_2022_6_39_pm_edt ]

 just-like (exact copy of) = 
       contoh [example] :
       1)just-like that[seperti itu]
 seems that =  seperti-nya, kaya-nya
end 'equal'--------------------------

begin 'converting verb-to-object' --------------------
  object:(1)sometimes (verb-in-basic-form/dasar)-nya  --> type-1
         (2)sometimes (verb-in-active-form/aktif)-nya  --> type-2
         (3)sometimes (verb-in-basic-form/dasar) without -nya --> type-3. indo-word often already unambiguous without -nya
         (4)sometimes (verb-in-active-form/aktif + object)-nya  --> type-4
  depending whichever produce unambiguous-meaning.

  contoh [example] :
  (1)verb:makan [eat], object:makan [the-eating-process]
     contoh [example] :
       (1)makan                     jam berapa ? --> type-3
         [the-eating-process (is at) what time ?]
  (2)verb:bikin betul [fix], oject:bikin betul [the-fixing-process]
     contoh [example] :
       (1)bikin betul                        mobil-nya butuh orang berapa ?  --> type-4
         [the-(process-of)-making-correct of the-car   need  how-many person ?]
  (3)verb:ganti [change], object:nge-ganti-nya [the-changing-process]  ---> type-2
     contoh [example] :
       (1)nge-ganti-nya                 besok    aja
         [the-changing-process is/start tomorrow preferably] ---> type-2
       (2)ganti-nya                               besok    aja
         [the-replacement-appointment-schedule is tomorrow preferably] ---> type-1
       so type-2 and type-1 for 'ganti', can produce different-meaning but short-ambiguous-sentence (2) can be re-written
       with higher-verbosity-level like:
       (2)janji waktu untuk datang                                    di-ganti   jadi      besok    aja .
          janji jam (untuk) hadir                                     di-ganti   jadi      besok    aja .
          janji jam (untuk) datang                                    di-ganti   jadi      besok    aja .
         [appointment-schedule/reserved-time-for-arriving/visitation  be-changed to-become tomorrow preferably .]       

    [reason]ganti-nya mesin mobil kapan datang ? --> 'ganti-nya' mean the-replacement-of, not mean process-of-replacing[/reason]
    object:(1)mostly (verb-in-basic-form/dasar)-nya  --> type-1
           (2)some   (verb-in-active-form/aktif)-nya  --> type-2
    [reason]'nge-ganti-nya ban', maybe should be, 'nge-ganti ban-nya', maybe -nya isn't needed.
            but without -nya : 'ganti besok aja' can mean 'change-schedule to tomorrow' while-intended-meaning-is
            'changing-process start tomorrow preferably'

end 'converting verb-to-object' --------------------

begin 'making correction' --------------------
 apparently = ter-nyata (tör-nyata, tör-niata)
 (1)ter-nyata   sekarang hari-senin.
    [apparently now (is) monday-day]
 (2)sekarang  hari-senin ding. (informal)
    sekarang  hari-senin ter-nyata.
    [now (is) monday-day apparently]
 (3)hari ini             hari-senin ding
    [today/this-day (is) monday-day apparently] 
end 'making correction' --------------------

begin 'negative-comparison'
 use se-... like odd-example-number or not use se-... like even-example-number
 contoh [example] :
 (1) tas-nya dia tidak  se-besar(sö-bö-sar) itu 
    [her bag     is not that big]
 (2) tas-nya dia tidak  besar seperti (tas) itu
    [her bag     is not big   like    that (bag)]
 (3) lampu-nya tidak  se-terang(sö-tö-rang) itu
    [the lamp  is not that bright]
 (4) lampu-nya tidak terang seperti (lampu) itu
    [the lamp is not bright like    that (lamp)]
 (5) pegang-an-keran-nya tidak  se-kecil itu
    [the faucet-handle   is not that     small]
    faucet , valve = keran(kö-ran) 
    [source : (1/4)'valve' , 'katup' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katup ,
   	      (2/4) 'katup' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keran ,
	      (3/4)'valve' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/valve ,
	      (4/4)'hypernym' , '“Musical instrument” is a hypernym of “guitar”' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hypernym ]
    faucet-handle = pegang-an-keran(pe-ga-ngan kö-ran)
    faucet-pipe = pipa-keran(pipa-kö-ran)
end 'negative-comparison'

begin 'country vocab'---
 egypt = mesir(mö-sir)
 japan = jepang(jö-pang)
 japanese language = bahasa jepang

 korea = korea(ko-re-a)
 korean language = bahasa korea

 china = cina
 chinese language = bahasa cina

 sweden = swedia (swe-dia)

 swedish language = bahasa swedia

 germany = jerman(jer-man)
 german language = bahasa jerman

 finland = finlandia
 finnish language = bahasa finlandia

 new zealand(nu si-lön) = selandia baru(sö-lan-di-a ba-ru)
 iceland = (1)pulau es(pu-lau äs)
           (2)padang es(pa-dang äs)
 saudi arabia = arab saudi
 america = amerika(a-me-ri-ka), amrik
 cambodia = kamboja(kam-bo-ja)
 france = prancis (pö-ran-cis)
 spain = spanyol (sö-pan-yɔl)
 england(ing-lön) = inggris(ing-gris) (java-language->banyumasan-dialect)
  [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banyumasan_dialect from google(Banyumasan inggris)result 4
         from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%EA%A6%B2%EA%A6%B6%EA%A6%81%EA%A6%92%EA%A6%BF%EA%A6%B6%EA%A6%B1%EA%A7%80#Banyumasan
         from 'Romanization' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Inggris from google(inggris)result 3]
 ireland(aiör-lön) = irlandia (ir-lan-di-a)
 italy = italia (i-ta-li-a)
 singapore , tamasek(tamasäk) = singapura , ta-ma-sek(china-language for shiny/pale--tin-metal--horse) because singapore-soil has stannum/tin-metal 
	[source : (1)'tumasik' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majapahit 
		  (2)'simp.' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B7%A1%E9%A6%AC%E9%8C%AB#18_apr_2022_4-48_pm_edt from 'danmaxi' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore 
		  (3)'Min Nan' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%8C%AB#Chinese from 'trad.' last alphabet in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B7%A1%E9%A6%AC%E9%8C%AB#18_apr_2022_4-48_pm_edt from find 'danmaxi' ]

 north-vietnam/socialist-communist-vietnam/ho-chi-minh-vietnam/vietminh/vietcong/vietkong , prg , pavn/people-army-of-vietnam = 
	vietnam-utara (fiätnam) , vietmin , vietkong (viätkɔng)

 south-vietnam/arvn/army-of-republic-of-vietnam = vietnam-selatan

 saigon-city , ho-chi-minh-city ( ho-chi-minh is north-vietnam politician's name and winner of vietnam-war ) , 
   preinokor (khmer-language meaning : 'prei' = forest , 'nokor' = city) , 
   preikor ( khmer-language meaning : 'prei' = forest , 'kor' = kapok/cotton-fluff ) = 
	kota-saigon , kota-hocimin , kota-preinokor/kota-hutan , kota-preikor/kota-kapok/kota-kapuk
  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War ]

 france-indo-china/france-hindu-china ( vietnam , Laos , cambodia ) = prancis-indo-cina ( vietnam , Laos , kamboja(kamboja) )
  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_de_Gaulle from france->paris-city->cdg-airport ]

 indo-china/hindu-china ( vietnam , Laos , cambodia , partial-malaysia-on-AsiaEuropeArabAfrica-island , myanmar/burma , thailand ) 
	= indo-cina [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainland_Southeast_Asia from wiki/Indochina ]

 new-england-country ( usa->province : connecticut , maine , massachusetts , new-hampshire , 
		       rhode-island , vermont ) = ...

 ( usa->province : arkansas , missouri , iowa , oklahoma , kansas , nebraska , partial north-dakota , partial south-dakota ,
   partial montana , partial wyoming , partial colorado , partial minnesota , partial new-mexico , partial texas , partial Louisiana )
  = ...

 new-netherlands-country ( usa->province : new-york , new-jersey , pennsylvania , delaware , connecticut , rhode-island ) = ...
 new-sweden-country ( usa->province : delaware ) = ...
 soviet-union = united council ( united--governor-group ) [source : (1/3)'soviet' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legislature (2/3)'committee that leads or governs' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/council (3/3)'group of persons' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/committee ]
 uk/united-kingdom-sovereign ( britain-island->( england-country , wales-country , scotland-country ) ; ireland-island->north-ireland-country ) = ...
 great-britain-island/major-britain-island ( england-country , wales-country , scotland-country ) = ...
 ireland-island/Lesser-britain-island/minor-britain-island ( uk->north-ireland-country , south-ireland-country ) = ...
 mishima-train-station ( japan-language for '3' (mi) 'island' (shima) ) = stasiun kereta-api mishima
          [source : mi : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89#Japanese , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_numerals#3_sep_2022_11_15_pm_edt
		    shima : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%B3%B6#Japanese 
                    from '三島 平八' in 'mishima heihachi' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heihachi_Mishima#5_may_2022_10_5_am_edt 
                    and from 'Mishima Station (三島駅, Mishima-eki)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mishima_Station#22_apr_2022_5_39_pm_edt
                    from 'mishima station' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukio_Mishima from wikipedia.org->search-auto-complete ( mishima ) ]
  from sony.com->playstation->video-game-tekken-character 'heihachi-mishima' ( japan-language )
  hei 平 = calm , peace , flat [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%B9%B3#Japanese , https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%81%B8%E3%81%84#3_sep_2022_6_49_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hei#Japanese ]
  hachi = 8 [source : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%85%AB#Japanese  ]
  hei-hachi--mi-shima =  peace/flat-8--3-island [source : 'cat island' , 'neko no shima' in ---https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aoshima,_Ehime#22_apr_2022_5_50_pm_edt from 'aoshima' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%8Ckunoshima from ... ]
 japan-country->mie-prefecture ( japan-language for 'triple-prefecture' ) = provinsi 3 kali-lipat [source : ---https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89%E9%87%8D#Japanese from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89%E9%87%8D%E7%9C%8C#5_may_2022_9_57_am_edt from wiki/Mie_Prefecture from google ( mie prefecture meaning ) result 1 ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->Lantau-island->HongkongDisneyland.com ( 'lantau' is canton-language 
  for 'lan' meaning 'broken' , 'tau' meaning 'head/apex/peak' , slank for 1-mountain-with-1-peak-broken-to-2-peak on lantau-island ;
   hongkong is canton-language for 'hiong' meaning 'perfume' , 'gong' meaning 'harbor' ; china-country-name is actually 'songguo' 
  ( china-mandarin-language for 'song' meaning 'center-position' ; 'guo' meaning 'country' ) ) = ...
  [source : (1/8)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Lantau#20_sep_2022_11_44_am_edt (2/8)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A0%AD#20_sep_2022_11_55_am_edt (3/8)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%88%9B#20_sep_2022_11_53_am_edt (4/8)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantau_Peak#20_sep_2022_11_45_am_edt (5/8) 'hiong' https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%A6%99#Chinese , (6/8) 'gong' https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B8%AF#Chinese (7/8)'香港' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong#23_aug_2022_12_21_pm_edt (8/8)'guo' meaning 'kingdom' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%9C%8B#Chinese from '中国' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China#21_sep_2022_5_16_pm_edt ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->chek-lap-(gok/kok)-island->HongkongAirport.com/hkg-airport ( 'cek-lap-gok' is canton-language 
  for 'cek' meaning 'red' , 'lap' seems meaning 'flat-head-grey-mullet-fish-roe'/'karasumi' rather-than meaning 'perch-fish' , 
  'gok' meaning ocean-cape/harbor-surrounded-by-ocean ) = ...
  [source : 'cek' en.wiktionary.org/wiki/赤 , 'lap' en.wiktionary.org/wiki/鱲 , 'gok' en.wiktionary.org/wiki/角 , '赤鱲角' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chek_Lap_Kok#24_aug_2022_6_39_pm_edt from 'chek lap kok' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_International_Airport#9_mar_2021_5_55_pm_est ]

 china-country->hongkong-territory->kowloon-province(gaulung-province) ( 'gau-lung' is canton-language for '9 dragon' ; 
  'gau' meaning '9' ; 'lung' meaning 'dragon' ,  'penis'  ) = ...
   [source : (1/3)'gau' in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B9%9D#Chinese (2/3)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E9%BE%8D#20_sep_2022_6_41_pm_edt 
	     (3/3)'九龍' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kowloon#17_feb_2022_8_40_pm_est ]
 china-country->shanghai-special-city->pudong-district->ShanghaiDisneyResort.com ( 'shanghai' is china-language for 'sang' meaning 'on-top-of'
   , 'hai' meaning ocean , china-astrology-pig-year ; 'pudong' is china-language for 'pu' meaning river-shore , 'dong' meaning east ;
   'china' is ) = ...
   [source : 'sang' https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B8%8A#Chinese  ,
	'hai' meaning pig-year https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%BA%A5#Chinese from '亥' in wortel.ucoz.com/match.htm ,
	'hai' meaning ocean https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B5%B7#Chinese ,
	'pu' meaning river-shore https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%B5%A6#Chinese ,
	'dong' meaning east https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%9D%B1#Chinese ]

 MandarinOriental.com-hotel ( 'mandarin' is from sanskrit-language 'menteri' meaning 'minister' meaning 'priest-assistant' ;
	'oriental' is from latin-language 'orientalis' meaning 'east' [source : (1/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/orientalis#23_sep_2022_5_11_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Oriental#English ; (2/2)https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/minister#Latin from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%A4%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B0%E0%A5%80#23_sep_2022_5_7_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/menteri#23_sep_2022_5_6_pm_edt from https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mandarin#23_sep_2022_5_4_pm_edt ]
  ) = ...

 arizona , ali-sonak ( odham-language meaning 'small-spring' ) = ... [source : 'etymology' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona ]
end 'country vocab'---

begin 'conjugations, inflections'-----------------------
(informal) : make indonesian language teacher 
   unhappy, but ppl in verbal communication
   feels fine with that.
(formal) : make indonesian language teacher 
   happy, ppl in verbal communication 
   could feel awkward hearing that

note : 
 1)in central java, ending -kan is sometimes
   spoken with ending -ke 
   ('e' sounds like 1st dipthong of 'day')
  2. if there is double consonant then
     the last consonant and the next vowel is 
     spoken together like in 1 syllable
   would become
   which looks complicated
  - in west java, ending -kan is sometimes 
    spoken with ending -kön
    seem only spoken by suharto 
    (1967-1998 president)

shiny , brillar (spain-language) , lucir (lusir) (spain-language) [daerah]16/964[/daerah]
- dasar : kilap [reflection of light]
- aktif : meng-kilap(möng-kil-lap)[shiny, reflect light]
- pasif : 
- objek :
- kebetulan, stative :
- animation :  http://www.theinnersoulofme.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/oohshiny.jpg

take , get , obtain , acquire , tomar (spain-language) , coger (koher) (spain-language)  [daerah]17/964[/daerah]
take something from dead-object
- dasar : (1)ambil(am-bil)  (2)pungut(formal).source:http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/pungut#21_apr_2019_5_33_pm_edt
- aktif : 
  1)ngambil (informal) [take something]
    me-ngambil (möng-ngam-bil) (formal)
       [take something]
- pasif : di-ambil (di-am-bil) [being taken]
- objek : pe-ngambill-an (pöng-ngam-bil-lan)
          [the obtaining process]
- kebetulan, stative : ter-ambil(tör-am-bil)
                       [accidentally got taken away]
- taker = pe-ngambil(pö-ngam-bil)[a taker]

earn, gain, get something with effort , ganar (spain-language) [daerah]18/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 
  1)dapet(da-pöt)[earn something concrete]
    dapat [earn something concrete]
  2)raih [earn something abstract]
- aktif : 
    men-dapat(mön-da-pat) (formal)
    [he gains something concrete and pleasant]
    [gains something abstract and prestigious]
- pasif : 
    [some social status is being gained by subject]
    [something concrete is being gained by subject]
- objek : pen-dapat-an (pen-dapat-tan) 
          [the income]
- income = pen-dapat-an, pe-masuk-an(pö-ma-suk-kan)
- kebetulan, stative : 
  1)ada [exist; available]
  2)ter-sedia (very formal, rarely used)
    [exist; available]
  contoh [example] :
  1)dia men-dapat makan gratis sebagai hadiah
    lit trans----
    [he gets to eat free-of-charge as a gift]
  2)dia men-dapat makan-an gratis sebagai hadiah
    lit trans----
    [he gets free-of-charge food as a gift]
  3)dia me-raih gelar sarjana
    [he gets a bachelor degree]
  4)toilet ada di dalam
    [toilet is available in the inside]
  5)toilet ter-sedia di dalam
    [toilet is available in the inside]
  source : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/terdapat
  more info for 'available' :
  find 'create an organisation, create a party/festival'
  in this text
- opinion = opini (o-pi-ni), pen-dapat
- free-of-charge = gratis (gra-tis), cuma - cuma, cuma2
- futile = percuma(pör-cu-ma)
- effective, = efektif
- ineffective = nda/ndak/ga/gak/kaga efektif/mempan
- can destroy intended bacteria (antibiotic) = mempan
- can not destroy intended bacteria (antibiotic) =
                            nda/ndak/ga/gak/kaga mempan
- can work as intended (medicine) = manjur,mempan(möm-pan)
- can not work as intended (medicine) =
                            nda/ndak/ga/gak/kaga manjur/mempan(möm-pan)
  contoh[example] :
  1)antibiotik-nya nda mempan
    lit trans---
    [the antibiotic can not destroy]
    normal trans---
    [the antibiotic is effective]
  2)obat-nya nda manjur
    lit trans---
    [the medicine does not work]
    normal trans---
    [the medicine works]

look at other student's work during school examination , timar (spain-language)  [daerah]19/964[/daerah]
- dasar : contek(cɔn-täk)
- aktif : 
  1)nyontek (informal)
   [look at other student's work secretly]
    me-nyontek (formal)
    [look at other student's work secretly]
  2)contek - contek-an (cɔn-täk - cɔn-täk-kan)
    [look at other student's work then share info
     with other students secretly]
- pasif : di-contek-in (di-cɔn-tӓk-kin)
          [receive info in secret manner 
           from other student during school 
- objek : pe-nyontek-an (pö-nyɔn-tӓk-kan)
- cheat-sheet = kertas contek-an(kör-tas cɔn-tӓk-kan)
- paper = kertas(kör-tas)

imitate a drawing , copy a work , imitar (spain-language) [daerah]20/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1)jiplak(ji-plak) [copy]
          2)tiru(ti-ru) [imitate]
- aktif : 
  1)njiplak (informal)    [copy]
    nge-jiplak (informal) [copy]
    men-jiplak (formal)   [copy]
  2)niru [imitate] (informal)  [copy]
    me-niru [imitate] (formal) [copy]
- pasif : 
     contoh [example] :
     1)gambar-annya sedang di-jiplak
        [the drawing is being photocopied]
     contoh [example] :
     1)tas lois vuiton-nya di-tiru
       [the lois vuiton bag is being imitated]
- objek : pen-jiplak-an, pe-niru-an
- imitation, counterfeit, doppelganger = 
     1)imitasi (i-mi-ta-si)
     3)jiplak-an (jiplak-kan) #double-consonant-problem#
     source : ${1} https://www.thefreedictionary.com/doppelganger ${2} https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_language#Auxiliary_verbs
- mimicry = mimikri (mi-mi-kri)

clone , make same thing [daerah][/daerah]
- dasar : Lipat-ganda [fold-2-time]
- aktif : me-lipat - ganda-kan [clone]
          contoh [example] :
          (1) dia    me-lipat - ganda-kan huruf itu     sampe jumlah          huruf    men-capai 8 huruf ,    untuk me-menuh-i syarat      kunci-kata/password
             [he/she clone                that alphabet until total-amount-of-alphabet reach     8 alphabet , to    fulfill    criteria-of password]
          (2) dia    nulis huruf itu      ber-ulang - ulang kali sampe jumlah          huruf    men-capai 8 huruf
             [he/she write that  alphabet repeatedly/many-times  until total-amount-of alphabet reach     8 alphabet]
- pasif : di-lipat - ganda-kan
- objek :
- double-tennis-player = pe-main tenis ganda
- single-tennis-player = pe-main tenis 1-orang/per-orang-an (pör-orang-ngan)

counterfeit  [daerah]21/964[/daerah]
- dasar : palsu
- aktif : 
   1)malsu-ke (informal)
     malsu-in (informal)
     me-malsu-kan (formal)
- pasif :(1)di-palsu-ke (informal)
- objek :
- contoh [example] :
  1)soichiro honda, saat muda, malsu-ke
    cap keluarga untuk nge-cap
    lapor-an nilai sekolah,
    sebagai bukti kalo
    lapor-an nilai sekolah itu sudah di-liat 
    orang tua-nya murid sekolah
     [soichiro honda, during young, counterfeits
      family-seal for stamping
      school grade report,
      as a proof that
      that school grade report has been seen
      by the parents of school students]
      source : 'Honda was not interested in traditional education. His school handed grade reports to the children, but required that they be returned stamped with the family seal, to make sure that a parent had seen it. Soichiro created a stamp to forge his family seal out of a used rubber bicycle pedal cover. The fraud was soon discovered when Honda started to make forged stamps for other children. Honda was unaware that the stamp was supposed to be mirror-imaged. His family name 本田 was symmetrical when written vertically, so it did not cause a problem, but some of other children's family names were not.[3]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soichiro_Honda and https://www.findlayhondaflagstaff.com/blogs/1039/findlay-honda-flagstaff-news/soichiro-honda-where-it-all-started/ from google (honda family seal rubber) result 4
- report = lapor-an(la-pɔ-ran)

stamp a paper with ink [daerah]22/964[/daerah]
- dasar : cap
- aktif : nge-cap
- pasif : di-cap
- objek :
- kebetulan, stative : (1)ter-cap (tör-cap) [already been stamped]
                       (2)ke-cap (kö-cap) #homonym/homograph#
                       (3)udah di-cap [already being stamped]
- soy-sauce = saos-kecap (sa-ɔs kӓ-cap)
- sweet soy sauce = kecap manis
- sauce = saos (sa-ɔs)
- pure = murni
- gullible, naive, without experience = (1)polos (pɔ-lɔs) [gullible, naive] [source:(1/2)tfd.com/gullible (2/2)tfd.com/naive]
                                        (2)ga punya pengalaman (ga punya pö-nga-la-man) [doesn't have experience]
                                        (3)ga ber-pengalaman (ga bör-pö-nga-la-man) [doesn't have experience]
- without sauce = (1)polos(pɔ-lɔs) , polos-an(pɔ-lɔ-san)
                  (2)tanpa saos (tanpa sa-ɔs)
                  (3)ga pake saos

have, has, own [daerah]23/964[/daerah]
- dasar : (1)punya (pun-nya) [has/have, belong to]
          (2)milik [belong to]
          (3)ada [exist]
- aktif : 
  1)punya (informal), mem-pun-nya-i (formal)


- pasif : (1)di-punya-i
- objek : pem-milik-an(pö-mi-lik-kan)
          [the ownership of the book]
- kebetulan, stative  : 
   1)ke-punya-an  [belong to; is owned by; property of]
   2)milik [belong to; is owned by; property of]
- owner = pe-milik(pö-mi-lik)
- contoh [example] :
   1)dia punya buku [he has a book]
   2)itu buku punya/milik/ke-punya-an dia [that book belongs to him]
   3)buku itu punya/milik/ke-punya-an dia [that book belongs to him]
   4)buku itu di-milik-i dia [that book is owned by him] (rarely used)
   5)buku-nya ke-punya-an dia [the book belongs to him]
   6)dia me-milik-i buku [he has a book]
   7)dia ga punya buku [he does not have a book]
   8)buku itu bukan punya/milik/ke-punya-an dia [that book does not belong to him]
   9)kerangka komputer lian li pc-v358 punya harddisk,
     dalam posisi horizontal
      [lian li pc-v358 computer chassis has harddisk,
       in horizontal position]
      skeleton,chassis = kerangka(kö-rang-ka)

  10)website/websait/situs restoran biasa-nya ada menu makan-an-nya
     [restaurant website usually has its food menu]

  11)pe-milik-an mobil pindah tangan usai pem-bayar-an
     [ownership of car change hands after payment]

  12)contoh     1 negara  punya  3 nama alias : uk , british , great-britain  
    [example of 1 country having 3 name alias : uk , british , great-britain]
punish, convict a defendant in a trial [daerah]24/964[/daerah]
- dasar : hukum
- aktif : hukum (informal)
          meng-hukum(möng-hu-kum) (formal)
- pasif : di-hukum
- objek : peng-hukum-an(pöng-hu-kum-man)
- kebetulan, stative : 
- judgement, punishment = hukum-an(hu-kum-man)

judge                                  [daerah]25/964[/daerah]
- dasar : hakim [a judge]
- aktif :(1)hakim-i (hakim-mi) [judge] (informal) 
            nge-hakim-i(ngö-ha-ki-mi) [judge] (informal) 
            meng-hakim-i(möng-haki-mi)  [judge] (formal)
- pasif : di-hakim-i [being judged]
- objek : peng-hakim-an [the juding process]

cut in line/queue, insert oneself in the middle of [daerah]26/964[/daerah]
a queue
- dasar : serobot(sö-rɔ-bɔt)
- aktif : nyerobot(nyö-rɔ-bɔt) (informal)
          me-nyerobot(mö-nyö-rɔ-bɔt) (formal)
- pasif : di-serobot
- objek : pe-nyerobot-an
- kebetulan, stative : ter-serobot
- line cutter = pe-nyerobot

wait in the line, wait in the queue [daerah]27/964[/daerah]
- dasar : antri
- pasif : di-antri-kan,di-antri-in(informal),di-antri-ke 
          [getting queue service from other person]
- objek :
- kebetulan, stative :
- queue = antri-an
- contoh [example] :
  1. dia di-antri-kan orang itu,
     jadi dia sekarang bisa pergi makan siang 
     [he gets queue service from that person,
      so he now can go have lunch]
  2. antri-an-nya panjang
     [the queue is long]

buy, purchase  [daerah]28/964[/daerah]
- dasar : (1)beli(bö-li)
          (2)tuku (java-language)
- aktif : (1)beli [buy] (informal) 
             mbeli [buy]
             mem-beli (mem-bel-li) [buy] (formal) 
             contoh [example] : dia beli buku
                               [he buys a book]
          (2)mbelik-ke (informal)
             mbeli-in (informal)
             nge-beli-in (informal)
             mem-beli-kan (formal)
             contoh [example]:dia mbeli-in dia makan-an
                              [he buys him a meal]
- pasif : (1)di-beli (di-bel-li)
             [the stuffs was bought by him]
          (2)di-tuku (java-language)
- objek : pem-beli-an (pöm-bö-li-yan,pöm-bö-li-an) 
          [the buying of; the purchase of]
- kebetulan, stative : 
       [automatically included in the purchase] #here#
- contoh [example] :
  1)dia mem-beli makanan untuk teman-nya
    [he buy meal for his friend]
  2)dia mem-beli-kan teman-nya makanan
    [he buy his friend, a meal]
  3)garansi ekstra-nya ikut ter-beli
 [the extra warranty has been included in purchase list]

  4)taun 1980 honda beli 20%
     british-leyland (bl-plc)/grup-rover yang punya 
     land-rover, mini-cooper
     lalu jual 20% itu taun 1994 ngikut-in
     british-aerospace (bae) jual
     80% british-leyland (bl-plc)/grup-rover
     ke bmw
     [year 1980 honda bought 20%
      british-leyland (bl-plc)/rover-group which owned
      land-rover, mini-cooper
      then sold that 20% year 1994 following
      british-aerospace (bae) selling
      80% british-leyland (bl-plc)/rover-group
      to bmw]
     source : 'On 31 January 1994 BAe sold its 80% stake in the company on to German vehicle manufacturer BMW[4][5] for £800 million (a takeover which caused uproar in the House of Commons),[6] the name changing again in 1995 to BMW (UK) Holdings Limited.[4] The Japanese manufacturer Honda, who owned the remaining 20% stake, terminated the long-standing alliance with BL/Rover which had been in existence since 1980 and also sold its shares to BMW a month later' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rover_Group

  5)slaby-beringer adalah pem-buat mobil dengan
     mesin 2-tak (taun 1919-taun 1924)
    [slaby-beringer was a car maker with
     2-stroke engine (year 1919-year 1924)]
     dkw beli slaby-beringer taun 1924
     [dkw bought slaby-beringer year 1924]
    dkw beli taun 1928 :
    1. audi-yang-dulu-nya-horch (bekas manager
                            karl benz) 
       horch dengan ludwig-kathe-&-sohn ?
    2. rickenbacker pem-buat mobil mahal di usa
   [dkw bought in year 1928:
    1. audi-which-formerly-horch (former production
                                 manager for
                                  karl benz)
       horch with ludwig-kathe-&-sohn ?
    2. rickenbacker the maker of expensive car in usa]
      dkw beli wanderer taun 1932 lalu jadi
     [dkw bought wanderer year 1932 then became
    vw beli auto-union taun 1964 lalu sept 1965 jual
    mobil yang punya nama audi
   [vw bought auto-union year 1964 then sept 1965 sold
    a car whose name is audi]
    auto-union nggabung dengan nsu-motorenwerke-ag
    taun 1969 lalu ganti nama jadi
   [auto-union merged with nsu-motorenwerke-ag
    year 1969 then changed name becoming
    audi-nsu-auto-union-ag ganti nama jadi audi-ag
    taun 1985
   [audi-nsu-auto-union-ag changed name becoming audi-ag
    year 1985]
    source : ${1} 'In August 1928, Jørgen Rasmussen, the owner of Dampf-Kraft-Wagen (DKW), acquired the majority of shares in Audiwerke AG.[21] In the same year, Rasmussen bought the remains of the U.S. automobile manufacturer Rickenbacker,' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi#History   ${2} 'In 1932, Audi merged with Horch, DKW, and Wanderer, to form Auto Union AG, Chemnitz.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi#History   ${3} 'The first Type P was ready on 7 May 1928. The model was developed by Rudolf Slaby, the former owner of the Spandau based automaker Slaby-Beringer which DKW had purchased in 1924.[3]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DKW_Typ_P from 'typ p' in 'The first DKW car, the small and rather crude Typ P, emerged on 7 May 1928[4]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DKW#Automobiles_made_between_1928_and_1942   ${4} 'In 1909, the supervisory board (the German equivalent of the Board of Directors) of the corporation forced out Horch. Horch went on to found Audi as Audiwerke GmbH, which became effective on 25 April 1910. The name was a solution to the legal dispute with his old company over use of the Horch brand and a clever play of words ("audi" is the literal Latin translation of the Old German "horch", meaning the imperative "Listen!"). In 1928, the company was acquired by Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen, owner of DKW (from the German Dampfkraftwagen, or steam engine vehicle) who had bought the remains of the US automobile manufacturer Rickenbacker in the same year.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horch#History_at_a_glance   ${5} 'In 1932, Auto Union Gmbh was formed, consisting of struggling auto manufacturers Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Porsche   ${6} ${6.1} 'In 1964, Volkswagen acquired the factory in Ingolstadt and the trademark rights of Auto Union, with the exception of the dormant Horch brand which Daimler-Benz retained.' ${6.2} 'Volkswagen abandoned the DKW brand because of association with two-stroke engines, effectively leaving Volkswagen with the Audi brand. The new model was launched in September 1965 as simply the "Audi." The name was a model designation rather than the manufacturer, which was still officially Auto Union' ${6.3} 'In 1969, Auto Union merged with NSU Motorenwerke AG, based in Neckarsulm, near Stuttgart' ${6.4} 'After being merged with Neckarsulm car maker NSU, the official name became Audi NSU Auto Union AG, which was simply shortened to Audi AG in 1985, ending both the Auto Union and NSU brands' ${6.5} in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto_Union    ${7} ${7.1} 'In 1923, Paul Daimler (a Stauss associate) worked for Horch as the chief engineer for 8-cylinder engines. Horch vehicles were subsequently the first to introduce 8-cylinder engines in series production.[citation needed]' ${7.2} 'August Horch had previously worked as a production manager for Karl Benz' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horch#History_at_a_glance   ${8} 'Ludwig Kathe & Sohn, Halle/Germany founded 1833, they built the first closed body (Limousine) in Germany in 1907. In 1948 together with Karosseriewerke Otto Kühn/Halle to VEB IFA-Karosseriewerke Halle.' in http://www.coachbuild.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=4839&start=40 from google (Ludwig Kathe & Sohn) result 7 from https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Kathe_%26_Sohn from 'Firmengründer August Horch 1908 im Typ 11/22 PS (Karosserie Kathe, Halle/S.)[2] für die Prinz-Heinrich-Fahrt' in https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horch
  6)taun 1991, nobuhiko kawamoto, ceo honda,
    minta aryton senna me-netap di mclaren-honda
    saat aryton senna mau pindah ke williams
    mobil mclaren-honda ga punya suspensi-aktif
    tapi akhir taun 1992 honda ke-luar f1, 
    me-ninggal-kan aryton senna 
    karena soichiro honda me-ninggal dan 
    honda mau di-beli mitsubishi

    [year 1991, nobuhiko kawamoto, honda ceo,
     asked aryton senna to stay in mclaren-honda
     during aryton senna was about to move to williams
     mclaren-honda's car does not have active-suspension
     but at the end of year 1992 honda quit f1, 
     leaving aryton senna 
     because soichiro honda passed away and 
     honda was about to be bought by mitsubishi]
    source : ${1} 'Following the death of Soichiro Honda in 1991, Japanese media reported in 1992 and 1993 that Honda was at serious risk of an unwanted and hostile takeover by Mitsubishi Motors,  who at the time was a larger automaker by volume and flush with profits from their successful Pajero and Diamante.[2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobuhiko_Kawamoto  ${2} ${2.1} 'Senna was planning to move to the Williams team for the 1992 season, but Honda's CEO, Nobuhiko Kawamoto, personally requested that he remain at McLaren-Honda, which Senna did out of a sense of loyalty.[79]'   ${2.2} 'in addition to lacking active suspension'   ${2.3} 'He felt the McLaren cars were becoming less competitive than in previous years, especially given Honda's decision to abandon the sport at the end of 1992 and McLaren's lack of active suspension relating to rival Williams.[87]'   ${2.4} in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayrton_Senna

  7)usa-dollar lebih kuat      dari-pada rupiah tapi rupiah bisa beli
        (1)petrol/bensin murni ( 'oktana/c8h18-87%-heptana/c7h16-13%' ) dan
        (2)musim panas       se-panjang taun
    usa-dollar bisa beli petrol/bensin-90%-campur-ethanol/alcohol-jagung-10% yang bikin usa jadi hemat petrol/bensin
    tapi resiko-nya mungkin bisa men-cipta-kan air di dalam bensin , 
    air itu ber-asal dari uap-air dalam tangki-bensin , air itu me-naik-kan resiko karat-an
    di pe-nyemprot bensin , tangki bensin .
    ( per-atur-an dari usa-president george-walker-bush dan senator-republican-provinsi-texas joe-barton )

   [usa-dollar more  stronger than       rupiah but  rupiah can  buy
        (1)pure petrol/gasoline ( 'oktana/c8h18-87%-heptana/c7h16-13%' ) and
        (2)summer/hot season whole/as-lengthy-as-1 year
    usa-dollar can  buy petrol/bensin-90%-mixed-with-ethanol/corn-alcohol-10% which make usa become petrol/gasoline efficient
    but the risk is maybe can create/invent water inside gasoline , 
    that water originate from water-vapor inside fuel-tank , that water increase corrosion risk
    in fuel-injector , fuel-tank .
    ( law/rule from usa-president george-walker-bush and texas-province-republican-senator joe-barton )]

	(1)find 'the Act increases the amount of biofuel (usually ethanol) that must be mixed with gasoline sold in the United States
          to 4 billion US gallons (15,000,000 m3) by 2006, 6.1 billion US gallons (23,000,000 m3) by 2009 and
          7.5 billion US gallons (28,000,000 m3) by 2012;[4] two years later, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
          extended the target to 36 billion US gallons (140,000,000 m3) by 2022.[5]'
          in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Policy_Act_of_2005 from
          'Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007'
          in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_ethanol_fuel_mixtures#E10_or_less
          from 'Most cars on the road today in the U.S. can run
          on blends of up to 10% ethanol,[6]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_fuel
          from 'Ethanol fuel' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol' in wortel.ucoz.com/driving_tips.htm 
	(2)youtube.com/watch?v=7Eh9YLTWcLo&t=4m20s#25_feb_2021_3_51_pm_est ( ETHANOL - GOOD OR BAD? - How it Works | SCIENCE GARAGE ) 

- buyer = 
- affordable = 
    1)bisa ke-beli(informal)(bi-sa kö-bö-li)
    3)harga ter-jangkau(formal)(harga tör-jang-kau)
    4)harga yang ter-jangkau(formal)
      (harga yang tör-jang-kau)

sell [daerah]29/964[/daerah]
- dasar : jual (ju-al, ju-wal)
- aktif :
  1. jual [sell] (formal)
     njual [sell] (informal)
     men-jual (men-ju-al, men-ju-wal) [sell]
  2. jual-an [doing selling activity repeatedly]

- pasif : di-jual(di-ju-al,di-ju-wal) [for sale]
- objek : pen-jual-an(pön-ju-al-lan,pön-ju-wa-lan) 
          [the selling of]
- kebetulan, stative : ter-jual(tör-ju-al)
                       [already sold, 
                        with effort or without effort]
- contoh [example] :
  1)dia men-jual mobilnya [he sells his car]
  2)dealer men-jual mobil itu seharga 5 juta
     [dealer sold that car for 5 million]
  3)toko itu men-jual jam antik
     harga-nya 3 ribu (informal)
     lit trans----
     [that shop sells an antique watch 
      its price 3 thousands]
     toko itu men-jual jam antik
     yang harga-nya 3 ribu (informal)
     lit trans----
     [that shop sells an antique watch 
      which its price 3 thousands]
     toko itu men-jual jam antik
     yang punya harga 3 ribu (informal)
     lit trans----
     [that shop sells an antique watch 
      which has price 3 thousands]
     toko itu men-jual jam antik
     dengan harga 3 ribu (informal)
     lit trans----
     [that shop sells an antique watch 
      with price of 3 thousands]
  4)dia jual buku itu kemarin
     [he sold that book yesterday]
  5)buku-nya di-jual di toko
     [the books is for sale in the store]
  6)dia jual-an buku    [he sells books]
  7)dia jualan jeruk    [he sells orange fruit]
  8)toko itu jualan jam [that shop sells watches]
  9)dia mulai jual-an   [he starts selling]
- seller = pen-jual

auction a stuff [daerah]30/964[/daerah]
- dasar : lelang(le-lang)
- aktif : 
   1. nglelang(ngle-lang) (informal)
      [put something in auction, auction off]
   2. nge-lelang(ngö-le-lang) (informal)
      [put something in auction, auction off]
   2. me-lelang(mö-le-lang) (formal)
      [put something in auction, auction off]
- pasif : di-lelang
- objek : pe-lelang-an [an auction]
- contoh [example] :
   1. dia nge-lelang lukisan-nya
      [he auction off his painting]
   2. dia me-lelang lukisan-nya
      [he auction off his painting]
   3. pe-lelang-an lukisan,
       mulai sebentar lagi
      [the auction of paintings, 
       begins in a moment]
   4. lukisan-nya di-lelang
     [his painting is being auctioned off]

pawn, hock [daerah]31/964[/daerah]
- dasar : gadai(ga-dai)
- aktif : 1. nggadai-in
- pasif : di-gadai-in (informal)
          di-gadai-ke (informal)
          di-gadai-kan (formal)
- objek : peng-gadai-an(pöng-gadai-an)
  source : 'to pawn' in https://www.thefreedictionary.com/hock

pay pawn seller to get back your stuffs; [daerah]32/964[/daerah]
bail out a defendant;
pay a debt
- dasar : tebus(tö-bus)
- aktif : nebus(nö-bus)(informal)
- pasif : di-tebus
- objek : pe-nebus-an(pö-nöbus-san)

bid, bargain [daerah]33/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tawar [bland taste]
- aktif : 
   1. nawar (informal) [place a bid]
      me-nawar(mö-na-war)(formal) [place a bid]
   2. nawar-i (informal) [make an offer]
      me-nawar-kan [offer a merchandise] (formal)
       (mö-na-war-kan)[make an offer]
- pasif : di-tawar [receive a bid offer]
- objek : pe-nawar-an(pö-na-wa-ran)[a bid offer]
- contoh [example] :
  1. daging-nya tawar
     [the meat taste bland]
  2. lele adalah ikan air tawar
     [catfish is a fresh water fish]
  3. dia me-nawar lukisan-nya dengan harga 500
      [he offers 500 for the painting]
  4. dia me-nawar-kan komputernya dengan harga
     rp 1 juta
     [he offers his computer with 
      price of rp 1 million]
  5. dia me-nawar-kan komputernya rp 1 juta
     [he offers his computer for rp 1 million]
  6. harga komputernya 1 juta
     di-tawar 900.000
     [the price of that computer is 1 million, 
      receives price-offer of 900.000]
- bidder = pe-nawar (pen-nawar)

supply a merchandise, provide a merchandise,  [daerah]34/964[/daerah]
willing to do something
- dasar : 1. sedia(sö-di-a)
          2. pasok(pa-sɔk)(formal, rarely used)
- aktif : 
  1. sedia-in(sö-di-a-in) (informal)
     sedia-ke (informal)
     sedia-kan (informal)
  2. nyedia-in(nyö-di-a-in) (informal)
     nyedia-ke (informal)
     nyedia-kan (informal)
     me-nyedia-kan (mö-nyö-di-ya-kan) (formal)
  3. me-masok/me-masok-an (mö-ma-sɔk-kan) (formal)
     [he supply merchandise to that store]
  4. ber-sedia [willing to do ...]
     mau means willing to as well
     more info : find 'want, willing' in this text
- pasif : 1)di-sedia-kan(di-sö-di-ya-kan,
                        di-sö-di-a-kan)[being provided by ...]
          2)di-pasok-kan[being provided by ...]
- objek : per-sedia-an(pör-sö-di-a-an)[the supply of]
          pasok-an(pa-sɔk-an][the supply of]
- kebetulan, stative : 
        [available. with effort or without effort]
- contoh [example] :
  1. dia me-nyedia-kan barang2 jual-an ke toko itu
     [he supplies merchandise to that store]
  2. dia ber-sedia me-nyedia-kan barang2 jual-an ke
     toko itu
     [he is willing to supply merchandise stuffs to
      that store]
  3. barang2 jual-an di-sedia-kan oleh distributor
     [the merchandise is provided by distributor]
  4)dia nyedia-in buku ke perpustakaan umum
    [he provides books to public library]
    library = perpustakaan (pör-pus-ta-ka-an)
  5)makan-an di-sedia-kan oleh rantang-an makan-an
    [foods is provided by food-catering]
  6) kalo    tau  agama    yang  betul      ya         bisa  bilang boikot/hindari payung   dan ga    pernah kena          ujan , tutup 1 pintu lalu pintu-jalan-lain               otomatis-buka      , payung   adalah pisau-akujiki-di-main-an-komputer-ninja-shinobi-sony-playstation-2 yang  pengin di-pake     , kalo      cuma tau agama biasa        ya   orang  bilang sedia   payung   se-belum ( ...     / jaga-jaga        kalo ) ujan
    [if (we) know religion which is correct then (we)  can   say    boycott/avoid  umbrella and never (receive touch-from) rain , close 1 door  then other door-of-other-life-road  automatically-open , umbrella is     akujiki-blade-in-video-game-shinobi-ninja-sony-playstation-2       which want   to be used  , if   (we) only know ordinary religion then person say    prepare umbrella prior    ( in case / repeatedly-guard if )   rain]
- supplier = produser[pro-du-sör]
- distributor = distributor[dis-tri-bu-tɔr], pe-ngirim[pö-ngi-rim]
- food-catering = rantang-an makan-an
                  (rantang-ngan makan-nan)

send, deliver, submit [daerah]35/964[/daerah]
- dasar : kirim
- aktif : ngirim (informal)
- pasif : di-kirim
      [being sent;start being delivered;being delivered]
- objek : pe-ngirim-an(pöng-ngir-rim-man)
          [the sending process]
- kebetulan, stative : 
  1. ke-kirim [already sent](informal)
  2. ter-kirim [already sent] (formal)
- method = metode (me-to-dö)
- contoh [example] :
  1. barangnya sudah datang,
     di-kirim 2 hari yang lalu
     [the package already arrived,
      delivery began 2 days ago]
  2. barang-nya udah di-kirim
     [the package's delivery process has began]
  3. barang-nya mulai di-kirim 2 hari
      yang lalu
     [the package began delivery-process 2 days
  4. metode pe-ngirim-an
     adalah pe-ngirim-an dalam 1 hari.
     [shipping method
      is shipping in 1 day]
- distributor = distributor, pe-nyebar
- sender = pe-ngirim (peng-ngir-rim)

imply = bilang secara tidak langsung, 
        ngomong secara tidak langsung

signify,indicate,show body-language-sign,make a mark on an object [daerah]36/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tanda
- aktif : 
  1. nanda-in (informal)
     nanda-ke (informal)
     [give a sign; give body-language-sign](formal)

  2. nanda-i(informal)
      [write a mark with pencil/ballpoint-marker,
       write a sign to something]
      [write a mark with pencil/ballpoint-marker,
       write a sign to something]
  3. kasi tanda ke ... 
     (ka-si tan-da kö)
     [write a mark with pencil/ballpoint-marker,
       write a sign to something]
- pasif : di-tanda-i
- objek : pe-nanda-an(pö-nan-da-an)
- contoh [example] :
  1. lampu hijau me-nanda-kan jalan
     [green light signifies go]

  2. dia nanda-i sentek-an jendela, nginget-in
     arah sentek-an jendela
     untuk buka jendela
     [he marks window's lever-switch, to remind
      about the direction of window's lever-switch
      for opening that window]
  3. dia me-nanda-i koper-nya supaya gampang di-cari
     usai men-darat
     literal translation ---
     [he marks his luggage so easily found after
     normal translation ---
     [he mark his luggage so his luggage is easily
      found after landing]

  on/off toggle-switch = sentek-an(sön-tӓk-kan)
see, watch, look, view, notice;                        [daerah]37/964[/daerah]
show something, display something; point out;
point finger toward a person, 
point finger toward an object,
-dasar:(1)liat (informal) [see]
          lihat (li-hat, li-yat) [see] (formal)
       (2)pandang [see]
       (3)kasi lihat/liat [show, display]
       (4)tampil[show up]
       (5)tunjuk [point finger toward a person;
                  point finger toward an object]
       (6)ketok(kö-tɔk) [noticable]
       (7)keceng(kӓ-cӓng)(jakarta dialect) [show good appearance]
- aktif :
  1)ngliat (informal) [see]
    nge-liat(ngö-li-at) (informal) [see]
    me-lihat (mö-li-hat) (formal) [see]

  2)mandang (formal)
       [see; rarely used, only in poem context]
     me-mandang(mö-man-dang) (formal)
       [see; rarely used, only in poem context]
     [show something; show certain behavior]
     [show something; show certain behavior]
    kasi lihat/liat 
     [show something; show certain behavior]
    nge-tok-ke [show something; show certain behavior]
    ngeceng-in(ngӓ-cӓng-ngin)[show something to entice]
  4)me-nampil-kan(mö-nam-pil-kan)[show something]
  5)nunjuk (informal)
     [point finger toward someone, something;
      elect someone]
  6)ke-liat-an(kö-li-at-tan)   [look] (informal)
    ke-lihat-an(kö-li-hat-tan) [look] (formal)
    ke-liat-an-nya(kö-li-a-tan-nia) [seems]
    tampak [view]
    tampak-samping [view-from-side]
    tampak-depan [view-from-front]
    tampak-belakang [view-from-behind]
    tampak-nya(tam-pak-nia) [appearance-is]
    ketok(kӓ-tɔk) [appear] (java-language)
    ketok(kö-tɔk) [cut] (java-language)
  7)nonton(nɔn-tɔn) (informal)
    me-nonton(mö-nɔn-tɔn) (formal)
- pasif : 
  1)di-liat (informal) [being seen]
    di-lihat (di-li-hat) (formal) [being seen]
  2)di-pandang [being seen as, regarded as]
  3)di-kasi lihat/liat [being shown something] 
    di-ketok-i [being shown something] 
     [being displayed]
    di-tampil-kan(formal)[being displayed]
  5)di-tunjuk-kan [being shown something]
  6)di-tunjuk [being pointed at using finger;
                being elected]
  7)di-keceng-in [being shown something to entice]
- objek : 
   1)peng-lihat-an (peng-li-hat-tan) [vision]
     peng-liat-an (peng-li-at-tan) [vision]
   2)pandang-an [vision]
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1)ter-lihat  [accidentally seen]
   2)ter-tunjuk [elected]
   3)ter-pilih [choosen]
- contoh [example] :
  1)dia sudah pernah me-lihat film itu
     [he already seen that movie]

  2)dia me-mandang gunung itu
      [he sees that mountain]

  3)dia memper-lihat-kan kompor-nya
     [he/she shows her stove]
  4)dia me-nunjuk-kan kompor-nya
     [he/she shows her stove]
  5)jam dinding me-nunjuk-kan jam 1
     [the wall clock shows 1 o'clock]
  6)dia me-nunjuk-kan isi buku-nya
     [he shows the content of his book]
  7)dia nunjuk dia untuk jadi presiden
     [he/she elect that person to become president]
  8)dia nunjuk dia untuk me-ngerja-kan tugas itu
     [he/she elect that person to do that task]
  9)dia ke-liat-an/tampak senang
     [he/she looks happy]
  10)toilet-nya ke-liat-an/tampak bersih
     [the toilet looks clean]
  11)dia nonton tv    [he watches the tv]
  12)dia me-nonton tv [he watches the tv]
  13)dokter-nya di-tunjuk-kan luka
      [the physician is being shown the wound
        of the patient]
  14)dokter-nya di-kasi liat luka
       [the physician is being given a look at the wound
        of the patient]
  15)luka-nya di-tunjuk-kan ke dokter
      [his wound is being shown to physician]
  16)mp3-player bisa nampil-ke judul lagu yang pake huruf
     [mp3-player can show song title which use umlaut
  17)mp3-player bisa nge-luar-ke judul lagu yang pake huruf
     [mp3-player can produce-output song title which use umlaut
  18)mp3-player bisa kasi liat judul lagu yang pake huruf
     [mp3-player can show song title which use umlaut
  19)mp3-player bisa nge-luar-ke judul lagu yang pake huruf
     [mp3-player can output title which use umlaut
  20)dia tampil di tv[he/she show up in tv]
     dia ke-luar di tv[he/she is being outputed in tv]
  21)rumput tetangga  akan se-lalu ke-liat-an lebih hijau
    [neighbor's grass will always  appear     more-green/greener] [ source : ex-co-worker in iastate.edu->veterinary-diagnostics-laboratory steve-mindham say this]
     neighbor = tetangga (tö-tang-ga)
- guidance, hint, clue, indication =
    (1)pe-tunjuk(pö-tun-juk) (2)indikasi
- can be seen = 
    1)ke-liat-an (kö-liat-tan) (formal)
    2)ke-lihat-an (informal)
- good vision = peng-lihat-an yang tajam
                 (pöng-li-at-tan yang ta-jam)
- acute vision = peng-lihat-an yang tajam
                 (pöng-li-at-tan yang ta-jam)
highlight a statement in paper                 [daerah]38/964[/daerah]
- dasar : kasi stabilo(ka-si sta-bil-lo)
- aktif : 1. ngasi/beri stabilo [informal]
          2. me-ngasi/mem-beri stabilo [formal]
- pasif : di-kasi / di-beri stabilo [formal]
- objek : 

witness                                        [daerah]39/964[/daerah]
- dasar : saksi
- aktif : nyaksi-in (informal)
          nyaksi-ke (informal)
          nyaksi-kan (informal)
          me-nyaksi-kan  (formal)
          (mö-nyaksi-kan)[witness some criminal events]
- pasif : di-saksi-in (informal)
          di-saksi-ke (informal)
          di-saksi-kan (formal)
          [criminal events is witnessed by ...]
- objek : ke-saksi-an [a testimony]
- kebetulan :
- eyewitness = saksi mata

refer in 'i refer him to that person' =    [daerah]40/964[/daerah]
 suruh dia lihat, ke-temu
 contoh [example] :
 1)saya suruh dia ke-temu advisor
    lit trans---
    [i told her to see an advisor]
    normal trans-----
    [i refer her to an advisor]
refer in                                           [daerah]41/964[/daerah]
'referring to statement in page 2 of this book' =
 find 'according to' in this text

need                                           [daerah]42/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. butuh (bu-tuh) [need]
          2. perlu(pör-lu)  [need]
          3. meng-harus-kan [require], harus [must]
- aktif : 
  1. butuh [need] (informal)
     mbutuh-ke [need] (informal)
     mbutuh-in [need] (informal) (mbutuh-hin)
     mem-butuh-kan [need] (formal) (möm-bu-tuh-kan)
  2. perlu(pör-lu) (informal)
     me-merlu-kan(mö-mörlu-kan) (formal)
  3. meng-harus-kan(möng-ha-rus-kan) [need]
- pasif : 1. di-butuh-in (di-butuh-hin) (informal)
          2. di-butuh-ke (informal)
          3. di-butuh-kan (di-but-tuh-kan)[being needed]
          4. di-harus-kan [being required]
- objek : ke-butuh-an (keb-but-tuh-han) [necessities]
- kebetulan, stative : 
- contoh [example] :
  1. dia butuh beli makan-an
     [he needs to buy food]
  2. pem-beli-an makan-an butuh waktu 30 menit
     [buying the food, will take 30 minutes]
  3. pem-beli-an makan-an butuh waktu 30 menit tadi
     [buying the food, took 30 minutes just now]
  4. 12 december 2017,
     auto-thrust di airbus, otomatis
     memper-lambat airbus saat mau men-darat.
     auto-throttle di boeing, bikin
     milih ke-cepat-an
     secara manual saat mau men-darat.
     lit trans-----
     [12 december 2017,
     auto-thrust in airbus, automatically
     slows down airbus during about to land.
     auto-throttle in boeing, makes
     the pilot to be under pressure
     to select speed
     manually during about to land.]
     normal trans-----
     [12 december 2017,
     auto-thrust in airbus, automatically
     slows down airbus during about to land.
     auto-throttle in boeing, requires
     the pilot 
     to select speed
     manually during about to land.]
  5. pe-ngontrol-an tenaga otomatis di airbus
      istilah-nya auto-thrust, di boeing istilah-nya
      saya cinta sistim auto-thrust di airbus;
      sistim auto-thrust di airbus ngatur
      ke-cepat-an terbang dan
      per-lambat pesawat saat mau men-darat.
      kalo pake auto-throttle di boeing ya pilot
      harus pilih ke-cepat-an terbang secara manual
     [The automatic power control on the Airbus
      is known as the auto-thrust, in boeing the term is
      I love the Airbus autothrust system;
      it takes care of
      the flying speeds and
      slows down the plane during about to touch-down.
      if using autothrottle in Boeing then the pilot
      must select the flight speed manually]
     'The automatic power control on the Airbus
      is known as the auto-thrust, whereas it is
      referred to as the auto-throttle on
      the Boeing.
      I love the Airbus autothrust system;
      it takes care of the flying speeds and
      slows down the plane as it approaches for
      landing. When using the Boeing autothrottle,
      the pilot has to manually
      select the flight speed.'
      from google (pilot boeing vs airbus) result 1
  6. pe-nyanyi(pö-nya-nyi) pat-benatar bilang cinta adalah medan-perang(me-dan pö-rang) di lagu 'love is a battlefield' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVZOLV9SPo
     demokrat hillary-clinton bilang butuh orang se-kampung untuk bikin anak tumbuh dewasa(de-wa-sa), lalu
     republikan bob-dole bilang ga butuh orang se-kampung, cuma butuh 1 keluarga untuk bikin anak tumbuh dewasa(de-wa-sa)
     [singer pat-benatar says love is a battle-field in song 'love is a battlefield' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVZOLV9SPo
      democrat hillary-clinton says need person in whole-village for making kid grow (becoming) adult, then
      republican bob-dole says doesn't need person in whole-village, only need 1 family for making kid grow (becoming) adult]
     [singer pat-benatar says love is a battle-field in song 'love is a battlefield' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVZOLV9SPo
      democrat hillary-clinton says it needs a village to raise a child then
      republican bob-dole says it doesn't need a village, only need 1 family to raise a child]
     [source:(1/2)'And with all due respect, I am here to tell you it does not take a village to raise a child. It takes a family to raise a child' in https://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1996/conventions/san.diego/transcripts/0815/dole.fdch.shtml from google (bob dole's acceptance speech) result 1 from 'A well known instance of this occurred during the 1996 presidential election when, during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, Republican Party nominee Bob Dole said: "... with all due respect, I am here to tell you, it does not take a village to raise a child. It takes a family to raise a child."[8]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Takes_a_Village from google (hillary clinton it takes a village to raise a kid) result 1  (2/2)'For Bill and me, there has been no experience more challenging, more rewarding and more humbling than raising our daughter. And we have learned that to raise a happy, healthy and hopeful child, it takes a family. It takes teachers. It takes clergy. It takes busi­ness­peo­ple. It takes community leaders. It takes those who protect our health and safety. It takes all of us. Yes, it takes a village. And it takes a president. . . . It takes Bill Clinton.' in https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/book-party/wp/2016/02/25/this-is-the-closest-thing-weve-ever-have-to-a-hillary-clinton-political-manifesto/ from google (hillary clinton it takes a village to raise a kid) result 7]
     family = keluarga (kö-lu-ar-ga)
     adult, mature = dewasa (de-wa-sa)
     battle-field = medan-perang(me-dan pö-rang)
     democrat = demokrat (de-mo-krat)
     republican = republikan (re-pu-bli-kan, re-pu-böli-kan)
     whole-village = (1)se-kampung (sö-kampung)
                     (2)1 kampung (1 kampung)
demand,ask for,request,require               [daerah]43/964[/daerah]
- dasar : minta
- aktif : minta (informal)    [ask for]
          me-minta(mö-minta) (formal)   [ask for]
          me-minta-i(mö-min-ta-i) (formal) [ask for]
         #minta-i is never being spoken in active-form#
- pasif : di-minta, di-minta-i [being asked for]
- objek : per-minta-an(pör-min-ta-an)[a request, a demand]
- kebetulan, stative : 
- contoh [example] :
  1. dia minta buku[he ask for a book]
  2. buku pinjaman-nya di-minta (oleh) perpustakaan
     [the book is recalled by library]
- beggar = pe-ngemis(pö-ngö-mis)

ask for repayment for loan                   [daerah]44/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tagih
- aktif : nagih(informal),me-nagih(mö-nagih)(formal)
- pasif : di-tagih
- objek : pe-nagih-an(pö-na-gi-han)
- addicted = ke-tagih-an(kö-ta-gi-han)
- contoh [example] : 
   1. dia ke-tagih-an rokok
      [he is addicted to cigarette]

know                                         [daerah]45/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. tau (informal)
          2. tahu (ta-u) (formal) #homonym-tahu# tahu:(1)tofu (2)know
- aktif : 1. tau [know] (informal) 
             menge-tau-i (mö-ngöt-tau-i) (informal)
          2. tahu (informal) [know]
             menge-tahu-i (mö-ngöt-tahu-i) (formal)
   ths 'h' in tahu is silent....
   it's ok to omit 'h' during writing 'tahu'.
- pasif : di-ke-tahu-i (di-köt-tau-i) 
          [being known to him]
- objek : penge-tahu-an (pö-ngö-tau-an) [the knowledge]
- kebetulan : 
    1. ke-tau-an [accidentally seen/noticed] (informal)
    2. ke-tahu-an [accidentally seen/noticed] (formal)
- tofu (food) = 
         ('h' must be spoken, not silent like 'h'
           in 'tahu' which means know )

know someone doing bad thing                [daerah]46/964[/daerah]
- dasar : pergok(pör-gɔk)
- aktif : 1. mergok-i (informal) (mör-gok-i) 
             me-mergok-i (formal) (mö-mörgɔk-i)
- pasif : di-pergok-i
- objek : 
- kebetulan : ke-pergok
              [got caught doing something bad]

recognise, introduce, identify                 [daerah]47/964[/daerah]
- dasar : kenal(kön-nal)
- aktif : 
  1. kenal [recognise]
  2. ngenal-i (ngö-nal-li) (informal) 
     me-ngenal-i (mö-ngö-nal-li) (formal)
     [identify someone, recognise someone]
  3. memper-kenal-kan ... ke/pada/kepada ... 

- pasif : 
  1. di-kenal-i (di-kö-nal-li) [being identified]
  2. diper-kenal-kan [being introduced by ...]
- objek : per-kenal-an (per-ken-nal-lan)
          [the introduction]
- kebetulan, stative : 
     ter-kenal [popular]
- contoh [example] :
   1. saya kenal dia    [i recognise him/her]
   2. saya ngenal-i dia [i recognise him/her]
   3. dia kenal orang itu
      [he/she recognise that person]
   4. dia ngenal-i orang itu
      [he/she recognise that person]
   5. dia me-ngenal-i orang itu
      [he recognise that person]

   6. dia memper-kenal-kan teman-nya ke teman baru-nya
      [he introduces his friend to his new friend]
find, meet, discover                            [daerah]48/964[/daerah]
- dasar : (1)ke-temu (temu is basic form but rarely used)
             (kö-tö-mu)[he meet ....]
          (2)cipta [invent]

- aktif : 
  1. nemu-i(nö-mu-i) (informal) [meet]
     me-nemu-i(mö-nömu-i) (formal) [meet]
  2. ber-temu(bör-tö-mu) (formal) [meet]
  3. men-jumpa-i(mön-jumpa-i) (use in poem) [meet]
  4. nemu(nö-mu) (informal) [discover; invent]
     me-nemu-kan(mö-nö-mu-kan) (formal) [discover; invent]
     nemu-in(nö-mu-in) (informal) 
     [find something lost; discover; invent]
  5. men-cipta-kan(mön-cipta-kan) [invent]

- pasif : 1. di-temu-i(di-tö-mu-i) [receive visitation]
          2. di-temu-kan
             [being discovered; being found]
          3. di-jumpa-i (use in poem)
             [receive visitation]
          4. di-cipta-kan
- objek : 1. per-temu-an (more commonly used)
             [the meeting]
          2. per-jumpa-an (use in poem, rarely used) 
             [the meeting]
          3. pe-nemu-an(pö-nömu-an) , pen-cipta-an(pön-cipta-an) [invention]
- kebetulan, stative : 
   [already found, with effort or without effort]
- patent = hak cipta [patent right]
- meng-hening-kan cipta(möng-höning-kan cipta) = silent to respect dead soldier
- contoh [example] : 
   1. dia ber-temu se-sama pe-kerja
      [he meets co-workers]

   3. dia me-nemu-kan/nemu-in/nemu sumber energi baru
      [he discovers new source of energy]

   4. dia nemu pensil-nya yang hilang
      [he finds his lost pencil]
   5. dia di-temu-i pacar-nya
     [she receive visitation from her suitor]

   6. sumber energi baru sudah di-temu-kan dia
   [new source of energy has been discovered by him/her]
   7. pensil-nya yang hilang, sudah di-temu-kan dia
     [his lost pencil has already been found by him/her]
   8. sudah ke-temu buku-nya ? 
      [has the book been found ?]
   9. sudah ke-temu buku-nya 
      [the book has been found]

  10. dompet yang  ber-isi uang tunai , and dompet yang  cuma ber-isi kartu-kredit-debit dari bank-swasta         saja dan tidak ber-isi uang tunai , 
      dan dompet yang pake material kulit binatang , dan dompet yang pake material yang     bukan dari binatang ,
      akan men-cipta-kan     takdir  yang     ber-beda .
     [wallet which contain cash-money , and wallet which only contain credit-debit-card  from non-government-bank only and not   contain cash-money , 
      and wallet which use animal skin meterial    , and wallet which use material which is not   from animal ,
      will magically-create  destiny which is diferrent] .

- meet together = ke-temu-an(kö-tö-mu-an)
- let's meet together = 
    1. ke-temu-an yuk/yok(kö-tö-mu-an yuk/yok) (informal)
    2. mari ke-temu-an (formal) 
- inventor = pe-nemu (pön-nöm-mu) , pen-cipta (pön-cipta) 
- invention = pe-nemu-an , pen-cipta-an
- let's together do.... =
   1. ... yuk/yok at the end of sentence (informal)
      ('o' sound like 'o' in 'odd')
    2. mari ... at the beginning of sentence (formal)
   contoh [example] :
   1. makan yuk 
      lit trans---
      [let's together do eat]
      normal trans--
      [let's eat]
- let's go = ayok (a-yok)

want, willing                                     [daerah]49/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 
   1. mau [want; willing] (formal)
      #mo#(mo) [want; willing] (informal)
   2. 2.1 ingin(i-ngin) [want] 
      2.2 ke-pingin(kö-ping-ngin)(informal) [want; desiring]
      2.3 pingin (informal) [want]
      2.4 pengen(pӓng-ngӓn) (informal) [want]
      2.5 pengin(pӓng-ngin) (informal) [want]
      2.6 ke-pengen(kö-pӓng-ngӓn) (formal) [want]
      2.7 ke-pengin(kö-pӓng-ngin) (formal) [want]
   3. ber-sedia(bör-sö-di-a) [willing]
   more info about ber-sedia :
     find 'supply a merchandise, provide a merchandise,'
     in this text
- aktif : 1. mau [want; willing]
          2. ingin, meng-ingin-i [want] 
          3. 3.1 pengen(pӓng-ngӓn) [want] 
             3.2 pingin(ping-ngin) [want] 
          4. ber-sedia(bör-sö-di-a) [willing]
          more info about ber-sedia :
     find 'supply a merchandise, provide a merchandise,'
     in this text
- pasif : di-ingin-i, di-senang-i
          [being desired]
- kebetulan, stative : 
- contoh [example] :
   1)she is desired by him[dia di-ingin-i dia]
   2)dia mau/mau-nya efisien(ä-fi-si-än), dia mau/mau-nya aesthetic(äs-tä-tik), jadi ber-lawan-an(bör-la-wa-nan)
     [he/she wants efficiency, he/she wants aesthetic, so opposing-each-other]
- will power = (1)ke-mau-an(kö-mau-an)
               (3)tekad(te-kad)(very formal)
               (4)itikad(i-ti-kad)(very formal)  sumber : https://id.wiktionary.org/wiki/iktikad dari 'itikad' di https://tangerangonline.id/2017/11/26/kecelakaan-kerja-di-pabrik-kertas-sepatan-pekerja-akan-bawa-ke-jalur-hukum/ dari google (kecelakaan pabrik) hal 4 nomer 5
- desire, will = (1)ke-ingin-an(kö-ingi-nan)
                 (3)hasrat (ha-srat)
- appetite = nafsu makan [desire to eat] (naf-su ma-kan)
- intense , passionate , esprit(äs-pri) = (1)nafsu ( find 'appetite' )
	                                  (2)ber-api - api ( bör-api - api ) [ fiery ]
         	                          (3)meng-gebu - gebu ( möng-göbu - göbu ) [ fiery ]
   [source : 'spirit' , 'enthusiasm' , 'wit' , 'liveliness'  in https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/esprit#1_sep_2022_7_2_pm_edt
- imagine something and want that thing for long time = ngidam

- not willing, unwilling = ga mau
- contoh [example] :
   1)dia ga mau minum bir
      normal trans----
      [he refuses to drink beer]
      lit trans--
      [he is not willing to drink beer]
   2)mau apa lagi ?
     literal translation
     [want what else ?]
     [is there anything else that you want ?]
- aesthetic, look good = ke-liat-an bagus[source:'relating to pure beauty rather than to other considerations' in www.tfd.com/aesthetic]

refuse , reject , repudiate , not willing , unwilling                 [daerah]50/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. ga mau (informal)
          2. moh(mɔh) (informal)
          3. tolak(to-lak) [refuse] (formal, rarely used)
- aktif : 
    1. ga mau
    2. moh(mɔh)
    3. tolak (informal) (rarely used)
       nolak (informal)  (rarely used)
       me-nolak(mö-no-lak) [refuse] (formal)  (rarely used)
- pasif : di-tolak
- objek : pe-nolak-an
- kebetulan, stative : ter-tolak, ke-tolak
- contoh [example] :
  1. dia ga mau minum bir
     normal trans----
     [he refuses to drink beer]
     lit trans--
     [he is not willing to drink beer]
     dia nolak minum bir (rarely used)
     [he refuses to drink beer]
  2. 2.1.
     26 juni 2002,
     be-gitu ada cedera serius, untuk dapat
     klasifikasi cacat di honda butuh
     formasi militer yang ter-diri dari asuransi
     dan per-usaha-an diagnostik yang saling
     [26 june 2002,
      once serious injuries occur, being
      classified as disabled at Honda requires
      a formidable phalanx of interlocking insurance
      and diagnostic companies,]
     belum ter-masuk honda sen-diri,
     protes dari be-berapa pe-kerja.
     [not to mention Honda itself,
      some workers contend.]
     dari sisi medis,
     kalo se-se-orang cedera ya
     honda memper-tanya-kan semua-nya, biar-pun
     kalo itu adalah cedera yang jelas,''
     kata brenda ober, yang udah kerja di honda
     se-lama 20 taun.
     [''From the medical side,
     when someone does get hurt,
     Honda contests everything, even
     if it's an obvious injury,''
     said Brenda Ober, who has worked at Honda for
     20 years.]
     tuan Schostek, juru-bicara untuk Honda,
     mbantah itu juga.
     ''1 ke-untung-an di tempat kerja kita adalah
     kita nyedia-kan banyak banyak banyak cara
     untuk pe-kerja untuk protes'' kata dia.
     kalo supervisor-nya si pe-kerja me-nolak
     suatu protes, kata dia,
     cara lain ter-masuk pergi
     ke managemen yang lebih tinggi di dalam
     per-usaha-an dan
     se-buah nomer telpon '800'
     untuk ngeluh se-cara anonimus.

     [Mr. Schostek, the Honda spokesman,
      disputed that as well.
      ''One of the features of our workplace is that
      we provide many, many, many avenues
      for an associate to raise a concern,'' he said.
      If a worker's immediate supervisor dismisses
      a claim, he said,
      other alternatives include going
      to higher levels of management within
      the company and
      an ''800'' number
      to make complaints anonymously.]
     in https://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/26/business/auto-union-and-honda-dispute-safety-record-at-plants-in-ohio.html from google (honda factory accident) result 2
     spokesperson = juru-bicara.source:'spokesperson' in www.tfd.com/spokesman
       as soon as, once = be-gitu #homoynym-begitu#
        maybe use 'saat'/during for 'as soon as, once'
     as soon as, once = lalu[then] #warning# : 'lalu' is java-language-word for suicide #homonym# . [source : repositori.kemdikbud.go.id/23923/ or jdih.jatengprov.go.id/perpus/index.php?p=show_detail&id=19348&keywords=  from google ( kamus bahasa jawa txt ) ]
     behave like that = be-gitu #homoynym-begitu#
     interlocking = ber-pegang-an
                    lit trans---
                    [holding each other]
     phalanx = formasi militer
     source : https://www.thefreedictionary.com/phalanx

- command :
    1. tolak (informal, more commonly used)
    2. tolak-lah (formal, rarely used, used in 
                  formal prayer only)
- potato = kentang(kön-tang)

parry                                          [daerah]51/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tepis(töp-pis)
- aktif : nepis(nöp-pis) (informal)
          me-nepis(mö-nöp-pis) (formal)
- pasif : di-tepis
- objek :
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1. ter-tepis [already been parried]
   2. ke-tepis [already been parried]

make a plan                                    [daerah]52/964[/daerah]
- dasar : rencana(rön-ca-na) [plan]
- aktif : 1. ngrencana-in(ngrön-ca-na-in)   [make a plan] (informal)
             ngrencana-ke(ngrön-ca-na-ke)   [make a plan] (informal)
             nge-rencana-in(ngö-rön-ca-na-in) [make a plan] (informal)
             me-rencana-kan(mö-rön-ca-na-kan) [make a plan] (formal)
- pasif : di-rencana-in(di-rön-ca-na-in) (informal)
          di-rencana-ke (informal)
          di-rencana-kan (formal)
- objek : pe-rencana-an [the process of making a plan]

collude, conspire, work together to do something bad     [daerah]53/964[/daerah]
- dasar : sekongkol(sö-kɔng-kɔl) ; kongkalikong(kɔngkalikɔng) ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_Nan-language / hokien-language / fukien-language ) (hokiän) (fukiän)
- aktif : ber-sekongkol(bör-sö-kɔng-kɔl)
- pasif : 
- objek : per-sekongkol-an antara ...
          [collusion between ...]
- work together to do something = be-kerja sama

do,does,work,execute a task, implement (put into practice)         [daerah]54/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. laku [has been bought]
          2. laksana [do]
          3. kerja(kör-ja) [work]
- aktif : 
   1. nge-laku-in(ngö-la-ku-in) (informal) [do]
      me-laku-kan (mö-la-ku-kan) (formal) [do]
   2. nge-laksana-in(ngö-lak-sa-na-in) (informal)[execute a task/implement]
      nglaksana-in (informal)  [execute a task/implement]
      me-laksana-kan(mö-lak-sa-na-kan) (formal)  [execute a task/implement]
   3. kerja-in (informal)    [work specific task]
      kerja-ke (informal)    [work specific task]
      ngerja-in(ngör-ja-in) (informal)   [work specific task]
      ngerja-ke(ngör-ja-ke) (informal)   [work specific task]
      ngerja-kan(ngörja-kan) (formal) [work specific task]
      kerja-kan(kör-ja-kan) (informal)   [work specific task]
      me-ngerja-kan(mö-ngörja-kan) (formal) [work specific task]
      kerja(kör-ja) (informal)       [work]
      be-kerja(bö-kör-ja) (formal)      [work]
   4. ngerja-ni (informal)   [work; prank (slank)]
- pasif : 1. di-laku-kan (di-la-ku-kan) [being worked on]
          2. di-laksana-kan [being worked on]
          3. di-kerja-kan [being worked on]
             [being worked at; being pranked at (slank)]
          4. di-buat [being made]
- objek : 1. pe-laksana-an [implementation]
          2. ke-laku-an (kel-la-ku-wan) [behaviour]
- kebetulan, stative : 
    1. ter-laksana-kan [already been done and finished]
       (rarely used)
    2. ter-buat [already made]
- contoh [example] :
   1)dia kerja-in itu       [he does that]
   2)dia me-ngerja-kan itu  [he does that]
   3)dia me-laku-kan itu    [he does that]
   4)dia me-laksana-kan itu [he does that]
   5)dia me-ngerja-kan itu  [he does that]
   6)dia ber-buat itu       [he does that]
   7)dia me-laksana-kan/me-laku-kan/
      me-ngerja-kan rencana-nya
      [he executes his plan]
   8)dia mem-buat itu [he makes that]
   9)filter ter-buat dari charcoal [charcoal filter]
  10)kalo pe-gawai negeri                   ya   terima  gaji   dari uang-pajak hasil       maksa   rakyat bayar pajak trus/terus ada      senioritas, birokrasi   di dalam   lingkungan-kerja-pe-gawai-negeri        yang  mungkin me-nurut pe-milih-an presiden
     [if  country-worker/government-worker  then receive salary from tax-money  result-from forcing people to pay tax  then       there is seniority,  bureaucracy in inside  work-environment-(of)-government-worker which maybe   based-on president-election]
  11)kalo pe-gawai swasta                  ya   terima  gaji   dari uang-pemasukan dari ke-ingin-an pem-beli trus/terus ada      senioritas, birokrasi   yang  mungkin me-nurut nepotisme.
     [if  private-company-worker           then receive salary from income-money   from buyer-desire         then       there is seniority,  bureaucracy which maybe   based-on nepotism]
- nepotism = prefer to hire cousin rather than hiring non-cousin in a company [source:'Favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in business.' in tfd.com/nepotism]
- worker; staff; employee = (1)pe-kerja(pö-kör-ja)
                            (2)pe-gawai(pö-ga-wai/pö-ga-we)  (make = nggawe (java-language), find 'nggawe [make] (java-language)')
                            (3)karyawan [male-worker]
                            (4)karyawati [female-worker]
- assignment, duty, job, task = pe-kerja-an(pö-kör-ja-an)

create, develop, build a building, #make#,            [daerah]55/964[/daerah]
awaken someone
- dasar : 
  1)bikin [create, make, develop]
  2)buat [1:create, make, develop;
  3)bangun [build a building, awaken someone]
  4)gawe [create, make, develop](java-language)
  5)find 'cipta [invent]'
- aktif : 
  1)bikin (informal) [make]
    mbikin (informal) [make]
    nge-bikin(ngö-bi-kin) (informal) [make]
    mem-bikin (möm-bi-kin) (formal) [make]

  2)buat (informal) [make]
    mbuat(buat) (informal) [make]
    mem-buat(möm-bu-at) (formal) [make]
    ber-buat(bör-bu-at)[behave] (has no pasif verb form)
  3)mbangun(bangun) (informal)    [build a building]
    nge-bangun(ngö-ba-ngun) (informal) [build a building]
    mem-bangun(möm-ba-ngun) (formal)   [build a building]
  4)mbangun-in(bangun-nin) [awaken someone]
    nge-bangun-in(ngö-ba-ngun-nin) (informal) [awaken someone]
    mem-bangun-kan(möm-ba-ngun-kan) (formal)  [awaken someone]

  5)bangun [awake]
  6)nggawe [make] (java-language)
- pasif : 
  1)di-bikin (di-bi-kin) [being built]
     di-bangun [being built]
     1)rumah-nya di-bangun/di-bikin oleh banyak
       [the house was built by many contractors]
  2)di-buat [being made]
  3)di-bangun-in (di-bangun-nin) [being awaken]
    di-bangun-kan [being awaken]
  4)di-gawe [being made] (java-language)
- objek : 1. pem-bikin-an (pöm-bi-kin-nan)
             [creation, the making of ...]
          2. pem-buat-an (pöm-bua-tan)
            [creation, the making of ...]
          3. pem-bangun-an (pöm-bangun-nan)
            [the building process of a building]
- building = bangun-an (bangun-nan)
  contoh[example] :
   1 floor building = bangun-an 1 tingkat
   2 floor building = bangun-an 2 tingkat
   3 floor building = bangun-an 3 tingkat
- kebetulan, stative : 
  ter-bangun [already constructed completely]
- product-made-by , creation = (1)bikin-an(bi-ki-nan)
                               (2)gawe-an (java-language)
- contoh[example] :
     1)dia bikin pr (pe-kerja-an rumah)
       [he is doing his homework]
     2)dia bikin kue
       [she makes cake]
     3)dia bikin panah-nya jadi akurat
        [he made the arrow accurate]
     4)maurice dior, papah-nya christian dior,
        adalah orang pertama yang bikin asam sulfat
        untuk pupuk pospat.
        [maurice dior, christian dior's father, is
        the first person who made sulphuric acid for 
        phosphate fertiliser]
        source : 'the Diors were the first people to produce sulphuric acid for phosphate fertilizer. The family also owned phosphate plants in the departments of Meuse and Ardennes.[2]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Dior
       acid = asam
       fertiliser = pupuk
    5)louis vuitton, awal-nya bikin kardus.
       [louis vuitton, initially made box]
       source : 'Vuitton was taken on as an apprentice in the workshop of a successful box-maker and packer named Monsieur Marechal' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Vuitton_(designer)
    6)tikus nggali lubang untuk bikin rumah
       dan untuk bikin gigi-nya tetap pendek
       lit trans---
       [rat/mouse digs hole for making house
        and for making its teeth stays short]
        normal trans---
       [rat/mouse digs hole to make house
        and to keep its teeth short]
 (How Two Rats Become 15,000 in a Year | National Geographic)

    7)dia buat pe-kerja-an rumah
        [he makes his homework]
    8)buat apa ? buat siapa ?
        [for what ? for whom ?]
    9)orang tua nge-bangun-in anak2-nya pagi2
       untuk siap2 sekolah
       lit trans---
       [parents awaken their children early morning 
        for preparing for school]
       normal trans----
       [parents awaken their children early morning 
        so their children can prepare themselves for 
   10)dia mem-bangun pipa tinja
       [he builds sanitary sewer]
   11)dia bangun [he wakes up]
   12)se-telah di-bangun-in, dia gosok gigi
        [after being awaken, he brushes his teeth]     
   13)rumah-nya sudah ter-bangun/di-bangun,
       tidak bisa di-rubah disain-nya
     [the house is already been constructed, 
      its design can not be changed anymore]
   14)rumah-nya sudah ter-bangun/di-bangun,
       disain-nya tidak bisa di-rubah
     [the house is already been constructed, 
      its design can not be changed anymore]

   15)itu mobil ford->escape taun 2012,bikin-an/rakit-an negara-usa->provinsi-kentucky->kota-louisville,
      tapi di-disain/di-rancang di negara-jerman->kota-cologne.
      [that ford->escape-car year 2012,is a product-made-by/product-assembled-by usa-country->kentucy-province->louisville-city,
       but was-designed in germany-country->cologne-city].source:'Assembly' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Kuga#Second_generation_(Code_name:_C520)_(2012%E2%80%93present)#8_mar_2019_12_59_pm_est

manufacture , bulk-make                                  [daerah]56/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. manufaktur
          2. bikin dalam jumlah banyak
             lit trans--------
             [make in large amount]
- aktif : manufaktur
- pasif : di-manufaktur
- objek : pabrik (pa-brik) [a factory]

trigger, cause                                   [daerah]57/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. sebab(sö-bab)[because], because=(1)karena(ka-rö-na) (1)sebab
          2. akibat(a-ki-bat)[consequence]
          3. bikin [make]
          4. maraki (ma-rak-i) (java-language)
- aktif : 
  1. nyebab-in(nyö-bab-pin) (informal)
     nyebab-ke(nyö-bab-ke) (informal) 
     me-nyebab-kan(mö-nyö-bab-kan) (formal)
  2. ngakibat-in (informal) (nga-ki-bat-tin)
     ngakibat-ke (informal) (nga-ki-bat-ke)
     meng-akibat-kan (formal) (möng-nga-ki-bat-kan)
  3. bikin
- pasif : di-sebab-in (di-sö-bab-pin)
          di-sebab-ke (di-sö-bab-ke)
- objek : pe-nyebab(pö-niö-bab) [the cause of]
- contoh[example] :
   1. nge-las tanpa kaca mata las, me-nyebab-kan
      fotokeratitis di mata
      [weld without welding google, causes
       photokeratitis in the eyes]
     source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photokeratitis‎ from google (welder eye) result 6
- reason = 
    1. alasan(al-las-san)
    2. sebab(sö-bab)

not doing anything to ...                       [daerah]58/964[/daerah]
- dasar : (1)ga/gak/nda/ndak sentuh [not touching]  (2)ga/gak/nda/ndak ngapa - ngapa-ke (java-language) [not doing anything to ...]
- aktif : ga/gak/nda/ndak ngapa - ngapa-ke (java-language)
- pasif : ga/gak/nda/ndak di-apa - apa-ke (java-language)
   contoh[example] :
   1)aku ga ngapa - ngapa-ke thermostat-e
     [i did not do anything to the thermostat]
   2)komputer-e ga di-apa - apa-ke isa jalan sen-diri
     [the computer is not being worked on (then)can work
      by itself]
- objek :

act, behave:1)ke-laku-an-nya(kö-la-ku-an-nya)[his/her behaviour]    [daerah]59/964[/daerah]
have a culture:punya adat [pu-nya a-dat]         [daerah]60/964[/daerah]

police-act                                       [daerah]61/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tindak (only used by police)
          [act, behaviour]
- aktif : 1. me-nindak(mö-nindak) (only used by police)
             [take action against]
          2. ber-tindak(bör-tin-dak)
             [make a move]
- pasif : di-tindak
          [receive legal action from police]
- objek : pe-nindak-an(pö-nin-dak-an)
          [the police process of launching legal action
           toward a crime suspect]
- police-action = tindak-an(tin-dak-an)

take care an organisation, a business, a paperwork        [daerah]62/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 
   1. urus
   2. tangan(ta-ngan) [arm]
   3. kelola(köl-lo-la)
   4. bina
- aktif : 
  1. ngurus (informal)  [take care a problem]
     me-ngurus(mö-ngu-rus) (formal) [take care a problem]
  2. nangan-i (informal) (very formal, rarely used)
     me-nangan-i (mö-na-ngan-ni) 
     (very formal, rarely used)
     [take care a problem in professional way
      until complete]
  3. ngelola(ngöl-lol-la)
     me-ngelola(mö-ngö-lo-la) (very formal, rarely used)
     [take care an organisation]
  4. mem-bina(möm-bi-na)(very formal, rarely used)
     [take care an organisation]
- pasif : 1. di-urus
          2. di-tangan-i(di-ta-ngan-ni)
              (very formal, rarely used)
          3. di-kelola(di-kö-lo-la) (very formal, rarely used)
          4. di-bina (very formal, rarely used)
- objek : 
  1. pe-ngurus-an(pöng-ngu-rus-san)
  2. pe-nangan-an(pö-na-ngan-nan)
     [the taking care of a problem]
      (very formal, rarely used)
  3. pe-ngelola-an(pöng-ngö-lo-la-an)
     [the taking care of an organisation]
      (very formal, rarely used)
  4. pem-bina-an(pöm-bi-na-an)
     [the taking care of an organisation]
      (very formal, rarely used)
- someone who take care a business = pe-ngurus(pö-ngu-rus)
- business = urus-an (u-ru-san)
- male-bodybuilder=bina-raga-wan
- female-bodybuilder=bina-raga-wati

take care a child, babysit a baby, take care a customer            [daerah]63/964[/daerah]
- dasar:1)asuh(a-suh) [take care a child] (formal)
        2)mong(mɔng) [take care a child] (informal)
        3)layan(la-yan) [take care a customer]
- aktif:1)ngasuh(nga-suh) (informal)
	  meng-asuh(mö-nga-suh) (formal)
        3)nge-layan-i(ngö-la-yan-ni) (informal)
           me-layan-i(mö-la-yan-ni) (formal)
        4)nge-ladeni (ngö-lä-dä-ni) (informal) [babysit difficult-person] (java-language)
- pasif:1)di-asuh
        2)di-layan-i (di-layan-ni)
        4)di-laden-i (di-lä-dä-ni) (informal) (java-language)
- objek:1)peng-asuh-an (pö-ngasuh-han)
        2)pe-layan-an (pö-la-yan-nan)
- babysitter = peng-asuh anak(pö-nga-suh anak)
- childcare place = tempat peng-asuh-an anak
                    (töm-pat pö-nga-suh-han a-nak)
- shop attendant = pe-layan toko(pö-la-yan to-ko)
- child = anak(an-nak)
- children = anak - anak, anak2
- child being babysit = 1)anak momongan (informal)
                          (an-nak mɔ-mɔng-ngan)
                        2)anak asuh-an (formal)
                          (an-nak as-suh-han)
take care of a medical patient,take care of a car,       [daerah]64/964[/daerah]
take care of a machine
- dasar : rawat
- aktif : ngrawat(ngra-wat) (informal)
          nge-rawat(ngö-ra-wat) (informal)
          me-rawat(mö-ra-wat) (formal)
- pasif : di-rawat
- objek : pe-rawat-an (pö-ra-wat-tan)[the treatment]

process a food                                           [daerah]65/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. proses(pro-säs) 
          2. olah (o-lah)
- aktif : 1. mproses(mpro-säs) (informal)
             mem-proses(möm-pro-säs) (formal)
          2. ngolah(ngo-lah) (informal)
             me-ngolah(mö-ngo-lah) (formal)
- pasif : di-proses, di-olah
- objek : proses, pe-ngolah-an

manage, arrange, organise                         [daerah]66/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. atur(a-tur)
          2. toto(tɔ-tɔ)(java-language)
- aktif : 1. ngatur(nga-tur) (informal)
             me-ngatur(mö-nga-tur) (formal)
          2. noto(nɔ-tɔ)
- pasif : di-atur, di-toto
- objek : pe-ngatur-an (pö-ngatur-ran) [management]
- kebetulan, stative : 
    1. ter-atur (tör-ra-tur)
       [already arranged in order]
- rule = (1)atur-an (a-tu-ran)
         (2)per-atur-an (pö-ratu-ran)
- tradition, culture = adat (ad-dat)

repair an object, fix/repair an object, rectify,    [daerah]67/964[/daerah]
make correct
- dasar : 
   1. baik [good]
   2. betul [correct](bö-tul)
   3. bener [correct](bö-nör)(informal)
   4. benar [correct](bö-nar)(formal)
- aktif : 
  1. baik [good]
     aktif :
     1.1 mem-baik [recover from sickness]
     1.2 mbaik - mbaik-i (mbaik - mbaik-i)
         nge-baik-in (nge-baik-kin)
         mem-baik-i (mem-baik-i)
         [treat someone good]
     1.3 per-baik-i (informal) 
         [fix; repair; make operational again]
     1.4 memper-baik-i (formal)
          [fix; repair; make operational again]
          contoh[example] :
          1. dia memper-baik-i komputer-nya
             [he fixes the computer]
          2. prinsip kalo ga rusak ya jangan di-betul-in, arti-nya ga bisa me-ningkat-kan efisiensi, ke-seimbang-an untung-dan-rugi, gampang-nya pe-rawat-an
             [principle if that is not broken-down then don't fix that, means can not improve efficiency, sustainability, ease-of-maintenance]
             sustainability = ke-seimbang-an untung-dan-rugi (kö-sö-im-ba-ngan untung-dan-rugi) [profit-and-deficit-balance]
             no profit no deficit = bakbuk
             contoh[example] : (1)ilmu-wan   bilang bintang-matahari bakbuk                          sampe  taun 5 biliun ce/common-era / ad/(annus/anno)-domini  lalu taun 5 biliun a.d  bintang-matahari untung        terus-me-nerus/terus-terus-an (törus-mö-nörus/törus-tö-ru-san) sampe mem-besar   mem-bakar bumi
                                 [scientist  says   sun-star         has balanced-profit-and-deficit until  year 5 billion ce/common-era / ad/(annus/anno)-domini then year 5 billion a.d sun-star         is profitable continously                                                    until grow larger burning   earth] [3 source:(1/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anno_Domini  (2/3)'A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the Sun becomes a red giant and expands all the way out to Earth's orbit some five-billion years from now," said Alex Wolszczan, an Evan Pugh Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Penn State, University, who is one of the members of the research team' in https://science.psu.edu/news/first-evidence-discovered-planets-destruction-its-star from science.psu.edu->search (A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the sun becomes a red giant) / https://science.psu.edu/search/gse?keys=A+similar+fate+may+await+the+inner+planets+in+our+solar+system%2C+when+the+sun+becomes+a+red+giant result 3 from '"A similar fate may await the inner planets in our solar system, when the sun becomes a red giant and expands all the way out to Earth's orbit some five billion years from now," astronomer Alex Wolszczan, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State University, said in a statement.' in https://www.space.com/22471-red-giant-stars.html from ref-23 in 'Sun will exit the main sequence in approximately 5 billion years and start to turn into a red giant.[23][24]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_giant#27_may_2020_4_36_pm_edt from 'red giant' in 'Earth and Moon are very likely destroyed by falling into the Sun, just before the Sun reaches the tip of its red giant' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future from google (sunrise 7 billion ad) result 5 (3/3)find 'domini']

  2. betul(bö-tul) [correct]
     aktif :
     2.1 mbetul-in (mbö-tul-lin) (informal) [rectify]
         nge-betul-in (ngö-bö-tul-lin) (informal) [rectify]
     2.2 betul-in (bö-tul-lin) (informal) [rectify]
     2.3 mem-betul-kan (formal)
         [rectify an essay, repair an object] 
  3. benar(bö-nar) [correct] 
     aktif :
     3.1 mbener-in(mbö-nör-rin) (informal)
         mbener-ke(mbö-nör-ke) (informal)
         nge-bener-in(ngö-bö-nör-rin) (informal) 
     3.2 mem-benar-kan(möm-bö-nar-kan) (formal) [rectify] 
- pasif : 
    1. diper-baik-i(di-pör-ba-ik-ki) (informal)
       [be rectified; be repaired]
    2. di-betul-in(di-bö-tul-lin) (informal)
       [be rectified; be repaired]
    3. di-betul-ke(di-bö-tul-ke) (formal) 
       [be rectified; be repaired]
    4. di-betul-kan(di-bö-tul-kan) (formal) 
       [be rectified; be repaired]
    5. di-benar-kan(di-bö-nar-kan) (formal)
       [be rectified, be repaired]
- objek : 1. per-baik-an(pör-ba-ik-kan)
             [correction; rectification;
              reparation process]
          2. pem-betul-an(pöm-bö-tul-lan)
              [the correction of]
- kindness = ke-baik-an(kö-ba-ik-kan)
- correct = 
     1. bener(bö-nör)(informal)
     2. betul(bö-tul)(formal)
     3. benar(bö-nar)(formal)
- actually = 
   1. se-bener-e(sö-bö-nör-re) (informal)
   2. se-benar-nya(sö-bö-nar-nya)
   3. se-sungguh-nya(sö-sung-guh-nya)
- true = betul, bener/benar(bö-nör/bö-nar)
- indeed true = 
   1. bener-an(bö-nör-ran) (informal)
   2. sungguh benar(sung-guh bö-nar) (formal)

order list of objects, arrange list of objects in ascending   [daerah]68/964[/daerah]
order, descending order 
- dasar : urut
- aktif : 1. ngurut-in(ngu-rut-tin) (informal) 
             ngurut-ke(ngu-rut-ke) (informal) 
             me-ngurut-kan(mö-ngu-rut-kan) (formal)
- pasif : 1. di-urut-in(di-u-rut-tin) (informal)
          2. di-urut-ke (informal)
          3. di-urut-kan (formal)
- objek : pe-ngurut-an (pö-ngu-rut-tan)
- kebetulan, stative : udah/sudah urut 
                      [already ordered 
                        in order]
- contoh[example] :
  1)semua makanan di-urut-kan
     jumlah (kandung-an) vitamin b1,
     dari yang paling sedikit sampe yang 
     paling banyak
    [all foods are being sorted
     vitamin b1's amount,
     from the least amount to 
     the most amount]
  2)bebek(bäbäk) peking-nya(pä-king-nya) di-urut-kan me-nurut(mö-nu-rut) urutan-pangkat
    the peking-duck is/are being ordered according-to pecking-order/rank-order]

disarrange a table, disarrange a room,            [daerah]69/964[/daerah]
turn something neat to a mess; disorganise
- dasar : acak(a-cak) [random ; arrange item without knowing calculation-for-arrangement ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because some calculation-formula ( physics-law , chemistry-law , animal-physiology-law/animal-organ-function-law , etc ) make that event happen. [source : (1/2)albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein ( albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-germany-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ]  (2/2)'Physiology (/ˌfɪziˈɒlədʒi/; from Ancient Greek φύσις (physis) 'nature, origin', and -λογία (-logia) 'study of'[1]) is scientific study of functions and mechanisms in a living system.[2][3] As a sub-discipline of biology, physiology focuses on how organisms, organ systems, individual organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions in a living system.[4] According to the classes of organisms, the field can be divided into medical physiology, animal physiology, plant physiology, cell physiology, and comparative physiology.[4]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physiology]
- aktif : 1. ngacak - acak(nga-cak - a-cak) (informal)
             [causes something to become messy]
          2. meng-acak - acak(mö-nga-cak - a-cak) (formal)
             [causes something to become messy]
          3. ngacak [randomise]
- pasif : 1. di-acak - acak [being made messy]
          2. di-acak [being randomised]
- objek : peng-acak-an(pö-nga-cak-an)
- randomly without care = sembarang-an(söm-ba-rang-ngan)
- random , what-ever = acak(a-cak) , sembarang(sömbarang) [what-ever]
- random because of laziness (haphazard)
   1)asal - asal-an (asal - asal-lan)
   2)se-enak jidat
      [what-ever feel delicious for the forehead]
   3)se-enak-nya sen-diri(sö-ö-nak-nya sön-di-ri)
      [what-ever feel delicious for 1self]
- contoh[example] :
   1. loteri/undian itu di-ambil secara acak
      [that lottery is being drawn in random way]
   2. dia ngocok kartu secara acak
      [he shuffles card randomly]
   3. auditor ernst&young me-nyimpul-kan
      pentagon asal - asal-an dalam nyatat
      pem-buku-an untuk pe-nge-luar-an 800 juta usd untuk 
      proyek pem-bangun-an
      [ernst&young auditor concludes
       pentagon acted haphazardly in writting
       bookkeeping for spending 800 million usd for
       construction project]
   source : ${1} 'Audit finds Pentagon failed to properly keep track of $800 million in projects,' ${2} 'Ernst & Young' ${3} in https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/05/audit-finds-pentagon-failed-to-properly-keep-track-of-800-million-in-projects-says-report.html ${4} https://www.thefreedictionary.com/haphazard

choose something randomly for lottery          [daerah]70/964[/daerah]
- dasar : undi(un-di) [choose item without knowing calculation-for-choosing-process ( everything actually has calculation-formula , can be calculated , all event happen because some calculation-formula ( physics-law , chemistry-law , animal-physiology-law/animal-organ-function-law , etc ) make that event happen. [source:(1/2)albert-einstein says 'quantum-mechanics is certainly imposing. but inner voice tells me that quantum-mechanics is not yet real thing. quantum-mechanics-theory says a lot but doesn't bring us closer to secret of 'old one'. i, at any rate , feel convinced that He is not playing at dice' in https://books.google.com/books?id=VK0vR4fsaigC&pg=PT499#v=onepage&q&f=false from ref-214 in 'He was skeptical that the randomness of quantum mechanics was fundamental rather than the result of determinism, stating that God "is not playing at dice".[214]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein from albert-einstein ( albert-einstain/albert-1-stone-in-germany-language )'s poster in forgotten-room saying 'life is not random' ]  (2/2)'Physiology (/ˌfɪziˈɒlədʒi/; from Ancient Greek φύσις (physis) 'nature, origin', and -λογία (-logia) 'study of'[1]) is scientific study of functions and mechanisms in a living system.[2][3] As a sub-discipline of biology, physiology focuses on how organisms, organ systems, individual organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions in a living system.[4] According to the classes of organisms, the field can be divided into medical physiology, animal physiology, plant physiology, cell physiology, and comparative physiology.[4]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physiology]
- aktif : 
   1. ngundi[choose randomly](informal)
      meng-undi(mö-ngun-di)[choose randomly](formal)
- pasif : di-undi [being chosen randomly]
- objek : peng-undi-an(pö-ngun-di-an) [lottery choosing]
- lottery = undi-an
- contoh[example] :
   1. juri ngundi pe-menang
       [jury choose the winner randomly]
   2. agustus 1964,
      selektif servis sistim di usa, ngundi nomer urut
      untuk manggil orang laki untuk
      maju perang ke/di vietnam
     [august 1964,
      selective service system in usa, drew lottery
      for ordering number for calling men to
       go to war in vietnam]
 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System

treat someone in general way                        [daerah]71/964[/daerah]
- dasar : per-laku(pör-la-ku)
- aktif : mper-laku-in(mpör-la-ku-in) (informal)
          mper-laku-ke(mpör-la-ku-ke) (informal)
          memper-laku-kan(möm-pör-la-ku-kan) (formal)
- pasif : di-per-laku-kan
- objek : per-laku-an [the treatment]
- kebetulan : 

behave                                              [daerah]72/964[/daerah]
- dasar : ke-laku-an(kö-la-ku-an) [behaviour]
- aktif : ber-ke-laku-an(bör-kö-la-ku-an) [behave]
          punya ke-laku-an yang ...
          [have ... behaviour]
- pasif : 
- objek : ke-laku-an [behaviour]
- behaviour = ke-laku-an(kö-la-ku-an)
- behave badly : nakal [naughty]

enact a law, declare a law to be valid             [daerah]73/964[/daerah]
- dasar : ber-laku(bör-la-ku) [valid]
- aktif : 1. bikin ber-laku(bi-kin bör-la-ku)[made valid]

          2. mber-laku-in(mbör-la-ku-in) (informal)
             mber-laku-ke(mbör-la-ku-ke) (informal)
             mber-laku-kan(mbör-laku-kan) (informal)
             member-laku-kan(mömbör-laku-kan) (formal)
- pasif : 1. di-bikin ber-laku
          2. diber-laku-in (informal)
             diber-laku-ke (informal)
             diber-laku-kan (formal)
- objek : pember-laku-an

make legal, legalise, make official (politic)       [daerah]74/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. sah [legal]
          2. resmi(rös-mi) [legal]
- aktif : 
  1. nge-sah-ke(ngö-sah-ke) (informal)
     me-ngesah-kan(mö-ngö-sah-kan) (formal)
  2. ngresmi-in (ngrös-mi-in) (informal)
     ngresmi-ke (ngrös-mi-ke) (informal)
     me-resmi-kan (mö-rös-mi-kan) (formal)
- pasif : 1. di-sah-kan
          2. di-resmi-in (informal)
          2. di-resmi-kan (formal)
- objek : pe-ngesah-an
- anxious, worry =
     1. resah(rö-sah)
     2. gelisah(gö-li-sah)
     3. kuatir(ku-at-tir)
inaugurate (held a ceremony to give new politic-related   [daerah]75/964[/daerah]
           job position)
- dasar : lantik(lan-tik)
- aktif : me-lantik(mö-lan-tik)
- pasif : di-lantik
- objek : pe-lantik-an (pe-lantik-kan) [inauguration]

to have politic-related job position                      [daerah]76/964[/daerah]
- dasar : jabat
- aktif : njabat (informal)
          men-jabat(mön-ja-bat) (formal)
- pasif : di-jabat
- objek :
- politician = pe-jabat(pö-ja-bat)

generate a result,produce a result                   [daerah]77/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. hasil [result]
          2. bikin [create, make, develop]
- aktif : 1. meng-hasil-ke(möng-ha-sil-ke) (informal)
             nge-hasil-in (ngö-hasil-lin) (informal)
             nge-hasil-ke (ngö-hasil-ke) (informal)
             ngasil-in/ngasil-ke(nga-sil-lin/nga-sil-ke) (informal)
             meng-hasil-kan(möng-ha-sil-kan) (formal)
- pasif : di-hasil-kan
- objek : 1. peng-hasil(pöng-ha-sil) [generator; producer]
          2. produsen(pro-du-sän) [producer]
- income = peng-hasil-an (pöng-ha-sil-lan)
- result = hasil
- succeed, successfully = ber-hasil(bör-ha-sil)

make water, lots of objects move in conduit, tunnel;   [daerah]78/964[/daerah]
pass something to next person in the queue
- dasar : 
  1. salur(sa-lur) [move something in a conduit, tunnel]
  2. alir(a-lir)  [move water in a conduit, tunnel, river]
- aktif : 
  1. nyalur-in (nya-lur-rin) (informal)
     nyalur-ke (nya-lur-ke) (informal)
     me-nyalur-kan(mö-nya-lur-kan) (formal)
     [1:transfer something in conduit,
      2:keep passing an object to next person in
        the queue until all persons receive that object]
  2. ngalir-in (nga-lir-rin) (informal)
     ngalir-ke (nga-lir-ke) (informal)
     meng-alir-kan(mö-nga-lir-kan) (formal)     
     [transfer water in conduit, tunnel, river]
- pasif : 
  1. di-salur-in(di-sa-lur-rin)  (informal)
     di-salur-ke  (informal)
     di-salur-kan (formal)
     [1:being transferred using conduit,
      2:being passed to next person in the queue until
        all persons receive that object]
  2. di-alir-kan
     [water being moved in conduit, tunnel, 
      to avoid having water stucked in conduit, tunnel]
- objek : 
- conduit = salur-an (sa-lur-ran)
- a stream of water = alir-an (a-lir-ran)

#indent 31 may 2018 11:53 am edt direction upward#
pollute                                            [daerah]79/964[/daerah]
- dasar : cemar(cöm-mar)
- aktif : 
   1. ncemar-i(ncöm-mar-ri) [pollute something]
      men-cemar-i(mön-cö-mar-ri)  [pollute something]
- pasif : di-cemar-i
- objek : pen-cemar-an [pollution] (pen-cemar-ran)
          contoh[example] :
          1. pen-cemar-an air [water pollution]
- kebetulan, stative : ter-cemar, ke-cemar 
                       [got polluted]
- contoh[example] :
  1. asap dari pem-bakar-an sampah men-cemar-i udara di 
     [smoke from burning garbage, pollute air in 
      residence complex]

make thick,thicken                                 [daerah]80/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. tebel(tö-böl)(informal)
          2. tebal(tö-bal)
- aktif : 
   1. nebel-in (nöböl-lin) [make something thicker](informal)
      nebel-ke (nöböl-ke) [make something thicker]
        [make something thicker]
      nebal-kan (nöbal-kan) [make something thicker]
      me-nebal-kan(mö-nö-bal-kan) [make something thicker]
   2. me-nebal(mö-nö-bal) [thickening]
- pasif : 
     1. di-tebel-ke [being made to thicken]
     2. di-tebel-in [being made to thicken]
     3. di-tebal-kan [being made to thicken]
- objek : pe-nebal-an [a thickening process]
- kebetulan, stative : 
- superlatif : paling tebal, ter-tebal
               [the thickest]
- too thick = ter-lalu tebal , ke-tebel-en(kö-tö-bö-lön)
- thickness = ukur-an ke-tebal-an(u-ku-ran kö-tö-ba-lan) [thickness measurement]
- very thick = sangat tebal

make thin                                      [daerah]81/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tipis
- aktif : 1. nipis-in(ni-pis-sin) (informal)
             nipis-ke(ni-pis-ke) (informal)
             me-nipis-kan(mö-ni-pis-kan) [make something thinner]
          2. me-nipis(mö-ni-pis) [thinning]
- pasif : di-tipis-in (di-ti-pis-sin)
- objek : pe-nipis-an
- kebetulan, stative : 
- superlatif : paling tipis, ter-tipis(tör-ti-pis)
               [the thinnest]
- too thin = ter-lalu tipis, ke-tipis-an
- very thin = sangat tipis

familiarise, make familiar                         [daerah]82/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. biasa(bi-a-sa) [normal, common]
          2. sesuai(sö-su-a-i) [appropriate]
- aktif : 1. mbiasa-in diri 
             mbiasa-ke diri 
             mem-biasa-kan diri 
             normal translation ---
             [familiarise oneself;
              make oneself familiar with]
             literal translation ---
            [normalise our feeling toward surroundings]
          2. nyesuai-in diri(nyö-su-ai-in di-ri)
             nyesuai-ke diri 
             nyesuai-kan diri 
             me-nyesuai-kan diri (mö-nyö-su-ai-kan diri)
            [make oneself compatible the surroundings;blend in]
- pasif : di-biasa-kan
- objek : 
- kebetulan, stative : 
    1. ter-biasa    [already familiarised]
    2. paling biasa [already familiarised]

adapt , change-life-style-and-behaviour-to-stay-alive-in-different-environment [daerah]83/964[/daerah]
- dasar : adaptasi (a-dap-tas-si)
- aktif : ber-adaptasi
- pasif : 
- objek : proses adaptasi [adaptation process]
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia bisa ber-adaptasi
     literal translation ---
     [he can adapt]
     normal translation ---
     [he successfully adapt]
  2. orang yang dapat tekan-an untuk cepat dalam bel-ajar hal baru , susah sugih karena
     otak mesti adaptasi dengan ingat-an baru saat meng-ingat ilmu baru.
     seperti brus-li bilang mesti jadi air supaya bisa adaptasi masuk gelas-bundar , bisa adaptasi masuk gelas-kotak.
     dampak-buruk dari bisa pintar bel-ajar ilmu baru dalam waktu singkat adalah :
     (1)gampang percaya agama-yang-salah
     (2)gampang ter-goda main-an komputer
     (3)detak jantung-nya cepat jadi gampang cemas , gampang me-rasa kasian ke pe-ngemis lalu ga bisa sugih
     (4)detak jantung-nya cepat jadi kontol gampang ber-diri dan ter-goda cewe cantik

     kalo orang lamban dalam bel-ajar hal baru ya  :
     (1)pikir-an-nya keras-kepala dan otak tidak bisa adaptasi untuk meng-ingat ilmu baru , jadi gampang ke-tinggal-an jaman
     (2)tidak gampang percaya agama-yang-salah
     (3)tetap gampang ter-goda main-an komputer
     (4)detak jantung-nya lamban jadi ga gampang cemas , ga me-rasa kasian ke pe-ngemis , jadi bisa sugih
     (5)detak jantung-nya lamban jadi kontol susah ber-diri
        dan susah ter-goda cewe cantik

     kalo udah punya anak ya harus sugih dan lamban dalam bel-ajar hal baru , lalu anak ber-ikut-nya di-bikin pake
     jantung yang detak-nya sudah lamban jadi janin ter-ancam cacat.
     cemas , panik , gampang takut , adalah tanda jantung sehat.
     jadi laki pe-nakut arti-nya kontol-nya sehat. dan mungkin laki harus-nya lebih pe-nakut dari-pada perempuan.
    [person who is under-pressure to be fast in learning new thing , suffer-difficulty in-becoming-rich because
     brain must adapt with new memory during memorising new skill.
     like bruce-lee saying must become water so can adapt-to-enter circular-glass , can adapt-to-enter square-glass.
     bad-effect from being-able-to become-smart in learning new skill in short-time-period is :
     (1)easily believe false-religion
     (2)easily tempted by computer-game
     (3)his/her heart-rate is fast so easily anxious , easily feel sympathy toward beggar then can not become-rich
     (4)his/her heart-rate is fast so penis easily erect/stand-up and tempted by pretty girl

     if person is slow-in-learning-new-thing then :
     (1)his/her mind is stubborn and brain can not adapt-for-memorising new thing , so easily become-out-dated/left-out-of-moving-time-period-trend
     (2)not easily believe false-religion
     (3)still easily tempted by computer-game
     (4)his/her heart-rate is slow so not easily anxious , doesn't feel sympathy toward beggar , so can become-rich
     (5)his/her heart-rate is slow so penis suffer-difficulty-in-erection/standing-up
        and difficult to-be-tempted by pretty girl

     if already has kid then must become-rich and slow-in-learning-new-thing , then next kid is-being-made using
     heart whose heart-rate already slow so fetus under-threat-of having-defect.
     anxious , panic , easily-afraid/cowardice , are sign of healthy-heart.
     so coward male means his penis is healthy. and maybe male should-be-more-cowardice-than female. ]
     [source : 
      (1/3)'Empty your mind. Become formless and shapeless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup.
            When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, my friend.' in https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000045/bio?ref_=nm_dyk_qt_sm#10_dec_2020_5_1_pm_est
      (2/3)blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm says 'produce more young' , 'fast metabolic rate' meaning 'fast heart-rate'
           which means small-animal has 'fast metabolic rate' to 'produce more young' ,
           meaning more frequent penis-erection to produce more kid.
      (3/3)http://wortel.ucoz.com/loseweight_gainmuscle.htm says 'supraventricular tachycardia heart disease' , 'panic attack'
      side-effect = dampak-samping , akibat-samping , imbas
      bad-effect = dampak-buruk
pick up someone in some place                     [daerah]84/964[/daerah]
- dasar : jemput(jöm-put)
- aktif : njemput(njöm-put)
- pasif : di-jemput
- objek : pen-jemput-an(pön-jöm-put-tan)
- kebetulan, stative : 
- contoh[example] :
  1. orang tua men-jemput anak2nya di sekolah
     [parents pick up their children in school]
  2. anak2nya di-jemput sopir-nya
     [their children is being picked up by their driver]
  3. tempat pen-jemput-an anak sekolah
     [place for picking-up school-student]
become, happen, occur                              [daerah]85/964[/daerah]
- dasar : jadi [become]
- aktif : 
  1. jadi (informal)
     men-jadi(mön-ja-di) [become] (formal)
   2. njadi-in (informal) [elect someone] (njadi-in)
      njadi-ke (informal) [elect someone]
      men-jadi-kan (formal) [elect someone]
      [reason]milih ... jadi ...[elect/choose ... to become ...][/reason]
- pasif : di-jadi-in  [being made to become]
          di-jadi-ke  [being made to become]
          di-jadi-kan [being made to become]
- objek : (1)ke-jadi-an (kö-ja-di-an) [an event]
          (2)peristiwa (pö-ris-ti-wa) [an event]
- kebetulan, stative : ter-jadi [happen; occur]
- contoh[example] :
  1. siang jadi malam [noon becomes night]
  2. panas me-rubah air men-jadi uap
     [heat convert water to gas]
  3. honda jadi per-usaha-an di jepang 
     september 1948, jadi per-usaha-an umum di jepang
     taun 1957, jadi per-usaha-an umum di amerika
     desember 1962.
     [honda becomes a company in japan
      september 1948, becomes public company in japan
      year 1957, becomes public company in usa
      december 1962]
     source : ${1} 'A dollar invested in Honda U.S. ADRs (American depositary receipts) when initially issued in 1987 would be worth $800 at the beginning of 2014' in https://books.google.com/books?id=lhSMAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT13&lpg=PT13&dq=honda+ipo++1987&source=bl&ots=BIL0ucxCwN&sig=FO3QUKs-cyuHUlbjLYG7YQ8tyPI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwikm9OSjZDaAhWrd98KHVQeBs44ChDoAQg_MAs#v=onepage&q=honda%20ipo%20%201987&f=false from google (honda ipo  1987) result 7  ${2} 'Honda is a foreign company. The ticker HMC is actually an ADR (American Depository Receipt), which allows US investors to more easily purchase shares. It wouldn't have had an IPO as such, but it first started trading as an ADR on August 11, 1987 (closing at $95.13 per share).' in https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006020205863 from google (honda go public) result 6  ${3} ${3.1} 'When were American Depository Receipts (ADR) issued first time? A6 Honda first issued ADRs in December 1962'  ${3.2} 'When was Honda first listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange? A2 It was first listed in 1957.'  ${3.3} 'When was Honda established? A1 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. was established in September 1948.'  ${3.4} in http://world.honda.com/investors/faq.html from google (honda public trade) result 2 from  '"Toyota for investors, Frequently Asked Questions"' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota#cite_note-17

  4. dia njadiin temannya sebagai ...
     [he elect his friend as ...]
  5. dia di-jadi-kan tukang masak
     [he got elected as a cook]
  6. ke-jadian-nya kemaren malam
     [the event happened last night]          
  7. itu sudah pernah ter-jadi
      literal translation ---
      [that already ever happened]
      normal translation ---
      [that already happened]

  8. itu ter-jadi saat hujan
     [that happens during the rain]

cancel                                         [daerah]86/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 
   1. batal(ba-tal) [cancel]
   2. ga jadi, tidak jadi, nda jadi, tak jadi
      lit trans---
      [not becoming]
- aktif : 
  1. batal
  2. mbatal-in (mbatal-lin) (informal)
     mbatal-ke (mbatal-ke) (informal)
     nge-batal-in(ngö-batal-lin) (informal)
     mem-batal-kan(möm-batal-kan) (formal)
- pasif : di-batal-kan [being cancelled]
- objek : pem-batal-an [the cancellation]
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia batal main tennis kemaren
     [he cancelled playing tennis yesterday]
  2. dia tidak jadi main tennis kemaren
     literal translation
     [he not happen play tennis yesterday]
     [he cancel play tennis yesterday]
  3. dia mbatal-ke pesta besok
     [he cancel the party tomorrow]
postpone, delay, defer                            [daerah]87/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tunda(tun-da)
- aktif : nunda, tunda, me-nunda(mö-nun-da)
- pasif : di-tunda [being delayed]
- objek : pe-nunda-an [the postponement]
- kebetulan, stative : ter-tunda
                       [delayed, accidentally]
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia di-selamat-kan (oleh) ganggu-an hujan
    normal translation ---
    [he is being saved by a rain-delay]
    liiteral translation ---
    [he is being saved by rain-disturbance]
    sumber : 'Roland Garros tahun ini diterpa penundaan karena hujan di hari pembukaan' di http://www.ligaolahraga.com/detail/14451/berita-tenis-pertandingan-di-french-open-ditunda-akibat-hujan-lebat/ dari google (sepak bola penundaan karena hujan) hasil 1
    rain delay = ganggu-an hujan
 source : https://www.thefreedictionary.com/postpone

thank, thank you                                [daerah]88/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. makasih(ma-kas-sih) (informal)
          2. trims (informal)
          3. terima kasih (tö-ri-ma kas-sih) (formal)
          4. kamsia (kam-sia) (hokien-language)
          5. kamsa hamnida (korea-language)
          6. sie sie(sie sie)(china-language)
          7. dangke(dang-kö)(germany-language)
- aktif : ber-terima kasih ke-pada ....
           (bör-tö-ri-ma ka-sih kö-pa-da)
          [thanks to]
- pasif : di-beri/di-kasi terima kasih oleh
          [being given thanks by...]
   source : 'xie xie' in https://www.wikihow.com/Say-Thank-You-in-Chinese from google (chinese siesie) result 1

understand, comprehend,                           [daerah]89/964[/daerah]
mean, indicate, imply, interpret
- dasar : arti(ar-ti) [meaning]
- aktif : 
  1. ngerti(ngör-ti) (informal) [understand, comprehend]
     me-ngerti(mö-ngör-ti) (formal)[understand, comprehend]
     mudeng(mu-döng) (informal)(java-language)
  2. mean, indicate, imply :
     - ber-arti(bör-ar-ti) [mean] (formal)
     - ber-ati/bra-ti [mean] (informal)
     - arti-nya [mean]
     - punya arti secara ga langsung...[imply; indicate]
       lit trans---
       [has indirect meaning ...]

  3. take that ...  as ...,
     interpret that statement as ....
     - meng-arti-kan/me-nafsir-kan ... se-bagai

 - pasif : 
   1. dime-ngerti(di-mö-ngör-ti) [being understood]
   2. di-arti-kan [being interpreted as]
- objek : pe-ngerti-an [an understanding]
- contoh[example] :
  1. book artinya buku dalam bahasa indonesia/malay
     [book means buku in indonesian/malay language]
  2. dia ngerti    [he/she understands]
  3. dia me-ngerti [he/she understands]
  4. dia mudeng    [he/she understands]
  5. hijau ber-arti jalan [green means go]
  6. hijau arti-nya jalan [green means go]
  7. dia meng-arti-kan/me-nafsir-kan 
     per-kata-an itu se-bagai
     pe-nolak-an untuk be-kerja sama
     [he interprets
      that statement as
      a refusal to cooperate]
  8. dia meng-arti-kan/me-nafsir-kan 
     per-laku-an itu se-bagai
     pe-nolak-an untuk be-kerja sama
     [he interprets
      that treatment as
      a refusal to cooperate]
  9. solusi dia, bisa dime-ngerti
     [his solution, can be understood]
 10. omongan dia, bisa di-arti-kan begitu
     [his saying, can be interpreted as like that]
- incomprehensible = tidak bisa dime-ngerti
- understandable = bisa dime-ngerti

misunderstand                                  [daerah]90/964[/daerah]
- dasar : salah-paham
- aktif : salah-paham [misunderstand ...]
- pasif : 
- objek : ke-salahpaham-an [misunderstanding]

weigh/measure-obesity-score-of an object , consider                    [daerah]91/964[/daerah]
- dasar : timbang [weigh something , find 'rather than = (1)dari-pada' ]
- aktif : 
  1. mertimbang-in(mör-tim-bang-ngin) [considers a request]
     mertimbang-ke(mör-tim-bang-ke) [considers a request]
     mertimbang-kan [considers a request]
     memper-timbang-kan [considers a request]

  2. nimbang (informal) [weighs object(s)]
     me-nimbang(mö-nim-bang) (formal) [weighs object(s)]
- pasif : 
   1. diper-timbang-kan(di-pör-tim-bang-kan) [being considered]
   2. di-timbang [being put on weight scale]
- objek : 
  1. per-timbang-an (pör-tim-bang-ngan)[consideration of]
  2. pe-nimbang-an(pö-nim-bang-ngan) [weighing of]
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1. ter-timbang
   2. ke-timbang
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia memper-timbang-kan usul2 dari pe-nasehat-nya
    [he considers opinion from his advisors]
  2. dia nimbang buah    [he weighs the fruits]
  3. dia me-nimbang buah [he weighs the fruits]
  4. semua usul diper-timbang-kan
     [all suggestion is being considered]
  5. bagasi di-timbang lalu masuk pesawat
    [baggage is put on weight scale then enter airplane]
  6. pe-nimbang-an bagasi di-lakukan se-belum
     tiket di-beri-kan
     lit trans---
     [luggage weighing is being done prior
      ticket is being given away]
     normal trans---
     [luggage weighing is being done prior
      giving ticket]
- weight = 
   1. berat(bö-rat)
   2. bobot(bɔ-bɔt)
- lightweight = ringan (ring-ngan)
- heavy = berat(bö-rat)
- weight-scale = timbang-an (tim-ba-ngan)

remember, remind, write on brain memory, warn       [daerah]92/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. inget(i-ngöt) [remember] (informal)
          2. ingat(i-ngat) [remember] (formal)
          3. hafal(ha-fal) [memorised] (formal)
- aktif : 
  1. inget(i-ngöt) (informal) [remember]
     nginget(ngi-ngöt) (informal) [remember]
  2. ngingat - ngingat(ngi-ngat - ngi-ngat) (informal)[memorise]
     meng-ingat - ingat(möng-i-ngat - i-ngat)(formal)[memorise]
     ngafal-in (ngafal-lin) [memorise] (informal)
     ngafal-ke (ngafal-ke)  [memorise] (informal)
     meng-hafal(möng-hafal) [memorise] (formal)
     meng-hafal-kan(möng-hafal-kan)[memorise] (formal)

  3. nginget-in (informal)(ngi-ngöt-tin) [remind]
     nginget-ke (informal)(ngi-ngöt-ke)  [remind]
     meng-ingat-kan (formal)(mö-ngi-ngat-kan) [remind]

  4. pe-ringat-i [warn] (pör-ri-ngat-ti) (informal)
     memper-ingat-i (mömpör-ri-ngat-ti) [warn]
- pasif : di-ingat (di-ing-ngat)
- objek : 
- memory = ingat-an (ing-ngat-tan)
- warning = per-ingat-an (pe-ringat-tan)
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia ingat nama jalan-nya
     [he remembers the name of the road]
  2. dia meng-ingat nama jalan-nya
    [he memorises the name of the road]
  3. dia ngafal-in nama jalan-nya
     [he memorises the name of the road]

  4. guru meng-ingat-kan murid2nya bahwa
     besok libur, supaya besok tidak ada yang
     masuk sekolah
     literal translation ---
     [teacher reminds students that
      tomorrow is a holiday, so that tomorrow nobody
       enters school]

  5. wasit-nya pe-ringat-i pe-main nomer 10
     [the umpire warn the player number 10]

  6. wasit-nya memper-ingat-i pemain nomer 10
     [the umpire warn the player number 10]
  7. wasit-nya kasi per-ingat-an ke pe-main nomer 10
     [the umpire gives warning to player number 10]

accost someone who seems violating some legal rule,   [daerah]93/964[/daerah]
this is only used by police
- dasar : tegur(tö-gur)
- aktif : negur(nö-gur) (informal), me-negur(mö-nö-gur) (formal)
- pasif : di-tegur
- objek : 
- keebetulan, stative : 
   1. ke-tegur(kö-tö-gur) (informal)
   2. ter-tegur(tör-tö-gur) (formal)

greet good morning, greet how are you              [daerah]94/964[/daerah]
- dasar : sapa
- aktif : nyapa(nya-pa) (informal), me-nyapa(mö-nya-pa) (formal)
- pasif : di-sapa
- objek : 
- greeting = salam

welcome-greeting                                   [daerah]95/964[/daerah]
- dasar : sambut
- aktif : nyambut (informal), me-nyambut(mö-nyam-but) (formal)
- pasif : di-sambut
- objek : 
- welcoming-greet = sambut-an(sam-but-tan)

shake hand                                         [daerah]96/964[/daerah]
- dasar : salam-an(sal-lam-man) [shake hand] 
- aktif : 1. nyalam-i (nya-lam-mi) (informal) 
             me-nyalam-i(mö-nya-lam-mi) (formal)
- pasif : di-salam-i (di-salam-mi)
- greeting = salam

trip over someone leg,                            [daerah]97/964[/daerah]
stick out the leg so someone trip over then fall
- dasar : (1)jegal(je-gal) [stick out the leg so someone trip over then fall]
	  (2)sandung [carelessly put object which trip-over someone making that person fall]
- aktif : (1)njegal(nje-gal) (informal)
             nge-jegal(ngö-je-gal) (informal)
             men-jegal(mön-je-gal) (formal)
	  (2)nyandung (nian-dung)
- pasif : di-jegal , ke-sandung
- objek : 
- kebetulan, stative : 
    1. ter-jegal(tör-je-gal) [being tripped-over]
       ke-jegal(kö-je-gal)  [being tripped-over]
    2. ke-srimpet(kö-srim-pöt)
        [foot being dragged by cable]
    3. ke-sangkut(kö-sang-kut)[got dragged by a rope] 
    4. ke-sandung(kö-sandung)[accidentally kick object which causes person to lose balance or maybe fall-down]
- contoh[example] :
   1. dia men-jegal se-sama pe-kerja-nya
      [he trip-over his work-colleague]
     http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1188418/thumbs/o-TRIP-570.jpg?1 from google image search  (trip over someone leg) row 1 col 1
   2. dia berantak-an , barang - barang-nya di    lantai  nyandung      orang  / kaki orang    karena kalo rapi ya   barang - barang-nya
    masuk lemari dan dia harus ingat    barang apa     ter-simpan      di dalam  lemari mana ,  ingat-an butuh kolesterol , kolesterol tinggi 
    me-naik-kan resiko  mimpi-basah 		     dan me-nambah tenaga. ke-kurang-an tenaga bisa bikin orang  mati 
    ke-capai-an/ke-capek-an(kö-capek-an,kö-capäk-an) , itu    lebih parah dari-pada mimpi-basah
    [ he is non-tidy  ,  his belonging      is on floor  tripping-over people / person's foot because if   tidy then his belonging
    enter drawer and he must   memorise what belonging is-being-stored in inside drawer where , memory   need  cholesterol , high cholesterol 
    increase    risk-of wet-dream/nocturnal-emission and add 	   energy. lacking      energy can  make  person died (because-of) 
    exhaustion , 	    			       that's worse       than      wet-dream]

- non-tidy = berantak-an (bö-ran-tak-kan)
- tidy = rapi

bitten by bee                                   [daerah]98/964[/daerah]
- dasar : sengat(söng-ngat) [bee bite]
- aktif : nyengat(nyöng-ngat) (informal)
          me-nyengat(mö-nyöng-ngat) (formal)
          [bite (for bee)]
- pasif : di-sengat
- objek : 
- contoh[example] :
   1. lebah-nya nyengat kalo di-ganggu
      [the bee bite if disturbed]
- pissed off, get on my nerve = 
    1)sengit (sö-ngit)
       source : http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/sengit
    2)sebel (sö-böl)

electrocute                                      [daerah]99/964[/daerah]
- dasar : setrum(sö-trum)
- aktif : nyetrum (nyö-trum)
- pasif : di-setrum
- objek : 
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1. ter-setrum(tör-sö-trum)[got electrocuted] (informal)
   2. ke-setrum(kö-sö-trum)[got electrocuted] (formal)

grow                                            [daerah]100/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tumbuh(tum-buh)
- aktif : 
    1. numbuh-in (numbuh-hin) (informal)
        [make something grow]
       numbuh-ke (informal) [make something grow]
       numbuh-kan (informal) [make something grow]
       me-numbuh-kan (mö-num-buh-kan) (formal)
       [make something grow]
- pasif : di-tumbuh-kan (di-tum-buh-kan)
- objek : pe-numbuh-an (pen-num-buh-han) 
          [process to make something grow]
- growth = per-tumbuh-an

bring, carry , llevar (yebar) (spain-language)                                    [daerah]101/964[/daerah]
 [source : 'yebar' in https://repositori.kemdikbud.go.id/20871/1/Bahasa%20Spanyol%20Bahasa%20Sahabatku.pdf from google ( bhs spanyol bhs sahabatku pdf ) result 1 ]
- dasar : bawa(ba-wa),angkut(ang-kut)
- aktif : 1. mbawa                  [carry] 
             mem-bawa(möm-ba-wa)    [carry] 
          2. ngangkut(ngang-kut)    [carry]
- pasif : di-bawa, di-angkut
- objek : pem-bawa-an(pöm-ba-wa)[means trait/manner inheritance],
- kebetulan, stative : 
  1. ter-bawa(tör-ba-wa)
     [accidentally also being carried away]
  2. ter-bawa - bawa(tör-ba-wa - ba-wa)[got provoked]
     ter-provokasi(tör-pro-vo-ka-si)   [got provoked]
     kena provokasi(kö-na pro-vo-ka-si)[got provoked]
     ter-pancing(tör-pan-cing) [got caught by fishing-rod;
                                got provoked]
     kena pancing [got caught by fishing-rod;
                   got provoked]
- contoh[example] :
   1. bakat tennis dia, adalah pem-bawa-an dari
      [his talent in tennis, is inherited from
       his father]
angkut vs bawa :                                 [daerah]102/964[/daerah]
1. angkut is used if the stuffs being carried is big and
   heavy and the carrier is a machine
   contoh[example] : 
   1. mobil-nya di-angkut semi - trailer
      [the car is being hauled by semi-trailer]
2. bawa is used if the stuffs being carried is small and
   light and the carrier is a human
   contoh[example] :
   1. buku-nya di-bawa dia
      [the book is being carried by him]
   2. buku dan sandal di-bawa dia
      [book and sandal is being carried by him]

- thing(s) that ppl carry, cargo = 
         1. muat-an (mu-at-tan)
         2. barang bawa-an
         3. bawa-an
- congenital = bawa-an dari lahir 
   [literal trans : cargo from birth]
  contoh[example] :
  1. congenital superpower
     [ke-kuat-an super bawa-an dari lahir]
- has enough space to make all objects fit in = muat
- does not have enough space 
  to make all objects fit in = tidak muat [can not fit]

improve,upgrade to next level,enhance              [daerah]103/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tingkat [floor level]
- aktif : 1. ningkat-in (ningkat-tin)  (informal)
             ningkat-ke (informal)   [improve] 
             ningkat-kan (informal)  [improve] 
             me-ningkat-kan (formal) [improve] 
- pasif : di-tingkat-kan [being taken to the next level]
- objek : pe-ningkat-an [an upgrade]
- 1 floor building = bangun-an 1 tingkat
  2 floor building = bangun-an 2 tingkat
  3 floor building = bangun-an 3 tingkat

renovate                                          [daerah]104/964[/daerah]
- dasar : renovasi(re-no-va-si/rӓ-no-va-si)
- aktif : 1. nge-renovasi(ngö-re-no-va-si/ngö-rӓ-no-va-si) (informal) [renovate]
             me-renovasi(mö-re-no-va-si/mö-re-no-va-si) (formal)    [renovate]
             renovasi (formal)       [renovate]
- pasif : di-renovasi [being renovated]
- objek : 

begin, start, commence [source : http://www.tfd.com/start]   [daerah]105/964[/daerah]
- dasar : mulai
- aktif : mulai (informal), me-mulai(mö-mu-la-i) (formal)
- pasif : di-mulai [being started]
- objek : awal
- contoh[example] :
  1. awal-nya semua surat di-kumpul-kan
     di ruangan khusus
    [in the beginning, all letters are being gathered 
     in a special room]
  2. perang 30 taun antara katolik dan
     kristen-protestan, di-mulai dengan 
     pem-berontak-an oleh kristen-protestan
     di kota pilsen negara czek,
     19 september 1618
     [30 years war between catholic and 
      christian-protestant, was being started with
      a revolt/coup-d'etat by christian-protestant
      in pilsen city czech country,
      19 september 1618]
  source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Pilsen from click 'show' in 'v t e  Thirty Years' War [show]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty_Years%27_War#Beginnings_(1618%E2%80%931625)
- onset = awal(a-wal)
- initially = awal-nya(a-wal-nya)
  source : https://www.thefreedictionary.com/start
tend = biasa-nya [normally]                      [daerah]106/964[/daerah]
 contoh[example] : 
 1. dia biasa-nya gitu kalo dia menang
    [he/she tends to do that if he/she wins]
   literal translation ---
   [he/she normally does that if he/she wins]
 2. dia biasa-nya me-laku-kan hal itu kalo dia menang
    [he/she tends to do that if he/she wins]
   literal translation ---
   [he/she normally does that if he/she wins]
enjoy                                              [daerah]107/964[/daerah]
- dasar : nikmat(nik-mat)
- aktif : 1. nikmat-i(nikmat-ti) (informal)
             me-nikmat-i(mö-nik-mat-ti) (formal)
             [enjoy something]
- pasif : di-nikmat-i(di-nik-mat-ti)
          [being enjoyed]
- objek : ke-nikmat-an(kö-nik-mat-tan)[an enjoyment]
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia    me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya ,                              kalo harga petroleum per barrel rendah ya   terbang pake       helicopter , 
     kalo harga petroleum per barrel tinggi ya    jalan kaki .         tapi ke-nyata-an ter-rasa pahit  karena jumlah barrel per hari
     dari hasil sumur-petroleum akan se-lalu turun .
    [he/she enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , if   petroleum price per barrel is low then fly     using/with helicopter , 
     if petroleum price per barrel   is high then walk/travel-on-foot . but reality     taste    bitter because barrel amount per day
     from petroleum-well's production will always decrease . ]

     [source : (1/2)find in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm : 

       'Production peaked in 1998 at about 2 million barrel per day,
        but has since then fallen to 943,000 barrel per day.' in
        from 'Production peaked in 1998 at about 2 million barrels a day, but has since then fallen to 943,000 barrels a day'
        in https://web.archive.org/web/20051126160955/http://www.bellona.no/en/energy/37733.html
        from ref-29 in '943,000 barrels per day (149,900 m3/d) in 2005,[29]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prudhoe_Bay_Oil_Field#25_feb_2022_9_58_pm_est
        from 'rate of decline' , 'prudhoe' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oil_fields#25_feb_2022_9_56_pm_erst
         US Republicans set to turn Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge into oilfield

      (2/2)'1 barrel = 42 usa-gallon' in wortel.ucoz.com/conversion_table.htm  ]

 2. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , 				    dia se-lalu main video-game sampe lapar  dan lupa   makan , 
    sampe sakit kepala. 
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he  always  play video-game until hungry and forgot consuming-food , 
    until head felt hurting.]

 3. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , 				    dia se-lalu be-renang sampe lama ,          sampe puas , 
    akhir-nya rambut-nya rontok .
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he  always  swim      until long-duration , until satisfied , 
    finally   his hair   fall-apart .]

 4. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , 				  dia se-lalu makan   buah-peach-putih banyak , sampe kembung , 
    akhir-nya mencret(mӓn-crӓt) .
   [he  enjoy       life indulgently/to-the-fulles-(extent/possibility) , he  always  consume many white-peach-fruit ,  until bloated , 
    finally   diarrhea .]

 5. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , 				    dia se-lalu minum cow-milk-shake kalo ada , 
    meski-pun   laktos-intoleran ,   akhir-nya mencret(mӓn-crӓt) .
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he  always  drink cow-milk-shake if   available , 
    even-though lactose-intolerant , finally   diarrhea .]

 6. dia me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , 				    dia se-lalu pasang  speaker mobil       paling kuat bas-nya , 
    lalu setel lagu keras - keras , akhir-nya sering     ganti aki-mobil   ( boros                     aki-mobil ).
   [he  enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibility) , he  always  install car speaker (whose) bass is strongest , 
    then play music hard 	  , finally   frequently renew car-battery ( prodigal (consumption-of) car-battery ) .]

 7. dia    me-nikmat-i hidup se-puas - puas-nya , 			       dia    se-lalu belanja sampe tabung-an/celeng-an(cӓlӓ-ngan) habis 
    lalu sadar   kalo surat-pajak-amrik w-2 datang bulan jan akhir       , batas waktu bayar pajak bulan apr tengah , 
    jadi  cuma ada      waktu        2.5 bulan untuk ngumpul-kan uang  untuk bayar  pajak . 
    lalu kuatir          karena  kalo telat  bayar ya   nulis            surat pajak jadi   tambah rumit .]
   [he/she enjoy       life  indulgently/to-the-fullest-(extent/possibiilty) , he/she always  shop    until money-saving-in-bank        is depleted 
    then realise that usa-tax-letter    w-2 arrive jan month ending-part , dead-line of paying tax apr month middle-part , 
    so   there is only time-duration 2.5 month for   gathering   money for   paying tax . 
    then feeling-nervous because if   paying late  then writting/filling tax-letter  become more   complicated .]

walk                                            [daerah]108/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. jalan kaki    [walk] 
          2. jalan         [operational]
          3. jalan - jalan [stroll; saunter]
- aktif : 
  1. jalan kaki
  2. jalan - jalan
  3. njalan-i (njalan-ni) (informal)
     nge-jalan-in (informal)
     men-jalan-i (formal) [undergo,walk on abstract object]

  4. ber-jalan      [walk]
     ber-jalan kaki [walk]
  5. ber-jalan [operational]
     jalan [operational]
- pasif : 
  1. di-jalan-kan
     [make both feet walk; turn on a machine]
  2. di-jalan-i (di-ja-lan-ni)
     [(abstract-object) being walk on]
- objek : 
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia jalan kaki [he walks]

  2. dia jalan - jalan [he strolls; he saunters]

  3. dia men-jalan-i hidupnya
     [he walks his life]

  4. dia ber-jalan kaki di trotoar
     [he walks on sidewalk] 

  5. dia ber-jalan di trotoar
     [he walks on sidewalk] 

  6. mesinnya ber-jalan dengan baik
     [the machine works well]
     [lit trans : the machine works with wellness]

  7. mesin-nya jalan dengan baik
     [the machine works well]
     [lit trans : the machine works with wellness]
  8. kaki-nya di-jalan-kan
     [both legs is being moved to walk]

  9. robot-nya di-jalan-kan
     [the robot is turned on]

 10. hukum-an-nya sudah di-jalan-i penuh
     [the punishment has been done fully]

- voyage, journey, trip = per-jalan-an (per-ja-lan-nan)
- street, road = 
     1. jalan-an [road]
     2. jalan-an umum [public road]
     3. jalan raya 
          [wide road containing many lanes with
           busy traffic]
- dead-end-road = jalan-buntu
- animation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c6FyuetSVo&t=0m14s
car goes descending road on the hill                [daerah]109/964[/daerah]
- dasar : jalan turun(bör-ja-lan tu-run)
- aktif : ber-jalan turun(bör-ja-lan tu-run)
- pasif : 
- objek : 
- downward hilly road : turun-an(tu-run-nan)
- descended-trait-from-parents = turun-an(tu-run-nan)

ran over by a car                                   [daerah]110/964[/daerah]
- dasar : lindas(lin-das)
- aktif : nglindas (informal)
          nge-lindas(ngö-lin-das) (informal)
          me-lindas(mö-lin-das) (formal)
- pasif : di-lindas
- objek : 
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1. ter-lindas(tör-lin-das) (formal)
      [got ran over by a car accidentally]
   2. ke-lindas(kö-lin-das) (informal)
      [got ran over by a car accidentally]

crawl like a baby crawling                          [daerah]111/964[/daerah]
- dasar : rangkak
- aktif : ngrangkak(ngrang-kak) (informal)
          nge-rangkak(ngö-rang-kak) (informal)
          me-rangkak(mö-rang-kak) (formal)
- pasif :
- objek :

army crawl                                          [daerah]112/964[/daerah]
- dasar : rayap(ra-yap) [termite]
- aktif : ngrayap(ngra-yap) (informal)
          nge-rayap(ngö-ra-yap) (informal)
          me-rayap(mö-ra-yap)  (formal)
          [crawl using forearms 
           like plank body position]
- pasif :
- objek :
- kebetulan, stative : 
     1. rayap-an [got infested with termites]
     2. kena rayap [got infested with termites]
- animation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HmK9H5C3c0
- contoh[example] :
  1. rayap suka makan kayu
     [termite likes to eat wood]
  2. lebah, tawon, semut, rayap pake
     sistim kasta seperti agama hindu
     [bee, wasp, ant, termite uses
      caste system like hindu religion]
 source : ${1} https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Termite#Caste_system  ${2} 'Social Insects : Bees, Wasps, Ants and Termites' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_selection_in_insects from 'Sexual selection in social insects' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eusociality#In_insects

  3. dia me-rayap di bawah meja
      [he army crawl under the table]

shine, turn on a light, turn on fire               [daerah]113/964[/daerah]
- dasar : nyala  #homonym-nyala#(1)means south-africa antelope-animal.source:'nyala' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antelope#24_jan_2019_8_51_am_est
                                (2)means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RG-31_Nyala#10_feb_2019_11_35_am_est from 'nyala' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_equipment_of_ISIL#10_feb_2019_11_33_am_est from en-wikipedia->search(isis weapon)result 1
- aktif : 1. nyala-in (informal)   [turn on something]
             nyala-ke (informal)   [turn on something]
             nyala-kan (informal)  [turn on something]
             me-nyala-kan(mö-nya-la-kan)(formal) [turn on something]
- pasif : di-nyala-in (informal) [being turned on]
          di-nyala-ke (informal) [being turned on]
          di-nyala-kan (formal)  [being turned on]
- objek : pe-nyala-an [the turning on of ...]
- contoh[example] :
   1. api-nya nyala [the fire turns on]
   2. ada sinar biru nyala sebelum gempa bumi
      [there is a blue light shining prior earthquake]
     (strange flashes of lights before earthquakes hits)
- lighter (for candle) : 
    1. pemantik api(pö-man-tik a-pi)
    2. pem-buat api(pöm-bu-at a-pi)
    3. pe-nyala api(pö-nya-la a-pi)
    sumber :  ${1} 'pemantik api' di https://www.lazada.co.id/peralatan-las/ dari google (alat las) nomer 1  ${2} google (pemantik kompor)
- fire spread = 
    1. api-nya menjalar(a-pi-nya mön-ja-lar)
    2. api-nya me-nyebar(a-pi-nya mö-nyö-bar)

turn off a light, shut down, kill                [daerah]114/964[/daerah]
- dasar : mati [dead]
- aktif : 1. mati-in (informal)
             mati-ke (informal)
             mati-kan (informal) 
             me-mati-kan(mö-ma-ti-kan) (formal)
- pasif : di-mati-kan [being killed;being shutdown]
- objek : 
- contoh[example] :
  1. cpu 2 mesin bisa punya mesin nomer 2 di-mati-kan,
     untuk meng-hemat listrik, me-ngurangi panas dari
     [2 engines cpu can have engine number 2 being
      shutdown, to save electricity, reduce heat from
  2. september 2010,
     jalan-an untuk tes mobil di papenburg,
     christof kemmler, umur 27, mati-in transponder
     kerja ngukur ke-bising-an suara mobil
     sambil nyetir mobil sls-amg-roadster
     karena suara transponder ngganggu
     ke-bising-an suara mobil
     lalu mati ke-tabrak suv m-class yang
     tes elektronic-stability-program (esp) yang
     syarat-nya harus nge-but
     200 kph/124 mph.
     [september 2010,
      christof kemmler, aged 27, shutdown transponder
      working to measure noise-level from car's sound
      while driving sls-amg-roadster car
      because transponder's sound interfere 
      the process of measuring
      noise-level from car's sound
      then died from being collided by suv m-class which
      at that time
      tests electronic-stability-program (esp) which
      has requirement having to go fast at
      200 kph/124 mph]
     sumber : ${1} ${1.1} 'SLS AMG Roadster'  ${1.2} 'But he was chosen to perform high speed tests with the electronic stability program (ESP), in which speeds up to 200km/h are required.'  ${1.3} in http://gtspirit.com/2011/07/11/tragic-accident-at-daimler-test-track-raises-legal-questions/ from google (intern benz tester died) from 'FRANKFURT, Sept 16 (Reuters) - German public prosecutors have started investigating Daimler (DAIGn.DE) Chief Executive Dieter Zetsche on suspicions of involuntary manslaughter involving the fatal accident of a 27-year-old engineer caused by an intern on a test track.' in https://in.reuters.com/article/daimler-ceo/german-manslaughter-probe-launched-at-daimler-ceo-idINWEA470220110916 from ref [23] in 'as he was not responsible in any way for regulating the limits of interns’ activities while at the company.[23]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieter_Zetsche#Controversy from 'Key people Dieter Zetsche' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz  ${2} ${2.1} 'September 2010'  ${2.2} 'M-Klasse 214 km/h zeigt' ${2.3} in https://www.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/inhalt.tod-auf-der-teststrecke-mit-170-sachen-auf-ein-stehendes-auto.4bbcf26a-b3df-4285-9fe1-1c1e964c172c.html from google (christof kemmler) result 4  ${3} '1 kph = 0.62137119223733 mph' in http://www.unit-conversion.info/speed.html from google (speed conversion) result 3

extinguish a fire                              [daerah]115/964[/daerah]
- dasar : padam
- aktif : 1. madam-in (ma-dam-min) (informal) 
             madam-ke (madam-ke) (informal) 
             madam-kan (informal)
             me-madam-kan(mö-ma-dam-kan) (formal)
  - contoh[example] :
- pasif : di-padam-in (di-pa-dam-min) (informal)
          di-padam-ke  (informal)
          di-padam-kan (formal)
- objek : pe-madam-an (pö-ma-dam-man)

break a stick, tree branch, any long object          [daerah]116/964[/daerah]
resulting in 1 breaking point, without tool, 
by overbending that stick/tree branch,
cut off a romantic relationship 
-dasar:(1)putus(pu-tus) [severed]
       (2)patah(pa-tah) [severed]
- aktif : 
   1)mutus (informal), me-mutus (formal)
      [cut a stick by overbending that stick]
      [stop/cut off a romantic relationship]
   2)me-mutus-kan untuk(mö-mu-tus-kan un-tuk)[decide]
     bikin ke-mau-an (untuk) ... [make willingness to ...]
     bikin ke-pasti-an (untuk) ... [decide, make certain-mind to ...]
        [make severed](informal)[make severed]
     me-matah-kan(mö-ma-tah-kan)(formal)[make severed]
- pasif : 
  1)di-putus [being cut off; 
              being dumped from a romantic relationship]
  2)di-putus-kan [being cut off, being decided that]
  3)di-putus-in (informal) [being cut off] 
  4)di-patah-kan (di-pa-tah-kan) (formal)
    di-patah-in (di-pa-tah-hin) (formal)
    di-patah-ke (di-pa-tah-ke) (formal)

          [the process of breaking a stick by 
           overbending the stick;
           the decision making process]
          [the process of breaking a stick by 
           overbending the stick]
- contoh[example] :
  1. mati lampu disebabkan oleh kabel listrik yang putus
     [power outage was triggered by a power line which

  2. boris yeltsin waktu muda, 
     jari jempol dan jaru telunjuk tangan kiri-nya putus
     saat main (dengan) granat
     [boris yeltsin when young, 
      has his thumb and index finger of his left hand,
      severed during playing with grenade]
    source : '1. Boris Yeltsin lost a thumb and index finger on his left hand while playing with a hand grenade as a child.' in http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/magazinemonitor/2007/04/10_things_we_didnt_know_last_w_21.shtml from 'he and some friends furtively entered a Red Army supply depot, stole several grenades, and tried to disassemble them.[11]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Yeltsin
  3. dia mutus pensil [he severed a pencil]
     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9HIyyaGGYE&t=0m11s until 0:18

  4. kepala sekolah me-mutus-kan untuk
     me-mulang-kan murid2 lebih awal
     [school headmaster decides to
      send students home earlier]
  5. telah di-putus-kan untuk ...
     [it has been decided that ...]
  6. kabel-nya di-putus
     [the cable is cut off]
  7. dia di-putus dia, lalu cari cewe pe-lampias-an (cäwä pö-lampia-san)
     [he (receive) (romantic-relationship)-termination (from) her, then seek rebound-girlfriend] [source:thoughtcatalog.com/mark-rosenfeld/2016/09/15-signs-youre-the-rebound-girl/ from google ( rebound girlfriend ) result 1 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebound_(dating) from google ( bounce back girlfriend slang ) result 10]
- decision = (1)ke-putus-an (kö-pu-tu-san)
             (2)find '- conclusion = ke-simpul-an(kö-simpu-lan)'
- losing will-power, losing motivation, losing hope =
                    putus asa
  source : http://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/asa

cut, break something to 2 pieces, resulting in       [daerah]117/964[/daerah]
1 breaking point with a tool
- dasar : potong(pɔ-tɔng)
- aktif : motong(mɔ-tɔng)(informal)
- pasif : di-potong
- objek : pe-motong-an [the cutting process]
- kebetulan, stative : ter-potong, ke-potong
- contoh[example] :
   1. dia me-motong tahu
      [he cuts the tofu]
   2. dia motong harga barang jual-an-nya
      [he cuts the price of his merchandise]
   3. motong testes sapi, bikin sapi jadi 
      lebih ga agresiv
     [cutting bull's testicles, makes the bull become
      less aggressive]

mince, cut food to small pieces                  [daerah]118/964[/daerah]
- dasar : cacah(ca-cah)
- aktif : nyacah(nya-cah)(informal)
- pasif : di-cacah
- objek : pen-cacah-an(pön-ca-cah-han)
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia nyacah/men-cacah tahu[he minces the tofu]

slice = iris                                      [daerah]119/964[/daerah]
- dasar : iris
- aktif : 1)ngiris(ngi-ris)(informal)
          3)ngirisi(ngi-ri-si)[slice repeatedly]
          4)ngiris - ngiris[slice repeatedly]
- pasif : di-iris
- objek : peng-iris-an(pö-ngi-ris-san)
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1. ter-iris(tör-i-ris) [got slice wound accidentally] (formal)
   2. ke-iris(kö-i-ris)   [got slice wound accidentally] (informal)
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia ngiris tahu tipis2[he slices tofu thinly]

grind coffee-bean to a powder,pulverise                    [daerah]120/964[/daerah]
- dasar : gerus(gö-rus)(informal)
- aktif : 1. nggerus(nggö-rus)
          2. ngulek(ngu-lök)
- pasif : 1. di-gerus
          2. di-ulek
- objek :
- kebetulan, stative :
- powder = bubuk (bu-buk)
filet a meat, slice the top part of a meat        [daerah]121/964[/daerah]
- dasar : siset(si-sӓt)
- aktif : nyiset(nyi-sӓt) (informal)
          me-nyiset(mö-nyi-sӓt) (formal)
- pasif : di-siset
- objek : pe-nyiset-an(pö-nyi-sӓt-tan)
- kebetulan, stative :
  1. ter-siset(tör-si-sӓt)(formal)
  2. ke-siset(kö-si-sӓt)(informal)

divide                                             [daerah]122/964[/daerah]
- dasar : bagi
- aktif : mbagi(mba-gi)(informal)
- pasif : di-bagi
- objek : pem-bagi-an(pöm-ba-gi-an)
- kebetulan, stative : 
    - ke-bagi-an(kö-ba-gi-an)[received his/her share]
- contoh[example] :
  1. beban di mobil kiri belakang, ter-lalu berat, 
     sampe per kiri belakang mendelep, 
     beban-nya mesti di-bagi rata dari kiri belakang ke
     kanan belakang.
    [the weight in car's rear left, is too heavy, 
     reaching to the point in which 
     rear left coil-spring is being compressed,
     the weight must be divided evenly from rear left 
     to rear right]
    burden = beban(bö-ban), stress(strӓs)

  2. jangan be-rebut, nanti semua-nya
      (akan/bakal) ke-bagi-an nasi
     [do not fight each other, later everyone
      will receive his/her share]

  3. 4 bagi 2 [4 divided-by 2; 2 divide 4; 4 / 2]

split to 2 pieces                                  [daerah]123/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1. belah(bö-lah)
          2. bagi jadi 2
- aktif : 1. mbelah(mbö-lah)(informal)
          2. mem-bagi jadi 2(möm-ba-gi ja-di 2)(formal)
- pasif : di-belah, di-bagi jadi 2
- objek : pem-belah-an, pem-bagi-an jadi 2
- kebetulan, stative : ter-belah, ter-bagi jadi 2
- contoh[example] :
   1. ada orang nge-belah kelapa
      [there is someone slashing a coconut]
   2. ada orang nge-buka kelapa :
      [there is someone opening a coconut]
- boobs cleavage : belah-an dada
                  (bel-lah-han da-da)

share                                           [daerah]124/964[/daerah]
- dasar : bagi - bagi(ba-gi - ba-gi)
- aktif : 1. mbagi - bagi (informal)
          2. mem-bagi - bagi (formal)
             mem-bagi - bagi-kan (formal)
- pasif : di-bagi - bagi-kan
- objek : pem-bagi-an

overcome, solve all problems in general           [daerah]125/964[/daerah]
- dasar : atas(a-tas)[up]
- aktif : atas-in(a-tas-sin) (informal)
          meng-atas-i(mö-nga-tas-si) (formal) 
- pasif : di-atas-i
- objek : 
- contoh[example] :
   1. dia meng-atas-i semua masalah di reaktor
      [he overcome all problems in reactor]

break something resulting in many breaking points,    [daerah]126/964[/daerah]
break apart/solve a problem 
- dasar : 
  1)pecah(pö-cah) [break a procelain, break a glass, break a problem, glass-and-procelain/fragile-object broken to many pieces]
    'pecah' for non-fragile-object:find 'hancur'
  2)tanggulang [solve a problem]
  3)atas [up; above; on top of; on]
- aktif : 
  1)1.1 mecah(mö-cah)(informal) 
     1.2 mecah-in(mö-cah-hin)(informal)
     1.3 mecah-ke(mö-cah-ke)(informal) 
     1.4 mecah-kan(mö-cah-kan)(informal)
     1.5 me-mecah (mö-mö-cah) (formal)
     1.6 me-mecah-kan(mö-mö-cah-kan) (formal)
         [break apart a glass; solve a problem]
  2)2.1 nanggulang-i (informal)  [solve a problem]
     2.2 me-nanggulang-i (formal) [solve a problem]

  3)3.1 ngatas-in (informal) (ngatas-sin)
     3.2 meng-atas-i (formal) (mö-nga-tas-si)
         [solve a problem]
- pasif : 
  1. 1.1 di-pecah(di-pöcah)
     1.2 di-pecah-kan(di-pö-cah-kan)
         [being broken apart]
  2. di-tanggulang-i [being solved] (di-tanggulang-ngi)
  3. di-atas-in      [being solved] (di-atas-sin)
- objek : 
  1. pe-mecah-an(pö-möcah-han)
     [the process of breaking an object;
      the process of solving a problem]
  2. pe-nanggulang-an(pö-nanggulang-ngan)
     [the process of breaking an object;
      the process of solving a problem]
- kebetulan, stative : ter-pecah-kan [already solved]
- fraction in mathematics = pecah-an (pecah-han)
- contoh[example] :
   1. buku-nya di atas lemari
      [the book is on top of a drawer]

   2. dia mecah-kan per-soal-an itu
      [he solves that problem]

   3. gimana cara me-mecah-kan
      masalah ini ?
      lit trans---
      [looks-like-what, is the procedure to solve
       this problem ?]
      normal trans----
      [how to solve this problem ?]

   4. 1/2 , 2/5 adalah pecahan
      [1/2, 2/5 are fractions]
   5. satu per dua, dua per lima adalah pecahan
     [one over two, two over five are fractions]
- problem, trouble = masalah, problem(prɔ-blöm)
- solution = 
   (1)jalan ke-luar(ja-lan kö-lu-ar)[exit way , exit road , exit street , exit path]
- short-cut-road = jalan pintas
- high-way , highway = jalan tol (jalan tɔl)
- high-way above other high-way = jalan tol layang (jalan tɔl layang) [flying-for-kite high-way] [more info:find 'kite (not animal) = layang-layang [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kite]']
- high-way-exit , highway-exit = jalan ke-luar tol (jalan kö-luar tɔl)
- road-highway-toll-entrance = gerbang-tol (görbang tɔl) [more info:find 'gerbang (görbang), pintu-gerbang']
- emergency door = pintu darurat
- hospital emergency room = rumah sakit ruang-an gawat darurat [sick house in-trouble-with-dead-line emergency room]
- route = (1)jalan (jalan)
          (2)rute (ru-tö)
- flight-path , flight-route =
   (1)jalan pe-nerbang-an (jalan pö-nörbang-ngan) [flight-way]
   (2)rute pe-nerbang-an (ru-tö pö-nörbang-ngan) [flight-route]
- Life-path = jalan hidup
- destiny , checkmate = takdir
- bad destiny , bad checkmate = kartu mati ( dead poker-card )
- divine intervention = ganggu-an sihir [intervention with witch-craft]
- Life-style = cara hidup (Life-procedure)
- god , maker of everything ( outer-space , star , planet , physics-law , chemistry-element , etc ,
  like movie man-in-black-1-after-end-credit-scene youtube.com/watch?v=8kVUPZ8_UJ4 ( Men in Black Ending FullHD ) showing alien inserting universe to marble-ball-pocket [source : (1/2)youtube.com/watch?v=8kVUPZ8_UJ4 ( Men in Black Ending FullHD )  from youtube-search ( man in black ending credit ) result 4 from 'The end of Men In Black shows that our Milky Way is contained in a marble which is used by an alien to play a game. Based on the known size of the Milky Way, can we make an estimate on the size of the alien?' in https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/213608/how-big-is-the-alien-shown-at-the-end-of-the-first-men-in-black from google-image ( men in black  alien shrink universe ) row 3 col 1 (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_in_Black_(1997_film)]
  ) = (1)tuhan [god] ( 'tuan' means mister , 'puan' means mrs/misis/married-woman , in malay-language [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/puan] )
      (2)alah [allah]
         example:(1)dewa se-gala - gala-nya ( dewa sö-gala - gala-nya ) [god-of-everything]
                 (2)dewa semua barang ( dewa sömua barang ) [god-of-all-item]
                 (3)dewa mobil ( dewa mobil ) [car-god]
                 (4)dewa baju [clothes-god]
                 (5)dewa komputer ( dewa komputör ) [computer-god]
- satan , devil , duende ( bad-satan inside house like casper-movie ) = [source:(1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casper_(film) (2/2)'duende' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamorro_people from 'charmorro' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guam]
    (1)setan (setan) [satan]
    (2)iblis (i-bö-lis) [satan]
    (3)dedemit (dödömit) [satan] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (4)kuntiL-anak [ fetus-satan ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (5)tuyul [ satan with shape of kid-with-bald-head ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (6)genderuwo ( gön-dö-ru-wɔ ) [ satan with shape of giant-male ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (7)sundel bolong ( sundöl bɔlɔng ) [ satan with shape of seductive-lady with hole on stomach ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (8)pocong ( pɔcɔng ) [ satan with shape of white-pillow vertically-jumping around] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]
    (9)wewe gombel ( wäwä gombäl ) [ satan with shape of old-lady ] [source:https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedemit]

divide a united people = me-mecah belah              [daerah]127/964[/daerah]
                        (mö-mö-cah bö-lah)
answer                                               [daerah]128/964[/daerah]
- dasar : jawab [answer]
- aktif : 1. njawab (informal)
             nge-jawab (informal)
             men-jawab (formal)
- pasif : di-jawab
- objek : jawab-an [the answer] (ja-wab-ban)
- contoh[example]:
  1. gimana cara jawab pertanyaan itu ?
     lit trans----
     [looks like what, is the procedure to answer that
     normal trans---
     [how to answer that question ?]

continue, resume                                   [daerah]129/964[/daerah]
- dasar : lanjut, terus(tö-rus)
- aktif : 
  1. nglanjut-in (nglanjut-tin) (informal)
     nglanjut-ke (informal)
     nge-lanjut-kan(ngö-lanjut-kan) (informal)
     me-lanjut-kan (mö-lan-jut-kan) (formal)
     me-nerus-kan (mö-nö-rus-kan) (formal)
  2. ber-lanjut(bör-lan-jut) [continuing]
- pasif : (1)di-lanjut-kan (dil-lan-jut-kan)
             [being resumed]
- objek : 
- a continuation =
     1)terus-an (tö-ru-san)
     2)lanjut-an (lan-ju-tan)
     3)ke-lanjut-an (kö-lan-ju-tan)
- continuously , relentless = (1)terus - me-nerus (formal)
   		              (2)terus - terus-an (informal)
- consistent , can do same task for long-duration like robot = rajin [diligent , discipline]
- persistent = (1)pantang mundur [abstain-from/fasting-from retreat/backward-movement]
   	       (2)pantang me-nyerah [abstain-from/fasting-fron surrender]
- next , subsequent = ber-ikut-nya
- overshoot = (1)ke-terus-an(kö-tö-ru-san)
- contoh[example] :
  1. kalo problem-nya ber-lanjut ya ke dokter
     [if the problem continuing then
      go to a physician]
  2. eletronik-orgen akan me-nyebab-kan pe-nge-luar-an
     yang ber-lanjut, piano tidak 
     me-nyebab-kan pe-nge-luar-an yang
     [eletronic-organ will trigger continuing 
      expenditure, piano will not trigger
      continuing expenditure]
     source : 'electronic organ' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organ
  3. solusi itu ke-lanjut-an-nya gimana ?
     normal trans----
     [how to continue that solution ?]
     lit trans---
     [that solution the continuation looks like what?]
- someone who resume the work of his/her ancestor =
  - pe-nerus(pö-nö-rus)

occur = ter-jadi(tör-ja-di)

write/scribe with pencil , write/scribe with ballpoint [daerah]130/964[/daerah]
- dasar : tulis (tul-lis)
- aktif : 1. nulis (informal)
             tulis (informal)
             me-nulis (mö-nul-lis) (formal)
- pasif : di-tulis (di-tul-lis)
- objek : pe-nulis-an (pö-nu-lis-san)
- contoh[example] :
   1. tulis rumus matematika ini 
      di kertas kecil
      [write this mathematics formula on
       small paper]
- concise-writing , short-writing = tulis-an singkat (tu-li-san sing-kat)

type with keyboard, type with typewriter            [daerah]131/964[/daerah]
- dasar : ketik(kö-tik)
- aktif : 1. ngetik(ngö-tik) (informal)
             me-ngetik(mö-ngö-tik) (formal)
- pasif : di-ketik(di-kö-tik)
- objek : pe-ngetik-an(pö-ngö-tik-kan)
- kebetulan, stative : 
   1. ter-ketik(tör-kö-tik) [already been typed]
   2. ke-ketik(kö-kö-tik)  [already been typed]

record an information using paper, brain, computer    [daerah]132/964[/daerah]
- dasar : catat
- aktif : 1. nyatat (informal)
             catat (formal)
             men-catat(mön-ca-tat) (formal)
- pasif : di-catat
- objek : pen-catat-an(pön-ca-tat-tan) [the writing of a note]
- contoh[example] :
  1. catat rumus matematika ini di otak
     [write this mathematics formula in the brain]

catat vs tulis                                        [daerah]133/964[/daerah]
- catat focus in getting important informations recorded
  can be recorded on a paper, komputer, some material
- tulis focus in the usage of pencil, or ballpoint 
  to record informations
- but that rule is not strict so example :
 - 'tulis di kertas' [write on paper]
 - 'tulis di komputer'[write on computer] 
 - 'tulis di otak'
 is ok
 usually this is more common :
 - 'catat di komputer' [record in computer]
 - 'catat di otak' [record in the brain]

#review 10 june 2018 1:18 pm edt# 
approach                                               [daerah]134/964[/daerah]
- dasar : dekat(dö-kat)
- aktif : 1. men-dekat [becomes nearby something](formal)
          2. ndeket-i(ndö-köt-ti)(informal) 
             [becomes nearby something]
          3. men-dekat-i(mön-dö-kat-ti) (formal) #double-consonant-problem#
             [becomes nearby something]
- pasif : 1. di-deket-in(di-dö-köt-tin)(informal)
             [being approached by]
          2. di-dekat-i(di-dö-kat-ti) (formal)
             [being approached by]
          3. di-dekat-kan(di-dö-kat-kan)
             [being put to stay near something]
- objek : pen-dekat-an(pön-dö-kat-tan)
- ant = semut(sö-mut)
- contoh[example] :
   1. komet-nya men-dekat
      [the comet becomes nearby (us)]
   2. komet-nya men-dekat ke kita
      [the comet becomes nearby us]
   3. komet-nya ndeket-i kita
      [the comet becomes nearby us]
   4. komet-nya men-dekat-i kita
      [the comet becomes nearby us]
   5. meja-nya di-dekat-i semut
      [the table is being approached by ant]
   6. meja-nya di-dekat-kan ke tembok
      [the table is being made to stay near
       a wall]

leaving (opposite of approach)                      [daerah]135/964[/daerah]
- dasar : jauh [far]
- aktif : njauh-i (nja-u-i)
          men-jauh-i(mön-ja-u-i)[leaving something farther away]
- pasif : di-jauh-i(di-ja-u-i)[being left farther away;
                               being shunned]
- kebetulan, stative :

avoid                                               [daerah]136/964[/daerah]
- dasar : hindar(hin-dar)
- aktif : 
  1. nge-hindar(ngö-hin-dar)[avoid](informal)
  2. meng-hindar-i(möng-hin-dar)[avoid](formal)
- pasif : di-hindar-i (di-hin-dar-ri)
- objek : n/a
- contoh[example] :
   1. dia meng-hindar dari jalan-an macet
      [he/she avoid traffic jam]
   2. dia liat ada orang naik sepeda lalu
      dia meng-hindar
      [he/she sees there is a person riding bicycle then
       he/she avoids (that person)]
   3. dia meng-hindar-i jalan-an macet
      [he/she avoids traffic jam]

prepare, standby, ready, make alert                  [daerah]137/964[/daerah]
- dasar : siap [standing by, ready]
- aktif : 
   1. nyiap-in (informal)  [make something ready]
      nyiap-ke (informal)  [make something ready]
      nyiap-kan (informal) [make something ready]
      me-nyi-yap-kan (mö-nyi-ap-kan) (formal)
      [make something ready]
- pasif : di-siap-kan(di-si-yap-kan)
- objek : per-siap-an(pör-si-ap-pan, pör-si-yap-pan) #double-consonant-problem#
- contoh[example] :
   1. dia nyiap-kan tas sekolah-nya
      [he prepares his school bag]
- alert, ready, standby = siap, waspada, siaga
- alertness : 1. ke-waspada-an
              2. ke-siap-an (ke-siap-pan)
              3. ke-siaga-an

believe                                             [daerah]138/964[/daerah]
- dasar : percaya(pör-ca-ya)
- aktif : 1. percaya-i(pör-ca-ya-i)(informal)
- pasif : di-percaya-i(di-pör-ca-ya-i)
- objek : ke-percaya-an(kö-pörcaya-an)[belief, religion]
- religion = agama, ke-percaya-an

watch, pay attention to                              [daerah]139/964[/daerah]
- dasar : perhatian(pör-ha-ti-an,pör-ha-ti-yan)
- aktif : 1. merhati-in(mörhati-in)
             perhati-kan (informal)
             mem-perhati-kan(möm-pörhati-kan) (formal)
- pasif : di-perhati-kan(di-pörhati-kan)
- objek : perhatian(pör-ha-ti-an,pör-ha-ti-yan)
- careful = hati - hati, hati2

realise                                               [daerah]140/964[/daerah]
- dasar : sadar(sa-dar)
- aktif : 
    1. nyadar-in (nyadar-rin) (informal)
       sometimes is being misunderstood as 
       so nyadar-i is being used, nyadar-in is not
       being used
       nyadar-ke (informal) [make someone realise]
       me-nyadar-kan(mö-nyadar-kan) [make someone realise]
       sadar [realise]
       me-nyadar-i(mö-nya-dar-ri)[realise] (informal)

- contoh[example] :
   (1) dia     sadar  pesawat tempur ;   pesawat-militer-cargo ( airbus.com->a-400-m-atlas ) ;  pesawat--pe-numpang embraer.com->e-jet-e-2 ,
       atr-aircraft.com->atr-72 ga punya       winglet ; 
       tapi pesawat penumpang  boeing.com , airbus.com punya winglet .
       dan dia    mikir  winglet ... apa ga     nampar angin tiap kali pilot belok-kiri-dikit ,   belok-kanan-dikit   ber-ulang - ulang kali 
       supaya pesawat  bisa terbang lurus karena angin-miring  dorong pesawat ke samping. 
       tiap kali winglet nampar angin saat belok 	        ya         makan     kerosin lebih banyak .
       pesawat belok dengan cara ubah posisi sayap-tegak-lurus-di-belakang/rudder
       kenapa peduli vortice/(turbulen-kecil) di belakang , pesawat tidak bisa nampar tubulen-kecil di belakang , memang
       pesawat di belakang mesti jaga jarak jangan sampe kena turbulen-kecil dari pesawat di depan.
      [he/she realise fighter aircraft ; cargo-military-aircraft ( airbus.com->a-400-m-atlas ) ; passenger-aircraft embraer.com->e-jet-e-2 ,
       atr-aircraft.com->atr-72 doesn't have  winglet ; 
       but  passenger-aircraft boeing.com , airbus.com has   winglet .
       and he/she think winglet ...  isn't that slap   wind  each time pilot slightly-turn-left , slightly-turn-right repeatedly 
       so     aircraft can  fly straight  because side-way-wind push  aircraft to side-way. 
       each time winglet slap wind during (aircraft) doing turn say-yes-to consuming kerosene in greater amount .
       aircraft making turn with procedure change position (of) vertically-straight-wing-in-rear/rudder
       why care-about vortice/(small-turbulent) in rear , aircraft can not slap small-turbulent in rear , yes-indeed
       aircraft in rear must maintain distance never reach-and-touch small-turbulent from aircraft in-the-front ]

  [source:(1/2)'Movement caused by the use of rudder.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudder#11_feb_2019_6_8_pm_est 
          (2/2)youtube.com/watch?v=zWjrEGkpqiE&t=1m11s#1_nov_2021_1_am_edt ( The Aerodynamics of Winglets ) from youtube-recommendation in 
               youtube.com/watch?v=2ieRwRnwqY8#1_nov_2021_12_41_am_edt ( Think you understand Winglets? Think again!! ) from 
	       youtube-recommendation in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNqXf6t7e-w&t=72s ( Winglets - How Do They Work? (Feat. Wendover Productions) )

- kerosene = kerosin (kä-ro-sin)
- pasif : di-sadar-kan
- objek : ke-sadar-an(kö-sa-dar-ran)

contain, accomodate (adequately contain),             [daerah]141/964[/daerah]
accommodate (adequately contain)
- dasar : 1. cakup [encompass]
          2. liput [cover a topic;
                    cover something in nature]
          3. lingkup [cover a topic]
          4. kandung [biological pocket for fetus]
          5. ber-isi [to be already filled with]
          6. muat [adequately contain
                   for cargo, luggage,
                   hotel-occupant, elevator-occupant]
- aktif : 
  1. men-cakup(mön-ca-kup)[encompasses]

  2. me-liput-i(mö-li-put-ti)
     [cover a topic, cover something in nature]
  3. me-lingkup-i(mö-ling-kup-pi) [cover a topic]

  4. me-ngandung(mö-ngan-dung)[pregnant; food contain...]
  5. ber-isi(bör-i-si)[contain]
  6. muat(informal)  
     me-muat(mö-mu-at,mö-mu-wat) (formal)
   [adequately contain for cargo,luggage,hotel-occupant,
- pasif : di-isi(di-i-si)[be filled with]
- objek : 
- kebetulan, stative : 
    1. ter-isi(tör-i-si)[already contain...]
    2. ter-muat(tör-mu-at,tör-mu-wat) (formal)
    3. ke-muat(kö-mu-at,kö-mu-wat)(informal)
- contoh[example] :
   1. topik-nya men-cakup makan-an
      [the topic encompasses foods]
   2. kabut me-liput-i gunung 
      [fog covers the mountain]
   3. berita me-liput-i ekonomi
      [news which covers the economy]
   4. dia me-ngandung
      [she is pregnant]
   5. roti putih me-ngandung magnesium 1/2 kali
      lipat magnesium di roti gandum
      [white bread contains magnesium 1/2 times
       of magnesium in wheat bread] source : 'White bread contains 1/2 of the magnesium found in whole-wheat bread' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_bread from google (white bread wiki) result 1
   6. tas-nya ber-isi botol air
      [the bag contains water bottle]
   7. botol air-nya sudah/udah ter-isi air
      [the water bottle already contain water]

   8. boeing 777-200-Lr bisa muat kursi-ekon(e) , kursi-bisnis(b) , kursi-utama(u)/prioritas:
	 (1)268 kursi ( 228(e) , 40(b) ) dengan panjang-tatak-an-pantat-kursi-tambah-ruang-an-kaki dalam inci : 82(b) 32(e)
	 (2)279 kursi ( 237(e) , 42(u) ) --------------------------------||-----------------------------------: 60(u) 34(e)
	 (3)296 kursi ( 248(e) , 42(b) ,  6(u) ) --------------------------------||---------------------------: 87(u) 50(b) 32(e)
	 (4)301 kursi ( 227(e) , 58(b) , 16(u) ) ----------------------------||-------------------------------: 61(u) 39(b) 32(e)

      boeing 777-300-er bisa muat kursi-ekon(e) , kursi-bisnis(b) , kursi-utama(u)/prioritas:
	 (1)339 kursi ( 283(e) , 56(u)  ) dengan panjang-tatak-an-pantat-kursi-tambah-ruang-an-kaki dalam inci : 60(u) 32(e)
	 (2)368 kursi ( 276(e) , 70(b) , 22 (u) ) ----------------------------||-------------------------------: 61(u) 39(b) 32(e)
	 (3)370 kursi ( 316(e) , 42(b) , 12 (u) ) ----------------------------||-------------------------------: 87(u) 50(b) 32(e)
	 (4)378 kursi ( 350(e) , 28 (u) ) --------------------------------||-----------------------------------: 62(u) 31(e)

        [sumber : (1/2)https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/commercial/airports/acaps/777_2lr3er.pdf dari '200LR/300ER/777F (8.7 MB)' , 'D6-58329-2' di https://www.boeing.com/commercial/airports/plan_manuals.page dari google ( 747 aircraft characteristics - airport and maintenance planning ) hasil 1 dari 'aircraft characteristics - airport and maintenance planning' di https://www.airbus.com/content/dam/corporate-topics/publications/backgrounders/techdata/aircraft_characteristics/Airbus-Aircraft-AC-A380.pdf dari google ( a380 entry height ) hasil 2  (2/2)'the distance between the back rest of a seat in a passenger aircraft and the back of the seat in front of it' in tfd.com/pitch]

      english-language-translation : 
      boeing 777-200-Lr can accomodate/fit economy-seat(e) , business-seat(b) , 1-st-class-seat(f):
	 (1)268 seat ( 228(e) , 40(b) ) with (seat-ass-support-length/seat-depth)-plus-leg-room-in-inch : 82(b) 32(e)
	 (2)279 seat ( 237(e) , 42(f) ) -----------------------------||---------------------------------: 60(f) 34(e)
	 (3)296 seat ( 248(e) , 42(b) , 6(f) ) -------------------------||------------------------------: 87(f) 50(b) 32(e)
	 (4)301 seat ( 227(e) , 58(b), 16(f) ) --------------------------||-----------------------------: 61(f) 39(b) 32(e)

      boeing 777-300-er can accomodate/fit economy-seat(e) , business-seat(b) , 1-st-class-seat(f):
	 (1)339 seat ( 283(e) , 56(f) ) with (seat-ass-support-length/seat-depth)-plus-leg-room-in-inch : 60(f) 32(e)
	 (2)368 seat ( 276(e) , 70(b) , 22 (f) ) ------------------------||-----------------------------: 61(f) 39(b) 32(e)
	 (3)370 seat ( 316(e) , 42(b) , 12 (f) ) ------------------------||-----------------------------: 87(f) 50(b) 32(e)
	 (4)378 seat ( 350(e) , 28(f) ) -----------------------------||---------------------------------: 62(f) 31(e)

        [source : (1/2)https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/commercial/airports/acaps/777_2lr3er.pdf from '200LR/300ER/777F (8.7 MB)' , 'D6-58329-2' in https://www.boeing.com/commercial/airports/plan_manuals.page from google ( 747 aircraft characteristics - airport and maintenance planning ) result 1 from 'aircraft characteristics - airport and maintenance planning' in https://www.airbus.com/content/dam/corporate-topics/publications/backgrounders/techdata/aircraft_characteristics/Airbus-Aircraft-AC-A380.pdf from google ( a380 entry height ) result 2 (2/2)'the distance between the back rest of a seat in a passenger aircraft and the back of the seat in front of it' in tfd.com/pitch]

      1-st-class-seat = 
        (2)kursi-kasta-utama/prioritas [source : 'kelas utama/first class' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda_Indonesia]
      hindu-caste = kasta

- fetus = (1)bayi dalam kandung-an(kan-dung-ngan) [baby inside pregnant-belly]
          (2)janin [source:https://kamus.sabda.org/kamus/janin]

- thing(s) that a car carry, cargo = 
         1. muat-an(mu-at-tan,mu-wat-tan)
         2. barang bawa-an
         3. bawa-an

- thing(s) that ppl carry = 
         1. barang bawa-an
         2. bawa-an

- congenital = bawa-an dari lahir 
   [literal trans : cargo from birth]

  contoh[example] :
  1. congenital superpower
     [ke-kuat-an super bawa-an dari lahir]
- has enough space to make all objects fit in = muat
- does not have enough space 
  to make all objects fit in = tidak muat [can not fit]

cover with a cloth                                   [daerah]142/964[/daerah]
- dasar : kerudung(kö-ru-dung)
          [veil covering face; burqa]
- aktif : 1. ngerudung-i(ngö-ru-dung-ngi) (informal)
              [to cover]
             me-ngerudung-i(mö-ngörudung-ngi) (formal)
              [to cover]
- pasif : di-kerudung-i(di-kö-ru-dung-ngi)
- objek : 
- contoh[example] :
   1. dia ngerudung-i komputer-nya sebelum
      tukang datang ngencang-in paku tembok,
      karena takut
      kena serpih-an cat tembok.
      [he covers his computer prior
       a worker comes to tighten wall-nails
       because (he) fears (his computer)
       got touched by wall-debris]

report of some events,                              [daerah]143/964[/daerah]
tell on someone, whistleblow someone
- dasar : 1. lapor(la-pɔr)
          2. wadul(wa-dul)(java-language)
- aktif : 
    1. nglapor-in(ngla-pɔr-rin)
       [tell on someone; whistle-blow someone]
       nge-lapor-kan(ngö-la-pɔr-kan) (informal)
       me-lapor-kan(mö-la-pɔr-kan) (formal)
       [tell on someone; whistle-blow someone]
    2. wadul
- pasif : di-lapor-kan, di-wadul-ke
- objek : 
- kebetulan, stative : 
- contoh[example] :
  1. dia me-lapor-kan nuklir insiden ke professor-nya
     [he reports nuclear incident to his professor]
- report = lapor-an(la-pɔr-ran)
- school grade report = lapor-an nilai sekolah

explain, explicate, elucidate                       [daerah]144/964[/daerah]
- dasar : 1)jelas(jö-las) [unambiguous;
          2)ceto(cö-tɔ) (java-language)
- aktif : 1. njelas-in(njö-las-sin)(informal)
- pasif : di-jelas-kan(di-jö-las-kan)
- objek : pen-jelas-an (pön-jö-las-san) [explanation]
  source : https://www.thefreedictionary.com/explicate
- ambiguous = ambigu(am-bi-gu)
- clearly-explained = jelas(jö-las)
- transparent = transparan (trans-pa-ran), tembus-pandang (töm-bus pan-dang)
- billiard = cetok(cö-tɔk)

describe, story-tell                                   [daerah]145/964[/daerah]
- dasar : cerita(cö-ri-ta)[story]
- aktif : 1. cerita-ke(cö-ri-ta-ke)(informal)
             [tell a story; tell about an event]
          2. men-cerita-kan(mön-cö-ri-ta-kan) 
             [tell a story; tell about an event]
- pasif : 1. di-cerita-in(di-cö-ri-ta-in)(informal)
              [being told about a story]
          2. di-cerita-kan(di-cö-ri-ta-kan)(formal)
             [being told about a story]
- objek : 
- description = deskripsi (däs-krip-si), ciri - ciri
- contoh[example] :
   1. dia di-cerita-in tentang hal itu
      [he is being told about that matter]

explain difficult suffs using simpler words,           [daerah]146/964[/daerah]
explain in layman terms
- dasar : tafsir(taf-sir)
- aktif : nafsir-in(naf-sir-rin) (informal)
- pasif : di-tafsir-kan
- objek : pe-nafsir-an

prefer                                             [daerah]147/964[/daerah]
- dasar : lebih suka(lö-bih su-ka)
- aktif : lebih suka

- pasif : lebih di-suka-i
- objek : 
- contoh[example] :
   1. 12 desember 2017,
      kapten lim khoy hing lebih suka
      nyetir airbus dari pada nyetir boeing
      karena :
      1. airbus punya meja-lipat untuk
      2. joystick di airbus lebih akurat
         dari pada setir di boeing.
      3. auto-thrust di airbus, otomatis
         memper-lambat airbus saat mau men-darat.
         auto-throttle di boeing, bikin
         milih ke-cepat-an
         secara manual saat mau men-darat.
      lit trans-----   
      [12 december 2017,
       captain lim khoy hing prefers
       driving airbus rather than driving boeing
       because :
       1. airbus has collapsible-table for
       2. joystick in airbus is more accurate
          than steering-wheel in boeing
       3. auto-thrust in airbus, automatically
          slows down airbus during about to land.
          auto-throttle in boeing, makes
          the pilot
          to be under pressure
          to select speed
          manually during about to land.
      normal trans-----   
      [12 december 2017,
       captain lim khoy hing prefers
       driving airbus rather than driving boeing
       because :
       1. airbus has collapsible-table for
       2. joystick in airbus is more accurate
          than steering-wheel in boeing
       3. auto-thrust in airbus, automatically
          slows down airbus during about to land.
          auto-throttle in boeing, requires
          the pilot to select speed
          manually during about to land.
 sumber : ${1} 'When I flew the Boeing 737s or Boeing 777s, mealtimes were not as comfortable as today on the Airbus, as I always ate from a tray on my lap instead of on a table,'  ${2} 'The introduction of the sidestick on the Airbus for the pilot and co-pilot not only offers more space for installing the stowable table, but also allows for more precise manoeuvering of the aircraft. Besides Airbus, many other airline manufacturers have abandoned the control wheels, opting for, or progressing towards the sidestick.'   ${3} 'The automatic power control on the Airbus is known as the auto-thrust, whereas it is referred to as the auto-throttle on the Boeing. I love the Airbus autothrust system; it takes care of the flying speeds and slows down the plane as it approaches for landing. When using the Boeing autothrottle, the pilot has to manually select the flight speed.'   ${4} in https://www.travel3sixty.com/pilots-perspective-airbus-vs-boeing/ from google (pilot boeing vs airbus) result 1

prevent                                             [daerah]148/964[/daerah]
- dasar : cegah(cö-gah)
- aktif : cegah (informal)
          nyegah (informal)
          men-cegah(mön-cö-gah) (formal)
- pasif : di-cegah
- objek : pen-cegah-an(pön-cö-gah-han)[prevention]

convince, persuade                                  [daerah]149/964[/daerah]
- dasar : bujuk
- aktif : 1. mbujuk(mbu-juk)(informal)
- pasif : di-bujuk
- objek : bujuk

spoon-feed, bribe                                    [daerah]150/964[/daerah]
- dasar : (1)suap(su-ap,su-wap) [spoon-feed]
          (2)sogok(sɔ-gɔk)      [penetrate]
          (3)dulang             [spoon-feed] (java-language)
- aktif : 
  1. nyuap [bribe] (informal)
     me-nyuap [bribe] (formal)
  2. nyuap-i (nyu-ap-pi)  (informal)
     [spoonfeed someone with food repeatedly]
     nyuap-in (nyu-ap-pin)  (informal)
     [spoonfeed someone with food repeatedly]
     [spoonfeed someone with food repeatedly]
  4)ndulang-i(ndu-la-ngi)(informal) [spoon-feed]
    dulang - dulang-an (dulang - du-la-ngan) [spoon-feed each other , usually in marriage-ceremony in indonesia-country]
- pasif : (1)di-suap
- objek : (1)pe-nyuap-an [bribery , spoon-feeding-process]
          (2)pe-nyogok-an [bribery , penetration-process]
          (3)dulang-an (du-la-ngan) [spoon-feeding-process] (java language)
-grease-money=(1)uang pe-lumas(u-ang pö-lu-mas)[lubrication money]
              (2)uang suapan(u-ang su-a-pan)[spoonfed-money]
              (3)uang sogokan(u-ang sɔ-gɔk-an)[penetration-money]
-oil for making a surface slippery=minyak pelumas(mi-nyak pö-lu-mas)
-lubrication-oil=minyak pelumas(mi-nyak pö-lu-mas)
- contoh[example] :
   1. dia me-nyuap dia pakai ke-ringan-an2 dalam 
      surat2 ijin
      normal translation ---
      [he bribes him with easy paperwork permit]
      literal translation ---
      [he bribes him with easiness in permit letter]

   2. orang tua-nya me-nyuap-i anak-nya
      [the parents spoonfed their kid]
   3. anak-nya mangap2,
      orang tua-nya nyuap-i/ny