find ';;' to skip change-log and go to beginning of article geany text editor should show this text better than internet browser. this text can be downloaded, or copy pasted to geany text editor to find a text : press 'ctrl' 'f' click 'next' repeatedly as needed to copy : 1. highlight a text using mouse or press and hold 'shift' then press '->' repeatedly 2. press 'ctrl' 'c' to paste : 1. put a mouse cursor in desired text position 2. press 'ctrl' 'v' change-log: htp:// dumbbell hamstring curl can be performsed on the floor (added 'can be performed on the floor') (added links for dumbbells movement) (improve clarity about pinworm and garlic) (add 'if feeling lazy to do physical exercise') (add muscles pain caused by licking salt then sleep) (added cataract, recommend eggs) (added leg lever extension) (added falling in love) (added female eat sweet food) (added bad memory toleration) (added vacuum stomach) (to add separate phytate from meat / zinc) (google 'potato phytate') (pause 3 hours or until hungry whichever comes first) (egg contain zinc) (abs exercise section updated find '- abs') (strong quadriceps reduce reliance on knee caps) (plantar flexion) (vastus medialis, push up sideway when headache occurs) (vitamin a d e k needs fat, how to eat meat with salt only) armpit exercise added find the word 'push up' in this text, push up procedure is changed find the word : - 'vitamin e reduce the potency of estrogen' - 'start tips in wearing boxer' - 'abs :' better paste view : update : push up procedure updated update : triceps help tennis serving, volley ball spiking update : tips in wearing boxer links to : update : find 'quadriceps and hamstring' : -> gone update : update 'jumping around with 1 leg' : update 'trapezius is source of confidence' : update : tips in wearing boxer links to -> update : 'avoid deli meat, sausage' update : find 'vitamin e' update : push-up procedure becomes update : add 'squat' update 19 march 2015 : 'eat garlic' update 21 march 2015 : 'example how to prepare meat to be eaten with salt only', 'eat while sitting on the floor is better than sitting on the chair ', 'calcium for lactose intolerant person' update 22 march 2015 : 'avoid canned food', 'tea, coffee, bezel nuts discard vitamin b1' update 26 march 2015 : 'animals store toxin ( dioxin ) inside their fat' update 29 march 2015 : 'avoid bean sprout' update 5 april 2015 : 'the knees should be close to each other' update 6 april 2015 : 'raise heel of 1 foot repeatedly' update 8 april 2015 : 'when is the best time to do physical exercise ?' update 14 april 2015 : 'avoid drinking after eating eggshell' update 15 april 2015 : 'pepperoni', 'squat carries risk of hernia' update 16 april 2015 : 'short stature' update 19 april 2015 : "fried rice (acrylamida = 30) < french fries (acrylamida = 117, 'KFC french fries, location 4') ", 'sunbathe' update 20 april 2015 : re-add legs exercise done by blogilates for legs exercise. update 22 april 2015 : 'possible cure for myopia' update 26 april 2015 : - 'eyes looking at both thumbs of feet, during squat, may reduce risk of knees injury' - add 'roger federer jumping rope' - 'intrinsic factor' update 27 april 2015 : 'eat the liver with salt, alone' update 28 april 2015 : 'why zinc necessary for eyes ?' update 29 april 2015 : - add 'TOTAL LEG DAY Bodybuilder VS Cyclist feat. Robert Foerstemann' for squat example his fb page : - add 'possible cure for diabetes type 1 and type 2' update 30 april 2015 : - add the fb page of the camera-woman who record 'TOTAL LEG DAY Bodybuilder VS Cyclist feat. Robert Foerstemann' : - add 'the idea is to use fat from peanut for carbohydrate' - add 'avoid eating fruits only' update 3 may 2015 : - 'green onion in marsh' - 'prone body position is bad for eyes health.' - 'recommended cooking method for liver' update 5 may 2015 : - 'diabetes type 1 can be caused by environmental factor' update 6 may 2015 : - 'women should never drink alcohol, men as well.' - 'boiling meat / shabu2 / chankonabe' update 7 may 2015 : - 'brown eyes is more protective against sunlight, than blue eyes.' - 'coffee cons' update 17 may 2015 : - ''zinc' in' - 'vitamin A daily value requirement : 5,000 IU ( International Unit )' update 21 may 2015 : - 'covering eyes with dark clothes helps falling asleep' update 24 may 2015 : - 'robert lower his body then repositioned his kneecaps a little bit ' - 'covering eyes with dark clothes loosely, helps falling asleep' - 'tips sleeping on carpetfloor' update 26 may 2015 : - 'because ppl who use legs machine watch their toes when doing legs exercise.' update 27 may 2015 : - 'running while partially looking toward toes, partially looking forward' - 'watching toes during climbing and descending stairs reduce kneecaps' - 'if eating animal protein then eating calcium is important.' - 'the enormous amount of zinc in chicken/beef liver, means enormous amount of' - 'fat from peking duck can be eaten' update 28 may 2015 : - 'men can eat 1/2 chicken liver safely (2,932 IU), max limit 3,000 IU.' - 'if suffering lactose intolerance and eating dairy then' - 'symtomps of hypervitaminosis A' - 'zinc relates to sexual maturation' update 31 may 2015 : - 'cholesterol in 1 chicken liver = 248 milligrams of cholesterol' update 1 jun 2015 : - 'safe chicken liver portion for' - 'zinc relates to delayed sexual maturation' update 2 jun 2015 : - 'tea, coffee, bezel nuts, raw shellfish, raw freshwater fish decrease vitamin b1' update 3 jun 2015 : - 'beef liver contains lots of zinc (14.44 mg, 131 % daily value), not chicken liver' - 'chicken liver contains a little bit of zinc (1.75 mg zinc, aka 15 % daily value)' update 4 jun 2015 : - 'Factor known to increase aromatase' - 'getting lots of zinc from beef liver, and maintaining safe dosage vitamin A, is impossible.' update 8 june 2015 : - 'chicken in usa, used to ingest drug (3-Nitro (Roxarsone))' update 10 june 2015 : - 'lick salt then eat eggshell' update 14 june 2015 : - 'or spread raw minced garlic on porridge then eat them together' - 'while wearing boxer / loose underwear, after ingesting sweet food/drink/fruits, blood ' moves to add 'do hammer curl, but suspend the dumbbells midair, so bicep muscles' in - 'how to eat eggshell :' update 15 june 2015 : - '28 gram cooked chicken liver = 75 % vitamin A daily value' update 16 june 2015 : - 'immune system fight cancer' - 'allicin kills mycobacteria / tuberculosis bacteria' update 18 june 2015 : - 'diabetes type 1, lada (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults)' - 'benefit of aerobic exercise' update 23 june 2015 : - 'how to squat with 2 dumbbells :' - 'the back is as straight as possible, all the time' update 24 june 2015 : - 'wheat, not milk, causes diabetes type 1' - '[obsolete]diabetes type 1, lada (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults),' update 25 june 2015 : - 'possible cure for psoriasis : chicken liver.' - 'asthma, eczema can be caused by eating wheat' update 30 june 2015 : - 'wheat in usa is no longer natural' update 6 july 2015 : - 'raise heel repeatedly with 1 leg while carrying dumbbells' - 'doing kegel during doing squat, maybe can reduce risk of hernia' update 8 july 2015 : - 'avoid wheat and pasta because :' update 9 july 2015 : - 'tips to reduce gas after eating broccoli, spinach :' update 16 july 2015 : - 'gluten in bread, is involved in causing ' - 'avoid wheat (bread, pasta, noodle are made from wheat),' update 19 july 2015 : - 'noodle is made from wheat, so noodle contain gluten' - 'gluten in bread, can cause autoimmune disorder silently without causing ' - many cause of many 'cancer' is added, find 'cancer' on this text - 'how to use cfl lamp :' - 'wart possible causes :' - 'says hpv16 causes cervical cancer, so hpv16 must be living in cervic area, which' - 'hpv could be inside penis as well' update 21 july 2015 : - 'This led archaeologists to deduce that wearing shoes resulted in less' - 'benefit : strong bicep helps digestion' update 22 july 2015 : - 'muscles which seems help digestion :' - 'arsenic is secreted in pee' - 'eating 2 livers 2 times, non-consecutive, in 1 week, ' update 23 july 2015 : - 'training hamstring muscles seems help digestion' update 26 july 2015 : - 'hamstring muscles help digestion, maybe more helpful than calves muscles ' - 'hamstring muscles help digestion, erection, maybe more helpful than calves muscles' - 'sitting on chair, press hamstring muscles, maybe weakening hamstring muscles.' - 'possible cure for cataract : chicken liver and physical exercise.' - 'statin medicine may cause cataract ' update 28 july 2015 : - 'diabetes type 2 is about insulin not sensitive / insulin resistance.' update 3 aug 2015 : - 'immunosurveillance is a process by which an organism's immune system' - 'eat some food that gorilla eat, not all food that gorilla eat is edible for human.' update 6 aug 2015 : - 'bubonic plague' - 'about teeth :' - 'milk, cheddar cheese counter tooth decay' update 9 aug 2015 : - 'sausage/hotdog brand which contain natural ingredient without nitrite :' - 'possible cure for albinism : chicken liver' update 10 aug 2015 : - 'gorilla, like human, can't resist infectious disease (disease similar to bubonic plague)' update 16 aug 2015 : - 'possible cure for bloody eyes / broken blood vessels inside eyes' update 17 aug 2015 : - 'People with gluten sensitivity can experience symptoms such' update 20 aug 2015 : - 'eat eggshell in the end of a meal, like a dessert, no drink afterward.' update 23 aug 2015 : - 'avoid sunbathing circumcised penis head, sunbathing circumcised penis head' update 25 aug 2015 : - 'but breast milk which contain gliadin (gluten protein),' update 27 aug 2015 : - 'liver storing tips :' update 31 aug 2015 : - 'fructose is energy for male sperm' update 2 sept 2015 : - 'squat type 2 (squat-jump):' - 'vitamin supplements is more inferior than natural food.' - 'eat apple because polyphenols in apple, activates insulin receptor, ' - 'avoid eating banana prior eating eggshell.' update 13 sept 2015 : - 'current method about eating eggshell is unreliable.' update 15 sept 2015 : - 'method eating eggshell :' - 'tea tree oil, lavender, may cause gynecomastia' update 17 sept 2015 : - 'eating eggshell with meat, or with inner egg, may cause stomach gass,' update 20 sept 2015 : - 'method eating eggshell, what works :' - 'beta-cryptoxanthin fight hpv' update 29 sept 2015 : - 'tiger must have been eating the liver of the victim, tiger' update 12 oct 2015 : - 'pah from barbecue smoke / grilling smoke (burning coal) may cause cancer, as well.' - 'smoke released from burning any stuffs, is harmful for lung.' update 18 oct 2015 : - 'maybe powder from pulverised chicken bone, is digestible' update 19 oct 2015 : - 'eat food rich in vitamin k mixed with veggie oil because :' update 20 oct 2015 : - 'possible cure for lactose intolerance' - 'stopping from drinking milk, likely have side effect.' update 22 oct 2015 : - 'salt : green onion mixed with salt in marsh' - 'clean fart tips, digestion tips :' update 26 oct 2015 : - 'source : 'liver cooked in butter', 'falafel' in' - 'hamstring exercise without dumbbell' - 'hamstring exercise with roller, other tool' update 30 oct 2015 : - 'morphine is immunosuppresor, so the small amount of morphine in milk,' - 'Aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation found in "bais" is highly' update 2 nov 2015 : - 'vagina bacteria list' update 3 nov 2015 : - 'Symptoms can include an inability to make new memories or to' - 'vitamin b1 stops pain during menstruation' - 'Morphine has been found in cow and human milk at' update 4 nov 2015 : - 'but plants also contain miniscule morphine' - 'morphine and casomorphin, belong to opioid drugs category.' - 'each opioid, maybe has different effect on immune system,' - 'maybe casomorphin also has no immunosuppressive activity, just like' update 5 nov 2015 : - 'whfoods warns, to discard water which was used to boil spinach' update 12 nov 2015 : - 'shorter stature, is more resistant against cancer, diabetes, aging' - 'in' update 13 nov 2015 : - 'possible way to kill virus' update 16 nov 2015 : - 'Beano, Suntaqzyme, Bean-zyme, and Gas-zyme 3x, Bloateez (India)' update 17 nov 2015 : - 'about fruits' update 19 nov 2015 : - excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' - 'lacking vitamin b1 trigger anorexia' - 'resveratrol maybe can cure diabetes type 1, 2' - 'desire to fart may happen during eating eggshell.' update 29 nov 2015 : - 'humans are made to move' - 'possible way to cure cancer' update 1 dec 2015 : - '- ankle :' update 2 dec 2015: - '- colon cancer causes :' - 'a better type of fat than fat in egg yolks : omega-3 fat source :' update 7 dec 2015: - 'eliminating vitamin b12 intake from animal protein, from diet, temporarily' - 'animal protein is 1 food which destroy bone' - 'i think dairy is proliferative' - 'apple, peach can be washed with soap to kill any pinworm eggs' - '- possible cure for gastroparesis :' - 'pinching urethra opening to close urethra opening then release then' - 'sometimes anal leakage can still happen.' - 'ppl enter phallic stage from age 3 to age 6' update 9 dec 2015 : - 'Flaxseeds 133% (weakness : no vitamin e, source : google 'whfoods flaxseeds' search result 2)' update 10 dec 2015 : - 'eat the sliced garlic, mixed with meal,' - '1/2 garlic should kill all pinworm in stomach.' update 13 dec 2015 : - 'stale garlic, lack allicin' - 'michael douglas smokes cigarette, and likely drink milk, eat cheese.' update 14 dec 2015 : - 'eating eggshells mixed with meat and sauce, and carbohydrate is possible.' - 'if large grapes create diarrhea then try eat small grapes.' update 15 dec 2015 : - 'how ? find 'how to eat garlic :' in this text.' update 16 dec 2015 : - '5. maybe boiled tofu is good source of protein, calcium.' - '' update 20 dec 2015 : - now obsolete because that cannot be done after eating a meal, stomach likely upset - 'possible cure for down syndrome' update 23 dec 2015 : - 'if mixing eggshell with egg, sauce, create diarrhea then' update 24 dec 2015 : - '6. maybe eating peanut is helpful' - 'estrogen seems to create cervical cancer' update 27 dec 2015 : - 'clean fart tips, digestion tips :' becomes 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' point to update 3 jan 2016 : - 'harmful event in above, is stress' update 6 jan 2016 : - 'sleeping on left side, cure heartburn.' update 12 jan 2016 : - '- prostate cancer causes :' - '- lung cancer' - '7. eat carrots' update 13 jan 2016 : - 'weight lifting raise testosterone level, cure anxiety.' update 14 jan 2016 : - 'if eating spinach, broccoli create loose stool, stomach gas then' update 17 jan 2016 : - 'possible cure for asthma' update 18 jan 2016 : - 'food which create arterial plaque' - 'warning : eggshell from 1 egg, contain 2 gram calcium, equivalent to' - '- possible cure for joint pain, osteoarthritis :' update 19 jan 2016 : - 'carrot should be eaten in solid form, not juiced because carrot' update 26 jan 2016 : - 'tips to reduce gas after eating spinach :' - 'vitamin k inhibit cancer' - '- vitamin E prevent liver oxidative damage' -''Here we show that vitamin e causes human prostate cancer' update 31 jan 2016 : - 'mix peanut with honey, fruit jam, to get extra carbohydrate source' - '- meat sauce or honey or fruit jam, should be added to make meat, egg digestible,' update 3 feb 2016: - 'lettuce contains vitamin k as well, lettuce' - 'jamie dimon maybe got throat cancer from hpv from doing cunilingus.' update 4 feb 2016 : - 'citrus fruits destroy teeth' - '- beer enlarge boobs, bad for male, still bad for female.' update 11 feb 2016 : - 'alcohol increase risk of cancer :' - 'jamie dimon maybe got throat cancer from alcoholic drink and milk.' - 'so casomorphine is likely a proliferant, just like morphine' - 'morphine is proliferant' update 12 feb 2016 : - 'method eating eggshell, which should work :' - 'after finish eating eggshells, eating food rich in magnesium' update 14 feb 2016 : - 'if there's a digestion problem during sleeping then try sleep in prone position.' - 'but sleeping in prone position, is the best position for digestion.' update 18 feb 2016 : - 'mixing carbohyrate and fat, decrease glycemic index, slow down absorption of ' - 'avoid alternating eating eggshell with eating carrot.' update 20 feb 2016 : - 'food which destroy teeth :' update 2 march 2016 : - 'high uric acid level destroy beta-cell in pancreas.' update 3 march 2016 : - '- eating food rich in iodine' - 'food rich in iodine, should contain lots of electrolyte as well.' update 8 march 2016 : - - 'low calorie diet can remove fat in pancreas, restarting insulin production' update 9 march 2016 : - 'avoid eggyolk, because biotin in eggyolk boost current estrogen level.' update 10 march 2016 : - 'alternate eating fruit with eating peanuts.' update 16 march 2016 : - 'chimpanzee suffer diabetes' - 'if sit ups causes diarrhea / bowel movement with loose stools then' update 17 march 2016 : - 'if there's digestion problem after sit ups then see' update 27 march 2016 : - 'from 'reference' in' update 28 march 2016 : - '- move 1 kneecap in a circle, counterclockwise direction from point of view' - 'if there's digestion problem after abs exercise then see' - 'if abs exercise, sit ups causes diarrhea / bowel movement with loose stools then' - '[obsolete reason='may cause anal leakage']' update 29 march 2016 : - '"sea salt contain small amount of iodine, not enough.' update 3 april 2016 : - '[obsolete reason='egg is rather rich in iodine but has no electrolyte']' update 10 april 2016 : - '- move 1 kneecap in a circle, counterclockwise direction from point of view' - 'solid apple is a better gastric acid than salt.' - 'after physical exercise which secrete lots of sweat such as marathon.' - 'if solid apple is too sour, upsetting stomach then eat peanut to decrease' update 11 april 2016 : - 'solid apple stored in room temperature, is a better gastric acid than salt.' - 'if cold apple upset stomach then store apple in room temperature.' update 14 april 2016 : - '[obsolete reason='may cause anal leakage, loose stool']' update 17 april 2016 : - '- possible cure for cerebral palsy, brain damage disease :' - 'because chromosome exist inside dna, ' update 20 april 2016 : - '- natural worm medicine (anthelmintics) :' - '9. avoid papaya, pineapple, fig because they cause cancer.' update 26 april 2016 : - 'method eating eggshell, bone, cartilage which should work :' update 1 may 2016 : - '- how to repair dna damage :' - 'example edible bone from rotiserie chicken is' - '10. eat food rich in vitamin b9' - 'apple alone destroy teeth but apple' update 2 may 2016 : - 'example food containing vitamin b9 :' update 3 may 2016 : - '3. white rice contains synthetic-vitamin-b9' update 9 may 2016 : - '- eat food rich in vitamin b9' update 10 may 2016 : - '10. eat food rich in vitamin b9, vitamin c' - '- eat food rich in vitamin b9, vitamin c' - '2. vitamin c scavenge reactive oxygen species (ros) rapidly.' - 'reason="red blood cell(rbc) in human, lack dna, nuclei' update 15 may 2016 : - 'this idea comes from the movie 'jeeper creeper'' update 19 may 2016 : - '- orange fruit skin, is edible, should be washed 1st' - 'hesperetin' update 22 may 2016 : - '' - 'location of premolar and molar teeth :' - 'hyena chew bone : ' - '2 edges of a chicken thigh from rotiserie chicken' - 'warning : eating too many garlic cause hemolytic anemia' update 24 may 2016 : - 'so skin from 1 orange fruit = 10% calcium daily value' update 25 may 2016 : - 'advantage of having short stature :' - 'blood pressure of dogs, cats, horses are about the same' update 26 may 2016 : - '- disadvantage of chankonabe :' - 'orange fruit vs lemon' - '- disadvantage of big boobs :' - 'if eating fruits triggers diarrhea then' update 29 may 2016 : - 'wheat in usa is no longer natural since year 2003' update 31 may 2016 : - 'skin from orange fruit' update 1 june 2016 : - '- fruits should be eaten together with animal protein.' - 'Collagen has been widely used in cosmetic surgery,' update 3 june 2016 : - '3. chewing tobacco' - 'getting punched in the eye may cause cataract' update 5 june 2016 : - 'intestine absorbs the nutrient molecules into the blood' - 'veggies like broccoli contain lots of vitamin c as well but' update 7 june 2016 : - '- possible cause of conjoined twin :' - '11. eat alkaloid, example : tea, coffee, aspartame' - '- leukimia, blood cancer causes :' update 9 june 2016 : - '1. both hands on bosu ball or ground, legs run stationary :' - '- liver may have 3-to-5-years-supply of vitamin b12.' - '- walking barefeet may trigger hookworm infection.' update 12 june 2016 : - 'wet paddy field for rice does not have weed problem.' update 17 june 2016 : - '' - 'tibialis anterior' which is 'stomach 36' accupressure point' - '- possible cause of getting 'flesh eating bacteria' /' update 21 june 2016 : - 'acupuncture points on hands.' update 23 june 2016 : - '5. coffee stimulate stomach acid / gastric acid production.' update 10 july 2016 : - 'bar soap 1st to remove pesticide. organic orange is healthier.' - '- magnesium deficiency, triggers insulin resistance ' - 'Shade 14 welding glass must be used to stare directly at the sun' update 13 july 2016 : - '2. theresa may began to suffer diabetes type 1 age 56' - 'baby powder (talcum powder) sprinkled on genital area.' update 17 july 2016 : - '.25 cup (36.5 gram) = 3% daily value' - '- using antiperspirant, maybe triggers insulin resistance' update 21 july 2016 : - '- hot drink can make 'styrene monomer' leach out of' update 25 july 2016 : - '3. wheat causes diabetes type 1, and animal milk causes diabetes type 1 as well' - 'breastfeeding mother maybe must not drink animal milk' update 26 july 2016 : - 'chimpanzee suffer diabetes but not from autoimmune,' update 27 july 2016 : - 'maybe pregnant woman must not drink animal milk.' update 2 august 2016 : - 'what neutralise gastric acid :' - '- possible cure of color blindness, blindness' - 'talcum powder exists in white rice, TUMS antacid as well.' update 3 august 2016 : - 'bone, cartilage from rotiserie-chicken taste better' update 8 august 2016 : - 'vitamin-a from veggie foods does not cause' update 11 august 2016 : - 'chicken liver contain high purine' update 14 august 2016 : - 'mixing carbohydrate and soup, maybe raise glycemic index as well' update 28 august 2016 : - 'like water makes a tablet medicine absorbable.' update 29 august 2016 : - '- white rice contain talcum powder' update 30 august 2016 : - '- possible reason why a person know when being stared at,' update 31 august 2016 : - '1. avoid vinegar because vinegar trigger' update 1 september 2016 : - '2. 'Glycogen synthase concentration is highest in' - 'doing intense physical exercise after eating a meal,' update 4 september 2016 : - '- this maybe can decrease risk of diabetes type 2 :' - '2. eyes emit glow in night vision camera :' update 5 september 2016 : - 'diabetes type 1 maybe can be cured by eating legume' - 'if abs exercise, sit ups causes diarrhea / bowel movement' update 8 september 2016 : - 'left foot face direction diagonally to the left.' update 13 september 2016 : - 'but peanut maybe trigger stomach gas, increase' update 21 sept 2016 : - 'possible cure for asthma :' update 22 sept 2016 : - 'dark chocolate contain more caffeine than coffee' update 29 sept 2016 : - 'best day to rest' - 'about salt :' update 30 sept 2016 : - '- toes (foot fingers) :' update 6 october 2016 : - 'banana combat water retention' - 'green grape contains tannins, like green tea' update 13 october 2016 : - '- excessive protein supplement can be damaging for kidney' update 14 october 2016 : - '2. water from the soup dilute gastric acid.' update 19 october 2016 : - 'coagulation, plaque creation, depends on calcium' - '5. some food contain calcium unexpectedly :' update 7 november 2016 : - 'ancient japanese ppl ate nuts, acorn, seafood,' update 14 november 2016 : - 'virus eat cholesterol to replicate, decreasing cholesterol' - 'virus other than poliovirus (non-enveloped),' update 16 november 2016 : - '- possible cure for not having libido/sexual desire' update 19 november 2016 : - '- drinking alcohol during pregnancy deform' update 22 november 2016 : - 'First, alcohol acts acutely as a Mg diuretic, causing' update 26 november 2016 : - 'skinny legs' update 29 november 2016 : - '[obsolete reason='peach seems to cause thirst, ' update 1 december 2016 : - '- bone cancer causes :' - rename 'possible way to cure cancer' to 'possible cure for cancer' - '12. swallow apple cider vinegar because vinegar' - '13. reduce sodium intake so kidney does not hold water.' update 3 december 2016 : - 'legs machine user watch their feet, toes area when pushing the weight upward.' - 'holding breath hinder hernia recovery' update 10 december 2016 : - update 12 december 2016 : - - - '12 dec 2016 tips to cure myopia :' - '2. do physical exercise to keep cholesterol level low' update 15 december 2016 : - '- possible cure for post term pregnancy' - '6. eat food rich in vitamin k to prevent calcium in unwanted' update 16 december 2016 : - '2. casomorphin 1-4 / morphicetin, belongs to opioid category,' - update in tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion : update 17 december 2016 : - update in tips in wearing boxer : - - teratoma in - - the healthy position to defecate, urinate - - cause of stye in the eyes : update 22 december 2016 : - '[obsolete reason='to gather zinc, already obsolete']' update 24 december 2016 : - 'possible way to cure dental cavity :' update 26 december 2016 : - '- possible cure for copd (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)' - 'in smokers with COPD, but beta-carotene supplements do not..' update 28 december 2016 : - 'eat peanut whenever eating carbohydrate or' - '14. avoid eating food made in factory' - '- spinal stenosis, lumbar spinal stenosis (from google (calcified deposit pinched nerve spine))' update 30 december 2016 : - 'vitamin k maybe stops cancer growth' update 31 december 2016 : - 'how to eat vegetarian food' update 3 january 2016 : - '- bone spur' - '- osteoarthritis' - [reason] replaces some (not all) reason=' - '2. 'Because pearls are made primarily of' udpate 4 january 2016 : - 'facebook page for website listed in 'source :'' update 7 january 2016 : - 'adding tomato, kiwifruit is recommended' update 8 january 2017 : - '- possible cure for tuberculosis' update 11 january 2017 : - 'Vinegar Decreases Postprandial Hyperglycemia' update 14 january 2017 : - 'brown eyes have higher cataract risk' - 'sleeping on left side, cure heartburn, seems' - '1/2 moon is called neap tide' update 17 january 2017 : - '- possible cure for hemorrhoid' update 22 january 2017 : - 'dark skin is more resistant to skin cancer' update 24 january 2017 : - 'Low vitamin C intake and serum levels have been' update 30 january 2017 : - '' - '- stimulate lymph nodes (built-in sanitation center)' update 31 january 2017 : - updated update 2 february 2017 : - cooking destroy allicin update 4 february 2017 : - 'maybe pancreas is calcified' - '- possible cure for psoriasis, eczema, wart (calcified keratin)' update 5 february 2017 : - '- calcification in brain impairing motor function, vision.' - 'angry is 1 symptom of depression' update 7 february 2017 : - is updated update 8 february 2017 : - is updated update 10 february 2017 : - 'cheese, fried food, fatty food, inflame pancreas in dog.' update 20 february 2017 : - 'tomato, banana, cheese, coconut water, salty food' - '2. stop calcium intake from dairy, bone, supplement.' update 24 february 2017 : - 'get calcium intake from peanut, almond' - 'vision impairment' update 25 february 2017 : - 'myopic person has thinner lamina cribrosa' update 4 march 2017 : - 'blowing air to vagina can kill the woman esp pregnant woman' update 8 march 2017 - 'possible cure for cancer' step 4, 5 are not advisable update 11 march 2017 : - '- calcium for lactose intolerant person :' does not recommend 'eggshell', 'bone' anymore update 12 march 2017 : - 'cause deep vein thrombosis (dvt blood clotting/coagulation)' update 14 march 2017 : - '- how to eat kosher, kashrut, halal diet :' - '- possible way to grow thicker eyesbrow, hair' update 15 march 2017 : - '- how to lift an object' - '- about vitamin b' update 16 march 2017 : - change b1 : find '- how to eat kosher, kashrut, halal diet :' in this text to b1 : find 'vitamin b1 (thiamin) daily value' in this text update 17 march 2017 : - '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney' - 'eat meat alternately with eating tomato slices' - updated - 'meat sauce or honey or fruit jam, should be added to make meat, egg digestible' is not recommended anymore, obsolete - '- soluble vs insoluble fiber' update 18 march 2017 : - 'about vitamin b' nutrition measurement was wrong, is rectified now - 'possible cause of moving overshoot' update 19 march 2017 : - '- possible cure for deep vein thrombosis, varicose vein, spider vein' - '-vitamin b12 (cobalamin)-----' update 21 march 2017 : - add 'microwave decrease vitamin b12 in food' to '- possible cause of moving overshoot' section - '- possible way to shrink body height' - '- possible way to enlarge boobs :' - 'disadvantage of bra :' - '- about magnesium' - 'food contain vitamin e :' update 22 march 2017 : - 'eggshell may cause constipation' - 'A flattened nipple' update 24 march 2017 21:39 edt : - add more food for '-vitamin b1 (thiamin) daily value----------' update 25 march 2017 23:36 edt : - 'curcumin in turmeric' is added to '- possible cure for tuberculosis', 'possible cure for cancer' update 30 march 2017 16:30 edt : - 'which may cause amd (advance macular degeneration)' - 'Meats and eggs contain two to five times more of' update 31 march 2017 : - 'other non-dairy foods for bone :' update 13 april 2017 : - updated - 'unripe apple contains phlorizin which block' update 14 april 2017 : - '- about vitamin a' - '- food for bone :' update 17 april 2017 : - '- pillow underneath legs maybe helps falling asleep' update 21 april 2017 : - '- avoid wheat (bread, pasta, noodle are made from wheat)' is obsolete update 22 april 2017 : - is updated update 23 april 2017 : - add 'gastrocnemius' synonym of calves muscles update 10 may 2017 : - 'DHA (Docosahexaenoic fatty acids) / omega-3 makes retina' - is updated - google (Docosahexaenoic fatty acid retina) update 12 may 2017 : - 'In these the orange colour is masked by the green colour' update 14 may 2017 : - 'rectal prolapse' - 'orthostatic headache type' update 17 may 2017 : - 'Calves are most susceptible to the papillomavirus' update 21 may 2017 : - '- apple seed is poisonous because apple seed contain cyanide' - is updated - 'non-dairy calcium source :' in '- possible cure for diabetes type 1 and type 2 :' section - 'eat non-dairy calcium intake' in '12 dec 2016 tips to cure myopia :' section - 'If you consume too much sodium, which is common if' update 23 may 2017 : - '- drug in meat :' update 27 may 2017 : - is updated update 29 may 2017 : - is updated update 30 may 2017 : - '8. eat food contain omega-3' is added to '12 dec 2016 tips to cure myopia :' - 'Everyone with wet AMD started out with dry AMD' - 'drusen are made from protein, calcium, zinc' - 'drusen are made from fatty protein, calcium, zinc' - 'if carrot causes stomach gas then steam, boil carrot until soft' - is updated update 1 june 2017 : - 'decrease iop (intraocular pressure), cure glaucoma' update 3 june 2017 : - '- ocular hypertension' - '- how blood flow upward the legs when standing, fighting gravity' update 20 june 2017 : - beet greens, swiss chards, spinach, bok choy, beets, brussel sprout are added to '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney' - 'A high salt intake has been shown to increase' - 'attracts water and turns to gel during digestion' - '3. short animal lives longer' - add '3. try eat raw cabbage, raw spinach, other raw soluble', '4. avoid animal protein intake' to 'tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' - 'cooked soluble fiber veggie maybe lose the ability' - add '5. eat food contain vitamin e' to 'tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' update 21 june 2017 : - 'root absorb water' - 'leaf discard water' - 'add '3. do not cook veggie.' to 'how to eat vegetarian food-' update 25 june 2017 : - 'In human patients, blood coagulation disorders often' update 27 june 2017 : - 'maybe sleeping in prone position without tight underwear' update 28 june 2017 : - 'possible cure for cataract 28 june 2017 20:14 edt :' - rename 'tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' to 'possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' - reword to '5. eat food contain vitamin e when eating carbohydrate, sweet food' in 'possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' - remove 'honey roasted peanut' from 'how to eat vegetarian food-' - '- horse suffer cataract as well and' - '- vitamin b2 cure cataract in horse, human' update 29 june 2017 : - 'add '4. non-dairy calcium source :' to 'how to eat vegetarian food-' - 'avoid pressing the ear to the floor' - 'pillow for hardfloor :' - updated - updated - 'because doormat is flat, will not' - 'add 'how to eat vegetarian food-', '4. eat non-dairy calcium : tofu, sesame seed, lentil, quinoa, etc' to 'possible cure for cancer' - 'vitamin k stops cancer growth' - '7. eat carrots if carrot does not upset digestion' 30 june 2017 : - 1:21am edt : - 'what causes blindness :' 3 july 2017 : - 11:39 pm edt : 'add 'ocular hypertension' to 'what causes blindness :' - 5:25 am edt : - add 'potato', 'soybean' to '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney,' - reword '- for muscles cramped / body feel ache :' content - 5:51 am edt : - reword to '1. try drink water mixed with vinegar' in 'tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :', reorder - 6:03 am edt : - reword to '1. eat unsalted peanut whenever eating carbohydrate' in 'how to eat vegetarian food-' - 7:49 am edt : - move 'drink vinegar mixed with water to destroy' in '12 dec 2016 tips to cure myopia :' to last order - 7:54 am edt : - '3. 'Glucose is the primary energy source for the lens' 10 july 2017 9:31 am edt : - '- hard eggshell powder can enter appendix causes' - '- tap water maybe already contain calcium' - 20:35 edt : 'if eggs from fruitfly accidentally got eaten' 18 july 2017 11:02 am edt : - '5. stay in hot open area, not in hot stuffy room,' 27 july 2017 11:57 edt : - '9. teeth with coffee stain, tea stain' added to '- coffee cons :' - '15. stay, sleep in hot, airy place so artioles opens' added to 'possible cure for cancer' - '5. stay, sleep in hot open area, not in hot stuffy room,' added to 'tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' 17:41 edt: - '2. sleeping in prone position is good for lungs' - 'penis position during sleeping in prone position' 20:57 edt : - 'from '35. Dec 2013 – Joseph Ambrosio, age 34, Financial Analyst for J.P. Morgan, died suddenly from Acute Respiratory Syndrome' 28 july 2017 16:40 edt : - 'move 'gross motor development' to 'sleeping in prone body position', 'pros :'' 29 july 2017 20:30 edt : - 'tears will not wash away cataract because' 1 august 2017 22:44 edt : - '- salt makes the heart tired faster' 2 august 2017 12:27 edt : - 'the simple sugars glucose and galactose, which can be absorbed' 3 august 2017 11:03 edt : - '- possible cure for lactose intolerance' is now obsolete - '- urinary incontinence' 3 august 2017 21:35 edt : - is updated 22:37 edt - is updated 23:28 edt - '2. need to check for posterior vitreous detachment (pvd)' 4 august 2017 11:12 edt : - '- strabismus, nerve transmission problem, retinal degeneration' 11 august 2017 12:12 edt : - add '9. eat raw onion, peeled the dirty outer layer from onion' '10. try eat raw lettuce which has been washed' to '12 dec 2016 tips to cure myopia :' 12:41 edt : - 'source : a tennis trainer said this' - 'source : a question in' 12:47 edt : - reword to '9. try eat raw onion, peeled the dirty outer layer from onion' 15 august 2017 10:00 edt : - 'if raw onion causes upset stomach then' - updated - '- inverted nipple' - 'add 'raw onion' to '- possible way to grow thicker eyesbrow, hair' - '- dengue fever from aedes aegypti mosquito :' - add 'plus raw garlic' to '- dengue fever from aedes aegypti mosquito :' section 18 august 2017 22:50 edt : - '- paresthesia caused by unwanted bone growth which' 19 august 2017 19:07 edt : - '5. native american did not have milk, diabetes type 1' 20:56 edt : - '- holding pee :' 21:26 edt : - 'holding pee stretch bladder, which makes emptying the stretched' 22:30 edt : - 'diluted urine is a fertiliser.' 25 august 2017 1:51 am edt : - 'alfalfa causes autoimmune disease like lupus, makes the skin' 2:37 am edt : - '- baby's crawling position but remain still, look downward to the floor' - 'inventor, scientist do not eat egg' - 'crawl like a baby but remain still' 8 september 2017 14:09 edt - add 'peanut' to '- about magnesium' 14:46 edt - add 'potato' to '- about magnesium' 10 september 2017 21:16 edt - 'raw iceberg lettuce for vitamin a, cleaner than raw romaine lettuce' - '- about bra' 22:41 edt - 'the strap should be as wide as possible' - 'wearing a well-fitted bra at night and taking an over-the-counter' 23:47 edt - 'pain in lower back maybe is caused by lacking magnesium' 11 september 2017 11:56 edt - 'when menstruation is about to start' - add '7. eat food containing magnesium' to 'tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' 12 september 2017 15:42 edt - add 'avoid beer' to 'possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' 15 september 2017 17:46 edt - add 'too much sodium intake, causes involuntary', 'potassium reduce the effect of sodium' to '- possible cure for asthma :' 16 september 2017 14:44 edt - add 'Severe symptoms include confusion, muscle twitching' to '- possible cure for asthma :' 18 september 2017 11:54 am edt - add '- cure calcification', '- cure diabetes' to '- about magnesium' 14:06 edt - add '- fold 1 leg then support the kneecap of that leg' to 'sleeping in prone body position :' 22 september 2017 15:11 edt - add 'but hookworm infection maybe is useful for' to '- walking barefeet may trigger hookworm infection' - add 'but having worm stuck in lymph causes' to '- walking barefeet may trigger hookworm infection' - add 'worm feces is called drilosphere, seems nutritious' to '- walking barefeet may trigger hookworm infection' 24 september 2017 18:13 edt - add 'opioid delay wound healing' to 'possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' - add 'sodium maybe causes hair loss' - 'eat food containing magnesium' is more important than 'try drink water mixed with vinegar' in 'tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' their order was corrected 27 september 2017 18:21 edt - add 'if suffering loose stool then stop eating garlic' - updated 19:22 edt - add 'if raw garlic causes loose stool then stop eating raw garlic', 'unripe apple' to 'possible cure for cancer' - 'if eating unripe apple causes upset stomach then' - updated 30 september 2017 5:50 am edt - is updated 7:54 am edt - is updated again 6 october 2017 21:30 edt - add '17. avoid alcohol' to 'possible cure for cancer' 8 october 7:01 pm edt - add '- about cow milk' - rename 'native indian' to 'native american' 15 october 2017 13:17 edt - add '(tofu)' next to 'soybean' to clarify that tofu is synonym of soybean 25 october 2017 19:35 edt - add 2. find 'possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' to '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney,' - add 1. to '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney' 26 october 2017 11:16 edt - add 7. avoid seafood because seafood can to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 27 october 2017 11:12 edt - add standing still for a long time to - ocular hypertension - add to cure petechia, vasculitis in the legs : to 30 october 2017 17:14 edt add - about female orgasm 31 october 2017 7:08 pm edt : add - cow milk inflame pancreas in dogs. to - about cow milk 1 november 2017 14:51 edt : - add 8. avoid salt, avoid caffeine, avoid smoking, to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : - add caffeine, smoking narrow the artery to - what causes vasoconstriction, narrowing the artery 17:47 edt - 'avoid bean sprout' is obsolete 2 november 2017 21:09 edt - add supraventricular tachycardia heart disease to - what causes vasoconstriction, narrowing the artery - coffee cons : - add insulin stores magnesium, but if your to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 21:34 edt - add insulin stores magnesium, but if your avoid fruit to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : - add 8. if eating salt then do physical exercise to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : - add fresh water fish seems can not live in salt water to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 5 november 2017 19:02 est add hemorrhagic stroke to - about salt : 19:24 est add high blood pressure may injure blood vessel then to - about salt : 6 november 2017 19:19 est add 5. if suffering diarrhea then try smear the garlic with 7 november 2017 15:55 est rename - the healthy position to defecate, urinate to - about defecating, urinating add avoid sitting on toilet for long time to - about defecating, urinating 9 november 2017 21:21 est add adenosine decreases heart rate and reduces conduction velocity to - what causes vasoconstriction, narrowing the artery 21:32 est add 4. maybe cure bradycardia to sleeping in prone body position : add bradycardia maybe can be cured by laying down in prone position. 12 november 2017 9:39 pm est add - about vitamin e : 17 november 2017 3:50 pm est add supraventricular tachycardia causes anxiety, panic attack. 4:37 pm est : add causes adrenal fatigue, adrenal insufficiency to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 19 november 2017 11:32 pm est updated 20 november 2017 7:54 pm est add - possible cure for als 4. eat food containing magnesium. 5. avoid statin, blood pressure drugs because they 6. avoid alcohol because alcohol is magnesium diuretic 7. if suffering high blood pressure then eat 8:58 pm est update 10:48 pm est add 2. my mother said both thighs should press against each other to the healthy position to defecate, urinate 23 november 2017 6:59 pm est 1. clarify the reference for 'respiratory depression' under '- possible cure for als' 2. add because magnesium relax muscles, prevent muscle spasms. to - possible cure for als 3. add high sodium level causes muscles spasm to - possible cure for als 4. add note : seafood contains ciguatoxin, so seafood should be avoided to a better type of fat than fat in egg yolks : omega-3 fat source : 9:02 pm est reword 'cure diabetes' to 'magnesium allows insulin to usher glucose into cells where' 24 november 2017 11:17 am est avoid food contain high fructose corn syrup is obsolete in 12 dec 2016 tips to cure myopia : 28 november 2017 8:29 pm est add to wash that shirt which serves as pillow : reword to caffeine causes supraventricular tachycardia heart disease add put water on that shirt to make that shirt wet then 1 december 2017 9:42 pm est modify - best day to rest : 9 december 2017 12:48 am est updated 11 december 2017 4:57 pm est modify - possible cure for lactose intolerance : 12 december 2017 11:01 pm est add 13 december 2017 5:04 pm est update 17 december 2017 8:35 pm est rename 'bezel nut' to 'betel nut' modify - avoid tea, coffee, betel nuts, raw shellfish, raw freshwater fish. 19 december 2017 5:56 pm est add '3. a position which both legs straight :' to 'tips sleeping in prone position :' add eating garlic causes loose stool 21 december 2017 2:56 pm est 1. add 12 dec 2016 possible cure for myopia : underneath 12 dec 2016 tips to cure myopia : to make easily searchable. 2. add - about menstruation 3. update 4. add maybe insulins equals magnesium. 23 december 2017 10:12 pm est add 'too much sodium can harden artery.' 'hardened (stiff) artery block blood flow.' to - about salt : 24 december 2017 5:45 pm est add try smear water to skin below an eye then 28 december 2017 1:03 pm est add chicken, duck fat should not be eaten, why ? 2:10 pm est 1. add maybe shellfish can not be eaten because maybe cow can not be eaten. why pig maybe can not be eaten ? 2. add to virus, bacteria animal reservoir : 3:36 pm est add pig is likely to have hepatitis e virus. to why pig maybe can not be eaten ? 7:49 pm est add maybe cow milk should not be drank because : 9:10 pm est add hard water from faucet, maybe already contain calcium to - food for bone : 9:27 pm est add wearing tight bra, wearing tight seatbelt, carrying heavy bag to - about bra 30 december 2017 6:35 pm est add polio to maybe cow milk should not be drank because : 7:09 pm est add honey bees were unknown to to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 8:41 pm est add sounds contradictory-1 3 january 2018 3:09 pm add herpes maybe equals to chickenpox ? 7:04 pm add to kill fruitfly inside human body : 7:17 pm add - about hand size 4 january 2018 9:48 pm est add salt maybe doing osmosis pulling out water from beta-cell to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 5 january 2018 12:29 pm est update 1:51 pm est reword to salt hurt an eye, salt can hurt beta-cell in pancreas 4:27 pm est add - lay supine on the floor then use both heels to lift to 4.2 hamstring exercise without dumbbell 4:39 pm est 1. add update 2. add wearing socks maybe increase difficulty. to 4.2 hamstring exercise without dumbbell 3. add to bend the legs which train ligament as well. to 4.2 hamstring exercise without dumbbell 7:38 pm est 1. add 3. eat apple because apple contains phlorizin which likes to - how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney, 9 january 2018 5:15 pm est add warning : squat may causes loose stool. 5:58 pm est add mu-opioid receptor agonist causes constipation to - about cow milk 10 january 2018 7:34 pm est 1. add if eating raw garlic causes loose stool, gassy stomach then to - if feeling a fever, a symtom of flu, toothache/discomfort 2. remove obsolete label from - if feeling a fever, a symtom of flu, toothache/discomfort 3. update 11 january 2018 7:17 pm est add warning : to - abs : 14 january 2018 7:12 pm est update 15 january 2018 10:35 am est update 17 january 2018 10:26 pm est add mango to - about vitamin a - about vitamin c - about vitamin k, a 11:47 pm est add 18 january 2018 12:53 pm est add 4. new world has turkey, seems did not have chicken 1:02 pm est add 3. 'Most historians believe maize was to 4. new world has turkey, seems did not have chicken 9:20 pm est add maybe avoid egg because egg allergy can cause asthma. to - possible cure for asthma : 19 january 2018 10:47 pm est update 20 january 2018 12:09 am est update 2:15 pm est update 22 january 2018 3:33 pm est reword to find '-folate/folic acid/b9 daily value-------' in - how to repair dna damage : 3:50 pm est add mung bean('es kacang hijau' in indonesian language) to -folate/folic acid/b9 daily value------- 4:05 pm est add Folate is essential for normal cell growth and to - how to repair dna damage : 6:45 pm est reorder 'possible cure for cancer' 23 january 2018 5:53 pm est add - broken dna, broken rna which causes cancer to -folate/folic acid/b9 daily value------- 5:55 pm est add moth bean/vigna aconitifolia/mat bean/matki/turkish gram/dew bean adzuki bean(tangyuan, zongzi, mooncake, baozi, red bean ice, anpan, to -folate/folic acid/b9 daily value------- 26 january 2018 8:05 pm est, 8:45 pm est, 9:02 pm est update 27 january 2018 11:10 am est update 28 january 2018 12:48 pm est add squat toilet prevent hemoroid. to - about defecating, urinating 7:25 pm est add 'Sitting Toilets Pose a Danger to Health Medical Science research How to urinate and defecate' to - about defecating, urinating 3 february 2018 8:6 pm est add 3. eat food containing folate to repair dna damage to possible cure for cataract 28 june 2017 20:14 edt : 4 february 2018 10:53 pm est add - birth defect causes : 5 february 2018 3:37 pm est add When menstruating, use a product that [is] right for to - about menstruation 3:48 pm est add Intimate area's: Never use deodorant or to - about menstruation 8 february 2018 9:51 pm est add example food : humus (mediterranean food) 10:01 pm est reword example food : humus (mediterranean food) to example food : hummus (levant food) 10:32 pm est reword 'Meats and eggs contain two to five times more of to Animal protein tends to leach calcium from 10:36 pm est reword 1. 'intake of animal protein, salt, to 1. 'The loss of bone mineral probably results from 10:54 pm est add 2. caffeine content in 8 oz : 11:04 pm est reword 1. 'Caffeine Content: 34 mg' to 1. 'Caffeine Content: 34 mg / 12 fl oz' add 2. caffeine content in 8 oz : 11:21 pm est add peanut 3% / .25 cup (36.5 gram) almond 6% / .25 cup (23 gram) to - food for bone : 9 february 2018 12:31 am est add source : my mother to example food : hummus (levant food) 12:44 am est add to example food : hummus (levant food) 10:01 pm est add korea : patkalguksu to adzuki bean 10:06 pm est add vietname : chè đậu đỏ patjuk azukigayu hóngdòuzhōu to adzuki bean 10:25 pm est 1. reword ( to example food : in adzuki bean 2. add india : bikaneri bhujia which to moth bean/vigna aconitifolia/mat bean/matki/turkish gram/dew bean 10 february 2018 12:57 am est add after eating raw garlic, standing and raising heels maybe 1:01 am est add 2. squat toilet vs sit toilet for puborectalis muscles 1:08 am est 1. update 2. reword 2. squat toilet vs sit toilet for puborectalis muscles to (squat toilet vs sit toilet for puborectalis muscles) 4:25 pm est update 4:35 pm est update 8:35 pm est update 8:56 pm est update 11 february 2018 8:10 pm est add 2. 'scientists have found a great way to reduce tritium exposure. 17 february 2018 11:49 pm est add - possible snake antivenom : - why caffeine and sugar (cocacola, mountain dew ) causes diabetes ? 18 february 2018 12:47 am est add 3. glucose, ribose has many carbon dosage per molecule 12:51 am est reword 3. glucose, ribose has many carbon dosage per molecule to 3. glucose, ribose has many carbon dosage per compound 19 february 2018 6:16 pm est 1. add 5. drink water mixed with vinegar to - possible snake antivenom : 2. add 11. drink water mixed with vinegar, water to possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 3. add 2. drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar to - if feeling a fever, a symtom of flu, toothache/discomfort 4. update 5. add 2. 'Bile salts also act as bactericides, 8:01 pm est 'avoid wheat and pasta because :' is obsolete 25 february 2018 8:08 pm est add - how to avoid getting electrocuted 27 february 2018 10:23 pm est add pasta is not bleached 18 march 2018 7:2 pm edt 1. is updated 2. is updated 20 march 2018 8:11 pm edt is updated 26 march 2018 1:28 pm edt add 3. opioid weakens the mind then increase risk of falling, 27 march 2018 6:28 pm edt 1. has minor update 2. has minor update 10 april 2018 3:2 pm edt add - a person, paralysed from spinal injury, train to 14 april 2018 2:36 pm edt add earthworm which produce drilosphere belongs to annelida phylum, 2:57 pm edt add hookworms's feces is ammonia 3:4 pm edt add hookworms's feces is ammonia, liver must be healthy to convert 3:13 pm edt add cellulase, is needed to digest vegetable's cellulose. 3:17 pm edt add vegetable's cellulose, is a non-digestible part of insoluble fiber. 3:21 pm edt add healthy liver free from alcohol, fatty food, is a requirement for eating 18 april 2018 2:32 pm edt add update 8:59 pm edt add kegel muscles must contract during squat, to block drawback : strong bicep may reduce hand's precision during 25 april 2018 7:9 pm edt add conjoined twin is a birth defect, 27 april 2018 1:12 pm edt reword 3. falling down, getting hit to 3. falling down, getting hit, slow metabolism 2:52 pm edt 1. reword a deadline to complete mitosis: to a deadline for her zygote to finish doing 4 mitosis: 2. reword sperm meet egg (fertilisation) to sperm meet egg (fertilisation), producing zygote. 3. reword then pregnant woman must complete 4 mitosis/cleavage/division to must finish doing 4 mitosis/cleavage/division 4. reword to do 4 mitosis/cleavage/division to to make her zygote do 4 mitosis/cleavage/division 5. reword still doing mitosis/cleavage in day 8 : to zygote still doing mitosis/cleavage in day 8 : 6. reword still doing mitosis/cleavage in day 13 : conjoined twin. to zygote still doing mitosis/cleavage in day 13 : conjoined twin. 7. add then blastocyst do more mitosis, 2:59 pm edt convert this file to html format, copying the format of 7:52 pm edt format beautification : tab is 1 space now 9:29 pm edt is updated 9:47 pm edt is updated 10:29 pm edt 1. add - about heart 2. reword maybe bradycardia causes slow metabolism. to maybe bradycardia (slow heart rate) causes slow metabolism. 3. reword tachycardia speed up metabolism. to tachycardia (fast heart rate) speed up metabolism. 10:42 pm edt add problem : angiogram result is good but heart still does not work fully. 10:47 pm edt reword solution : to possible solution : 11:5 pm edt add 11:7 pm edt reword source : to source : press browser's 'stop' button 28 april 2018 11:19 pm edt remove 'http://bit[dot]ly/1M5UViq' in which is used to be located above because denies .html file which contains 'http://bit[dot]ly' 12:54 pm edt add 3. 'Dioxins are lipophilic compounds which accumulate in a form of mercury that concentrates in the fatty tissues of to 7. animals store toxin ( dioxin ) inside their fat. 12:58 pm edt add - about pregnancy 1:2 pm edt add mercury caused minamata disease to 7. animals store toxin ( dioxin ) inside their fat. 1:5 pm edt reword 1. find 'mitosis inhibitor' in this text to 1. find 'mitosis inhibitor', 'caffeine content in 8 oz :' in this text 2:38 pm edt add 5.3 'Trimming fat from meat and consuming low fat dairy products to 7. animals store toxin ( dioxin ) inside their fat. 2 may 2018 8:58 am edt is updated is updated 9:9 am edt is updated is updated 10:7 am edt is updated is updated 12:9 pm edt is updated 6 may 2018 11:42 am edt is updated 8 may 2018 7:48 pm edt change all .txt to .htm 9 may 2018 4:49 pm edt, 5:10 pm edt, 5:15 pm edt, 5:35 pm edt is updated is updated 5:37 pm edt, 6:16 pm edt, 10:18 pm edt is created, updated 11:28 pm edt reword from google (minamata disease) result 1 to from 'poisoned by mercury' 17 may 2018 11:10 am edt add but taiji people does not show symptom for mercury poisoning 18 may 2018 2:30 pm edt is updated 2:40 pm edt is updated 2:43 pm edt add find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' to 13. eat minced raw garlic. under section 'possible cure for cancer' 2:57 pm edt, 2:59 pm edt is updated 19 may 2018 3:1 pm edt is updated 20 may 2018 6:17 pm edt is updated 24 may 2018 11:7 am edt is updated 25 may 2018 1:40 pm edt, 2:26 pm edt is updated is updated 27 may 2018 3:7 pm edt 1. add swallowing tea-water is bad for bone, teeth because fluorine/fluoride in tea : 2. add furthermore, tea contain fluorine/fluoride which maybe calcifies pancreas to tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 3:17 pm edt reword swallowing tea-water is bad for bone, teeth because fluorine/fluoride in tea : to swallowing tea-water, toothpaste is bad for bone, teeth because 3:29 pm edt add fluorine/fluoride mixes with water to produce hydrogen fluoride (hf) gas which damages lungs, cornea. 4:25 pm edt add but removing fluorine/fluoride (F) from colgate's Sodium Monofluorophosphate 4:26 pm edt add fluorine/fluoride maybe must stay alone to convert to poisonous hydrogen fluoride (hf) gas 6:30 pm edt 1. add colgate's sodium-monofluorophosphate can dissolve in water. 2. make sodium monofluorophosphate to lower case then add '-' to make that sodium-monofluorophosphate 3. add '-' to hydrogen fluoride (hf) to make that make hydrogen-fluoride (hf) 28 may 2018 10 am edt add colgate-total-whitening-toothpaste's sodium-fluoride meeting water, 10:5 am edt reword colgate's sodium-monofluorophosphate to colgate-cavity-protection toothpaste's sodium-monofluorophosphate 10:10 am edt add 'Sodium Fluoride (0.24% (0.15% w/v Fluoride Ion)) Anticavity' 10:23 am edt add 1.2 'HF + NaOH <---> NaF + H2O' 11:5 am edt add 'Dissociation of NaF : 11:6 am edt add 'dissociate' in 30 may 2018 3:41 pm edt, 3:46 pm edt is updated 1 june 2018 3:12 pm edt add but doug rett (od faao) says vitreous humor is being replaced 1 june 3:15 pm edt reword by aquous humor automatically to by aqueous humor automatically 1 june 2018 3:37 pm edt reword but doug rett (od faao) says vitreous humor is being replaced to contradicts doug rett (od faao) saying vitreous humor is being replaced 3 june 2018 3:28 pm edt add - avoid marshmallow because marshmallow contains tetrasodium pyrophosphate. 3:48 pm edt add but crest-toothpaste says tetrasodium pyrophosphate is ok. 8 june 2018 1:41 pm edt is updated 1:43 pm edt add - what makes feces stinkier than usual : 1:46 pm edt reword - what makes feces stinkier than usual : to - what makes feces smell worse than usual : 2:4 pm edt reword 1. tapioca to 1. eating tapioca 15 june 2018 2:4 pm edt 1. add and watery-paddy-field maybe is a habitat for snake 2. add example of dry-paddy-field : 2:5 pm edt now date in top section looks like 15 june 2018 instead of 15 june 2018 : 2:16 pm edt add source : to example of dry-paddy-field : 3:32 pm edt add 1. avoid raw cow milk (amasi, and other fermented cow milk drink) to - possible cure for tuberculosis 3:47 pm edt add 3. 'tuberculosis' in from google (pathogen in raw cow milk) result 6 to source : for - possible cure for tuberculosis 3:51 pm edt add 4. my father to source : for - possible cure for tuberculosis 6:5 pm edt make obsolete and watery-paddy-field maybe is a habitat for snake. 9:18 pm edt 1. add - possible cure for deafness : 2. add if eating food which contain potassium causes loose stool then 3. is updated 9:46 pm edt, 9:50 pm edt is updated 10:3 am edt add A lectin (BanLec) from bananas inhibits HIV-1 in vitro.[16] to possible way to kill virus 10:12 am edt add from 'lectin' in to possible way to kill virus 17 june 2018 10:52 pm edt, 11:6 pm edt is updated 18 june 2018 7:31 am edt (maybe 1:31 am edt actually) add 3. 'Vaccinia virus is closely related to the virus that causes cowpox; 7:53 am edt (maybe 1:53 am edit actually) add cowpox maybe come from cow's milk-udder because milkmaid suffered 7:40 pm edt, 7:47 pm edt add salt kills mouth-bacteria : 7:55 pm edt, 7:57 pm edt is updated 8:42 pm edt add eating salty-food maybe increase the chance 23 june 2018 1:14 pm edt 1. add add salt to veggie. 2. add 3. must add salt to chankonabe 3. updated 5:38 pm edt add vitamin c absorption, needs sodium 24 june 2018 11:19 am edt is updated 11:49 am edt 1. add arm position during sleeping : 2. is updated 11:58 am edt reword if that ulnar-nerve in inner-elbow is pinched then to if that ulnar-nerve in inner-elbow is being pinched 12:9 pm edt add so during sleeping on supine position, 12:11 pm edt reword so during sleeping on supine position, to so during sleeping in supine position, 12:16 pm edt add both hand-palms face upward. 2:27 pm edt is updated 25 june 2018 3:28 pm edt is updated 30 june 2018 10:59 pm edt 1. reword covering the top side of that doormat. to covering that doormat. 2. remove wash the shirt with other shirts. from pillow for hardfloor : 3. reword should point to the side, not point upward, downward to should point to the side, not point upward, not point downward 4. reword urethra opening to urethra-opening in section '2. for male : penis position during sleeping in prone position' 5. add but that's ok if that makes sleep more comfortable. 7 july 2018 3:18 pm edt add find 'omega-3 fat source :' in this text 3:40 pm edt add 4. cow-milk contains hepatitis-a-virus, 4:55 pm edt 1. add these proteins keep changing as the virus mutates, 2. add Most biologists say no. Viruses are not made out of cells, 9 july 2018 5:26 pm edt 1. reword sesame seed 35% 351 mg/0.25 cup 36 g to sesame seed (tahini) 35% 351 mg/0.25 cup 36 g 2. add 24 july 2018 4:10 pm edt 1. add 5. eat carbohydrate, example : 2. make obsolete 3. eat raw veggie 4:16 pm edt add menstruating-female maybe need to eat meat ? 4:17 pm edt add eating too much potassium maybe causes under how to eat vegetarian food- 4:20 pm edt add eating too much magnesium from brown rice 4:22 pm edt reword 2. maybe avoid banana because banana causes to 2. banana to make bowel movement easy. 4:24 pm edt add 5. brown rice and sweet soy sauce 4:25 pm edt 1. add 7. oreo 2. add fuji apple is the tastiest 3. add 7. if feeling addicted to msg (ajinomoto) then 26 july 2018 11:47 am edt add eating apple and tomato together maybe causes 30 july 2018 7:39 pm edt add big side-deltoid maybe causes someone to need pillow to support the head 7:41 pm edt reword big side-deltoid maybe causes someone to need pillow to support the head to big side-deltoid which maybe widen shoulder, maybe causes 1 august 2018 6:41 pm edt add - possible cure for spinal-canal-stenosis/constriction 7:3 pm edt add arthritis, bone spur, is unwanted-extra-bone-growth 9 august 2018 1:7 pm edt add 5. 7:20 pm edt add during menstruation, female-person suffers : 15 aug 2018 6:6 pm edt add if lemon-water, vinegar-water causes upset-stomach 15 aug 2018 7:13 pm edt add - possible cure for cough : 30 aug 2018 7:24 am edt reword in to in from 31 aug 2018 8 am edt add - capillary's location (place where nutrition go from blood-vessel to cell) : 31 aug 2018 8:7 am edt 1. reword - capillary's location (place where nutrition go from blood-vessel to cell) : to - capillary's location (place where nutrition go from blood-vessel (artery, capillary, vein) to cell) : 2. reword if capillary is blocked then nutrition is stuck inside blood-vessel to if capillary is blocked then nutrition is stays inside blood-vessel 31 aug 2018 8:10 am edt add source : 'There are three major types of blood vessels: the arteries, which carry the blood away from the heart; the capillaries, which enable the actual exchange of water and chemicals between the blood and the tissues; and the veins, which carry blood from the capillaries back toward the heart.' in 31 aug 2018 8:25 am edt add 4. peritubular-capillary in kidney (organ for producing pee, maybe producing sweet-pee to decrease blood-sugar-level/decrease diabetes) 31 aug 2018 10:33 am edt add - how to unblock blood-vessel (artery, capillary, vein) 31 aug 2018 10:44 am edt 1. reword if capillary is blocked then nutrition is stays inside blood-vessel to if capillary is blocked then nutrition stays circulating inside blood-vessel 2. add 'Unclog the Showerhead' in 3. add 'mustard' in 31 aug 2018 10:47 am edt 1. reword with emulsifying-agent (lemon, vinegar, mustard?, soy-lecithin) to with emulsifying-agent (lemon, vinegar, mustard?, soy-lecithin, egg-yolk) 2. reword 'mustard' in to 'mustard', 'Egg yolk' in 31 aug 2018 10:54 am edt add - why insulin for diabetes must be injected with needle ? why insulin can not be eaten ? 31 aug 2018 10:57 am edt reword - why insulin for diabetes must be injected with needle ? why insulin can not be eaten ? to - why insulin for diabetes, must be injected with needle ? why insulin can not be eaten ? 31 aug 2018 11:10 am edt add avoid eating cow/beef, pig/pork to tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 31 aug 2018 11:20 am edt reword relying on insulin, makes cow, pig a boss, high-priest to relying on insulin, makes cow, pig, becomes high-priests 31 aug 2018 11:23 am edt 1. reword relying on insulin, makes cow, pig, becomes high-priests to relying on insulin, makes cow, pig, becomes high-priest 2. reword eating cow, pig maybe means injuring the high-priest/boss then to eating cow, pig maybe means injuring high-priest then 31 aug 2018 11:29 am edt add maybe fresh-tomato lubricates leg-hip-joint because : 31 aug 2018 12:20 pm edt add ciguatoxin in fish, maybe can cause hypothalamus (brain) 31 aug 2018 12:24 pm edt add 'All hormones secreted by the pituitary gland are peptide hormones, as are leptin from adipocytes, ghrelin from the stomach, and insulin from the pancreas.' in from 'Endocrinology' in 31 aug 2018 12:25 pm edt add but bible has flaw : 31 aug 2018 12:26 pm edt reword blunted, not sensitive in to blunted, not sensitive during 31 aug 2018 12:38 pm edt add morphiceptin opioid maybe affect hypothalamus 31 aug 2018 12:53 pm edt add but maybe seafood-meat is ok because ciguatoxin maybe being stored in fat, not meat. 31 aug 2018 12:58 pm edt reword but maybe seafood-meat is ok because ciguatoxin maybe being stored in fat, not meat. to but maybe seafood-meat is ok because ciguatoxin maybe is being stored in fat, not in meat. 31 aug 2018 5:15 pm edt add sugar needs salt, potassium 31 aug 2018 5:27 pm edt add - fever needs water only, but fever with seizure needs more help : 1 sep 2018 2:50 pm edt 1. 4. eat non-dairy calcium : in possible cure for cancer is not obsolete anymore 2. add tofu maybe is the easiest to digest. to possible cure for cancer 1 sep 2018 6:15 pm edt add - possible cure for huntington-chorea : 1 sep 2018 6:37 pm edt add if eyes' color becomes red then lay in supine-body-position. 1 sep 2018 6:41 pm edt add if not eating salt then sleeping in prone body position is ok for eyes 1 sep 7:1 pm edt add 1. drink water mixed with a little vinegar to - possible cure for huntington-chorea : 1 sep 2018 8:50 pm edt add 'Fahr's Syndrome is a rare, genetically dominant, inherited neurological disorder characterized by abnormal deposits of calcium in areas of the brain that control movement, including the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex. Symptoms of the disorder may include deterioration of motor function, dementia, seizures, headache, dysarthria (poorly articulated speech),spasticity (stiffness of the limbs) and spastic paralysis, eye impairments, and athetosis (involuntary, writhing movements). Fahr's Syndrome can also include symptoms characteristic of Parkinson's disease such as tremors, muscle rigidity, a mask-like facial appearance, shuffling gait, and a "pill-rolling" motion of the fingers. These symptoms generally occur later in the development of the disease. More common symptoms include dystonia (disordered muscle tone) and chorea (involuntary, rapid, jerky movements). Age of onset is typically in the 40s or 50s, although it can occur at any time in childhood or adolescence.' 4 sep 2018 1:47 pm edt under 'how to drink vinegar-' section : 1. reword non-dairy calcium source : peanut, almond to non-dairy calcium source : tofu, peanut, almond 2. reword more info : find 'calcium for lactose intolerant' to more info : find '- food for bone' 5 sep 2018 2:23 pm edt add too much sodium can harden artery, maybe making internal-elastic-lamina not elastic anymore 5 sep 2018 3:18 pm edt add - possible cure for spinal-cord-injury : 5 sep 2018 3:34 pm edt add stand up with exoskeleton equipment, then regain sensation to - possible cure for spinal-cord-injury : 7 sep 2018 11:5 am edt add nerve from leg to foot-finger/foot-toe : 10 sep 2018 5:53 pm edt add gastrocnemius muscle, maybe control swallowing, digestion 17 sep 2018 5:1 pm edt add so diabetes type 1 maybe is about having excessive animal-protein, 17 sep 2018 5:12 pm edt add 'classified as members of the fungus kingdom.' in 22 sep 2018 10:48 pm edt add white-rice from being cooked in rice-cooker fully 22 sep 2018 10:51 pm edt is updated 22 sep 2018 11:3 pm edt is updated 25 sep 2018 4:1 pm edt reword fresh-tomato to cooked-tomato 6 oct 2018 11:43 am edt, 11:47 am edt, 11:55 am edt is updated 17 oct 2018 10:50 pm edt add placemat (table-covering), material : 100% polypropylene 17 oct 2018 10:57 pm edt add source : 'Their primary function is to protect the dinner table from water marks, food stains or heat damage.' in from google (placemat) result 1 17 oct 2018 11:00 pm edt reword source : 'Their primary function is to protect the dinner table from water marks, food stains or heat damage.' in from google (placemat) result 1 to source : my nephew oliver's placemat, 'Their primary function is to protect the dinner table from water marks, food stains or heat damage.' in from google (placemat) result 1 17 oct 2018 11:5 pm edt add putting floor-mat underneath polypropylene-placemat, 17 oct 2018 11:19 am edt 1)add 1)vinyl-placemat (table-covering), material : vinyl 2)make obsolete placemat (table-covering), material : 100% polypropylene 17 oct 2018 11:21 am edt reword oliver to oliver-kim 19 oct 2018 10:49 am edt reword 'Lack of Movement' to 'Lack of Movement: Proper lymphatic flow requires deep breathing and 19 oct 2018 12:37 pm edt is updated 19 oct 2018 8:33 pm edt is updated 20 oct 2018 8:33 am edt 1)add spread both thighs wide apart to make feces' 2)make obsolete maybe both thighs should press against each 20 oct 2018 8:39 am edt add maybe anal-sex, causes rectal prolapse. 22 oct 2018 3:45 pm edt is updated 26 oct 2018 5:40 pm edt add - best position for eating : 26 oct 2018 5:44 pm edt is updated 26 oct 2018 8:56 pm edt add standing on 1 foot with heel raised if possible because raising heels 28 oct 2018 2:55 pm edt add avoid using antibacterial soap because antibacterial soap can make 28 oct 2018 2:56 pm edt add soap only remove bacteria,does not kill bacteria 28 oct 2018 3:7 pm edt add 'bacteria doesn't die, simply flushed away during rinsing' in (How Does Soap Work?) from youtube-search (how soap work) result 3 30 oct 2018 8:34 pm edt|8:37 pm edt|8:39 pm edt|8:40 pm edt|8:52 pm edt|9:2 pm edt is updated 1 nov 2018 8:13 pm edt:add 'maybe animal's blood from animal-protein causes :' 2 nov 2018 3:25 pm edt:add 'rhinovirus (cold virus) becomes non-active if meeting acid/low-ph' 2 nov 2018 3:32 pm edt: 1)add '- possible cure for common-cold, flu/influenza, sore throat:' 2)add 'possible cure for toothache/discomfort:' 3)reword 'gargle in salt-water' to 'swish salt-water inside mouth' 2 nov 2018 3:45 pm edt:add 'from youtube-search (bacteria under microscope) result 15' 2 nov 2018 4:44 pm edt:add 'how to drink vinegar-water:find 'how to drink vinegar-'' 2 nov 2018 4:51 pm edt:add ''Our findings confirm that low pH inhibited replication of most HRVs and reduced the replication of influenza virus' in from google (rhinovirus acid) result 3' 21 nov 2018 11:21 am est:add '[posted in facebook 6-jan-2016]' 26 nov 2018 6:28 pm is updated 27 nov 2018 8:22 am est:add #pregnant 'Women should avoid doing exercises that involve lying on their back# 27 nov 2018 8:33 am est:add 'pregnant woman should avoid 'exercising at an altitude of over 2,000 metres'' 27 nov 2018 8:47 am est:1)reword 'maybe cure bradycardia' to 'sleeping in prone position,maybe cure bradycardia' 2)reword 'sleeping in prone body position :' to 'sleeping in prone body position cons:' 3)add to 'sleeping in prone body position pros:' : 'pregnant 'Women should avoid doing exercises that involve lying on their back' 28 nov 2018 11:1 am est: 1)add to '- possible cure for tuberculosis' : 'maybe lick chili-sauce to eject sputum from mouth,nose?' 2)add to '- possible cure for common-cold, flu/influenza, sore throat:' : 'recommended chili-sauce (does not contain potassium which causes bowel-relaxation then causes loose-stool,smooth does not contain undigestible-chili-seed)' 28 nov 2018 11:14 am is updated 28 nov 2018 11:21 am est:reword 'eat chili-sauce' to 'lick chili-sauce' 28 nov 2018 11:22 am est:reword 'yissin' to 'yissine' 9 dec 2018 10:40 am est:add 'if feeling constipated during defecating then punch-lightly-using-thumb-finger' 9 dec 2018 10:46 am est:1)add 'thighs are as near as possible to chest' 2)add 'if feeling constipated during defecating then punch-lightly-using-thumb-finger' 3)reword 'defecate :' to 'defecate position:' 17 dec 2018 2:42 pm est:reword 'lower-spine-bone' to 'spine-bone(upper-back or lower-back)' 18 dec 2018 7:58 am est:make obsolete 'how to eat raw veggie-' 20 dec 2018 8:30 am est:1)not obsolete anymore:'placemat(table-covering),material:100% polypropylene' 2)add 'but vinyl-placemat feel cooler for head,cool head feel more comfortable' 23 dec 2018 8:57 pm est:add 'maybe swimming,suffocate then kill hookworm' 8 jan 2019 5:18 pm est:insert- from walmart to- placemat(table-covering),material:100% polypropylene from walmart 8 jan 2019 5:28 pm est:add- carpet for sleeping(hardfloor feel cold during winter):bath-mat,example: 8 jan 2019 5:29 pm est:reword- hardfloor to- hard-floor 8 jan 2019 5:30 pm est:reword- carpet for sleeping(hardfloor feel cold during winter):bath-mat,example: to- carpet for sleeping(hard-floor feel cold during winter):bath-mat,example: 10 jan 2019 7:21 pm est:#add# but maggot from flies's stomach,maybe cure wound? 18 jan 2019 7:47 pm est:#add# Peppers, hot chili, red, raw:64.7 mg/45 gram(1 pepper) 22 jan 2019 3:33 pm est:#add# Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve. It usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. That extra fluid increases the pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve 22 jan 2019 3:49 pm est:#reword# untreated hypertension causes aneurysm, etc #to# untreated hypertension causes aneurysm 30 jan 2019 7:6 pm est:#add# contradict 'This is because certain bloodborne viruses can live for days outside the body and still cause infection. Hepatitis B virus can live in dried blood for up to a week.1Hepatitis C virus can survive for up to four days.2' 30 jan 2019 7:6 pm est:#updated# 30 jan 2019 7:15 pm est:#update# 30 jan 2019 7:24 pm est:#add# 'There are some important factors which have proven that AIDS is not transmitted 1 feb 2019 9:58 am est:#add# if there is no machine-dryer then hang wet-clothes above ground 17 feb 2019 1:24 pm est:#add# - about omega-3 fat: 17 feb 2019 1:25 pm est:#add# - possible cure for sepsis: 17 feb 2019 1:27 pm est:#add# psoriasis is immune-system in overdrive/white-blood-cell in overdrive: 17 feb 2019 1:44 pm est:(1)#add# 'Heparin may reduce 28-day mortality in patients with severe sepsis, at the same time, there was no increase in the risk of bleeding in the heparin group. We recommend the use of heparin for sepsis and severe sepsis.' in from google(sepsis heparin) (2)#add# 'There are two main types of blood thinners. Anticoagulants such as heparin or warfarin (also called Coumadin) slow down your body's process of making clots. Antiplatelet drugs, such as aspirin, prevent blood cells called platelets from clumping together to form a clot.' in from google(aspirin blood thinner)result 3 17 feb 2019 1:56 pm est: (1)#move# - vitamin E decrease estrogen power, good for male, may make female (2)#move# - vitamin E help fight diabetes type 1, may not actually cure. (3)#move# - vitamin E must be eaten with fat. peanut and almond already contains (4)#move# - vitamin E prevent hemolytic anemia (5)#move# - vitamin E prevent ALS ( lou gehrig disease ) (6)#move# - vitamin E prevent liver oxidative damage #to under# - about vitamin e : 17 feb 2019 1:59 pm est:#add# Vitamin E is a mild anticoagulant, and doses in excess of 400 units should be avoided 17 feb 2019 2:2 pm est:#add# 'Conclusions-—This study shows that chronic aspirin use is associated with lower mortality rate within 30 days after hospitaladmission in a large cohort of patients with pneumonia.' in from google(sepsis aspirin)result 8 17 feb 2019 2:7 pm est:#add# 'Blood-thinning Effect Vitamin E has a blood-thinning effect that could lead to problems in certain situations. In one study of 28,519 men, vitamin E supplementation at the low dose of about 50 IU synthetic vitamin E per day caused an increase in fatal hemorrhagic strokes, the kind of stroke caused by bleeding.' in from google(vitamin e blood thinner)result 1 17 feb 2019 2:11 pm est:#add# mix vitamin e with maple-syrup,to make vitamin e more digestible, 17 feb 2019 2:16 pm est:#make-neat some part in# 18 feb 2019 12:24 pm est:(1)#add# (1) (Bacterial phagocytosis by neutrophils -好中球による細菌の貪食- ) from youtube-search(phagocytosis) from 'phagocytosis' in (Immune Cells Eating Bacteria (Phagocytosis) ) from youtube-search(immune system bacterias)result 3 from 'macrophage phagocytosis block blood-vessel' in (Inflammation In Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation YouTube) visited 25-jul-2017 10:08 am from youtube-search(atherosclerosis)page 2 number 17 from from 'atherosclerosis' in from google(artery stenosis wiki) from google(narrowing of vessel) (2)#add# (2)'macrophage phagocytosis block blood-vessel' in (Inflammation In Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation YouTube) visited 25-jul-2017 10:08 am from youtube-search(atherosclerosis)page 2 number 17 from from 'atherosclerosis' in from google(artery stenosis wiki) from google(narrowing of vessel) 18 feb 2019 1:2 pm est:(1)#add# (?)'Think of macrophages as cell-eating machines. Their name actually means “big eater” in Greek. Macrophages are the biggest type of white blood cells - about 21 micrometers - or 0.00083 inches. Still too small to see with your eyes, but big enough to do the important job of cleaning up unwanted viruses, bacteria, and parts of dead cells.' in (2)#add# (?)'Macrophages are specialised cells involved in the detection, phagocytosis and destruction of bacteria and other harmful organisms' in from google(macrophage)result 2 (3)#reword# macrophage phagocytosis block blood-vessel #to# macrophage/white-blood-cell phagocytosis/kill bacteria then make 18 feb 2019 7:26 pm est:#add# nitric-oxide(nitrogen-oxide),whose function is vasodilation(relaxing blood-vessel). #to under# - possible cure for sepsis: 18 feb 2019 8:13 pm est:#add# 'Meningococcemia, known as “bacteremia” or “sepsis,” is a blood infection caused by meningococcal bacteria. This is the most severe risk and causes clotting of blood vessels, extremely low blood pressure and organ failure 18 feb 2019 8:34 pm est:#add# find 'food which contain nitric-oxide:' in this text. #to under# - possible cure for sepsis: 21 feb 2019 9:55 am est:update 2 mar 2019 11:23 am est:#reword# find 'salt kills mouth-bacteria :' #to# find 'swish salt-water inside mouth to kill mouth-bacteria:' 5 mar 2019 5:30 pm est:#add# (2)squat,both foot step on toilet-seat 5 mar 2019 7:50 pm est:#add# so if not near nice-toilet-bowl then avoid staying in squat-position. 13 mar 2019 4:36 pm edt:#update# 13 mar 2019 5:17 pm edt:#update# 16 mar 2019 12:20 pm edt:#add# left-foot-finger face away from right-foot-finger 21 mar 2019 9:31 pm edt:#add# healthy-heart make healthy-brain.source:'brain is a complex organ that needs adequate blood flow to function properly. Strokes are caused by blockages in the arteries that lead to the brain or by a blood vessel in the brain rupturing. If the blood flow to the part of the brain that was “serviced” by the blocked or ruptured artery is not quickly restored, that section of the brain will be damaged. The degree or type of dementia from stroke is dependent on what areas of the brain are affected.' in from google(heart brain health) from .... 25 mar 2019 6:30 pm edt:#add# human-breast-milk contain lactose 7gram/100ml like cow-milk contain lactose 4.8gram/100ml. 29 mar 2019 9:19 pm edt:#add# herpes-virus spread via kissing,but can not spread not via (1)sharing drink,(2)sharing meal ? 29 mar 2019 9:20 pm edt:#reword# herpes-virus spread via kissing,but can not spread not via (1)sharing drink,(2)sharing meal ? #to# herpes-virus spread via kissing,but can not spread via (1)sharing drink,(2)sharing meal ? 29 mar 2019 9:23 pm edt:#add# #contradict# 'Touch an open herpes sore or something that has been in contact 8 apr 2019 2 pm edt: is updated 8 apr 2019 2:1 pm edt: is updated 16 apr 2019 7:18 am edt:#reword# squat,both foot step on toilet-seat. #to# defecate in squat-position with both feet step on sitting-toilet-seat,both hands hold chair-stool for stabilisation.if water splash-out during feces being drop to toilet-bowl-water then wipe those water later or keep floor dry(find 'Hepatitis B virus can live in dried blood for up to a week' in this text) 16 apr 2019 7:30 am edt:#reword# avoid staying in squat-position and contracting kegel-muscle together, which maybe causes constipation. if staying in squat-position then relax kegel-muscle. so if not near nice-toilet-bowl then avoid staying in squat-position. #to# avoid staying in squat-position and withholding feces, which maybe causes constipation. if staying in squat-position then relax and do not withhold feces. so if not near nice-toilet-bowl then avoid staying in squat-position. 16 apr 2019 7:37 am edt:#add# try urinate on plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid,capacity=1 gal(maybe gallon).source: so water which splash-out during feces being drop to toilet-bowl-water, does not contain urine.mixing urine and feces,worsen smell. after defecate in squat-position for around 7 times,pausing urination during defecation maybe feel easier. so pause urination during defecation in squat-position then urinate to plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid then resume defecation. 16 apr 2019 7:44 am edt:#add# defecating in squat-position make ejecting feces as a whole-feces,easier, decreasing risk of cutting feces to pieces then causing feces-debris to fall to floor during urinating to plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid. 16 apr 2019 8:14 am edt:#add# be naked during defecating in squat-position on sitting-toilet,so if toilet-bowl-water splash-out during feces being drop to toilet-bowl-water, then toilet-bowl-water won't touch clothes. 16 apr 2019 8:19 am edt:#add# plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid can hold lots of urine and has cover which block urine-smell,plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid can decrease toilet-flushing-frequency,saving clean-water. 16 apr 2019 9:6 am edt:#reword# both hands hold chair-stool for stabilisation. #to# 1 hand hold chair-stool for stabilisation,other hand cover mouth-area so toilet-water-splash won't touch mouth 28 apr 2019 8:44=>8:48 am edt:#add# blue-eye maybe is incest-eye ? 29 apr 2019 11:33 am edt: is updated 29 apr 2019 11:44 am edt: is updated 8 may 2019 2:56 pm edt: is updated 8 may 2019 3:16 pm edt: is updated 8 may 2019 3:20 pm edt: is updated 8 may 2019 3:42 pm edt: is updated 8 may 2019 4:2 pm edt: is updated 13 mar 2019 4:9 pm edt: is updated 13 may 2019 6:26 pm edt:#add# - ear eject body-heat,help maintain body-temperature. source:'desert-hare has long-ear efficiently eject body-heat' in my father watching natgeowild-tv-channel-title 'wild south-west episode death-valley' 13 may 2019 8:6 pm edt:#add# tampon maybe causes toxic-shock-syndrome(maybe sepsis causing amputation).source:'Using tampons has been associated with an increased risk of a rare illness called toxic shock syndrome (TSS).' in from google(menstruation phase)result 2 16 may 2019 9:28 am edt: is updated 28 may 2019 2:33 pm edt:#add# decaf-coffee still contain caffeine:30 mg/20 fl oz.[source:'Caffeine 30mg**' in from google(starbucks decaf coffee ingredient)result 1] 28 may 2019 2:48 pm edt:#reword# antidepressant, antibiotic, antiprotozoal, antimalarial which contain antifolate #to# antifolate:antidepressant, antibiotic, antiprotozoal, antimalarial.source: 28 may 2019 2:50 pm edt:#add# anti-vitamin-b1:tea, coffee, betel-nut, raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish,decrease 'tea, coffee, betel-nut, raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish' in this text 28 may 2019 2:52 pm edt:#add# 'anti-vitamin-b1:tea, coffee, betel-nut, raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish,decrease vitamin-b1' in this text 28 may 2019 2:53 pm edt:(1)#reword# raw shellfish #to# raw-shellfish/raw-oyster (2)#reword# betel nuts #to# betel-nut (3)#reword# raw freshwater fish #to# raw-freshwater-fish 28 may 2019 3:21 pm edt:(1)#reword# anti-vitamin-b1:tea, coffee, betel-nut, raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish,decrease 'tea, coffee, betel-nut, raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish' in this text #to# anti-vitamin-b1:raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish, tea, coffee, betel-nut,decrease 'tea, coffee, betel-nut, raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish' in this text (2)#reword# avoid tea, coffee, betel-nut, raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish. #to# avoid raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish, tea, coffee, betel-nut. (3)#reword# tea, coffee, betel-nut, raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish decrease vitamin-b1 #to# raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish, tea, coffee, betel-nut,decrease vitamin-b1 4 jun 2019 5:52 pm edt: is updated 4 jun 2019 6:24 pm edt: is updated 6 june 2019 11:52 am edt:(1)#add# 1 starbuck-glass decaf-coffee : 3 -> 18 mg caffeine.[source:'The average 12-ounce cup of decaf coffee – a Starbucks tall – usually contains between 3 and 18 milligrams of caffeine. (By comparison, an 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull contains 80 milligrams of caffeine) The average of amount of caffeine in regular coffee can vary significantly, usually between 140 and 300 mg.' in from google(decaf coffee caffeine content)result 4] (2)#insert# caffeine #to# coffee : 95 - 165 mg caffeine #and others below# 6 june 2019 12:20 pm edt:(1)#add# 2 starbuck-decaf-coffee without methyl chloride:(1)decaf-komodo-dragon-blend,(2)via-instant-decaf-italian-roast.[source:'After receiving your email, I got in touch with Starbucks and was surprised - and disappointed - to learn that they do, in fact, use a solvent called methylene chloride to produce all but two of their decaffeinated coffees. The decaf Komodo Dragon Blend and the VIA Instant Decaf Italian Roast are the only two made without chemical solvents.' in from google(starbuck use methyl chloride)->people also ask->Does Starbucks use Swiss Water Decaf? from 'Starbucks, which uses methyl chloride to decaffeinate most of its blends, now offers a “naturally processed” decaf Sumatra brew. Caribou Coffee uses a non-chemical water process in all its decaf blends. And the Coffee Bean says it tests its decaffeinated blends to ensure that there are no chemical residues from the process it uses.' in from google(decaf coffee caffeine content)result 4] (2)#add# some decaf-coffee contain '2 starbuck-decaf-coffee without methyl chloride:(1)decaf-komodo-dragon-blend,(2)via-instant-decaf-italian-roast' in this text 6 june 2019 12:23 pm edt:#reword# methyl chloride #to# methyl-chloride(carcinogen) 8 jun 2019 6:38 am edt:#add# - about chin-up/hanging-pull-up exercise: (1)chin-up does not prevent 'swimming, riding bicycle do not prevent osteoporosis' in this text (2)if still wanting to do chin-up then avoid using opened-door to do chin-up because using opened-door to do chin-up make the door can not be closed easily anymore,use chin-up-station 8 jun 2019 8:54 am edt:#reword# swimming, riding bicycle do not prevent osteoporosis #to# swimming, riding bicycle, chin-up/hanging-pull-up, do not prevent osteoporosis 30 jun 2019 2:23 pm edt:#add# armpit-antiperspirant maybe causes breast-cancer/boob-cancer source: 'Cancer-causing substances in antiperspirants are absorbed through razor nicks from underarm shaving. These substances are said to be deposited in the lymph nodes under the arm, which are not able to get rid of them by sweating because the antiperspirant keeps you from perspiring. This causes a high concentration of toxins, which leads to cells mutating into cancer. Most breast cancers develop in the upper outer quadrant of the breast because that area is closest to the lymph nodes exposed to antiperspirants. (Think of the breast as a circle divided by vertical and horizontal lines that cross at the nipple. Each of the 4 sectors you divide the breast into is called a quadrant. The upper outer quadrant of each breast is the part closest to the arm pit.) Men have a lower risk of breast cancer because they do not shave their underarms, and their underarm hair keeps chemicals in antiperspirants from being absorbed.' in from google(breast cancer antiperspirant)result 2 breast-cancer/boob-cancer spread to axillary-lymph-node/armpit 'Breast cancer frequently spreads to the axillary (armpit) lymph nodes. Traditionally, when breast cancers were removed, an operation known as axillary lymph node dissection was performed to remove most of the lymph nodes in the armpit. Because lymph node dissection can cause problems like pain and arm swelling, it is best to avoid the operation if possible.' in from google(breast cancer axillary-lymph-node)result 3 man have lower breast-cancer-risk because man often train chest-muscle, does not carry lots of fat in chest, find 'animals store toxin ( dioxin ) inside their fat' 22 jul 2019 11:8 am edt: (1)#reword# thiamine/b1 #to# thiamine/vitamin b1 (2)#reowrd# riboflavin/b2 #to# riboflavin/vitamin b2 (3)#reword# niacin/nicotinic acid/b3 #to# niacin/nicotinic acid/vitamin b3 (4)#reword# pantothenic acid/b5 #to# pantothenic acid/vitamin b5 (5)#reword# pyridoxine/pyridoxal/pyridoxamine/b6 #to# pyridoxine/pyridoxal/pyridoxamine/vitamin b6 (6)#reword# cobalamin/b12 #to# cobalamin/vitamin b12 (7)#reword# most recent : #to# change-log: 22 jul 2019 11:25 am edt:#reword# -folate/folic acid/vitamin b9------- -folate/folic acid/b9 daily value------- #to# -folate/folic acid/vitamin b9 daily value------- 27 jul 2019 8:36 pm edt:#make obsolete# - possible cure for cerebral palsy, brain damage disease : 27 jul 2019 8:40 pm edt:(1)#make obsolete# eat the brain of ram, sheep (2)#add# maybe sweet-almond-juice/sweet-almond-milk 27 jul 2019 8:44 pm edt:#add# maybe sweet-water 28 jul 2019 9:11 am edt:#add# (avoid brushing teeth, use vinegar-water to rinse mouth-interior, teeth then swallowing vinegar-water is ok, vinegar-water is emulsifying-agent) 28 jul 2019 9:26 am edt:#reword# vinegar-water #to# vinegar-mixed-with-water 9 aug 2019 3:10 pm edt:#insert# split-lunge-jump #to# split-lunge-jump in 9 aug 2019 6:52 pm edt:#reword# - abs : #to# - stomach/abdominal : 10 aug 2019 11:47 am edt: (1)#reword# squat toilet #to# squat-toilet (2)#reword# hernia #to# inguinal-hernia (3)#insert# inguinal-hernia #to# squat-toilet prevent hemoroid, inguinal-hernia(for man), femoral-hernia(for woman) because squat-toilet reduce straining/exertion-to-eject-feces. (4)#add# 'Straining during bowel movements or urination', 'Being male. Men are eight times more likely to develop an inguinal hernia than are women' in from google (hernia) result 4 (5)#add# "Inguinal hernias occur when fatty tissue or a part of your bowel pokes through into your groin at the top of your inner thigh" in from google (blocked intestine hernia) result page 3 number 2 (6)#add# 'straining on the toilet if you have constipation carrying and pushing heavy loads', 'Unlike inguinal hernias, femoral hernias occur far more frequently in women, particularly older women. This is because of the wider shape of the female pelvis. Femoral hernias are rare in children.' in from google (femoral hernia) result 2 (7)#reword# maybe woman resist inguinal-hernia. #to# woman less-likely-suffer inguinal-hernia but woman more-likely-suffer inguinal-hernia. man more-likely-suffer inguinal-hernia. 10 aug 2019 1:34 pm edt: is updated 10 aug 2019 1:49 pm edt: is updated 10 aug 2019 2:5 pm edt: is updated 10 aug 2019 3:2 pm edt: is updated 10 aug 2019 3:15 pm edt: is updated 10 aug 2019 3:22 pm edt: is updated 16 aug 2019 1:34 pm edt:#reword# squat-toilet prevent hemoroid, inguinal-hernia. #to# squat-toilet prevent hemoroid, inguinal-hernia(for man), femoral-hernia(for woman) because squat-toilet reduce straining/exertion-to-eject-feces 21 aug 2019 11:35 am edt:(1)#add# try do hamstring-exercise. more info:find 'hamstring' in this text. hamstring-exercise cure tingling-sensation in pinky-toe/foot-pinky-finger if leg stay still in same-position for long-time example:sitting for long-time which pinch hamstring for long-time. diabetes-patient suffer bad-blood-circulation in leg, extremity. [source:((1))'Many people with diabetes experience discomfort in their legs and feet, with symptoms such as cramping, numbness, tingling, and pain. The culprits may be poor circulation, nerve damage, or both, and the underlying causes are referred to as peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and peripheral neuropathy. While both appear to be triggered by high blood glucose levels and some of their symptoms overlap, they are two distinct conditions.' in from google(diabetes blood circulation leg)result 1 ((2))extremity-meaning-source:'farthest point or portion' in from 'etremity' in] (2)#add# benefit:hamstring-exercise cure tingling-sensation in pinky-toe/foot-pinky-finger if leg stay still in same-position for long-time example:sitting for long-time which pinch hamstring for long-time. 21 aug 2019 11:50 am edt:(1)#reword# SUDeeovoSmc #to# SUDeeovoSmc&t=2m40s (2)#add# (At Home Hamstring Workout Video - Hamstring Exercises with No Equipment) 21 aug 2019 12:47 pm edt: is updated 21 aug 2019 12:51 pm edt: is updated 21 aug 2019 1:12 pm edt: is updated 21 aug 2019 1:16 pm edt: is updated 21 aug 2019 2 pm edt: is updated 24 aug 2019 6:17 pm edt: is updated 24 aug 2019 7:30 pm edt: is updated 24 aug 2019 8:1 pm edt:#reword# are fat emulsifying agent which emulsify bile #to# emulsify fat. emulsifier kills bacteria. 26 aug 2019 8:45 am edt: is updated 26 aug 2019 8:54 am edt: is updated 26 aug 2019 8:56 am edt: is updated 31 aug 2019 3:54 pm edt: is updated 31 aug 2019 4:34 pm edt:#add# male-pubic-hair is useful for catching sperm during wet-dream so male-pubic-hair block sperm from dripping to anus-area. 1 sep 2019 12:51 pm edt: is updated 1 sep 2019 1:47 pm edt: is updated 1 sep 2019 3:5 pm edt: is updated 5 sep 2019 1:20 pm edt:#make obsolete# were called “white man's flies.” 5 sep 2019 1:32 pm edt:(1)#add# 'Here in Mexico, the Maya people of the Yucatan have practiced beekeeping for thousands of years. The ancient Maya considered the stingless melliponine bee (Apidae melliponinae), native to the tropical forests of the Yucatan peninsula, to be a link to the spirit world, given to them by the bee god, Ah Muzen Cab. Harvested from log nests, the stingless bee honey was used as a sweetener, an antibiotic, and to make the fermented honey drink called balché, a ritual alcoholic beverage similar to the European mead. Out of over 500 species of tropical stingless bees, the Maya have always favored Melipona beecheii, which they call kolil kab, meaning "royal lady."' in from google(maya civilization honey)result 1 (2)#add# 'The drink is made from the bark of a leguminous tree, Lonchocarpus violaceus, which is soaked in honey and water, and fermented.[1] A closely related beverage, made from honey produced from the nectar of a species of morning glory (Turbina corymbosa), is called xtabentún.' in 5 sep 2019 2:8 pm edt:#add# native-america-maya had stingless-biting-honey-bee 9 sep 2019 9:16 am edt: is updated 9 sep 2019 9:31 am edt:#add# possible cure for blocked-nose, congested-nose/blocked nose, congested nose: if right-nose is blocked: (right-nose from nose-owner-point-of-view) (1)lay-down in supine-position (2)extend left-arm, rest left-arm on floor-adjacent-to-head, exposing left-arm-pit (3)bend right-leg so right-knee-cap reach highest-position-in-the-air, right-foot touch floor (4)left-gastrocnemius rest on floor and left-gastrocnemius block right-foot-finger so right-foot does not slip-forward on floor. (5)raise then lower right-foot-heel repeatedly, rapidly. and right-foot-finger touch floor all the time (6)after a while block-nose should feel unblocked. do the opposite for left-nose. if left-nose is blocked: (left-nose from nose-owner-point-of-view) (1)lay-down in supine-position (2)extend right-arm, rest right-arm on floor-adjacent-to-head, exposing right-arm-pit (3)bend left-leg so left-knee-cap reach highest-position-in-the-air, left-foot touch floor (4)right-gastrocnemius rest on floor and right-gastrocnemius block left-foot-finger so left-foot does not slip-forward on floor. (5)raise then lower left-foot-heel repeatedly, rapidly. and left-foot-finger touch floor all the time (6)after a while block-nose should feel unblocked. if that fail then try: (1)drink water-mixed-with-vinegar because maybe vinegar emulsify histamine:find 'drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar'. histamine block nose. (2)find 'how to eat garlic :' in this text, guaranteed to work but has loose-stool-risk. 9 sep 2019 9:37 am edt:#reword# 22. drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar. #to# drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar 9 sep 2019 9:46 am edt:#reword# if eating raw garlic causes loose stool, gassy stomach then find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text #to# if eating raw garlic causes loose stool, gassy stomach then find 'position for eating : (1)sit with right-thigh touching right-front-shoulder/right-front-deltoid', 'standing with both heels raised' in maybe helpful 9 sep 2019 9:52 am edt: is updated 9 sep 2019 9:55 am edt:#reword# guaranteed to work #to# guaranteed to unblock nose 9 sep 2019 9:57 am edt:(1)#reword# if eating raw garlic causes loose stool, gassy stomach then #to# eating raw garlic may causes loose stool, gassy stomach so try (2)#move obsolete part under# how to eat garlic : #to end of# how to eat garlic : 9 sep 2019 10:5 am edt:#add# if wanting to eject nose-histamine then (1)stand-with-both-heel-raised (2)blow-out nose to eject nose-histamine. raising both-heel during step (2) reduce hernia-risk. 9 sep 2019 10:9 am edt:#reword# blow-out nose to eject nose-histamine. raising both-heel during step (2) reduce hernia-risk. #to# push nose-left-skin and exhale to eject right-nose-histamine. push nose-right-skin and exhale to eject left-nose-histamine. raising both-heel during step (2) reduce hernia-risk. 9 sep 2019 10:12 am edt:#reword# if wanting to eject nose-histamine then #to# if sneezing repeatedly then ejecting nose-histamine maybe reduce sneezing, to eject nose-histamine: 10 sep 2019 7:29 pm edt:#reword# 22. drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar. #to# drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar #again because last-time 9 sep 2019 9:37 am edt did not get reword all# 10 sep 2019 7:35 pm edt:#add# 'Vinaigrette – an emulsion of vegetable oil in vinegar, if this is prepared using only oil and vinegar (i.e., without an emulsifier), an unstable emulsion results' in 16 sep 2019 2:6 pm edt: is updated 16 sep 2019 7:17 pm edt:#add# sitting-toilet is necessary during stabbing-stomach-pain maybe being caused by undigested-fat/undigested-oil being caused by lacking vinegar for emulsifying/digesting fat/oil. sitting on sitting-toilet while massaging stomach help ejecting diarrhea. stomach must be up-right during massaging. [source:'Pain is usually described as sharp and stabbing' in from google(stabbing stomach pain fat steatorrhea)result 1 from 'Did you mean: stabbing stomach pain fat steatorrhea' from google(stabbing stomach pain fat sterrheoa) maybe drinking water-mixed-with-corn-oil make stabbing-stomach-pain. water-mixed-with-corn-oil-and-vinegar can be drink and won't cause stabbing-stomach-pain/steatorrhea. 16 sep 2019 7:21 pm edt:#add# maybe if suffering stabbing-stomach-pain then sleep-on-left-side-from-sleeper-point-of-view cure that stabbing-stomach-pain without having to eject diarrhea. 18 sep 2019 10:48 am edt:#make obsolete# carrot, butternut squash maybe must be boiled until soft 18 sep 2019 10:52 am edt:(1) is updated (2)#add# how to eat carrot then digest carrot without flatulence, diarrhea ? find 'how to eat carrot then digest carrot without flatulence, diarrhea ?' in 18 sep 2019 11 am edt: is updated 18 sep 2019 11:13 am edt: is updated 25 sep 2019 10:58 am edt:(1)#add# water-vinegar will become eye-tear then will sting eyelid-mucus-membrane, so if eye is watery and eye-lid/eyelid feel hurting then use finger-kunckle to rub eye to remove that vinegar-eye-tear. then rub finger-knuckle with other finger-knuckle to dessicate finger-knuckle, dryness kill bacteria. finger-kunckle won't touch food-plate, door-knob. but that water-vinegar-eye-tear maybe enter eye-lens-interior then emulsify fat inside eye-lens-interior like phaco-emulsification-tool for cataract-surgery. so that water-vinegar-eye-tear maybe cure cataract even though feel hurting eye-lid/eyelid. if eye start feel hurting then stop drinking water-vinegar. (2)#add# swish-around water-vinegar inside mouth, maybe destroy teeth-plague, teeth-bacteria (3)#make obsolete# so vinegar must be swallowed, to protect teeth 25 sep 2019 1:24 pm edt:#add# eye often start hurting during being blown by dusty-wind, so driving a car with open-car-window maybe make eye produce eye-tear which contain vinegar/vinegar-eye-tear then hurting eye-lid then cause car-crash so drive a car with window-closed. 9 oct 20019 10:32 am edt:#reword# stand-with-both-heel-raised #to# squat inside bath-tub in-front-of-faucet (best for preventing hernia), or stand-with-both-heel-raised in-front-of hand-washing-basin-sink 11 oct 2019 3:20 pm edt:#insert# (source:my mother) #to# avoid lifting weight which is too heavy because that may raise risk of hernia (source:my mother). 11 oct 2019 8:13 pm edt: is updated 11 oct 2019 8:14 pm edt:#reword# (source:my mother) #to# [source:my mother] #in# avoid lifting weight which is too heavy because that may raise risk of hernia [source:my mother]. 12 oct 2019 10:56 am edt: is updated 12 oct 2019 11 am edt: is updated 15 oct 2019 4:20 pm edt: is updated 24 oct 2019 3:42 pm edt:#add# People with chronic pancreatitis have compromised pancreatic function and are unable to produce the enzymes necessary to absorb nutrients properly during digestion. This can result in malnutrition and steatorrhea, in which undigested fats appear in the stool 24 oct 2019 3:56 pm edt:#add# swish water-mixed-with-vinegar inside mouth because find 'vinegar emulsify fat. emulsifier kills bacteria'. warning about swallowing water-mixed-with-vinegar:find 'how to drink vinegar-' 28 oct 2019 5:33 pm edt: is updated 28 oct 2019 5:38 pm edt: is updated 30 oct 2019 1:6 pm edt: is updated 31 oct 2019 8:59 am edt: is updated 31 oct 2019 9:4 am edt: is updated 11 nov 2019 1:23 pm est: is updated 11 nov 2019 1:28 pm est: is updated 15 nov 2019 5:50 pm est: is updated 20 nov 2019 5:2 pm est: is updated 22 nov 2019 6:4 pm est: is updated 22 nov 2019 6:8 pm est: is updated 29 nov 2019 9:54 am est:#add# radish/daikon 28% per 1 cup ( 25.5 / 90 ) x 100 % [source:'25.5 mg' in from 'Link to USDA Database entry' in] #and add for that area# per 1 cup..etc.. 29 nov 2019 9:59 am est:#reword# summer squash 13 % per 1 cup #to# zucchini/(summer squash)/ 13 % per 1 cup [source: (12/90) x 100% from '12 mg' in] 29 nov 2019 9:59 am est:#reword# zucchini/(summer squash)/ 13 % per 1 cup [source: (12/90) x 100% from '12 mg' in] #to# zucchini/(summer squash) 13 % per 1 cup [source: (12/90) x 100% from '12 mg' in] 14 dec 2019 12:9 pm est:#add# aerobic-exercise during pregnancy suck double-oxygen needed for mother and fetus, maybe decrease vsd/ventricular-septal-defect-risk in new-born-baby, maybe if fetus does not get enough oxygen then patent-foramen-ovale will be too large then becoming vsd. source:(1)'Certainly, during pregnancy, a mother and a baby need more oxygen. Actually, many people think that the oxygen is just for the baby, but actually, at least half the extra oxygen the mother is taking in is for the placenta. Certainly, also during pregnancy, the mother's basic metabolism just gets higher. During pregnancy, mothers do breathe more. They in fact breathe more deeply. They don't breathe more often, more frequently, just more deeply. And actually, strangely enough, despite taking up extra oxygen in her blood, mothers in pregnancy often feel breathless and that's one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, is breathlessness strangely enough. So during pregnancy, mothers will feel more breathless that even though they're taking up more oxygen, and letting out more carbon dioxide, they do this in part by movement of the diaphragm. Of course, as the pregnancy gets larger, you'd expect there to be less movement in the diaphragm. But in fact, there's just as much as always and so that tidal volume, the amount of air that a mother will breathe in and breathe out is much the same in pregnancy as outside of pregnancy. The airflow is much the same. The extra oxygen passes through the placenta, is taken up by the placenta, but also by the baby and it transfers quickly over to the baby's side because the haemoglobin - that is the red cells actually in the baby's circulation- picks up oxygen much more easily than our own haemoglobin would do. It binds that oxygen and it releases it into the baby's circulation. Diana - Pregnant women don't breathe more often, but they do breathe more deeply. And surprisingly, the movement their diaphragm can make isn't impeded by the growing baby. And on the forum, CliffordK said their adding 50 pounds to anybody or make it take more energy to walk across the room and oxygen is required to release that energy.' in from google(pregnant mother extra oxygen)result 4 (2)'Exercise more frequently, which can help your lungs function properly. Improve indoor air quality. Use tools like indoor air filters and reduce pollutants like artificial fragrances, mold, and dust.' in from google(increase lung capacity)result 2 (3)'Another way to increase lung capacity is to improve exercise tolerance. Exercise causes your heart and breathing rates to increase, so your body has enough oxygen and strengthens your heart and lungs. The average person’s lung capacity can be improved around 5 percent to 15 percent even with frequent workouts. Many experts recommend some form of physical exercise at least three times a week' in from google(increase lung capacity)result 1 (4)'Learn to play a wind instrument or to sing – Both give your lungs a regular workout and help you learn breathing control. Exercise in water – Exercising in water adds an element of resistance to your workouts, making your body work harder to supply oxygen and giving your lungs a good workout. Cardio exercise – 30 minute cardio sessions that include short bursts of intensity yield optimal results. There are many forms of cardio exercise that can be modified to your physical fitness level. Higher elevation – There is less oxygen at high elevation, making your lungs work harder. Working out in higher elevation can be a great way to increase your lung capacity, but should be done with caution and is generally for those with an already high fitness level.' in from google(increase lung capacity)result 9 (5)'Before a baby is born, it does not use its lungs to get blood rich in oxygen. Instead, this blood comes from the mother’s placenta and is delivered through the umbilical cord. The foramen ovale makes it possible for the blood to go from the veins to the right side of the fetus’ heart, and then directly to the left side of the heart. The foramen ovale normally closes as blood pressure rises in the left side of the heart after birth. Once it is closed, the blood flows to the lungs to get oxygen before it enters the left side of the heart and gets pumped to the rest of the body. What is a Patent Foramen Ovale? A patent foramen ovale (PFO) means the foramen ovale did not close properly at birth, so there is still an opening in the septum. In most cases, the PFO does not stay open at all times. Instead, it’s more like a flap that opens when there is higher pressure than normal in the chambers on the right side of the heart. Situations that can cause greater pressure include straining during bowel movements, coughing and sneezing. When the pressure gets high enough, blood may move from the right atrium to the left atrium.' in from google (foramen ovale) result 1 from 'foramen ovale' in from 'foramen ovale' in from (Understanding Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)) from youtube-search (hole heart operation) result 1 (6)'Atrial septal defect (ASD) — An opening exists between the heart's 2 upper chambers. This lets some blood from the left atrium (blood that's already been to the lungs) return via the hole to the right atrium instead of flowing through the left ventricle, out the aorta and to the body. Many children with ASD have few, if any, symptoms. Closing the atrial defect by open-heart surgery in childhood can prevent serious problems later in life. Patent foramen ovale (PFO) — is a hole in the wall that separates the 2 upper chambers of the heart known as the right atrium and left atrium. The hole can be located in various locations in the wall (the septum). Ventricular septal defect (VSD) — An opening exists between the heart's 2 lower chambers. Some blood that's returned from the lungs and been pumped into the left ventricle flows to the right ventricle through the hole instead of being pumped into the aorta. Because the heart has to pump extra blood and is overworked, it may enlarge.' in from google(vsd pfo)result 1 14 dec 2019 12:11 pm est:#reword# aerobic-exercise during pregnancy suck double-oxygen needed for mother and fetus, maybe decrease vsd/ventricular-septal-defect-risk in new-born-baby, maybe if fetus does not get enough oxygen then patent-foramen-ovale will be too large then becoming vsd. #to# aerobic-exercise during pregnancy suck double-oxygen needed for mother and fetus, maybe decrease vsd/ventricular-septal-defect-risk in new-born-baby, maybe if fetus does not get enough oxygen then fetus->patent-foramen-ovale will enlarge then becoming vsd. 14 dec 2019 12:15 pm est:(1)#add# 'total: 25-35 pounds' in from google(pregnancy weight gain)result 1 (2)#add# 'Total: 30 pounds' in from google(pregnancy weight gain)result 2 (3)#add# maybe prior pregnancy a woman must adapt to carrying 30 lbs extra-weight-gain so during pregnancy that pregnant-woman suffer less breathlessness during pregnancy. 18 dec 2019 9:21 am est: is updated 18 dec 2019 9:24 am est: is updated 18 dec 2019 9:35 am est: is updated 18 dec 2019 9:41 am est: is updated 18 dec 2019 2:39 pm est: is updated 18 dec 2019 7:15 pm est: is updated 20 dec 2019 5:22 pm est:#add# - cardio-exercise:(1)undress so fully-naked (2)lift 1 leg, grab lifted-leg-knee-cap (3)jump-gently on same-place, or jump-gently forward repeatedly, or jump-gently backward repeatedly (4)do step 2 with different-leg (5)rest-position:find 'position for eating' in 20 dec 2019 5:43 pm est:#add# for female:grab boobs with 1 arm, make-sure boobs not bouncing-around too violently, violently-bouncing-boobs maybe stretch boobs. 20 dec 2019 5:45 pm est: is updated 20 dec 2019 5:46 pm est:#reword# for female:grab boobs with 1 arm, make-sure boobs not bouncing-around too violently, violently-bouncing-boobs maybe stretch boobs. #to# for female:try grab boobs with 1 arm, make-sure boobs not bouncing-around too violently, violently-bouncing-boobs maybe stretch boobs. 20 dec 2019 8:42 pm est:#add# [source:lost-internet-article maybe written by physician says cholesterol-check-procedure is stand with 1 leg for some second] 21 dec 2019 7:51 am est:#reword# [source:lost-internet-article maybe written by physician says cholesterol-check-procedure is stand with 1 leg for some second] #to# [source:'Have a moment? Get up from your chair and try this. Read the next few paragraphs — or count to 20 — while standing on one leg. If you can do it without losing your balance, pat yourself on the back. It looks like you're at a lower risk of having a stroke. But if you stumbled, you might want to sit down for the rest of this (and then possibly schedule a doctor's visit). According to a new study published in the journal Stroke, people who can't stand on one leg for at least 20 seconds at a time without losing their balance are at a higher risk of having a stroke and of having brain damage in general.', 'The ability to balance on one leg is an important test for brain health," study author Yasuharu Tabara said in a press release. "Individuals showing poor balance on one leg should receive increased attention, as this may indicate an increased risk for brain disease and cognitive decline.' in from google(check stroke stand with 1 leg)result 1] 21 dec 2019 2:11 pm est:#add# eating cold-cheese from grocery, without cooking that cold-cheese 1st. [source:find 'Calves are most susceptible to the papillomavirus'] 21 dec 2019 2:30 pm est:#add# cow suffer wart maybe because cow eat raw-pig-fat, raw-tallow, raw-fish-meal (1)'whole sunflower seeds (20 % -> 40 % fat) and 100 % fat sources, namely pork tallow and canola oil' in from google(tallow for dairy cow)result 8 (2)fish-meal in from google(dairy cow feed pork fat)result 1 (3)lard (swine) -> swine means pork/pig in from google(dairy cow feed pork fat)result 1 (4)tallow (beef) -> making dairy-cow a canibal in from google(dairy cow feed pork fat)result 1 22 dec 2019 8:44 am est:#add# for evaporative-cooling, or wear clothes which doesn't constrict blood-circulation if feeling cold. [source:'Vultures also urinate on themselves to keep comfortable and disease-free. As the urine evaporates, it cools the vulture's body in the same way sweat works on humans. The acid in the urine simultaneously destroys harmful pathogens from their last dinner.' in from ref-10 in 'New World vultures also urinate straight down their legs; the uric acid kills bacteria accumulated from walking through carcasses, and also acts as evaporative cooling.[10]' in] 1 jan 2020 11:6 am est:#reword# hemorrhagic stroke #to# hemorrhagic-stroke/hemorrhage-stroke 1 jan 2020 11:10 am est: is updated 1 jan 2020 11:15 am est:#add# find 'mix salty-water(stir salt inside water) with cooked-rice.' in 1 jan 2020 12:22 pm est:(1)#make obsolete# solid apple stored in room temperature, is a better gastric acid than salt. (2)#add# use salty-water, because apple make loose-stool 1 jan 2020 12:24 pm est:#make obsolete# or solid apple #make obsolete# solid apple stored in room temperature, is a better gastric acid than salt. 1 jan 2020 12:52 pm est:#reword# sprinkle salt over thinly sliced chickens #to# pour salty-water on thinly sliced chickens 1 jan 2020 12:53 pm est:#reword# sprinkle salt to the minced egg #to# sprinkle salty-water to the minced egg 1 jan 2020 12:54 pm est:#reword# brown rice and salt #to# brown rice and salty-water [more info:] 1 jan 2020 12:54 pm est:#reword# fried potato and salt #to# fried potato and salty-water 1 jan 2020 1:51 pm est:#reword# add salt to veggie. #to# pour salty-water to veggie. 3 jan 2020 11:51 pm est: is updated 4 jan 2020 12 am est: is updated 4 jan 2020 12:14 am est: is updated 4 jan 2020 12:36 am est: is updated 4 jan 2020 2:55 pm est: is updated 4 jan 2020 6:34 pm est: is updated 6 jan 2020 1:10 am est: is updated 6 jan 2020 10:2 am est: is updated 10 jan 2020 12:19 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 10:19 am est:#reword# put cfl light bulb inside fixture #to# use cfL without light-fixture because light-fixture is heavy making light-fixture-root, ceiling suffer pulling-stress/tension-stress then structure-fatigue-probability increase. [source : from 'Mechanic stress' in from google (stress type wiki) result 1] 27 jan 2020 10:38 am est:#add# Light-fixture-interior is like green-house/greenhouse trapping heat. example-cfl-operating-temperature:(1)maximum-temperature : 75 celcius (2)minimum-operating-temperature : -22 f ( - 30 c ) source: from google (cfl ballast temperature) result 4 from 'For example, if you use a higher wattage CFL in any sort of closed fixture the heat that is generated by the light bulb becomes trapped in the can and will overheat the ballast and making it last up to 70% less than declared! Another common problem is the fact that people expect from ordinary CFLs to serve as good outdoors lighting where they can run constantly, but you need to know that those CFLs don’t perform well on low temperatures. Aside weaker light output and longer time needed to achieve it, they tend to last far less then stated. CFLs are also found to be sensitive to humidity.' in from google(prolong light bulb)result 3 example about greenhouse/green-house-temperature: when outdoor-temperature reaches 80 f => 100 f (27 c => 38 c), car-interior-temperature reaches 130 f => 172 f (54 c => 78 c). [source : 'Basically the car becomes a greenhouse', 'When temperatures outside range from 80 degrees to 100 degrees, the temperature inside a car parked in direct sunlight can quickly climb to between 130 to 172' in] 27 jan 2020 10:42 am est:#reword# Light-fixture-interior is like green-house/greenhouse trapping heat. #to# Light-fixture-interior is like green-house/greenhouse trapping heat then making light-bulb dead earlier. 27 jan 2020 11:11 am est:#add# Light-fixture can accumulate dead-insect, maybe bring bad-luck 27 jan 2020 11:49 am est: is updated 27 jan 2020 12:41 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 1:2 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 1:8 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 1:11 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 1:20 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 1:27 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 1:35 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 1:42 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 3:28 pm est: is updated 27 jan 2020 7:9 pm est: is updated 31 jan 2020 2:45 pm est: is updated 31 jan 2020 2:55 pm est: is updated 31 jan 2020 3:13 pm est: is updated 31 jan 2020 3:36 pm est: is updated 31 jan 2020 4:1 pm est: is updated 31 jan 2020 4:6 pm est: is updated 31 jan 2020 4:52 pm est:(1) is updated (2)#add# drink 1 or 2 spoon or more of kikkoman-soy-sauce 31 jan 2020 5 pm est: is updated 7 feb 2020 11:48 am est: is updated 13 feb 2020 4:48 pm est:(1) is updated (2) is updated 13 feb 2020 5:5 pm est: is updated 25 feb 2020 3:33 pm est: is updated 9 mar 2020 5:41 pm edt:(1)#make obsolete# 16)find 'mix salty-water(stir salt inside water) with cooked-rice.' in (2)#make obsolete# 117)drink 1 or 2 spoon or more of kikkoman-soy-sauce (3)#add# 16)avoid salt because salt-chemistry-composition : NaCl/sodium-chloride/sodium-chlorite/sodium-chlorine is similar to toilet-bowl-dried-oily-feces-stain-remover-clorox-active-ingredient sodium-hypochlorite: 'Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidizer. Oxidation reactions are corrosive. Solutions burn the skin and cause eye damage' in from 'sodium hypochlorite' label on clorox-bottle chlorine = chloride [source:'The most common compound of chlorine, sodium chloride (common salt), has been known since ancient times. ' in] chlorite = chloride [source:'chlorite ion, or chlorine dioxide anion, is the halite with the chemical formula of ClO−2' in] 9 mar 2020 6:22 pm edt:#add# 1. eat find 'food contain potassium :' because potassium/potash/pot-of-ash is water-softener. water-softener should remove scale/water-stain/calcium-and-magnesium-and-other-metal on throat-area [source:'Water softening is the removal of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water. The resulting soft water requires less soap for the same cleaning effort' in from 'water softening' in from 'potash' in]. eat potassium then sleep because potassium maybe muscle-relaxant so maybe feel sleepy after eating potassium, too much potassium maybe make puborectalis-muscle relax then wanting to defecate. 9 mar 2020 6:33 pm edt: is updated 9 mar 2020 6:35 pm edt:(1)#reword# - cardio-exercise:(1)undress so fully-naked for evaporative-cooling, or wear clothes which doesn't constrict blood-circulation if feeling cold. [source:'Vultures also urinate on themselves to keep comfortable and disease-free. As the urine evaporates, it cools the vulture's body in the same way sweat works on humans. The acid in the urine simultaneously destroys harmful pathogens from their last dinner.' in from ref-10 in 'New World vultures also urinate straight down their legs; the uric acid kills bacteria accumulated from walking through carcasses, and also acts as evaporative cooling.[10]' in] #to# - cardio-exercise/aerobic-exercise without cardio-machine in small-space: (2)#add# or lift 1 leg, grab lifted-foot 11 mar 2020 1 pm edt:#reword# or lift 1 leg, grab lifted-foot #to# or lift 1 leg so foot-palm/foot-plantar almost touch ass, grab lifted-foot 12 mar 2020 12:18 pm edt:#reword# - cardio-exercise/aerobic-exercise without cardio-machine in small-space: #to# - cardio-exercise/aerobic-exercise without cardio-machine in small-space-ground-floor: 13 mar 2020 5:56 pm edt: is updated 13 mar 2020 6:15 pm edt: is updated 13 mar 2020 6:19 pm edt: is updated 18 mar 2020 1:35 pm edt: is updated 18 mar 2020 3:14 pm edt: is updated 18 mar 2020 3:18 pm edt: is updated 18 mar 2020 3:25 pm edt: is updated 19 mar 2020 4:56 pm edt: is updated 23 mar 2020 4:47 pm edt:#make obsolete# 2. fried potato and salty-water 3. skinless plain sweet-korean-potato (purple skin, rather-green flesh) 4. skinless plain sweet-potato (brown skin, orange flesh) 23 mar 2020 4:52 pm edt: is updated 23 mar 2020 9:9 pm edt:#make obsolete# white-rice from being cooked in rice-cooker fully mixed with ketchup/tomato-sauce 23 mar 2020 9:13 pm edt: is updated 26 mar 2020 12:46 pm edt: is updated 27 mar 2020 5:17 pm edt:#add# 1. sleep on left-side(from sleeper-point-of-view) to avoid heartburn/acid-reflux. maybe heartburn/acid-reflux push digestive-bacteria upward to throat-area causing cough. 27 mar 2020 5:20 pm edt:#add# more info : find 'sleeping on left side, cure heartburn' 27 mar 2020 5:29 pm edt:#add# do aerobic-exercise prior sleeping to decrease heart-attack-risk during sleeping on left-side 27 mar 2020 5:34 pm edt:#add# aerobic-exercise during feeling-sick, stimulate lymph-node, good for immune-system [source:find 'fired up when the body gets moving through exercise, dancing']. 27 mar 2020 6:3 pm edt:#add# body-movement is needed to keep heart beating. yoga make ppl stop moving. so yoga is bad for heart: (doctors helped pregnant woman survived and dead baby becomes alive new born) 27 mar 2020 6:35 pm edt:(1)#make obsolete# body-movement is needed to keep heart beating. yoga make ppl stop moving. so yoga is bad for heart: (2)#add# sleeping in prone-position maybe cure cough but prone-position for too long is bad for eye [source:find '- ocular hypertension'] sleeping in prone-position with face-chin against floor maybe cure cough and good for eye but face-chin-bone maybe hurting. penis-position during prone-position is non-upward-position. [source:find 'penis position during sleeping in prone position'] 28 mar 2020 3:30 pm edt:(1)#add# 'NaClO' (2)#add# NaCl(salt) + ozone -> NaClO(sodium-hypochlorite) + o2(oxygen) [source:'Sodium hypochlorite can be easily produced for research purposes by reacting ozone with salt. NaCl + O3 → NaClO + O2. this reaction happens at room temperature and can be helpful for oxidizing alcohols. ' in 28 mar 2020 3:33 pm edt:#reword# NaCl(salt) + ozone -> NaClO(sodium-hypochlorite) + o2(oxygen) [source:'Sodium hypochlorite can be easily produced for research purposes by reacting ozone with salt. NaCl + O3 → NaClO + O2. this reaction happens at room temperature and can be helpful for oxidizing alcohols. ' in #to# NaCl(salt) + o3(ozone) -> NaClO(sodium-hypochlorite) + o2(oxygen) [source:'Sodium hypochlorite can be easily produced for research purposes by reacting ozone with salt. NaCl + O3 → NaClO + O2. this reaction happens at room temperature and can be helpful for oxidizing alcohols. ' in 29 mar 2020 6:28 pm edt:(1/3)#reword# NaCl #to# NaCL (2/3)#reword# o3 #to# O3 (3/3)#reword# o2 #to# O2 3 apr 2020 6:23 pm edt: is updated 3 apr 2020 6:27 pm edt: is updated 11 apr 2020 10:41 pm edt: is updated 11 apr 2020 11:53 pm edt: is updated 12 apr 2020 1:21 am edt: #reword# find 'decaf-coffee still contain caffeine:30 mg/20 fl oz.[source:'Caffeine 30mg**' in from google(starbucks decaf coffee ingredient)result 1]' in this text #to# find 'decaf-coffee still contain caffeine:30 mg caffeine/20 fl oz.[source:'Caffeine 30mg**' in from google(starbucks decaf coffee ingredient)result 1]' in this text 18 apr 2020 11:25 am edt:#add# (1)night-time is best-time to do physical-exercise. because: (1)accidental-fall maybe more likely happen during night-time [source:find 'bill-mcdermott' in] physical-exercise increase agility temporarily. (2)forgetting to turn-off lamp more likely happen during night-time (3)decrease risk forgetting to close garage-door 19 apr 2020 12:37 pm edt:#add# maybe drinking sugary-water soothe stinging-eye. 19 apr 2020 12:38 pm edt:#add# how bone react to vinegar:submerge bone inside vinegar for 1 week then bone become flexible/easily-bent: (Magic Bendy Bone - How to Bend a Chicken Bone Science Experiment !!) from youtube-search (bone vinegar) result 1 19 apr 2020 12:40 pm edt:#add# (4)decrease heart-attack/blood-clot/thrombosis-risk during sleeping. 19 apr 2020 12:42 pm edt:#add# - possible cure for scoliosis, kyphosis (bent-spine-bone) : (1)stop eating find '- food for bone :' (2)find 'how to drink vinegar-' (3)find 'how bone react to vinegar:submerge bone inside vinegar for 1 week then bone become flexible/easily-bent: (Magic Bendy Bone - How to Bend a Chicken Bone Science Experiment !!) from youtube-search (bone vinegar) result 1' 19 apr 2020 1:4 pm edt:#add# [source:from idea from 'heather walsh' comment 19 hour ago 'I am in CT, and I’m really afraid. So many people are coming here from NYC. So many are getting sick. It’s really awful. We have been quarantining...only going to stores to shop for food 3 weeks at a time. Washing, masks, gloves.... It’s really terrifying. My son needs scoliosis treatment in I’m planning to go in June; June 8th. Is this even going to be safe? His dr in NYC claims it’s fine... but seriously?? I’m terrified. For myself; my kids; my loved ones. It’s awful. I cannot believe anyone would think this is just political. It’s unreal. Please STAY SAFE. Stay HEALTHY. ❤️' in (HOW COVID-19 KILLS--I'm a Surgeon--And Why We Can't Save You) from youtube-recommendation] 19 apr 2020 2:33 pm edt: is updated 20 apr 2020 2:28 am edt:#add# table-sugar is sucrose, not glucose. table-sugar/sucrose-chemistry-compostiion: C-12-H-22-O-11 [source:'Sucrose is produced naturally in plants, from which table sugar is refined. It has the molecular formula C12H22O11. For human consumption, sucrose is extracted and refined from either sugarcane or sugar beet.' in from idea from 'cakcaka' comment 5 months ago 'AKA how poison is made' in (How Cane Sugar Is Made)] glucose-chemistry-composition : C-6 H-12 O-6 [source:'Glucose is a simple sugar with the molecular formula C6H12O6. Glucose is the most abundant monosaccharide,[3] a subcategory of carbohydrates. Glucose is mainly made by plants and most algae during photosynthesis from water and carbon dioxide, using energy from sunlight' in] 20 apr 2020 3:10 am edt:#add# Na-O-H/sodium-hydroxide is damaging [source:'In a similar fashion, sodium hydroxide is used to digest tissues, as in a process that was used with farm animals at one time. This process involved placing a carcass into a sealed chamber, then adding a mixture of sodium hydroxide and water (which breaks the chemical bonds that keep the flesh intact). This eventually turns the body into a liquid with coffee-like appearance,[32][33] and the only solid that remains are bone hulls, which could be crushed between one's fingertips.[34]' in] Na-H-C-O-3/sodium-bicarbonate/baking-soda is not damaging [source:] eating too much ajinomoto/msg/C-5-H-8-N-O-4-Na causes thirst [source:] hypernatremia/too-much Na alone causes thirst [source:'Early symptoms may include a strong feeling of thirst, weakness, nausea, and loss of appetite.[1]' in] maybe Na alone taste salty. Cl alone taste like swimming-pool-water-odor. [source:'Cl2 + H2O <--> HClO + HCl' in from 'Chlorine is usually used (in the form of hypochlorous acid) to kill bacteria and other microbes in drinking water supplies and public swimming pools' in] 20 apr 2020 3:12 am edt:#add# maybe drinking ajinomoto-water/msg-water causes more thirst, but drinking sugary-water not causing thirst. 20 apr 2020 9:47 pm edt: is updated 21 apr 2020 11:40 am edt: is updated 21 apr 2020 12:27 pm edt: is updated 24 apr 2020 5:47 pm edt: is updated 3 may 2020 7 pm edt: is updated 4 may 2020 1:48 pm edt: #add# - how to remove ear-wax ? how to clean ear ? (1)hair-accessory->bobby-pins can wrap-around/lasso ear-wax then remove ear-wax [source:google (bobby pins) from¤cy=USD&utm_campaign=gs-2018-10-06&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv_HHv9-a6QIVAu21Ch3ZkAFMEAQYAiABEgLPA_D_BwE from google-image (hair accessory name) row 1 col 2 from my-mother] but cleaning that bobby-pins need prodigal-amount-of-clean-water (2)tooth-pick can sort-of-move-around-then-extract ear-wax. cleaning tooth-pick need less-clean-water than bobby-pins. if tooth-pick accidentally scrape ear-mucus-membrane too hard and making bloody-ear-wound then stop using tooth-pick for few days then resume again if desired. i use tooth-pick. 4 may 2020 2:26 pm edt: #add# - possible cure for swimmer-ear/water-trapped-inside-ear-canal : do prone-body-position-with-eyes-see-forward for as long as possible [source:(1/2)idea from youtube-comment 'Yasmeen Zuri' 10 months ago 'I used soap and water and got swimmers ear. So now what?' in (Forget Q-tips — here’s how you should be cleaning your ears) from youtube-search (iron soak salt water) result 19 (2/2)'swimmer's ear' in from google(water trapped in ear canal)result 1] 4 may 2020 3:38 pm edt:#add under# possible cure for swimmer-ear/water-trapped-inside-ear-canal : #:# penis-position during prone-position is non-upward-position. [source:find 'penis position during sleeping in prone position'] 6 may 2020 12:42 pm edt: is updated 9 may 2020 4:34 pm edt: is updated 28 may 2020 6:42 pm edt:#add# 'Soy lecithin is another emulsifier and thickener' 20 jun 2020 6:49 pm edt: is updated 20 jun 2020 6:58 pm edt: is updated 20 jun 2020 9:24 pm edt: is updated 25 jun 2020 1:25 pm edt: #add# why sleep on [find 'pillow for hard-floor :'] ? (1)because that find 'pillow for hard-floor :' is flat, will not sink then trap sweat from face skin, maybe acne will subside (2)because ear is entrance-and-exit for virus. [source:forgotten-article from google (...)] mid-air-floating-ear keep ear dry, virus dislike dry-environment. 25 jun 2020 1:31 pm edt: #reword# (2)because ear is entrance-and-exit for virus. [source:forgotten-article from google (...)] mid-air-floating-ear keep ear dry, virus dislike dry-environment. #to# (2)because ear-hole is entrance-and-exit for virus. [source:forgotten-article from google (...)] mid-air-floating-ear-hole keep ear-hole dry, virus dislike dry-environment. 25 jun 2020 1:32 pm edt:#add# find 'why sleep on [find 'pillow for hard-floor :'] ?' 29 jun 2020 5:29 pm edt: #add# hindu teach ahimsa which means avoid causing injury to animal. hindu, zoroastrian say cow is god, forbid eating cow. hindu-person invent cosine, sine. info : find 'cow', 'ahimsa', 'cosine', 'sine' in bible has flaw : but what bible says about year 7 / sabbathical year, maybe is true : so bible is not perfect. 1 jul 2020 6:40 pm edt: #add# squat with kegel-contrated causes constipation, better-alternative : do movement number 3 (stand on 1 foot, look to floor, lift other-leg so other-leg and spine and head are in 1 horizontal-line, lower-then-raise that-other-leg-and-spine-and-head repeatedly) in find '' 7 jul 2020 12:20 pm edt: #add# but statement 'Hepatitis C virus can survive for up to four days'.... maybe means hepatitis-c-virus exist for 4 day then evaporate go to somewhere else and assume hepatitis-c-virus going somewhere else means hepatitis-c-virus is dead. 7 jul 2020 12:35 pm edt: #add# if cold-virus-medicine really kill cold-virus/rhino-virus then cold-virus-medicine should stop cold-virus-symptom forever but the fact is cold-virus-medicine need renewal after some-time otherwise cold-virus-symptom return (cold-virus/rhino-virus re-activate) even-if that sufferer live in hygenic-prison. 7 jul 2020 12:39 pm edt: #add# so if cold-virus-symptom stop then that means cold-virus/rhino-virus deactivate. if cold-virus-symptom return then that means cold-virus/rhino-virus re-activate. so cold-virus-sufferer stop suffering because all cold-virus/rhino-virus has been ejected and go to somewhere else , not because cold-virus/rhino-virus is dead. 7 jul 2020 12:44 pm edt: #reword# if cold-virus-medicine really kill cold-virus/rhino-virus then cold-virus-medicine should stop cold-virus-symptom forever but the fact is cold-virus-medicine need renewal after some-time otherwise cold-virus-symptom return (cold-virus/rhino-virus re-activate) even-if that sufferer live in hygenic-prison. so if cold-virus-symptom stop then that means cold-virus/rhino-virus deactivate. if cold-virus-symptom return then that means cold-virus/rhino-virus re-activate. so cold-virus-sufferer stop suffering because all cold-virus/rhino-virus has been ejected and go to somewhere else , not because cold-virus/rhino-virus is dead. #to# how prove polio-virus effective ? (1) collect raw-cow-milk-protein-with-polio-virus but without hepatitis-virus, other known-virus. (2)a person with polio-virus-vaccine should drink that raw-cow-milk-protein-with-polio-virus (3)if that person-blood doesn't contain polio-virus then polio-vaccine is really effective. 7 jul 2020 12:49 pm edt: #reword# how prove polio-virus effective ? #to# how prove polio-virus-vaccine effective ? 7 jul 2020 12:50 pm edt: #reword# (3)if that person-blood doesn't contain polio-virus then polio-vaccine is really effective. #to# (3)if that person-blood doesn't contain polio-virus then polio-virus-vaccine is really effective. 7 jul 2020 12:57 pm edt: #add# (4)but if polio-virus-vaccine fail then that person suffer permanent-bone-damage. so maybe test dengue-fever-virus-vaccine, don't test polio-virus-vaccine. dengue-fever-virus causes fever only, no permanent-damage. [source:] 7 jul 2020 1:41 pm edt: #add# - cure for painful-tongue : - make painful-tongue-area dry, not touch gum, not touch tooth, not touch anything, for as-long-as-possible. - if acidic-food, salty-food hurt that painful-tongue-area then stop eating acidic-food, stop eating salty-food [source: from google (painful tongue)] 7 jul 2020 1:45 pm edt: #add# - recovery-duration : 1.5 week or 2 week 7 jul 2020 1:49 pm edt:#add# with mouth-closed is ok 21 jul 2020 4:42 pm edt => 5:52 pm edt: (1/2)#add# tip : agonist activate receptor to make biology-response. antagonist block receptor to shut-down biology-response. inverse-agonist activate receptor to make opposite-biology-response. [source:'agonist is a chemical that binds to a receptor and activates the receptor to produce a biological response. Whereas an antagonist blocks the action of the agonist, and an inverse agonist causes an action opposite to that of the agonist' in] (2/2)#add# tip : μ means mu, Mu [source: 'Mu /ˈmjuː/[1]' in fromμ] 21 jul 2020 5:49 pm edt: (1/2)#reword# 6. 'The enkephalins are considered to be the primary endogenous ligands of the δ-opioid receptor, due to their high potency and selectivity for the site over the other endogenous opioids.[2]' in from google (met-enkephalin) result 1 7. 'A significant factor that differentiates β-endorphin from other endogenous opioids is its high affinity for and lasting effect on μ-opioid receptors.[5]' in from google (β-endorphin) result 1 8. 'Dynorphins exert their effects primarily through the κ-opioid receptor (KOR)' in from google (dynorphin) result 1 9. 'Leu-enkephalin has agonistic actions at both the μ- and δ-opioid receptors, with significantly greater preference for the latter. It has little to no effect on the κ-opioid receptor' in from google (leu-enkephalin) result 1 #to# 6. enkephalin is delta-opioid-receptor [source:'The enkephalins are considered to be the primary endogenous ligands of the δ-opioid receptor, due to their high potency and selectivity for the site over the other endogenous opioids.[2]' in from google (met-enkephalin) result 1] 7. beta-endorphin is mu-opioid-receptor [source:'A significant factor that differentiates β-endorphin from other endogenous opioids is its high affinity for and lasting effect on μ-opioid receptors.[5]' in from google (β-endorphin) result 1] 8. dynorphins is kappa-opioid-receptor-agonist [source:'Dynorphins exert their effects primarily through the κ-opioid receptor (KOR)', 'KOR agonist', in from google (dynorphin) result 1] in dog, kappa-opioid-receptor-agonist block peeing, maybe induce defecation. [source:'whereas K-agonists adminis- tered orally are able to increase gastric emptying of the solid phase of a canned food meal-an effect that is not reproduced by parenteral administration. Fur- thermore, the K-agonists used herein also inhibit gastric emptying of liquids' in from google (kappa opioid receptor gastric emptying) result 5] 9. met-enkephalin is delta-opioid-receptor-agonist [source:'Met-enkephalin is a potent agonist of the δ-opioid receptor' in] 10. leu-enkephalin is mu-opioid-receptor-agonist, delta-opioid-receptor-agonist [source:'Leu-enkephalin has agonistic actions at both the μ- and δ-opioid receptors, with significantly greater preference for the latter. It has little to no effect on the κ-opioid receptor' in from google (leu-enkephalin) result 1] (2/2)#replace# 4. 'Active in both binding and biological assays, morphiceptin (NH2 Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-CONH2), a potent opioid peptide derivative of β-casamorphine, binds specifically and selectively to mu or morphine-type receptors with little affinity for delta sites.' in from google (morphiceptin mu receptor) page 2 result 4 #with# 4. cow-milk->morphiceptin is mu-agonist source:(4.1)'effects of the opioid peptides morphiceptin and [N-MePhe3-D-Pro4]morphiceptin (PL017), both mu receptor agonists, were examined by electrophysiological techniques in the rat hippocampal slice and ligand binding techniques in hippocampal membrane preparations. The electrophysiological actions of the mu agonists were similar to those of the previously studied delta receptor agonist [D-Ala2, D-Leu5]enkephalin. Thus, for a given size field excitatory postsynaptic potential the amplitude of both population spike and intracellular excitatory postsynaptic potential was increased by morphiceptin. These effects were concentration dependent and reversed by naloxone' in from google (morphiceptin mu receptor agonist) result 1 (4.2)'intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusions of the selective mu receptor agonist morphiceptin produce a dual effect on lordosis behavior in ovariectomized, steroid-primed rats. Low doses of morphiceptin (20 ng) inhibit lordosis whereas higher doses (2000 ng) facilitate this behavior. The present experiment tested whether naloxone, an antagonist of both high- and low-affinity mu receptors, or the long-acting high-affinity mu receptor antagonist naloxazone could block the dual effect of morphiceptin on lordosis. Ovariectomized rats primed with estrogen and progesterone received naloxone, naloxazone, or a control solution prior to ICV infusions of either 0, 20, or 2000 ng of morphiceptin. Naloxone reversed both the inhibition and facilitation of lordosis produced by morphiceptin, but had no effect on lordosis when administered before control infusions. In contrast, naloxazone reversed the inhibition but not the facilitation of lordosis. These results indicate that the inhibitory effect of morphiceptin on lordosis reflects the activation of high-affinity mu receptors whereas the facilitatory effect reflects either the activation of low-affinity mu receptors or other opioid receptor subtypes. The failure of naloxone or naloxazone to affect lordosis in rats receiving control infusions of saline further suggests that endogenous opioid systems do not exert a tonic inhibitory or facilitatory action on lordosis behavior.' in from google (morphiceptin mu receptor antagonist) result 1 21 jul 2020 6:6 pm edt: #add# so cow-milk->morphiceptin is mu-receptor-agonist, not delta-receptor-agonist, not kappa-receptor-agonist. additional [source:'Morphine is primarily an agonist ligand for the μ receptor. Its affinities for δ and κ receptors are sufficiently low that it is used as a selective μ receptor ligand in pharmacologicalstudies [16].' in] 21 jul 2020 6:39 pm edt: #add# cow-milk decrease peeing, peeing is a way to decrease blood-sugar-level. so cow-milk causes high-blood-sugar-level. [source:'Bladder activity was consistently inhibited by the mu-agonists morphiceptin and [D-Ala2, MePhe4, Gly-(ol)5]enkephalin (DAGO) and by [D-Ala2, D-Leu5]enkephalin (DADLE, delta-agonist)' in from google (morphiceptin μ δ κ receptor agonist) result 5 cow-milk->morphiceptin is mu-receptor-agonist, not delta-receptor-agonist, not kappa-receptor-agonist. [source:'Morphine is primarily an agonist ligand for the μ receptor. Its affinities for δ and κ receptors are sufficiently low that it is used as a selective μ receptor ligand in pharmacologicalstudies [16].' in] naloxone, movantik reverse mu-receptor-agonist-effect (mu-receptor-antaagonist). so maybe eating naloxone, eating movantik, cure diabetes type 1. 21 jul 2020 6:41 pm edt:#add# [source:find 'naloxone', 'movantik'] 22 jul 2020 9:1 am edt: is updated 22 jul 2020 9:12 am edt: is updated 22 jul 2020 9:22 am edt: is updated 29 jul 2020 9:52 am edt: (1/2)#make obsolete# 13. sugar needs salt, potassium (2/2)#add# potassium make loose-stool 29 jul 2020 9:59 am edt: #add# 16)eat sugar in solid-form, not in liquid-form. use steel-spoon to eat sugar-powder (move-around sugar-powder inside mouth with saliva then swallow sugar-and-saliva), steel-spoon transfer 100 % sugar-powder from steel-spoon to mouth, wood-spoon may fail to transfer some sugar-powder from wood-spoon to mouth. avoid drinking sugar-water because drinking sugar-water increase pee-frequency. 29 jul 2020 10:10 am edt: is updated 29 jul 2020 10:13 am edt: is updated 31 jul 2020 10:42 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 11:42 am edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 5:27 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 6:41 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 7:29 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 7:33 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 7:35 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 7:57 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 8:16 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 8:52 pm edt: is updated 22 aug 2020 9:43 pm edt: is updated 23 aug 2020 9:8 pm edt: is updated 23 aug 2020 10:53 pm edt: is updated 24 aug 2020 8:42 pm edt:: is updated 24 aug 2020 8:48 pm edt:: is updated 27 aug 2020 11:10 am edt:: is updated 28 aug 2020 11:25 pm edt: is updated 29 aug 2020 3:9 pm edt: is updated 11 sep 2020 6:41 pm edt:#add# 17)maybe remove ear-ring which continuously-injure ear-auricle. [source:'auricle' in from 'click image to enlarge' in from google ( ear anatomy ) result 1] and maybe bacteria gather on place where ear-ring-needle penetrate ear-auricle. 12 sep 2020 12:28 am edt:#add# slightly-separated ear-auricle (slight-ear-laceration) eventually-automatically-rejoin without stitching/suture and keloid maybe appear on ex-ear-auricle-separation/laceration-location. [source:indonesia/malay-language : from google ( kuping sobek tanpa jahit ) result 1] ear-auricle-puncture-location for ear-ring-needle is similar to that slightly-separated ear-auricle. 16 sep 2020 3:50 pm edt: is updated 20 sep 2020 12:20 pm edt: end 12:21 pm edt: #reword# (2)lift 1 leg, grab lifted-leg-knee-cap #to# (2)lift 1 leg to stomach-front-part, grab lifted-leg-knee-cap so lifted-leg-knee-cap almost touch stomach-front-part. 20 sep 2020 12:25 pm edt: (1/2) is updated (2/2) is updated 24 sep 2020 4:44 pm edt: is updated 27 sep 2020 4:10 pm edt:#add# find 'if right-nose is blocked: (right-nose from nose-owner-point-of-view)' #under# - cardio-exercise/aerobic-exercise without cardio-machine in small-space-ground-floor: 27 sep 2020 4:47 pm edt: #add# or sleep-on-floor-mat-with-supine-position then repeatedly-move right-leg or left-leg side-way right-and-left, using calf-muscle/gastrocnemius-muscle to repeatedly-roll right-and-left. floor-mat is recommended because bed is too unstable. #under# - cardio-exercise/aerobic-exercise without cardio-machine in small-space-ground-floor: 15 oct 2020 1 pm edt:#make obsolete# - male-pubic-hair is useful for catching sperm during wet-dream so male-pubic-hair block sperm from dripping to anus-area. 15 oct 2020 2:18 pm edt: #add# (2) boil intact-egg for 5 -> 10 minute, avoid breaking-egg-then-fry-egg. #until# biotin-deficiency make hair loss 15 oct 2020 2:25 pm edt:#add# 18)find 'boil intact-egg for 5 -> 10 minute, avoid breaking-egg-then-fry-egg' 15 oct 2020 2:34 pm edt:#add# put tissue adjacent-to sleeping-area 15 oct 2020 2:40 pm edt: (1/3)#reword# e.g/exempli-gratia/example : 120 C, 15 minute #to# e.g/exempli-gratia/example : 120 celcius, 15 minute (2/3)#add# 'chemical attraction' in (3/3)#add# avidin-biotin (raw-egg-white-and-egg-yolk)'s association is 1 of strongest affinities/chemistry-attraction known. avidin-biotin's complex/association/connection/molecular-bond is stable to 100 celcius, and stable to detergents and denaturants. 15 oct 2020 2:40 pm edt: (1/3)#reword# e.g/exempli-gratia/example : 120 C, 15 minute #to# e.g/exempli-gratia/example : 120 celcius, 15 minute (2/3)#add# 'chemical attraction' in (3/3)#add# avidin-biotin (raw-egg-white-and-egg-yolk)'s association is 1 of strongest affinities/chemistry-attraction known. avidin-biotin's complex/association/connection/molecular-bond is stable to 100 celcius, and stable to detergents and denaturants. 15 oct 2020 2:59 pm edt: #add# 'If bond binds atoms together, then we call it chemical bond. However, if bond bind molecules together, we call it molecular bond' in from google ( chemistry tutorial chemical binding ) result 1 15 oct 2020 3:3 pm edt: #add# so maybe if person has thick hair, thick eye-brow then that person has strong libido. but person maybe cut eye-brow-hair, cut head-hair to decrease clean-water needed to bathe. so appearance can mislead/be-deceptive/mis-represent. 24 oct 2020 8:47 pm edt: is updated 26 oct 2020 5:24 pm edt: #add# - baby maybe cry with loud-voice to say 'i feel hot', other complain. crying with loud-voice, maybe cause hernia. maybe doing [find 'eat sugar in solid-form, not in liquid-form. use steel-spoon to eat sugar-powder (move-around sugar-powder'] to baby make baby cry with quiter-voice then decrease hernia-risk. just like blowing trumpet-music-instrument increase hernia-risk. [source:(1/2) 'Playing wind instruments is accompanied by increased intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure. Wind instrumentalists are therefore likely to be at higher risk for inguinal hernia despite a current lack of definitive evidence (Vosk 2009). A study that measured bladder pressure (which is indicative of intra-abdominal pressure) in trumpet players showed that rising tones and higher playing volume increased the pressures in the oral cavity and urinary bladder equally, with a maximum pressure of 140 mmHg. The study also measured bladder pressure during other activities, such as lifting 20 kg, yelling, laughing and coughing, and doing nothing (Table 2) (Rietveld 2007). Vosk (2009) also reported a case of a bagpiper who developed inguinal hernia.' in from google ( trumpet hernia ) result 3 (2/2) 'Later on, during a routine physical, doctors told him he had a problem. That "pop" Sergeant Marchetti felt during his performance at MacDill was medically diagnosed as a bilateral inguinal hernia. Inguinal hernias can either be congenital (present from birth), although they don't manifest themselves until later, or can occur as a result of repetitive pressure (such as that created by blowing a horn), strain or injury. ' in from google ( trumpet hernia ) result 4] 2 nov 2020 5:28 pm est: #add# or other hand can grab square-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container then aim that square-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container underneath testicle ( for male ) so square-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container block toilet-water-splash. after finish defecating and washing anus, wash-with-soap that square-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container. rectangular-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container also fine. circle-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container maybe can not fully-block toilet-water-splash. 11 nov 2020 11:21 am est: is updated 11 nov 2020 11:38 am est: is updated 11 nov 2020 11:55 am est: is updated 11 nov 2020 1:5 pm est: is updated 12 nov 2020 8:10 am est: is updated 12 nov 2020 8:59 am est: is updated 16 nov 2020 3:49 pm est: is updated 17 nov 2020 8:3 am est: #add# forward-bending spine too much, causes spine-(disc/sponge)-herniation ( spine-(disc/sponge)-protrusion which push spine-cord/spine-nerve against vertebral-arch-lamina/spine-arch-lamina/spine-cord-rear-shield ) : : [source: from 'Anatomy of a vertebra' in from 'verterbral column' in] (1/2) ( Herniated Disc - Patient Education ) from youtube-search ( spinal disc herniation ) result 4 (2/2) ( What Is A Herniated Disc - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments ) from youtube-search ( spinal disc herniation ) result 1 but a little forward-bending spine is needed, to watch foot-step so person's foot don't step on road-hole/pot-hole, sewing-needle, sharp-kid-toy, animal. 17 nov 2020 8:4 am est: (1/2)#reword# #to# ( Proper Lifting Techniques, Prevent Back Injuries by Lifting Objects Correctly ) (2/2)#reword# the back is as straight as possible, all the time watch #to# spine is as straight as possible, all the time : find ' ( Proper Lifting Techniques, Prevent Back Injuries by Lifting Objects Correctly )' . 17 nov 2020 11:49 am est: #add# - over-due-child-birth/late-child-birth/late-labor possible cause : (1)eating liver-wurst-sausage from usa-pig, japan-pig, south-korea-pig, new-zealand-pig. because those pig eat ractopamine-drug to increase muscle and decrease fat. drug accumulate in liver. [source:'mrL for ractopamine in pork meat (muscle tissue) is lower than it is for liver because consumers typically eat far more meat than organs such as, liver' in from google ( ractopamine organ meat ) result 3 from 'Because the traditional Chinese diet embraces pig offal, and because ractopamine is concentrated by the gastro-intestinal system of animals' in] ractopamine contain beta-2-adrenergic-receptor-(stimulator/agonist). beta-2-adrenergic-receptor-(stimulator/agonist) make uterine-smooth-muscle relax then prevent labor/child-birth. source: (1/2)'Activation of the beta2 receptor leads to vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle relaxation. Drugs that activate the beta2 receptor can be used to treat as asthma (by relaxing airway smooth muscle) and premature labor (by relaxing uterine smooth muscle)' in from google ( Prophylon beta receptor ) page 2 number 2 from 'it is a phenol-based TAAR1 agonist and β adrenoreceptor agonist that stimulates β1 and β2 adrenergic receptors.[1][2] ' in (2/2)'At term, maternal uterine contractions cause the fetus to be forced from the uterus, a process called parturition. Uterine contractions generally begin at the top of the uterine fundus and spread down toward the cervix. Uterine contractions during the final trimester increase the strength of the uterine muscle. Called Braxton-Hicks contractions, these are slow, rhythmic contractions of the uterine myometrium. Oxytocin dramatically increases the strength and frequency of uterine contractions and can be used to initiate labor if labor does not begin spontaneously' in from google ( premature labor uterine muscle ) result 3 18 nov 2020 5:9 pm est: #add# - harlequin-ichthyosis possible cure : find 'how to drink vinegar-' , to emulsify excessive-skin-fat. - bacteria-meningitis possible cure : find 'how to drink vinegar-' , to emulsify [find 'because sepsis is white-blood-cell encapsulate/coagulate bacteria to kill']. 18 nov 2020 5:11 pm est: #add# wash face with soap, daily, to remove skin-oil, carpet-floor-allergen, dust, around eye, prevent 'burning-eye-tear' condition. 2 dec 2020 4:56 pm est: #under# - possible cure for cerebral palsy, brain damage disease : #add# 1) eat some table-spoon olive-oil directly from olive-oil-bottle until wanting to puke then eat some table-spoon sugar-powder then sleep : to decrease risk of defecating pricey olive-oil and to send olive-oil to brain. [source: says about eat some table-spoon olive-oil directly from olive-oil-bottle to cure diabetes type 1] 2 dec 2020 5:2 pm est: #add# then drink 'how to drink vinegar-' , to emulsify olive-oil ( to make olive-oil easily move around inside blood-vessel ). 2 dec 2020 6:25 pm est: #add# (cerebral-palsy, brain-damage) 18 dec 2020 7:3 pm est: is updated 25 dec 2020 9:27 pm est: (1)#give space prior# unused purine convert to uric acid which destroy (2)#reword# to prevent uric acid from destroying kidney, do physical exercise while sitting on the floor, doable for ppl who has bad vision. #to# physical-exercise prevent uric-acid from destroying kidney. ppl who has bad vision , can do physical exercise while sitting on the floor 10 jan 2021 11:8 pm est: is updated 11 jan 2021 12:9 am est: (1/3)#reword# Hair loss #to# hair loss and oily hair. [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] (2/3)#reword# Bulging fontanelle (infants) #to# Bulging of the soft spot in an infant's skull (fontanelle) [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] (3/3)#reword# Skin and hair changes #to# Skin changes, such as cracking at corners of the mouth, higher sensitivity to sunlight, oily skin, peeling, itching, and yellow color to the skin [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] 12 jan 2021 2:39 pm est: is updated 12 jan 2021 2:56 pm est: #add# harden artery is actually arterio-sclerosis not athero-sclerosis. [source: from 'arteriosclerosis' in] 18 jan 2021 8:47 pm est: (1/2) is updated (2/2) is updated 18 jan 2021 8:50 pm est: (1/2)#reword# so maybe drink veggie-juice, avoid eating solid-veggie. #to# so drink veggie-juice, avoid eating solid-veggie. (2/2)#add under# how to eat vegetarian food- #:# veggie contains cellulose which needs cellulase-enzyme to digest. so drink veggie-juice, avoid eating solid-veggie. info : find 'cellulase, is needed to digest vegetable's cellulose.' in maybe olive-oil is good for spinal-cord 19 jan 2021 10:23 am est: is updated 30 jan 2021 7:21 am est: is updated 30 jan 2021 2:22 pm est: is updated 14 feb 2021 10:28 am est: is updated 1 mar 2021 7:25 am est: is updated 1 mar 2021 7:34 am est: is updated 4 mar 2021 6:30 am est: is updated 7 mar 2021 1:42 pm est: is updated 7 mar 2021 1:47 pm est: is updated 7 mar 2021 1:55 pm est: is updated 8 mar 2021 8:39 am est: is updated 23 mar 2021 12:10 pm edt: is updated 23 mar 2021 12:12 pm edt: is updated 24 mar 2021 5:1 am edt: (1/2) is updated (2/2) is updated 25 mar 2021 11:22 am edt: is updated 26 mar 2021 10:38 am edt: is updated 30 mar 2021 3:48 pm edt: is updated 31 mar 2021 3:51 am edt: is updated 12 apr 2021 9:18 pm edt: is updated 12 apr 2021 9:30 pm edt: is updated 12 apr 2021 9:27 pm edt: #add# find 'maybe drinking water-with-non-iodised-salt , kill scabies-insect inside skin , inside body without full-body-submersion-in-swimming-pool.' in 18 apr 2021 1:31 pm edt: is updated 22 apr 2021 2:36 pm est: is updated 22 apr 2021 3:10 am edt: is updated 22 apr 2021 5:34 am edt: #add# [warning] , , , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during usa-country->california-night-time-only starting around 13-mar california-time-zone is utc-7. starting around 4-nov california-time-zone is utc-8. source: (1)find in : '-[13-mar-2011] usa, canada day-light-saving-time start. usa-clock, canada-clock move-forward 1 hour. [source :] day-light-saving-time-start-date change itself every year : year 2011:13-mar-2011 -> 6-nov-2011 year 2013:10-mar-2013 -> 3-nov-2013 year 2012:11-mar-2012 -> 4-nov-2012 source : (1) (2) (3) ' (2) because google's ivanpah-concentrated-solar-power (csp) kills 6000 bird per year: 1) from google (solar farm blinding bird) result 3 or find '' in blog/diary/journal 2)'unauthorized contact with journalists violates BrightSource’s rules for the scientists it employs' in from google (federal biologist ivanpah) page 1 last result or find '' in blog/diary/journal [/warning] 28 apr 2021 7:25 am edt: (1) is updated (2) is updated 28 apr 2021 7:43 am edt: #add# but non-iodine-salty-water is good for starting digestion. info : find 'drink water-mixed-with-ocean-salt-non-iodine. maybe drinking water-mixed-with-salt-with-iodine causes diarrhea.' in 28 apr 2021 8:52 am edt: is updated 7 may 2021 2:38 am edt: is updated 7 may 2021 1:52 pm edt: is updated 7 may 2021 2:4 pm edt: is updated 7 may 2021 5:3 pm edt: is updated 14 may 2021 11:46 am edt: is updated 18 may 2021 7:21 am edt: end 8:2 am edt #add# - during approximately 12-hour-child-birth-labor/exertion : how to not feel extreme-pain ? epidural-anaesthesia with correct-dosage of pain-reliever : ( Epidural Spinal Anesthesia - Animation by Dr. Cal Shipley, M.D ). pain-sensory-nerve is more sensitive to pain-reliever rather-than motor-nerve. so excessive pain-reliever will start shut-down motor-nerve / ability-to-move-leg. more excessive pain-reliever shut-down diaphragm then can not breathe then die. urinary-catheter ( tool to catch urine ) will be installed because pain-sensory-nerve will not detect urge-to-urinate , pain-sensory-nerve maybe will not detect pain during urinary-catheter-installation. urinary-catheter : ( Female using SpeediCath Compact ) from 'Catheter Insertion Video (the one I watched)' in ( All About My Catheters & Why I Use Them! | Amy Lee Fisher ) from youtube-recommendation [source : (1) from 'Induced labour is usually more painful than natural labour. Depending on the type of induction you are having, this could range from discomfort with the procedure or more intense and longer lasting contractions as a result of the medication you have been given. Women who have induced labour are more likely to ask for an epidural.' in from google ( induce child labor pain ) result 2 from my mother says my sister did not feel pain during giving birth because of induce-labor-method ( wrong term ) (2) ( Epidural Spinal Anesthesia - Animation by Dr. Cal Shipley, M.D ) comment '9 hour labor' (1)Eman sweileh , 2 years ago : oh heck no ... I'm not taking that thing when it's my time to deliver my baby .. I'd rather be in pain than having a needle inserted into my back (2)Dr. Cal Shipley, M.D. , 2 years ago : I don’t blame you, Eman. That’s exactly what my daughter said - until she’d been in labor for 9 hours - (3)Libyan Daisy , 2 years ago : that's what I said until I was in labour for 12 hours and then I was willing to take ANYTHING to stop that killing pain :( (4)Alayra Is dead inside , 2 years ago : Tbh, since there is more pain going on in your abdomen, you can barely feel it. / ( Dr. Cal Shipley, M.D web-site with youtube-collection) ] 18 may 2021 7:32 am edt: is updated 18 may 2021 5:58 pm edt: #add# , and from comment-reply to nina-kusumo saying feeling pain during giving birth to kid-1 cliffton 21 may 2021 7:24 pm edt: end 7:28 pm edt #add# - migraine-head-ache possible cure : procedure : (1)do prone-position (2)chin float mid-air so oil-on-chin-skin never smear oil on floor-mat (3)both hand is located adjacent-to hip (4)drink sugar-water to counter high-sodium-level because too much sodium , ajinomoto/msg maybe causes migraine-head-ache. [source : 'There does not appear to be evidence for an effect of tyramine – which is naturally present in chocolate, alcoholic beverages, most cheeses and processed meats – on migraine.[73] Likewise, while monosodium glutamate (MSG) is frequently reported,[74] evidence does not consistently support that it is a dietary trigger.[75]' in] 22 may 2021 6:39 pm edt: end 7:47 pm edt (1/5) is updated (2/5) is updated (3/5) is updated (4/5) is updated (5/5) is updated 30 may 2021 6:47 am edt: is updated 30 may 2021 1:9 pm edt: is updated 4 jun 2021 10 am edt: is updated 4 jun 2021 10:32 am edt: is updated 5 jun 2021 8:47 am edt: is updated 9 jun 2021 7:48 am edt: is updated 12 jun 2021 9:42 am edt: is updated 12 jun 2021 10:3 am edt: is updated 12 jun 2021 1:38 pm edt: is updated 12 jun 2021 5:44 pm edt: is updated 12 jun 2021 6:1 pm edt: #add# and maybe lateral-raise increase temper , so customer-service-worker should not do lateral-raise , so maybe person with wide-broad-shoulder can not provide helpful advise to customer. 12 jun 2021 6:7 pm edt: #reword# lateral raise #to# lateral-raise for widening shoulder 12 jun 2021 6:18 pm edt: is updated 12 jun 2021 11:39 pm edt: #reword# so maybe person with wide-broad-shoulder can not provide helpful advise to customer. #to# so maybe person who often do lateral-raise , can not give helpful advise to customer. 15 jun 2021 3:2 pm edt: is updated 16 jun 2021 7:56 am edt: is updated 19 jun 2021 2:16 pm edt: #merge# - raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while the hand touch a wall to maintain body balance #located below# - jumping around with 1 leg, go to random direction, #and# - raise heel repeatedly with 1 leg while carrying dumbbells #located below# - jump rope, sometimes with 1 leg #to become# (3)raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while both hand grab-and-lift skin-area below 1 knee-cap to make that thigh-knee-cap lean-against stomach. (4)raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while carrying dumbbells 20 jun 2021 9:43 am edt: is updated 20 jun 2021 9:44 am edt: #reword# (3)raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while both hand grab-and-lift skin-area below 1 knee-cap to make that thigh-knee-cap lean-against stomach. (4)raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while carrying dumbbells #to# (3)raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while both hand grab-and-lift skin-area below 1 knee-cap to make that thigh-above-that-knee-cap semi-leaning-against stomach. naked (4)raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while carrying dumbbells. naked 21 jun 2021 6:52 pm edt: (1/2)#add# during squatting on squat-toilet : maybe both foot face diagonally-outward decrease straining , maybe both foot face diagonally-inward increase straining , so maybe both foot should face diagonally-outward. if sitting-toilet produce less straining rather-than squat-toilet then use sitting-toilet. (2/2)#add# 'straining during defecation, squatting during defecation, and pregnancy' in from ref-16 in 'Squatting while defecating may also increase the risk of severe hemorrhoids.[16]' in 21 jun 2021 7:27 pm edt: #add# hemorrhoid-symptom : swollen-hemorrhoid/swollen-anus , blood-on-feces. [soure : (1/2)'Internal hemorrhoids usually present with painless, bright red rectal bleeding during or following a bowel movement.[8] The blood typically covers the stool (a condition known as hematochezia), is on the toilet paper, or drips into the toilet bowl.[8]' in (2/2)'However, when thrombosed, hemorrhoids may be very painful.[1][8] Nevertheless, this pain typically resolves in two to three days.[5] The swelling may, however, take a few weeks to disappear.[5]' in ] 22 jun 2021 10:18 am edt: #reword# undiluted urine is a weed killer. #to# non-diluted/pure urine is grass-killer , weed killer. so discarding urine on grass , to decrease clean-water-usage-for-toilet-flush , is not possible. to decrease clean-water-usage-for-toilet-flush , discard urine on small-river. 26 jun 2021 8:45 pm edt: is updated 26 jun 2021 8:57 pm edt: is updated 27 jun 2021 1:45 pm edt: is updated 27 jun 2021 2:32 pm edt: #add# maybe alcoholic-drink causes hair-loss , libido/sex-desire-loss , smooth-skin-maker , because alcohol in alcoholic-drink , is : anti-coagulant , blood-thinner , cholesterol-lowering-drug. 28 jun 2021 11:20 am edt: is updated 28 jun 2021 11:50 am edt: is updated 28 jun 2021 12:1 pm edt: is updated 28 jun 2021 3:18 pm edt: is updated 30 jun 2021 2:56 pm edt: is updated 30 jun 2021 3:20 pm edt: is updated 30 jun 2021 3:31 pm edt: is updated 30 jun 2021 8:6 pm edt: is updated 30 jun 2021 8:10 pm edt: is updated 5 jul 2021 6:34 pm edt: is updated 12 jul 2021 3:55 pm edt: #add# - possible cure for acne : (1)sleep on hard-floor , or floor-mat : find 'ikea-toftbo-small-size for placeholder for pillow,head.source:$ (2)head-support : find 'vinyl-placemat (table-covering), material : vinyl' (3)why ? find 'why sleep on [find 'pillow for hard-floor :'] ?' 12 jul 2021 3:57 pm edt: #reword# acne will subside #to# acne will decrease 12 jul 2021 4:14 pm edt: is updated 13 jul 2021 7:40 pm edt: is updated 13 jul 2021 10:10 pm edt: is updated 13 jul 2021 10:30 pm edt: is updated 15 jul 2021 7:31 pm edt: is updated 16 jul 2021 10:5 am edt: (1) is updated (2) is updated 21 jul 2021 5:45 pm edt: end 6:19 pm edt #add# - why white-rice is better-than corn , potato ? white-rice is better than corn because : (1)white-rice has less cellulose which means less feces-production. brown-rice has more cellulose than white-rice. (2)white-rice has 50 % less niacin/statin which means rice-eater store 50 % more cholesterol for brain , physical-exercise [source : 'rice' in] (3)white-rice-paddy need less space than corn. corn has big seed which need more space. (4)if only-consuming white-rice-porridge then eater will urinate , not defecate. white-rice is better than potato because : (1)potato easily contain solanine , make eater suffer diarrhea. [source : find 'solanine' in ] (2)potato contain lots of potassium , make eater suffer lose-feces. [source : find 'potassium'] i would only consume potassium if i'm injured and can not do physical-exercise , sleep all the time. and i would choose potassium-source-non-potato like 'cantaloupe'. because fatigue after doing physical-exercise , can make muscle relax. so potassium for muscle-relaxant , is not needed for physical-exercise-doer , maybe potassium causes loose-feces for physical-exercise-doer. 22 jul 2021 8:59 am edt: #reword# [source : 'rice' in] #to# [source : 'rice' in from 'niacin' in ( Statins, Fibrates, Niacin, etc. - Easy Pharm for USMLE Step 1 )] 25 jul 2021 12:53 pm edt: is updated 26 jul 2021 9:7 pm edt: #reword# , , , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during #to# , , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during usa-country->california-night-time-only. is in dc-state : : usa->dc-state->washington-city->oath-holdings-inc-> but traceroute maybe go via california-state: a@2 08:28 AM ~ traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 Fios_Quantum_Gateway.fios-router.home ( 0.408 ms 0.568 ms 0.731 ms 3 ( 16.614 ms 16.509 ms 16.427 ms 4 0.ae10.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 22.735 ms 0.ae9.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 19.404 ms 19.570 ms 5 ( 20.019 ms 19.631 ms 19.911 ms usa->texas-state->irving-city->verizon-communications-> 6 ( 18.015 ms ( 12.669 ms ( 11.278 ms usa->new-jersey-state->newark-city->oath-holdings-inc-> usa->new-jersey-state->newark-city->oath-holdings-inc-> usa->new-jersey-state->newark-city->oath-holdings-inc-> 7 ( 11.368 ms ( 11.902 ms 10.826 ms usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->oath-holdings-inc-> usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->oath-holdings-inc-> 8 ( 11.679 ms 9.997 ms 9.871 ms usa->dc-state->washington-city->oath-holdings-inc-> 26 jul 2021 9:18 am edt: end 27 jul 2021 6:59 pm edt #reword# warning : drinking cow milk or eating opium maybe is necessary for training stomach. because info : find 'mu-opioid receptor agonist causes constipation' in this text without cow milk or opium, training stomach may cause loose stool. #to# warning : i stop training stomach because training stomach , causes loose-feces , disintegrated-feces , frequent-urination to me , especially if i wear non-tight-underwear. maybe i need to drink beer to train stomach. maybe beer slow-down digestion but beer maybe weaken penis-erection. so female should have no problem drinking beer but drinking beer may cause alcohol-addiction. 2 aug 2021 8:8 pm edt: is updated 16 aug 2021 4:12 pm edt: #reword# (2)potato contain lots of potassium , make eater suffer lose-feces. [source : find 'potassium'] i would only consume potassium if i'm injured and can not do physical-exercise , sleep all the time. and i would choose potassium-source-non-potato like 'cantaloupe'. because fatigue after doing physical-exercise , can make muscle relax. so potassium for muscle-relaxant , is not needed for physical-exercise-doer , maybe potassium causes loose-feces for physical-exercise-doer. #to# (2)potato contain lots of potassium , make eater suffer lose-feces. [source : find 'potassium'] . i would not consume food-containing-potassium at all . drinking water-mixed-with-powder-sugar decrease blood-pressure just like potassium , help falling asleep . 16 aug 2021 4:16 pm edt: #add# drink water-mixed-with-powder-sugar . water-mixed-with-powder-sugar help falling asleep 18 aug 2021 9:39 am edt: is updated 28 aug 2021 10:37 am edt: end 10:42 am edt #add# - possible way to become pretty ? healthy-way : (1)choose tofu avoid animal-meat , consume mint(tic-tac-toe-candy) , drink sweet-beverage , consume sweet-food , consume fruit. fat-source : (1)sweet-avocado-juice (bland-avocado-juice maybe create steatorrhea) (2)sweet-cookie-with-palm-oil (3)scoop sugar-powder-mixed-with-olive-oil (2)must not chew hard-food for long duration because chewing enlarge jaw . large jaw maybe create triangle-face ( narrow upper-face , wide lower-face ) non-healthy-way : drink alcoholic-drink , alcoholic-drink-mixed-with-cow-milk . dry-land-animal-fat maybe increase skin-mole-risk . ocean-animal-fat maybe increase syringoma/xantelasma-risk . so pretty-female's weakness : (1) doesn't have endurance(long-duration-energy) to lift heavy-object for long time like carrying crying-baby , heavy-school-bag , rice-bag for long time . (2) doesn't have large-brain-memory so can not remember many thing like kanji-alphabet . so need computer , small-book to write todo-list . (3) boobs maybe small but small boobs actually is healthy . [source : find 'big boob's skin tends to fold and cause rashes in under-boob area. in a hot and humid country like India, where under-boob-sweat is a real problem, likeli-hood of fungal infections , increase.' in from google ( big boobs heart disease ) result 7 or in blog/diary/journal ] sleep tips : find '- possible cure for acne ' . weakness : supine-position make rear-head maybe appear flat . but vision/eye-sight most likely good . sleeping in prone-position increase 'ocular hypertension' risk , maybe bad for vision/eye-sight , can produce acne but can make good rear-head-form . does vitamin-d-deficiency/sun-light-deficiency causes rickets/bent-leg-bone ? i think standing on non-flat-floor-surface-level for long duration , eventually bend leg-bone . standing with foot-tilted-to-floor like like petra-kvitova-left-foot-from-petra-kvitova-point-of-view eventually bend leg-bone like keeley-hazell's bent-leg-bone . and standing on flat-floor-surface-level for long duration causes 'venous insufficiency'/varicose-vein . so stand with flat-foot on flat-floor-surface , don't stand-still for long duration . so avoid exposing skin to sun-light , to keep skin-color bright and free-from-freckle . [source : (1/2)'Sitting or standing for long periods' in (2/2)'The children were examined in hospital and will live temporarily in an orphanage, a paediatrician, Tatyana Moroz, said. "They looked nourished but dirty, so we had to wash them," she said in televised remarks.': in from google(russia muslim underground)result 4 or in blog/diary/journal ] so how to prevent osteoporosis/fragile-bone ? find 'swimming, riding bicycle, chin-up/hanging-pull-up, do not prevent osteoporosis' so school make female appear ugly because school want student to memorise many thing . beauty is temporary , school-stress from memorising thing , can make pretty-female become ugly. find 'advantage of having short stature :' 28 aug 2021 11:25 am edt: #add# during standing , slightly-bend leg just enough to avoid knee-cap-joint-locking , maybe this prevent bent-leg-bone as-well . 5 sep 2021 8:55 am edt: is updated 8 sep 2021 1:44 pm edt: end 2:5 pm edt #add# swimming under sun-light , burn skin . 1/2 meter under water , remove 60 % uv-b/uvb so there is 40 % uvb left-over still burning skin . [ simplified-source : (1/2)'water absorb uvb/uv-b ( frequency-range of ultra-violet-light which causes sunburn ) but swimmer need a few meter of water to provide adequate protection . 1/2 meter of water will still let 40 % of uv-b through and cooling-effect of water makes you less aware of uv-b-sun-light. Burning your back while snorkelling/snorkeling is very easy to do.' in from google ( swimming sun burn ) result 3 (2/2) 'Up to 40 % of total UV radiation hits body 1/2 meter below surface of water, according to SunSmart. Ordinarily, you would have to dive at least 2.5 meter in inshore-water and 4.5 meter in offshore-coastal-water to avoid harmful UV radiation. This is because offshore-coastal-water tend to appear clearer, so UV can penetrate clear offshore-coastal-water deeper-than cloudy-inshore-water. cloudy-inshore-water tend to have sediment and nutrients that can decrease UV a lot. When swimming, you may not notice when your skin is burning because skin is feeling cooling-effect of water. Reflective-environment around water can amplify UV, such as concrete or other hard-surface around a swimming pool.' in from google ( sun burn under water ) result 1 ] 8 sep 2021 2:12 pm edt: #reword# cloudy #to# murky #because# cloudy is homonym for non-sunny [source : 'dark', 'cloudy' in] 8 sep 2021 2:24 pm edt: #add# find 'swimming under sun-light , burn skin . 1/2 meter under water , remove 60 % uv-b/uvb so there is 40 % uvb left-over still burning skin .' 8 sep 2021 4:35 pm edt: #add# coffee maybe enlarge eye-opening , making coffee-drinker's eye appear larger-than eye of non-coffee-drinker . bigger eye-opening , make drier eye , maybe increase risk of retina-detachment/'posterior vitreous detachment (pvd)' . so big eye is non-healthy . small eye is healthy . [ source : simplified 'bigger eye-space make drier eye , artificial eye-tear is helpful' in from google ( eye plastic surgery enlarge eye ) result 3 ] 18 sep 2021 11:56 am edt: is updated 30 sep 2021 9:4 am edt: is updated 30 sep 2021 9:37 am edt: end 9 oct 2021 8:5 pm edt #add# - possible cure for psychosis , hallucination , panic-attack : (1) consume sugar-powder (2) naked to prevent cloth-constriction which keep blood stay in brain making strong-mind [source : find 'G-suit'] , so naked to make weak-mind ( easy to brain-wash ) then do [ supine-body-position or tilt-to-right-side or tilt-to-left-side or standing or walking ] and concurrently-do : (1)see doll which has friendly appearance (2)see self-relection on mirror . stop this if patient hate seeing their own face . 9 oct 2021 7:36 pm edt: #add# - when is best-time to jump repeatedly , jump to do aerobic-physical-exercise , run ? (best-time) 12 pm ( noon ) => 7 pm because during that time-duration : we become small meteor trying to : (1)push-away earth from sun-star (2)accelerate earth-circling-sun-star movement so we minimise risk of 'earth falling toward sun-star during jumping repeatedly during that time-duration' [source : find 'planet-direction' in : c=clockwise,a=anticlockwise/counterclockwise,prograde=p(same direction as sun-rotation),retrograde=r(oppose sun-rotation-direction) planet rotation-direction circling-sun-direction 0)sun a 1)earth a a/p ] (bad-time) 6 am => 12 pm ( noon ) jumping repeatedly during this time-duration : we become small meteor trying to : (1)push-away earth from sun-star (2)decelerate earth-circling-sun-star movement (very-bad-time) 7 pm => 6 am jumping repeatedly during this time-duration : we become small meteor trying to : (1)push earth toward sun-star (2)decelerate earth-circling-sun-star movement but maybe western-astrolgy-star-gravity-force is strong enough to pull-away all planet from sun-star , how western-astrology-star-location related to earth-location : 'We are surrounded by stars. Because Earth orbits in a flat plane around the sun, we see the sun against the same stars again and again throughout the year' in from 'How to find the constellation Virgo' in from google (how to see virgo) result 2 maybe seeing scorpius-star during july-night, can become a way to check whether today is new-year or not. easier than checking for equinox daily to check whether today is new year or not. source: 'In the northern hemisphere, Scorpius is most visible by looking to the south during July and August around 10:00 PM. The constellation remains visible until mid-September. In the southern hemisphere, Scorpio appears very high in the northern part of the sky until close to the end of September.' in from google (how to see scorpius) result 5 from 'With many bright stars, Scorpius is fairly easy to find in the night sky. ' in from google (easy unique star to see) result 1 31 oct 2021 8:2 am edt: end 11:47 am edt #add# - about belt , corset : wearing tight-belt , corset , squeeze spine-flesh then spine-flesh press spine-nerve against spine-bone : find ' ( Herniated Disc - Patient Education )' . if wanting to try wearing tight-belt like wrap-and-(tie/bind) long-pants-cotton-cloth around waist which maybe help digest food like peanut then that tight-belt maybe press spine-nerve against spine-bone then weaken leg-movement : [ ( Levels of Spinal Cord Injury ) from youtube-search (spinal cord injury) result 1 ]. corset is a cloth which squeeze waist to make hour-glass-body-shape : maybe tight-underwear must not have overly/excessively-tight waist-rubber. without tight-underwear : to consume vegetable-food , vegetable-food maybe-need to be : (1)doused in salty-water ( non-iodine-salt is more digestible than salt-with-iodine ) (2)not bland , not sour (3)not contain potassium like chaokoh-brand->coconut-milk , potato (4)honey-dew-melon maybe is the only solid-fruit edible without causing excessive loose-feces (5)non-peanut , non-cashew , non-almond , non-nut (6)sugar-cookie-with-palm-oil maybe edible some digestion-tips : 17 nov 2021 1:41 am est: end 2:56 am est #add# - how to lengthen penis : (1)fucking hurt female-vagina , female prefer clitoris-licking-action [source : ]; so fucking is just for making kid like doing chore to fullfil request to make kid . long penis can fuck-and-send-sperm to vagina from behind ass during doggy-style-position . [source : '( doggy-style ). because find 'sleeping in prone position, is the best for digestion' in ] (2)maybe penis-middle-area-stretching ( concurrently/simultaneously (1)hold penis-root (2)and pull area-near-penis-head ) lengthen penis . penis-root is connected to stomach-wall so pulling penis-root maybe eventually tear stomach-wall then causes hernia so avoid pulling penis-root . long penis is more difficult to maintain like making sure not injured , not getting hurt . maybe need to consume cow-fat which has high melting-point to make penis-skin recover after stretching . pig/pork-fat has lower melting-point than cow-fat . [source : forgotten internet-article maybe from google ] but killing animal , consuming animal-meat bring curse . [source: find 'ahimsa' ] . maybe palm-oil , olive-oil ( digestible vegan-fat ) can help make new penis-skin after stretching penis . penis-skin is made from fat . skin is made from fat . maybe fat contain protein as well. leg-muscle , healthy-heart help erection. [source: find 'strong legs muscles are good for penis' ] . longer penis need stronger heart , stronger leg-muscle , for erection and maintaining erection . [source : (1) from -> post-date 3 may 2020 : Ali Hafiz : Whats that for ? 1 year ago Peter North : It is tadalafil and sildenafil that will help you perform like a porn star! Look up both product names. Pete North : This is a scam. The website says: “Each pill contains 100 mg of Sildenafil and 40 mg of Tadalafil.” bullshit If you took that, your heart would explode. Also, you can’t legally buy those without a prescription. I’m guessing this is just another Spanish Fly scam. Don’t you have enough money already, dude? 3 · Reply · 50 week ago Jeffrey Magol : Pete North Not true idiot! · Reply · 37 week ago Peter North : Pete North Be original with your name. You are not a doctor and don't know what your talking about. We have not put it out yet because we just got a urologist to do online scripts. · Reply · 4 week ago Pete North : Peter North Actually, I am a doctor. And you’re not the only person with that name. Well, actually, that’s not your name. 1 · Reply · 4 week ago Peter North : Pete North Well, if you are doctor then you should know that amount would not make your heart explode! I have seen over the years a number of the top male performers in the adult business use 3 100mg tablets in scenes because the built up a tolerance of it being as effective over a period. Ours is liquid formula and are focusing mostly on cialas separate and viagra separate and like I mentioned before it will be prescribed by a legitimate online doctor. · Reply · 3 week ago Pete North : Peter North Taking 300 mg of sildenafil is NOT recommended! That’s courting a number of serious medical issues, including priapism, a persistent and painful erection that can last for hours. If this does happen, it can cause permanent damage to the penis. I have seen young men on cocaine (which can also cause this) who required surgery that rendered them permanently unable to get an erection. Viagra overdose can significantly lower your blood pressure and lead to heart problems such as irregular heartbeat or worse yet, a heart attack. I am not in favor of telemedicine, but in today’s world, it has become necessary. Physicians using their credentials to help a company sell a product like this are particularly problematic, especially when combined with bad advice like yours. Do better. 1 · Reply · 3 week ago Peter North : We are doing better doc. We are going with the recommended dosage the doctor prefers. The urologist is making the call on the dosage. I was making the point over usage within the adult industry and they have had no adverse effects. We would have heard about it if anything happened. There seems to be more of an issue with caverject injections and peyronies disease from using it improperly. FYI we were never going to put our product at 300 mg. So where is the bad advice ? · Reply · 3 week ago (2)(1/3)'cocaine' , 'Fellow film actress Annette Haven stated that his penis was never particularly hard during intercourse, likening it to "doing it with a big, soft kind-of loofah' in (2/3) 'fast heart rate' in (3/3'constriction' in from 'cocaine intoxication' in] ] (3)body-height is non-relevant to penis-size ( porn-star mandingo's height is 5 foot 7 inch , around 170 cm but mandingo's penis is very long like ; mandingo's penis is so long that mandingo's penis point down-ward during erection and appear semi-soft , mandingo must grab his own penis and point his penis to female's vagina to fuck , mandingo's penis is longer than [ porn-star , rocco-sifredi , billy-glide ] but penis-thickness maybe is same . mandingo appear to not have 6-pack-stomach . short penis can maintain erection for longer-duration than long penis . short penis can resume erection after ejaculation , quicker than long penis . maybe frequently standing-while-carrying-dumbbell can shorten body-height . (4)circumcised-penis is easier to clean than non-circumcised-penis , prior requesting mouth-fucking-action/mouth-suction-action from female . push-away female-head during about to ejaculate so sperm doesn't touch female . maybe male prefer hand-job rather-than mouth-fucking-action/mouth-suction-action because hand-job can continue during ejaculation which decrease sperm-reservoir more than mouth-fucking-action/mouth-suction-action . because mouth-fucking-action/mouth-suction-action should stop prior ejaculation so sperm doesn't touch female and that produce euphoria-feeling which is less than hand-job during ejaculation . less euphoria-feeling during ejaculation produce less sperm so sperm-reservoir maybe still has left-over sperm waiting to exit during wet-dream/nocturnal-emission during sleeping. mouth-fucking-action/mouth-suction-action produce same feeling like using soapy-pointer-finger-and-thumb to grab-and-move-back-and-forth penis. hand-job , mouth-fucking-action/mouth-suction-action , is environmentally-friendly-entertainment . maybe hand-job , mouth-fucking-action/mouth-suction-action , is 'play'/entertainment for 'work hard play hard' or the reverse maybe true : 'play hard then under pressure to work hard' because female often consume animal-meat then receiving hand-job , mouth-fucking-action/mouth-suction-action from that female maybe bring part of curse-from-dead-animal to male-entertainment-receiver. clitoris-licking-action is maybe 'play' for female . maybe do this entertainment during night-time with lamp or without lamp . because : (1)lamp is friendly-light because earth-people make lamp and earth-people want the best for earth . we don't know who sun-star-maker is , is sun-star-maker friendly . or non-friendly like wanting earth-people to become stupid-and-fucking and over-populating earth then no one has opportunity to learn about sun-star-maker . or non-friendly like wanting to divide-and-conquer those dinosaur on earth in-the-past . (2)too much lamp-light won't burn skin , too much sun-light will burn skin . receiving too much friendly-stuff shouldn't hurt human . (3)maybe sun-light-time is telepathy-time with sun-star-maker so human should do as little activity as possible during sun-light-time because using>cpu ( with influence from israel-design-location which has mandatory-military , immigration-border-wall , judaism-religion which forbid consuming shrimp) maybe produce destiny which is different from>cpu ( with influence from>board-director uae-country-> , islam-religion which allow consuming shrimp). like receiving sun-light maybe means using sun-star-cpu to think ( eyes see blue-lamp-light makes brain think different from during eyes see green-lamp-light ) . (4)maybe wood-fire is 1-st lamp invented during darkness then human-language , circumcision-technique is like advance-technology invented during night-time with lamp. maybe programmer can make make better software during night-time rather-than during sun-light-time with sun-light , example : (1) there is open-source-free-software file-explorer 'midnight-commander' suggesting midnight is working-time (2) neo-geo emulator programmer (i forgot who) who write during night-time while working as hotel-reservation-worker ) (5)muslim/islam-people has rule which say sex-activity should be done only during night-time [source : maybe forgotten article]. (6)some predator only hunt during night-time , example : tarsier (mini-monkey) who hunt insect , bat who suck cow's blood from cow who sleep on open-area . during ramadhan/fasting-month , during night-time : muslim/islam-people consume food with animal-meat except pork/pig behaving like tarsier , bat then during sun-light-time : not eating and not drinking. (7)night-club which is usually related-to-sex-activity only open during night-time . (8)if sun-star-maker is friendly then maybe sun-star-maker give user-manual-about-everything-in-life . if sun-star-maker can make sun-star then sending user-manual-about-everything-in-life to earth , should be easy but in reality there is no user-manual-about-everything-in-life , people learn everything from trial-and-error. example : maybe sun-star-maker want people to become vegan but there is no clue which veggie is edible . most veggie is Laxative. but some people's caste make vegan-cookies which help people in other caste become vegan. so during sun-light-time : maybe only do mundane/routine-activity , sleep with total-darkness-curtain then during night-time : do this entertainment-activity . maybe doing this entertainment with lamp produce less bad luck than doing this entertainment with sun-light. [source : , ,] 21 nov 2021 5:7 am est: #add# or maybe do this entertainment during these 3 time-stamp ( possibly her 3 horniest-time-of-day ) : (1)her china-astrology->birth-hour-animal + 12 hour ( +6 china-astrology-animal-sequence ) for maximum-entertainment-time-duration 2 hour ( 1 china-astrology-animal equal 2 hour ) example : birth-hour mouse-hour produce horniest-time-of-day-result horse-hour ( because horse = mouse + 6 china-astrology-animal ) horse-year = year 1978 , mouse-year = year 1984 , 1978 + 6 = 1984 . (2)her china-astrology->birth-hour-animal + 6 hour ( +3 china-astrology-animal-sequence ) for maximum-entertainment-time-duration 2 hour (3)her china-astrology->birth-hour-animal + 18 hour ( +9 china-astrology-animal-sequence ) for maximum-entertainment-time-duration 2 hour if those 3 time-stamp happen during sun-light-time then : (1)do that entertainment inside room without glass-window so sun-light can not enter that room or (2)go to area whose time-zone make those 3 time-stamp happen during night-time . but for each 1 hour difference in new time-zone , a person need maybe 1/2 day , maybe 1 day to make his/her body's circadian-rhythm adapt to new time-zone . so if new time-zone has 8 hour difference from old time-zone then a person need maybe 4 day or maybe 8 day to make his/her body's circadian-rhythm adapt to new time-zone. [source : (1/2) ( 10 reasons NOT to become a PILOT ) (2/2)'In general, adjustment to the new time zone is faster for east–west travel than for west–east. A westward adjustment takes, in days, approximately half the number of time zones crossed; for eastward travel, adjusting to the new time zone takes, in days, approximately 2/3 the number of time zones crossed.[4]' from ref-4 paid-member-only ] china-astrology->birth-hour-animal-list : find ' birth-hour: 23:00 – 1:00: 子 rat , 1:00 – 3:00: 丑 ox , 3:00 – 5:00: 寅 tiger 5:00 – 7:00: 卯 rabbit , 7:00 – 9:00: 辰 dragon , 9:00 – 11:00: 巳 snake , 11:00 – 13:00: 午 horse , 13:00 – 15:00: 未 sheep , 15:00 – 17:00: 申 monkey , 17:00 – 19:00: 酉 rooster , 19:00 – 21:00: 戌 dog 21:00 – 23:00: 亥 pig ' in 23 nov 2021 4:44 am est: #add# doesn't keep food inside stomach , maybe causes loose feces 24 nov 2021 5:39 am est: #add# from ( Live Surgery Cubital Tunnel, Ulnar Nerve Transposition, Decompression, at the 542,732 views Jan 25, 2012 ) 'This is a surgical video and discussion on the Ulnar Nerve, Cubital Tunnel, Elbow and Decompression and Transposition to the Anterior portion of the Arm. This surgery is often performed because of numbness and tingling in the small and ring fingers, "snapping" of the ulnar nerve about the medial epicondyle, and or pain in the elbow or fingers. Its an outpatient surgery. Sometimes your surgeon use a drain at the end of the case. I perform the surgery under tourniquet. , , ,' from .... 24 nov 2021 5:50 am est: #add# use standard-time-zone , not day-light-time-zone . maybe standard-time-zone-time-difference-from-other-time-zone , is measured during september-month-equinox-day or march-month-equinox-day , with sun-dial-clock when sky appear clear and without cloud. day-light-time-zone is government-idea to save electricity , make school-kid come home during sun-light still available. 25 nov 2021 5:49 am est: is updated 1 dec 2021 4:28 am est: #reword# warning : i stop training stomach because training stomach , causes loose-feces , disintegrated-feces , frequent-urination to me , especially if i wear non-tight-underwear. #to# warning : i stop training stomach because training stomach , causes loose-feces , disintegrated-feces , feces-with-smell-more-intense-rather-than-feces-during-not-training-stomach , frequent-urination to me , which means poor food-digestion-and-nutrient-absorption , especially if i wear non-tight-underwear . 1 dec 2021 4:35 am est: #reword# day-light-time-zone is government-idea to save electricity , make school-kid come home during sun-light still available. #to# day-light-time-zone is government-idea to make school-kid go-to-school and return-home during sun-light is available . 1 dec 2021 4:44 am est: is updated 1 dec 2021 5:3 am est: #reword# sitting-toilet is necessary during stabbing-stomach-pain maybe being caused by undigested-fat/undigested-oil being caused by lacking vinegar for emulsifying/digesting fat/oil. #to# sitting-toilet is necessary during stabbing-stomach-pain maybe being caused by undigested-fat/undigested-oil being caused by lacking salty-water-sauce. 1 dec 2021 5:8 am est: #add# sitting-on-toilet consume energy less-than squatting-on-toilet so : (1)do sitting-on-toilet if feeling stabbing-stomach-pain (2)after cleaning anus then consume : (1)sugar-chocolate-chip-cookie-without-cow-milk-without-egg or (2)oreo-cookie or (3)sugar-powder-mixed-with-water or (4)rice-and-minced-tofu doused with salty-water for vegan-diet-option to refill energy needed for doing squatting-on-toilet or sitting-on-toilet to defecate more diarrhea . 5 dec 2021 10:26 pm est: #add# ( Bone Remodeling and Modeling ) upload-date : 19 jan 2012 , views : 820,097 6 dec 2021 1:8 am est: is updated 6 dec 2021 2:5 am est: end 2:48 am est #reword# how to eat garlic : 1. peel raw garlic 2. rinse the raw garlic with water 3. slice the raw garlic or bite the raw garlic 4. eat some food to fight spiciness of garlic #to# how to eat garlic : 1. mince raw garlic 2. create mixture : mixed-minced-raw-garlic with white-rice-mixed-with-salty-water(iodised-or-non-iodised) 3. consume that mixture , maybe consume 2 scoop 4. drink water to cool-down fiery-mouth-interior ( optional ) 5. pause consuming that mixture for some hour ( optional ) 6 dec 2021 2:53 am est: #reword# eating raw garlic may causes loose stool, gassy stomach so try find 'position for eating : (1)sit with right-thigh touching right-front-shoulder/right-front-deltoid', 'standing with both heels raised' in maybe helpful #to# eating raw garlic may causes loose stool, gassy stomach so try find 'position for eating :' in maybe helpful 6 dec 2021 4:59 am est: is updated 13 dec 2021 11:27 pm est: #add# (1) do 'bicep curl' . [source : find 'weight lifting raise testosterone level, cure anxiety.' ] 14 dec 2021 3:12 am est: end 4:59 an est #add# - how to survive sars-covid-virus ? (1)temporarily-cure cough : ( necessary because cough-exhalation transmit sars-covid-virus to other person ) (1.1)use mouth to hold>menthol-candy or (1.2)consume food-doused-with-non-iodine-salty-water (tastier/more-digestible than salt-with-iodine) or (1.3)drink water-mixed-with-salt-without-iodine or (1.4)avoid supine-sleeping-position , do prone-sleeping-position , do 'sleeping on left side, cure heartburn' , or walk-around (2)temporarily-cure congested-nose : ( optional ) (2.1)consume spicy-food , 'how to eat garlic' (3)temporarily-cure sore-throat : drink water-99%-mixed-with-vinegar-1% or more vinegar if desirable ( optional ) (4)drink oil-emulsifier : (1)water-99%-mixed-with-vinegar-1% or more vinegar if desirable ( optional ) (2)salty-soy-sauce like>less-sodium-version or>normal-sodium-version ( use spoon to drink scoop-by-scoop ) (3)avoid sweet-soy-sauce because sugar coagulate soy-sauce , sugar doesn't decrease soy-sauce-viscocity , so sugar is not a good emulsifier . but continue consume sugar-sweet-cookie for gathering energy . sugar mixed with too much protein like soy , become coagulant , not good for now . (5)stop using 'armpit-antiperspirant' so arm-pit can sweat and eject virus (6)don't hold pee because pee/urine contain virus , urination eject virus. (7)do 'bicep curl' to do find 'stimulate lymph nodes (built-in sanitation center)' . to make brachial-lymph-node [source : 'brachial' in ] return lymph to vein-blood-vessel then to heart . because after 'axillary-lymph-node/armpit' removal for boobs-cancer-surgery , patient must wear arm-compression-garment/arm-constriction-clothes to make arm-lymph flow back to chest-area then heart . doing 'bicep curl' tighten bicep-muscle like wearing arm-compression-garment/arm-constriction-clothes . if arm fail to return arm-lymnh to chest-area then arm become swollen containing excessive lymph. lymph-node contain lymphocyte ( include b cell , t cell ) from blood , doing phagocyte/body-fat-trap-virus-and-bacteria-to-be-secreted-later/ immune-response-attack. [source : 'The primary function of lymph nodes is filtering of lymph to identify and fight infection. In order to do this, lymph nodes contain lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, which includes B cells and T cells. These circulate through bloodstream and enter and reside in lymph nodes.[20] B cells produce antibodies. Each antibody has a single predetermined target, an antigen, that it can bind to. These circulate throughout bloodstream and if they find this target, antibodies bind to it and stimulate an immune response. Each B cell produces different antibodies, and this process is driven in lymph nodes. B cells enter the bloodstream as "naive" cells produced in bone marrow. After entering a lymph node, they then enter a lymphoid follicle, where they multiply and divide, each producing a different antibody. If a cell is stimulated, it will go on to produce more antibodies (a plasma cell) or act as a memory cell to help the body fight future infection.[21] If a cell is not stimulated, it will undergo apoptosis and die.[21]' in ] idea : virus can not die , virus must be ejected , use medicine to temporarily-cure symptom while sweating and urination eject virus little-by-little. 23 dec 2021 1:53 am est: end 25 dec 2021 4:10 am est is updated 4 jan 2022 10:17 pm est is updated 11 feb 2022 9:18 pm est: #add# from some post in from -> search ( christina vargas ) 13 feb 2022 3:10 am est: is updated 19 feb 2022 10:58 am est: is updated 14 mar 2022 9:48 am edt: end 15 mar 2022 9:30 am edt #add# so premature-born-baby-girl , maybe is pretty . but skinny and malnourished girl which is usually pretty , is not for doing baby-birth-via-vagina , because baby-birth-via-vagina need durable vagina-interior to prevent obstetric-fistula . if baby-birth-via-vagina produce obstetric-fistula/torn-vagina-interior-wall-adjacent-to-anus-interior then obstetric-fistula causes vagina to produce feces-odor . [source : find '--- from google ( child birth vagina fistula ) page 2 result 7' in blog/diary/journal ] 15 mar 2022 10:25 am edt: #add# [source : mr-hanjun-kim's next older sister , appear pretty , apparently born prematurely ] 20 mar 2022 5:25 pm edt: is updated 8 apr 2022 10:26 am edt: is updated 11 apr 2022 5:21 pm edt: #reword# day-light-time-zone is government-idea to make school-kid go-to-school and return-home during sun-light is available . #to# avoid using day-light-saving-time-zone because day-light-saving-time-zone is set by government with goal : (1)so school-student depart to school during sun-light already available (2)so day-time's office-worker finish working during sun-light is still available 23 may 2022 11:34 pm edt: end 28 may 2022 4:55 am edt #add# - what is female ? maybe female think like male . because female like to see other female's boobs . maybe female is not interested in seeing male's penis like male is not interested in seeing other male's penis . ideally approach female with intention or plan to breed . if wanting anatomy-lesson then maybe pay prostitute , maybe prostitute has more psychology-skill needed to give intimate-anatomy-lesson without heart-breaking-drama , incest-risk . where is best place for prostitute to hang-out ? maybe cemetery because police maybe won't go to cemetery to pursue prositute , maybe rat-hour until tiger-hour is best time , avoid anatomy-lesson during rabbit-hour because : (1) rabbit-hour seems related-to equinox-mar-month / tax-police-month / wheat-harvest-month ( because dec-month-solstice/longest-night-of-year ideally relate to middle-of-night/middle-rat-hour ) (2) and if rabbit-hour is bad for anatomy-lesson then rooster-hour is also bad for anatomy-lesson , sun-star-light still shine during rooster-hour , anatomy-lesson ideally done during sun-star-light-is-vanish . and avoid seeing any star-light during anatomy-lesson . who is wisest person , wisest living-thing on earth ( person who can become president , or president's advisor because president is often behave like public-relation-person/marketing-person/formality-person nowadays ) ? (1)maybe male who does not have testicle ( castrated/eunuch ) just like wise castrated-male-cow who plow rice-paddy-field in india-country . (2)maybe female who does not have uterus ( receive ovary-hysterectomy-surgery ) so this female does not menstruate anymore and does not suffer 'wiki/pms' . example : angelina-jolie , camilla-rosemary-shand ( uk-royalty charles-philip-arthur-george's current wife ) [source : ] but tvnews use teleprompter ( person can read what-to-say on camera-lens ) for dialog so conversation between 2 person on tvnews is fabrication / dictated-with-script / not impromptu , voting-machine is specialised-computer available only on voting-location . government refuse to use ordinary desktop-computer to vote for president . so maybe president-election-winner is pre-determined . why negotiate with terrorist ? because terrorist breed kid . and those kid is more likely to be incest . incest-kid has recessive-genetic , more likely to become albino . terrorist maybe think 'penis size must be big to fuck vagina until vagina feel happy' but reality is 'fucking vagina always hurt vagina' , 'licking clitoris make vagina happy' . then terrorist consume lamb-meat / goat-meat to try enlarge penis . and curse from lamb-meat , goat-meat accidentally producing rebellious-behaviour . terrorist always consume different animal-meat from non-terrorist . terrorist maybe always has beard which means terrorist does not know about licking clitoris , clitoris-licker like home-made-male-porn-star always shorten beard . but president is rebellious-person who : (1)is not willing to use legislature-path-way / with-senator-approval to give government-order-command , and (2)is wanting to go via dictator-way / executive-order-way / government-order-command-publishment-without-senator-approval president ideally has goal : (1) publish executive-order . (2) non-dictator-behaviour : giving a way , or reason , for people to get ability to obey that executive-order . dictator-behaviour : sending inspection-worker to coerce people to obey that executive-order . so person ideally vote for president if person want rebellion and there is rebel-wannabe which meet that person's approval . if there is no president then house-speaker/legislature-speaker is boss / president . ( 'house' means Legislature-group ) [source : 22 may 2021 mrs-deborah-jaya receive usa-citizenship-question : if president and vice-president can not govern usa then who govern usa ? answer : speaker-of-senator-house. ] maybe senator who endorse president , is senator who want to rebel because that senator can not get other senator's approval for his/her government-order-command-publisment . and maybe it is not possible for hot-weather-for-whole-year-province's senator to get approval from with-winter-weather-province's senator . 19 jun 2022 9:18 pm edt: is updated 1 jul 2022 11:26 am edt: is updated =========================================== 10 jul 2022 9:9 pm edt: is updated =========================================== 11 jul 2022 4:29 am edt: is updated ============================================ 23 jul 2022 8:51 pm edt: is updated ============================================ 3 aug 2022 10:44 pm edt:#add# consume water mixed-with salt-without-iodine . avoid salt-with-iodine . ============================================== 3 aug 2022 10:46 pm edt:#add# raw veggie can bring in insect-egg ================================================== 3 aug 2022 10:54 pm edt: #add# avoid celery because celery is negative-calorie-food , celery is like diuretic . ============================ 3 aug 2022 11:8 pm edt: #reword# emulsify #to# decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) #reword# emulsifier kills bacteria. #to# oil-viscosity-reducer/oil-thinner eject bacteria. ======================== 3 aug 2022 11:10 pm edt: #reword# vinegar emulsify histamine #to# vinegar decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) histamine ============================== 3 aug 2022 11:14 pm edt: #reword# maybe vinegar emulsify oil from oily-food in throat area then removing that oil then removing rhinovirus. #to# maybe vinegar decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) oil from oily-food in throat area then removing that oil then removing rhinovirus. =========================== 3 aug 2022 11:19 pm edt: #reword# then drink 'how to drink vinegar-' , to emulsify olive-oil ( to make olive-oil easily move around inside blood-vessel ). #to# then drink 'how to drink vinegar-' , to decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) olive-oil ( to make olive-oil easily move around inside blood-vessel ). =================================== 3 aug 2022 11:22 pm edt: #add# i misunderstand . emulsifying-agent apparently has meaning thickening-agent ================================== 3 aug 2022 11:23 pm edt: #reword# emulsify #to# decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) ======================= 3 aug 2022 11:26 pm edt: is updated ========================== 29 aug 2022 12:23 pm edt: is updated ========================== 4 sep 2022 5:34 pm edt: #add# , camilla-rosemary-shand ( uk-prince charles' current wife ) [source : ] ========================== 14 sep 2022 12:11 pm edt: is updated ========================== 19 sep 2022 6:49 am edt: #reword# (5)drink oil-emulsifier : (1)water-99%-mixed-with-vinegar-1% or more vinegar if desirable ( optional ) (2)salty-soy-sauce like>less-sodium-version or>normal-sodium-version ( use spoon to drink scoop-by-scoop ) (3)avoid sweet-soy-sauce because sugar coagulate soy-sauce , sugar doesn't decrease soy-sauce-viscocity , so sugar is not a good emulsifier . but continue consume sugar-sweet-cookie for gathering energy . sugar mixed with too much protein like soy , become coagulant , not good for now . #to# (5)drink oil-viscosity-reducer : water-99%-mixed-with-vinegar-1% or more vinegar if desirable ========================== 19 sep 2022 6:53 am edt: #add# (1)consume jalapieno-pepper/jalapeno-pepper or other hot chili-pepper , which causes mucus to stay around throat , exhale-to-eject mucus whenever possible with method : bring bucket-of-water-1 ( which contain water-level 2 finger-width ) and a-4-paper around , if coughing-and-spit-mucus-at-the-end-of-cough is biologically-possible then spit mucus to bucket-of-water-1 . put a-4-paper to cover that bucket-of-water-1 . i only need 1 (jalapieno/jalapeno)-pepper , with full-stomach and with location near toilet : i slice-and-chop tiny-bit-of-jalapieno-pepper then chew-and-swallow that jalapieno-pepper-chunk , then mucus automatically go to throat-area then i exhale-and-spit to eject that mucus to that bucket-of-water-1 . then i wash finger which touch nose during exhale-to-eject-mucus , with this method : if that finger is just oily because touching nose which is also oily then : (1)submerge finger in bucket-of-water-2 . (2)smear soap to that finger ( reason of 'with location near toilet :' ) (3)submerge finger in bucket-of-water-2 while rubbing that finger . if that finger touch mucus then i use water-stream/water-pouring-stream from bucket-of-water-2 , faucet , and soap to wash that finger . ( reason of 'with location near toilet :' ) so collect mucus inside that bucket-of-water-1 , then if feeling cured then discard that bucket-of-water-1's content ( mucus-and-water ) in bath-tub-drainage , smear soap to bucket-of-water-1-interior , rinse-away soap on bucket-of-water-1-interior . full-stomach help make stomach resist jalapieno-pepper-heat without diarrhea . if diarrhea happen then consume more salty-food ( maybe with>salty-soy-sauce ) prior consuming jalapieno-pepper-chunk . avoid swallowing jalapieno-pepper-seed which is many on jalapieno-pepper-interior because jalapieno-pepper-seed maybe produce appendicitis . ========================== 19 sep 2022 10:36 am edt: (1)#add# ideally store that raw partially-chopped-jalapieno-pepper inside small-sauce-container or beverage-glass inside refrigerator . if i store that raw partially-chopped-jalapieno-pepper outside refrigerator then that jalapieno-pepper dessicate and shrink but still edible and spicy . usually garlic's spicyness-level decrease quicker than jalapieno-pepper if raw partially-chopped-garlic is stored outside refrigerator . (2)#add# i try jalapenio-pepper because last time garlic make me do dry-continous-cough even-though helpful in ejecting mucus and curing congested-nose . chili-pepper in south-asia : mirasol-pepper/guajillo-pepper ( hotness-level rank 8 like jalapenio-pepper but smaller-size ) , must have been effective as well . so jalapenio-pepper is hot enough to send mucus to throat-area . serano-pepper ( rank 7 ) , habanero-pepper ( rank 4 ) , is hotter ( has higher scoville-scale ) than jalapenio-pepper ( rank 8 ) , and maybe more likely produce diarrhea . [source : (1/2) from 'scoville' in (2/2) from 'mirasol chili' in ] (3)#reword# jalapieno #to# jalapenio (4)#reword# in bath-tub-drainage #to# in bath-tub-drainage then pour some water to help make that mucus-water flow semi-far inside plumbing-pipe (5)#reword# so collect mucus inside that bucket-of-water-1 #to# so always eject mucus inside that bucket-of-water-1 ( gather mucus ) (6)#add# goal for using bucket-of-water-1 , bucket-of-water-2 : (1)to minimise clean-water-usage from faucet (2)to save faucet-valve-degradation-from-repeatedly-open-and-close-faucet (7)#reword# smear soap to bucket-of-water-1-interior , rinse-away soap on bucket-of-water-1-interior . #to# clean mucus on bucket-of-water-1-interior : make bucket-of-water-1-interior fully wet , smear soap to bucket-of-water-1-interior , rinse-away soap on bucket-of-water-1-interior . ========================== 21 sep 2022 5:50 am edt: #add# - how to make nose eject mucus ? (1)stay inside bath-tub and facing bath-tub-drainage with body-position : squat with 1 knee-cap face forward , other knee-cap face upward . because squat with both knee-cap face forward increase fart-and-defecation-probability (2)1 finger press left-nose-outer-side-skin or right-nose-outer-side-skin (3)exhale to eject mucus toward bath-tub-drainage (4)pour water to area around bath-tub-drainage , rub area around bath-tub-drainage , to remove any possible mucus around bath-tub-drainage why eject mucus to bath-tub-drainage ? why not eject mucus to hand-washing-basin-sink-drainage ? because hand-washing-basin-sink-drainage-pipe contain 'ball rod' which partially-block hand-washing-basin-sink-drainage-pipe . mucus will gather on-top-of-that 'ball rod' , eventually mucus encapsulate that 'ball rod' , blocking hand-washing-basin-sink-drainage-pipe . why that 'ball rod' exist ? for moving bath-tub-drainage-stopper to a position which block hand-washing-basin-sink-drainage to accumulate water inside hand-washing-basin-sink . [source : (1)remove sink drainage stopper (removing the clip, removing the rod is not necessary, just slide out the rod far enough to disengage the stopper ): (How to Clean Out a Sink Pop-up Drain Stopper) (2)'ball rod' in from -> search (sink stopper rod) result 2 from bottom-menu 'help' -> 'product support' ] - how to make mouth spit mucus ? (1)stay inside bath-tub and facing bath-tub-drainage with body-position : squat with 1 knee-cap face forward , other knee-cap face upward . because squat with both knee-cap face forward increase fart-and-defecation-probability (2)do cough to vomit-and-spit mucus toward bath-tub-drainage (3)pour water to area around bath-tub-drainage , rub area around bath-tub-drainage , to remove any possible mucus around bath-tub-drainage find 'why eject mucus to bath-tub-drainage ? why not eject mucus to hand-washing-basin-sink-drainage ?' . ========================== 21 sep 2022 5:51 am edt: #add# procedure : find '- how to make nose eject mucus ?' , '- how to make mouth spit mucus ?' . ========================== 21 sep 2022 6:3 am edt: #under :# - how to survive sars-covid-virus ? #reword# smear #to# smear-and-rub ========================== 21 sep 2022 6:52 am edt: (1/2)#add# why squat ? : to decrease hernia-risk during violent-nose-exhalation . (2/2)#add# find 'why squat ? : to decrease hernia-risk during violent-nose-exhalation .' ========================== 22 sep 2022 6:41 pm edt: is updated ========================== 26 sep 2022 9:26 pm edt: end 10:5 pm edt #add# wash that raw-jalapenio-pepper-outer-skin prior consuming that raw-jalapenio-pepper . ========================== 26 sep 2022 9:30 pm edt: #add# (9)cook sugar-water , salt-water prior drinking . especially cook sugar-water prior drinking . because sugar-paper-bag , salt-container , maybe contain bacteria . ========================== 26 sep 2022 10:6 pm edt: #reword# , camilla-rosemary-shand ( uk-prince charles' current wife ) [source : ] #to# , camilla-rosemary-shand ( uk-royalty charles-philip-arthur-george's current wife ) [source : ] ========================== 15 oct 2022 11:30 pm edt: is updated ========================== 16 oct 2022 10:51 am edt: is updated ========================== 19 oct 2022 5:20 pm edt: is updated ========================== 19 oct 2022 5:39 pm edt: is updated ========================== 21 oct 2022 5:9 pm edt: is updated ========================== 24 oct 2022 4:14 pm edt: is updated ========================== 29 oct 2022 3:52 pm edt: #add# and does not have ear-ring which continously prevent ear from recovering from ear-ring-puncture . ========================== 3 nov 2022 4:37 pm edt: is updated ========================== 3 nov 2022 4:52 pm edt: #add# 5)uncooked newly-bought mayonnaise ( which contain pasteurised egg ) [source : (1)'Note: Commercial mayonnaise, dressing, and sauces contain pasteurized eggs that are safe to eat.' in from google ( Is there raw egg in store-bought mayonnaise ) result 1 from search-keyword 'is there raw egg in store-bought mayonnaise' from google ( mayonnaise always use raw egg ) page 1 (2)'Is Hellman’s Mayo Made With Raw Egg ? Credit: Walmart . There are a lot of different opinions on whether or not Hellman’s mayo is made with raw egg . Some people say that it is, and some people say that it isn’t. The truth is that Hellman’s mayo is made with pasteurized eggs , which means that they are safe to eat without being cooked . In Hellmann’s mayonnaise, egg yolk, vinegar, and vegetable oil are used. The main risk of consuming raw eggs is the risk of contracting a food-borne illness as a result of Salmonella bacteria. All pathogens in Hellman’s Mayo are destroyed when it is pasteurized.' in from google ( mayonnaise always use raw egg ) result 1 ] uncooked newly-bought cheese ( which contain pasteurised cheese ) , because pasteurise-process doesn't fully-kill bacteria-and-virus and still keep bacteria-spore/egg alive . flash-pasteurise-process fully-kill bacteria , virus , bacteria-spore . pasteurisation : 60 celcius ( 140 f ) for 20 minute to kill bacteria but bacteria-spore/egg stay alive and has original color and original flavor [ source : (1/2)'In the early 20th century, Milton Joseph Rosenau established the standards – i.e. low-temperature, slow heating at 60 °C (140 °F) for 20 minutes – for the pasteurization of milk' , 'intended to destroy or deactivate organisms and enzymes that contribute to spoilage or risk of disease, including vegetative bacteria, but not bacterial spores.[1][2]' in (2/2)>search-auto-complete ( spor ) ] ultra-pasteurisation : 136 celcius ( 275 f ) for 5 second to kill bacteria , bacteria-spore/egg [ source : 'heating it above 135 °C (275 °F) – the temperature required to kill many bacterial endospores – for 2 to 5 seconds.[2]' in ] flash-pasteurisation : 72 celcius ( 162 f ) for 15 second to kill bacteria but bacteria-spore/egg stay alive and has original color and original flavor [ source : 'standard US protocol for flash pasteurization of milk, 71.7 °C (161 °F) for 15 seconds in order to kill Coxiella burnetii (the most heat-resistant pathogenic germ found in raw milk), was introduced in 1933, and results in 5-log reduction (99.999%) or greater reduction in harmful bacteria.[4]' in from 'flash pasteurization' in ] ========================== 3 nov 2022 4:57 pm edt: #divide-and-relocate from# 'banned food list for pregnant woman :' item 4 #to# 'banned food list for pregnant woman :' item 1 , item 2 #:# source : 1. find 'mitosis inhibitor', 'caffeine content in 8 oz :' in this text 2. find 'diuretic :', 'spina bifida' in this text 3. from google (citrus fruit) result 1 ========================== 17 nov 2022 3:58 pm est: #reword# running like chimpanzee #to# running like chimpanzee/monkey/gorilla : ========================== 22 nov 2022 10:51 am est: #add# apparently powder-sugar causes itchy-throat which produce cough . sugar-mixed-with-water/sugar-water does not produce cough ========================== 22 nov 2022 10:56 am est: #add# maybe giving spoon-full-of sugar-mixed-with-water/sweet-water ========================== 22 nov 2022 11:15 am est: is updated =========================== 24 nov 2022 9:59 am est: #add# - possible cure for appendicitis : (1) maybe sleep with fetus-position/fetal-position ( both leg is bent and both inner-thigh press against each other ) with left-shoulder pressing against mattress ( 'left'-side from sleeper-point-of-view ) , put pillow underneath left-hip so stomach-position is higher than head-position . maybe sleeping in that position for a while can make intestine-appendix eject un-digested-food to large-intestine . doing that sleep-position for a long time maybe can produce spine-pain so after a while : remove pillow from underneath left-hip and sleep with normal-body-position . intestine-appendix-position : [source : from ] (2) maybe doing head-stand-yoga-position can make intestine-appendix eject un-digested-food to large-intestine . intestine-appendix-position : [source : from ] (3) chew food and swallow food which crumble after being chewed . if food stay intact after being chewed , and that food does not crumble after being chewed then spit out that food , avoid swallowing that food . cause of appendicitis : (1) chilli-pepper-seed , fruit-seed , fruit-seed-case , cocao/cocoa-seed , orange-fruit-seed , melon-seed , barley-seed , oat-seed , fig-seed , grape-seed , date-fruit-seed , cumin-fruit-seed , nut . [source : 'seed' in 'seed' in ] (2) (un-chew-able/un-digest-able)-plant-residue ( maybe cellulose like broccoli-stalk/broccoli-stump/broccoli-root-(petiole/branch) , broccoli-flower/floret is chew-able but producing flatulence ) . [source : 'seed' in from google ( food causing appendicitis ) result 1 ] ========================================================================== 24 nov 2022 10:6 am est: (1)#add# how to eat garlic : (1) peel garlic-skin (2) thinly-slice garlic-flesh (3) use spoon to stir water-and-sugar-powder inside glass-of-water , make sure that water taste strongly sweet . (4) transfer that sweet-water to cooking-pan (5) transfer thinly-sliced-garlic-flesh to cooking-pan (6) boil that cooking-pan containing thinly-sliced-garlic-flesh and strongly-sweet-water (7) consume that strongly-sweet-garlic-soup , chew each thinly-sliced-garlic-flesh well . (8) warning : urination-frequency maybe increase (2)#make obsolete and relocate to bottom-area# how to eat garlic : 1. mince raw garlic 2. create mixture : mixed-minced-raw-garlic with white-rice-mixed-with-salty-water(iodised-or-non-iodised) 3. consume that mixture , maybe consume 2 scoop 4. drink water to cool-down fiery-mouth-interior ( optional ) 5. pause consuming that mixture for some hour ( optional ) ============================================ 24 nov 2022 11:36 am est: is updated ============================================ 1 dec 2022 4:39 pm est: is updated ================================================= 24 dec 2022 9:14 am est: #add# when is the best time to do physical exercise ? when is best time to do physical exercise ? ================================================= 24 dec 2022 9:15 am est: #add# find 'when is best-time to jump repeatedly , jump to do aerobic-physical-exercise , run ?' ================================================= 27 dec 2022 11:41 pm est: is updated ================================================= 28 dec 2022 10:18 am est: is updated ================================================= 29 dec 2022 2:32 pm est: is updated ================================================= 29 dec 2022 2:53 pm est: #add# - what food make brain become smart ? chocolate and stop brushing teeth because brushing teeth for long time create friction which can erode enamel , just : (1)swish salty-water then spit-out that salty-water [source : ( killing bacteria naturally with salt ) from youtube-search (bacteria under microscope) result 15 ] or (2)swish water-95%-vinegar-5% then swallow because that is vitaminc-c/fat-viscosity-reducer which also kill-or-remove mouth-bacteria why chocolate ? because : (1)>sydney-city-branch->computer-programmer consume m&m-chocolate . [source : 'we're indebted to 1 team member in particular for his quest to help us all develop our chocolate palate beyond M&Ms' in from google ( google wave interview ) result 5 ] (2)china-country piano-player lang-lang consume chocolate-cookie : [source : from -> search 'cookie' ] (3) Eirik--Chambe-Eng's facebook-profile-page show him with chocolate-cake on table in-front-of him [source : 'Eirik Chambe-Eng' in from 'qt (software)' in ] ==================================================== 29 dec 2022 9:56 pm est: #reword# Eirik--Chambe-Eng's facebook-profile-page show him with chocolate-cake on table in-front-of him #to# Eirik--Chambe-Eng's facebook-photo show him with birth-day-german-chocolate-mousse-cake on table in-front-of him : and other photo showing fish , lamb . eirik--chambe-eng saying qt-stuff (1) (2) ==================================================== 29 dec 2022 11:16 pm est: #add# avocado-juice is not edible , because boiled-avocado-juice taste bitter even-though receiving lots of sugar , unlike fried-banana which has sweet-taste if sugar is added but : fresh-banana , fried-banana are laxative . ===================================================== 29 dec 2022 11:27 pm est: #reword# Eirik--Chambe-Eng's facebook-photo show him with birth-day-german-chocolate-mousse-cake on table in-front-of him : #to# Eirik--Chambe-Eng's facebook-photo show him with birth-day-samuel-german-chocolate-mousse-cake ( samuel-german is person's name not-related-to german-country . [source : 'samuel german' in ] . ) on table in-front-of him : ===================================================== 31 deec 2022 4:49 pm est: is updated ======================================================== 9 jan 2023 4:27 pm est: is updated ======================================================== 11 jan 2023 10:4 pm est: #under# cause of appendicitis : #add# salmon-fish-scale =========================================================== 17 jan 2023 10:37 pm est: is updated =========================================================== 30 jan 2023 5:8 am est: is updated =========================================================== 4 jan 2023 9:23 pm est: #add# do not sunbathe/sun-bathe , because sun-light create skin-freckle/skin-marking . bent-leg / bow-leg , is because of bad leg-position-during-standing , and standing for long time . bone is from hardened animal-fat/animal-oil , veggie-oil/veggie-fat . consume to harden fat/oil . salt-with-iodine : is not digestible , causing flatulence , causing steatorrhea because iodine is from chicken-egg-shell which contain sulfur which smell like fart . vinegar remove that animal-fat , veggie-oil then bone become flexible : find ' (Magic Bendy Bone - How to Bend a Chicken Bone Science Experiment !!)' clam , oyster , mantis-shrimp , live on semi-dark-ocean-floor , has strong bone , and never sun-bathe . =========================================================== 12 feb 2023 10:19 pm est: is updated =========================================================== 12 feb 2023 10:37 pm est: is updated =========================================================== 12 feb 2023 10:41 pm est: is updated =========================================================== 13 feb 2023 5:44 am est: is updated =========================================================== 13 feb 2023 9:23 pm est: is updated =========================================================== 13 feb 2023 9:40 pm est: is updated =========================================================== 22 feb 2023 5:21 am est: is updated =========================================================== 17 apr 2023 4:45 am est-not-edt : #add# 1. always drink sugar-powder-mixed-with-water which provoke mucus-creation , and always exhale-to-eject mucus whenever possible . process of mucus-ejection , also eject bacteri , virus , pollen-allergen . not doing exhale-to-eject mucus , maybe will cause sore-throat then need to do : find 'to remove bad breath from garlic (this method relieve sore throat as well) :' =========================================================== 18 apr 2023 9:30 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 10 may 2023 11:35 am est-not-edt : #reword# if raw garlic causes loose stool #to# if raw-garlic causes loose stool then stop consuming raw-garlic =========================================================== 10 may 2023 11:39 am est-not-edt : #add# 14. if consuming shrimp then remove-shrimp-intestine/devein prior consumption . drunken-shrimp which is live-shrimp being cooked with alcohol-beverage while that live-shrimp is still alive then that live-shrimp jump around , has meaning that live-shrimp still has shrimp-intestine , it is not possible to devein live-shrimp and that live-shrimp is still alive . undigested factory-garbage maybe is still inside that shrimp-intestine . (1)seems easy : ( How to Peel and Devein Shrimp Like a Pro | Food Network ) 318,570 views 7 mar 2017 (2)seems rather difficult : ( How to Devein and Clean Shrimp (How To) 海老の下ごしらえの仕方 ) 154,552 views 14 may 2014 (3) from google ( devein shrimp ) from 'devein' in from google ( tempura lard ) result 2 from 'Diana's last meal was Dover sole, vegetable tempura, and a mushroom asparagus omelette at L'Espadon at the Ritz Paris.' in from google ( diana dodi fayed last meal last dinner ) result 1 'Diana’s final meal was Dover sole, vegetable tempura, and a mushroom and asparagus omelet.' in from google ( diana dodi fayed last meal last dinner ) result 6 'Diana ate Dover sole, vegetable tempura and a mushroom and asparagus omelette' in from google ( diana dodi fayed last meal last dinner ) result 3 (4)batik-textile-factory discard factory-garbage to river : from google-image ( sungai limbah pabrik tambak udang ) row 1 kol 4 shrimp-farm need periodic=water-renewal maybe with new water from river : dari google ( tambak udang perlu ganti air ) hasil 3 =========================================================== 10 may 2023 12:6 pm est-not-edt : #under# possible cure for cancer #then under# 13. eat minced raw garlic. #make obsolete# find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' =========================================================== 11 may 2023 3:25 pm est-not-edt : #add# =========================================================== 15 may 2023 9:29 pm est-not-edt : #add# but maybe plastic-surgery , cosmetics , is needed to become pretty because pretty maybe has meaning : combination-of small-baby-face and big-eye like manga-comic-girl , and naturally-pretty like that , is not possible because growing eye maybe also growing face . [source : (1/2)'Laman QQ melaporkan Tieu Z Na Na (nama asli Chau So Na) di Weibo berbagi informasi tentang kelahirannya pada 2005. Namun, banyak situs berita mengatakan bahwa dia sebenarnya lahir pada 2004 . Dia baru berusia 16 tahun ini, namun dia sudah melakukan operasi plastik sejak usia 13 tahun.' in from google ( operasi plastik umur 10 ) (2/2)'Bella-Hadid menyesal melakukan operasi plastik pada usia 14 tahun.' in ( RISIKO OPERASI PLASTIK UNTUK ANAK DIBAWAH UMUR | PLASTHETIC CLINIC ) from google ( operasi plastik umur 10 ) hasil akhir ] =========================================================== 15 may 2023 9:49 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 29 may 2023 8:29 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 29 may 2023 9:47 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 30 may 2023 12:6 am est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 8 jun 2023 9:15 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 13 jun 2023 9:15 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 14 jun 2023 2:52 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 18 jun 2023 2:44 am est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 18 jun 2023 5:7 am est-not-edt : end 28 jun 2023 4:17 am est-not-edt #add# warning : female-gender-person who is consistently slim for long time maybe actually male because female can not stay slim for long time because female-gender-person suffer 'wiki/pms' then has big-appetite-for-food . so there is possibility pretty-slim-female maybe actually lady-boy / ladyboy [source : ] , ladyboy is usually bi-sexual/lesbian , and slim-and-pretty-and-has-history-of-plastic-surgery , maybe in-the-past has other citizenship maybe has male-gender in country-1 with citizenship-1 then change-gender-with-surgery-vaginoplasty ( penis-to-vagina-conversion-surgery-patient ) then go country-2 and marry country-2-citizen to get citizenship-2 maybe birth-certificate has wrong birth-year , wrong name . maybe ladyboy during baby-age if that male-baby cry then their parents give male-baby alcohol-plus-tea instead-of milk to make that male-baby stop crying and start sleeping which make male-gender-person appear feminine . i don't know why that feminine-male-gender-baby-during-adult decide vaginoplasty instead-of doing aerobic-physical-exercise to enlarge penis ( maybe there is witch-craft-explanation which make that feminine-male-gender-baby-during-adult agree with vaginoplasty ) . and there is fake-pregnancy-belly/prosthetic-pregnancy-belly : from google ( fake pregnancy belly ) ) , to fabricate pregnancy . female-porn-star jenna-jameson is vaginoplasty-patient ( penis-to-vagina-conversion-surgery-patient ) , so jenna-jameson never menstruate , does not have menstruation-pad-sponsorship . usa-country-professional-female-tennis-player serena-williams get tampon-sponsorship from germany-country , not menstruation-pad . maybe all tampon-user is lady-boy-female-pornstar because tampon is like dildo so maybe serena-williams is lady-boy . so jenna-jameson gender during child-birth is male-gender . vagino-plasty and uterus-transplant-surgery can convert male-gender to female-gender and add ability to become pregnant-for-breeding . kim-kardasian side-view-pregnancy-naked-photo maybe has adobe-photoshop-edit to make fake-pregnancy-belly-lining appear like natural-pregnancy-belly . maybe kim-kardasian can not publish menstruation-blood-on-toilet-or-bath-tub 7 times for 7 months . lady-boy is like male-eunuch who pretend to become female . maybe all female-government-boss is lady-boy . [source 9 : (1)'woman on the UK parenting site Mumsnet, calling herself Allwashedup, said a Facebook friend had posted that she put brandy in her children’s tea to put them to sleep. The children were under age 8.' in from google ( Giving baby alcohol to sleep ) result 2 (2) 'When you were a baby, your parents may have given you a little bit of alcohol in your milk every night to help you fall asleep. Now you are considering doing the same with your baby. Please don’t do it: this baby sleeping tip is an unfortunate myth that can do your baby more harm than good.' in from google ( keep baby calm not crying with alcohol beverage ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Does whiskey help babies sleep? ((3) from google ( pregnancy with transplanted uterus ) result 1 (4) from google ( pornstar list vaginoplasty ) result 2 from from google ( pornstar vaginoplasty ) result 1 (5) from google ( pregnancy with transplanted uterus ) result 4 (6) from google ( kim kardashian naked pregnancy selfie ) result 1 from from google ( celebrity fake pregnancy with fake pregnany belly ) result 1 (7) from google ( celebrity fake pregnancy with fake pregnany belly ) result 1 (8) from google ( kim kardashian naked pregnancy selfie ) result 1 (9) from google ( serena williams menstruation pad ) result 9 (9) from google ( pornstar vaginoplasty ) result 2 ] =========================================================== 23 jun 2023 4:34 am est-not-edt : #add# - is it good to buy circumcision-surgery-service for male-gender-baby immediately after child-birth ? need to test-feed that baby , in-case that baby is lactose-intolerant , or have trouble digesting certain food . need to make sure we have food which can be properly-digested by that baby . then maybe it is ok to buy circumcision-surgery-service for male-gender-baby . =========================================================== 5 jul 2023 4:56 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 5 jul 2023 5:3 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 18 jul 2023 11:32 pm est-not-edt : #add# - how to produce oxygen for breathing , and save water : ( only need water , romaine-lettuce , soil is not needed , vermi-compost-fertifiliser is not needed ) (1)get empty transparent-plastic-cashew-jar which has lid-cover (2)pour water to that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar , enough water to keep romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) floating on water . (3)insert romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) which is included during buying lettuce , to water inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar (4)use lid-cover to close transparent-plastic-cashew-jar , to block water-evaporation (5)put that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar in bright area , but not touching sun-star-light . (6)after some day , that romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) grow lettuce-leaf which is big and almost does not fit inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar anymore , so cut those lettuce-leaf and discard that lettuce-leaf because to grow tasty lettuce-leaf : that water need frequent-renewal . but keep romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) . (7)if water inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar is depleted then refill water inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar . (8)insert romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) to water inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar . [source 2 : (1) ( How To Regrow Lettuce With Just Water! ) movie-uploader : Jennifer Stavropoulos , 49.5K subscribers , 634,167 views , publish-date : 2 mar 2020 from google ( romaine lettuce grow under water ) (2) from google ( romaine lettuce grow under water ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Can you grow lettuce in water only? ] plant-photosynthesis split h2o/water to make oxygen/o2 , not split carbon-dioxide/co2 gas to make oxygen/o2 . [source : 'Photosystem II : The Water-Splitting Enzyme of Photosynthesis' in from google ( photosynthesis split water ) result 2 from 'Plant photosynthesis doesn’t actually split carbon dioxide. The oxygen released comes from splitting up water and the whole carbon dioxide molecule is used in the production of sugar.' in from google ( split co2 ) result 5 ] =========================================================== 18 jul 2023 11:59 pm est-not-edt : #add# . example : but remove sticker , procedure : maybe scrape sticker with finger-nail which is wet with vinegar . =========================================================== 19 jul 2023 12:1 am est-not-edt : #add# plant do photosynthesis inside green-leaf and that green-leaf-position can be under-water/submerged or above-water . =========================================================== 19 jul 2023 4:42 am est-not-edt : #add# current evidence which say photosynthesis really happen ( submerged plant do photo-synthesis under-water ) : ( Photosynthesis experiment ( How to make oxygen at home ) ) from google ( proof photosynthesis plant produce oxygen for breathing ) result 7 movie-uploader : mel-science , publish-date : 12 feb 2018 , view : 210,637 equipment : baking-soda-water ( 5 gram / liter ) ; water-plant ( example in experiment : water-weed , hydrilla ) ; beaker ; funnel ; test-tube ; fire-match or splinter ; light procedure : (1)place water-plant inside beaker (2)cover water-plant with funnel (3)fill beaker with baking-soda-water (4)cover funnel so test-tube is submerged and baking-soda-water go inside test-tube so test-tube contain baking-soda-water (5)turn-on bright light (6)wait for around 2 => 3 hour (7)oxygen-gas-bubble go inside test-tube in upward direction then and somehow at same time that oxygen-gas-bubble decrease baking-soda-water inside test-tube ( this means photosynthesis split 1 molecule baking-soda-water h2o to h2(hydrogen) and o2(oxygen) . so 1 molecule h2o vanish and baking-soda-water decrease . (8)after baking-soda-water inside test-tube decrease until test-tube does not contain baking-soda-water : quickly remove test-tube then quickly insert smoldering fire-match-fire inside test-tube and see that fire-match-fire burn more intensely photosynthesis : co2 + h20 + sun-star-light ====> sugar + o2 + h2 to prove presence of oxygen : find 'quickly remove test-tube then quickly insert smoldering fire-match-fire inside test-tube and see that fire-match-fire burn more intensely' because oxygen make fire-match-fire burn more intensely . why baking-soda-water is needed ? carbon-dioxide in air dissolve poorly in normal-water , to increase co2-level in normal-water we use carbonate or bicarbonate , which is salt of carbonic-acid ( co2 . h2o) =========================================================== 19 jul 2023 5:35 am est-not-edt : #reword# - how to produce oxygen for breathing , and save water : ( only need water , romaine-lettuce , soil is not needed , vermi-compost-fertifiliser is not needed ) #to# - how to produce oxygen for breathing , and save water : ( only need : water , romaine-lettuce , transparent-container ; does not need : soil , vermi-compost-fertifiliser ) =========================================================== 19 jul 2023 11:59 am est-not-edt : #add# but plant breathe in darkness , in brightness , under-water , above-water like combination-of-human-and-fish . and plant-breathing produce co2/carbon-dioxide . [source : 'Do plants breathe at night ? Yes, plants breathe throughout its life span both during day and night. chemical-equation of cellular-respiration is expressed as oxygen + glucose -> carbon-dioxide + water + heat energy. Name the respiratory organ in woody stems. In hard and woody stems, respiration or the exchange of gases takes place through lenticels. They are the small pores, scattered all over the bark and are found in all trees. What is the role of stomata in plant’s respiration ? Stomata are the tiny pores located on the epidermis of leaves, stems and other organs. During cellular-respiration, stomata facilitate gaseous exchange by opening and closing of pores. Which part of roots is involved in the exchange of respiratory gases ? Root hairs, the tubular extensions of the epidermis are involved in the exchange of respiratory gases.' in from google ( plant respiration chemistry reaction ) ] if (1)vacuum-uv-laser split carbon-dioxide/co2 to make oxygen/o2 : 'New work from UC Davis shows that carbon dioxide can be split by vacuum ultraviolet laser to create oxygen in one step. The discovery may change how we think about the evolution of atmospheres. Credit: Zhou Lu, UC Davis' in from 'Researchers discover a way to tease oxygen molecules from carbon dioxide' in from google(split co2)result 5 produce abundant oxygen then astronaut does not need to carry oxygen-tank to breathe on moon-planet-surface . but reality is astronaut still need to carry oxygen-canister on moon-planet-surface . in above-text : statement 'New work from UC Davis shows that carbon dioxide can be split by vacuum ultraviolet laser to create oxygen in one step.' is not making sense because vacuum has meaning no-air , but word 'carbon dioxide' exist in that statement , which has meaning there is carbon-dioxide-air , not vacuum . at temperature : -79 celcius / -110 f / 194 k , maybe carbon-doxide-gas sublimate/liquefy/condensate becoming rain . [source:'Sublimation conditions' , '−78.5 °C; −109.2 °F; 194.7 K (1 atm)' in] thermosphere-temperature/altitude-375-mile-temperature : find 'thermosphere | 53 mile => 375 mile , or | -184 f ( -120 c ) => 3.6 kilo-f ( 2 kilo-c )' [source 2 : (1) from google (exosphere temperature) result 1 (2) from google (atmosphere temperature) result 3 from youtube-advertisement->master-class->chris-hadfield-astronaut says in outer-space, 1 leg feel cold, other-leg feel hot receiving sun-light (Chris Hadfield Teaches Space Exploration | Official Trailer | MasterClass) from youtube-search (masterclass chris hardfield) result 1 ] so maybe during day-time hot-uv-sun-light split carbon-dioxide/co2 on thermosphere producing oxygen-gas . then during night-time that oxygen-gas on thermosphere sublimate/liquefy/condensate becoming rain-water or h2o then rain-water/h2o fell-down to earth . then plant split that water during photo-synthesis to produce oxygen . so maybe still need plant to produce oxygen . or maybe principle-from-forgotten-topic-maybe-from-ac-to-dc-ampere-converter-location-inside-desktop-computer-housing 'hot-air rise , cool-air sink' happen , instead-of 'hot-air rise , cool-air sublimate/liquefy/condensate becoming rain-water . which then during night-time hot-oxygen-gas become cold-oxygen-gas then sink to earth-surface . that ' ( Photosynthesis experiment ( How to make oxygen at home ) )' maybe produce more oxygen-from-photo-synthesis rather-than carbon-dioxide-from-respiration , so that wood-fire is on fire for like 1 second . if that ' ( Photosynthesis experiment ( How to make oxygen at home ) )' produce more more carbon-dioxide-from-respiration rather-than oxygen-from-photo-synthesis then that wood-fire , maybe mortem immediately . maybe wood-fire need oxygen . maybe carbon-dioxide can not create wood-fire . magnesium-fire can start with carbon-dioxide only and produce oxygen-which-stick-on-magnesium ( mg-o ) and human can not inhale oxygen-which-stick-on-magnesium : [source 2 : (1) ( Fire and Flame 38 - Magnesium Burning in CO2 ) (2)'Well, you could just burn magnesium metal (Mg) in CO2, You end up with MgO and pure carbon as the magnesium will strip the oxygen from the CO2.' in from google (cooling co2 separate oxygen) -> people also ask -> how do you separate oxygen from co2 ? ] ========================================================================================================================================================= atmosphere-name | altitude | temperature ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exosphere | 375 mile => 6.2 kilo-mile , or | day-time : 1700 celcius , night-time : 0 celcius | 0.6 mega-meter => 10 mega-meter | | | thermopause | 375 mile ( 0.6 mega-meter ) | | | thermosphere | 53 mile => 375 mile , or | -184 f ( -120 c ) => 3.6 kilo-f ( 2 kilo-c ) | 85 km => 0.6 mega-meter | | | mesosphere | 31 mile => 53 mile , or | 5 f ( -15 c ) | 50 km => 85 km | | | stratosphere | 4 mile => 31 mile ( 50 km ) , or | -60 f ( -51 c ) => 5 f ( -15 c ) ) | 12 mile => 31 mile ( 50 km ) | | | troposhere | north-pole , south-pole : 0 mile => 4 mile . | -60 f ( -51 c ) => 62 f ( 17 c ) | equator : 0 mile => 11 mile => 12 mile , or | | equator : 0 km => 18 km => 20 km . | [source 2 : (1) from google (exosphere temperature) result 1 (2) from google (atmosphere temperature) result 3 from youtube-advertisement->master-class->chris-hadfield-astronaut says in outer-space, 1 leg feel cold, other-leg feel hot receiving sun-light (Chris Hadfield Teaches Space Exploration | Official Trailer | MasterClass) from youtube-search (masterclass chris hardfield) result 1 ] =========================================================== 2 aug 2023 10:14 pm est-not-edt : end 3 aug 2023 9:30 pm est-not-edt #add# - why pig need to be cooked until well-done/fully-cooked , until pig-meat-color become non-pink-color on inside-area ? because pig is similar to dog which is omnivore . pig , dog : is willing to consume feces and consuming feces causes rabies/rabid . maybe rabid-dog is like killer-dog cujo/kujo in cujo-movie whose maker is stephen-king . (lyssa/lisa?/laisa?)-virus causes rabies/rabid . maybe ham is not well-done/fully-cooked because ham-color is pink-color and ham comes from ass-to-knee-cap-meat being cook-with-smoke then after cook-with-smoke-process is finish that big-ass-to-knee-cap-meat is being cut to many-thin-slice then every thin-slice is being sell according-to weight-amount . ideally big-pig-meat is cut to many-small-piece then that many-small-piece is being cooked because small-meat become well-done/fully-cooked easily and big-meat can not easily-become well-done/fully-cooked . [source 6 : (1) from google ( dog consume feces rabid ) result 1 (2) from google ( dog consume feces rabid ) result 3 (3) from google ( dog consume feces rabid ) result 5 (4) from google ( dog consume feces rabid ) result 6 (5) from google ( dog consume feces rabid ) result 10 (6)'Cujo: a friendly Saint Bernard that becomes murderous after contracting rabies from a bat bite.' in ] fish need to be cooked until well-done/fully-cooked as-well because fish consume feces inside ocean , river . =========================================================== 3 aug 2023 9:41 pm est-not-edt : is updated =========================================================== 3 aug 2023 10:17 pm est-not-edt : #reword# plant-photosynthesis split h2o/water to make oxygen/o2 , not split carbon-dioxide/co2 gas to make oxygen/o2 . #to# plant-photosynthesis split/atomic-split h2o/water to make oxygen/o2 , not split/atomic-split carbon-dioxide/co2 gas to make oxygen/o2 . =========================================================== 3 aug 2023 10:20 pm est-not-edt : #reword# cujo-movie #to# cujo-movie-with-publish-date-12-aug-1983 =========================================================== 3 aug 2023 10:32 pm est-not-edt : #add# but maybe virus can not die . [source : find 'Strictly speaking, viruses can’t die,' ] . =========================================================== 3 aug 2023 11:31 pm est-not-edt : #add# venus-planet has many oxygen because venus-planet has many carbon-dioxide . [source : find 'venus' in ] =========================================================== 3 aug 2023 11:45 pm est-not-edt : #add# example plant having ability to breathe-and-live underwater like fish : (1) from>cable-tv->maybe-bbc-earth-tv-channel>blue-planet-2->episode-5-green-sea [source : 'seagrass' in ] (2) =========================================================== 4 aug 2023 9:19 pm est-not-edt : #add# from my father hoksun-(tanlim/kwa) say that plant inhale oxygen and produce carbon-dioxide just like human . =========================================================== 4 aug 2023 9:27 pm est-not-edt : #reword# astronaut does not need to carry oxygen-tank to breathe on moon-planet-surface . #to# astronaut does not need to carry oxygen-canister to breathe on moon-planet-surface . =========================================================== 4 aug 2023 9:58 pm est-not-edt : #reword# find 'thermosphere | 53 mile => 375 mile , or | -184 f ( -120 c ) => 3.6 kilo-f ( 2 kilo-c )' [source 2 : (1) from google (exosphere temperature) result 1 (2) from google (atmosphere temperature) result 3 from youtube-advertisement->master-class->chris-hadfield-astronaut says in outer-space, 1 leg feel cold, other-leg feel hot receiving sun-light (Chris Hadfield Teaches Space Exploration | Official Trailer | MasterClass) from youtube-search (masterclass chris hardfield) result 1 ] #to# find 'thermosphere | 53 mile => 375 mile , or | -184 f ( -120 c ) => 3.6 kilo-f ( 2 kilo-c )' ] ============================================== 4 aug 2023 11:3 pm est-not-edt : end 5 aug 2023 3:5 am est-not-edt #add# - how to decrease meteor-impact-risk : evidence which suggest 'static-electricity is gravity' : (1) ( In Zero-G Static Electricity Walks On Water ) movie-uploader : videofromspace , view-amount : 129,305 , publish-date : 7 feb 2012 . Astronaut Don-Petit demonstrated static-electricity-law on Space-Station with water-dropper and grandma-sweater-maker : knitting-needle . from youtube-search ( static electricity in outer space ) , ( static electricity in zero gravity ) (2) ( Static Electricity and Water ) movie-uploader : jefferson-lab , view-amount : 722,901 , publish-date : 19 mar 2009 . What happens when an electrically charged object is brought near a stream of water? This is an easy experiment you can do yourself that shows that water molecules are polar! [Closed Captioned] . from youtube-search ( static shock attract object ) result 1 (3) ( How To Make A $5 Static Electricity Generator - NightHawkInLight ) movie-uploader : nighthawkinlight , 894,716 views , publish-date : 3 mar 2016 . #NightHawkInLight This is a great beginner electronics project that can be done in under an hour for around $5. Here is a search link for the ionizer I used (this is an affiliate link): Be sure to check out Giaco Whatever's channel: A big thanks to him for supporting my projects with his sponsorship! You can see my video building the previous Static Electricity Generator here: • Make a Static Electricity Generator &... The generator featured in this video is less powerful than my old versions as the electronics are less capable of high currents and voltages, but it produces enough of an effect to put on a good show. This version also doesn't hurt as much to use. My previous model shocks hard! Both versions have their place for various demonstrations. This is the video where I first discovered this ionizer: • A look inside a USB ioniser. this video explains some of the circuitry involved: • EEVblog #469 - Cockcroft-Walton Multi... Consider supporting my channel on Patreon! You can also follow me on Facebook: Thanks for watching! #NightHawkInLight , Check out my latest video: "How To View Invisible Air Currents With Lasers" How To See Invisible Air Currents Wit... from youtube-search ( static shock attract object ) result 4 (4)oil-refinery-electrostatic-precipitator/esp make static-eletricity/gravity to suck small-catalyst-particle/dust : ( Animation of 2015 Explosion at ExxonMobil Refinery in Torrance, CA ) movie-uploader : uscsb , view-amount : 3,471,839 , publish-date : 3 may 2017 . from youtube-recommendation in ( Castlevania Lament of Innocence Boss 10 Doppelganger II ; No Damage, Subweapons ) from youtube-search ( doppelganger boss ) from youtube-search ( curse of darkness dop ) suggest this meaning : 'heat produce gravity , gravity is heat , hot-thing produce gravity' . so this Lava-lake produce stronger gravity than other non-Lava-lake-dry-land , and attracting/pulling meteor more than other non-Lava-lake-dry-land . so this Lava-lake should be doused with ocean-water continuously to cover this Lava-lake and to cool-down this Lava-lake which 'decrease meteor-attraction' / 'decrease earth-gravity/earth-suction-power which suck '101955_Bennu' , '101955_Bennu' is armagedon-meteor/earth-destroyer-meteor : from 'nyiragongo' in from 'Lava lake' in from 'lava' in from 'lava tube' in from 'geomunoreum lava tube system' in from 'Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes' in from 'After his death, his family was exiled to Tamna/jeju island of Korea according to edict of Emperor Taizu of Ming.[1]' in from ' from 'youde-fu' in from find 'zheng-he/cheng-ho' possible procedure 1 : ( river-result maybe undesireable ) (1) bury many land-mine-bomb which connect lava-lake to ocean . (2) make those land-mine-bomb do controlled-detonation to create earth-fissure/river which connect lava-lake to ocean . (3) ocean-water flow via that earth-fissure to lava-lake then cool-down lava-lake . possible procedure 2 : ( river-result is desirable but boring-machine maybe get damaged because-of getting splashed-by unexpected lava-squirt during drilling/boring ) (1) buy boring-machine-rental-service which create under-ground-tunnel for singapore-country-(mass-rapid-transit/mrt) to create earth-fissure/river which connect lava-lake to ocean (2) ocean-water flow via that earth-fissure to lava-lake then cool-down lava-lake warning : maybe aedes-aegypti ( dengue-fever ) mosquito come to put mosquito-egg on that river but that river maybe is hot enough to kill any animal . ======================================================= 4 aug 2023 11:55 pm est-not-edt : end 5 aug 2023 3:6 am est-not-edt #add# maybe under-water-plant is best for producing oxygen on dry-land because : (1) under-water-plant is not sucking oxygen on dry-land . (2) under-water-plant is not producing carbon-dioxide on dry-land . [source : 'According to some estimates, green algae and cyanobacteria in marine environments provide about 70% of the free oxygen produced on Earth, and the rest is produced by terrestrial plants.[68] Other estimates of the oceanic contribution to atmospheric oxygen are higher, while some estimates are lower, suggesting oceans produce ~45% of Earth's atmospheric oxygen each year.[69]' in ] ======================================================= 5 aug 2023 5:24 am est-not-edt : #add# that lava-lake is not sucking debris #add# -obsolete- ======================================================= 7 aug 2023 4:32 am est-not-edt : #add# possible (rabies/rabid)-dog in real-life : (1)kim-zolciak-biermann ( real-house-wive-actress and wife-of>>football-player kroy-biermann who drive audi->>gt-convertible who actually belong to owner former-nba-player gerald-wilkins ) dog which bite her son kash face badly 23 apr 2017 . [3 source : (1)'E! News 23 apr 2017 : Kim-Zolciak-Biermann revealed that her son Kash received "very traumatic injuries" from a dog bite : "The last 14 hr of our lives has been a living nightmare."' in from -> search ( bite ) from (2)'' in (3) (4) from google ( kim zolciak bentley ) result 5 (5)'Kim has shown herself driving a Mercedes G-Class, which has a starting price of 139,900, usd and that's on the lower end of her collection. She's also driven a Bentley GT convertible (usually priced around 240,000 usd if bought new), and a Rolls Royce Cullinan, which has a starting price well into the 300,000 usd-range.' in from google ( kim zolciak bentley ) result 3 ] (2)lindsey-vonn ( usa-professional-skier ) whose dog bite her own hand-palm then need stitches . [simplified-source : (1)'8 nov 2015 lindsey-vonn need stitches on her thumb because-of trying to stop 2 dog fighting each other' in from>search ( stitches ) from forgotten-article saying 'usa-professional-golfer tiger-woods dating lindsey-vonn' (2)'tiger woods' in ] ======================================================= 11 aug 2023 11:37 pm est-not-edt : is updated ======================================================= 11 aug 2023 11:4 pm est-not-edt : is updated ======================================================= 12 aug 2023 8:24 pm est-not-edt : #add# maybe lady-boy in-the-past is male-gender-royal-family-member on some monarchy-country , and some-unknown-event-which-maybe-related-to-gold-ownership happen which make that that male-gender-royal-family-member make decision to change-male-gender-to-female-gender/become-transvestite . maybe all royal-family-member is gold-owner . ======================================================= 17 feb 2023 4:34 pm est-not-edt : is updated ======================================================= 20 sep 2023 3:33 am est-not-edt : is updated ======================================================= 25 sep 2023 5:56 pm est-not-edt : is updated ======================================================= 2 nov 2023 11:38 am est-not-edt : #add# - avoid putting stain-less-steel/stain-less-ferum spoon-or-fork-or-etc inside micro-wave while micro-wave is doing-cooking , because lightning-strike will show-up inside micro-wave and that lightning-strike hit stain-less-steel/stain-less-ferum spoon-or-fork-or-etc then that stain-less-steel/stain-less-ferum spoon-or-fork-or-etc has small-burnt-marking ( cosmetic-damage ) . i put stain-less-steel/stain-less-ferum spoon-or-fork-or-etc together with food inside micro-wave thinking that i can save drinking-water-from-faucet for washing that stain-less-steel/stain-less-ferum spoon-or-fork-or-etc and apparently that create small-burnt-marking-damage on stain-less-steel/stain-less-ferum spoon-or-fork-or-etc . ======================================================= 19 nov 2023 6:9 am est : #add# micro-wave will create lightning-strike which hit-and-damage other metal spoon-or-fork-or-etc , as-well . micro-wave will cause frozen cow-butter inside plastic-food-container create splash which hit micro-wave-housing-ceiling . so need sauce-pan to heat-and-melt frozen cow-butter . ======================================================= 20 nov 2023 11:7 pm est: is updated ======================================================= 25 nov 2023 4:44 am est: is updated ======================================================= 30 nov 2023 2:54 am est: is updated ======================================================= 30 nov 2023 6:12 am est: end 1 dec 2023 6:4 am est #add# obstetrics who take-care pregnany-condition for beyonce , kim-kardashian : #phc#/paul-harold-crane : [source : 'Crane has delivered some seriously famous babies, having being in charge of North and Saint West’s births for Kim Kardashian, the deliveries of Kourtney’s kids Reign, Penelope and Mason, and Rob and Blac Chyna’s daughter Dream' in from google-image ( beyonce birth certificate ) row 1 col 1 ] (1)maybe working in from google ( paul harold crane disciplinary action ) result 4 (2)maybe working alone ( entrepreneur-freelance-obstetrics ) (3)receive soccer-yellow-ticket from umpire : 'Dr. Paul Harold Crane, Beverly Hills : Failed to maintain adequate-and-accurate medical-records of his care and treatment of 4 obstetrical patients during delivery of their infants . Disciplined via public reprimand.** Effective June 2.' in from google ( paul harold crane 2 may 2003 condition on medical license ) result 1 . (4)maybe in same situation like #vs#/vicken-sahakian ( obstetrics in [source : , google ( pacific fertility center ) result 1 , 2 ] ) but #phc# succeed keeping secret while #vs# is tired-of-keeping-secret : from google ( celebrity obstetrics falsify ivf baby delivery ) result 1 but #vs# maybe is still succeed keeping those celebrity's kline-felter-syndrome-condition secret . Paul-Harold-Crane , MD ( medical-doctor ) Female Education : University of Minnesota Medical School - Minneapolis Year of Graduation : 1969 Certifications : Obstetrics and Gynecology * Active Licenses : California Actions : California : 2003-05-02 CONDITION(S) PLACED ON MEDICAL LICENSE No document available; refer to board site ========================================================================================================================================== name : paul-harold-crane degree : md reported-location : usa->ca-state->beverly-hills-city certifying-board : american-board-of-obstetrics-and-gynecology specialty : obstetrics-and-gynecology 1-st-certification-year : year 1977 latest-certification-year : year 1977 actively-maintainining-cert ? no ( not required ) status : cert ========================================================================================================================================== Vicken-Sahakian, MD Male Education : American University of Beirut Year of Graduation : 1987 Certifications : (1)Obstetrics and Gynecology * (2)Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility * Active Licenses : California Actions : No Actions Found Reported Locations : (1)Woodland Hills, California (2)Los Angeles, California (3)Glendale, California (4)Chapel Hill, North Carolina Information provided through DocInfo does not meet credentialing standards of The Joint Commission, NCQA, or DNV, and may not be used for such purposes. ==================================================================================================================================== from google ( paul harold crane disciplinary action ) result 4 Paul-H-Crane , MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Languages : English Gender : Male Experience : 54 Years Locations : Beverly Hills 415 N Crescent Dr Ste 100 Beverly Hills, CA 2292.0 miles From You Get Directions 310-271-4030 (Fax) 'Address & Parking: 415 N. Crescent Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. $12 parking. Office hours: 9 AM - 5 PM Phone number: (310) 659-5810 Insurances accepted: none (we told you, he’s a celebrity!)' in from google ( paul crane celebrity obstetrics ) result 7 Call to Schedule Experience Specialties : Area in which a healthcare provider is highly trained and often board certified : Obstetrics & Gynecology Programs : Cedars-Sinai clinical programs this provider is part of: Obstetrics & Gynecology Routine Gynecology Education & Training : Cedars-Sinai Medical Center : Residency : Completed year 1974 Cedars-Sinai-Medical-Center : internship : Completed year 1970 University Of Minnesota, Division Family Practice : Medical School : Completed year 1969 Achievements : 1 board-Certification board-certification : Obstetrics-&-Gynecology ( from American-Board-of-Obstetrics-and-Gynecology ) Insurances Before scheduling, we recommend checking with your insurance plan to see if an authorization is required to see this doctor. No patient rating & comments. Why? . About Provider Locations1 Experience Insurances ========================================================================================================================================================== vicken-sahakian degree : md reported-location : usa->ca-state->la-city certifying-board : american-board-of-obstetrics-and-gynecology specialty : obstetrics-and-gynecology 1-st-certification-year : year 1995 latest-certification-year : year 2022 actively-maintainining-cert ? yes status : cert sub-specialty : reproductive endocrine and infertifility 1-st-certification-year : year 1997 latest-certification-year : year 2022 actively-maintainining-cert ? yes status : cert ========================================================================================================================================================== fake pregnant photo-and-movie : from google ( naked fake belly button pregnant photo ) page 4 row 3 col 2 serena-williams-pregnant-photo : from google-image ( serena williams 1 jan 2017 australian open pregnant ) row 3 col 1 page 2 serena-williams shut-down hospital for security-excuse just like bgkc/beyonce-giselle-knowles-carter shut-down ucla-medical-center-los-angeles-city-level-5 , for child-birth : from google ( st mary medical center west palm beach shut down serena williams ) result 7 fromn 'st mary' in from google ( alexis olympia child birth hospital ) result 1 both serena-williams , bgkc/beyonce-giselle-knowles-carter has age-controversy . (1)serena-williams use wild-card to avoid age-restriction during entering 1-st-professional-tennis-tournament ( entering wta-tour ) in canada->quebec-province->>bell-challenge-tennis-tournament suffer defeat from anne-miller usa-tennis-player-wta-rank-148 with score 6-1 , 6-1 [3 source : (1) (2) (3) from google ( quebec club advantage tennis court ) result 1 from previous-''-article reference from 'wild' in ] . some wild-card-explanation in tennis-world : simplified-text : 'That's for AO , RG , USO/usa-open only . They give a wildcard slot in both singles' draws to other 2 Slams' respective countries , so if USO gives an Australian and a French player a wildcard each then : ao , rg give wild-card to an American-player at AO and RG in-return . In instances like usa-wildcards, they are awarded to players who won a wild-card-challenge by USTA where players accumulating highest-point-amount in that race receive wild-card. If the player with the most points already received direct entry then next available player would take that wildcard. AO and RG sometimes have a similar wildcard race for their own local players when it comes to those two Slams.' , 'Wimbledon is the only Slam that is not a part of that and they don't give or receive any special wild-cards from other Slams.' in from google ( how to get wild card tennis tournament ) result 4 (2)bgkc's father mathew-knowles accuse his own daughter bgkc's age is actually 2 year older [source : from google ( beyonce fake age ) result 3 ] . it is strange that venus-williams born 17 jun 1980 , serena-williams born 26 sep 1981 , so that means their mother ( oracene-price ) give child-birth to venus-williams then give breast-milk to venus-williams for around 6 month 9 day then oracene-price start pregnancy-number-2 to create serena-williams-fetus ? oracene-price simply pay baby-sitter to raise venus-williams without breast-milk after reaching age 6 month 9 day ? then oracene-price get busy making serena-williams ? [source : (1) (2) ] kline-felter-syndrome-person appear like ladyboy : from google ( klinefelter syndrome celebrity ) result 10 . male-gender-person who born with micro-penis is being called having kline-felter-syndrome-person . kline is german-language-word for little , welter/felter is german-language-word for chaos . inventor-name harry-fitch-klinefelter-jr . and serena-williams is not giving-away her obstetrics-name , only hospital-name . ============================================================================================================================== 1 dec 2023 6 am est : is updated ============================================================================================================================== 2 dec 2023 3:49 am est : #add# 'nastia_pav : hi all , i want to announce that i will skip grass-tennis-court-season this year . unfortunately after 9 month absence last-year , i can not enter some tournament with my ranking and i did not receive wild-card to play some grass-tennis-court-tournament which i was hoping for . additionaly i already use 2 protected-grand-slam-ranking at ao , rg , meaning that i can not enter wimbledon . it comes with big disappointment but i will focus on smaller tournaments in july on clay-tennis-court , prepare remainder-of-tennis-season and hopefully climb-up to usa-open/uso main-draw ( icon-showing-pointer-finger-crossing-middle-finger ) . see you soon and thank you so much for your support ( icon-showing-hand-palm-waving-bye , icon-showing-love-sign ) .' , ============================================================================================================================== 3 dec 2023 5:41 am est : #add# - why do 1-minute-boil-on-ground-level or 3-minute-boil-on-3500-foot-altitude to usa-water which come from water-faucet which and from water-tower ? (1)sometimes some usa-city is not periodically-cleaning water-tower-water-container . [2 source : (1) from google ( epa water tower cleaning frequency ) result 4 (2) from google ( epa water tower cleaning frequency ) page 4 number 10 ] (2)faucet-water contain : (1)legionella-bacteria ( causing legionnaires-disease ) (2)acanthamoeba-amoeba (3)pseudomonas (4)non-tuberculosis-myco-bacteria which in-theory become mortem during touching stomach-acid . [2 source : (1) from google ( usa drinking water water tower flushing bacteria virus on plumbing pipe ) result 3 : 'Water that has been sitting in pipes of large buildings for several weeks or months could be hosting bacteria such as Legionella or accumulating lead or copper, all of which are poisonous to humans and affect thousands every year in usa' | 'building owners should flush their water lines before opening up properties again' | 'Drinking water is never sterile, said Caitlin-Proctor, a Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellow at Purdue. Even under normal conditions , water that comes out of faucets and drinking-fountains has some bacteria in it. But typically, this water also contains disinfectant-residue and corrosion-control from when it was treated at a plant. When you use that water frequently, these are maintained over time. But this residue degrades over time, caitlin-Proctor said. So when water sits in pipes unused, it loses this disinfectant-residue and allows dangerous bacteria to grow. Bacteria such as Legionella , which is culprit behind Legionnaires-Disease, like to grow in stagnant water at warm temperatures.' | 'Hot water can cut growth of Legionella, which prefers to grow in water between 77 and 108 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the bacteria can grow outside of these ranges as well, so experts recommend that building owners set their hot water heaters to at least 140 degrees.' | 'Flush the hot water. Turn on hot water taps, including sinks, bathtubs and shower heads, for at least 15 minutes, IDEM says. Depending on the size of the building's hot water tank, you may need to flush for longer. For more information on draining and cleaning your water heater, IDEM suggests you consult the manufacturer.' | 'In a few months, do it again. Periodic flushing is important for maintaining the quality of water, IDEM says, especially if some of the taps in the building aren't used regularly. This is also an optimal time for measuring levels of other materials in the water, such as chlorine.' | (2) from google ( virginia state faucet water quality drinkable ) result 1 -> ppl also ask -> is my faucet water safe to drink? : 'Most tap water naturally contains low levels of microorganisms such as bacteria and amoebae, says Shanna-Miko, an epidemic intelligence service officer with the waterborne disease prevention branch of CDC.' | 'Pathogens found in tap-water such as Pseudomonas , nontuberculous-mycobacteria , Legionella account for a significant percentage of 120,000 hospitalizations and 7,000 deaths due to waterborne diseases annually, according to CDC.' | 'water is safe to drink because those pathogens typically get killed by stomach acid, she says. But those pathogens can multiply if they’re inhaled or introduced to more vulnerable parts of body such as eyes or nasal passages, potentially causing serious or deadly infections. “Those are dark, moist places that don’t have the benefit of stomach acid to help neutralize these bugs,” Miko says. ' | 'For contact lens wearers, a dangerous amoeba called Acanthamoeba that lurks in tap water can cause a severe type of eye infection that is difficult to treat and can even lead to blindness, the CDC says. Saline solution made for contact lenses is best to use for rinsing.' | 'Miko says you can either boil tap-water to sterilise it or buy distilled-water for those medical uses. She notes that not all bottled or filtered water is sterile. Look for “distilled” or “sterile” on the label, she says. To sterilize tap water yourself, boil the water for at least one minute (three minutes at elevations above 6,500 feet) and then let it cool before you use it.' (3)maybe city-water-main-pipe periodically-rupture/burst because-of metal-fatigue because-of suppressing 50 psi => 100 psi , so internal-pipe-metal-welded-joint maybe lift 50 lbs-weight per inch2 all-time , maybe welded-joint is weakest-point . [5 source : (1) from google ( virginia state water tower water pump supplier ) result number-forgotten : 'A typical municipal water supply runs at between 50 and 100 PSI (major appliances require at least 20 to 30 psi ). water-tower must be tall enough to supply that level of pressure to all of the houses and businesses in the area of the tower' ] (2) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 1 (3) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 5 (4) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 8 (5) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 9 ] then maybe rain-water-contaminated-with-soil-bacteria enter that rupture-point-on-water-main-pipe then water-worker do welding-job to close that rupture-point-on-water-main-pipe then water-worker make fire-hydrant-on-road-side discard water to asphalt for rather long time-duration to flush that soil-bacteria inside water-main-pipe . procedure : (1)pour faucet-water to 4-quart-sauce-pan 1 quart = 0.25 gallon [source : ] 4 quart = 1 gallon (2)do 1-minute-boil to faucet-water on that 4-quart-sauce-pan then (3)wait until that faucet-water-inside-that-4-quart-sauce-pan-on-stove become tepid/semi-cool , not hot . (4)transfer that water to 1-gallon-pitcher : i have 2 1-gallon-pitcher , so i start doing 1-minute-boil if 1 1-gallon-pitcher is empty . ============================================================================================================================== 8 dec 2023 8:59 pm est : end 9 dec 2023 5:12 am est #add# (4)process which convert river-water to drink-able-faucet-water , is lacking boiling-process , disinfection-process is only with chlorine . so that faucet-water is like swimming-pool-water . [2 source : (1)'disinfect' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 2 (2)'chlorine' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 4 ] ============================================================================================================================== 8 dec 2023 9 pm est : #reword# (1)legionella-bacteria ( causing legionnaires-disease ) (2)acanthamoeba-amoeba (3)pseudomonas #to# (1)legion-ella--bacteria ( causing legionnaires-disease ) (2)acanth-amoeba--amoeba (3)pseudo-monas ================================================================== 9 dec 2023 4:43 am est : end 5:20 am est #add# (5)frozen-water inside water-pipe create crack-damage to water-pipe . [7 source : (1) ( Bursting Water Pipe ) uploader : sick-science! , 5 mar 2009 from youtube-search ( frozen water pipe rupture demo ) result 17 show similar crack-damage like ( Water Main Repair Pt 1 ) uploader : ajpcat , 14 jun 2012 (2) ( How does water freeze into ice? | Microscopic view | Molecular Dynamics Simulation ) uploader : bohemian-chemists , 2 mar 2020 , from youtube-search ( water molecule frozen ) result 8 (3) ( 3D molecular visualisation - Water turning into ice ) uploader : csiro's-data61 , 12 sep 2018 from youtube-recommendation (4) ( Water Molecules - part 1 ) uploader : canadian-museum-of-nature , 2 sep 2011 from youtube-recommendation (5) ( Molecular dynamics simulation of ice crystal melting ) uploader : shityakoff , 13 dec 2011 from youtube-recommendation (6) ( Properties of Water ) uploader : amoeba-sister , 26 jul 2016 from youtube-recommendation (7)'freezing temperature' in from google-image ( ruptured water main pipe ) page 4 row 2 col last ================================================================== 9 dec 2023 5:44 am est : end 6:9 am est #reword# (3)maybe city-water-main-pipe periodically-rupture/burst because-of metal-fatigue because-of suppressing 50 psi => 100 psi , so internal-pipe-metal-welded-joint maybe lift 50 lbs-weight per inch2 all-time , maybe welded-joint is weakest-point . [6 source : (1)'high water pressure' in from google-image ( ruptured water main pipe ) page 4 row 2 col last (2) from google ( virginia state water tower water pump supplier ) result number-forgotten : 'A typical municipal water supply runs at between 50 and 100 PSI (major appliances require at least 20 to 30 psi ). water-tower must be tall enough to supply that level of pressure to all of the houses and businesses in the area of the tower' (3) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 1 (4) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 5 (5) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 8 (6) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 9 ] then maybe rain-water-contaminated-with-soil-bacteria enter that rupture-point-on-water-main-pipe then water-worker do welding-job to close that rupture-point-on-water-main-pipe then water-worker make fire-hydrant-on-road-side discard water to asphalt for rather long time-duration to flush that soil-bacteria inside water-main-pipe . (4)process which convert river-water to drink-able-faucet-water , is lacking boiling-process , disinfection-process is only with chlorine . so that faucet-water is like swimming-pool-water . [2 source : (1)'disinfect' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 2 (2)'chlorine' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 4 ] (5)frozen-water inside water-pipe create crack-damage to water-pipe . [7 source : (1) ( Bursting Water Pipe ) uploader : sick-science! , 5 mar 2009 from youtube-search ( frozen water pipe rupture demo ) result 17 show similar crack-damage like ( Water Main Repair Pt 1 ) uploader : ajpcat , 14 jun 2012 | (2)'freezing temperature' in from google-image ( ruptured water main pipe ) page 4 row 2 col last | (3) ( How does water freeze into ice? | Microscopic view | Molecular Dynamics Simulation ) uploader : bohemian-chemists , 2 mar 2020 , from youtube-search ( water molecule frozen ) result 8 | (4) ( 3D molecular visualisation - Water turning into ice ) uploader : csiro's-data61 , 12 sep 2018 from youtube-recommendation | (5) ( Water Molecules - part 1 ) uploader : canadian-museum-of-nature , 2 sep 2011 from youtube-recommendation | (6) ( Molecular dynamics simulation of ice crystal melting ) uploader : shityakoff , 13 dec 2011 from youtube-recommendation | (7) ( Properties of Water ) uploader : amoeba-sister , 26 jul 2016 from youtube-recommendation ] #to# (3)maybe city-water-main-pipe periodically-rupture/burst because-of : (1)frozen-water inside water-pipe create crack-damage to water-pipe . [7 source : (1) ( Bursting Water Pipe ) uploader : sick-science! , 5 mar 2009 from youtube-search ( frozen water pipe rupture demo ) result 17 show similar crack-damage like ( Water Main Repair Pt 1 ) uploader : ajpcat , 14 jun 2012 | (2)'freezing temperature' in from google-image ( ruptured water main pipe ) page 4 row 2 col last | (3) ( How does water freeze into ice? | Microscopic view | Molecular Dynamics Simulation ) uploader : bohemian-chemists , 2 mar 2020 , from youtube-search ( water molecule frozen ) result 8 | (4) ( 3D molecular visualisation - Water turning into ice ) uploader : csiro's-data61 , 12 sep 2018 from youtube-recommendation | (5) ( Water Molecules - part 1 ) uploader : canadian-museum-of-nature , 2 sep 2011 from youtube-recommendation | (6) ( Molecular dynamics simulation of ice crystal melting ) uploader : shityakoff , 13 dec 2011 from youtube-recommendation | (7) ( Properties of Water ) uploader : amoeba-sister , 26 jul 2016 from youtube-recommendation ] (2)metal-fatigue because-of suppressing 50 psi => 100 psi , so internal-pipe-maybe lift 50 lbs-weight per inch2 all-time . [6 source : (1)'high water pressure' in from google-image ( ruptured water main pipe ) page 4 row 2 col last (2) from google ( virginia state water tower water pump supplier ) result number-forgotten : 'A typical municipal water supply runs at between 50 and 100 PSI (major appliances require at least 20 to 30 psi ). water-tower must be tall enough to supply that level of pressure to all of the houses and businesses in the area of the tower' (3) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 1 (4) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 5 (5) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 8 (6) from google ( city water main rupture ) page 3 number 9 ] water-main-pipe-internal-connection-joint maybe is epoxy-glue , not welding-point : ( Laying 8" C900 waterline, closeup of the crew tasks ) from youtube-recommendation then maybe rain-water-contaminated-with-soil-bacteria enter that rupture-point-on-water-main-pipe then water-worker renew-without-doing-welding-job that water-pipe-which-contain-rupture . then water-worker make fire-hydrant-on-road-side discard water to asphalt for rather long time-duration to flush that soil-bacteria inside water-main-pipe . (4)process which convert river-water to drink-able-faucet-water , is lacking boiling-process , disinfection-process is only with chlorine . so that faucet-water is like swimming-pool-water . [2 source : (1)'disinfect' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 2 (2)'chlorine' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 4 ] ======================================== 11 dec 2023 3:11 am est : end 14 dec 2023 11:23 pm est #add# possible solution which prevent frozen-water inside water-pipe : (1)maybe on interior-water-pipe-wall : install wind-shield-defroster/defogger like there are many ferum-wire or just 4 long-line-of-ferum-wire sticking on interior-water-pipe-wall . those ferum-wire gets-ampere-and-become-electrifying if ampere-outlet-on-exterior-water-pipe-wall receive ampere . [source : (1)'silver' in from google ( rear window defogger copper wire ) (2) from google-image ( why turboprop tail has deicing boot ) row 1 col last ] (2)maybe inside water-pipe : there is pond-de-icer-with-ampere-cable-somehow-sticking-to-pipe-wall-exterior-with-aquarium-glass-glue-sealant [source : from google ( lake heater ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> What size heater do I need for a 500 gallon pond? ] (3)maybe inside water-pipe : there is thermostat sticking on that interior-water-pipe-wall so water never become excesively-hot then evaporate . (4)maybe inside water-pipe : there is 'load-cell' for measuring water-pressure in certain water-pipe . 'load-cell' measure obesity-score : ( Electronic Bathroom Scales Teardown ) from youtube-search ( inside digital scale ) there is 2 event which need to happen to produce frozen-water-inside-pipe-event : (1)water-inside-pipe is stagnant maybe because ppl living in that pipe-area is going out together so water-faucet is always closed in that pipe-area . [source : from google ( freeze prevention water main pipe ) result 3 ] so many ppl in same housing-area doing winter-season-vacation-in-foreign-country maybe create frozen-water-inside-pipe-event in that housing-area . (2)temperature is maybe 0 celcius ( 32 f ) . ======================================== 12 dec 2023 4:38 am est : #reword# why do 1-minute-boil-on-ground-level or 3-minute-boil-on-3500-foot-altitude to usa-water which come from water-faucet which and from water-tower ? #to# - why do 1-minute-boil-on-ground-level or 3-minute-boil-on-3500-foot-or-1006.8-meter-altitude to usa-water which come from water-faucet which and from water-tower ? [3 source : (1)'foot' in from ref-16 in '29.57353 mL,[16]' in from '25 fluid-ounce' in and simplified-text similar-size-but-easier-to-clean '757 mili-liter' in (2)simplified-text 'top-floor 585.4 m ( 1,921 ft )' in (3)simplified-text 'top-floor 439.2 m ( 1,441 ft )' in ] ======================================== 14 dec 2023 11:24 pm est : end 15 dec 2023 12:10 am est #reword# [2 source : (1)'disinfect' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 2 (2)'chlorine' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 4 ] #to# [3 source : (1)'disinfect' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 2 (2)'chlorine' in from google ( virginia water treatment process ) result 4 (3) ( CWS Water Treatment Process ) from ] ======================================== 15 dec 2023 2:32 am est : #add# [source : from google ( weight scale bending metal create ampere voltage ) result 2 ] ======================================== 23 dec 2023 4:9 am est : #reword# Laying 8" C900 waterline, closeup of the crew tasks #to# laying 8 inch c-900 water-pipe/water-line , close-up of crew-task ========================================== 23 dec 2023 4:23 am est : #add# example usa-water-tower-maker ( biggest-size : 3 mega-gallon-water-capacity ) : (1) (2) [source : '' in from google ( caldwell tanks inc ) result 2 from 'caldwell' in from google ( loudounwater water tower builder ) result 1 ] ========================================== 23 dec 2023 4:34 am est : #add# ( pvc-u pressure / bell-end pipe installation / joining method ) from next-video shown after this movie reach ending ( Preview of Lesson 2: PVC C-900 GASKETED JOINT INSTALLATION (Animation) ) from google ( how to join 2 c900 water pipe ) result 1 example c-900-water-pipe-maker : , , , , , etc ... [source : google ( c900 water pipe ) ] ========================================== 23 dec 2023 10:40 pm est : #add#>c-900-water-pipe->maximum-water-pressure-resistance = 165 psi ( lbs per inch2 ) [source : 'Under no circumstances should test pressures exceed 305 psi for DR 14, 235 psi for DR 18, and 165 psi for DR 25 C900 PVC pipe' in from google ( c 900 maximum water pressure psi ) result 1 ] 1-gallon-water-weight = 8.4 lbs [source : '1-gallon-water' in ] ========================================== 26 dec 2023 6:12 am est : #reword# swish salty-water then spit-out that salty-water #to# swish-inside-mouth salty-water-without-iodine/iodium then swallow . or swish-inside-mouth salty-water-with-iodium then spit-out that salty-water-with-iodium because iodine/iodium causes diarrhea . ========================================== 26 dec 2023 6:17 am est : #reword# swish salt-water inside mouth: (killing bacteria naturally with salt) from youtube-search (bacteria under microscope) result 15 #to# swish-inside-mouth salty-water-without-iodine/iodium then swallow . or swish-inside-mouth salty-water-with-iodium then spit-out that salty-water-with-iodium because iodine/iodium causes diarrhea . [source : (1) ( killing bacteria naturally with salt ) from youtube-search ( bacteria under microscope ) result 15 (2)'iodium' in -> latin-language-translation ] ========================================== 26 dec 2023 6:19 am est : #reword# info : find 'find 'swish salt-water inside mouth to kill mouth-bacteria:' #to# info : find 'swish-inside-mouth salty-water-without-iodine/iodium then swallow . ' ========================================== 26 dec 2023 6:20 am est : #reword# swish salt-water inside mouth to kill mouth-bacteria: 'killing bacteria naturally with salt' from youtube-search (bacteria under microscope) result 15 #to# swish-inside-mouth salty-water-without-iodine/iodium then swallow . or swish-inside-mouth salty-water-with-iodium then spit-out that salty-water-with-iodium because iodine/iodium causes diarrhea . [source : (1) ( killing bacteria naturally with salt ) from youtube-search ( bacteria under microscope ) result 15 (2)'iodium' in -> latin-language-translation ] ========================================== 1 jan 2024 7:24 pm est : is updated ========================================== 1 jan 2024 7:48 pm est : #add# 'swish water-mixed-with-vinegar inside mouth' help remove tooth-calculus-plaque , tooth-stain . ========================================== 1 jan 2024 7:50 pm est : #reword# info : find 'find 'swish salt-water inside mouth to kill mouth-bacteria:' #to# info : find 'swish-inside-mouth salty-water-without-iodine/iodium then swallow . ' #this is a repeat because this activity-history already written 1 time '26 dec 2023 6:19 am est :' some but actual-activity is not being done# ========================================== 8 mar 2024 11:23 pm est : end 9 mar 2024 7:56 pm est #add# - overly-burnt-toast/bread is crispy , delicious but produce negative-nutrition like celery . why negative-nutrition ( removing nutrition from body , not adding nutrition to body ) because overly-burnt-toast/bread is like charcoal , charcoal/ash block stomach-ability in absorbing nutrient , poison . [source : (1)Poisons aren't the only substances activated charcoal can bind to in the stomach. It can also bind to foods you have eaten blocking the absorption of nutrients and medications you may have taken reducing their effectiveness. "If you are taking a medication that requires a certain dosage to be effective you may be putting yourself at risk," said Johnson. in from google ( activated carbon block nutrient absorption ) result 5 (2)'“Because activated charcoal will bind with nutrients along with gas or toxins, it’s just not something to use on a regular basis,” Chong says.' in from google ( activated carbon block nutrient absorption ) result 2 (3)'Eating bland foods such as crackers or toast is a great way to ease upset stomach but burnt toast is even better. charcoal in burnt-toast absorbs toxins in stomach helping you to get rid of that upset feeling. Adding a bit of jam to make the toast more palatable is fine but don’t smother it in butter as dairy products can irritate an already delicate stomach.' in from google ( burnt toast bread active charcoal ) result 1 -> ppl also ask -> does burnt toast absorb toxins? ] so consuming burnt-toast will stop muscle-repair-event , eventually some muscle become in pain during moving that muscle , and there is black-color-bruise . maybe i consume only burnt-toast and water for 6 day , to create severe-muscle-damage which remove my ability to squat-for-defecation ( squat-body-position hurt area-behind-knee-cap ) . how burnt-toast create legal-mess ? so that muscle which become painful during doing certain body-position , can not be repaired . eventually iron-level inside blood become low . usa-hospital-doctor will order blood-transfusion ( which has risk transferring blood which contain rabid-virus , herpes-virus , hiv , hepatitis , west-nile-mosquito-virus , acinetobacter-calcoaceticus-baumannii-complex (ACBC) , staphylococcus-saprophyticus , etc [2 simplified-source : (1)'4 people in 3 states developed sepsis after receiving bacteria-contaminated platelet transfusions between May and October last year , according to usa-government-report released Thursday. 1 of those 4 patients died.' in from google ( contaminated blood transfusion ) page 2 number 8 (2)'During August 28--October 26, CDC received reports of 47 persons with possible transfusion-related WNV infection. investigations showed that 14 of these persons either did not have WNV infection or did not acquire WNV infection through transfusion. the remaining 33 cases, reported from 17 states, occurred among persons who had confirmed or probable WNV infection and had received blood components in the month before illness onset. To date, evidence that WNV can be transmitted through blood transfusion has been found in 6 of the 33 cases; investigations are ongoing for the other 27 cases.' from google ( cdc investigate blood transfusion ) page 2 number 8] ) to increase iron-level . maybe usa-hospital-doctor gets comission-money from blood-bank , blood-transfusion-tool-maker , maybe usa-hospital-doctor has share-certificate belonging to company which make blood-transfusion-tool , and usa-hospital-doctor does not have share-certificate for , ,> ,> ,> , etc [source : ] . animal-meat from , ,> ,> ,> : easily increase iron-level inside blood . [simplified-source : 'There are 2 types of iron in food : 1)haem iron : this is easily absorbed by the body 2)non-haem iron : this is harder for your body to absorb . Haem iron can be found in : meat — beef, lamb, pork, and kangaroo ; poultry — chicken, turkey, and eggs ; seafood — salmon, sardines and tuna ; organ meats — liver, kidney and pate . if you follow a plant-based diet, you will need to eat about 80 % more iron to meet iron-dietary-requirements . Plant-based sources of non-haem iron include : iron-fortified bread and breakfast cereal ; nuts and seeds ; dried fruit ; wholemeal pasta and bread ; legumes — such as mixed beans, baked beans, lentils and chickpeas ; dark leafy green vegetables — such as spinach, silver beet and broccoli ; tofu' in from google ( haem iron ) from google ... ] if patient continously refusing blood-transfusion because that patient still can chew animal-meat-which-contain easy-to-absorb-iron then social-worker maybe somehow can show-up in hospital-room , provoking rude-answer during interview , social-worker apparently is police who pretend to be non-police to provoke rude-answer during interview with police-pretending-to-become-social-worker . and behaving rude toward police is law-violation : contempt-of-cop/disrespect-of-cop which can produce 30-day-detention-without-criminal-trial-penalty ( temporary-detention-order/tdo ) [3 source : (1) from google ( charge contempt against police ) result 9 from 'contempt of cop' in from google ( behaving rude toward police law violation ) result 9 (2) from google ( social worker temporary detention order ) result 3 (3)'disrespect' in ] , social-worker has ability to send law-suit ( become petitioner ) to general-law-court-magistrate asking for temporary-detention-order , without criminal-trial , for that patient with excuse that patient is crazy and not having enough-sanity to make wise decision then police put 1 hand-cuff on that patient's 1-wrist and on mattress-fence and transfer that patient to other hospital-with-strict-law like : (1)keeping food inside patient-room is forbidden (2)moustache-scissor is forbidden (3)cell-phone is forbidden because most cell-phone has camera which can be used to violate hospital-room-privacy . some tool being used by hospital-with-strict-law-for-patient ( from,-77.2265495,16z/data=!3m1!5s0x89c7ec44a38683bd:0x4975549c40e26f00!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x89b64c9a92eedc71:0x389962d5eefff5e6!2s3300+Gallows+Rd,+Falls+Church,+VA+22042!3b1!8m2!3d38.8567717!4d-77.2270433!16s%2Fg%2F11c0_6y69v!3m5!1s0x89b64c9ac6b9265f:0xaf05ab4d8e208180!8m2!3d38.8573257!4d-77.2277886!16zL20vMDluajN6?hl=en&entry=ttu from from google ( fairfax hospital ) result 3 ) : (1) from google ( capsa healthcare ) result 1 , (2) from google ( fujifilm r go ) result 1 (3)centrella-bed-frame for business-class : from google ( centrella bed ) result 1 (4)chg-bed-frame for economy-class : ( CHG Hospital Beds - Watchdog™ Bed Monitoring System ) from google ( chg hospital bed ) result-image col 3 with maybe this model : from not comfortable in my opinion , i think that is excessively soft , not hard enough , so patient sink during sleeping on that bed . so in country with universal-medical-insurance : maybe it's best to avoid hospital because hospital is actually police-office-in-camouflage ( find 'without criminal-trial' ) , ====================== 10 mar 2024 7:47 pm est : #reword# overly-burnt-toast/bread #to# overly-burnt-toasted-bread ========================= 10 mar 2024 7:50 pm est : #add# maybe if still feeling constipated then on bath-tub : use finger to poke anus-interior to seek feces , later use hand to relocate feces from bath-tub to toilet . =========================== 10 mar 2024 7:52 pm est : #add# maybe if still feeling constipated then on bath-tub : use finger to poke anus-interior to seek feces , later use hand to relocate feces from bath-tub to toilet . food which maybe causes constipation : cookie . =========================== 12 mar 2024 8:51 pm est : #add# (5)allied-universal ( from google ( allied universal ) result 1 ) -worker to do security-job , so hospital-security-worker wear uniform-with-allied-universal-logo not hospital-logo . =========================== 12 mar 2024 9:21 pm est : #add# (6)phillips-ultra-sound-imaging/usg/ultra-sono-graphy ( from google ( phillips ultrasound imaging ) result 3 ) but in not in (7)unknown machine from google ( ge leg xray machine ) result 1 =========================== 13 mar 2024 9:21 pm est : #reword# blasphemy #to# rude ================================= 13 mar 2024 9:27 pm est : #add# (8) location-tracking-system [source : google ( centrak ) result 1 ] (9) card-for-door-key [source : google ( iroxx key entry ) result 1 ] ================================== 13 mar 2024 9:28 pm est : #add# because moustache-scissor can be used for suicide . razor is allowed ================================== 18 apr 2024 8:59 am est : #reword# food which maybe causes constipation : cookie . #to# food which maybe causes constipation : rubbery-ground-beef-which-does-not-crumble . ================================== 18 apr 2024 9:4 am est : (1)#reword# so consuming burnt-toast will stop muscle-repair-event #to# so consuming overly-burnt-toasted-bread will stop muscle-repair-event (2)#reword# maybe i consume only burnt-toast and water for 6 day #to# maybe i consume only overly-burnt-toasted-bread and water for 6 day (3)#reword# how burnt-toast create legal-mess ? #to# how overly-burnt-toasted-bread create legal-mess ? ================================== 18 apr 2024 9:17 am est : #add# food which help make defecation easier : banana , lettuce . ================================== 18 apr 2024 9:27 am est : #add# but that social-worker themselves actually violate entrapment-law . ================================== 18 apr 2024 9:28 am est : #add# but that social-worker themselves actually violate entrapment-law with camouflage-method find 'social-worker maybe somehow can show-up in hospital-room , provoking rude-answer during interview , social-worker apparently is police '. ================================== 18 apr 2024 2:31 pm est : #add# actually any usa-person can do involuntary-psychiatric-hospitalisation-law-suit to any person who seems crazy , in california-state involuntary-psychiatric-hospitalisation-law-suit is being called 5150-psychiatric-hold , every usa-state has different law-keyword for involuntary-psychiatric-hospitalisation . [source : '5150' in from google ( illinois involuntary commitment ) result 2 ] ================================== 18 apr 2024 2:33 pm est : #reword# if patient continously refusing blood-transfusion because that patient still can chew animal-meat-which-contain easy-to-absorb-iron then social-worker maybe somehow can show-up in hospital-room , provoking rude-answer during interview , social-worker apparently is police who pretend to be non-police to provoke rude-answer during interview with police-pretending-to-become-social-worker . and behaving rude toward police is law-violation : contempt-of-cop which can produce 30-day-detention-without-criminal-trial-penalty ( temporary-detention-order/tdo ) [3 source : (1) from google ( charge contempt against police ) result 9 from 'contempt of cop' in from google ( behaving rude toward police law violation ) result 9 (2) from google ( social worker temporary detention order ) result 3 (3)'disrespect' in ] , #to# if patient continously refusing blood-transfusion because that patient still can chew animal-meat-which-contain easy-to-absorb-iron then social-worker maybe come to hospital-room asking confirmation about blood-tranfusion-refusal basically . ================================== 18 apr 2024 2:36 pm est : (1)#add# ( like agreeing to blood-transfusion ) (2)#add# ( involuntary-psychiatric-hospitalisation ) (3)#add# [source : from google ( social worker temporary detention order ) result 3 ] (4)#reword# but that social-worker themselves actually violate entrapment-law with camouflage-method find 'social-worker maybe somehow can show-up in hospital-room , provoking rude-answer during interview , social-worker apparently is police '. #to# with police-with-handcuff staying on social-worker's side without criminal-trial , maybe signify secret-cooperation between police and social-worker , which means social-worker is staying on police-team , so hospital maybe is like police-office actually . where refusing blood-transfusion can create involuntary-psychiatric-hospitalisation-law-suit . ================================== 18 apr 2024 2:35 pm est : #add# and so sometimes is wrong , consuming animal-meat is needed for fast 'muscle-repair-event' [source : find 'haem iron : this is easily absorbed by the body' ] maybe vegan-diet with almond-milk can do slow 'muscle-repair-event' . monkey, gibbon , maybe consume find '3% is termites and caterpillars' for 'muscle-repair-event' . ================================== 18 apr 2024 3:7 pm est : [source : find 'haem iron : this is easily absorbed by the body' ] maybe vegan-diet with almond-milk can do slow 'muscle-repair-event' . #to# [source : find 'haem iron : this is easily absorbed by the body' ] maybe vegan-diet with strongly-sweet-almond-milk can do slow 'muscle-repair-event' . =================================== 26 apr 2024 7:54 am est : is updated =================================== 26 apr 2024 8:43 am est : is updated =================================== 29 apr 2024 8:6 am est : #reword# find '2 semi-colon' to go to skip update log and go to the beginning of the text #to# find '2 semi-colon' to skip change-log/update-log and go to beginning of article ====================================== 2 may 2024 2:19 pm est : (1) is updated (2)#add# ( including strongly sweet soy-milk ) (3)#add# ( including strongly sweet almond-milk ) ====================================== 10 may 2024 9:7 am est : is updated ====================================== 13 may 2024 12:38 pm est : #reword# food which help make defecation easier : banana , lettuce . #to# food which help make defecation easier : banana , mushroom , potato , sweet-potato , potato , bell-pepper , lettuce . ====================================== 21 may 2024 8:11 am est : #add# my imagination method ( i not yet try so only in imagination for now ) : ====================================== 21 may 2024 8:5 am est : #delete #from under# my imagination method ( i not yet try so only in imagination for now ) : #:# [source 2 : (1) ( How To Regrow Lettuce With Just Water! ) movie-uploader : Jennifer Stavropoulos , 49.5K subscribers , 634,167 views , publish-date : 2 mar 2020 from google ( romaine lettuce grow under water ) (2) from google ( romaine lettuce grow under water ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> Can you grow lettuce in water only? ] ====================================== 21 may 2024 8:12 am est : #reword# - how to produce oxygen for breathing , and save water : ( only need : water , romaine-lettuce , transparent-container ; does not need : soil , vermi-compost-fertifiliser ) #to# - how to produce oxygen for breathing with only water and veggie , not dirty-soil , no vermi-compost-fertifiliser : (1) ( How To Regrow Lettuce With Just Water! ) from google ( romaine lettuce grow under water ) (2) ( Cabbage Plant Growing From Scrap To Harvest Time Lapse (106 Days) ) from youtube-search ( grow cabbage with water ) result 2 but only use water , not doing relocating cabbage from bowl-of-water to pot-of-soil . ====================================== 21 may 2024 8:22 am est : #reword# venus-planet has many oxygen because venus-planet has many carbon-dioxide . [source : find 'venus' in ] #to# venus-planet has possibility of having many oxygen because venus-planet has many carbon-dioxide , while moon can not have many oxygen because moon only has small amount of carbon-dioxide . [2 source : (1)find 'venus' in (2)'Moon has an atmosphere so tenuous as to be nearly vacuum, with a total mass of less than 10 ton (9.8 long tons; 11 short tons).[85]' in ] ====================================== 22 may 2024 8:36 am est : #reword# while moon can not have many oxygen because moon only has small amount of carbon-dioxide . #to# but moon can not have many oxygen because moon only has small amount of carbon-dioxide . ====================================== 22 may 2024 10:43 am est : #reword# venus-planet has possibility of having many oxygen because venus-planet has many carbon-dioxide , but moon can not have many oxygen because moon only has small amount of carbon-dioxide . #to# venus-planet maybe has many oxygen because venus-planet has many carbon-dioxide and venus-planet has plenty of sunshine ( 'vacuum ultraviolet' ) because venus-planet is near sun , but moon can not have many oxygen because moon only has small amount of carbon-dioxide . ======================================== 28 may 2024 12:49 pm est : #add# 3. ( "I Cured My Lactose Intolerance With Raw Milk!" - Vegan Doctor Responds ) from youtube-search ( lactose detector ) result 34 ======================================== 29 may 2024 12:31 pm est : #add# but this person who can digest raw-milk , still can not digest cheese and butter [source : from google ( raw milk lactose intolerance reddit ) ] ======================================== 31 may 2024 8:37 am est : #reword# but this person who can digest raw-milk , still can not digest cheese and butter [source : from google ( raw milk lactose intolerance reddit ) ] #to# 4. but this person who can digest raw-milk , still can not digest cheese and butter [source : from google ( raw milk lactose intolerance reddit ) ] ======================================== 31 may 2024 9:37 am est : #add# some lactose-intolerant-person still can not digest and suffer diarrhea . [source : from google ( lactose intolerance lactaid milk reddit ) ] ======================================== 2 jun 2024 8:39 am est : #add# another possible procedure to remove skin-mole : ( time-duration 1 week to 6 week ) (1)soak cotton-ball in apple-cider-vinegar (2)use adhesive-tape to make that cotton-ball stick to skin-mole , if cotton-ball is dry then renew cotton-ball . [2 source : (1)'what i did was tape an acv drenched cotton-ball to the mole overnight as i slept, daily. will take about a week.' in from google ( removing skin mole reddit ) result 3 (2)'I just dipped a tiny piece of cotton in ACV, put it on the mole, and covered it with a bandage to hold in place. Only took 2-3 days! I changed out the cotton whenever it got dry' in from google ( removing skin mole reddit ) result 1 ] ======================================== 2 jun 2024 9:9 am est : is updated ======================================== 5 jun 2024 8:57 am est : #reword# almond ( including strongly sweet almond-milk ) 6% / .25 cup (23 gram) #to# almond 6% / .25 cup (23 gram) ======================================== 5 jun 2024 8:59 am est : #reword# [source : find 'haem iron : this is easily absorbed by the body' ] maybe vegan-diet with strongly-sweet-almond-milk can do slow 'muscle-repair-event' . #to# [source : find 'haem iron : this is easily absorbed by the body' ] maybe vegan-diet with strongly-sweet-soy-milk can do slow 'muscle-repair-event' . ======================================== 5 jun 2024 9 am est : is updated ======================================== 5 jun 2024 1:44 pm est : is updated ======================================== 5 jun 2024 1:47 pm est : #add# ; sweet-almond-milk causes loose stool 12 hour later , more info : find 'almond-milk' in ======================================== 7 jun 2024 1:36 pm est : #add# - possible procedure to remove pinworm : (1)maybe avoid sugar , avoid sweet-food , avoid sweet-drink [source : 'sugar' in from google ( pinworm sugar reddit ) result 1 from simplified-text 'It works by keeping the worm from absorbing sugar (glucose), so that the worm loses energy and dies.' in from google ( pinworm sugar ) result 3 ] (2)maybe clean life-style minimum 6 week because pinworm maybe die after 6 week [source : 'worm has a lifespan of about six weeks, therefore the strict hygiene needs to last that long' in from google ( tight underwear pinworm ) result 5 ] ======================================== 7 jun 2024 1:57 pm est : is updated ======================================== 9 jun 2024 8:38 am est : #reword# (2)(1)undress so fully-naked for evaporative-cooling, or wear clothes which doesn't constrict blood-circulation if feeling cold. [source:'Vultures also urinate on themselves to keep comfortable and disease-free. As the urine evaporates, it cools the vulture's body in the same way sweat works on humans. The acid in the urine simultaneously destroys harmful pathogens from their last dinner.' in from ref-10 in 'New World vultures also urinate straight down their legs; the uric acid kills bacteria accumulated from walking through carcasses, and also acts as evaporative cooling.[10]' in] (2)lift 1 leg to stomach-front-part, grab lifted-leg-knee-cap so lifted-leg-knee-cap almost touch stomach-front-part. [obsolete] or lift 1 leg so foot-palm/foot-plantar almost touch ass, grab lifted-foot [reason] doesn't keep food inside stomach , maybe causes loose feces [/reason] [/obsolete] (3)jump-gently on same-place, or jump-gently forward repeatedly, or jump-gently backward repeatedly (4)do step 2 with different-leg (5)rest-position:find 'position for eating' in (6)for female:try grab boobs with 1 arm, make-sure boobs not bouncing-around too violently, violently-bouncing-boobs maybe stretch boobs. [source:'Have a moment? Get up from your chair and try this. Read the next few paragraphs — or count to 20 — while standing on one leg. If you can do it without losing your balance, pat yourself on the back. It looks like you're at a lower risk of having a stroke. But if you stumbled, you might want to sit down for the rest of this (and then possibly schedule a doctor's visit). According to a new study published in the journal Stroke, people who can't stand on one leg for at least 20 seconds at a time without losing their balance are at a higher risk of having a stroke and of having brain damage in general.', 'The ability to balance on one leg is an important test for brain health," study author Yasuharu Tabara said in a press release. "Individuals showing poor balance on one leg should receive increased attention, as this may indicate an increased risk for brain disease and cognitive decline.', 'They discovered that participants who couldn't balance on one leg for more than 20 seconds were more likely to have small blood vessel damage in the brain and had a higher risk of stroke — even though they lacked any clinical symptoms before the study began' in from google(check stroke stand with 1 leg)result 1] #to# (2)jumping-around-with-1-leg ( 1 leg is lifted to in-front-of stomach and both hand grab that leg ; if that leg is lifted to behind ass then that will encourage defecation ) warning : if eating rice then jumping-around-with-1-leg will encourage defecation . if eating only then jumping-around-with-1-leg will not encourage defecation , maybe that cookie is causing constipation . [source:'Have a moment? Get up from your chair and try this. Read the next few paragraphs — or count to 20 — while standing on one leg. If you can do it without losing your balance, pat yourself on the back. It looks like you're at a lower risk of having a stroke. But if you stumbled, you might want to sit down for the rest of this (and then possibly schedule a doctor's visit). According to a new study published in the journal Stroke, people who can't stand on one leg for at least 20 seconds at a time without losing their balance are at a higher risk of having a stroke and of having brain damage in general.', 'The ability to balance on one leg is an important test for brain health," study author Yasuharu Tabara said in a press release. "Individuals showing poor balance on one leg should receive increased attention, as this may indicate an increased risk for brain disease and cognitive decline.', 'They discovered that participants who couldn't balance on one leg for more than 20 seconds were more likely to have small blood vessel damage in the brain and had a higher risk of stroke — even though they lacked any clinical symptoms before the study began' in from google(check stroke stand with 1 leg)result 1] ======================================== 9 jun 2024 8:58 am est : #add# warning : find 'warning : if eating rice then jumping-around-with-1-leg will encourage defecation .' ======================================== 9 jun 2024 9:13 am est : #add# ( find 'maybe that cookie is causing constipation' ) ======================================== 9 jun 2024 9:24 am est : #reword# food which help make defecation easier : banana , mushroom , potato , sweet-potato , potato , bell-pepper , lettuce . #to# food which encourage defecation : banana , mushroom , potato , sweet-potato , potato , bell-pepper , lettuce . ======================================== 16 jun 2024 9 am est : #make obsolete# another possible procedure to remove skin-mole : ( time-duration 1 week to 6 week ) #add# maybe adhesive-tape can not stick to skin because cotton-ball is wet ======================================== 24 jun 2024 7:42 am est : #reword# long penis can fuck-and-send-sperm to vagina from behind ass during doggy-style-position . [source : '( doggy-style ). because find 'sleeping in prone position, is the best for digestion' in ] #to# maybe male ideally fuck-and-send-sperm to vagina from behind ass ( doggy-style-position ) because fucking causing discomfort to female , female can better-tolerate discomfort-being-caused-by-being-fucked during doggy-style-position . [source : '( doggy-style ). because find 'sleeping in prone position, is the best for digestion' in ] ======================================== 24 jun 2024 3:4 pm est : #add# maybe if planning to get married then consume pig-fat to make penis recover after being pulled/stretched , because : find 'sangjit' in . ======================================== 29 jun 2024 1:31 pm est : #reword# if eating rice then jumping-around-with-1-leg will encourage defecation . #to# if eating rice then jumping-around-with-1-leg will encourage defecation but running still does not encourage defecation . ======================================= 29 jun 2024 1:38 pm est : #add# another possible procedure to remove skin-mole , swollen-acne-marking : ( time-duration 1 week to 6 week ) : (1)pick something rather long and narrow and made-from-steel/ferum like ferum-clothes-hanger-tip , ferum-chopstick . maybe ferum-spoon-handle is not narrow enough . (2)use candle-light to burn that ferum-object , to make that ferum-object become hot ( usually also become having black-color ) . (3)make that hot ferum-object touch skin-mole for as-long-time-duration-as-possible (4)superficial wound will appear on skin-mole , then that superficial-wound will become scab then that scab will go away and skin-mole vanish . (5)wash that hot ferum-object to remove black-color-ash and to revert that ferum-object-color to original-silver-color . ======================================= 29 jun 2024 5:16 pm est : #reword# (1)pick something rather long and narrow and made-from-steel/ferum like ferum-clothes-hanger-tip , ferum-chopstick . maybe ferum-spoon-handle is not narrow enough . #to# (1)pick object made-from-steel/ferum like ferum-clothes-hanger-tip , ferum-chopstick , ferum-spoon-handle , whose size is same as skin-mole-size . #reword# make that hot ferum-object touch skin-mole for as-long-time-duration-as-possible #to# make that hot ferum-object touch skin-mole for as-long-time-duration-as-possible , then wipe-away black-color-ash-marking on skin-mole , then repeat-making that hot ferum-object touch skin-mole for as-long-time-duration-as-possible , then repeat-wiping-away black-color-ash-marking on skin-mole then repeat etc...if feeling excessive pain or if there is blood then stop ======================================= 13 jul 2024 1 pm est : is updated ======================================= 13 jul 2024 2:18 pm est : is updated ======================================= 14 jul 2024 5:39 pm est : is updated ======================================= 25 jul 2024 5:7 pm est : end 26 jul 2024 7:7 pm est #reword# if feeling lazy to do physical exercise #to# if feeling too lazy , no motivation to do bathing , defecating , urinating then do : --------------------------------------- #and reword text in that area# ======================================= 26 jul 2024 7:4 pm est : #add# asbestos in alcoholic-beverage , come from brewery-filter . [source : from google ( alcohol contain asbestos ) ] ======================================= 26 jul 2024 7:18 pm est : #make obsolete# warning : female-gender-person who is consistently slim for long time maybe actually male #relocate from original position underneath# Bella-Hadid menyesal melakukan operasi plastik pada usia 14 tahun ======================================= 26 jul 2024 7:28 pm est : #add# - how to make infertile female become fertile female : maybe consume royal-jelly [source : 'RJ promotes folliculogensis and increases ovarian hormones. This product can be considered as a natural growth stimulator for immature female animals. ' in from google ( royal jelly improve fertility ) result 3 ] ======================================= 27 jul 2024 5:34 pm est : #reword# pour faucet-water to 4-quart-sauce-pan #to# pour cold-faucet-water to 4-quart-sauce-pan do not use hot-faucet-water because drinking hot-faucet-water-which-become-tepid-water will create plague on tooth . ======================================= 27 jul 2024 5:41 pm est : #add# warning : if consuming rice , soy-sauce daily then drinking water-mixed-with-vinegar will cause diarrhea . if consuming only daily then drinking water-mixed-with-vinegar will not cause diarrhea . ======================================= 27 jul 2024 5:42 pm est : #add# warning : find 'warning : if consuming rice , soy-sauce daily then drinking water-mixed-with-vinegar will cause diarrhea .' ======================================= 28 jul 2024 12:55 pm est : end 2 aug 2024 2:8 pm est #add# when is best-time to do push-up ? prior breakfast because stomach is empty and push-up make stomach do muscle-contraction . when is best-time to bathe ? prior breakfast during stomach is empty , after doing push-up , chest-dip , baby-crawling-position . because that is high-motivation-moment . after breakfast there will be sleepy-feeling and motivation for bathing , will be low . ======================================= 5 aug 2024 11:39 am est : #add# and push-up may create desire to defecate . if doing push-up after breakfast then there maybe desire to defecate breakfast-content . ======================================= 5 aug 2024 11:45 am est : #add# push-up may create desire to defecate so maybe need to defecate prior bathing . ======================================= 8 aug 2024 5:29 pm est : end 6:39 pm est #reword# (1) ( How To Regrow Lettuce With Just Water! ) from google ( romaine lettuce grow under water ) (2) ( Cabbage Plant Growing From Scrap To Harvest Time Lapse (106 Days) ) from youtube-search ( grow cabbage with water ) result 2 but only use water , not doing relocating cabbage from bowl-of-water to pot-of-soil . #to# (1) ( Regrow SuperMarket Lettuce Hydroponically: Bug Free and Soil Free using the Kratky Method! ) from youtube-recommendation (2) ( Regrow Cabbages Easy. Beginners Guide: Using water, Scraps and Containers - YouTube ) from from google ( cabbage grow in water ) result 4 ======================================= 8 aug 2024 6:43 pm est : #delete this text from underneath# ( Regrow Cabbages Easy. Beginners Guide: Using water, Scraps and Containers - YouTube ) from from google ( cabbage grow in water ) result 4 #:# my imagination method ( i not yet try so only in imagination for now ) : (1)get empty transparent-plastic-cashew-jar which has lid-cover . example : but remove sticker , procedure : maybe scrape sticker with finger-nail which is wet with vinegar . (2)pour water to that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar , enough water to keep romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) floating on water . (3)insert romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) which is included during buying lettuce , to water inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar (4)use lid-cover to close transparent-plastic-cashew-jar , to block water-evaporation (5)put that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar in bright area , but not touching sun-star-light . (6)after some day , that romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) grow lettuce-leaf which is big and almost does not fit inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar anymore , so cut those lettuce-leaf and discard that lettuce-leaf because to grow tasty lettuce-leaf : that water need frequent-renewal . but keep romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) . (7)if water inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar is depleted then refill water inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar . (8)insert romaine-lettuce-(heart/root) to water inside that transparent-plastic-cashew-jar . (9)for cabbage : replace transparent-plastic-cashew-jar with some-bowl because cabbage grow wider not grow taller . ========================================= 19 aug 2024 2:40 pm est : #add# chickenpox/varicella maybe is same like cowpox , so chickenpox/varicella-virus maybe is from raw-cow-milk , pasteurised-cow-milk-because-pasteurisation-not-kill-bacteria-spore ========================================= 20 aug 2024 11:29 am est : end 6:36 pm est #add# - possible food for lactose-intolerant baby : (1)chicken-broth which contain zero salt-with-iodine , and contain ocean-salt-without-iodine (2)faucet-water which has been boiled for 1 minute , or 3 minute if living on 3500 foot / 1.006 kilo-meter [source : find 'do 1-minute-boil-on-ground-level or 3-minute-boil-on-3500-foot-or-1006.8-meter-altitude to usa-water which come from water-faucet' ] (3)maybe bacon-fat-without-bacon-meat/pork-belly-fat or lard , which is being boiled inside water-with-ocean-salt-without-iodine , is soft and can be swallowed [source : ] (4)white-rice-porridge with (1) (5)white-flour-couscous with (1) (6)bleached-white-flour bread which does not contain cow-milk , and which has been submerged inside sweet-water-mixed-with-sugar , maybe is soft enough to be swallowed avoid egg-yolk because egg-yolk contain sulfur so egg-yolk will cause farting , sweet egg-yolk-mixed-with-sugar will cause loose-stool . [source : google ( ... ) ] avoid beef-broth because bull/cow is ruminant ( cow , goat , sheep/ram , deer/venison , elk , moose , camel , etc ) , and eating ruminant is causing bad-luck . avoid brown-flour-bread because brown-flour-bread is causing diarrhea , blocking ability to fart , difficult to digest . ========================================= 24 aug 2024 5:15 pm est : #reword# (3)maybe bacon-fat-without-bacon-meat/pork-belly-fat or lard , which is being boiled inside water-with-ocean-salt-without-iodine , is soft and can be swallowed [source : ] #to# (3)maybe lard/pig-fat/pork-fat is soft and can be swallowed . [source : ] ========================================= 27 aug 2024 6:14 pm est : #reword# do 'bicep curl' . [source : find 'weight lifting raise testosterone level, cure anxiety.' ] #to# consume pig-belly-fat which can be cooked with procedure being sliced-thinly then being boiled with water-with-ocean-salt-without-iodine for 2 or 3 minute . or maybe consume lard . ========================================= 27 aug 2024 6:19 pm est : #add# - possible medicine for insomnia ( can not sleep ) : (1)consume pig-belly-fat which can be cooked with procedure being sliced-thinly then being boiled with water-with-ocean-salt-without-iodine for 2 or 3 minute . or maybe consume lard . ========================================= 28 aug 2024 1:54 pm est : #add# honey but honey is sweet so maybe create desire to urinate during sleeping . ========================================= 6 sep 2024 3:47 pm est : #add# is updated ========================================= 6 sep 2024 3:50 pm est : #reword# avoid egg-yolk because egg-yolk contain sulfur so egg-yolk will cause farting , sweet egg-yolk-mixed-with-sugar will cause loose-stool . [source : google ( ... ) ] #to# avoid egg-yolk , egg-white because egg-yolk contain 25 mg sulfur , egg-white contain 50 mg sulfur . in my experience : (1)egg-yolk and egg-white with salt-without-iodine will cause stomach-gas/farting (2)sweet egg-yolk-mixed-with-sugar will cause loose-stool (3)excessive stomach-gas maybe will cause inguinal-ligament-pain . [2 source : (1)'Hitchcock's aversion to eggs may have been influenced by the well-known "rotten egg smell," usually associated with an egg's sulfur content (about 50 mg in the white and about 25 mg in the yolk)' in from google ( egg yolk contain sulfur ) result 1 (2)'inguinal ligament' in from google-image ( groin thigh anatomy ) row 1 col 3 ] ========================================= 8 sep 2024 6:5 pm est : #reword# drawback : strong bicep may reduce hand's precision during cleaning nose's booger, eyelid area, finger may accidentally prick nose's mucus membrane, prick eyelid area. #to# drawback : (1)big bicep muscle decrease flexibility , decrease hand-palm's ability to reach scapula-medial-border-area ( 2 bone-protrusion adjacent-to-each-other on human-back/dorsum ) for scratching itchy-feeling , smearing soap . [2 source : (1) (2) from google-image ( anatomy 2 protruding bone on back ) page 3 row 1 col 2 ] (2)strong bicep may reduce hand's precision during cleaning nose's booger , eyelid area , finger may accidentally prick nose's mucus membrane , prick eyelid area. ========================================= 9 sep 2024 12:26 pm est : #reword# consume pig-belly-fat which can be cooked with procedure being sliced-thinly then being boiled with water-with-ocean-salt-without-iodine for 2 or 3 minute . #to# consume pig-belly-fat which can be cooked with procedure being sliced-thinly then being boiled with water-with-ocean-salt-without-iodine for 5 minute . ========================================= 9 sep 2024 12:33 pm est : end 1:9 pm est #add# - how to stimulate pooping to evacuate colon so to decrease possibility of pooping in public-toilet which does not have anus-washing-facility ? how to stimulate defecation to evacuate colon so to decrease possibility of pooping in public-toilet which does not have anus-washing-facility ? how to induce pooping to evacuate colon so to decrease possibility of pooping in public-toilet which does not have anus-washing-facility ? how to induce defecation to evacuate colon so to decrease possibility of pooping in public-toilet which does not have anus-washing-facility ? (1)on floor near toilet-bowl , with naked-body : do squat-body-position for as long time-duration as possible until there is desire to defecate . (2)if there is desire to defecate then hold that desire-to-defecate while moving to sit on toilet . (3)sit on toilet , stop holding desire-to-defecate , relax until defecation happen . (4)do squat-body-position on that sitting-toilet until there is desire to defecate again . (5)if there is desire to defecate then sit on that sitting-toilet to defecate . (6)go to step 4 until : squat-body-position on sitting-toilet , is not creating desire to defecate anymore . (7)slowly move to bath-tub , so anus does not drop feces-debris . (8)on bath-tub : use small-size-water-bucket to pour water to anus and wash-and-rinse-with-bar-soap anus keep medium-size-water-bucket on floor adjacent-to bath-tub to hold more water , pour water from medium-size-water-bucket to small-size-water-bucket whenever needed . medium-size-water-bucket : or maybe from google-image ( amyloid pail water bucket ) page 2 row 1 col 1 small-size-water-bucket : from to-go-soup-from usa->iowa-state->ames-city-> or from google ( fuhet togo food plastic box ) result 1 from ... i use this cover-lid for shield which block toilet-water-splash in case i defecate with squat-position on sitting-toilet : from google ( ipl plastics container ) result 1 from from from google ( ... ) (9)also pour-water-to-and-rub foot-heel in-case anus-washing-process drop water-mixed-with-feces-debris which touch foot-heel . (10)also pour-water-to-and-rub butt-cheek/ass-cheek in-case defecation-process create toilet-water-splash which touch ass-cheek . (11)also pour-water-to-and-rub genital-area in-case defecation-process create toilet-water-splash which touch genitalia-area . ========================================= 13 sep 2024 8:9 pm est : #add# medium-size-water-bucket-cover : from or from -> horizontal-menu -> product -> product-catalog from google ( ... ) ========================================= 13 sep 2024 8:20 pm est : #reword# medium-size-water-bucket-cover : from or from -> horizontal-menu -> product -> product-catalog from google ( ... ) #to# medium-size-water-bucket-cover : from or pdf-page 10-11 right-side-page-middle-area from -> horizontal-menu -> product -> product-catalog from google ( ... ) ========================================= 14 sep 2024 2:48 pm est : #add# (4)pants-with-tightening-string is forbidden , pants must not have any string . ========================================= 15 sep 2024 3:20 pm est : #update# ========================================= 17 sep 2024 7:1 pm est : #add# ( example : '' ) ========================================= 17 sep 2024 7:2 pm est : #add# inova-fairfax-hospital provide pants which does not have tightening-string , but pants-length maybe excessive , pants-waist-size maybe excessive . inova-fairfax-hospital provide uncomfortable and revealing shirt , but patient can request visitor to bring shirt from home but inova-fairfax-hospital is not willing to wash clothes from visitor . ========================================= 19 sep 2024 4:43 pm est : #add# is updated ========================================= 19 sep 2024 6:45 pm est : #add# 1 visitor per day , visitation-hour : 5:30 pm => 6:30 pm ========================================= 20 sep 2024 4:43 pm est : #add# is updated ========================================= 20 sep 2024 6:38 pm est : #add# there is 1 public-phone for patient , and that 1 public-phone is usually oily because many patient use that public-phone , patient can ask nurse-technician to clean that public-phone . but nurse-technician usually busy or maybe patient hate that nurse-technician because that nurse-technician search-and-discard cookie being kept in patient-room . ========================================= 25 sep 2024 2:59 pm est : #update# ========================================= 25 sep 2024 4:20 pm est : #add# (10) [source : google ( medline ) result 1 ] ========================================= 16 oct 2024 7:35 pm est : #add# is updated ========================================= 30 oct 2024 2:51 pm est : #add# how to sit on toilet but get that zero straining/forceful-defecation feeling from doing squat-position , so sit on toilet but zero straining/forceful-defecation : during sitting-on-toilet-defecating-position : put both foot/feet on top of short-stature-stool like livarno-home-folding-stel-stool . [source : 'ah : 5.0 out of 5 stars A must have for pregnancy! : Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2024 : Verified Purchase : Pregnancy constipation is no joke thank goodness I bought the squatty potty so that I could not strain when I had to go to the bathroom. More importantly I just had a cervical cerclage surgery so this is a definite must have in my household so that I can go with ease and not rip my stitches.' | 'Casey A. : 5.0 out of 5 stars Great for pregnant or postpartum needs : Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2024 : Verified Purchase : My wife loves this! I can adjust the height for me and she says that this has really helped her through her pregnancy. No more straining to pass a bowel movement. Good gift for anyone who has any type of pelvic floor injury. One person found this helpful' in from>search ( squatty potty ) from from from google ( squat toilet hemorrhoids ) ] ========================================= 30 oct 2024 2:53 pm est : #reword# if consuming rice , soy-sauce daily then drinking water-mixed-with-vinegar will cause diarrhea . if consuming only daily then drinking water-mixed-with-vinegar will not cause diarrhea . #to# if consuming rice , soy-sauce daily then drinking/swallowing water-mixed-with-vinegar will cause diarrhea . if consuming only daily then drinking/swallowing water-mixed-with-vinegar will not cause diarrhea . ========================================= 30 oct 2024 3:3 pm est : #reword# livarno-home-folding-stel-stool #to# livarno-home-folding-step-stool ========================================= 31 oct 2024 11:16 pm est : #add# is updated ========================================= 1 nov 2024 4:25 pm est : is updated ========================================= 7 nov 2024 6:41 pm est : #update# ========================================= 10 nov 2024 3:46 pm est : #add# ( The Chimpanzee Run ) ========================================= 10 nov 2024 3:57 pm est : #add# or ========================================= 18 nov 2024 9:23 pm est : (1)#make obsolete# maybe avoid sugar , avoid sweet-food , avoid sweet-drink [source : 'sugar' in from google ( pinworm sugar reddit ) result 1 from simplified-text 'It works by keeping the worm from absorbing sugar (glucose), so that the worm loses energy and dies.' in from google ( pinworm sugar ) result 3 ] (2)#add# avoiding sugar , is not possible because sugar produce body-energy , brain-power =========================================== 27 nov 2024 8:30 pm est : is updated =========================================== 29 nov 2024 12 am est : is updated =========================================== 9 dec 2024 12:55 am est : #add# note : scriber do chest-dip between 2 chair , not doing push-up anymore because scriber realise push-up is causing early defecation . =========================================== 9 dec 2024 12:59 am est : #update# =========================================== 9 dec 2024 2:45 am est : #reword# note : scriber do chest-dip between 2 chair , not doing push-up anymore because scriber realise push-up is causing early defecation . #to# note : scriber do chest-dip between 2 chair with foot position like semi-'lunge' so scriber is not doing defecation-position , scriber does not do push-up anymore because scriber realise push-up is causing early defecation . =========================================== 9 dec 2024 3:10 am est : #add# 1.4 similar to ( kazotsky kick aka soldier of dance ) from youtube-search ( prisiadki ) result 6 from from 'Traditional Russian squat dancing' in from>maybe-search ( russia dance ) from forgotten-movie and from>tekken-3-jack-fighting-movement but i almost stand straight with 1 leg and i use 1 leg to repeatedly-lift-up-and-put-down body while other leg is diagonally pointing to floor , not horizontal pararell to floor like that kazotsky-kick . =========================================== 9 dec 2024 3:13 am est : #add# non-jumping-lunge is causing early defecation and i try walking with almost squat-position and that is also causing early defecation =========================================== 9 dec 2024 3:58 am est : (1)#reword# while other leg is diagonally pointing to floor #to# while other leg is diagonally pointing to floor and not touching floor (2)#reword# kazotsky kick #to# kazotsky-kick =========================================== 10 dec 2024 10:2 pm est : (1)#add# can only have spork ( fork-which-appear-like-spoon ) , and it is difficult to use spork to consume baked-potato-with-skin-intact (2) is updated =========================================== ;; [warning] , , other web-site on california-state maybe should be visited during usa-country->california-night-time-only. is in dc-state : : usa->dc-state->washington-city->oath-holdings-inc-> but traceroute maybe go via california-state: a@2 08:28 AM ~ traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 Fios_Quantum_Gateway.fios-router.home ( 0.408 ms 0.568 ms 0.731 ms 3 ( 16.614 ms 16.509 ms 16.427 ms 4 0.ae10.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 22.735 ms 0.ae9.GW13.IAD8.ALTER.NET ( 19.404 ms 19.570 ms 5 ( 20.019 ms 19.631 ms 19.911 ms usa->texas-state->irving-city->verizon-communications-> 6 ( 18.015 ms ( 12.669 ms ( 11.278 ms usa->new-jersey-state->newark-city->oath-holdings-inc-> usa->new-jersey-state->newark-city->oath-holdings-inc-> usa->new-jersey-state->newark-city->oath-holdings-inc-> 7 ( 11.368 ms ( 11.902 ms 10.826 ms usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->oath-holdings-inc-> usa->virginia-state->ashburn-city->oath-holdings-inc-> 8 ( 11.679 ms 9.997 ms 9.871 ms usa->dc-state->washington-city->oath-holdings-inc-> starting around 13-mar california-time-zone is utc-7. starting around 4-nov california-time-zone is utc-8. source: (1)find in : '-[13-mar-2011] usa, canada day-light-saving-time start. usa-clock, canada-clock move-forward 1 hour. [source :] day-light-saving-time-start-date change itself every year : year 2011:13-mar-2011 -> 6-nov-2011 year 2013:10-mar-2013 -> 3-nov-2013 year 2012:11-mar-2012 -> 4-nov-2012 source : (1) (2) (3) ' (2) because google's ivanpah-concentrated-solar-power (csp) kills 6000 bird per year: 1) from google (solar farm blinding bird) result 3 or find '' in blog/diary/journal 2)'unauthorized contact with journalists violates BrightSource’s rules for the scientists it employs' in from google (federal biologist ivanpah) page 1 last result or find '' in blog/diary/journal [/warning] ;; benefit of aerobic exercise ( from from 'Neurobiological effects of physical exercise § IGF-1 signaling' in from 'IGF-I' in ) : - brain growth source : 'The brain structures that show the greatest improvements in gray matter volume in response to aerobic exercise are the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus;[4][5][8] moderate improvements seen in the anterior cingulate cortex, parietal cortex, cerebellum, caudate nucleus, and nucleus accumbens.[4][5][8]' in ref : 1. ( ) 2.;jsessionid=BD4C542E5FF474C655C861827C68917B.f02t03 ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) - improved stress coping source : 'improved stress coping, improved cognitive function, and increased neuronal activity (c-Fos and BDNF signaling).[12][13]' in ref : 1. ( ) 2. () - cure depression, anger source : 1. 'A number of medical reviews have indicated that exercise has a marked and persistent antidepressant effect in humans,[4][16][17][18][19][20] an effect believed to be mediated through enhanced BDNF signaling in the brain.[8][17]' in ref : 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 2.1 2.2 2. angry is 1 symptom of depression. source : 'angry' in from google (anger symtom depression) result 5 - stimulate lymph nodes (built-in sanitation center) source : 1)'The lymphatic system doesn’t simply work on its own. It gets fired up when the body gets moving through exercise, dancing, or even a brisk walk. When breasts are constricted in a form-fitting bra, they are not free to move in synchronization with the rest of the body and stimulate the lymph nodes around them to start moving toxins out. This kind of restriction problem is clearly evident in many women who display red creases or grooves along their bra lines.' in from 'stoke false fears about bras and breast cancer' in from google 'Michael Schachter bra lymphatic' result 2 from 'Michael Schacter' in from google 'bra axillary lymph node' result 7 2)2.1)'Your lymphatic system is your body’s built-in sanitation center, the plumbing that carries away and filters out poisonous waste products from every cell, tissue and organ. It absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive tract and delivers them to the cells of the body' 2.2)'Lack of Movement: Proper lymphatic flow requires deep breathing and body movement – the contraction of skeletal muscles force tiny one- way valves of the lymph system to open and close and push the fluid to the subclavian veins.' 2.3)in - produce igf-1 which prevent growth failure source : 'Physical activity is associated with increased levels of serum IGF-1, which is known to contribute to neuroplasticity along with locally produced IGF-1 in the brain due to its capacity to cross the blood–brain barrier in the capillary bed and blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier;[4][14][21][22]' in ref : 1. 2. 3. 4. igf-1 prevent growth failure source : 'IGF-1 is a hormone similar in molecular structure to insulin. It plays an important role in childhood growth and continues to have anabolic effects in adults. A synthetic analog of IGF-1, mecasermin, is used for the treatment of growth failure.[4]' in from 'igf-1' in ref : 'humans are made to move' source : from [f][/f] to lose weight : ---------------------- - list of cardio physical exercise cardio physical exercise raise serotonin (happiness), dopamine (motivation) levels in the brain, good for mental health (treadmil act like pacemaker, dictating the movement of user, not recommended, grass field is the best running platform, if running on asphalt then foot is maybe better on 'plantar flexion' position when landing, do legs exercise written below in 'to gain muscle' section before running on asphalt) : treadmill doesn't change testosterone level source : 'resulting in no change in total testosterone contents' in [f/] rowing decreases testosterone level source : 'Three week heavy training period induced significant reductions in resting free testosterone and free testosterone: cortisol ratio' in [f] [/f] bicycling increases testosterone level source : 'While exercising, the serum TS level significantly increased by 20.8%' in from google 'cold water testosterone' result 7 [f/] swimming decreases testosterone level source : 'In women mean testosterone levels declined by 39.4% from baseline values and in males, mean testosterone levels declined by 19.0%' in [f/] swimming, riding bicycle, chin-up/hanging-pull-up, do not prevent osteoporosis source : 1. 'The best exercise for your bones is the weight-bearing kind, which forces you to work against gravity. Some examples of weight-bearing exercises include weight training, walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, tennis, and dancing. Examples of exercises that are not weight-bearing include swimming and bicycling' in [f] [/f] 2. 'weight-bearing is the amount of weight a patient puts on the leg' in [f/] running like chimpanzee/monkey/gorilla : ( The Chimpanzee Run ) can be a cardio doable inside house, can be done immediately after feeling too full from overeating a meal. to gain muscle : ---------------------- weight lifting raise testosterone level, cure anxiety. source : 1. ' In conclusion, the data presented here indicate that strength training can induce growth hormone and testosterone release, regardless of age, but that the elderly response does not equal that of the young.' in [f][/f] 2. 'If you want to boost your testosterone levels by exercising you have to lift heavy weights' in from google 'weightlifting testosterone' [f][/f] 3. 'Depression, anxiety, irritability, and other mood changes are common in men and women with low T' in from google 'low testosterone anxiety' [f][/f] avoid lifting weight which is too heavy because that may raise risk of hernia [source:my mother]. - chest : bench press, push up, chest dip [f][/f] note : scriber do chest-dip between 2 chair with foot position like semi-'lunge' so scriber is not doing defecation-position , scriber does not do push-up anymore because scriber realise push-up is causing early defecation . - armpit, triceps (triceps helps tennis serving, volley ball spiking) : bent arm barbell pullover can be performed with 2 dumbbells. floor can be used as platform, a bench is better - front deltoid : military press hammer curl [f][/f] - side deltoid and trapezius : lateral-raise for widening shoulder upright row [f][/f] big side-deltoid which maybe widen shoulder, maybe causes someone to need pillow to support the head during sleeping on the side : 1. foetal position 2. on your side 3. on the right side in and maybe lateral-raise increase temper , so customer-service-worker should not do lateral-raise , so maybe person who often do lateral-raise , can not give helpful advise to customer. trapezius is source of confidence, strong trapezius = high confidence - rear deltoid : reverse fly [f][/f] - stomach/abdominal : warning : i stop training stomach because training stomach , causes loose-feces , disintegrated-feces , feces-with-smell-more-intense-rather-than-feces-during-not-training-stomach , frequent-urination to me , which means poor food-digestion-and-nutrient-absorption , especially if i wear non-tight-underwear . maybe i need to drink beer to train stomach. maybe beer slow-down digestion but beer maybe weaken penis-erection. so female should have no problem drinking beer but drinking beer may cause alcohol-addiction. these aren't sit up position, less likely hurt the back 1. both hands on bosu ball or ground, legs run stationary : from 2. caterpillar crawl : andrea valdez fb page : [f][/f] 3. blogilates 'POP Pilates: Miley Cyrus Ab Workout' : blogilates fb page : [f][/f] [obsolete] [reason]may cause anal leakage, loose stool[/reason] other possible moves : - move 1 kneecap in a circle, counterclockwise direction from point of view of the doer. why counterclockwise from 1st person point of view ? because stomach can be massaged in clockwise direction from the point of view of the massager. source : from google 'stomach food direction clockwise' this may cause anal leakage, or maybe not. if suffering anal leakage then see [/obsolete] 4. blogilates 'Best Lower Ab Workout Ever ' : with plastic plates blogilates fb page : 5. planks [f][/f] [obsolete] [reason] peanut, rice cooked with rice cooker maybe is the culprit [/reason] if abs exercise, sit ups causes diarrhea / bowel movement with loose stools then try stop eating rice, banana, but maybe rice cooked with pot still allow sit ups. rice cooked with rice-cooker doesn't allow sit ups. [/obsolete] if abs exercise, sit ups causes diarrhea / bowel movement with loose stools then - try stop eating peanut source : from google 'bikin mencret' result 1 - see - legs (i read commentator on this fb page which say strong legs muscles are good for penis) : - 'dawn zuben', 'laura garcia-baros' in - 'skinny legs' in from from google (fidel castro sex symbol skinny calf) result 1 1. quadriceps [obsolete][reason]squat with kegel-contrated causes constipation, better-alternative : do movement number 3 (stand on 1 foot, look to floor, lift other-leg so other-leg and spine and head are in 1 horizontal-line, lower-then-raise that-other-leg-and-spine-and-head repeatedly) in find '' [/reason] 1.1 squat warning : kegel muscles must contract during squat, to block bowel movement because find 'squatting actually straightens and relaxes your rectum'' in this text. squat while ignoring kegel muscles, causes loose stool how the legs move during doing squat ? - watch 'TOTAL LEG DAY Bodybuilder VS Cyclist feat. Robert Foerstemann' his fb page : [f][/f] the fb page of the camera-woman : [f][/f] their leg movement are different : - robert (cyclist) lower the body using pressure on outer kneecaps. then raise the body using pressure on inner kneecaps. robert lower his body then repositioned his kneecaps a little bit then raise his body. different pressure point on kneecaps are used to lower and raise the body. so kneecaps pain risk is maybe reduced. - the bodybuilder lower the body and raise the body using pressure on the same point on kneecaps. maybe looking toward the toes during squat helps minimise pain on kneecaps. because ppl who use legs machine watch their toes when doing legs exercise. source : ppl who use legs machine seem can do more repetitions than ppl who squats. legs machine user watch their feet, toes area when pushing the weight upward. how to squat with 2 dumbbells : hands is downward, relaxed, carrying dumbbells beside the hip : from google 'exrx squat' spine is as straight as possible, all the time : find ' ( Proper Lifting Techniques, Prevent Back Injuries by Lifting Objects Correctly )' . keep breathing during squat, avoid holding breath, holding breath may increase risk of hernia. source : 'When doing all activities, especially lifting, remember to breathe. Don't hold your breath. Breathe out when the work is hardest' in from google (hernia recovery breathe) result 5 [f][/f] [obsolete] [reason] holding breath hinder hernia recovery source : 'When doing all activities, especially lifting, remember to breathe. Don't hold your breath. Breathe out when the work is hardest' in from google (hernia recovery breathe) result 5' [/reason] doing kegel during doing squat, maybe can reduce risk of hernia. kegel is 'holding pee'. [/obsolete] warning : squat carries risk of hernia source : 'Squats can be performed with or without added weights. This exercise increases your abdominal pressure and has the potential to cause a hernia or make an existing hernia more severe' in ( ) that's why Robert Foerstemann wears 'weight lifting belt' in that video, which should reduce risk of hernia. squat type 2 (squat-jump): - how ? 1. crouch 2. jump forward/backward 3. land 4. go to 1 example : - advantage : moving forward, should decrease boredom. staying in 1 place during squat may cause boredom. boredom correlate with depression. source : 1. running on treadmill, not moving forward, produce boredom, google 'treadmill boredom' 2. 'Chronic boredom can look a lot like depression, but "they're not the same emotional experience," Danckert says. Together with Eastwood and other colleagues, he surveyed more than 800 people and found that boredom and depression were highly correlated, but were distinct states (Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 2011).' in from google 'bored depression' [f][/f] if kneecaps hurting during squat type 2 then use different pressure point on kneecaps, during jumping, and during landing like how robert reposition kneecaps then raise his body, during squat exercise. find 'watch 'TOTAL LEG DAY Bodybuilder VS Cyclist feat. Robert Foerstemann'' in this text for more info so steps : try 1. while standing, left foot face direction diagonally to the left. right foot face direction diagonally to the right. crouch, so left kneecap face direction diagonally to the left. right kneecap face direction diagonally to the right. 2. while crouching, reposition both left foot, right foot to face forward direction. so both kneecaps face forward direction as well. 3. jump forward/backward while both kneecaps face forward direction 4. go to 1 warning : squat may causes loose stool. 1.2 from description : sit in the air while pressing the spine against a wall then hold that position as long as possible [/obsolete] 1.3 'lever leg extension' can be performed with 1 dumbbell. sit on the floor, pinch 1 dumbbell with the thumb finger and the finger next to thumb of 1 foot, lay supine then lift that dumbbell until the leg becomes as straight as possible. when doing 'lever leg extension' the legs must become straight in the end of movement. because the last 20 degrees of movement trains 'vastus medialis' source : 'Avoiding full range of motion (i.e. not locking out) during Quadricep exercise may not allow the Vastus Medialis to be fully strengthened since it is more fully activated at these final degrees of knee extension.' , 'Single Leg Extensions (last 20 degrees of extension)' in strong 'vastus medialis', quadriceps protect knees health when running source : 1. 'Strengthening the vastus medialis to prevent or counter the lateral force of the vastus lateralis is one way of relieving PFPS' in #here# 2. ''A 2011 systematic review stated that evidence supports the use of quadriceps exercise for managing patellofemoral pain syndrome and that quadriceps strengthening is considered to be the "gold" standard treatment for patellofemoral pain syndrome.' in hip abductor, external rotator, hip flexion, hip extension also help protect knees health when running but those exercises carry injury risk source : 1. 'Moderate evidence supports the addition of hip abductor and external rotator strengthening, as well as exercises targeting hip flexion and hip extension.[4][7][7] When executing these exercises, proper form is very important in order to ensure that the musculature is activated in such a way that will not lead to further injury. ' in 2. 'emphasizing strengthening and flexibility of the hip and thigh muscles' in running while partially looking toward toes, partially looking forward may reduce injury risk, looking toward toes when running while turning right or left may reduce kneecaps injury risk while turning. just like ppl who squat while looking toward toes may reduce injury risk during squat, find 'because ppl who use legs machine watch their toes when doing legs exercise.' on this text watching toes during climbing and descending stairs reduce kneecaps injury risk. 1.4 similar to ( kazotsky-kick aka soldier of dance ) from youtube-search ( prisiadki ) result 6 from from 'Traditional Russian squat dancing' in from>maybe-search ( russia dance ) from forgotten-movie and from>tekken-3-jack-fighting-movement but i almost stand straight with 1 leg and i use 1 leg to repeatedly-lift-up-and-put-down body while other leg is diagonally pointing to floor and not touching floor , not horizontal pararell to floor like that kazotsky-kick . [obsolete] [reason] non-jumping-lunge is causing early defecation and i try walking with almost squat-position and that is also causing early defecation [/reason] 2. do legs exercise done by 'blogilates' split-lunge-jump in blogilates fb page : [/obsolete] 3. gastrocnemius/calves : (1) (2)jumping around with 1 leg, go to random direction, leftside-rightside-forward-backward-diagonal-anydirection, to train the ankle in enduring twisting motion of the foot, that may minimise risk of spraining ankle. use 'plantar flexion' quick movement to jump, use only a little or none of quadricep strength, the goal is to use the strength of calves muscle and flexibility of ankle to jump, and to use less quadriceps strength. the posture of the leg which launch the body during jumping is almost straight. warning : find 'warning : if eating rice then jumping-around-with-1-leg will encourage defecation but running still does not encourage defecation .' (3)raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while both hand grab-and-lift skin-area below 1 knee-cap to make that thigh-above-that-knee-cap semi-leaning-against stomach. naked (4)raise heel of 1 leg repeatedly while carrying dumbbells. naked (5)jump rope, sometimes with 1 leg example : watch roger federer doing jump rope : strong calves are good because calves return blood to the heart. source :;_ylt=AvNUVKpsPt6blHpDbjtzNErBFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130411054923AAfzKDu calves muscles help digestion, erection source : a tennis trainer said this 4. hamstring. benefit:hamstring-exercise cure tingling-sensation in pinky-toe/foot-pinky-finger if leg stay still in same-position for long-time example:sitting for long-time which pinch hamstring for long-time. 4.1 hamstring exercise with dumbbell 'dumbbell hamstring curl' [f/] (can be done on the floor) hamstring muscles help digestion, erection, maybe more helpful than calves muscles. source : a question in sitting on chair, press hamstring muscles, maybe weakening hamstring muscles. 4.2 hamstring exercise without dumbbell some movement similar or same as these : - - (At Home Hamstring Workout Video - Hamstring Exercises with No Equipment) [f][/f] [obsolete] [reason] cannot be done after eating a meal, stomach likely upset [/reason] - maybe with moving pelvic up and down, repeatedly. [/obsolete] - lay supine on the floor then use both heels to lift away hamstring, buttocks, spine from the floor, slightly, then hold that position. the legs are almost straight so there is a struggle to bend the legs which train ligament as well. source : 'Isometric hamstring contractions' in from google (ligament exercise) result 2 wearing socks maybe increase difficulty. 4.3 hamstring exercise with roller, other tool - ( ) - - bicep : bicep curl benefit : strong bicep helps digestion drawback : (1)big bicep muscle decrease flexibility , decrease hand-palm's ability to reach scapula-medial-border-area ( 2 bone-protrusion adjacent-to-each-other on human-back/dorsum ) for scratching itchy-feeling , smearing soap . [2 source : (1) (2) from google-image ( anatomy 2 protruding bone on back ) page 3 row 1 col 2 ] (2)strong bicep may reduce hand's precision during cleaning nose's booger , eyelid area , finger may accidentally prick nose's mucus membrane , prick eyelid area. lifting dumbbells which are too heavy may raise risk of hernia. - ankle : deep squat (do squatting position) for 5 to 10 minutes. example : source : 'ankle' in but avoid doing deep squat for too long because 'There is increased incidence of knee osteoarthritis amongst squatters who squat for hours a day for many years.[28] There is evidence that sustained squatting may cause bilateral peroneal nerve palsy. A common name for this affliction is squatter's palsy although there may be reasons other than squatting for this to occur.[29][30][31]' in - toes (foot fingers) : from from 'How do you strengthen your toes?' from google 'train toe muscles' result between 2 and 3 ( ) - about chin-up/hanging-pull-up exercise: (1)chin-up does not prevent 'swimming, riding bicycle, chin-up/hanging-pull-up, do not prevent osteoporosis' in this text (2)if still wanting to do chin-up then avoid using opened-door to do chin-up because using opened-door to do chin-up make the door can not be closed easily anymore,use chin-up-station - how to lift an object lifting technique to prevent back pain : ( Proper Lifting Techniques, Prevent Back Injuries by Lifting Objects Correctly ) forward-bending spine too much, causes spine-(disc/sponge)-herniation ( spine-(disc/sponge)-protrusion which push spine-cord/spine-nerve against vertebral-arch-lamina/spine-arch-lamina/spine-cord-rear-shield ) : : [source: from 'Anatomy of a vertebra' in from 'verterbral column' in] (1/2) ( Herniated Disc - Patient Education ) from youtube-search ( spinal disc herniation ) result 4 (2/2) ( What Is A Herniated Disc - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments ) from youtube-search ( spinal disc herniation ) result 1 but a little forward-bending spine is needed, to watch foot-step so person's foot don't step on road-hole/pot-hole, sewing-needle, sharp-kid-toy, animal. physical exercises to prevent spinal disc herniation and to enhance strength of back muscles: - prone press-ups - transverse abdominus bracing - floor bridges - not lifting beyond ones capabilities and giving the body a rest after strenuous effort source : 'Exercises that are used to enhance back strength may also be used to prevent back injuries. Back exercises include the prone press-ups, upper back extension, transverse abdominus bracing, and floor bridges', 'not lifting beyond one's capabilities' in - muscles which seems help digestion : 1. front-and-side deltoid muscles (find 'deltoid' in this text for training info) 2. trapezius muscles, because trapezius muscles makes high confidence feeling. high confidence feeling makes calm mind. calm mind makes calm stomach. calm stomach makes good digestion. (find 'trapezius' in this text for training info) 3. bicep mucles (find 'bicep' in this text for training info) source : from use dumbbells which have rough grip to put pressure on acupuncture points on hands. from google image search 'acupuncture point' click header column 'hand' 4. calves muscles (find 'calves' in this text for training info) 5. hamstring muscles help digestion, maybe more helpful than calves muscles. (find 'hamstring curl' in this text for info) sitting on chair, press hamstring muscles, maybe weakening hamstring muscles. 6. 'tibialis anterior' which is 'stomach 36' accupressure point , contract during doing 'plantar flexion' (moving foot up and down, raising heel like ballerina) source : 1. 'foot up and down' in from google 'stomach 36 muscles' result 1 2. plantar flexion : 3. from google image search 'leg muscles' 4. 'bump just below the patella to the outside of the leg' in from google 'acupressure pancreas' - cardio-exercise/aerobic-exercise without cardio-machine in small-space-ground-floor: (1)find 'if right-nose is blocked: (right-nose from nose-owner-point-of-view)' or sleep-on-floor-mat-with-supine-position then repeatedly-move right-leg or left-leg side-way right-and-left, using calf-muscle/gastrocnemius-muscle to repeatedly-roll right-and-left. floor-mat is recommended because bed is too unstable. (2)jumping-around-with-1-leg ( 1 leg is lifted to in-front-of stomach and both hand grab that leg ; if that leg is lifted to behind ass then that will encourage defecation ) warning : if eating rice then jumping-around-with-1-leg will encourage defecation but running still does not encourage defecation . if eating only then jumping-around-with-1-leg will not encourage defecation , maybe that cookie is causing constipation . [source:'Have a moment? Get up from your chair and try this. Read the next few paragraphs — or count to 20 — while standing on one leg. If you can do it without losing your balance, pat yourself on the back. It looks like you're at a lower risk of having a stroke. But if you stumbled, you might want to sit down for the rest of this (and then possibly schedule a doctor's visit). According to a new study published in the journal Stroke, people who can't stand on one leg for at least 20 seconds at a time without losing their balance are at a higher risk of having a stroke and of having brain damage in general.', 'The ability to balance on one leg is an important test for brain health," study author Yasuharu Tabara said in a press release. "Individuals showing poor balance on one leg should receive increased attention, as this may indicate an increased risk for brain disease and cognitive decline.', 'They discovered that participants who couldn't balance on one leg for more than 20 seconds were more likely to have small blood vessel damage in the brain and had a higher risk of stroke — even though they lacked any clinical symptoms before the study began' in from google(check stroke stand with 1 leg)result 1] if pressure in the head / iop (intraocular pressure) felt raising after doing physical exercise or during doing physical exercise then wear lose underwear / boxer tight underwear could act as a g-suit, keeping blood in the brain, not letting blood goes downward. if excess blood linger too much in the brain then anxiety feeling, negative feeling more likely occur. source : 'press firmly on the abdomen and legs, thus restricting the draining of blood away from the brain during periods of high acceleration' in tips in wearing boxer : [obsolete] [reason] find 'when is best-time to jump repeatedly , jump to do aerobic-physical-exercise , run ?' [/reason] when is the best time to do physical exercise ? (1)night-time is best-time to do physical-exercise. because: (1)accidental-fall maybe more likely happen during night-time [source:find 'bill-mcdermott' in] physical-exercise increase agility temporarily. (2)forgetting to turn-off lamp more likely happen during night-time (3)decrease risk forgetting to close garage-door (4)decrease heart-attack/blood-clot/thrombosis-risk during sleeping. (2)doing physical exercise after meal, increase insulin sensitivity 'Working out increases your body’s insulin sensitivity, making it easier for insulin to transport glucose to the cells that will use it. So working out after a meal can be a good way to “use up” excess glucose after eating.' source : from for more info [/obsolete] - about sleep : sleeping on hard-floor maybe is better for bone health source : 1. 'it grows more dense in areas experiencing high stress, while resorbing density in areas experiencing low stress' in 2. 'Bed rest is a recognized model for muscle atrophy and bone loss in space flight and in clinical medicine' in ( ) 3. ( Bone Remodeling and Modeling ) upload-date : 19 jan 2012 , views : 820,097 4. 'This led archaeologists to deduce that wearing shoes resulted in less bone growth, resulting in shorter, thinner toes.[6]' in pillow for hard-floor : 1)vinyl-placemat (table-covering), material : vinyl source : ${} from google (disney's store lion king placemat) result 8 ${} from google (lion king placemat) why ? vinyl-placemat is flat, will not sink then trap sweat from face-skin, so maybe acne will decrease. vinyl-placemat can be washed with soap using less water than washing cloth-doormat. vinyl-placemat won't absorb oil so oil will be visible on vinyl-placemat's surface. putting floor-mat underneath vinyl-placemat, make that vinyl-placemat a little soft. source : my nephew oliver-kim's table-cover, 'Their primary function is to protect the dinner table from water marks, food stains or heat damage.' in from google (placemat) result 1 2)placemat(table-covering),material:100% polypropylene from walmart on top of a floor-mat,but vinyl-placemat feel cooler for head,cool head feel more comfortable. [obsolete] 1) a soft doormat for bathroom with a shirt covering that doormat. the doormat maybe not so durable for frequent washing. the doormat can be sunbathed to disinfect the doormat - why ? because doormat is flat, will not sink then trap sweat from face skin, maybe acne will decrease [/obsolete] why sleep on [find 'pillow for hard-floor :'] ? (1)because that find 'pillow for hard-floor :' is flat, will not sink then trap sweat from face skin, maybe acne will decrease (2)because ear-hole is entrance-and-exit for virus. [source:forgotten-article from google (...)] mid-air-floating-ear-hole keep ear-hole dry, virus dislike dry-environment. carpet for sleeping(hard-floor feel cold during winter):bath-mat,example: (1)ikea-toftbo-small-size for placeholder for pillow,head.source: (2)ikea-toftbo-large-size for placeholder for body (3)ikea-toftbo-large-size for placeholder for leg to wash that shirt which serves as pillow : put water on that shirt to make that shirt wet then oil from face which stick on that shirt must be rubbed with bar soap then that shirt must be submerged for 1 night then rinse that shirt then wrinkle that shirt to remove water then hang that shirt inside closet, put a doormat, a water bucket underneath that hanging wet shirt to catch any water which dropped from that wet shirt. open that closet to let air dessicate that wet shirt. if not eating salt then sleeping in prone body position is ok for eyes. if eating salt then sleeping in prone body position maybe is not ok for eyes. sleeping in prone body position cons: 1)prone body position is bad for eyes health. source : 'The prone position increases intraocular pressure (IOP), which may lead to visual loss by decreasing perfusion of the anterior optic nerve' in ( ) 'The postural change from supine to lateral decubitus or prone with head turn position increased the IOP of the dependent eyes' in ( korea uni college of medicine, seoul ) maybe sleeping in prone position without tight underwear is fine. tips for wearing boxer underwear: because wearing tight underwear (g-suit),already elevate iop / eyes pressure then the prone position elevate iop / eyes pressure further. tight underwear raise iop (intraocular pressure). info : find 'Intraocular pressures were significantly' in 2)need to check for posterior vitreous detachment (pvd),pvd with bad luck causes retinal detachment: if eyes' color becomes red then lay in supine-body-position. sleeping in prone body position pros: 1)sleeping in prone position, is the best for digestion. source : 2)sleeping in prone position is good for lungs source : 'prone position during mechanical ventilation improved survival among patients with ARDS who received protective lung ventilation' in from 'Repositioning into the prone position (face down) might improve oxygenation by relieving atelectasis and improving perfusion. If this is done early in the treatment of severe ARDS, it confers a mortality benefit of 26% compared to supine ventilation.[21]' in from '35. Dec 2013 – Joseph Ambrosio, age 34, Financial Analyst for J.P. Morgan, died suddenly from Acute Respiratory Syndrome' in from google (Nick Bagnall bank of tokyo mitsubishi tudor hanging) result 4 from 'Nick Bagnall' in from google (40 bankers suicide) result 2 from '40 banker' in from google (william broeksmit) result 1 from 'broeksmit' in from google (Mary abraham deutsche bank) result 2 from 'Mary abraham09' in 3)'Infants who were experienced in prone sleep had advanced gross motor development compared with inexperienced infants' in ( ) 4)sleeping in prone position,maybe cure bradycardia 5)find #pregnant 'Women should avoid doing exercises that involve lying on their back# in this text tips sleeping in prone position : 1)a position which fold 1 leg then support the kneecap of that leg with pillow maybe comfortable 2)for male : penis position during sleeping in prone position should point to the side, not point upward, not point downward because urethra-opening is vertical line, pointing penis to the side and pressing penis to the floor should close urethra-opening.pressing penis to the floor while pointing penis upward likely open urethra-opening.closing urethra-opening block air from entering urethra-opening then entering digestion. 3)a position which both legs straight : a pillow should be put underneath 'inferior extensor retinaculum' so that 'tibialis anterior' and 'extensor hallucis longus tendon' are bent, so that 'tibialis anterior' and 'extensor hallucis longus tendon' are not straight in 1 line laying on the flat floor,if they are straight then that seems unhealthy for the foot.foot anatomy name : from google-image (foot anatomy) row 1 column 1 sleeping on left side, cure heartburn, is a good body position for digestion. sleeping on right side, may cause heartburn. because stomach sits on the left source : 'the stomach sits on the left' in from google 'sleep left side heartburn' search result page 2, number 4 [posted in facebook 6-jan-2016] sleeping on left side, worsen heart disease source : 'report more chest pain and difficulty breathing when sleeping on their left' in from google 'sleep left side' result 6 ( ) sleeping on hard-floor without wearing tight underwear may help tolerate bad memory. pressure on the head from the hard-floor can help disperse bad memory. covering eyes with dark clothes loosely, helps falling asleep. bad side effect : - next morning eyes discharge won't dessicate, remain moist, clouding vision / making vision blurry. [obsolete] [reason] legs higher than body makes blood flow to the head too much [/reason] tips sleeping on carpetfloor : - pillow underneath legs maybe helps falling asleep. [/obsolete] avoid pressing the ear to the floor, because the earlobe may press against the neck skin behind the earlobe, trapping sweat in area between earlobe and neck skin, causing infection in the back of earlobe. but that's ok if that makes sleep more comfortable. that sweat can be washed with bar soap after sleeping. arm position during sleeping : inner-elbow which can touch rib-cage, ( should not lean against hard floor. that inner-elbow has ulnar-nerve. ulnar-nerve gives feeling to pinky-finger, ring-finger. if that ulnar-nerve in inner-elbow is being pinched then elbow-cubital-tunnel-syndrome (losing feeling in pinky-finger, ring-finger) can happen source : from google (ulnar nerve) result 1 from ( Live Surgery Cubital Tunnel, Ulnar Nerve Transposition, Decompression, at the 542,732 views Jan 25, 2012 ) 'This is a surgical video and discussion on the Ulnar Nerve, Cubital Tunnel, Elbow and Decompression and Transposition to the Anterior portion of the Arm. This surgery is often performed because of numbness and tingling in the small and ring fingers, "snapping" of the ulnar nerve about the medial epicondyle, and or pain in the elbow or fingers. Its an outpatient surgery. Sometimes your surgeon use a drain at the end of the case. I perform the surgery under tourniquet. , , ,' from ... so during sleeping in supine position, try make that inner-elbow facing away from the body : 1. try make that right-inner-elbow face an area to the right of sleeping-area. 2. try make that left-inner-elbow face an area to the left of sleeping-area. both arms should touch rib-cage in that position. both hand-palms face upward. if feeling too lazy , no motivation to do bathing , defecating , urinating then do : --------------------------------------- (1) baby-crawling-position but remain still ( crawl like a baby but remain still ) , look downward to floor (2) chest-dip (from google 'exrx chest dip') (3) push-up push-up-tips : see note : scriber do chest-dip between 2 chair with foot position like semi-'lunge' so scriber is not doing defecation-position , scriber does not do push-up anymore because scriber realise push-up is causing early defecation . when is best-time to do push-up ? prior breakfast because stomach is empty and push-up make stomach do muscle-contraction . and push-up may create desire to defecate . if doing push-up after breakfast then there maybe desire to defecate breakfast-content . when is best-time to bathe ? prior breakfast during stomach is empty , after doing push-up , chest-dip , baby-crawling-position . because that is high-motivation-moment . after breakfast there will be sleepy-feeling and motivation for bathing , will be low . push-up may create desire to defecate so maybe need to defecate prior bathing . baby-crawling-position , chest-dip can give motivation to do more physical exercise . because chest dip sends blood to the top of the head / parietal lobe whose function is 'movement' . baby-crawling-position send blood to frontal-lobe whose functions are 'movement' , 'emotion' . baby-crawling-position also give motivation to do more physical exercise but may also shorten temper , because frontal lobe also function as 'emotion' . source : 'movement', 'emotion' in or diet : ---------------------- - testosterone comes from cholesterol source : 'Like other steroid hormones, testosterone is derived from cholesterol' in [obsolete] [reason] inventor, scientist do not eat egg source : from google (nikolai tesla diet) result 3 [/reason] eat eggs moderately [/obsolete] cholesterol is mix of fat and carb source : 'cholesterol level is the mix of fats and carbohydrates in your diet' in ( ) 1 egg yolk = 70 % cholesterol daily value source : from google (cooked egg yolk nutrition fact) result 1 eating egg yolks and not doing physical activity/exercise may create too much LDL cholesterol, could lead to coronary artery disease, the cure is statin medicine, angioplasty. [obsolete] low LDL cholesterol = low chance of cataract = good 'Statin use is somewhat associated with a lower risk of nuclear sclerotic cataract.' in find 'cataract' in in this text for more info about cataract [/obsolete] a better type of fat than fat in egg yolks : omega-3 fat source : note : seafood contains ciguatoxin, so seafood should be avoided. info : find 'ciguatoxin' in this text - about omega-3 fat: Flaxseeds 133% (weakness : no vitamin e, source : google 'whfoods flaxseeds' search result 2) Walnuts 113% Sardines 61% (contain ciguatoxin) Salmon 55% (contain ciguatoxin) Beef 46% Soybeans 43% Tofu 28% Shrimp 14% (contain ciguatoxin) Brussels Sprouts 11% Cauliflower 9% source : from google 'whfoods omega-3' - about vitamin e : food contain vitamin e : Sunflower Seeds 82% 12.31 mg / 0.25 cup 35 gram almonds 40% 6.03 mg / 0.25 cup 23 gram spinach 25% 3.74 mg / 1 cup 180 gram swiss chard 22% 3.31 mg / 1 cup 175 gram avocado 21% 3.11 mg / 1 cup 150 gram peanuts 20% 3.04 mg / 0.25 cup 36.5 gram turnip greens 18% 2.71 mg / 1 cup 144 gram asparagus 18% 2.7 mg / 1 cup 180 gram beet greens 17% 2.61 mg / 1 cup 144 gram mustard greens 17% 2.49 mg / 1 cup 140 gram source : from google (whfoods e) result 1 mix vitamin e with maple-syrup,to make vitamin e more digestible, less likely cause loose-stool.more tip:find 'try fully mix peanut-butter with maple-syrup.avoid crunchy-peanut-butter.' in - vitamin E decrease estrogen power, good for male, may make female look manly. source : 'Vitamin E reduced significantly the response of both cell lines to estrogen' in - vitamin E help fight diabetes type 1, may not actually cure. mix rice / pasta / potato / fruits / chocolate / food containing glucose / fructose / other form of sugar with food rich in vitamin E such as peanut, almond. source : 'vitamin E can prevent a decrease of insulin concentration in the blood in this mouse model' in 'Effect of vitamin E on alloxan-induced mouse diabetes' - vitamin E must be eaten with fat. peanut and almond already contains fat. source : 1)'As a fat-soluble antioxidant, it stops the production of reactive oxygen species formed when fat undergoes oxidation.[6][7][8]' in 2) from google (whfoods e) - vitamin E prevent hemolytic anemia source : 'hemolytic anemia' in - vitamin E prevent ALS ( lou gehrig disease ) source : google 'vitamin e als' - vitamin E prevent liver oxidative damage source : 'Our results emphasize the importance of maintaining an adequate vitamin E consumption not only to prevent liver oxidative damage but also in modulating signal transduction.' in ( ) from google 'cyclin D1 vitamin e' result 2 from 'cyclin d1' in from google 'regenerate pancreas beta cell' result 2 ( ) - vitamin e is mild blood-anticoagulant source:find 'Vitamin E is a mild anticoagulant, and doses in excess of 400 units should be avoided' in this text - butter contains the highest estrogen level, good for female, bad for male. source : 'Butter was highest' in - beer enlarge boobs, bad for male, still bad for female. because beer destroy liver. but vitamin e in peanut : - prevent liver oxidative damage, more info find 'prevent liver oxidative damage' in this text - decrease estrogen power, more info find 'decrease estrogen power' in this text source : from google 'beer estrogen' search result number 7 alcohol increase risk of cancer : source : - 'metabolizing (breaking down) ethanol in alcoholic drinks to acetaldehyde, which is a toxic chemical and a probable human carcinogen; acetaldehyde can damage both DNA (the genetic material that makes up genes) and proteins' - 'generating reactive oxygen species (chemically reactive molecules that contain oxygen), which can damage DNA, proteins, and lipids (fats) through a process called oxidation' - 'impairing the body’s ability to break down and absorb a variety of nutrients that may be associated with cancer risk, including vitamin A; nutrients in the vitamin B complex, such as folate; vitamin C; vitamin D; vitamin E; and carotenoids' - 'Alcoholic beverages may also contain a variety of carcinogenic contaminants that are introduced during fermentation and production, such as nitrosamines, asbestos fibers, phenols, and hydrocarbons. which is a toxic chemical and a probable human carcinogen; acetaldehyde can damage both DNA (the genetic material that makes up genes) and proteins' in ( ) asbestos in alcoholic-beverage , come from brewery-filter . [source : from google ( alcohol contain asbestos ) ] - disadvantage of big boobs : - skin underneath big boobs, fold, trapping sweats, moisture, creating bad odor. source : search 'smelly boobs' in pregnancy automatically enlarge boobs, which stretch cooper ligament which stretch boobs downward source : 1. 'pregnan' in's_ligaments 2. 'During pregnancy, your breasts go through changes and grow larger to prepare for breastfeeding your baby. Then, after your baby is born, breast milk fills your breasts, stretching the skin even more.' in small boobs eliminate the need to wear bra, bra less is healthier. disadvantage of bra : 1. bra can make grooves on shoulders source : from 2. bra likely always constrict lymph circulation source : 1. 2. from google 'bra lymph' 3. google 'bra constrict lymph' - for muscles cramped / body feel ache : eat electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate) source : 'Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate' in healthy electrolytes : 1. potassium : food rich in potassium : find '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney' in this text source : from google (whfoods potassium) result 1 2. magnesium : find '- about magnesium' in this text 3. calcium unhealthy electrolyte : 1. sodium [obsolete] [reason] potassium is a healthy electrolyte, sodium is unhealthy electrolyte [/reason] salty food [/obsolete] [obsolete] [reason] egg is rather rich in iodine but has no electrolyte [/reason] food rich in iodine, should contain lots of electrolyte as well. find 'rich in iodine' in this text for more info about iodine. [/obsolete] after physical exercise which secrete lots of sweat such as marathon. eat solid apple, prior eating meat. because losing sweat, means losing gastric acid, because salt in sweat makes gastric acid. mallic acid in solid apple is a gastric acid. info : find 'gastric acid' in this text excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' ( ) [obsolete] [reason] (1)hindu teach ahimsa which means avoid causing injury to animal. hindu, zoroastrian say cow is god, forbid eating cow. hindu-person invent cosine, sine. info : find 'cow', 'ahimsa', 'cosine', 'sine' in bible has flaw : but what bible says about year 7 / sabbathical year, maybe is true : so bible is not perfect. (2)mixing carbohydrate and fat, decrease glycemic index, slow down absorption of glucose to bloodstream, more protective against diabetes type 2. mixing carbohydrate and veggies decrease glycemic index as well. eating carbohydrate alone, makes more vulnerable to diabetes type 2. source : 'Fat lowers a food's GI. That's because it slows the absorption of glucose into your bloodstream. (As does fiber.) For instance, U.K. researchers found that adding full-fat cheddar cheese to a baked potato reduced the meal's glycemic index. With a Twix bar, you're eating a combination of sugar and fat, which means that your blood sugar won't rise as high after you've finished it. Fiber also slows glucose absorption: That's why bread made from whole-grain flour has a lower glycemic index than the kind made from refined flour.' in from google 'pizza hut glycemic load' result number 2 example : gi = glycemic index, gl = glycemic load baguette, white, plain : gi=95, gl=15 Pizza, plain baked dough, served with parmesan cheese and tomato sauce : gi=80, gl=22 Pizza, Super Supreme (Pizza Hut) : gi=36, gl = 9 source : from google 'potato glycemic index' result 1 ( ) supreme pizza contain sausage, sausage is fatty meat. supreme pizza has lower glycemic index, lower glycemic load. mixing carbohydrate and soup, maybe raise glycemic index as well because water from soup accelerate carbohydrate absorption, raise the risk of diabetes. like water makes a tablet medicine absorbable. [/reason] - to gather zinc : eat like moses in holy bible, book of exodus. source : ( ) separate eating meat and egg (animal-based-food) from eating veggies/fruits (plant-based-food). the goal is so zinc from animal-based-food got absorbed without disturbance from phytate from plant-based-food. source : 'far less absorbable in the intestines' di so the ideal way of eating : 1. eat all meat and egg (animal based food containing zinc) 2. pause for 3 hours or until hungry, whichever come first 3. eat all rice, potato, veggies, fruits (plant based foods containing phytate) together with food rich in vitamin E to help insulin production, insulin control blood sugar, prevent blood sugar from elevating triggered by digesting rice / potato / any carbohydrate / fruits / any sugar. more info about vitamin E is available above, vitamin E absorption require fatty food as written above. the order of the meal, does not matter, the steps above can be reversed. list of food containing phytate (inositol) : 1. 2. ( ) 3. google 'phytate potato' 4. from 'According to research, foods containing the highest concentrations of myo-inositol (including its compounds) include fruits, beans, grains and nuts' in egg contains zinc source : 'zinc' in the goal is so all meats and eggs enter duodenum alone without disturbance from veggies / fruits (food contain phytate). so that zinc absorption from all meats and eggs is less likely bothered by phytate. why 3 hours is the ideal pause time duration between eating animal-based-food and eating plant-based-food ? explanation : food enter duodenum (a part prior ileum) in the form of chyme. chyme enter duodenum 1-2 hours after finish swallowing food. zinc got absorbed from chyme when chyme in ileum (a part after duodenum) source : 1. 'greater from the ileum (60.1%)' in 2. 'After some time (typically 1-2 hours in humans, 4-6 hours in dogs, 3-4 hours in house cats),[citation needed] the resulting thick liquid is called chyme. When the pyloric sphincter valve opens, chyme enters the duodenum' in sourdough bread is free from phytate source : google 'sourdough zinc' sourdough bread can be eaten together with meat. but not recommended because vitamin E from plant-based-food is required to control the elevation of blood sugar from eating sourdough bread. then the phytate from plant-based-food containing vitamin E, reduce zinc absorption from meat. so eating sourdough bread with meat, is not recommended. fermented food is free from phytate source : 'ferment' in ( ) fermented food can be eaten together with meat. food soaked in acid also free from phytate source : 'Soaking grains and flour in an acid medium at very warm temperatures, as in the sourdough process, also activates phytase and reduces or even eliminates phytic acid.' in so theoretically sushi rice is free from phytate because sushi rice is sour, likely got soaked in acid. sushi rice can be eaten together with meat. but not recommended because eating sushi rice require eating plant-based-food rich in vitamin E to control blood sugar from getting elevated by sushi rice. plant-based-food contains phytate which reduce zinc absorption. [obsolete] so meat and egg can only be eaten with salt [/obsolete] sauce can be used to make the meat and egg, digestible, if desired. salt is 1 component of gastric acid source : 'Gastric acid is a digestive fluid, formed in the stomach. It is composed of hydrochloric acid (HCl) (around 0.5%, or 5000 parts per million) as high as 0.1 M,[1] potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl)' in NaCL = salt [obsolete] [reason]use salty-water, because apple make loose-stool[/reason] solid apple stored in room temperature, is a better gastric acid than salt. if solid apple is too sour, upsetting stomach then eat peanut to decrease sourness in stomach [/obsolete] excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' example how to prepare meat to be eaten with salt only : 1. slice raw chicken meat thinly. 2. put raw thinly sliced chicken to boiling water. 3. use tongs to do step 2 and to spread the raw chicken inside boiling water. ensure the sliced raw chicken not sticking to each other. to see what tongs look like : google image search 'tongs' 4. the boiling water should no longer boil after thinly sliced chicken enters. 5. wait until the water boils again. 6. when the water boils again then shut down the stove (only take 1 minute usually for the water to boil again) 7. move the thinly sliced chickens from boiling/hot water to clean plate. 8. pour salty-water on thinly sliced chickens sauce should be added to salt, to decrease saltiness while making meat digestible, palatable. function of zinc : - find 'why zinc necessary for eyes ?' in this text - aromatase inhibitor, should be good for male. - medicine for some bad physical condition source : - google 'whfoods zinc' - 'zinc' in - 'Hypogonadism', medicine for 'cataract', 'myopia', 'pectus excavatum', 'scoliosis', etc in from google 'zinc delayed sexual maturation' zinc relates to delayed sexual maturation source : - 'delayed sexual maturation' in - google 'zinc delayed sexual maturation' - why boiling meat / shabu2 / chankonabe cooking style is the healthiest way to cook meat ? - hca from grilling/pan frying meat, may cause colon, breast and prostate cancer. source : 'When creatine is mixed with protein and sugar at high temperatures (above 148 °C), the resulting reaction produces heterocyclic amines (HCAs). Such a reaction happens when grilling or pan frying meat. HCAs are known to cause cancer in animals and may cause cancer in humans as well.[35] This could be a mechanism why consumption of meat increases risk of colon, breast and prostate cancer.[36]' in - pah from barbecue smoke / grilling smoke (burning coal) may cause cancer, as well. pah is polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. source : 'PAHs enter the air mostly as releases from volcanoes, forest fires, burning coal, and automobile exhaust.' in from google 'polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons', 'bbq pah' ( ) - smoke released from burning any stuffs, is harmful for lung. source : 'Smoke is harmful to lung health. Whether from burning wood, tobacco or marijuana, toxins and carcinogens are released from the combustion of materials. ' in ( ) - disadvantage of chankonabe : 1. purine from the meat, leak to water used for boiling then that water is discarded. source : 'when foods were boiled, some of the purines were freed up into the cooking water and became lost from the food (because the water in which the food was boiled got discarded after cooking)' in from google 'whfoods purine' purine makes adenosine which makes atp (adenosine triphosphate) which transport energy source : 'Adenosine used as a second messenger can be the result of de novo purine biosynthesis via adenosine monophosphate (AMP), though it is possible other pathways exist.[19]' in 2. water from the soup dilute gastric acid. digesting meat needs strong gastric acid. 3. must add salt to chankonabe source : 'Where people live mainly on milk and raw or roasted meat (so that its natural salts are not lost), sodium chloride supplements are unnecessary; nomads with their flocks of sheep or herds of cattle , for example, never eat salt with their food. On the other hand, people who live mostly on cereal, vegetable, or boiled meat diets require supplements of salt.' in from ref [12] in 'Nomads who subsist on their flocks and herds do not eat salt with their food, but agriculturalists, feeding mainly on cereals and vegetable matter, need to supplement their diet with salt.[12]' in [obsolete] - meat sauce should be added to salt, to decrease saltiness while making [/obsolete] [/obsolete] - [obsolete] [reason] avoid honey. fruits contain vitamin c can be used as meat sauce because : find 'fruits should be eaten together with protein' in this text [/reason] meat sauce or honey or fruit jam, should be added to make meat, egg digestible, palatable or eat meat alternately with eating tomato slices. [/obsolete] [obsolete] [reason]salt trigger osteoporosis[/reason] how to eat meat with salt only, if meat sauce is not available ------------------------------------------------ 0. sprinkle salt to meat 1. lick salt 1-5 grains (optional) 2. insert meat to the mouth, chew, swallow 3. if stomach motility slows down / digestion feel impaired / appetite is lost then go to number 1 else go to number 2 [obsolete][reason]use salty-water, because apple make loose-stool[/reason] solid apple stored in room temperature, is a better gastric acid than salt. replace salt in the steps above with solid apple. if solid apple is too sour, upsetting stomach then eat peanut to decrease sourness in stomach [/obsolete] excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' if headache in temple area occurs after overdose licking salt then wear loose underwear such as boxer and drink lots of water salt is 1 component of gastric acid source : 'Gastric acid is a digestive fluid, formed in the stomach. It is composed of hydrochloric acid (HCl) (around 0.5%, or 5000 parts per million) as high as 0.1 M,[1] potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl)' in NaCl = salt the goal is to make gastric acid inside stomach then the meat can enter stomach. [obsolete] [reason]use salty-water, because apple make loose-stool[/reason] solid apple stored in room temperature, is a better gastric acid than salt. if solid apple is too sour, upsetting stomach then eat peanut to decrease sourness in stomach [/obsolete] protein digestion need hydrochloric acid source : 'hydrochloric acid' in hydrochloric acid is gastric acid source : 'gastric acid' in salt is 1 component of gastric acid, so protein digestion, need salt [obsolete]or solid apple[reason]find 'use salty-water, because apple make loose-stool'[/reason][/obsolete]. but excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' 'instrinsic factor' absorb vitamin b12 from meat and egg, intrinsic factor is gastric juice aka gastric acid, made from salt [obsolete]or solid apple[/obsolete], so salt or [obsolete]solid apple[/obsolete] absorb vitamin b12 from meat and egg. source : 1. 'Intrinsic factor (IF), also known as gastric intrinsic factor (GIF), is a glycoprotein produced by the parietal cells of the stomach. It is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) later on in the small intestine.[1]' 2. 'The intrinsic factor is secreted by the stomach. It is present in the gastric juice' in from google 'intrinsic factor' [/obsolete] - best position for eating : 1)standing on 1 foot so food does not stay in the middle of stomach, the middle of stomach is in 1 line with anus. standing on 1 foot with heel raised if possible because raising heels contract gastrocnemius muscles which promote digestion,swallowing-muscles. 2)stand on both feet,heels are raised because raising heels contract gastrocnemius muscles which promote digestion,swallowing-muscles. why standing is better than sitting ? see source for 'squat-toilet prevent hemoroid, inguinal-hernia(for man), femoral-hernia(for woman) because squat-toilet reduce straining/exertion-to-eject-feces' [obsolete] [reason] see source for 'squat-toilet prevent hemoroid, inguinal-hernia(for man), femoral-hernia(for woman) because squat-toilet reduce straining/exertion-to-eject-feces' [reason] eat while sitting on the floor is better than sitting on the chair why ? 1. sitting on the floor, doesn't press hamstring muscle. 2. sitting on the chair create the same body position as sitting on toilet seat. that body position equality may confuse the stomach whether to digest or to defecate when eating while sitting on chair. body position during eating, should be very different from body position during defecating so the stomach no longer confuse whether to digest or to defecate. the idea about sitting on the floor while eating came from how usa soldier eats with his/her body must be in certain body position. source : 'I will forever remember the meal I had to throw away because I didn’t have my feet together and on the ground. You have to eat at the sitting position of attention otherwise you get fucked' in ( ) eating while sitting on chair produce stress, why ? eating while the body is in body position same as defecating position, require the brain to always remember that what happen now is eating, not defecating. making the brain remember, produce stress. stress produce cortisol, cortisol decrease testosterone, weaken immune system. immune system fight cancer. source : 1. 'Cortisol can weaken the activity of the immune system' in 2. 'administration of cortisol into the circulation at rest will result in reduced blood testosterone levels.' in from google 'cortisol testosterone' ( ) 3.' It is presumed that the stress-triggered neuroendocrine hormones lead to immune dysregulation, which ultimately results in autoimmune disease, by altering or amplifying cytokine production' in 4. 'Your immune system is a collection of organs, special cells, and substances that help protect you from infections and some other diseases. Immune cells and the substances they make travel through your body to protect it from germs that cause infections. They also help protect you from cancer in some ways.' in 5. 'The last 30 years of immuno-oncology research have provided solid evidence that tumours are recognised by the immune system and their development can be stopped or controlled long term through a process known as immunosurveillance' in from google 'cancer immune system' ( ) 6. 'immunosurveillance is a process by which an organism's immune system recognizes transformed cells in order to inhibit the growth of neoplastic tissue.[1]' in from google 'immunosurveillance' [/obsolete] - zinc is 1 natural aromatase inhibitor which is important for male. zinc stops 'macular degeneration', keeping skin healthy, important for every1. aromatase is conversion of testosterone to estrogen, not good for male. source : 1. google 'whfoods zinc' 2. 'zinc' in aromatase inhibitors list : Apigenin,[17] Catechin,[18][19] Chalcones,[20] Eriodictyol,[17] Isoliquiritigenin,[17] Mangostin,[17] Myosmine,[21] Nicotine,[22] Resveratrol,[23] skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries Vitamin E,[24] Zinc.[25] source : additional aromatase inhibitor : - hesperetin more info : find 'orange fruit skin', 'hesperetin' in this text - choose steamed or boiled potato. avoid french fries, baked potato, roasted potato because they contain acrylamida, choose microwaved potato, boiled potato if possible. fried rice (acrylamida = 30) < french fries (acrylamida = 117, 'KFC french fries, location 4') see 'list of other food containing acrylamida :' source number 1 below source : 'For potatoes, boiling or microwaving produces no acrylamide. Frying leads to highest acrylamide formation followed by roasting, then by baking.' in list of other food containing acrylamida : 1. from google 'acrylamide Survey Data on Acrylamide in Food by the U.S. Food And Drug Administration Collected between November 20, 2003, and October 7, 2004' from 'acrylamide Survey Data on Acrylamide in Food by the U.S. Food And Drug Administration Collected between November 20, 2003, and October 7, 2004' in from google 'fried rice acrylamide' ( ) 2. from google 'acrylamide food levels' ( ) acrylamide is carcinogen source : 'carcinogen' in from google 'acrylamide' - avoid microwaving meat, egg, milk, breasts milk. microwave decrease vitamin b12 in food. source : 'loss ( approximately 30-40%) of vitamin B(12) occurred in the foods during microwave heating' in from google 'b12 microwave' - (for men) eat protein in moderation convert protein to muscles as much as possible. excess protein becomes fat, fat cell is 1 source of aromatase. carbohydrate elevates testosterone level. source : 1. 'Resistance training increases testosterone levels,[130] however, in older men, that increase can be avoided by protein ingestion.[131]' in 2. 'Adipose tissue is the greatest peripheral source of aromatase in both males and females,[citation needed] contributing to the production of estradiol.' in 3. 'The principal nutritional findings are a positive association of carbohydrate intake with testosterone levels and a set of inverse associations of vitamins with oestradiol.' in ( ) - male : avoid spearmint female : eating spearmint is good source : 'spearmint tea reduce testosterone levels.' in - Factor known to increase aromatase (conversion of testosterone to estrogen) activity : age, obesity, insulin (eating sweet food trigger insulin production), gonadotropins, and alcohol. source : 'Factors known to increase aromatase activity include age, obesity, insulin, gonadotropins, and alcohol. Aromatase activity is decreased by prolactin, anti-Müllerian hormone and the common herbicide glyphosate.[5]' in - avoid pepperoni, deli meat, certain sausage because deli meat, certain sausage contain nitrite. nitrite is a preservative, stomach acid convert nitrite to nitrosamine. nitrosamine is carcinogen. raw sausage contains bha, bha is carcinogen as well. source : 1. 'curing' in 2. 'strongly acidic conditions such as that of the human stomach' in 3. 'nitrosamines' in ( ) 4. 'carcinogen' in from google 'bha' 5. 'sodium nitrite' in sausage/hotdog brand which contain natural ingredient without nitrite : applegate brand : says : - 'Nitrates and nitrites in cured meats can be converted by certain bacteria, including H. pylori, into compounds that have been found to cause stomach cancer in animals' - 'Other common causes include eating pickled vegetables and smoking' - 'alcohol consumption' - 'smoked foods,[25] salt and salt-rich foods, red meat, processed meat, pickled vegetables,[18] and bracken[26] are associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer' solution : 'On the other hand, fresh fruit and vegetable intake, citrus fruit intake, and antioxidant intake are associated with a lower risk of stomach cancer.[18][20] A Mediterranean diet is also associated with lower rates of stomach cancer,[27] as is regular aspirin use.[18]' - 'Gastric cancer shows a male predominance in its incidence as up to two males are affected for every female. Estrogen may protect women against the development of this cancer form' rotisserie chicken also contain hca source : 'Pepperoni had the least HCA content, 0.05 ng/g, followed by hot dogs and deli meat, 0.5 ng/g). Such amounts are low, and the researchers concluded that consuming such ready-to-eat meat products contributes very little to HCA intake. Fully cooked bacon, with 1.1 ng/g, and rotisserie chicken meat, with 1.9 ng/g, contained all five types of HCAs tested. Rotisserie chicken skin had significantly higher HCA levels, with 16.3 ng/g. This is because chicken skin contains more fat and protein and less moisture, and HCA levels tend to increase as moisture decreases, Smith said. "Based on this research, HCA consumption can be reduced by not eating chicken skin," he said.' in from google 'bacon hca' ( ) - avoid white-bread, pizza, tortilla or any food containing bleached-flour. food containing bleached-flour contains alloxan, the trigger of diabetest type 1. the process of bleaching flour for bread, produce alloxan, alloxan destroy beta cell in pancreas, destroy pancreas ability to make insulin, triggering diabetes type 1. vitamin E as stated above, can fight the effect of alloxan. source : 1. 'There is a misconception that alloxan, a destroyer of beta cells in the pancreas, is used to bleach flour. Though the process of bleaching flour can produce trace amounts of alloxan, it has never been proved to be a problem or to build up in the body.[3]' in from 'flour bleaching agents' in from google 'white bread' 2. 'Maida contains alloxan, added as a bleaching agent or formed as a byproduct of bleaching.[6]', 'In the name of all-purpose flour, Maida is also used worldwide in making of pizza crust, white bread and tortilla.[3]' in from 'maida flour' in from google 'alloxan' 3. 'when administered to rodents and many other animal species. This causes an insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (called "alloxan diabetes") in these animals, with characteristics similar to type 1 diabetes in humans' in from google 'alloxan' 4. 'insulin secretion' in from google 'beta cell' 5. google 'fda alloxan' 6. 'Environmental factors can influence expression of type 1. For identical twins, when one twin had type 1 diabetes, the other twin only had it 30%–50% of the time. Despite having exactly the same genome, one twin had the disease, whereas the other did not; this suggests environmental factors, in addition to genetic factors, can influence the disease's prevalence.[14]' in 7. 'This study raises the possibility that in some individuals, type 1 diabetes may be induced by wheat proteins' in from google 'diabetes rat wheat' ( ) alloxan exists in unexpected food for example : 1. mcdonald chicken mcnuggets contains alloxan, tbhq ( google 'tbhq candle wax' ) a preservative in instant noodle. source : 'nugget', 'bleached wheat flour' in from google 'mcdonald ingredients' ( ) 2. mcdonald apple pie contains alloxan, tbhq source : 'bleached wheat flour', tbhq in from google 'mcdonald apple pie' breads contain unnatural chemical as well. [obsolete] [reason] maybe cheese, fatty food causes diabetes type 1 because cheese, fatty food inflame pancreas in dog info : find 'cheese, fried food, fatty food, inflame pancreas in dog' in this text. white bread contains alloxan which is produced by bleaching process, wheat bread is healthier. find 'gluten maybe does not cause diabetes type 1.' in this text [/reason] - avoid wheat (bread, pasta, noodle are made from wheat), (kwetiau, rice vermicelli are made from rice, not from wheat) because : 1. wheat in usa is no longer natural since year 2003. the gmo wheat is called basf clearfield wheat. source : 1. from google 'wheat stay digestive' 2. 'The first commercial release of an imidazolinone-resistant winter wheat variety in the Pacific Northwest was made during the 2003 growing season.' in from google 'pacific northwest clearfield' result 6 from 'pacific northwest' in from google 'wheat sodium azide' page 3 result 3 ( ) basf clearfield wheat is made to control weed. wet paddy field for rice does not have weed problem. because water in submerged paddy field, suffocates weed. but water can become breeding ground for mosquitos. source : 1. 'Water in rice is primarily used as weed control, as the water drowns most weeds, which are not as efficient as rice is in transporting oxygen to the roots.', 'mosquito' in ( ) [obsolete] and watery-paddy-field maybe is a habitat for snake. source : 'Tends to live in open areas such as forest clearings, gardens and parks. Often encountered in rice paddies.' in from 'we now know that pythons are more closely related to sunbeam snakes (Xenopeltis) and burrowing pythons (Loxocemus) than to boas, in spite of their superficial resemblance to boas.[12][13]' in example of dry-paddy-field : source : my sister, defina jaya, chose that rice. [reason] snake does not have gills for breathing underwater in watery-paddy-field. snake have lungs for breathing on dry-paddy-field. source : 1. 'they do not have gills and must surface regularly to breathe.' in 2. 'and most have only one functional lung.' in but snake may use the watery-paddy-field for water-source [/reason] [/obsolete] 2. gluten in bread, can cause autoimmune disorder silently without causing celiac disease, this is called gluten sensitivity : 1. 'eczema or psoriasis, and in neurological or brain-related conditions like depression, peripheral neuropathy, or ADHD. (9, 10)' 2. 'multiple sclerosis, ataxia, diabetes, and even Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease)' in from 3. 'People with gluten sensitivity can experience symptoms such as “foggy mind”, depression, ADHD-like behavior, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, bone or joint pain, and chronic fatigue when they have gluten in their diet, but other symptoms are also possible. While these are common symptoms of celiac disease, these individuals do not test positive for celiac disease or for a wheat allergy.' in from [obsolete] 3. wheat, not milk, causes diabetes type 1 [/obsolete] 3. wheat causes diabetes type 1, and animal milk causes diabetes type 1 as well source : 1. from 'A2 Corporation even petitioned the Food Standards Australia New Zealand regulatory authority to require a health warning on ordinary milk.[2]' in 'control mixed diet' causes the highest diabetes incidence. 'control mixed diet' is : 'control group (fed on wheat, corn, soy, alfalfa, oats, fish meal and cellulose-no milk), see table. In Ottawa, there were 30 BB rats per group, all fed on experimental diets for 150 days. Here too the (same) mixed cereal-based control diet gave the (significantly) highest diabetes incidence.' in ( ) 2. someone succeeded curing diabetes type 1 by avoiding gluten : from google 'wheat diabetes type 1' ( ) 3. casomorphin in milk, is an opioid 4. cow milk, sheep milk and maybe milk from other animal contain beta-lactoglobulin aka 'whey protein'. human milk does not contain beta-lactoglobulin. children suffer diabetes type 1, has antibodies to beta-lactoglobulin, but healthy children do not have those antibodies. source : 1. 'In a small investigation, Goldfarb indeed found antibodies to beta-lactoglobulin in the serum of children with type 1 diabetes. Those she tested who did not have diabetes did not have these antibodies.' in from google 'beta-lactoglobulin beta cell' result 1 from 'lactoglobulin' in from google 'cow protein diabetes' result page 2 result 6 ( ) 2. 'She reports her results, evaluating blood samples taken from five adults without diabetes and five children and teens who all had type 1 diabetes. In the adults, she found two had antibodies to beta-lactoglobulin. In the children, all five had antibodies to beta-lactoglobulin.' in from google 'Goldfarb beta lactoglobulin' result 1 5. finnish baby under age 8 months has different response to cow milk source : 'researchers found that at the age of 3 months, both cellular and humoral responses to bovine insulin were higher in infants exposed to cows' milk than in infants fully breast fed.' in from google 'early introduction to cow milk diabetes type 1' result 2 ( ) 4. asthma, eczema can be caused by eating wheat source : from google 'wheat asthma' ( ) 5. diabetes type 1 can be caused by environmental factor, not just a genetic disease source : 1. 'Environmental factors can influence expression of type 1. For identical twins, when one twin had type 1 diabetes, the other twin only had it 30%–50% of the time. Despite having exactly the same genome, one twin had the disease, whereas the other did not; this suggests environmental factors, in addition to genetic factors, can influence the disease's prevalence.[15]' in 2. theresa may, politician, began to suffer diabetes type 1 age 56 source : 'May was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus of type 1 in November 2012. She is treated with daily insulin injections.[142]' in 3. mark lowe, baseball pitcher, began to suffer diabetes type 1 age 25 source : 4. halle berry, artist, began to suffer diabetes type 1 age 23 source : 'During the taping of Living Dolls, she lapsed into a coma and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. [21][22][23][24]' in 5. garry hall jr, swimmer, was caught using marijuana, year 1998 (age 24) then suffer diabetes type 1 year 1999 (age 25) source : 'In 1998, Hall was suspended by FINA for marijuana use.[1] In 1999, he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes,' in 6. jay cutler, chicago bears quaterback, began suffer diabetes type 1 age 25, grace bonney age 34, robin arzon, peloton cycle instructor age 32 source : 7. there is lada (diabetes type 1 adult version). source : google 'lada' 8. noodle is made from wheat, so noodle contain gluten. kwetiau, rice vermicelli are made from rice. kwetiau, rice vermicelli are gluten-free source : 'wheat', 'rice' in 9. gluten in sourdough bread is minimal, fermentation reduce gluten source : 'The wheat started out life with a normal 75,000 ppm (parts per million) of gluten, but after the sourdough fermentation process, gluten levels were only 12 ppm. And remember, under the new gluten-free labeling laws, anything under 20 ppm is considered gluten free.' in from google 'fermented gluten' ( ) 10. but breast milk which contain gliadin (gluten protein), given to baby age 4-6 months, may delay, prevent celiac disease source : 1. 'There is little to no human research about the effect of gliadin, which is the portion of gluten that passes through breast milk. However, in animal studies it has been shown to have a protective effect, or help the child build up a tolerance to gluten.' in from google 'breastmilk gluten' ( ) 2. 'Breast-feeding at-risk infants at the time of gluten introduction (between 4-6 months) may delay or prevent the development of celiac disease.' in from google 'animal breast milk gliadin' - [obsolete]diabetes type 1, lada (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults), coeliac disease maybe is caused by casein, protein in cow milk source : 'Significantly increased levels of antibodies to beta-casein were found in patients with Type 1 diabetes, coeliac disease and in LADA ' in from google 'lada casein' ( ) [/obsolete] [/obsolete] - vitamin A absorption needs fat and zinc. vitamin D E K absorption needs fat. so carrot, salad must be smeared with fatty salad dressing source : 1. 'Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin and depends on micellar solubilization for dispersion into the small intestine, which results in poor use of vitamin A from low-fat diets. Zinc deficiency can also impair absorption, transport, and metabolism of vitamin A' in 2. google 'fat soluble vitamin' - avoid eating fat from cattle, sheep, or goats. fat from peking duck can be eaten. why ? '22 The Lord told Moses 23 to say to the people: Don’t eat the fat of cattle, sheep, or goats. 24 If one of your animals dies or is killed by some wild animal, you may do anything with its fat except eat it. 25 If you eat the fat of an animal that can be used as a sacrifice to me, you will no longer belong to the community of Israel. 26 And no matter where you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal, 27 or you will no longer belong to the community of Israel.' in 2. maybe saturated fat from cattle, sheep, or goats may cause insulin resistance source : 1. 'saturated fat appears to be the most effective at producing IR.' in 2. 'insensitive to insulin is still positively correlated with fat intake, and negatively correlated with dietary fiber intake,[12] but both these factors are also correlated with excess body weight.' in 3. maybe saturated fat from cattle, sheep, or goats, is bad for bone density source : 'bone mineral density is negatively associated with saturated fat intake, and that men may be particularly vulnerable.[57]' in 4. dairy fat, beef fat aka vaccenic acid may cause bipolar disorder source : 'Vaccenic acid is also found in human orbitofrontal cortex of patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.[10][11]' in from 'vaccenic acid' in from google 'trans fat' 5. high fat diet triggers dna damage, triggers colon cancer source : 'Bile acids, at high levels in the colons of humans eating a high fat diet, also cause DNA damage and contribute to colon cancer.[18] ' in 6. fatty food is bad for hepatitis A sufferer source : 'Sufferers are advised to rest, avoid fatty foods and alcohol' in 7. animals store toxin ( dioxin ) inside their fat. source : 1. 'According to the FDA, most human exposure to dioxins comes from food, with 95 percent of that coming from animal fats (FDA 2004a). ' in from google 'animal fat toxin' ( ) 2. 'The highest concentration of dioxins in livestock, fish, and shellfish, are typically found in fat and the liver.' in from google 'fda dioxin fat' ( ) 3. 'Dioxins are lipophilic compounds which accumulate in the fat of animals. The types of foods which tend to have the highest dioxin concentrations are dairy products, meat and poultry, eggs, fish, and animal fats (Eduljee and Gair, 1996). Green vegetables, fruits and grains are the types of foods with the lowest dioxin concentrations. Schecter et al. (1997) measured dioxins in pooled food samples that were collected in 1995 at supermarkets across the U.S. The pooled sample of fresh water fish had the highest level of dioxins (1.43 TEQ1), followed by butter (1.07 TEQ), hotdog/bologna (0.54 TEQ), ocean fish (0.47 TEQ), cheese (0.40 TEQ), beef (0.38 TEQ), eggs (0.34 TEQ), ice cream (0.33 TEQ), chicken (0.32 TEQ), pork (0.32 TEQ), milk (0.12 TEQ), and vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes (0.07 TEQ).' in from google (The highest concentration of dioxins in livestock) result 1 4. 'tuna also absorbs significant amounts of methylmercury, a form of mercury that concentrates in the fatty tissues of big fish and humans' in from google (mercury in tuna fat) page 2 result 3 mercury caused minamata disease source : from 'minamata' in from google (mercury poisoning) result 1 from 'poisoned by mercury' in from 5. 5.2 'Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment and they accumulate in the food chain, mainly in the fatty tissue of animals' 5.3 'Trimming fat from meat and consuming low fat dairy products may decrease the exposure to dioxin compounds. Also, a balanced diet (including adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables and cereals) will help to avoid excessive exposure from a single source. This is a long-term strategy to reduce body burdens and is probably most relevant for girls and young women to reduce exposure of the developing fetus and when breastfeeding infants later on in life' in from duckduckgo (The highest concentration of dioxins in livestock) result 2 [obsolete]- if feeling a fever, a symtom of flu, toothache/discomfort then :[/obsolete] - possible cure for common-cold, flu/influenza, sore throat: 1)drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar because lemon, vinegar decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) fat. oil-viscosity-reducer/oil-thinner eject bacteria. source : 1. 'Bile’s main digestive responsibility is to emulsify fats in order to create fatty acids that can be digested and used by the body. Additionally, it has an anti-microbial effect that helps to kill off unwanted pathogens.' in from google (vinegar bile) result 5 2. 'Bile salts also act as bactericides, destroying many of the microbes that may be present in the food.' in 3. 'drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar' in 4. rhinovirus (cold virus) becomes non-active if meeting acid/low-ph source : 4.1)'Enteroviruses are stable under acid conditions and thus they are able to survive exposure to gastric acid. In contrast, rhinoviruses are acid-labile (inactivated or destroyed by low pH conditions) and that is the reason why rhinovirus infections are restricted to the nose and throat.' in from 'Picornavirus' in from 'rhinoviruses' in from google (cold virus) result 2 from comment from 'arnon jaya' in 4.2)'Our findings confirm that low pH inhibited replication of most HRVs and reduced the replication of influenza virus' in from google (rhinovirus acid) result 3 5)'Vinaigrette – an emulsion of vegetable oil in vinegar, if this is prepared using only oil and vinegar (i.e., without an emulsifier), an unstable emulsion results' in how to drink vinegar-water:find 'how to drink vinegar-' if lemon-water, vinegar-water causes upset-stomach then try find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text 2)lick 'recommended chili-sauce (does not contain potassium which causes bowel-relaxation then causes loose-stool,smooth does not contain undigestible-chili-seed)' in this text 3)eat garlic. allicin inside garlic is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiprotozoal source : 'antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiprotozoal activity.[6] Allicin is garlic's defense mechanism against attacks by pests.[7]' in warning : eating too many garlic cause hemolytic anemia source : 1. 2. 'hemolytic anemia' in from google 'garlic anemia' ( ) allicin kills mycobacteria / tuberculosis bacteria source : 'Allicin-induced MTB 85B suppression' in from google 'allicin mycobacteria' allicin kill bacteria on teeth. 1/2 garlic should kill all pinworm in stomach. allicin in garlic, has antitumor properties source : 'Allicin is an active compound derived from garlic that has been shown to have antitumor properties in vitro.' in from google 'cancer allicin' stale garlic, lack allicin source : 'Aged garlic lacks allicin, but may have some activity due to the presence of S-allylcysteine.' in cooking destroy allicin, garlic helps falling asleep by decreasing blood pressure alleviating stress. source : 1. 'Although allicin is produced when raw garlic is crushed or chewed, much of it is destroyed during cooking. ... More studies conducted since 1990 have demonstrated significant blood pressure lowering effects from dried garlic releasing allicin at 1.8mg per dose.' in from google (garlic blood pressure) result 4 2. 'cooking garlic destroys the garlic's ability to make allicin and makes cooked garlic generally not as beneficial as raw garlic' in from google (cooking destroy allicin) result 5 how to eat garlic : (1) peel garlic-skin (2) thinly-slice garlic-flesh (3) use spoon to stir water-and-sugar-powder inside glass-of-water , make sure that water taste strongly sweet . (4) transfer that sweet-water to cooking-pan (5) transfer thinly-sliced-garlic-flesh to cooking-pan (6) boil that cooking-pan containing thinly-sliced-garlic-flesh and strongly-sweet-water (7) consume that strongly-sweet-garlic-soup , chew each thinly-sliced-garlic-flesh well . (8) warning : urination-frequency maybe increase eating raw garlic may causes loose stool, gassy stomach so try find 'position for eating :' in maybe helpful to remove bad breath from garlic (this method relieve sore throat as well) : insert water into each nostril, using straw. 1. insert a straw into a glass of water 2. close top of straw with finger tip 3. lift straw 4. look toward ceiling, insert straw into 1 nostril 5. remove finger tip from top of straw. water should flow into nose as soon as finger tip is removed from straw. then drink in normal way to boost the cleansing effect on throat. or drink water via nostrils, use a spoon, this method is more difficult [obsolete] 3. eat the sliced garlic as much as stomach can handle, 3. eat the sliced garlic, mixed with meal, chew the sliced garlic, let the allicin odor stays in respiratory area for a while. [/obsolete] [obsolete] 5. if suffering diarrhea then try smear the garlic with sweet soy sauce, maple syrup, honey. [/obsolete] [obsolete] after eating raw garlic, standing and raising heels maybe help farting. [/obsolete] - possible cure for blocked-nose, congested-nose/blocked nose, congested nose: if right-nose is blocked: (right-nose from nose-owner-point-of-view) (1)lay-down in supine-position (2)extend left-arm, rest left-arm on floor-adjacent-to-head, exposing left-arm-pit (3)bend right-leg so right-knee-cap reach highest-position-in-the-air, right-foot touch floor (4)left-gastrocnemius rest on floor and left-gastrocnemius block right-foot-finger so right-foot does not slip-forward on floor. (5)raise then lower right-foot-heel repeatedly, rapidly. and right-foot-finger touch floor all the time (6)after a while block-nose should feel unblocked. do the opposite for left-nose. if left-nose is blocked: (left-nose from nose-owner-point-of-view) (1)lay-down in supine-position (2)extend right-arm, rest right-arm on floor-adjacent-to-head, exposing right-arm-pit (3)bend left-leg so left-knee-cap reach highest-position-in-the-air, left-foot touch floor (4)right-gastrocnemius rest on floor and right-gastrocnemius block left-foot-finger so left-foot does not slip-forward on floor. (5)raise then lower left-foot-heel repeatedly, rapidly. and left-foot-finger touch floor all the time (6)after a while block-nose should feel unblocked. if that fail then try: (1)drink water-mixed-with-vinegar because maybe vinegar decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) histamine : find 'drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar'. histamine block nose. (2)find 'how to eat garlic :' in this text, guaranteed to unblock nose but has loose-stool-risk. if sneezing repeatedly then ejecting nose-histamine maybe reduce sneezing, to eject nose-histamine: (1)squat inside bath-tub in-front-of-faucet (best for preventing hernia), or stand-with-both-heel-raised in-front-of hand-washing-basin-sink (2)push nose-left-skin and exhale to eject right-nose-histamine. push nose-right-skin and exhale to eject left-nose-histamine. raising both-heel during step (2) reduce hernia-risk. - how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney, decrease iop (intraocular pressure), cure glaucoma any of these may work : 1. drink water-mixed-with-powder-sugar . water-mixed-with-powder-sugar help falling asleep 2. eat food contain potassium. if eating food which contain potassium causes loose stool then find '25. if eating food which contains' in food contain potassium : beet green 37%/1 cup 1308.96 mg swiss chard 27%/1 cup 960.75 mg potato 26%/1 cup 173 g soybean(tofu) 25%/1 cup 172 g spinach 24%/1 cup 838.80 mg bok choy 18%/1 cup 630.70 mg beets 15%/1 cup 518.50 mg brussel sprout 14%/1 cup 494.52 mg broccoli 13%/1 cup 457.08 mg tomato 12%/1 cup 426.6 mg cantaloupe 12%/1 cup 427.2 mg avocado 21%/1 cup 727.5 mg papaya 14%/1 medium 502.32 mg (may induce bowel movement) banana 12%/1 medium 422.44 mg (may induce bowel movement) source : 1. from google (whfoods potassium) result 1 2. 'Diets high in potassium are associated with improved blood pressure control. There are several mechanisms contributing to this beneficial effect, including improved kidney function, reduction in blood clotting, and more efficient opening of blood vessels', 'diets rich in potassium have been associated with a reduction in kidney stone risk. This is thought to be because the naturally occurring potassium salts in plant foods help to neutralize acidity in the blood stream. This prevents leeching of calcium from the bones to buffer the acid, which in turn reduces urine calcium, preventing its deposition in the form of a stone' in from google (whfoods potassium) 3. 'It helps to lower blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of salt' in from google (potassium blood pressure) result 2 4. 'If you consume too much sodium, which is common if you eat a lot of processed foods, you'll have an increased need for potassium' in 5. 'A high salt intake has been shown to increase the amount of protein in the urine which is a major risk factor for the decline of kidney function' in from google (sodium kidney) result 2 3. eat apple because apple contains phlorizin which likes gliflozin block 'sodium-dependent glucose transport proteins' source : 1. 'sodium-dependent glucose transport proteins' in 2. find 'unripe apple contains phlorizin which block' in this text maybe phlorizin in apple, remove sodium. 4. find 'possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' in this text. because 'The two main causes of chronic kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure' in from google (Chronic kidney disease) result 1 from 'chronic kidney disease' in from google (kidney failure) result 5 [obsolete] [reason]eating garlic causes loose stool[/reason] 3. eat raw garlic. find 'garlic helps falling asleep by decreasing blood pressure' in this text [/obsolete] if suffering stomach gas then tips maybe helpful - natural worm medicine (anthelmintics) : 1. papaya, pineapple, fig, but they are procoagulant creating cancer. so papaya, pineapple, fig cause cancer. source : 1. 'Plant cysteine proteinases, from the fruits or latex of plants such as papaya, pineapple and fig, have high proteolytic activities that are known to digest nematode cuticles, have low toxicity and have been used in traditional medicines against gastrointestinal nematodes for decades.' in ( ) from reference [7] from 'cysteine protease enzyme' in from google 'procoagulant' from 'cancer (also procoagulant)' in 2. 'activation of factor X, one of the coagulation factors' in 2. birch fungus source : 'Piptoporus betulinus has anti-inflammatory compounds[10] [11] and antibacterial properties.[12] Polyporenic acid found in the fruit body of the fungus, is poisonous to the parasitic whipworm Trichuris trichura.[1]' in from 'birch fungus' in - avoid canned food. the can in canned food contains bpa or unknown substitute source : 'The chemical industry over time responded to criticism of BPA by promoting "BPA-free" products. For example, in 2010, General Mills announced it had found a "BPA-free alternative" can liner that works with tomatoes. It said it would begin using the BPA-free alternative in tomato products sold by its organic foods subsidiary Muir Glen with that year's tomato harvest.[306] As of 2014, General Mills has refused to state which alternative chemical it uses, and whether it uses it on any of its other canned products.[307]' in from google 'canned beans chemical' - avoid raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish, tea, coffee, betel-nut. raw-shellfish/raw-oyster, raw-freshwater-fish, tea, coffee, betel-nut,decrease vitamin-b1 source : 'The presence of anti-thiamin factors (ATF) in foods also contributes to the risk of thiamin deficiency. Certain plants contain ATF, which react with thiamin to form an oxidized, inactive product. Consuming large amounts of tea and coffee (including decaffeinated), as well as chewing tea leaves and betel nuts, have been associated with thiamin depletion in humans due to the presence of ATF (26, 27). ATF include mycotoxins (molds) and thiaminases that break down thiamin in food. Individuals who habitually eat certain raw, fresh-water fish; raw shellfish; and ferns are at higher risk of thiamin deficiency because these foods contain thiaminase that normally is inactivated by heat in cooking (1). In Nigeria, an acute neurologic syndrome (seasonal ataxia) has been associated with thiamin deficiency precipitated by a thiaminase in African silkworms, a traditional, high-protein food for some Nigerians (28).' in from 'A lack of thiamine can be caused by malnutrition, a diet high in thiaminase-rich foods (raw freshwater fish, raw shellfish, ferns) and/or foods high in anti-thiamine factors (tea, coffee, betel nuts)[25] and by grossly impaired nutritional status associated with chronic diseases, such as alcoholism, gastrointestinal diseases, HIV-AIDS, and persistent vomiting.[26] It is thought that many people with diabetes have a deficiency of thiamine and that this may be linked to some of the complications that can occur.[27][28] Well-known syndromes caused by thiamine deficiency include beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and optic neuropathy.' in cooked shellfish, cooked freshwater fish can be eaten. lacking vitamin b1 can trigger korsakoff-psychosis, etc info : find '-thiamine/vitamin b1 daily value----------' in this text [obsolete] [reason] can not find reference, i don't know why i wrote this [/reason] lack of vitamin b1 triggers diarrhea, alzheimer, optic neuropathy, beriberi [/obsolete] vitamin b1 prevent paralysis 'thiamine deficiency has been identified as the cause of a paralytic disease affecting wild birds in the Baltic Sea area dating back to 1982.[46] In this condition, there is difficulty in keeping the wings folded along the side of the body when resting, loss of the ability to fly and voice, with eventual paralysis of the wings and legs and death.' in vitamin b1 fight hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) source : 'Correction of thiamine deficiency in experimental diabetes by high dose therapy with thiamine and the thiamine monophosphate prodrug, Benfotiamine, restores disposal of triosephosphates by the reductive pentosephosphate pathway in hyperglycemia.' in from google 'b1 diabetes' ( ) lacking vitamin b1 trigger anorexia source : 'Thiamine deficiency induces anorexia by inhibiting hypothalamic AMPK.' in from google 'psychosis b1' search result number 3 ( ) - coffee cons : 1. 'Caffeine increases intraocular pressure in those with glaucoma but does not appear to affect normal individuals.[60]' in 2. caffeine increase blood pressure source : 'Caffeine can cause a short, but dramatic increase in your blood pressure, even if you don't have high blood pressure.' in 3. Caffeine causes vasoconstriction in artery therefore causes supraventricular tachycardia heart disease. supraventricular tachycardia heart disease can cause anxiety, panic attack doing physical exercise can not cure supraventricular tachycardia heart disease info : find 'caffeine, smoking narrow the artery' in this text 4. coffee decrease vitamin b1 source : 'A lack of thiamine can be caused by malnutrition, a diet high in thiaminase-rich foods (raw freshwater fish, raw shellfish, ferns) and/or foods high in anti-thiamine factors (tea, coffee, betel nuts)[25] ' in 5. addiction source : 'Mild physical dependence can occur with chronic caffeine use and is associated with withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and irritability.[1][15]' in 6. coffee stimulate stomach acid / gastric acid production. source : 1. from 2. 'They say their research shows, for the first time, that caffeine, catechols, and chemical-substances called N-alkanoly-5-hydroxtryptamides stimulate molecular mechanisms of stomach acid secretion in human stomach cells.' in from google 'coffee gastric acid' result 7, 1 7. coffee stimulate cortisol production (stress hormones) cortisol can trigger insulin resistance / diabetes type 2, more info : find 'Studies show that high levels of cortisol within' in this text source : 'Caffeine increases cortisol secretion in people at rest or undergoing mental stress' in ( ) from 'cortisol' in ( ) from google 'coffee gastric acid' result 1 coffee contain tannins which trigger stomach upset info : find 'tannins' in this text 8. coffee stimulate adrenal gland (part of kidney) to enter fight-or-flight mode (stress) producing adrenaline. without coffee, adrenaline is produced when a person enter fight-or-flight mode. fight-or-flight mode is the opposite of rest-and-digest mode. stimulating adrenal gland (suffering fight-or-flight mode) too often causes adrenal fatigue causes fatigue, body aches, unexplained weight loss, low blood pressure, lightheadedness, loss of body hair, skin darkening (hyperpigmentation), salt and sugar craving. stress may cause frequent urination. more info : find 'fight-or-flight' in this text source : 1. 'epinephrine' in from google 'coffee gastric acid' result 1 2. 'rest and digest' in from google 'digestion body position' result 2 3. 'The adrenals are small but mighty glands, which sit on top of the kidneys. Their function is to release hormones that trigger the fight-or-flight response when we’re confronted with stressors. When adrenaline floods our bodies, our muscles contract and our heart rate quickens. Basically, the body is put on alert and is made ready for action. Here’s the problem. Coffee stimulates the adrenal glands, which means that every time you drink coffee, you’re activating the body’s fight-or-flight response. But, instead of releasing adrenaline so the body can react to a true stressor, the adrenals are releasing this hormone in response to your coffee consumption.' in from google (coffee stimulate adrenal gland) result 1 4. Fatigue Body aches Unexplained weight loss Low blood pressure Lightheadedness Loss of body hair Skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation) in from google (adrenal fatigue) result 1 5. 'Symptoms said to be due to adrenal fatigue include tiredness, trouble falling asleep at night or waking up in the morning, salt and sugar craving, and needing stimulants like caffeine to get through the day' in 9. 'Large amounts of caffeine may stop the absorption of calcium and lead to thinning bones (osteoporosis)', 'Caffeine may lead to painful, lumpy breasts (fibrocystic disease)' in ( ) from reference [49] in 'In postmenopausal women, high caffeine consumption can accelerate bone loss.[49][50]' in from google 'caffeine wiki' result 1 9. teeth with coffee stain, tea stain likely will need to be cleaned with ultrasonic scaler : from youtube search (ultrasonic scaler) result 15 from video title 'What does Ultrasonic scaler do' from youtube search (dental cleaning plaque) page 3 last result - tea tree oil, lavender, may cause gynecomastia source : google 'tea tree oil gynecomastia' - [obsolete] [reason] this is alfalfa sprout which is different from bean sprout (mung bean sprout). [/reason] avoid bean sprout because bean sprout contains [/obsolete] avoid alfalfa sprout (not mung bean sprout, not bean sprout) because alfalfa sprout contains L-canavanine. L-canavanine triggers lupus and auto immune disease source : 'Alfalfa seeds and sprouts contain L-canavanine. The L-canavanine in alfalfa has been linked to lupus-like symptoms in primates, including humans, and other auto-immune diseases. Often stopping consumption reverses the problem.[7][8][9]' in alfalfa causes autoimmune disease like lupus, makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight. 1. 'Alfalfa seems to prevent cholesterol absorption in the gut' 2. '“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Alfalfa might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. There are two case reports of SLE patients experiencing disease flare after taking alfalfa seed products long-term. If you have an auto-immune condition, it’s best to avoid using alfalfa until more is known' 3. 'Alfalfa leaves are POSSIBLY SAFE for most adults. However, taking alfalfa seeds long-term is LIKELY UNSAFE. Alfalfa seed products may cause reactions that are similar to the autoimmune disease called lupus erythematosus.' 4. 'Alfalfa might also cause some people's skin to become extra sensitive to the sun. Wear sunblock outside, especially if you are light-skinned.' in from reference of 'Alfalfa might also cause some people's skin to become extra sensitive to the sun.[114]' in picture for alfalfa sprout : google-image (alfalfa sprout) alfalfa leafs : google-image (alfalfa leaves) alfalfa seeds : google-image (alfalfa seed) bean sprout is mung bean sprout, different from alfalfa sprout. mung bean sprout is made from mung bean being sprouted. mung bean in indo/malay is 'es kacang hijau'. mung bean is healthy, contains folate 156% gram daily value per 100 gram mung bean sprout contains folate 15% gram daily value per 100 gram. source : from 'mung bean' in - orange fruit can cause upset stomach but citric acid in citrus fruit, help digest bone from chicken meat. what neutralise gastric acid : 1. calcium (bone from chicken meat, eggshells) source : 'Calcium carbonate neutralizes stomach acid, which is primarily hydrochloric acid, by reacting with it to form carbon dioxide, calcium chloride and water. As water forms, the number of free hydrogen ions in the stomach decreases, creating a less acidic environment. The digestive tract eliminates the carbon dioxide as a gas. The body stores calcium chloride in bones and teeth and eliminates any that it does not need.' in from google 'calcium neutralise gastric acid' result 2 calcium carbonate is being sold as 'gaviscon' brand negative side effect : - next time gastric acid can return stronger source : 'If you drink milk that isn't skimmed, it's got lots and lots of fat in it. Having lots of fat isn't good for you because of the calories, but also because it furs up your blood vessels. Milk is also very rich in calcium which, in people who are prone to stones, can deposit in the kidney and cause kidney stones. And the other side effect of milk that not many people know, is if you have irritation to the stomach lining and you're at risk of getting stomach ulcers, calcium is used as a co-signal by the wall of the stomach to produce acid. If you have calcium levels in the blood going up, you make more acid. Some people think when they have a dodgy stomach that drinking milk will settle it. When you first do that your stomach feels happier because you've given the acid something to eat other than the wall of your stomach. But then the calcium is absorbed and goes into the blood stream and increases the amount of acid your stomach makes, causing a vicious cycle.' in from google 'calcium gastric acid' result 3 calcium carbonate is sold as brand 'gaviscon' 2. sodium bicarbonate source : 'neutral' in from google 'gastric acid' result 1 citrus fruits like orange fruit is acidic, stimulating gastric acid production source : ( ) from google 'make stomach acid' result 1 - calcium for lactose intolerant person : 1. avoid vinegar because vinegar trigger osteoporosis source : 1. 'Long-term heavy vinegar ingestion has one recorded case of possibly causing hypokalemia, hyperreninemia, and osteoporosis.[50]' in 2. 'Because pearls are made primarily of calcium carbonate, they can be dissolved in vinegar. Calcium carbonate is susceptible to even a weak acid solution because the crystals of calcium carbonate react with the acetic acid in the vinegar to form calcium acetate and carbon dioxide.' in 2. avoid excessive salt because excessive salt trigger osteoporosis source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' 3. avoid caffeine find '- coffee cons :' in this text see cons number 8 4. eat peanut .25 cup (36.5 gram) = 3% daily value eat almond .25 cup (23 gram) = 6% daily value source : 1. 'calcium' in from google 'whfoods peanut' result 2 2. 'calcium' in from google 'whfoods almond' result 2 but peanut maybe trigger stomach gas, increase frequency of pooping info : find 'peanut' in other non-dairy foods for bone : find '- food for bone :' in this text some foods are non-dairy there. 5. some food contain calcium unexpectedly : 6. eat food rich in vitamin k to : 6.1 prevent calcium in unwanted place, example : - teratoma source : - spinal stenosis, lumbar spinal stenosis source : google (calcified deposit pinched nerve spine) - bone spur source : google (donald trump military draft) - osteoarthritis source : 'Osteoarthritis does not cause bone loss or fractures. On the contrary, it is associated with increased bone density and abnormal growths (osteophytes) due to the deficiency in bone resorption.' in ( ) from google (Bouchard's nodes calcific spur) result 6 from 'calcific spur' in's_nodes from 'Bouchard's nodes' in from google (osteoarthritis wiki) result 1 - calcification in artery source : 1. 1.1 'calcification' in from 'the calcification-inhibiting matrix Gla protein (MGP)' in 1.2. 'calcification of arteries and other soft tissues.' in 2. 2.1 'Vitamin K is the "calcium police," meaning K directs the body to use calcium appropriately, which, for the most part, is to build sturdy bones and teeth' 2.2. 'When K is "missing at work," the body starts putting calcium in all kinds of bizarre places it shouldn't be like: Plaque in the arteries of the heart Bone spurs Kidney or liver stones OR Tartar in the teeth!' in ( ) from google (loose teeth vitamin k) result 1 - calcification in pancreas due to chronic pancreatitis, it is possible to suffer chronic pancreatitis without suffering upper abdominal pain, causing diabetes type 1 source : 1. 'Most individuals with chronic pancreatitis experience upper abdominal pain, although some have no pain at all.' in from google (chronic pancreatitis without pain) result 3 2. 'Chronic pancreatitis can also lead to diabetes mellitus and pancreatic calcification, in which small, hard calcium deposits develop in the pancreas.' in from google (calcified pancreas) result 8 - calcification in brain impairing motor function, vision. causing seizure, difficulty swallowing, dementia source : 1. 'inherited neurological disorder characterized by abnormal deposits of calcium in areas of the brain that control movement.' in's_syndrome#Causes from google (calcified brain) result 7 2. 'Fahr's Syndrome is a rare, genetically dominant, inherited neurological disorder characterized by abnormal deposits of calcium in areas of the brain that control movement, including the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex. Symptoms of the disorder may include deterioration of motor function, dementia, seizures, headache, dysarthria (poorly articulated speech),spasticity (stiffness of the limbs) and spastic paralysis, eye impairments, and athetosis (involuntary, writhing movements). Fahr's Syndrome can also include symptoms characteristic of Parkinson's disease such as tremors, muscle rigidity, a mask-like facial appearance, shuffling gait, and a "pill-rolling" motion of the fingers. These symptoms generally occur later in the development of the disease. More common symptoms include dystonia (disordered muscle tone) and chorea (involuntary, rapid, jerky movements). Age of onset is typically in the 40s or 50s, although it can occur at any time in childhood or adolescence.' in from google (fahr's syndrome) result 1 3. 'Basal ganglia calcification is a very rare condition that happens when calcium builds up in your brain, usually in the basal ganglia, the part of your brain that helps control movement. Other parts of your brain can be affected as well.' 'This can also be called familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification or primary familial brain calcification, and it used to be called Fahr’s disease or Fahr’s syndrome.' 'You're most likely to get basal ganglia calcification between the ages of 30 and 60, though it can happen any time. Most people who develop it are in good health before they find out they have it.' 'Calcium build-up in your basal ganglia can also happen because of infection, problems with your parathyroid gland, and for other reasons. When it happens this way, it is also known as basal ganglia calcification, but is different from the genetic form of the disease.' 'Movement symptoms: Clumsiness, Walking unsteadily, Talking more slowly than usual, or slurring your words, Difficulty swallowing, Involuntary movement of arms or legs, Cramped muscles, Stiff arms and legs (called spasticity), Tremors, muscle stiffness, lack of facial expression' 'Psychiatric symptoms: Poor concentration, Lapses in memory, Mood changes, Psychosis, or being out of touch with reality, Dementia' 'Other symptoms: Tiredness, Migraines, Seizures, Vertigo, or dizziness, Not being able to control when you urinate (called urinary incontinence), Impotence' 'Imaging tests like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-rays might show if there’s any calcium build-up in your brain. A CT scan, which combines many X-rays to make detailed pictures of parts of your body, is the most common imaging test used.' in from google (fahr's syndrome) result 2 but xray test can be false info : 1. find 'angiogram result is good but heart still does not work fully' in this text 2.'This is traditionally done by injecting a radio-opaque contrast agent into the blood vessel and imaging using X-ray based techniques such as fluoroscopy.' in - paresthesia caused by unwanted bone growth which pinch nerve source : 'Bone spurs. Trauma or a condition that causes bone thickening, such as osteoarthritis, can cause bone spurs. Bone spurs can stiffen the spine as well as narrow the space where your nerves travel, pinching nerves', 'paresthesia' in from google (paresthesia mayo clinic) result 2 6.2 vitamin k1 or k2 helps bone formation. vitamin k1 converts to k2 in intestine, peripheral tissue source : 1. 'vitamin K2 also enhances osteocalcin accumulation' in from google (vitamin k osteoporosis) result 3 2. 2.1 'In 1998, researchers confirmed that K1 is metabolized into K2 and that metabolism had nothing to do with intestinal bacteria. Sterile mice metabolized ingested K1 into K2' 2.2 'In 2006, researchers confirmed this conversion takes place in humans' 2.3 'There appears to be two sites of conversion of K1 to K2, one in the intestine and another in peripheral tissues' in from google (vitamin k1 to k2 conversion) result 1 tips about eating food rich in vitamin k : find '- about vitamin k, a' in this text 7. eat skin from orange fruit, that skin contain calcium info : find '- orange fruit skin' [obsolete] [reason] eggshell may cause constipation. excessive calcium may : - create kidney stone source : - create calcification in the brain which impair the ability to walk find '- calcification in brain impairing motor function, vision' in this text. - coagulate/clot blood more easily source : 'calcium was essential in coagulation.[17][18]' in food contain vitamin k coagulate blood as well without the risk of calcification. - cause deep vein thrombosis (dvt blood clotting/coagulation) if the eater does not do physical exercise source : 1. 'During exercise, your muscles need oxygen to break down fats and carbohydrates for energy. To make room for fresh oxygen, the muscles release byproducts such as adenosine and carbon dioxide, which prompt the blood vessels in that area to dilate or expand, a process called vasodilation' in from google (physical exercise vasodilation) result 1 from 2. 'As muscles begin exercising, the arterioles serving the muscle dilate to provide more blood flow. By itself, this vasodilation would lower the total peripheral resistance and thus mean arterial pressure. However, arterial pressure does not decrease because other parts of the cardiovascular system are adjusted to support the increased blood flow to the muscles' in from google (physical exercise vasodilation) result 2 3. 'muscle work' in from 'if adequate compensatory pulmonary vasodilation does not occur' in from 'fat embolism' in from 'embolus' in from 'blood clot', 'embolization' in from google (deep vein thrombosis wiki) result 1 - short stature decrease risk of 'venous insufficiency' info : find 'venous insufficiency' in this text - gibbon can walk without dairy calcium intake, seem does not eat eggshell source : - yanomami tribe, other uncontacted tribe sometimes eat the bone of dead person (endocannicablism), seem does not eat, drink dairy source : google (sanema women dairy) from 'yanomami' in google (sanema women dairy) but endocannicablism happen only when someone died, so their calcium intake rarely happen. - native american does not eat, drink dairy, eat egg but seem does not eat eggshell source : 1. 'But the take home point here for modern day Paleo Dieters is that these people were healthy, strong and tall of stature without dairy foods of any kind in their diet' in 'Sources of Fat for the American Indian' in from google (native indian eat egg) result 6 2. google (native indian calcium) 3. find 'native american did not have milk, diabetes type 1' in this text - doing weight-bearing exercise, fight osteoporosis - hard eggshell powder can enter appendix causes appendicitis then requring appendictomy surgery. rafael nadal a pro tennis player suffered appendicitis. - tap water maybe already contain calcium source : 'Hard Water Hardness Calcium Magnesium Water Corrosion Mineral Scale. Water described as "hard" is high in dissolved minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium. Hard water is not a health risk' in from google (calcium hard water) result 1 [/reason] 8. eat eggshell, bone from rotiserie-chicken, cartilage from rotiserie-chicken. bone, cartilage from rotiserie-chicken taste better than eggshell. method eating eggshell, bone, cartilage which should work : option 1 steps : [obsolete] 1. eat sour fruit (example : sour apple) [/obsolete] 1. optional : drink water from crushed lemon or crushed orange or eat squeeze orange fruit with its skin info : find '- orange fruit skin' 2. eat eggshell, bone cartilage. bite and chew bone cartilage using premolar and molar teeth, not front teeth location of premolar and molar teeth : ( ) from google image 'teeth names' example : 1. leopard chew bone : 2. hyena chew bone : 2 edges of a chicken thigh from rotiserie chicken is rather soft, and can be bitten and chewed. 3. go to step 1 step 1 and 2 can be reversed to do step 2 then do step 1 then do step 3 the goal is to have juice from orange fruits digest bone, eggshell info : find 'what neutralise gastric acid :' apple alone destroy teeth but apple with eggshell, bone, cartilage should not destroy teeth because calcium from eggshell, bone, cartilage should neutralise mallic acid from apple. source : 1. 'One suggestion is to eat your apple with milk or a piece of cheese as both contain calcium, which neutralises acid. Drinking water immediately after eating an apple will also help, washing away harmful effects.' in 2. 'find 'apple destroy teeth' in this text juice from lemon, orange fruits should stimulate stomach acid source : from google 'make stomach acid' result 1 example edible bone from rotiserie chicken is the edge of the chicken thigh bone. the edge of chicken thigh from rotiserie chicken is rather soft, and can be bitten. if diarrhea occur then see [obsolete] 1. eat vegetarian meal, mixed with eggshells, eggshells mixed with eggs fried rice should be fine. [/obsolete] [obsolete] 1. eat soluble fiber food which has no protein then eat some eggshells then eat soluble fiber food which has no protein then eat some eggshells then repeat. separate the eating process, do not eat eggshell together with soluble fiber food which has no protein. if the food is eggs fried rice then maybe that is fine, maybe not fine. if the food is peanut (honey roasted peanut ) then that will cause stomach upset usually. peanut, honey roasted peanut is not fine. maybe inner egg in egg fried rice contain sauce, sauce make that possible. these fruits should be fine : pear, apple pick sour fruits, not sweet fruits. sourness of the fruit, help digest eggshell. sourness of apple comes from mallic acid. [obsolete]banana[/obsolete] so eat a chunk of banana then eat some eggshells then eat a chunk of banana then eat some eggshells then repeat. [obsolete] carrot should be fine. [/obsolete] avoid alternating eating eggshell with eating carrot. because carrot is insoluble fiber which hold stool, and that will cause constipation. eating the eggshell should happen in between eating food which has no protein. and the eggshell should be eaten little by little alternated with eating food which has no protein, if too much eggshell is eaten at once in between eating food which has no protein then big stomach gas likely will be produced. tips for farting without anal leakage : find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text [/obsolete] [obsolete] [reason] peanut should be eaten with food rich in carbohydrate to help insulin production, info : find 'peanut' [/reason] after finish eating eggshells, [/obsolete] eating food rich in magnesium such as peanut is recommended. why ? magnesium deficiency, create osteoporosis. source : 'This study just confirms that magnesium deficiency causes osteoporosis. Here’s what happens – when you have heart disease you take medications and those meds cause magnesium deficiency. When you are magnesium-deficient, you develop osteoporosis.' in ( ) from google 'heart disease osteoporosis' peanut contain magnesium. 2 tablespoons peanut butter = 12 % daily value source : 'peanut' in from google 'magnesium' result 1 .25 cup peanut = 15 % daily value source : 'magnesium' in from google 'whfood peanut' result 2 [obsolete] [reason] missread, peanut doesnt exist in whfoods-magnesium [/reason] 'magnesium' in other food contain magnesium : google 'whfoods magnesium' search result number 1 [/obsolete] 2. drinking should be fine. [obsolete] 3. stomach should feel full now, because eggshells mixed with fried rice should make stomach feel full quickly. [/obsolete] 3. can resume eating vegetarian meal. can resume eating meat, inner egg. option 2 eating eggshells mixed with sauce, meat, carbohydrate maybe possible. avoid eating eggshells alone by itself. [obsolete] the goal is to make stomach recognise eggshell as a food. [/obsolete] option 3 works for monitor lizard (maybe human can not do this): if mixing eggshell with egg, sauce, create diarrhea then maybe there's egg allergy. desire to fart may happen during eating/digesting eggshell. tips for farting without anal leakage : find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text if there's a digestion problem during sleeping then try sleep in prone position. more info : find 'prone' if big amount of eggshell is eaten alone then bigger stomach gass may be produced. [obsolete] if the eggshell is eaten little by little mixed with meal then small stomach gass may be produced, and can be more tolerated. [/obsolete] the eggshell shoule be eaten little by little alternated with food contain no protein so smaller stomach gass may be produced, and can be more tolerated. avoid eating eggshell with meat, with inner egg. because digesting eggshell needs lots of gastric acid. source : ( ) from google 'eggshell stomach acid' eating eggshell mixed with meat, or with inner egg, may cause stomach gass, anal leakage, diarrhea. digesting vegetarian meal need a little gastric acid because vegetarian meal contain only a little protein. digesting protein need gastric acid source : 'protein' in meat contains lots of protein. warning : eggshell from 1 egg, contain 2 gram calcium, equivalent to drinking 1/2 gallon milk, combination of cholesterol and calcium can create arterial plaque, vitamin e is natural anticoagulant, should decrease arterial plaque. source : 1. 'Cholesterol can combine with fat, calcium, and other substances in the blood to form plaque' in ( ) from google 'arterial plaque' 2. ' an average egg-shell contains more than 2 grams = 2000 mg of pure Calcium, equivalent to half-a-gallon of milk' in 3. ' A single eggshell has a mass of six grams which yields around 2200 mg of calcium.[6]' in from google 'UPenn eggshell 2 gram calcium' search result number 3 4. coagulation, plaque creation, depends on calcium source : 'calcium was essential in coagulation.[17][18]' in 3. maybe powder from pulverised chicken bone, is digestible because dog can digest bone powder. how dog get calcium : 'What you could do to increase your dog's calcium intake is to grind some bones and add the powder on the food that you give your pet. Make sure the bone powder is fine to avoid bone splinters from causing complications. Cook the bones first, because cooked bones are easier to grind than raw bones.' in from google 'dog calcium' replace eggshell with bone powder, maybe also digestible [obsolete] steps : 1. eat vegetarian meal, eggs fried rice seems fine 2. drink 3. eat eggshell 4. avoid drinking / eating anything for a while until feeling hungry again, or until gastric acid is reproduced. this produce bigger stomach gass, but not anal leakage. eating eggshell alone, moutful, produce bigger stomach gass [/obsolete] [obsolete] i enclosed the following with -obsolete- symbol for now because sometimes eating eggshell with meat may cause stomach pain then diarrhea. current method about eating eggshell is unreliable. eat eggshell in the end of a meal, like a dessert, no drink afterward. steps : 1. minced the boiled egg. 1. sprinkle salty-water to the minced egg 2. eat the minced egg 3. drink 4. wait 1 minute 5. eat eggshell, unsalted so that the eggshell doesn't cause thirst after eating eggshell. eating salty food will cause thirst. get separate plate for the salted minced egg, and for the unsalted eggshell. 6. avoid drinking / eating anything for a while until feeling hungry again, or until stomach acid is reproduced. avoid eating banana prior eating eggshell. eating banana prior eating eggshell, may cause diarrhea. eating apple, prior eating eggshell, seems fine. if needing to eat banana to get potassium / electrolyte for energy then avoid eating eggshell for today. [/obsolete] [obsolete]lick salt then eat eggshell. avoid drinking after eating eggshell. so drink first then eat eggshell. because eggshell may neutralise stomach acid. after eating eggshell, do not eat/drink until feeling hungry again, until stomach acid is reproduced. [/obsolete] [obsolete] how to eat eggshell : lick salt then eat eggshell in the beginning of a meal, as a meal opener. after eating eggshell then lick salt. after finished eating eggshell then lick salt again then eat the egg or whatever meal. avoid drinking after eating eggshell. drinking water will dilute stomach acid. lick salt whenever desired, to make gastric acid, making stomach stays ready for digesting meal. [/obsolete] eggshell contains calcium source : google 'eggshell calcium' if eating animal protein then eating calcium is important. eating more animal protein, demand eating more calcium to prevent osteoporosis. source : 1. 'The loss of bone mineral probably results from a combination of genetics and dietary and lifestyle factors, particularly the intake of animal protein, salt, and possibly caffeine, along with tobacco use, physical inactivity, and lack of sun exposure.', 'Animal protein tends to leach calcium from the bones, leading to its excretion in the urine. Animal proteins are high in sulfur-containing amino acids, especially cystine and methionine. Sulfur is converted to sulfate, which tends to acidify the blood. During the process of neutralizing this acid, bone dissolves into the bloodstream and filters through the kidneys into the urine. Meats and eggs contain two to five times more of these sulfur-containing amino acids than are found in plant foods.3' in ( ) 2. 'ratio' in if suffering lactose intolerance and eating dairy then neck pain likely happens, neck can become painful after a night sleep usually. in addition to stomach ache. source : the stress on teeth while chewing eggshell, may stimulate osteoblast / bone growth. bone do osteoclast when not receiving stress. source : 1. 'it grows more dense in areas experiencing high stress, while resorbing density in areas experiencing low stress' in 2. 'Bed rest is a recognized model for muscle atrophy and bone loss in space flight and in clinical medicine' in ( ) 3. [/obsolete] - possible cure for myopia : chicken liver, beef liver, vitamin b1 warning, liver may cause hypervitaminosis A, the amount of liver eaten, must be measured so vitamin A daily value is not exceed. why liver may cure myopia ? - chicken liver contains a little bit of zinc (1.75 mg zinc, aka 15 % daily value) and excessive dosage vitamin A (5,864 IU), source : 1. '1 chicken liver contains 1.75 milligrams zinc. males need 11 milligrams zinc each day. females need 8 milligrams zinc each day.' in from google 'chicken liver whfoods' 2. vitamin A in chicken liver : 'The same chicken liver contains 5,864 international units of vitamin A' 1 chicken liver = 5,864 IU of vitamin A vitamin A daily value requirement : - men 3,000 IU - women 2,300 IU - pregnant women aged 19 years old and older 2,600 IU - lactating women aged 19 years old and older 4,300 IU source : so : [obsolete] safe chicken liver portion for : - men -> 1/2 chicken liver (2,932 IU), max limit 3,000 IU. - women -> 1/4 chicken liver (1,466 IU), max limit 2,300 IU. - pregnant women aged >= 19 -> 1/4 chicken liver (1,466 IU) max limit 2,600 IU - lactating women aged >= 19 -> 1/2 chicken liver (2,932 IU) max limit 4,300 IU [/obsolete] - tiger must have been eating the liver of the victim, tiger has binocular eyesight, can see in the dark. safe chicken liver portion : eating 2 livers 2 times, in non-consecutive-day, in 1 week, likely won't cause hypervitaminosis A source : 'Eating liver once or twice per week is a great dietary strategy for those looking to reduce and even eliminate stubborn acne.' in ( ) 28 gram cooked chicken liver = 75 % vitamin A daily value source : from google 'chicken liver nutrition fact' 1 cooked chicken liver usually weighs 28 gram. cholesterol in 1 chicken liver = 248 milligrams of cholesterol maximum cholesterol limit for 1 day = 300 milligrams of cholesterol source : '300' in doing physical exercise reduce cholesterol source : 'exercise' in - 1 beef liver contains 131 % daily value zinc and 4098 % daily value vitamin A source : 1. vitamin A inside beef liver : 4098 % daily value for beef liver with weight 288.42 gram in from google 'whfoods liver' 2. zinc inside beef liver : 131 % daily value for beef liver with weight 288.42 gram in from google 'whfoods liver' beef liver : beef liver contains lots of zinc (14.44 mg, 131 % daily value), not chicken liver > chicken liver (1.75 mg zinc, aka 15 % daily value) but 288.42 gram weight of beef liver = 4098 % daily value vitamin A getting lots of zinc from beef liver, and maintaining safe dosage vitamin A, is impossible. liver may cause 'hypervitaminosis A' - liver is not veggies, meaning 0% phytate, phytate decrease zinc absorption in intestine eat the liver with salt, alone, but excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' [obsolete] [reason]to gather zinc, already obsolete[/reason] find 'to gather zinc' in this text, for more info. why zinc necessary for eyes ? 1. zinc relates to myopia source : 'Some tests have revealed that myopia in some animals can be improved with eye drops containing zinc, by increasing the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD).[8]' in 2. find 'vitamin a absorption' in this text [/obsolete] recommended cooking method for liver : slice the liver thinly then boil those thin livers (shabu shabu / chankonabe cooking style) why ? find 'why boiling meat / shabu2 / chankonabe cooking style' in this text, scoop thin livers out of boiling water, eat thin liver with tomato fruit or other sour fruit as gastric acid to help digest thin liver. [obsolete] sprinkle salt on thin livers, eat those thin livers. why with salt only ? find 'to gather zinc' in this text. [/obsolete] excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' liver storing tips : each liver should be wrapped in a plastic, then each liver should be stored in freezer. the liver can be boiled without thawing first, to be eaten. symtomps of hypervitaminosis A : (source : ) Abnormal softening of the skull bone (craniotabes-infants and children) [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Blurred vision [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Bone pain or swelling [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Bulging of the soft spot in an infant's skull (fontanelle) [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Changes in consciousness [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Decreased appetite [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Dizziness [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Double vision (young children) [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Drowsiness [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Headache [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Gastric mucosal calcinosis[2] Heart valve calcification[3] Hypercalcemia Increased intracranial pressure[4] (may be referred to as Idiopathic intracranial hypertension) Irritability [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Liver damage[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] Nausea [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Poor weight gain (infants and children) [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Skin changes, such as cracking at corners of the mouth, higher sensitivity to sunlight, oily skin, peeling, itching, and yellow color to the skin [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Cracking at corners of the mouth hair loss and oily hair. [source: -> click 'click to keep reading' from google ( hypervitaminosis a hair ) result 8 from 'Patti Marie McClure' 1 month ago comment 'Looking forward to Fitness Fridays. I have suffered my own ups and downs this year and I look to the gym which helps tremendously. Music is great therapy as well. I can get lost in my music. Be sure you are getting plenty of protein when you exercise hard. I started losing my hair back in the early 90s because I wasn’t getting enough protein according to my trainer, so be sure you always get a good healthy source after a solid workout.' in ( honest life update | finding happiness since losing my flight attendant job ) from youtube-recommendation in ( life update | no more flying | engaged | pregnant?! - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( my cabin crew accommodation in dubai | emirates airline - youtube ) from youtube-recommendation in ( 4 Mysterious Cabin Crew Deaths - Part1 - YouTube )] Higher sensitivity to sunlight Oily skin and hair (seborrhea) Premature epiphyseal closure[14][15][16][17][18] Skin peeling, itching Spontaneous fracture[19][20] Yellow discoloration of the skin (aurantiasis cutis) Uremic pruritus[21] Vision changes Vomiting chicken in usa, used to ingest drug (3-Nitro (Roxarsone)) containing arsenic, the arsenic stays in chicken liver now chicken in usa no longer ingest 3-Nitro (Roxarsone) source : 1. from 2. ( ) arsenic is secreted in pee source : 'Excretion occurs in the urine and long-term exposure to arsenic has been linked to bladder and kidney cancer in addition to cancer of the liver, prostate, skin, lungs, and nasal cavity.[157]' in vitamin b1 helps eyes vision health as well because vitamin b1 cures Wernicke's encephalopathy, whose symtoms : - double vision, other vision changes - damage to thalamus and hypothalamus brain - leg tremors - eyelid drooping - back and forth eye movement similar to beriberi - poor memory source : 'Symptoms can include an inability to make new memories or to remember old ones, hallucinations and making up stories. Wernicke's encephalopathy causes damage to the thalamus and hypothalamus brain regions and can cause leg tremors and vision changes such as double vision, eyelid drooping and back-and-forth eye movements similar to those of dry beriberi.' in ( ) from google 'thiamine eyes' food rich in vitamin b1 : google 'whfoods b1', 'vitamin b1' 12 dec 2016 tips to cure myopia : 12 dec 2016 possible cure for myopia : 1. [obsolete] [reason]not an option, carb is necessary - reduce carbohydrate intake, to reduce glucose intake. or [/obsolete] - reduce blood glucose level by reducing sodium intake info : find 'gliflozin' in this text source 1 : 1. 'Lens thickness increases throughout adulthood in both normals and diabetics but at any age is slightly thicker in Type 1' 2. 'Some authors claim that increased blood sugar leads to a myopic shift and others that the change is in the hyperopic direction [8]' in from google (glucose crystalline lens edema) result 1 from 'edema' in from google (myopia wiki) result 1 3. 'Glucose is the primary energy source for the lens. As mature lens fibers do not have mitochondria, approximately 80% of the glucose is metabolized via anaerobic metabolism.[19] The remaining fraction of glucose is shunted primarily down the pentose phosphate pathway.[19] The lack of aerobic respiration means that the lens consumes very little oxygen as well.[19]' in source 2 : - 'Glucose is the primary energy source for the lens. As mature lens fibers do not have mitochondria, approximately 80% of the glucose is metabolized via anaerobic metabolism.[19]' in from 'crystalline lens' in 2. carbohydrate intake should be accompanied with food rich in vitamin e intake to decrease glycemic index. white rice comes from brown rice which still has vitamin e. but vitamin e in brown rice cause the brown rice to suffer mold growth quicker, so brown rice can not be stored for long time, white rice can be stored for long time. so eating white rice should be accompanied with eating food rich in vitamin e such as peanut. info : find 'vitamin e' in this text 3. do physical exercise to keep cholesterol level low or reduce cholesterol intake because retina has tiny blood vessels, cholesterol can create plaque in that blood vessels. source : 1. 'tiny blood vessel' in from google (cholesterol vision) result 1 2. from 4. (24 nov 2017) stop dairy intake, calcium supplement intake. because : 4.1. too much calcium and inadequate vitamin k may cause calcification in the brain which impair vision source : 'vision impairment' in's_syndrome#Signs_and_symptoms calcification in the eyes (drusen) causes dry amd then causes wet amd, see number 5 below for more info. 4.2. galactose in dairy can cause cataract info : find 'possible cure for cataract 28 june 2017 20:14 edt :' in this text 5. (24 feb 2017) eat non-dairy calcium : peanut, tofu, sesame seed, lentil, quinoa, etc info : '- food for bone :' in this text [obsolete] [reason]sugar is energy, can not forbid sugar[/reason] 6. (25 feb 2017 15:43 est) avoid food contain high fructose corn syrup, table sugar (glucose), sugar from milk (galactose), calcium from supplement, calcium from dairy. myopic person has thinner lamina cribrosa. calcium, glucose, fructose, galactose destroy lamina cribrosa. lamina cribrosa is made from collagen. fructose in fruits should not destroy collagen because fruit contain vitamin c beneficial for making collagen. but high fructose corn syrup contain fructose only, does not contain vitamin c. mmps the collagen destroyer, is dependant on calcium. source : 1 'Eyes with high myopia may be less able to tolerate IOP fluctuations than other eyes: They have a longer globe, thinner lamina cribrosa, and thinner scleral wall' in from google (myopia intraocular pressure) result 1 2. 'Enzyme Inhibitors MMPS ; Collagen eating enzymes' in from google (destroy collagen) result 8 3. 'A high sugar diet and high blood sugar can cause collagen glycation resulting in a lumpy skin appearance' in from google (destroy collagen) result 1 4. 'calcium-dependent zinc-containing endopeptidases;[1]' in from google (mmps) result 1 5. 'It is formed by a multilayered network of collagen fibers' in 6. 'It appears that fructose and galactose have approximately ten times the glycation activity of glucose, the primary body fuel.[7]' in from google (collagen glycation) result 3 7. google (fructose vs glucose glycation) 8. from google (high fructose corn syrup) result 2 9. 'require Vitamin C as a cofactor, and a deficiency in this vitamin results in impaired collagen synthesis and the resulting disease scurvy[17]' in [/obsolete] 6. eat food contain omega-3 because in myopia, the eye ball shape is too long. retina makes eye ball source : from from from 'choroid' in from 'posterior segment of eyeball' in from 'The human eye' picture in DHA (Docosahexaenoic fatty acids) / omega-3 makes retina source : 1. 2. google (Docosahexaenoic fatty acid retina) food source : find 'omega-3 fat source :' 7. try eat raw onion, peeled the dirty outer layer from onion then discard that dirty outer layer. raw onion will create painful eye tears on cornea surface, which maybe can erode the foggy cornea source : 1. 'The LASIK surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist who uses a laser or microkeratome to reshape the eye's cornea in order to improve visual acuity.[1]' in from 'lasik' in from google (myopia) result 2 2. find '- about onion :' in this text if raw onion causes upset stomach then see 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text 8. try eat raw lettuce which has been washed because raw lettuce contain vitamin a warning : find 'how to eat vegetarian food-' in this text 9. (30 march 2017) drink vinegar mixed with water to destroy calcification in the brain, drusen in the eyes which causes amd (advance macular degeneration). drusen are made from fatty protein, calcium, zinc. zinc from veggie can not be absorbed completely because veggie contains phytate which reduce zinc absorption source : 1. 'vision impairment' in's_syndrome#Signs_and_symptoms 2. 'the presence of a large number of soft drusen is an early sign of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The symptoms of AMD include hazy vision, difficulty seeing when going from bright light to low light, and a blank or blurry spot in your central vision. Optic nerve drusen also often do not produce symptoms. However, some patients with optic nerve drusen experience vision problems, including loss of peripheral (side) vision and temporary flickering or graying out of their vision.' in from 'drusen symptoms' in from 'optic nerve drusen' in from google (eye calcification) result 1 3. 'Everyone with wet AMD started out with dry AMD, even if they didn’t notice it. Dry AMD is the early form that includes protein deposits in the retina and perhaps areas of cell death. Scientists theorize that the body recognizes that the dry AMD is disrupting the circulation of the eye and preventing oxygen and nutrients from reaching the retina. In response, a growth factor is triggered which causes blood vessels to grow in the eye. This growth factor is called VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and circulates through the body. VEGF is good when it directs healthy blood vessel growth, such as sending new blood vessels to the part of the heart affected by a heart attack. VEGF is not good when it directs blood vessels to a cancer tumor (feeding the tumor and causing it to grow) – or in the eye' in from google (wet amd) result 3 4. 'Drusen can also occur in the optic nerve. These drusen are made up of protein and calcium salts and generally appear in both eyes' in 5. 'contain unexpectedly high concentrations of zinc, including abundant bio-available (ionic and/or loosely protein bound) ions' in from reference for 'Zinc in drusen have been suggested to play a role in drusen formation by precipitating and inhibiting the elements of the complement cascade, especially complement factor H.[8]' in 6. 'Drusen are made up of lipids, a fatty protein' in from google (druzen) result 1 7. 'Microscopic spheres of calcium phosphate have been linked to the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a major cause of blindness, by UCL-led research' in from google (calcium deposit in eye lens) page 2 result 2 eye calficiation can happen in cornea as well, band keratopathy, kidney function maybe impaired. source : 1. 'This particular corneal degeneration is produced when calcium deposits on the cornea, usually in the area between the eyelids when the eye is in the open position' 2. 'Patients with band keratopathy should have serum blood tests for calcium and phosphate levels, as well as have their renal function tested' in tips : find 'how to drink vinegar-' in this text - possible cure for cataract : eat 1. chicken liver 2. food contain vitamin k, a tips : find '- about vitamin k, a' in this text 3. drink water mixed with vinegar to destroy calcification avoid physical exercise, not eating drinking dairy, not eating calcium supplement, why ? 1. chicken liver contains 1. zinc (find 'why liver may cure myopia ?' for more info), 2. vitamin a (find 'hypervitaminosis a' for more info) 3. vitamin c (source : 'vitamin c' in from google 'liver') zinc is useful for treating cataract source : 1. 'cataract' in 2. 'Excessive amounts of minerals (high ash), particularly high levels of calcium and phosphorus, reduce zinc bioavailability and cause cataract formation in salmonid fishes' in ( ) from google 'cataract zinc salmon' warning : chicken liver may contain arsenic find 'arsenic' in this text for more info. vitamin c is useful for treating cataract source : 'Smoking, diabetes and the use of steroids are all risk factors for cataract formation as they all deplete the eye's lens of vitamin C.' in ( ) from google 'eye lens vitamin c' vitamin a is useful for eyes tiger likely eat liver, only 1 tiger underwent cataract operation. source : google 'tiger cataract' cataract seem common in horses source : google 'horse cataract' horse doesn't eat meat, doesn't get zinc. grass contain vitamin a source : google 'grass vitamin a' liver contain high cholesterol. doing physical exercise reduce cholesterol source : 'exercise' in getting punched in the eye may cause cataract source : 'Blunt trauma' in possible cure for cataract 28 june 2017 20:14 edt : 1. avoid drinking cow milk because galactose in cow milk causes cataract in rat. source : 1. 'In 2006, Michael L. Mulhern and colleagues further investigated the effects of the osmotic swelling on galactosemic cataract development. Experiments were based on systematic observation of rats fed a 50% galactose diet.[11] According to Mulhern, 7 to 9 days after the onset of the galactose diet, lenses appeared hydrated and highly vacuolated. Lens fibers became liquefied after nine days of the diet, and nuclear cataract formation appeared after 15 days of the diet. The experiment concluded that Apoptosis in lens epithelial cells (LEC) is linked to cataract formation. [11]' in from google (galactose eye lens) result 1 from 'galactose' in from google (eye tear prevent cataract) result 3 2. 'Lactose intolerance is due to the lack of enzyme lactase in the small intestines to break lactose down into glucose and galactose.[3]' in from 'Lactose intolerance' in 3. 'The intestinal villi secrete the enzyme called lactase (β-D-galactosidase) to digest it. This enzyme cleaves the lactose molecule into its two subunits, the simple sugars glucose and galactose, which can be absorbed' in 2. vitamin b2 cure cataract in horse, human source : 1. 'There have been many reports of nutritional support to fend off cataracts. It has been experimentally shown that diets low in vitamin B-2 can produce cataracts in animals. Cataracts in horses, a common cause of blindness in these animals, can be reduced when large amounts of vitamin B-2 are added to the diet. Galactose or milk sugar increases the need for vitamin B-2. In infants who cannot utilize galactose normally, blindness from cataracts has been corrected when milk sugar has been withdrawn from their diet and vitamin B-2 added. A 1997 study found a significant reduction in cataracts in a group of nurses who took vitamin C supplements.' in from google (horse cataract milk) result 1 2. find 'cataract lenticular' in this text food contains vitamin b2 : find '-riboflavin/vitamin b2 daily value-----' in this text 3. repair dna damage how ? find 'how to repair dna damage :' in this text how dna damage causes cataract ? cataract is caused by crystallin crosslinking source : 'N-Acetylcarnosine drops have been investigated as a medical treatment for cataracts. The drops are believed to work by reducing oxidation and glycation damage in the lens, particularly reducing crystallin crosslinking.[77][78]' in dna damage can cause protein crosslinks. source : 'DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) – the covalent linkage of proteins with a DNA strand – are one of the most deleterious and understudied forms of DNA damage' in from google (protein crosslink caused by dna damage) result 2 what is 'glycation damage' ? tears will not wash away cataract because tears touches outer surface of eyeball (cornea). aqueous humor touches the lens capsule which contain cataract. source : 'Aqueous humor is the clear, watery fluid that is continually produced inside the eye. It is different from your tears. Tears are produced by glands outside of the eye and moisten the outer surface of the eyeball' in from google (aqueous humor eye tear) result 2 - possible cure for albinism : chicken liver safe portion : find 'safe chicken liver portion :' in this text because vitamin A increase melanin. source : ( ) from google 'vitamin a melanocytes' vision problem often accompany albinism as well. vitamin A in chicken liver could cure vision problem in albinism. liver contain high cholesterol. find 'cholesterol in 1 chicken liver = 248 milligrams of cholesterol' in this text for more info. doing physical exercise reduce cholesterol source : 'exercise' in - possible cure for psoriasis, eczema, wart (calcified keratin) drink vinegar mixed with water to destroy unwanted calcium in the skin, eat food rich in vitamin k, stop eating drinking dairy (calcium source) source : 'These calcium sediments then [...] accumulate in certain areas of our body, depending on where we have energy stagnation. For example, if we have energy stagnation in the joints of our hands, then we have arthritis showing up in our hands, if we have issues in our lungs it will show up as calcium in our lungs, if it's in our skin it will show up as psoriasis and eczema, which have a calcification component. If it shows up in our eyes, then it will develop into cataracts, which is the formation of calcium in the eye. Any condition that we're dealing with has a calcification component. [...] And if we work on calcification, instead of working on any 'disease', we can heal ourselves and get back to square one and rebuild and rejuvenate and become younger..." - David Wolfe' in from google (eczema calcification) result 2 how to drink vinegar : find 'how to drink vinegar-' in this text tips about eating food rich in vitamin k : find '- about vitamin k, a' in this text vitamin k sends calcium to the correct organ info : find 'eat food rich in vitamin k to prevent calcium in unwanted' in this text get calcium intake from peanut, almond info : find 'eat almond' in this text [obsolete] chicken liver. because vitamin A prevent skin keratinization. chicken liver contains lots of vitamin A. try eat 1 chicken liver, sliced thin, boiled, twice a week info : find 'chicken liver' in this text source : 1. 'psoriasis', 'twice', 'keratin' in ( ) from google 'vitamin a skin health' 2. 'psoriasis', 'keratin' in from google 'psoriasis vitamin a' [/obsolete] baby cow which still drink milk from mother cow easily get infected by papillomavirus. cow older than 2 years rarely infected by papillomavirus. 2 year old cow does not drink milk. source : 1. 'Calves are most susceptible to the papillomavirus; it is rare to find warts on a cow that is older than 2 years' in from google (animal wart) result 1 2. 'Some wean themselves at around 12 months' in from google (how long baby cow suckling) result 2 3. 'Younger horses are more susceptible to warts because they have less-efficient immune systems than older horses. Their skin also is not as tough, and they have less hair to ward off the insects that can carry the papillomavirus.' in from google (equine wart) result 1 from 'equine wart' in from google (horse wart) result 7 sunlight kill wart source : 'sensitive to UV- irradiation' in from reference in 'The virus is resistant to drying and heat, but killed by 100 °C (212 °F) and ultraviolet radiation.[16]' in psoriasis is immune-system in overdrive/white-blood-cell in overdrive: from -> search 'overdrive' immune-system means white-blood-cell. source:find 'immune system is white-blood' in this text - possible cure for diabetes type 1 and type 2 : try eat like gorilla, maybe after a while, diabetes is gone. - wild gorilla resist diabetes and heart disease - gorilla in the zoo die from heart disease source : 1. 'Yet in the wild, apes don't develop obesity, diabetes or heart disease' 2. 'gorillas who live at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (CMZ). In 2008, a cardiac ultrasound revealed that Bebac, then 24, was suffering from heart disease.' in ( ) from google 'gorila diabetes' what gorilla eat : '67% of their diet is fruit, 17% is leaves, seeds and stems and 3% is termites and caterpillars' in from google 'gorilla diet' - salt : veggies mixed with salt in marsh source : 'Aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation found in "bais" is highly digestible, high in protein, salt, and minerals. (Cyperaceae and Gramineae families)' in from google 'gorilla virunga salt' excessive salt trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' [obsolete] [reason] diet below is for chimpanzee, not for gorilla. chimpanzee suffer diabetes but not from autoimmune, not diabetes type 1 likely: source : 1. 'diabetes', 'Minimal or no insulin was observed in beta-cells' in from google 'chimp diabetes' that is likely not autoimmune diabetes aka diabetes type 1 because beta cell still exists, not destroyed 2. 'humans experience 75 different forms of autoimmune disease, while chimps experience none.' in ( ) from google 'diabetes type 1 chimpanzee' result 3 [/reason] try eat like monkey, maybe after a while, diabetes is gone. - wild gorilla resist diabetes and heart disease - gorilla in the zoo die from heart disease source : 1. 'Yet in the wild, apes don't develop obesity, diabetes or heart disease' 2. 'gorillas who live at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (CMZ). In 2008, a cardiac ultrasound revealed that Bebac, then 24, was suffering from heart disease.' in ( ) from google 'gorila diabetes' eat some food that gorilla eat, not all food that gorilla eat is edible for human. what gorilla/monkey eat ( source : from google 'national geographic chimp diet' tv channel 'natgeowild / national geographic, series gorilla in virunga' ): - protein : nuts (capuchin monkey use rock to crack nuts open), termites other plants : seeds, flowers, leaves, nuts. The most common type of nut eaten by chimpanzees is the oil-palm nut. kola nuts and panda nuts, whose shells are so tough that chimps use hard stones to crack them open. animal based food : honey and eggs, make up less than 5% of a chimp's diet. termites, colobus monkeys, beetle grubs, birds, bush babies, other chimpanzees. - medicine: soil (contains anti-malaria minerals) elm bark (fights bacterial infections), cordia flower stems (reduces the risk of tuberculosis), unripe figs (contains de-worming properties) - vitamin b12 : termites - carbohydrate : fruits, saturated fat from nuts - fruits : figs, Musanga fruits (from the African corkwood tree), Drypetes fruit, custard apples (fruit from the Annonaceae family of plants) , berries from trees and shrubs in African jungle. [/obsolete] avoid eating fruits only. ashton kutcher who eat fruits only during filming steve jobs movie, had pancreas problem, had to go to hospital. source : google 'ashton kutcher fruit' the idea is to use fat from peanut for carbohydrate, like gorilla. mix peanut with honey, fruit jam, to get extra carbohydrate source from sugar in honey, fruit jam. avoid rice, potato, pasta because gorilla / monkey doesn't eat those. gorilla / monkey don't have tools which convert paddy to rice, wheat miling machine. eat any meat, not termites. learn some diet from gorilla, not all food that gorilla eat is edible for human. human can't eat dirt. why ? - dirt can contain 'Yersinia pestis', a bacteria from mouse. mouse likely walk on dirt. Yersinia pestis caused 'bubonic plague' long time ago in europe. popular survivor is thieves who ate vinegar. vinegar is antibacterial, antiviral. source : from google 'thief bubonic plague' environment was dirty during time period when bubonic plague happened. dirty environment couldn't strengthen immune system. if dirty environment could strengthen immune system then most ppl should have survived bubonic plague. the fact is most ppl didn't survived bubonic plague. more info about immune system : find 'immune system' in this text [obsolete] gorilla, like human, can't resist infectious disease (disease similar to bubonic plague) source : 'Habitat encroachment and poaching are threats to wildlife survival, particularly in the developing world. Mountain gorillas face an additional threat from infectious diseases. Second only to trauma, infectious diseases, primarily respiratory, account for 20% of sudden deaths' in ( ) from google 'gorilla infectious disease' [/obsolete] [obsolete] [reason] gluten maybe does not cause diabetes type 1. diabetes type 1 maybe is being caused by lacking emulsifying agent for bile, maybe cheese, fatty food causes diabetes type 1 because cheese, fatty food inflame pancreas in dog info : find 'cheese, fried food, fatty food, inflame pancreas in dog', 'possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 :' in this text eating too much sodium, eating too much salt. salt is destructive, sugar is not destructive info : find 'try smear water to skin below an eye then' in this text maybe eat magnesium to help insulin, vitamin e to reduce glycemic index info : find 'magnesium allows insulin to usher glucose into cells where' in this text find 'mixing carbohydrate and fat, decrease glycemic index, slow down absorption of' in this text maybe since the clearfield wheat is the child of a parent wheat which receive sodium azide, the clearfield wheat does not have sodium azide. source : 'Seed from red spring wheat cultivars BW255 and BW238 were modified using mutagenesis with sodium azide, producing the M1 generation. These seeds were grown under greenhouse conditions to produce M2 and the subsequent M3 generations. Plants were selected from the M3 generation based on parental type and imidazolinone tolerance. Seeds from these plants were then used for generational increase; both varieties are currently in the M9 generation' in from google (clearfield wheat sodium azide) page 2 result 8 so clearfield wheat, pasta maybe is fine. pasta is not bleached source : 'Is the flour you use bleached or bromated? The flour used to make our pasta is neither bleached nor bromated' in from google (noodles flour bleached) result 2 [/reason] avoid wheat and pasta because : 1. wheat in usa is no longer natural from google 'wheat stay digestive' wheat sorghum is treated with sodium azide source : google 'sorghum azide' 2. this data shows that wheat seems very diabetogenic ( ) from 'A2 Corporation even petitioned the Food Standards Australia New Zealand regulatory authority to require a health warning on ordinary milk.[2]' in 'control mixed diet' causes the highest diabetes incidence. 'control mixed diet' is : 'control group (fed on wheat, corn, soy, alfalfa, oats, fish meal and cellulose-no milk), see table. In Ottawa, there were 30 BB rats per group, all fed on experimental diets for 150 days. Here too the (same) mixed cereal-based control diet gave the (significantly) highest diabetes incidence.' in 3. someone succeeded curing diabetes type 1 by avoiding gluten : from google 'wheat diabetes type 1' 4. asthma, eczema can be caused by eating wheat source : ( ) from google 'wheat asthma' 5. pasta is made from 'durum wheat' source : 'durum wheat' in [/obsolete] eat food contain vitamin k mixed with veggie oil because : - periostin regenerate beta cell in pancreas, helpful for diabetes type 1, lada (diabetes type 1 adult version) source : 'beta' in from google 'periostin beta cell' from 'periostin' in google 'regenerate beta cell' vitamin k produce periostin source : 'vitamin k' in from google 'periostin' tips about eating food rich in vitamin k : find '- about vitamin k, a' in this text [obsolete] tips to reduce gas after eating broccoli, spinach : - sprinkle broccoli, spinach with salt. but excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' salt is 1 component of gastric acid more info : find 'salt is 1 component of gastric acid' in this text gorilla eat salty green onion in marsh more info : find 'green onion' in this text tips to reduce gas after eating spinach : - mix the spinach with soy sauce. if eating spinach, broccoli create loose stool, stomach gas then avoid them, eat carrots instead. because carrots also contain vitamin k ( 18% dv / cup / 122.00 g ) although far less than spinach ( 987 % dv / cup / 180.00 g ). carrots won't create loose stools because carrots is insoluble fiber. carrot should be eaten in solid form, not juiced because carrot is insoluble fiber source : 1. spinach 2. carrot from google 'whfoods spinach', 'whfoods carrot' search result number 2. 3. 'fecal incontinence (problems controlling your bowel movements.)' in lettuce contains vitamin k as well, lettuce may not cause stomach gas like spinach, broccoli. but lettuce contain less vitamin c than spinach, broccoli. carrot contain less vitamin c than spinach, broccoli as well. source : google 'whfoods lettuce' if digesting carrot create stomach distress then find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text whfoods warns, to discard water which was used to boil spinach because, the water contain acid. whfoods recommend boiling spinach. source : 'Spinach is only one of three vegetables we recommend boiling to free up acids and allow them to leach into the boiling water; this brings out a sweeter taste from the spinach. Discard the boiling water after cooking; do not drink it or use it for stock because of its acid content.' in from google 'whfoods spinach' [/obsolete] decrease uric acid level. high uric acid level destroy beta-cell in pancreas. how ? alloxan is known to destroy beta-cell in pancreas. alloxan is uric acid derivative, so uric acid behave like alloxan. source : 1. 'uric acid derivative' in ( ) from google 'alloxan' result 2 2. 'uric acid' in 3. from google 'uric acid destroy beta cell' diabetes type 1 maybe can be cured by eating legume, apple because : legume contain lysine and insoluble fiber. insoluble fiber make lysine in legume can not be digested by stomach. oral insulin can not be made, because insulin must avoid getting digested by stomach. source : ( ) from google 'oral insulin' result 3 2 insulin brand examples : 1. insulin brand 'detemir' consist of myristic acid (nutmeg) and lysine amino acid (meat, legume) source : 'meat', 'plentiful in most pulses (legumes).[11]' in from 'lysine' in from 'Insulin and its analog structure' in 2. glulisine (apidra) : made from lysine, glutamic acid source : diabetes type 2 is about insulin not sensitive / insulin resistance. eating animal fat may cause insulin resistance/diabetes type 2 source : 1. 'saturated fat appears to be the most effective at producing IR.' in 2. 'insensitive to insulin is still positively correlated with fat intake, and negatively correlated with dietary fiber intake,[12] but both these factors are also correlated with excess body weight.' in these decrease risk of diabetes type 2 : - doing intense physical exercise after eating a meal increase insulin sensitivity, should reduce risk of diabetes type 2 source : 1. 'Working out increases your body’s insulin sensitivity, making it easier for insulin to transport glucose to the cells that will use it. So working out after a meal can be a good way to “use up” excess glucose after eating.' in from 2. 'Glycogen synthase concentration is highest in the bloodstream 30 to 60 minutes[2] following intense exercise. It is a key enzyme in glycogenesis.' in from 'glycogen synthase' in from google 'insulin act on hepatocytes' result 10 from 'glycogen' in from google 'insulin spike drowsy' - this maybe can decrease risk of diabetes type 2 : - decrease sodium in diet, avoid holding pee. because sglt2 depends on sodium. source : 'sodium-dependent glucose transport proteins' in and gliflozin, a medicine for diabetes type 2, blocks sglt2, prevent kidney from returning excess glucose to blood circulation, trigger glucosuria which decrease glucose level in the blood. glucosuria means peeing glucose. source : 'promotes reabsorption from the glomerular filtration glucose back into circulation', 'By inhibiting SGLT-2, medications of the gliflozin class prevent the kidneys' reuptake of glucose from the glomerular filtrate and subsequently lower the glucose level in the blood and promote the excretion of glucose in the urine (glucosuria).[18][19]' in from 'Gliflozin' in from 'sglt2' in resveratrol maybe can cure diabetes type 1, 2 resveratrol is in - the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries - in dark chocolate - in peanut source : 1. 'Other diabetic animal model studies by different researchers have also demonstrated the antidiabetic effects of resveratrol.[35][124] This compound was shown to act as agonist of PPARgamma, nuclear receptor that is current pharmacological target for the treatment of diabetes type 2.[125]' in 2. 'Metabolic syndrome was common in patients with type-1 diabetes and was associated with microvascular complications.' in ( ) 3. 'Food sources of resveratrol include the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and mulberries.[6]' in for diabetes type 2 : low calorie diet can remove fat in pancreas, restarting insulin production source : 'people who go on a very low calorie diet can remove fat which is clogging up the pancreas allowing normal insulin secretion to be restored.' in ( ) from 'reference' in reference 1 - magnesium deficiency, triggers insulin resistance (diabetes type 2). magnesium overdosage, triggers diarrhea. maybe if you dont do physical exercise then eat magnesium. if you do physical exercise then dont eat magnesium. physical exercise cure insulin resistance source : 'diarrhea' in - using antiperspirant, maybe triggers insulin resistance (diabetes type 2). because antiperspirant block secretion of sebum. sebum contain triglycerides which trigger insulin resistance (diabetes type 2). source : 1. 'Diets high in refined carbohydrates, with carbohydrates accounting for more than 60% of the total energy intake, can increase triglyceride levels.[11] Of note is how the correlation is stronger for those with higher BMI (≥28) and insulin resistance (more common among overweight and obese) is a primary suspect cause of this phenomenon of carbohydrate-induced hypertriglyceridemia.[12]' 2. 'There is evidence that carbohydrate consumption causing a high glycemic index can cause insulin overproduction and increase triglyceride levels in women.[13]' in 3. ' triglycerides (~41%), wax esters (~26%), squalene (~12%), and free fatty acids (~16%).[5][13]' in to prevent diabetes type 1 : breastfeeding mother maybe must not drink animal milk because protein from food eaten by mother can contaminate breast milk source : 1. 'Though a tiny fraction of what you ingest does go into your milk supply, it's unlikely that eating spicy food will affect your baby. In actual fact, if your amniotic fluid or breastmilk sometimes tastes different because of your diet, your baby may be happier to try new tastes when she starts eating solid food.' in 2. find 'but breast milk which contain gliadin (gluten protein)' in this text maybe pregnant woman must not drink animal milk. because fetus may receive beta-lactoglobulin, protein from animal milk drank by pregnant woman. animal milk cause diabetes type 1 info : find '3. wheat causes diabetes type 1, and animal milk causes diabetes type 1 as well' in this text [obsolete] [reason] apple contains sorbitol, all sugar-alcohol are laxative [/reason] [/obsolete] eat unripe apple because polyphenols in unripe apple, activates insulin receptor, control blood sugar. [obsolete] if apple causing upset stomach then licking a bit of salt prior biting apple may help. [/obsolete] source : 'Polyphenols in apples help to activate the muscle cell insulin receptors, and in this way, they help facilitate passage of sugar from our bloodstream up into our cells. Once again, the result is better blood sugar regulation in our body. ' in from google 'whfoods apple' unripe apple contains phlorizin which block sglt1, sglt2, like drug gliflozin, inducing glucosuria which remove sugar in blood. source : 1. 'phlorizin-enriched powder from unripe apples' in 2. 'Phlorizin is a naturally occurring glucoside found in various plants, such as the root bark of apple and other fruit trees, and was the prototype SGLT2 inhibitor' in from google (Phlorizin sglt2) result 2 3. 'phlorizin was found to be a nonselective cSGLT1/2 inhibitor.' in from google (Phlorizin sglt2) result 3 4. 'promotes reabsorption from the glomerular filtration glucose back into circulation', 'By inhibiting SGLT-2, medications of the gliflozin class prevent the kidneys' reuptake of glucose from the glomerular filtrate and subsequently lower the glucose level in the blood and promote the excretion of glucose in the urine (glucosuria).[18][19]' in from 'Gliflozin' in from 'sglt2' in 5. 'phloridzin in apples' in from google (polyphenol) result 1 6. 'polyphenols in apple have been shown to lessen absorption of glucose from the digestive tract' in from google (whfoods apple) if eating unripe apple causes upset stomach then eat unsalted peanut alternately with eating unripe apple ancient japanese ppl ate nuts, acorn, seafood, [obsolete] [reason] peach seems to cause thirst, apple seems does not cause thirst [/reason] peach [/obsolete] in initial jomon period. then eat dry rice. then korean introduced wet rice agriculture to japanese, source : 'nuts', 'steadily increasing contact with the Korean peninsula eventually led to the establishment of Korean-type settlements in western Kyushu, beginning around 900 BC. The settlers brought with them new technologies such as wet rice farming and bronze and iron metallurgy' in try eat like jomon period diet but change pear to apple. if apple causes upset stomach then maybe 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text, helps tips to cure diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : possible cure for diabetes 11 january 2016 15:58 : 1. cheese, fried food, fatty food, inflame pancreas in dog, dog belongs to mammalia class, same as human. so avoid them. source : 1. 2. 'Fat trimmed from meat, both cooked and uncooked, can cause pancreatitis in dogs. And, even though it seems natural to give a dog a bone, she can choke on it. Bones can also splinter and block or cause cuts in your dog's digestive system' (slide 11/25) in 3. 'if you feed your dog too much animal fat or fried foods they could eventually end up with pancreatitis' in from google (dog pancreatitis fried food) result 1 4. 'Cheese is far too high in fat and can lead your dog to pancreatitis' in from google (dog pancreatitis fried food) result 5 5. native american did not have milk, diabetes type 1. but has potato and diabetes type 2 source : 1. 'natives did not know about the horse, cow, sheep or pig', 'Because of the European honeybee, European plants flourished in the New World', 'Weeds like clover and dandelion were brought to America by Europeans', 'The turkey, domesticated by the Aztec, did not exist in Europe in 1491' in 2. 'Many tribes grew beans and enjoyed them as succotash, a dish made of beans, corn, dog meat, and bear fat', 'Type II Diabetes' in 3. [obsolete] [reason]native-america-maya had stingless-biting-honey-bee ((1))'M. beecheii was cultivated in the Yucatán Peninsula starting in the pre-Columbian era by the ancient Maya civilization.' in from 'The stingless bees Melipona beecheii and M. yucatanica are the only native bees cultured to any degree in Central America. They were extensively cultured by the Maya civilization for honey' in from 'stingless bee' in ((2))'Here in Mexico, the Maya people of the Yucatan have practiced beekeeping for thousands of years. The ancient Maya considered the stingless melliponine bee (Apidae melliponinae), native to the tropical forests of the Yucatan peninsula, to be a link to the spirit world, given to them by the bee god, Ah Muzen Cab. Harvested from log nests, the stingless bee honey was used as a sweetener, an antibiotic, and to make the fermented honey drink called balché, a ritual alcoholic beverage similar to the European mead. Out of over 500 species of tropical stingless bees, the Maya have always favored Melipona beecheii, which they call kolil kab, meaning "royal lady."' in from google(maya civilization honey)result 1 ((3))'The drink is made from the bark of a leguminous tree, Lonchocarpus violaceus, which is soaked in honey and water, and fermented.[1] A closely related beverage, made from honey produced from the nectar of a species of morning glory (Turbina corymbosa), is called xtabentún.' in [/reason] 'Prior to the arrival of the Old World settlers, honey bees were unknown to Native Americans. In fact, several early American writers, including Thomas Jefferson, reported that honey bees were called “white man's flies.” The name was recognition that the appearance of honey bees in America was associated with the arrival of the Europeans. ' in from google (bee in new world) result 1 [/obsolete] 4. new world has turkey, seems did not have chicken source : 1. 'turkey, domesticated by the Aztec, did not exist in Europe in 1491', in 2. 1st chicken in america live in el arenal, chile , that chicken seems to come from polynesia, that chicken must have been not eating corn because corn comes from america (mexico). source : 'The researchers said that bones buried on the South American coast were from chickens that lived between 1304 and 1424. Pottery at the site was from a similar or earlier time. A DNA analysis linked the bones, which were excavated at El Arenal on the Arauco Peninsula in south central Chile, to chickens from Polynesian islands' in from google (chicken in new world) result 2 3. 'Most historians believe maize was domesticated in the Tehuacan Valley of Mexico.[4]' in from google (corn wiki) result 1 cow-milk decrease peeing, peeing is a way to decrease blood-sugar-level. so cow-milk causes high-blood-sugar-level. [source:'Bladder activity was consistently inhibited by the mu-agonists morphiceptin and [D-Ala2, MePhe4, Gly-(ol)5]enkephalin (DAGO) and by [D-Ala2, D-Leu5]enkephalin (DADLE, delta-agonist)' in from google (morphiceptin μ δ κ receptor agonist) result 5 cow-milk->morphiceptin is mu-receptor-agonist, not delta-receptor-agonist, not kappa-receptor-agonist. [source:'Morphine is primarily an agonist ligand for the μ receptor. Its affinities for δ and κ receptors are sufficiently low that it is used as a selective μ receptor ligand in pharmacologicalstudies [16].' in] naloxone, movantik reverse mu-receptor-agonist-effect (mu-receptor-antaagonist). [source:find 'naloxone', 'movantik'] so maybe eating naloxone, eating movantik, cure diabetes type 1. cow milk contains morphiceptin opioid. opioid delay wound healing. source : 1. 'Chronic Morphine Administration Delays Wound Healing by Inhibiting Immune Cell Recruitment to the Wound Site' in from google (morphin wound healing) result 1 2. 'patients who never use opioids may have wounds that heal significantly faster. The team, which is headed by Victoria Shanmugam from George Washington University, explained that this is some of the first research exploring the link between wound healing and opioid usage' in google (opioid wound healing) result 1 morphiceptin opioid maybe affect hypothalamus more info : find 'ciguatoxin in fish, maybe can cause hypothalamus (brain)' in this text non-dairy calcium source : peanut, tofu, sesame seed, lentil, quinoa, etc more info : find '- food for bone :' in this text 2. [obsolete] [reason] raw veggie can bring in insect-egg [/reason] try eat raw cabbage, raw spinach, other raw soluble fiber which contain vitamin k because vitamin k remove unwanted calcium in pancreas (pancreas calcification). more important tips : find 'how to eat raw veggie-' in this text [/obsolete] 3. avoid animal protein intake source : 1. 'Diets in Western nations typically contain a large proportion of animal protein. Consumption of animal protein creates an acid load that increases urinary excretion of calcium and uric acid and reduced citrate. Urinary excretion of excess sulfurous amino acids (e.g., cysteine and methionine), uric acid, and other acidic metabolites from animal protein acidifies the urine, which promotes the formation of kidney stones.[32] Low urinary citrate excretion is also commonly found in those with a high dietary intake of animal protein, whereas vegetarians tend to have higher levels of citrate excretion.[17] Low urinary citrate, too, promotes stone formation.[32]' in 2. fast forward to -1:06 from a person can eat vegetarian diet maximum 5 years info : find '- liver may have 3-to-5-years-supply of vitamin b12' in this text 4. eat food contain vitamin e when eating carbohydrate, sweet food info : find 'vitamin E can prevent a decrease of insulin concentration' in this text 5. stay, sleep in hot open area, not in hot stuffy room, because cold temperature causes vasoconstriction to arteriole which send blood to capillaries. if arteriole is constricted then blood does not flow to capillaries then capillaries does not send nutrient, oxygen to body tissue causes perihperal neuropathy. more info : find '- why staying in hot open area, not in hot stuffy room,' in this text 6. eat food containing magnesium. avoid fruit why : 1. 2. 'As explained by Dr. Rosedale, insulin stores magnesium, but if your insulin receptors are blunted and your cells grow resistant to insulin, you can't store magnesium so it passes out of your body through urination. Magnesium stored in your cells relaxes muscles' in from google (sugar blood pressure) result 3 3. 'If your magnesium level is too low, your blood vessels will be unable to fully relax, and this constriction raises your blood pressure. Fructose also elevates uric acid, which drives up your blood pressure by inhibiting the nitric oxide in your blood vessels. (Uric acid is a byproduct of fructose metabolism. In fact, fructose typically generates uric acid within minutes of ingestion.)' in from google (sugar blood pressure) result 3 source of magnesium : find '- about magnesium' avoid beer because beer is magnesium diuretic more info : find 'alcohol is magnesium diuretic' in this text 7. avoid seafood because seafood can cause ciguatoxin poisoning. cooking does not remove ciguatoxin. source : 1. 'symptoms were neurological disturbances affecting the central nervous system, and also peripheral sensory disturbances including paraesthesias, localized intense pruritus and several painful dysaesthesias' in from reference [1] in 'The major symptoms will develop within 1-3 hours of toxin ingestion: vomiting, diarrhea, numbness of extremities, mouth and lips, reversal of hot and cold sensation, muscle and joint aches. The symptoms may last from days to weeks or even months depending on each individual situation. There is no known antidote, though several therapeutic targets have been identified.[1][2]' in from 'ciguatoxin' in from 'ciguatera' in from 'Lampuka' in from 'List of Maltese dishes' in from google (malta cuisine wiki) result 1 2. 'CTX is heat-stable, and therefore, cooking, boiling, freezing, baking or frying does not eliminate or destroy the toxin from the fish tissue [28].' in from google (ciguatoxin cooking) result 1 3. 'Ciguatoxins are lipid-soluble polyether compounds consisting of 13 to 14 rings fused by ether linkages into a most rigid ladder-like structure (see Figure 7.1). They are relatively heat-stable molecules that remain toxic after cooking and exposure to mild acidic and basic conditions' in from google (ciguatoxin cooking) result 5 ciguatoxin in fish, maybe can cause hypothalamus (brain) blunted, not sensitive during linking 'the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland.' in from 'the pituitary is controlled in large part by the hypothalamus, a region of the brain that lies just above the pituitary' in from google (pituitary gland insulin) result 1 diabetes belongs to endocrine/endocrinology group source : 'Specialty Endocrinology' in from 'All hormones secreted by the pituitary gland are peptide hormones, as are leptin from adipocytes, ghrelin from the stomach, and insulin from the pancreas.' in from 'Endocrinology' in but maybe seafood-meat is ok because ciguatoxin maybe is being stored in fat, not in meat. source : 1. find 'a form of mercury that concentrates in the fatty tissues of' in this text 2. find '7. animals store toxin ( dioxin ) inside their fat.' in this text 8. avoid salt, avoid caffeine (coca cola, coffee, tea), avoid smoking, because they narrow artery, decrease blood flow, less blood flow makes it more difficult for wounds to heal and damages the integrity of the peripheral nerves (diabetic neuropathy). salt makes tiny muscles in the artery walls become stronger and thicker, makes the space inside the arteries smaller and raises your blood pressure even higher info : find '- what causes vasoconstriction, narrowing the artery', '- about salt :', 'To cope with the extra strain, the tiny muscles in the artery' in this text source : 1. 'Caffeine Content: 34 mg / 12 fl oz' in from google (cherry coke) result 2 2. caffeine content in 8 oz : decaf-coffee still contain caffeine:30 mg caffeine/20 fl oz.[source:'Caffeine 30mg**' in from google(starbucks decaf coffee ingredient)result 1] 1 starbuck-glass decaf-coffee : 3 -> 18 mg caffeine.[source:'The average 12-ounce cup of decaf coffee – a Starbucks tall – usually contains between 3 and 18 milligrams of caffeine. (By comparison, an 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull contains 80 milligrams of caffeine) The average of amount of caffeine in regular coffee can vary significantly, usually between 140 and 300 mg.' in from google(decaf coffee caffeine content)result 4] 2 starbuck-decaf-coffee without methyl-chloride(carcinogen):(1)decaf-komodo-dragon-blend,(2)via-instant-decaf-italian-roast.[source:'After receiving your email, I got in touch with Starbucks and was surprised - and disappointed - to learn that they do, in fact, use a solvent called methylene chloride to produce all but two of their decaffeinated coffees. The decaf Komodo Dragon Blend and the VIA Instant Decaf Italian Roast are the only two made without chemical solvents.' in from google(starbuck use methyl chloride)->people also ask->Does Starbucks use Swiss Water Decaf? from 'Starbucks, which uses methyl chloride to decaffeinate most of its blends, now offers a “naturally processed” decaf Sumatra brew. Caribou Coffee uses a non-chemical water process in all its decaf blends. And the Coffee Bean says it tests its decaffeinated blends to ensure that there are no chemical residues from the process it uses.' in from google(decaf coffee caffeine content)result 4] coffee : 95 - 165 mg caffeine espresso : 376 - 512 mg caffeine instant : 63 mg caffeine latte, mocha : 63 - 126 mg caffeine black tea : 25 - 48 mg caffeine green tea : 25 - 29 mg caffeine bottled tea : 5 - 40 mg caffeine cocacola : 24 - 46 mg caffeine energy drink : 27 - 164 mg caffeine energy shot : 320 - 800 mg caffeine in from google (tea contain caffeine) result 2 drinking coffee often causes adrenal fatigue, adrenal insufficiency which has symptom : fatigue, body ache, weight loss, low blood pressure, salt and sugar craving more info : find '8. coffee stimulate adrenal gland (part of kidney)' in this text furthermore, tea contain fluorine/fluoride which maybe calcifies pancreas source : find '3. maybe calcifies beta-cell in pancreas causing diabetes type 1.' or 'swallowing tea-water, toothpaste is bad for bone, teeth because' in this text salt hurt an eye, salt can hurt beta-cell in pancreas so pancreas can not produce insulin. more info : find 'try smear water to skin below an eye then' in this text [obsolete] [reason]sugar can do osmosis as well, so water and sugar smeared on skin area below an eye should hurt that eye but sugar does not hurt that eye, only salt hurt that eye. source : google (sugar osmosis) but maybe sugar actually can not do osmosis to kill source : 'Now MIT researchers have devised a new way to protect bacteria from the onslaught of the human body’s defense system, published this week in the journal Advanced Materials. The scientists used layers of two different polysaccharides, or sugars, to coat individual cells of Bacillus coagulans, which is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome. The end result is a patina of gel enveloping the bacteria in a protective sheath, helping them to get through the stomach and stick to the intestinal lining.' from google (sugar kill bacteria) page 1 last result [/reason] salt maybe doing osmosis pulling out water from beta-cell in pancreas, destroying beta-cell so pancreas can not produce insulin. [/obsolete] 9. if eating salt then do physical exercise to eject salt with sweat just like salt water fish removes salt from blood using chloride secretory cells, chloride cells source : 1. 'a large quantity of salt into the blood and this has to be removed', 'salt is removed by chloride secretory cells in the gills which actively transport salt from the blood into the surrounding water in the ocean' in from search youube keyword (saltwater fish live in freshwater) result 3 2. 'Salt is removed by chloride secretory cells in the gills, which actively transport salts from the blood into the surrounding water' in from google (how fish remove salt from blood) result 3 fish can live in aquarium water with sugar added. but sugar in aquarium, causes bacteria to thrive, compete with fish to inhale oxygen source : from google (fish live in sugar water) result 1 fresh water fish seems can not live in salt water source : from google (putting freshwater fish in salt water) result 1 10. try drink water mixed with vinegar because 'Vinegar Decreases Postprandial Hyperglycemia in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes' in vinegar should destroy unwanted calcium (calcification) in pancreas. maybe pancreas is calcified because of chronic pancreatitis, it is possible to suffer chronic pancreatitis without suffering upper abdominal pain source : 1. 'Calcification was also demonstrated in ldlr−/−-apoB100/100 mice rendered diabetic by overexpression of insulin-like growth factor-2' in from google (calcification blood vessel insulin) result 1, 2. 2. 'Osteogenic differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) results in medial artery calcification, which is common in diabetes,' in from google (calcification blood vessel insulin) result 3 3. 'Most individuals with chronic pancreatitis experience upper abdominal pain, although some have no pain at all.' in from google (chronic pancreatitis without pain) result 3 4. 'Chronic pancreatitis can also lead to diabetes mellitus and pancreatic calcification, in which small, hard calcium deposits develop in the pancreas.' in from google (calcified pancreas) result 8 warning, tips about drinking vinegar : find 'how to drink vinegar-' 11. drink water mixed with vinegar, water mixed with lemon to emulsify bile which help digest fat. info : find 'drink water mixed with lemon, water mixed with vinegar' in 12. avoid eating cow/beef, pig/pork because insulin comes from cow, pig. relying on insulin, makes cow, pig, becomes high-priest '3 When the high priest sins, he makes everyone else guilty too.' in means eating cow, pig maybe means injuring high-priest then injuring insulin-customer source : 'Animal insulin – This isn’t used much anymore, but some people find that insulin from animals works best for them. It is usually from a cow or pig.' in from google (why insulin injected) result page 3 number 1 but bible has flaw : 13. immune system is white-blood source : (Pus with white blood cells under the microscope) from youtube-search (immune system under microscope) result 11 diabetes type 1 is about self-attacking-immune-system. white-blood is protein. so diabetes type 1 maybe is about having excessive animal-protein, not about having exessive sugar. maybe avoid bread because bread contain yeast/fungi. yeast in bread is fungi, fungi tells neutrophils (part of white-blood) to start attacking stuffs source : 1. 'Phagocytosis by Human Neutrophils is Stimulated by a Unique Fungal Cell Wall Component' in from ref[16] in 'Neutrophils have a preference to engulf refined carbohydrates[15][16][17] (from ingested glucose, fructose, sucrose, honey and orange juice[15]) over bacteria.[15]' in from 'neutrophil' in from 2. 'classified as members of the fungus kingdom.' in so avoid eating bread and animal-protein together. maybe animal's blood from animal-protein causes : (Why You Can't Mix Blood Types) from youtube-recommendation so maybe animal-protein causes diabetes-type-1, not sugar. 14)try do hamstring-exercise. more info:find 'hamstring' in this text. hamstring-exercise cure tingling-sensation in pinky-toe/foot-pinky-finger if leg stay still in same-position for long-time example:sitting for long-time which pinch hamstring for long-time. diabetes-patient suffer bad-blood-circulation in leg, extremity. [source:((1))'Many people with diabetes experience discomfort in their legs and feet, with symptoms such as cramping, numbness, tingling, and pain. The culprits may be poor circulation, nerve damage, or both, and the underlying causes are referred to as peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and peripheral neuropathy. While both appear to be triggered by high blood glucose levels and some of their symptoms overlap, they are two distinct conditions.' in from google(diabetes blood circulation leg)result 1 ((2))extremity-meaning-source:'farthest point or portion' in from 'etremity' in] 15)consume water mixed-with salt-without-iodine . avoid salt-with-iodine . [obsolete] avoid salt because salt-chemistry-composition : NaCL/sodium-chloride/sodium-chlorite/sodium-chlorine is similar to toilet-bowl-dried-oily-feces-stain-remover-clorox-active-ingredient sodium-hypochlorite: 'NaClO', 'Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidizer. Oxidation reactions are corrosive. Solutions burn the skin and cause eye damage' in from 'sodium hypochlorite' label on clorox-bottle NaCL(salt) + O3(ozone) -> NaCLO(sodium-hypochlorite) + O2(oxygen) [source:'Sodium hypochlorite can be easily produced for research purposes by reacting ozone with salt. NaCl + O3 → NaClO + O2. this reaction happens at room temperature and can be helpful for oxidizing alcohols. ' in] chlorine = chloride [source:'The most common compound of chlorine, sodium chloride (common salt), has been known since ancient times. ' in] chlorite = chloride [source:'chlorite ion, or chlorine dioxide anion, is the halite with the chemical formula of ClO−2' in] table-sugar is sucrose, not glucose. table-sugar/sucrose-chemistry-compostiion: C-12-H-22-O-11 [source:'Sucrose is produced naturally in plants, from which table sugar is refined. It has the molecular formula C12H22O11. For human consumption, sucrose is extracted and refined from either sugarcane or sugar beet.' in from idea from 'cakcaka' comment 5 months ago 'AKA how poison is made' in (How Cane Sugar Is Made)] glucose-chemistry-composition : C-6 H-12 O-6 [source:'Glucose is a simple sugar with the molecular formula C6H12O6. Glucose is the most abundant monosaccharide,[3] a subcategory of carbohydrates. Glucose is mainly made by plants and most algae during photosynthesis from water and carbon dioxide, using energy from sunlight' in] Na-O-H/sodium-hydroxide is damaging [source:'In a similar fashion, sodium hydroxide is used to digest tissues, as in a process that was used with farm animals at one time. This process involved placing a carcass into a sealed chamber, then adding a mixture of sodium hydroxide and water (which breaks the chemical bonds that keep the flesh intact). This eventually turns the body into a liquid with coffee-like appearance,[32][33] and the only solid that remains are bone hulls, which could be crushed between one's fingertips.[34]' in] Na-H-C-O-3/sodium-bicarbonate/baking-soda is not damaging [source:] eating too much ajinomoto/msg/C-5-H-8-N-O-4-Na causes thirst [source:] hypernatremia/too-much Na alone causes thirst [source:'Early symptoms may include a strong feeling of thirst, weakness, nausea, and loss of appetite.[1]' in] maybe Na alone taste salty. Cl alone taste like swimming-pool-water-odor. [source:'Cl2 + H2O <--> HClO + HCl' in from 'Chlorine is usually used (in the form of hypochlorous acid) to kill bacteria and other microbes in drinking water supplies and public swimming pools' in] maybe drinking ajinomoto-water/msg-water causes more thirst, but drinking sugary-water not causing thirst. [/obsolete] 16)[obsolete] [reason] apparently powder-sugar causes itchy-throat which produce cough . sugar-mixed-with-water/sugar-water does not produce cough [/reason] eat sugar in solid-form, not in liquid-form. use steel-spoon to eat sugar-powder (move-around sugar-powder inside mouth with saliva then swallow sugar-and-saliva), steel-spoon transfer 100 % sugar-powder from steel-spoon to mouth, wood-spoon may fail to transfer some sugar-powder from wood-spoon to mouth. avoid drinking sugar-water because drinking sugar-water increase pee-frequency. [/obsolete] 17)maybe remove ear-ring which continuously-injure ear-auricle. [source:'auricle' in from 'click image to enlarge' in from google ( ear anatomy ) result 1] and maybe bacteria gather on place where ear-ring-needle penetrate ear-auricle. slightly-separated ear-auricle (slight-ear-laceration) eventually-automatically-rejoin without stitching/suture and keloid maybe appear on ex-ear-auricle-separation/laceration-location. [source:indonesia/malay-language : from google ( kuping sobek tanpa jahit ) result 1] ear-auricle-puncture-location for ear-ring-needle is similar to that slightly-separated ear-auricle. 18)find 'boil intact-egg for 5 -> 10 minute, avoid breaking-egg-then-fry-egg' 19)avoid celery because celery is negative-calorie-food , celery is like diuretic . [obsolete] 16)find 'mix salty-water(stir salt inside water) with cooked-rice.' in 17)drink 1 or 2 spoon or more of kikkoman-soy-sauce [/obsolete] [obsolete] [reason]potassium make loose-stool[/reason] 13. sugar needs salt, potassium source : '"The basic deficiency in beverages such as Gatorade for illness-related dehydration is that there is too much sugar and not enough salt or potassium," Texas A&M University pharmacy professor John Bowman told the Vital Record — the school's news site.' in from google (fever gatorade) result 4 [/obsolete] - vitamin supplements is more inferior than natural food. source : 1. 'fruits and vegetables are a rich source of beneficial and naturally occurring phytochemicals and antioxidants that you will not get in nutritional supplements. Phytochemicals are helpful in protecting against cancer, heart disease and diabetes, while antioxidants stop the harmful effects of free radicals.' in from google 'multivitamin supplement Phytochemical' 2. polyphenols in apple, is antioxidant, activating insulin receptor, control blood sugar. polyphenols is not available in vitamin supplement. 'Polyphenols in apples help to activate the muscle cell insulin receptors, and in this way, they help facilitate passage of sugar from our bloodstream up into our cells. Once again, the result is better blood sugar regulation in our body. ' in from google 'whfoods apple' 3. 'Preventing complications of lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD). Eating more beta-carotene in the diet seems to help prevent bronchitis and difficulty breathing in smokers with COPD, but beta-carotene supplements do not..' in section 'How effective is it?' in from google (beta carotene lung) result 1 from 'vitamin a' in from google (lung remove carbon deposit) result 4 4, 'Low vitamin C intake and serum levels have been associated with greater cataract rates.[21] However, use of supplements of vitamin C has not demonstrated benefit.[22]' in ref : 1. 2. ( ) - possible cure for bloody eyes / broken blood vessels inside eyes : food rich in vitamin k, cooked with fat, is the medicine for internal and external bleeding, including 'broken eyes capillaries' / 'Subconjunctival hemorrhage (broken blood vessel in eye)'. vitamin k absorption need fat, because vitamin k is fat-soluble vitamin. source : 1. internal bleeding : 'gastrointestinal tract', 'mucous membranes' in 'The most common sites of bleeding are the umbilicus, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, circumcision and venepunctures.' in from 'Haemorrhagic disease of the newborn' in from google 'vitamin k deficiency' 2. 'broken capillaries' in ( ) from google 'vitamin k broken capillaries' 3. 'For example, cooked spinach has a 5% bioavailability of phylloquinone, however, fat added to it increases bioavailability to 13% due to the increased solubility of vitamin K in fat.[65]' in [obsolete] [reason] 1. find 'possible cure for cataract 28 june 2017 20:14 edt :' in this text 2. find '- native indian seem does not eat, drink dairy' in this text 3. maybe rotten unpasteurised milk is digestible [/reason] - possible cure for lactose intolerance wear loose underwear, like boxer underwear to allow stomach to expand when gassy. when feeling gassy, or wanting to defecate diarrhea, pinch close urethra opening, that should stimulate fart without anal leakage, desire for diarrhea should disappear. if feeling so gassy that stomach feel hurt then lay down in 'foetus sleeping position', while pinching close urethra opening. stomach gass should come out often, stomach pain from gass should decrease. 'foetus sleeping position' : google image search 'foetus sleeping position' tips in wearing loose underwear / boxer underwear : then drink milk often. living place should be isolated because fart will happen frequently, smell will stink. maybe after 1 year, stomach eventually digets milk with decreased amount of gass. this method is untested with cheese [/obsolete] - possible cure for lactose intolerance : warning : this method causes tuberculosis (tbc) - drink unpasteurised rotten milk to insert lactobacillus bacteria to intestine then drink fresh milk. Lactobacillus from unpasteurised rotten milk digest fresh milk. source : 1. 'Traditionally, Zulus believe that amasi makes a man strong, healthy and desired. During taboos (e.g. menstruation or when there has been contact with death) the affected person must abstain from amasi. Milk is hardly ever drunk fresh ('green milk'), but it is sometimes used to thin amasi which has gone too thick to be used.[3]' in 2. 'The fermentation process increases the shelf life of the product, while enhancing the taste and improving the digestibility of milk.' in 3. ( "I Cured My Lactose Intolerance With Raw Milk!" - Vegan Doctor Responds ) from youtube-search ( lactose detector ) result 34 4. but this person who can digest raw-milk , still can not digest cheese and butter [source : from google ( raw milk lactose intolerance reddit ) ] some lactose-intolerant-person still can not digest and suffer diarrhea . [source : from google ( lactose intolerance lactaid milk reddit ) ] unpasteurised fresh milk contains tuberculosis bacteria. source : 'E. coli, bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis' in unpasteurised rotten milk has lactobacillus bacteria which can not kill tuberculosis bacteria. source : 1. 'The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are either rod-shaped (bacillus), or spherical (coccus), and are characterized by an increased tolerance to acidity (low pH range). This aspect helps LAB to outcompete other bacteria in a natural fermentation' in 2. 'including tuberculosis, bronchitis, catarrh, and anemia. Gilman also said a large part of the credit for the successes of the "kumis cure" is due not to the beverage, but to favorable summer climates at the resorts.[24] Among notables to try the cure were writers Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov. Chekhov, long-suffering from tuberculosis, checked into a "kumis cure" resort in 1901. Drinking four bottles a day for two weeks, he gained 12 pounds, but no cure.[25]', '29 January 1860[1] – 15 July 1904)[2]' in from google (milk fermentation tuberculosis) result 8 so unpasteurised rotten milk causes tuberculosis (tbc). milk contains miniscule morphine and lots of casomorphin. but plants also contain miniscule morphine source : 1. 'Morphine has been found in cow and human milk at concentrations of 200 to 500 nanograms per liter', 'tentatively identified in some common plant sources' in from from from google 'Eli Hazum morphine' from 'eli hazum' in ( ) from 'contains small amounts of morphine' in from google 'casomorphin vs morphin' search result page 2, search result 1 so 166 666 gallon milk for .1 gram of morphine. miniscule amount of morphine 2. 'Beta-casomorphin-7 is a naturally occurring opiate, which is a compound that creates euphoria and is the basis for drugs like morphine' in ( ) from google 'casomorphin' 3. 'morphine is a central nervous system depressant' in 4. 'Most reviews conclude that opioids produce minimal impairment of human performance on tests of sensory, motor, or attentional abilities.' in [obsolete] morphine is immunosuppresor, casomorphin is more powerful than morphine. source : '10-fold more naloxone was required to antagonize the beta-casomorphin-5 effect than that of morphine' in ( ) from google 'casomorphin vs morphine' so casomorphin in milk, maybe weaken immune system a lot. source : google 'morphine immunosuppresion' but maybe casomorphin is different from morphine, maybe casomorphin doesn't weaken immune system, like morphine. [/obsolete] morphine, casomorphin 1-4 / morphicetin, belongs to opioid drugs category. opiod drug affect nervous system, relieve pain, decrease immune system. source : 1. 'nervous system', 'treatment of pain' in 2. casomorphin 1-4 / morphicetin, belongs to opioid category, which decrease immune system source : 'therapeutic and chronic use of opioids can compromise the function of the immune system. Opioids decrease the proliferation of macrophage progenitor cells and lymphocytes, and affect cell differentiation (Roy & Loh, 1996)' in from 'opioid' in from 'morphicetin' in from google (casomorphin wiki) result 1 each opioid, maybe has different effect on immune system, 1 opioid, buprenorphine, has no immunosuppressive activity. source : 'Overall, from several animal studies it emerges that buprenorphine has the more favourable profile, being a potent analgesic devoid of intrinsic immunosuppressive activity.' in ( ) from google 'opioid immunosuppression' maybe casomorphin also has no immunosuppressive activity, just like buprenorphine. stopping from drinking milk, likely have side effect. some raw emotion which usually was restrained by morphine in milk, can go out of control. fat from milk, is called vaccenic acid, may cause bipolar disorder source : 'Vaccenic acid is also found in human orbitofrontal cortex of patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.[10][11]' di from 'vaccenic acid' di from google 'trans fat' but whole fat milk, is more natural than fat reduced milk. bible forbid mixing dairy with meat. source : google 'kosher dairy meat' the cause of bone cancer osteosarcoma, bone narrow cancer leukimia, haven't been discovered. - possible cure for gastroparesis : 1. eat more insoluble fiber, eat less soluble fiber. source : - 'This slows digestion. Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, and some fruits and vegetables' - 'adds bulk to the stool and appears to help food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines.' in if fiber create desire to fart with anal leakage then find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text for tips 2. massage genital to stimulate bloodflow in genital area source : 'Sildenafil citrate, which increases blood flow to the genital area in men, is being used by some practitioners to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract in cases of diabetic gastroparesis.[9]' in 3. find 'muscles which seems help digestion' in this text - women should never drink alcohol, men as well. why ? - alcohol affect bone marrow badly, causing macrocytosis, macrocytosis discard folate. after abstinence, a time period of months are needed to rejuvenate bone marrow / recover from macrocytosis. lacking folate in pregnant woman may cause birth defect spina bifida source : 1. 'Folate deficiency may be caused by any of the following:' 'Alcoholism' 'it is more often due to direct toxicity of the alcohol on the marrow. The macrocytosis of alcoholism usually reverses only after months of abstinence from alcohol. ' in ( ) from reference '[1]' in from 'Macrocytic volume' in from google 'alcohol ggt' 2. 'folic acid' in - maybe lacking folate cause - spina bifida cystica meningocele - maybe tarlov cyst as well, similar to spina bifida cystica meningocele source : 'meningeal cysts' in - alcohol raise ggt level. source : 'drinking coffee lowered serum levels of total protein, albumin, and aspartate aminotransferases (AST). On multivariable analyses, smoking raised serum γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT) level and decreased serum protein and albumin levels, while alcohol drinking raised GGT level after adjustment for age, gender, regular medication, BMI, coffee and alcohol drinking amounts, and smoking.' in from google 'beer ast alt ggt' - drinking alcohol during pregnancy deform the face of the baby : - ovarian cancer causes : baby powder (talcum powder) sprinkled on genital area. source : talcum powder exists in white rice, TUMS antacid as well. too much milk, too much acrylamide source : - high amount of galactose, a sugar released by digestion of lactose in milk source : 'High levels of galactose, a sugar released by the digestion of lactose in milk, have been studied as possibly damaging to the ovaries and leading to ovarian cancer' in ( ) - acrylamide source : 'postmenopausal endometrial and ovarian cancer' in - maybe if drinking milk then avoid : - fried foods, baked foods, because fried foods, baked foods contain acrylamide info about acrylamide : find 'acrylamide' in this text - grilled, fried food more info : find 'why boiling meat / shabu2 / chankonabe cooking style' in this text source : 'liver cooked in butter', 'falafel' in from google 'dairy cancer' - prostate cancer causes : too much milk source : 'men who drank two or more glasses of milk a day were almost twice as likely to develop advanced or metastatic (spreading) prostate cancer as those who didn’t drink milk at all' in ( ) solution : - eat spinach if spinach cause diarrhea then try eat carrots. if carrot causes stomach gas then steam, boil carrot until soft source : - 'only spinach showed evidence of significant protection against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer. ', - 'anti-cancer carotenoids—called epoxyxanthophylls — are plentiful in spinach, even though they may not be as effectively absorbed as other carotenoids like beta-carotene and lutein.' in carrots seems cure any kind of cancer source : google 'carrot cancer' - eat food rich in vitamin e source : 1. 'Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated that vitamin E is a chemopreventative agent for prostate cancer. alpha-Tocopheryl succinate (VES), a derivative of vitamin E, effectively modulates prostate cancer cell growth.' in 2. 'Here we show that vitamin e causes human prostate cancer cell LNCaP arrest at G1 phase. This is accomplished through vitamin e decrease expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins cyclin D1, D3, and E, cdk2 and 4, but not cdk6.' in from google 'cyclin D1 vitamin e' from 'cyclin d1' in ( ) from google 'regenerate pancreas beta cell' - liver cancer causes : 1. borax in any chunky noodle and chunky meatball source : 'liver cancer' in 2. brazil nut source : 'The European Union has imposed strict regulations on the import from Brazil of Brazil nuts in their shells, as the shells have been found to contain high levels of aflatoxins, which can lead to liver cancer.[16]' in 3. cooking oil source : International sources of commercial peanut butter, cooking oils (e.g. olive, peanut and sesame oil), and cosmetics have been identified as contaminated with aflatoxin. in apiaceous vegetables may reduce the carcinogenic effects of aflatoxin source : 'Medical research indicates that a regular diet including apiaceous vegetables, such as carrots, parsnips, celery and parsley, may reduce the carcinogenic effects of aflatoxin.[17]' in - brain cancer causes : - vinyl chloride aka pvc - ionizing radiation aka 'air travel' source : 'Aside from exposure to vinyl chloride or ionizing radiation' in - oral cancer causes : 1. 'Chewing betel, paan and Areca is known to be a strong risk factor for developing oral cancer' in 2. 'HPV16' virus in cervic source : 'HPV16', 'cervic' in 3. chewing tobacco source : 'throat cancer', 'oral cancer', 'salivary cancer', 'cancer' in 'hpv16' virus seemed to live on the outside of vagina, in addition to cervic area. because michael douglas got oral cancer from doing cunilingus. source : google 'michael douglas oral cancer' says hpv16 causes cervical cancer, so hpv16 virus must be living in cervic area, which is the deep part of vagina, so maybe pee debris brings hpv16 virus to vaginal entrance. hpv could be living inside penis as well. source : 'penis' in michael douglas smokes cigarette source : google image search 'michael douglas cigarette', and likely drink milk, eat cheese. so the combination of cigarette (carcinogen), and dairy (proliferant), could create cancer. more info about dairy acting as proliferant : find 'possible cure for cancer' in this text. jamie dimon maybe got throat cancer from hpv from doing cunilingus. because jamie dimon hasn't smoked cigarette for 30 years. source : 'Mr. Dimon, 58, hasn’t smoked a cigarette in around 30 years, the person said this week. The bank’s chairman and chief executive occasionally bummed cigarettes from colleagues in the early 1980s but never bought a pack or smoked more than five a week, this person added.' in from google 'jamie dimon smoke' jamie dimon maybe got throat cancer from alcoholic drink and milk. find 'alcohol increase risk of cancer :', 'so casomorphine is likely a proliferant, just like morphine' in this text for more info - wart possible causes : (1)eating cold-cheese from grocery, without cooking that cold-cheese 1st. [source:find 'Calves are most susceptible to the papillomavirus'] (2)lacking vitamin A. source :1. 'Keratinocytes' in 2. 'keratinocytes' in ( ) from google 'vitamin a skin health' cow suffer wart maybe because cow eat raw-pig-fat, raw-tallow, raw-fish-meal (1)'whole sunflower seeds (20 % -> 40 % fat) and 100 % fat sources, namely pork tallow and canola oil' in from google(tallow for dairy cow)result 8 (2)fish-meal in from google(dairy cow feed pork fat)result 1 (3)lard (swine) -> swine means pork/pig in from google(dairy cow feed pork fat)result 1 (4)tallow (beef) -> making dairy-cow a canibal in from google(dairy cow feed pork fat)result 1 beta-cryptoxanthin fight hpv source : '-cryptoxanthin' in from google 'what hpv virus eat' beta-cryptoxanthin is similar to carotenoid, but different. beta-cryptoxanthin is in pumpkin fruit source : 'pumpkin' in from google 'beta-cryptoxanthin oregonstate' - colon cancer causes : pickled foods : acar, kimchi, etc create colon cancer. peanuts prevent colon cancer source : 1. 'In women, but not in men, eating pickled foods 2 or more times a week more than doubled the likelihood of developing colon cancer risk for women, increasing their risk 215%. ' 2. 'Eating peanuts just 2 or more times each week was associated with a 58% lowered risk of colon cancer in women and a 27% lowered risk in men. ' in from google 'whfoods peanut' 3. from google 'pickeld foods' 4. 'Republic of Korea had the highest rate of colorectal cancer, followed by Slovakia and Hungary.' in ( ) from google 'korea colon cancer' - lung cancer cure : beta carotene from carrot, natural foods source : ( ) avoid beta-carotene supplement source : 'beta-carotene supplements might increase the risk of colon, lung, and prostate cancer. Don’t take beta-carotene supplements if you smoke.' in ( ) if carrot causes stomach gas then steam, boil carrot until soft - leukimia, blood cancer causes : 1. splenda source : 'leukemia and other blood cancers' in 2. strontium-90 emission from nuclear reactor source : ( ) from google (nuclear reactor emit strontium) result 2 - bone cancer causes : strontium-90, radium, samarium, plutonium, aka 'bone seeker' material emission from nuclear reactor source : 1. ( ) from google (nuclear reactor emit strontium) result 2 2. 'bone seeker' in google (strontium bone cancer) result 7 people also ask 'why strontium is called a bone seeker ?' - bad luck plays a major role in determining who gets cancer and who does not, according to researchers who found that two-thirds of cancer incidence of various types can be blamed on random mutations and not heredity or risky habits like smoking. in maybe eating meat and egg (animal protein) separately from veggies and fruits reduce bad lack ? - stress produces cortisol, cortisol lowers testosterone, weaken immune system, may trigger autoimmune disorder source : 1. 'Cortisol can weaken the activity of the immune system' in 2. 'administration of cortisol into the circulation at rest will result in reduced blood testosterone levels.' in ( ) from google 'cortisol testosterone' 3. 'Studies show that high levels of cortisol within the bloodstream from the digestion of animal protein may contribute to the development of insulin resistance.[45][46]' in 4. 'It is presumed that the stress-triggered neuroendocrine hormones lead to immune dysregulation, which ultimately results in autoimmune disease, by altering or amplifying cytokine production.' in - flight-or-fight response, human reaction in response to a threat, animal attack, harmful event, produce adrenaline aka epinephrine. epinephrine reduce testosterone. source : 1. 'The fight-or-flight response (also called the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response [in PTSD], hyperarousal, or the acute stress response) is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.[1]' in from 'fight-or-flight response' in from google (adrenaline wiki) result 1 2. 'More specifically, the adrenal medulla produces a hormonal cascade that results in the secretion of catecholamines, especially norepinephrine and epinephrine.[4]' in 3. 'Inhibition of erection' in 4. 'Inverse relationship between plasma epinephrine and testosterone levels' in from google 'adrenaline testosterone' harmful event in above, is stress source : 'Trauma is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one's ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved with that experience.[1]' in redirected from 'harmful event' in playing video game may produce flight-or-fight response as well, ensuring the video game character avoid danger, that action may trigger flight-or-fight response. - male : falling in love decrease testosterone female : falling in love raise testosterone source : 'Falling in love decreases men's testosterone levels while increasing women's testosterone levels.' in (for males only) nipple size reduction (gynecomastia cure) ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. do physical exercise to lose weight 'the fatter you are, the bigger your nipples grow...lose some fat, your titties will shrink.' from from google 'shrink large nipples' 2. avoid eggyolk, because biotin in eggyolk boost current estrogen level. source : 'In the biotin-supplemented group we found that... mice exhibited 105.4% higher serum estradiol' in ( ) 3. avoid beer, because beer enlarge boobs source : from google 'beer estrogen' search result number 7 (end for males only) ----------- what to do if feeling hypertension ------------ wear boxer. if feeling too much salt in the body, likely symtom is pain in calves muscles, and all activities are ineffective then drink lots of water source : 'water' in -----------end what to do if feeling hypertension --------------- advantage of having short stature : (1)short stature decrease risk of 'venous insufficiency' source : 'tall' in 'cause' in ( ) turn off javascript prior loading that website, so all text is shown without clicking 'expand' many times (2)shorter stature, is more resistant against cancer, diabetes, aging source : 'resistant to cancer and diabetes and are somewhat protected against aging.[6][12][13] This is consistent with findings in mice with a defective growth hormone receptor gene.[7]' in (3)short animal lives longer source : from google (crocodile live forever) result 10 [obsolete] [reason] blood pressure of dogs, cats, horses are about the same source : from google 'horse blood pressure' result 1 [/reason] 3. shorter stature need lower blood pressure to stay alive, lower blood pressure is healthier source : 'Because smaller animals (for example rats) function at a lower blood pressure, they need less oncotic pressure to balance this, and thus need less albumin to maintain proper fluid distribution.' in [/obsolete] sunbathe ---------------- do not sunbathe/sun-bathe , because sun-light create skin-freckle/skin-marking . bent-leg / bow-leg , is because of bad leg-position-during-standing , and standing for long time . bone is from hardened animal-fat/animal-oil , veggie-oil/veggie-fat . consume to harden fat/oil . salt-with-iodine : is not digestible , causing flatulence , causing steatorrhea because iodine is from chicken-egg-shell which contain sulfur which smell like fart . vinegar remove that animal-fat , veggie-oil then bone become flexible : find ' (Magic Bendy Bone - How to Bend a Chicken Bone Science Experiment !!)' clam , oyster , mantis-shrimp , live on semi-dark-ocean-floor , has strong bone , and never sun-bathe . [obsolete] sunbathing gives vitamin d, vitamin d cures depression source : google 'vitamin d depression' [/obsolete] about skin : ----- when the skin becomes red from sun exposure (erythema), rest, do not sunbathe for at least 2 days. source : 'Damage accumulates when the skin is not given adequate time to recover from the initial insult. After irradiation with 0.75 MED, it takes 30–48 hours to recover from UVA and 24–30 hours to recover from UVB [38]. If repeated exposures are spaced appropriately, the skin will recover and erythema will not develop.' in ( ) swimming under sun-light , burn skin . 1/2 meter under water , remove 60 % uv-b/uvb so there is 40 % uvb left-over still burning skin . [ simplified-source : (1/2)'water absorb uvb/uv-b ( frequency-range of ultra-violet-light which causes sunburn ) but swimmer need a few meter of water to provide adequate protection . 1/2 meter of water will still let 40 % of uv-b through and cooling-effect of water makes you less aware of uv-b-sun-light. Burning your back while snorkelling/snorkeling is very easy to do.' in from google ( swimming sun burn ) result 3 (2/2) 'Up to 40 % of total UV radiation hits body 1/2 meter below surface of water, according to SunSmart. Ordinarily, you would have to dive at least 2.5 meter in inshore-water and 4.5 meter in offshore-coastal-water to avoid harmful UV radiation. This is because offshore-coastal-water tend to appear clearer, so UV can penetrate clear offshore-coastal-water deeper-than murky-inshore-water. murky-inshore-water tend to have sediment and nutrients that can decrease UV a lot. When swimming, you may not notice when your skin is burning because skin is feeling cooling-effect of water. Reflective-environment around water can amplify UV, such as concrete or other hard-surface around a swimming pool.' in from google ( sun burn under water ) result 1 ] vitamin e helps protect the skin from ultraviolet light source : ' vitamin E primarily reacts with reactive oxygen species. In addition, vitamin E can also absorb the energy from ultraviolet (UV) light. Thus, it plays important roles in photoprotection, preventing UV-induced free radical damage to skin.' in from google 'vitamin e skin' for males : avoid sunbathing testicles, sunbathing testicles will cause burning pain. avoid sunbathing circumcised penis head, sunbathing circumcised penis head likely darken penis head. sunbathing penis skin, may create skinmole, removing skinmole from penis skin, is difficult. to remove skin mole : 1. cover skin mole with minced garlic, use adhesive tape. 2. renew minced garlic after bathing. 3. during renewal, check whether the skin mole is soft, if soft then pull apart the mole with finger nails, rinse finger nails and wound with normal-soap, not anti bacterial bar soap. avoid using antibacterial soap because antibacterial soap can make super-bacteria.soap only remove bacteria,does not kill bacteria source : 1)'long-term exposure to certain active ingredients used in antibacterial products — for example, triclosan (liquid soaps) and triclocarban (bar soaps) — could pose health risks, such as bacterial resistance or hormonal effects' in from google (fda antibaccterial soap) result 1 2)'Wash your hands with plain soap and water' in from google (fda antibaccterial soap) result 2 3)from (How Does Soap Work?) from youtube-search (how soap work) result 3 4)'bacteria doesn't die, simply flushed away during rinsing' in (How Does Soap Work?) from youtube-search (how soap work) result 3 5)from matt's comment 'Stay way from antibacterial soap. Increases the probability of having mutated bacteria.' in (How Does Soap Work?) from youtube-search (how soap work) result 1 [obsolete]rinse finger nails and wound with anti bacterial bar soap.[/obsolete] 4. if another skin mole reappear in the same place then repeat treatment until the new skin reappear. 5. after pulling apart the soft mole then blood may come out, drain the blood protect the wound from sunlight. this may not work for removing skin mole near lips because the adhesive tape will touch the lips , may cause dehydration. [obsolete]stale minced garlic which has become dry, still works. [/obsolete] stale garlic, lack allicin, maybe not effective anymore. [obsolete] if the mole is flat then pulling apart process can't be done, just renew garlic [/obsolete] if the mole is flat then this garlic treatment can make that flat mole become raised mole and soft then that raised mole can be pulled apart. source : search 'garlic skinmole' [obsolete] [reason] maybe adhesive-tape can not stick to skin because cotton-ball is wet [/reason] another possible procedure to remove skin-mole : ( time-duration 1 week to 6 week ) (1)soak cotton-ball in apple-cider-vinegar (2)use adhesive-tape to make that cotton-ball stick to skin-mole , if cotton-ball is dry then renew cotton-ball . [2 source : (1)'what i did was tape an acv drenched cotton-ball to the mole overnight as i slept, daily. will take about a week.' in from google ( removing skin mole reddit ) result 3 (2)'I just dipped a tiny piece of cotton in ACV, put it on the mole, and covered it with a bandage to hold in place. Only took 2-3 days! I changed out the cotton whenever it got dry' in from google ( removing skin mole reddit ) result 1 ] [/obsolete] another possible procedure to remove skin-mole , swollen-acne-marking : ( time-duration 1 week to 6 week ) : (1)pick object made-from-steel/ferum like ferum-clothes-hanger-tip , ferum-chopstick , ferum-spoon-handle , whose size is same as skin-mole-size . (2)use candle-light to burn that ferum-object , to make that ferum-object become hot ( usually also become having black-color ) . (3)make that hot ferum-object touch skin-mole for as-long-time-duration-as-possible , then wipe-away black-color-ash-marking on skin-mole , then repeat-making that hot ferum-object touch skin-mole for as-long-time-duration-as-possible , then repeat-wiping-away black-color-ash-marking on skin-mole then repeat etc...if feeling excessive pain or if there is blood then stop (4)superficial wound will appear on skin-mole , then that superficial-wound will become scab then that scab will go away and skin-mole vanish . (5)wash that hot ferum-object to remove black-color-ash and to revert that ferum-object-color to original-silver-color . dark skin is more resistant to skin cancer source : 'Melanin helps block out damaging UV rays up to a point, which is why people with naturally darker skin are less likely to get sunburned, while people with lighter skin are more likely to burn. Sunburns can increase your risk of skin cancer, including melanoma. But UV exposure can raise skin cancer risk even without causing sunburn' in from google (white skin skin cancer) result 1 about eyes : ----- - sunglasses is not strong enough to protect the eyes during looking toward sun-ball. - only 'shade 14 welding glass' can protect the eyes during looking toward sun-ball. - wearing sunglasses may cause skin cancer. source : 1. 'Ultraviolet light, specifically UV-B, has been shown to cause cataracts and there is some evidence that sunglasses worn at an early age can slow its development in later life.[8]' in 2. 'nuclear cataract is associated with cigarette smoking,25,43,44 cortical cataract with UV exposure,26 and posterior subcapsular cataract with hypertension27 and use of steroid preparations.45,46' in ( ) 3. only weldger googles rated 14 or higher can protect the eyes from the sun, solar elipse sufficiently. sunglasses will not protect the eyes sufficiently. source : ( ) from google 'sunglass to view sun' result 4 4. 'There has been some speculation that sunglasses actually promote skin cancer.[14] This is due to the eyes being tricked into producing less melanocyte-stimulating hormone in the body.' in [obsolete] 'Statin use is somewhat associated with a lower risk of nuclear sclerotic cataract.' in [/obsolete] statin medicine may cause cataract source : 'Cataract development may be influenced by statins’ effects on the oxidation process, the researchers say. The cholesterol-inhibiting properties of statins may also interfere with cell regeneration in the eye’s lens, which requires cholesterol to maintain transparency.' in from google 'statin cataract' from from slashdot facebook page announcement brown eyes have higher cataract risk. blue eyes have higher photokeratitis risk source : 1. 'There is a higher risk of burning for individuals like Anderson Cooper, who have lighter-colored eyes.' in ( ) from google 'anderson cooper sunburn color' 2. 'Melanin in the eyes, in the iris and choroid, helps protect them from ultraviolet and high-frequency visible light; people with gray, blue, and green eyes are more at risk for sun-related eye problems. Further, the ocular lens yellows with age, providing added protection. However, the lens also becomes more rigid with age, losing most of its accommodation - the ability to change shape to focus from far to near - a detriment due probably to protein crosslinking caused by UV exposure' in 3. 'typically affects people with light eyes because they have less pigmentation in multiple layers of the eye than those with darker eyes. Because of this, they are unable to block out the effects of harsh lights like sunlight and fluorescent lights.' in from 'Myth or Fact: People with Light Eyes are More Sensitive to Sunlight' in from google (light colored eyes sunburned dark) result 6 ( ) 4. 'Persons with light-blue iris color who showed significantly higher IOSL values therefore may experience disability glare in daily situations such as driving at night more often than others.' from 'Iris color and visual funct... [Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2013]' in from google (light colored eyes sunburned dark) result 6 5. 'Blue eyes sunburn more easily' in from google (light colored eyes sunburned dark) result 8 6. 'People with dark brown eyes are at increased risk of cataract and should be encouraged to protect their eyes from direct exposure to sunlight' in from google (australian brown eyes cataract blue eyes) result 1 from 'australian study' in from google (brown eyes cataract blue eyes) result 1 from 'Brown eyes are more likely to develop cataracts' in ( ) blue-eye maybe is incest-eye ? source: (1)'All blue-eyed people share a common ancestor. According to a study by the University of Copenhagen, a genetic mutation occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago that caused blue eye color to emerge. Were it not for this single common ancestor, humans would all still have brown eyes.' in from google (light colored eyes sunburned dark) result 8 (2)'Addendum: I do acknowledge that it is correct that the vast majority of of people who exhibit blue-eyes do share a common ancestor within the last 10,000 years' in from google(blue eye common ancestor)result 4 from 'All blue-eyed people share a common ancestor' in from google (light colored eyes sunburned dark) result 8 DHA (Docosahexaenoic fatty acids) / omega-3 makes retina source : 1. 2. google (Docosahexaenoic fatty acid retina) - ocular hypertension causes : - high iop (intraocular pressure) in eyes, occular hypertension which can be caused by: 1. handstand, headstand normal eyes pressure (iop, intraocular pressure) is 12-22 mmhg source : 'Normal eye pressure ranges from 12-22 mm Hg' in from google 'normal iop' iop during handstand : 34.8 mmhg iop during headstand : 33.6 mmhg iop during sitting down on floor (lotus pose) : 13.7 mmhg source : 'lotus pose', 'handstand' in from google 'handstand ocular hypertension' search result number 7 iop > 21mmHg causes glaucoma source : (1) (2)youtube recommendation after in from google (glaucoma) result 1 (3)(3.1)'Glaucoma is a disease that damages your eye’s optic nerve. It usually happens when fluid builds up in the front part of your eye. That extra fluid increases the pressure in your eye, damaging the optic nerve.' (3.2)'Primary open-angle glaucoma This is the most common type of glaucoma. It happens gradually, where the eye does not drain fluid as well as it should (like a clogged drain). As a result, eye pressure builds and starts to damage the optic nerve. This type of glaucoma is painless and causes no vision changes at first.' (3.3)'When the drainage angle gets completely blocked, eye pressure rises very quickly. This is called an acute attack. It is a true eye emergency, and you should call your ophthalmologist right away or you might go blind.' in how bood flow upward in the legs : with heart pumping action, valves, muscles contraction source : find '- how blood flow upward the legs when standing, fighting gravity' eyes seem does not have muscle contraction to send blood flow upward during headstand, handstand position. heart pump, jumping up and down sends blood upward to the head, when standing. failure to send blood upward the legs is venous insufficiency which causes varicose vein. untreated hypertension causes aneurysm source : 'aneurysm' in from google (hypertension) result 1 aneurysm happens in artery more likely than in vein source : 1. 2.'Aneurysms are weak places in an artery not a vein that begins to bulge' in from google (varicose vein vs aneurysm) result 9 central retinal artery exists in inner retina source : 1. 'The central retinal artery, enters the eye through the optic nerve and divides into multiple branches to perfuse the inner layers of the retina' in from google-image (central retinal artery inside retina) row 1 col 3 2. from from google-image (central retinal artery inside retina) row 2 col 1 3. from youtube search keyword 'retinal artery' result 2 inner retina contain vitreous humor, vitreous humor seems never get replaced from birth to death. source : 1. 'The vitreous does not undergo a regular formation and drainage process like the aqueous humor. Instead, it stays permanently in the vitreous body of the eye' in 2. 'The jelly does not naturally replace itself and is substituted with one of the following' in from reference of 'Unlike the fluid in the frontal parts of the eye (aqueous humour) which is continuously replenished, the gel in the vitreous chamber is stagnant. Therefore, if blood, cells or other byproducts of inflammation get into the vitreous, they will remain there unless removed surgically[2][3]' in contradicts doug rett (od faao) saying vitreous humor is being replaced by aqueous humor automatically source : 1. 1.1 'Doug Rett, OD, FAAO' 1.2 'At this point, gas fills the vitreous chamber, the retina is pressed against the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) by the gas, and the RPE pumps are starting to re-adhere the retina. But eventually the gas will diffuse out into the ocular tissues.' 1.3 'our original question: What eventually fills the vitreous chamber after the gas diffuses out? The answer is aqueous humor. In a typical patient, the ciliary body makes enough aqueous humor to replace the entire anterior chamber volume every few hours – plenty fast enough to fill the vitreous chamber. As the gas seeps out and the bubble rises, aqueous humor fills the empty space. Of course, this happens even if the surgeon doesn’t use gas.' 1.4 'I think it’s important to remember that in a non-vitrectomized eye each chamber has its own pressure, and this pressure affects the others. The anterior chamber should have the lowest pressure, and the vitreous chamber the highest. Because gases and liquids in nature will move from a higher pressure container to a lower one' 2. 'optometry degree (OD)' in google (od faao degree) result 4 3. 'fellow of the american academy of osteopathy (faao)' in from google (od faao degree) result 3 in from google (pneumatic retinopexy vitreous chamber), (pneumatic retinopexy), (fluorescein angiogram seal retina) @ 7 april 2018 4:59 pm edt so if central retinal artery suffer aneurysm then burst then self-heal maybe impossible, vitrectomy maybe is needed standing still for a long time without wearing tight underwear can cause petechia, vasculitis in the legs. petechia, vasculitis in the legs is blood vessel in the legs bursting, petechia, vasculitis in the legs can self-heal without vitrectomy. more info about petechia, vasculitis in the legs : find 'petechia' in how aneurysm grows bigger then has a risk of bursting : from youtube search keyword 'aneurysm' result 1 how hypertension break blood vessel, retina blood vessel (Hypertensive Retinopathy from from google (retinal blood vessel hypertension) result 1) : what causes blindness : find : 'amd', 'band keratopathy', 'cataract', 'myopia', 'ocular hypertension' in this text about teeth : ----------------- sucrose (table sugar) more likely causes dental cavity than glucose and fructose combined. glucose gluten-free : maize, rice, plantain, cassava, corn, sago, millet glucose with gluten : wheat (warning : gluten in wheat causes autoimmune disorder, more info : find 'gluten' in this text) fructose : fruits source : 1. 'Sucrose, although a bound glucose and fructose unit, is in fact more cariogenic than a mixture of equal parts of glucose and fructose.' in from google 'sucrose cariogenicity', 'Sucrose, although a bound glucose and fructose unit, is in fact more cariogenic than a mixture of equal parts of glucose and fructose.' in 2. 'Maize, rice, wheat, cassava, corn husk and sago' in 3. 'fruit sugar' in 4. 'millet' in fb page : food which destroy teeth : 1. citrus fruit destroy teeth source : 'Citrus fruits are highly acidic. They can wear down the hard outer covering of your teeth, called enamel. That makes your teeth more vulnerable to decay. This doesn't mean you have to skip your morning OJ, though. Just make sure to brush afterward. Ideally you should wait 30 minutes after eating or drinking. And limit acidic drinks, such as coffee or lemonade, for the rest of the day.' in 2. dried fruit destroy teeth more than candy source : 'Dried fruit is sticky, which means it stays on the teeth longer than some sweets. This provides an ongoing source of sugar that fuels bacterial growth. So if you're a fan of trail mix, rinse your mouth with water after snacking. Brush and floss as soon as possible. ' in 3. apple destroy teeth, fruit juice destroy teeth as well. source : 1. from google 'apple toothache' result page 2 number 4 2. 'fruit juice' in ( ) from google 'David Bartlett apple tooth' milk, cheddar cheese, cure tooth destruction if eaten soon after eating fruits above, which destroy teeth source : 'It has been found that milk and certain kinds of cheese like cheddar cheese can help counter tooth decay if eaten soon after the consumption of foods potentially harmful to teeth.[34] Also, chewing gum containing xylitol (a sugar alcohol) is widely used to protect teeth in many countries now. Xylitol's effect on reducing dental biofilm is, it is presumed, due to bacteria's inability to utilize it like other sugars.[83]' in If you knock your tooth out, putting it in milk will help preserve it. Yes, true! It's important to keep the tooth moist until you can get to the dentist's office or emergency room. The best options are to put the tooth back in its socket without touching the root or keep it in between the cheek and gums. If neither is possible, store the tooth in milk and head to the dentist right away. source : fructose is energy for male sperm. source : google 'fructose testicle' glucose is energy for brain. source : 'Because the brain is so rich in nerve cells, or neurons, it is the most energy-demanding organ, using one-half of all the sugar energy in the body' in from google (brain glucose) result 2 salt-water kills mouth-bacteria. info : info : find 'swish-inside-mouth salty-water-without-iodine/iodium then swallow . ' in this text possible way to cure dental cavity : ------------------------------------- keep mouth open as long as possible, as frequently as possible, to keep teeth dry. dental cavity is caused by biofilm encouraging bacteria to live. biofilm is created in wet environment. source : 1. 'Biofilms will form on virtually every non-shedding surface in a non-sterile aqueous (or very humid) environment.' in from 'biofilm' in 2. 'Humidity also makes a difference; no bacteria or virus can live on dry surfaces with a humidity of less than 10 percent. Any sort of nutrients-food particles, skin cells, blood, mucus-helps microbes thrive, which is why your kitchen sponge is a breeding ground.' in ( ) from google (bacteria in dry place) result 2 3. 'a biofilm may form on any surface exposed to bacteria and some amount of water.1' in from google (biofilm) result 7 4. 'while plaque is the biofilm on the surfaces of the teeth' in from 'S. mutans' in from 'Streptococci' in how to use cfl lamp : --------------------------- (1)use cfL without light-fixture because: (1)light-fixture is heavy making light-fixture-root, ceiling suffer pulling-stress/tension-stress then structure-fatigue-probability increase. [source : from 'Mechanic stress' in from google (stress type wiki) result 1] (2)Light-fixture-interior is like green-house/greenhouse trapping heat then making light-bulb dead earlier. example-cfl-operating-temperature:(1)maximum-temperature : 75 celcius (2)minimum-operating-temperature : -22 f ( - 30 c ) source: from google (cfl ballast temperature) result 4 from 'For example, if you use a higher wattage CFL in any sort of closed fixture the heat that is generated by the light bulb becomes trapped in the can and will overheat the ballast and making it last up to 70% less than declared! Another common problem is the fact that people expect from ordinary CFLs to serve as good outdoors lighting where they can run constantly, but you need to know that those CFLs don’t perform well on low temperatures. Aside weaker light output and longer time needed to achieve it, they tend to last far less then stated. CFLs are also found to be sensitive to humidity.' in from google(prolong light bulb)result 3 example about greenhouse/green-house-temperature: when outdoor-temperature reaches 80 f => 100 f (27 c => 38 c), car-interior-temperature reaches 130 f => 172 f (54 c => 78 c). [source : 'Basically the car becomes a greenhouse', 'When temperatures outside range from 80 degrees to 100 degrees, the temperature inside a car parked in direct sunlight can quickly climb to between 130 to 172' in] (3)Light-fixture can accumulate dead-insect, maybe bring bad-luck (2)stay minimum 1 foot away (3)avoid staring directly to the cfl light fixture source : 'she recommends that users shield the bulbs inside fixtures, stay one to two feet away from them, and avoid staring directly into the CFL bulb. ' in the article says 'avoid staring directly into the CFL bulb.' i interpret that to 'avoid staring directly into the CFL bulb inside the fixtures' so 'avoid staring directly into the fixtures.' tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion : ------------------------------------------------- about vagina -------------------- vagina bacteria list : from 'List of microbiota species of the lower reproductive tract of women' in from google 'vagina flora' Lactobacilli is a good bacteria for vagina source : 1. 'Vaginal flora is a community of bacteria, and the dominant species of bacteria is our good pal lactobacillus. These lactobacilli help keep the vaginal pH level low and inhibit the growth of yeast (and other unwanted organisms).' from google 'vagina flora' 2. 'Lactobacilli have been shown to inhibit in vitro growth of pathogenic microorganisms, e.g. Bacteroides fragilis, Escherichia coli, Gardnerella vaginalis, Mobiluncus spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, P. bivia and Staphylococcus aureus. It is generally accepted that this is achieved through the action of lactic acid primarily.[4][5][6][7]' in from google 'vagina flora' vitamin b1 stops pain during menstruation info : find '-thiamine/vitamin b1 daily value----------' in this text blowing air to vagina can kill the woman esp pregnant woman, menstruating woman source : 1. 'Yes, it's a true but very rare occurrence. When air is blown or forced directly into a vagina — without allowing any air to escape — an air embolism (the abnormal presence of air in the cardiovascular system) could form, which can be fatal. Women who are more at risk for this unlikely possibility are those whose pelvic vessels are enlarged (meaning, increased blood supply to the vagina) due to a condition such as trauma and possibly pregnancy. So, if a very large amount of air were to be blown or forced into their vaginal canals, it's possible that the air could enter their bloodstream, causing a blockage in a blood vessel. As a result, some of these women, perhaps including the pregnant women's fetus, may experience complications. In extraordinary cases, some of these women (and the fetus) may die if the embolism travels to the heart or lungs.' in from google (blow vagina) result 1 2. 'If your guy forms a seal around your vagina with his lips and forces air inside without allowing it to escape, bubbles can form, which travel through the opening in the cervix up into the uterus, where they may be absorbed into the bloodstream. If at any point the air bubbles block a blood vessel ‑- especially one that leads to the brain or heart ‑- it could cause a stroke, heart attack or even death. However, the chances of that happening are pretty slim. For one thing, blowing air into the vagina is dangerous only when your below-the-belt blood vessels are engorged due to hormonal changes that occur during menstruation or pregnancy. Plus, your guy would have to be puffing darn hard to put you at risk. ' in from google (blow vagina) result 2 3. from yahoo answer search keyword 'blow vagina' result 1 possible way to kill virus ---------------------------- virus eat cholesterol to replicate, decreasing cholesterol level weaken the virus. source : 1. '.Many viruses, including HIV, require cholesterol for their replication and as a structural element. Cholesterol also plays a pivotal role in innate antiviral immune responses.' in ( ) 2. 'Cholesterol Depletion of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Simian Immunodeficiency Virus with β-Cyclodextrin Inactivates and Permeabilizes the Virions' in ( ) 3. 'Pretreatment of virions with MCD or nystatin significantly reduced virus infectivity in a dose-dependent manner.' in 4. 'Pretreatment of virions with methyl-β-cyclodextrin efficiently depleted envelope cholesterol from influenza virus and significantly reduced virus infectivity in a dose-dependent manner. A nonenveloped virus, simian virus 40, was not affected by methyl-β-cyclodextrin treatment.' in ( ) from google 'virus cholesterol' result 2, 3, 4, 1 [obsolete] virus envelope status list : [/obsolete] so vegetarian diet should weaken virus source : 1. from google 'vegetarian herpes' 2. monkey resist hepatitis c. monkey very rarely eat meat, according to natgeowild tv chanel. source : 1. 'They note substantial differences in how the virus behaves in chimpanzees, whose immune systems seemingly do a better job of fighting it off and protecting their livers.' in ( ) from google 'chimp hep c' 2. 'We did not find evidence of HCV infection in any of the monkeys during 24 weeks of follow-up. Our study demonstrates that rhesus monkeys are not readily infected with HCV and apparently do not represent a useful animal model for the study of HCV.' in ( ) from google 'monkey hep c' 3. 'Pretreatment of virions with methyl-β-cyclodextrin efficiently depleted envelope cholesterol from influenza virus and significantly reduced virus infectivity in a dose-dependent manner. A nonenveloped virus, simian virus 40, was not affected by methyl-β-cyclodextrin treatment.' in ( ) from google 'virus cholesterol' result 1 [obsolete] then eat raw garlic to kills enveloped-virus whose envelope already weak. more info : find 'allicin' in this text [/obsolete] then eat raw garlic to kills virus more info : find 'allicin inside garlic' in this text eating fruits maybe help resist virus because eating veggies only can't resist virus because koala, who eat eucalyptus leaf only, can get std, but bonobo who are promiscuous, eat fruits mainly, doesn't seem having std. source : google 'koala diet', 'bonobo std' [obsolete] but ppl can't eat too many fruits, create pancreas problem. more info, find 'ashton kutcher fruit' in this text [/obsolete] eat peanut to protect pancreas while eating lots of fruits. vitamin e help produce insulin. info : find 'vitamin E can prevent a decrease of insulin concentration' in this text. psychosis maybe is caused by lacking vitamin b1, this is called 'korsakoff-psychosis'. source : google 'korsakoff psychosis' maybe lacking vitamin b12 maybe does not create psychosis, but create anemia. but anemia seems controllable. [obsolete] [reason]natural food is better[/reason] vitamin b12 supplement is available cholesterol-free. [/obsolete] source of vitamin b1 : green peas, navy beans (this 1 contain protein) from google 'whfoods b1' green peas, navy beans, create fart, to prevent anal leakage during farting, tips to strengthen digestion : if avoiding - animal protein - grains (include rice) source : from 'grains' in from google 'alkaline diet' then maybe eating food rich in calcium, not necessary because animal protein, is 1 food which destroy bone, more info : find 'animal protein' meat, poultry, cheese, grains makes urine ph acid source : 'avoiding meat, poultry, cheese, and grains in order to make the urine more alkaline (higher pH)' in a vegetarian source of calcium : find 'calcium for lactose intolerant person' [obsolete] [reason] salt destroy kidney info : find '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney' in this text [/reason] salt makes veggies food palatable. gorilla eat veggie mixed with salt. more info : find 'gorilla virunga salt' in this text but excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' result 10 [/obsolete] eliminating vitamin b12 intake from animal protein, from diet, temporarily maybe is fine. cholesterol, vitamin b12 in animal protein help retain memory, so memory can be bad, during vegetarian diet. see 'how to eat vegetarian food' section for tips stop eating, drinking dairy because dairy contains morphiceptin which is an opioid, opioid impair immune system info : find 'morphiceptin' in this text non-dairy calcium source : peanut, tofu, sesame seed, lentil, quinoa, etc more info : find '- food for bone :' in this text chicken, duck fat should not be eaten, why ? duck, chicken is the reservoir for avian influenze virus source : 1. 'duck', 'fowl', 'chicken' in 2. 'Fowl (ducks and geese) for avian influenza[17]' in avian influenza virus belongs to enveloped virus category. enveloped virus category has envelope (lipid shield) which is used for sticking enveloped virus to animal host to infect animal host. lipid shield is fat source : 1. 'influenza' in 2. 'Flu viruses attach to host cells via the hemagluttinin proteins on their envelope' in 3. 'lipid' in from 'The envelopes are typically derived from portions of the host cell membranes (phospholipids and proteins)' in virus can not die, virus can deactivate itself. virus can become active again. contradict 'This is because certain bloodborne viruses can live for days outside the body and still cause infection. Hepatitis B virus can live in dried blood for up to a week.1Hepatitis C virus can survive for up to four days.2' in from google(virus dried blood)result 1 but statement 'Hepatitis C virus can survive for up to four days'.... maybe means hepatitis-c-virus exist for 4 day then evaporate go to somewhere else and assume hepatitis-c-virus going somewhere else means hepatitis-c-virus is dead. how prove polio-virus-vaccine effective ? (1) collect raw-cow-milk-protein-with-polio-virus but without hepatitis-virus, other known-virus. (2)a person with polio-virus-vaccine should drink that raw-cow-milk-protein-with-polio-virus (3)if that person-blood doesn't contain polio-virus then polio-virus-vaccine is really effective. (4)but if polio-virus-vaccine fail then that person suffer permanent-bone-damage. so maybe test dengue-fever-virus-vaccine, don't test polio-virus-vaccine. dengue-fever-virus causes fever only, no permanent-damage. [source:] source : 1. 'Strictly speaking, viruses can’t die, for the simple reason that they aren’t alive in the first place. Although they contain genetic instructions in the form of DNA (or the related molecule, RNA), viruses can’t thrive independently. Instead, they must invade a host organism and hijack its genetic instructions' in from google (virus never die) hasil 2 from 'pernahkah ada istilah virus mati? setau saya yang ada cuma mengkristal dan ketika lingkungan sudah cocok maka akan aktif lagi' in 2. from google (virus reactivate) result 5 3. 'Our immune system works by recognising the proteins on the surface of the virus. But in certain types of virus, these proteins keep changing as the virus mutates, so a vaccine developed one year might not work the next.' in from google (virus can not die) result 4 4. 'Are viruses alive or dead? Well, we know they’re not dead. Death is what happens when a living organism stops performing biological functions, and for the moment we’re only interested in the active particles. So were they ever alive? Most biologists say no. Viruses are not made out of cells, they can’t keep themselves in a stable state, they don’t grow, and they can’t make their own energy. Even though they definitely replicate and adapt to their environment, viruses are more like androids than real living organisms. (Think Data from Star Trek, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator, the Cylons in Battlestar Galactica or the robots in I, Robot). Just like crazy killer robots, viruses are created fully formed, and rely on host materials to build and power themselves.' in from google (virus can not die) result 3 herpes-virus spread via kissing,but can not spread via (1)sharing drink,(2)sharing meal ? source:'No, you can’t get herpes from sharing drinks and meals.Herpes is spread by touching, kissing' in from google(share glass straw herpes)result 1 #contradict# 'Touch an open herpes sore or something that has been in contact with the herpes virus, such as infected razors, towels, dishes, and other shared items' in from google(share glass straw herpes)page 3 result 1 so maybe herpes-virus can spread via shared-drink,shared-food... virus, bacteria animal reservoir : 1. 2. from 'Animal viruses' in 3. smallpox maybe come from cow, horse. cowpox maybe come from cow's milk-udder because milkmaid suffered cowpox. chickenpox/varicella maybe is same like cowpox , so chickenpox/varicella-virus maybe is from raw-cow-milk , pasteurised-cow-milk-because-pasteurisation-not-kill-bacteria-spore . source : 3.1. 'The results of our analysis of this 1902 smallpox vaccine provide evidence of the suspected role of horsepox in the origin of the smallpox vaccine,4 a role that was suspected even by Jenner himself.2 In fact, during the 19th century, inocula derived from cowpox or horsepox were used interchangeably to immunize against smallpox.' in from ref [6] in 'Vaccinia virus is closely related to the virus that causes cowpox; historically the two were often considered to be one and the same.[4] The precise origin of vaccinia virus is unknown due to the lack of record-keeping as the virus was repeatedly cultivated and passaged in research laboratories for many decades.[5] The most common notion is that vaccinia virus, cowpox virus, and variola virus (the causative agent of smallpox) were all derived from a common ancestral virus. There is also speculation that vaccinia virus was originally isolated from horses,[4] and analysis of DNA from an early (1902) sample of smallpox vaccine was 99.7% similar to horsepox virus.[6]' in from 'vaccinia' in from 'In the meantime, Louis XV died of smallpox' in 3.2 3.2.1 'Jenner's Hypothesis: The initial source of infection was a disease of horses, called "the grease", which was transferred to cattle by farm workers, transformed, and then manifested as cowpox.' 3.2.2 'Noting the common observation that milkmaids were generally immune to smallpox, Jenner postulated that the pus in the blisters that milkmaids received from cowpox (a disease similar to smallpox, but much less virulent) protected them from smallpox. 3.2.3 'On 14 May 1796, Jenner tested his hypothesis by inoculating James Phipps, an eight-year-old boy who was the son of Jenner's gardener. He scraped pus from cowpox blisters on the hands of Sarah Nelmes, a milkmaid who had caught cowpox from a cow called Blossom,[29] whose hide now hangs on the wall of the St George's medical school library (now in Tooting). Phipps was the 17th case described in Jenner's first paper on vaccination.[30] Jenner inoculated Phipps in both arms that day, subsequently producing in Phipps a fever and some uneasiness, but no full-blown infection. Later, he injected Phipps with variolous material, the routine method of immunization at that time. No disease followed. The boy was later challenged with variolous material and again showed no sign of infection.' in from 'edward jenner' in from ref [6] in '99.7% similar to horsepox virus.[6]' in and from 'In the meantime, Louis XV died of smallpox' in 4. cow-milk contains hepatitis-a-virus, virus can not die source : 1. find 'virus can not die, virus can deactivate itself.' in this text 2. 'hepatitis a' in from google (pathogen in raw cow milk) result 6 shellfish contains norovirus. norovirus is a virus therefore can not die. maybe shellfish can not be eaten because norovirus belongs to non-enveloped category which does not rely on fat for defense, rely on protein for defense. source : 'non-enveloped' in from 'norovirus' in from google (virus live in shellfish) result 4 cow contains bvdv virus. bvdv is a virus therefore can not die. maybe bvdv lives in cow fat because bvdv belongs to enveloped category. source : 'enveloped' in from google (BVDV) result 1 from 'Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus' in google (virus live in cow) result 1 but cow may contains bluetongue virus (btv) which belongs to non-enveloped category. non-enveloped virus does not rely on animal fat to have a shield, only needs protein. so maybe cow can not be eaten. source : 'BTV lacks a lipid envelope' in from 'Bluetongue virus (BTV), a member of Orbivirus genus within the Reoviridae family causes serious disease in livestock (sheep, goat, cattle). It is non-enveloped, double-stranded RNA virus. The genome is segmented.[7][8]' in why pig maybe can not be eaten ? pig receive fmd vaccine (a weakened fmd virus) fmd virus belongs to non-enveloped virus category, does not have lipid shield, so maybe fmd virus lives in the protein of pig. virus can not die. pig is likely to have hepatitis e virus which belongs to non-enveloped virus category which does not require animal fat for envelope so hepatitis e virus maybe lives in pig's protein. source : 1. 'The U.S. pork industry’s top priority for the next Farm Bill is establishing a Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine bank, the National Pork Producers Council told a House Agriculture subcommittee in testimony today.' in from google (hog farm receive fmd vaccine) result 1 2. 'Susceptible animals include cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs,[4][5] antelope, deer, and bison. It has also been known to infect hedgehogs and elephants;[3][6]' in from 'Foot-and-mouth disease virus' in from 'Animal viruses' in 3. 'non-enveloped' in from 'Aphthovirus' in from 'Foot-and-mouth disease virus' in from 'Animal viruses' in 4. 'HEV genotypes 1 and 2 can be efficiently transmitted only among humans, whereas genotypes 3 and 4 infect swine, deer, boars and rabbits as well as humans [4], [9], [17], [18]' in from 'Species of this genus infect humans, pigs, boars, deer, rats, rabbits, and birds.[35]' in from result 18 5. 'The viral particles are 27 to 34 nanometers in diameter and are non-enveloped.[1][3]' in maybe cow milk should not be drank because : 1. raw cow milk contains blv (bovine leukimia virus). source : from google (virus in raw milk) result 9 2. maybe morphiceptin opioid in cow milk create analgesia effect allowing polio virus to evade immune system, european drank cow milk then suffer polio virus received from native american. usa area during native american period did not have cow. human is natural reservoir for polio virus. vitamin c inactivate polio virus. native american seems did not suffer polio source : 1. 'Diseases that the Europeans brought over were smallpox, measles, malaria, yellow fever, influenza, chicken pox, and many others. Diseases that were spread to the Europeans from the Natives were syphilis, polio, hepatitis, and encephalitis.' in from 'site' in from google (native american polio) result 6 2. 'in 1935 Claus Jungeblut reported that vitamin C treatment inactivates the polio virus in vitro, making it non-infectious when injected into monkeys.[27]' in 3. 'Humans are the only natural host of poliovirus' in from google (poliovirus natural host) result 4 4. find 'native american did not have milk, diabetes type 1' in this text 5. 'Activation of the μ-opioid receptor by an agonist such as morphine causes analgesia, sedation, slightly reduced blood pressure, itching, nausea, euphoria, decreased respiration, miosis (constricted pupils), and decreased bowel motility often leading to constipation' in from 'Morphiceptin is a tetrapeptide (Tyr-Pro-Phe-Pro-NH2) that is a selective μ-opioid receptor agonist' in herpes maybe equals to chickenpox ? 1. herpes blister looks similar to chickenpox blister, both can have watery blister in the middle : herpes : row 6 col 1 chickenpox : 2. both herpes and chickenpox causes itchy skin: 2.1. 'itch' in from google (chickenpox itchy) result 1 'itch' in from google (chickenpox) result 4 2.2. 'itch' in from google (herpes symptom) result 9 3. both herpes and chickenpox can be treated using acyclovir/zovirax, valacyclovir/Valtrex source : 1. 'Acyclovir (Zovirax)', 'Valacyclovir (Valtrex)' in from google (herpes symptom) result 9 2. 'acyclovir (Zovirax)', 'valacyclovir (Valtrex)' in from google (chickenpox) result 4 4. varicella zoster virus which causes chickenpox, is a herpesvirus source : 'Varicella zoster virus or varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is one of eight herpesviruses known to infect humans' in in 'varicella zoster virus' in from google (chickenpox) result 6 5. the difference are 1. herpesvirus which causes herpes has virus envelope glycoprotein D (gD), vzv which causes chickenpox does not have virus envelope glycoprotein D (gD). 2. herpesvirus has LAT (latency-associated transcripts), vzv does not have LAT. source : 1. 'Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection requires binding of the viral envelope glycoprotein D (gD) to cell surface receptors' in from google (glycoprotein d) page 4 result 4 2. 'VZV is closely related to the herpes simplex viruses (HSV), sharing much genome homology. The known envelope glycoproteins (gB, gC, gE, gH, gI, gK, gL) correspond with those in HSV; however, there is no equivalent of HSV gD. VZV also fails to produce the LAT (latency-associated transcripts) that play an important role in establishing HSV latency (herpes simplex virus)' in from 'varicella zoster virus' in but LAT (latency-associated transcripts) seems to mean 'recur' which means herpes recur, chickenpox does not recur. but chickenpox can recur as well. source : 1. 'Most people who have had chickenpox will be immune to the disease for the rest of their lives. However, the virus remains inactive in nerve tissue and may reactivate later in life causing shingles. Very rarely, a second case of chickenpox does happen. Blood tests can confirm immunity to chickenpox in people who are unsure if they have had the disease' in,P00619 from google (chickenpox recur) result 4 2. 'Following activation, transcription of viral genes transitions from latency-associated LAT to multiple lytic genes; these lead to enhanced replication and virus production.' in from 'Herpesviridae' in from 'herpes simplex virus' in from google (herpes) result 6 shingles seems equals to chickenpox source : 'Shingles is due to a reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV) within a person's body.[1]' in the treatment for shingles is same as treatment for herpes source : 'Acyclovir (Zovirax)', 'Valacyclovir (Valtrex)' in from google (shingles vs herpes) result 6 herpes has glycoprotein gd, vzv does not have glycoprotein gd, glycoprotein gd receptor is called nectin-1 source : 'several gD receptors have been defined and one of these, nectin-1, is expressed' in from google (glycoprotein gd) result 2 bacteria is different from virus, bacteria can die, virus can not die. source : 'Living attributes' in from google (bacteria vs virus) result 3 possible cure for toothache/discomfort: (1)swish-inside-mouth salty-water-without-iodine/iodium then swallow . or swish-inside-mouth salty-water-with-iodium then spit-out that salty-water-with-iodium because iodine/iodium causes diarrhea . [source : (1) ( killing bacteria naturally with salt ) from youtube-search ( bacteria under microscope ) result 15 (2)'iodium' in -> latin-language-translation ] (2)swish water-mixed-with-vinegar inside mouth because find 'because lemon, vinegar decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) fat. oil-viscosity-reducer/oil-thinner eject bacteria.' . 'swish water-mixed-with-vinegar inside mouth' help remove tooth-calculus-plaque , tooth-stain . warning about swallowing water-mixed-with-vinegar : find 'how to drink vinegar-' swallow that salt-water to relieve flatulence or avoid swallowing to avoid hypertension. except vibrio-vulnificus bacteria which causes cholera, resist semi-salty-water. salt-level must be high to kill vibrio-vulnificus bacteria. but high-salt-level can cause hemorrhaging-stroke (rupturing blood-vessel) due to hypertension. and maybe vibrio bacteria can adapt to salt. source : 1. 'brackish or salt water' in from google (Vibrio vulnificus salt) result 3 2. 'Being or containing water that is somewhat salty but less salty than sea water.' in 3. 'cholera' in 4. 'salt' in from google (pathogen salt) page 2 result 3 5. 'Contrary to popular belief, Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus are typically found in estuaries and bays rather than the beach or ocean due to their inability to tolerate high salt levels (Drake et al. 2007; Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute 2015).' in from google (vibrio vulnificus salt) page 2 result 6 6. 'High salt both protected the organism against acid stress and increased survival under -20°C cold stress conditions. High-salt adaptation of V. parahaemolyticus strains significantly increases survival under environmental stresses that would otherwise be lethal to these bacteria.' in from google (vibrio vulnificus salt) result 3 7. 'Vibrio parahaemolyticus utilizes the lysine decarboxylation pathway for survival in acidic conditions' in from google (Vibrio parahaemolyticus lysine decarboxylase) result 1 some clostridium-botulinum-bacteria resist acid (vinegar), some clostridium-botulinum-bacteria dies from acid. this experiment uses soya milk which has ph 6 which is near ph neutral 7. so maybe clostridium-botulinum-bacteria dies from acid rather than resisting acid. source : 1. 'Between pH 4.6 and pH 4.9 growth was delayed and incubation for up to 14 days was required;' in from ref[39] in 'although growth is significantly retarded for pH below 4.9. There have been some cases and specific conditions reported to sustain growth with pH below 4.6.[39][40]' in from 'clostridium botulinum' in from google (pathogen salt) page 2 result 3 2. 'We show here that the general assumption that C. botulinum does not grow below pH 4.6 is incorrect. We have observed that growth and toxin formation by C. botulinum can take place in homogeneous protein rich substrates (containing 3% or more soya or milk protein) at pH values lower than 4.6.' in from ref[40] in 'although growth is significantly retarded for pH below 4.9. There have been some cases and specific conditions reported to sustain growth with pH below 4.6.[39][40]' in from 'clostridium botulinum' in from google (pathogen salt) page 2 result 3 3. 'Non-dairy milk like rice, soy and almond milk have pH levels of around 6' in from google (soy milk ph) result 2 eating salty-food maybe increase the chance of making mistake info : find '- what increase the chance of making mistake :' in this text try eat banana source : 'A lectin (BanLec) from bananas inhibits HIV-1 in vitro.[16]' in from 'lectin' in 1. 'Pentraxins are characterised by calcium dependent ligand binding and a distinctive flattened β-jellyroll structure similar to that of the legume lectins.[3]' in 2. 'They form a family of collagenous Ca2+-dependent defense lectins' in 3. 'Ficolins (Fi+Col+Lin) are a group of oligomeric lectins with subunits consisting of both collagen (Col)-like long thin stretches and fibrinogen (Fi)-like globular domains with lectin (Lin) activity usually specific for N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc).[1] ' in from 'Pentraxins, collectins, and ficolins' in from 'For targets to be recognized, they must be coated in opsonins' in from 'neutrophil' in 'Monocytes and neutrophils are phagocytic' in if banana causes loose stool then try find '25. if eating food which contains' in vinegar-water kill rhinovirus/common-cold-virus info : find 'rhinovirus (cold virus) becomes non-active if meeting acid/low-ph' maybe vinegar decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) oil from oily-food in throat area then removing that oil then removing rhinovirus. 'There are some important factors which have proven that AIDS is not transmitted by mosquito bite. These factors are: (1)AIDS virus can not replicate inside the mosquito, bed bug, flea, or other blood sucking insect and the lack of replication of HIV in arthropod cells due to lack of T4 antigen on cell surface, and (2) it is unlikely that HIV is transmitted by insects, given the low infectivity of HIV and the short survival of the virus in the mosquito' in from google(why mosquito can not spread hiv)result 3 find 'why sleep on [find 'pillow for hard-floor :'] ?' about fruits -------------- - citric acid, sorbitol, mannitol in fruits can create stomach problem. citric acid in citrus-fruit like orange fruit can create stomach ache. sorbitol in apple can create loose stool problem because sorbitol is laxative. mannitol in watermelon can create loose stool problem because mannitol is laxative as well. high sorbitol : blackberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, cherries, prunes, dates fruits with seed like mirabelles, apricots, nectarines. medium sorbitol : lychees, cherries, avocado low sorbitol : banana, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwifruit, honeydew melon mannitol : watermelon, mushrooms, cauliflower, celery, sweet potatoes. If sorbitol create loose stool problem then other polyols, or sugar-alcohols, like mannitol, also likely create loose stool problem. source : ( from google 'fruit sorbitol' result 3 fruits free from sugar-alcohol, free from citric-acid : banana, blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, pinapple, kiwifruit source : ( ) from google 'sugar alcohol fruits' result 1 - if eating fruits triggers diarrhea then try tips in - apple, peach can be washed with soap to kill any pinworm eggs may live on fruit skin - grapes can be baked or boiled, quickly, to ensure all grapes are free from pinworm eggs. source : like peach can be baked : for boiling, use very little amount of water, to avoid making the hot water steal too much nutrient from fruits. close the pan with a lid to trap the steam and make the steam cooked the fruit source : 'That kind of submersion could result in the leeching of additional water-soluble nutrients from the sweet potato' in from google 'bake vs boil nutrient leech' if large grapes create diarrhea then try eat small grapes. small grapes maybe contain less sorbitol. eating grape make the body endure colder temperature eating garlic can kill pinworm inside the body, eliminate itchiness in anal, at night. more info : find 'allicin inside garlic is antibacterial' in this text - heating decrease vitamin c in fruits source : google 'heat vitamin c' - apple, citrus fruit destroy teeth more info : find 'food which destroy teeth :' in this text. - alternate eating fruit with eating peanuts. why ? because frutarian diet caused pancreas problem to ashton kutcher during making 'steve jobs' movie. more info about peanuts : find 'vitamin e' in this text. source : google 'ashton kutcher pancreas' - if cold apple upset stomach then store apple in room temperature. usa president barack obama store apple in room temperature source : fast forward to 00:40 from google 'obama jerry seinfeld coffee' ( ) - orange fruit skin, is edible, should be washed with bar soap 1st to remove pesticide. organic orange is healthier. skin from squeezed orange is more edible, less bitter than skin from tangerine orange. orange skin, white pulp contain more vitamin c than orange-colored-flesh, skin from 1 orange fruit = 10% calcium daily value source : 1. 6 gram orange fruit skin = 1% calcium daily value. source : ( ) from google 'orange rind nutrition' result 1 2. 1 orange fruit has skin with weight 61 gram source : 'orange which you can see in this photo weigh 192 g – 6,77 oz. (without peel)', 'same orange with peel weigh 253 g – 8,92 oz' #dead# from google 'weight of orange peel' result 2 3.5 ounces peel = 136 mg vitamin c 2.5 ounces flesh = 71 mg vitamin c. orange fruit skin contain : - flavonoid hesperetin which block aromatase, good for male. - contain beta-cryptoxanthin which decrease lung cancer risk. - statin drug which decrease cholesterol. source : 1. '3.5 ounces of orange peel provides 136 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, while the flesh contains about 71 mg.', 'bitter taste is the result of the many flavonoids', 'organic' in from google 'orange rind nutrition' result 4 2. 'pesticide' in ( ) from google 'orange rind nutrition' result 2 3. from google 'flavonones' result 9 4. 'most of this phytonutrient is found in the peel and inner white pulp of the orange, rather than in its liquid orange center, so this beneficial compound is too often removed by the processing of oranges into juice. ', 'lung', 'statin' in from google 'orange whfoods' - orange fruit vs lemon : why eat orange fruit : - orange fruit, grapefruit decrease formation of kidney stone better than lemonade, cranberry source : 1. 'stone', 'counteract' in ( ) from google 'Citrate orange fruit' result 1 2. cranberry contain citric acid source : google 'cranberry juice citric acid' why eat lemon : - lemon contain more citric acid which produce more energy (atp) source : 'Lemons and limes have particularly high concentrations of the acid; it can constitute as much as 8% of the dry weight of these fruits (about 47 g/L in the juices[8]).[a] The concentrations of citric acid in citrus fruits range from 0.005 mol/L for oranges and grapefruits to 0.30 mol/L in lemons and limes' in citrate (citric acid) control bone growth source : 'Citrate is a vital component of bone, helping to regulate the size of apatite crystals.[22]' in citrate (citric acid from citrus fruit), malate (malic acid from sour green apple, grape, wine) are intermediaries in citric acid cycle which produce energy (atp). eating more citrus fruit to get citrate (citric acid), eating more apple, grape, wine to get malate / mallic acid should produce more energy (atp). source : 1. 'In the citric acid cycle all the intermediates (e.g. citrate, iso-citrate, alpha-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, malate and oxaloacetate) are regenerated during each turn of the cycle. Adding more of any of these intermediates to the mitochondrion therefore means that that additional amount is retained within the cycle, increasing all the other intermediates as one is converted into the other. Hence the addition of any one of them to the cycle has an anaplerotic effect, and its removal has a cataplerotic effect. These anaplerotic and cataplerotic reactions will, during the course of the cycle, increase or decrease the amount of oxaloacetate available to combine with acetyl-CoA to form citric acid. This in turn increases or decreases the rate of ATP production by the mitochondrion, and thus the availability of ATP to the cell.[31]' in 2. 'grape', 'wine', 'apple' in - [obsolete] fruits should be eaten together with animal protein. [/obsolete] - fruits should be eaten together with protein. because vitamin c in fruits together with proline, lysine in protein, makes collagen which makes body parts, skin. veggies like broccoli contain lots of vitamin c as well but trigger flatulence and doesnt provide acid to digest protein. if fruits trigger flatulence, diarrhea then try tips in tomato can be eaten with meat because tomato is acidic fruit source : 1. 'corneas, cartilage, bones, blood vessels, the gut, intervertebral discs and the dentin in teeth.[3]', 'proline and lysine' , 'Collagens are widely employed in the construction of the artificial skin substitutes used in the management of severe burns', 'Collagen has been widely used in cosmetic surgery, as a healing aid for burn patients for reconstruction of bone and a wide variety of dental, orthopedic, and surgical purposes. Both human and bovine collagen is widely used as dermal fillers for treatment of wrinkles and skin aging.[10]' in 2. 'All meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, and kombu are excellent sources of glutamic acid' in from 'L-glutamate' in 3. 'Good sources of lysine are high-protein foods such as eggs, meat (specifically red meat, lamb, pork, and poultry), soy, beans and peas, cheese (particularly Parmesan), and certain fish (such as cod and sardines).[10]' in 4. 'fresh tomatoes fall into the 4.3-4.9 range when it comes to acidity' in 5. 'The pH of gastric acid is 1.5 to 3.5[2]' in - banana combat water retention source : 'combat water retention' in ( ) from google 'peanut cause gass' result 3 - green grape contains tannins, like green tea, coffee, trigger stomach upset. source : in 1. 'green grapes contain a lot of tannins, like green tea, which can lead to stomach upset.' in 2. 'Experts explain how the tannins in tea and coffee can cause excess acid production in the stomach, which makes people feel uneasy - particularly if you drink it before you've eaten anything' in from google 'peanut cause gass' result between 2 and 3 - apple seed is poisonous because apple seed contain cyanide source : 1. 'apple seeds contain cyanide' in an answer in 2. 'If you eat whole apple seeds, they pass through your digestive system relatively untouched. If you chew the seeds thoroughly, you will be exposed to the chemicals inside the seeds, but the dose of toxins in an apple is small enough that your body can easily detoxify it', 'Cyanide is deadly at a dose of about 1 milligram per kilogram of body weight. On average, an apple seed contains 0.49 mg of cyanogenic compounds. The number of seeds per apple varies, but an apple with 8 seeds, therefore, contains about 3.92 milligrams of cyanide. A person weighing 70 kilograms would need to eat 143 seeds to reach the lethal dose or about 18 whole apples' in from google (apple seed contain cyanide) possible cure for cancer --------------------------------- 1. stop eating dairy why stop eating dairy ? - 1 science article says beta-casomorphine (BCM) in milk, is proliferative. other article says anti-proliferative. i think dairy is proliferative. source : 1. 'anti-proliferative effect of BCM was reversed by the opiate receptor antagonist, neloxone.' in 2. 'Intraperitoneal administration of a beta-casein fragment heptapeptide beta-casomorphin-7 (1 mg/kg, 1 or 5 injections) activated proliferative processes' in ( ) from google 'casomorphin proliferative' search result 1, 2 - steve jobs drank dairy source : 'My understanding is that it is a myth that Steve Jobs was a vegan. In 2000, I was managing an RV company. One day, a customer came on the lot who worked at Apple. I mentioned something about Steve Jobs being a vegan and he said, "That's actually a myth. Steve loves chocolate milk and drinks almost a quart a day." In any case, I have always believed that the cancer was due to his over consumption of dairy, which is consistent with kidney stones as well. I am fairly certain that cancer does need certain conditions to proliferate. Not just exposure to carcinogens.' in ( ) from google 'steve jobs dairy' - so casomorphine is likely a proliferant and immunosuppresant just like morphine. source : 1. 'produce more interleukin-12 (IL-12), a cytokine responsible for promoting the proliferation, growth, and differentiation of T-cells (another cell of the adaptive immune system) and less interleukin-10 (IL-10), a cytokine responsible for promoting a B-cell immune response (B cells produce antibodies to fight off infection).[54]' in 2. casomorphin 1-4 / morphiceptin, belongs to opioid category, which decrease immune system source : 'therapeutic and chronic use of opioids can compromise the function of the immune system. Opioids decrease the proliferation of macrophage progenitor cells and lymphocytes, and affect cell differentiation (Roy & Loh, 1996)' in from 'opioid' in from 'morphicetin' in from google (casomorphin wiki) result 1 4. eat non-dairy calcium : tofu, peanut, sesame seed, lentil, quinoa, etc info : '- food for bone :' in this text tofu maybe is the easiest to digest. then do aerobic physical exercise, weight lifting, etc if cancer worsen then : 1. avoid non-dairy calcium because calcium coagulate blood source : 1. 2. 'In human patients, blood coagulation disorders often associate with cancer, even in its early stages' in from google (cancer blood clotting) page 1 last result then 2. find '9. drink water mixed with vinegar to destroy calcification' in this text 2. eat food rich in vitamin b9, vitamin c more info : find 'how to repair dna damage :' in this text find '-folate/folic acid/vitamin b9 daily value-------' in this text why ? dna damage can cause cancer source : 'cause of cancer is damaged or faulty genes – the instructions that tell cells what to do. Genes are encoded within DNA, so anything that damages DNA can increase the risk of cancer. However, a number of genes in the same cell need to be damaged before it can become cancer. Most cancers are caused by DNA damage that accumulates over a person’s lifetime.' in from google 'dna damage cause cancer' 3. avoid animal protein, eat vitamin b1 to prevent korsakoff-psychosis, info : find 'korsakoff-psychosis' in this text for more info about vitamin b1. eliminating vitamin b12 intake from animal protein, from diet, temporarily, maybe is fine. info : 1. find '- liver may have 3-to-5-years-supply of vitamin b12' in this text 2. find 'how to eat vegetarian food-' in this text 4. eat carrots if carrot does not upset digestion source : 1. from google 'carrots prostate cancer' search result number 9 2. google 'carrots cancer' if carrot causes stomach gas then steam, boil carrot until soft 5. eat natural food rich in vitamin k vitamin k stops cancer growth, source : 1. 'vitamin K2 analogue, inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma cell growth by suppressing cyclin D1 expression through inhibition of nuclear factor kappaB activation.' in from google 'cyclin D1 vitamin k' from 'cyclin d1' in from google 'regenerate pancreas beta cell' 2. 'Vitamin K2 (VK2) is an anti-proliferative agent toward a variety of cancer including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)' in from google (vitamin k liver cancer) result 6 3. 'Although a large scale randomized control study failed to demonstrate the suppression of HCC recurrence, a meta-analysis suggested a beneficial effect on the long-term survival of HCC patients.' in from google (vitamin k liver cancer) result 5 vitamin k prevent calcification info : find '6. eat food rich in vitamin k to :' in this text tips about eating veggie which contains vitamin k : find 'how to eat vegetarian food-' in this text 6. avoid papaya, pineapple, fig because they cause cancer. because they contain cysteine protease enzyme which activate factor x which is cancer procoagulant. Protease is synonym of proteinase. source : 1. 'Plant cysteine proteinases, from the fruits or latex of plants such as papaya, pineapple and fig, have high proteolytic activities that are known to digest nematode cuticles, have low toxicity and have been used in traditional medicines against gastrointestinal nematodes for decades.' in ( ) from reference [7] from 'cysteine protease enzyme' in from google 'procoagulant' from 'cancer (also procoagulant)' in 2. 'cysteine protease enzyme (EC, that occurs only in fetal and malignant cells. Its activity appears to be the activation of factor X, one of the coagulation factors, and would account for the increased incidence of thrombosis in cancer patients.' in 3. 'A protease (also called a peptidase or proteinase)' in from google 'protease vs proteinases' 7. reduce sodium intake so kidney does not hold water, urination can happen as often as the body wants. by eating unripe apple. info : find 'gliflozin', 'unripe apple' in this text because water almost always contain tritium which is radioactive. source : 'tritium', 'Almost always found in water' in ( ) from google (tritium in water taste) page 2 result 4 maybe eating food containing potassium which reduce the effect of sodium, is helpful as well. info : find '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney' in this text ideally, avoid sodium completely info : find 'try smear water' in this text [obsolete] 8. avoid eating food made in factory example : cereal, cookies avoid eating fried foods example : french fries, potato chips because those foods contain acrylamide, carcinogen. info : find 'acrylamide' in this text [reason] animal-fat seems worse than cookies. because cookies contains veggie-oil/veggie-fat which seems healthier [/reason] [/obsolete] 9. drink water mixed with vinegar to destroy calcification tips find 'how to drink vinegar-' in this text 10. stay, sleep in hot, airy place so artioles opens sending nutrient to capillaries, capillaries send nutrient to organ. more info : find '- why staying in hot open area, not in hot stuffy room,' in this text 11. eat alkaloid, example : drink tea, coffee because alkaloid block mitosis info : find 'possible cause of conjoined twin' in this text disadvantage : teeth with tea stain, coffee stain, will need to be cleaned with ultrasonic scaler : from youtube search (ultrasonic scaler) result 15 from video title 'What does Ultrasonic scaler do' from youtube search (dental cleaning plaque) page 3 last result 12. avoid alcohol info : find 'alcohol increase risk of cancer :' in this text 13. eat minced raw garlic. source : 'Allicin is an active compound derived from garlic that has been shown to have antitumor properties in vitro.' in from google 'cancer allicin' if raw-garlic causes loose stool then stop consuming raw-garlic [obsolete] find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' [/obsolete] 14. if consuming shrimp then remove-shrimp-intestine/devein prior consumption . drunken-shrimp which is live-shrimp being cooked with alcohol-beverage while that live-shrimp is still alive then that live-shrimp jump around , has meaning that live-shrimp still has shrimp-intestine , it is not possible to devein live-shrimp and that live-shrimp is still alive . undigested factory-waste maybe is still inside that shrimp-intestine . (1)seems easy : ( How to Peel and Devein Shrimp Like a Pro | Food Network ) 318,570 views 7 mar 2017 (2)seems rather difficult : ( How to Devein and Clean Shrimp (How To) 海老の下ごしらえの仕方 ) 154,552 views 14 may 2014 (3) from google ( devein shrimp ) from 'devein' in from google ( tempura lard ) result 2 from 'Diana's last meal was Dover sole, vegetable tempura, and a mushroom asparagus omelette at L'Espadon at the Ritz Paris .' in from google ( diana dodi fayed last meal last dinner ) result 1 'Diana’s final meal was Dover sole, vegetable tempura, and a mushroom and asparagus omelet.' in from google ( diana dodi fayed last meal last dinner ) result 6 'Diana ate Dover sole, vegetable tempura and a mushroom and asparagus omelette' in from google ( diana dodi fayed last meal last dinner ) result 3 (4)batik-textile-factory discard factory-garbage to river : from google-image ( sungai limbah pabrik tambak udang ) row 1 kol 4 shrimp-farm need periodic=water-renewal maybe with new water from river : dari google ( tambak udang perlu ganti air ) hasil 3 [obsolete] how ? find 'how to eat garlic :' in this text. [reason] i don't have good tips which help digest raw garlic without causing loose stool [/reason] [/obsolete] [obsolete] 4. if eating animal protein then eat eggshell for calcium source. --> avoid eggshell --> more info : find '- hard eggshell powder can enter appendix causes' in this text more info : find 'calcium for lactose intolerant person' in this text if avoiding animal protein then maybe eating food rich in calcium, not necessary because animal protein is 1 food which destroy bone, more info : find 'animal protein' in this text. calcium then eggshell is a vegetarian source of calcium, more info : find 'eggshell'. salt makes veggies food palatable. gorilla eat veggie mixed with salt. more info : find 'gorilla virunga salt' in this text but excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' 5. maybe eating boiled tofu is helpful. tofu is source of protein, calcium. [reason] calcium coagulate blood source : 'In human patients, blood coagulation disorders often associate with cancer, even in its early stages' in from google (cancer blood clotting) page 1 last result [/reason] [/obsolete] [obsolete] 6. eat peanuts peanuts prevent colon cancer source : 'Eating peanuts just 2 or more times each week was associated with a 58% lowered risk of colon cancer in women and a 27% lowered risk in men. ' in from google 'whfoods peanut' vitamin e in peanut, decrease estrogen power source : 'Vitamin E reduced significantly the response of both cell lines to estrogen' in estrogen seems to create cervical cancer source : 'Several lines of evidence support a role for estrogen and ERα in human cervical cancer' in ( ) from google 'cervix cancer estrogen' eat peanut whenever eating carbohydrate or avoid eating carbohydrate, just eat peanut for carbohdyrate source because vitamin e in peanut, help produce insulin info : find 'vitamin E can prevent a decrease of insulin' in this text [reason] peanut is difficult to digest, peanut contain calcium calcium coagulate blood. source : 1. 2. 'In human patients, blood coagulation disorders often associate with cancer, even in its early stages' in from google (cancer blood clotting) page 1 last result [/reason] [/obsolete] [obsolete] 12. swallow apple cider vinegar because vinegar destroy teeth, bone. rinse mouth with water afterward. more info : find 'calcium for lactose intoleran' vinegar destroy teeth source : people also ask -> 'Is apple cider vinegar bad for your teeth?' in google (vinegar cancer) result 8 [/obsolete] [obsolete] 15. curcumin in turmeric source : 1. 'Dr. Xiyuan Bai and his team found curcumin to be a potent apoptosis inducer. This is a mechanism used by macrophages, a special kind of white blood cells involved in the immune response, to clear out foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, cancer cells or cellular waste' in 2. 'Curcumin at concentrations of 5-20 μm inhibited IL-1β-induced inflammation and apoptosis in cultures of human tenocytes' in from google (curcumin nuclear factor-kappa B) result 3 3. 'curcumin regulates an impressive number of NF-kappaB genes within the different NF-kappaB signaling pathways' in from google (curcumin nuclear factor-kappa B) result 1 4. [reason]turmeric causes diarrhea[/reason] [/obsolete] - possible cure for down syndrome : - eat food rich in omega-3 fat. for example : find 'omega-3 fat source :' in this text walnut need salt for digesting protein from walnut. more info about digesting protein : find 'salt' in this text. - eat food rich in iodine for example : - seaweed - cow's milk - [obsolete] [reason] sea salt contain small amount of iodine, not enough. source : 'Yes, sea salt retains its natural iodine in the form of microscopic sea life, however, not enough to provide the human body with enough to sustain the human body.' in google 'iodine sea salt' [/reason] using sea salt [/obsolete] iodised salt - google 'whfoods iodine' for more list of food rich in iodine. source : google 'whfoods iodine' if digesting seaweed causes stomach upset then see for tips about farting. [obsolete] [reason] red blood cell(rbc) in human, lack dna, nuclei so rbc cannot divide to new daughter cells. rbc contain oxygen, nutrient from intestine. white blood cell (pus from wound) contain dna, nuclei, protein. white blood cell is made in bone marrow source : 1. 'discovered a microscopic substance in the pus of discarded surgical bandages. As it resided in the nuclei of cells, he called it "nuclein".[177][178]' in 2. 'Pus consists of a buildup of dead leukocytes (white blood cells) from the body's immune system in response to infection' in ( ) from google 'white blood cell and pus' result 1 3. 'He observed a "lumen", the nucleus, in the red blood cells of salmon.[1] Unlike mammalian red blood cells, those of other vertebrates still contain nuclei.' in 4. 'principal means of delivering oxygen' in 5. 'The mature Red Blood Cells lacks a nucleus and hence cannot divide into new daughter cells' in from google image 'red blood cell structure' result row 5 column 1 6. 'bone marrow' in 7. 'blood proteins, are proteins present in blood plasma. They serve many different functions, including transport of lipids, hormones, vitamins and minerals in the circulatory system' in from 'plasma protein synthesis' in 8. 'intestine absorbs the nutrient molecules into the blood vessels that pass through it. The nutrient molecules then travel directly to the liver, through a specialized vessel called the hepatic portal vein. This ensures that nutrients go to the liver' in ( ) from google 'red blood cell deliver nutrients from intestine' result 1 [/reason] - eat food rich in vitamin e. why ? because chromosome exist inside dna, dna is made by protein synthesis in the liver. vitamin e is good for liver. more info about vitamin e benefit for liver : find 'vitamin e' in this text down syndrome is about having extra chromosome, maybe the liver is having problem. liver makes dna-protein encapsulated in a nucleus, the nucleus is inserted to empty red blood cells. empty red blood cells are made by bone marrow. source : 1. 'The bone marrow is the soft material in the middle of bones. Special cells in the bone marrow make most of the blood cells in your body. Plasma proteins are made mostly by the liver.' in in 2. 'protein synthesis' in from google 'liver' 3. 'They lack a cell nucleus and most organelles' in from 'red blood cells' in from google 'bone marrow' 4. 'glycoprotein' in from google 'Glycoprotein made in liver' from 'glycoprotein in from google 'fibrillin' from 'fibrillin' in google 'chromosome location' in around search result 3 under topic 'People also ask' click 'What chromosome is Marfan syndrome located on?' to expand more info [/obsolete] - eat food rich in vitamin b9, vitamin c why ? because b9, c repair dna damage more info : find 'how to repair dna damage' in this text dna makes chromosome, gene source : 1. 'DNA is the chemical that chromosomes and genes are made of' in ( ) from google 'dna vs chromosome' result 4 2. 'Each chromosome is made of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).' in ( ) from google 'chromosome' result 1 down syndrome has broken chromosome (missing a chromosome), so maybe repairing dna will repair chromosome as well. - possible cure for asthma : - vitamin a (info find 'carrot', 'chicken liver' in this text), - magnesium - avoid alcohol because vitamin a strengthen mucus membrane. mucus membrane includes bronchial mucosa source : 1. 'mucus membrane' in 'function' in from google 'beta carotene mucus membrane' result 3 2. 'mucus membrane' in 'The airways are lined with a mucus membrane that secretes a fine layer of mucus and fluid. This mucus washes the airways to remove any bacteria, dirt, or other foreign material that might get into our lung' in ( ) from google 'asthma mucus membrane' result 2 3. 'Bronchial mucosa' in magnesium maybe cure involuntary muscle twitching. maybe asthma is muscle twitching in respiratory area alcohol is magnesium diuretic. lacking magnesium trigger muscle twitching source : 1. 'magnesium', 'First, alcohol acts acutely as a Mg diuretic, causing a prompt, vigorous increase in the urinary excretion of this metal along with that of certain other electrolytes' in from 'Over-exertion and heavy alcohol consumption[3]' in 2. 'scientists have found a great way to reduce tritium exposure. Increase the "turnover" of water in the body. One simple way of doing this is upping liquid consumption. If the consumed liquid has the effect of flushing out the liquid already present in the body, so much the better. This is why standard practice for scientists at Los Alamos who worked with tritium was to head off to a bar and get drinking. Beer is a diuretic, taking liquid out of the system. A few beers can up the body's turnover rate and flush out the tritium.' in from google (beer nuclear radiation) result 4 3. 'excessive contraction or spasm of the bronchial smooth muscle' in ( ) from google 'asthma mucus membrane' result 2 more info about magnesium : find '- about magnesium' in this text food rich in magnesium, 1 cup : - cashew (37 % dv) [obsolete] - dark chocolate (108 % dv) [reason] dark chocolate contain more caffeine than coffee caffeine may act as diuretic. source : 'diure', ' By weight, dark chocolate has one to two times the amount caffeine as coffee: 80–160 mg per 100 g.[160]' in [/reason] [/obsolete] - spinach (39 % dv) source : from reference [34] in 'good sources of magnesium.[34]' in [obsolete] [reason] sounds contradictory-1 'fecal incontinence (problems controlling your bowel movements.)' contradict 'Eating lots of insoluble fiber also helps keeps you regular, and if you do get constipated, adding more of it to your diet can get things moving' in ( ) 'Insoluble fiber is found in foods such as wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains. It adds bulk to the stool and appears to help food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines.' in [/reason] carrot is insoluble fiber, so carrot should stay solid, not juiced. carrot as insoluble fiber hold feces in stomach for longer time to maximise absorption from food in stomach. source : 'fecal incontinence (problems controlling your bowel movements.)' in ( ) if having trouble digesting carrot then see [/obsolete] about carrot : from google 'whfoods carrot' search result number 2. too much sodium intake, causes involuntary muscle twitching as well source : 1. 'uncontrollable muscle spasms' in from 'convulsion' in from google (sodium absorption) result 4 2. 'Severe symptoms include confusion, muscle twitching, and bleeding in or around the brain.[1][2]' in potassium reduce the effect of sodium more info : find '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney' in this text maybe avoid egg because egg allergy can cause asthma. egg maybe contains non-active avian influenza virus which can become active anytime. more info : find 'virus can not die' in this text source : 'Allergic reactions to eggs may include symptoms of hives, itching, swelling of the lips and face, closing of the windpipe, vomiting, diarrhea, asthma symptoms (coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath)' in from google (egg allergy) result 8 - food which create arterial plaque : 'Cholesterol can combine with fat, calcium, and other substances in the blood to form plaque' in ( ) from google 'arterial plaque' result 4 - possible cure for joint pain, osteoarthritis : 1. eat natural food containing vitamin k more info : find '- osteoarthritis' in this text tips about eating food containing vitamin k : find '- about vitamin k, a' in this text adding tomato, kiwifruit is recommended because they taste sour which maybe works like the sourness of vinegar, destroying bone. kiwifruit, tomato contain vitamin k. 2. stop calcium intake from dairy, bone, supplement. eat peanut, almond as calcium source. do weight-bearing exercise. info : find 'weight-bearing exercise' in this text. 3. swallow vinegar because vinegar destroy bone. swallowing vinegar should protect teeth from vinegar how to drink vinegar : find 'how to drink vinegar-' in this text how vinegar destroy bone : find '1. avoid vinegar because vinegar trigger' in this text [obsolete] [reason] osteoarthritis is the opposite of osteoporosis [/reason] eggshell membrane, the clear film lining an eggshell. eggshell membrane equals glucosamine condroitin supplement source : 'eggshell membrane has surfaced in popular health culture as possible joint care,[7][8] and in 2014 it was named in Alternative Medicine Magazine's Supplement Trend Watch.[9]', 'glucosamine', 'condroitin' in from 'eggshell membrane' in glucosamine comes from shrimp's skin as well. source : 'Glucosamine is part of the structure of the polysaccharides chitosan and chitin, which compose the exoskeletons of crustaceans and other arthropods, as well as the cell walls of fungi and many higher organisms. Glucosamine is one of the most abundant monosaccharides.[1] It is produced commercially by the hydrolysis of crustacean exoskeletons' in condroitin comes from cartilage of animals as well. source : 'cartilaginous cow and pig tissues (cow trachea and pig ear and nose), but other sources such as shark, fish, and bird cartilage are also used' in cartilage from rotiserie chicken more info : find 'cartilage' in this text [/obsolete] - possible cure for cerebral palsy, brain damage disease : (cerebral-palsy, brain-damage) 1) [obsolete] [reason] apparently powder-sugar causes itchy-throat which produce cough . sugar-mixed-with-water/sugar-water does not produce cough [/reason] eat some table-spoon olive-oil directly from olive-oil-bottle until wanting to puke then eat some table-spoon sugar-powder then sleep : to decrease risk of defecating pricey olive-oil and to send olive-oil to brain. [source: says about eat some table-spoon olive-oil directly from olive-oil-bottle to cure diabetes type 1] then drink 'how to drink vinegar-' , to decrease-(viscosity/oil-thickness-level-of) olive-oil ( to make olive-oil easily move around inside blood-vessel ). [/obsolete] [obsolete] [reason] maybe olive-oil-and-sugar-powder is better ; sweet-almond-milk causes loose stool 12 hour later , more info : find 'almond-milk' in [/reason] 1)maybe sweet-almond-juice/sweet-almond-milk 2)maybe sweet-water. (avoid brushing teeth, use vinegar-mixed-with-water to rinse mouth-interior, teeth then swallowing vinegar-mixed-with-water is ok, vinegar-mixed-with-water is emulsifying-agent) [obsolete] [reason]eating animal maybe bring bad-luck[/reason] eat the brain of ram, sheep example menu : ( ) from google 'sate olor' why ? - this idea comes from the movie 'jeeper creeper' where a monster gain new body part when that monster eat a body part. - 'brain damage' in ( ) from google 'iodine brain' result 1 [/obsolete] [/obsolete] - how to repair dna damage : 1. vitamin b9 repair dna damage source : 1. from yahoo answer search keywords 'food dna repair' result 7 2. 'Folate is essential for normal cell growth and replication. It therefore is not surprising that folate analogues have served and continue to serve well as antibiotics and cytotoxic drugs in the treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, and bacterial and protozoal infections.' in from 'reference [40' in 'Folate is necessary for the production and maintenance of new cells, for DNA synthesis and RNA synthesis through methylation, and for preventing changes to DNA, and, thus, for preventing cancer.[40] It is especially important during periods of frequent cell division and growth, such as infancy and pregnancy.' in example food containing vitamin b9 : find '-folate/folic acid/vitamin b9 daily value-------' in this text vitamin c scavenge reactive oxygen species (ros) rapidly. high level of ros produce oxidative stress. oxidative stress causes 'strand breaks in DNA' source : 1. 'rapidly scavenging a number of reactive oxygen species (ROS)' in 2. 'ROS levels can increase dramatically.[1] This may result in significant damage to cell structures. Cumulatively, this is known as oxidative stress' in 3. 'Oxidative stress from oxidative metabolism causes base damage, as well as strand breaks in DNA' in - possible cause of conjoined twin : mitosis inhibitor, example : aspartame, caffeine, tea source : 1. 'caffeine', 'aspartic acid' in from 'alkaloid' in from google 'mitosis inhibitor' result 1 2. tea is alkaloid as well source : 'Caffeine occurs naturally in coffee, tea, cocoa, mate (Ilex paraguarensis), kola nuts and a variety of other plants.' in from google 'tea alkaloid' result 1 3. 'zygote can divide asexually by mitosis to produce identical offspring.' in from 'zygote' in from 'identical twins' in from google 'embryo splitting' result 2 conjoined twin is a birth defect, birth defect can be caused by : 1. 1.1 hypoxia by smoking cigarette during pregnancy, 2nd hand smoking, inhaling car's exhaust gas. 1.2 drinking alcohol 1.3 too much vitamin A supplement 1.4 hypertension drug source : 1. 'maternal smoking', 'maternal alcohol abuse', 2. 2.1 'Total intakes of preformed vitamin A that exceed the UL and some synthetic retinoids used as topical therapies (such as isotretinoin and etretinate) can cause congenital birth defects [2-4]. These birth defects can include malformations of the eye, skull, lungs, and heart [4]. Women who might be pregnant should not take high doses of vitamin A supplements [2]. Unlike preformed vitamin A, beta-carotene is not known to be teratogenic or lead to reproductive toxicity [1]. And even large supplemental doses (20–30 mg/day) of beta-carotene or diets with high levels of carotenoid-rich food for long periods are not associated with toxicity. The most significant effect of long-term, excess beta-carotene is carotenodermia, a harmless condition in which the skin becomes yellow-orange [1,24]. This condition can be reversed by discontinuing beta-carotene ingestion.' 2.2 'The CARET study ended early, after the investigators found that daily beta-carotene (30 mg) and retinyl palmitate (25,000 IU) supplements increased the risk of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality [40].' in from google (vitamin a birth defect) result 2 2. 2.1. 'high body temperatures of the mother, either due to fevers caused by disease or environmental temperatures (hyperthermia and heat exhaustion). The extremely high fevers found in dogs infected with the parvovirus can affect the unborn puppy. Fetal brain trauma, growth retardation, developmental abnormalities and fetal death can occur. Birth defects like cerebellar hypoplasia (found most often in kittens), which cause tremors and wobbling, can result if the pregnant mother has distemper (FIP) or has received a distemper vaccine while pregnant.' 2.2. 'insecticides, fungicides, vaccines and other medications have been known to create birth defects in the unborn. Carbaryl, an insecticide found in some flea powders may be safe in puppies and adults, but can cause birth defects, such as short jaws, no tails, extra digits, skeletal malformations and abdominal fissures, when used on mothers during pregnancy. The administration of fungicides has been known to result in hydrocephalus, cleft palates, open fontanelles, and umbilical hernias in infant animals. Testosterones and progesterones – often given to female dogs to enhance fertilization – may cause masculinization of genitalia in female puppies. Corticosteroid treatment has been associated with dead fetuses and deformed limbs.' 2.3. 'Vitamin A excess and/or deficiency can cause congenital malformations, including malformed tails and skeletal defects in dogs and cats. In pigs, rats and rabbits, a deficiency of Vitamin A has been associated with eye, heart and urinary defects. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiencies can show up as poor infant growth, eye defects, and heart abnormalities. Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can result in skeletal defects and abnormal dentition. Vitamin D excess has been implicated in impaired bone formation and some “swimmer” puppies. A lack of calcium causes skeletal abnormalities, particularly in large breed puppies. Other mineral deficiencies (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and chlorine) can result in bowed forelimbs, seizures, hind end paralysis as the animal ages, limb weaknesses, and organ damage.' in from google (animal birth deformity) result 3 3. falling down, getting hit, slow metabolism source : 'Abnormalities to the mother’s metabolism, trauma or extreme body temperature variations can cause birth defects.' in from google (animal birth deformity) result 4 maybe slow metabolism can slow down mitosis, there is a deadline for her zygote to finish doing 4 mitosis: sperm meet egg (fertilisation), producing zygote. then that zygote inside pregnant woman, must finish doing 4 mitosis/cleavage/division to become 1 blastocyst in day 5. 1 mitosis/division/cleavage takes 12 - 24 hours. maybe bradycardia (slow heart rate) causes slow metabolism. tachycardia (fast heart rate) speed up metabolism. but using caffeine to induce tachycardia, is bad because caffeine is mitosis inhibitor/blocker. aerobic exercise induce tachycardia in a healthy way. avoid riding bicycle because there is a risk of falling down. source : 1. 'After fertilization, the conceptus travels down the oviduct towards the uterus while continuing to divide[6] mitotically without actually increasing in size, in a process called cleavage.[7] After four divisions, the conceptus consists of 16 blastomeres, and it is known as the morula.[8] Through the processes of compaction, cell division, and blastulation, the conceptus takes the form of the blastocyst by the fifth day of development, just as it approaches the site of implantation.[9]' in 2. 'Mammals have a slow rate of division that is between 12 and 24 hours' in if pregnant woman requires more than 4 days to make her zygote do 4 mitosis/cleavage/division then the risk of having monoamniotic twin, conjoined twin, increase. zygote still doing mitosis/cleavage in day 8 : monoamniotic mirror twin with a risk of cerebral palsy source : 1. from 'Degree of separation' in 2. 'Monoamniotic twins, as with diamniotic monochorionic twins, have a risk of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Also, the two umbilical cords have an increased chance of being tangled around the babies. Because of this, there is an increased chance that the newborns may be miscarried or suffer from cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen.' in 3. 'Mirror image twins result when a fertilized egg splits later in the embryonic stage than normal timing, around day 9–12' in zygote still doing mitosis/cleavage in day 13 : conjoined twin. source : 1. from 'Degree of separation' in 2. 'If the division of the zygote occurs later than the 12 days then conjoined twins are usually the result.' in then blastocyst do more mitosis, our body do mitosis to renew itself as well. source : 1. 'Mitosis was discovered in frog, rabbit, and cat cornea cells in 1873 and described for the first time by the Polish histologist Wacław Mayzel in 1875.[11][12]' in 2. 'The cell-division cycle is a vital process by which a single-celled fertilized egg develops into a mature organism, as well as the process by which hair, skin, blood cells, and some internal organs are renewed.' in from 'cell cycle' in from 'Cell division was first discovered by the German botanist Hugo von Mohl in 1835 as he worked with the green alga Cladophora glomerata.[8]' in - liver may have 3-to-5-years-supply of vitamin b12. so a person can abstain from animal protein maximum 5 years. source : 1. 'If a person stops consuming the vitamin, the body's stores of this vitamin usually take about 3 to 5 years to exhaust' in ( ) from google 'liver store 3 year b12' result 5 2. 'the liver can store 3 to 5 years’ worth of vitamin B12;[88]' in from google 'b12 wiki' - walking barefeet may trigger hookworm infection. source : 'The larvae are able to penetrate the skin of the foot, and once inside the body, they migrate through the vascular system to the lungs, and from there up the trachea, and are swallowed. They then pass down the esophagus and enter the digestive system, finishing their journey in the intestine, where the larvae mature into adult worms.[3][9]' in from google 'worm on feet' result 1 but hookworm infection maybe is useful for preventing podoconiosis source : 'In susceptible individuals, silicate particles from irritant soils are apparently absorbed through the feet and collect in lymphatic vessels and nodes. [5] Over time, subendothelial edema occurs within the lymphatic vessels and collagenization of the lumen leads to complete blockage.[6]' in but having worm stuck in lymph causes elephantiasis source : [obsolete] [reason] earthworm which produce drilosphere belongs to annelida phylum, hookworm belongs to nematode phylum [/reason] worm feces is called drilosphere, seems nutritious source : 'A study of one soil type found that contained within the drilosphere was 40 per cent of the aerobic (and 13 per cent of anaerobic) nitrogen-fixing bacteria and 16 per cent of the denitrifiers.[7] The drilosphere is generally richer in nitrogen, phosphorus, and humified organic material than the surrounding soil. This is probably because earthworms preferentially ingest plant residue such as leaf and root litter, or occasionally fungi.[6]' in from 'secret' in [/obsolete] hookworms's feces is ammonia, liver must be healthy to convert ammonia to urea. alcohol, fat impair liver. source : 1. 'Nitrogenous waste is excreted in the form of ammonia through the body wall, and is not associated with any specific organs. However, the structures for excreting salt to maintain osmoregulation are typically more complex.[36]' in from 'roundworm' in 2. 'The liver converts ammonia to urea through a series of reactions known as the urea cycle. Liver dysfunction, such as that seen in cirrhosis, may lead to elevated amounts of ammonia in the blood (hyperammonemia).' in's_role_in_biological_systems_and_human_disease 3. 'Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcohol, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.[1][2]' in 4. 'Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In NAFLD, fat builds up in the liver' in from ref [1] in Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcohol, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.[1][2]' in maybe swimming,suffocate then kill hookworm.source:'The easiest and most effective way to remove botfly larvae is to apply petroleum jelly over the location, which prevents air from reaching the larva, suffocating it. It can then be removed with tweezers safely after a day. White glue mixed with pyrethrin or other safe insecticides and applied to the spot of swelling on the scalp will kill the larvae within hours, as they must keep an air hole open, so will chew through the dried glue to do this, consuming the insecticide in the process' from (Botfly worm inside head removal) from from google(worm inside head)result 1 Venom extractor syringes can remove larvae with ease at any stage of growth. As these devices are a common component of first-aid kits, this is an effective and easily accessible remedy.[3] A larva has also been successfully removed by first applying several coats of nail polish to the area of the larva's entrance, weakening it by partial asphyxiation.[4] Covering the location with adhesive tape would also result in partial asphyxiation and weakening of the larva, but is not recommended because the larva's breathing tube is fragile and would be broken during the removal of the tape, leaving most of the larva behind.[4] Oral use of ivermectin, an antiparasitic avermectin medicine, has proved to be an effective and noninvasive treatment that leads to the spontaneous emigration of the larva.[5] This is especially important for cases where the larva is located at inaccessible places like inside the inner canthus of the eye' in from 'Dermatobia hominis' in - possible cause of getting 'flesh eating bacteria' / necrotizing fasciitis - alcohol, impair absorption of nutrient, weaken immune system. source : 'alcoholism' in - overdosing on table sugar weaken immune system, starch in potato, wheat, rice do not weaken immune system. source : from google 'sugar immune system' result 5 - hot drink can make 'styrene monomer' leach out of styrofoam container. source : 'In Styrofoam and PS cups studies, hot water was found to be contaminated with styrene and other aromatic compounds. It was observed that temperature played a major role in the leaching of styrene monomer from Styrofoam cups. Paper cups were found to be safe for hot drinks.' in from google 'monomer leach polystyrene' result 1 - possible cure of color blindness, blindness maybe, try to stop drinking cow's milk. because casomorphin in cow's milk, belongs to opioid group which affect central nervous system (cns). retina is part of brain, part of cns. photoreceptor is part of retina. photoreceptor then : - try eat 1 chicken liver 1 time every 3 days to avoid hypervitaminosis-A for too long. organic chicken liver is better. info : find 'Roxarsone' in this text - try eat bone marrow, brain of ram to strengthen the brain maybe that automatically strengthen retina. - chicken liver contain high purine source : 'liver' in , purine can convert to energy (adenosine triphosphate) source : 'purine' in unused purine convert to uric acid which destroy kidney. source : 'kidney' in physical-exercise prevent uric-acid from destroying kidney. ppl who has bad vision , can do physical exercise while sitting on the floor. example : - sit then do bicep curl using dumbbells bone marrow and brain of ram is usually boiled, chicken liver can be thinly sliced then pan-fried, can be boiled as well. - eat peanuts, squeezed-orange fruit skin for calcium source. wash skin of squeezed-orange fruit skin with bar soap 1st to remove pesticide. avoid squeezing the orange fruit, slice the orange fruit thinly then eat those slices. and eat veggie foods rich in vitamin-a. vitamin-a from veggie foods does not cause hypervitaminosis-a. vitamin-a from chicken-liver, supplement can cause hyperviaminosis-a. source : 1. 'photoreceptor' in 2. 'photoreceptor cell is a specialized type of neuron found in the retina' in from 'photoreceptor cells.[8]' in's_congenital_amaurosis#Signs_and_symptoms 3. 'thus, the retina is considered part of the central nervous system (CNS) and is actually brain tissue.[1][2' in 4. 'central nervous system' in 5. from 'morphiceptin' in from google 'casomorphin' 6. find 'chicken liver', 'orange fruit skin', 'peanut', '- calcium for lactose intolerant person :', 'what neutralise gastric acid :' -> cow milk used to neutralise gastric acid, cow milk is forbidden then use that replacement to neutralise gastric acid , '- possible cure for cerebral palsy, brain damage disease :' in this text 7. 'High intake of provitamin carotenoids (such as beta carotene) from vegetables and fruits does not cause hypervitaminosis A, as conversion from carotenoids to the active form of vitamin A is regulated by the body to maintain an optimum level of the vitamin. Carotenoids themselves cannot produce toxicity.', 'Sources of toxicity' in healthy-heart make healthy-brain.source:'brain is a complex organ that needs adequate blood flow to function properly. Strokes are caused by blockages in the arteries that lead to the brain or by a blood vessel in the brain rupturing. If the blood flow to the part of the brain that was “serviced” by the blocked or ruptured artery is not quickly restored, that section of the brain will be damaged. The degree or type of dementia from stroke is dependent on what areas of the brain are affected.' in from google(heart brain health) from .... so healthy-heart make healthy-retina. - brain sense blood sugar, maybe casomorphin relax the brain weaken blood sugar sensor capability. source : from google 'brain monitor blood sugar' result 7 - white rice contain talcum powder source : 1. 'Rice polishers are abrasive machines that use talc or some other very fine dust to buff the outer surface of rice kernels' in 2. 'talc' in from google 'white rice talcum powder' result 4 - possible reason why a person know when being stared at, sometimes : - eyes reflect infrared light and focus that infrared light to the head of someone, which give warm feeling. source : 1. ( ) from google 'eye reflect infrared light' result 1 from 'infrared' in from 'eye tracking' in from google 'being stared at' result 4 2. eyes emit glow in night vision camera : from google 'eye reflect infrared light' result 4, google image search 'eyes night vision' - best day to rest : new moon, full moon, all 1/2 moon for all time zones : from 'List of UTC time offsets' in from google (timezone wiki) result 1 why ? because during new moon, full moon, 1/2 moon, moon gravity change from getting stronger to getting weaker, or from getting weaker to getting stronger. during moon gravity change for all time zones, ppl should rest. moon gravity is the strongest during new moon (spring tide), full moon (spring tide). moon gravity is the weakest during all 1/2 moon (neap tide). so rest day is 26 hours (the earliest timezone in kiribati + the latest timezone in baker island) + 12 hours (the duration of night for the moon in the latest timezone in baker island to pass) = 38 hours. sabbath is 38 hours. [obsolete] [reason]moon gravity change seems the rest day[/reason] 1. new moon evening until next evening 2. rest on day 7 (sabbath) assuming day 1 is 1st waxing crescent moon evening until next evening. [obsolete] [reason] 2nd sabbath does not fall on full moon [/reason] 2nd sabbath falls on full moon, this seems always happens. hebrew day begins in the evening, ends in next evening why rest during full moon, new moon ? - spring tide happens during full moon, new moon. spring tide can trigger earthquake. source : 1. google 'spring tide earthquake' 2. '- Celestial Alignment without Lunar Eclipse ' in - ( ) from google 'full moon earth block sunlight' result 2, 3 1/2 moon is called neap tide. gravity is the strongest during new moon, full moon (spring tide) gravity is the weakest during 1/2 moon (neap tide) in hebrew calendar, hebrew month begins in the new moon evening , next day israelite celebrate new moon festival then evening comes, waxing crescent moon appears signifies 1st work day, next day israelite start working. counting 1st waxing crescent moon as 1st work day makes full moon as sabbath number 2 of the hebrew month aka rest day [/obsolete] in hebrew calendar, hebrew month begins in the new moon evening , israelite celebrate new moon festival then next evening comes, waxing crescent moon appears signifies 1st work day, [obsolete] [reason] maybe israelite begin working at that night [/reason] next day israelite start working. counting 1st waxing crescent moon as 1st work day makes full moon as sabbath number 2 of the hebrew month aka rest day [/obsolete] source : 1. moon phase calendar : from google 'moon calendar' result 1 2. 'The new moon signifies the start of every Jewish month, and is considered an important date and minor holiday' in 3. from google 'new moon date 2016' result 1 [/obsolete] - about salt : - excessive salt can trigger osteoporosis. source : 'Eating foods that have a lot of salt (sodium) causes your body to lose calcium and can lead to bone loss.', 'Aim to get 2,400 mg or less of sodium per day.' in from google 'salt osteoporosis' [obsolete] [reason]did not read the source carefully[/reason] - salt inflate muscles inside arteries, decreasing space inside arteries then increase blood pressure : - reduce amount of blood flowing to heart, triggering angina - reduce amount of blood flowing to brain, triggering dementia - decrease kidney's ability to remove water, decrease urination source : 'heart attack', 'dementia', 'reducing the ability of your kidneys to remove the water' in ( ) from google 'salt clog arteries' result 1 [/obsolete] - 'Salt works on your kidneys to make your body hold on to more water. This extra stored water raises your blood pressure and puts strain on your kidneys, arteries, heart and brain' - 'The extra blood pressure caused by eating too much salt puts extra strain on the insides of your arteries. To cope with the extra strain, the tiny muscles in the artery walls become stronger and thicker. Yet this only makes the space inside the arteries smaller and raises your blood pressure even higher' in ( ) from google 'salt clog arteries' result 1 - salt causes high blood pressure, salt makes the heart tired faster, high blood pressure stretch then weaken blood vessel, stretched blood vessel is more likely to rupture. if the blood vessel rupture then hemorrhagic-stroke/hemorrhage-stroke happens. source : 1. 'When there’s extra sodium in your bloodstream, it pulls water into your blood vessels, increasing the total amount (volume) of blood inside your blood vessels. With more blood flowing through your blood vessels, blood pressure increases. It’s like turning up the water supply to a garden hose — the pressure in the hose increases as more water is blasted through it. Over time, high blood pressure may overstretch or injure the blood vessel walls and speed the build-up of gunky plaque that can block blood flow. The added pressure also tires out the heart by forcing it to work harder to pump blood through the body' in from google (sodium heart) result 2 2. 'About 13 percent of strokes occur when a blood vessel ruptures in or near the brain. This is a hemorrhagic stroke. Chronic HBP or aging blood vessels are the main causes of this type of stroke. HBP puts more pressure on the blood vessels until they can no longer maintain the pressure and the blood vessel ruptures over time' in from 'Download a fact sheet about how high blood pressure leads to stroke' in HBP means 'high blood pressure' high blood pressure may injure blood vessel then causes blood clot to plug the injury then the blood clot maybe too big then reducing blood flow too much sodium can harden artery. source : 'Too much sodium can make blood vessels less flexible, which may cause or worsen atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)' in from google (salt harden artery) result 4 harden artery is actually arterio-sclerosis not athero-sclerosis. [source: from 'arteriosclerosis' in] (blood vessel xs) says internal-elastic-lamina is the inner surface of blood-vessel. too much sodium can harden artery, maybe making internal-elastic-lamina not elastic anymore source : 1. 'Too much sodium can make blood vessels less flexible, which may cause or worsen atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)' in from google (salt harden artery) result 4 2. 'supported by an internal elastic lamina' in to decrease sodium, make internal-elastic-lamina elastic again : find '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney,' in this text hardened (stiff) artery block blood flow. source : 1. 'stiffening of the vessels that results from high blood pressure and low blood flow' in from google (stiff capillaries trapped nutrient) result 1 2. 'perfusion' in 'The Windkessel effect helps in damping the fluctuation in blood pressure (pulse pressure) over the cardiac cycle and assists in the maintenance of organ perfusion during diastole when cardiac ejection ceases' in from 'Windkessel effect' in the meaning is : stiff artery loses windkessel effect. windkessel effect has perfusion effect. if perfusion does not happen then sugar remain inside blood vessel, sugar does not perfuse blood vessel wall (capillary) to reach cells, to nourish cells. try smear water to skin below an eye then smear salt to that wet skin area then around 5 minutes later that eye will feel hurting. replace that salt with sugar then that eye will not feel hurting. so salt is damaging, sugar seems not damaging. but non-iodine-salty-water is good for starting digestion. info : find 'drink water-mixed-with-ocean-salt-non-iodine. maybe drinking water-mixed-with-salt-with-iodine causes diarrhea.' in - excessive protein supplement can impair kidney, liver source : from google 'creatine kidney bbc' - possible cure for not having libido/sexual desire (1) biotin source of biotin : from google 'whfoods biotin' biotin level seems to correlates with libido source : 'biotin-deficient group: mice showed arrested estrous cycle' in ( ) estrous cycle = libido/sexual desire source : 'sexual desire' in from google 'estrous cycle' result 1 [addition 15 oct 2020 2:17 pm edt] end 2:22 pm edt (2) boil intact-egg for 5 -> 10 minute, avoid breaking-egg-then-fry-egg. because broken-egg makes raw-egg-white mix with egg-yolk. raw-egg-white must not mix with egg-yolk because raw-egg-white contain avidin. if avidin connect/bind/mix to biotin inside egg-yolk then : (1)avidin decrase biotin in egg-yolk, and (2)cooking-fire can not break avidin-biotin-connection/complex. avidin-biotin complex (avidin-biotin-connection/mixture ) is more resistant-to-heat/heat-stable than avidin alone: (1)avidin-biotin complex is only 10 % dissociated after 15 minute at 100 celcius (2)avidin-biotin complex is not completely dissociated after 60 minute at 100 celcius (3)avidin-biotin complex can be quantitatively dissociated only under autoclaving conditions, e.g/exempli-gratia/example : 120 celcius, 15 minute avidin-biotin (raw-egg-white-and-egg-yolk)'s association is 1 of strongest affinities/chemistry-attraction known. avidin-biotin's complex/association/connection/molecular-bond is stable to 100 celcius, and stable to detergents and denaturants. [source: (1/6) from google ( inactivation avidin minute ) result 7 (2/6)'gratia' in from google ( eg example ) result 1 (3/6) from ... (4/6)'chemical attraction' in (5/6)'Chemistry To combine with, form a chemical bond with, or be taken up by, as an enzyme with its substrate.' in (6/6)'If bond binds atoms together, then we call it chemical bond. However, if bond bind molecules together, we call it molecular bond' in from google ( chemistry tutorial chemical binding ) result 1] boil egg-with-shell for 5-10 minute, to completely-inactivate avidin in raw-egg-white. source: 'High-pressure (HP) inactivation of pure avidin as well as avidin in egg were evaluated and compared with conventional thermal inactivation kinetics. Test samples were treated at 500 to 700 MPa and 80 to 100 C for pure avidin and at 500 to 700 MPa and 30 to 50 C for avidin present in egg white and whole liquid egg. Avidin inactivation was well described by the 1st-order kinetic model. Pure avidin was found to be relatively very resistant as compared with avidin in egg, and thermal inactivation was much slower than HP inactivation. Conventional thermal treatment at 100 C gave a D value of 111 min while HP treatment (700 MPa) at the same temperature reduced the D value to 26 min for pure avidin. However, avidin naturally present in egg was sensitive to both thermal and pressure treatments. Avidin in egg had a D-100 C value of 10 to 10.9 min indicating greater heat sensitivity. Conventional thermal treatment at 50 C had negligible effect on avidin inactivation in egg while HP treatment at 700 MPa almost completely inactivated avidin-in-egg in 5-10 min (D value of 2.2 min). The pressure and temperature sensitivity parameters (z value) were also determined both as a function of pressure at different temperatures and as a function of temperature at different pressure levels.' in from google ( inactivate avidin 4 minute boil ) result 2 from 'Complete inactivation of avidin's biotin binding capacity required boiling for over 4 minutes.[23]' in biotin-deficiency make hair loss. so maybe if person has thick hair, thick eye-brow then that person has strong libido. but person maybe cut eye-brow-hair, cut head-hair to decrease clean-water needed to bathe. so appearance can mislead/be-deceptive/mis-represent. maybe alcoholic-drink causes hair-loss , libido/sex-desire-loss , smooth-skin-maker , because alcohol in alcoholic-drink , is : anti-coagulant , blood-thinner , cholesterol-lowering-drug. [/addition 15 oct 2020 2:17 pm edt] - possible cure for post term pregnancy eating parsley in large amount source : 'uterotonic' in pregnant woman should avoid eating large amount of parsley. only pregnant woman who want to induce labor can eat large amount of parsley - about defecating, urinating the healthy position to defecate, urinate. defecate position: 1)kneecaps position is higher than buttocks. 2)spread both thighs wide apart to make feces' downward movement easier. 3)thighs are as near as possible to chest 4)left-foot-finger face away from right-foot-finger source : 1. from [obsolete]maybe both thighs should press against each other during defecation, so both thighs hold intestine upward.if both thighs spread apart while straining then intestine maybe can fall downward then increase the risk of rectal prolapse source : 1. 'Rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum (the last section of the large intestine) falls from its normal position within the pelvic area. (The word "prolapse" means a falling down or slipping of a body part from its usual position.)' in from google (rectal prolapse) result 5 from 'rectal prolapse' in from google (milk constipation) page 3 result 1 2. my mother said both thighs should press against each other during defecation [reason]1)pressing both thighs against each other, makes feces' downward movement more difficult (constipation) correction text can be found in find 'spread both thighs wide apart to make feces'' maybe anal-sex, causes rectal prolapse.[/reason] [/obsolete] since kegel strengthen pelvic area, therefore kegel prevent rectal prolapse. kegel maybe is best done when the body is in horizontal position so the kegel does not stimulate bowel movement. source : 'Older age. Muscles and ligaments in the rectum and anus naturally weaken with age. Other nearby structures in the pelvis area also loosen with age, which adds to the general weakness in that area of the body', 'Weakening of the anal sphincter. This is the specific muscle that controls the release of stool from the rectum' in from google (rectal prolapse) result 5 from 'rectal prolapse' in from google (milk constipation) page 3 result 1 2. koala defecate with kneecaps position higher than buttocks: avoid sitting on toilet for long time.sitting on toilet for long time causes hemorrhoid.source:'Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet' in from google (hemorrhoid) result 1 from '"Even if you're not straining, sitting there for a long time puts increased pressure on your rectum," which can weaken muscles, notes Dr. Sheth. If it takes long enough that you need to bring your smartphone, that's not a great sign. Pushing out a poop should be a reasonably quick, effortless process—no pain is your gain.' in,,20959404,00.html?utm_campaign=health& from sitting toilet force ppl to use tissue only to wipe asshole which will leave fecal skidmark on the panty, or even if there is no fecal skidmark on the panty, asshole area on the panty would smelll like feces. squat-toilet makes possible to use dominant hand to pour water to asshole while using non-dominant hand to wipe asshole with middle finger, that won't leave fecal skidmark on the panty. 'Asian / Thai Style Squat Toilet - Use & Etiquette' source:'dominant' in from google (right handed) result 1 squat-toilet prevent hemoroid, inguinal-hernia(for man), femoral-hernia(for woman) because squat-toilet reduce straining/exertion-to-eject-feces. during squatting on squat-toilet : maybe both foot face diagonally-outward decrease straining , maybe both foot face diagonally-inward increase straining , so maybe both foot should face diagonally-outward. if sitting-toilet produce less straining rather-than squat-toilet then use sitting-toilet. hemorrhoid-symptom : swollen-hemorrhoid/swollen-anus , blood-on-feces. [soure : (1/2)'Internal hemorrhoids usually present with painless, bright red rectal bleeding during or following a bowel movement.[8] The blood typically covers the stool (a condition known as hematochezia), is on the toilet paper, or drips into the toilet bowl.[8]' in (2/2)'However, when thrombosed, hemorrhoids may be very painful.[1][8] Nevertheless, this pain typically resolves in two to three days.[5] The swelling may, however, take a few weeks to disappear.[5]' in ] source:(1)'As you can see from the diagram,squatting actually straightens and relaxes your rectum' in from google (squat toilet hernia) result 4 (2)'Sitting Toilets Pose a Danger to Health Medical Science research How to urinate and defecate' in (squat toilet vs sit toilet for puborectalis muscles) (3)'Straining during bowel movements or urination', 'Being male. Men are eight times more likely to develop an inguinal hernia than are women' in from google (hernia) result 4 (4)"Inguinal hernias occur when fatty tissue or a part of your bowel pokes through into your groin at the top of your inner thigh" in from google (blocked intestine hernia) result page 3 number 2 (5)'straining on the toilet if you have constipation carrying and pushing heavy loads', 'Unlike inguinal hernias, femoral hernias occur far more frequently in women, particularly older women. This is because of the wider shape of the female pelvis. Femoral hernias are rare in children.' in from google (femoral hernia) result 2 (6)'straining during defecation, squatting during defecation, and pregnancy' in from ref-16 in 'Squatting while defecating may also increase the risk of severe hemorrhoids.[16]' in woman less-likely-suffer inguinal-hernia but woman more-likely-suffer inguinal-hernia. man more-likely-suffer inguinal-hernia. source :(1)'Being male. Men are eight times more likely to develop an inguinal hernia than are women' in (2)"Inguinal hernias occur when fatty tissue or a part of your bowel pokes through into your groin at the top of your inner thigh" in from google (blocked intestine hernia) result page 3 number 2 (3)'straining on the toilet if you have constipation carrying and pushing heavy loads', 'Unlike inguinal hernias, femoral hernias occur far more frequently in women, particularly older women. This is because of the wider shape of the female pelvis. Femoral hernias are rare in children.' in from google (femoral hernia) result 2 (4)'Straining during bowel movements or urination', 'Being male. Men are eight times more likely to develop an inguinal hernia than are women' in from google (hernia) result 4 how to sit on toilet but get that zero straining/forceful-defecation feeling from doing squat-position , so sit on toilet but zero straining/forceful-defecation : during sitting-on-toilet-defecating-position : put both foot/feet on top of short-stature-stool like livarno-home-folding-step-stool . [source : 'ah : 5.0 out of 5 stars A must have for pregnancy! : Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2024 : Verified Purchase : Pregnancy constipation is no joke thank goodness I bought the squatty potty so that I could not strain when I had to go to the bathroom. More importantly I just had a cervical cerclage surgery so this is a definite must have in my household so that I can go with ease and not rip my stitches.' | 'Casey A. : 5.0 out of 5 stars Great for pregnant or postpartum needs : Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2024 : Verified Purchase : My wife loves this! I can adjust the height for me and she says that this has really helped her through her pregnancy. No more straining to pass a bowel movement. Good gift for anyone who has any type of pelvic floor injury. One person found this helpful' in from>search ( squatty potty ) from from from google ( squat toilet hemorrhoids ) ] if feeling constipated during defecating then: (1)punch-lightly-using-thumb-finger repeatedly area surrounding spine-bone(upper-back or lower-back),strong enough,to tremble lower-spine-area,and stay in position find 'defecate position:' in this text. so make a fist then finger-skin on thumb-finger should hit-lightly area surrounding spine-bone(upper-back or lower-back) repeatedly. trembling lower-spine-area,encourage ejecting feces (2)defecate in squat-position with both feet step on sitting-toilet-seat, 1 hand hold chair-stool for stabilisation, other hand cover mouth-area so toilet-water-splash won't touch mouth. or other hand can grab square-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container then aim that square-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container underneath testicle ( for male ) so square-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container block toilet-water-splash. after finish defecating and washing anus, wash-with-soap that square-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container. rectangular-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container also fine. circle-plastic-food-cover-for-plastic-food-container maybe can not fully-block toilet-water-splash. if water splash-out during feces being drop to toilet-bowl-water then wipe those water later or keep floor dry ( find 'Hepatitis B virus can live in dried blood for up to a week' in this text ) try urinate on plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid,capacity=1 gal(maybe gallon). [source:] so water which splash-out during feces being drop to toilet-bowl-water, does not contain urine. mixing urine and feces, worsen smell. after defecate in squat-position for around 7 times, pausing urination during defecation maybe feel easier. so pause urination during defecation in squat-position then urinate to plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid then resume defecation. defecating in squat-position make ejecting feces as a whole-feces, easier, decreasing risk of cutting feces to pieces then causing feces-debris to fall to floor during urinating to plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid. be naked during defecating in squat-position on sitting-toilet, so if toilet-bowl-water splash-out during feces being drop to toilet-bowl-water, then toilet-bowl-water won't touch clothes. avoid staying in squat-position and withholding feces, which maybe causes constipation. if staying in squat-position then relax and do not withhold feces. so if not near nice-toilet-bowl then avoid staying in squat-position. plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid can hold lots of urine and has cover which block urine-smell, plastic-pitcher-brand-name=rubbermaid can decrease toilet-flushing-frequency, saving clean-water. maybe if still feeling constipated then on bath-tub : use finger to poke anus-interior to seek feces , later use hand to relocate feces from bath-tub to toilet . food which maybe causes constipation : rubbery-ground-beef-which-does-not-crumble , ( find 'maybe that cookie is causing constipation' ) . food which encourage defecation : banana , mushroom , potato , sweet-potato , potato , bell-pepper , lettuce . sitting-toilet is necessary during stabbing-stomach-pain maybe being caused by undigested-fat/undigested-oil being caused by lacking salty-water-sauce. sitting-on-toilet consume energy less-than squatting-on-toilet so : (1)do sitting-on-toilet if feeling stabbing-stomach-pain (2)after cleaning anus then consume : (1)sugar-chocolate-chip-cookie-without-cow-milk-without-egg or (2)oreo-cookie or (3)sugar-powder-mixed-with-water or (4)rice-and-minced-tofu doused with salty-water for vegan-diet-option to refill energy needed for doing squatting-on-toilet or sitting-on-toilet to defecate more diarrhea . sitting on sitting-toilet while massaging stomach help ejecting diarrhea. stomach must be up-right during massaging. [source:'Pain is usually described as sharp and stabbing', 'People with chronic pancreatitis have compromised pancreatic function and are unable to produce the enzymes necessary to absorb nutrients properly during digestion. This can result in malnutrition and steatorrhea, in which undigested fats appear in the stool' in from google(stabbing stomach pain fat steatorrhea)result 1 from 'Did you mean: stabbing stomach pain fat steatorrhea' from google(stabbing stomach pain fat sterrheoa)] maybe drinking water-mixed-with-corn-oil make stabbing-stomach-pain. water-mixed-with-corn-oil-and-vinegar can be drink and won't cause stabbing-stomach-pain/steatorrhea. maybe if suffering stabbing-stomach-pain then sleep-on-left-side-from-sleeper-point-of-view cure that stabbing-stomach-pain without having to eject diarrhea. urinate : 1. koala urinate : - cause of stye in the eyes : picking nose then touching eyes, transferring staphylococcus aureus from nose to eyes source :;_ylt=AwrC0CZn61VYEHEARapPmolQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEybTFvb2wxBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI1NTlfMQRzZWMDc3I-?qid=20111107192503AAekIi2 - possible cure for copd (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) natural food containing beta-carotene form of vitamin a source : 'Preventing complications of lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD). Eating more beta-carotene in the diet seems to help prevent bronchitis and difficulty breathing in smokers with COPD, but beta-carotene supplements do not..' in section 'How effective is it?' in ( ) from google (beta carotene lung) result 1 from 'vitamin a' in ( ) from google (lung remove carbon deposit) result 4 vitamin a in veggie contain beta-carotene. vitamin a in liver, egg yolk does not contain beta-carotene. source : 1. 'β-Carotene is an organic, strongly colored red-orange pigment abundant in plants and fruits.', 'Plant carotenoids are the primary dietary source of provitamin A worldwide, with β-carotene as the most well-known provitamin A carotenoid. Others include α-carotene and β-cryptoxanthin' in 2. ' animal sources (liver and eggs) contain retinyl esters, whereas plants (carrots, spinach) contain provitamin A carotenoids' in from 'retinol' in 3. 'In these the orange colour is masked by the green colour of chlorophyll' in from google (beta carotene masked by green chlorophyl) result 4 4. 'Plants and green algae (plants are really advanced green algae) contain chlorophyll a (which is teal-green), chlorophyll b (which is yellow-green), and beta-carotene (which is yellow), thus giving them a green color' in from google (beta carotene masked by green chlorophyl) result 1 - possible cure for tuberculosis 1)avoid raw cow milk (amasi, and other fermented cow milk drink) because raw cow milk can contain mycobacterium-bovis which causes tuberculosis in cow and can be transmitted to human source : 1. 'In 1892, chemist Earnest Lederle experimentally inoculated milk from tuberculosis-diseased cows into Guinea pigs, which caused them to develop the disease.[26] ' in 2. 'bovine TB). It is related to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium which causes tuberculosis in humans, and can jump the species barrier and cause tuberculosis in humans and other mammals.[2]' in from google (bovine tuberculosis) result 2 3. 'tuberculosis' in from google (pathogen in raw cow milk) result 6 4. my father maybe i already browsed from 'bovine tuberculosis' in from 'Wild boar' in from 'Common warthog' in from 'although he declared that the unwashed warthog rectum he ate in Namibia was "the worst meal of [his] life",[75] along with the fermented shark he ate in Iceland.[76]' in after cnn says anthony bourdain died from suicide i did not realise the word 'tuberculosis' in that webpage 2)swallow vinegar, so the vinegar does not destroy teeth source : 'Acetic Acid, the Active Component of Vinegar, Is an Effective Tuberculocidal Disinfectant' in ( ) from google (acetic acid kill bacteria) result 2 vinegar destroy bone, teeth info : find '1. avoid vinegar because vinegar trigger' in this text 3)maybe lick chili-sauce to eject sputum from mouth,nose? recommended chili-sauce (does not contain potassium which causes bowel-relaxation then causes loose-stool,smooth does not contain undigestible-chili-seed) 1)dua-belibis brandname (indonesian chili-sauce).source:my mother 2)yissine brandname (south-korean chili-sauce).source:my mother licking chili-sauce alone maybe less likely causes loose stool. if loose stool happen then find 'to stop diarrhea :' in 4)allicin in raw garlic, kills mycobacteria / tuberculosis bacteria source : 'Allicin-induced MTB 85B suppression' in from google 'allicin mycobacteria' [obsolete] [reason]turmeric causes diarrhea[/reason] 3. curcumin in turmeric source : 3.1 'Curcumin was able to boost the macrophages' ability to kill and eliminate the tuberculosis bacteria. The process relies on the inhibition of a cellular molecule, called nuclear factor-kappa B' in from google (Curcumin tuberculosis) result 6 3.2 'Curcumin protects against MTB infection in human macrophages. The host-protective role of curcumin against MTB in macrophages needs confirmation in an animal model; if validated, the immunomodulatory anti-TB effects of curcumin would be less prone to drug resistance development' in from google (tumeric tuberculosis) result 9 3.3 [/obsolete] how to eat vegetarian food- -------------------------- [obsolete] [reason]peanut is difficult to digest[/reason] 1. eat unsalted peanut whenever eating carbohydrate [obsolete]or eat honey roasted peanut [reason] honey is not from veggie [/reason] [/obsolete] as carbohydrate source. because vitamin e in peanut, helps produce insulin info : 'vitamin E can prevent a decrease' in this text [/reason] [/obsolete] 2. eat food contain vitamin b1 to prevent korsakoff-psychosis info : find '-thiamine/vitamin b1 daily value----------' in this text [obsolete] 3. eat raw veggie important tips : find 'how to eat raw veggie-' in this text [reason]raw veggie is not tasty[/reason] [/obsolete] 4. non-dairy calcium source : peanut, tofu, sesame seed, lentil, quinoa, etc more info : find '- food for bone :' in this text 5. eat carbohydrate, example : 1. brown rice and salty-water [more info:] [obsolete][reason]korean-sweet-potato, sweet-potato, normal-potato, causes diarrhea find 'maybe avoid steamed-and-boiled-and-mashed-potato' in[/reason] 2. fried potato and salty-water 3. skinless plain sweet-korean-potato (purple skin, rather-green flesh) 4. skinless plain sweet-potato (brown skin, orange flesh) [/obsolete] 5. brown rice and sweet soy sauce 6. pasta and marinara sauce 7. oreo 8. wafer 9. [obsolete][reason]tomato-sauce increase farting-frequency, defecation-frequency[/reason] white-rice from being cooked in rice-cooker fully mixed with ketchup/tomato-sauce[/obsolete] potato contains some protein, potassium, vitamin c eating too much potassium maybe causes loose stool, eat salt to counter that high potassium-level. eating too much salt causes headache, swing the head around or eat potassium to counter that high salt-level. eating too much magnesium from brown rice maybe causes loose stool, eat salt to counter that high magnesium-level. 6. sometimes eat fruit like : 1. apple to make bowel movement easy. fuji apple is the tastiest 2. banana to make bowel movement easy. 3. tomato after eating food containing high sodium because tomato contains potassium. then avoid eating apple. eating apple and tomato together maybe causes diarrhea. tomato seems less causing bowel movement than banana. 7. if feeling addicted to msg (ajinomoto) then eat fuji apple 8. veggie contains cellulose which needs cellulase-enzyme to digest. so drink veggie-juice, avoid eating solid-veggie. info : find 'cellulase, is needed to digest vegetable's cellulose.' in maybe olive-oil is good for spinal-cord maybe sometimes eating meat is needed ? find '- liver may have 3-to-5-years-supply of vitamin b12.' in this text menstruating-female maybe need to eat meat ? tofu contains iron. [obsolete] how to eat raw veggie- [reason]raw veggie can have worm-egg,that worm-egg can become worm which move around in the brain. but maggot from flies's stomach,maybe cure wound? (1) from google(Maggot debridement growth promoting)result 2 from 'debridement, disinfection and growth-promoting activity' in from ref-25 in 'As early as 1028, flies and maggots were commonly used to treat chronic wounds or ulcers to prevent or arrest necrotic spread,[25]' in from 'gangrene' in from 'peter the great' in from 'petrodvorets watch factory' in from 'pobeda' in (2)'fly' in from google(Maggot debridement)result 4/(Maggot heal wound)result 3 find 'maybe drinking water-with-non-iodised-salt , kill scabies-insect inside skin , inside body without full-body-submersion-in-swimming-pool.' in [/reason] ---------------------- do not cook veggie. cooking will shrink the veggie, removing water from veggie. source : from google (why veggie shrink when cooked) result 1 those water could contain vitamin [obsolete] [reason] root absorb water. leaf does not absorb water. root veggie celery absorb water fast source : 1. from google (cabbage absorb water) result 3 2. from google (dead plant capilary action) result 8 leaf discard water source : 'The plant releases the rest into the environment through tiny openings in the leaves. As water exits the plant, capillary action pulls more water up through the roots' in from google (dead plant capilary action) page 2 result 8 root veggie : 'Yams, beets, parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, yuca, kohlrabi, onions, garlic, celery root (or celeriac), horseradish, daikon, turmeric, jicama, Jerusalem artichokes, radishes, and ginger are all considered roots. Because root vegetables grow underground, they absorb a great amount of nutrients from the soil' in from google (root vegetable) result 3 [/reason] cooked soluble fiber veggie maybe lose the ability to hold water. [/obsolete] raw soluble fiber hold water inside the body. cabbage is chosen because cabbage is thick so cabbage hold more water. other foods contain vitamin k : from google (whfoods k) raw iceberg lettuce for vitamin a, cleaner than raw romaine lettuce source : my mother sodium hold water inside the body as well but sodium also remove water from the body source : 1. 2. google (sodium water rentention) pour salty-water to veggie. source : 'Where people live mainly on milk and raw or roasted meat (so that its natural salts are not lost), sodium chloride supplements are unnecessary; nomads with their flocks of sheep or herds of cattle , for example, never eat salt with their food. On the other hand, people who live mostly on cereal, vegetable, or boiled meat diets require supplements of salt.' in from ref [12] in 'Nomads who subsist on their flocks and herds do not eat salt with their food, but agriculturalists, feeding mainly on cereals and vegetable matter, need to supplement their diet with salt.[12]' in if there is a dirt then wash the raw veggie, rub the dirt away. and try stop drinking milk, stop eating dairy because cow milk contain morphiceptin which is an opioid, opioid maybe makes the body less able to detect the presence of cholera, dysentery microbes in raw veggie. source : 'therapeutic and chronic use of opioids can compromise the function of the immune system. Opioids decrease the proliferation of macrophage progenitor cells and lymphocytes, and affect cell differentiation (Roy & Loh, 1996)' in from 'opioid' in from 'morphicetin' in from google (casomorphin wiki) result 1 if eggs from maybe Black-fly from 'black fly' in from google (gnat), (soil gnat) from 'soil gnat' in qgoogle-image (common flies in veggie) last row, col 3 may accidentally got eaten while eating unwashed raw veggie then fruitfly will create buzzing sounds inside the body, inside legs area usually, and bite from the inside of the body but the pain is negligible, for around 1 week then eventually die automatically inside the body then goes out with feces. washing the raw veggie is the best. [obsolete] [reason]raw garlic causes loose stool[/reason] eating raw garlic kills bacteria, virus, etc info : find 'allicin inside garlic' in this text [/obsolete] to kill fruitfly inside human body : wait for the fruitfly to stop moving around and bite some inner skin area inside human body then pinch that skin area to pinch that fruitfly as well then hold that pinch for a while to suffocate that fruitfly, later the fruitfly comes out when that human defecate. do not hold pee because raw veggie contain bacteria which can hurt urinary tract, can hurt kidney but that bacteria can not hurt stomach. that bacteria can cause bleeding in urinary tract then creating blood clot. info : find '- holding pee :' in this text [obsolete] [reason]unrelated to this section[/reason] minimise sodium intake, 1 diabetes medicine, gliflozin, shutdown sodium-dependent sglt2, sodium, animal protein is bad for kidney. info : find 'sglt2', '- how to decrease blood pressure, strengthen kidney', 'attracts water and turns to gel during digestion', '6. eat food rich in vitamin k to :', '4. avoid animal protein intake' in this text [/obsolete] cellulase, is needed to digest vegetable's cellulose. vegetable's cellulose, is a non-digestible part of insoluble fiber. insoluble fiber induce bowel movement. cellulase comes from fungi, bacteria. source : 1. 'Cellulase is any of several enzymes produced chiefly by fungi, bacteria, and protozoans that catalyze cellulolysis, the decomposition of cellulose and of some related polysaccharides.' in 2. 3. 'In human nutrition, cellulose is a non-digestible constituent of insoluble dietary fiber, acting as a hydrophilic bulking agent for feces and potentially aiding in defecation.' in 4. find 'insoluble fiber' in this text healthy liver free from alcohol, fatty food, is a requirement for eating raw vegetable. info : find 'hookworms's feces is ammonia, liver must be healthy to convert' in this text [/obsolete] how to drink vinegar- ---------------------- warning : if consuming rice , soy-sauce daily then drinking/swallowing water-mixed-with-vinegar will cause diarrhea . if consuming only daily then drinking/swallowing water-mixed-with-vinegar will not cause diarrhea . 'Mix 2 tbsp. (30ml) of unfiltered apple cider vinegar into a large glass of water' in google (how to drink vinegar) result 1 (1)swish-around water-vinegar inside mouth, maybe destroy teeth-plague, teeth-bacteria [obsolete] vinegar destroys bone, causes osteoporosis, so vinegar must be swallowed, to protect teeth from getting destroyed by vinegar info : find 'avoid vinegar because vinegar trigger' [reason]vinegar destroy teeth-plague, teeth-bacteria[/reason] [/obsolete] (2)if vinegar causes diarrhea then try tips in find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' in this text (3)to maintain bone strength, fight osteoporosis caused by vinegar : - do weight-bearing exercise more info : find 'weight-bearing' in this text - find '- legs' to train legs how bone react to vinegar:submerge bone inside vinegar for 1 week then bone become flexible/easily-bent: (Magic Bendy Bone - How to Bend a Chicken Bone Science Experiment !!) from youtube-search (bone vinegar) result 1 [obsolete] [reason] wash face with soap, daily, to remove skin-oil, carpet-floor-allergen, dust, around eye, prevent 'burning-eye-tear' condition. [/reason] (4)water-vinegar will become eye-tear then will sting eyelid-mucus-membrane, so if eye is watery and eye-lid/eyelid feel hurting then use finger-kunckle to rub eye to remove that vinegar-eye-tear. then rub finger-knuckle with other finger-knuckle to dessicate finger-knuckle, dryness kill bacteria. finger-kunckle won't touch food-plate, door-knob. but that water-vinegar-eye-tear maybe enter eye-lens-interior then emulsify fat inside eye-lens-interior like phaco-emulsification-tool for cataract-surgery. so that water-vinegar-eye-tear maybe cure cataract even though feel hurting eye-lid/eyelid. if eye start feel hurting then stop drinking water-vinegar. eye often start hurting during being blown by dusty-wind, so driving a car with open-car-window maybe make eye produce eye-tear which contain vinegar/vinegar-eye-tear then hurting eye-lid then cause car-crash so drive a car with window-closed. maybe drinking sugary-water soothe stinging-eye. [/obsolete] non-dairy calcium source : tofu, peanut, almond more info : find '- food for bone' - possible cure for hemorrhoid - natural food which contains vitamin k, a. because : - vitamin k clot blood, stop bleeding. - vitamin a strengthen mucus membrane. mucus membrane includes anal canal source : 1. 'mucus membrane' in 'function' in from google 'beta carotene mucus membrane' result 3 2. 'anus', 'anal canal' in 3. 'determine the clotting tendency of blood, in the measure of warfarin dosage, liver damage, and vitamin K status' in from 'prothrombin time (PT)' in 4. 'Low level of vitamin K' in from google (Prothrombin time) result 2 5. 'Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, so your body stores it in fat tissue and the liver. It is best known for its role in helping blood clot' in from google (vitamin k clot) page 2 result 7 tips about eating food containing vitamin k, a : find '- about vitamin k, a' in this text - about vitamin k, a food contains vitamin k : 1. from google (whfoods k) result 1 2. mango from google (usda nutrition db) result 1 from vitamin a : 3636 iu / 336 g ( 1 fruit ) ( 3636 iu / 3000 iu ) * 100 % = 121 % / 1 fruit vitamin c : 122.3 mg / 336 g ( 1 fruit ) ( 122 mg / 90 mg ) * 100 % = 135 % / 1 fruit vitamin k : ( 14.1 microgram / 138 microgram ) * 100 % = 10 % daily value per 1 fruit if eating veggies containing vitamin k causes gassy stomach then find 'tips to fart cleanly, to strengthen digestion :' for digestion tips vitamin k absorption need fat, because vitamin k is fat-soluble vitamin. source : 'For example, cooked spinach has a 5% bioavailability of phylloquinone, however, fat added to it increases bioavailability to 13% due to the increased solubility of vitamin K in fat.[65]' in food contains vitamin a : find '- about vitamin a' in this text food contains vitamin k, a : 1 cup : spinach (k=987 %, a=98 %) broccoli (k=245 %, a=13 %) romaine lettuce (k=50 %, a=22 %) bok choy (k=64 %, a=40 %) green bean (k=22 %, a=5 %) whfoods warns, to discard water which was used to boil spinach because, the water contain acid. whfoods recommend boiling spinach. source : 'Spinach is only one of three vegetables we recommend boiling to free up acids and allow them to leach into the boiling water; this brings out a sweeter taste from the spinach. Discard the boiling water after cooking; do not drink it or use it for stock because of its acid content.' in from google 'whfoods spinach' - about vitamin a food contain vitamin a : mostly is % dv per 1 cup sweet potato 214% carrot 113% mango 121% [2] spinach 105% kale 98% mustard green 96% collard green 80% beet green 61% turnip green 61% swiss chard 60% butternut/winter squash 59% romaine lettuce 45%/2 cup bok choy 40% cantaloupe 30% bell pepper 16% parsley 14%/0.5 cup broccoli 13% asparagus 10% sea veggie 9%/1 tablespoon chili pepper 9%/2 tablespoon tomato 8% animal liver (warning about animal liver : find 'chicken liver' in this text) source : 1. from google (whfoods a) result 1 2. mango from google (usda nutrition db) result 1 from vitamin a : 3636 iu / 336 g ( 1 fruit ) ( 3636 iu / 3000 iu ) * 100 % = 121 % / 1 fruit vitamin c : 122.3 mg / 336 g ( 1 fruit ) ( 122 mg / 90 mg ) * 100 % = 135 % / 1 fruit [obsolete]carrot, butternut squash maybe must be boiled until soft[/obsolete] how to eat carrot then digest carrot without flatulence, diarrhea ? find 'how to eat carrot then digest carrot without flatulence, diarrhea ?' in - about vitamin c vitamin c absorption, needs sodium source:'Ascorbic acid is absorbed in the body by both active transport and simple diffusion.Sodium-Dependent Active Transport—Sodium-Ascorbate Co-Transporters (SVCTs) and Hexose transporters (GLUTs)—are the 2 transporter proteins required for active absorption. SVCT1 and SVCT2 import the reduced form of ascorbate across plasma membranes.[88] GLUT1 and GLUT3 are glucose transporters, and transfer only the dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) form of vitamin C.[89]' in from google (ascorbic acid) result 2 daily-requirement:find 'vitamin c daily value req :' in this text (1)Peppers, hot chili, red, raw:64.7 mg/45 gram(1 pepper) (2)hot habanero peppers:12mg/13 gram(1 pepper) (3)mirasol hot pepper paste:1 mg/20 gram(1 tablespoon) (4)dona isabel, mirasol hot pepper:0 mg <- wrong-value? source:'Hot Chillis - Green' in (5)papaya 224 % per 1 medium (6)bell pepper 157 % per 1 cup (7)broccoli 135 % per 1 cup (8)mango 135 % per 1 fruit (9)brussel sprout 129 % per 1 cup (10)strawberries 113 % per 1 cup (11)pineapple 105 % per 1 cup (12)oranges 93 % per 1 medium (13)kiwifruit 85 % per 2 inch (14)cantaloupe 78 % per 1 cup (15)cauliflower 73 % per 1 cup (16)kale 71 % per 1 cup (17)cabbage 69 % per 1 cup (18)bok choy 59 % per 1 cup (19)grapefruit 59 % per 0.50 medium (20)parsley 54 % per 1/2 cup (21)turnip green 53 % per 1 cup (22)beet green 48 % per 1 cup (23)mustard green 47 % per 1 cup (24)collard green 46 % per 1 cup (25)raspberries 43 % per 1 cup (26)swiss chard 42 % per 1 cup (27)tomato 33 % per 1 cup (28)lemon, limes 31 % per 1/4 cup (29)radish/daikon 28% per 1 cup ( 25.5 / 90 ) x 100 % [source:'25.5 mg' in from 'Link to USDA Database entry' in] (30)spinach 24 % per 1 cup (31)asparage 18 % per 1 cup (32)seaweed 16 % per 1 tbsp (33)fennel 14 % per 1 cup (34)thyme 10 % per 2 tbsp (35)sweet potato 52 % per 1 cup (36)winter squash 26 % per 1 cup (37)green peas 26 % per 1 cup (38)potato 22 % per 1 cup (39)avocado 20 % per 1 cup (40)blueberry 19 % per 1 cup (41)cranberry 18 % per 1 cup (42)watermelon 16 % per 1 cup (43)green bean 16 % per 1 cup (44)zucchini/(summer squash) 13 % per 1 cup [source: (12/90) x 100% from '12 mg' in] source : 1. mango from google (usda nutrition db) result 1 from vitamin a : 3636 iu / 336 g ( 1 fruit ) ( 3636 iu / 3000 iu ) * 100 % = 121 % / 1 fruit vitamin c : 122.3 mg / 336 g ( 1 fruit ) ( 122 mg / 90 mg ) * 100 % = 135 % / 1 fruit vitamin k : ( 14.1 microgram / 138 microgram ) * 100 % = 10 % daily value per 1 fruit 2. from google (whfoods vitamin c) result 1 3. vitamin c daily value req : - men 90 mg - women 75 mg source : 'The recommended daily amount of vitamin C for adult men is 90 milligrams and for adult women is 75 milligrams.' in from google (vitamin c adult daily value) result 4 - how to eat kosher, kashrut, halal diet : since pork fulfill 74% thiamine/vitamin b1 daily value, pork can be replaced by : 1. sunflower seed 43% 2. navy bean 36% 3. barley 33% 4. green pea 30% 5. lentil 28% 6. oat 25% 7. brown rice 16% 8. find '-thiamine/vitamin b1 daily value----------' in this text thiamine/vitamin b1 deficiency can cause korsakoff-psychosis thiamine/vitamin b1 in white rice, comes from supplement, seems not grow on its own, maybe less kosher than brown rice. source : 1. '74%' in from google (thiamin source) result 1 2. 'Thiamin: Unlike other types of red meat, such as beef and lamb, pork is particularly rich in thiamin. Thiamin is one of the B-vitamins and plays an essential role in various body functions (4)' in from google (pork nutrition value) result 1 3. from google (whfoods thiamin) result 1 4. '16' in 5. '6-7 However, you and your slaves and your hired workers, as well as any domestic or wild animals, may eat whatever grows on its own.' in if digesting navy bean, green pea produce stomach gas then tips about farting maybe helpful - possible way to grow thicker eyesbrow, hair thiamine/vitamin b1, riboflavin/vitamin b2, biotin/vitamin b7 thiamine/vitamin b1 : find '-thiamine/vitamin b1 daily value----------' in this text riboflavin/vitamin b2 : soybean(tofu) 38%, spinach 32%, beet green 32%, tempeh 31%, yogurt 27%, mushroom crimini 27%, egg 20%, asparagus 19%, almond 18%, turkey 18%, green pea 16%, collard green 15%, broccoli 15% find '-riboflavin/vitamin b2 daily value-----' in this text biotin/vitamin b7 : almond 49%, sweet potato 29%, egg 27%, onion 27%, oat 26%, tomato 24%, peanut 21%, carrot 20%, walnut 19%, salmon 15% find '-biotin/vitamin b7 daily value (mcg = microgram)-' in this text source : 1. 'vitamin B-1, vitamin B-2 and biotin -- that are crucial for hair growth' in 2. from google (whfoods b2) result 1 3. from google (whfoods biotin) result 1 raw onion source : find '- about onion' then find 'hair loss' in that text below '- about onion' sodium maybe causes hair loss source : 'High levels of salt can be toxic to hair, as sodium deposits build around the hair follicles, preventing important nutrients responsible for hair health from entering the follicles. When hair follicles do not receive important nutrients, this can gradually lead to hair loss' in from google (sodium hair loss) result 1 - about vitamin b some food contain vitamin b, not all. there are other food not written yet. all kinds of bean causes stomach gas tips for farting : -thiamine/vitamin b1 daily value---------- sunflower seed 43% 0.52 mg/0.25 cup 35 g navy bean 36% 0.43 mg/1 cup 182 g black bean 35% 0.42 mg/1 cup 172 g barley 33% 0.4 mg/0.33 cup 61.33 g dried pea 31% 0.37 mg/1 cup 196 g green pea 30% 0.36 mg/1 cup 137.75 g lentil 28% 0.33 mg/1 cup 198 g pinto bean 28% 0.33 mg/1 cup 171 g lima bean 25% 0.3 mg/1 cup 188 g oat 25% 0.3 mg/0.25 cup 39 g asparagus 24% 0.29 mg/1 cup 180 g sesame seed 23% 0.28 mg/0.25 cup 36 g flaxseed 19% 0.23 mg/2 tablespoons 14 g peanut 19% 0.23 mg/0.25 cup 36.5 g tofu 15% 0.18 mg/4 oz 113.4 g brussel sprout 14% 0.17 mg/1 cup 156 g spinach 14% 0.17 mg/1 cup 180 g bacon, meatless 6.336 mg/1 cup 144 g ( seaweed, spirulina, dried 2.666 mg/1 cup 112 g ( rice bran, crude 3.249 mg/1 cup 118 g ( hyacinth bean, mature seeds, raw 2.373 mg/1 cup 210 g ( wheat germ, crude 2.164 mg/1 cup 115 g ( black bean 1.746 mg/1 cup 194 g ( soybean(tofu), mature seeds, raw 1.626 mg/1 cup 186 g ( macadamia nut, raw 1.601 mg/1 cup 134 g ( white bean, raw 1.597 mg/1 cup 215 g ( pork, cured, ham, 4% fat,roasted 1.449 mg/1 cup 140 g ( yeast extract spread 1.403 mg/1 tablespoon 6 g ( deficiency : - korsakoff-psychosis [2] - tingling/paresthesia (dry beri-beri) [2] - involuntary eyes movement (nystagmus) - painful menstruation source : 1. from google (whfoods b1) 2. 'Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome' in from google (beriberi) result 3 3. 'Korsakoff's psychosis' in 4. vitamin b1 stops pain during menstruation source : 'Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea). Early research suggests that taking thiamine for 90 days stops pain associated with menstruation in girls 12-21 years-old.' in from google (vitamin b1) result 1 5. 6. 'Tingling or loss of sensation (numbness) in hands and feet' in 7. 'Difficulty walking' 'Loss of feeling (sensation) in hands and feet', 'Loss of muscle function or paralysis of the lower legs', 'Mental confusion/speech difficulties', 'Pain', 'Strange eye movements (nystagmus)', 'Tingling', 'Vomiting' in from google (dry beriberi) result 5 daily need : age : 0-6 months : 0.2 mg 7-12 months : 0.3 mg 1-3 years : 0.5 mg 4-8 years : 0.6 mg boy 9-13 years : 0.9 mg 14 and older : 1.2 mg pregnant : 1.4 mg breastfeeding : 1.5 mg source : 'daily recommended' in -riboflavin/vitamin b2 daily value------------------ soybeans(tofu) 38% 0.49 mg/1 cup 172 g spinach 32% 0.42 mg/1 cup 180 g beet green 32% 0.42 mg/1 cup 144 g tempeh 31% 0.4 mg/4 oz 113.4 g mushroom crimini 27% 0.35 mg/1 cup 72 g egg 20% 0.26 mg/1 egg 50 g asparagus 19% 0.25 mg/1 cup 180 g almond 18% 0.23 mg/0.25 cup 23 g turkey 18% 0.23 mg/4 oz 113.4 g green peas 16% 0.21 mg/1 cup 137.75 g sea veggie 17.9% 0.14 mg/1 tablespoon 5 g peanut 4% 0.05 mg/0.25 cup 36.5 g deficiency : - stomatitis (painful tongue) [2] - broken lip on left corner and right corner of the mouth (cheilosis) [2] - normochromic normocytic anemia [2] - congenital heart defect [2] - congenital limb deformity [2] - ataxia [2] - inability to stand then collapse then comatose then die [2] - dermatitis [2] - hair loss [2] - corneal opacity [2] - cataract lenticular [2][5] - cataract (more research needed) [4][5] - hemorrhagic adrenal [2] - fatty kidney, fatty liver [2] - inflamation of mucus membrane in gastrointestinal tract [2] - migraine [2][5] - eyes itchy watery bloodshot sensitive to light [2] - varicose vein, spider vein caused by hyperhomocysteinemia [5][6] - deep vein thrombosis [7] source : 1. from google (whfoods b2) 2. 3. from google (riboflavin) result 5 4. 5. 'hyperhomocysteinemia' in 6. 'hyperhomocysteinemia' in 7. 'The second DVT in Case 1 may have been induced by a combination of hyperhomocysteinemia9 and high Factor VIII serum levels' in from google (spider vein hyperhomocysteinemia) result 9 daily requirement : age : 0-6 months : 0.3 mg 7-12 months : 0.4 mg 1-3 years : 0.5 mg 4-8 years : 0.6 mg 9-13 years : 0.9 mg 14 years and older : 1.3 mg pregnant : 1.4 mg breastfeeding : 1.6 mg source : 'daily recommended' in from google (riboflavin daily requirement) result 3 -niacin/nicotinic acid/vitamin b3 daily value------------ daily need = 14 - 18 mg source : from google (niacin daily requirement) result 1 Tuna 156% 25.03 mg/4 oz 113.4 g Chicken 97% 15.55 mg/4 oz 113.4 g Turkey 83% 13.32 mg/4 oz 113.4 g Salmon 56% 9.02 mg/4 oz 113.4 g Lamb 50% 8.05 mg/4 oz 113.4 g Beef 48% 7.6 mg/4 oz 113.4 g Sardines 30% 4.76 mg/3.2 oz 90.72 g Peanuts 28% 4.4 mg/0.25 cup 36.5 g Shrimp 19% 3.04 mg/4 oz 113.4 g brown rice 19% 2.98 mg/1 cup 195 g deficiency : - apathy - canker sore source : 1. from google (whfoods b3) result 1 2. 3. 'canker sore' in from google-image (pellagra) row 1 col 3 4. 'canker sore' in from google (pellagra canker sore) result 1 -pantothenic acid/vitamin b5 daily value------ shiitake mushrooms 52% 2.61 mg/0.5 cup 72.5 g Avocado 42% 2.08 mg/1 cup 150 g Sweet Potato 35% 1.77 mg/1 cup 200 g Lentils 25% 1.26 mg/1 cup 198 g Dried Peas 23% 1.17 mg/1 cup 196 g Mushrooms, Crimini1 22% 1.08 mg/1 cup 72 g Chicken 22% 1.09 mg/4 oz 113.4 g Turkey 20% 1.02 mg/4 oz 113.4 g Yogurt 19% 0.95 mg/1 cup 245 g Broccoli 19% 0.96 mg/1 cup 156 g sunflower seeds (healthaliciousness) 71% 7.06 mg/100 gram sunflower seeds (draxe) 40% 2 mg/1 oz sunflower seed (linuspauling) 40% 2 mg/1 oz portabella mushroom 30%/1 cup 1.5 mg egg 57%/2 large eggs 1.5 mg salmon 28%/1.41 mg 3 oz rice bran, crude 8.720 mg/1 cup 118 g ( mung bean, mature seeds, raw 3.954 mg/1 cup 207 g ( seaweed, spirulina, dried 3.898 mg/1 cup 112 g ( green pea, split, mature seeds, raw 3.463 mg/1 cup 197 g ( Chickpeas (garbanzo beans, bengal gram), mature seeds, raw 3.176 mg/1 cup 200 g ( deficiency : - upper respiratory infection [3] - burning feet [3] - muscle cramp [3][4] - insomnia [3] - irritability [3] - depression [3] - tingling/paresthesia [4] - hypoglycemia [4] - increased insulin sensitivity (the cure for diabetes type 2) [4] - grey hair for mouse, no evidence for human - skin irritation for mouse, no evidence for human source : 1. from google (whfoods b5) result 1 2. from google (vitamin b5) result 6 3. from google (vitamin b5) result 4 4. 5. 'Mice that are deficient in pantothenic acid developed skin irritation and graying of the fur, which is reversed by pantothenic acid administration. In humans, there is no evidence that taking pantothenic acid as supplements or using shampoos containing pantothenic acid can prevent or restore hair color' in from google (pantothenic acid) result 5 6. -pyridoxine/pyridoxal/pyridoxamine/vitamin b6 daily value---- Tuna 69% 1.18 mg/4 oz Turkey 54% 0.92 mg/4 oz Beef 44% 0.74 mg/4 oz Chicken 40% 0.68 mg/4 oz Salmon 38% 0.64 mg/4 oz Sweet Potato 34% 0.57 mg/1 cup Potatoes 32% 0.54 mg/1 cup Sunflower Seeds 28% 0.47 mg/0.25 cup Spinach 26% 0.44 mg/1 cup Banana 25% 0.43 mg/1 medium chickpeas/garbanzo bean 55% 0.228 mg/1 cup 164 g [usda] pinto bean 30% 0.39 mg/1 cup 171 g cabbage 20% 0.34 mg/1 cup 150 g bok choy 16% 0.28 mg/1 cup 170 g bell pepper 16% 0.27 mg/1 cup 92 g turnip green 15% 0.26 mg/1 cup 144 g sunflower seed 19% 0.47 mg/0.25 cup 35 g deficiency : - worse pms symtom [3] - varicose vein, spider vein caused by hyperhomocysteinemia [5][6] source : 1. from google (whfoods b6) result 1 2. from google (vitamin b6) result 1 3. from google (vitamin b6) result 4 4. 5. 'Deficiencies of vitamins B6, B9, and B12 can lead to high homocysteine levels.[2]' in 6. 'Mammals biosynthesize the amino acid cysteine via homocysteine. Cystathionine β-synthase catalyses the condensation of homocysteine and serine to give cystathionine. This reaction uses pyridoxine (vitamin B6) as a cofactor' in -biotin/vitamin b7 daily value (mcg = microgram)----- Almond 49% 14.72 mcg/0.25 cup 23 g Sweet Potato 29% 8.6 mcg/1 cup 200 g Egg 27% 8 mcg/1 egg 50 g Onion 27% 7.98 mcg/1 cup 210 g Oat 26% 7.8 mcg/0.25 cup 39 g Tomato 24% 7.2 mcg/1 cup 180 g Peanut 21% 6.4 mcg/0.25 cup 36.5 g Carrot 20% 6.1 mcg/1 cup 122 g Walnut 19% 5.7 mcg/0.25 cup 30 g Salmon 15% 4.54 mcg/4 oz 113.4 g source : from google (whfoods b7) -folate/folic acid/vitamin b9 daily value------- mung bean('es kacang hijau' in indonesian language) 625 mcg/100 g source : result 1 625 mcg/100 g how many mcg in 198 g ? n = ( 625 x 198 ) / 100 mcg 1237.5 mcg/198 g (1237.5 / 1000 mcg) x 100 % = 124 % mung bean (es kacang hijau ) 124% 1237.5 mcg/198 g moth bean/vigna aconitifolia/mat bean/matki/turkish gram/dew bean example food : india : bikaneri bhujia which maybe cure fever in addition to repairing dna source : 1. 'A dough of moth dal besan and spices including chana dal, powdered cellulose (fiber), salt, red chilli, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, groundnut oil, etc. is formed into the snack by pressing it through a sieve and deep frying in vegetable oil' in from 'The moth bean pods can be boiled and eaten, and seeds can be ground into flour[1] that is used for another traditional namkeen called bhujia. It is believed that consumption of the seeds can help treat a fever.[1]' in 2. 'Moth bean is also grown for green manure, forage and hay and as a cover crop. Seeds are used medicinally in diets to treat fevers; roots are said to be narcotic' in from google (moth bean treat fever) result 2 649 mcg/100 g source : 1. from result 2 2. 'mat bean, moth bean, matki, Turkish gram or dew bean' in how many mcg in 198 g ? ( 649 x 198 ) / 100 mcg 1285 mcg/198 g (1285 / 1000 mcg) x 100 % = 128 % moth bean/vigna aconitifolia/mat bean/matki/turkish gram/dew bean : 128% 1285 mcg/198 g adzuki bean example food : cina : tangyuan, zongzi, mooncake, baozi, red bean ice, hong dou tang, hóngdòuzhōu japan : anpan, dorayaki, imagawayaki, manju, monaka, anmitsu, taiyaki, daifuku, shiruko, azukigayu malaysia, singapore : ais kacang korea : patkalguksu, patjuk vietname : chè đậu đỏ 622 mcg/100 g source : 1. from result 3 2. 'tangyuan', 'zongzi', 'mooncake', 'baozi', 'red bean ice', 'anpan', 'dorayaki', 'imagawayaki', 'manju', 'monaka', 'anmitsu', 'taiyaki', 'daifuku', 'hong dou tang', 'ais kacang', 'patkalguksu' in how many mcg in 198 g ? ( 622 x 198 ) / 100 mcg 1231.56 mcg/198 g (1231.56 / 1000 mcg) x 100 % = 123 % adzuki bean : 123% 1231.56 mcg/198 g Lentil 90% 358.38 mcg/1 cup 198 g Pinto Bean 74% 294.12 mcg/1 cup 171 g chickpea(Garbanzo Bean) 71% 282.08 mcg/1 cup 164 g example food : hummus (levant food) source : 1. 'levant' in from google (humus mediterranean wiki) result 1 2. my mother Asparagus 67% 268.20 mcg/1 cup 180 g Spinach 66% 262.8 mcg/1 cup 180 g Navy Bean 64% 254.8 mcg/1 cup 182 g Black Bean 64% 256.28 mcg/1 cup 172 g Kidney Bean 58% 230.1 mcg/1 cup 177 g Turnip Green 42% 169.92 mcg/1 cup 144 g Broccoli 42% 168.48 mcg/1 cup 156 g peanut 22% 87.6 mcg/0.25 cup 36.5 g romaine lettuce 32% 127.84 mcg/2 cup 94 g white rice contains synthetic-vitamin-b9 named folic acid which was added during processing, folic acid is not natural. folate (natural) is healthier than folic acid (synthetic) source : from google 'folate vs folic acid' result 1 deficiency : - congenital spina bifida - megaloblastic anemia - varicose vein, spider vein caused by hyperhomocysteinemia [2] - broken dna, broken rna which causes cancer info : find '- how to repair dna damage :' in this text daily requirement = 1000 mcg/day source : 1. '1000 mcg' in from google (whfoods folate) result 1 2. 'Deficiencies of vitamins B6, B9, and B12 can lead to high homocysteine levels.[2]' in 3. '1,000' in 4. 'es kacang hijau' in from google (mung beans) result 1 -cobalamin/vitamin b12 daily value------ sardine,canned 338% 8.11 mcg/3.2 oz 90.72 g salmon,wild coho,broiled 236% 5.67 mcg/4 oz 113.4 g tuna,yellow fin,baked 111% 2.66 mcg/4 oz 113.4 g cod,pacific,baked 109% 2.62 mcg/4 oz 113.4 g lamb,grass-fed,lean-loin,roasted 105% 2.51 mcg/4 oz 113.4 g scallop,steamed 102% 2.44 mcg/4 oz 113.4 g shrimp,large,steamed 78% 1.88 mcg/4 oz 113.4 g beef,grass-fed,strip-steak,cooked 60% 1.44 mcg/4 oz 113.4 g yogurt,grass-fed,whole milk 38% 0.91 mcg/1 cup 245 g cow milk 23% 0.55 mcg/4 oz 122 g deficiency : - inability to judge distance (dysmetria) caused by ataxia possible example : from google (asiana sf crash) result 1 - loss of balance - poor memory source : 1. 'ataxia' in from google (movement overshoot) result 1 2. 'ataxia' in 3. 'Loss of balance' in 4. 'difficulty maintaining balance', 'poor memory' in 5. from google (whfoods b12) - possible cause of moving overshoot, inability to judge distance (dysmetria) : ataxia caused by vitamin b12 deficiency. source : 'ataxia' in from google (movement overshoot) result 1 possible example : from google (asiana sf crash) result 1 microwave decrease vitamin b12 in food info : find 'microwave decrease vitamin b12 in food' in this text airplane seems to use convection oven to reheat food source : 1. from google (how food reheat in airplane) result 2 2. from google (how food reheat in airplane) result 8 3. 'planes generally don’t have microwaves' in from google (how food reheat in airplane) result 1 eva air has microwave/microwave oven, microwave = microwave oven seems only used for snack. source : 1. '"Microwave" is just short for "microwave oven". Both terms mean the same thing: an appliance that uses microwave radiation to heat food' in from google (microwave vs microwave oven) result 2 2. 'eva' in from google (do airplane use microwave) result 2 3. 'microwave oven' in from google (eva air microwave for business class) result 1 - soluble vs insoluble fiber soluble fiber : - attracts water and turns to gel during digestion - decrease cholesterol - control blood sugar level - weight loss - make stool easy to eject - slow down digestion - oatmeal, nuts, beans, apples, blueberries, oat bran, barley, legume (peanuts, seeds, lentils, peas, navy beans, black bean, kidney bean, other bean), brussel sprout, turnips, sweet potato, asparagus, flaxseed - these have soluble > insoluble : apricot, grapefruit, mango, orange insoluble fiber : - weight loss - induce bowel movement - seeds and skins of fruit (so always eat your peels) , whole-wheat bread, brown rice, wheat bran, whole grain, carrot 40% soluble. source : 1. 2. 'attracts water and turns to gel during digestion' in 3. from google (soluble fiber example) result 2 4. 'Carrots are also about 40 percent soluble fiber' in from google (carrot soluble fiber) result 3 - possible cure for deep vein thrombosis, varicose vein, spider vein 1. riboflavin info : find '-riboflavin/vitamin b2 daily value-----' in this text 2. eat vegetarian diet to eliminate methionine source : 'Several studies showed that methionine restriction also inhibits aging-related disease processes in mice[26][27] and inhibits colon carcinogenesis in rats.[28] In humans, methionine restriction through dietary modification could be achieved through a vegan diet. Veganism being a completely plant based diet is typically very low in methionine, however certain nuts and legumes may provide higher levels.[29]' in from 'methionine' in from 'hyperhomocysteinemia' in warning about eating vegetarian diet : find 'how to eat vegetarian food-' in this text - possible way to shrink body height 1. stop dairy calcium intake, eat peanut, almond for calcium intake. less calcium intake maybe shrink body height source : 'In humans, the total body content of calcium is present mostly in the form of bone mineral (roughly 99%). In this state, it is largely unavailable for exchange/bioavailability. The way to overcome this is through the process of bone resorption, in which calcium is liberated into the bloodstream through the action of bone osteoclasts. The remainder of calcium is present within the extracellular and intracellular fluids' in 2. eat food contain vitamin k because : find 'vitamin k1 or k2 helps bone formation' in this text 3. eat food contain magnesium because : find 'magnesium deficiency, create osteoporosis' in this text 4. drink water mixed with vinegar to destroy bone info : 'how to drink vinegar-' in this text 5. avoid sunshine to avoid vitamin d intake. source : 'vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein' in 6. lift weight to fight osteoporosis info : find 'weight-bearing' in this text - possible way to enlarge boobs : warning, disadvantage of big boobs : find '- disadvantage of big boobs :' in this text 1. eat eggyolk, because biotin in eggyolk boost current estrogen level. adipocyte produce estradiol source : 'In the biotin-supplemented group we found that... mice exhibited 105.4% higher serum estradiol' in ( ) 2. eat butter because butter contain the most estrogen source : 'Butter was highest' in but calcium in butter may cause calcification in boobs, causing inverted nipple source : 'A flattened nipple' in under question 'What are the symptoms of Paget disease of the breast?' turning off javascript prior loading that webpage should load everything. from google (Paget's disease of the breast) result 1 from 'Paget's disease of the breast' in from google (nipple inversion) result 9 calcification happens with inverted nipple sometimes source : google (calcification inverted nipple) 3. drink beer, because beer enlarge boobs source : from google 'beer estrogen' search result number 7 but alcohol may cause : 1. macrocytosis, discard folate. after abstinence, a time period of months are needed to rejuvenate bone marrow / recover from macrocytosis. lacking folate in pregnant woman causes birth defect spina bifida more info : find 'spina bifida' in this text 2. discarding magnesium info : find 'Mg diuretic' in this text 4. eat spearmint because spearmint decrease testosterone source : 'spearmint tea reduce testosterone levels.' in - about magnesium magnesium : - prevent osteoporosis source : 'Researchers have also been able to induce osteoporosis in animal studies through low-magnesium diets' in from google (whfoods mg) result 1 - cure calcification source : 1. 2. - 'magnesium allows insulin to usher glucose into cells where it is involved in making energy for the body' in that control blood sugar - relax muscles source : 1. 'magnesium relax muscles, calcium contract muscles' in 2. 'the tension in your muscles from magnesium deficiency won't let you relax' in 3. 'magnesium relax muscles to prevent constipation' in - magnesium prevents - magnesium is a laxative source : - statin, blood pressure drugs makes calcification worse, drain magnesium source : - insulin contains magnesium, maybe insulins equals magnesium. info : find 'As explained by Dr. Rosedale' in this text pumpkin seed 48% 190.92 mg/0.25 cup 32.25 g spinach 39% 156.6 mg/1 cup 180 g swiss chards 38% 150.5 mg/1 cup 175 g soybean(tofu) 37% 147.92 mg/1 cup 172 g sesame seed 32% 126.36 mg/0.25 cup 36 g quinoa 30% 118.4 mg/0.75 cup 185 g black bean 30% 120.4 mg/1 cup 172 g cashew 29% 116.8 mg/0.25 cup 40 g sunflower seed 28% 113.75 mg/0.25 cup 35 g navy bean 24% 96.46 mg/1 cup 182 g tempeh 22% 87.32 mg/4 oz 113.4 g buckwheat 21% 85.68 mg/1 cup 168 g pinto bean 21% 85.5 mg/1 cup 171 g brown rice 21% 83.85 mg/1 cup 195 g barley 20% 81.57 mg/0.33 cup 61.33 g lima bean 20% 80.84 mg/1 cup 188 g kidney bean 19% 73.34 mg/1 cup 177 g millet 19% 75.56 mg/1 cup 174 g oat 17% 69.03 mg/0.25 cup 39 g tofu 16% 65.77 mg/4 oz 113.4 g peanut 15% 61.32 mg/0.25 cup 36.5 g almond 15% 61.64 mg/0.25 cup 23 g rye 15% 61.35 mg/0.33 cup 55.77 g wheat 15% 58.24 mg/1 cup 182 g papaya 14% 57.96 mg/1 medium 276 g flaxseed 14% 54.88 mg/2 tablespoon 14 g green pea 13% 53.72 mg/1 cup 137.75 g potato 12% 48.44 mg/1 cup 173 g tuna 12% 47.63 mg/4 oz 113.4 g scallop 10% 41.96 mg/4 oz 113.4 g collard green 10% 39.9 mg/1 cup 190 g beets 10% 39.1 mg/1 cup 170 g source : 1. from google (whfoods mg) result 1 2. from google (whfoods peanut) result 2 - food for bone : bone is made fom phosporus, calcium source : In fact, the main crystalline structure in bone, called hydroxyapatite, consists of phosphorus, calcium, oxygen, and hydrogen' in from google (whfoods phospate) result 1 calcium dv value------------- tofu ( including strongly sweet soy-milk ) 77% 774.51 mg/4 oz 113.4 g sardine 35% 346.54 mg/3.2 oz 90.72 g sesame seed (tahini) 35% 351 mg/0.25 cup 36 g yogurt 30% 296.45 mg/1 cup 245 g collard green 27% 267.9 mg/1 cup 190 g spinach 24% 224.8 mg/1 cup 180 g cheese 20% 204.4 mg/1 oz 28.35 g turnip green 20% 197.28 mg/1 cup 144 g mustard green 17% 165.2 mg/1 cup 140 g beet green 16% 164.16 mg/1 cup 144 g peanut 3% / .25 cup (36.5 gram) almond 6% / .25 cup (23 gram) source : 1. from google (whfoods calcium) result 1 2. 'calcium' in from google 'whfoods peanut' result 2 3. 'calcium' in from google 'whfoods almond' result 2 4. 'sesame seed' in from 'tahini' in hard water from faucet, maybe already contain calcium source : 'Hard Water Hardness Calcium Magnesium Water Corrosion Mineral Scale. Water described as "hard" is high in dissolved minerals, specifically calcium and magnesium. Hard water is not a health risk' in from google (calcium hard water) result 1 phosporus dv value------------- scallop 69% 483.08 mg/4 oz 113.4 g sardine 64% 444.52 mg/3.2 oz 90.72 g soybean(tofu) 60% 421.4 mg/1 cup 172 g pumpkin seed 57% 397.64 mg/0.25 cup 32.25 g cod 56% 391.22 mg/4 oz 113.4 g tuna 54% 377.62 mg/4 oz 113.4 g salmon 52% 365.14 mg/4 oz 113.4 g lentil 51% 356.4 mg/1 cup 198 g shrimp 50% 347 mg/4 oz 113.4 g tempeh 41% 286.9 mg/4 oz 113.4 g quinoa 40% 281.2 mg/0.75 cup 185 g garbanzo bean / chickpea 39% 275.52 mg/1 cup 164 g turkey 37% 260.82 mg/4 oz 113.4 g chicken 37% 258.55 mg/4 oz 113.4 g navy bean 37% 262.08 mg/1 cup 182 g pinto bean 36% 251.37 mg/1 cup 171 g kidney bean 35% 244.26 mg/1 cup 177 g black bean 34% 240.8 mg/1 cup 172 g cashew 34% 237.2 mg/0.25 cup 40 g beef 34% 240.4 mg/4 oz 113.4 g yogurt 33% 232.75 mg/1 cup 245 g sunflower seed 33% 231 mg/0.25 cup 35 g sesame seed 32% 226.44 mg/0.25 cup 36 g tofu 31% 215.46 mg/4 oz 113.4 g lima bean 30% 208.68 mg/1 cup 188 g oat 29% 203.97 mg/0.25 cup 39 g lamb 29% 204.12 mg/4 oz 113.4 g dried pea 28% 194.04 mg/1 cup 196 g rye 26% 185.16 mg/0.33 cup 55.77 g millet 25% 174 mg/1 cup 174 g green pea 23% 161.17 mg/1 cup 137.75 g barley 23% 161.92 mg/0.33 cup 61.33 g brown rice 23% 161.85 mg/1 cup 195 g cheese 21% 145.15 mg/1 oz 28.35 g peanut 20% 137.24 mg/0.25 cup 36.5 g potato 17% 121.1 mg/1 cup 173 g buckwheat 17% 117.6 mg/1 cup 168 g almond 16% 111.32 mg/0.25 cup 23 g broccoli 15% 104.52 mg/1 cup 156 g sweet potato 15% 108 mg/1 cup 200 g flaxseed 13% 89.88 mg/2 tablespoons 14 g egg 12% 86 mg/1 egg 50 g onion 11% 73.5 mg/1 cup 210 g source : from google (whfoods phospate) result 1 other food : swallowing tea-water, toothpaste is bad for bone, teeth because fluorine/fluoride in tea-water, toothpaste : 1. calcifies bone, causing skeletal fluorosis (fracture), arthritits 2. dental fluorosis (prevent mineralisation in teeth) 3. maybe calcifies beta-cell in pancreas causing diabetes type 1. but fluorine/fluoride in tea, toothpaste makes teeth resist bacterial decay (dental caries). fluorine/fluoride mixes with water to produce hydrogen fluoride (hf) gas which damages lungs, cornea. but removing fluorine/fluoride (F) from colgate-cavity-protection toothpaste's sodium-monofluorophosphate (0.76% (0.15% w/v Fluoride Ion)) (Na2PO3F), maybe is difficult like water splitting process which remove hydrogen from h2o (water). fluorine/fluoride maybe must stay alone to convert to poisonous hydrogen-fluoride (hf) gas 2 F2(g) + 2 H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4 HF(aq). source : 1. 'The patient reported that for the past 17 years, she has habitually consumed a pitcher of tea made from 100 to 150 tea bags daily (estimated fluoride intake, >20 mg per day). She reported a 5-year history of pain in the lower back, arms, legs, and hips. Because of brittleness, all her teeth had been extracted. Radiography of the forearm revealed interosseous membrane calcifications' in ref [5] in 'Common causes of fluorosis include inhalation of fluoride dusts/fumes by workers in industry, consumption of fluoride from drinking water (levels of fluoride in excess of levels that are considered safe[4]), and consumption of fluoride from drinking tea,[5] particularly brick tea. ' in 2. 2.1 'Current recommended levels in water fluoridation, a way to prevent dental caries, range from 0.7 to 1.2 mg/L to avoid the detrimental effects of fluoride while at the same time reaping the benefits.[32]' in 2.2 'People with levels between normal levels and those required for skeletal fluorosis tend to have symptoms similar to arthritis.[4]' in 3. 'There is strong evidence that the use of toothpaste containing fluoride can prevent tooth decay (caries) in both children and adults. However, a possible adverse effect associated with the use of fluoride toothpaste is the mottling of permanent teeth due to the swallowing of excessive fluoride by young children with developing teeth' in;jsessionid=2E471D7568B6DE76315412501496D432.f03t01 from ref [3] in 'hypomineralization of tooth enamel caused by ingestion of excessive fluoride during enamel formation.[3]' in 4. 'Hydrogen fluoride gas is an acute poison that may immediately and permanently damage lungs and the corneas of the eyes.' in from 'Hydrofluoric acid' in from 4.1 'hydrogen fluoride' 4.2 '2 F2(g) + 2 H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4 HF(aq)' in 5. 'Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2) due to an electric current being passed through the water.' in 6. 'Sodium Monofluorophosphate (0.76% (0.15% w/v Fluoride Ion))' in from 'Ingredients' in from 'colgate cavity protection toothpaste' in from google (fluoride in colgate) result 1 colgate-cavity-protection toothpaste's sodium-monofluorophosphate, can dissolve in water. if that liquid sodium-monofluorophosphate meet acid with ph 4.4 then 21 microgram poisonous hydrogen-fluoride (hf) gas per day, can be created. if that liquid sodium-monofluorophosphate meet acid with ph 7.4 then 0.4 microgram poisonous hydrogen-fluoride (hf) gas per day, can be created. poisonous hydrogen-fluoride (hf) gas block glycolysis. source : 1. 1.1. 'Sodium fluoride (NaF, CAS 7681-49-4) and sodium monofluorophosphate (MFP, CAS 10163-15-2) are used as anti-caries agents in toothpastes, topical agents, and mouth rinses.1 Both compounds produce ionic fluoride, which blocks glycolysis2' 1.2. 'Along with other measurements, Table 2 displays the pH values measured after dissolution of the four brands of tablets in distilled water' 1.3. 'When administered chronically in adequate doses, fluoride has a mitogenic effect on osteoblasts that produces significant increases in bone mass.11 As suggested by clinical trials, the strength and quality of bone formed under fluoride therapy are not always correlated with bone mineral density.5,10' in from google (sodium monofluorophosphate decomposition) result 4 2. 'Glycolysis (from glycose, an older term[1] for glucose + -lysis degradation) is the metabolic pathway that converts glucose C6H12O6, into pyruvate, CH3COCOO− + H+. The free energy released in this process is used to form the high-energy molecules ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).[2][3] ' in from wikipedia-search (glycolysis) colgate-total-whitening-toothpaste contains sodium-fluoride different from colgate-cavity-protection toothpaste's sodium-monofluorophosphate. source : 'Sodium Fluoride (0.24% (0.15% w/v Fluoride Ion)) Anticavity' in from from 'colgate total whitening toothpaste' in colgate-total-whitening-toothpaste's sodium-fluoride meeting water, liberates fluoride. then fluoride meet water, produce that poisonous hydrogen-fluoride (hf) gas. source : 1. 1.1 NaF (diluted) + 4H2O = [Na(H2O)4]+ + F- from from google (sodium fluoride and water reaction) result 5 1.2 'HF + NaOH <---> NaF + H2O' in from google (naf + h2o) page 2 result 8 1.3 'salts generally dissociate strongly in water' 'Dissociation of NaF : NaF(s) -> Na+(aq) + F-(aq)' in 'Sodium fluoride is an ionic compound, dissolving to give separated Na+ and F− ions' in 'dissociate' in 'When ionic compounds dissolve, the individual ions dissociate and are solvated by the solvent and dispersed throughout the resulting solution.[70]' in from 'ionic compound' in 2. find '2 F2(g) + 2 H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4 HF(aq)' in this text some ph : stomach acid (ph 1.5-3.5) lemon (ph 2-2.6) lime (ph 2-2.8) orange fruit (ph 3.69-4.34) source : 1. '1.5 to 3.5' in from google (stomach acid ph) result 1 2. 'Oranges, Florida 3.69 - 4.34' in from google (fruit ph) result 1 3. 'Oranges 3.0 - 4.0' in from google (fruit ph) result 2 4. 'The most acidic of the citrus fruits are: Tangerine: pH 3.90; grapefruit, pH 3.38; lime: pH 2.40; and lemon: pH 2.30. The least acidic of the citrus fruits are mandarin, pH 11.50; orange, pH 4.35; and kumquat: pH 3.95. The acid levels of fruits decrease as the fruit ages.' in from google (lime fruit ph) result 1 salt-water destroy mouth-bacteria info : find 'swish-inside-mouth salty-water-without-iodine/iodium then swallow . ' in this text - possible cause of headache : - drastic change in blood pressure , orthostatic headache type source : google (low blood pressure headache) result 5 'people also ask' -> 'Can you get headaches from low blood pressure?' -> 'These types of headaches are also called orthostatic and occur when changes in the blood pressure of your head occur dramatically' in cure : put the head in horizontal position, avoid putting the head in vertical position. source : 'Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Leak causes loss of CSF volume around the brain. This causes the brain to lose its buoyancy, which results in pressure on pain-sensitive areas like the dura and blood vessels. The pain is what results in a headache, and because the brain is more reliant on its buoyancy in an upright position the headache can be relieved by switching to a horizontal position.[3]' in from google (orthostatic headache) result 1 - drug in meat : pig usa : ractopamine, roxarsone (banned year 2015) source : 'The drug is also approved in the United States for use in pigs.[2]' in pig china : sulfamethazine, bacitracin, chlortetracycline, tetracycline, florfenicol, sulfonamide, doxycycline, oxytetracycline, fluoroquinolone, macrolide, trimethoprim,[20] stop using colistin in 26 july 2016.[18][19] source : chicken usa : roxarsone (banned year 2015) source : 'In 2015 FDA withdraw the approval of using nitarsone in animal feeds. The ban came into effect at the end of 2015.[5] Roxarsone is banned in the European Union.[6]' in chicken organic usa : 1 time injection of gentamicin to embryo source : 'The practice isn't used for the eggs we actually eat—just the ones that hatch chicks to be raised on farms', 'gentamicin' in from google (chicken egg antibiotic) result 1 salmon farmed norwegian : 1. Canthaxanthin (coloring) 2. Astaxanthin (coloring) 3. Ethoxyquin (prevent fat become rancid) 4. butylated hydroxytoluene (synthetic analog of vitamin E, primarily acting as a terminating agent that suppresses autoxidation) source : 1. 'canthaxanthin', 'astaxanthin' in 2. 3. 'synthetic analog of vitamin E, primarily acting as a terminating agent that suppresses autoxidation' in 4. 'prevent the rancidification of fats. Ethoxyquin is also used in some spices to prevent color loss due to oxidation of the natural carotenoid pigments.[3]' in cow : rbst hormone, pesticide, insecticide in feed source : 1. 'feed' in from reference in 'Workers, particularly in stanchion barns, may be exposed to higher than recommended amounts of these pesticides.[39]' in 2. 'feed' in from google (Vapona Feedlot) result 3 from 'vapona Feedlot' in from reference in 'Workers, particularly in stanchion barns, may be exposed to higher than recommended amounts of these pesticides.[39]' in 3. 'Daily feedings of systemic insecticides as feed supplements may aid in control', 'Systemic insecticides provide the best grub control. They can be applied as sprays, dips, pour-one, spot treatments. and as feed supplements' in from google (how cow receive pesticide) result 3 4. google (rbst) meat eaten by the writer : - pollock fish, whiting fish, canned sardine - how blood flow upward the legs when standing, fighting gravity heart pumping action, valves, muscles contraction push the blood upward the legs source : 'The heart is not strong enough by itself to get the blood back up the veins in your legs and back to your heart. The human body relies on a second system to finish that task. This system involves small valves throughout the veins and muscle contractions from your skeletal muscles when you walk and move about. The valves close when blood starts to flow in one direction, so that blood in the veins can only flow in the direction back to the heart, which is up the legs. When you squeeze your leg muscles to walk, stand, kick, and move about, the muscles squeeze the veins and force the blood to get moving. Because of the valves, the blood can only move in one direction as it gets squeezed along. So it is a combination of blood pressure from the heart's pumping action, the valves, and muscle movement that gets the blood up the legs against gravity' in from google (how blood move upward the leg) result 2 rapid eye movement, listening to music stimulate heart pump source : 'Most notably, instantaneous heart rate showed distinctive increase within 30 sec of the rapid eye movements (p=0.04) with modification by the number of succeeding rapid eye movements' in from google (rapid eye movement stimulate heart rate) result 5 valve : from youtube search keyword