(20 march 2018)
update 31 may 2016 :
- ''
update 14 august 2016 :
- 'if chris brown born in snake month then'
update 3 january 2016 :
- '* maximum/double disagreement listening to donald'
update 14 march 2018
  13 march 2018, zayn malik and gigi hadid, breaks up,
 10:5 pm edt
  after 2 years in relationship began 23 november 2015.
 10:22 pm edt
  after 2 years in relationship began 23 november 2015.
  after 2 years 4 months in relationship began 23 november 2015.
 10:47 pm edt
  after 2 years 4 months in relationship began 23 november 2015.
  after 2 years 4 months in relationship began 22 november 2015.
20 march 2018 
 8:51 pm edt
  katy perry and taylor swift don't get along
9 may 2018 2:16 am edt
 move to http://wortel.ucoz.com/match.htm
 using format like https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/snes/588646-secret-of-mana/faqs/5611
4 nov 2018 6:7 pm est:1)add 'usa-republican-senator (south-carolina) mark-sanford'
 2)reword 'is false for and cannot prove why the following separation happen :' to
    'maybe is false because theory-2 cannot prove why these separation happen :'
 3)use format ) instead of . for part 'maybe is false because theory-2 cannot prove why these separation happen :'
4 nov 2018 6:44 pm est:add 'month:snake' to 'usa-republican-senator (south-carolina) mark-sanford'
5 nov 2018 8:42 am edt:add 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chinese_zodiac&oldid=404132455'
5 nov 2018 8:51 am edt:add 'theory-1 say george's snake-month-principle can not endure hearing'
5 nov 2018 9:8 am est:reword 'maybe is false because theory-2 cannot prove why these separation happen :'
                             to 'maybe is false because theory-2 cannot prove why these event happen :'
6 nov 2018 3:23 pm est:add 'theory-1 and theory-2 fail to explain this event:'
6 nov 2018 3:43 pm est:add 'birth-month:'
6 nov 2018 4:3 pm est:add 'talia-balsam'
21 dec 2018 4:20 pm est:add 'singer-voice:'
18 dec 2018 7:51 am est:add 'christina-aguilera:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Aguilera#18_dec_2018_7_50_am_est'
25 dec 2018 9:58 am est:add 'does same chinese-astrology-month create same taste for car?'
1 jan 2019 10:34 pm est:add 'renée-lynn-fleming:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9e_Fleming'
1 jan 2019 10:36 pm est:make lower-case-alphabet:'Elīna Garanča' to 'elīna-garanča',etc
1 jan 2019 10:55 pm est:add 'sumi-jo:'
6 jan 2019 9:20 pm est:add megumi-hayashibara
25 jan 2019 11:50 am est:#add# adolf-hitler:20-apr-1889 18:30(6:30 pm) 
4 aug 2019 2:10 pm edt:#add# laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha:4-may-1975 4:44 am pdt usa->california-state->modesto-city -> 24-dec-2002
4 aug 2019 2:13 pm edt:#add# score : 0 maybe is not bad-enough to make scott-peterson kill laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha
4 aug 2019 2:14 pm edt:(1)#reword# score : 0 maybe is not bad-enough to make scott-peterson kill laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha
                          #to#     score : 0 is not bad-enough to make scott-peterson kill laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha
                       (2)#add# so theory-1/my-theory fail to explain why scott-peterson kill laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha
4 aug 2019 2:46 pm edt:#add# but theory-1/my-theory maybe still succeed if:
                              (1)laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha is scott-peterson 1st-girlfriend/start-up-wife
                             because ppl don't know how valuable their belonging is until ppl lose that belonging.
23 oct 2019 5:25 pm edt:(1)#add# other topic:
 (2)#add# maybe 6 year difference, suggest opposition, inversion.
          because australia-winter-month (place located under earth-equator-line) happen on opposite of
                  usa-winter-month (place located above earth-equator-line).
          so if trying to match australia-person and usa-person then
          australia-person-birth-month-animal must be inversed 1st.
          maybe australia-20/21-june-solstice/horse-month, equals usa-21/22-december-solstice/rat-mouse-month.
23 oct 2019 5:29 pm edt:#add# chinese-astrology was made in china, a place located above equator-line, so person-birth-month-animal for 
                              birth-place under equator-line, must be inversed 1st.

23 oct 2019 5:34 pm edt:#reword# maybe 6 year difference, suggest opposition, inversion.
                                 because australia-winter-month (place located under earth-equator-line) happen on opposite of
                                         usa-winter-month (place located above earth-equator-line).
                                 so if trying to match australia-person and usa-person then
                                 australia-person-birth-month-animal must be inversed 1st.
                                 maybe australia-20/21-june-solstice/horse-month, equals usa-21/22-december-solstice/rat-mouse-month.
                                 chinese-astrology was made in china, a place located above equator-line, so person-birth-month-animal for 
                                 birth-place under equator-line, must be inversed 1st.
 maybe 6 year difference, suggest opposition, inversion.

 because weather-season during australia-20/21-june-solstice/horse-month, equals 
         weather-season during usa-21/22-december-solstice/rat-mouse-month.

 there are 6 month difference between horse-month and rat-mouse-month.

 so if trying to match australia-person and usa-person then
 australia-person-birth-month-animal must be inversed 1st.

 chinese-astrology was made in china, a place located above equator-line, so person-birth-month-animal for 
 birth-place under equator-line, must be inversed 1st.

23 oct 2019 5:38 pm edt:#add# maybe opposition is good for work-place because decreasing competition for 1 job-category.
                              maybe doppelganger is good for romance because doppelganger can eat same food.

23 oct 2019 5:41 pm edt:#add# cooking 1 same food is easier than cooking 2 different food.

23 oct 2019 6:3 pm edt:(1)#reword# maybe opposition is good for work-place because decreasing competition for 1 job-category.
                          #to#     maybe 6-month-opposition is good for work-place because decreasing competition for 1 job-category.
 (2)#add# i realise 6-month-opposition can be bad for work-place,
          example:2 person with 6-month-opposition can mean person-1 is drug-maker/drug-seller, person-2 is drug-auditor.

1 mar 2022 2:44 am est:
 #reword# matchmaking theory using 4 pillars calculator (bazi suanming):
     #to# matchmaking theory using china-astrology-4-pillar-calculator : http://quanyindivination.com/four-pillars-calculator/ from google ( how 4 pillar calculate day )

1 mar 2022 2:51 am est:
 but maybe china-astrology-year is known via checking current jupiter-planet-position 
(1)'Chinese astronomers divided the celestial circle into 12 sections, and rounded it to 12 years (from 11.86). 
Jupiter is associated with the constellation Sheti (simplified Chinese: 摄提; traditional Chinese: 攝提- Boötes) and is sometimes called Sheti'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_astrology#23_nov_2018_9_18_pm_est (2).... from google (...) i forgot. 
(2)'Orbital period  11.862 yr' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter#23_nov_2018_9_21_pm_est 
(3)find 'Jupiter is in Sagittarius-constellation in Rat-year,
 jupiter is in Capricorn-constellation in Ox-year,
 jupiter is in Aquarius-constellation in Tiger-year, etc.
 but note that this is purely symbolic correlation, measured in averages and not Jupiter's actual movement'
from google ( jupiter chinese astrology year ) result 1
in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm

1 mar 2022 2:53 am est:
 and i do not know how china-astrology-day is known via checking what current-astronomy-event ? 

1 mar 2022 3 am est:
 (3)during special-moon-phase on earth ( for all time-zone ) , which is the start of adaptation to newly-changed-moon-gravity-direction : 
   maybe produce more mistake , especially if china-astrology-4-pillar's
   birth-hour , birth-month , birth-day , birth-year , conflict with : current month , current year , current hour .
   special-moon-phase is :
   (1)1/2 moon ( neap-ocean-tide ) because moon-gravity direction change from weakening to strengthening . 
   (2)dark-moon ( spring-ocean-tide ) , full-moon ( spring-ocean-tide ) because moon-gravity direction change from strengthening to weakening.

   because moon-gravity maybe affect water inside living-thing .
   [source:'It's well known that the moon affects the earth's oceans and rivers with its gravitational pull. It is less known that the moon also affects
            the water contained in the human body' in https://www.moonconnection.com/moon-diet.phtml from google (moon calendar) result 6]

  so special-moon-phase-event maybe should become rest-day , working-day-for-emergency-reason-only . 

12 mar 2022 2:30 pm est: end 8:20 pm est
 (4)a person should avoid doing non-necessary-work like studying new topic , during :
	(1)birth-hour-china-astrology-animal conflict with current-hour-china-astrology-animal
	(2)birth-hour-china-astrology-animal equal current-hour-china-astrology-animal
   if working during those hour then this bad luck maybe happen : 
	(1)accidentally make mistake 
	(2)digestion problem 
	(3)choosing wrong career-path which produce wrong salary-money-source which produce wrong girl-friend

   do emergency-work only during those hour , example : sleeping , consuming food , bathing , grooming .
   use normal/standard-time-zone , which is set by (clock-science/horologie)-worker during equinox-day ( 22 mar , 22 sep ) , 
   maybe on all place on earth with sun-dial . 
   avoid using day-light-saving-time-zone because day-light-saving-time-zone is set by government with goal :
	(1)so school-student depart to school during sun-light already available 
	(2)so day-time's office-worker finish working during sun-light is still available

12 mar 2022 8:58 pm est:
 #reword# (3)choosing wrong career-path which produce wrong salary-money-source which produce wrong girl-friend
     #to# (3)choosing wrong career-path which produce wrong salary-money-source which produce wrong girl-friend , wrong boy-friend

13 mar 2022 7:54 am est: end 10:50 am est
 ocean-animal-food , chicken ( non-fucker but physical-fighter , lawsuit-fighter ) maybe create pressure to work 
   during rat , rabbit , rooster , horse hour .
  holy/herbivore-dry-land-animal-food ( holy-fucker/non-condom-fucker , physical-labor-worker ) : cow , Lamb , goat , maybe create pressure 
   to work during ox , ram , dog , dragon hour .
  (non-holy/sometimes-predator)-dry-land-animal-food ( non-holy-fucker/condom-fucker , physical-labor-worker ) : pork/pig 
   maybe create pressure to work during monkey , pig , snake , tiger hour .

  chocolate , sugar , decrease desire to fuck but curiosity-desire to pursue romance-relationship maybe remain , blockage from 
  gynecology-education maybe remain because non-gynecology-educated male is more likely to fuck .
  maybe male-gynecologist ( male-vagina-expert ) , does not have reason to rape and never rape .
  maybe male-gynecologist never consume cow-steak , Lamb-chop , burger , pork-chop .
  maybe male-gynecologist only willing to consume shrimp , lobster , oyster , fish , chicken .
  maybe male-gynecologist , other surgeon receive medical-education from germany->nazi-human-experiment , 
   japan-imperial-army->unit-731-human-experiment .

13 mar 2022 1:23 pm est:
 #reword# maybe male-gynecologist never consume cow-steak , Lamb-chop , burger , pork-chop .
     #to# maybe male-gynecologist never consume cow-steak , Lamb-chop , deer-jerky/venison , pork-chop .

13 mar 2022 1:31 pm est:
 if consuming cheap fish-burger then fisher-man maybe become communicator/governor for all fish-burger-consumer , can somehow
  arrange meeting with other fish-burger-consumer , maybe via reading other fish-burger-consumer's youtube.com-comment . 

 so like honda.com-driver is more likely to meet other honda.com-driver inside honda.com->service-shop for periodic engine-oil-renewal , etc .

13 mar 2022 1:44 pm est:
 maybe consuming Lamb-chop and not fucking , decrease that person's money because that person does not maximise usage of that Lamb-chop's nutrient
 ( under-utilisation of Lamb-chop's nutrient ) just like someone who only partially-fill water-relocator-bucket with water from water-bucket-1
 to relocate water from water-bucket-1 to water-bucket-2 . which means under-utilisation of that water-relocator-bucket .
 that person should fully-fill water-relocator-bucket with water from water-bucket-1 to relocate water 
 from water-bucket-1 to water-bucket-2 , to maximise water-capacity-usage of that water-relocator-bucket . 

13 mar 2022 3:47 pm est:
 stirring 98%-water-2%-vinegar inside mouth then swallow , can remove bacteria who like sweet-food-debris-on-tooth , should prevent tooth-decay . 

14 mar 2022 8:38 am est:
 food-factory already been invented so people should consume cookie whenever possible to decrease bad luck from animal-killing-for-food .

14 mar 2022 8:41 am est:
 sad reality is : good luck , peace , are non-natural ; nature is violent like :
 	(1)lion killing cow then fucking any female-lioness 
	(2)male-bee whose penis explode after fucking queen-bee mid-air 

14 mar 2022 4:23 pm edt: end 4:57 pm edt
 (3)grizzly-bear grab salmon-fish-female , and salmon-fish-male who are spawning/doing-in-vitro-fertilisation
           [ source :  youtube.com/watch?v=JcF4EKh2wUI&t=5m14s (Chinook Salmon Spawning April 2019) uploaded 17-apr-2019
             from youtube-search (salmon spawning) result 13 from 'spawn' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon_run 
             from 'salmon run' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon from natgeowild-tv->salmon-episode ]

16 mar 2022 4:30 pm edt:
 example : a rich man consume Lamb-chop then see a woman with good beautician-skill wear cosmetics , than that rich man do erection , feel happy then
           some minute later that rich man meet beggar who beg for money , then that rich man will feel sorry and depressed , 
	   so after some mental-roller-coaster that man decide to give money to beggar . so maybe Lamb-chop's male-consumer can not become rich .

4 apr 2022 4:55 am edt: end 6 apr 2022 11:3 am edt
 because :
    (1)money is government-paper showing number and patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor's face , 
       so more money means seeing more patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor's face .
       maybe we become object that we see frequently , eventually , and if we refuse then destiny make us stop seeing that object .
       example : if our computer-wallpaper show nice-car and we use that computer frequently and see that nice-car-wallpaper frequently
        then eventually we have ability to buy that nice-car . if we have ability to buy that nice-car and we still not buying that nice-car then
        eventually we change computer-wallpaper because we feel not having entitlement to see that nice-car anymore .
        that nice-car say to computer-user : you have money to buy me but you still don't buy me , why still wanting to see me in computer-wallpaper ?
    (2)during erection : man feel arrogant and feel desire-to-order-governing-order-for-suction-action-or-fucking-action , 
       and there is money ( which provide illusion-of-governorship ) available , but that man can not implement/do-task
       order-governing-order-for-suction-action-or-fucking-action . 
       failure to implement/do-task order-governing-order-for-suction-action-or-fucking-action
       make that man feel not deserve to keep that money ( illusion-of-governorship ) because money is like government-paper telling money-owner
       to become patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor like that patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor shown on paper-money . 
       then money-owner feel incompetent(not-competent-enough-to-become-patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor) 
       and felt ashamed ( non-arrogant ) during refusing to give money to that beggar . 
    (3)Lamb-chop-cholesterol boost pride-and-morale making people feel good and arrogant . 
       man-with-pride will refuse to be called incompetent .
    so maybe money should show only : (1)white-color-number on black-color-paper (2)symbol of genuinity (with explanation 'genuinity-symbol :') .
    we always see black-color/darkness during night-time so we are competent enough to own black-color-environment during night-time .

6 apr 2022 3 pm edt:
 #reword# holy-fucker/non-condom-fucker
     #to# clean-fucker/circumcised-fucker/condom-fucker

 #reword# non-holy-fucker/condom-fucker
     #to# dirty-fucker/non-circumcised-fucker/non-condom-fucker

6 apr 2022 3:5 pm edt:
 #reword# holy/herbivore-dry-land-animal-food
     #to# clean-not-willing-to-consume-feces/herbivore-dry-land-animal-food

 #reword# non-holy/sometimes-predator)-dry-land-animal-food
     #to# dirty-and-willing-to-consume-feces/sometimes-predator-who-accidentally-consume-feces-inside-other-animal-stomach-dry-land-animal-food

 #give number to that area#

6 apr 2022 3:22 pm edt:
 #add# torah/israel-old-testament-food-diet and islam-alquran says 
       that is food for
 #add# food for 
 #add# because torah-and-alquran recommend circumcision

6 apr 2022 3:29 pm edt:
 #add# [source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khitan_(circumcision)#6_apr_2022_3_27_pm_edt from 'khitan (circumcision)' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khitan#6_apr_2022_3_27_pm_edt from 'khitan' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunat#6_apr_2022_3_25_pm_edt ]

6 apr 2022 3:35 pm edt: end 5:7 pm edt
   ocean-animal-food , chicken ( non-fucker but physical-fighter , lawsuit-fighter ) maybe create pressure to work 
   during rat , rabbit , rooster , horse hour .
  holy/herbivore-dry-land-animal-food ( holy-fucker/non-condom-fucker , physical-labor-worker ) : cow , Lamb , goat , maybe create pressure 
   to work during ox , ram , dog , dragon hour .
  (non-holy/sometimes-predator)-dry-land-animal-food ( non-holy-fucker/condom-fucker , physical-labor-worker ) : pork/pig 
   maybe create pressure to work during monkey , pig , snake , tiger hour  		
 (1)ocean-animal-food , chicken ( food for non-fucker but physical-fighter , lawsuit-fighter ) maybe create pressure to work 
       during rat , rabbit , rooster , horse hour .

  (2)ruminant-herbivore-animal ( clean-not-willing-to-consume-feces , tetra-gastric also-known-as 4-room-stomach which has meaning : 
     highest-efficiency-converter of grass-and-grain-to-meat ) , which is food for physical-labor-worker :
       cow , Lamb , goat , maybe create pressure to work during ox , ram , dog , dragon hour . 

      ( torah/israel-old-testament-food-diet and islam-alquran says 
       says that is food for clean-fucker/circumcised-fucker/condom-fucker because torah-and-alquran recommend circumcision . 

      [source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khitan_(circumcision)#6_apr_2022_3_27_pm_edt from 'khitan (circumcision)' 
	      in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khitan#6_apr_2022_3_27_pm_edt from 'khitan' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunat#6_apr_2022_3_25_pm_edt ]

      but hindu worship-and-avoid-consuming that ruminant-herbivore-animal .
      so ruminant-herbivore-animal is food for clean-fucker/circumcised-fucker for making kid .

      but reality : cow is willing to consume pig-fat and cow-farmer give pig-fat to cow so consuming cow 
      can automatically-mean consuming pig . 
      [source : find 'and 100 % fat sources, namely pork tallow and canola oil' in
                https://albertamilk.com/ask-dairy-farmer/what-do-dairy-cows-eat/ from google(dairy cow feed)result 1 or
 		in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm]

     ejecting-urine is a way to eject-virus and
     if urine-debris stuck underneath moist non-circumcised-penis-foreskin 
     then some virus also stuck underneath that moist non-circumcised-penis-foreskin . 
     dryness help make virus sleep ( non-active ) , moist-environment help make 
     virus stay active-and-replicating-and-(lysis/self-destruct-to-do-splash-damage-to-organ) .
     so circumcised-penis is cleaner than non-circumcised-penis .

  (3)non-ruminant-herbivore-animal with mono-gastric also-known-as 1-room-stomach which has meaning : 
     poor-efficiency-converter of grass-and-grain-to-meat , and which is food for physical-labor-worker :
       pork/pig , horse , maybe create pressure to work during monkey , pig , snake , tiger hour .
      ( torah , islam-alquran forbid consuming mono-gastric-herbivore )

      but hindu consume that mono-gastric-herbivore and hindu->sikhism forbid circumcision  .
      [source : 'Sikhism strongly rejects the beliefs of fasting (vrata), superstitions, idol worship,[67][68] and circumcision.[69][70]'
		   in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_India#6_apr_2022_4_22_pm_edt
		   from search ( hindu circumcision ) result 9 ]

      pig , cat-fish , is willing to consume feces , pig was ancient-toilet .
      so pig is food for dirty-fucker/non-circumcised-fucker for making kid .

      reality : some virginia-ham-pig-famer give peanut to virginia-ham-pig ( high-class pig ) . 
      because some people can digest peanut , some people can not digest peanut .
      [source :  'Genuine Smithfield hams [are those] cut from the carcasses of peanut-fed hogs, raised in the peanut-belt of the Commonwealth
		  of Virginia or the State of North Carolina, and which are cured, treated, smoked, and processed in the town of Smithfield, in
		  the Commonwealth of Virginia.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithfield_ham
		 'Smithfield ham, sometimes called "Virginia ham", is a type of country ham which is protected by state law, and can only be
		 produced in the town of Smithfield.[206]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia
		 and from 'virginia ham' in movie-american-president whose actor is michael-douglas. ]

6 apr 2022 5:10 pm edt:
 #add# cow is not willing to hang-around near feces , not willing to consume feces .

6 apr 2022 5:23 pm edt:
 #add# non-circumicised-penis maybe carry bad-luck because smearing cow-blood to house-interior-paint maybe bring bad-luck to that house .
       urine-debris maybe contain cow-protein , which is proof-of-cow-murder .

6 apr 2022 5:24 pm edt:
 a way to test do we need to respect animal ?
     chicken-farmer can do business :
     (1) customer spray strong water-stream to chicken inside cage ,
         customer throw ice-cube to chicken inside cage .
     (2) customer donate money voluntarily to that chicken-farmer
     (3) wait maximum 6 month then same customer can repeat
         because usually after 6 month time-duration , punishment happen .

     maybe catholic-religion-pope ideally must do that then write story about what happen 6 month later .
     why chicken ? because chicken is small , does not need large space to do that experiment .

6 apr 2022 5:29 pm edt:
 [source : 'As horses are relatively poor converters of grass and grain to meat compared to cattle,[10]' in 
            https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_meat ]

6 apr 2022 5:31 pm edt:
 but i don't know does circumcision-surgeon consume pig/pork or not ?

7 apr 2022 4:15 pm edt:
 #reword# pork/pig , horse , maybe create pressure to work during monkey , pig , snake , tiger hour .
     #to# pork/pig , horse , rabbit , maybe create pressure to work during monkey , pig , snake , tiger hour .

7 apr 2022 5:1 pm edt:
 #reword# cow , Lamb , goat , maybe create pressure to work during ox , ram , dog , dragon hour . 
     #to# cow , Lamb , goat , usa-moose/eurasia-elk/deer-with-size-like-horse , deer , maybe create pressure to work during ox , ram , dog , dragon hour . 

8 apr 2022 9:51 am edt:
 why so strict about food ?
 (1)penis-owner , need extra responsibility because penis-owner always become a target for rape-investigation . 
    so during rape-investigation : do not consume mono-gastric-animal , tetra-gastric-animal .
 (2)gynecology-education is not available , porn-movie says : penis-size-matter for fucking vagina , big penis make vagina happy .
    but i say clitoris-licking is what female likes .
    how to test which is female like ? fucking-vagina or licking-clitoris ? 
    (1)(1) offer money to her to lick her clitoris then see what happen :
           but make-sure that female is single and does not have boy-friend . her boy-friend maybe become jealous .
           maybe she won't spend that money to buy cow-meat/beef . but she maybe want more clitoris-licking-action .
       (2) offer money to her to fuck her vagina then see what happen . 
           maybe she will spend that money to buy easily-digestible-ground-beef-meat like beef-burger to rejuvenate her vagina-interior .
    (2)(1)offer money to lick prostitute's clitoris .
          famous prostitute location : usa->california-state->Las-vegas , 
	  netherlands->amsterdam-city->red-Light-district ( famous gouda-cheese-maker-location which increase boobs size , gouda-cheese does not have
	  preservative , gouda-cheese become rotten easily ) 
    warning : if vagina has many red-dot then do not lick clitoris because that means herpes-event is currently happen and is making her suffer .
              later herpes-event is finished and her vagina appear like normal , there is no red-dot then clitoris can be licked .
              so herpes-sufferer has vagina-healthy-moment , vagina-suffer-herpes-event-moment , repeatedly .
    more tips : http://wortel.ucoz.com/orgasm_female.htm
 (3)female wearing cosmetics provoke 'crime of passion' 
    [source : find 'crime of passion' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
 (4)consuming mono-gastric-animal , tetra-gastric-animal increase sex-desire . so consume mono-gastric-animal , tetra-gastric-animal 
    after finding a girl who return love .
    do not consume mono-gastric-animal , tetra-gastric-animal during :
	(1)travelling with family
	(2)living with family
	(3)family gathering event
    to decrease incest-sex-event-probability .
    ideally must male try licking her clitoris prior marriage ? yes because she maybe refuse because that male is not handsome enough .
    ideally must male try asking her to suck her penis prior marriage ? yes because she maybe not willing to suck penis at all even-though penis is
     circumcised . because that male is not handsome enough .
    so what is marriage for ? to announce breeding-partner . so to slow-down cousin-connection-making-event between people on earth .
      because having many breeding-partner , accelerate world-ending-event/armagedon where all people become cousin with less than 7-degree-cousin , 
      then every sex-event is incest-sex-event . then all baby is product of incest-sex then new baby's genetic become recessive then 
      all new baby's eyes become blue-color ( albino-eye , albino is recessive-genetic ) .
      but then maybe people start researching about converting gibbon to human then start marrying gibbon / announcing gibbon 
      to become breeding-partner to make new baby with non-recessive/dominant genetic which decrease albino-eye-probability.

    using parents' money to buy mono-gastric-animal-meat , tetra-gastric-animal-meat , make parents under responsible to judge those
    mono-gastric-animal-meat , tetra-gastric-animal-meat consumer . judgement for consuming mono-gastric-animal-meat , tetra-gastric-animal-meat
    often heavier-weight than judgement for consuming other animal . it is best to use parent's money to buy vegan-cookie .

    example judgement : son and parents consume goat-meat/tetra-gastric-animal-meat together in restaurant then son drive car
      and almost collide-against young kid then parents criticise that son's driving-behaviour testing that son's temper/anger-management 
      after pride-booster-goat-meal which make that son refuse to be called incompetent-car-driver. 
      maybe if that son fuck someone after consuming that goat-meat then that son really 
      collide-against young kid then maybe that son must live in exile-condition in foreign-country for a while to hide 
      from local police ( maybe must become foreign-student ) to avoid jail .
      really ? i don't know , i don't know :
	(1)why baby and parents become aircraft-crash-passenger-victim
	(2)why baby become crocodile-victim in disneyland-lake 
    consuming (1)shrimp ( water-transparency-reducer/secret-keeper ) , (2)tetra-gastric-animal or mono-gastric-animal : maybe causes 
     sex-event which must be kept secret because that sex-event is (police-target/embarassing/forbidden)-sex-event like incest-sex-event , 
     pedophilia-sex-event(sex-event-with-under-age-person) .

 (5)decrease dependency-on alcohol-beverage , chocolate , sweet-food , to decrease sex-desire during family-gathering-event , 
    work-related-event .

8 apr 2022 2:33 pm edt:
 #reword some# mono-gastric              #to# mono-gastric-fucker
 #reword some# tetra-gastric             #to# tetra-gastric-fucker
 #reword#      mono-gastric-animal       #to# mono-gastric-fucker
 #reword#      mono-gastric-animal-meat  #to# mono-gastric-fucker
 #reword#      tetra-gastric-animal      #to# tetra-gastric-fucker
 #reword#      tetra-gastric-animal-meat #to# tetra-gastric-fucker

8 apr 2022 2:40 pm edt:
 maybe netherlands->nude-model petra-verkaik consume gouda-cheese to grow her boobs 
 but big boobs can stretch down-ward and is problem 
 find '---https://www.healthshots.com/preventive-care/self-care/5-health-problems-caused-by-big-boobs/ from google ( big boobs heart disease ) result 7' ,
 find '---https://greenbergcosmeticsurgery.com/blog/2014/03/06/symptoms-of-overly-large-breasts-141040/ from google ( big boobs numb arm ) result 1'

8 apr 2022 2:47 pm edt:
 #reword# maybe she will spend that money to buy easily-digestible-ground-beef-meat like beef-burger to rejuvenate her vagina-interior .
     #to# maybe she will spend that money to buy :
	   (1) deer/venison-jerky ( dried ground/minced salty-deer ) which is tetra-gastric-fucker ( alien-fucker )
 	   (2) ground/minced-pork/pig-burger which is mono-gastric-fucker
           to rejuvenate her vagina-interior . not cow/beef because she hoard butter-fat/cow-milk-fat on her boobs and cow-meat/beef conflict-against
           her boobs .

8 apr 2022 3:32 pm edt:
 #reword# maybe she won't spend that money to buy cow-meat/beef . but she maybe want more clitoris-licking-action .
     #to# maybe she won't spend that money to buy animal-meat . but she maybe want more clitoris-licking-action .

8 apr 2022 4:15 pm edt:
 [source : (1)'In humans, brown eyes result from a relatively high concentration of melanin in the stroma of the iris, 
  	      which causes light of both shorter and longer wavelengths to be absorbed.[33]' in
 	(2)'translucent' in A blue iris in an eye is blue due to Tyndall scattering in a translucent layer in iris.
 	    Brown and black irises have the same layer except with more melanin in it.
 	    melanin absorbs light. In absence of melanin, the layer is translucent (i.e. the light passing through is randomly and
	    diffusely scattered) and a noticeable portion of the light that enters this translucent layer re-emerges via a scattered path.
	    That is, there is backscatter, the redirection of the light waves back out to the open air.
	    Scattering takes place to a greater extent at the shorter wavelengths. The longer wavelengths tend to pass straight through
	    the translucent layer with unaltered paths, and then encounter the next layer further back in the iris,
	    which is a light absorber. Thus, the longer wavelengths are not reflected (by scattering) back to the open air as much as
	    the shorter wavelengths. Because the shorter wavelengths are the blue wavelengths, this gives rise to a blue hue
	    in the light that comes out of the eye.[7][8] The blue iris is an example of a structural color, in contrast to a pigment color.
	    Similar phenomena that are not Tyndall scattering' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyndall_effect#8_apr_2022_4_pm_edt from
	    'tyndall scattering' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_color#8_apr_2022_3_57_pm_edt ]

11 apr 2022 2:49 pm edt:
 #reword# after finding a girl who return love .
     #to# if wanting to make kid if needed.

11 apr 2022 2:52 pm edt:
 #add# [source : find 'crime of passion' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]

11 apr 2022 2:54 pm edt:
 #reword# really ? i don't know , i don't know :
     #to# really ? i don't know why :

12 apr 2022 10:2 pm edt:
 #add# human is mono-gastric-fucker , but 1-st human maybe can not become herbivore because need sweet-oil to produce significant-energy .
      and digestible sweet-oil is from mixture-of-honey-or-cane-sugar-powder-and-palm-oil-or-olive-oil . 
      bland-veggie-oil produce steatorrhea/oil-diarrhea . so need hindu-caste sweet-vegan-cookie-maker-caste who consume unknown animal-meat to get
      energy to work with cookie-maker-machine then other hindu-caste vegan-caste can exist via consuming sweet-vegan-cookie .

13 apr 2022 4:10 pm edt:
 #add# tri-gastric-fucker : alpaca . [source : 'Alpacas, like other camelids, have a 3-chambered stomach; combined with chewing cud, this 3-chambered system allows maximum extraction of nutrients from low-quality forages. Alpacas are not ruminants, pseudo-ruminants, or modified ruminants, as there are many differences between anatomy and physiology of a camelid and a ruminant stomach.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpaca ]

13 apr 2022 4:26 pm edt:
 #add# [source : my mother told me that's story of what happen to deni/deny-widagdo who is now maybe live in usa->michigan-state ]

22 apr 2022 11:31 am edt:
 but money often is not a good tool to measure value-score of material , because material's value-score depends-on customer-appetite .
    (1) money can not measure music's value-score . 
	 example : person-1 say music-1 has score 100/100 , music-2 has score 0/100 , 
		   person-2 say music-1 has score 0/100   , music-2 has score 100/100 .
                   even-though both music's price is 1 usd in music-mp3-downloadable-shop .
		   but music-creator maybe want as-many-people-as-possible listening to his/her music so music-creator want to write low price for 
		   his/her music . because maybe music-creator want to decrease forest-fire via decreasing people's mental-stress , digruntled-feeling
		   after working and know correct-religion but refuse to publicly-oppose catholic-religion then decide to publish music as 
                   proof that music-creator has correct-religion needed to make music which produce peaceful-mind which is better than
                   catholic-religion which :
		   (1)has history of doing crusader-holy-war , 
		   (2)has body-guard-protection from swiss-guard ( switzerland-country's military-soldier ) 
                      so maybe catholic-religion believe that gun is part-of-god or maybe under pressure from switzerland-country to accept
		      protection from switzerland-country's soldier . 
		      catholic-religion-pope-solder's/swiss-guard's gun : 
			hugo-schmeisser->dreyse-1907 , sig->p-220-and-mkpo , glock->19 , sig->sg-550-and-552 , hispano-suiza->mp-43 , 
			heckler-and-koch->mp-7 [ source : find 'swiss guard' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm

		   maybe creator of nice music , does not have gun .

    (2) money can not measure color's value-score . 
	 example : color-maker say black-color has score 0/100 because black-color is cheapest-color .
		  person-1 like black-color-car then say black-color-car has score 100/100 .

    (3) money can not measure ice-cream's flavor's value-score . 
	 example : ice-cream-maker write score according to flavor-ingredient-price .
		   ice-cream-buyer write score according to ice-cream-buyer-appetite .

    (4) money can not measure video-game's value-score . because customer's preference for video-game , is different .
	example : (1) some customer prefer to play 2-d shoot-them-up video-game-genre , 
		      some customer prefer to play 3-d 1-st-person-shooter video-game-genre .
		  (2) some customer prefer 2-d fighting-game , some customer prefer 3-d fighting-game .

        seller maybe simply sell all different video-game-genre with same price .  

    (5) maybe some customer prefer silver rather-than gold . because some customer think gold appear like yellow-urine . 
	but jewelry-seller think gold has higher-price than silver because gold is more rare . 
        and chemist think gold is the most corrosion-resistant-material so chemist want gold to have higher-price than silver .

    (6) some customer think jeep.com->wrangler's spare-tire on rear-door is convenient , 
	then think jeep.com->wrangler ideally must have value higher than jeep.com->grand-cherokee-version-track-hawk 
        which has cool-appearance .
	but jeep.com sell jeep.com->grand-cherokee-version-track-hawk with price higher than jeep.com->wrangler .
	there is volkswagen.com->passat-estate ( 40,000 usd ) , volkswagen.com->tiguan-suv ( 40,000 usd ) and some customer prefer 

        volkswagen.com->passat-estate with deficiency :
	 (1)has risk of hitting road-bump during going from down-hill-slope to flat-road 
	 (2)short-stature-person need to stand on chair-stool to open engine-hood and do maintenance-work
	 (3)shorter-distance front-lamp coverage can not see deer on road , from far-away .
 	 (4)smaller cargo-space for international-flight luggage , so maybe need to go back-and-forth to airport more than 1 time to carry all
	    international-flight luggage .

        volkswagen.com->passat-estate with benefit :
         (1)maybe more light-weight than volkswagen.com->tiguan-suv
	 (2)during driving : can see short-stature-toddler more clearly in-front-of front-bumper 

        consuming pig/pork maybe causes higher 'risk of hitting road-bump during going from down-hill-slope to flat-road' .
        so if that car will be used by male , female ( which is more likely to consume pig/pork because-of menstruation and needing strength 
	to baby-sit baby ) then maybe choose volkswagen.com->tiguan-suv .

    (7) some customer prefer new desktop video-game-computer rather-than pricey very-old-wine 156,450 usd [source : 'Chateau Lafite 1787 – $156,450' in find '---https://wealthygorilla.com/most-expensive-wines/ from google ( most expensive wine ) result 2' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ] .
        but wine-maker maybe retaliate-with-saying very-old-wine is chrono-trigger-beverage , 
        drinking chrono-trigger-beverage can rewind time then change history .
        fo example : toddler drink that chrono-trigger-beverage then toddler who does not have money , has skill needed to change history .
                     which means still prove this statement to be correct : 'money often is not a good tool to measure value-score of material' .

    (8) some customer prefer cheap table-clock rather-than pricey switzerland-country-made wrist-clock which produce arm-sweat during wearing .

    (9) arab-country ( qatar , ksa/kingdom-saudi-arabia , uae/united-arab-emirate ) : has water-ration-law which means people can not use too much 
        clear-water daily , can not buy infinite bland-clear-water for eternally-clear-swimming-pool .

    so money-owner has 2 task :
		task-1 : defeat money's illusion-of-governorship ( maybe not possible ).
		task-2 : differentiating which item is needed vs desired ( need to finish doing task-1 , so not possible ). 
   ( like maybe customer desire cool-appearance of jeep.com->grand-cherokee-version-track-hawk but actually
     customer think jeep.com->wrangler's spare-tire-on-rear-door is necessary/needed even-though jeep.com->wrangler's 
     appearance is boring with zero-(artistic/architecture)-skill ,
     then customer realise even car which has very cool-appearance eventually become sick/need-maintenance and must go to service-shop 
     then customer receive pricey maintenance-price and feel worry ) . 
   so more money can means more-responsibility/more-mental-stress to solve more puzzle .
   low cholesterol from vegan-diet , help doing task-1 , task-2 . but it is not possible to become rich with low cholesterol because
   good mind-principle maybe ask 'you only consume cheap vegan-diet , you do not have reason ask-for big salary'. 
   if mind-principle is not-good/bad then body-health-detector is bad then more likely to need to see physician for health-consultation .

   in-the-past money maybe is more perfect tool which prove money-owner has more authority to own-and-sell that item .
   example : 
     (1)animal-fur-seller maybe randomly kill wild tiger , wild bear then peel tiger-skin , bear-skin then sell that tiger-skin , 
        bear-skin for skin-protection . so maybe that animal-fur-seller has more authority to own-and-sell that tiger-skin , bear-skin .
     (2)fire-stone-seller maybe accidentally find fire-stone then has more authority to sell fire-stone 
        which is helpful for creating spark-to-create wood-fire .

   now maybe money become less perfect-tool to prove money-owner has authority to get item from item-seller .
   because :
   (1)there are some freebie now , example : 
      (1)hardware-recognition-software/operating-system freebsd.org (sugar-coated bsd-model like honda.com-model) , 
	 debian.org (sugar-coated linux.org-model) , 
         Linuxmint.com (sugar-coated linux.org-model) , is free-of-money but accept donation . 
         example :
         (1)outer-space-satellite maybe use debian.org , 
         (2)cisco.com-inter-island-internet/computer-networking-router-operating-system maybe use linux.org 
            not microsoft.com-windows-hardware-recognition-software/operating-system which is non-free-of-money .
      (2)access to use toilet in shopping-mall to defecate . 
         ( people less able to count money prior defecating because urge-to-defecate decrease ability to count money )
      (3)good music-song-from-radio freely heard on shopping-mall .
      (4)access to walk on clean flat floor on shopping-mall .
      (5)access to use mirror ( flat-silver-jewelry-inside-glass-from-molten-silica-from-sand ) on toilet .
      (6)access to feel cool air from air-conditioner , inside shopping-mall .

   (2)money-owner which can become item-owner like car-owner , can suffer car-collision-accident . then that car-owner temporarily lose ownership
      of that car . because that car must be repaired in car-service-shop .

   (3)now many item-seller actually is yellow-pages-intermediary-seller whose task/function is :
	(1)make seeking-and-finding-and-buying item ( doing task-1 , task-2 ) become easier for customer . 
      and maybe that yellow-pages-intermediary-seller does not have full authority to own item which is being sell . 
      example : jeff-bezos/amazon.com-boss maybe :
      (1)does not have creativity needed to make movie , edit movie , make music , even-though amazon.com sell movie , music .
      (2)does not know how to renew car-suspension , even-though amazon.com sell car-suspension  .
      (3)does not know metallurgy even-though amazon.com sell nail-clipper

   (4)we pay tax ( we give money to government to receive unknown-service from government ) .
      usually we give money to get known-and-desired-service-or-item from seller . 
      so maybe owning money , need knowledge about government-style ( politic-science-knowledge like knowing socialism-politic-group/left-wing , 
      capitalism-politic-group/gun-law-politic , hindu-caste-politic/right-wing/feudalism ) .

   so yunfat-chow maybe is correct with saying 'that his money is not belonging to him fully, just being loaned to him for temporary'
   [source : 'chow: "uang ini bukan sepenuhnya milikku, hanya dititipkan padaku untuk sementara."' 
	     in http://www.cerpen.co.id/post_147974.html from https://www.facebook.com/DeiparaGloria/posts/10156135702688447 ]

14 may 2022 11:58 am edt: end 11:2 pm edt
 	   microsoft.com->windows-operating-system is sugar-coated microsoft-dos-12-bit/ms-dos 
	    ( improvement of digital-research->control-program-monitor , dos-12-bit has fat-12-bit-file-system , better disk-sector-buffering ) .

	    microsoft.com->windows-nt/network-operating-system contain ntfs-file-system 
	    ( improved-code? of ibm.com->hpfs-file-system , ntfs has access-control-list 
               ( can give read-write-execute-delete permission for each user-name ) , 
              file-encryption , journaling-to-recover-file-after-crash , shadow-copy/backup-while-running , etc 
            ) .

	    microsoft.com->windows-gui is improved-code-of microsoft.com-and-ibm.com->os/2->presentation-manager-gui 
            in which microsoft.com work-together-with? apple.com->Lisa-gui-worker but later apple.com protest-to-microsoft.com via law-court and 
	    eventually apple.com-and-microsoft.com reach agreement-out-of-law-court . [source : (1)'Microsoft work with Apple Computer to develop applications for Apple's new Macintosh computer, which featured a gui/graphical-user-interface. As part of related business negotiations, Microsoft licensed certain aspects of Macintosh-user-interface from Apple; in later litigation, a district court summarise these aspects as "screen displays". In development of Windows 1.0, Microsoft intentionally limited its borrowing of certain GUI elements from Macintosh-user-interface, to comply with its license. For example, windows were only displayed "tiled" on screen; that is, 1 window could not overlap or overlie another window.' in wiki/History_of_Microsoft_Windows (2)'In 1988 Apple sued Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard on the grounds that they infringed Apple's copyrighted GUI, citing (among other things) the use of rectangular, overlapping, and resizable windows. After 4 years, the case was decided against Apple, as were later appeals. Apple's actions were criticized by some in the software community, including the Free Software Foundation (FSF), who felt Apple was trying to monopolize on GUIs in general, and boycotted GNU software for the Macintosh platform for 7 years.[63][64]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh (3)'In 1998, 3 years after the lawsuit was decided, all lingering infringement questions against Microsoft regarding the Lisa and Macintosh GUI as well as Apple's "QuickTime piracy" lawsuit against Microsoft were settled in direct negotiations. Apple agreed to make Internet Explorer its default browser, to the detriment of Netscape. Microsoft agreed to continue developing Microsoft Office and other software for the Mac over the next 5 year. Microsoft also purchased $150 million of nonvoting Apple stock. Both parties entered into a patent cross-licensing agreement.[11][12]' in wiki/Apple_Computer,_Inc._v._Microsoft_Corp. from 'Apple v. Microsoft' in wiki/History_of_the_graphical_user_interface   and from 'Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp' in wiki/Graphical_user_interface  ]

            apple.com->Lisa-gui-worker receive :
	     (1)public-company-share-certificate-buy-during-pre-ipo , and 
            from xerox-alto-gui-worker in-exchange-for giving apple.com->Lisa-gui-worker :
            early-access-to-see-not-yet-sell-on-market xerox-alto-gui-demonstration .

	    xerox-alto-gui receive idea-not-code? from augmentation-research-center-with-darpa-usa-gov-money->online-system/nLs .

            microsoft.com's worker-1 marc-mcdonald make fat-8-bit-file-system for microsoft.com->dos-8-bit/midas-operating-system 
            which microsoft.com never sell ,
            then microsoft.com->paul-allen pay seattle-computer-products->tim-paterson to modify code-and-design-drawing of 
            that marc-mcdonald's fat-8-bit-file-system 
	    to become fat-12-bit-file-system for microsoft.com->dos-12-bit/ms-dos . [source : (1)'tim paterson' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat32 , (2)'Apple engineers visited the PARC facilities (Apple secured the rights for the visit by compensating Xerox with a pre-IPO purchase of Apple stock) and a number of PARC employees subsequently moved to Apple to work on the Lisa and Macintosh GUI. However, the Apple work extended PARC's considerably, adding manipulatable icons, and drag and drop manipulation of objects in the file system (see Macintosh Finder) for example. A list of the improvements made by Apple, beyond the PARC interface, can be read at Folklore.org.' in wiki/History_of_the_graphical_user_interface , (3)'In 1988, Apple sued Microsoft for copyright infringement of the Lisa and Apple Macintosh GUI. The court case lasted 4 years before almost all of Apple's claims were denied on a contractual technicality. Subsequent appeals by Apple were also denied. Microsoft and Apple apparently entered a final, private settlement of the matter in 1997' in wiki/History_of_the_graphical_user_interface (4) wiki/Presentation_Manager from 'presentation manager' in wiki/History_of_the_graphical_user_interface (5)'NTFS supports access control lists (ACLs), filesystem encryption, transparent compression, sparse files and file system journaling. NTFS also supports shadow copy to allow backups of a system while it is running, but the functionality of the shadow copies varies between different versions of Windows.[15]' in wiki/NTFS (6)wiki/Access_Control_List , (7)'tim paterson' , 'Microsoft itself sold a version of Unix for the PC called Xenix' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS-DOS , (8)wiki/Xenix , (9)'Microsoft committed to delivering a disk operating system (DOS) to IBM for the original IBM PC in 1980, although they had not yet developed one, and Allen spearheaded a deal for Microsoft to purchase QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) written by Tim Paterson who was employed at Seattle Computer Products.[30][31] As a result of this transaction, Microsoft secured a contract to supply the DOS that ran on IBM's PC line, which opened the door to Allen's and Gates' wealth and success.[19]' in wiki/Paul_Allen , etc ]

            microsoft.com during selling dos-12-bit/ms-dos which is for 1 user : 
            microsoft.com also sell xenix which is for many-user/multi-user ( xenix is similar to at&t->pdp-11-computer->unix-7-operating-system )
            later microsoft.com thinking can not compete against unix-programmer : microsoft.com sell xenix to sco in-exchange-for 19.?? % share of sco
            ( 19.?? % share is maximum share-ownership allowed for secret-share-ownership during sco's 'ipo' )

            why microsoft.com stop working together with ibm.com ?
	     (1) microsoft.com doesn't feel interested selling hardware/desktop-pc which can only use microsoft.com-software .
		 ibm.com feel interested selling hardware/desktop-pc which can only use ibm.com-software 
		 ( like macos-software can only run on apple.com-desktop . need hackintosh to make macos run on after-market-desktop/custom-made-desktop . )
             (2) ibm.com-hardware does not support microsoft.com's font .
	     (3) microsoft.com-programmer frustrated-with ibm.com's law using code-line-amount to measure productivity 
		 maybe for employee-review during end-of-financial-quarter . but why microsoft.com-programmer who get salary-money from microsoft.com
		 frustrated-with (care about) ibm.com's law ?

		example short code which do many thing : john-carmack's quake-3-arena-open-source-code to calculate 1 /  ( square-root-of ( x ) :
	         wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root from en.wikipedia.org->search ( carmack square root approximation ) result 1 from forgotton-article-review about 1-st-person-shooter-video-game-quake-3-arena-open-source-code from google (... )

	     (4) ibm.com-programmer complain microsoft.com-programmer's code lack comment/explanation .
             (5) microsoft.com complain ibm's code is bloated . [source : (1)'Microsoft favored the open hardware system approach that contributed to its success on the PC. IBM sought to use OS/2 to drive sales of its own hardware, and urged Microsoft to drop features, such as fonts, that IBM's hardware did not support. Microsoft programmers also became frustrated with IBM's bureaucracy and its use of lines of code to measure programmer productivity.[23] IBM developers complained about the terseness and lack of comments in Microsoft's code, while Microsoft developers complained that IBM's code was bloated.[24]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS/2 ]

25 may 2022 3:54 pm edt:
 #add# like iss/international-space-station use debian.org 
       but tread-mill-computer inside iss use microsoft.com->windows

1 jun 2022 9:38 pm edt:
 (10) newegg.com has a law only willing to sell 3 same item maximum , to same customer . so customer maybe is very rich and want to buy
         same item in large amount , but newegg.com will refuse that customer .

    (11) ubs.com banker-officer-1 take-care customer who has ... usd until 1 mega-usd . 
                 banker-officer-2 take-care customer who has 1.?? mega-usd until 10 mega-usd . 
         maybe customer who has ... usd until 1 mega-usd , is non-military-weapon-business-person .
         maybe customer who has 1.?? mega-usd until 10 mega-usd , is military-weapon-business-person , 
		conflict-mineral-person/diamond-blood-business-person  .
         maybe some banker-officer is anti-military ( wanting to avoid military ) , not-so-much-into-diamond-person .
         maybe some banker-officer is pro-military/pro-gun ( like military ) , pro-conflict-mineral-person/pro-diamond-blood. 
9 aug 2022 11:32 am edt:
 my superstitious-feeling says meat-consumer live life-experience of animal consumed during that animal is still living . 
 so maybe consuming more retired-dairy-cow-meat , produce more temptation to breed . because dairy-cow must breed to produce cow-milk .
 procedure to prove my superstitious-feeling : give ability to get free dairy-cow-meat-salisbury-steak ( salisbury-steak/ground-meat help maximise 
 digestion-and-nutrient-absorption ) via '4-Leg-animal-meat-combo-food-credit-and-debit-card' to : catholic-religion-nun-boss , 
 catholic-religion-pope , catholic-religion-bishop , then maybe someday they resign from catholic-religion-administration . 
 catholic-religion-old-testament-food-law/kosher-food-law allow consuming dairy-cow-meat .
 there is 20 % probability-score for consumer to accidentally-buy :
 (1)retired-dairy-cow-meat in market , (2)culled-cow/cow-being-slaughtered-because-of-having-bad-quality in market .
 [source :
   (1/3)'What percentage of your beef comes from retired-dairy-cow for lean and beef steers for fat only ?
      McDonalds.ca :
      Our beef only come from healthy cattle, majority of those cattle are typically between age 12-24 month.
      Less than 20 % of our beef come from culled-cattle, including dairy-cow. Though dairy-cow are not bred as beef-cattle,
      the meat which comes from dairy-cow is still quality beef. All our hamburger-patties are produced in
      canada-country->alberta-province->spruce-grove-city->cargiLL.com , a federally regulated supplier.'
      in https://yourquestions.mcdonalds.ca/answer/what-percentage-of-your-beef-comes-from-retired-dairy-cows-for-lean-and-beef-steers-for-fat-only/
      from google ( mcdonald beef from dairy cow ) result 1
   (2/3) '(Agriculture) an inferior animal taken from a herd or group' in tfd.com/cull
   (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spruce_Grove ]

  and consuming retired-chicken-egg-producer maybe produce bad-luck .
12 aug 2022 5:26 pm edt:
 there is 20 % probability-score for consumer to accidentally-buy :
 (1)retired-dairy-cow-meat in market , (2)culled-cow/cow-being-slaughtered-because-of-having-bad-quality in market .
 [source :
   (1/3)'What percentage of your beef comes from retired-dairy-cow for lean and beef steers for fat only ?
      McDonalds.ca :
      Our beef only come from healthy cattle, majority of those cattle are typically between age 12-24 month.
      Less than 20 % of our beef come from culled-cattle, including dairy-cow. Though dairy-cow are not bred as beef-cattle,
      the meat which comes from dairy-cow is still quality beef. All our hamburger-patties are produced in
      canada-country->alberta-province->spruce-grove-city->cargiLL.com , a federally regulated supplier.'
      in https://yourquestions.mcdonalds.ca/answer/what-percentage-of-your-beef-comes-from-retired-dairy-cows-for-lean-and-beef-steers-for-fat-only/
      from google ( mcdonald beef from dairy cow ) result 1
   (2/3) '(Agriculture) an inferior animal taken from a herd or group' in tfd.com/cull
   (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spruce_Grove ]

  and consuming retired-chicken-egg-producer maybe produce bad-luck .
 there is 20 % probability-score for consumer to accidentally-buy
 (1) mcdonalds.com->dairy-cow-burger / cow-burger from dairy-cow-breed-name :
     holstein-cow/holstein-friesian-cow/german-black-pied-cow , holstein-trina-cow , alderney-cow , anatolian-black-cow , friesian-sahiwal-cow ,
     milking-zebu-cow ,  ayrshire-cow , red-cow ( belarus-red , belgium-red , denmark-red , estonia-red , norwegian-red , red-chittagong-cow ,
     red-poll-cow , red-sindhi-cow ) ,  belted-galloway-cow , boskarin-cow , swiss-brown-cow/braunvieh-cow , burlina-cow ,
     canadienne-cow/black-jersey-cow , dairy-short-horn-cow , jersey-cow , dutch-belted-cow/LakenVelder-cow , frankeston-cow ,
     girolando-cow , guernsey-cow , gyr-cow , iLLawaRRa/iLawara-short-horn-cow , meuse-rhine-issel-cow , pasiega-cow , romania-baltata-cow ,
     sinboney-de-cuba-cow , sunandini-cow , tipo-carora-cow ,  abondance-cow , alderney-cow , milking-devon-cow , braford-cow ,
     friesian-sahiwal-cow , lowline-cow , bianca-modenese-cow , busa-cow , dexter-cow , fleckvieh-cow , simmental-cow ,
     harzer-rotvieh-cow , harry-hays-converter-cow , herens-cow , moiled-cow , hope-cow , montbeliarde-cow , normande-cow ,
     old-gloucester-cow , randall-lineback-cow , pie-rouge-des-plaines-cow , pinzgauer-cow , sahiwal-cow , sussex-cow ,
     grey-cow/tyrol-grey-cow , vorderwald-cow
     [source : (1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dairy_cattle_breeds
               (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Dairy_cattle_breeds from 'dairy cattle breeds'
                    in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holstein_cow ]
 (2) mcdonalds.com->unknown-breed-culled-cow/unknown-cow-breed-being-slaughtered-because-of-having-bad-quality.
     [source :
      (1/3)'What percentage of your beef comes from retired-dairy-cow for lean and beef steers for fat only ?
	McDonalds.ca :
	Our beef only come from healthy cattle, majority of those cattle are typically between age 12-24 month.
 	Less than 20 % of our beef come from culled-cattle, including dairy-cow. Though dairy-cow are not bred as beef-cattle,
	the meat which comes from dairy-cow is still quality beef. All our hamburger-patties are produced in
	canada-country->alberta-province->spruce-grove-city by Cargill.com , a federally regulated supplier.'
	in https://yourquestions.mcdonalds.ca/answer/what-percentage-of-your-beef-comes-from-retired-dairy-cows-for-lean-and-beef-steers-for-fat-only/
	from google ( mcdonald beef from dairy cow ) result 1
      (2/3) '(Agriculture) an inferior animal taken from a herd or group' in tfd.com/cull
      (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spruce_Grove ]
  other cow-meat-seller :
     can give customer 100 % probability-score / 100 % guarantee/assurance during buying-and-receiving non-dairy-cow-meat/non-holstein-breed-name
     from scotland-aberdeen-angus-cow-breed-name .
     [source : ---facebook.com/MandarinOrientalJakarta/posts/952978638046567 :
      publish-date : 30 mar 2015.
      Thanks Indonesia-Tatler .
      Tatler-Indonesia's recommended menu for lunch :
      non-kosher usa->nebraska-state-farm->premium-black-angus-steak->(au-poivre/with-pepper-and-cow-butter)
      from indonesia-country->java-island->west-java-province->jakarta-city->Mandarin-Oriental-hotel->Lyon-restaurant .
      Lyon-restaurant is always our favorite. Everything served in Lyon-restaurant set benchmark for quality French dining in town.
      #IndonesiaTatler #BestRestaurantsGuide #IndonesiaTatlerBRG #BRG2015 ]
     can give customer 100 % probability-score / 100 % guarantee/assurance during buying-and-receiving non-dairy-cow-meat/non-holstein-breed-name
     which is meat from scotland-aberdeen-angus-cow-breed-name . because that menu 
     says 'angus'-breed-name in 'Beef-Bourguignon : Red-Wine , Braised-Angus-Short-Rib , Pearl-Onion , Mushroom , Lardon/pig-fat ,
     Fingerling Potatoes , price 32 usd'
     in https://cafeduparc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Cafe-du-Parc-All-Day-Dining-Menu_Winter-2021.pdf
     from 'download menu' in https://cafeduparc.com/ -> 'all day dining' from google ( restaurant Beef bourguignon review) page 3 number 16
  (3)grocery-market harristeeter.com sell cow-meat with packaging-label 'angus' , and that means non-dairy-cow-meat/non-holstein-breed-name with
     100 % guarantee / 100 % probability-score because 'angus' means 'scotland-aberdeen-angus-cow-breed-name'.
  (4)other grocery-market hy-vee.com , cub.com sell cow-meat with packaging-label which does not say cow-breed-name , and that means
     there is 50 % guarantee / 50 % probability-score for consumer to get
     retired-dairy-cow-meat/retired-holstein-cow-meat-or-other-dairy-cow-breed-name-written-in-list-above .

     and consuming retired-chicken-egg-producer maybe produce bad-luck .
12 aug 2022 6:25 pm edt:
 #reword# catholic-religion-old-testament-food-law/kosher-food-law allow consuming dairy-cow-meat .
     #to# catholic-religion-old-testament-food-law/kosher-food-law allow consuming dairy-cow-meat 
          but kosher-food-law forbid consuming tetra-gastric-fat/cow-fat , animal-fat
          [source : (1/2)'Don’t eat the fat/adipose of cattle, sheep, or goats. 24 If 1 of your animals dies or is killed by some wild animal
	    then you may do anything with its fat except eat it. 25 If you eat the fat of an animal that can be used as a sacrifice to me
	    then you will no longer belong to the community of Israel. 26 And no matter where you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal,
	    27 or you will no longer belong to the community of Israel.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%207&version=CEV 
	   (2/2)'All fat/adipose belongs to me. 17 So you and your descendants must never eat any fat or any blood, not even in the privacy of your own homes.[c]
	      This law will never change.',
	      '11 Life is in the blood, and I have given you the blood of animals to sacrifice in place of your own. 12 That’s also why I have forbidden
	       you to eat blood. 13 Even if you should hunt and kill a bird or an animal, you must drain out the blood and cover it with soil.
	       14 The life of every living creature is in its blood. That’s why I have forbidden you to eat blood and why I have warned you that
	        anyone who does will no longer belong to my people',
	       '26 Don’t eat the blood of any animal.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+3&version=CEV ]
] .
12 aug 2022 12:15 pm edt:
 #reword# non-kosher usa->nebraska-state-farm->premium-black-angus-steak->(au-poivre/with-pepper-and-cow-butter)
     #to# kosher-because-cow-butter-is-from-holstein-breed-which-is-not-mother-of-angus-steak-breed 
12 aug 2022 12:20 pm edt:
 (1)#add# /retired-'dairy-cow-breed-name'
 (2)#add# /non-'dairy-cow-breed-name'
 (3)#reword# retired-holstein-cow-meat-or-other-dairy-cow-breed-name-written-in-list-above
        #to# retired-holstein-cow-meat/retired-'dairy-cow-breed-name'
22 aug 2022 10:39 am edt:
 money-currency-strength-web-site x-rates.com , usa-currency , indonesia-currency , says : kuwait's money has highest value in world .
 so money says 'life in kuwait-country is the most comfortable in world' but  
 ---farandwide.com/s/worst-airports-world-dd26c86ca7094c69 from google ( worst airport rank ) result 3 says : 
 On-time performance : 4.1 ; Quality of service: 7 ; Passenger sentiment: 3.9 ; TOTAL: 5.40
 Coming in at “No. 1” on the list of the worst airports in the world ? Kuwait-Airport .
 Traveler flying through kuwait-airport noted that kuwait-airport was disorganised and not as clean as traveler would have liked, and that
 traveler felt kuwait-airport-staff was not very friendly.
 As 1 disgruntled passenger put it succinctly: “kuwait-airport is a total disgrace”.         

currency-rank from usa-dollar-point-of-view :
 Alphabetical order May 27, 2020 02:16 UTC
    US Dollar▲▼            1.00 USD▲  inv. 1.00 USD▲▼
  (1)Kuwaiti Dinar          0.308711  3.239277
  (2)Bahraini Dinar         0.376000  2.659574
  (3)Omani Rial             0.384500  2.600780
  (4)British Pound          0.811806  1.231821
  (5)Euro                   0.912064  1.096415
  (6)Swiss Franc            0.966325  1.034848
  (7)Canadian Dollar        1.379138  0.725091
  (8)Libyan Dinar           1.416405  0.706013
  (9)Bruneian Dollar        1.417935  0.705251
 (10)Singapore Dollar       1.417935  0.705251
 (11)Australian Dollar      1.506024  0.664000
 (12)New Zealand Dollar     1.615930  0.618839
 (13)Bulgarian Lev          1.783841  0.560588
 (14)Israeli Shekel         3.508853  0.284993
 (15)Qatari Riyal           3.640000  0.274725
 (16)Emirati Dirham         3.672500  0.272294
 (17)Saudi Arabian Riyal    3.750000  0.266667
 (18)Polish Zloty           4.048684  0.246994
 (19)Malaysian Ringgit      4.364391  0.229127
 (20)Romanian New Leu       4.416883  0.226404
 (21)Brazilian Real         5.346445  0.187040
 (22)Turkish Lira           6.744329  0.148273
 (23)Trinidadian Dollar     6.751361  0.148118
 (24)Danish Krone           6.802564  0.147003
 (25)Croatian Kuna          6.911263  0.144691
 (26)Chinese Yuan Renminbi  7.148256  0.139894
 (27)Hong Kong Dollar       7.752192  0.128996
 (28)Swedish Krona          9.636715  0.103770
 (29)Norwegian Krone        9.920341  0.100803
 (30)Venezuelan Bolivar     9.987500  0.100125
 (31)Botswana Pula         12.129424  0.082444
 (32)South African Rand    17.417288  0.057414
 (33)Mexican Peso          22.258343  0.044927
 (34)vietname-dong/vnd     23.173 [source:'2020  23,173 ' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_%C4%91%E1%BB%93ng from 'Currency' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam]
 (35)Czech Koruna          24.658850  0.040553
 (36)Taiwan New Dollar     29.998755  0.033335
 (37)Thai Baht             31.880747  0.031367
 (38)Mauritian Rupee       39.972470  0.025017
 (39)Philippine Peso       50.592256  0.019766
 (40)Argentine Peso        68.223768  0.014658
 (41)Russian Ruble         70.885514  0.014107
 (42)Indian Rupee          75.498591  0.013245
 (43)Japanese Yen         107.494325  0.009303
 (44)Nepalese Rupee       121.363985  0.008240
 (45)Icelandic Krona      138.724339  0.007209
 (46)Pakistani Rupee      161.185865  0.006204
 (47)Sri Lankan Rupee     185.829732  0.005381
 (48)Hungarian Forint     317.520816  0.003149
 (49)Kazakhstani Tenge    412.373401  0.002425
 (50)Chilean Peso         807.427223  0.001239
 (51)South Korean Won    1234.190023  0.000810
 (52)Colombian Peso      3731.002584  0.000268
 (53)Indonesian Rupiah  14746.196140  0.000068
 (54)Iranian Rial       41878.918283  0.000024

currency-rank from indonesia-rupiah-point-of-view :
 ---https://www.x-rates.com/table/?from=IDR&amount=1 from google (rupiah to other currency rank) result 1
 indonesia-rupiah           1 idr     inv. 1 idr
 (1)Kuwaiti Dinar           0.000021  47796.881403
 (2)Bahraini Dinar          0.000025  39245.748187
 (3)Omani Rial              0.000026  38378.156875
 (4)British Pound           0.000055  18182.371934
 (5)Euro                    0.000062  16185.899140
 (6)Swiss Franc             0.000065  15276.433384
 (7)US Dollar               0.000068  14756.401318
 (8)Canadian Dollar         0.000093  10705.116427
 (9)Bruneian Dollar         0.000096  10411.210857
 (10)Libyan Dinar           0.000096  10419.477056
 (11)Singapore Dollar       0.000096  10411.210857
 (12)Australian Dollar      0.000102  9808.584931
 (13)New Zealand Dollar     0.000109  9137.600942
 (14)Bulgarian Lev          0.000121  8275.718820
 (15)Israeli Shekel         0.000238  4204.802633
 (16)Qatari Riyal           0.000247  4053.956406
 (17)Emirati Dirham         0.000249  4018.080686
 (18)Saudi Arabian Riyal    0.000254  3935.040352
 (19)Polish Zloty           0.000274  3645.556395
 (20)Malaysian Ringgit      0.000296  3381.436076
 (21)Romanian New Leu       0.000299  3342.440375
 (22)Brazilian Real         0.000362  2759.939712
 (23)Turkish Lira           0.000457  2189.223342
 (24)Trinidadian Dollar     0.000458  2184.134009
 (25)Danish Krone           0.000461  2170.225169
 (26)Croatian Kuna          0.000468  2136.435340
 (27)Chinese Yuan Renminbi  0.000484  2065.764341
 (28)Hong Kong Dollar       0.000525  1903.510774
 (29)Swedish Krona          0.000653  1532.531372
 (30)Norwegian Krone        0.000672  1488.843423
 (31)Venezuelan Bolivar     0.000677  1477.486991
 (32)Botswana Pula          0.000821  1218.122015
 (33)South African Rand     0.001179  848.445161
 (34)Mexican Peso           0.001507  663.579000
 (35)Czech Koruna           0.001670  598.779377
 (36)Taiwan New Dollar      0.002032  492.237092
 (37)Thai Baht              0.002161  462.749267
 (38)Mauritian Rupee        0.002714  368.401862
 (39)Philippine Peso        0.003423  292.115413
 (40)Argentine Peso         0.004623  216.319101
 (41)Russian Ruble          0.004798  208.433240
 (42)Indian Rupee           0.005116  195.475264
 (43)Japanese Yen           0.007285  137.270860
 (44)Nepalese Rupee         0.008224  121.602030
 (45)Icelandic Krona        0.009396  106.423177
 (46)Pakistani Rupee        0.010914  91.624915
 (47)Sri Lankan Rupee       0.012594  79.404693
 (48)Hungarian Forint       0.021500  46.510754
 (49)Kazakhstani Tenge      0.027945  35.785130
 (50)Chilean Peso           0.054722  18.274308
 (51)South Korean Won       0.083597  11.962136
 (52)Colombian Peso         0.252896  3.954191
 (53)Iranian Rial           2.841565  0.351919
22 aug 2022 10:50 am edt: change back-ground-color to black-color .
22 aug 2022 10:58 am edt:
publish-date :  updated on 18 sep 2019
writer : Sarah-Kuta
Worst Airports in World, Ranked
[foto:izusek/Getty Images]

When AirHelp recently announced its ranking of 141 airport across world , Hamad-International-Airport in Qatar-country,
Athens-International-Airport in Greece-country and Haneda-Airport in Tokyo-city were given reason to celebrate.
The top 3 airport on the list all earned praise for their friendly service, timeliness and clean, modern amenities.
Unfortunately, not every airport came out looking so good.
The following 20 worst airports earned the lowest score, based on data assessing on-time performance, public reviews of
quality of service and passenger sentiment on social media. Suffice to say, these airports have provided passengers plenty to complain about.
(20) Geneva-Airport/iata:gva [foto:Travelers say Geneva Airport is busy, cramped and disorganized.wikimedia]
On-time performance: 7.5  Quality of service: 6.8 Passenger sentiment: 2.6 TOTAL: 6.7 (out of 10)
gva which used to be called Cointrin-Airport, is main international airport of Geneva,
which is 2-nd-largest city in Switzerland. Sure gva is convenient , just a few miles outside of geneva-city-center
but the perks seem to stop there.
Travelers say geneva-airport is disorganised and that security-area feels very cramped.
“The lines and security are extremely inefficient and outdated, every kiosk is understaffed, and the whole place is small
so every place is jam packed with people”, 1 reviewer wrote.
(19) London-Gatwick-Airport/iata:lgw
[foto:More than a few of the 45 million passengers using Gatwick Airport each year have complained that the facilities are subpar.wikimedia]
On-time performance: 7.3 Quality of service: 6.8 Passenger sentiment: 0.6 TOTAL: 6.66 (out of 10)
Located about 30 mile south of London-city , lgw serve some 45 million passengers traveling to 228 destination in 74 countries each year.
Though lgw has lots of fans, other travelers have complained that gatwick is outdated and lagging behind when 
it comes to amenities offered at other airports. People also don’t like that lgw essentially coerce passenger 
to go through a duty-free shopping area after security-check.
1 reviewer summed it up nicely when he wrote: “Definitely not the most modern airports , need of a lot of investment in all areas.
Lack of staff and comfortable seating.”
(18) Stockholm-Arlanda-Airport/iata:arn [foto:Stockholm’s Arlanda Airport is the city’s largest and most used airport.wikimedia]
On-time performance: 5.7 Quality of service: 7.8 Passenger sentiment: 5.4 TOTAL: 6.62 (out of 10)
Stockholm's Arlanda-Airport is stockholm-city’s largest and most popular airport. Last year, more than 26 million people traveled
through Arlanda but that doesn’t necessarily mean they enjoyed themselves.
arlanda-airport, which is roughly 25 mile north of stockholm-city-center, frequently gets dinged for its unfriendly staffers,
long wait times for baggage-claim and long queue everywhere.
1 passenger traveled through Arlanda-airport was so unenthused by his time there that he took to the internet to write :
“Constant delays , long queues , clueless staff , toilet shortage in gate areas , no drinking water taps. Terrible airport”. Yikes.
(17) Reykjavik Keflavik International Airport/iata:kef [foto:The main waiting room at Reykjavik Keflavik International Airport.wikimedia]
On-time performance: 6.7 Quality of service: 7 Passenger sentiment: 4.6 TOTAL: 6.61 (out of 10)
If you booked a cheap flight to Europe from usa then chances are pretty good that you'll fly through
Iceland's Reykjavik-Keflavik-International-Airport, thanks to popular flight deals from budget airline WOW-Air.
People say rkia is clean and modern, but way too small to accommodate all the people flying through (airport-terminal is being expanded right now).
“An authentic nightmare” , 1 passenger wrote. “Structure and organisation totally inadequate to manage the tourist flows ...
Personnel desperately trying to manage but systematically overwhelmed by people” .
Hopefully the expansion fixes all that!
(16) Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport/iata:yyz 
[foto:Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson International Airport is the busiest airport in all of Canada.wikimedia]
On-time performance: 6.7 Quality of service: 7.2 Passenger sentiment: 3.2 TOTAL: 6.59 (out of 10)
Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson International Airport has the distinction of being the busiest airport in all of Canada and that’s a lot of pressure.
With some 44 million passengers traveling through each year, of course there are going to be some disgruntled passenger.
Despite Canadians’ reputation for being friendly, many travelers report rude staffers on their way through this airport,
along with little to no signage and delays at every turn.
“Oh how I loathe this airport. I've had luggage lost. I've had bags take 1 hour to drop on belt.
I've had delay after delay. I've had airplanes arriving on time to full gates and blocked taxiways.
This is a terrible airport. Terrible” , 1 frustrated traveler wrote.
(15) John Paul II International Airport Krakow-Balice/iata:krk
[foto:John Paul II International Airport Krakow-Balice recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.wikipedia]
On-time performance: 5.8 Quality of service: 7.6 Passenger sentiment: 5.3 TOTAL:  6.56 (out of 10)
Located just 10 mile outside krakow-city-center , John Paul II International Airport Krakow-Balice serve an area with
roughly 7.9 million residents.
Though it recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, the airport has quite a few detractors who complain about everything from
dirty facilities to rude employees.
1 passenger’s advice ? Avoid at all costs. “I’ve travelled through loads of airport as a frequent flyer, well (I’ve) never seen such
a bad airport like this one. Toilets absolutely disgusting, the security operated by totally arrogant and rude people who want
to humiliate you as much as possible.”
(14) Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport/iata:cdg
[foto:The largest international airport in France, Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris has a bad reputation.wikimedia]
On-time performance: 6.7 Quality of service: 6.8 Passenger sentiment: 5 TOTAL: 6.56 (out of 10)
Though it’s the largest international airport in France, Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris has a reputation for being disorganised,
unclean and generally slow (the staff don’t appear to be very helpful or friendly, either).
1 passenger took to internet to express his frustration, writing: “This airport truly is terrible, inefficient, dirty and
overall provides a bad service for international travelers. Well worth the visit for the novelty of seeing an awful airport,
so you can appreciate the good ones”.
In other words, you really don’t know how nice you have it at other airports until you fly through Charles de Gaulle.
(13) Berlin Schönefeld Airport/iata:ber
[foto:Berlin’s Schönefeld Airport gets negative marks for being small, crowded and not having enough seats.wikimedia]
On-time performance: 8.7 Quality of service: 4.6 Passenger sentiment: 4.9 TOTAL: 6.48 (out of 10)
When you get a review like this, you know things aren’t good: “Pretty sure there are prisons with better customer service.
Honestly one of the worst airport experiences I've ever had. Avoid if possible.”
Apparently, Berlin’s Schönefeld Airport has made quite a few people unhappy over the years. It’s 1 of 3 main airports serving
Berlin and is located about 15 miles southwest of the city center.
Travelers report that it’s small, crowded and that there just aren’t enough seats to accommodate the high number of people
flying through on a daily basis.
(12) Moscow Domodedovo Airport/iata:dme
[foto:Russia's Domodedovo Airport, outside of Moscow, is crowded and full of unfriendly staff, according to travelers.wikipedia]
On-time performance: 6.6 Quality of service: 7.4 Passenger sentiment: 1.6 TOTAL: 6.46 (out of 10)
Domodedovo is 1 of 3 international airports serving Russia’s capital city of Moscow. It’s nearly 30 miles from city-center,
though an express train can get you there in 40 to 50 minutes.
Apparently, people who work at airport are not very friendly and gate-areas are overrun with too many passengers.
“Crowded horror show. Not enough seating available and you’re not allowed to sit on floor.
Not sure whether it’s just Russian language barrier or staff hate you,” one traveler wrote.
(11) Newark Liberty International Airport/iata:ewr
[foto:Newark Liberty International Airport gets low marks in organization, crowds and cleanliness.qwesy qwesy/wikimedia]
On-time performance: 7.5 Quality of service: 6.5 Passenger sentiment: 1.5 TOTAL: 6.4 (out of 10)
Disorganised. Dirty. Long Lines. Rude staff. Those are just a few of the complaints you might hear about
Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey.
The airport, which first opened in 1928 (yes, 90 years ago) as the New York metropolitan area’s first major airport,
is managed by The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
It’s undergone renovations, but the upgrades haven’t impressed many of 43 million people who travel through this airport each year.
“If I could rate my experience this morning any lower I would, but sadly 1 star is as low as it can go,” 1 traveler wrote.
(10) Eindhoven Airport/iata:ein
[foto:The Netherlands is a delightful country. This airport in the Netherlands is...less so.Eindhoven Airport/Wikimedia Commons]
On-time performance: 5.9 Quality of service: 7.2 Passenger sentiment: 5.1 TOTAL: 6.39 (out of 10)
Eindhoven in the Netherlands is not the absolute worst of the airports analyzed by AirHelp — but it’s certainly not the best either.
A quick scan of comments on Eindhoven-Airport-Facebook-page brings up a myriad of complaints about bad customer service,
long security lines and general disarray. 1 representative review? “After being dismissed by every staff member with
the response of ‘That’s not my problem!’, it was nearly impossible for us to speak to someone in charge and when we finally
receivegot contact info they responded with a generic email just giving their condolences. Your condolences don’t give me back my money
for the flight I missed because the airport security was such a train wreck.”
(9) Bordeaux-Merignac Airport/iata:bod
[foto:Reviewers have been, less than kind about this drab French airport.See Bordeaux]
On-time performance: 7.4 Quality of service: 5.6 Passenger sentiment: 5.1 TOTAL: 6.37
Bordeaux-Merignac Airport is located 7 miles outside city-center of Bordeaux in southwestern France. While it received decent marks
for on-time performance in AirHelp’s analysis, the airport lost points for passenger sentiment and quality of service.
Complaints about this airport frequently target unclean restrooms, long security lines, rude staff members and
an overall unwelcoming feeling. Reviewers have called it a “shed” that’s “the cheapest of the cheap,” with
a “primitive” security process and “indifferent food.” Wrote 1 disgruntled passenger, “The whole atmosphere gives
impression of what I would imagine a world war 2 experience would be.”
But hey, travel can’t always be easy and glamorous....right?
(8) Edinburgh Airport/iata:edi
[foto:Edinburgh Airport's charming tagline is at odds with its low rating.Edinburgh Airport/Facebook]
On-time performance: 6.6 Quality of service: 7 Passenger sentiment: 1.8 TOTAL: 6.29
Though Edinburgh Airport touts itself as being “where Scotland meets the world,” some travelers were thoroughly unimpressed
with this airport. According to AirHelp’s analysis, the airport received pretty awful marks for passenger sentiment, which
dragged down its overall score.
People who have flown through Edinburgh say it’s difficult to navigate, mismanaged and chaotic. Travelers also point out that
the airport is severely lacking in seats to accommodate passengers as they wait, so many people end up sitting on the ground — definitely not ideal.
(7) Boryspil International Airport/iata:kbp
[foto:The technologically dependent may find themselves frustrated at Boryspil.Vladimir Yaitskiy/Wikimedia Commons]
On-time performance: 4.3 Quality of service: 8 Passenger sentiment: 4.9 TOTAL: 6.03
If you’re planning to visit Kiev, Ukraine, chances are you’ll be flying into the No. 7 worst airport in world : Boryspil International Airport.
Travelers have griped about it being difficult to connect to this airport’s Wi-Fi and to find drinking fountains to fill up
their water bottles. Another common complaint? Shoddy restrooms, which have been described as "smelly" with "toilets which were really dirt."
(6) Manchester Airport/iata:man
[foto:Manchester Airport has introduced additional charges that have travelers fuming.Manchester Airport/Facebook]
On-time performance: 6.1 Quality of service: 6.6 Passenger sentiment: 2.6 TOTAL: 5.95
People really like to complain about Manchester Airport — and that negative passenger sentiment is 1 of main reasons the airport is No. 6 on this list.
Most recently, people have been grumbling about the fact that Manchester now charges a fee for passenger drop-offs,
so even those who aren’t actually stepping foot inside the airport have something bad to say about it. As 1 reviewer put it,
“New drop-off parking charges are slimy, money grabbing and shameful.”
Other travelers say the airport doesn’t have enough staff to keep up with the number of passengers traveling through it,
which creates long lines and lots of frustration.

(5) Stockholm Bromma Airport/iata:bma
[foto:Bromma Airport in chilly Sweden has left some travelers feeling cold.Stockholm Bromma Airport/Facebook]

On-time performance: 4.4
Quality of service: 7.6
Passenger sentiment: 5.1
TOTAL: 5.91

Despite Sweden regularly being named 1 of happiest countries in world, the country’s Stockholm Bromma Airport,
located a few miles west of the city center, has caused quite a lot of headaches for recent travelers.

Though it’s much closer to the center of Stockholm than Sweden’s largest airport, Arlanda, travelers complain that
Bromma is tiny, which means there are few places to sit when things get busy. On the other hand, a smaller airport
also means quicker check-in and security procedures, travelers report, so you may not want to write off Bromma completely.

(4) Paris Orly Airport/iata:ory
[foto:Orly airport says "Welcome"...but passengers doesn't feel that welcome.Paris Orly Airport/Facebook]

On-time performance: 5.3
Quality of service: 6.8
Passenger sentiment: 4.1
TOTAL: 5.83

If you aren’t flying to Paris’s main international airport, Charles de Gaulle, you’re likely flying into Orly Airport,
south of city-center. And chances are, this will lead to a not-so-pleasant experience.

In addition to airport’s low marks from AirHelp, travelers don’t hold back on its Facebook page.
Some of the most common complaints about Orly include that it’s crowded, not welcoming, disorganised and somewhat difficult to navigate.
(“Most pathetic international airport [I] have ever been to,” wrote one Facebook reviewer. “Hands down worst airport experience in
decade I’ve been traveling internationally,” groused another.)

C’est la vie!

(3) Lyon-Saint-Exupery Airport/iata:lys
[foto:Lyon-Saint-Exupery looks cool — but appearances aren't everything.Sue Lowndes/flickr]

On-time performance: 6.1
Quality of service: 5.8
Passenger sentiment: 4.2
TOTAL: 5.78

Though travelers love design and architecture of Lyon-Saint-Exupery — the airport, located on the eastern outskirts of Lyon, France,
has a distinctive fan-shaped canopy over its rail station — that’s about where their compliments stop.

Travelers have complained about the lack of technology during the check-in process, long lines and unhelpful French staffers.
Or, as one passenger more crudely put it in a review, “What a bunch of complete useless idiots must run this place.
Honestly a child could do a better job.”

(2) London Stansted Airport/iata:stn
[foto:Frustrating baggage standards make Stansted a disappointment.Geograph]

On-time performance: 6.2
Quality of service: 5.8
Passenger sentiment: 1.1
TOTAL: 5.53

When you think of London airports, you typically picture Gatwick or Heathrow. But don’t leave out London Stansted Airport,
which is roughly 40 miles northeast of city-center.

The airport also happens to be the 2-nd worst in world, according to AirHelp’s findings, due to an abysmal score for
passenger sentiment (though surprisingly not as low as London Gatwick Airport) and mediocre marks elsewhere.

travelers complain that the lines for check-in and security are always incredibly long and that travelers need forever-duration
to get your bags once you land/touch-down.

(1)Kuwait Airport/iata:kwi
[foto:Passengers have plenty to say when it comes to the worst airport in the world.Ken Marshall/flickr]

On-time performance: 4.1
Quality of service: 7.0
Passenger sentiment: 3.9
TOTAL: 5.40

Coming in at “No. 1” on the list of the worst airports in the world ? Kuwait Airport.

Travelers flying through here noted that it was disorganised and not as clean as they would have liked, and that
they felt the staff was not very friendly.

As 1 disgruntled passenger put it succinctly: “This airport is a total disgrace.”

RELATED STORY: "World's Worst Airlines, Ranked"
14 sep 2022 5:6 pm edt: start writing event-log in end-of-content/end-of-file , always . to decrease duplicate .
 so end-of-content/end-of-file will contain event-log . i stop writing event-log in this area .
17 nov 2022 11:13 am est:
 (4)salvador-rolando-ramos ( birth-date 16 may 2004 , former wendys.com->night-time-worker-for-1-year , 
    usa->texas-state->uvalde-city->robb-elementary-school-shooter-and-former-student use 
    his legally-bought DanielDefense.com->ddm-4-v-7-rifle ( similary-copy-of armaLite.com->ar-15-rifle ) to successfully-shoot-until-mortem 
    19 student 2 teacher , shoot-until-wounded 18 person ( 14 student-grade-4 age 9 => 11 ) ,  1 teacher , 1 grand-mother , 2 police 
    inside class-room until 3 bortac/border-patrol-tactical-unit  carrying 1 loaner-ballistic-shield-from-usa-marshall-outside-class-room 
    enter class-room and shoot salvador-rolando-ramos by-passing 19 police sit around on hall-way with usa-marshall who carry 3 ballistic-shield because 
    1 ballistic-shield become that 1 loaner-ballistic-shield , bortac arrive because 1 bortac-officer receive (save-our-ship/sos)-phone-call 
    from wife ( teacher ) in that school but that bortac-officer stay outside class-room . [source : (1/2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robb_Elementary_School_shooting#17_nov_2022_9_26_am_est from cnn.com->tv-news->bottom-text-news  (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOS#5_jun_2021_1_12_pm_edt ] .
17 nov 2022 11:44 am est:
 miss-prediction :
 (1)christopher-darnell-jones-jr ( birth-date 19 nov 1999 , shoot 4 football-player inside school-trip-bus producing 3 mortem 1 wounded  ) [source : cnn.com->tv-news-police-conference , en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_University_of_Virginia_shooting#17_nov_2022_9_23_am_est ]
18 jan 2023 8:46 pm est: start writing event-log in end-of-content/end-of-file , always . to decrease duplicate .
 so end-of-content/end-of-file will contain event-log . i stop writing event-log in this area .
matchmaking theory using china-astrology-4-pillar-calculator : http://quanyindivination.com/four-pillars-calculator/ from google ( how 4 pillar calculate day )
but maybe china-astrology-year is known via checking current jupiter-planet-position .
and i do not know how china-astrology-day is known via checking what current-astronomy-event ?
(1)'Chinese astronomers divided the celestial circle into 12 sections, and rounded it to 12 years (from 11.86). 
Jupiter is associated with the constellation Sheti (simplified Chinese: 摄提; traditional Chinese: 攝提- Boötes) and is sometimes called Sheti'
in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_astrology#23_nov_2018_9_18_pm_est (2).... from google (...) i forgot. 
(2)'Orbital period  11.862 yr' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter#23_nov_2018_9_21_pm_est 
(3)find 'Jupiter is in Sagittarius-constellation in Rat-year,
 jupiter is in Capricorn-constellation in Ox-year,
 jupiter is in Aquarius-constellation in Tiger-year, etc.
 but note that this is purely symbolic correlation, measured in averages and not Jupiter's actual movement'
from google ( jupiter chinese astrology year ) result 1
in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm

source : 
1)google '4 pillar calculator' with my own matchmaking theory
2)google 'astro data bank' for birth hour info
   23:00 – 01:00: 子 rat
   01:00 – 03:00: 丑 ox
   03:00 – 05:00: 寅 tiger
   05:00 – 07:00: 卯 rabbit
   07:00 – 09:00: 辰 dragon
   09:00 – 11:00: 巳 snake
   11:00 – 13:00: 午 horse
   13:00 – 15:00: 未 sheep
   15:00 – 17:00: 申 monkey
   17:00 – 19:00: 酉 rooster
   19:00 – 21:00: 戌 dog
   21:00 – 23:00: 亥 pig
  source:https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chinese_zodiac&oldid=404132455 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_zodiac#Months_and_solar_terms from google 'chinese astrology' result 3

theory 1 : -> this is most likely better than theory 2
 - birth day is voice
 - birth year is appearance
 - birth month is mind-principle
 - birth hour is mind-skill
 incompatibility can be solved by having friends, kids.
 just like oreo cookie is united by white stuffs.

 the mind (month, hour), of person 1
 should not conflict with apperance (birth year) 
 and voice (birth day) of person 2

 ideally the mind (month, hour), of person 1
 should like both apperance (birth year)
 and voice (birth day) of person 2 (maximum affection)
 same animal-zodiacs 
 should mean compatible as well.
 example : ox month should mean compatible with ox day
this maybe false if birth time zones are different.

#theory-1:lack-data# is written when:
 dislike feeling is unproven because of lacking data.
#theory-2 can prove this as well##

1. justin bieber and selena gomez

 1 March 1994
 year : dog (appearance)
 day : dog (voice)
 hour : rat (mind-skill)
 month : tiger (mind-principle)

 in a relationship with selena gomez
 22 July 1992
 year : monkey (appearance)
 day : pig (voice)
 hour : dragon
 month : ram

 justin failed with selena because
 justin's mind (tiger month), dislike listening to selena's voice (pig day), dislike seeing
 selena's appearance (monkey year).
 justin's talent (rat hour), likes seeing selena's appearance.
 seeing selena's appearance, invigorate justin's talent.
 selena's mind (ram month), dislike listening to justin's voice (dog day),
 selena's talent (dragon hour) got shutdown when selena listen or see justin (dog day dog year).
 source :

 year : rat 1996, 
 day : tiger

 they broke each other heart.

 justin maybe is compatible with 8, 16, 20, 28 october 1996, 1 november 1996 
 in addition to 28 october 1996 :
 8, 16, 20, 28 october 1996, 1 november 1996 
 celeb born in 28 october 1996.
 can be seen in http://www.famousbirthdays.com/year/born/october1996.html
 from google 'born 28 october 1996'


2. tom hanks and rita wilson
 tom hanks marriage to rita wilson seems successfull.
 tom hanks :
 9 July 1956
 year : monkey
 day : ox
 month : ram
 hour : horse (11:17 am pdt)
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Hanks,_Tom
 rita wilson :
 26 October 1956
 year : monkey
 day : tiger
 month : dog
 hour : snake (9:03 am pst)
 source : 

 rumor says tom hanks cheated on samantha lewes, 1st wife.
 dob : November 29, 1952
 year : dragon
 day : rabbit
 month : pig
 hour : n/a

3. kate beckinsale and len wiseman, unproven because lacking
 birth hour.
 with, michael sheen, michael (tiger mind-principle) dislike kate's voice
 kate beckinsale
 26 July 1973
 year : ox
 day : pig

 len wiseman
 4 March 1973
 year : ox
 day : pig

 michael sheen
 5 February 1969
 year : monkey
 day : pig

4. tyga and kylie jenner
 my matchmaking theory says :
 - tyga's pig mind-principle dislike listening to kylie's monkey voice.
 - kylie's monkey mind-principle dislike seeing tyga's snake appearance
 i think all 2 minds should not oppose appearance and voice.

 10 August 1997
 year : ox (appearance)
 day : monkey (voice)
 month : monkey (mind-principle)
 hour : n/a (mind-talent)

 19 November 1989
 year : snake  (appearance)
 day : ram (voice)
 month : pig (mind-principle)
 hour : n/a (mind-talent)

5. zayn malik and gigi hadid
 joe jonas is ex-boyfriend of gigi hadid
 Born: August 15, 1989
 year : snake
 day : ram

 gigi hadid has a love toward zayn malik.
 but zayn malik hate gigi hadid in maximum degree.
 because :
 - gigi's dragon mind-principle likes zayn malik's monkey appearance
 - zayn malik mind-skill dislike gigi's pig appearance, monkey's voice
 zayn malik should avoid seeing / hearing gigi hadid
 all 2 minds should not oppose voice and apperance
 - gigi hadid
 23 april 1995
 year : pig (appearance)
 day : monkey (voice)
 month : dragon (mind-principle)
 hour : n/a (mind-skill)

 zayn malik
 12 january 1993
 year : monkey (appearance)
 day : snake (voice)
 month : ox (mind-principle)
 hour : snake (mind-skill)
 source : google '4 pillar calculator', my matchmaking theory

 my matchmaking theory says, zayn malik and gigi hadid can sit face to face in restaurant.
 then zayn malik won't have appetite for food.

 zayn malik likely can't drive/park a car well, 
 when listening to gigi's voice.
 i know about zayn malik date gigi hadid from 
 13 march 2018, zayn malik and gigi hadid, breaks up, 
 after 2 years 4 months in relationship began 22 november 2015.
 source :
 1. http://nova.grid.id/Selebriti/Berita-Aktual/Potret-Kebersamaan-Gigi-Hadid-Dan-Zayn-Malik-Sebelum-Putus-Romantis-Banget
  'Potret Kebersamaan Gigi Hadid dan Zayn Malik Sebelum Putus, Romantis Banget!'
 2. 'nov. 22' 

6. dj pauly and aubrey o day
 dj pauly d likes listening to aubrey's voice.
 but aubrey maybe feel neutral toward dj pauly d
 dj pauly d
 July 5, 1980
 year : monkey
 day : rabbit
 month : ram
 hour : n/a

 aubrey o day
 February 11, 1984
 year : rat
 day : pig
 month : tiger
 hour : n/a
 source :

7. eddie cibrian, brandi glanvile, leann rimes
 eddie cibrian horse month mind-principle maybe 
 dislike brandi's rat year apperance, then eddie choose leanrimes whose
 apperance is dog year.

 eddie cibrian
 year : ox
 day : ram
 month : horse

 brandi glanvile
 year : rat
 day : pig
 month : pig

 leann rimes
 year : dog
 day : ram
 month : monkey

8. floyd mayweather and josie harris
  floyd mayweather tiger month mind-principle dislike ex-wife 
  josie harris
  monkey year apperance.
 - josie harris ox month like seeing floyd's apperance (snake year)
 cannot prove why this relationship fail because of lacking
 birth hours.
 floyd : feb 24, 1977
 year : snake
 day : rat
 month : tiger
 hour ; n/a
 josie harris : jan 17, 1980 from google 'josie harris birthdate'
 year : ram
 day : ox
 month : ox
 hour : n/a

9. sean penn, robin wright, madonna
 sean penn's ox voice irritate robin wright's dragon mind-principle.
 don't know why sean penn didn't get along with madonna.
 madonna's birth hour is claimed to be 7:05 am but maybe false.

 using original chinese zodiac matchmaking theory, which
 match month and month, hour and hour, day and day, would
 not work in explaining why sean penn and robin wright, divorced

 but if that is true then sean penn's ox voice would irritate madonna's
 dragon mind-skill (7:05am) that would prove why sean penn leave madonna.

 sean penn
 17 August 1960
 year : rat
 day : ox
 month : monkey
 hour : monkey

 robin wright penn
 8 April 1966
 year : horse
 day : rooster
 month : dragon

 16 August 1958
 year : dog
 day : ox
 month : monkey

10. grigor dimitrov, maria sharapova, nicole scherzinger
 maria sharapova, break up with grigor dimitrov because maria dragon month
 mind-principle can't endure listening to grigor's dog day voice.
 then grigor dates nicole scherzinger whose horse mind-principle likes listen
 to grigor dog day voice.
 nicole previously dated lewis hamilton who has rat year apperance, hated
 by nicole horse month mind-principle
 19 April 1987 utc+7
 day : dog
 month : dragon
 year : rabbit

 16 May 1991 utc+2
 day : dog
 year : ram
 month : snake

 29 june 1978
 day : dog
 year : horse
 month : horse

 lewis hamilton
 7 jan 1985
 day : horse
 year : rat
 month : ox

11. jake gylenhall and emily didonato
 jake :
  - dog mind-skill, dislike emily's ox voice, ram appearance
 score toward emily : -2 (0 like, 2 dislikes)
 emily :
  - tiger mind-principle, dislike jake's monkey apperance
  - likes jake's tiger voice
 score toward jake : 0 (1 like, 1 dislike)
 month : rat
 day : tiger
 hour : dog
 year : monkey
 source : google 'astro data bank'

 month : tiger
 day : ox
 year : ram

12. tiger woods, elin nordergren, lindsey vonn, thomas vonn
 tiger woods
 30 December 1975 at 22:50 (= 10:50 PM ) 'aa' birth hour credibility
 month : rat
 day : dog
 year : rabbit
 hour : pig
 - dislike seeing elin
 - dislike hearing elin
 score toward elin : -2 (0 like, 2 dislikes)
 - likes seeing lindsey, dislike hearing lindsey's rooster voice.
 score toward lindsey : 0 (1 like, 1 dislike)

 January 1, 1980
 source : http://www.biography.com/people/elin-nordegren-578406
 from google 'Elin Nordegren dob' result 2
 month : rat
 day : rooster
 year : horse
 - month-principle (rat), dislike seeing tiger (rabbit)
 score toward tiger without birthhour : 
 -1 (1 dislike, 0 like)

 lindsey kildow
 18 October 1984 at 03:26 (= 03:26 AM ) 'aa' birth hour credibility
 month : dog
 day : rooster
 year : rat
 hour : tiger
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Vonn,_Lindsey
 - month-principle dog dislikes hearing thomas' voice (ram)
 - birthhour tiger (mind-skill) and 
   birthmonth dog (month-principle) 
   like hearing tiger's voice (dog birth day)
   so hearing tiger's voice should make lindsey happy 
   to a maximum degree of happiness.
  score toward thomas : -1 (1 dislike, 0 like)
  score toward tiger : 2 (0 dislike, 2 likes)
 thomas vonn
 3 dec 1975
 year : rabbit
 day : ram, monday
 month : pig
 - without birth hour : neutral toward lindsey kildow
 source : google 'astro data bank' has tiger woods' birth hour

13. chad johnson and evelyn lozada, can't be determined from this data, need
 birth hour info.
 chad johnson 
 9 jan 1978
 year : snake
 day : ram
 month : ox
 evelyn lozada
 year : rabbit
 day : tiger
 month : rat

14. derek underwood and farah abraham
 derek died from car accident 28 dec 2008, drank skyy vodka but blood alcohol
 below legal limit.
 car skid, flip over to a power pole.
 zachary, passenger also died. both age 18 
 3rd passenger dustin survived.
 source :
 click 'car accident that took Derek’s life on December 28, 2008'
 in http://starcasm.net/archives/214230
 from google 'derek underwood sibling'
 8 may 1990
 year : horse
 day : rooster

 31 may 1991
 year : ram
 day : ox
 farah was abused by parents when young. had cuts on her mouth
 during argument with her mother.
 daughter sophia
 23 feb 2009
 year : ox
 day : pig

 both derek and farah birthmonth is snake, doppledanger for birthmonth,
 1 died.
 they are compatible, based on data without birthhour.

15. kelsey grammer and camile grammer
 not getting along
 source : https://www.facebook.com/UsWeekly/posts/10153503504330805
 kelsey dislike listening to camile's voice, dislike seeing camile's appearance.

kelsey grammer
February 21, 1955 
year : ram
day : ox

camile grammer
September 2, 1968
year : monkey
day : pig

16. madonna kissed britney spears on stage
 that's because madonna's voice is ox.
 britney spears' mind-skill is ox.
 that's why britney willing to kiss madonna.
 madonna is willing to kiss britney because britney is much 
 younger than madonna.
17. alexandra doesn't like seeing joachim's appearance
but joachim like listening to alexandra's voice, neutral with alexandra's appearance.
joachim is neutral toward marie, vice versa
prince joachim 
7 June 1969
year : rooster
day : ox
month : horse
hour : tiger 

princess alexandra ex-wife
30 June 1964
year : dragon
day : dog

princess marie current wife
6 February 1976
year : dragon
day : rat

18. heidi mind-principle (snake month) should like voice of seal (snake day)
but they divorce, maybe this theory is wrong or maybe birthhour conflicts
seal 19 February 1963 
year : rabbit
day : snake
month : tiger

heidi klum 1 june 1973
year : ox
day : dragon
month : snake

 elliot spitzer
 10 June 1959
 year : pig
 day : pig

 silda wall
 30 December 1957
 year : rooster
 day : rat

 horse month (horse mind-principle) of eliot, dislike rooster appearance (year of silda),
 dislike rat voice (day of silda)
 so eliot seek prostitute.
 source : google 'eliot spitzer prostitute'

20. (written 23 march 2016)
 ben affleck
 15 August 1972
 year : rat
 day : tiger

 jennifer garner
 17 April 1972
 year : rat
 day : tiger

 ben (monkey mind-principle) dislike listening to jennifer's voice (tiger voice)

21. (written 23 march 2016)
 anne dislike listening to sergey's voice, dislike seeing sergey's apperance.

 sergey brin
 21 August 1973
 year : ox
 day : ox
 month : monkey

 anne wojcicki 
 28 July 1973
 month : ram
 day : ox
 year : ox

22. orlando bloom and miranda kerr (written 24 march 2016)
 marriage duration : 3 years
 source : ' 2010', '2013' in 
 orlando bloom dislike listening to miranda's voice, dislike seeing miranda's apperance.
 miranda dislike and like seeing orlando's apperance ( so neutral ), 
 neutral when listening to orlando's voice.
 they are separated.
 13 January 1977
 year : dragon
 day : horse
 month : ox
 hour : snake (9:15 am) england time zone
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Bloom,_Orlando
 from google 'astro data bank'

 miranda kerr
 20 April 1983
 year : pig
 day : tiger
 month : dragon
 hour : ram (1:10 pm) sydney time zone
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Kerr,_Miranda
 from google 'astro data bank'

23. (written 24 march 2016)
 brad pitt with angelina jolie :
  - rabbit hour (mind-skill ) likes seeing angelina jolie's appearance (rabbit).
  - mouse month (mind-principle) dislike seeing angeline jolie's apperance (rabbit).
  so feeling neutral toward angelina jolie.

  with gwyneth paltrow :
  - mind-skill (rabbit), mind-principle(mouse)
   are all destroyed when listening to gwyneth paltrow's voice (rooster)
  - mind-skill (rabbit) is destroyed when seeing gwyneth paltrow's appearance (mouse)
  - mind-principle (mouse) sparkles when seeing gwyneth paltrow's appearance (mouse)
  separated from gwyneth paltrow

 angelina jolie :
  - feel neutral toward brad pitt
  - likes listening to billy bob thornton's voice (rooster), in a maximum degree
   maximum degree liking, because angelina jolies' 
   mind-principle and mind-skill are snake.
 billy bob thornton :
  - mind-principle (ram), likes seeing angelina jolies' apperance (rabbit)
 brad pitt
 18 December 1963
 year : rabbit
 day : ram
 month : mouse
 hour : rabbit (6:31 am)
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Pitt,_Brad
 from google 'astro data bank'

 angelina jolie
 4 June 1975
 year : rabbit
 day : snake
 month : snake
 hour : snake ( 9:09 am )
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Jolie,_Angelina
 from google 'astro data bank'
 billy bob thornton
 4 august 1955
 year : ram
 day : rooster
 month : ram
 hour : n/a

 gwyneth paltrow
 27 sept 1972
 year : mouse
 day : rooster
 month : rooter
 hour : rooster (5:25 pm )
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Paltrow,_Gwyneth
 from google 'astro data bank'
24. orlando bloom and katy perry (written 27 march 2016)
 orlando's mind-principle(ox) dislike listening to katy's voice(dragon)
 katy's mind-principle (dog) dislike seeing orlando's apperance (dragon)
 but katy's mind-principle (dog) like listening to orland's voice (horse)
 and katy's mind-skill (dragon) like seeing orlando's apperance (dragon)
 orlando feeling toward katy : -1 (1 dislike, 0 like)
 katy feeling toward orlando : 1 (1 dislike, 2 like = 2 - 1 = 1 )
 orlando bloom
 13 January 1977
 year : dragon
 day : horse
 month : ox
 hour : snake (9:15 am)
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Bloom,_Orlando
 from google 'astro data bank'
 katy perry
 25 October 1984 
 year: mouse
 day : dragon
 month : dog
 hour : dragon ( 7:58 am )
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Perry,_Katy
 from google 'astro data bank'
25. russell brand and katy perry (written 27 march 2016)
 marriage duration = 2 years (m. 2010; div. 2012)
 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Brand
 russell mind-skill (mouse) 
  - likes seeing katy's apperance (mouse)
  - likes listening to katy's voice (dragon)
  feeling score toward katy (2 likes, 0 dislike) = 2
 katy's feeling toward russell is empty.
  feeling score toward russell (0 like, 0 dislike) = 0

 russell brand
 4 june 1975
 year : rabbit
 day : snake
 month : snake
 hour : mouse (midnight)
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Brand,_Russell
 from google 'astro data bank'
 katy perry
 25 October 1984 
 year: mouse
 day : dragon
 month : dog
 hour : dragon ( 7:58 am )
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Perry,_Katy
 from google 'astro data bank'
26. thomas vonn and lindsey kildow (written 27 march 2016)
 lindsay (mind-principle:dog) dislikes listening to thomas' voice
 3 December 1975
 year : rabbit
 day : ram
 month : pig
 hour : n/a
 18 october 1984
 year : mouse
 day : rooster
 month : dog
 hour : n/a
 source : 
 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Vonn
 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindsey_Vonn

27. stan warinka and ilham vulloud (written 27 march 2016)
status : divorced

 ilham's (mind-principle:tiger) likes listening to stan's voice (tiger).
 stan warinka
 28 march 1985
 year : ox
 day : tiger
 month : rabbit
 hour : n/a

 ilham Vuilloud
 24 february 1974
 source : google 'Ilham Vuilloud 1974'
 year : tiger
 day : monkey
 month : tiger
 hour : n/a

28. rory mcilroy and caroline wozniacki (written 27 march 2016)
 status : dated for 4 years
 source : 'from 2011 until 2014' in 
 rory's mind-principle:dragon dislike listening to caroline's voice:ox
 4 may 1989
 year : snake
 day : mouse
 month : dragon
 hour : n/a
 11 july 1990
 year : horse
 day : ox
 month : ram
 hour : n/a
 source :
 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rory_McIlroy
 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Wozniacki
29. roger federer, his twin daughters  (written 27 march 2016)
 roger federer's :
 - mind-skill:dragon is destroyed when seeing 
  his twin daughters' apperance:ox
 - mind-principle:monkey is destroyed when listening to
  his twin daughter's voice:snake
 roger injured his kneecaps, bad enough to demand surgery, when
 preparing a bath for his twin daughters.
 roger federer 
  8 August 1981 8:40 am
  year : rooster
  day : horse
  month : monkey
  hour : dragon
 twin daughters
 23 july 2009 time:n/a
 year : ox
 day : snake
 month : ram
 hour : n/a
 source :
30. gwen stefani, gavin rossdale, blake shelton (written 27 march 2016)
 gwen and gavin
 status : divorced, 3 years marriage
 gwen and blake currently dating
 status : divorced, 3 years marriage

 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwen_Stefani

 gwen mind-principle:rooster likes gavin's apperance (snake) and voice (snake)
 gwen mind-principle:rooster likes blake's apperance (snake) and voice (snake)
 30 October 1965
 year : snake
 day : snake
 month : dog
 hour : n/a because rodent rating in google 'astro data bank' is bad
 18 June 1976
 year : dragon
 day : ox
 month : horse

 3 October 1969
 year : rooster
 day : pig
 month : rooster
 hour : n/a because rodent rating in google 'astro data bank' is bad
 tony kanal
 27 august 1970
 year : dog
 day : rabbit
 month : monkey
 hour : n/a
31. leonardo dicaprio, gisele bundchen, bar rafaeli, blake lively, 
   erin heatherton, toni garrn, kelly rohrbach (written 30 march 2016)
   source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_DiCaprio from
   google 'leonardo dicaprio'
  leonardo :
   - pig mind-principle dislike seeing gisele's monkey's apperance
   leonardo's score toward gisele : -1 (0 likes, 1 dislikes) 
   - ox mind-skill likes seeing bar's ox apperance
   - ox mind-skill is destroyed when hearing bar's dog voice.
   leonardo's score toward bar : 0 (1 likes, 1 dislikes) 
   - pig mind-principle likes seeing blake's rabbit apperance
   leonardo's score toward blake : 1 (1 likes, 0 dislikes) 
   - ox mind-skill likes seeing erin's snake apperance
   - pig mind-principle likes hearing erin's pig voice
   - pig mind-principle dislike seeing erin's snake apperance
   leonardo's score toward erin : 1 (2 likes, 1 dislikes) 
   - pig mind-principle dislikes seeing toni's monkey apperance, dislike
   hearing toni's monkey voice
   leonardo's score toward toni : -2 (0 likes, 2 dislikes) 
   - ox mind-skill likes seeing kelly's snake apperance
   - ox mind-skill is destroyed when hearing kelly's dog voice.
   - pig mind-principle dislike seeing kelly's snake apperance
   leonardo's score toward kelly : -1 (1 likes, 2 dislikes) 
  leonardo dicaprio :
  11 November 1974, 2:47 am
  year : tiger
  day : dragon
  month : pig
  hour : ox
  source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/DiCaprio,_Leonardo
  from google 'astro data bank'

  gisele bundchen
  20 july 1980, 5 pm
  year : monkey
  day : horse
  month : ram
  hour : maybe monkey, maybe rooster
  bar rafaeli
  year : ox
  day : dog
  month : snake
  hour : n/a

  blake lively
  25 August 1987
  year : rabbit
  day : horse
  month : monkey
  hour : n/a
  erin heatherton
  4 march 1989
  year : snake
  day : pig
  month : tiger
  hour : n/a
  toni garrn
  7 july 1992
  year : monkey
  day : monkey
  month : ram
  hour : n/a
  kelly rohrbach
  21 January 1990
  year : snake
  day : dog
  month : ox
  hour : n/a
32. donald trump (written 8 june 2016)
  14 June 1946 10:54 AM AA birth hour credibility rating
  year : dog
 day : ram
 month : horse
 hour : snake
 source :
  1. with ivana zelnickova
   20 February 1949 at 00:55 (= 12:55 AM )
   year : ox
   day : snake
   month : tiger
   hour : mouse
   source :
   - donald mind-skill(snake) 
   likes hearing  ivana's voice (snake), 
   likes seeing ivana's appearance (ox)
   score : 2 (2 likes, 0 dislike)
   - ivana mind-principle (tiger) 
   likes seeing donald's appearance (dog)
  2. with marla maples
   27 October 1963 at 11:49 (= 11:49 AM )
   year : rabbit
   day : rabbit
   month : dog
   hour : horse
   source :
   - donald mind-principle (horse) dislike
   seeing marla appearance (rabbit), hearing
   marla voice (rabbit)
   donald feeling toward marla, 
   score : -2 (0 likes, 2 dislikes)
   - marla mind-skill (horse), mind-principle (dog) 
   like seeing donald's appearance (dog)
   but mind-principle (dog) dislike hearing
   donald's voice (ram)
   marla feeling toward donald when donald not talking
   score : 2 (2 likes, 0 dislike)
   marla feeling toward donald when donald talks
   score : 1 (2 likes, 1 dislike)
  3. with celina midelfart
   12 February 1973
   year : ox
   day : rabbit
   month : tiger
   source :
   - donald mind-skill(horse) likes 
   seeing celina's apperance(ox), dislike hearing
   celina's voice (rabbit)
   score : 0 (1 like, 1 dislike)
  - celina mind-principle (tiger), likes seeing donald's
   apperance (dog)
  4. with melania knauss
   26 April 1970
   year : dog
   day : rat
   month : dragon
   source :
   - donald's mind-principle (horse) likes seeing
    melania's apperance (dog), dislike hearing melania's
    voice (rat)
   score : 0 (1 like, 1 dislike)
   - melania mind-principle (dragon), dislike seeing
    donald's appearance (dog), dislike hearing donald's
    voice (ram)
33. adolf hitler, eva braun (mistress), geli raubal (half-sister)  
 (written 8 june 2016)
  adolf-hitler:20-apr-1889 18:30(6:30 pm) 
  source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Hitler,_Adolf
  year : ox
  day : tiger
  month : dragon
  hour : rooster
  1. with eva
   source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva_Braun
   6 February 1912
   year : pig
   day : rat
   month : tiger

   adolf's :
    - mind-skill (rooster) dislikes hearing eva's voice
    - mind-principle (dragon) likes hearing eva's voice
   score : 0 (1 like, 1 dislike)
   eva's :
    - mind-principle (tiger) likes hearing 
     adolf's voice (tiger)
  2. with geli
   source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geli_Raubal#Death
   4 June 1908
   year : monkey
   day : tiger
   month : snake
   adolf's :
    - mind-principle (dragon) likes seeing geli's
    apperance (monkey)
    score : 1 (1 like, 0 dislike)
   geli's :
    - mind-principle (snake) likes seeing adolf's
    apperance (ox)
   historian says adolf relationship with geli 
   likely sexual, adolf suffer depression when geli commit 
   source :
   1. 'Hitler's behaviour towards Geli has all the traits 
    of a strong, latent at least, 
    sexual dependence."[5]'
    in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geli_Raubal#Death
   2. 'Hitler was devastated and went into an intense 
    depression. He took refuge at a house on the shores 
    of Tegernsee lake, and did not attend the funeral 
    in Vienna on 24 September. He visited her grave at 
    Vienna's Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery) 
    two days later. Thereafter, he overcame his 
    depression and refocused on politics.[7]'
    in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geli_Raubal#Death
34. bill clinton and hillary clinton (written 8 june 2016)
 19 August 1946 at 08:51 (= 08:51 AM )
 source :http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clinton,_Bill
 year : dog
 day : ox
 month : monkey
 hour : dragon

 26 October 1947 at 08:02 (= 08:02 AM ) 
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clinton,_Hillary
 year : pig
 day : tiger
 month : dog
 hour : dragon
 rodent rating may have been DD 
 but sources maybe reliable.
  - mind-principle (monkey) :
   dislike hillary's apperance (pig),
   dislike hillary's voice (tiger)
 score -2, (0 like, 2 dislikes) 
  - mind-principle (dog) :
   likes bill's apperance (dog),
   dislikes bill's voice (ox)
  - mind-skill (dragon) :
   dislike bill's apperance (dog),
   dislike bill's voice (ox)
  hillary has no skill when seeing bill or
  hearing bill's voice

35. (written 27 june 2016) 
 wilmer valderrama
 30 January 1980
 year : ram
 day : tiger
 month : ox
 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmer_Valderrama
 demi lovato
 20 August 1992
 year : monkey
 day : dragon
 month : monkey
 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demi_Lovato
 demi mind-principle (monkey birth month)
 dislike hearing wilmer's voice (tiger birth day)
 wilmer mind-principle (ox birth month)
 dislike hearing demi's voice (dragon birth month)
 they separated after almost 6 years dating.
36. (written 27 june 2016)
 matt leblanc disagree often when
 working with chris evans (top gear
 source : https://www.facebook.com/Autoblog/posts/10154180177736760
 matt leblanc :
 25 July 1967 at 04:18 (= 04:18 AM )
 hour : monkey
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/LeBlanc,_Matt
 chris evans :
 1 April 1966
 year : horse
 day : tiger
 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Evans_%28presenter%29
 matt's mind-skill (monkey birth hour) disagree 
 hearing chris evans' voice (tiger birth day)
 that's why matt leblanc conflict with chris evans 

37. (written 27 june 2016)
  taylor swift
  13 December 1989
  source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Swift,_Taylor
  year : snake
  day : ram
  month : rat

  tom hiddleston
  9 February 1981
  source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Hiddleston,_Tom
  year : rooster
  day : horse
  month : tiger
  if this relationship endure forever then
  my theory is wrong, theory 2 is correct.
  update 6 sept 2016 :
  taylor and tom, terminate relationship.
  relationship duration 3 months.
  putting this to theory 2 fail list.
  source :
  my theory says taylor swift mind-principle (rat)
  - dislike seeing tom (rooster)
  - dislike hearing tom (horse)
  tom hiddleston mind-principle (tiger)
  - dislike seeing taylor (snake)
  harry styles
  1 February 1994
  source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Styles,_Harry
  year : rooster
  day : horse
  month : ox

  taylor swift feeling of dislike toward harry is same
  as dislike toward tom hiddleston, both harry and tom
  has same birth day(horse) and birth year(rooster)
  harry styles
  - likes seeing taylor swift
  - dislike hearing taylor swift
  calvin harris
  17 January 1984 at 17:22 (= 5:22 PM )
  source :
  year : pig
  day : dog
  month : ox
  hour : rooster
  calvin harris
  - likes seeing taylor swift to a maximum degree
   both mind-skill and mind-principle like seeing 
   taylor's snake appearance
  - dislikes hearing taylor swift 
   mind-principle ox month, dislike hearing
   taylor swift's voice ram month
  taylor swift 
  - since taylor swift birth hour has bad trustworthiness rating,
   can not comment now.
 katy perry and taylor swift don't get along
 source : https://www.facebook.com/FarrahAbrahamOfficial/posts/1899817223376533
 katy perry
 25 October 1984 
 year: mouse
 day : dragon
 month : dog
 hour : dragon ( 7:58 am )
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Perry,_Katy
 from google 'astro data bank'
 katy perry score toward taylor swift : 2 dislikes (-2)
 - katy's mind-principle (dog month) dislike hearing taylor's voice (ram day)
 - katy's mind-skill (dragon hour) dislike hearing taylor's voice (ram day)
38. (written 27 june 2016)
 jamie strachan
 8 feb 1981
 year : rooster
 day : snake
 month : tiger
 source : 
 dakota fanning
 23 February 1994 at 10:00 (= 10:00 AM )
 year : dog
 day : dragon
 month : tiger
 hour : snake
 source : 
 jamie :
  - mind-principle (tiger) likes dakota's appearance (dog)
 dakota :
  - mind-principle (tiger) dislikes jamie's voice (snake)
  - mind-skill (snake) likes jamie's voice (snake)
  - mind-skill (snake) likes jamie's appearance (rooster)
 dakota score of feeling toward jamie :
 1 ( 2 likes, 1 dislike )
39. (written 28 june 2016)
 lisa presley divorced michael lockwood
 michael lockwood
 22 May 1961
 year : ox
 day : rabbit, monday
 month : snake
 hour : n/a
 without birth hour data : 
  score toward lisa marie presley :
   0 (1 dislike, 1 like)
  does not like seeing lisa apperance
 lisa presley
 1 February 1968 at 17:01 (= 5:01 PM )
 source :
 1 February 1968
 year : monkey
 day : ox, monday
 month : ox
 hour : rooster
 score toward michael lockwood :
  1 (2 likes, 1 dislike)
 does not like hearing michael's voice.
 score toward nicolas cage :
  -2 (2 dislike, 0 like)
  rooster birth hour mind-skill dislike
  rabbit voice, rabbit apperance

 nicolas cage
 7 January 1964 at 05:30 (= 05:30 AM )
 source :
 year : rabbit
 day : rabbit, monday
 month : ox (doppelganger of lisa marie presley)
 hour : rabbit
 score toward lisa :
  1 ( 1 like, 0 dislike)
  mind-principle likes hearing lisa's voice
 michael jackson
 29 August 1958 at 19:33 (= 7:33 PM ) assume 7:33pm is right
 because that's what his grandma said
 source : 
 year : dog
 day : tiger, monday
 month : monkey
 hour : dog
 score toward lisa :
  0 ( 1 like, 1 dislike)
  - mind skill shutdown when hearing lisa's voice

40. (written 30 june 2016)
 david foster
 1 november 1949
 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Foster
 year : ox
 day : ram
 month : dog

 yolanda herik
 11 January 1964
 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yolanda_Hadid
 year : rabbit
 day : ram
 month : ox

 david foster's :
 - dog mind-principle dislike hearing yolanda's ram voice
 yolanda herik's :
 - ox mind-principle dislike hearing david's ram voice
 - ox mind-principle like seeing david's ox apperance
 they divorced
 source :
41. (written 26 july 2016)
 prince harry, ex-gf chelsy davy, ex-gf cressida bonas,
 prince william, kate middleton :
 prince harry :
 15 September 1984 4:20 pm
 year : rat
 day : rat
 month : rooster
 hour : monkey
 source :
 chelsy davy
 13 October 1985
 year : ox
 day : rooster
 month : dog
 hour : n/a
 source :
 cressida bonas
 18 February 1989
 year : snake
 day : rooster
 month : tiger
 hour : n/a
 source : 
 kate middleton 
 9 January 1982
 year : rooster
 day : dragon
 month : ox
 hour : n/a
 source :
 prince william
 21 June 1982 at 21:03 (= 9:03 PM )
 year : dog
 day : pig
 month : horse
 hour : pig
 source :

 prince harry :
 - mind-principle rooster month, likes seeing and hearing
  chelsy davy (ox apperance, rooster voice).
   score : 2 (0 dislike, 2 likes)
 chelsy davy :
 - without birth hour data, 
 score : 0 (0 dislike, 0 like)
 prince harry :
 - mind-principle rooster month, likes seeing and hearing
  cressida bonas (snake apperance, rooster voice).
 - mind-skill monkey hour, dislike seeing cressida bonas
   (snake apperance)
   score : 1 (1 dislike, 2 likes)
 cressida bonas :
 - without birth hour data, 
 score : 0 (0 dislike, 0 like)
 prince harry prefer chelsy davy rather than 
 cressida bonas
 kate middleton receive more love from prince harry
 than prince william.
 prince william feeling toward kate middleton :
 - mind-principle horse month dislike seeing
   kate appearance (rooster), 
   neutral when hearing kate voice (dragon)
 - mind-skill pig hour feels neutral when seeing, hearing
   from kate (rooster appearance, dragon voice).
  score : -1 (1 dislike, 0 like)
 prince harry feeling toward kate :
 - mind-principle rooster month likes seeing kate apperance
   (rooster year)
  - mind-skill monkey hour likes hearing kate voice 
  (dragon day)
  score : 2 (0 dislike, 2 likes)
  both mind-principle and mind-skill of prince harry, 
  sparkle when seeing or hearing kate.

42. (written 10 august 2016)
 #theory-2 can prove this as well#
 why relationship between 
 chris brown and rihanna, fails?
 according to theory 1 :
 - chris brown's voice (ox)
   conflict with rihanna's mind-skill (dragon)
 chris brown :
  - snake mind-principle likes hearing
    rihanna's voice (snake)
 chris score toward rihanna :
 1 (1 like, 0 dislike)
 according to theory 2 :
 - their months conflict each other.
  if chris brown's birth month is snake
   their birth months, snake and tiger
   months, is in conflict.
 rihanna :
  - dragon mind-skill
    does not like listening to chris brown's
   ox voice.
  - tiger mind-principle 
   does not like seeing chris brown's
   appearance (snake)
 rihanna score toward chris : 
 -2 (0 like, 2 dislikes)  
 chris brown 
 5 May 1989 12:30 pm hour accuracry rating a
 year : snake
 day : ox, friday
 month : maybe snake, maybe dragon
 hour : horse
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Brown,_Chris
 20 February 1988 8:50 am hour accuracy rating c
 year : dragon
 day : snake, saturday
 month : tiger
 hour : dragon
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Rihanna

43. (written 14 august 2016)
 radek stepanek, martina hingis, nicole vladisova
 why radek and martina fails ?
  - radek's mind-principle pig month dislike
   seeing martina's appearance monkey year
  - martina's mind-principle rooster month
   dislike seeing radek's apperance 
   rooster year
  - martina's mind-principle rooster month
   likes hearing radek's voice
   snake day
  without birth hour data :
   radek score toward martina :
   -1 (0 like, 1 dislike)
 why radek and nicole fails ?
  - radek's mind-principle pig month dislike
   seeing nicole's appearance snake year
  - without birth hour data, 
     nicole feels neutral toward radek, 
     0 (0 like, 0 dislike)
  - without birth hour data :
   radek score toward nicole :
   -1 (0 like, 1 dislike)
 27 November 1978
 year : horse
 day : snake, monday
 month : pig
 birth data : unknonw
 30 September 1980
 year : monkey
 day : horse, monday
 month : rooster
 birth data : unknonw

 23 April 1989
 year : snake
 day : ox, sunday
 month : dragon

44. (written 15 august 2016)
 dean mcdermott cheated on tori spelling
 source : 
 'It was later confirmed that the reason for McDermott's rehab was due to alcoholism and suicidal thoughts after cheating on Tori Spelling.[16]'
 in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_McDermott
 dean mcdermott 
 16 November 1966
 year : horse
 day : rabbit, monday
 month : pig
 score without birth hour :
 - toward tori :
  0 (0 dislike, 0 like)
 - toward mary :
  0 (1 dislike, 1 like)
 tori spelling
 16 May 1973 at 01:13 (= 01:13 AM ) AA birth hour credibility
 year : ox
 day : rat, monday
 month : snake
 hour : ram
 score toward dean mcdermott :
  1 (likes hearing dean's voice)
 score toward charlie
  0 (likes hearing charlie's voice, 
     dislikes seeing charlies' apperance)

 Mary Jo Eustace
 1 May 1962
 year : tiger
 day : pig, monday
 month : dragon
 score without birthhour :
 toward dean mcdermott :
 - neutral
 charlie shanian
 1 January 1965
 year : dragon
 day : rabbit, monday
 month : rat
 source :
 from google 'Charlie Shanian  1965'
 without birthhour :
  1 (0 dislike, 1 like)
  score toward tori : 
  - mouse mind-principle 
    likes hearing tori's voice (mouse)

45. (written 18 august 2016)
 kirstie alley birth month is ox (mind-principle ox).
 bill clinton's brith day is ox day (ox voice)
 kirstie alley likes hearing bill's voice.
 source :

 kirstie alley
 12 january 1951

 19 August 1946 at 08:51 (= 08:51 AM )
 source :http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clinton,_Bill
 year : dog
 day : ox
 month : monkey
 hour : dragon

47. johnny depp, vanesa paradis
 johnny depp 8:44 am credibility 'aa'
 9 June 1963
 year : rabbit
 day : ram, monday
 month : horse
 hour : dragon
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Depp,_Johnny
 score toward vanesa : 0 (1 like, 1 dislike)
 score toward amber : 2 (2 likes, 0 dislike)
 vanesa paradis
 22 December 1972 5:10 am credibility 'aa'
 year : rat
 day : pig, monday
 month : rat
 hour : rabbit
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Paradis,_Vanessa
 score toward johnny : 1 (2 likes, 1 dislike)

 amber heard
 22 April 1986
 year : tiger
 day : monkey, tuesday
 month : dragon
 source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Heard
 score toward johnny without birthhour :
 - neutral (no like, no dislike)
48. jim carrey, cathriona white, lauren holly
source : 
'less than' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Carrey

 jim carrey 
 17 January 1962 at 02:30 (= 02:30 AM )
 year : ox
 day : rabbit, monday
 month : ox
 hour : ox
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Carrey,_Jim
 score toward cathriona : 
  0 (2 dislikes for voice, 2 likes for appearance)
 score toward lauren : 
  -2 (2 dislikes for voice, 0 like), 
   marriage duration less than 1 year

 cathriona white
 14 sep 1985
 year : ox
 day : dragon, saturday
 month : rooster
 source : http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4349738/
 without birthhour score toward jim : 
  0 (1 like for appearance, 1 dislike for voice)
 cathriona commit suicide 28 sep 2015
 lauren holly
 28 October 1963
 year : rabbit
 day : dragon, monday
 month : dog

49. (written 18 oct 2016)
 both paul ryan and donald trump are republican but
 paul ryan does not want donald trump to win 
 2016 presidential election
 source : 
 1. https://www.facebook.com/aol/posts/1254688407887835
 2. https://www.facebook.com/bloombergbusiness/posts/10154898869771880
 paul ryan
 29 January 1970 02:37 am AA birth hour credibility rating
 month : ox
 hour : ox
 year : rooster
 day : rooster
 score toward donald : -4
  * maximum/double disagreement listening to donald
  * maximum/double disagreement meeting donald
 source : http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Ryan,_Paul
 donald trump (written 8 june 2016)
  14 June 1946 10:54 AM AA birth hour credibility rating
  year : dog
 day : ram
 month : horse
 hour : snake
 score toward paul : 0
  * 1 disagreement meeting and listening to paul
  * 1 agreement meeting and listening to paul
 source :
50. (written 7 nov 2016)
 timea likes hearing advice from stan
 timea birh month is horse (horse mind-principle)
 stan birth day is tiger (tiger voice)
 source : 
51) [written 6 nov 2018 3:34 pm est]
     6 May 1961 2:58 am est
     year : ox
     day : pig
     day :  monday.source:https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clooney,_George
     5 March 1959
     year : pig
     day : dog
     hour :unknown
     day :  monday.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talia_Balsam from 'Talia Balsam' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&oldid=529274151
    reason:1)george's ox-hour-skill breakdown during hearing talia's dog-day-voice.
           2)george's month-principle does not like seeing talia-pig-year-appearance.
    lisa-snowdown.5-year.source:'Since the end of her on-off five-year relationship with Clooney the Britain's Next Top Model judge says she has been living a lonely life.' in https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1043116/Ive-celibate-year--Men-dont-think-match-Clooney-say-Lisa-Snowdon.html from ref-65 in 'five-year on-again, off-again relationship with her.[65]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&oldid=529274151
     23 January 1972
     year : pig
     day : ox
     day :  monday
    reason:george's snake-month-principle does not like seeing lisa-pig-year-appearance.
    stacy-keibler(jul-2011=>jul-2013).source:'In July 2011, Clooney started dating former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler,[81] and they ended their relationship in July 2013.[82][83]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&oldid=587442532 from ' 23:32, 23 December 2013‎ FrozenIcicle96' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&action=history&year=2013&month=-1&tagfilter=
     14 October 1979
     year : ram
     day : tiger
     day :  monday
     reason:1)george's snake-month-principle does not like hearing stacy's tiger-voice-day.
            2)george's ox-hour-skill breakdown during seeing stacy's ram-year-appearance.
    kelly-preston (1987–1989)
     13 October 1962
     year : tiger
     day : monkey
     day :  monday
   renee-zellweger (2001)
     25 April 1969
     year : rooster
     day : horse
     day :  monday
   krista-allen (2002–2008)
     5 April 1971
     year : pig
     day : monkey
     day :  monday
    source:'Clooney has also dated actresses Kelly Preston (1987–1989), Renée Zellweger (2001) and Krista Allen (2002–2008) as well as French reality TV personality Céline Balitran (1996–1999).[71][72][73][74][75]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&oldid=529274151

[addition 22 aug 2024 2:2 pm est]
 52. pete-buttigieg ( usa-transportation-secretary )
     19 January 1982 [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_Buttigieg ]
     year : rooster
     day : tiger
     day :  tuesday

     23 June 1989 [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chasten_Buttigieg from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_Buttigieg ]
     year : snake
     day : tiger
     day :  friday
[/addition 22 aug 2024 2:2 pm est]

matchmaking calculation by matching month and month,
matching hour and hour, matching year and year (theory 2), 
maybe is false because theory-2 cannot prove why these event happen :
1)sean penn and robin wright (compatible months:monkey-dragon,
  incompatible years:horse-mouse)
  see above list #9 to see how theory 1 explain this
2)ben affleck and jennifer garner 
  (compatible month:monkey-dragon, neutral on years:mouse-mouse)
  see above list #20 to see how theory 1 explain this
3)angelina jolie and billy bob thornton 
  (compatible years:rabbit-ram, compatible days:snake-rooster)
  see above list #23 to see how theory 1 explain this
4)gavin and gwen
  (compatible years :snake-rooster, incompatible days:snake-pig)
  see above list #30 to see how theory 1 explain this, theory 1 cannot
  prove this because birthhour lacks.
5)roger federer and his twin daughters
  (compatible years:rooster-ox)
  see above list #29 to see how theory 1 explain this
6)if chris brown born in snake month then 
  chris brown's month (snake) conflicts with
  rihanna's month (tiger).
7)michael lockwood and lisa marie presley
  find 'michael lockwood' in theory 1 section
8)dean mcdermott cheated on tori spelling, their birth month
  conflict proves theory 2 correct but theory 1 also
  can prove why dean mcdermott cheated because dean
  feels neutral toward tori (no like no dislike, empty)
9)same birth month fails : nicolas cage and lisa marie presley
10)tom hiddleston and taylor swift
   their birth years are compatible, birth days are neutral,
   birth months are neutral
11)jim carrey and cathriona white
   their birth month are compatible, ox month and rooster month
12)timea likes hearing voice of stan
   their birth month are not compatible, timea born in
   horse month, stan born in rabbit month.
   their birth years are compatible, timea birth year is snake,
   stan birth year is ox.
   more info : find 'timea likes hearing advice from stan' 
   in this text
13)usa-republican-senator (south-carolina) mark-sanford
   born:28 May 1960
    year : rat
    day : dragon
    day :  monday
    month:snake.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_zodiac#Months_and_solar_terms from google 'chinese astrology' result 3
   and ex-wife jenny-sullivan
   born:11 September 1962
    year : tiger
    day : rat
    day :  monday
    month:chicken.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_zodiac#Months_and_solar_terms from google 'chinese astrology' result 3
  source:{}https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny_Sanford {}https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Sanford
    6 May 1961 2:58 am est
    year : ox
    day : pig
    day :  monday
   thinking divorcing amal-clooney
    3 February 1978
    year : snake
    day : monkey
    day :  monday
   theory-2 can not explain why this happen?
    their months are compatible.
   theory-1 say george's snake-month-principle can not endure hearing
    amal's monkey-day-voice.
    from 'George divorcing Amal? What's really going on ' in http://www.msn.com -> front-page-news from ref-47 in 'company's board of directors.[46][47]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marissa_Mayer#cite_ref-MM-B-18_47-0

theory-1 and theory-2 fail to explain this event:
    6 May 1961 2:58 am est
    year : ox
    day : pig
    day :  monday.source:https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clooney,_George

    separate from

    12 September 1978 12:45 pm sassari-italy-time-zone
     year : horse
     day : ox
     month : chicken
     hour: horse
     day :  monday.source:https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Canalis,_Elisabetta from 'Canalis, Elisabetta' in https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clooney,_George
   source:1)'July 30, 2009 03:35 PM ' in https://people.com/celebrity/who-is-george-clooneys-new-italian-girl/
          2)'Wednesday','June 22, 2011 03:10 PM ' in https://people.com/celebrity/george-clooney-elisabetta-canalis-split/
          3)from ref-68,ref-69 in 'Clooney was in a relationship with Italian actress Elisabetta Canalis until they split in June 2011.[67][68][69]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&oldid=529274151  from '13:26, 22 December 2012‎ CAWylie' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&action=history&year=2012&month=-1&tagfilter=
   separation reason:unknown.source:
   '“We are not together anymore. It’s very difficult and very personal, and we
   hope everyone can respect our privacy,” Clooney and Canalis said in a joint
   statement Wednesday.' in https://people.com/celebrity/george-clooney-elisabetta-canalis-split/ from ref-67 in 'In July 2009, Clooney was in a relationship with Italian actress Elisabetta Canalis until they split in June 2011.[67][68][69]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&oldid=529274151 from '13:26, 22 December 2012‎ CAWylie' in https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_Clooney&action=history&year=2012&month=-1&tagfilter=

theory-1/my-theory fail but theory-2 succeed explaining this event:
 (1)laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha:4-may-1975 4:44 am pdt usa->california-state->modesto-city -> 24-dec-2002
    year : rabbit
    day : dog
    day :  monday
    hour:tiger in pdt and pst (3:44 am pst)

    scott-peterson:24-oct-1972 9:36 am pdt usa->california-state->san-diego-city
    year : rat
    day : rat
    day :  monday
    hour:snake in pdt, dragon in pst (8:36 am pst)
    using pst:
    laci-dog-voice is being liked by scott-dog-month-mind-principle
                   is being hated by scott-dragon-hour-mind-skill
                   score : 0
    using pdt:
    laci-dog-voice is being liked by scott-dog-month-mind-principle
                   is being heard in neutral way by scott-snake-hour-mind-skill
                   score : 1
    score : 0 is not bad-enough to make scott-peterson kill laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha,
    so theory-1/my-theory fail to explain why scott-peterson kill laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha.
    but a clock during summer time in usa, is unusable because summer in usa has sun-rise 6 am edt
    sun-set 9:00 pm edt.
    clock should follow sun-dial-time-zone. sun-dial is unusable during summer in usa.
    clock/sun-dial only usable for whole year in equator where sun-rise 6 am, sun-set 6 pm for whole year.
    chinese-astrology-birth-hour follow clock on equator.
    but theory-1/my-theory maybe still succeed if:
     (1)laci-denise-peterson/laci-denise-rocha is scott-peterson 1st-girlfriend/start-up-wife
    because ppl don't know how valuable their belonging is until ppl lose that belonging.
30 May 1958
year : dog
day : ram
day :  monday

25 December 1954
year : horse
day : rabbit
day :  monday

30 March 1968
year : monkey
day : pig
day :  monday

1 September 1957
year : rooster
day : rat
day :  monday

24 July 1969
year : rooster
day : rat
day :  monday

2 December 1978
year : horse
day : dog
day :  monday

18 March 1963
year : rabbit
day : monkey
day :  monday

26 November 1939
year : rabbit
day : rabbit
day :  monday

year : pig
day : horse
day :  monday

18 December 1980
year : monkey
day : ox
day :  monday

14 February 1959
year : pig
day : rabbit
day :  monday

19 April 1965
year : snake
day : rabbit
day :  monday

18 September 1971
year : pig
day : horse
day :  monday

16 September 1976
year : dragon
day : ram
day :  monday

7 November 1926
year : tiger
day : rat
day :  monday

2 March 1961
year : ox
day : horse
day :  monday

27 February 1970
year : dog
day : tiger
day :  monday

2 December 1923
year : pig
day : rooster
day :  monday

14 August 1960
year : rat
day : dog
day :  monday

13 December 1989
year : snake
day : ram
day :  wednesday

28 May 1968
year : monkey
day : dog
day :  monday

27 September 1984
year : rat
day : rat
day :  thursday

22 November 1962
year : tiger
day : rat
day :  monday

maki-mori:https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A3%AE%E9%BA%BB%E5%AD%A3_(%E6%AD%8C%E6%89%8B) from ja.wikipedia->search(森麻季) from '森麻季' in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB61ofvLrOU (千の風になって Maki Mori)
19 August 1970
year : dog
day : ram
day :  monday

30 March 1967
year : ram
day : snake
day :  monday

28 August 1966
year : horse
day : ram
day :  monday

27 June 1963
year : rabbit
day : ox
day :  monday
other topic:
(1)does same chinese-astrology-month create same taste for car?
   1)somehow usa-federal-president advisor jared-kushner's car during his study in harvard-university:
     https://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a8293534/who-is-jared-kushner-trump-administration/ from google (jared kushner car) result 7
      north-korea leader kim-jong-un's car:https://news.joins.com/article/20602725 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_state_car from wikipedia-search (president car) result 1
     jared-kushner birthday:10-jan-1981 -> ox-month.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Kushner#25_dec_2018_9_53_am_est
     kim-jong-un birthday:8-jan-1982 -> ox-month.source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Jong-un#25_dec_2018_9_52_am_est
     so maybe ppl born in ox-month like that car...
(2)maybe 6 year difference, suggest opposition, inversion.

   because weather-season during australia-20/21-june-solstice/horse-month, equals 
           weather-season during usa-21/22-december-solstice/rat-mouse-month.

   there are 6 month difference between horse-month and rat-mouse-month.

   so if trying to match australia-person and usa-person then
   australia-person-birth-month-animal must be inversed 1st.

   chinese-astrology was made in china, a place located above equator-line, so person-birth-month-animal for 
   birth-place under equator-line, must be inversed 1st.
   maybe 6-month-opposition is good for work-place because decreasing competition for 1 job-category.
   maybe doppelganger is good for romance because doppelganger can eat same food.
   cooking 1 same food is easier than cooking 2 different food.
   i realise 6-month-opposition can be bad for work-place,
   example:2 person with 6-month-opposition can mean person-1 is drug-maker/drug-seller, person-2 is drug-auditor.
(3)during special-moon-phase on earth ( for all time-zone ) , which is the start of adaptation to newly-changed-moon-gravity-direction : 
   maybe produce more mistake , especially if china-astrology-4-pillar's
   birth-hour , birth-month , birth-day , birth-year , conflict with : current month , current year , current hour .
   special-moon-phase is :
   (1)1/2 moon ( neap-ocean-tide ) because moon-gravity direction change from weakening to strengthening . 
   (2)dark-moon ( spring-ocean-tide ) , full-moon ( spring-ocean-tide ) because moon-gravity direction change from strengthening to weakening.

   because moon-gravity maybe affect water inside living-thing .
   [source:'It's well known that the moon affects the earth's oceans and rivers with its gravitational pull. It is less known that the moon also affects
            the water contained in the human body' in https://www.moonconnection.com/moon-diet.phtml from google (moon calendar) result 6]

  so special-moon-phase-event maybe should become rest-day , working-day-for-emergency-reason-only . 
(4)a person should avoid doing non-necessary-work like studying new topic , during :
	(1)birth-hour-china-astrology-animal conflict with current-hour-china-astrology-animal
	(2)birth-hour-china-astrology-animal equal current-hour-china-astrology-animal
   if working during those hour then this bad luck maybe happen : 
	(1)accidentally make mistake 
	(2)digestion problem 
	(3)choosing wrong career-path which produce wrong salary-money-source which produce wrong girl-friend , wrong boy-friend

   do emergency-work only during those hour , example : sleeping , consuming food , bathing , grooming .
   use normal/standard-time-zone , which is set by (clock-science/horologie)-worker during equinox-day ( 22 mar , 22 sep ) , 
   maybe on all place on earth with sun-dial . 
   avoid using day-light-saving-time-zone because day-light-saving-time-zone is set by government with goal :
	(1)so school-student depart to school during sun-light already available 
	(2)so day-time's office-worker finish working during sun-light is still available

  (1)ocean-animal-food , chicken ( food for non-fucker but physical-fighter , lawsuit-fighter ) maybe create pressure to work 
       during rat , rabbit , rooster , horse hour .

  (2)ruminant-herbivore-animal ( clean-not-willing-to-consume-feces , tetra-gastric-fucker also-known-as 4-room-stomach which has meaning : 
     highest-efficiency-converter of grass-and-grain-to-meat ) , which is food for physical-labor-worker :
     cow , Lamb , goat , usa-moose/eurasia-elk , deer , maybe create pressure to work during ox , ram , dog , dragon hour . 
     tri-gastric-fucker : alpaca . [source : 'Alpacas, like other camelids, have a 3-chambered stomach; combined with chewing cud, this 3-chambered system allows maximum extraction of nutrients from low-quality forages. Alpacas are not ruminants, pseudo-ruminants, or modified ruminants, as there are many differences between anatomy and physiology of a camelid and a ruminant stomach.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpaca ]

      ( torah/israel-old-testament-food-diet and islam-alquran says 
       says that is food for clean-fucker/circumcised-fucker/condom-fucker because torah-and-alquran recommend circumcision . 

      [source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khitan_(circumcision)#6_apr_2022_3_27_pm_edt from 'khitan (circumcision)' 
	      in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khitan#6_apr_2022_3_27_pm_edt from 'khitan' in https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunat#6_apr_2022_3_25_pm_edt ]

      but hindu worship-and-avoid-consuming that ruminant-herbivore-animal .
      so ruminant-herbivore-animal is food for clean-fucker/circumcised-fucker for making kid .

      but i don't know does circumcision-surgeon consume pig/pork or not ?

      but reality : cow is willing to consume pig-fat and cow-farmer give pig-fat to cow so consuming cow 
      can automatically-mean consuming pig . 
      [source : find 'and 100 % fat sources, namely pork tallow and canola oil' in
                https://albertamilk.com/ask-dairy-farmer/what-do-dairy-cows-eat/ from google(dairy cow feed)result 1 or
 		in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm]

     ejecting-urine is a way to eject-virus and
     if urine-debris stuck underneath moist non-circumcised-penis-foreskin 
     then some virus also stuck underneath that moist non-circumcised-penis-foreskin . 
     dryness help make virus sleep ( non-active ) , moist-environment help make 
     virus stay active-and-replicating-and-(lysis/self-destruct-to-do-splash-damage-to-organ) .
     so circumcised-penis is cleaner than non-circumcised-penis .

     non-circumicised-penis maybe carry bad-luck because smearing cow-blood to house-interior-paint maybe bring bad-luck to that house .
     urine-debris maybe contain cow-protein , which is proof-of-cow-murder .

     a way to test do we need to respect animal ?
     chicken-farmer can do business :
     (1) customer spray strong water-stream to chicken inside cage ,
         customer throw ice-cube to chicken inside cage .
     (2) customer donate money voluntarily to that chicken-farmer
     (3) wait maximum 6 month then same customer can repeat
         because usually after 6 month time-duration , punishment happen .

     maybe catholic-religion-pope ideally must do that then write story about what happen 6 month later .
     why chicken ? because chicken is small , does not need large space to do that experiment .

     cow is not willing to hang-around near feces , not willing to consume feces .

  (3)non-ruminant-herbivore-animal with mono-gastric-fucker also-known-as 1-room-stomach which has meaning : 
     poor-efficiency-converter of grass-and-grain-to-meat 
     [source : 'As horses are relatively poor converters of grass and grain to meat compared to cattle,[10]' in 
		https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_meat ]

     , and which is food for physical-labor-worker :
       pork/pig , horse , rabbit , maybe create pressure to work during monkey , pig , snake , tiger hour .
     ( torah , islam-alquran forbid consuming mono-gastric-herbivore )

     but hindu consume that mono-gastric-herbivore and hindu->sikhism forbid circumcision  .
     [source : 'Sikhism strongly rejects the beliefs of fasting (vrata), superstitions, idol worship,[67][68] and circumcision.[69][70]'
	        in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_India#6_apr_2022_4_22_pm_edt
		from search ( hindu circumcision ) result 9 ]

      pig , cat-fish , is willing to consume feces , pig was ancient-toilet .
      so pig is food for dirty-fucker/non-circumcised-fucker for making kid .

      reality : some virginia-ham-pig-famer give peanut to virginia-ham-pig ( high-class pig ) . 
      because some people can digest peanut , some people can not digest peanut .
      [source :  'Genuine Smithfield hams [are those] cut from the carcasses of peanut-fed hogs, raised in the peanut-belt of the Commonwealth
		  of Virginia or the State of North Carolina, and which are cured, treated, smoked, and processed in the town of Smithfield, in
		  the Commonwealth of Virginia.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithfield_ham
		 'Smithfield ham, sometimes called "Virginia ham", is a type of country ham which is protected by state law, and can only be
		 produced in the town of Smithfield.[206]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia
		 and from 'virginia ham' in movie-american-president whose actor is michael-douglas. ]

      human is mono-gastric-fucker , but 1-st human maybe can not become herbivore because need sweet-oil to produce significant-energy .
      and digestible sweet-oil is from mixture-of-honey-or-cane-sugar-powder-and-palm-oil-or-olive-oil . 
      bland-veggie-oil produce steatorrhea/oil-diarrhea . so need hindu-caste sweet-vegan-cookie-maker-caste who consume unknown animal-meat to get
      energy to work with cookie-maker-machine then other hindu-caste vegan-caste can exist via consuming sweet-vegan-cookie .

  chocolate , sugar , decrease desire to fuck but curiosity-desire to pursue romance-relationship maybe remain , blockage from 
  gynecology-education maybe remain because non-gynecology-educated male is more likely to fuck .
  maybe male-gynecologist ( male-vagina-expert ) , does not have reason to rape and never rape .
  maybe male-gynecologist never consume cow-steak , Lamb-chop , deer-jerky/venison , pork-chop .
  maybe male-gynecologist only willing to consume shrimp , lobster , oyster , fish , chicken .
  maybe male-gynecologist , other surgeon receive medical-education from germany->nazi-human-experiment , 
   japan-imperial-army->unit-731-human-experiment .

 if consuming cheap fish-burger then fisher-man maybe become communicator/governor for all fish-burger-consumer , can somehow
  arrange meeting with other fish-burger-consumer , maybe via reading other fish-burger-consumer's youtube.com-comment . 

 so like honda.com-driver is more likely to meet other honda.com-driver inside honda.com->service-shop for periodic engine-oil-renewal , etc .

 maybe consuming Lamb-chop and not fucking , decrease that person's money because that person does not maximise usage of that Lamb-chop's nutrient
 ( under-utilisation of Lamb-chop's nutrient ) just like someone who only partially-fill water-relocator-bucket with water from water-bucket-1
 to relocate water from water-bucket-1 to water-bucket-2 . which means under-utilisation of that water-relocator-bucket .
 that person should fully-fill water-relocator-bucket with water from water-bucket-1 to relocate water 
 from water-bucket-1 to water-bucket-2 , to maximise water-capacity-usage of that water-relocator-bucket . 
 example : 
 (1)a rich man consume Lamb-chop then see a woman with good beautician-skill wear cosmetics , than that rich man do erection , feel happy then
    some minute later that rich man meet beggar who beg for money , then that rich man will feel sorry and depressed , 
    so after some mental-roller-coaster that man decide to give money to beggar . so maybe Lamb-chop's male-consumer can not become rich .
    because :
    (1)money is government-paper showing number and patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor's face , 
       so more money means seeing more patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor's face .
       maybe we become object that we see frequently , eventually , and if we refuse then destiny make us stop seeing that object .
       example : if our computer-wallpaper show nice-car and we use that computer frequently and see that nice-car-wallpaper frequently
        then eventually we have ability to buy that nice-car . if we have ability to buy that nice-car and we still not buying that nice-car then
        eventually we change computer-wallpaper because we feel not having entitlement to see that nice-car anymore .
        that nice-car say to computer-user : you have money to buy me but you still don't buy me , why still wanting to see me in computer-wallpaper ?
    (2)during erection : man feel arrogant and feel desire-to-order-governing-order-for-suction-action-or-fucking-action , 
       and there is money ( which provide illusion-of-governorship ) available , but that man can not implement/do-task
       order-governing-order-for-suction-action-or-fucking-action . 
       failure to implement/do-task order-governing-order-for-suction-action-or-fucking-action
       make that man feel not deserve to keep that money ( illusion-of-governorship ) because money is like government-paper telling money-owner
       to become patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor like that patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor shown on paper-money . 
       then money-owner feel incompetent(not-competent-enough-to-become-patriotic-hero/gun-owner/governor) 
       and felt ashamed ( non-arrogant ) during refusing to give money to that beggar . 
    (3)Lamb-chop-cholesterol boost pride-and-morale making people feel good and arrogant . 
       man-with-pride will refuse to be called incompetent .
    so maybe money should show only : (1)white-color-number on black-color-paper (2)symbol of genuinity (with explanation 'genuinity-symbol :') .
    we always see black-color/darkness during night-time so we are competent enough to own black-color-environment during night-time .

    but money often is not a good tool to measure value-score of material , because material's value-score depends-on customer-appetite .
    (1) money can not measure music's value-score . 
	 example : person-1 say music-1 has score 100/100 , music-2 has score 0/100 , 
		   person-2 say music-1 has score 0/100   , music-2 has score 100/100 .
                   even-though both music's price is 1 usd in music-mp3-downloadable-shop .
		   but music-creator maybe want as-many-people-as-possible listening to his/her music so music-creator want to write low price for 
		   his/her music . because maybe music-creator want to decrease forest-fire via decreasing people's mental-stress , digruntled-feeling
		   after working and know correct-religion but refuse to publicly-oppose catholic-religion then decide to publish music as 
                   proof that music-creator has correct-religion needed to make music which produce peaceful-mind which is better than
                   catholic-religion which :
		   (1)has history of doing crusader-holy-war , 
		   (2)has body-guard-protection from swiss-guard ( switzerland-country's military-soldier ) 
                      so maybe catholic-religion believe that gun is part-of-god or maybe under pressure from switzerland-country to accept
		      protection from switzerland-country's soldier . 
		      catholic-religion-pope-solder's/swiss-guard's gun : 
			hugo-schmeisser->dreyse-1907 , sig->p-220-and-mkpo , glock->19 , sig->sg-550-and-552 , hispano-suiza->mp-43 , 
			heckler-and-koch->mp-7 [ source : find 'swiss guard' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm

		   maybe creator of nice music , does not have gun .

    (2) money can not measure color's value-score . 
	 example : color-maker say black-color has score 0/100 because black-color is cheapest-color .
		  person-1 like black-color-car then say black-color-car has score 100/100 .

    (3) money can not measure ice-cream's flavor's value-score . 
	 example : ice-cream-maker write score according to flavor-ingredient-price .
		   ice-cream-buyer write score according to ice-cream-buyer-appetite .

    (4) money can not measure video-game's value-score . because customer's preference for video-game , is different .
	example : (1) some customer prefer to play 2-d shoot-them-up video-game-genre , 
		      some customer prefer to play 3-d 1-st-person-shooter video-game-genre .
		  (2) some customer prefer 2-d fighting-game , some customer prefer 3-d fighting-game .

        seller maybe simply sell all different video-game-genre with same price .  

    (5) maybe some customer prefer silver rather-than gold . because some customer think gold appear like yellow-urine . 
	but jewelry-seller think gold has higher-price than silver because gold is more rare . 
        and chemist think gold is the most corrosion-resistant-material so chemist want gold to have higher-price than silver .

    (6) some customer think jeep.com->wrangler's spare-tire on rear-door is convenient , 
	then think jeep.com->wrangler ideally must have value higher than jeep.com->grand-cherokee-version-track-hawk 
        which has cool-appearance .
	but jeep.com sell jeep.com->grand-cherokee-version-track-hawk with price higher than jeep.com->wrangler .
	there is volkswagen.com->passat-estate ( 40,000 usd ) , volkswagen.com->tiguan-suv ( 40,000 usd ) and some customer prefer 

        volkswagen.com->passat-estate with deficiency :
	 (1)has risk of hitting road-bump during going from down-hill-slope to flat-road 
	 (2)short-stature-person need to stand on chair-stool to open engine-hood and do maintenance-work
	 (3)shorter-distance front-lamp coverage can not see deer on road , from far-away .
 	 (4)smaller cargo-space for international-flight luggage , so maybe need to go back-and-forth to airport more than 1 time to carry all
	    international-flight luggage .

        volkswagen.com->passat-estate with benefit :
         (1)maybe more light-weight than volkswagen.com->tiguan-suv
	 (2)during driving : can see short-stature-toddler more clearly in-front-of front-bumper 

        consuming pig/pork maybe causes higher 'risk of hitting road-bump during going from down-hill-slope to flat-road' .
        so if that car will be used by male , female ( which is more likely to consume pig/pork because-of menstruation and needing strength 
	to baby-sit baby ) then maybe choose volkswagen.com->tiguan-suv .

    (7) some customer prefer new desktop video-game-computer rather-than pricey very-old-wine 156,450 usd [source : 'Chateau Lafite 1787 – $156,450' in find '---https://wealthygorilla.com/most-expensive-wines/ from google ( most expensive wine ) result 2' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ] .
        but wine-maker maybe retaliate-with-saying very-old-wine is chrono-trigger-beverage , 
        drinking chrono-trigger-beverage can rewind time then change history .
        fo example : toddler drink that chrono-trigger-beverage then toddler who does not have money , has skill needed to change history .
                     which means still prove this statement to be correct : 'money often is not a good tool to measure value-score of material' .

    (8) some customer prefer cheap table-clock rather-than pricey switzerland-country-made wrist-clock which produce arm-sweat during wearing .

    (9) arab-country ( qatar , ksa/kingdom-saudi-arabia , uae/united-arab-emirate ) : has water-ration-law which means people can not use too much 
        clear-water daily , can not buy infinite bland-clear-water for eternally-clear-swimming-pool .

    (10) newegg.com has a law only willing to sell 3 same item maximum , to same customer . so customer maybe is very rich and want to buy
         same item in large amount , but newegg.com will refuse that customer .

    (11) ubs.com banker-officer-1 take-care customer who has ... usd until 1 mega-usd . 
                 banker-officer-2 take-care customer who has 1.?? mega-usd until 10 mega-usd . 
         maybe customer who has ... usd until 1 mega-usd , is non-military-weapon-business-person .
         maybe customer who has 1.?? mega-usd until 10 mega-usd , is military-weapon-business-person , 
		conflict-mineral-person/diamond-blood-business-person  .
         maybe some banker-officer is anti-military ( wanting to avoid military ) , not-so-much-into-diamond-person .
         maybe some banker-officer is pro-military/pro-gun ( like military ) , pro-conflict-mineral-person/pro-diamond-blood. 

    (12) if person worship money then person who receive option to consume non-dairy-breed-name-'angus'-burger/salisbury-steak-goulash(guyas) 5 usd , or
	 dairy-breed-name-'holstein'-burger/salisbury-steak-goulash(guyas) 2 usd , will choose to buy-and-consume 
	 dairy-breed-name-'holstein'-burger/salisbury-steak-goulash(guyas) .
         my superstitious-feeling says meat-consumer live life-experience of animal consumed during that animal is still living . 
         so maybe consuming more retired-dairy-cow-meat , produce more temptation to breed . because dairy-cow must breed to produce cow-milk .
         procedure to prove my superstitious-feeling : give ability to get free dairy-cow-meat-salisbury-steak ( salisbury-steak/ground-meat help maximise 
         digestion-and-nutrient-absorption ) via '4-Leg-animal-meat-combo-food-credit-and-debit-card' to : catholic-religion-nun-boss , 
         catholic-religion-pope , catholic-religion-bishop , then maybe someday they resign from catholic-religion-administration . 
         catholic-religion-old-testament-food-law/kosher-food-law allow consuming dairy-cow-meat 
         but kosher-food-law forbid consuming tetra-gastric-fat/cow-fat , animal-fat
          [source : (1/2)'Don’t eat the fat/adipose of cattle, sheep, or goats. 24 If 1 of your animals dies or is killed by some wild animal
	    then you may do anything with its fat except eat it. 25 If you eat the fat of an animal that can be used as a sacrifice to me
	    then you will no longer belong to the community of Israel. 26 And no matter where you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal,
	    27 or you will no longer belong to the community of Israel.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%207&version=CEV 
	   (2/2)'All fat/adipose belongs to me. 17 So you and your descendants must never eat any fat or any blood, not even in the privacy of your own homes.[c]
	      This law will never change.',
	      '11 Life is in the blood, and I have given you the blood of animals to sacrifice in place of your own. 12 That’s also why I have forbidden
	       you to eat blood. 13 Even if you should hunt and kill a bird or an animal, you must drain out the blood and cover it with soil.
	       14 The life of every living creature is in its blood. That’s why I have forbidden you to eat blood and why I have warned you that
               anyone who does will no longer belong to my people',
	       '26 Don’t eat the blood of any animal.' in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+3&version=CEV ]

	 there is 20 % probability-score for consumer to accidentally-buy
	 (1) mcdonalds.com->dairy-cow-burger / cow-burger from dairy-cow-breed-name :
   	     holstein-cow/holstein-friesian-cow/german-black-pied-cow , holstein-trina-cow , alderney-cow , anatolian-black-cow , friesian-sahiwal-cow ,
	     milking-zebu-cow ,  ayrshire-cow , red-cow ( belarus-red , belgium-red , denmark-red , estonia-red , norwegian-red , red-chittagong-cow ,
	     red-poll-cow , red-sindhi-cow ) ,  belted-galloway-cow , boskarin-cow , swiss-brown-cow/braunvieh-cow , burlina-cow ,
	     canadienne-cow/black-jersey-cow , dairy-short-horn-cow , jersey-cow , dutch-belted-cow/LakenVelder-cow , frankeston-cow ,
	     girolando-cow , guernsey-cow , gyr-cow , iLLawaRRa/iLawara-short-horn-cow , meuse-rhine-issel-cow , pasiega-cow , romania-baltata-cow ,
	     sinboney-de-cuba-cow , sunandini-cow , tipo-carora-cow ,  abondance-cow , alderney-cow , milking-devon-cow , braford-cow ,
	     friesian-sahiwal-cow , lowline-cow , bianca-modenese-cow , busa-cow , dexter-cow , fleckvieh-cow , simmental-cow ,
	     harzer-rotvieh-cow , harry-hays-converter-cow , herens-cow , moiled-cow , hope-cow , montbeliarde-cow , normande-cow ,
	     old-gloucester-cow , randall-lineback-cow , pie-rouge-des-plaines-cow , pinzgauer-cow , sahiwal-cow , sussex-cow ,
	     grey-cow/tyrol-grey-cow , vorderwald-cow
		[source : (1/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dairy_cattle_breeds
        		(2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Dairy_cattle_breeds from 'dairy cattle breeds'
                		in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holstein_cow ]
	 (2) mcdonalds.com->unknown-breed-culled-cow/unknown-cow-breed-being-slaughtered-because-of-having-bad-quality.
	 [source :
	  (1/3)'What percentage of your beef comes from retired-dairy-cow for lean and beef steers for fat only ?
		McDonalds.ca :
		Our beef only come from healthy cattle, majority of those cattle are typically between age 12-24 month.
 		Less than 20 % of our beef come from culled-cattle, including dairy-cow. Though dairy-cow are not bred as beef-cattle,
		the meat which comes from dairy-cow is still quality beef. All our hamburger-patties are produced in
		canada-country->alberta-province->spruce-grove-city by Cargill.com , a federally regulated supplier.'
		in https://yourquestions.mcdonalds.ca/answer/what-percentage-of-your-beef-comes-from-retired-dairy-cows-for-lean-and-beef-steers-for-fat-only/
		from google ( mcdonald beef from dairy cow ) result 1
	  (2/3) '(Agriculture) an inferior animal taken from a herd or group' in tfd.com/cull
          (3/3)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spruce_Grove ]
	other cow-meat-seller :
	   can give customer 100 % probability-score / 100 % guarantee/assurance during buying-and-receiving 
	   from scotland-aberdeen-angus-cow-breed-name .
	   [source : ---facebook.com/MandarinOrientalJakarta/posts/952978638046567 :
	      publish-date : 30 mar 2015.
	      Thanks Indonesia-Tatler .
	      Tatler-Indonesia's recommended menu for lunch :
	      from indonesia-country->java-island->west-java-province->jakarta-city->Mandarin-Oriental-hotel->Lyon-restaurant .
	      Lyon-restaurant is always our favorite. Everything served in Lyon-restaurant set benchmark for quality French dining in town.
	      #IndonesiaTatler #BestRestaurantsGuide #IndonesiaTatlerBRG #BRG2015 ]
	   can give customer 100 % probability-score / 100 % guarantee/assurance during buying-and-receiving 
	   which is meat from scotland-aberdeen-angus-cow-breed-name . because that menu 
	   says 'angus'-breed-name in 'Beef-Bourguignon : Red-Wine , Braised-Angus-Short-Rib , Pearl-Onion , Mushroom , Lardon/pig-fat ,
	   Fingerling Potatoes , price 32 usd'
	   in https://cafeduparc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Cafe-du-Parc-All-Day-Dining-Menu_Winter-2021.pdf
	   from 'download menu' in https://cafeduparc.com/ -> 'all day dining' from google ( restaurant Beef bourguignon review) page 3 number 16
	(3)grocery-market harristeeter.com sell cow-meat with packaging-label 'angus' , and that means 
           non-dairy-cow-meat/non-holstein-breed-name/non-'dairy-cow-breed-name' with
	   100 % guarantee / 100 % probability-score because 'angus' means 'scotland-aberdeen-angus-cow-breed-name'.
	(4)other grocery-market hy-vee.com , cub.com sell cow-meat with packaging-label which does not say cow-breed-name , and that means
	   there is 50 % guarantee / 50 % probability-score for consumer to get
	   retired-dairy-cow-meat/retired-holstein-cow-meat/retired-'dairy-cow-breed-name' .

	   and consuming retired-chicken-egg-producer maybe produce bad-luck .

    (13) money-currency-strength-web-site x-rates.com , usa-currency , indonesia-currency , says : kuwait's money has highest value in world .
         so money says 'life in kuwait-country is the most comfortable in world' but  
	 ---farandwide.com/s/worst-airports-world-dd26c86ca7094c69 from google ( worst airport rank ) result 3 says : 
         On-time performance : 4.1 ; Quality of service: 7 ; Passenger sentiment: 3.9 ; total: 5.4
	 Coming in at “No. 1” on the list of the worst airports in the world ? Kuwait-Airport .
	 Traveler flying through kuwait-airport noted that kuwait-airport was disorganised and not as clean as traveler would have liked, and that
	 traveler felt kuwait-airport-staff was not very friendly.
         As 1 disgruntled passenger put it succinctly: “kuwait-airport is a total disgrace”.

  [addition 24 jun 2024 2:49 pm est]
    (14) in hongkong-region : 3 day after china-country-style-wedding-ceremony : if bride is virgin then groom give 'whole roast pig with tail'
         to bride-family . [source : find 'sangjit' in wortel.ucoz.com/bible_diet.htm ]
         pig is cheaper than cow . if high money-value produce high quality item then maybe sangjit-tradition recommend cow rather-than pig 
         because cow has higher quality than pig because cow is pound-per-pound-more-expensive than pig . 
         but in reality sangjit-tradition recommend pig , not cow . pig is cheaper than cow which means pig has quality lower than cow .
         so we can say that sangjit-tradition recommend giving low-quality-meat to bride-family .
  [/addition 24 jun 2024 2:49 pm est]

  [addition 21 nov 2024 7:16 pm est] end 8:28 pm est
    (15) why rich ppl keep retro car :
	  (1)king-charles-3-mountbatten keep rolls-roycemotorcars.com->phantom-6-year-1987  [source : '2 Rolls-Royce Phantom VI models : the 1978 Silver Jubilee car, and the standard model purchased in 1987.' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_and_royal_cars_of_the_United_Kingdom (4)www.booshsports.com/10-amazing-cars-in-kobe-bryants-garage/3/ from google-image ( kobe bryant car ) ]
	  (2)former usa->north-carolina-state->republican-senator richard-burr keep vw.com->type-181-year-1973  [source : (1)'the thing' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Burr from deleted-fb-post in facebook.com/senatorrichardburr (2)www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1282552695131271&set=a.144565412263344 (3)facebook.com/SenatorRichardBurr/posts/pfbid0SU1iK9VyMQCJhyv1V1D2TqiEr7hbGJFeZxKdvfCuQMASPy5pLpis9StTnSy2Aymul from facebook.com/SenatorRichardBurr->search ( vw ) ]
	  (3)usa-president-year-2021=>year-2025 joe-biden keep chevrolet.com->corvette-convertible-year-1967 [source : (1)www.hotcars.com/heres-what-cars-joe-biden-had-to-give-up-to-be-president/ ]
	  (4)late-former-lakers-basketball-player kobe-bryant keep chevrolet.com->impala-year-1963 
          (5)late paul-allen drive mazda.com->truck-b-series-year-1988 even-though having 1 porsche-959 , mig-29 , boeing 757 . [source : (1)'When in Seattle, Allen opts for a much more modest 1988 Mazda B-Series pickup truck' in  www.businessinsider.com/extravagant-toys-of-microsoft-billionaire-paul-allen-2015-1 from google-image ( paul allen mazda ) row 1 col 3 (2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Force_One#3-aug-2023-5-13-am-est-not-edt ]
         disadvantage of retro-car :
	  (1)maybe can not play mp3-player
	  (2)maybe have weak speaker
	  (3)maybe not having air-conditioner 
	  (4)maybe have manual-transmission which is more difficult to use than automatic-transmission
          (5)maybe have manual-labor-window-opener
          (6)maybe have manual-labor side-mirror-position-controller
	  (7)maybe not having cruise-control

         rich man warren-buffet upgrade his car : now receive car-ride inside cadillac.com->xts-year-2024 , sell his cadillac.com->dts-year-2006 . [source : (1)www.newtraderu.com/2024/01/09/current-warren-buffett-car-2024-what-car-does-this-billionaire-own/ from google ( warren buffett cadillac dts ) result 2 -> ppl also ask -> What car does Warren Buffett drive in 2024?  (2)www.caranddriver.com/news/a15356756/what-the-what-warren-buffetts-autographed-cadillac-dts-sells-for-six-figures/ from google ( warren buffett cadillac dts ) result 1 ]
	 former professional-tennis-player roger-federer has 7 mercedes-benz 1 range-rover , including 2 mercedes-benz->sls-amg , not choosing ferrari
         maybe because mercedes-benz sponsor roger-federer and maybe range-rover is really comfortable and cool looking car . [source : www.hotcars.com/roger-federers-car-collection-is-a-total-ace/ from google ( roger federer car ) result 1 ]
	 former-usa-president-democrat barack-hussein-obama-2 receive car-ride inside chevrolet.com->suburban because 
         that chevrolet.com->suburban is secret-service-car . [source : www.hotcars.com/heres-what-barack-obama-drives/ from www.hotcars.com/heres-what-shakira-drives/ from google ( shakira car ) result 1 ]

         former professional-tennis-player serena-williams has lincoln.com->continental-year-2020 sedan , lincoln.com->navigator-suv-year-2019 
	 because lincoln.com sponsor serena [source : rerev.com/car-collections/serena-williams/ from google ( serena williams g class ) result 2 ]

         former usa->tanasi-state->republican-senator robert-phillips-corker-jr/bob-corker-jr's daughter julia-corker drive over-sized 
	 chevrolet.com->tahoe alone ? maybe because julia-corker request to have large chevrolet.com->tahoe to his father or maybe bob-corker-jr 
	 have gm.com-share-certificate in-exchange for pork-barrel , ear-mark . [2 source : (1)www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/senators-daughter-carjacked-near-verizon-center/2094508/ from google ( ... ) (2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Corker#30-jun-2024-1-13-pm-est]

         so some rich ppl is under pressure to buy their sponsorship-car , rich but does not have freedom in choosing car .
  [/addition 21 nov 2024 7:16 pm est]

currency-rank from usa-dollar-point-of-view :
 Alphabetical order May 27, 2020 02:16 UTC
    US Dollar▲▼            1.00 USD▲  inv. 1.00 USD▲▼
  (1)Kuwaiti Dinar          0.308711  3.239277
  (2)Bahraini Dinar         0.376000  2.659574
  (3)Omani Rial             0.384500  2.600780
  (4)British Pound          0.811806  1.231821
  (5)Euro                   0.912064  1.096415
  (6)Swiss Franc            0.966325  1.034848
  (7)Canadian Dollar        1.379138  0.725091
  (8)Libyan Dinar           1.416405  0.706013
  (9)Bruneian Dollar        1.417935  0.705251
 (10)Singapore Dollar       1.417935  0.705251
 (11)Australian Dollar      1.506024  0.664000
 (12)New Zealand Dollar     1.615930  0.618839
 (13)Bulgarian Lev          1.783841  0.560588
 (14)Israeli Shekel         3.508853  0.284993
 (15)Qatari Riyal           3.640000  0.274725
 (16)Emirati Dirham         3.672500  0.272294
 (17)Saudi Arabian Riyal    3.750000  0.266667
 (18)Polish Zloty           4.048684  0.246994
 (19)Malaysian Ringgit      4.364391  0.229127
 (20)Romanian New Leu       4.416883  0.226404
 (21)Brazilian Real         5.346445  0.187040
 (22)Turkish Lira           6.744329  0.148273
 (23)Trinidadian Dollar     6.751361  0.148118
 (24)Danish Krone           6.802564  0.147003
 (25)Croatian Kuna          6.911263  0.144691
 (26)Chinese Yuan Renminbi  7.148256  0.139894
 (27)Hong Kong Dollar       7.752192  0.128996
 (28)Swedish Krona          9.636715  0.103770
 (29)Norwegian Krone        9.920341  0.100803
 (30)Venezuelan Bolivar     9.987500  0.100125
 (31)Botswana Pula         12.129424  0.082444
 (32)South African Rand    17.417288  0.057414
 (33)Mexican Peso          22.258343  0.044927
 (34)vietname-dong/vnd     23.173 [source:'2020  23,173 ' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_%C4%91%E1%BB%93ng from 'Currency' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam]
 (35)Czech Koruna          24.658850  0.040553
 (36)Taiwan New Dollar     29.998755  0.033335
 (37)Thai Baht             31.880747  0.031367
 (38)Mauritian Rupee       39.972470  0.025017
 (39)Philippine Peso       50.592256  0.019766
 (40)Argentine Peso        68.223768  0.014658
 (41)Russian Ruble         70.885514  0.014107
 (42)Indian Rupee          75.498591  0.013245
 (43)Japanese Yen         107.494325  0.009303
 (44)Nepalese Rupee       121.363985  0.008240
 (45)Icelandic Krona      138.724339  0.007209
 (46)Pakistani Rupee      161.185865  0.006204
 (47)Sri Lankan Rupee     185.829732  0.005381
 (48)Hungarian Forint     317.520816  0.003149
 (49)Kazakhstani Tenge    412.373401  0.002425
 (50)Chilean Peso         807.427223  0.001239
 (51)South Korean Won    1234.190023  0.000810
 (52)Colombian Peso      3731.002584  0.000268
 (53)Indonesian Rupiah  14746.196140  0.000068
 (54)Iranian Rial       41878.918283  0.000024

currency-rank from indonesia-rupiah-point-of-view :
 ---https://www.x-rates.com/table/?from=IDR&amount=1 from google (rupiah to other currency rank) result 1
 indonesia-rupiah           1 idr     inv. 1 idr
 (1)Kuwaiti Dinar           0.000021  47796.881403
 (2)Bahraini Dinar          0.000025  39245.748187
 (3)Omani Rial              0.000026  38378.156875
 (4)British Pound           0.000055  18182.371934
 (5)Euro                    0.000062  16185.899140
 (6)Swiss Franc             0.000065  15276.433384
 (7)US Dollar               0.000068  14756.401318
 (8)Canadian Dollar         0.000093  10705.116427
 (9)Bruneian Dollar         0.000096  10411.210857
 (10)Libyan Dinar           0.000096  10419.477056
 (11)Singapore Dollar       0.000096  10411.210857
 (12)Australian Dollar      0.000102  9808.584931
 (13)New Zealand Dollar     0.000109  9137.600942
 (14)Bulgarian Lev          0.000121  8275.718820
 (15)Israeli Shekel         0.000238  4204.802633
 (16)Qatari Riyal           0.000247  4053.956406
 (17)Emirati Dirham         0.000249  4018.080686
 (18)Saudi Arabian Riyal    0.000254  3935.040352
 (19)Polish Zloty           0.000274  3645.556395
 (20)Malaysian Ringgit      0.000296  3381.436076
 (21)Romanian New Leu       0.000299  3342.440375
 (22)Brazilian Real         0.000362  2759.939712
 (23)Turkish Lira           0.000457  2189.223342
 (24)Trinidadian Dollar     0.000458  2184.134009
 (25)Danish Krone           0.000461  2170.225169
 (26)Croatian Kuna          0.000468  2136.435340
 (27)Chinese Yuan Renminbi  0.000484  2065.764341
 (28)Hong Kong Dollar       0.000525  1903.510774
 (29)Swedish Krona          0.000653  1532.531372
 (30)Norwegian Krone        0.000672  1488.843423
 (31)Venezuelan Bolivar     0.000677  1477.486991
 (32)Botswana Pula          0.000821  1218.122015
 (33)South African Rand     0.001179  848.445161
 (34)Mexican Peso           0.001507  663.579000
 (35)Czech Koruna           0.001670  598.779377
 (36)Taiwan New Dollar      0.002032  492.237092
 (37)Thai Baht              0.002161  462.749267
 (38)Mauritian Rupee        0.002714  368.401862
 (39)Philippine Peso        0.003423  292.115413
 (40)Argentine Peso         0.004623  216.319101
 (41)Russian Ruble          0.004798  208.433240
 (42)Indian Rupee           0.005116  195.475264
 (43)Japanese Yen           0.007285  137.270860
 (44)Nepalese Rupee         0.008224  121.602030
 (45)Icelandic Krona        0.009396  106.423177
 (46)Pakistani Rupee        0.010914  91.624915
 (47)Sri Lankan Rupee       0.012594  79.404693
 (48)Hungarian Forint       0.021500  46.510754
 (49)Kazakhstani Tenge      0.027945  35.785130
 (50)Chilean Peso           0.054722  18.274308
 (51)South Korean Won       0.083597  11.962136
 (52)Colombian Peso         0.252896  3.954191
 (53)Iranian Rial           2.841565  0.351919

[addition 24 jun 2023 2:41 am est-not-edt]
 (14)that 'currency-rank from usa-dollar-point-of-view :'
     show  '(15)Qatari Riyal           3.640000  0.274725
 	    (16)Emirati Dirham         3.672500  0.272294
	    (17)Saudi Arabian Riyal    3.750000  0.266667'   ,
           '(33)South African Rand     0.001179  848.445161'
     has water-ration . but maybe their water-supplier-company provide drinkable-water to ppl , 
     not just clear-but-non-drinkable-water to ppl like other countries
     whose currency-value-rank is lower than those countries .

     [source : (1)find '-[17-mar-2019]kingdom-of-saudi-arabia/ksa announce qatrah/a-plan to decrease water-ration-per-person-per-day
                                      previously 263 liter then year 2020 200 liter' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm 
               (2)find '[1-jan-2016]south-africa-country->cape-town-water-crisis->level-2-water-restriction forbid filling swimming-pool-water'
[/addition 24 jun 2023 2:41 am est-not-edt]
  [addition 8 sep 2022 11:57 am edt]  end 5:20 pm edt
    (14)if person worship money then :
        if that person receive option : 
        (1) buy cheap-luxury-house but there is hidden corpse , abandoned-cemetery/tomb/catacomb underneath that cheap-luxury-house ,
	    animal-blood underneath house-paint .
        (2) buy normal-house with normal-price and there is no hidden corpse in that normal-house , 
	    no abandoned-cemetery/tomb/catacomb inside that cheap-luxury-house , no animal-blood underneath house-paint .
        then that person ideally choose option-1 .

        movie-and-video-game which say house with hidden corpse , is haunted like producing interesting dream-during-sleeping :
         en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_(film) , wiki/Poltergeist , wiki/What_Lies_Beneath , wiki/Stir_of_Echoes ,
  	 wiki/The_Exorcist maybe tell story about ancient artifact which contain blood ,
	 video-game wiki/Diablo_(video_game) .
   	red-4-color-substance contain cochineal-insect-blood , 
	maybe certain variation of red-color-paint contain some red-4 ,
        example : maybelline.com->lip-stick->berry-naughty 
 	 contain 'red-4' in ingredient-list : 
 	 CI-15850 / RED-6 , CI-15850 / RED-7 LAKE , CI-19140 / YELLOW-5 LAKE , CI-42090 / BLUE-1 LAKE , CI-45410 / RED-28 LAKE , 
	 CI-75470 / CARMINE / red-4 , CI-77120 / BARIUM SULFATE , CI-77492, CI-77499 / IRON OXIDES ,  CI-77891 / TITANIUM DIOXIDE .
        [source : maybelline.com/lip-makeup/lipstick/lip-studio-color-jolt-intense-lip-paint/berry-naughty ]
	so airlines-aircraft-with-red-paint-color maybe haunted like source-of-haunting 'red room' in wiki/The_Amityville_Horror . 
        car-insurance like allstate.com , geico.com , etc maybe produce higher-invoice-amount to insure red-color-car maybe because
	red-color appear attractive to thief , not because red-color produce interesting dream-during-sleeping .
	maybe if last thing we see prior sleeping : is red-color-house-wall then our sleep produce interesting dream .
	if last thing we see prior sleeping : is white-color-house-wall then our sleep produce neutral/blase dream .
	pretty-female usually thin because that pretty-female drink alcoholic-drink 1 glass daily ( like china-country-female drink 
        wine 1 glass daily ) , so pretty-female maybe has sensitive feeling , maybe can feel ghost-possession .
    [/addition 8 sep 2022 11:57 am edt]  end 5:20 pm edt

    [addition 4 dec 2022 9:1 pm est]
      (15) example food with highest price in world : 
	    foie-grass/gavaged-duck-liver , mushroom-truffle , beluga-caviar , lamb-chop , cow-meat-prime-rib , lobster 
	   example beverage with highest price in world : some vintage-wine like find 'Chateau Lafite 1787 – $156,450' in find 'wealthygorilla.com/most-expensive-wines/ from google ( most expensive wine ) result 2' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm

	   some customer does not have appetite for those food , beverage . 
	   even-though money says those food are king of food , those beverage are king of beverage .

      (16) computer-desktop with highest price is usually has water-cooling which need periodic-maintenance , has water-leak-risk .
	   some customer dislike that , and prefer traditional air-cooling . air-cooling is always cheaper than water-cooling .

      (17) some car with armor ( find '9171.2   daimler-mercedes-benz s-class 600 guard y2014 #m# #at-only#' ) , is very pricey , and very heavy 9,173 lbs .
	   which is not appropriate for daily-driving-car on bridge-road . 
	   because car with armor , is heavy-weight-car , producing shear-stress to bridge-road during changing lane .
	   so car with armor is not wise car-choice for daily-driving-car on bridge-road .

    [/addition 4 dec 2022 9:1 pm est]

    [addition 28 dec 2022 5 pm est]
      (18) many pricey (arm/wrist)-clock , does not show hour-number .
	   some cheap  (arm/wrist)       ,          show hour-number .
	   so pricey has meaning cryptic , not verbose .
    [/addition 28 dec 2022 5 pm est]

    [addition 25 jan 2023 8:26 pm est] end 26 jan 2023 10:32 pm est
      (19) (antique/vintage)-car :
		(1)has manual-transmission 
		(2)does not have hill-start-assist/hill-holder feature ( helper to start climbing on hill-slope 
		   without automatically-descend-and-go-in-backward-direction  .
	   so making (antique/vintage)-car do repeated-parallel-parking-process on 
	   famous usa->california-state->san-fransisco-city-hill-slope ( being shown in movie 'the rocks' whose actor is nicholas-cage , 
	   ed-harris , sean-connery ) , between 2 luxury-car , during intensely-heavy-rain , in multiple-parking-space , 
	   to visit multiple place on that hill-slope , has high-difficulty-level-and-high-stress-level .
	   but :
	    (1)modern-car-with-manual-transmission-and-hill-start-assist-feature like maybe jeep.com->wrangler ( jeep.com discontinue selling
                compass-suv with manual-transmission ) , ford.com->bronco , subaru.com->crosstrek-full-time-4-wheel-drive . [source 2 : (1)youtube.com/watch?v=TIC7l99fq7g#26_jan_2023_9_8_pm_est ( Hill Start Assist Jeep Compass ) upload-date : 10 may 2016 , uploader Mike-Rose , 927 subscribers , 13,828 views  (2)'Stick-shifts are disappearing from the market left and right, with models such as Jeep-Compass , Mini-Countryman , Mitsubishi-Outlander-Sport going all-automatic recently.' in caranddriver.com/features/g15379070/manual-transmission-suv/ from google ( usa suv with manual transmission ) result 1 ]
           can do that repeated-parallel-parking-process , without high-difficulty-level-and-high-stress-level .

	   so (antique/vintage)-car , ideally has cheaper-price than modern-car-with-automatic-transmission .
           but this (antique/vintage)-car currently has pricey-price which is much more pricey than cheapest modern-car-with-automatic-transmission : 

	   that oppose this item-pricing-principle : antique-computer-component has cheaper-price-than modern-computer-component , example :
	   (1)traditional hard-disk-with-spinning-platter/disc is cheaper than modern solid-state-hard-disk-file-storage ( ssd like usb-drive ) .
	   (2)traditional slow cpu is cheaper than modern fast cpu 
	   (3)traditional computer-case without hard-disk-fan-housing , is cheaper than modern computer-case with hard-disk-fan-housing 
	      like antec.com->300 model which is maybe still available in ebay.com .
	   (4)traditional thick-crt-computer-monitor is cheaper than modern-thin-lcd-computer-monitor
	[source : 
	    pricey antique-car/vintage-car :
		from : 'rmsothebys.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RM_Sotheby%E2%80%99s
		from : wikipedia->search ( rmsothe ) from : 'sotheby'
		in bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-15/pope-francis-s-lamborghini-bought-by-spanish-rental-car-agency 
		from google ( pope lamborghini ) result 1 -> people also ask -> Who bought the pope's Lamborghini ?
	        from : driving.ca/lamborghini/huracan/auto-news/news/the-popes-lamborghini-ended-up-selling-for-1-2-million 
		from : google ( pope lamborghini ) result 1 -> people also ask -> How much did the Pope's Lamborghini sell for ?
	        from : facebook.com/Lamborghini/posts/2177395552286053 from facebook.com/Lamborghini/posts -> search ( pope )
		  [15 nov 2017] A Huracán for His Holiness: Lamborghini has donated a unique Ad Personam Huracán RWD to Pope Francis,
		  for auction-selling may-2018 by RM-Sotheby’s/rmsothebys.com, with proceeds/income-money being donated
		  to Aid to Church in Need. Find out more: https://lam.bo/P_fbglb.
	        from : facebook.com/Lamborghini/posts/2406991262659813 from facebook.com/Lamborghini/posts -> search ( pope )
		  [14 apr 2018] 1-of-a-kind Huracán RWD donated by Lamborghini to His Holiness Pope Francis is now on show
		  at Lamborghini Museum, before going under hammer at a charity auction at RM-Sotheby’s/rmsothebys.com 12 May 2018.

	[addition 26 jan 2023 8:56 pm est] end 6:4 am est
	  herbert-appleton-wagner-electric-company is inventor for hill-start-assist/hill-holder . [source : 'Wagner Electric Corporation was founded by Herbert Appleton Wagner and Ferdinand Schwedtmann (aka Francis Charles Schwedtman) in 1891.' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Electric#26_jan_2023_9_4_pm_est ]
	  which is different-from 
	  wagner-private-military-company participate in :
		(1)russia-invasion-to-ukraine ( which is maybe happen because former-ukraine-president-who-is-pro-russia viktor-yanukofik who exile-relocate from ukraine-country to russia-country ask russia-government to invade part-of-ukraine-country who want to join europe-union , there is part-of-ukraine-country who want to join russia-country ) [source : 'Yanukovych' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Ukrainian_War#Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine ]
	  so those 2 wagner is not related . 
	  [source 2 : (1)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group#26_jan_2023_9_1_pm_est (2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining_industry_of_South_Sudan#27_jan_2023_4_13_am_est  ]

          maybe wagner-private-military-company is like usa-black-water-private-military-company who protect usa-diplomat inside iraq-country
          taking-over iraq-country , after usa-uk-etc-soldier invade iraq-country to remove iraq-government-sadam-husein-family 
          which is maybe retaliation for iraq-country-with-sadam-husein-family-government-invade kuwait-country 
          ( iraq-government-sadam-hussein accuse kuwait-government-royal-family's hiring oge-drilling-inc->boss-wc-goings 
	    doing diagonal/slant-drilling-on-rumaila-petroleum-field 
	    to steal petroleum-inside-iraq-soil-area
            then oge-drilling-inc->boss-wc-goins say oge-drilling-inc-worker drill vertically-not-diagonally/slanted and suck petroleum
            from kuwait-soil , not iraq-soil .

		[addition 28 jan 2023 12:3 am est]
		   not sucking petroleum-hydro-carbon from adjacent soil like youtube.com/watch?v=eBOtXD_UQSo&t=5m10s#28_jan_2023_12_2_am_est ( Drilling Animation ) upload-date : 22 jan 2014 , movie-uploader : ejbvideos1 , 4.66K subscribers , 1,612,096 views  
		[/addition 28 jan 2023 12:3 am est]

		[source-with-simplified-text : 'usa->texas-state->houston-city->oge-drilling-inc->senior-vice-president wc-goins
		 who provide petroleum/hydrocarbon-field-supervisors--and--workers for Kuwait in rumaila-petroleum-field , said he felt positive 
		 that all hydro-carbon-well which his employees drilled and operated , has vertical-down-ward-path to
		 rumaila-hydro-carbon-pay-zone . then wc-goins say that field cross border in north Kuwait , iraq were drilling on 1 side, 
		 and kuwait on the other side . He said that Iraq-border-guards would come over to Kuwait-oil-wells occasionally and shared lunch with kuwait-rig-workers -
		but under Kuwait-law kuwait-workers were not allowed to drink beer that Iraq-border-guards brought , to Iraq-border-guards' delight.

		Now those lunches are a thing of the past. Of 18 Americans employed by OGE in Kuwait, 6 worker have been missing since the invasion.
		At least 2 were 'taken to Baghdad right away,' Mr. wc-Goins said.
		' in nytimes.com/1990/09/03/world/confrontation-in-the-gulf-the-oilfield-lying-below-the-iraq-kuwait-dispute.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm from ref-13 in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumaila_oil_field#27_jan_2023_4_54_am_est ]
          ) . 
	  [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackwater_(company)#19_jan_2022_2_30_am_est ]

	[/addition 26 jan 2023 8:56 pm est]
    [/addition 25 jan 2023 8:26 pm est]

    so money-owner has 2 task :
		task-1 : defeat money's illusion-of-governorship ( maybe not possible ).
		task-2 : differentiating which item is needed vs desired ( need to finish doing task-1 , so not possible ). 
   ( like maybe customer desire cool-appearance of jeep.com->grand-cherokee-version-track-hawk but actually
     customer think jeep.com->wrangler's spare-tire-on-rear-door is necessary/needed even-though jeep.com->wrangler's 
     appearance is boring with zero-(artistic/architecture)-skill ,
     then customer realise even car which has very cool-appearance eventually become sick/need-maintenance and must go to service-shop 
     then customer receive pricey maintenance-price and feel worry ) . 
   so more money can means more-responsibility/more-mental-stress to solve more puzzle .
   low cholesterol from vegan-diet , help doing task-1 , task-2 . but it is not possible to become rich with low cholesterol because
   good mind-principle maybe ask 'you only consume cheap vegan-diet , you do not have reason ask-for big salary'. 
   if mind-principle is not-good/bad then body-health-detector is bad then more likely to need to see physician for health-consultation .

   in-the-past money maybe is more perfect tool which prove money-owner has more authority to own-and-sell that item .
   example : 
     (1)animal-fur-seller maybe randomly kill wild tiger , wild bear then peel tiger-skin , bear-skin then sell that tiger-skin , 
        bear-skin for skin-protection . so maybe that animal-fur-seller has more authority to own-and-sell that tiger-skin , bear-skin .
     (2)fire-stone-seller maybe accidentally find fire-stone then has more authority to sell fire-stone 
        which is helpful for creating spark-to-create wood-fire .

   now maybe money become less perfect-tool to prove money-owner has authority to get item from item-seller .
   because :
   (1)there are some freebie now , example : 
      (1)hardware-recognition-software/operating-system freebsd.org (sugar-coated bsd-model like honda.com-model) , 
	 debian.org (sugar-coated linux.org-model) , 
         Linuxmint.com (sugar-coated linux.org-model) , is free-of-money but accept donation . 
         example :
         (1)outer-space-satellite maybe use debian.org , like iss/international-space-station use debian.org 
            but tread-mill-computer inside iss use microsoft.com->windows .
         (2)cisco.com-inter-island-internet/computer-networking-router-operating-system maybe use linux.org 
            not microsoft.com-windows-hardware-recognition-software/operating-system which is non-free-of-money .

	   microsoft.com->windows-operating-system is sugar-coated microsoft-dos-12-bit/ms-dos 
	    ( improvement of digital-research->control-program-monitor , dos-12-bit has fat-12-bit-file-system , better disk-sector-buffering ) .

	    microsoft.com->windows-nt/network-operating-system contain ntfs-file-system 
	    ( improved-code? of ibm.com->hpfs-file-system , ntfs has access-control-list 
               ( can give read-write-execute-delete permission for each user-name ) , 
              file-encryption , journaling-to-recover-file-after-crash , shadow-copy/backup-while-running , etc 
            ) .

	    microsoft.com->windows-gui is improved-code-of microsoft.com-and-ibm.com->os/2->presentation-manager-gui 
            in which microsoft.com work-together-with? apple.com->Lisa-gui-worker but later apple.com protest-to-microsoft.com via law-court and 
	    eventually apple.com-and-microsoft.com reach agreement-out-of-law-court . [source : (1)'Microsoft work with Apple Computer to develop applications for Apple's new Macintosh computer, which featured a gui/graphical-user-interface. As part of related business negotiations, Microsoft licensed certain aspects of Macintosh-user-interface from Apple; in later litigation, a district court summarise these aspects as "screen displays". In development of Windows 1.0, Microsoft intentionally limited its borrowing of certain GUI elements from Macintosh-user-interface, to comply with its license. For example, windows were only displayed "tiled" on screen; that is, 1 window could not overlap or overlie another window.' in wiki/History_of_Microsoft_Windows (2)'In 1988 Apple sued Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard on the grounds that they infringed Apple's copyrighted GUI, citing (among other things) the use of rectangular, overlapping, and resizable windows. After 4 years, the case was decided against Apple, as were later appeals. Apple's actions were criticized by some in the software community, including the Free Software Foundation (FSF), who felt Apple was trying to monopolize on GUIs in general, and boycotted GNU software for the Macintosh platform for 7 years.[63][64]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macintosh (3)'In 1998, 3 years after the lawsuit was decided, all lingering infringement questions against Microsoft regarding the Lisa and Macintosh GUI as well as Apple's "QuickTime piracy" lawsuit against Microsoft were settled in direct negotiations. Apple agreed to make Internet Explorer its default browser, to the detriment of Netscape. Microsoft agreed to continue developing Microsoft Office and other software for the Mac over the next 5 year. Microsoft also purchased $150 million of nonvoting Apple stock. Both parties entered into a patent cross-licensing agreement.[11][12]' in wiki/Apple_Computer,_Inc._v._Microsoft_Corp. from 'Apple v. Microsoft' in wiki/History_of_the_graphical_user_interface   and from 'Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp' in wiki/Graphical_user_interface  ]

            apple.com->Lisa-gui-worker receive :
	     (1)public-company-share-certificate-buy-during-pre-ipo , and 
            from xerox-alto-gui-worker in-exchange-for giving apple.com->Lisa-gui-worker :
            early-access-to-see-not-yet-sell-on-market xerox-alto-gui-demonstration .

	    xerox-alto-gui receive idea-not-code? from augmentation-research-center-with-darpa-usa-gov-money->online-system/nLs .

            microsoft.com's worker-1 marc-mcdonald make fat-8-bit-file-system for microsoft.com->dos-8-bit/midas-operating-system 
            which microsoft.com never sell ,
            then microsoft.com->paul-allen pay seattle-computer-products->tim-paterson to modify code-and-design-drawing of 
            that marc-mcdonald's fat-8-bit-file-system 
	    to become fat-12-bit-file-system for microsoft.com->dos-12-bit/ms-dos . [source : (1)'tim paterson' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat32 , (2)'Apple engineers visited the PARC facilities (Apple secured the rights for the visit by compensating Xerox with a pre-IPO purchase of Apple stock) and a number of PARC employees subsequently moved to Apple to work on the Lisa and Macintosh GUI. However, the Apple work extended PARC's considerably, adding manipulatable icons, and drag and drop manipulation of objects in the file system (see Macintosh Finder) for example. A list of the improvements made by Apple, beyond the PARC interface, can be read at Folklore.org.' in wiki/History_of_the_graphical_user_interface , (3)'In 1988, Apple sued Microsoft for copyright infringement of the Lisa and Apple Macintosh GUI. The court case lasted 4 years before almost all of Apple's claims were denied on a contractual technicality. Subsequent appeals by Apple were also denied. Microsoft and Apple apparently entered a final, private settlement of the matter in 1997' in wiki/History_of_the_graphical_user_interface (4) wiki/Presentation_Manager from 'presentation manager' in wiki/History_of_the_graphical_user_interface (5)'NTFS supports access control lists (ACLs), filesystem encryption, transparent compression, sparse files and file system journaling. NTFS also supports shadow copy to allow backups of a system while it is running, but the functionality of the shadow copies varies between different versions of Windows.[15]' in wiki/NTFS (6)wiki/Access_Control_List , (7)'tim paterson' , 'Microsoft itself sold a version of Unix for the PC called Xenix' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS-DOS , (8)wiki/Xenix , (9)'Microsoft committed to delivering a disk operating system (DOS) to IBM for the original IBM PC in 1980, although they had not yet developed one, and Allen spearheaded a deal for Microsoft to purchase QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) written by Tim Paterson who was employed at Seattle Computer Products.[30][31] As a result of this transaction, Microsoft secured a contract to supply the DOS that ran on IBM's PC line, which opened the door to Allen's and Gates' wealth and success.[19]' in wiki/Paul_Allen , etc ]

            microsoft.com during selling dos-12-bit/ms-dos which is for 1 user : 
            microsoft.com also sell xenix which is for many-user/multi-user ( xenix is similar to at&t->pdp-11-computer->unix-7-operating-system )
            later microsoft.com thinking can not compete against unix-programmer : microsoft.com sell xenix to sco in-exchange-for 19.?? % share of sco
            ( 19.?? % share is maximum share-ownership allowed for secret-share-ownership during sco's 'ipo' )

            why microsoft.com stop working together with ibm.com ?
	     (1) microsoft.com doesn't feel interested selling hardware/desktop-pc which can only use microsoft.com-software .
		 ibm.com feel interested selling hardware/desktop-pc which can only use ibm.com-software 
		 ( like macos-software can only run on apple.com-desktop . need hackintosh to make macos run on after-market-desktop/custom-made-desktop . )
             (2) ibm.com-hardware does not support microsoft.com's font .
	     (3) microsoft.com-programmer frustrated-with ibm.com's law using code-line-amount to measure productivity 
		 maybe for employee-review during end-of-financial-quarter . but why microsoft.com-programmer who get salary-money from microsoft.com
                 frustrated-with (care about) ibm.com's law ?

		 example short code which do many thing : john-carmack's quake-3-arena-open-source-code to calculate 1 /  ( square-root-of ( x ) :
		 wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root from en.wikipedia.org->search ( carmack square root approximation ) result 1 from forgotton-article-review about 1-st-person-shooter-video-game-quake-3-arena-open-source-code from google (... )

	     (4) ibm.com-programmer complain microsoft.com-programmer's code lack comment/explanation .
             (5) microsoft.com complain ibm's code is bloated . [source : (1)'Microsoft favored the open hardware system approach that contributed to its success on the PC. IBM sought to use OS/2 to drive sales of its own hardware, and urged Microsoft to drop features, such as fonts, that IBM's hardware did not support. Microsoft programmers also became frustrated with IBM's bureaucracy and its use of lines of code to measure programmer productivity.[23] IBM developers complained about the terseness and lack of comments in Microsoft's code, while Microsoft developers complained that IBM's code was bloated.[24]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS/2 ]

      (2)access to use toilet in shopping-mall to defecate . 
         ( people less able to count money prior defecating because urge-to-defecate decrease ability to count money )
      (3)good music-song-from-radio freely heard on shopping-mall .
      (4)access to walk on clean flat floor on shopping-mall .
      (5)access to use mirror ( flat-silver-jewelry-inside-glass-from-molten-silica-from-sand ) on toilet .
      (6)access to feel cool air from air-conditioner , inside shopping-mall .

   (2)money-owner which can become item-owner like car-owner , can suffer car-collision-accident . then that car-owner temporarily lose ownership
      of that car . because that car must be repaired in car-service-shop .

   (3)now many item-seller actually is yellow-pages-intermediary-seller whose task/function is :
	(1)make seeking-and-finding-and-buying item ( doing task-1 , task-2 ) become easier for customer . 
      and maybe that yellow-pages-intermediary-seller does not have full authority to own item which is being sell . 
      example : jeff-bezos/amazon.com-boss maybe :
      (1)does not have creativity needed to make movie , edit movie , make music , even-though amazon.com sell movie , music .
      (2)does not know how to renew car-suspension , even-though amazon.com sell car-suspension  .
      (3)does not know metallurgy even-though amazon.com sell nail-clipper

   (4)we pay tax ( we give money to government to receive unknown-service from government ) .
      usually we give money to get known-and-desired-service-or-item from seller . 
      so maybe owning money , need knowledge about government-style ( politic-science-knowledge like knowing socialism-politic-group/left-wing , 
      capitalism-politic-group/gun-law-politic , hindu-caste-politic/right-wing/feudalism ) .

   so yunfat-chow maybe is correct with saying 'that his money is not belonging to him fully, just being loaned to him for temporary'
   [source : 'chow: "uang ini bukan sepenuhnya milikku, hanya dititipkan padaku untuk sementara."' 
	     in http://www.cerpen.co.id/post_147974.html from https://www.facebook.com/DeiparaGloria/posts/10156135702688447 ]

 stirring 98%-water-2%-vinegar inside mouth then swallow , can remove bacteria who like sweet-food-debris-on-tooth , should prevent tooth-decay . 

 food-factory already been invented so people should consume cookie whenever possible to decrease bad luck from animal-killing-for-food .
 sad reality is : good luck , peace , are non-natural ; nature is violent like :
	(1)lion killing cow then fucking any female-lioness 
	(2)male-bee whose penis explode after fucking queen-bee mid-air 
        (3)grizzly-bear grab salmon-fish-female , and salmon-fish-male who are spawning/doing-in-vitro-fertilisation
           [ source :  youtube.com/watch?v=JcF4EKh2wUI&t=5m14s (Chinook Salmon Spawning April 2019) uploaded 17-apr-2019
             from youtube-search (salmon spawning) result 13 from 'spawn' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon_run 
             from 'salmon run' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon from natgeowild-tv->salmon-episode ]

why so strict about food ?
 (1)penis-owner , need extra responsibility because penis-owner always become a target for rape-investigation . 
    so during rape-investigation : do not consume mono-gastric-animal , tetra-gastric-animal .
 (2)gynecology-education is not available , porn-movie says : penis-size-matter for fucking vagina , big penis make vagina happy .
    but i say clitoris-licking is what female likes .
    how to test which is female like ? fucking-vagina or licking-clitoris ? 
    (1)(1) offer money to her to lick her clitoris then see what happen :
           but make-sure that female is single and does not have boy-friend . her boy-friend maybe become jealous .
	   maybe she won't spend that money to buy animal-meat . but she maybe want more clitoris-licking-action .
       (2) offer money to her to fuck her vagina then see what happen . 
           maybe she will spend that money to buy :
	   (1) deer/venison-jerky ( dried ground/minced salty-deer ) which is tetra-gastric-fucker ( alien-fucker )
 	   (2) ground/minced-pork/pig-burger which is mono-gastric-fucker
           to rejuvenate her vagina-interior . not cow/beef because she hoard butter-fat/cow-milk-fat on her boobs and cow-meat/beef conflict-against
           her boobs .
    (2)(1)offer money to lick prostitute's clitoris .
          famous prostitute location : usa->california-state->Las-vegas , 
	  netherlands->amsterdam-city->red-Light-district ( famous gouda-cheese-maker-location which increase boobs size , gouda-cheese does not have
	  preservative , gouda-cheese become rotten easily , maybe netherlands->nude-model petra-verkaik consume gouda-cheese to grow her boobs 
          but big boobs can stretch down-ward and is problem 
          find '---https://www.healthshots.com/preventive-care/self-care/5-health-problems-caused-by-big-boobs/ from google ( big boobs heart disease ) result 7' ,
          find '---https://greenbergcosmeticsurgery.com/blog/2014/03/06/symptoms-of-overly-large-breasts-141040/ from google ( big boobs numb arm ) result 1' ) 
    warning : if vagina has many red-dot then do not lick clitoris because that means herpes-event is currently happen and is making her suffer .
              later herpes-event is finished and her vagina appear like normal , there is no red-dot then clitoris can be licked .
              so herpes-sufferer has vagina-healthy-moment , vagina-suffer-herpes-event-moment , repeatedly .
    more tips : http://wortel.ucoz.com/orgasm_female.htm
 (3)female wearing cosmetics provoke 'crime of passion' 
 (4)consuming mono-gastric-fucker , tetra-gastric-fucker increase sex-desire . so consume mono-gastric-fucker , tetra-gastric-fucker 
    if wanting to make kid if needed.
    do not consume mono-gastric-fucker , tetra-gastric-fucker during :
	(1)travelling with family
	(2)living with family
	(3)family gathering event
    to decrease incest-sex-event-probability .
    ideally must male try licking her clitoris prior marriage ? yes because she maybe refuse because that male is not handsome enough .
    ideally must male try asking her to suck her penis prior marriage ? yes because she maybe not willing to suck penis at all even-though penis is
     circumcised . because that male is not handsome enough .
    so what is marriage for ? to announce breeding-partner . so to slow-down cousin-connection-making-event between people on earth .
      because having many breeding-partner , accelerate world-ending-event/armagedon where all people become cousin with less than 7-degree-cousin , 
      then every sex-event is incest-sex-event . then all baby is product of incest-sex then new baby's genetic become recessive then 
      all new baby's eyes become blue-color ( albino-eye , albino is recessive-genetic ) .
      [source : (1)'In humans, brown eyes result from a relatively high concentration of melanin in the stroma of the iris, 
			which causes light of both shorter and longer wavelengths to be absorbed.[33]' in
		(2)'translucent' in A blue iris in an eye is blue due to Tyndall scattering in a translucent layer in iris.
		    Brown and black irises have the same layer except with more melanin in it.
  		    melanin absorbs light. In absence of melanin, the layer is translucent (i.e. the light passing through is randomly and
		    diffusely scattered) and a noticeable portion of the light that enters this translucent layer re-emerges via a scattered path.
		    That is, there is backscatter, the redirection of the light waves back out to the open air.
		    Scattering takes place to a greater extent at the shorter wavelengths. The longer wavelengths tend to pass straight through
		    the translucent layer with unaltered paths, and then encounter the next layer further back in the iris,
		    which is a light absorber. Thus, the longer wavelengths are not reflected (by scattering) back to the open air as much as
		    the shorter wavelengths. Because the shorter wavelengths are the blue wavelengths, this gives rise to a blue hue
		    in the light that comes out of the eye.[7][8] The blue iris is an example of a structural color, in contrast to a pigment color.
		    Similar phenomena that are not Tyndall scattering' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyndall_effect#8_apr_2022_4_pm_edt from
		    'tyndall scattering' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_color#8_apr_2022_3_57_pm_edt ]

      but then maybe people start researching about converting gibbon to human then start marrying gibbon / announcing gibbon 
      to become breeding-partner to make new baby with non-recessive/dominant genetic which decrease albino-eye-probability.

    using parents' money to buy mono-gastric-animal-fucker , tetra-gastric-animal-fucker , make parents under responsible to judge those
    mono-gastric-fucker , tetra-gastric-fucker consumer . judgement for consuming mono-gastric-fucker , tetra-gastric-fucker
    often heavier-weight than judgement for consuming other animal . it is best to use parent's money to buy vegan-cookie .

    example judgement : son and parents consume goat-meat/tetra-gastric-fucker together in restaurant then son drive car
      and almost collide-against young kid then parents criticise that son's driving-behaviour testing that son's temper/anger-management 
      after pride-booster-goat-meal which make that son refuse to be called incompetent-car-driver. 
      maybe if that son fuck someone after consuming that goat-meat then that son really 
      collide-against young kid then maybe that son must live in exile-condition in foreign-country for a while to hide 
      from local police ( maybe must become foreign-student ) to avoid jail .
      [source : my mother told me that's story of what happen to deni/deny-widagdo who is now maybe live in usa->michigan-state ]
      really ? i don't know why :
	(1)why baby and parents become aircraft-crash-passenger-victim
	(2)why baby become crocodile-victim in disneyland-lake 
	  [source : '-[14-jun-2016] usa-country->florida-state->orlando-city#killing#
		      alligator kill lane-graves, aged 2 years in usa, florida state.
		      alligator snatched lane-graves from the shore of 7-sea-lagoon then drowned
		      lane-graves, in grand-floridian-resort-and-spa.' in wortel.ucoz.com/history_time_line.htm ]
    consuming (1)shrimp ( water-transparency-reducer/secret-keeper ) , (2)tetra-gastric-fucker or mono-gastric-fucker : maybe causes 
     sex-event which must be kept secret because that sex-event is (police-target/embarassing/forbidden)-sex-event like incest-sex-event , 
     pedophilia-sex-event(sex-event-with-under-age-person) .

 (5)decrease dependency-on alcohol-beverage , chocolate , sweet-food , to decrease sex-desire during family-gathering-event , 
    work-related-event .
12 apr 2022 10:4 pm edt:
 why i say tetra-gastric-fucker means 'alien-fucker' ?
 because human is mono-gastric-fucker , can only give birth to another human ( mono-gastric-fucker ) .
 i fear that consuming tetra-gastric-fucker means destroying what i can not make .
 so i realise that is a reason for 
 'i refuse to destroy borobudur-temple or any hindu-temple which take land-space and appear like temple-for-useless-purpose
  because i can not re-make that borobudur-temple or any hindu-temple which appear like temple-for-useless-purpose' .
3 may 2022 10:54 am edt:
 is there destiny ?
 (1) yes because 'neap-ocean-tide' , 'spring-ocean-tide' exist , will pull ocean-water according to destined-time .
 (2) yes because there is summer-season , winter-season , will cause human to feel hot and cold according to destined-time .
     so destiny says :
	(1)usa-people feel cold during january-month , australia-people feel cold during july-month .

 what if we oppose destiny ? we sacrifice health , reputation .
 example : (1)human can oppose destined-cold-january-month , via wearing thin-clothing during cold-january-month then that human felt cold and
              so that human's health is sacrificed
	   (2)maybe human decide to oppose working-hour via drinking alcohol-beverage during working-hour until drunk 
              then that human's reputation is sacrificed .
3 may 2022 5:43 pm edt:
 if there is destiny then we can just do nothing ?
 (1) we can not do nothing , we are human , need to consume food , need to defecate .
     each time we consume food , we think we can consume what food .
     each time we defecate , we must clean our anus and think use water and soap to wash anus or use tissue to rub anus until anus become semi clean .
      during ancient time : we must choose place which does not have wild animal , to defecate .

    we can not do nothing , we must think so we can survive .

[addition 13 may 2022 3:55 pm edt]
 is there designer-god who design animal ? maybe herbivore-animal who consume fruit has lass-serious-appearance than predator-animal . 
 (1) predator-bird like eagle , hawk , often has serious appearance .
     herbivore-entertainment-bird like parrot-bird , cockatoo-bird , parakeet-bird , gracula-bird , paradisaea-bird , has less-serious-appearance .
     maybe because herbivore-entertainment-bird is artificially-bred with fruit for food . 

 is there designer-god who design animal ? maybe human cross-breed certain fruit to produce weird-fruit . example :
 (1) jackfruit-fruit , durian-fruit , has skin-with-spike ( threatening-appearance like weapon ) .  
     salak-fruit-skin , duku-fruit-skin , jambu-fruit-skin doesn't have threatening-appearance like weapon .
[/addition 13 may 2022 3:55 pm edt]
3 may 2022 9:13 pm edt:
 this is maybe not possible to calculate because :
 find 'but maybe china-astrology-year is known via checking current jupiter-planet-position' :

 maybe if birth-month conflict-with-6-month-difference against birth-year then 
 that person's job is certain animal-slaughterer for food , animal-pest-killer .
 maybe if birth-month conflict-with-3-month-difference against birth-year then 
 that person's job is certain animal-slaughterer for food , animal-pest-killer .
 i just assume this configuration is bad-conflict like conflict-with-6-month-difference . so maybe also animal-slaughterer .

 maybe if birth-month conflict-with-9-month-difference against birth-year then 
 that person's job is certain animal-slaughterer for food , animal-pest-killer .
 i just assume this configuration is bad-conflict like conflict-with-9-month-difference . so maybe also animal-slaughterer .

 maybe painless way to kill animal : sleeping-gas-over-dosage .

 example for birth-month conflict-with-6-month-difference against birth-year :
 (1)osama-bin-laden's china-astrology-configuration ( rabbit-month , rooster-year ) [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_Bin_Laden ]
 (2)manny-paquiao ( boxer , rat-month , horse-year ) [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manny_Paquiao ]
 (3)sahari-ahmad-sah ( malaysiaairlines.com->mh-370-pilot 31 jul 1961 , goat-month , ox-year ) [source : find 'findagrave.com' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
 (4)yarcien-eng ( malaysiaairlines.com->mh-370-female-stewardess 22 jun 1972 , horse-month , rat-year ) [source : find 'findagrave.com' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
 example for birth-month conflict-with-3-month-difference against birth-year :
 (1)LLoyd-mayweather ( boxer , tiger-month , snake-year ) [source : find 'floyd : feb 24, 1977' , and from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd_Mayweather ]
 (2)andrew-nari ( malaysiaairlines.com->mh-370-chief-steward 21 feb 1965 , monkey-month , snake-year ) [source : find 'findagrave.com' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
 (3)waiyeung-fung ( malaysiaairlines.com->mh-370-flight-stewardess 27 jun 1975 , horse-month , rabbit-year ) [source : find 'findagrave.com' in blog/diary/journal http://wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]
 (4)salvador-rolando-ramos ( birth-date 16 may 2004 , former wendys.com->night-time-worker-for-1-year , 
    usa->texas-state->uvalde-city->robb-elementary-school-shooter-and-former-student use 
    his legally-bought DanielDefense.com->ddm-4-v-7-rifle ( similary-copy-of armaLite.com->ar-15-rifle ) to successfully-shoot-until-mortem 
    19 student 2 teacher , shoot-until-wounded 18 person ( 14 student-grade-4 age 9 => 11 ) ,  1 teacher , 1 grand-mother , 2 police 
    inside class-room until 3 bortac/border-patrol-tactical-unit  carrying 1 loaner-ballistic-shield-from-usa-marshall-outside-class-room 
    enter class-room and shoot salvador-rolando-ramos by-passing 19 police sit around on hall-way with usa-marshall who carry 3 ballistic-shield because 
    1 ballistic-shield become that 1 loaner-ballistic-shield , bortac arrive because 1 bortac-officer receive (save-our-ship/sos)-phone-call 
    from wife ( teacher ) in that school but that bortac-officer stay outside class-room . [source : (1/2)en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robb_Elementary_School_shooting#17_nov_2022_9_26_am_est from cnn.com->tv-news->bottom-text-news  (2/2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOS#5_jun_2021_1_12_pm_edt ] .

 example for birth-month conflict-with-9-month-difference against birth-year
 (1)mohamed-elamir-atta ( world-trade-center-911-terrorist , monkey-month , snake-year [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_Atta])

 miss-prediction :
 (1)christopher-darnell-jones-jr ( birth-date 19 nov 1999 , shoot 4 football-player inside school-trip-bus producing 3 mortem 1 wounded  ) [source : cnn.com->tv-news-police-conference , en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_University_of_Virginia_shooting#17_nov_2022_9_23_am_est ]

[addition 14 sep 2022 3:28 pm edt]
   maybe :
    (1)female who born in dragon-month : judging goat-consumer .
    (2)female who born in rabbit-month : judging chicken-consumer .
    (3)female who born in dog-month : judging cow-consumer . 
[/addition 14 sep 2022 3:28 pm edt]
11 may 2022 9:17 am edt:
 #add# this is maybe not possible to calculate because :
        find 'but maybe china-astrology-year is known via checking current jupiter-planet-position' :

 maybe avoid consuming chicken , oyster , clam , scallop because chicken , oyster , clam , scallop 
 do not have tooth to chew food , maybe dead chicken feel entitlement to curse their consumer to swallow food and not chew and to use no tooth . 
 so maybe chicken-consumer , oyster-consumer , etc , suffer tooth-problem .

 maybe animal-meat-consumer receive curse to immitate some behaviour of animal-meat-consumed . 
13 may 2022 4:22 pm edt:#add# [addition 13 may 2022 3:55 pm edt]
6 jun 2022 10:47 am edt:
 maybe people who does not have plan to fuck , consume non-fucker-animal .
 people who has plan to fuck , consume fucker-animal .
 brain has limited energy , need energy to resist temptation to fuck then maybe left-over energy to do work  , is only little .
23 jun 2022 8:44 am edt: end 25 jun 2022 5:43 pm edt
 maybe catholic-religion-pope ideally have :
 which make food-combo-purchase which include 4-Leg-animal-meat for catholic-religion-pope , become free-of-invoice , 
 from any restaurant , example restaurant : 

  economy-class-restaurant ( customer stand-to-queue-during-ordering-food , interior-chair has no privacy/maybe-sit-surrounded-with-people ) : 
   mcdonalds.com , wendys.com , bk.com ( burger-king ), subway.com , quiznos.com , dominos.com , pizzahut.com , tacobell.com , 
   goldencorral.com->europe-food-buffet ( usa-brand ) , pandaexpress.com ( usa-brand ) , 
   iad-airport->peiwei.com ( if in usa->virginia-state->iad-airport , usa-brand ) , huhot.com->mongolia-food , sushionbuffet.com , asianspicecafe.com 
  Luxury-class-restaurant ( customer sit during ordering food with waiter but maybe standing-while-in-queue-to-get-chair , 
   glass-of-drinking-water is infinite/unlimited , appetizer-bread maybe infinite/unlimited , 
   interior-chair has some privacy/maybe-sit-and-can-only-see-adjacent-neighbor ) : 
    PerkinsRestaurants.com , AppleBees.com , OliveGarden.com ( infinite appetizer-white-bread ) , biaggis.com , 
    macaronigrill.com ( infinite appetizer-white-bread ) , outback.com->Lamb-steak-house , tgifridays.com , chilis.com , ihop.com , 
    ArmadilloWillys.com , JackStackBbq.com , TheMootHouse.com->sell-prime-rib-during-dinner-time ( most pricey cow-meat-cut ) , 
    PekingGourmet.com , MaiThai.com , rghk.com.hk , ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/china/hong-kong/dining/tin-lung-heen

  unknown-class-restaurant ( i never visit this restaurant ) : LeDiplomateDc.com , CafeDuParc.com , CafeMilano.com->veaL/baby-cow , 
   peacockCafe.com->Lamb , wahoos.com , los-angeles->Lakers-basket-ball-player kobe-bryant's favorite-restaurant el-camino-real , 
   EddieMerlots.com->steak-house , royrogersrestaurants.com , smokingpigbbq.net , 
   ShinSenGumiGroup.com ( usa-sumo-athlete consume food in this restaurant )

 if catholic-religion-pope bring swiss-body-guard to restaurant then that swiss-body-guard must pay food for that swiss-body-guard .

 maybe restaurant which accept manual-entry-credit-card-payment-method allow swiss-body-guard to use that 
 4-Leg-animal-meat-combo-food-credit-and-debit-card to buy free-to-go-food-combo-which-include-4-leg-animal-meat 
 for catholic-religion-pope 
 so catholic-religion-pope does not need to visit that restaurant and attract crowd . 
 maybe catholic-religion-pope wearing ordinary-clothes can consume food inside Luxury-class-restaurant and does not attract crowd .

 so country-government-who-care-about-testing-trustworthiness-of-religion , can create bank-account for 
 that 4-Leg-animal-meat-combo-food-credit-and-debit-card 
 and make-sure that bank-account contain enough money to buy food-combo-which-include-4-leg-animal-meat for catholic-religion-pope .

 example : maybe usa-president can : give executive-order , or seek approval from usa-congress about :
  ordering treasury.gov to make that bank-account , just like government-subsidy .
  but catholic-religion-pope live in vatican-country , so usa-branch-catholic-religion-boss/usa-catholic-bishop maybe can get 
  that 4-Leg-animal-meat-combo-food-credit-and-debit-card and maybe that usa-catholic-bishop ideally use 
  that 4-Leg-animal-meat-combo-food-credit-and-debit-card inside usa-brand-restaurant . 

 because torah-and-catholic-religion says consuming tetra-gastric ( cow , deer/venison , lamb , goat ) is fine , and actually torah 
 want high-priest once-per-year-during-pass-over-festival/march-22-equinox consume lamb .

 and catholic-relgion maybe say consuming pig/pork is fine because bible-new-testament says :

 '1)1.1)'15 About this time some Pharisees and teachers of the Law of Moses came from Jerusalem.
         They asked Jesus, 2 “Why don't your disciples obey what our ancestors taught us to do ? 
         They don't even wash their hands[a] before they eat.”'
    1.2)'The food that you put into your mouth doesn't make you unclean
         and unfit to worship God. The bad words that come out of your mouth are what
         make you unclean."' 
    in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+15&version=CEV

  2)2.1)'7 Some Pharisees and some teachers of Law of Moses from Jerusalem came and gathered around Jesus.
         2 They noticed that some of his disciples consume-food without first washing their hands.[a]
         3 The Pharisees obey teachings of their ancestors . They always wash their hands in proper way[b]
         before consuming food. 4 None of them will consume food they buy in market until that food is washed. 
         They also follow a lot of other teachings ,such as washing cups, pitchers, bowls.[c]'
    2.2)'The food that you put to your mouth doesn't make you unclean and unfit to worship God. 
	 bad words that come out of your mouth are what make you unclean."[e]' 
    in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+7&version=CEV
 'bible-new-testament orders ppl to follow bible-old-testament
   aka (also known as) torah, in very strict way
   source :
   '17 Don't suppose that I came to do away with the Law and the Prophets.[e]
   I did not come to do away with them, but to give them their full meaning.
   18 Heaven and earth may disappear. But I promise you that not even
   a period or comma will ever disappear from the Law.
   Everything written in it must happen.
   19 If you reject even the least important command in the Law and
   teach others to do the same, you will be the least important person
   in the kingdom of heaven. But if you obey and teach others its commands,
   you will have an important place in the kingdom.
   20 You must obey God's commands better than the Pharisees and
   the teachers of the Law obey them. If you don't,
   I promise you that you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.'
   in https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5&version=CEV

 buddhist-religion->dalai-lama , hindu-religion recommend ahimsa/decrease-animal-violence/peta.org , so 
 no 4-Leg-animal-meat-combo-food-credit-and-debit-card for buddhist-religion->dalai-lama , hindu-religion .

 china-restaurant-menu 'buddha-delight' , is vegan-food .
 [source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha%27s_delight#25_jun_2022_5_59_pm_edt from wikipedia->search ( buddhist delight ) ]
14 jul 2022 10:17 pm edt: end 17 jul 2022 11:32 pm edt
 automatic-email-notification if MasterCard.com's debit-card's bank-checking-account fall to minimum-limit , maybe can happen .
 example : 
 set bank-checking-account's minimum-limit to 1,000 usd , set bank-checking-account's maximum-limit to 5,000 usd .
 maybe bank-checking-account current money-amount : 2,000 usd
 if bank-checking-account current money-amount decrease to 1,000 usd or smaller money-amount
 then send email-notification to bank-checking-account-owner saying 'warning : checking-account's money-amount already fall to minimum-limit 1,000 usd ,
 please refill to maximum-limit 5,000 usd .

 bank's law : debit-card must use checking-account , debit-card can not use saving-account .

 checking-account produce 0 % interest-rate so checking-account can not grow money inside checking-account .
 that's why checking-account's money-amount is minimum usually . and saving-account's money-amount is maximum because saving-account produce
 some interest-rate so saving-account can grow money inside saving-account monthly , with little amount of additional money 
 ( usually saving-account's interest-rate is little ; certificate-deposity-account's interest-rate is rather big but frozen for some time-duration 
   and money-withdrawal during frozen-time-duration is not possible , 
   but coercive certificate-deposit-account's money-withdrawal during frozen-time-duration is possible with penalty ) .

 bank credit-suisse.com-computer-programmer-worker victor-grazi is paid-member of jcp.org ( java-community-process/java-specification-request ) .
 [source : 'credit suisse' , 'victor grazi' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Community_Process ]
 so maybe that bank credit-suisse.com is like software-company now so that bank credit-suisse.com maybe has ability 
 to add feature automatic-email-notification-during-money-fall-to-minimum-limit .

 some bank want checking-account-owner to forgot to refill checking-account , which produce minus money-amount inside checking-account 
 then bank refill that checking-account with money to make money-amount become 0 and not minus anymore , 
 and penalise/give-penalty-to that checking-account-owner for failing to remember refilling checking-account .
 bank gets income from penalty .
 that '4-Leg-animal-meat-combo-food-credit-and-debit-card' can be MasterCard.com's debit-card which is acceptable payment in cashier who accept 
 MasterCard.com-credit-card , and that MasterCard.com's debit-card use bank-checking-account which has feature 
 automatic-email-notification-during-money-fall-to-minimum-limit .

 i suggest avoid credit-card because forgetting to pay credit-card-invoice/credit-card-debt will produce credit-card-debt with high interest-rate , 
 which must be paid quickly otherwise credit-card-debt grow fast because credit-card-debt-interest-rate is high .
 [source : ex-co-worker in iastate.edu->veterinary-diagnostics-lab steve-mindham says credit-card-debt will grow big quickly 
	   because credit-card-debt-interest-rate is high . so credit-card-debt must be paid as-soon-as-possible , 
           credit-card-debt need more-urgent-payment/higher-priority-payment than student-loan-debt. ]
6 sep 2022 10:50 am edt:
 if person worship money then person who receive option to consume non-dairy-breed-name-'angus'-burger/salisbury-steak-goulash(guyas) 5 usd , or
 dairy-breed-name-'holstein'-burger/salisbury-steak-goulash(guyas) 2 usd , will choose to buy-and-consume 
 dairy-breed-name-'holstein'-burger/salisbury-steak-goulash(guyas) .
8 sep 2022 11:57 am edt:#add# [addition 8 sep 2022 11:57 am edt]
14 sep 2022 3:30 pm edt:#add# [addition 14 sep 2022 3:28 pm edt]
4 dec 2022 9:16 pm est:#add# [addition 4 dec 2022 9:1 pm est]
27 dec 2022 10:14 pm est:
maybe all paper-money ideally show 1 politician . 
to see politician-photo on paper-money , maybe has meaning to receive-influence-from that politician .
so receive-influence-from multiple politician with conflicting politic-agenda , maybe produce internal-mental-conflict .
currently different paper-money show different politician , so maybe person see multiple politician during counting money , 
accidentally-receive-influence-from multiple different politician with different politic-agenda .

 [addition 29 dec 2022 5:7 am est]
   paper-money allow us to buy any item which we like/crave , 
   so maybe person is under pressure to receive-significant-influence-from-seeing/respect paper-money .
   so paper-money-owner is under pressure to respect politician being shown on that paper-money .
   paper-money-owner actually dislike politician because politician create law 
   which order tax-police to check-and-investigate-and-pursue citizen who does not pay tax because tax actually has meaning like
   1-year-retro-active-invoice .
   tax-police : legal-resident can not pay tax for today-earning today , 
    legal-resident must wait 1 year to calculate taxable-part-of that today-earning . 
    legal-resident must not shop-until-money-inside-wallet-is-zero and legal-resident must hoard taxable-part-of-that today-earning for 1 year .
 [/addition 29 dec 2022 5:7 am est]

 [addition 12 feb 2023 4:50 am est]
  example for 'which order tax-police to check-and-investigate-and-pursue citizen who does not pay tax because tax actually has meaning like' :
  (1) find 'john-McAfee was arrested in Spain-country on 6 oct 2020 , over tax-evasion-law-suit-charges' ,
	   'In March, usa->new-york-state->south-district->usa-attorney-office charged john-McAfee with conspiracy to commit fraud and money-laundering.'
	   in newsweek.com/john-mcafee-tweet-2020-surfaces-saying-if-he-dies-jail-its-not-suicide-1603546
        from google ( mitsuhiro shimada suicide note ) result 8

      maybe has hidden-reason : [source : find 'John McAfee In 2018 the software magnate claimed to have 47 genetic children' in
	 from wiki/Rama_I from wiki/Rama_ .... (forgotten) from wiki/ .... (forgotten article about uk-mounbatten fighting war in burma where
	 rama_... is being written . then i read wiki/Rama_... that rama has large-amount of children . ]

  (2) (1)simplified : 'juan-pablo-Montoya, a 38-year-old Colombian citizen who now live in usa-state-tax-free and 
	 local-income-tax-free Miami-city with his wife , Connie-Freydell, and 3 children, is hardly 1-st driver to run to trouble with IRS. 
	 Coincidentally , he recently signed to drive in 2014 on IndyCar team of Roger-Penske, the billionaire CEO of Penske Automotive Group.
	 That team already includes Brazilian Helio-Castroneves, who placed 2-nd this year on IndyCar circuit and is known beyond
	 the track for winning Dancing With The Stars and for his 2009 jury acquittal on federal  felony tax fraud charges.
	 While details are very different, both drivers’ tax disputes involve offshore corporations and payments for use of their images---
	 elements that were also at the heart of past IRS challenges to golfers Sergio-Garcia and Retief-Goosen
	 and are an issue in Spain’s current pursuit of Barcelona football star Lionel-Messi.' in forbes.com/sites/janetnovack/2013/11/03/irs-waves-black-flag-at-race-car-driver-juan-pablo-montoya/
      from 'tax' in ---https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Pablo_Montoya#12_feb_2023_5_48_am_est

  (3) simplified : 'spain-country opera-star montserrat-caball who rose to fame after duetting with Freddy-Mercury on year 1987 hit Barcelona, 
	did not declare her earnings in 2010, listing her official residence as being in the tiny Pyrenean country of Andorra 
	“for the sole purpose of not paying her taxes” according to the prosecution.' ;

        'As well as accepting 6 month suspended sentence, the singer was also ordered to pay a fine of €254,231 ($280,000) and 
	 was banned from receiving any public subsidies for a period of 18 months.
	During the brief video conference, the soprano admitted that despite living in Spain in 2010 she registered in Andorra 
	 to avoid paying tax in Spain. ' in thelocal.es/20151215/spanish-soprano-montserrat-caball-gets-six-months-in-prison-for-tax-fraud/
        from 'period of 18 months.[54]' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montserrat_Caball%C3%A9 ]

 [/addition 12 feb 2023 4:50 am est]

 [addition 10 feb 2023 9:54 pm est] end 10:24 pm est
  tax behaving like 1-year-retro-active-invoice , is blocking business-opportunity to occupy 1-st-market-share and to gain 1-st-client-trust .
  example :
    (1)blizzard.com->starcraft-and-warcraft-video-game-professional-player , microsoft.com->age-of-empire-advanced-player : 
       give education which show that mineral-money-and-vespene-gas-in-budget-wallet is being spent until 
       mineral-money-and-vespene-gas-in-budget-wallet reach depletion as quickly as possible , 
       to make as many military-tool as possible , as quickly as possible .
       to create defense-strategy , to create offensive-strategy , to explore-and-secure other mineral-and-vespene-gas-money-location 
       as quickly as possible .

       portion 'to explore-and-secure other mineral-and-vespene-gas-money-location as quickly as possible' : 
        maybe has meaning to breed kid as quickly as possible as well .

       in starcraft-video-game , that has meaning to create mineral-harvester-robot-worker as quickly as possible ( not breed kid as quickly as possible ) .
       so starcraft-video-game can not represent real life 100 % .
    (2)small textile-factory-boss maybe want to shop latest textile-machine-upgrade until money-in-budget-wallet become zero . as fast as possible to
       send latest clothes with latest digital-textile-printing-art-picture to market , as fast as possible .

  but i realise :
  (1) microsoft.com magically must have been having ability to pay tax-money 
      even-though during 29 apr 2020 : microsoft-money-inside-wallet is -54.90 billion usd .
      [source :  finance.yahoo.com/news/microsofts-debt-overview-154107898.html from google (  microsoft debt ) result 1 
        or find that url in inside blog/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]

  (2) toyota.co.jp magically must have been having ability to pay tax-money
      even-though during year 2020   : toyota-money-inside-wallet is -197.7 billion usd .
      [source :  finbox.com/NYSE:HMC/explorer/total_debt from google ( honda debt ) result 9
        or find that url in inside blog/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]

  i realise :
  (1) microsoft-money-inside-wallet ( equity ) is some-surplus-amount enough to pay tax , but debt-with-future-payment-date is  -54.90 billion usd .
  (2) toyota-money-inside-wallet    ( equity ) is some-surplus-amount enough to pay tax , but debt-with-future-payment-date is -197.7 billion usd .
  [source : 'Assets - Liabilities = Owner’s Equity' in  investopedia.com/terms/l/liability.asp from google (outstanding liability) result 4
    or find that url in inside blog/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm ]

  and maybe 1-st business-person who get 1-st-market-share and gain 1-st-client-trust , has meaning :
    (1) 1-st-clitoris-licker who sell software-product , photo-file-editing-service , movie-editing-service ,
         flight-ticket-reservation-number , calendar , news , bad-weather-advisory-prediction 

          [addition 13 feb 2023 12:4 am est]
	   example : concurrent-aircraft-landing-procedure for youtube.com/watch?v=X5gGSWg_KcE ( synchronized landing at sfo )
            from thepointsguy.com/guide/challenging-airport-approaches/ from google ( difficult to land international airport ) result 3
	   is not possible during strong-side-way-wind which coerce pilot to do cross-wind-landing-procedure .
           maybe 1 touch-down-asphalt must be closed during strong-wind so 1-by-1/sequential 
           touch-down-process with cross-wind-landing-procedure , can be done .
	  [/addition 13 feb 2023 12:4 am est]

         census-for-current-product-in-demand , airport-project-contractor-bidder-selection , jury-duty , bad-event-investigation-job like ntsb.gov
         , industrial-engineering-(kanban/zero-storage-manufacturing)-advisory , school-tutor-email , new-music-tune ,
         auto-cad-drawing-for-hardware-design , mars-planet-rover-communicator , 
         aircraft-current-location-tracker-with-inmarsat-satellite-communicator , cooking-recipe , 
	 defecation-and-anus-washing-tutorial-animation-movie , car-service-procedure-animation-movie ( intangible-product ) .
    (2) 1-st-condom-fucker and immediately-clitoris-licker-to-reimburse-bad-luck-from-that-1-st-condom-fuck who sell customer-service-product like
	massage-service , pedicure-manicure , barber , metal-mining-service , pencil-graphite-mining-service , airport-worker , restaurant-food ,
	mars-planet-rover-launch-preparation-delivery-worker , car-racer? , master-of-ceremony-for-female-sweet-16-party
           ( intangible-product-with-on-demand-physical-presence ) .
    (3) 1-st-fucker-for-breeding who sell hardware-product : car , aircraft , cookie-food , etc ( tangible-product ) .

  maybe money's purpose is for :
	(1) reimbursement-for-condom-fuck-event 
	(2) raising kid 

  maybe clitoris-licker need to work making software-product or something , after play ( enjoying female-companion for oral-sex ,  
   seeing downloadable-netflix-movie , monitor the need to turn-off forgotten-stove-fire-and-light , 
   cadaver-bad-odor-presence-detector-in-case-accidental-fall ) .

 [/addition 10 feb 2023 9:54 pm est]

 [addition 12 feb 2023 4:50 am est]
   possible reason why need government who accept tax-money ?
    (1) switzerland-country-government has lenient tax-money-law , and mercedes-benz->g-class ( car with full-size-spare-tire on rear-door ) 
        become popular . that maybe has meaning flat-tire because-of nail-on-wood-on-road , is common on switzerland-country .
        [source : 'These are also very common in switzerland-country->Geneva-city especially, so we are sure Rodger-federer won't look out of place
	  cruising the streets in g-63-amg.' in hotcars.com/roger-federers-car-collection-is-a-total-ace/ from google ( roger federer car ) result 1 ]

    (2) government maybe can give unique desire-to-do-unique-business-opportunity to every person .
	switzerland-country has lenient tax-money-law , then many person do same business-opportunity which clock-related-business .
        so maybe in switzerland-country : there are many clock-related-business , but many there are not many toilet-plumbing-related-business .

   maybe if government is jerk then government play delay-tactic which delay tax-payment-season 
   then ppl must hoard unknown-money-amount for minimum 1 year for paying tax during tax-payment-season .
   which is like government want ppl to fail paying tax-money and get in trouble .

   if government is nice then government grab tax-money immediately after business-company receive income-payment .
 [/addition 12 feb 2023 4:50 am est]

 [addition 15 aug 2023 9:23 pm est-not-edt]
    while government want ppl to hoard money for paying tax , some foundation solicit-via-method-showing sad-advertisement on tv : 
    shrinershospitalsforchildren.org->youtube.com/watch?v=PaqLJIRtiVY ( Shriners Hospitals commercial: Kaleb's Story ) . [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shriners_Hospitals_for_Children#15-aug-2023-9-26-pm-est-no-edt ]
    so ppl feel sad then donate to that shrinershospitalsforchildren.org then not having money to pay tax .
    non-profit-foundation ideally photo-copy intel.com-move in requesting subsidy from usa-federal-government/usa-legislature/usa-congress-senator .
 [/addition 15 aug 2023 9:23 pm est-not-edt]
28 dec 2022 5:2 pm est:#add# [addition 28 dec 2022 5 pm est]
29 dec 2022 5:5 am est:
 #reword# worship 
     #to# receive-influence-from

 #reword# internal-conflict
     #to# internal-mental-conflict 

 #add# [addition 29 dec 2022 5:7 am est]
26 jan 2023 8:41 pm est:#add# [addition 25 jan 2023 8:26 pm est]
26 jan 2023 8:42 pm est:
 #reword# so respect politician being shown on that paper-money .
     #to# so paper-money-owner is under pressure to respect politician being shown on that paper-money .
	  paper-money-owner actually dislike politician because politician create law 
	  which order tax-police to check-and-investigate-and-pursue citizen who does not pay tax because tax actually has meaning like
	  1-year-retro-active-invoice .
27 jan 2023 6:5 am est:#add# [addition 26 jan 2023 8:56 pm est]
28 jan 2023 12:5 am est:#add# [addition 28 jan 2023 12:3 am est]
10 feb 2023 10:4 pm est:#add# [addition 10 feb 2023 9:54 pm est]
12 feb 2023 5:38 am est:#add# [addition 12 feb 2023 4:50 am est]
13 feb 2023 12:7 am est:#add# [addition 13 feb 2023 12:4 am est]
24 jun 2023 2:55 am est-not-edt : #add# [addition 24 jun 2023 2:41 am est-not-edt]
15 aug 2023 9:31 pm est-not-edt : #add# [addition 15 aug 2023 9:23 pm est-not-edt]
24 jun 2024 2:49 pm est : #add# [addition 24 jun 2024 2:49 pm est]
29 jun 2024 5:43 pm est :
  if money-value is important then maybe groom choose cow-prime-rib for gift for bride-family , 
  not 'whole roast pig with tail' because cow-prime-rib is pound-per-pound-more-expensive than 'whole roast pig with tail' .
  if money-value is important then more expensive means higher-quality-gift .
  if high money-value produce high quality item then maybe sangjit-tradition recommend cow rather-than pig 
  because cow has higher quality than pig because cow is pound-per-pound-more-expensive than pig . 
  but in reality sangjit-tradition recommend pig , not cow . pig is cheaper than cow which means pig has quality lower than cow .
  so we can say that sangjit-tradition recommend giving low-quality-meat to bride-family .
22 aug 2024 2:3 pm est : #add# [addition 22 aug 2024 2:2 pm est]
21 nov 2024 8:10 pm est : #add# [addition 21 nov 2024 7:16 pm est]
21 nov 2024 8:54 pm est :
 #reword# paul-allen drive mazda-truck-b-series-year-1988 even-though having 1 porsche-959 , mig-29 , boeing 757 . [source : (1)'When in Seattle, Allen opts for a much more modest 1988 Mazda B-Series pickup truck' in  www.businessinsider.com/extravagant-toys-of-microsoft-billionaire-paul-allen-2015-1 from google-image ( paul allen mazda ) row 1 col 3 (2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Force_One#3-aug-2023-5-13-am-est-not-edt ]
     #to# late paul-allen drive mazda.com->truck-b-series-year-1988 even-though having 1 porsche-959 , mig-29 , boeing 757 . [source : (1)'When in Seattle, Allen opts for a much more modest 1988 Mazda B-Series pickup truck' in  www.businessinsider.com/extravagant-toys-of-microsoft-billionaire-paul-allen-2015-1 from google-image ( paul allen mazda ) row 1 col 3 (2)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Force_One#3-aug-2023-5-13-am-est-not-edt ]