3 sep 2022 1:8 pm edt(utc-4) : creation
3 sep 2022 3:32 pm edt(utc-4) : 
 #add# during sabbath , we do : (routine/mundane)-activity , non-special-activity , emergency-activity . 
  example : bathing , cutting nail , cutting hair , cooking , consuming food , driving car to grocery-shop to buy primary-need-food .
3 sep 2022 3:49 pm edt:
 #reword# cutting hair #to# cutting hair to become bald 
3 sep 2022 3:51 pm edt:
 #reword# primary-need-food #to# emergency-food , etc
3 sep 2022 3:59 pm edt:
 during non-sabbath , we do : ask someone to cut our hair to appear cool , driving car to grocery-shop to buy food , 
 resume driving car in long distance from rest-area , update internet-page , upload youtube-movie , making car , maintaining car , etc .
3 sep 2022 4:33 pm edt:
 use standard-time-zone , not day-light-time-zone because :
  standard-time-zone means during september-month-equinox-day or march-month-equinox-day , 1 pm happen at same time concurrently in all time-zone .
  because knowing when is 1 pm with sun-dial-clock is easiest ( if sky is clear not cloudy ) , 
  easier than knowing when is 6 am / when do sun-star start showing .
  avoid using day-light-saving-time-zone because day-light-saving-time-zone is set by government with goal :
   (1)so school-student depart to school during sun-light already available .
   (2)so day-time's office-worker finish working during sun-light is still available .
3 sep 2022 4:40 pm edt:
 #reword# sun-light #to# sun-star-light
3 sep 2022 5 pm edt:
 #reword# 1 pm happen at same time concurrently in all time-zone .
     #to# 1 pm happen at same time concurrently in many time-zone of places where those places are located north of each other or south of each other .
3 sep 2022 5:2 pm edt:
 #add# maybe with latitude-longitude calculation , we can calculate time-zone without using sun-dial-clock .          
4 sep 2022 12:2 am edt:
so this is why school which coerce all student to work during same time-duration daily , is bad for kid .
student ideally stop going to school , just borrow desirable-book in library , send email to school-teacher to ask question .
school-teacher ideally has internet-page giving information about : list-of-topic to do certain job .
maybe student borrow book for all those topic and read more about book which make that student feel interested and grow appetite ,
student can feel desire-to-vomit if coerced to study about 2 topic which oppose each other ,
example : 
 (1)student can not study computer-programming and mathematics together .
    because computer-programming want student to expand problem then write solution which solve all those expanded problem .
    mathematics want student to simplify problem then write solution which solve that simplified-problem .

     example : computer-programming want student to write list of possible-hacking-attempt to a future software ( expand problem to multiple problem )
               then write computer-code which block those possible-hacking-attempt ( solve each problem ) .
 (2)student maybe dislike studying biology and mathematics together because biology need student's language-ability which decrease 
    mathematics-ability , then mathematics need student's mathematics-ability which decrease language-ability .
    maybe it is difficult to concurrently have good language-ability and mathematics-ability . 
4 sep 2022 10:49 am edt:
 #reword# so this is why school which coerce all student to work during same time-duration daily , is bad for kid .
     #to# so this is why school which coerce all student to work during same hour and same time-duration daily , is bad for kid .
25 oct 2022 3:29 pm edt: end 7:6 pm edt
why i think 'when is sabbath ?' is correct ?
(1) because if birth-hour-china-astrology-animal conflict with current-hour-china-astrology-animal then
	brain-fart/brain-lethargy most likely happen .
    if we coerce ourselves to work during feeling brain-fart/brain-lethargy to get higher salary then
	(1)temptation like desire-to-shop-around-which-increase-money-expenditure increase .	
	(2)sex-desire increase .
	(3)there is high probability that mistake/blunder which causes physical-damage , mental-damage , item-damage , happen .
(2) why use birth-hour as well ? 
    because i realise ppl must have been made to become unique , birth-hour-timing is what makes ppl unique .
    during 1-st birth-hour : we do not have freedom , maternity-nurse carry us and bathe us .
    during 1-st birth-hour , we are still young , maybe we ideally want groundhog-day-movie-year-1993-repetition during we are still young 
    so we become find 'forever young' in wortel.ucoz.com/lyrics.htm  . [source : '1993' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day_(film)#25_oct_2022_7_3_pm_edt ] .
    imagine if all ppl has same birth-hour then :
	(1)maternity-nurse-labor-shortage happen
	(2)clean-water-shortage happen because all newly-born-baby bathe at same time .
	   water-provider need time to refill residential-(water-tower/skyscraper-water-reservoir) .
	   ideally water-provider's water-pump-impeller-rpm is always low-and-stable to save octane-heptane-fuel , 
	   low water-pump-impeller-rpm can only send clean-water to residential-(water-tower/skyscraper-water-reservoir) with low speed .
	   so ideally residential-(water-tower/skyscraper-water-reservoir)-refill-proces is slow to save octane-heptane-fuel . 
    so maybe ideally ppl use birth-hour for time-to-start-bathing and maybe time-zone matter like time-to-start-bathing maybe 
    become different in different time-zone .
26 oct 2022 10:28 am edt:
 [source : 'Bensin dengan bilangan oktan 87, berarti bensin tersebut terdiri dari campuran setara dengan campuran 87% oktana dan 13% heptana' di https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bensin] .
27 oct 2022 4:48 am edt:
 each mistake/blunder can cause (mistake/blunder)-creator to experience : 
	    (1)getting yelled-at / hearing loud rebuke/criticism which create provocation . 
	    (2)getting inspection/audit which create provocation . 
	   which create anger which need to be controlled/restrain ( abrupt emotion-fluctuation ) causing trauma/mental-damage .
27 oct 2022 10:51 am edt:
 and that mistake/blunder sometimes appear embarassing and demoralising , if demoralising-mistake happen frequently then trauma happen .
2 nov 2022 12:21 pm edt: end 3 nov 2022 12:27 am edt
 islam-religion says during holy-month/ramadan-month , during darkness-time/night-time islam-religion-follower/non-pig-meat-consumer can :
 (1)consume non-pig-meat . note : bat-animal go out of cave-nest to suck cow-blood during darkness-time/night-time 
    so night-food-consumption-time is like bat-animal .
 (2)do sex-activity .
 (3)talk sinful-speech , do sinful-behaviour .
 [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramadan#17_nov_2021_5_17_pm_est ]

but for ppl-who-consume-pig-meat bad-event can happen during darkness-time/night-time : 
 (1)alcohol-bar-fight-which-causes-fatal-eye-injury can happen during darkness-time/night-time 2:30 am .
 (2)car-collision-which-causes-brain-injury with driving-under-influence/dui/drunk-driving-car can happen during darkness-time/night-time 2 am .
[source : 
    from google(bar fight punch bouncer stab car key eye) result 6
    from google (august 2011 john huttick) result 5 from 'john huttick', 'august 2011' in previous-article 
    from google ( aol.com ashley murray dui ) result 4 from facebook.com/aol/posts/pfbid04NXdR1gC4utKARvYryXWPi9w9N9jm1KD1sUeHdkEvUbX6ymN1KR16rhk4YzA4gNxl

so islam-religion-law about what to do during darkness-time/night-time maybe only correct for non-pig-meat-consumer .
20 dec 2022 12:8 am est:
 (3)night-club-shooting [source : 
24 dec 2022 9:41 est: ( this is written during 26 dec 2022 6:6 pm est , so there is delay then i scribe this record )
 islam-religion's law during holy-month/ramadan-month about : 
 (1)become predator during night/darkness-time
 (2)become non-predator during day-time
has meaning : islam-religion-person can only consume chicken-egg , vegetarian-cookie , 
to repair-muscle after physical-labor-heavy-lifting during 12 pm => 6 pm .
 (1) find 'when is best-time to jump repeatedly , jump to do aerobic-physical-exercise , run ?' in wortel.ucoz.com/loseweight_gainmuscle.htm .
     which has meaning : 
	(1)best-time to do physical-labor like lifting heavy-item . 
	  example : 25 lbs rice-sack , 70 lbs liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister
	   [source : find 'rice-sack' , 'Liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister-full-of-(propane/butane)' in wortel.ucoz.com/car_review.htm ]
	(2)using heavy mobile-agriculture-machine to maintain paddy/rice-field , wheat-field , oat-field , barley-field , corn-field , 
	   other agriculture-field 
	(3)driving car
     is 12 pm => 6 pm .
 (2)maybe person need to become predator to repair muscle after lifting heavy-item , delaying muscle-repair 
27 dec 2022 3:48 pm est:
 (2)maybe person need to become predator to repair muscle after lifting heavy-item , delaying muscle-repair 
27 dec 2022 3:50 am est:
 because usually night/darkness-time start during 6 pm 
27 dec 2022 3:53 am est:
 (3)night-club-shooting [source : 
 (3)many night-club-shooting [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_City_nightclub_shooting#19_dec_2022_11_52_pm_est and other night-club-shooting on bottom-menu]
27 dec 2022 3:55 am est:
 has meaning : islam-religion-person can only consume chicken-egg , vegetarian-cookie , 
 has meaning : islam-religion-person can only consume chicken-egg , vegetarian-cookie , dairy ,
27 dec 2022 4:3 am est: end 5:8 am est
 usually there is house-chef who is a mother who already has kid and has mental-stress from maintaining everything , and usually
 cook food in large-amount to be consumed for many day like large-amount-of meat-soup inside big-container .
 and there is possibility that meat-soup is about to become rotten during day-time and must be consumed during day-time .
 and that maybe means cooked-meat-food go inside refrigerator during day-time , then cooked-meat-food must be reheated during night-time to be consumed . 
 each food-reheating-process need additional petroleum .
 petroleum-barrel-per-day-output for oil-field , always decrease as time goes on .
27 dec 2022 5:45 pm est:
 #reword# meat #to# (animal-flesh/meat)
27 dec 2022 8:31 pm est:
  because usually night/darkness-time start during 6 pm .
 because :
 (1)usually night/darkness-time start during 6 pm .
27 dec 2022 8:36 pm est:
 #add# ( example : goulash )
27 dec 2022 8:46 pm est:
 israel-country-judaism-religion-book tell story that moses follow that law but at that time :
	(1)bread automatically-fall-from-sky to living-area 
	(2)quail-bird automatically-touch-down near living-area 
	(3)there was bright-cloud-which-can-talk
[source :
'10 Aaron was speaking to them, when everyone looked out toward the desert and saw the bright glory of the Lord in a cloud. 
11 The Lord said to Moses, 12 “I have heard my people complain. Now tell them that each evening they will have meat and 
each morning they will have more than enough bread. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God.”
13 That evening a lot of quails came and landed everywhere in the camp, and the next morning dew covered the ground. 
14 After the dew had gone, the desert was covered with thin flakes that looked like frost.'
in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+16%3A8&version=CEV  ( facebook.com/BibleGateway ) ]
27 dec 2022 9:40 pm est:
 other bible-part suggest we worship something which can see , hear , eat , smell :
 (1)'28 There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or eat or smell.'
    in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%204&version=NIVUK#5_may_2021_5_26_pm_edt
 (2)'12 That same night I will pass through Egypt and kill
     the first-born son in every family and the first-born male of all animals.
     I am the Lord, and I will punish the gods of Egypt. 13 The blood on the houses will show me where you live, and 
     when I see the blood, I will pass over you. Then you won’t be bothered by the terrible disasters I will bring on Egypt.'
     in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+12&version=CEV from google (Exodus 12:25 cev) result 1

 if '28 There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or eat or smell.'
    in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%204&version=NIVUK#5_may_2021_5_26_pm_edt
 is a mockery to idol-worshiper then that means israel-country-judaism-religion-book-god can see , hear , eat , smell , and 
 maybe that means peta.org is correct about caring animal .

 israel-country-judaism-religion-book recommend killing lamb , ox , etc ( something which can see , hear , eat , smell ) , during festival . 
 [source :  '9 Don’t eat the meat raw or boiled. The entire animal, including its head, legs, and insides, must be roasted.
	     10 Eat what you want that night, and the next morning burn whatever is left.'
	     in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+12&version=CEV from google (Exodus 12:25 cev) result 1 ]
 and discarding left-over-meat-via-burning-method '10 Eat what you want that night, and the next morning burn whatever is left.' , is pricey-life-style .
27 dec 2022 9:43 pm est:
  israel-country-judaism-religion-book tell story that moses follow that law but at that time :
  israel-country-judaism-religion-book tell story that moses follow that law ( (1)become predator during night/darkness-time
  (2)become non-predator during day-time ) but at that time :
23 jan 2023 5:37 am est:
 see bottom-area/end-of-file for more history-record/activity-log/activity-record
14 jun 2023 3:20 pm est-not-edt :
    'If you happen to kill a burglar who breaks into your home after dark then you are not guilty.
     But if you kill someone who breaks in during the day then you are guilty of murder.' in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2022&version=CEV

     this story suggest it's necessary to boycott sun-light , not boycotting day-time , for consuming animal-meat , simplified :
     'windowless' in 
     'A cousin drove Ahmed to National-Beef-factory on his first day of work. 
      National-Beef-factory-building was white and gray, windowless and long , the size of a city block , 
      with the head of a cow painted on 1 side. 18-wheelers ferried cattle through a gated entrance.

     Ahmed had been around animals before, but he was still knocked back by the smell that spewed from the plant.
     It was thick and meaty, something spoiled and hot, and Ahmed covered his nose.

     “It’s like goats,” he said, “in a refugee camp.”
     “Instead of the animals being brought to the workers, the workers came to the animals.”'
     '“You cut and cut and cut,” Ahmed said, and he had periods of wheezing breath, and talked less about school.
       The cows came in from Colorado , Kansas , Oklahoma and went out as steaks and ribs to foreign countries and American family restaurants.
       Ahmed was just 1 cog, giving a few cuts to fat of the animals’ legs long after they’d been killed with a bolt to the head, shucked of the skin,
	drained of the intestines and shaved into portions. Where Ahmed worked, on cutting-line,
	temperatures were just above freezing , and the meat felt hard and cold. He wore steel-toed boots and bundled himself in sweatshirts,
	and he used 6-inch blade that grew dull as work-shifts dragged on.
	Monday : Cut, cut, sharpen.
	Tuesday: Cut, cut, sharpen.'
   in washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2016/05/24/for-many-somali-refugees-this-industry-offers-hope-then-takes-it-away/
   from google ( usa slaughterhouse worker somali immigrant ) result 1 from 
   [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithsonian_Channel#14_nov_2021_5_29_am_est from 'smithsonian channel' in
           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithsonian_Institution#Controversies ]
my own version of sabbath with china-astrology :
when is sabbath ? 

(1) there are 4 sabbath-time-duration per day :

 [addition 9 aug 2024 12:5 pm est]
   example : if a person's china-astrology-birth-hour-animal is mouse/rat then  
   sabbath-1 : mouse/rat hour ( china-astrology-birth-hour-animal )  
   sabbath-2 : rabbit hour ( 1-st-china-astrology-animal which conflict against china-astrology-birth-hour-animal , or china-astrology-birth-hour-animal + 3 animal )
   sabbath-3 : horse hour ( 2-nd-china-astrology-animal which conflict against china-astrology-birth-hour-animal , or china-astrology-birth-hour-animal + 6 animal )
   sabbath-4 : rooster/chicken hour ( 3-rd-china-astrology-animal which conflict against china-astrology-birth-hour-animal , or china-astrology-birth-hour-animal + 9 animal )

   example : if a person's china-astrology-birth-hour-animal is ox then  
   sabbath-1 : ox hour ( china-astrology-birth-hour-animal )  
   sabbath-2 : dragon hour ( 1-st-china-astrology-animal which conflict against china-astrology-birth-hour-animal , or china-astrology-birth-hour-animal + 3 animal )
   sabbath-3 : ram/goat hour ( 2-nd-china-astrology-animal which conflict against china-astrology-birth-hour-animal , or china-astrology-birth-hour-animal + 6 animal )
   sabbath-4 : dog hour ( 3-rd-china-astrology-animal which conflict against china-astrology-birth-hour-animal , or china-astrology-birth-hour-animal + 9 animal )

 [/addition 9 aug 2024 12:5 pm est]

 [addition 12 aug 2024 12:53 pm est]
  china-astrology-animal-hour : 
   23:00 – 01:00 : 子 rat
   01:00 – 03:00 : 丑 ox
   03:00 – 05:00 : 寅 tiger
   05:00 – 07:00 : 卯 rabbit
   07:00 – 09:00 : 辰 dragon
   09:00 – 11:00 : 巳 snake
   11:00 – 13:00 : 午 horse
   13:00 – 15:00 : 未 sheep
   15:00 – 17:00 : 申 monkey
   17:00 – 19:00 : 酉 rooster
   19:00 – 21:00 : 戌 dog
   21:00 – 23:00 : 亥 pig
   [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chinese_zodiac&oldid=404132455 from 
	   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_zodiac#Months_and_solar_terms from google 'chinese astrology' result 3 ]

 [/addition 12 aug 2024 12:53 pm est]

 [addition 24 sep 2024 2:43 pm est]
   use time-zone like in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World_Time_Zones_Map.svg 
       from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone#23-sep-2024-4-37-pm-est
   and assume all vertical-line is straight 
 [/addition 24 sep 2024 2:43 pm est]

    i feel if i use china-astrology-animal then i make less mistake , 
    find 'example : if a person's china-astrology-birth-hour-animal is mouse then  ' 
   sabbath-1 : start = birth-hour , duration = 2 hour .
   sabbath-2 : start = birth-hour + 6 , duration = 2 hour .
   sabbath-3 : start = birth-hour + 12 , duration = 2 hour .
   sabbath-4 : start = birth-hour + 18 , duration = 2 hour .

 use standard-time-zone , not day-light-time-zone because :
  standard-time-zone means during september-month-equinox-day or march-month-equinox-day , 
  1 pm happen at same time concurrently in many places which has same longitude/x-coordinate , different latitude/y-coordinate .
  because knowing when is 1 pm with sun-dial-clock is easiest ( if sky is clear not cloudy ) , 
  easier than knowing when is 6 am / when do sun-star start showing .
  maybe with latitude-longitude calculation , we can calculate time-zone without using sun-dial-clock .
  avoid using day-light-saving-time-zone because day-light-saving-time-zone is set by government with goal :
   (1)so school-student depart to school during sun-star-light already available .
   (2)so day-time's office-worker finish working during sun-star-light is still available .

 [addition 9 nov 2024 7:38 pm est]
   standard-time-zone is according to : 'world-time-zone-map / earth-time-zone-map' in wortel.ucoz.com/index.htm
   and assume all those vertical-line is straight .
   and i do not know use which standard-time-zone : egg-fertilisation-time-zone ? birth-time-zone ? current-location-time-zone ?
 [/addition 9 nov 2024 7:38 pm est]

 [addition 24 nov 2024 7:11 pm est] end 7:41 pm est
   i feel better doing work-activity during darkness . so maybe i only do activity-needed-to-live-basic-life during day-time .
   because every item maybe have curse . seeing clock , produce curse to that clock-observer .
   example curse : maybe it is not possible to see sharpclocks.com , and become owner of luxury non japan-country-brand-item .
   i think example of luxury japan-country-brand-item : asics.com , mizuno.com , isseymiyake.com , view-swim.com , acura.com , 
   lexus.com , business-class-chair-of-non-japan-country-airline [source : 'mizuno.com' in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizuno ] .
   maybe i get curse during chicken-hour ( 5 pm => 7 pm ) because i did something bad during previous horse-hour ( 11 am => 1 pm ) during day-time .
   maybe what i do during day-time produce judgement during night-time . but what i do during night-time does not produce judgement .
   maybe :
   (1)sun-star is magical-illumination which create curse to me ( non-chicken-egg-eater because chicken-egg make me defecate early , 
      non-cow-milk-drinker because i am lactose-intolerant ) .
   (2)my birth-hour is 00:10 so maybe i have destiny to live during darkness-time .
   maybe only chicken-egg-consumer , or cow-milk-drinker , can work during day-time with sun-star-illumination and not getting any curse .
   maybe this is just temporary-life-phase because now is pig-month and pig-month is bad month for my china-astrology-4-pillar .
   maybe next month during mouse-month ( better month according to china-astrology-4-pillar ) , my appetite change then i prefer to work during day-time .
   it is not possible to know current china-astrology-animal-hour without seeing clock .
 [/addition 24 nov 2024 7:11 pm est]

 [addition 24 nov 2024 7:51 pm est]
   maybe i can not consume usa-country-chicken-egg because usa-chicken consume yogurt then usa-chicken-egg contain yogurt , lactose  :
   https://www.reddit.com/r/chickens/comments/1fk4v86/chickens_eating_yogurt/ from reddit.com->search ( chicken eat yogurt ) result 1 
   i forgot i can consume indonesia-country-chicken-egg or not , i think indonesia-chicken does not consume yogurt and
   so indonesia-chicken-egg does not contain yogurt , lactose .
   but chicken-egg maybe always contain sulfur . 
   [source : 'Hitchcock's aversion to eggs may have been influenced by the well-known "rotten egg smell," usually associated 
      with an egg's sulfur content (about 50 mg in the white and about 25 mg in the yolk)' in cen.acs.org/articles/84/i34/Chicken-Eggs.html 
     from google ( egg yolk contain sulfur ) result 1

   and that sulfur maybe also make me defecate early , but if chicken-egg contain sulfur and
   not contain lactose then maybe that chicken-egg stay inside my stomach for longer time-duration and i can defecate late .
 [/addition 24 nov 2024 7:51 pm est]

 [addition 12 dec 2024 1:9 am est]
  i make big mistake i leave stove-fire-setting-3 start from 12 dec 2024 11:15 pm est until 12:43 pm est ( 88 minute , i actually only need 20 minute ,
  so i waste 68 minute of stove-fire-setting-3 ) .
  maybe i want to try both : awake at night-time and not working during sabbath-hour-at-night .
  i do not have desire to be awake during day-time because if my father see me during day-time then my father like to give me lecture 
  during whatever hour-of-day-time .
 [/addition 12 dec 2024 1:9 am est]
 [addition 12 dec 2024 3:36 am est] end 4:7 am est
   i cook water for drinking-water , i plan to do 1-minute-boil to faucet-water . stove-fire-setting-3 for 20 minute is needed to start creating
   hot-water-buble ( sign which show water start to boil ) .
   so that is 2-nd time i forgot turning-off stove-fire during mouse-hour .
   1-st time happen find '2 feb 2023 11:30 pm est approximately' in wortel.ucoz.com/bible_diet.htm .
   so maybe i always forgot to turn-off stove-fire during mouse-hour local-time-zone .
 [/addition 12 dec 2024 3:36 am est]

 because during those time-duration , probability-of-making-mistake maybe high . 
 if we coerce ourselve to work during those time-duration then maybe : 
  (1)we go to wrong destiny/life/job-direction , (2)we receive some temptation/provocation .

 maybe we ideally work like car-engine-spark-plug which has firing-order / lightning-strike-order / timing ,
 car-engine-spark-plug can only create lightning-strike during correct time during engine-piston is at tdc/top-dead-center-position only , 
 must not always create lightning-strike , creating lightning-strike during car-engine-piston is ascending , will break-apart car-engine . 

 [more info : find 'youtube.com/watch?v=Mp9IFhLlt4c
  ( How to Install an Engine Ignition Distributor, Set Timing, Select Gear, Find Top Dead Center ) ]'
  in diary/blog/journal wortel.ucoz.com/youtube_etc.htm

 why disobey israel-bible-sabbath which say to rest for whole day ? 
  because bread does not fall from sky anymore during sabbath.
  [addition 27 aug 2024 1:2 pm est]
    and ...
    day-time moving-cloud , which can cover building , does not exist anymore .
    night-time cloud-with-fire , does not exist anymore .
    [source : (1)'32  But you still would not trust the Lord, 33 even though he had always been with us in desert. During daytime ,
	          Lord was in cloud , leading us in the right direction and showing us where to camp. And at night , he was there in fire.[k]'
   		  in www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%201&version=CEV
	      (2)And they have heard how you lead us with a thick cloud during the day and flaming fire at night
		 in www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2014&version=CEV
              (3)The cloud was there each day, and during the night,
                 a fire could be seen in it. 17-19 The Lord used this cloud to tell the Israelites when to move their camp and where to set it up again.
                 As long as the cloud covered the tent, the Israelites did not break camp. But when the cloud moved, they followed it, and 
		 wherever it stopped , they camped and stayed there, 20-22 whether it was only one night, a few days, a month, or even a year. 
		 As long as the cloud remained over the tent , the Israelites stayed where they were. But when the cloud moved, so did the Israelites. 
                 in www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%209&version=CEV
  [/addition 27 aug 2024 1:2 pm est]

 [addition 11 sep 2024 6:59 pm est]
   during non-sabbath i do : 
	(2)use google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search any information
   during sabbath i :  
	(1)do not do work-result-submission-which-affect-my-reputation
	(2)use google.com , other for-profit-internet-search-page like bing.com , duckduckgo.com , etc , 
           to search only medical-information relevant to my medical-condition
	(3)still use amazon.com-search , wikipedia.org-search , walmart.com-search , target.com-search , other online-shop-search , 
	   forum-search like reddit.com , other web-site with internal-search-ability , 
           maybe search-and-observe important ( non-entertainment ) youtube.com-movie only example : 
           youtube.com/watch?v=39LNvReHhno ( How to Replace a Flapper on a Kohler Toilet ) , 
           youtube.com/watch?v=Og5xAdC8EUI ( How your digestive system works - Emma Bryce )
           because observing youtube.com-online-video-streaming need high-bandwidth-internet-connection . 
           maybe i download-then-observe offline video from speeddemosarchive.org	
	(4)use google.com/map to see hotel-review which sometimes contain hotel-room-photo , i try to scroll map
           and click hotel-name , or maybe i search hotel-name on google.com/map .
	(5)still use hexchat.github.io to do irc-chat on irc-network irc.libera.chat ( internet-site libera.chat ) in chat-room/channel 
           #java , #c , #c++ , #physics , #chemistry , #linuxmint , #freebsd , #math , #windows , #anime , etc . [source : (1)'libera.chat' in https://javachannel.org/ from google ( irc java programming channel ) (2)'#anime' in https://www.devever.net/~hl/freenode_abuse2 from 'Andrew broke Freenode policies to steal a channel' in https://gist.github.com/joepie91/df80d8d36cd9d1bde46ba018af497409 from 'secretly “sold”' in https://www.reddit.com/r/irc/comments/170znl9/can_someone_fill_me_in_on_what_happened_with/ from google ( andrew lee freenode ) result 1 ]
	   i usually use nick-name arnon-jaya , letrow .
        (6)may mistakenly think current-time is non-sabbath-hour then do non-sabbath-activity
 [addition 11 sep 2024 6:59 pm est]

 [addition 27 aug 2024 2:23 pm est]
   i try to become vegan during sabbath but my mother always prepare rice , animal-meat for me , ready to be eaten .
   but maybe i only consume rice if my mother prepare cow-meat for me . 
   currently i try to avoid eating animal which has multiple stomach :
   (1)ruminant-animal/animal-with-4-stomach ( cow , goat , lamb/sheep , deer , moose , elk , reindeer , sloth , etc )
   (2)semi-ruminant-animal/animal-with-3-stomach ( camel , alpaca , ostrich , dolphin , hippos) .
   (3)animal with 2 stomach ( alligator , crocodile , kangaroo ) 
   because i think eating animal-which-has-multiple-stomach , will bring severe bad-luck .
 [/addition 27 aug 2024 2:23 pm est]

so this is why school which coerce all student to work during same hour and same time-duration daily , is bad for kid .
student ideally stop going to school , just borrow desirable-book in library , send email to school-teacher to ask question .
school-teacher ideally has internet-page giving information about : list-of-topic to do certain job .
maybe student borrow book for all those topic and read more about book which make that student feel interested and grow appetite ,
student can feel desire-to-vomit if coerced to study about 2 topic which oppose each other ,
example : 
(1)student can not study computer-programming and mathematics together .
   because computer-programming want student to expand problem then write solution which solve all those expanded problem .
   mathematics want student to simplify problem then write solution which solve that simplified-problem .

    example : computer-programming want student to write list of possible-hacking-attempt to a future software ( expand problem to multiple problem )
              then write computer-code which block those possible-hacking-attempt ( solve each problem ) .
(2)student maybe dislike studying biology and mathematics together because biology need student's language-ability which decrease 
   mathematics-ability , then mathematics need student's mathematics-ability which decrease language-ability .
   maybe it is difficult to concurrently have good language-ability and mathematics-ability . 

why i think 'when is sabbath ?' is correct ?
(1) because if birth-hour-china-astrology-animal conflict with current-hour-china-astrology-animal then
	brain-fart/brain-lethargy most likely happen .
    if we coerce ourselves to work during feeling brain-fart/brain-lethargy to get higher salary then
	(1)temptation like desire-to-shop-around-which-increase-money-expenditure increase .	
	(2)sex-desire increase .
	(3)there is high probability that mistake/blunder which causes physical-damage , mental-damage , item-damage , happen .
	   each mistake/blunder can cause (mistake/blunder)-creator to experience : 
	    (1)getting yelled-at / hearing loud rebuke/criticism which create provocation . 
	    (2)getting inspection/audit which create provocation . 
	   which create anger which need to be controlled/restrain ( abrupt emotion-fluctuation ) causing trauma/mental-damage .
	   and that mistake/blunder sometimes appear embarassing and demoralising , if demoralising-mistake happen frequently then trauma happen .

 [excuse] i feel lacking motivation to bathe during birth-hour , i feel wanting to rest or do something fun during birth-hour  [/excuse] 
 (2) why use birth-hour as well ? 
     because i realise ppl must have been made to become unique , birth-hour-timing is what makes ppl unique .
     during 1-st birth-hour : we do not have freedom , maternity-nurse carry us and bathe us .
     during 1-st birth-hour , we are still young , maybe we ideally want groundhog-day-movie-year-1993-repetition during we are still young 
     so we become find 'forever young' in wortel.ucoz.com/lyrics.htm  . [source : '1993' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day_(film)#25_oct_2022_7_3_pm_edt ] .
     imagine if all ppl has same birth-hour then :
 	(1)maternity-nurse-labor-shortage happen
	(2)clean-water-shortage happen because all newly-born-baby bathe at same time .
	   water-provider need time to refill residential-(water-tower/skyscraper-water-reservoir) .
	   ideally water-provider's water-pump-impeller-rpm is always low-and-stable to save octane-heptane-fuel , 
	   low water-pump-impeller-rpm can only send clean-water to residential-(water-tower/skyscraper-water-reservoir) with low speed .
	   so ideally residential-(water-tower/skyscraper-water-reservoir)-refill-proces is slow to save octane-heptane-fuel . [source : 'Bensin dengan bilangan oktan 87, berarti bensin tersebut terdiri dari campuran setara dengan campuran 87% oktana dan 13% heptana' di https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bensin] .
    so maybe ideally ppl use birth-hour for time-to-start-bathing and maybe time-zone matter like time-to-start-bathing maybe 
    become different in different time-zone .

[addition 26 jun 2023 12:7 am est-not-edt]
 (3) because human need to consume food daily . if we consume food then we work . if we refuse to work then maybe we are suppose to refuse food as well ?
[/addition 26 jun 2023 12:7 am est-not-edt]

islam-religion says during holy-month/ramadan-month , during darkness-time/night-time islam-religion-follower/non-pig-meat-consumer can :
 (1)consume non-pig-meat . note : bat-animal go out of cave-nest to suck cow-blood during darkness-time/night-time 
    so night-food-consumption-time is like bat-animal .
 (2)do sex-activity .
 (3)talk sinful-speech , do sinful-behaviour .
 [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramadan#17_nov_2021_5_17_pm_est ]

but for ppl-who-consume-pig-meat bad-event can happen during darkness-time/night-time : 
 (1)alcohol-bar-fight-which-causes-fatal-eye-injury can happen during darkness-time/night-time 2:30 am .
 (2)car-collision-which-causes-brain-injury with driving-under-influence/dui/drunk-driving-car can happen during darkness-time/night-time 2 am .
 (3)many night-club-shooting [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_City_nightclub_shooting#19_dec_2022_11_52_pm_est and other night-club-shooting on bottom-menu]
[source : 
    from google(bar fight punch bouncer stab car key eye) result 6
    from google (august 2011 john huttick) result 5 from 'john huttick', 'august 2011' in previous-article 
    from google ( aol.com ashley murray dui ) result 4 from facebook.com/aol/posts/pfbid04NXdR1gC4utKARvYryXWPi9w9N9jm1KD1sUeHdkEvUbX6ymN1KR16rhk4YzA4gNxl

[addition 24 aug 2023 3:27 am est-not-edt]
 (4)i don't know pig-consumer or non-pig-consumer : darkness-time/night-time is not helpful in giving solution to problem :
    (1)after 14 day being trapped inside dark-collapsed-cave  : william-floyd-collins is mortem en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd_Collins#22-aug-2023-3-54-am-est-not-edt from 'floyd collins' in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Copiap%C3%B3_mining_accident#22-aug-2023-3-45-am-est-not-edt from wikipedia->search-with-key-word-auto-complete ( chile min ) 
[/addition 24 aug 2023 3:27 am est-not-edt]

[addition 1 jan 2024 7:55 pm est]
 (5)i don't know pig-consumer or non-pig-consumer : this expensive-mistake happen during night-time : 
    youtube.com/watch?v=3XvJMk5CGds (  air-france airbus a-380 jet hits delta comair crj-701-er airplane at jfk-airport )
  uploader : NitrusReigns ; 3.06K subscribers ; 166,012 views ; 12 apr 2011
  Video of the Air France jet wing hitting the tail of a little Delta Comair. The Comair just gets knocked out of the way like a toy!
  Disclaimer: Clearly this video is not of my creation, but was taking by someone else and was posted to a news website. I am simply sharing it
  here so that people can find it without having to go to sites other than YouTube.

  [source : aviation-safety.net/wikibase/121690 from google ( air france a380 collide comair april 2011 ) result 1 ]

  [addition 27 aug 2024 1:47 pm est]
    sounds like air-france-pilot is female , delta-comair-pilot is male .
    according to comment in source-movie-below : atc is doing wrong ( culpable ) because : air-france-pilot is following atc-command , 
    delta-comair-pilot is following atc-command .
    sounds like atc never hear delta-comair-pilot saying i'm done parking , or i'm in parking-position now .
    and atc give permission to taxi for that air-france-pilot . atc fail in guiding both pilot . 
    maybe atc is doing over-time-work and feeling fatigue/brain-fart .
    [source : www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6UkpppYows ( A380 Collision with Delta CRJ at JFK : The Pilots ! ) ]
  [/addition 27 aug 2024 1:47 pm est]
  [addition 27 aug 2024 6:27 pm est]
    ---data.ntsb.gov/carol-repgen/api/Aviation/ReportMain/GenerateNewestReport/78835/pdf from data.ntsb.gov/carol-main-public/basic-search from www.ntsb.gov/safety/data/Pages/Data_Stats.aspx from from asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/121690 from google ( air france a380 collide comair april 2011 ) result 1 ]
    simplified-text : 
    ...When Comair crew contacted ground controller, they were given a clearance to their ramp. Upon contacting their ramp controller ,
    they were advised to hold at Diamond 2 spot. This was due to ramp traffic that blocked access to their gate. When stopped at
    Diamond 2 spot , CRJ-701's tail extended out of ramp onto taxiway M. Neither the accident flight crew nor
    Comair ramp controller advised ATC that a portion of CRJ-701 was extended onto an active taxiway. The area where
    CRJ-701 was stopped was not visible from JFK control tower . AIM/aeronautical-information-manual-from-faa advise that
    pilot "promptly comply with an air traffic clearance upon receipt except as necessary to cope with an emergency" and "advise
    ATC as soon as possible and obtains an amended clearance , if deviation is necessary". Therefore , that CRJ-701 did not complete
    its clearance to Comair ramp and should have advised ATC of this fact , which allowed a portion of that CRJ-701 to remain on
    an active taxiway. Although having a portion of that stopped CRJ-701 remain on an active taxiway was a factor in this accident ,
    primary responsibility to see and avoid contact between those 2 airplanes was with that a-380 . That CRJ-701 captain stated that he saw
    that a-380 approaching and moved his crj-701 forward to try to give that a-380 more clearance. ...

    so sounds like atc is culpable , atc ideally wait for parking-confirmation-statement from comair , then atc give green-light to air-france
    to do taxi on taxiway-m . atc maybe work over-time and feeling fatigue in that sanctuary-city-airport jfk .
  [/addition 27 aug 2024 6:27 pm est]

  my speculative-explanation : 

  1/2 year ago ( 182.5 in gregorian-calendar-non-leap-year ) is 11 oct 2010 8:6 am edt/jfk-time-zone ( utc - 4 ) .
  i speculate maybe during that time : everyone-who-is-victim-of-that-aircraft-collision : consume goat , lamb-chop for breakfast-event-in-current-time-zone ?
  because 1/2 year is time-duration between jun-soltice and dec-solstice . dec-solstice-event is jun-solstice-reversal-event .
  so 1/2 year later : reversal-event happen .
  i am guessing animal-curse-is-from goat , lamb-chop , or unusual-animal because this collision-event is unusual . 
  pig is usual-animal . my recommendation is vegan-food or vegetarian-food for breakfast . maybe cow-milk need to be avoided because
  buying cow-milk is like giving reward for dairy-worker who causes pregnancy , dairy-cow-pregnancy is risky because if birth-process 
  produce baby-male-dairy-cow then that baby-male-dairy-cow is being murdered quickly :  
  youtube.com/watch?v=Ki57eFs7XFo ( No Mercy - Calf Farm Cruelty Exposed ) from youtube-search ( veal slaughter ) result 6
  [source : timeanddate.com/time/change/@5870294?year=2010#23-dec-2023-10-pm-est ]

  calculation :
  collision-event : 11 apr 2011 20:06
  182   day ago   : 11 oct 2010 20:06
  182.5 day ago   : 11 oct 2010 08:06  ( 1/2 non-leap-year ago )

  number month day-amount
  10  October  31
  11  November  30
  12  December  31
   1  January  31
   2  February  28 (29 in leap-year )
   3  March  31
   4  April  30
  [source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_Calendar ]

  20 + 3 + ( 30 x 4 ) + 28 = 20 + 3 + 120 + 28 = 23 + 148 = 171

[/addition 1 jan 2024 7:55 pm est]

[addition 9 aug 2024 11:18 am est]
  because current-action's opposition happen 6 gregorian-month later , or 6 gregorian-month ago .
  example : action summer-solstice happen 22 jun , has opposition winter-solstice happen 22 dec .
[/addition 9 aug 2024 11:18 am est]

so islam-religion-law about what to do during darkness-time/night-time maybe only correct for non-pig-meat-consumer .

islam-religion's law during holy-month/ramadan-month about : 
 (1)become predator during night/darkness-time
 (2)become non-predator during day-time
 has meaning : islam-religion-person can only consume chicken-egg , vegetarian-cookie , dairy ,
 to repair-muscle after physical-labor-heavy-lifting during 12 pm => 6 pm because :
 (1)usually night/darkness-time start during 6 pm .
 (2)find 'when is best-time to jump repeatedly , jump to do aerobic-physical-exercise , run ?' in wortel.ucoz.com/loseweight_gainmuscle.htm .
     which has meaning : 
	(1)best-time to do physical-labor like lifting heavy-item . 
	  example : 25 lbs rice-sack , 70 lbs liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister
	   [source : find 'rice-sack' , 'Liquified-(propane/butane)-cooking-gas-canister-full-of-(propane/butane)' in wortel.ucoz.com/car_review.htm ]
	(2)using heavy mobile-agriculture-machine to maintain paddy/rice-field , wheat-field , oat-field , barley-field , corn-field , 
	   other agriculture-field 
	(3)driving car
     is 12 pm => 6 pm .

 sometimes that is difficult because : 
  usually there is house-chef who is a mother who already has kid and has mental-stress from maintaining everything , and usually
  cook food in large-amount to be consumed for many day like large-amount-of (animal-flesh/meat)-soup inside big-container .
  ( example : goulash )

  [addition 1 jan 2023 4:28 am est]
   chankonabe ( soup-for-sumo ) 
  [/addition 1 jan 2023 4:28 am est]

   . and there is possibility that (animal-flesh/meat)-soup is about to become rotten during day-time and 
  must be consumed during day-time .
  and that maybe means cooked-(animal-flesh/meat)-food go inside refrigerator during day-time , 
  then cooked-(animal-flesh/meat)-food must be reheated during night-time to be consumed . 
  each food-reheating-process need additional petroleum .
  petroleum-barrel-per-day-output for oil-field , always decrease as time goes on .

 israel-country-judaism-religion-book tell story that moses follow that law ( (1)become predator during night/darkness-time
  (2)become non-predator during day-time ) but at that time :
	(1)bread automatically-fall-from-sky to living-area 
	(2)quail-bird automatically-touch-down near living-area 
	(3)there was bright-cloud-which-can-talk
 [source :
 (1)'If you happen to kill a burglar who breaks into your home after dark then you are not guilty.
     But if you kill someone who breaks in during the day then you are guilty of murder.' in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2022&version=CEV

 (2)'10 Aaron was speaking to them, when everyone looked out toward the desert and saw the bright glory of the Lord in a cloud. 
     11 The Lord said to Moses, 12 “I have heard my people complain. Now tell them that each evening they will have meat and 
     each morning they will have more than enough bread. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God.”
     13 That evening a lot of quails came and landed everywhere in the camp, and the next morning dew covered the ground. 
     14 After the dew had gone, the desert was covered with thin flakes that looked like frost.'
     in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+16%3A8&version=CEV  ( facebook.com/BibleGateway ) 

 (3)this story suggest it's necessary to boycott sun-light , not boycotting day-time , for consuming animal-meat , simplified :
     'windowless' in 
     'A cousin drove Ahmed to National-Beef-factory on his first day of work. 
      National-Beef-factory-building was white and gray, windowless and long , the size of a city block , 
      with the head of a cow painted on 1 side. 18-wheelers ferried cattle through a gated entrance.

     Ahmed had been around animals before, but he was still knocked back by the smell that spewed from the plant.
     It was thick and meaty, something spoiled and hot, and Ahmed covered his nose.

     “It’s like goats,” he said, “in a refugee camp.”
     “Instead of the animals being brought to the workers, the workers came to the animals.”'
     '“You cut and cut and cut,” Ahmed said, and he had periods of wheezing breath, and talked less about school.
       The cows came in from Colorado , Kansas , Oklahoma and went out as steaks and ribs to foreign countries and American family restaurants.
       Ahmed was just 1 cog, giving a few cuts to fat of the animals’ legs long after they’d been killed with a bolt to the head, shucked of the skin,
	drained of the intestines and shaved into portions. Where Ahmed worked, on cutting-line,
	temperatures were just above freezing , and the meat felt hard and cold. He wore steel-toed boots and bundled himself in sweatshirts,
	and he used 6-inch blade that grew dull as work-shifts dragged on.
	Monday : Cut, cut, sharpen.
	Tuesday: Cut, cut, sharpen.'
   in washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2016/05/24/for-many-somali-refugees-this-industry-offers-hope-then-takes-it-away/
   from google ( usa slaughterhouse worker somali immigrant ) result 1 from 
   [source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithsonian_Channel#14_nov_2021_5_29_am_est from 'smithsonian channel' in
           https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithsonian_Institution#Controversies ]


 [addition 23 jan 2023 5:38 am est]
   architect-school aaschool.co.uk initially-is night-time-school inside hotel , aaschool.co.uk initially-lack independent-building .
   [source : 
     aaschool.ac.uk/about/history from google ( AA School of Architecture London ) result 1 from
     'Master of Architecture AA School of Architecture London – England, 2010 (M. Arch)' in 
      grahagardadepan.com/about from google ( arsitek johnny hendrawan ) result 1 from my mother :
      'Originally occupying a local inn , AA grew from occasional-night-school to self-governed-educational-institution with 
       burgeoning global reputation. By beginning of 20-th century aa had become 1-st full-time, professional day school for architectural study in uk  
       and provided 1 of the first specialised diplomas of its kind in Europe. In year 1917 aa-school relocate to Bedford-Square 
       where aa remains to this day , surrounded by some of the most prominent research institutions in world'
 [/addition 23 jan 2023 5:38 am est]

 other bible-part suggest we worship something which can see , hear , eat , smell :
 (1)'28 There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or eat or smell.'
    in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%204&version=NIVUK#5_may_2021_5_26_pm_edt
 (2)'12 That same night I will pass through Egypt and kill
     the first-born son in every family and the first-born male of all animals.
     I am the Lord, and I will punish the gods of Egypt. 13 The blood on the houses will show me where you live, and 
     when I see the blood, I will pass over you. Then you won’t be bothered by the terrible disasters I will bring on Egypt.'
     in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+12&version=CEV from google (Exodus 12:25 cev) result 1

 if '28 There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or eat or smell.'
    in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%204&version=NIVUK#5_may_2021_5_26_pm_edt
 is a mockery to idol-worshiper then that means israel-country-judaism-religion-book-god can see , hear , eat , smell , and 
 maybe that means peta.org is correct about caring animal .

 israel-country-judaism-religion-book recommend killing lamb , ox , etc ( something which can see , hear , eat , smell ) , during festival . 
 [source :  '9 Don’t eat the meat raw or boiled. The entire animal, including its head, legs, and insides, must be roasted.
	     10 Eat what you want that night, and the next morning burn whatever is left.'
	     in biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+12&version=CEV from google (Exodus 12:25 cev) result 1 ]
 and discarding left-over-meat-via-burning-method '10 Eat what you want that night, and the next morning burn whatever is left.' , is pricey-life-style .
1 jan 2023 4:29 am est:#add# [addition 1 jan 2023 4:28 am est]
12 jan 2023 8:46 pm est:#add# [addition 12 jan 2023 8:45 pm est]
23 jan 2023 5:37 am est:#add# [addition 23 jan 2023 5:38 am est]
26 jun 2023 12:7 am est-not-edt: #add# [addition 26 jun 2023 12:7 am est-not-edt]
4 aug 2023 11:26 pm est-not-edt: end 14 dec 2023 11:27 pm est 
maybe there is publication-time .
like how scriber know when internet-news-article is ready , not having typo/mistake anymore ?

maybe final some-minute-time-duration is publication-time .
maybe choosing wrong publication-time always produce typo/mistake then
scriber need to publish more error-correction .
24 aug 2023 3:27 am est-not-edt : #add# [addition 24 aug 2023 3:27 am est-not-edt]
13 dec 2023 2:49 am est : end 14 dec 2023 11:27 pm est

[obsolete] [excuse] find 'this expensive-mistake happen during night-time' is using portable-ampere-reservoir and still have bad luck  [/excuse]

 maybe ideally consume ampere-from-outdoor-ampere-pole ( example : use computer with ampere-from-wall-ampere-outlet ) 
 during night-time because outdoor-ampere-pole sometimes accidentally-kill bird , other animal  :
 youtube-search ( goose fall hit electric wire ) from youtube-forgotten-search-keyword-search :
 (1)youtube.com/watch?v=u3ePuY1Uq-c (  Canada Goose Flies Into 12 KV Power Lines and Gets Electrocuted ) uploader=Fleebob , 139 subscribers , 44,754 views  , 20 mar 2020
 (2)youtube.com/watch?v=Mw7mR6Hjew4 (  Goose gets fried after hitting power line in Illinois ) uploader=CGTN , 2.95M subscribers , 58,406 views , 6 apr 2019
 (3)youtube.com/watch?v=JWQNHJL90v4 (  Hundreds of Birds ‘Free Fall’ Out of the Sky ) uploader=Inside-Edition , 11.3M subscribers , 4,108,754 views , 17 feb 2022
 (4)youtube.com/watch?v=-l53YIew3xw (  Bear climbing electric pole ) uploader=MrFunVideoz , 90 subscribers , 102,662 views , 1 jul 2009 

 because maybe during using computer with ampere-from-wall-ampere-outlet : if there is animal accidentally-get-electrocuted on ampere-pole which
 transfer ampere to that computer then that computer-user get bad-luck .

1 jan 2024 7:7 pm est : #add# [addition 1 jan 2024 7:55 pm est]
9 aug 2024 11:17 am est : #make obsolete# during night-time because outdoor-ampere-pole sometimes accidentally-kill bird , other animal  :
9 aug 2024 11:20 am est : #add# [addition 9 aug 2024 11:18 am est]
9 aug 2024 11:55 am est : 
(1)#add# i feel lacking motivation to bathe during birth-hour , i feel wanting to rest or do something fun during birth-hour
    i feel if i use china-astrology-animal then i make less mistake , 
    find 'example : if a person's china-astrology-birth-hour-animal is mouse then  ' 
(3)#make obsolete# sabbath-1 : start = birth-hour , duration = 2 hour .
(4)#add# [addition 9 aug 2024 12:5 pm est]
   1 pm happen at same time concurrently in many time-zone of places where those places are located north of each other or south of each other .
   1 pm happen at same time concurrently in many places which has same longitude/x-coordinate , different latitude/y-coordinate .
9 aug 2024 12:28 pm est :
  if we feel sick , fatigue/tired , sleepy .

 during sabbath , we do : (routine/mundane)-activity , non-special-activity , emergency-activity . 
  example : bathing , cutting nail , cutting hair to become bald  , cooking , consuming food , 
  driving car to grocery-shop to buy emergency-food , etc .

   [addition 12 jan 2023 8:45 pm est]
     scribing-and-typing with simple-language-without-silent-alphabet
   [/addition 12 jan 2023 8:45 pm est]

 during non-sabbath , we do : ask someone to cut our hair to appear cool , driving car to grocery-shop to buy food , 
  resume driving car in long distance from rest-area , update internet-page , upload youtube-movie , making car , maintaining car , etc .

   [addition 12 jan 2023 8:45 pm est]
     scribing-and-typing with complicated-language-with-silent-alphabet
   [/addition 12 jan 2023 8:45 pm est]
  [addition 9 aug 2024 12:29 pm est]
9 aug 2024 3:13 pm est : 
  [addition 9 aug 2024 12:29 pm est]
   during non-sabbath we do : food-consumption-which-contain-animal-product , work-result-submission
   during sabbath we do : any activity other than food-consumption-which-contain-animal-product , and other than work-result-submission
  [/addition 9 aug 2024 12:29 pm est]
  [addition 9 aug 2024 3:13 pm est]
   during non-sabbath i do : consume any food including animal-product , work-result-submission , etc
   during sabbath i do : consume vegan-or-vegetarian-food , etc
  [/addition 9 aug 2024 3:13 pm est]
12 aug 2024 1 pm est : #add# [addition 12 aug 2024 12:53 pm est]
27 aug 2024 1:8 pm est : 
 (1)#add# [addition 27 aug 2024 1:2 pm est]
  [addition 9 aug 2024 3:13 pm est]
    during non-sabbath i do : consume any food including animal-product , work-result-submission , etc
    during sabbath i do : consume vegan-or-vegetarian-food , etc
  [/addition 9 aug 2024 3:13 pm est]
  [addition 27 aug 2024 1:9 pm est]
    during non-sabbath i do : do work-result-submission
    during sabbath i do : anything other than doing work-result-submission
  [/addition 27 aug 2024 1:9 pm est]
 (3)#relocate# [addition 1 jan 2024 7:55 pm est]
    #from underneath# 13 dec 2023 2:49 am est : end 14 dec 2023 11:27 pm est
    #to underneath# but for ppl-who-consume-pig-meat bad-event can happen during darkness-time/night-time : 
 (4)#relocate# [addition 9 aug 2024 11:18 am est]
    #from underneath# 13 dec 2023 2:49 am est : end 14 dec 2023 11:27 pm est
    #to underneath# but for ppl-who-consume-pig-meat bad-event can happen during darkness-time/night-time : 
 (5)#reword# find 'this expensive-mistake happen during night-time'
        #to# find 'this expensive-mistake happen during night-time' is using portable-ampere-reservoir and still have bad luck
 (6)#reword# darkness-time/night-time is not helpful in giving solution to problem :
        #to# (4)darkness-time/night-time is not helpful in giving solution to problem :
 (7)#reword# this expensive-mistake happen during night-time : youtube.com/watch?v=3XvJMk5CGds (  air-france airbus a-380 jet hits delta comair crj-701-er airplane at jfk-airport )
        #to# (5)i don't know pig-consumer or non-pig-consumer : this expensive-mistake happen during night-time : 	
 (8)#add# [addition 27 aug 2024 1:47 pm est]
 (9)#reword# darkness-time/night-time is not helpful in giving solution to problem :
        #to# i don't know pig-consumer or non-pig-consumer : darkness-time/night-time is not helpful in giving solution to problem :
(10)#add# [addition 27 aug 2024 2:23 pm est]
27 aug 2024 6:32 pm est : #add# [addition 27 aug 2024 6:27 pm est]
27 aug 2024 6:35 pm est :
 #reword# ---data.ntsb.gov/carol-repgen/api/Aviation/ReportMain/GenerateNewestReport/78835/pdf simplified-text : 
     #to# ---data.ntsb.gov/carol-repgen/api/Aviation/ReportMain/GenerateNewestReport/78835/pdf from data.ntsb.gov/carol-main-public/basic-search from www.ntsb.gov/safety/data/Pages/Data_Stats.aspx from from asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/121690 from google ( air france a380 collide comair april 2011 ) result 1 ]
	  simplified-text : 
28 aug 2024 5:44 pm est :
 [addition 27 aug 2024 1:9 pm est]
   during non-sabbath i do : do work-result-submission
   during sabbath i do : anything other than doing work-result-submission
 [/addition 27 aug 2024 1:9 pm est]
 [addition 28 aug 2024 5:50 pm est]
   during non-sabbath i do : 
	(2)use google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search information
   during sabbath i do : 
	(1)anything other than doing work-result-submission-which-affect-my-reputation
	(2)using google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search only medical-information relevant to my medical-condition
 [/addition 28 aug 2024 5:50 pm est]
2 sep 2024 5:7 pm est :
 #reword# work-result-submission 
     #to# work-result-submission-which-affect-my-reputation 
6 sep 2024 12:2 pm est : 
 #reword# anything other than using google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search information
     #to# using google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search only medical-information relevant to my medical-condition
6 sep 2024 12:8 pm est :
 #reword# use google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search information
     #to# use google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search any information
11 sep 2024 6:54 pm est :
 [addition 28 aug 2024 5:50 pm est]
   during non-sabbath i do : 
	(2)use google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search any information
   during sabbath i do : 
	(1)anything other than doing work-result-submission-which-affect-my-reputation
	(2)using google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search only medical-information relevant to my medical-condition
 [/addition 28 aug 2024 5:50 pm est]


 [addition 11 sep 2024 6:59 pm est]
   during non-sabbath i do : 
	(2)use google.com , other for-profit-organisation/company , to search any information
   during sabbath i :  
	(1)do not do work-result-submission-which-affect-my-reputation
	(2)use google.com , other for-profit-internet-search-page like bing.com , duckduckgo.com , etc , 
           to search only medical-information relevant to my medical-condition
	(3)still use amazon.com-search , wikipedia.org-search , walmart.com-search , target.com-search , other online-shop-search to search item being sell
 [addition 11 sep 2024 6:59 pm est]
13 sep 2024 6:53 pm est : #add# (4)may mistakenly think current-time is non-sabbath-hour then do non-sabbath-activity
18 sep 2024 6:53 pm est :
 #reword# still use amazon.com-search , wikipedia.org-search , walmart.com-search , target.com-search , other online-shop-search to search item being sell
     #to# still use amazon.com-search , wikipedia.org-search , walmart.com-search , target.com-search , other online-shop-search , 
	  forum-search like reddit.com , other web-site with internal-search-ability , but maybe not using youtube.com because 
	  observing youtube.com-online-video-streaming need high-bandwidth-internet-connection . 
	  maybe i download-then-observe offline video from speeddemosarchive.org
24 sep 2024 2:45 pm est : #add# [addition 24 sep 2024 2:43 pm est]
24 sep 2024 6:42 pm est : 
  , but maybe not using youtube.com because 
  observing youtube.com-online-video-streaming need high-bandwidth-internet-connection . 
  maybe i download-then-observe offline video from speeddemosarchive.org
  maybe search-and-observe important ( non-entertainment ) youtube.com-movie only example : 
  youtube.com/watch?v=39LNvReHhno ( How to Replace a Flapper on a Kohler Toilet ) , 
  youtube.com/watch?v=Og5xAdC8EUI ( How your digestive system works - Emma Bryce )
  because observing youtube.com-online-video-streaming need high-bandwidth-internet-connection . 
  maybe i download-then-observe offline video from speeddemosarchive.org	
25 sep 2024 6:14 pm est : #add# use google.com/map to see hotel-review which sometimes contain hotel-room-photo
26 sep 2024 5:49 pm est : #reword# use google.com/map to see hotel-review which sometimes contain hotel-room-photo
			      #to# use google.com/map to see hotel-review which sometimes contain hotel-room-photo , i try to scroll map
				   and click hotel-name , or maybe i search hotel-name on google.com/map .
30 sep 2024 5:7 pm est : 
 still use hexchat.github.io to do irc-chat on irc-network irc.libera.chat ( internet-site libera.chat ) in chat-room/channel 
 #java , #c , #c++ , #physics , #chemistry , #linuxmint , #freebsd , #math , #windows , #anime , etc . [source : (1)'libera.chat' in https://javachannel.org/ from google ( irc java programming channel ) (2)'#anime' in https://www.devever.net/~hl/freenode_abuse2 from 'Andrew broke Freenode policies to steal a channel' in https://gist.github.com/joepie91/df80d8d36cd9d1bde46ba018af497409 from 'secretly “sold”' in https://www.reddit.com/r/irc/comments/170znl9/can_someone_fill_me_in_on_what_happened_with/ from google ( andrew lee freenode ) result 1 ]
9 nov 2024 7:52 pm est : #add# [addition 9 nov 2024 7:38 pm est]
24 nov 2024 7:22 pm est : #add# [addition 24 nov 2024 7:11 pm est]
24 nov 2024 7:55 pm est : #add# [addition 24 nov 2024 7:51 pm est]
12 dec 2024 1:11 am est : #add# [addition 12 dec 2024 1:9 am est]
12 dec 2024 3:38 am est : #add# [addition 12 dec 2024 3:36 am est]